Appendix E Preliminary Geotechnical Analysis GILES CNGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. October 22. 2008 The Festival Companies 9841 Airport Boulevard, Suita 700 los Angeles, CA 90045 Attention: Mr. Bryce C. Ross Acquisitions Director Preliminary Geolechrllcal Engineering Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza E~ploralion and Analysis Crenshaw Boulevard arid M.l. King, Jr. Boulevard Los Angeles. California Project No. 2G-{)809001 Oear Mr. Ross In accordance wllh your request and authoriZalPon. a Preliminary Geoled!nic81 Engmeenng ExploratIOn and Analysis report has been prepared for the aoove·referenced project. Preliminary conclusions and recommendations developed from I~ exploration and analysis ale discussed in lhe accompanying report. Spe~ficdesrgn and construction parameters are not provided in thiS report, but will be provided later in lhe Comprehensive Geotechnical Report. We appreclale lhe opportunity to be of service on this project. If we may be 01 additional assistance. should geotechnical related problems occur. please do not hesitate to call at anytime . Sincerely. '=""GINEERING ASSOCIAlES. INC. r Gatus. P E. Assistant Regionalllo'.anager RCE 70687 4;:Q;~ =-::, Terry l. Giles. G.E. President and CEO G.E. No. 342 DistributIOn The Festival Companies Alln : rw. Bryan Ross (4 US Mail, email: b.ross@lestivalcos.com) Ms. Joy O'Brien (email: j.obrien@leslivalcos.com) TABLE OF CONTENTS RELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EXPLORATION AND ANALYSIS BALOWIN HILLS CRENSHAW PlAZA 3650 MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARO LOS ANGELES . CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 2G-0809001 Description 1 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OUTLINE .......................................................................1-2 2.0 SCOPE OF SERViCES ............................................................................................. 3.. 3.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................... 3. 3. 1 Site Description .........................................................................................................3 .. 3.2 Proposed Projecl Descriplion ............................................... .................................. .3-4 4.0 GEOLOGy......... ......................................................... . ............ ........................4. .. 4.1 Regional and Local Geologic Setllng ........................................... ......................... ~_5 4.2 Geolog ic Materials .................................... ................................................................. 5 .. 4.3 Groundwater .... .. ................... ................................................................................. .5,,6 4.4 Faulls .............................................................. ....... ........................................... .6 .• 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING ......................................................................................... .0.. 5.1 Faulling and Seismicity...................... ................................... ......... ............................ 9.. S.2 liquefaction and Related Hazards .......... ................... . ... ...... ...... ............... 9· 10 5.3 Landslide Hazards ......... ,.............................................. , _.......................................10 5.4 Tsunam is. Inundation. Seiches . and Flood ing...... ..................................... 10 5.5 Methane Gas ................................................................... .. ............................ 10 60 6.1 6.2 7.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ........................................................................... 10 Subsurface E~ploration ............ ............. ..............................................................10-11 Subsurface Conditions ................ ,.................. ,........................................... .........1.1-12 LABORATORY TESTING ,.......................................................................................12 B.O PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECQM'.1ENOATIONS ............................... ,3 4 B.l Seismic Design Consklerations ................... .............. ,.. ,.. .... .. .... ... ....................... 14-15 B.2 Prelimmary Site Development Recommendations.............. .. .... l6-11 B.3 Prehmlnary Cons!l\Jction Considerations .............................................................11-18 8.4 Preliminary Foundation Recommendations .. ..................................... ...............18_19 8.5 Preliminary Floor Slab Recommendalions ..... ...........................................................19 8.6 Preliminary Retaining Walls and Walls Below-Grade ........ .. ...... .......................... 20-21 8.7 Preliminary New Pavement RecommendaUons .................................................. .21-22 Appendices: Append i~ A: B: Appendix C: Append ix O' Appendi~ Figures (34 ), Test Boring Logs (8) and liquefaction Analysis (2) Field Procedures Laboratory Testing and Soil Classification General Information (Modified Gukleline SpeCIfications) and Important Information About Your Gootechnleal Report OOiles Engineenng Associates. Inc. 2006 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EXPLORATION AND ANALYSIS BALDWIN HILLS CRENSHAW PLAZA 3650 MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA PROJEC T NO. 2G-0809001 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OUTLINE The execullve summary is provided solely for tile purpose of esllmallng Ihe feasibility and cost of tile proposed developmenl and 001 for actual design and construction The executive summary omits a number of delails. anyone of which could be crucial 10 the pt"oper application of this repM. Subsurface Con dition s o Slle Class deslQnaltOn "0" is recommended for seismIC design comt6efabOns based upon our subsurface explora\JOfl. Use of Special tesllng might reduce the soil class 10 "C' o FiU and posSIble fiU materials were encounlered during our subsurface e~tion 10 depths of approlOlTlille!y 3 10 13 feel below existmg grade and were considered to haYe been placed during !he development of the I!X!Sting mal! The fills and possible fills gerKIralfy consisted of intertayered sandy clay. sandy slit. clayey sand and Silly sarod. The sandy r~ls (dayey sand and sitty sand ) conSisted of moist. fUlTlto dense. in relallVe denslly of silly fine to coa~ sand. and clayey firKIto medium sand. The finer fills (sill and day) consisted of mOist, stiff to very sllff. in comparative consistency of sandy silt and sandy d ay. These malen als are believed 10 have been ' cerllfied" when placed based on our research of prior geotechnical reports for tilis property. • Nallve solis encountered underneatil lhe fil l and possible fill generally consisted of moist to wei, firm lu vtlry den5e in relative density of sandy materialS (Silty sand, sand Wltf\ silt. sand and clayey sand). and sUff to hard in comparauve consistency of finer materials (clay and silt). The dense to very dense s.anc:ly andlor gravely soils were encountered within our borings at depths of approxltTlate!y 25 to 35 feet below exishllg ground sucfaces. • Groundwater was encountered during our subsurface lnvesllgabon at depths of approxmatefy 25 to 60 feet below existing gracles. The shallower perched groundwater level (25 leet) was encountered in Test Boring 34, whiCh is located at the northerty portlon of !he site, while the deeper groundwater levels (60 feet) were encountefed in Test Borings 13 and 32 located along the middle portIOn of the SIIe. No perched or s tab, waler was encountered in our test bonngs located along the southern por1lOO of the site up to maXImum depth explored (80 leel) Sito Development • Proposed site development will indude ranovalion of the existing mall along Wi th razing exis~ng structures and consln.JC~on of new struclures as depicted on Scheme 4A prepared by Moody· NcYn. Inc of Columbus Ohio and Rlos Clementi Hale Studios of Los Angeles, California. The razed structures will consist of both parktng decks and retail building; and. the new structures v.ill consiSt 01 a h'9h-rise level hotel (24 level); rrud·nse offICI!: mul~·level retail: J.story. mld-nse and high-rise houslrtg and multi·level parking both above and below-gracle • Based on our reYlE!W of the seismic l\azard evaluahon report for thl HoIywood quadrangle (COMG. t999). the northerly half portiOn of \he subject $lle lies WIthin a 6M"iIfllIled Uqvefadron Hazard Zone. However. the potenllallor liquefaclJon and the assocrated hazards at the site is considered r"nImmal based on !.he result 01 our hquefaCbOfl analysis. Whrch was pet10rmed on the subsurface exploration to-date C{3EP G1LES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. Preliminary Geotechnical Englneenng Exploration and Analysts Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los AI1geles, Callfomia ProjeC! No 2G.Q809001 p.,., Building f ou ndation • Lightly and moderately loaded structures may be supported by conventional spread looting found allons Suitable bearing sOils are expected to be available at reasonably shallow deptlls. • Heavily loaded structures may be supported by II mat foundation or deep foundations conslstmg 01 stralQht shaft drilled piers or auger cast piles