August - The American Association of Immunologists


August - The American Association of Immunologists
PHONE: 301-634-7178 ΠFAX: 301-634-7887
American Association of
Dr. Swain Assumes AAI
President’s Post
Susan Swain, Ph.D. (AAI ‘77),
embarked on her one-year
term as AAI President effective July 1, 2004, succeeding
Laurie H. Glimcher, M.D.
Elected to the AAI Council in
1999, Dr. Swain is director of
the Trudeau Institute in Saranac
Lake, NY, and a widely recognized authority on immunological memory. A recipient of the NIH Merit Award, Dr.
Swain, together with her colleagues, explores immunebased strategies to combat cancer, tuberculosis, AIDS, and
other life-threatening diseases through the development of
effective vaccines. Her most recent work has illuminated
how memory cells, which protect against re-infection,
develop and how vaccines may more effectively address the
impact of aging on immunological memory generation.
The Trudeau Institute has experienced significant success
and growth under her leadership. Since Dr. Swain’s 1996
debut as director, the institute has more than doubled its
faculty, expanded its facilities by nearly 40%, and attracted
a tripling of NIH grant funding support.
Dr. Swain has chaired and served as an invited scientific
speaker at numerous AAI annual meeting symposia. She
has chaired AAI’s Nominating, Program, and (defunct)
Travel Awards Committee, and served on AAI’s Committee
on the Status of Women. She is a past section editor for The
Journal of Immunology and has authored over 170 leading
journal articles. Swain received her B.A. in Biology from
Oberlin College and her Ph.D. in Immunology from Harvard
Medical School.
2. Janeway Memorial Fund Launched at Yale University
3. Glimcher Postdoc Initiative Gains NIAID Backing
3. AAI Intro Course Succeeds Again at U Penn
6. Members in the News
8. In Memoriam: Paul H. Silverman, Ph.D., D.Sc.
9. AAI Welcomes New Members
House Committee Approves NIH Funding for FY
2005; AAI Testimony Urged Larger Increase
In July, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor,
Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies,
approved legislation providing a 2.6% increase in funding
for NIH for FY 2005. If enacted into law, this belowinflation increase, which was included in the President’s FY
2005 budget for NIH, would be the lowest percentage
increase that NIH has received in almost twenty years.
This small funding increase, which was also approved by
the full House Appropriations Committee, would bring the
NIH budget to a total of $28.5 billion for the fiscal year
beginning in October 2004. NIH estimates that, after adjusting
for the increased cost of research (estimated at approximately
3.5%), the proposed budget would require NIH to decrease
the number of new and competing grants by 640.
The full House of Representatives is likely to approve this
legislation in the fall. AAI is hopeful that the Senate will
provide a larger increase, forcing the House to agree to a higher
funding level during bicameral conference negotiations.
In the spring, AAI submitted testimony to the Congress
urging an increase of 10% for NIH for FY 2005. A copy of
AAI’s testimony to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education,
and Related Agencies begins on page 3.
see Focus: AAI Testimony, p. 4
AAI Annual Meeting Photos from
EB 2004 in W
ashington, D.C.
begin on p. 14.
10. Photo Highlights: 2004 AAI Public Service Awards
13. State Department Launches Jefferson Science Fellowships
14. Photo Highlights: AAI Annual Meeting at EB 2004
20. Grant-Related News
22. Meeting Announcements
25. AAI Regular, Trainee Membership Applications
31. AAI 2005 Awards: Call for Nominations/Applications
11/3/2004, 2:37 PM
The American
Association of
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The Journal of Immunology
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Susan L. Swain, PhD
Vice President
Paul M. Allen, PhD
It is now over a year since we lost our irreplaceable friend Charles A. Janeway, Jr.
Charlie, a former President of the AAI, passed away last April after a prolonged battle
with brain lymphoma. His colleagues at Yale and the worldwide scientific community
continue to miss him. We were moved and impressed both by his resilience and continuing
contributions to the field of immunology during the course of his disease. As we reflect on
his life, however, we should not have been surprised. His dedication was enormous, and
his contributions incomparable. Charlie’s legacy remains, in current concepts and
paradigms, in his trainees in academic and technological institutions throughout the
world, and in the intellectual shape and design of his textbook, “Immunology, the Immune
System in Health and Disease”.
Steven J. Burakoff, MD
Lewis L. Lanier, PhD
Olivera J. Finn, PhD
Arthur Weiss, MD, PhD
Betty A. Diamond, MD
Executive Director
M. Michele Hogan, PhD
Senior Administrative Assistant
Pamela Booth
Executive Assistant to the Director
Michael W. Cuddy
Director of Public Policy &
Government Affairs
Lauren G. Gross, J.D.
To honor Charlie and to help support his legacy, we created the Charles A. Janeway Jr.
Memorial Fund in the Section of Immunobiology at Yale. Because of his contributions to
the AAI, and his stature as a pioneering theoretician and contributor to our field, we at
Yale thought that the membership of the AAI might like to join us in honoring Charlie, by
giving as generously as possible to this endowment. In keeping with Charlie’s legacy and
commitment to education, this fund will be used to support one or more Charles A.
Janeway Jr. Scholarships for graduate students in Immunobiology at Yale. The
scholarships will be awarded each year to our best students, selected as the winners of an
internal competition.
If this brief article inspires you to support the fund, please send your tax-deductible
contribution in the form of a personal check addressed to Yale University. In either a
covering letter or in the memo field of the check, please mention the Janeway Fund.
Contributions should be sent to: Tommy Williams, Development Officer, Yale University
School of Medicine, Office of Development and Alumni Affairs, P.O. Box 7611, New
Haven, CT 06519-1714. In addition, if you have questions or need assistance in making
your gift, please feel free to contact Tommy Williams at (203) 737-1116 or at
Meetings & Program Manager
Michelle Horton
Director of Publications
Ann M. Link
Director of Finance
Jan C. Massey, C.P.A.
In anticipation, we’d like to thank you for your support.
Peter Cresswell and Richard A. Flavell
Membership Coordinator
Lisa McFadden
Charlie Janeway
How to Remember Charlie Janeway
Past President
Laurie H. Glimcher, MD
The following letter was recently submitted by Yale
immunologists Peter Cresswell, Ph.D. (AAI ‘76) and
Richard A. Flavell, Ph.D. (AAI ‘90), longtime colleagues
of the late Charles M. Janeway, Jr., M.D. It unveils a new
Yale University scholarship fund established in memory
of Dr. Janeway, to support graduate education in
immunobiology at Yale.
Dr. Janeway, an AAI member for nearly three decades
prior to his death in the spring of 2003, served on the
AAI Council from 1993 to 1999, including as AAI
President in 1997-98.
Yale Colleagues Announce
Memorial Fund in Memory
of the Late Charlie Janeway
Section of Immunobiology,
Yale University School of Medicine
11/3/2004, 2:37 PM
A UGUST 2004
Glimcher Initiative to Assist Primary
Caregiver Postdocs Gains NIAID Backing
AAI Councillor and Past President Laurie H. Glimcher, M.D., recently announced NIAID approval
of her proposal to offer technical assistance to postdoctoral scientists who are primary caregivers.
The announcement came during Dr. Glimcher’s April 17, 2004, Presidential Address* at the AAI
Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with Experimental Biology 2004 in Washington, D.C.
Through the “Hands-On: Primary Caregiver Technical Assistance Supplements (PCTAS)” program,
the NIAID will offer technical assistance grants to postdoctoral trainees with primary caregiver
responsibilities. The program is intended to offset the obstacles to career advancement faced by
postdocs who represent primary caregivers to young children and/or elderly parents. Such trainees are especially hard-pressed to
devote the long lab hours demanded of those who aspire to compete successfully for junior faculty positions.
In a June press release, the NIAID outlined a two-year outlay in support of PCTAS, under which the institute will provide $500,000
annually in program funding. Under the terms of the two-year pilot program, principal investigators with NIAID research grants may
apply for a non-renewable technical assistance supplement to assist a postdoc for a period of 1-2 years. To read the press release, visit
<>. For application details, visit <http://www.niaid.
* Dr. Glimcher’s April remarks on the primary caregiver initiative appear in her forthcoming article, “How We Can Help the Next
Generation of Scientists: Introducing The ‘Hands-On’ Primary Caregiver’s Support Program,” to be published in the September 1, 2004,
issue of The Journal of Immunology.
Third AAI Introductory Course Surpasses Previous
Attendance Marks
The June 2004 Introductory Course in Immunology presented by AAI exceeded previous attendance figures for the event, and
extended the program’s successful run since it was launched in 2002.
For the second consecutive year, the course was hosted at the University of Pennsylvania and chaired
by John G. Monroe, Ph.D. (AAI ‘84), who also lectured as a member of the course faculty. A Penn
professor and vice chair of Immunobiology, Dr. Monroe is AAI’s Education Committee Chair.
Nearly 200 students participated in Part I of the course, a three-day presentation on “Basic Mechanisms
of the Immune System.” Part I represented a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles of
immunology, suitable for students with a general biology background. More than 160 students
attended Part II of the course, a three-day lecture course covering major areas of immunology, entitled
“Disease and Immunotherapy.”
The University of Pennsylvania campus, with its tudor-style architecture, tree-lined streets popular
with walkers and bikers, and nearby shops and cafes, has proven a very attractive venue for the course.
Students this year came from as far away as Germany, Japan, and the far western United States,
including Washington, Utah, and New Mexico. They represented various sectors of the immunology
community, including the pharmaceutical industry, academia, non-profits, government agencies,
hospitals, and independent study.
John Monroe
Following the course, Dr. Monroe commended the efforts of AAI staff Kaylene Kenyon, Ph.D. (speakers and curriculum), Michelle
Horton (course materials and logistics), and Adrienne Nichols (on-site support) in assisting with course preparations and coordination.
