N4 Newsletter July - August 2009
N4 Newsletter July - August 2009
JULY-AUGUST 2009 DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LIONS CLUBS DISTRICT N-4 NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Len Mooney District Governor 5 Markland Street St. John’s, NL A1E 4A8 Tel: (709) 368-6857 mooneylen@hotmail.com Pat Bursey Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer 3 Ledum Place St. John’s, NL A1B 5A4 Tel: (709) 753-8602 glennandpat@nf.sympatico.ca Lewis Fifield 1st VDG P.O. Box 621 Bonavista, NL A0C 1B0 Tel: (709) 468-7845 lewis.fifield@gmail.com Morgan Pardy 2nd VDG P.O. Box 145 Garnish, NL A0E 1T0 Tel: (709) 826-2043 morganthomaspardy@yahoo.ca DISTRICT DIRECTORY CHANGES: Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp Please add to the District Representatives: Lion Fred Thompson Tel: (709) 895-6940 Email: fthompson@nf.sympatico.ca Also: Page 17 Lion Fred Thompson’s telephone number is incorrect – should read 895-6940 IN THIS NEWSLETTER Message from DG Lion Len Message from 1st VDG Lion Lew Message from 2nd VDG Lion Morgan Special Olympics-Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes Program A Good News Story Gander Lions – Helping to See Better Peace Poster Contest Marystown Convention MD N Fall Conference Junior Speak Out Lions Foundation of Canada Zone One Chair Report Zone Nine Scheduled Meetings District Governor’s Travels IF THERE IS ANYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE INCLUDED IN THE NEWSLETTER OR HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS OR COMMENTS PLEASE LET ME KNOW. THIS IS YOUR NEWSLETTER AND THE CONTENT MUST COME FROM YOU. AS THE LIONS YEAR IS JUST GETTING STARTED THIS FIRST NEWSLETTER IS LATER THAN USUAL. I WILL TRY TO HAVE IT OUT BY THE 25TH OF EACH MONTH. WITH THAT IN MIND, PLEASE SEND YOUR INCLUSIONS BY THE MIDDLE OF EACH MONTH. THANKS CST PAT DG LION LEN WRITES Lions of N-4 can stand tall and be proud of what they are doing to help their fellow man. We have just started our Lions year and already many good things are happening in our District. We started this Lions year with the help of International with the Opening Eyes Program where Special Olympic Athletes were tested and received glasses and other equipment to help improve their lives. This was a joint project with volunteers from different clubs in our District in conjunction with opticians and ophthalmologists. Ruth and I were given the opportunity to attend the International Convention and meet our International President and talk to him about his goals to help improve our association. His theme this year is “Move to Grow” and he wants us to become more visible in our communities and come out of our den and let others know who we are and what we do. My personal theme is “Take the Next Step” and I encourage all Lions to do just that. It could be a simple thing as organizing a project in your club or inviting someone to join our association or accepting a role as an officer in your club. I am very proud of the team we have on cabinet this year. They all stepped up and volunteered to help in whatever way possible. We have many new people with many new ideas and they have a strong desire to help. I have asked the president and secretary of your club to step up this year and let International know that we, as a District, are the best in the world. Our objective is for all club presidents to qualify for an award which is something that has never been done in Lions history. We all know that this is the biggest challenge our District has ever faced and I truly believe we will do it. It is not an easy feat, if it was it would already have been done, but with the help of all members it will be completed. We started the year with Random Island Club twinning with a club in the United States and there are other clubs that have followed their example. Club Presidents and Zone Chairs have indicated that they have new members who will be inducted at their September meetings and I believe it is a wonderful way to start the year. We have present Lions that have said that their spouses want to join so I feel that this will be a wonderful year. One of the things that I would like to see an improvement in this year is the retention of our present members. Sometimes Lions resign because they are not able to participate as much as they wish due to work or family commitments and often we fail to realize that as a volunteer they are giving as much of their time as they can. In the future they may be able to do more. I would like for all clubs members to take the next step by asking one of your friends to accompany you to a Lions meeting or a Lions project, hopefully it will plant a seed for growth. I hope to visit all Clubs this year and I would like the secretary of each Club to send a brief note or story about your Club so that we can share it within the District to enable us to learn more about our Clubs. I am only a phone call or an e-mail away and I welcome questions or suggestions that will help us improve in any way. My schedule is listed at the end of the newsletter and if you would like me to visit at a special time please let me know as soon as possible so that I can accommodate your request. 