deSigned for a modtltate 10 relatively hl9h allowable bearing capacity and skin frictIOn. The bearing capacity and skin fflCOOn 5IgniflCafl\ty inaease at a depth 01 about 20 to 30 feet below the ground surfiilce. Drilled pier underreiilms or bells iilre not consider&d feasible due to caving sOil Building Floo r Sliilb • Floor sliilb may be deSigned iilS conventional slab<lnilrade or posHensioned slab. Some portions of the subsoilS are expansll/il and. therefore. requlI'e additional rein/orang or posHensioomg • Ground supported slabs should be underlain by a typical 4 to fHneh thick granular base supported on a property prepared subgrade. • A vapor bamer is recommended In moisture consideration areas. Retaining Walls • BelOWijrade walls should be designed as retaining walls capable of resisting !he lateral soil pressure. Restrained walls must be designed for at·rest conditionS. • The lateral pressure will be a funCbOn of the baddil materials. On-site material may be used for backfill; however, seled more granular materials wiH result in a Iower-laleral pressure • The badlfill shoutd be driillned to allow the walls to be designed lor drained conditions iilnd will be less prone 10 dampness. Pavement A typICal pavement secbon mlQhl conSist of: • AsphaltIC Concrete: 3 inches In automobile paflung stalls. 3 inches in thickness in automobile dnve lanes, 4 Indies thicJo: in heavy dllly traffic areas. • Crushed Aggregate Base Course 6 inches m automobile parking stalls. 8 inches In iilutcmoblle dnve lanes and 10 inches thicJo: in n.eiilVY duty traffic areas. • Portland Cement Concrete: 6 inches In thickness in high stress areas such as loading docks. entrances and eXits. heavy traffic tum and park areas iilnd in trash enclosure loading zones WIth \he piilvement underlain by crushed aggregate base~. COI'lS\nlction Consideration Ettreme caU\lons should be eX&fClsed to ensure exisllng foundations. structures. roadways arld utili lies to rem all' are not undermined or affected dUring grading and construdion. SpeCial deSigns and construction tedlniques maybe required depending on location 01 existing an d new loundabons Some shoring is expected in excavations along exis ting structures and roads. ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Preliminary Geotechnical EoglOeeriog Exploration and Analysis BaldWin Hills Crenshaw Plaza los Angeles. California Project No. 2G-0809001 Page 3 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES ThiS report provides the results of the Preliminary Geotflchnical Engineering ExploratiOn and AnalySIS that Giles Engineering Associates. Inc. ("Giles? conducted reg arding the p!"oposed development. The scope of our service was narrow and limited. as directed by our client and was performed in order to provide Information to assist 11'1 detflrrmning the feasibility of the project. Pre~minary geotechrucal.related recommendations 10( design and conStrvctlOll of the foundabon and ground-beanng floor slab for the proposed buiklngs and parklf"lg structures are proVIded in this report fOf the purpose 01 eStllTlabng the feasibility and cost of the proposed development. not fOf actual design and cxmstrvClJon. PrelliTlinary geotechnical-related reoommendatlOl'ls are also provided lor the proposed parking lot and loading dock pavements. General site preparatlOl"'l recommenc1ations are also given: however. those reoommendatlOfls are only preliminary since the means and methods of site pl"eparation will depend on factors that were unknown when this report was prepared Those factot'S indude limited subsuriace exploration, weather before and dunllQ construction. subsurface conditions that are exposed dunn.g construction, and finalized details Of the proposed development. Environmental services were beyond the scope of services for this project. 3,0 SITES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Site Description BaklWln H ills Crenshaw Plaza (BHCP ) is located at 3650 Martin luther King Boulevard In the City of Los Angeles. California (Fig~e 1). The site encompasses approXimately 40 acres that 1$ bounded to the OOI1h by 39"' Street. on the east by Crenshaw Boulevard. on the south by Stocker Street, on the southwest by Santa Rosalia Dove. and on the wesl by Martton Avenue. Mar1ln luthef King Boulevard (MlKB) traverses east to west along the OOI1hem one-third of the sil8. This majof mall is currently occupied by major department stores like Wal-Mart, Sears, and Macy's. by a CInema. and over 100 stores. restaurants, and servtce center5 Inside the mall. Several detached restaurants. banks and stores are located adjacent 10 Stodler Street. Santa Rosalia Dri~e and Marlton Avenue . 