April, May June 2016 - Multiple District
April, May June 2016 - Multiple District
pride of Pennsylvania THE CONVENTION 2016 HIGHLIGHTS 2015-2016 Issue #4 In this issue: Introduction2 IP Jitsuhiro Yamada's Letter 3 Environmental Photo Contest Winner 3 PID Cindy Gregg's Letter 4 CC Terri Kodgis' Letter 5 Convention, 2017; Leader Dogs Update 6 Lions' Inspiration, Beacon Lodge 7 Beacon Lodge Lions' Appreciation Day 8 Beeping Eggs Easter Egg Hunt 9 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Letter 10 How PA Lions Serve 11 PA State Convention Pictures 12 How PA Lions Serve (con't) 14 Pride Boosters 2015-2016 21 PA Council of Governors 2015-2016 23 Pride Booster Form 24 Send articles and photos to the Editor at the address shown below. The PRIDE accepts no responsibility for unsolicited material, or for the opinions expressed or coincidental names used by authors of articles. The PRIDE is published quarterly (Jan., Feb., Mar.), (Apr., May, June), (July, Aug., Sept.), (Oct., Nov., Dec.) DEADLINES for ARTICLES: Feb. 16, May 16, Aug. 15 and Nov. 15 We reserve the right to reject any material that is deemed inappropriate to the goals and objectives of Lionism. Material is printed on “space available” basis. For an address change, inform your club secretary who will notify Lions Clubs International. Please DO NOT send changes of address to this publication. The PRIDE of Pennsylvania 2015-2016, Issue No. 4 The PRIDE of Pennsylvania (ISSN 0199-4638) is the official publication of the Pennsylvania State Council of Lions Clubs and is published quarterly for $2.50 per year deducted from PA Lions Club members’ annual state dues by the Pennsylvania State Council of Lions Clubs, 949 E. Park Dr., Harrisburg, PA 17111. “Periodical postage paid at Indiana, PA 15701” Ballot Questions for 2016 State Convention "A resolution to provide a waiver of dues as listed in Article VI, Section 1. Article VI, Section 1, will have a statement added to waive the dues for Lions Club student members, as defined by Lions Clubs International. This change is to provide relief for expenses for student members. Be it resolved, that effective July 1, 2016, Article VI, Section 1 will have a second sentence added that will read as follows: The dues are waived for Lions Club student members, as defined by Lions Clubs International." "A resolution to provide a redistribution of funds as listed in Article VI, Section 2. Article VI, Section 2, e, State Council Administrative Fund, will change from $7.50 to $8.50. Article VI, Section 2, g, Pennsylvania News Publication Fund, will change from $2.50 to $1.50. This change is to show a reduction of $1.00 in the Pennsylvania News Publication Fund, and an increase of $1.00 in the State Council Administrative Fund. Be it resolved, that effective July 1, 2016, Article VI, Section 2, e, will read as follows: State Council Administrative Fund - $8.50 and Article VI, Section 2, g, will read as follows: Pennsylvania News Publication Fund - $1.50." Lioness may subscribe at $2.50 per year. These resolutions were passed by a majority vote at the State Convention on May 22, 2016. Postmaster: Send address changes to: The PRIDE of Pennsylvania 949 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111 NEW PHOTO SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 2015-2016 Editor Betty Lou Ivell Harrisville Lions Club, 14-N nectarine1@zoominternet.net 2142 Clintonville Rd., Harrisville, PA 16038 814-786-7215 Co-editor: PDG Joan Milligan, 14-W Cover: Sandra Busch When taking photos to submit for publication consideration, please use the settings on your camera that will provide the highest resolution. Check your user’s manual. It will create a larger file size and use more space on your memory card, however it will result in better reproduction. Blurry, too dark, too light photos do not re-produce well and will not be considered. Submit photos in JPEG/JPG or TIFF format, please. Publisher: Indiana Printing & Publishing Co. Joseph L. Geary Vice President and General Manager 899 Water Street, Indiana, PA 15701 Our sympathies and condolences to the families of State Administrator Robert A. McComas 717-564-2586 Advertising PA State Council of Lions Clubs 949 East Park Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17111 2 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania PDG Lois Jean Mundorff, 14-C, April 23, 2016 Margaret "Marge" Nagode, wife of PID Donald Nagode, 14-M, May 6, 2016 PDG Carl D. Gundrum, Sr., 14-P, May 11, 2016 PDG Anthony "Chike" Muccio, 14-J, May 13, 2016 Dear Lion, I am asking club leaders to continue working to achieve our Centennial goals by serving in the Centennial Service Challenge, planning Legacy Projects in their community and inviting their friends and families to serve as Lions. I'm also encouraging club leaders to plan a service project this August to engage youth in their community for the Worldwide Week of Service for Youth. I'd like to thank each of you for making my year as international president so successful. Without the hard work and dedication of leaders like you, none of our accomplishments over the past year would have been possible. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your international president! Last July, I asked you to help bring dignity to all humanity. A year later, I am overwhelmed by the tremendous response of Lions around the world. This year has been a huge success for Lions who seek to promote harmony and bring dignity to underserved populations everywhere. I asked you to continue changing the lives of 100+ million people by hosting a service project impacting youth, vision, hunger or the environment in your community and you responded as only Lions can. Just halfway through the Centennial Service Challenge, we've impacted the lives of more than 85 million people, strengthening communities at home and around the world. I asked you to raise the visibility of your clubs and commemorate our Centennial by planning a Legacy Project in your community. In less than six months, nearly 3,000 clubs have reported Legacy Projects in their communities with more clubs joining them in every day. I asked you to help expand our service impact by inviting your family, friends and neighbors to join us in service. Once again, you went beyond the call and in just a few months, nearly 10,000 Lions have qualified for the Centennial Membership Awards with thousands more on the way. We've accomplished much this year, but there's so much left to do. I hope you'll continue to work with Lions in your community and around the world to achieve our Centennial service goals. Environmental Photo Contest Winner 2015-2016 PDG Thomas Gregg Rostraver Township Lions Club 14-E Congratulations! The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 3 From Immediate Past International Director Cindy Gregg Hello, Fellow Lions, During this past year of “Dignity, Harmony, Humanity,” we can be proud of the numerous eye screenings that were completed, the many hungry people who were fed, the countless children who received books, blankets, and clothes and all of the communities that were improved because of the highway clean ups, community beautification and park bench constructions. Of course, we can’t forget all of the fire and police departments, ambulance services, homeless veterans and those individuals affected by disaster who were helped. Your clubs made a difference in the lives of numerous individuals. That’s why we serve. In Josh Groban’s song, “You Raise Me Up,” he says: You raise me up so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas. I am strong when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be. Lions, that should be our theme song because you raise people up nearly every day. “People who make a difference are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money or the most awards. They are the ones who care." As you find “New Mountains to Climb,” during this centennial year, you will encounter hills and valleys. Yet, you will also meet heroes who have scaled the highest mountains to overcome physical challenges, pain, loss of jobs, close friends and family members, and you will be inspired to climb to the top of your next mountain. Remember to always “Be COMMITTED to your club and your community; stay FOCUSED on your goals and achieve RESULTS” by “Asking” a veteran, friend, co-worker or a family member to help us serve those who need our help. I wish all of you much success as you search for the next peak and find “New Mountains to Climb” while continuing to serve with “Dignity, Harmony, Humanity.” Yours in Friendship and Service, Cindy Past International Director Area 1-B GMT Leader USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Seminar Committee 4 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania From Council Chair Terri Kodgis At the beginning of the 2015-2016 Lions year IP Dr. Yamada unveiled the theme for his year in office “Dignity, Harmony and Humanity.” He challenged Lions to bring hope and dignity through service; to strengthen our clubs to better serve the community; to create harmony through effective leadership; and to build bridges for humanity. Throughout this year, it has been my pleasure to visit the PA MD-14 districts and observe the commitment to this theme. In the first issue of The PRIDE, I issued a challenge to the Lions of PA to serve one million people through the Centennial Service Challenge. Congratulations PA Lions, you have served 1,736,609 people!! This figure encompasses a nine-month period, July 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016. With your continued enthusiasm, I believe that helping two million people is achievable by June 30th. Every person reported to MyLCI adds to the International total of serving 100 million people worldwide by Engaging our Youth, Protecting the Environment, Relieving Hunger and Sharing Vision. We have also experienced many positive changes on the state level. I am proud to report the website has received a facelift, there is a new look to The PRIDE, a partnership with Special Olympics of PA has been formed, the funding for vice district governor training is in place and costs have been contained by utilizing teleconferencing and meeting via email. In an organization of this size, improvements and compliance with Constitution and By Laws/Policy do not occur without teamwork. I want to express my appreciation to the Lions of PA and the staff of the State Office for their assistance in navigating the challenges of this year. I am confident the same consideration will be given to DG/VCC Karen Brady to continue the forward momentum into the Centennial Year and beyond. As my year as Council Chair winds down, I look forward to walking beside you into the future, serving those most vulnerable among us: those in the dawn of life, the shadows of life and the twilight of life with Dignity, Harmony and Humanity. Always Yours in Lions Service and Friendship, CC Terri The Lions Commemorative Coin PCC Jay Wells, Bethel Park Lions Club (14-B) sent a "sneak preview" of the Lions Commemorative $1 coin. A friend of his, Tom Uram of Washington County, is a member of the Citizen Coinage Advisory Board which selects the design of U.S. coins. The final selection of the Lions coin was recently made and the design is shown on the left. It will be available in 2017 to celebrate LCI's 100th anniversary. More information can be found on the website at http://www.lionsclubs.org/resources/all/pdfs/pressreleases/2012-10-22-lci-lion-commemorative-coinbill-signed.pdf. The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 5 94th Annual MD-14 State Lions Convention Celebrating the Centennial through Service 2017 PA Lions Convention Service Project Hunger kills