2011 Newsletter


2011 Newsletter
The Only Independent Relief and Development
Organization of the Airline Industry
Child Trafficking
100,000 to 300,000 domestic minors are forced into sexual slavery and over
800,000 victims are trafficked across international borders annually. Many of these
are transported on commercial air carriers. Airline Ambassadors is bringing one
of the greatest human rights issues of our time to the airline industry. Many thanks
to Congressman Chris Smith and Joe Pitts for helping us spearhead awareness on
this issue and Gov. McDonnell for support taking our training to the public.
AAI and Traffick 911 provided a free training at DFW Airport before the Superbowl to alert crews to the potential of trafficking. Airline employees are a frontline
of defense for this horrific crime.
The First Lady of the Dominican Republic developed a portal on Human Trafficking to launch prior to U.N. General Assembly. AAI honored this effort with a
special reception co-sponsored by South South News.
To complement our commitment, we are also building “safe houses” at five locations in Haiti to protect victims of human trafficking. Join us on a humanitarian
missions to or look at our website www.airlineamb.org for how to join us taking a
stand against modern day slavery.
Japan Relief
When an 8.9 earthquake
and devastating tsunami
hit Japan, one of the most
developed countries in the
world, we collectively realized our human vulnerability and common humanity.
Airline teams sprang into
action, hand delivering
thousands of pounds of aid
in just the first few weeks
after the disaster. Crews
brought “Omyyagi” (gifts)
on nearly every flight to
friends and family which were received often with tears of
gratitude. Corey Aungst led an AAI first response team to
establish a system for flight attendants support to relief efforts throughout Japan. Fed Ex helped transport 22 pallets
of emergency relief from our partner, Missions Unlimited
in response to the first call for help. (continued pg. 2)
New AAI Rotary JFK Club!
AAI shares the philosophy of “service above self ” with Rotary and
offers our members the opportunity to join our new Rotary E Club.
Members will interact on the Club’s website twice a month to share
ideas on humanitarian projects. They can attend Rotary Club meetings anywhere in the world, and identify matching funds for our
projects from Rotary International Foundation. Join us!
Airline Ambassadors leverages airline contacts to Protect, Sustain and Provide for children via our
training, escort and humanitarian missions programs. Please join us bringing Compassion into Action!
President’s Page
Escort News
Mission News
Special Events & News
2011 Highlights
Countries visited ##
Escorts Completed ##
Aid Delivered ## million lbs
Impacting #### Children
International Board
of Advisors
Dr. Patch Adams
Founder and President, Gesundheit! Institute
Joaquin Antuna
President Paz y Cooperación
H. E. Inocencio Arias
Ambassador of Spain
Ken Behring
Founder, Wheelchair Foundation
Dr. Noel Brown
Special Advisor,
U.N. Environment Programme
Deepak Chopra
Physician, Philosopher, Author
Lou D’Amore
President, International Institute for
Peace Through Tourism
Lourdes Rodriguez de Flores
Former First Lady of El Salvador
Francesco Frangialli
World Tourism Organization
H.E. and Mrs. Luis Gallegos
Ambassador of Ecuador
Peter Greenberg
Award Winning Journalist
Val Halemendaris
President, Caring Institute
Prateep Unsongtham Hata
Founder. Duang Prateep Foundation
Kumar Ketkar
Editor, Maharashtra Times
Annette Lantos
Director, Congressional Human Rights Caucus
Geoffrey Lipman
Past President, World Travel and Tourism
H.E. Francis Lorenzo
Ambassador of the Dominican Republic
Dr. Robert Muller
Under Secretary-General, United Nations (Ret.)
Dr. Wally N’Dow
Secretary-General, United Nations Habitat II
Ana Ligia Mixco de Saca
First Lady of El Salvador
Maria Beatriz Paret de Palacio
Former First Lady of Ecuador
A Message from the President
- Nancy Rivard
“Love All – Serve All” was a basic precept taught by the
great saint Sathya Sai Baba, who left his body on Easter
Sunday 2011. Sai Baba first came to me in a dream in
1983. I traveled to India to meet him, and he encouraged me to ‘bring love into action’ in a way that would
impact thousands of people. His inspiration led to the
founding of Airline Ambassadors as an infrastructure for
ordinary people to bring compassion into action. May
each of us remember as we go about our lives, that we
are One Life – One Love, and to “Love All - Serve All.”
