Touch a Heart ~ Change a Life ~ Leave a Legacy
Touch a Heart ~ Change a Life ~ Leave a Legacy
DISTRICT 12-S District 12-S Newsletter March - April, 2011 -----————————————————————----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cliff Swoape District Governor 221 College Street Woodbury, TN 37190 (H)615-563-4900 (C)615-653-7345 (E) Woodbury Lions Club Linda Justice District Governor Elect 118 Justice Tullahoma, TN 37388 (H)931-454-9320 (C)931-273-1827 E) Tullahoma Downtown Lions Richard Kulp st 1 Vice Dist Governor Elect 208 Winding Way Normandy, TN 37360 (H)931-393-2248 PCC B.J. Blankenship Cabinet Secretary 445 Richardson Road Lafayette, TN 37083 (H)615-699-2495 (C)615-633-7369 (E) Lafayette Lions Club PCC James McBee Cabinet Treasurer 105 Ash Street McMinnville, TN 37110 (H)931-473-8521 CC Bob Corlew Immediate PDG P.O. Box 5 Milton, TN 37118 (H)615-273-7100 (C)615-473-7100 (E) Murfreesboro Noon Lions (E) McMinnville Lions Club (E) Tullahoma Lions Club Tom Irwin Congratulations to Lion Linda Justice, Lion Richard Kulp, and Lion Tom nd 2 Vice Dist Governor Elect Irwin for their election to their respective offices. Congratulations to P.O. Box 81 CC Bob Corlew for his election from District 12-S as International Director. Hickman, TN 38567 (H)615-683-7363 (C)615-683-7363 (E) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cliff’s Notes – Comments from District Governor Cliff Swoape First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers are with our fellow Lions and their communities suffering here at home and around the world. From the tornado in the Franklin County portion of our own District, to the unimaginable devastation being suffered in Japan, to a world that seems to be in more economic and political upheaval every day; it seems there is more than just a simple need for folks to do the work of Lions; there is a necessity. So, thank you for what you are doing. With all that is going wrong in the world it is comforting to see things done right. Through the generosity of Lions around the world and right here in Tennessee, Lions Clubs International Foundation grants are helping those tornado victims, just as they are helping the victims of the earthquakes and tsunamis. So, thank you for those donations to LCIF that come in all forms from buying a “Contributing Member” pin to bestowing a Melvin Jones Fellowship on a deserving Lion. Please keep making those donations and awards; they really do make a BIG difference. While the financial aid is great, I am overwhelmed at the outpouring of Lions help that always comes, too. Using our own District as an example, Franklin County has had offers of Lions help and donations from across our District and the State. Several clubs have 1 sent items to help their neighbors several counties away. Many have rolled up their sleeves and given of their time and abilities. Please keep up the great work, and thank you for being a Beacon of Hope to the world! Second is another big THANK YOU! Thank you for what was described by PIP Austin Jennings as “the best Convention 12-S has ever had.” It was made that way by each and every one of you, and every Convention that had gone before it. Special thanks to all who worked to make our 25th Anniversary a HUGE success! I will not try to list them, as I will surely leave someone out of that long list. Special thanks also to CC Bob Corlew and PCC Ron Birdwell for being such class acts and running campaigns for International Director that made us all proud. We congratulate both of them and follow the urging of PCC Ron to get behind our elected candidate, CC Bob Corlew and see that he gets elected in Chattanooga and in Seattle! Thanks to Cumberland University for such a great facility and to the THP Honor Guard for treating our flags with the dignity and respect that all of the blood shed for them deserves. Most of all, thanks to each and every Lion who has kept 12-S strong for 25 years! We had over 200 registrants for this Convention and that is fantastic! Thanks for making it such a success. Finally, we need your help on a couple of itms. First, we need MORE help. Every new Lion is two more hands to work, a fewer degrees less of separation between us and folks that can help our cause even further, another imagination to overcome the impossible! We want to send CC Bob Corlew to become International Director from the strongest District in the U.S. We want to show the world why Tennessee is The Volunteer State. We do not back down from a challenge. We do not shirk the call of duty. We do not sit on our laurels. Please help me get our District numbers reflecting the strength that we have. We currently stand at 40 net members. That means that from July 1 to February 28, we have 40 fewer members total. There are many ways that we can keep our rosters strong: ask Lafayette or Woodbury about a Membership Dinner; talk to a Lion from Brush Creek about what has worked for them; make sure the community is aware of all of the great things that Lions do. Most of all, please do not forget to ask someone to join. There is no substitute for the personal touch; for making someone feel needed, wanted, and useful. Our Membership FLOWERS team is beginning the work of chartering 5 new Clubs in the next three months. They could use help. If you are interested in helping charter a new Club in your area, please contact me or better yet, B.J. Blankenship. Our District is strong, because you have all worked hard to meet the needs of your community and we have grown steadily over the last 4 years as a result. You answered the call for Convention, now I make one more plea as your District Governor; please, help me finish out our year with positive