He also praised the excellent intro course faculty that assembled in Philadelphia for the event. Monroe noted the very favorable
experience described by several course faculty, reflecting the infectious enthusiasm characteristic of course participants and their
eagerness to master the material. Student feedback also reflected very favorably on the course in terms of its quality and overall
11/3/2004, 2:37 PM
AAI Testimony on FY 2005 NIH Funding (cont’d)
Statement of Jeffrey A. Frelinger, Ph.D., The American
Association of Immunologists, to the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education
and Related Agencies, Regarding the FY 2005 Budget for the
National Institutes of Health -- April 29, 2004
The American Association of Immunologists (AAI), a non-profit
professional society of more than 6,500 research scientists and
physicians dedicated to understanding the immune system resulting in the prevention, treatment, and cure of disease appreciates this opportunity to express its views on the FY 2005
Budget for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). We are very
grateful to the members of this subcommittee and to its
Chairman, Mr. Regula, and ranking member, Mr. Obey, for their
leadership and strong support for biomedical research and the
programs and scientists NIH supports.
The importance of immunology
The study of immunology affects a wide range of acute,
infectious, and chronic diseases and conditions, including
cancer, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, SARS, HIV/
AIDS, influenza (flu), West Nile Virus, and tuberculosis (TB).
Immunologists are working to discover new defenses, including
vaccines, against emerging bacteria (e.g., the virulent Fujian flu
strain that emerged in 2003), re-emerging bacteria (e.g., TB),
and drug resistant bacteria (including antibiotic-resistance).
Immunologists also work on a wide range of “autoimmune”
challenges, including how to prevent and treat diseases that
cause the body to attack itself (e.g., lupus and scleroderma), and
how to prevent rejection by the body of transplanted organs and
bone marrow. More recently, immunologists have been
engaged in urgently needed research to protect humans and
animals from natural and man-made pathogens that could be
used as weapons of bioterror.
AAI’s members include the nation’s - and the world’s - leading
immunologists. While our members work in academia,
government, and industry, many are professors and researchers
at medical schools across the nation, and use grants from NIH,
and in particular from the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID),* to support their research and the
scientists who conduct it. The funding given to NIH, and the
rules governing its use, directly impact virtually every
researcher at virtually every research institution, and enhance or
impede the advancement of virtually all biomedical research in
this nation. Given these facts and the current state of scientific
opportunity, the stakes could not be higher than they are this
The NIH budget in the post “doubling” era
AAI is very grateful to the members of this subcommittee for
supporting the recent successful bipartisan effort to double the
NIH budget over five years (FY 1998 – FY 2003). This
“doubling” represented an unprecedented commitment by the
federal government to biomedical research and pushed the
research enterprise into the genomic frontier. Now, with the
genomic sequencing of humans and many model organisms all
known, we are on the verge of what promises to be an
extraordinary and unprecedented period of discovery leading to
potential treatments or cures for devastating diseases. AAI
considers it a moral imperative to support the research that our
leading scientists believe is now ripe for investment.
As the members of this subcommittee know, the President’s FY
2004 proposal for NIH included a budget of $27,893 million, a
2% increase over the FY 2003 budget. Through supplemental
appropriations, Congress funded NIH programs at $28,028
million, an increase of about 2.5%. This small increase was
cushioned by the conversion of approximately $1.4 billion from
“one-time non-recurring costs for facilities construction and
anthrax vaccine procurement” to research, resulting in an
effective research budget increase estimated by the
Administration to be 7.5%.
Despite this “cushion”, very real and deleterious effects of
imminent budget reductions are already being felt. A young
AAI member who recently received his first “R01” (investigator
initiated) grant wrote that NIH budget shortfalls have reduced
his budget “so drastically that… [my direct costs for the grant’s
1st year are approximately] 72% of the recommended budget…
My supplies and other expenses have been drastically
reduced…[and] [t]his limits our ability to purchase and initiate
animal breeding programs and purchase new equipment and
reagents…this slow down is going to affect the momentum of
our research program with long-term consequences.” Another
AAI member who recently moved from a position at an
academic institution to a promising position at NIH learned
shortly after his arrival that intramural researchers at his institute
“are having their entire 2004 budgets cut by 5%” and should
expect “minimally, another 5% …cut in FY2005.” As a result,
he says that “in my first 2 years here, our supply budget could
very well be cut by 50% …or I will lose a full personnel
* Many AAI members also receive grants from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Institute on Aging (NIA), the
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
(NHLBI), the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), and other NIH Institutes and Centers.
11/3/2004, 2:37 PM
A UGUST 2004
AAI Testimony on FY 2005 NIH Funding (cont’d)
The President’s proposed budget for NIH for FY 2005
For FY 2005, the President has proposed a budget for NIH of
$28,757 million, an increase of $729 million (2.6%) over the FY
2004 enacted level. AAI is very concerned that this small
“increase”, which fails even to keep pace with the rate of
inflation projected by the Biomedical Research and
Development Price Index (BRDPI)**, 3.5%, will damage the
advancement of biomedical research by reducing the number or
funding level of new and/or competing continuation grants***
(making establishing or maintain- ing a career as an independent
investigator more difficult), decreasing NIH’s intramural budget
(undermining the effort to attract excellent scientists to NIH),
and damaging efforts to increase pre-and post-doctoral stipends
and post-doctoral employment benefits (damaging efforts to
attract bright young people to scientific careers).
AAI’s recommended budget increase for NIH
AAI strongly believes that now is the time to capitalize on many
important research advances that have resulted from the
doubling of the NIH budget, and urges this subcommittee to
provide a 10% increase in funding for NIH for FY 2005. Such
an increase would ensure the funding of quality basic research
that will lead to more translational opportunities and swifter
clinical application, and assist efforts to attract and retain young
American scientists to research careers.
The NIH Roadmap
AAI supports the President’s FY 2005 budget request for the NIH
Roadmap ($237 million). We applaud this visionary leadership
by NIH Director Elias Zerhouni, and appreciate his willingness
to discuss the Roadmap with the scientific community and to
address any questions or concerns. We look forward to
reviewing the initiative as it progresses and strongly support Dr.
Zerhouni’s plan to ensure that all Roadmap funds, including the
Director’s Pioneer Awards, are awarded through a rigorous peer
review process.
Biodefense research
AAI supports the President’s request for $1.7 billion for
biodefense research, an increase of $121 million (7.5%) over FY
2004. Such an increase is necessary to support ongoing
research in biodefense and to ensure adequate intramural
staffing for awarding grant funding and for administrative and
oversight functions. Only through adequate intramural staffing
can NIH ensure the expedited distribution, efficient use, and
sound stewardship of federal biodefense funds.
AAI strongly supports NIAID’s establishment of five
Cooperative Centers for Translational Research on Human
Immunology and Biodefense. Through these centers,
investigators work to better understand the human immune
response to potential bioterror agents and work to develop
countermeasures, including vaccines and therapies. These
centers are crucial in our efforts to protect people from
bioterrorism because traditional research methods - animal
testing**** followed by human clinical trials - cannot be used.
These centers are developing new ways to get information from
single immune cells, so that very small tissue and blood
samples can be tested, and are working to develop non-invasive
imaging technologies.
AAI continues to be concerned that the budget does not
provide funding for the additional security costs mandated by
the Patriot Act both as one time costs and for ongoing security
required at facilities which conduct research on select agents.
AAI urges the Congress to provide supplementary funds to
see Focus: AAI Testimony, p. 12
** The Biomedical Research and Development Price Index (BRDPI) was developed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the
Commerce Department under an agreement with NIH and is updated annually. It indicates how much the NIH budget must
increase to maintain purchasing power. Projections for future years are prepared by the NIH Office of Science Policy. The NIH
website reports that the BRDPI is projected to increase by 3.8% per year for FY 2004; 3.5% during FY 2005 and FY 2006; 3.7%
during FY 2007; and by 3.8% for FY 2008.”
*** The President’s NIH Budget will support almost 40,000 research project grants in FY 2005, “including an estimated 10,393
new and competing awards, an increase of 258 over FY 2004.” (Budget, page 35) However, for FY 2004, NIH anticipated having
to reduce its new and competing awards by 258. Therefore, the projected amount for FY 2005 simply restores NIH grants to the
FY 2003 level.
**** Immunologists depend heavily on the use of animal models in their research. Without the use of animals, theories about
immune system function and treatments that might cure or prevent disease would have to be tested first on human subjects,
something our society - and our scientists - would never countenance. Despite the clear necessity for animal research, people
and organizations that oppose such research are threatening scientists who use animal models. The legal and illegal methods
used by these groups to further an animal-rights/anti-medical research agenda are diverting precious resources from our work,
threatening the personal safety and security of scientists, and delaying the progress of important research that is underway.
11/3/2004, 2:37 PM
Members in the News
Dr. Kincade Becomes 89th President of FASEB
On July 1, 2004, Paul W. Kincade, Ph.D. (AAI ‘75) began his oneyear term as the 89th President of the Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), whose 22 member
societies represent over 65,000 biomedical research scientists
Dr. Kincade is Head of the Oklahoma Medical
Research Foundation’s Immunobiology and
Cancer Program. He is also the William H.
and Rita Bell Chair of Biomedical Research,
and Adjunct Professor of Microbiology and
Immunology, at the Oklahoma Medical
Research Foundation and the University of
A June FASEB news release cited Dr. Kincade’s priority of
continuing FASEB’s tradition of strong advocacy on issues that
“affect scientists and their ability to conduct research into the
understanding and treatment of disease.” It further cited his
particular interest in training and career-related issues, reflected in
his recent activities as chair of the Training and Careers Subcommittee of FASEB’s Science Policy Committee.