Japan Relief continued
Our Humanitarian Alliance of nine NGO’s, business and airlines created a fluid supply chain to meet the
needs and deliver aid directly to the devastated areas. AAI members collected aid which was delivered to
two Japanese charities, Hands on Tokyo and Second Harvest Japan. Distribution was supported by over
250 Japanese churches to deliver the aid to shelters in the devastated areas. With a third major earthquake
hitting Japan on July 9, airline crews are continuing to relay in needed items on Narita layovers An updated list of needs can be found at www.airlineamb.org
THANK YOU to the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) and the Association of Flight
Attendants (AFA), Hawaiian and United Airlines for their support. We appreciate the Humanitarian
Alliance including Aerobridge, Airlink, Al Nippon Airlines, Eagles Wing Foundation, Fed Ex, Hands on
Tokyo, Points of Light, Foundation, Second Harvest Japan, Yusen Logistics and many more.
Children’s Escort Program:
Our Children’s Escort Program provides a way for flight attendants to
provide a loving companion to children to receive donated medical care
not available in their home communities:
200 Children from Ukraine and Latvia!
In June, Margaret Whitehead, Merrilly Dickenson and Connie Faberman
worked furiously to coordinate one of the most complicated escorts we
have ever attempted. Over 22 AAI escorts helped transport 200 orphans
from Russia and the Ukraine to come to the US for a month vacations.
The young teenagers came to stay with foster families all around the US
for summer vacation. The hope was that the kids would be adopted.
Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris
Author, Biologist
Hiroo Saionji
President, World Peace Prayer Society
Daniel Sheth
MSD Capital
Dame Livia Sylva
Comite de excellence Europeenne
Reverend Desmond M. Tutu
Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town
Margaret Whitehead
AAi Children’s Escort Program
In October 2010, flight attendant Lori Goldschmidt escorted
Hussein Yasser, a 15 year old Iraqi boy, from Kuwait all the
way to Los Angeles. “What an amazing kid!!! He is super smart
and funny and, above all, one of the bravest people I’ve ever
met.” (Lori Goldschmidt) Hussein was returning to the U.S.
to undergo more reconstructive surgery for injuries after stepping on a land mine.
ESCORT NEWS Children’s Escort Program:
David Coleman escorted 18 year-old Santos from Guatemala City to St. Louis to receive surgery
to correct his club foot. As is often the case with these experiences, David found that this trip gave
him a different perspective on life. “While I know that what I do is important to the children that I
escort, these children help me more than I help them. Talking with these children about their families,
hopes and dreams has helped me realize how easy I’ve always had it.” (David Coleman)
Masako “Bunny” Doi escorted Alex (12), Frank (11) and Aurelie (6) from
Cameroon to Atlanta, Georgia. The children were reunited with their
mother, who had come to the U.S. ahead of her children to get established
and save enough money to bring them over. Masako “Bunny” Doi raved
“Whether we are escorting children for medical treatments or reuniting families
to start a new life in America, it’s a wonderful experience and opportunity to
give without expecting anything in return.”
(Masako “Bunny” Doi)
Julie Riley escorted Yeffre Ovando, (10) back home to Honduras after
several months in the U.S. for medical attention to his prosthetic leg. “The experience was
just really incredible. I was so glad to have been able to accompany Yeffre.” (Julie Riley)
Kathy Gonzalez escorted Hongsheng Zhou (13) from Beijing
to Dallas for facial and cranial reconstructive surgery in August
2010. “He was such a delightful young man; although he carried
a visor to cover his face, he really was not embarrassed or shy.”
(Kathy Gonzalez) Kathy is eagerly awaiting the day she will get
to see Hongsheng again! “I can’t wait to return him to Beijing a
new young man after all of his facial surgeries are complete…
I know I will always have a special place in my heart for
Hongsheng Zhou.”
Rashida Kapasi escorted 11 yr. old Edwidge Sambare from New York to
Paris for surgery on his brain tumor. Having been a pediatric nurse for 20
years, Rashida jumps at the chance to serve as an escort for children seeking
medical attention. “Anytime I can be of help to these little kids I take the opportunity. They are just the sweetest things—and so happy!” (Rashida Kapasi)
Dania Petrosyan, Oksana Leontera and Anastasia Perentyeva were escorted
by flight attendant Carolyn Britain from Frankfurt to Newark. The girls
were participants in a program that places orphans with American host
families for the holiday season. “I always get so much more than I give when I do an escort.