membership growth! Not just for the District, but let’s show International that we can get EVERY Club to have positive growth. Let’s send CC Bob to become International District from the District with the single largest growth in the United States! We can do it, WE ARE TENNESSEEANS!!!! Humbly yours and thankful beyond words, ---DG Cliff Swoape CHECK THIS OUT, ITS NEW LIONS INTERNATIONAL ESSAY CONTEST This new contest in open to students who are considered visually impaired according to their national guidelines and will be 11, 12, or 13 years of age on November 15, 2011. Only a Lions club can sponsor the contest. The contest may be sponsored in a local school or organized sponsored youth group. The contest theme is “Power of Peace.” Essays must be no longer than 500 words in length, submitted in English, type-written in black ink and double spaced. Each essay must be submitted with a completed entry form. Essays submitted without completed entry forms will be automatically disqualified. Only one entry per student per year, and each entry must be the work of only one student. One grand prize winner will receive an award of $5,000.00. The winner will be notified by June 1. The postmark deadline for a club to send one winning essay to the District Governor is February 15. Further instructions and entry forms can be downloaded from the LCI website. 2 SMITHVILLE LIONS CLUB Event Update 2010-2011 Christmas Parade The Smithville Lions Club started an annual event by participating in the Smithville Christmas Parade. Lion Starla Meigs coordinated the event and recruited some well know Lions. Pictured participating in the parade are Lions Starla Meigs, Steve Repasy, Debbie Repasy, Tony Charley, April Gray and the Lion himself, Ashton. The Lions encouraged everyone to support the Lions Club and the gift of sight by giving the crowds candy eyeballs. Community Resource Fair The Smithville Lions Club participated in the Community Resource Fair in Smithville by providing sight and hearing exams. During the one day event 66 people were screened for vision and hearing. During the event DG Cliff Swoape stopped by for a visit and posed for a picture with Lion Ron Gray, President of the Smithville Lions Club. Yard Sale The Club held its first fall Yard Sale as an annual fundraiser. All of the Lions collected merchandise and held the two day event in Smithville. The Lions were very busy both days and felt the event was a great success. Pictured taking a break from the “hot” sales are Lions Jeff James(standing left), Steve Repasy(standing right) and Debbie Repasy. Lion Christie Knowles and Lion Debbie Repasy coordinated the event and did an outstanding job. Nursing Home Donations The Smithville Lions Club supported the Smithville NHC Nursing home at Christmas and donated supplies to the residents that are not provided by the facility. Lions Debbie Repasy and Wendy Bottomley purchased kleenex, body wash and nail polish for over 100 residents and delivered them to the NHC facility. District Convention The Smithville Lions Club was represented at the 12-S District Convention by Lions Starla Meigs and Wendy Bottomley. Lion Starla gave a presentation on diabetes and the effects on sight. In addition, our representatives donated 123 pairs of glasses and a check for $1000 to the White Cane fund. Way to go Smithville, keep up the good work. 3 4 LIONS “HALL OF FAME” REQUIREMENTS Points 1. Have a combination of 10 years’ service at district and state level: A total of five years on one or more sub-district committees; A total of five years on one or more multiple-district committees; (Same committee may not be combined)…………………………………………………………………………... 10 2. Minimum of 15 years as an active Lion…………………………………………………………………………….. 15. 3. Minimum of 15 years perfect attendance………………………………………………………………………….. 15 4. Member for 30 or more consecutive years………………………………………………………………………… 30 5. Past District Governor……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 05 6. Past International Office…………………………………………………………………………….…………….. 10 7. Chartered five or more clubs…………………………………………………………………….………………….. (List clubs on separate sheet) 8. Chartered one or more clubs while service as District Governor………………………………………………. 05 05 (List clubs on separate sheet) 9. One or more International Presidents awards (Medal)………………………………………………………….. 05 10 One or more International Leadership Awards……………………………………………………………………. 05 11. One or more International Presidents Appreciation Certificates………………………………………………… 04 12. Sponsored 10 or more members……………………………………………………………………………........... 08 13. Attended 5 International Conventions……………………………………………………………………………… 05 14. One or more Melvin Jones or Lindsey Jennings Fellows…………………………………………….………….. 05 15. Attended a minimum of 10 State Conventions……………………………………………………………………. 08 16. Attended 5 USA/Canada Forums…………………………………………………………………………………… 05 17. Served as Council Chairman …………………………………………………………………….…………………. 05 18. Remained active membership for a minimum of two years following serving as Club President…………….. 05 (Exception health or death) 19. Remained active at the District/Multiple District level for minimum of two years following his/her term as District Governor (exception health or death)………………………………………………………….………….. 05 20. Participates in club vision screenings……………………………………………………………………………… 05 21. Served as Deputy District Governor, Region or Zone Chairman………………………………………………… 05 22. Provides volunteer service other than Lionistic to the Community, State, or Nation………………………….. (List services on separate sheet) 15 TOTAL PONTS AVAILABLE…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 180. MINIMUM POINTS FOR NOMINATION CONSIDERATION…………………………………………………………….. 