July 2012 Newsletter - District 25E Lions Club Web Page


July 2012 Newsletter - District 25E Lions Club Web Page
“The Challenger”
DG 25-E1 Brenda Lawson
4111 Del Mar Lane, Plainfield, Indiana 46168
Home: 317-838-8301 Cell: 317-441-8821
July 2012 – Volume #1
“In Tune with 25-E1”
Dear Lions:
Happy New Year Lions, yes this is the beginning of our new Lions year. What an exciting time to be part of such a great
organization as Lions International, the largest Service Organization in the world. It is a time for all Indiana Lions to stand
tall and be proud as we are honored to have another Hoosier, International President Wayne Madden at the helm.
Congratulations to him and his lovely wife Linda.
This year, our last year as District E1, will be a challenge for all of us. I want to encourage all of you to make it the best
year this district has ever had in every way. Banner Night is the kick off for our new year. Lions please join us for a fun
filled evening with good food and fellowship. There will be some great music provided for us by David Hatfield. He is a
very talented young man whom I have known for many years. He is pretty much a self taught musician and does a
fabulous job.
Some of my goals for this year are: Increase membership, Club surveys, More involvement of Zone Chairs, Charter one
new club, Motivate clubs to be productive , growing and fun and have a theme song. If we are having fun in our clubs and
are busy in our communities, that will encourage others to want to join us.
Remember to ALWAYS be asking your friends, neighbors and newcomers to your community if they would like to be part
of a club that loves serving others. That is what we are all about. Wear your Lions gear proudly so others will notice. It can
be a point of conversation and an opportunity to invite someone to your next meeting.
My challenge to you this month is PLEASE ATTEND BANNER NIGHT and bring your banner with you. We want to start our
year in a big way and continue throughout the year. Let’s work on being the best this District has ever known. Let’s get
our clubs moving in the right direction and learn how to keep our members involved. FUN is a little word with a BIG
meaning and plays a BIG part in restoring vitality to our clubs.
Thanks to all of you for all the wonderful things you do as together ‘WE SERVE’.
DG Brenda V. Lawson
Vice District Governor Lion Mollie Brown, 904 Sarasota Dr., Seymour, IN 47274
Home: 812-523-8917 Cell: 812-707-7900
2 Vice District Governor Jeff Schafer, 432 N Deerlake Rd., Bloomfield, IN 47424 Jeff.schafer1@comcast.net
Home: 812-650-0277
Work: 812-854-6471 Cell: 812-325-3130
Cabinet Secretary – PDG Jim Brown, 904 Sarasota Drive, Seymour, IN 47274 jimandmollie@comcast.net
Cabinet Treasurer – PDG Vern Tincher, PO Box 158 Riley, IN 47871
Public Relations - Lion Sandy Ruane, 203 S. Park Drive, Seymour, IN 47274
Newsletter Editor - PCC Linda Tincher, PO Box 158, Riley, IN 47871
Cell: 812-707-7900
Cell: 812-229-0544
Cell: 812-498-3565
Cell: 812-240-0545
1 VDG Mollie Brown
Greetings 25-E1: As we approach our merger with our two neighbor Districts and we look
forward to meeting many new Lions, we may, also, feel a little hesitant as though we may be
about leave those we care about and what we already know. In fact, little will change and our
clubs will continue to run as they have. Our Lion friends are still our friends and we may visit
other clubs no matter in which District they are.
However, this is the last year we will be known as District 25 E1. Let's make it the best year yet.
Make a habit of inviting someone new to your club's meeting often. Invite District Governor
Brenda Lawson who brings an uplifting message and explains her goals for our District. Invite a
Trustee (we have a number of great speakers in our midst) from each State Project (Cancer
Control, Leader Dog, Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Speech and Hearing,
and the Eye and Tissue Bank) to present a program to your club members. Most of all, be sure your meeting is fun.
Yours in Lionism,
VDG Mollie
This first article I’ll focus on introducing myself to those that may not know me and then a few thoughts for
the upcoming Lion year. I have been married 32 years to Lion Sheryl and our anniversary is coming up July
5th! We have two children, 3 grandchildren and a Cockapoo. Serving nearly 22 years in
the US Navy and retiring in 2002 I have been an employee of the Department of the
Navy in Southern Indiana.
Sheryl and I reside in eastern Greene County and are members of the Bloomfield Lions
Club where I have served as their President, Secretary, Treasurer and various
committee chairs. My District involvement has been as a Region and IT chair. In
addition I have been involved in numerous other community and professional
I look forward to working with DG Brenda and 1st VDG Mollie
throughout the upcoming year. I plan to attend as many of DG Brenda’s official visits
along with her banner night (July 14), cabinet meetings and other events. Additionally
plan on working with DG Kathy Wilcox and her team from District 25E-2 so we can
transition into the new districts next year after the re-districting is approved. In general,
year will be very busy getting out there meeting all of you. Please feel free to call (812-3253130
cell, 812-650-0277 home) or email (jeff.schafer1@comcast.net) me if you have any questions or need
assistance of any kind. Until next month – Serve and Have Fun! ………..