These kids teach me so much about what’s important in life…It’s a privilege to be able to spend
some time with these children and escort them.” (Carolyn Britain)
AAI’s work is inspired by the United Nations Millennium Development Goals
supported on our worldwide missions.
Each month you can connect directly to children in need. Please join us on a Journey of the Heart!
Rachel Martinez led our effort
in Buenos Aires, Argentina
to support El Hornerito
Children’s Soup Kitchen and
the Maria Cecilia Foundation
(a children’s cancer clinic).
At the soup kitchen, volunteers spent time doing arts and
crafts, and shared the children’s excitement at receiving
gifts from Papa Noel. At the
Maria Cecilia Foundation they donated requested medications and
supplies for children undergoing treatment. “I have been leading this
mission to Buenos Aires for over nine years, and the relationships and
friendships I have built within the projects that we support are priceless.” (Rachel Martinez)
Thank you to Emma Blaxter and the Threshold Foundation, AAI
was able to provide a roof on a school in the village of Kep, providing a place for study impacting hundreds of children. Deb Quigley
spearheaded AAI efforts to Cambodia in support of 230 orphans
at the Future Light Orphanage outside of Phnom Penh and New
Hope Community Centre, a safe house for girls and women in jeopardy of trafficking and forced prostitution. She has led several teams
to sponsor children and support community development projects
and the “Child Safe” program to protect children.
Corey Aungst led AAI’s first mission to Chile after the devastating 8.9 earthquake and tsunami. The Chilean government had
not asked for help and the AAI team found the neighborhood in
Caucenes (epicenter if the quake) still in devastating need. Many of
the houses were completely collapsed. Riveted by compassion for 9
year old cancer patient, Nicolas, whose house had no roof, the team
made a promise to build he and his family a house. They returned 6
months later when the house was almost complete. “We’re still working on finishing a house for Nicolas, but we’re so excited to be able to do
this for him.” (Corey Aungst)
Costa Rica
The Sutherland family went to Costa Rica on a family vacation
to make a difference. They visited the Sibu Sanctuary, a private
sanctuary that saves monkeys injured by uninsulated electrical wires.
“When we left Chicago for Costa Rica, our boys dreamed of being NFL
stars—since their return, they now dream of running their own animal
sanctuary in Costa Rica!” (Jill Sutherland) They also helped refurbish
a small local school, with a new “look” by painting some exterior
walls. The trip was life-changing for the Sutherland’s. “This experience has forever changed the way we will take family vacations in the
future.” (Jill Sutherland)
Dominican Republic
Daniel Sheth led three missions to the Dominican Republic, to
provide support to Orfanato Ninos y Ninas de Cristo orphanage
and home to 172 children. Teams supported overall needs of food
security, infrastructure, child welfare and education by delivering
food, clothing, supplies and toys and even built a playground for the
kids. They each had a rewarding experience meeting the orphanage’s
needs, immersing themselves in the culture and spending time playing with the children. “Smiles never left these sweet children’s faces.”
(Daniel Sheth)
In Ethiopia, the AAI team provided education and supplies via
mobile libraries to one of the most
vulnerable areas of the nation.
Besides supporting education
efforts, wheelchairs equipped for
the rugged terrain were also delivered “The children are so incredibly
appreciative of the educational
opportunity that they are given.
And the wheelchairs do more
than simply allow them to move
around—they provide a sense of
pride associated with the ability
to be self-sufficient.” (Corey Aungst)
Mark Fangue and Liz Allen
led a team of 22 volunteers
to Guatemala to visit Fair
Trade artisans and bring aid
to underprivileged Mayan women and children.
The team installed clean
burning stoves for Mayan
women. They also worked
with women whose husbands had been killed in the Mayan genocide, buying their products to be sold through Exotic World Gifts.
The team also brought laptops to a community center, enhancing
education amongst the children. “Our passion is to empower
people to have a sustainable income and a better education for
their children.” (Mark Fangue)
at All God’s Children Orphanage as they connected live to students
in Pennsylvania, thanks to the initiative of Corey Aungst. Ruth
Matranga’s team resulted in THREE street children, being adopted
or sponsored, changing the future forever for three Haiti Street
Kids, little John, Keisha and Bendy Soloman. AAI’s current focus
for mission trips is to support Zamni Beni – Project Blessing,
providing care and support for 50 disabled children abandoned at
the General Hospital after the earthquake. Thank you to 13 year
old Brett Halverson who collected six duffle bags of toys and hand
delivered them to the orphange as his Eagle Scout project. Check
out our website for the next trip!