more people each year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. Source: FAO, The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015 Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45%) of deaths in children under five – 3.1 million children each year. Source: The Lancet, Series on Maternal and Child Nutrition, 2013 Some 795 Million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. That’s about 1 in 9 people on earth! As we Celebrate 100 years of Lionism, people throughout the world are starving. One of the Lions International Centennial Projects is “To Feed the Hungry.” In conjunction with the group Stop Hunger Now (www.stophungernow.org), we plan to package 30,000 meals as a service project at the 2017 State Convention. How can you help? Sign up to volunteer an hour of your convention time. By doing so, you will help to feed a hungry person somewhere in this world who would otherwise go to bed hungry. Please remember our motto “WE SERVE” We did it...together! Through a combination of your generous donations, multi-year pledges and grants, we have reached our Canine Development Center campaign goal of $14.5 million. This state-of-the-art facility not only increases the health and happiness of future Leader Dogs, it encourages their development so they can become our highestquality guide dogs ever. On behalf of our current and future clients, Leader Dogs, puppies, volunteers, staff and supporters, we have one thing to say to you: THANK YOU! 6 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania MY LIONS MOMENT AT PA LIONS BEACON LODGE CAMP When I joined the Little Beaver Lions Club in February of 1990, I had my spaghetti dinner while wearing a blindfold and a Lions’ bib. After my induction ceremony, all of the Lions in attendance signed the bib (I still have it displayed in my home office). My sponsor was the last to sign; then he whispered in my ear, “You will not be a true Lion until you visit Beacon Lodge!” I didn’t think much about the comment but my sponsor continued to press the issue by urging me to attend a District 14-N work weekend at the camp. For years, I came up with lame excuses as to why I couldn’t attend. The fact was I wasn’t a good Lion. I was selfish and only worried about myself, my family and my profession. That all changed when we learned my sponsor was diagnosed with incurable prostate cancer. A group of Lions went to visit Lion Bob Lackner. We cooked him breakfast and laughed telling all of the Lions’ stories we experienced over the years. We each got to spend some private time with Lion Bob. I was the last one in. The first words out of his mouth were his asking me to promise him that I would go to this year’s work weekend at the camp. I told him I would attend that spring. Lion Bob passed away shortly thereafter. He was a great Lion. Little did I know that I was about to experience my LIONS MOMENT at that spring work weekend. Even though we were staying at the main lodge, we were eating our meals in the Children’s Village cafeteria because the kitchen in the main lodge was being remodeled. At the same time, there was a small camping session being held for children with multiple challenges. I finished breakfast early one morning and strolled to the window and gazed across the quad. I found myself staring at a young, tall, African-American girl struggling to walk to the playground. She had aluminum braces from her shoes to her waist; aluminum crutches from the ground to her elbows; she had a counselor on each side of her as spotters, on both ears she had the largest hearing aids I had ever seen, she wore dark sun glasses because of her visual impairment and I could see EVERY MUSCLE in her body bulge as she took each small step! At the time, I wished I had the power to lay my hands on her and cure her of all her ailments. My problem was that I was concentrating on all of her problems – at first, I didn’t focus on the most important part of her body – HER FACE. You see; fellow Lions, Lionesses and Leos, that young lady had a smile on her face from ear to ear. She was so happy to be at Beacon Lodge; an opportunity to get away from a life of being confined by four walls and living in constant, dark loneliness. She was enjoying her freedom, her opportunity to make lasting friendships and participate in so many recreational activities that she had only previously dreamed of. She was just a Happy Camper! I realized at that moment why I became a Lion! I realized why my sponsor told me I wasn’t a true Lion until I went to Beacon Lodge. I had just experienced my first and most powerful Lions Moment. I was and still am PROUD of the work we do. It’s a moment that I reflect on often as a Lion. When things aren’t going well with my health or when my club doesn’t perform the way I think it should or the district is struggling with problems, I just think about my Lions Moment and the smile on my face is identical to that young lady’s smile! It invigorates me – helps me refocus on the importance of Lions and our activities. So, fellow Lions, have you had your Lions Moment? If not, why? Maybe we need to be more active with community service projects? Maybe we need to make time and attend a work weekend or Lions Appreciation Day at PA Lions Beacon Lodge Camp. Maybe we need to attend the annual eye research seminars held throughout the state. We need to experience, first hand, the projects we support and the appreciation expressed by those on the receiving end. The more Lions who experience a Lions Moment, the more apt they are to stay a Lion and ask others to join in their efforts. On behalf of the clients, staff and directors of your PA Lions Beacon Lodge Camp, I want to thank all of the Lions, Lionesses and Leos of MD-14 for their support over the years. This support comes from sponsoring campers, donating to the wish list, participating in the fund raisers at