Lion Jeff2nd VDG
Note: You may see abbreviations in the Newsletter you are not familiar with. They are approved Lions International
abbreviations. For your convenience we have listed the abbreviations most often used.
DG - District Governor;
VDG - Vice District Governor;
VDG-E – Vice District Governor Elect
CC - Council Chair;
PCC - Past Council Chair;
ID - International Director;
PID- Past International Director;
INLETTB - Indiana Lions Eye & Tissue Transplant Bank
ISBVI – Indiana School for the Blind & Visually Impaired
ZC – Zone Chair
RC – Region Chair
DGE – Dist. Governor Elect
PDG – Past District Governor;
IP - International President
MD 25 - Multiple District 25
LCI – Lions Club International
IT - Information Technology
District Governor Brenda Lawson’s
25E-1 Banner Night - Saturday, July 14, 2012
6pm Social--6:30pm Dinner
Gasburg Baptist Church, (11564 Gasburg Road, Mooresville, IN)
(Located between Mooresville and Monrovia on St Hwy 42
Turn north on Gasburg Road 1st drive on left)
Pork Loin/Dressing - OR - Baked Chicken
Green Beans/Potatoes, Corn, Salad, Dessert
Coffee—Iced Tea—Water
$16.00 per person - RSVP by July 10, 2012
Children 12 and under $8.00, Children 6 and under free
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Checks should be made out to 25-E1
Please Remit to : PDG Vern Tincher
P.O. Box158, Riley In 47871
812-894-2750 Cell: 812-240-0545
Name_________________________Club__________Title_______ Chicken or Pork
(Circle One)
Name________________________Club__________Title_______ Chicken or Pork
(Circle One)
Number attending_____________
Amount included $___________
to benefit
International President WAYNE & 1ST LADY LINDA MADDEN
SATURDAY, JULY 28, 2012 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Musical Entertainment - Auction
10 Different Kinds of Soups/Salads/desserts
Chili, Ham & Beans, Chicken Noodle, Broccoli Cheese, Potato,
Vegetable, Split Pea, Taco & Tomato
Recent 25-E1 Graduates of the MD 25 Leadership Workshop pictured with Instructors Multiple
District Global Leadership Chair PDG Mark Clark, District 25-E1 Global Leadership Chair PCC Linda Tincher and PDG
Vern Tincher.
Lion Sheryl Schafer, Bloomfield
Lion Julia Terry, Fayetteville
2nd VDG Jeff Schafer, Bloomfield
Lion Joyce Williams, Bloomington
Riley Lions joined forces with the Pierson Twp. and Terre Haute Downtown Club to work the
Bingo tent for the 10 day run of the Banks of the Wabash Valley Festival in Terre Haute.
Top Left – PDG Vern Tincher ---a relaxed caller--who one participant asked if he “called” for a living!
Didn’t he just say he was out of work and looking …….umm …..also heard retirement agrees with him! Middle: Riley
Lions PCC Linda Tincher and Lion Elaine Collins (our bankers) for this night. Pictured right: are some of our players
Who is that sitting on the
tailgate (right side) Why
it’s our own Lion Jan
Halladay, Brown County
Lions “strumming on the
ol’ banjo!”
If you are in Nashville,
Indiana pick up a copy of
their Visitors Guide and
read the “rest of the
Clay City Lions Pottery Festival……….nice sunny day….good
crowd…lots of workers….and they sold out of their famous fall-offthe bone grilled ½ chicken in less than 2 hours and had to order 3
more whole tenderloins to grill! What a Day!
These are just a few of the Lions who helped at the annual Pottery
Festival. Tours of the Pottery plant and a car show also helped bring
in the crowd for this annual fundraiser by the Clay City Lions Club.
No Fire…Just Lions
“Grillin” tenderloins
& Chicken!
District 25-E1 Officer Training…..Completed!
BUT if any officer needs assistance or further training
please call 812-240-0545
Lions club Officers from Regions I, II, and III, met at
Sullivan, Martinsville and Brownstown to learn about
how to conduct a meeting, ask a member to join, file
Membership Reports, and even how to pay dues
statements online. There are 46,000 clubs in the US if
International sends out that many dues statements at 44
cents or probably a little cheaper bulk rate it is still a
multi- thousand dollar venture!
Sullivan Lions prepared a great meal at that location and
DG Brenda prepared the meals at Martinsville and
Brownstown. According to our evaluations everyone
including returning officers felt more enthusiastic and
encouraged by the fact there are Lions willing to help
them learn and file the proper reports.