Corey Aungst , Sandy
Dhurvetter and Dr Kate
Jewell were part of our first
response effort after the
earthquake and hit Japan.
Their team coordinated for
an AAI office, warehouse,
and set up a system to support two Japanese charities.
Kudos to Tracy Thompson
from Hawaiian Airlines
who coordinated truckloads of donations and Aerobridge for
help transporting these. Also many thanks to the Marilyn Tam and
Us who helped raise money for Japan Relief with a Benefit Concert
featuring Yungchen Lhamo. Dr Kate Jewell returned to Narita in
May to solidify a system for flight attendants to continue bringing
needed items on their layovers for distribution by Hands on Tokyo.
The ongoing program is coordinated by Narita Excel Tokyu crew
manager Steven Samuels and a list of the latest needed items can be
found at www.airlineamb.org
Volunteer missions provided humanitarian assistance to Mirebelais,
Port au Prince and Croix de Bouquette providing support to three
orphanages, women’s and athletic and medical programs, as well as
establishing the first “virtual classroom” in Haiti. Kids faces lit up
Rebecca Gahman led
a total of 8 missions
to Mexico supporting Hogar de Ninos
orphanage and they
made their mark improving 80 lives. These
teams provided food,
clothing, educational
supplies, and even paid
the orphanage electricity bills. Trips gave members a taste of Baja California, with spas and
horseback riding as well as MexicanCuisine and the opportunity to
truly make a difference.
Corey Aungst led trips to Nicaragua supporting local schools,
and establishing a sponsorship
program. “Enoc, my ‘adopted child’
through the informal sponsor child
program, has come out of his shell
since the sponsorship began. It has
given Enoc a new sense of hope.”
(Corey Aungst) Danielle de Bouffant fell in love with Nicaragua
and escorted aid there on two
trips, purchasing a cow for a family, and providing a small microloan. The family was so grateful,
they affectionately named the cow “Danielle”. She returned
to also visit a maternity ward in the mountains and deliver
blankets and hygiene items and teach the women to crochet.
“The women at the maternity home have nothing, no blankets, for
the baby, no toys….some of them can’t even read.” (Danielle de
Membership Application
Take advantage of tax incentives and join or donate by 12/31
Name (print)
Mailing Address
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Airline or Company
I would like to donate:
One - time
Payment Type
Card #
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(cut along dotted line)
Mail to: 1020 16th St NW - Suite 603 • Washington, DC. 20036
South Africa
In South Africa our teams delivered school supplies and other
education materials to school and foster home in Joannesburg
and helped construct a day care in the Zulu village of
Nkundusi. “The day care, and being able to receive an education
in general, gives these kids the sense that they can do anything.”
(Corey Aungst).
866-ANGEL 86
Airline Ambassadors provides humanitarian aid to children and families in
need and international relief and development to under-privileged
communities throughout the world. AAI is a non-profit 501(c) (3)
charity and all donations are fully tax deductible.
Please join us bringing Compassion Into Action!
United States
Missions Unlimited is one of AAI’s
humanitarian partners, thank you to
all who donated for Alabama relief.
“Wednesday, April 27th, I was awakened
by a phone call at 6:00 am and learned I
had received major damage to my building
and that my roof was lying in the street and
my parking area was completely covered
with debris. We immediately mobilized
192 volunteers who received, packed and delivered relief supplies to
our community. Over 600,000 servings of food and 500 tents and
tarps have passed through these doors along with several thousand
diapers and wipes. It will take months and even years to heal the
wounds of the destruction left from these monstrous tornadoes. May
God Bless and lets rebuild together!” (Ken Key, President Missions
AAI’s last newsletter reported that Andy Valenzuelas had delivered
instruments to Colombia and actually these instruments were
delivered to Ecuador and Haiti. Sorry for mis-communication.
SPECIAL events & news
Champions Visit Chile with UNICEF
Champions Silvia Sepulveda of Santiago, Chile, and
Aimee Doe of Redondo Beach, California,
Airline Ambassadors proudly supports the Champions for Children
program on American Airlines. Last year volunteer flight attendants
collected $1.6M for UNICEF by collecting change from passengers. They voted that a portion of these funds go to support those
suffering in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Chile and traveled to see the first-hand the impact of their collections. The group
visited families living in temporary shelters that benefited from the
installation of water and sanitation facilities and received new toys,
books and back-to-school bags. Rachel Martinez, AAI’s Mission
Coordinator, works as a Program Officer at the US Embassy and
organized a visit for the group while they were in Santiago.