135 5 Pictures from the recent District 12-S Convention held at Cumberland University. Eloquent Speech DGE Linda gets serenaded DGE Linda gets serenaded DGE Linda gets serenaded 6 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION JULY 4-8, 2011 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON PARADE SHIRT AND SOUTHEAST BREAKFAST REQUEST – DEADLINE 10 MAY 2011 “The International Parade is Tuesday July, 5: Southeast Breakfast is Thursday, July, 7” NAME: ______________________________________________DISTRICT:______________ PLEASE PRINT Male Shirt Size - (circle the size) S M L XL XXL XXXL Add $2.00 for XXL or XXXL Address: Street______________________________________ City__________________________State__________ Zip Code____________ Telephone:______________________________ Email: __________________________ NAME :____________________________________________DISTRICT:________________ PLEASE PRINT Female Shirt Size - (circle the size) S M L XL XXL XXXL Add $2.00 for XXL or XXXL Address: Street______________________________________ City:_________________________State:__________Zip Code:____________ Telephone:______________________________ Email:___________________________ Parade Shirt(s) ______@ $20.00 Per Shirt SE Breakfast Ticket(s) Total $_______________ @ $15.00 Per Ticket Total $_______________ Total Amount $_________________ ADD $2.00 FOR EACH XX OR XXX SHIRT. ONLY TWO PERSONS PER FORM; PLEASE USE ADDITIONAL FORMS AS NECESSARY. Return completed form(s) with a check payable to International Convention Fund to: Lynn Wilhoite No later than 10 May 2011 505 Fesslers Lane Nashville, TN 37210-2814 7 PDG Billy Cunningham recently inducted five new members into the Warren County Lions Club. Pictured above are President Louree Walker, sponsor of four of the new Lions, Tyrone Sparkman, Treva Sparkman, Lorraine Yancy, PDG Cunningham, Charles, Yancy, Matt Walker, and Sammy Walker who was the other sponsoring Lion. Left Proud Father Lion Sammy Walker pins son Matt Walker. WARREN COUNTY LIONS CLUB KEEPS IT IN THE FAMILY. Lions Sammy and Louree now have their son, Matt, and daughter, LeAnne in the Warren County Lions Club. They have son-in-law Brian in the club also. But it doesn’t stop there as Lion Louree has two sisters, Lions June and Faye, plus brother-in-law, PDG Billy, in the Warren County Club. PDG Billy Cunningham started it all by sponsoring wife, Faye, and Faye’s sister June Prater. June then sponsored the third sister, Louree Walker and husband Sammy. Sammy then sponsored children Matt Walker and Leanne Holt and her husband Brian. By the way there are still some kinfolk remaining and they are working on them. How’s that for teamwork in building a Lions Club. 8 Center-Lion Nolan “Dude” Northcutt. Left to right-Lions Carl Hirlston, Ken McIntye, Volunteer Bessie Miller, Lions Charlie Brown Bobby Bogard Gina Mitchell, Artie Kean McIntyre, and Volunteer Jane Jennings (wife of recent deceased Lion Robert Jennings.) HAPPY BIRTHDAY LION NOLAN “DUDE” NORTHCUTT Lion Nolan “Dude” Northcutt has been in the Woodbury Lions Club for over 55 years. On Sunday March 20th Lion Dude turned 97 years old. The Woodbury Lions American Red Cross Blood Drive which is held in March falls close to this birthday and Lion Patsy Hirlston has made him a cake for the last 5 years to celebrate his birthday at the blood drive. In Dude’s 55 plus years, hea has been a solid figure at all of the blood drives and pancakes breakfasts that the Woodbury Lions Club has conducted. The Woodbury Lions Club wishes Dude a very happy birthday and hopes he will celebrate many more with us Submitted by Lion Carl Hirston __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTEST AND AWARDS CONTEST FOR 2011-2012 Faye and I (PDG Billy Cunningham) will be the Contest and Awards Co-Chairmen for next year. We would like to see more clubs participate in the Club Contest, President’s Contest, and Secretary’s Contest. For the clubs that are presently not participating, what changes, if any, would we need to make to have your club, president, and secretary participate. One change that several secretaries have asked for is to send in the reports by email. We will accept them by email this year. New Presidents and Secretaries take note that the contest starts in April this year because of the State Convention being in April. Packets will be available in August, I wish they could be available earlier but the Contest and Awards Chairmen from each district meet at the MD-12 Cabinet Meeting in early August to determine if any changes are to be made in the Club Contest which is a state wide contest. 9 The roving photographer at work. You never know what will show up in the newsletter. 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS PCC Chris Phillips has a new address which is: 1006 Ellington Drive Lafayette, TN 37083 Does your club have an event coming up during May, June, or July? If so send me an email telling me what is going on and I will put in the newsletter. Even better send me a picture or two or three by email and I will include them in the newsletter. Got a funny picture, email it to me at Has your club signed up new members lately? Send me the names of the new members and their sponsors and I will include them in the newsletter PDG Billy Cunningham, Newsletter Editor (Temporary) Lion Faye Cunningham, Proofreader Go to the Lions International Website ( to find out how you can help. 11 Non Profit Org. Newsletter of District 12S and U.S. Postage PAID Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Middle Tennessee Sight Service 911 Westside Court Murfreesboro, TN 37130-5101 Permit #145 37129 Permit #145 12