Facilitators were: DG Brenda Lawson, VDG Mollie Brown,
VDG Jeff Schafer, PDG Gary Lawson, Global Membership,
PCC Linda Tincher, Global Leadership, PDG Vern Tincher
& PDG Jim Query, and PDG Jim Brown.
Medora Lion of the Year
Ron Byarlay, incoming President and
Charter Member was named Lion of the
Year. Lion Bob Branaman presented the
Medora Community Lions celebrated their 4th
anniversary recently. Their club is very active in the
community. When they had their Charter Night on June
7th 2008 they had no idea what they would be facing 11
hours later. On the morning of June 8th a major storm hit
Indiana and therefore flooded Medora. The Club rallied
and opened a Shelter and Food Kitchen and kept it open
for weeks. They held furniture and clothing drives to help
the flood victims in their community. They participate in
recycling, Dictionaries to students, aid to elderly, highway
cleanup, vision screening just to mention a few.
Pictured L to R are: PDG Frank Ruane, who installed the
new officers with a candy bar iniitiation, Bill Drees, 2 year
Director, Janie Branaman, Tail Twister, Bob Branaman,
Lion Tamer, Ruth Beesley, Treasurer, Peggy Drees,
Secretary, Peggy Thompson, 1 year Director, Dana
Bevers, 1st VP, Ron Byarlay, President, DGE Brenda
Lawson, Max Perry, Membership Director, Tammy
Hodges, 2 year Director, PDG Gary Lawson. Not pictured
is Russell Cross, 2nd VP, and Kym Davis, 1 year Director.
As the IT (Information Technology) Chair and the new LCIF Coordinator
during this upcoming Lion year I plan on writing articles concerning our website (and other geek
stuff) and LCIF every other month.
I hope over the past few years you have visited our website (www.lions25e1.org) and have seen
some changes. Personally I think our website it’s the Best in the State! One of the new areas I
have been working on is the calendar where events from the District will be displayed very
much like what you familiar with on your Outlook calendar or iCalendar.
The area I would like to focus on in this article is the “District Clubs” link. It is the area I envision our clubs to list their
events on their calendar (much like the district calendar) and then devote one page to other material your club feels
is important, such as pics, meeting agendas, minutes and such. You can even make some things password protected
much like the District’s Directory and List of Clubs.
Well I hope that provides you some thoughts for the summer on using our District’s website and whether or not your
club would be interested in posting a calendar or other pages. My email is always open and I normally reply within 24
hours (jeff.schafer1@comcast.net or use the “contact us” link on the website).
Lion Jeff Schafer, Webmaster
State Projects – What do you know about them?
Over the next couple of months – all of the State Projects will be highlighted – you may be surprised to learn just
what your Trustees do and the benefits to so many individuals these projects provide!
Speech & Hearing
…There are three Trustees in each district. In District 25-E1
the Trustees are PDG Jim Query, PDG Paul Schoonmaker and
Lion Bill Dougherty. These Lion Trustees visit all the Lions
Clubs and ask their help in finding people that are hearing
impaired and to encourage them to collect used hearing aids
for recycling.
It is the Trustee’s responsibility to demine which patient the
Lions can help, using specific guide lines that are supplied by
the Board of Trustees and the Audiologists.Once an individual
is identified, we send them to Indiana University, which has
an excellent Speech & Hearing Clinic, to have a free hearing
test. The Audiologist at the Clinic sends the audiogram to the
Trustee who in turn will review the results. If hearing aids
are needed, we will forward the audiogram and their financial statement to Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis.
At the hospital our on- staff Audiologist will then select the proper hearing aid from our supply and send it tot to
Indiana University for the specific patient. Indiana University will fit the patent with the hearing aid. There is no cost
for any of these procedures; however, there is a minimal cost to the patient for the mold that goes into the ear canal.
Speech & Hearing Trustees have many other responsibilities such as helping the Deaf Camps, supporting scholarships
to students studying Audiology and Speech Pathology at our four universities as well as supporting the purchase of
special equipment for disabled children. Trustees statewide work hard to find funding for these projects. As you
can see, there are numerous ways for Lion Trustees to be involved. This is very rewarding work for the Trustees and
all Lions. Our Trustees firmly believe in our motto, “We Serve”. It brings a deep feeling of satisfaction to help those
that have hearing impairments and to give some one another opportunity to rejoin the hearing world.
Lion Bill Dougherty, District 25-E1 Trustee, 812-988-7777,wbdtrinity@sbcglobal.net
July 2012 Official Visits
July 5 – Harrodsburg
Independence Day Happy 4th of July
July 9 – Eminence
July 14 – District 25-E1 Banner Night
July 16 - Mooresville
July 17 – Brown County
July 18 – Bedford Noon
July 19 - Ellettsville
DG Brenda V. Lawson
4111 Del Mar Lane
Plainfield, IN 46168