On June 30th of this year, Dr. Kincade culminated his seven-year
tenure on the AAI Council, during which he served as AAI
President in 2002-2003. Dr. Kincade is a past member of AAI’s
Program Committee and AAI’s Nominating Committee, and
served as AAI Program Chair from 1995-99. He has served as a
member of The Journal of Immunology editorial board and on the
faculty of AAI’s Advanced Immunology Course, and received the
1998 AAI Distinguished Service Award. While on the AAI
Council, Dr. Kincade represented AAI on the Council of the
International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS).
Kincade earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Mississippi State
University, and Ph.D. from the University of Alabama,
Birmingham. A recipient of an NIH Merit Award, Dr. Kincade’s
research interests include relationships between hematopoietic
stem cells and the immune system.
Dr. Sonnenfeld Departs Morehouse to Accept
SUNY Appointment
Gerald Sonnefeld, Ph.D. (AAI ‘81), chair of
AAI’s Minority Affairs Committee, recently
assumed a new post at Binghampton University, State University of New York, where he
serves as Vice President for Research and
Professor of Biological Sciences. In assuming
the appointment, Dr. Sonnenfeld departed
Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta,
where he served as Professor and Chair, Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Immunology, and Associate Dean for
Basic Sciences and Graduate Studies since 1999.
In his role as AAI Minority Affairs Committee Chair, Dr.
Sonnenfeld has organized annual meeting sessions and guided
other AAI efforts to foster minority participation at the AAI
meeting and representation in scientific careers generally. In
addition, he is a past ad hoc reviewer and member of the primary
reviewer pool for The Journal of Immunology.
A native of New York City, Sonnenfeld received his B.S.
(Biology) from the City College of New York and his Ph.D.
(Microbiology/Immunology) from the University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine.
Dr. Shevach, Dr. Sakaguchi Awarded Cancer
Research Institute’s Coley Prize
Ethan M. Shevach, M.D., (AAI ‘73) and Shimon Sakaguchi, M.D.,
Ph.D., (AAI ‘90) were honored recently by the Cancer Research
Institute (CRI) as co-recipients of the William B. Coley Award for
Distinguished Research in Basic and Tumor Immunology. CRI
grants the award to one or more scientists for outstanding
achievements in the field of basic immunology and cancer
immunology. Dr. Shevach and Dr. Sakaguchi were recognized
for their contributions to the understanding of regulatory Tlymphocyte function in immunity, leading to the re-emergence of
the idea that regulatory T cells are a central mechanism in
immune regulation.
Dr. Shevach is Chief, Cellular Immunology
Section, Laboratory of Immunology, NIAID,
NIH. He is a past Editor-in-Chief of The
Journal of Immunology (The JI), for which
service he received AAI’s Distinguished
Service Award in 1992. He previously served
The JI as an associate and section editor.
Ethan Shevach received his A.B. and M.D.
degrees from Boston University.
Dr. Sakaguchi is Professor and Chair, Department of Experimental Pathology, Institute for
Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University,
Japan. He earned his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees
from Kyoto University Medical School.
Drs. Shevach and Sakaguchi received their
Dr. Sakaguchi
Coley Awards during CRI’s 18th Annual
Awards Dinner in New York City in June. The Coley Award was
established in 1975 in honor of Dr. William B. Coley, a pioneer
of cancer immunotherapy, whose daughter Helen Coley Nauts
(1907-2001) founded the Cancer Research Institute.
Dr. Shevach
11/3/2004, 2:37 PM
A UGUST 2004
Members in the News (cont’d)
Dr. Scott and Colleagues Depart Holland Lab, Join Expanding University of Maryland
Bioscience Research Program
Five AAI scientists formerly affiliated with the American Red
Cross’ national research program have accepted appointments
with the University of Maryland School of Medicine in
Baltimore. The new appointments followed last year’s decision
by the Red Cross to phase out the blood research and
development program of its Jerome H. Holland Laboratory for the
Biomedical Sciences in Rockville, Maryland.
Achsah Dorsey Keegan, Ph.D. (AAI ‘90), Professor of
Microbiology/Immunology and of Oncology. Dr. Keegan was
Senior Scientist, Holland Lab, and Associate Professor of
Immunology and Director of the Graduate Program in
Immunology, George Washington University, where she
remains an Adjunct Professor. Her research focuses on cytokine
receptor signaling, allergic responses, and apoptosis.
The five AAI members are among 23 former Holland Lab
colleagues recruited to the University of Maryland medical
school as part of its ongoing five-year, $100 million expansion,
aimed at making the institution a leading center of collaborative
bioscience research. The scientists, together with various lab
technicians and staff, continue their work largely intact under the
University of Maryland banner. Still occupying their Rockville
lab space, the researchers will move next year to the University of
Maryland’s new BioPark facility, currently under construction on
Baltimore’s west side. Aimed at fostering collaboration between
the university and the region’s robust biotechnology and medical
community, BioPark will feature research labs, offices, a business
incubator and collaboration center, and space for private life
sciences and biopharmaceutical companies.
Dr. Keegan has co-chaired several AAI annual meeting block
symposia and served as a manuscript reviewer for The JI. She
earned her B.S. (Zoology) from Duke University and Ph.D.
(Immunology) from Johns Hopkins University School of
The new University of Maryland medical school faculty
appointees representing AAI include:
Mark S. Williams, Ph.D. (AAI ‘97), Assistant Professor of
Microbiology/Immunology – Dr. Williams was Assistant
Professor of Immunology, George Washington University, and
Scientist I, Holland Lab, where he focused on oxidative stress and
T-cell receptor signaling. He earned his B.S. (Bio-chemistry)
from S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook and Ph.D. (Pharmacology) from The
University of Michigan.
David W. Scott, Ph.D. (AAI ‘73), Professor of
Surgery and of Microbiology/Immunology.
Dr. Scott formerly served as Head, Immunology
Department, Holland Lab, American Red Cross,
and as Professor and Chair of Immunology,
George Washington University Medical Center,
where he remains an Adjunct Professor.
Dr. Scott has served as an associate and section editor for The
Journal of Immunology (The JI), chair of AAI’s former Travel
Awards Committee, and as a member of AAI’s Education
Committee, which he chaired from 1981-1984 and again in 1993.
He was the primary impetus behind the establishment of AAI’s
John H. Wallace High School Teachers Program, which he
initiated as AAI’s High School Teacher Internship in Immunology
(1989-1994) and for which he helped secure the NIAID funding
that continues today. In addition, Dr. Scott was the founding
organizer of AAI’s Advanced Course in Immunology, an early 80s
outgrowth of AAI’s Summer Education Course of earlier years.
For his efforts in science education, Dr. Scott was a 2004 corecipient of AAI’s Distinguished Service Award (along with
Dr. John Schreiber) . A biology major at Antioch College, David
Scott earned his M.S. (Microbiology) from the University of
Chicago and his Ph.D. (Microbiology) from Yale University.
Wendy F. Davidson, Ph.D. (AAI ‘80), Associate Professor of
Microbiology/ Immunology and of Oncology – Dr. Davidson was
Associate Professor of Immunology, George Washington
University, and Scientist II, Holland Lab. Her research interests
include aging, lymphomagenesis, and apoptosis. She earned her
B.Sc. (Microbiology) from the University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia, and her Ph.D. (Immunology) from the
Australian National University, Canberra.
Gregory B. Carey, Ph.D. (AAI ‘01), Assistant Professor of
Microbiology/Immunology – Dr. Carey was a Postdoctoral Fellow,
Holland Lab, and is a past recipient of an AAI Minority Scientist
Award, as well as a K01 award from the National Cancer Institute.
He is an expert in signal transduction pathways affecting the
growth and apoptosis of normal and malignant B cells. He was a
biology major and chemistry minor at the College of the
Bahamas, earned his B.Sc. (Biology) from Virginia
Commonwealth University (VCU), and his Ph.D. (Biochemistry)
from VCU’s Medical College of Virginia.
11/3/2004, 2:37 PM
In Memoriam
Paul H. Silverman, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Paul H. Silverman, an AAI member since 1964, died on July 15,
2004. The following obituary, published by The Scientist Daily
News (, is
reprinted here with the kind permission of The Scientist.
Paul Silverman dies -- U-C Irvine scientist, administrator founded
first human genome research center in Berkeley /
By Maria W. Anderson
“He was much more appreciated after he left than when he was
here,” Horan added, “because people began to realize what he had
done and what he had tried to do.”
He also served on the board of directors for the Hastings Center and
was involved with Irvine’s interdisciplinary medical ethics program.
“Paul was a ,” said former colleague Ron Miller, director emeritus of
Irvine’s medical ethics program. “It was obvious that he had a
wealth of knowledge, not only scientific, but also in the ethics of
science and the ethics of healthcare.”
Paul H. Silverman, founder of the first US human genome research
center in Berkeley, Calif., and vocal advocate of stem cell research,
died on July 15 due to complications following bone marrow
replacement. He was 79.
Colleagues also described Silverman as a humanitarian and social
activist. He was awarded a doctorate of human letters from his alma
mater Roosevelt University, where in his to the Fall 2003
graduating class he spoke about discrimination against women and
minorities. “He was, first and foremost, a man of enormous integrity
both in science and in personal life,” said Miller. “He was a warm,
soft-spoken, humble man who touched many, many people.”
During his five decades as a scientist and administrator, Silverman
tackled issues ranging from immunotherapy to biotechnology. “His
career is marked by so much diversity,” said Susan Bryant, dean of
biological sciences at the University of California, Irvine, where
Silverman served as a professor. “He enjoyed different challenges
and different topics, but he was always focused on big picture
In his later years, Silverman was “very concerned that scientists
were slow in giving up the dogma of genetic determinism,” said
Miller. Silverman on the subject this past May in The Scientist. The
article “actually sparked a lot of correspondence,” to Silverman,
according to Bryant. “It struck a sympathetic cord in a lot of
scientists, and he was thinking that he’d like to have an
international symposium around the topic.”