3.2 Proposed Prolect Desc ri ption Proposed site development will include renovallOn of the existing mall along With razing eiislJng structures and constructioo of new structures as depicted on Scheme 4A prepared by Moody·Notan. loc. of Cotumoos. Ohio and RiO's Clementi Hale StOOIOS of los Angeles. Californla (Figure 21. The razed struclurll5 will consist 01 both parking decks and relai! buildings; and, the new structures will consist of a htgh·nse level hotel: IT>>d-nse offICe; multl-levet rela~; 3-story. mid.rise and higlwrse houSing and multJ-levet parktng both above and belowograde The fotlowW'lg are the proposed IT\3jOf renovation planned for the sUbfed SIte • Albertsons Supermarket and Bank of Amenca building located along the northerly portion of the mall will be demolished and replaced with a new muced-use retaiVresidential building and hotel/reSidential building Below grade parking (3-level) and above gra6e parking (2-level) are ~GILES ENGINEERtNG ASSOCIATES, INC. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering E)(ploration and Analysis BaldWIn Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles. Califomia Projecl No. 2G-080900 1 Page 4 • • • proposed WIthin each of these new areas wilt1in the northern parcel. The hOlel/housing tower will be 24 levels aoove the hotel podium and the residential towers will be 10 levels aoove the podium. Maey's building located to lt1e north of MLKB will remain. Sears building and adjacent auto center located on Ihe south parcel will remain . Mall structures on the southern parcel including Wal-Mart and the clnemas will be razed along with banks and restaurants located around the perimeter of the property. New conslNction witt consist of a new Target, Wal-Mart. CInemaS, fitness center, mi)(ed-use retail/office building and reSidential buildings. Three parking structures will be added which will include a combination of below-grade and aoove-grade parking. The proposed new buildings and parking stnJclures are planned to be supported by load bearing columns Cotumn maximum combined live and dead loads are understood to range from approKimately 132to 5,175 kips. The lower column load 01132 kips is for a Single-story bu ilding with no basement. and tM: higher column load of 5.175 kips is for hotel and parking betow grade structures wIth an approximate 24 noor levels. New below-grade and above-grade parking 101 that inCludes parking stalls and drive lanes will be constructed within the mall area. The Iraffic loading on the proposed parking lots is understood 10 predominately consist 01 aulomoblles WIth some heavy truCkS resulting lrom aellvery and trash removal. Preliminary standard duty pavement areas shall be designed to handle an Equivalent Smgle/A;<le Loading lESAL) of 50,000 and heavy duty pavement areas such as drive lanes and the loading dock areas sha ll be deSigned to handle an ESAL of 185.000, for a 2o-year design period. 4.0 GEOLOGY 4.1 Regional and Loc al Geologic Setti ng The subject site is appro)(imately si)( miles southwest of downtown Los Angeles in the district of BaldWIn Hills. Baldwin Hills is located within the Los Angeles Basin and is found In the northern portIons of the Peninsular Ranges Province. ThiS range e ~lends from Baja California Into the Los Angeles Basin and then weslerly to the offshore Islands Including Santa Cruz and San Nicolas islands The northern and northeast boulldary abuts to the Transverse Ranges Province which contams the Santa Monica Mountains. San Gabriel Mountains, and San Bernardino Mountains. The COlorado-SOnoran Desert Province borders this range to the east (Harden, 1998). The Peninsular Ranges are characterized by a northwest grain caused primarily from faultiflQ. San JaCInto and Elsinore are two active major faults that cause right-lateral displacement. These fault zones are comple)( with numerous smaller faults toward the southeast (Sharp, 1994) Puente-Repetto Hills dIVides the Los Angeles Basin into two distinct geomorphologic features. The northern ooe-third is compnsed of valleys namely San Gabriel and San Bernardino. while the southern two-thirds consisl of a gentle sloping coastal plain. Faults also define the baslfl by dividing the area 1010 four blod<.s, with the central blod<. bound to the northeast by the Whittier fault and the ~GILES ENGINEER1NG ASSOCIATES, INC. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Exploration and Analysis Baldwm Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles, California Project No. 2G-Q809oo1 Page 5 southwest by Ihe Newport-Inglewood fault These blocks behave independently aM some or all have rotated over the last million ye ars (Sharp. 