Youth Ambassador Program
Sienna Sloane and her mom, Anita, represented Airline
Ambassadors at the United Nations Press Conference to
launch the 2011 Paz y Cooperacion School Competition.
Each year, AAI cosponsors this competition inviting students and teachers from around the world to reflect upon
a global issue. Over 1 Million students have participated
in this competition so far. This year’s theme is “Peace and
Reconciliation”. Sienna involved her Girl Scout troop in
support of AAI humanitarian efforts in Mexico and now
she is mobilizing her peers to participate in this global
competition. Many thanks to our SFO Regional Director,
Anita Sloane, and her daughter Sienna, our dynamic Youth
Anita & Sienna Sloan with friends at the UN holding the
Peace and Reconciliation Posters.
In Memoriam
It is with great sadness that we report the loss of
two dear colleagues in Haiti. Pola Antoine was
the loving matriarch of Delmas 33, AAI’s base for
six months following the earthquake. She died of
natural causes at the hospital in Port au Prince.
(Shown here with our Haitian team outside her
home.). Renel Costume, our partner in child
protection, died in a tragic accident. He was
Commissioner for the Brigade for Protection of
Minors and a beacon of integrity and strength to
all who knew him. Renel presented at our DFW
Training and is shown here studying our Human
Trafficking brochure. Our hearts and prayers to
out to the families of these dedicated Haitians.
First Class Mail
1020 16th St NW - Suite 603
Washington, DC. 20036
Thank YOU to our supporters!
*Belinda Stronach Foundation
Austin Community Foundation
*United Airlines
* Henry Schei
Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute -FAMRI
Thank you to our friends at Hawaiian Airlines,
and the Humanitarian Alliance!
Yele Haiti Foundation
AAI extends sincere appreciation for airfare and freight to assist the Japan relief
effort and mobilizing the supply chain from the US to Japan.
We find solutions when we move from Competition to Collaboration.
The Cosac Foundation
Hannah’s Heart Foundation
Andrew Hee.
Robert Platek
Nancy Rivard
Daniel Sheth
Southern Iowa Economic Association Hannah Teter
Thomas Workman
American Airlines
Austin Community Foundation
Brian Frank
Glen Fuhrman
Intl. Society of Aircraft Trading – ISTAT
Ben Massey
Leslie Sosnowski
*(in kind contributions)
You can get PAID for Texting!
A Long Term Commitment in Haiti
Dave Rivard, AAI board, with the BPM
(Bureau for the Protection of Minors)
outside a safehouse at Miraguan
After a tidal wave of initial response to the
earthquake in Haiti, many NGO’s pulled out
due to extreme difficulties, disease, expense
and corruption. Bravo to AAI’s Dave Rivard,
who has continued AAI’s 15 year commitment
and overseen our work to strengthen child
protection. With UNICEF’s support, he is
overseeing Airline Ambassadors construction
of safe houses for trafficked children and office
facilities for the Brigade for the Protection of
Minors (Haitian National Police) at seven sites
throughout Haiti. Construction volunteers
are still needed. If you are up for an adventure
and making a long term difference, email Dave
Rivard at davidarivard@gmail.com.
Deb Quigley, our Honolulu Regional Director,
and retired United Airlines Customer Service
identified little Somnang in Cambodia in 2009.
Because of her action, Somnang is now in a safe
house in Siem Riep with a new mother and 8
brothers and sisters (who were also vulnerable and
abandoned).This launched our involvement in the
issue of child trafficking and advocacy for child
AAI members are encouraged
to “Textango” and get paid
for texting! Simply, download
the Tex Tango application on your phone. The
application will attach a small banner advertisement into the message based on your preferences.
Textango will also donate money to Airline AmAAI Hawaii Regional Director,
Deborah Quigley and Somnang
bassadors per text message delivered. The money
Deb and special agent Floy Turner, (who trains law
earned is paid out on a debit card on a monthly
basis. Make some extra cash, and help raise money enforcement for Amber Alert and child protection) spent countless volunteer hours
writing the first draft of our human trafficking training. Bravo!
to fund our human trafficking training!