In 1987, Silverman helped establish the first human genome
research center as a collaboration between the University of
California, Berkeley, and the Department of Defense’s Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory.
In recent years, Silverman was passionate about promoting public
understanding of science. “[He] really tried to understand what
people’s concerns were, as well as help scientists to explain
themselves better and just generally improve communication,” said
Silverman earned his PhD in parasitology and epidemiology from
the University of Liverpool, UK, in 1955. Following research in
Israel and Scotland, he started the first immunoparasitology center
at Glaxo Ltd. in London.
Before coming to Irvine, Silverman served on the faculty at the
University of Illinois, Urbana, and as vice president of the
University of New Mexico, provost and president of the research
foundation at the State University of New York, and president of the
University of Maine, Orono.
He was director of the western center of the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences and was elected to the United Nations-supported
World Academy of Art and Science in 1994. He also led the
Biotechnology Research and Education Program for the University
of California system and served as director of scientific affairs for
Beckman Instruments and on the board of directors for Spectrum
He was appointed Irvine’s associate vice chancellor for the Center
for Health Sciences in 1992. “He worked both in industry and in
academia at a time when not too many people made that transition
back and forth,” said Bryant. “He was a Renaissance man.”
At the University of Maine, he strived to address the school’s
pressing financial needs and oversaw the construction of a new
performing arts center, as well as delivered lectures on topics related
to his own scientific research. Despite tensions with the chancellor
at that time, “he was a much admired scientist, as well as an
administrator,” said Jim Horan, a retired professor of public
administration who worked closely with Silverman during his
presidency in Maine.
He focused much of his efforts on the issue of stem cell research.
“He believed so strongly in it that he undertook stem cell
transplantation [from his sister] himself for... myelofibrosis,” Miller
told The Scientist. “Despite the enormous risks, especially to
someone of his age, he undertook stem cell transplant hoping to
restore his health, which had been severely compromised by
anemia, requiring weekly blood transfusions.” While the treatment
did raise his white blood cell and platelet counts, related
complications ultimately caused his death, said Miller.
Last May, Silverman helped plan a conference on stem cell research
at the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering’s Beckman
Center, the proceedings of which will be published and may be
dedicated to Silverman.
Links for this article:
P.H. Silverman, “Commerce and genetic diagnosis,” Hastings
Cent Rep, 25:S15-S18, May–June 1995.
[PubMed Abstract]
Commencement Address for Roosevelt University by Dr. Paul H.
Silverman, December 20, 2003
commencementAddre ss.htm
P.H. Silverman, “Research vision: Rethinking genetic
determinism,” The Scientist, 18:32-33, May 24, 2004.
Copyright 2004, The Scientist LLC. All rights reserved.
Reproduced with permission.
11/3/2004, 2:37 PM
A UGUST 2004
AAI Welcomes New Members
2nd Quarter 2004 New Members
Anderson, Mark M.D., Ph.D.
Anthony, Donald M.D., Ph.D.
Armstrong, Todd Ph.D.
Ashkar, Ali Ph.D.
Atabani, Sowsan Ph.D.
Baiu, Dana-Carina Ph.D.
Bai, Xue-Feng Ph.D., M.D.
Barton, Lance Ph.D.
Bell, Jennifer Ph.D.
Bigger, John Ph.D.
Boes, Marianne Ph.D.
Bond, Judith Ph.D.
Bouvier, Marlene Ph.D.
Burkhard, Mary Jo Ph.D., D.V.M.
Caldwell, Charles Ph.D.
Cao, Huyen M.D.
Caricchio, Roberto M.D.
Cheng, Genhong Ph.D.
Chen, Xinjian M.D., Ph.D.
Chu, Wen-Ming Ph.D., M.D.
Clarke, Benjamin Ph.D.
Connell, Terry Ph.D.
Conner, Margaret Ph.D.
Crawford, Keith M.D., Ph.D.
Darville, Toni M.D.
Dong, Jay M.D.
Dorfman, Jeffrey Ph.D.
Estabrook, Michele M.D.
Fairweather, DeLisa Ph.D.
Falcone, Marika M.D., Ph.D.
Fan, Jinshui M.D., Ph.D.
Fernandez-Sesma, Ana Ph.D.
Fuller, Claudette Ph.D.
Gebe, John Ph.D.
Gogal, Robert D.V.M.
Gommerman, Jennifer Ph.D.
Gowen, Brian Ph.D.
Greene, Catherine Ph.D.
Hansen, Hinrich Ph.D.
Haskova, Zdenka M.D., Ph.D.
Heil, Matthew Ph.D.
Heltemes-Harris, Lynn Ph.D.
Hendershot, Linda Ph.D.
Huang, Yina Hsing Ph.D.
Jang, Young-Ju Ph.D.
Johnston, Brent Ph.D.
Jones, Olcay M.D., Ph.D.
Kaech, Susan Ph.D.
Kane, Kevin Ph.D.
Kang, Insoo M.D.
Kemper, Claudia Ph.D.
Khanolkar, Aaruni Ph.D., M.D.
Kim, Moon Gyo Ph.D.
Klenerman, Paul Ph.D.
Klug, Heather Ph.D.
Kraft, Stefan M.D.
Kurosu, Katsushi M.D., Ph.D.
Kuklin, Nelly Ph.D.
Leon, Juan Ph.D.
Leung, Wing Ph.D.
Levi, Ben-Zio D.Sc., M.Sc., B.Sc.
Li, Jichu M.D.
Lou, Yahuan Ph.D.
Lovett-Racke, Amy Ph.D.
Lu, Binfeng Ph.D.
Mahalingam, Surendran Ph.D.
Mahida, Yashwant M.D.
Makar, Karen Ph.D.
Berger, Marc Ph.D.
Mataraza, Jennifer Ph.D.
Mayer, Konstantin M.D.
Ma, Xiaojing Ph.D.
McCue, Jessica Ph.D.
McIntosh, Joseph M.D.
McKenna, Kyle Ph.D.
Eisenbraun, Michael Ph.D.
Mohrs, Markus Ph.D.
Mothe, Bianca Ph.D.
Mullins, David Ph.D.
Nolt, Dawn M.D.
Noorchashm, Hooman M.D., Ph.D.
Norris, Philip M.D.
Offermann, Margaret M.D., Ph.D.
Page, Dawne Ph.D.
Pakala, Syamasundar Ph.D.
Jaison Paliakkara, Ph.D.
Payne, Kimberly Ph.D.
Peng, Satnford Lee-Yu Ph.M.D.
Persidis, Aris Ph.D.
Peterson, Karin Ph.D.
Piccirillo, Ciriaco Ph.D.
Popovic, Petar M.D., Ph.D.
Powell, Jan Ph.D.
Refaeli, Yosef Ph.D.
Repp, Amanda Ph.D.
Rodriguez, Rosalia Ph.D.
Rossi, Babriela Ph.D.
Russell, David Ph.D.
San Mateo, Lani Ph.D.
Schwarz, Martin Ph.D.
Shankar, Ravi Ph.D.
Shapiro, Virginia Ph.D.
Shoham, Tsipi Ph.D.
Singh, Ram Ph.D.
Smith, Justine Ph.D.
Stenger, Steffen M.D., Ph.D.
Stevenson, Freda D.Phil
Su, Lishan Ph.D.
Sylte, Matt D.V.M.., Ph.D.
Talal, Andrew M.D.
Tang, Xiaolei Ph.D.
Teitelbaum, Daniel M.D.
Vega, Jose M.D., Ph.D.
Verthelyi, Daniela M.D., Ph.D.
Vigouroux, Arturo Ph.D.
Vykhovanets, Yevgen Ph.D., M.D.
Wang, Tian Ph.D.
Wan, Hong Ph.D.
Weber, Dominique Ph.D.
Yel, Leman M.D.
York, Ian Ph.D.
Zhao, Xinyan Ph.D.
Wolfraim, Lawrence Ph.D.
Yang, Kuender M.D., Ph.D.
Komura, Kazuhiro M.D., Ph.D.
Song, Aihua Ph.D.
Kusner, David M.D., Ph.D.
El-Shanti, Nasser Ph.D.
Taggart, Clifford Ph.D.
Michon, Francis Ph.D.
Burkhard, Mary Jo Ph.D., D.V.M.
Shams, Homayoun Ph.D., D.V.M.
Peters, Wendy Ph.D.
Herbein, Georges M.D., Ph.D.
Zhou, Ji-Yong D.V.M., Ph.D.
Moll, Thomas Ph.D.
Lee, Edwin D.Phil
Li, Da-Jin M.D., Ph.D.
Zhou, He Ph.D.
Laximinarayana, Dama Ph.D.
Cao, Tinghua M.D., Ph.D.
Sheikh, Nadeem Ph.D.
Jiang, Qi Ph.D.
Valadon, Philippe M.D., Ph.D.
Lee, Tae Ho Ph.D.
Wills-Karp, Marsha Ph.D.
Stranford, Sharon Ph.D.
Harmsen, Allen Ph.D.
AAI extends its condolences to the families, friends, and colleagues of these recently deceased members:
Abraham G. Osler, Ph.D.
Paul H. Silverman, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Sanford H. Stone, D.Sc.
11/3/2004, 2:41 PM
Kondracke, Taylor Receive AAI Public Service Awards for 2004
Journalist Mort Kondracke and Senate Staffer Bettilou Taylor were 2004 AAI Public Service Award (PSA) recipients at a reception held
in their honor at the Dirksen Senate Office Building on June 17, 2004. Both were recommended for their awards by the AAI Committee
on Public Affairs and approved by the AAI Council.