1st VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE My fellow Lions, we are now into a new Lions year, with a new International President and a new District Governor. I look forward to working with Lion Len and under the leadership of International President Eberhard J. Wirfs, we hope to have a great year and we will “Move to Grow”. “Move to Grow” what a great motto, we must all strive to encourage new members to join this wonderful organization and with this in mind we will grow. Our numbers are dropping and at last report our District N-4 had 1250. Let’s try to have an increase by end of our Lions year 2010. I look forward to meeting you all again this year and hope to make new friends. Our first Convention will be held in Marystown (Oct. 16 & 17) and I am sure we will all have a great time, as we always do. The “Camp a Rama” held at the Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp this year was down a little in numbers but those of us that attended had a ball. I recommend to all Lions to try and get out and see the wonderful facility we have, it is truly the “Jewel in the Lions Crown”. We have a new Board of Directors this year, 5 members from District N-3 and 5 from District N-4. Board Chair: PDG Lion Oliver Rose (N-3) Vice Chair: Lion Gerald Coombs (N-4) Secretary: 1st VDG Lion Frank Bonnell (N-3) Treasurer: 1st VDG Lion Lewis Fifield (N-4) Fundraiser: Lion James Hayley (N-3) Fundraiser: Lion Walter Snow (N-4) Personal and Benefits: Lioness Dorothy Budgell (N-3) Building/Long Range Planning: Lion Don Stuckless (N-4) Director: Lion Winona White (N-3) Director: Lion Fred Thompson (N-4) On Sunday, August 16, 2009, District Governor Lion Len held his first Cabinet Meeting at Chance Cove Lions Club. We had a large turnout of Lions and I must say an interesting meeting. District Governor Lion Len outlined his goals for his year and his motto is “Take the Next Step”. District Governor Len made reference to the Presidents Excellence Award and he is hoping that all Presidents in our District of N-4 will achieve this award. I look forward to receiving your M & A Reports. My address is P.O. Box 621, Bonavista, NL A0C 1B0 or via email at lewis.fifield@gmail.com. I hope all enjoyed your summer and we will all have an exciting fall. Yours in Lionism Lewis 2ND VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE Hello Lions I trust all Lions and their families had a great summer. Another Lions year has begun, but most clubs are having a much needed recess with members on vacation with their families, spending time at beaches and in the parks. I congratulate all members who have stepped up to the plate and took on positions in their Clubs, Zones and District. The District cannot work without your input. I wish all Clubs a successful year and look forward to working with District Governor Lion Len, CST Lion Pat and 1st Vice District Governor Lion Lewis and all the Clubs in District N-4. God Bless All In the Spirit of Lionism Morgan The Special Olympics-Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes program came to the Special Olympians of Newfoundland and Labrador on July 10th and 11th with the help of Lions from clubs of Mount Pearl, St. John’s Health Care, CBS, St. John’s, Trepassey, Victoria and Alexander Bay. The clinic was under the direction of Dr. David Richardson, who with eight other ophthalmologists and optometrists and 5 opticians all volunteered their time to provide a comprehensive eye exam on 154 athletes. The Lions were given special training to perform registration and provide vision testing at three stations. Other Lions coordinated the movement of athletes between the 11 stations. The aim of the program is to improve the quality of life of special Olympians by providing them with free vision testing as well as free corrective and protective eyewear. The frames and lens are provided by Safilo and Essilor free of charge. Some of the people tested didn’t need new glasses, while others were given just sunglasses. However, others needed first time or replacement corrective eyewear, prescription sunglasses and/or sports goggles. Family members and caregivers expressed their thanks for the program as it is often difficult to assess the health of special needs people and for some it is a financial burden. The appreciation shown by the athletes was evident by the hugs, smiles and comments made to the volunteers. This was the first time for the Opening Eyes program in Newfoundland and Labrador. Dr. Richardson said that this program is now global. Over 500,000 athletes in 160 countries have been screened since the program started in 2001. He described the feeling of helping these athletes see better as "overwhelming". The same feeling was felt by all the Lions and other volunteers during the weekend. From a personal perspective, this was one of the most satisfying Lion’s projects I have been involved in. It was truly a weekend that lived up to the Lions