Lions Appreciation Day, 500 Club Memberships, donations to our general fund and more. I look forward to seeing you on July 17, 2016 at Lions Appreciation Day at PA Lions Beacon Lodge Camp. PCC Brian McCarl, Little Beaver Lions, 14-N The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 7 PENNSYLVANIA LIONS BEACON LODGE CAMP 114 SR 103 SOUTH, MOUNT UNION PA 17066 (P) 814-542-2511 (F) 814-542-7437 Web: www.beaconlodge.com Email: beaconlodgecamp@verizon.net PENNSYLVANIA LIONS APPRECIATION DAY CELEBRATING 68 CONTINUOUS YEARS OF CAMPING SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016 Sunday, July 17, 2016 has been designated as “Pennsylvania Lions Appreciation Day." This is the day to recognize Immediate Past District Governors, District Liaisons and all Lions, Lionesses and Leos for their outstanding support of the Beacon Lodge Program. You, as a Lion, Lioness or Leo, are cordially invited to bring your families to Beacon Lodge to join the festivities. The day begins with a chicken barbecue served from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, $10.00 per person and includes one-half chicken, salad, baked beans, roll, coffee, iced tea and dessert. Pin Traders are invited to participate – contact Tim McCaulley at 12 Fieldstone Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, if you wish to display pins. Clubs planning to arrange for bus transportation are urged to give the camp ample notice so that adequate parking arrangements can be made. Bring lawn chairs and/or blankets for seating during the campers' talent show. We hope you will be able to visit the camp on “Pennsylvania Lions Appreciation Day” to observe what your contributions have made possible. Every Lion in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania should be very proud of the part they play in making the Beacon Lodge Camp possible. PRE-PAID RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE IN ADVANCE BY JULY 5 FOR THE BARBECUE. PLEASE SEND COMPLETED FORM (BELOW) TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS WITH PAYMENT _- PLEASE NOTE: NO RESERVATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER JULY 5, 2016 PENNSYLVANIA LIONS APPRECIATION DAY JULY 17, 2016 PLEASE RESERVE ______ CHICKEN BARBECUE DINNERS @ $10.00 EACH = TOTAL $__________ TICKETS WILL BE PICKED UP ON JULY 17 BY: NAME and ADDRESS OF PERSON MAKING RESERVATION: NAME STREET CITY STATE ZIP Club and District TOTAL ENCLOSED $____________________ A 501(c) 3 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (GIFTS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE) 8 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania Beeping eggs allow visually impaired, sighted kids to play together Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 9:14 pm ROUZERVILLE, Pa. ----- Parents of visually impaired children said the Rouzerville Lions Club’s use of beeping eggs Sunday at an Easter egg hunt leveled the playing field. “It’s harder to do a traditional egg hunt because, by the time she gets two eggs, it’s done,” said Mae Floyd, mother of a 10-year-old with visual impairments. Kaytlyn Floyd collected 10 plastic eggs filled with batteries and wiring that allow them to beep. She traded her haul for chocolate and a stuffed animal. “You listen for the beep, and you can use your cane to find where the egg is,” she said, explaining the technique. Egg hunt Kayla Zarger, 9, hunts for beeping eggs Sunday at Red Run Park in Rouzerville, Pa. The Rouzerville Lions Club hosted an egg hunt for the visually impaired. Glenn and Melissa Russ are Rouzerville Lions Club members who suggested the club’s annual Easter egg hunt incorporate beeping eggs to accommodate the visually impaired. The club held its traditional hunt at 2 p.m. at Red Run Park, then distributed the wired eggs for a 2:30 p.m. hunt for the visually impaired and people willing to don blindfolds. Three of Cacey Velazquez’s children participated, including Chris, who is visually impaired, and Jose, who is sighted and wore a blindfold. Chris, 9, found more eggs than his older brother. “It’s easy,” he said. Velazquez enjoyed watching Chris fully participate in an egg hunt, as he used to get upset when he was too slow at traditional hunts. Her husband directed the boy during the last egg hunt. Kayla Zarger, 9, has visual impairments, and she jumped with excitement when she found one of her first eggs. “We have done some (egg hunts) in home, but not out,” said her mother, Dawn Zarger. The parents said they hope the club hosts a hunt with beeping eggs again, and Melissa Russ said it plans to do so. “It was chaotic and fun and great and wonderful,” she said. Courtesy of heraldmailmedia.com/Jennifer Fitch Rouzerville Lions Club (14-T) The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 9 40th USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum – September 15-17, 2016 – Omaha, Nebraska This year, the 40th USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum will be held on September 15-17, 2016 in Omaha, Nebraska. Downtown Omaha provides a friendly atmosphere with many interesting restaurants, cafes, pubs, breweries and shops that are highlighted by the Old Market area which is in walking distance from any of the eleven Forum hotels. For a more detailed description of everything Omaha has to offer, go to www. visitomaha.com. This years' General Chairman, PID Dr. Gary Anderson, the Planning Committee (of which our own PID Cindy Gregg is a member) and the Lions of Nebraska are working diligently to provide those attending an unforgettable experience. This year’s theme is “Leadership for Service.” The Century Link Center will provide an excellent venue for all general sessions, seminars and service projects. Numerous seminars have been added, dedicated to training Lions in how to organize and produce service projects for their communities at both the club and district