Kondracke is a journalist and political commentator who is also executive editor of the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call and the
author of a book about his late wife’s ordeal with Parkinson’s Disease [Saving Milly: Love, Politics, and Parkinson’s Disease
(Thorndike Press, 2001)]. He was honored for his advocacy in support of increased funding for NIH and for biomedical research.
Taylor, who is majority clerk for the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and
Related Agencies, and senior staffer on NIH funding to subcommittee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA), received AAI’s first “Staff
Recognition Award” for her outstanding advocacy for biomedical research and for the NIH.
The awards were presented by then-AAI President Laurie H. Glimcher, M.D. Then-AAI Committee on Public Affairs Chair Jeffrey A.
Frelinger introduced Dr. Glimcher to the crowd of eighty-five attendees, which included AAI members, Congressional staff, and NIH
AAI Awardee Mort Kondracke (second from right) appears with (from left to right) AAI
representatives Hugh Auchincloss, Lauren Gross, Michele Hogan, Laurie Glimcher, and
Jeff Frelinger.
Former Rep. John Porter (left) and honoree Mort Kondracke
(center) greet AAI President Laurie Glimcher.
AAI Public Service Award honorees Bettilou Taylor
(left) and Mort Kondracke greet guests prior to the
the awards presentation.
11/3/2004, 2:41 PM
A UGUST 2004
Photo Highlights,
Capitol Hill Reception
Honoring AAI’s 2004
Public Service Awardees
Co-honoree Bettilou Taylor (third from right) appears with (from left to right)
AAI representatives Hugh Auchincloss, Michele Hogan, Lauren Gross,
Laurie Glimcher, and Jeff Frelinger.
National Cancer Institute Director Andrew von Eschenbach (left)
greets AAI President Laurie Glimcher.
AAI member Anita Weinblatt (left) visits with
Henry Metzger (center, a past AAI president) and
Calbert Laing.
Above (left), guests gather at the Dirksen Senate Office Building reception to await the presentation of AAI’s 2004 Public Service
Awards. At right, attendees extend a warm welcome to AAI awardees Mort Kondracke and Bettilou Taylor.
11/3/2004, 2:41 PM
AAI Testimony on FY 2005 NIH Funding (cont’d)
ensure the security of the laboratories and scientific personnel
who are on the front lines against bioterrorism.
Construction of new high containment (BSL3) laboratories
AAI supports the President’s request for $150 million for the
construction of an additional 20 “BSL3” (“biocontainment
level 3”) laboratories to facilitate prompt access of investigators
who have important projects requiring this standard of
protection. Work on many select agents and other pathogenic
bacteria, viruses, and fungi which require biological and
physical containment has been constrained by the relative
scarcity of physical laboratories that are equipped to allow a
safe working environment for both the investigator and the
community. A recent shortage of BSL4 laboratories (which
provide the highest level of containment) was alleviated by the
addition of several new facilities which have come “on line.”
There remains a need for additional BSL3 facilities, which are
used for less dangerous select agents, and which have many
advantages: they can be used for experiments on many
biohazardous agents; they can be housed in many different
physical buildings; and they cost less to operate than BSL4
AAI also believes that ensuring adequate training in the use of
new BSL4/BSL3 laboratories is as important as their
construction. AAI supports ongoing efforts by NIH to address
laboratory biosecurity issues and urges the Congress to support
this effort and programs to train graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior investigators to work in biohazard
labs. Such programs could be in the form of brief training
periods or as supplements to existing training grants.
Research, Management and Services (RM&S) budget and
Government Outsourcing
The President’s FY 2005 budget proposal for Research,
Management and Services (RM&S), which supports the
management, monitoring, and oversight of intramural and
extramural research activities (including NIH’s excellent and
highly regarded peer review process), includes an increase of
only 3.2% ($32 million). In AAI’s view, this increase will be
insufficient to enable NIH to supervise adequately a budget of
increasing size and complexity. Despite the recent
implementation of several advances designed to improve NIH
management, additional administrative staff is still needed to
ensure that the significant new funds appropriated to NIH are
well and properly spent. AAI recommends, therefore, an
increase in the RM&S budget of 5% for FY 2005.
AAI is also very concerned about the Administration’s ongoing
“outsourcing” program. While certain jobs within NIH may be
appropriate for such an approach, it should not be applied to
program administration staff, many of whom are highly
experienced and have historical knowledge and understanding
of NIH programs and policies. Outsourcing such positions will
undoubtedly result in the loss of a dedicated and capable
workforce, reducing efficiency in the long run.
Salary Cap
The President’s FY 2005 budget includes a provision which
was rejected by the Congress for the last three years: to lower
the existing salary cap for extramural researchers. As we
understand this year’s provision, it again proposes to “roll
back” current law and result in a 10% reduction in salary
support for some extramural researchers. This would cause
serious administrative and budgetary problems within research
institutions, medical schools, and universities that are
preparing or have already prepared budgets based on the higher
salary cap previously permitted by the Congress. We urge this
subcommittee to reject this provision and to retain current law.
Attracting bright students to biomedical research and
retaining young researchers
AAI has long been concerned about our nation’s ability to
attract bright young students to careers in biomedical research
to ensure the future supply of biomedical researchers, and has
worked to advance the plight of post-doctoral fellows who are
significantly underpaid and under-compensated for their
critical work. We support NIH’s March 2001 plan to implement
recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences’
Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy
regarding the need for better compensation and employment
benefits for post-doctoral fellows. (See NIH NOT-OD-01-027).
While NIH has increased stipends for the Ruth L. Kirschstein
National Research Service Awards (NRSA) for the last three
years, in FY 2004 it fell short of its goal of increasing stipends
for recipients by 10% per year over a five year period or until
entry level post-doctoral fellows reach $45,000 per year (from
the FY 2002 level of $31,092). During FY 2002 and FY 2003,
NIH raised stipends by 10%; during FY 2004, it offered only a
4% increase for pre-doctoral fellows and a 4% to 1% increase,
based on years of experience, for post-doctoral fellows
(resulting in a $35,560 annual stipend for first year postdoctoral fellows).
The President’s FY 2005 budget proposes only a 2.2% increase
for institutional NRSA awards and a 0.9% increase for
individual NRSA awards. This “increase”, well below the
BRDPI, will force NIH to fall even further behind in its efforts
to enhance the salary and employment benefits of post-doctoral
scientists, many of whom are in their thirties, are married, have
children, and are trying to buy homes, save for their children’s
college educations, and save for their own retirement. We
strongly urge this subcommittee to help NIH increase NRSA
pre- and post-doctoral stipends and to further explore ways to
provide important employment benefits - including health
insurance, pensions and Social Security, and vacation and sick
leave time - to both NRSAs and the post-doctoral fellows
supported by NIH extramural grants. While we understand that
11/3/2004, 2:41 PM
A UGUST 2004
AAI Testimony on FY 2005 NIH Funding (cont’d)
this may result in the hiring of fewer post-doctoral fellows, we
believe that these changes are essential if we are to attract and
retain the best and brightest students who often encounter
multiple job opportunities with significantly more attractive
compensation packages.
The politicization of science
AAI is very concerned about reports that various federal
scientific advisory panels have been dismantled or reorganized,
and that certain federal agency reports have been changed or
edited, in an effort to ensure political compatibility with
specific positions of this Administration. AAI believes strongly
that it is in the best interests of the public, the government
which serves them, and the advancement of science that
members of government scientific advisory panels be selected
on the basis of the excellence of their science, and not on the
basis of their political affiliations, voting history, or religious
views. In short, millions of lives – as well as the prudent use of
AAI Attends Launch of Jefferson Science Fellows
Program; State Department, National Academies
Announce Call for Nominations and Applications
On May 26, AAI Director of Public Policy and Government
Affairs Lauren Gross represented AAI at a U.S. State Department
reception introducing the first “Jefferson Science Fellows”.
Held in the remarkable Ben Franklin Room atop the State
Department building in Washington, D.C., the reception was
attended by leaders of the science and diplomatic communities
and featured remarks by Secretary of State Colin Powell, who
introduced the inaugural class of five fellows:
Julian P. Adams, Professor of Molecular, Cellular and
Developmental Biology, and Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology, University of Michigan
Bruce A. Averill, Distinguished University Professor of
Chemistry, University of Toledo
Melba A. Crawford, Engineering Foundation Professor,
University of Texas/Austin
David A. Eastmond, Professor and Program Chair,
Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program, Department of
Cell Biology & Neuroscience, University of California/
Kalidas Shetty, Associate Professor of Food Biotechnology,
Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts/
According to George Atkinson, Ph.D., Science and Technology
Adviser to the Secretary of State (who also addressed AAI
members as our guest speaker on visa issues at EB 2004),
taxpayer dollars - depend on government officials receiving –
and taking – the very best and most independent scientific
advice that is available. We hope that the members of this
subcommittee will address this concern in report language to
reassure the scientific community that the Federal Government
values receiving – and expects that tax dollars pay for independent scientific advice, not advice based on conformity
with specific litmus tests.
As this subcommittee continues its work on the FY 2005
appropriations for NIH, AAI stands ready to assist you on any
matters involving the immune system, vaccine development, or
biomedical research in general. We will continue to embrace the
many familiar research areas that are open to our scientists and to
work with the NIH to help educate bench scientists about the
newer, urgent scientific needs - and the ever-increasing scientific
opportunities - that lie before us. We appreciate having this
opportunity to share our views and invite you to contact us if we
can be of assistance.
“the Jefferson Science Fellowship (JSF) program was
inaugurated in 2003 as the most recent example of the
expanding role of science and technology at the U.S.