1994). The dominant structural fealUre of the Los Angeles Basin is a large syncline with the axis extending northwest from Santa Ana to Beverly Hills. These fe atures were created with subsidence of the Los Angeles Basin about 15 million years ago during the Miocene period and the extrusion of volcanic material and continued throvghoutthe Pliocene and Pleistocene with the targest deposits of sediment reaching 31.000 feet (Sharp. 1994). The present-day Los Angeles Basin is characterized as a coastal pla;n with occasional hills and mesas. The area of the subject site contains depositional materials of alluvium underlain by Pleistocene sedimentary beds. At depth. these materials are underlain by Pllocene sandstone. siltstone, shale and cong lomerate. The floor of the basin consists 01 volcanic material comprised of faUlted igneous and metamorphic rocks (Sharp. 1994). 4.2 Geologic Materials Review of published geologic maps indicates that the subject site is underlain by alluvial floodplains, and alluvial Ian deposits. Old QUaternary depOSits exist beneath the southern portion of the s~e Wlth materials consiSting oltayers 01 fine to coarse dayey sand and sandy day. with traces of sitt. The northern half of tl1e project contains yoonger Qua ternary sed iments that have sand. sill. and clay matenals (CDMG. 1998). These native materials were overlain with artificia l fills to existing grades thaI have been made dunng urbanization. These soil profiles were confirmed during the subs urface exploration conducted by our fi rm . As shown on the exploration logs included in Appendix A. our subsurface investigation revealed eXisting fill materials. 3 to 11 leet in thickness, were encountered in Ihe exploratory borings. Deeper fill soils may be encountered between the borings or elsewhere within the site. The existing fi ll consists of firm to very dense. silty and clayey fine to coarse sands wi th gravel. and stiff to hard. sandy silts and sandy clays. The fill is underlain by nallve soils that consist of loose to very dense silty sands and line to coarse sands with gravel. and medium s@ toh ardsaMysilts. sa ndy clays. and clays. Soils vary from dry to wet. with moisture content typically dependent on grain size aM local prOXimity to the water table . 4. 3 Groundwater Groundwater, staliC or perched, was encountered in some of our borings (mostly located aloog the northern portion of the site ) at depths of approxima te ly 25 to 60 feet beklw existing ground surfaces. The shallower perched groundwater level (25 feet) was encountered in Test Soring No. 34 whid1 is located at the northerly portion of the site. while Ihe deeper groundwater ~vels (60 feet) were encountered in Test Borings No. 13 and 32 located along the middle portion of the site. No perched or static water was encountered in our lest borings located along the southern portion of the site up to maximum depth e~plored (80 feat).The historical highest groundwater deplh for the subject S,\e is ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Prelunnary Geotechnical Engineering EJoCpIorabon and Analysis BaldWIn Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles, California PrOjed No. 2G-0809001 Page 6 approximately 10 feet below the surface based on our reVIew 01 the pertinent California Division of Mir.es and Geology SeismiC (CDMG) Hazard Zone report for tne Hollywood Quadrangle Fluctuations of the groundwater lable, localized zones of perched water, ami rise In soil mcisture cootent shoutd be anticipated during and after the rainy season lrogation of landscape areas on or adJaeenl10 the sile can also caused nuctualions of local or shallow perched groundwater level 4.4 Fau lts The Southern California area has many faults which may be categonzed Into active. potentiaUyaCIM!, and InactIVe faults These fault groups were organized and classified by the California GeologICal Sutvey to determine geologic hazards An actiVe fault is a fault that has been aClive dunng \he Holocene (last 11,000 years). A potentially active fault is a fault that has offset geologic units from \he Quanemary Period (lastl .S miUiofl years). InacllVe faults have not moved 111 the last 1.6 million years (lacopl.I996). The San Andreas system is a comp~~ set of northwest trending faults that dominate Southern California The major faults that are associated Wllh the San Andreas system are the Newport· Inglewood, Eisinora, and San Jacinto. These active faults have been known 10 rupture the surface over time In addition. numerous we$t trendmg tlIvllrSIl (ault~ hayt! tleen active. wtllcll aDut against the SOl.Jthem portion of the Transver$8 Range province. Several actIVe reverse fault zones include \he San Gabriel. San Fernando, Hollywood, Santa Monica, and Elysian Pail< faulls (Hardeo. 