levels. To bolster our Centennial Service Challenge, we will be dedicating Saturday afternoon to three large service projects. Every attendee will have the opportunity to participate in KidSight screening, making 100,000 meals to feed the hungry and recycling eyeglasses and other forms of metal. There will also be programs dedicated to Young Lions, a Leo Day, as well as, a Strides Walk on Thursday, September 16 at noon. Opening night, Thursday, brings master illusionist and motivational entertainer, Billy Riggs. At Friday’s luncheon, NHRA owner and crew chief, Lion Jay Blake brings his motivational and amazing story of overcoming a blinding accident to follow his racing dream. During lunch on Saturday, we look forward to the inspiring words of our then International President, Chancellor Bob Corlew as he details his 2016-2017 Presidential theme and program. We finish the evening with Retired General Dick Abel, who after a long career of military, private sector and public leadership will be talking about the leader within each of us. I am encouraging everyone to attend this year’s Forum in Omaha. With the new service oriented format, there will be numerous opportunities for you to truly make a difference by participating in one or more of the Centennial Service Challenge initiatives. The Forum provides opportunities to rekindle old friendships, forge new ones and learn a variety of skills and techniques to move your club, district, multiple district and Lionism forward in a positive direction. Whether you decide to take advantage of the many flights available into Omaha or wish to drive and enjoy the sights and scenery along the way, the time is now to register for the Forum at www.lionsforum.org. With approximately 800 attendees already registered, you too can take advantage of the early bird registration rate of $275.00 per person which is available until June 1, 2016. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to experience all the Forum and Omaha have to offer. I look forward to seeing all of you there! If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at 412-7200903 or via email at lbrgrader@comcast.net. Respectfully submitted, PDG Dave Stitely (14-F), MD-14 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum State Coordinator More Convention Pictures on Pages 4, 14 and 15 10 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania How Pennsylvania’s Lions Serve Lions of the Lancaster Lions Club (14-D) recently presented a $10,000 check to VisionCorp in Lancaster, PA to purchase eye screening equipment. Pictured are Lion Kay Macsi, VP of Rehabilitation, Lion Dennis Steiner, CEO of VisionCorp, Lion President James Adams and Lion John Graeter, chair of the Gift Committee. The Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation presented a grant of $10,000 to the Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CBVI) at a recent Springfield Lions Club (14-A) meeting. CBVI, located in Chester, PA, is dedicated to helping individuals in the greater Delaware Valley area prevent, prepare for and adapt to vision loss in order to achieve independence. They will use the grant to acquire Apple Technology Products (Operation Apple Access) which will allow them to better serve the needs of CBVI's Computer Aided Technology (CAT) program clients in school and college environments. The Springfield Lions Club has 50 Lions who are PA Foundation Fellows. Shown from the left: Lions of PA Foundation representative, Springfield Lion Dick Wilson, Mary Sue Boyle, CBVI Director, Kim Graham, CBVI Computer Aided Technology Director and Springfield Lion Joe Saunders, CBVI Board Chairman. Submitted by Lion Walter Young, Publicity Chairman, Springfield Lions Club The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 11 May 1922, 2016 12 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 13 King Lion Bruce Altemus (left) and Lion Dr. Kamal Gella (right) inducted Lion Ed Cernic, Sr. (center) into the Johnstown West End Lions club's (14-J) Hall of Fame. Lion Ed is a 45-year charter member, a local businessman and a community leader. Submitted by CC Terri Kodgis, 14-J District Governor Charlie Poust, Ferguson Township Lions Club (14-G) (left) and Lion Bruce Berkey (right) are shown receiving the prestigious PIP Joseph L. Wroblewski award at the District Convention. Submitted by Lion Bev Corl, Ferguson Township Lions Club, 14-G The Avon Grove Lions Club (14-P) presented two Melvin Jones Fellowship awards at their recent charter night. Lion Brian Coe (left) being presented the award by President Dave Priebe. Lion Jane Frank (right) received the award for her husband, Lion Al Frank, who had suffered a stroke and was unable to attend the event. Pictures submitted by Lion Barry Marteny 14 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania The James E. "Bing" Miller Foundation and the Muhlenberg Lions Club (14-P) combined to grant Quinn Wagner, the nineyear-old granddaughter of a deceased Muhlenberg Lion, $2,000 toward the purchase of an eSight device. She has cone-rod dystrophy and has only peripheral vision. Quinn began her own fundraiser and the money is now available for the purchase. "The eyeware is an innovative, wearable, electronic assistive technology designed specifically for people with low vision. It enhances whatever the user is looking at to maximize the effectiveness of their eyesight. It improves remaining sight and has the potential to have a life-changing impact for many people with low vision." (CNIB website) Lion Zeiler states the device fits over Quinn's prescription glasses and uses a small computer on her hip to complete her field of vision, although there is no color vision. Lion Jerry Zeiler, Muhlenberg Lions Club, contributed the information and noted that the device costs about $15,000. Bryce Anderson, sixth-grader from West Greene Middle School poses with his