Department of State. With the support of U.S. academic
institutions, the MacArthur Foundation, the Carnegie
Corporation, and the U.S. Department of State, each
Jefferson Science Fellow will spend one year on
assignment in the Department and then will remain
available to the Department as an experienced
consultant for five years after returning to his or her
academic position. Through their participation in
policy discussions, the JSF awardees, each a tenured
professor from the American academic community, will
help increase the understanding among policy officials
of scientific issues. They will also provide a broad view
of the international implications of emerging scientific
developments. The JSF program initiates a
fundamentally new relationship between the U.S.
academic science and technology community and the
U.S. Department of State. This public recognition of the
program illustrates a commitment to make science and
technology a critical part of the formulation and
implementation of U.S. foreign policy.”
The State Department and the National Academies have issued a
call for nominations and applications for the 2005 Jefferson
Science Fellows program. The nomination/application deadline
is October 1, 2004. Information about the program can be
accessed on the web at, by
email at, or by telephone at (202) 334-2872.
11/3/2004, 2:41 PM
Photo Highlights: AAI’s 2004 Annual Meeting at
EB 2004 in Washington, D.C.
Sun and summer-like temperatures greeted EB 2004
attendees, shown here outside Washington, D.C.’s
beautiful new downtown Convention Center.
At the opening Presidential Address, AAI President Laurie
Glimcher (left) presented the 2004 Lifetime Achievement
Award to past president Dick Dutton.
At left, NIH Director
Elias Zerhouni headlined an all-EB public
affairs session exploring
how NIH grantees may
be impacted by future
federal budget deficits,
increased biodefense
spending, and the NIH
Below, over 200 participants joined the annual
careers roundtable session sponsored by AAI’s
Committee on the Status of Women.
Below, Laurie Glimcher (right) and Ernie Huang (left) present
the 2004 AAI-Huang Foundation Meritorious Career Award to
Michel Nussenzweig.
11/3/2004, 2:41 PM
A UGUST 2004
At left, AAI Minority Affairs
Committee member Vince Tsiagbe
(right) confers with Adebayo Oyekan
during the annual reception sponsored
by BD Biosciences.
At right, Lewis Lanier takes the
podium to deliver one of three AAI
Distinguished Lectures presented
during the meeting.
At left (L-R): Hannah and Katherine Janeway, daughters of longtime AAI
member and past president Charles A. Janeway, acknowledge the
organizers and presenters of the special innate immunity symposium in
memory of Dr. Janeway, sponsored by NIAID.
Below, Janeway session presenters and family members (L-R):
speakers Ruslan Medzhitov, Douglas Fearon, Hugh McDevitt, and Sasha
Rudensky; session co-chair Charles Hackett; session chair William Paul;
Janeway daughter, Hannah; Janeway’s widow and former colleague,
Kim Bottomly; speaker Ralph Steinman; Janeway daughters Megan and
Katherine; and Dr. Janeway’s sister, Lee Gold, with her husband, Ron
Gold. Missing from the photo is the session’s opening speaker, NIAID
Director Anthony Fauci.
11/3/2004, 2:41 PM
AAI Annual Meeting 2004 Highlights (cont’d)
Michele Hogan (left), Pam Fink (center), and
Jonathan Sprent enjoy the President’s Reception
sponsored by BD Biosciences.
BD Biosciences representative Kip Millier (left) and AAI President
Laurie Glimcher present the 2004 AAI-BD Biosciences Investigator
Award to David Schatz.
At left, AAI Program Chair
Leslie Berg played a
central role in organizing
AAI’s 2004 plenary and
block session program.
Below, Frank Fitch (left)
accepts his 2004 AAI
Excellence in Mentoring
Award from presenter and
protegé Thomas McKean.
Ernie Huang (left) and BD Biosciences’ Jonathan
Rosenberg join in welcoming guests to the annual
reception sponsored by BD Biosciences.
Below, AAI members and other invitees gathered at the beautiful
National Museum of Women in the Arts in downtown Washington
for the annual AAI reception sponsored by BD Biosciences.
11/3/2004, 2:41 PM
A UGUST 2004
AAI President’s Symposium Chair Laurie Glimcher (second from left) is pictured with
presenters (L-R) Kathryn Calame, Dan Littman, Gerald Crabtree, I-Cheng Ho.
Kim Bottomly acknowledges her
welcome as an AAI Distinguished
Lecturer at EB 2004.
At left, David Scott, and at right, John
Schreiber, address attendees at the AAI
Business Meeting as 2004 Distinguished
Service Awardees. Both were recognized for
their longstanding leadership in connection
with AAI’s John H. Wallace High School
Teachers Program.
AAI Executive Director Michele Hogan (second from right) appears with 2004 AAI-Huang Foundation Trainee
Achievement Travel Awardees (L-R) Yoshihiko Tanaka, Booki Min, Sherry Crowe, Colby Zaph, Jennifer J. McIntire,
and Dorian McGavern.
11/3/2004, 2:43 PM
AAI Annual Meeting 2004
Highlights (cont’d)
Representing AAI’s “Missouri delegation,” Ken Murphy
(left) and AAI Council member Paul Allen (right) lobby
AAI President Laurie Glimcher.
Early-career colleagues network at the annual BD Biosciencessponsored reception.
AAI’s 2004 Minority Scientist Awardees are pictured with Michele Hogan (far left), Leslie Berg (second
from left), Laurie Glimcher (far right), and AAI Minority Affairs Chair Gerry Sonnenfeld (back row,
far right).
The 2004 AAI Junior Faculty Travel Awardees appear with Executive Director Michele Hogan (fifth from left),
Program Chair Leslie Berg (second from right), and President Laurie Glimcher (far right).
11/3/2004, 2:43 PM
A UGUST 2004
The Journal of Immunology (The JI) staffer Adrienne
Nichols extols the journal’s virtues at The JI booth in
the EB 2004 exhibit hall.
At right, BD Biosciences’
Jonathan Rosenberg
pauses to reflect on
another memorable
AAI annual reception
sponsored by BD. The
2004 event took place
at the beautiful National
Museum of Women in
the Arts in downtown
Washington, D.C.
Jon Sprent engages a questioner after
presenting his 2004 AAI Distinguished
AAI Membership Coordinator Lisa McFadden
welcomes another new member recruit while
staffing the AAI booth in the EB 2004 exhibit hall.
Attendees compare notes outside an AAI
poster session in the EB 2004 exhibit hall.
At right, President Laurie Glimcher (left) appears with Vice President Suzy
Swain at the annual President’s Reception. When Swain succeeded
Glimcher on July 1, 2004, it marked the first transfer of AAI’s presidency
between women scientists in the association’s 91-year history.
11/3/2004, 2:43 PM
Grant-Related News
Abbott Scholar Applications Due
September 15
Applications for the Abbott Scholar Award in Rheumatology
Research, a mentored research award to help aid physicians
embarking on careers in academic rheumatology, are due
September 15, 2004.
The Abbott Scholar award provides funding to researchers in the
early stages of their careers to promote career development and
encourage continued research in rheumatology. The award
supports basic and translational research related to rheumatic
diseases, including epidemiology, health services research in
arthritis and related autoimmune diseases, and innovative clinical
research. The award grants recipients a fellowship of up to three
years to support their continued research.
Each year, award recipients are selected by an independent
advisory panel of 12 clinical and research experts in rheumatology to receive a fellowship starting at $65,000 per year for up to
three years. To qualify for the award, candidates must demonstrate a commitment to a career in academic rheumatology, a plan
for career development, and a commitment of support from their
mentor and their institution. In addition, candidates must agree to
devote at least 80 percent of their time to research and training.
More information on the Abbott Scholar award is available at or by calling (201) 553-8859.
The Abbott Bioresearch Center, founded in 1989 in Worcester, MA,
is a discovery and basic research facility committed to finding new
treatments for autoimmune diseases. Abbott Laboratories is a
global, broad-based health care company devoted to the discovery,
development, manufacture and marketing of pharma-ceuticals,
nutritionals and medical products, including devices and
diagnostics. The company employs more than 70,000 people and
markets its products in more than 130 countries.
September 22 is USIDNET Deadline
for Travel Grants to European
Immunodeficiences Meeting
The US Immunodeficiency Network (USIDNET) will fund four
travel grants of up to $1,750 each for U.S. residents to present
their research at the European Society for Immunodeficiencies
(ESID) XI Annual Meeting, October 21-24, 2004, in Versailles,
Information about the ESID meeting and instructions for
submitting an abstract are available at <http://www.esid2004.
org/>. Information about USIDNET and applications for the
travel grant are available at <>.
Applications must be received by September 22nd, 2004, and
must be accompanied by:
• An ESID abstract
• Notice of abstract acceptance for the ESID meeting
• Letter of support from applicant’s department head
• A 500-word statement outlining career goals
• Curriculum Vitae or educational resumé
Selected applicants will be notified by September 27, 2004, and
will receive up to $1,750 USD for travel and accommodations to
the 2004 ESID Meeting. Applications should be directed to:
USIDNET, Attn: Tamara Brown, Medical Programs Manager, 40
W. Chesapeake Ave., Suite 308, Towson, MD 21204; Phone:
410.321.6647, Ext. 211; Fax: 410.321.9165; E-mail:
NIH Extramural Loan Repayment
Program Program Cycle Opens Sept. 1
The NIH offers a loan repayment opportunity for persons with
doctoral degrees who are conducting research or have the
potential of doing so. The extramural loan repayment programs at
the National Institutes of Health allow recipients to receive up to
$35,000 per year toward paying off their education debt. In
exchange, participants make a two-year commitment to allocate
50% of their time toward an emphasis on specific fields of
research or populations including clinical, pediatric, clinical
research for disadvantaged, contraception and infertility, and
health disparties. They also have an opportunity to renew after
two years.
The program is designed to allow participants to be less
concerned about the financial debt they are carrying and to stay
in, or consider entering into, research.