Motto of “WE SERVE.” Ron Pond PR Chair District N4 For more than 10 years, Special Olympics has been serving athletes by offering free health screenings and health information at local, regional and World Games. The Special Olympics-Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes program is a vision and eye health screening in partnership with the Lions Clubs International Foundation. Led by volunteer vision care professionals, Opening Eyes is able to offer prescription eyewear, sunglasses, and sports goggles to Special Olympics athletes. The mission of Special Olympics – Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes® is to improve the quality of life for individuals diagnosed with intellectual disabilities by optimizing their vision, eye health and visual skills through quality eye care. As part of the 2009 Special Olympics Newfoundland & Labrador Summer Games, the Opening Eyes program will be offered at the athlete’s village during the Friday and Saturday of the Games. At the event, volunteers will provide color vision testing, visual acuity tests and distribution of glasses and protective sports goggles for athletes. Opening Eyes provides diagnosis for vision related problems as well as corrective and protective eyewear all free of charge. The athletes receive a certificate detailing their vision needs and follow-up referrals to health care providers in their home areas, if needed. Athletes are also taught how to take care of their eyes. The objectives of Opening Eyes include providing screenings to Special Olympics athletes educating athletes, parents and coaches about the importance of regular eye care; educating and changing attitudes of eye care professionals about the vision care needs of persons with intellectual disabilities worldwide; and increasing knowledge of visual and eye health needs of persons with intellectual disabilities through research. Note: Information sheet from the Special Olympics Office VOLUNTEERS DAY 1 LOTS AND LOTS OF GLASSES WAITING FOR NEXT TEST HOW DO THESE LOOK ON ME? LIONS AT WORK DOCTORS ARE BUSY VOLUNTEERS DAY 2 WE WONDER WHO IS HAVING AN EYE EXAM? PAST CST LION FRANK – OR SHOULD WE SAY DR. FRANK THANKS LION RON A GOOD NEWS STORY DG Len: Just a note to say that we took the kids (age 4 and 6) to the Regatta last night for the first time. It was about 6 p.m. and it was winding down. We bought tickets on a few spins at the Gould’s Lions Club booth but didn’t win anything, so we walked up the pond. On the way back we stopped in for another couple of spins but the kids didn’t have the winning number on any of those either. We left to walk back to the car (they didn’t need another stuffed toy anyway they concluded) and the next thing we get a tap on the shoulder from a young Lion (or Leo) saying they wanted the kids to come back. When they got back to the booth, the ten or so Lions there said they had something to give to Rachel and Julianne because of their fridge magnet project (the kids raised $8300 for the Janeway earlier this year), and they gave them both a big round of applause and invited them in to pick any prize they wanted. I’m not sure if I was more proud as a parent or a Lion but it certainly was a classy gesture by Goulds Lions Club. KL Bradley Moss Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s Lions Club GANDER LIONS – HELPING TO SEE BETTER The Gander Lions Club recently wrapped and packaged 2,300 pairs of eye glasses and took to Hoyt's for shipment to Calgary. Last year they made two shipments one with 900 pairs and one with 1400 pairs. Lion Eric Cuff and Lion Bob Forsey are the contact people for further information. You may email either one of them. They have been doing a great job in keeping this project alive and well. Congratulations to both Lions! Eric Cuff E-mail : eric.cuff@nf.sympatico.ca Bob Forsey Email: bforsey@nf.sympatico.ca PEACE POSTER The theme of the 2009-10 Peace Poster Contest is "The Power of Peace." Students, ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate. Promoting the Arts Each year's contest consists of an original theme incorporating peace. Participants use a variety of mediums, including charcoal, crayon, pencil and paint, to express the theme. The works created are unique and express the young artists' life experiences and culture. Spreading Peace and International Understanding Twenty-four international finalists are selected each year, representing the work of more than 350,000 young participants worldwide. Posters are shared globally via the Internet, the media and exhibits around the world. Judging Each poster is judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme. Posters advance through several judging levels: local, district, multiple district and international. At the international level, judges from the art, peace, youth, education and media communities select one grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners. Awards International winners will be notified on or before February 1. • • One international grand prize winner will receive a trip to a special award ceremony