drug poster which placed first in a contest sponsored by the West Greene Lions Club (14-M). He was awarded $30. Bryce's poster also won first place in the District 14-M contest and he was awarded $200. The Brandywine Lions Club (14-A) recently sponsored the Garnet Valley Leo Club. Pictured with PDG George Spatoulas and Club President, Gerri Towson is Leo Club President, Lauren Husain Submitted by Lion Patty Jones, West Greene Lions Club The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 15 You know you're in Walnut Bottom when you see the bright and shiny historical marker that tells you so! Walnut Bottom, once know as Jacksonville, will celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2019. The need to refurbish the village's historical marker was brought to the attention of the Jacksonville Lions Club (14-C) by Lion Glorianne Hilsinger. The project was adopted as a community service project by the club's members. With the help of the owner of the property on which the sign is located, Luke Martin, the newly sandblasted and repainted sign was installed by Lions Dave Evenhoch, Larry Flood, Scott Glenn, Nathan Grippin, Al Grove, George Hilsinger and neighbor, Luke Martin. Submitted by Lion John Luthy, Secretary The Pin Traders Club of Pennsylvania chose the Beacon Lodge Camp to receive goods donated by Lions at the annual Pin Swap in York. Lions International Trading Pin Club requests that the host of a pin swap select an organization to receive goods brought to the swap. Lions from Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Iowa, California, Canada and the British Isles were in attendance at the pin swap. Submitted by PDG Amos Shatzer, Burnham Lions Club (14-L) Pictured are Tim and Lana McCaulley and Lion Kay and PDG Amos Shatzer The Springfield Lions Club (14-A) donated food baskets to 68 needy Springfield Township families this past Easter. Each basket contained a ham, potatoes, canned vegetables, bread and eggs. Many items were donated by local stores and Lions members. Pictured are Lions Frank Wallace, VDG Jim Beermann, Jerry McCabe, Dave Krauter, Ron Murr, Lisa Tiffany, Frank Udicious, Kurt Schaefer, Robert Loughead and Bill Guttschall. Submitted by Lion Walter Young 16 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania On June 4 the Lions of three multiple districts, 14-E, 14-J and 14-M, gathered in service to honor the 40 heroes of Flight 93 by removing the deer guards from 880 trees in the groves. The event was organized by District Governors Dick Hautz (14-J) and Lance Remic (14-E). 40 Memorial Groves is a planting of 40 trees as a memorial to the 40 heroes of Flight 93. Each grove will contain 40 trees (sugar maple, white oak and elm), for a total of 1,600 trees radiating toward the center of the Field of Honor. Submitted by CC Terri Kodgis, Johnstown West End Lions Club, 14-J Beth Slade of Leader Dogs for the Blind, Rochester, MI (left) speaking at the Leader Dogs for the Blind seminar at the State Convention, Reading, May 20, 2016. The Shippensburg Lions Club (14C) (right) presented a donation of $5,000 for the Leader Dogs for the Blind program. Pictured are President Carmen Zimbicki, Lion Gail Buck, Dutch, the Leader Dog and VDG Kerry McKnight. Submitted by Lion Jim Beres CEO Robert Garrett of North Central Sight Services, Williamsport, accepted a $2,000 check from the Picture Rocks Lions Club (14-G), fulfilling the club's pledge to the association. Pictured is CEO Garrett and Lion Bill Foresman The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 17 Each Memorial Day the York Springs Lions Club (14-C) honors veterans by sponsoring services at the Sunnyside Cemetery, York Springs. The children of the community lay bouquets of flowers at each of the 179 white crosses which are placed by the Lions. Each two-foot cross is scribed with the name and dates of service of each veteran buried in the local cemeteries. The Scouts, who are sponsored by the Lions Club, participate in the service by escorting the American Legion Honor Guard as the Nation's colors are posted. The Scouts also escorted Lions' President Gregory Harbold as he placed a wreath in honor of the veterans and their families. Each year a different time period in history becomes the theme for the service. This year the Revolutionary War was the theme. A skit was presented by Lions members; the cast is shown above. Past President Lion Emory Golden, co-chair of the event, portrayed General George Washington. Submitted by Lion Yolanda Howe, York Springs Lions Club Leo of the Year from the Mon River Fleet Leo Club (14-B) is Breann Barbera who also placed second for the Pennsylvania Leo of the Year award. Leo Breann excelled and demonstrated her leadership ability as secretary of her club. She is a senior at McKeesport Area High School in the Allied Health Program and is a member of MAHS Future Nurses Club and Skills USA. She volunteers for both the Mon River Fleet and White Oak Lions' pancake breakfasts. Submitted by PDG Harold Fletcher, White Oak Lions Club 18 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania Boy Scout Sean Callan, Troop 105, collected 215 pairs of eyeglasses for the Lionville Lions Club (14-P). Submitted by Lion George Brautigam, Secretary Lionville Lions Club Leo Jesse Bolling was named Leo of the Year by DG Robert Mitchell (14-F) at the District Convention at Cross Creek, Titusville. Jesse is a Leo who shows leadership skills, a commitment to community service, a high ethical standard and personal integrity. Leo Club Advisor Angela Tarr said, "I have never met a more serviceminded young man than Jesse Bolling. His work ethic and desire to serve others are second to none in his class. He has been a huge part of our club, first as a member and this year as president." Submitted by Leo Club Advisor, Angela Tarr, Summit Lions Club, 14-F. Pictured are Leo Jesse Bolling, President, Fort