September 1, 2004, marks the start of a new program cycle. A
complete description of each program may be found at http:// and details
concerning eligibility are posted at
Robert Wood Johnson Scholars
Program Applications Due October 15
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s 2004-2005 Health &
Society Scholars Program will accept applications until October
15, 2004.
The program is a two-year fellowship program designed to build
the nation’s capacity for reserach, leadership, and action to
address the broad range of factors affecting health. Outstanding
individuals who have completed doctoral training in disciplines
ranging from the behavioural, social, biological, and natural
sciences to health professions are eligible. Up to 18 scholars will
be selected to begin training in August or September 2005 at one
of six nationally prominent universities, including Columbia
University; Harvard University; University of California, San
11/3/2004, 2:43 PM
A UGUST 2004
Francisco and Berkeley; University of Michigan; University of
Pennsylvania; and University of Wisconsin.
The complete Call for Applications is available on the program’s
Web site: <>.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the nation’s largest
philanthropy devoted exclusively to health and health care. The
Foundation Web site can be visited at: <>.
AAAS Announces 2005-2006 Science &
Technology Fellowship Program
Persons interested in the interaction of science, technology and
government in the United States and around the world may wish
to explore American Association for the Advancement of Science
Science and Technology Policy Fellowship Program. Program
participants work in Washington, D.C., and learn firsthand how
the federal government operates and to help make decisions that
result in national public policy.
AAAS Science and Technology Policy fellowships have provided
unique participatory public policy learning experiences for
approximately 1,500 scientists and engineers in Congress and
nearly a dozen executive branches in Washington, DC. Since the
first group of seven Fellows was placed in Congressional offices
in 1973, the success of the programs has grown tremendously,
paving the way for even more Fellows to serve each year in an
increasing array of offices and federal agencies.
AAAS sponsors these programs to offer an opportunity for
accomplished, societally-aware scientists and engineers from a
wide array of disciplines to contribute scientific and technical
information and external perspectives to the policy-making
process, while learning how government works.
Fellowships are open to AAAS members only. Applicants must
have a PhD or an equivalent doctoral level degree from any
physical, biological or social sciences, any field of engineering
or any relevant interdisciplinary field. Individuals with a master's
degree in engineering and at least three years of post-degree
professional experience may apply. U.S. citizenship is required.
Federal employees are not eligible. Stipends begin at $58,000.
Applicants must have a PhD or an equivalent doctoral-level
degree at the time of application. Individuals with a master's
degree in engineering and at least three years of post-degree
professional experience may also apply. Certain programs require
additional experience. All applicants must be U.S. citizens.
Federal employees are not eligible for the fellowships.
The programs are designed to provide each Fellow with a unique
public policy learning experience; to bring technical
backgrounds and external perspectives to decision making in the
U.S. government; and to demonstrate the value of science and
technology in solving important societal problems. All Fellows
participate in a rigorous orientation on the relevant congressional
and executive branch operations and foreign affairs plus a yearlong seminar series on issues involving science, technology and
public policy.
All applications must be sent by Federal Express or another
service that will guarantee delivery to AAAS by January 10,
2005. For more information, call 202/326-6700, e-mail or visit the AAAS Web site at http:// The application booklet for the 2005-06
programs may be downloaded from the program website as of
September 2004.
Underrepresented minorities and persons with disabilities are
encouraged to apply.
Get a GRIP: An AAI program designed to help
new investigators prepare their NIH grant proposals
AAI is pleased to offer a program to match new PI’s with established PI’s who have significant, successful grant writing careers. The Grant Review
for Immunologists Program (GRIP) invites new PI’s to submit an outline or NIH-style abstract to the GRIP coordinator who, with the assistance of a
small volunteer subcommittee, will attempt to match the topic of the proposal with the research experience of an established PI. Matches will be
made as quickly as possible to allow new PI’s to meet up-coming NIH grant deadlines. Participation is strictly voluntary and is not intended to
preclude internal mentoring programs.
GRIP is now accepting both new PI and established PI participants. Please send your CV and a brief description of either your potential research
project (new PI’s) or grant reviewing experience (established PI’s) to (please write ‘GRIP’ in the subject line). Program details
appear on our website at
11/3/2004, 2:43 PM
Sep. 6-13
FEBS International Summer School on Immunology -- The
Immune System: Genes, Receptors, & Regulation, Ionian Village,
Western Peloponese, Greece
Contact: Dr. M. Papamichail, Center for Immunology, St. Savas
Cancer Hospital, 171 Alexandras Ave., Athens 115-22, Greece *
Tel: +30 210 640 9624/5 * Fax: +30 210 6409516 / 6420146
E-mail: * Web:
Sep. 8-11
2004 APS Conference: Immunological and Pathophysiological
Mechanisms in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Snowmass Village,
CO * Web:
Sep. 29 - Oct. 2
10th International TNF Superfamily Conference, Lausanne,
Organizer: Jurg Tschopp * Email:
Sep. 30-Oct. 3
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) 42nd Annual
Meeting, Boston, MA -- Includes all-day symposium co-organized
by The American Association of Immunologists (AAI)
Oct. 1-5
Molecular Targets For Cancer Therapy: Third Biennial Meeting,
Don Ce Sar Beach Resort & Spa, St. Petersburg, FL
Abstracts: via e-mail to or online
Registration (limited to 300): via Fax (813) 745-3874 or online
Oct. 3-7
1st International Conference on Basic and Clinical
Immunogenetics, Budapest, Hungary
Oct. 10-15
3rd International Conference on Innate Immunity, Knossos Royal
Village Conference Center, Crete, Greece
Contact: John D. Lambris, Ph.D., Tel: +1.610.527.7630;
Fax: +1.610.527.7631 * Email:
Oct. 15-20
2nd International Conference on Pathways, Networks, and
Systems: Theory and Experiments, Crete, Greece
Tel: +1.610.527.7630; Fax: +1.610.527.7631
Oct. 21-23
The 10th Conference on Cancer Therapy with Antibodies and
Immunoconjugates, Princeton, NJ
Oct. 21-25
Cytokines in Cancer and Immunity: Joint Conference of ICS and
ISICR, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Fax: (706) 228-4685 * E-mail:
Oct. 23-27
34th Annual Meeting, the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Oct. 26-30
American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, Toronto,
Ontario * Web:
Oct. 30-Nov. 2
44th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy, Washington, DC Convention Center
Nov. 3-7
4th International Congress on Autoimmunity, Budapest, Hungary
Nov. 4-6
International Biology Days, CNIT, Paris La Defénse, France
Nov. 4-7
International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer: 19th
Annual Meeting, The Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA
Nov. 5-10
ThymUS '04, International Conference on Lymphopoiesis, T cell
Differentiation, and Immune Reconstitution, Wyndham El San
Juan Hotel & Casino, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Dec. 4-8
American Society for Cell Biology 44th Annual Meeting,
Washington, DC
Oct. 20-25
2nd Gene Regulation in Lymphocyte Development Workshop
Crete, Greece
Tel: +1.610.527.7630; Fax: +1.610.527.7631
continued, page 24
11/3/2004, 2:43 PM
A UGUST 2004
EB/IUPS 2005
April 2 - 6
A multi-society, interdisciplinary, scientific meeting featuring plenary and award
lectures, symposia, oral and poster sessions, career services, and exhibits of scientific
equipment, supplies, and publications. This year the International Union of Physiological Sciences and its affiliated societies will join the EB sponsoring societies in
hosting the meeting.
More than 16,000 independent scientists representing the sponsoring societies
IUPS: March 31 - April 5
EB: April 2 - April 6
San Diego Convention Center: San Diego, CA
November 3, 2004 ◆ Abstract Submission Deadline
Annual Meetings of:
American Association of
Anatomists (AAA)
The American Association of
Immunologists (AAI)
The American Physiological
Society (APS)
American Society for
Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (ASBMB)
American Society for
Investigative Pathology
American Society for
Nutritional Sciences (ASNS)
American Society for
Pharmacology and
Experimental Therapeutics
Guest Societies
and the Meeting
of the:
XXXV International
Congress of
March 31 - April 5
February 4, 2005 ◆ Early Registration Deadline
February 21, 2005 ◆ Housing Deadline
You can:
• submit your abstract
• register for the meeting
• make your housing reservation by visiting the EB/IUPS 2005 Website
at the following address:
Guest Societies:
If you are not a member of a participating society and would like a paper copy of the Call for
Abstracts, send a request either via email to or call (301) 634-7010.