with the sponsoring club president and two family members at Lions Day with the United Nations in New York City, New York, USA (subject to change). During the ceremony, the winning artist will receive an engraved plaque and a cash prize of US$2,500. Each of the 23 merit award winners will receive a cash award of US$500 and a certificate of achievement. Peace Poster Chair for District N-4 is Margaret Bradbury from Bay Roberts Lions Club. She can be reached at 786-3384 or margobradbury@hotmail.com PLEASE ORDER YOUR PEACE POSTER KITS BEFORE OCTOBER 1, 2009, TO ENSURE PARTICIPATION IN THIS CONTEST. MARYSTOWN CONVENTION OCTOBER 16 – 17, 2009 MEMO TO: Lions of District N4 RE: Marystown Convention October 16 & 17, 2009, Marystown FROM: Lion Geoff Lomond, Convention Chairman The Convention will be held at Hotel Marystown where we have 100 rooms booked. The cost of each room is $89.00 plus tax, per night. Rooms will be allocated as per the District Policy. Any District Officer requiring a room must book before Sept. 17, 2009. After this date, all rooms will be on a first come, first serve basis. Rooms will be held for Clubs until Sept. 29, 2009. After this date, everyone is on a first come, first served, basis. Again this year, we are asking Lions to book through the hotel. No deposit will be required but a credit card number must be given. Lions are asked to book by phone, 279-1600, or by fax, 2794088. In order to insure that a room will be available to each Club and District Officer, no Club will be able to book more than two rooms initially. A Club(s) may make a request, but additional rooms will only be given after the deadline, Sept. 29, has passed. The onus will be on the Clubs to check back after the deadline. A list of Clubs and District Officers will be provided to the hotel. Any District Officers needing rooms for meetings, tables for display, etc. should contact me in advance, preferably by email. We anticipate the usual good representation of Lions and will try to provide all the services required to make the weekend a success. Yours in Lionism, Lion Geoff 279-3519 glomond@eastlink.ca MULTIPLE DISTRICT N FALL CONFERENCE OCTOBER 30 – 31, 2009 GANDER, NL REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE COMPLETE A REGISTRATION FORM FOR EACH PERSON ATTENDING NAME: _________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: __________________ E-MAIL: _____________________________ LION: ______ LIONESS: _______ LEO: _______ NON LION/LIONESS/LEO: _____ DISTRICT: _______ CLUB: _______________________________________________ REGISTRATION WILL BE $40.00 PER PERSON (THIS WILL INCLUDE FRIDAY NIGHT MEET AND GREET AND SATURDAY NIGHT BANQUET). SEPARATE COSTS: MEET AND GREET - $15.00 BANQUET - $25.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 PLEASE MAKE CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: ST. JOHN’S LIONS CLUB AND MAIL TO PATRICIA BURSEY, 3 LEDUM PLACE, ST. JOHN’S, NL A1B 5A4 _____________________________________________________________________________ HOST HOTEL: HOTEL GANDER, TRANS CANADA HIGHWAY, GANDER, NL RATES: $95.00 DOUBLE $80.00 SINGLE $95.00 KING $150.00 SUITE PLEASE BOOK ACCOMMODATIONS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30, 2009, TO AVAIL OF THESE RATES. PLEASE MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS DIRECTLY THROUGH HOTEL GANDER – TELEPHONE NO.: 709-256-3931 TOLL FREE: 1-800-563-2988 FAX NO.: 709-651-2641 EMAIL: mbabstock@hotelgander.com IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 709-753-8602 OR EMAIL TO glennandpat@nf.sympatico.ca DO YOU WANT A DISTRICT JUNIOR SPEAK OUT? Club Presidents and Secretaries: Lions have contacted the District Governor about hosting a District Speak Out for Junior High School students. DG Len has asked the Long Range Planning Committee to explore the topic with Clubs and bring back a recommendation to the Marystown Convention. Please put the issue of DISTRICT JUNIOR SPEAK OUT on your Club’s agenda. After discussing the topic with the Club, please complete the following survey and return it to one of the addresses below. Your comments can be sent by email or post. You can even phone them in if you wish! We need your comments to determine whether or not there is adequate interest to host the event, since it will have implications for increased finances both at the Club level and the District level. Sincerely, PDG Sam Saunders Chair, Long Range Planning Committee 709-533-2550 PO Box 307, Glovertown, NL A0G 2L0 samsaunders@personainternet.com Committee Members: PDG Az Oram Claudette Coombs Jack Sturge 709-548-2325 oram@eastlink.ca 709-368-6186 gccoombs@nf.sympatico.ca 709-256-7825 c-jsturge@nf.sympatico.ca CLUB SURVEY Club Name: _______________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________ Email address: ___________________________________ Phone: ____________ 1. Does your Club currently host a Junior Speak Out? 2. Does your Zone currently host a Junior Speak Out? 3. Is your Club in favour of a District Junior Speak Out? Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ Yes ___ No ___ No ___ 4. If not in favour, why not? _____________________________________________ 5. If in favour: When the District Competition should be held? ________________________ Where the District Competition should be held? __________________________ 6. Is your Club able to afford an additional Club and Zone Speak Out? Yes ____ No ____ 7. Should the judging guidelines be the same as for the Senior Speak Out? Yes ___ No ___ 8. What prize structure should be offered at the Club, Zone and District level? Please provide your suggestions. Thank you for your time and response. … PDG Sam LIONS FOUNDATION OF CANADA Fellow Lions: Well it’s the beginning to a brand new year and we as Lions are getting all things in order to have another “successful year.” We all know that as Lions Clubs we have many things that we have to contribute to in our Community, our District, our Nation and Internationally so it stands to reason that we have to “plan” to ensure we get the things done that we feel are important to us. As District Chairperson for LFC I feel that our Dog Guide Program is very important not only nationally but locally. We know we have many Dog Guides in NL and there will be more to come. That of course gets me to you and what you can do to help people in your Community or District who have special needs. We have Canine Vision Dogs, Hearing Ear Dogs, Special Skills Dogs, Seizure Response Dogs and now our newest member of our Dog Guide Team we now have one especially for people with Autism. We need sponsors - can your club come up with a plan to sponsor a dog; do you have a member of your community who could benefit by having a Dog Guide; can you plan to sponsor over 1, 2, or 3 years. Why not put “DOG GUIDES” on your first board meeting agenda and see if you can plan a way to sponsor a Dog Guide. If you don’t wish, at this time, to sponsor a Dog Guide and you are planning your Charter Night awards why not look at purchasing LFC merchandise to reward your members, or how about naming a deserving member of your club a Judge Brian Stevenson Fellow? Remember when you do these types of awards they can come directly from your “Activities Account” rather than your “Administration Account” and will benefit the Dog Guide Program. Also there are a number of clubs within our District who have over the years made donations to LFC either to name a life member or a Judge Brian Stevenson Fellows but have not named anyone. If you require information about this or any of the Dog Guide Programs do hesitate to call me at 709-685-0902 or email me at sam-wells@coldwellbanker.ca. I look forward to seeing you in Marystown and remember to call me if you have any questions. Sam PDG Sam Wells, District Chairperson Lions Foundation of Canada A final thought: IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN…YOU PLAN FOR FAILURE!! ZONE ONE CHAIR REPORT I was asked, by email, if I could coordinate with Clubs in Zones 1 and 2 regarding members helping with a fundraiser for the LMSMC, sponsored in part by the coordinators of the Classic Car Show, July 24-25/09, in Gander. Due to Clubs closing for the summer and members on holidays or having family visiting, it was difficult to get members. However, available members from the Gander Lions Club came to my rescue and together it was arranged to look after two admission entrances for the weekend. Along with the coordinators of the Car Show who arranged a 50-50 Draw for the two days, a total of $5,716.75 was raised for the LMSMC. This was a much enjoyed weekend by the Gander Lions who took part and we hope it can become an annual fundraising event whenever a car show takes place in Gander. A most sincere thank you to the Gander Lions who gave up their weekend to help out their Zone Chair, if not, the amount of money raised would have in all possibility been lost as a donation to the LMSMC. Respectfully submitted, Lion Delores Jones, Zone One Chair ZONE NINE MEETINGS September 27, 2009, at 2:30 p.m. – Trepassey Lions Club January 17, 2010, at 2:30 p.m. – Conception Bay South Lions Club April 11, 2010, at 2:30 p.m. – Waterford Hospital Lions Club Lion Rita Zone Chairperson DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S TRAVELS September 4 – 8, 2009 Halifax - Council of Governors Meeting September 19 – 27, 2009 Memphis - USA/CANADA Forum October 10, 2009 Bay Roberts Lions Club October 16 – 17, 2009 Marystown - 1st Convention October 24, 2009 Trepassey Lions Club October 30 - 31, 2009 Gander - Multiple District N Fall Conference November 3 – 13, 2009 Out of Province November 21, 2009 Pouch Cove Lions Club November 27, 2009 Fortune Lions Club November 28, 2009 Garnish Lions Club February 5 – 6, 2010 St John’s - 2nd Convention February 20, 2010 Port Union Lions Club March 6, 2010 Baccalieu Lions Club April 16 – 18, 2010 Gander - 3rd Convention April 23-24, 2010 Corner Brook - N-3 Convention May 3, 2010 Mount Pearl Lions Club May 21 - 23, 2010 Fredericton - Multiple District N Convention June 5, 2010 Brimstone Head Lions Club June 28 – July 2, 2010 International Convention – Sydney, Australia