LeBoeuf Leo Club; Lion Mary Lou Dubowski, President, Summit Lions Club and District Governor Robert Mitchell (14-F) The Upper Adams Lions Club (14-C) supported the Upper Adams School District's Environmental Education Camp program. During the three-day experience, the Lions helped to prepare and serve lunch and dinner to 180 fifth grade students and their teachers and counselors, thus defraying the rising cost of the program. Pictured (back) Lion President Jane Little, Lion Bob McQuaid, Lion Liz Fair, Jan McQuaid, Lion Helen Rex, Lion Carol Rex and fifth grade students from the Environmental Education Camp program. Submitted by Lion Liz Fair The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 19 Math 24 Several of the Lions Clubs of Beaver County (Ambridge, Baden Economy, Beaver Falls, Chippewa Area, Riverside Area), District 14-N, encouraged the children in Beaver County to participate in a math competition called “Math 24.” Some 200 students, grades four through eight, met at the Midland High School gymnasium for the event. The twenty finalists were later feted by the Lions at a banquet at the Lighthouse for the Blind in New Brighton. They were also given backpacks with “Beaver County Math 24 Finalist 2016” on the back. The object of the game is to make the number 24 from the four numbers printed on the game card. The student may add, subtract, multiply or divide to reach 24. Each number must be used, but only once. There may be more than one solution for each card. The students were divided into groups of four according to grade level and the first student to reach 24 was awarded points according to the difficulty of the card. The points were then added for each student. The winner from each group continued to play until a “sweet sixteen” was reached for each class, then those 80 students were presented a certificate and continued to play until a “final four” was reached. The final four received trophies provided by the Lions clubs. Contributed by Lion Erwin "Chip" Campbell, Riverside Area Lions Club, 14-N The West Greene Area Lions Club (14-M) (below) has sponsored the Weekend Food Program at the West Greene School District for several years. This project sends food home on the weekends to children who lack food then. The program is not federally funded and exists through private donations. Pictured are Kimberly Grimes, Thelma Szarell (West Greene School District Superintendent), Betty Stammerjohn (Director, Community Foundation of Greene County) and Lion Patty Jones of the West Greene Lions Club. Submitted by Lion Patty Jones McKeesport Lions Club (14-B) worked with the postal workers to print and distribute bags to local homes for residents to fill with non-perishable foods to be collected during the Postal Workers' National Food Drive. Club members then assisted in collecting and sorting the bags for distribution to local area food banks and pantries. An estimated 20,000 pounds of food were collected. Lion Chuck Jarrell, a retired postal worker, coordinated the effort for the McKeesport area. Submitted by Lion Annette James 20 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania Eshleman IV, Lion Richard S. and Lion Lori A. Thank you to these 2015 - 2016 Pride Boosters. Your support is greatly appreciated as we aid in the publication and promotion of community activities, service projects and other charitable contributions by the Lions Clubs of Pennsylvania. ~A~ Acalotto, PDG Dominic G. and Anita Adams, Lion Harry E. and Jean S. Fronk Alexander, Lion Eric M. Anonymous Ardrey, PDG James W. and Trudy Austin, Lion David E. and Lion Sally J. ~B~ Baiera, Lion Nancy Baker, Lion Cathy G. Balieu, PDG Art P. Bare, PDG Larry and Lion Louanna K. Beacon Lodge Camp for the Blind Belles, Lion George R. and Lion Mary Ann Benedict, PCC Steve N. and Lion Sue Bielecki, PDG James J. and Barbara Bittig, PDG John W. "Jack" Brezna, Lion Stephen G. and Lion Deb Brown, Lion Bill Brubaker, PDG James E. and Phyllis Bucolo, Lion Christ J. Buonadonna, Lion Maria J. Burk, Lion Gene L. ~C~ Canan, PDG Neil M. and Lion Phyllis Chapman, PDG Gerald L. and Lion Sue Chunko, PDG Joseph J. and Lion Helen L. Coalport Lions Club Crawley, VDG James E. and Rose Croom, Lion John R. Crose, Lion Anita L. Cunningham, PDG Linda ~D~ Davis, PDG Jim and Lion Pat Day, PCC James A. and Connie Deloy, Lion Diana DelViscio, Lion Eileen and Lion Michael Drake, PDG Kerry and Lion Joanne C. ~E~ Earley, Lion Donald R. and Annabelle Edwards, PDG Larry L. and Lion Susan L. Elsner, PDG Robert L. and Harriett ~F~ Finney, PDG Charles A. and Joanne Kay Folkomer, Lion Timothy H. and Beth Foresman, Lion William J. Fouse, In memory of Lion Bill Fouse, VDG Kathy Fowler, Lion William H. and Kathy Fridenvalds, PCC Gus V. and Lion Gail Fusco, Lion Rita In memory of PID "Teddy" Fusco ~G~ Gadaleta, Lion Joseph and Lion Phyllis Gauthier, PDG Nancy E. and Lion Dave Gibala, VDG Linda K. and PDG Don Good, PDG Lester R. and Lion Dorie Greenlee, Lion Barrett G. and Lion/Lioness Sara P. Gregg, PID Cindy and PDG Tom Griffin, PDG Frances O. Grossman, Lion George F. Gundrum, Jr., PDG Carl D. and Lion Cindy Gundrum, Sr., PDG Carl D. and Lion Shirley M. ~H~ Halbfoerster, PDG William J. Hammond, Lion Richard G. Harper, Lion Charles E. Harris, PDG Sherrill "Bud" and Lion Joan Haubrich, PDG Thomas L. and Lioness Beatrice Heck, Lion Denise Higinbotham, PDG James and Lioness Olive Hite, PDG Wilbert L. and PDG Delores I. Holland, PDG John C. Holzer, VDG Bernadette K. and Lion Robert Hoover, Lion Leroy D. ~I~ Isabella, PDG Frederick L. and Lion Mary Lou Ivell, Lion James E. and Lion Betty Lou Jenkins, Lioness Nettie ~J~ ~K~ Keener, PCC Charles J. and Lion Deborah Lutz Kennell, Robert and Mary Kilgore, Lion Eugene M. and Doris Kilvitis, DG Richard and Lion Mary Kodgis, CC Terri and VDG Ron Kratzer, PDG John C. and Lion Peggy Krawlzik, Lion Joseph and Lion “Dee