American Association of Veterinary Immunologists
American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP)
American Federation for Medical Research (AFMR)
American Society for Clinical Nutrition (ASCN)
American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics (ASHI)
American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB)
American Society of Transplantation (AST)
American Society for Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
Association of Latin American Physiological
Societies (ALACF)
Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists
Association for Pathology Informatics (API)
Behavioral Pharmacology Society (BPS)
The Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
Canadian Society for Immunology (CSI)
Clinical Immunology Society (CIS)
Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA)
International Society for Analytical and Molecular
Morphology (ISAMM)
International Society for Developmental and
Comparative Immunology (ISDCI)
International Society for Interferon and Cytokine
Research (ISICR)
International Society of Neuroimmunology (ISNI)
International Society for NeuroImmunoModulation
International Society for Stereology (ISS)
International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)
and its affiliated societies
Mexican Society of Immunology (MSI)
The Microcirculatory Society (MCS)
North American Vascular Biology Organization
PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Society (PNIRS)
Pulmonary Pathology Society (PPS)
Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
Society for International Nutrition Research (SINR)
Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB)
Society for Mucosal Immunology (SMI)
Society for Natural Immunity (SNI)
11/3/2004, 2:43 PM
Jan. 22-25
2005 Midwinter Conference of Immunologists at Asilomar,
Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
-- Conference limited to 650 attendees
-- Registration deadline (without late fee): Friday, Nov. 19, 2004
-- Contact: Registrar: Ms. Kim Gurney, P.O. Box 642268, Los
Angeles, CA 90064, Phone: (310) 390-4556; E-mail: * Web:
Mar. 31 - Apr. 5
XXXV International Congress of Physiological Sciences: From
Genomes to Functions (in conjunction with Experimental
Biology 2005) -- San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA
Apr. 2-6
AAI Annual Meeting, in conjunction with
Experimental Biology 2005 -- San Diego Convention
Center, San Diego, CA
Meeting abstract submission info. avail. Sept. 2004
May 12-16
5th Annual FOCIS (Federation of Clinical Immunology
Societies) Meeting -- Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA
Abstract deadline: January 10, 2005
Contact: FOCIS, 555 East Wells St., Ste. 1100, Milwaukee, WI
June 18-22
The American Society for Virology (ASV) 24th Annual Scientific
Meeting, University Park, Pennsylvania (Sponsor: Penn State
Contact: Sidney E. Grossberg, Sec-Treas., ASV, Dept. of
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Medical College of
Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 532260509 * Tel: (414) 456-8104 * Fax: (414) 456-6566 * E-mail:
July 3-7
Connect 2005, the 12th National Convention of the Royal
Australian Chemistry Institute (CACI), Sydney, Australia,
Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour
Sep. 16-18 (2005)
Ninth International Workshop on Langerhans Cells, Funchal,
Madeira, Portugal. Organized by Nikolaus Romani and Georg
Stingl, Innsbruck and Vienna, Austria
Members in the News
American Association of Immunologists (AAI)
9650 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20814
AAI is interested in the achievements of its members.
If you have recently received an honor or award or have
been elected to an honorary society or board (or know
someone who has), please let us know. Send items to:
Old copies of The JI
gathering dust?
Why not put them to
good use?
The Journal of Immunology is
seeking copies of The JI from
1916 to 1969. If you have any
of these journals in good
condition and are willing to
donate them, please contact:
Kaylene Kenyon, Ph.D.
Phone: 301-634-7823
11/3/2004, 2:43 PM
A UGUST 2004
11/3/2004, 2:58 PM
11/3/2004, 2:59 PM
A UGUST 2004
Is your Directory
listing correct?
Update your online record
anytime during the year.
To update your online listing in the FASEB Directory
of Members, visit and click on
Member Directory at the left or go directly to
your online
Click the “Member Update” tab on the top right
of the screen to make changes.
Please note: There is a time delay between submitting
revisions and their actual appearance online.
1/26/2005, 12:37 PM
AAI Annual Meeting 2004 Sponsors
Experimental Biology (EB) 2004 -- April 17-24, W
ashington, D.C.
The American Association of Immunologists gratefully acknowledges the very generous support of its
activities at EB 2004 through unrestricted educational grants from the following sponsors:
American Association of Veterinary Immunologists (AAVI) -- Columbia, MO
™ AAI-AAVI Symposium: Bioterrorism Threats to Animal Agriculture
Amgen Inc. -- Thousand Oaks, CA
™ The AAI President’s Address -- All’s well that ends well: cell fate decisions in lymphocytes
Baker Institute for Animal Health -- College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
™ General meeting support
BD Biosciences -- La Jolla, CA
™ EB 2004 Meeting Bags ™ AAI Reception ™ AAI President’s Reception
™ AAI-BD Biosciences Investigator Award and Lecture
Bender MedSystems -- Vienna, Austria and San Bruno, CA
™ AAI Junior Faculty Awards ™ AAI Online Program
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company -- New York, NY
™ Distinguished Lecture -- Differential activation of subsets of CD4 T lymphocytes
Cadmus Professional Communications -- Richmond, VA
™ The Journal of Immunology Editorial Board Dinner and Meeting
Centocor, Inc. -- Malvern, PA
™ Special Symposium -- Masters of disaster: the IL12 cytokine family and its role in health and disease
FASEB Career Resources/NIGMS MARC Program -- Bethesda, MD
™ AAI Minority Scientist Travel Awards
Genentech, Inc. -- San Francisco, CA
™ The President’s Symposium -- Transcription factors that direct lineage commitment in lymphocytes
Huang Foundation -- Rancho Santa Fe, CA
™ AAI-Huang Foundation Meritorious Career Award
™ AAI-Huang Foundation Trainee Achievement Awards
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International -- New York, NY
™ Major Symposium B: Where tolerance goes awry
Merck Research Laboratories -- Rahway, NJ
™ General meeting support
NIAID-NIH -- Bethesda, MD
™ AAI-NIAID Symposium: Contemporary Topics in Immunology
™ Special Symposium in Memory of Charles A. Janeway, Jr.
Henry J. Showell -- Westbrook, CT
™ Pfizer-Showell Travel Awards
11/3/2004, 3:01 PM
A UGUST 2004
The American Association of Immunologists (AAI)
gratefully acknowledges BD Biosciences
for its generous support of the 2004 AAI Annual Meeting
at Experimental Biology (EB) 2004.
The following were made possible through unrestricted
educational grants from BD Biosciences:
* EB 2004 Meeting Bags
* AAI Annual Meeting Reception
* AAI President’s Reception
* AAI-BD Biosciences Investigator Award and Lecture
11/3/2004, 3:02 PM
Visiting Scientist Responsibilities
• Visit minority institutions for periods of one or more days to present lectures and seminars of general
and practical interests.
• Provide advice on research, curriculum, and graduate opportunities.
• Discuss career trends and opportunities in the biomedical/behavioral sciences.
• Assist in the preparation and development of grant proposals.
Peer Mentor Responsibilities
• Attend selected scientific meetings to mentor and serve as a guide for undergraduate students
attending the meetings. Activities to include but not limited to: giving advice, visiting poster and oral
presentations, guided tours through the exhibit halls that will help enhance the experience of the
attending student.
• Give presentations on topics such as:
° Graduate school and/or postdoctoral experiences.
° Selecting the correct mentors and advisors.
° Staying motivated and committed to pursuing a career in life sciences.
• Network with students to foster collaborative communications.
Visits may be initiated by the Visiting Scientist, Peer Mentor or Host Institution. Follow-up visits by the scientists
and peer mentors are encouraged. Visiting Scientist/Peer Mentor travel expenses and funds for necessary
supplies, slides, reproduction, etc. are provided by the FASEB MARC Program.
The visiting scientist or peer mentor must be an active member of one of FASEB’s Constituent Societies.
(For Society List)
(For Complete Roster of Members)
(For an on-line application)
Cheryl Wright, Program Coordinator
Phone: 301-634-7109
11/3/2004, 3:02 PM
A UGUST 2004
The American Association of Immunologists 2005 Awards
Call for Nominations/Applications
AAI Excellence in Mentoring Award
Established by AAI in 1997, this award recognizes the importance of the mentor-trainee relationship. A dedicated
mentor can significantly influence a trainee’s successful development and career. Every year at the annual meeting,
AAI honors a member’s contributions to the profession through outstanding mentoring. Deadline: 11/05/04
AAI-Huang Foundation Meritorious Career Award
This award, established by the AAI in 1999 in partnership with the Huang Foundation, is intended to recognize a
mid-career scientist for outstanding research contributions to the field of immunology. The awardee receives a $10,000
cash prize and travel to the AAI annual meeting for presentation of award lecture. Deadline: 11/05/04
AAI-BD Biosciences Investigator Award
Since 1993, the AAI has recognized an early-career investigator who has made outstanding contributions to the field of
immunology. Formerly known as the AAI-Pharmingen Investigator Award, this award has been co-sponsored since
1998 by BD Biosciences. The award includes a $3,000 cash prize and travel to the AAI annual meeting for presentation of award lecture. Deadline: 11/05/04
AAI Junior Faculty Travel Award
Supported in part through an unrestricted educational grant from Bender MedSystems, this award offers a $500 cash
prize to young investigators based on career promise and submission of a first-author abstract to the AAI annual
meeting. AAI members and nonmembers are eligible. Awardees are notified before the meeting. Deadline: 12/06/04
Pfizer-Showell Travel Award
Established in 1999 through an endowment from Henry J. Showell and Pfizer, Inc., this award recognizes the
professional promise of an early career investigator (assistant professor or equivalent) by assisting the awardee with
travel to the annual meeting to present immunology research. Selection is based on career progress and submission of
an outstanding abstract selected for oral presentation at the meeting. Awardees are notified before the meeting.
Deadline: 12/06/04
AAI Minority Scientist Travel Award
Supported in part by a FASEB grant from the Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) program, administered by
the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), NIH, this award provides eligible mentors, trainees*,
and/or junior faculty members complimentary advance registration and travel support in connection with the AAI
annual meeting. Two types of awards -- Faculty Mentor/Minority Trainee Award and Minority Trainee-to-JuniorFaculty Travel Award -- are available, with separate eligibility requirements for each. Awardees are notified before the
meeting and must attend the meeting and award ceremony. Deadline: 12/06/04
AAI-Huang Foundation Trainee Achievement Travel Award
Established in 1997 through an endowment from the Huang Foundation, this award offers promising trainees* in the
field of immunology a $1,000 cash prize and support for travel to the AAI annual meeting. Selection is based on career
promise and presentation of an outstanding first-author abstract at the meeting. Awardees are notified before the
meeting. Deadline: 12/06/04
For complete 2005 AAI Award eligibility requirements and application instructions,
visit <>.
* Requires submission of AAI Trainee Certification Form: <>
11/3/2004, 3:02 PM
Experimental Biology
April 2-6 • San Diego, CA
XXXV International Congress of Physiological Sciences
March 31 - April 5
Look for complete meeting and abstract submission information in early September at
9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3994
11/3/2004, 3:02 PM
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