district pride


district pride
A Haven Counties
Serving Fairfield and
Volume 2, Issue 10
Lion Joan Bennett
District Governor 2008 - 2009
June 2009
A Thank You To All Lions
In 23A
Lion Joan Bennett - Governor, District 23A
previously thanked all of my cabinet members who served the Lions of 23A during my year as District
Governor. I’d now like to thank each and every Lion member in 23A. The support I received and hospitality shown to me during my club visitations was over whelming. It was a fantastic year and it’s hard to
believe it’s ending, but a new regime led most capably by DGE Mark Lyon will begin and flourish in the coming year.
Except for having to travel in bad weather, there’s not one downside to my whole year. Every club I visited
was unique in the way they held meetings, or installed members, but they all had one thing in common, they
serve those in need. I met and made some new friends and had an opportunity to re-connect with others. I’ve
been blessed with all the positives the Lions of 23A have provided not only to me but also to the people in
their communities and Lions in both MD23 and worldwide. The addition of 2 new clubs resulted in a plus
membership for the first time in years, and that is due to the Lions of 23A and not just one person. I thank you
all for all you have done.
Some last house-keeping items…attached is the “2008-09 Club President Excellence Award Application” – as
noted on the application, the club secretary must fill out this form and then send it to me for approval and
submission to LCI.
Also, the response to our pleas for additional funds for AMRF have been outstanding, so for those clubs who
donated at least $100, and/or those clubs over had at least 3 club members attend the PSTM last November,
your club earned a 100% Club Requirement waiver for each. If you did both, you earned 2 waivers…so
please make sure all your contributions (or copies of) are sent to cabinet Treasurer Lion Linda Maggs by July
7th. Once the books are closed for the 2008-09 fiscal year, contributions will be assigned to the next fiscal year
of 2009-10.
I hope you all have an enjoyable summer with family and friends, and I look forward to seeing you all at the
100% brunch in October.
Soon to be Past District Governor – Lion Joan Bennett
Lions Event Planners and Fund Raisers
Webmaster Lion Ernie Harrington
To all the Lions Event Planners and Fund Raisers,
Did you know that the district23A.org website has space to promote your event? I have divided events into
two categories:
1. Events and fund raisers that are designed as public events and
2. Events, meetings etc. that are primarily attended by club members or committee members.
For Public Events
If you have information on your web site, copy the URL (Web Address) and email it to lion webmaster
Ernie, ech105@snet.net . I can link to your information.
If you do not have a website, email a copy of your poster, with date, club name, and a brief description to
ech105@snet.net . Send the poster either as word document or pdf format. If in other format I will
give it a try.
For Region and Zone Chairs
We can publish your calendar, minutes and other information under officers, or place it in calendar format. (I
am still deciding whether to use yahoo, or gmail as calendar.)
I prefer documents in Word. Dates and club identification can be in body of email.
Your friendly webmaster,
Lion Ernie
Photo Gallery
Cruise for a Cure—Sail with the
Connecticut Lions
Eye Research Foundation
Aboard the Royal Caribbean
Explorer of the Seas
5 Night Cruise From New Jersey to Bermuda
Sat. Aug. 29th, to Thurs Sept. 3rd, 2009
Special Group Rate from $564* (*per person double occupancy plus port fees & taxes)
Rate Includes $100.00 Tax Deductible Donation
Per Person Rate double
Inside Cabin
Inside Cabin
New category added
PR Promenade View
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E1 Deluxe Ocean View with Balcony
New Category added
D3 Superior Ocean View with Balcony
D2 Superior Ocean View with Balcony
New Category added
D1 Superior Ocean View with Balcony
New Category added
JS Junior Suite with Balcony
GS Grand Suite with Balcony
OS Owners Suite with Balcony
Per person port fees & taxes
Third and fourth passenger rates available upon request. Other Category rates available upon request. Subject to Availability and Change.
For Reservations please call:
203-446-9150 Toll Free: 1-888-303-3959
Info@e-ztravel.org Web: www.e-ztravel.org
Club Happenings at a Glance
District 23A
27th Annual
Charity Golf Tournament
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Golf Course At Oxford Greens
Oxford, CT
See Flyer For More Information
See Club Flyers For
Additional Information
Posted On The Web At:
www.lions23a.org or www.district23a.org
See Club Flyers And Additional Information For
Club Happenings In Districts 23B & 23C
Posted On The Web At: www.ctlions.org
District Governor 2008-2009
DG Joan Bennett
11 St. John Street
North Haven, CT 06473
Who’s Who At The District Pride 2008-2009
Visit us online at: www.lions23a.org or www.district23a.org
Joan Bielizna
PDG Jim Bennett
(Term Ends 30 June 2009)
Ernie Harrington
If you would like an event covered by an article in this publication, please submit it as an attachment in
WORD or PUBLISHER to an e-mail addressed to joanrealtor@snet.net. Please make sure that you include DP 23A in the subject or reference area of the e-mail. All photos should be in jpg format and submitted
as individual attachments. Please name or title the photos. If any text goes with the photos, please put it in
Word format as stated above. Reference the photo name, title, number, etc. in the description/caption. Any
questions, please contact the Publisher/Editor of the District Pride for 2009-2010, Joan Bielizna.

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