Phoenix Career Corner™


Phoenix Career Corner™
Career Corner ™
Harnessing social media to boost your career search with expert Dan Schawbel
About Dan Schawbel
Dan Schawbel is the managing partner of Millennial
Branding, a Gen Y research and consulting firm, as well as The New York Times best-selling author of “Promote
Yourself” and “Me 2.0.” He’s also a regular contributor to The Wall Street Journal.
He has some easy steps to start networking on Twitter and LinkedIn.
How do I get started
on Twitter?
Step 1: Create a strong bio.
Choose a good professional image and describe who you are.
Step 2: Make a list
of companies you love.
Go to and type them in.
Follow popular employees who work at those companies.
Step 3: Engage with
employees you follow.
Tweet helpful industry information to them.
Retweet content if you like it.
Point them to someone else they might want to follow.
Step 4: Direct message
employees who follow you.
Tell them their content is great.
Ask to talk offline and explore career opportunities.
How do I get started
on LinkedIn?
Step 1: Make your summary shine.
Explain what makes you unique. Highlight your biggest
accomplishments. Wrap it up with your work history.
Step 2: Import your email contacts.
It’s an easy way to quickly expand your network.
Step 3: Join relevant industry groups.
The more, the better.
They’ll give you access to new connections.
Step 4: Reach someone new
through current contacts.
If you’re trying to connect with someone who’s not in your network, ask a current contact for an introduction.
Step 5: Use Twitter to grow
your LinkedIn network.
If you don’t have a second-degree connection to introduce
you to a contact, try reaching that person on Twitter first.
Follow the contact’s tweets, share relevant industry
information, or retweet him or her.
Step 6: Transition any Twitter
contacts to LinkedIn.
Ask followers if you can send them an invitation to connect.
Learn more from Dan at:
Good luck.