Dee” Kristiniak, DG Estella and Lion Theodore Kucsan, PDG Robert S. and PDG April Rose Kuntz, Lion Donald A. The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 21 ~L~ Ladner, PDG Scott E. and Lion Joyce Laughman, Lion Mark L. Leister, Lion Raymond and Lion Margaret R. LeLack, PCC Michael A. Lepa, Lion Mary Ann Lloyd, PDG Kenneth H. and Mary C. ~M~ Marchand, Lion Kirby R. and Barb Masco, Lion/Lioness Irene McCarl, PCC Brian B. and Lion Kristin McComas, Lion Robert A., State Administrator McElwee, PDG Jimmie A. and PDG Elizabeth McElwee, PDG Lizanne McGaughey, PDG Jack B. and Carol L. McKinley, PDG Fred B. McLaughlin, PDG William E. Miller, Lion Emily Miller, Lion Joyce M. Miller, PDG Barry L. Miller, PDG Larry D. Milligan, PDG Robert and PDG Joan Milligan, Lion Theresa R. Mizenko, Lion Diane and VDG Mark Mollencott, Lion Lily J. Morton, PDG Charles J. and Lion Anita K. Moyer, PDG Paul A. and Lion Ardith F. Mundorff, PDG Cecil M. and Lion Lois J. Murphy, Jr., Lion John W. ~N~ Nace, Jr., Lion Ervin W. Nicholson, Lion Mildred L. Nier, Lion Ronald C. and Connie ~O~ Oberlin, Lion Richard B. and Nancy Oesterling, Sr., PCC Samuel H. and Constance Ott, Lion Barbara D. ~P~ Paluch, PDG Francis Paul, PDG Dalton E. and Julie Potteiger, PDG Larry D. (Pride Founder, 1978) Poust, DG Charlie R. Preston, PDG Scott J. and Lion Lila J. Punchard, PDG Evan C. ~R~ Rager, PDG Harold E. and Roberta Rebovich, Lion Barbara A. Reichert, Lion Gerald C. and Lion Kathryn Ridder, PDG Thomas A. and DG Kathy Rohrbach, Lion Wallace and Lion/Lioness June Royer, Lion C. Wendell ~S~ Saloom, PDG Gloria and Lion Dr. Albert Sampson, VDG David and Lion Linda M. Sandy, Lion Paul R. 22 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania Scaff, Lion/Lioness Marilyn Schriner, PDG Paul S. and PDG Shirley J. Seeger, Lion Janet M. Shepherd, Lion Roger B. Shook, Lion Richard G. Sinclair, PDG Gordon and Lion Rosie Slaczka, Lion Henry C. Smith, Lion Barbara A. Smith, Lion Frances I. Sojak, PDG Cassy and Lion Al Sopko, Lion Thomas J. Sprole, PDG Dr Donald Q. and Shirley Stevens, Lion Wayne D. and Lioness Diane L. Stevenson, DG Kim H. and Diane Sverchek, Lion Mark A. and Lion Anne Swank, VDG Robin E. Sweeney, Sr., PCC Christopher J. and Rita Sweger, PDG Rodney W. and Lion Joyce Swincinski, PCC Dan and Lion Ann ~T~ Tinsmith, PDG Richard and Laurel Tosh, PDG Marylin J. and Lion Mary A. Stefanski Towson, PDG Gerri Trump, PDG P. Frederick and Charlotte ~V ~ Van Zandt, PDG Pete R. and Lion Nancy Vores, Lion Charles R. and Lion Darlene Suders Wenger, Lion Charles L. ~W~ ~Z~ Zakos, Jr., Lion Robert S. Zeger, PDG James C. and Lioness Linda Zimmerman, Lion Donald W. 2015—2016 Pennsylvania State Council of Governors Name Lions Club District Email Address CC Terri Kodgis (VDG Ron) Estella Kristiniak (Ted) Johnstown West End Northampton 14-J 14-A tkodgis@atlanticbb.net lionestella@verizon.net PDG Joseph Donkin John Griffie, Jr. (Lisa) Kathy Ridder (PDG Tom) Lance Remic (Amanda) H. Robert Mitchell (VDG Janet) Charles Poust (Nancy) Gene Scagliotti (Donna) Richard Hautz (Carol) VCC Karen M. Brady (Tim) PDG Bill Higgins, Jr. (Amy) Gloria Schmalz Kim Stevenson (Diane) Central Elizabeth New Oxford West Earl Slickville Summit Ferguson Township Scott Township Adams Township Bethlehem Township Bedford Greater Canonsburg Volant 14-B 14-C 14-D 14-E 14-F 14-G 14-H 14-J 14-K 14-L 14-M 14-N pdg92932@aol.com jgriffiejr47@gmail.com eunice@ptd.net lremic@hotmail.com daddiepop@aol.com crp44@comcast.net scagsj@yahoo.com hautzra@comcast.net kbrady@northampton.edu bill@billhigginsjr.net gschmalz409@comcast.net ktrainkim@aol.com Kenneth R. Snyder (Linda Mellinger) Salli A. Miller (Eric Stentzel) Ken Mims Central Berks Lower Paxton Township Milford 14-P 14-T 14-U kenwapiti@comcast.net lionsalliamiller@gmail.com kjm080556@gmail.com Richard Kilvitis (Mary) Avoca 14-W richard.kilvitis@comcast.net Pennsylvania Lions 2015 – 2016 Pennsylvania State Pin Order Form 2016 State Pin 2016 Prestige Pin Name _____________________________________________ Street Address ______________________________________ City _______________________ State _______ Zip ________ State Pin (on left) Prestige Pin (on right) No. _____ @ $2.00 No. _____ @ $3.00 Sub Total Plus 6% state sales tax Shipping cost Total due $ $ $ $ $ $ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Make checks payable to: Pennsylvania Lions Return form and check to: Pennsylvania Lions State Office 949 East Park Drive Harrisburg, PA 17111 Shipping costs: $15.00 or under add $3.95 $15.01 to $30.00 add $5.25 $30.01 to $55.00 add $6.50 The PRIDE of Pennsylvania - 23 Mailing Address PA State Council of Lions Clubs 949 East Park Drive Harrisburg PA 17111 Be a Pride Booster in 2015-2016 We need your support to continue spreading the news of the Lions of Pennsylvania For a $5.00 donation (per line) you name will be printed in the April/May/June 2016 issue of The Pride and it will help to promote the community activities, service projects and other charitable contributions of the PA Lions Clubs. Make your donation of $5.00 per line, payable to The Pride (and send it to) 949 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111-2910 _______________________________________________________________________ Last NameFirst NameMiddle Initial _______________________________________________________________________ Street Address _______________________________________________________________________ CityStateZip _______________________________________________________________________ DistrictClub Your Title ID IP PCC PDG DG VDG Lion Lioness Leo __________________________________________________________________________ Spouse/Partner’s Name Spouse/Partner’s Title ID IP PCC PDG DG VDG Lion Lioness Leo If two names, please indicate � 1 line � 2 separate lines Thank you for your support! 24 - The PRIDE of Pennsylvania __________ Amount enclosed