1998). Blind Thrust Faults Another category of faull is known as thnJslfaulls or blind faults. These faulls are hidden miles below the earth·s surface and thelf movemenl is defined as dip-slip faulting . Drp-slrp faults are charaClenzed by a vertical slip along angled fault planes which are nol ver1lca1 but are more like steep ramps. Several examples of these faults indude the 1971 Mw 7.1 San Fernando and 1994 Mw 6.7 Northridge earthquakes wilh shallow fault planes and a steep dip. Too 1987 Mw 61 Whltuer Narrows earthquake occurred on blind thrusl faults with a dip of about 25 degrees and caused secondary slumping and ground cracks (laoopi. 1995). Nearby Seismic Sources Based on our reVl!lw of the literature. no acllve fal,lllS are known 10 prOjed dtrec\ly through the subject p.-opetty However. the site does lie within the 3 km of the Newport·lnglewood fault as determrned by geologIC maps and Nterature. In aOdrlron, the subjed site IS found to be Wlthin 60 km of n~ actrve fault zones that are capable of generalrng strong 9round moIIon. The names and Iocauons of these faults can be found below 111 Table 1 ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. Preliminary Geotechmcal Englneenng E~ploralion and Analysis Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles, Califorma Project No 2G-0809001 Page 7 Tab le 1 Si gnifi c ant Nearby Seis mi c Sources faun Namo Appro •. Distance From 5Il10 Newport-Inglewood Fault Based on our reVIeW of geotechnical maps and literature in reference to faul~ng, the onshore segment of the Newport Inglewood rault is tna dosest known fauh to the subject site. It is located approlUlTlately 2.9 kilometers southwesl from \he subject site TI'Ie Newpon-Inglewood fauh zone is a complex S1n.Jcture With nght-laleral displacement that heads in iii northwesterly direction and marked by a senes of mesas and Mis from Newport Bay 10 Beverly Hills. The zone produces a vertical displacement In the underlying material of nearly 4,000 feet. The fault zone In the overtylng $edimentary roc;ks consists Of shorl parallel overlapping segments with displacements decreasing upwards With an offset In the youngest beds of only 200 \0 300 feet. This zone has iii history of Intermittent activity with the Long Beach earthquake of 1933 verifying ilS e~lStence (Sharp, 1994). The most notable earthQuake along thiS fault was a magnrtude 6.2 With Ina epicenter offshore, three miles southwest of NewpOrt Beach in 1933 (Iacopi, 1996). ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. Prelimmary Geolechnical Engineenng E~ploration and Analysis Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles, California Project No. 20-0609001 Page 8 Two addltionalfaulls thai are considered 10 be sl!ilniflCant seismic sources and are located in relative dose proximly 10 Ihe subject site are Ihe Hollywood and Sanla Monica faults . Ho!1ywood Faun The Hollywood faulllS Iocaled approXimately 10.2 kiiometefS from lhe subject site and 8~lend5 east nonheastfO( a dlslance of 14 km through Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Hollywood 10 the Los Angeles RIV8f and Interstale 5. It is truncated on the west by lhe West Beyerty Hills Lll'Ieamenl (Dolan el al , 2oooa ). The Hollywood fault Is a lefl-Iateral. reverse fault thai separates the Los An!ileles basin and Ihe Santa Monica mountail'ls (Catchil'19s et al , 2001). This fault Is COfIsidered active as II rul'lS close 10 the Santa Monica Mountains and is most pronounced near the base of a south-facing aUvvial apron In West HoIywood (Dolan et ai, 1997). Its most recent surface ruplure occurred dunng the Holocene With \he interval between map surface ruptures of approXimately 1,600 years. The probable magnitudes fot 11'115 fau" range from Mw 5.8 - 6.5, bul covId be larger if rupture i5 simUltaneous With an adjacenl fault. Santa Monica Fault The Santa MQn;ca laun i:> Iociotw I<ppn;IlUrTl(lte!y 103 klJometefS from the subject site and elClenc;!s easl frorn the coastline in PacifIC Pall5ades \hrwgtI Santa Monica and West Los Angeles and merges With the Hollywood fault (Dolan 8\ aI., 2OOOa), The Santa Monica fault i5 a reV81Se left-dip fault. consists of one ot more strands, and is approlOffi8tely 40 km long. lis surface illustrations include offset strattgraphy. fault-produced phYSiographic features, and groundwater impediments with the Late Qualemary alluvial deposits, Pleistocene and Holocene movemenl is evident toeally along some fault segments, and especially eastward to its Inlersection with the Newpon Inglewood fault zone (CatchingS et al" 2(01). This fault is (X)(Isidered to be active and the mosl recent surface rupture was dunng the Late Quaternary period Within the lime between surface ruptures unknown. ThIS faull has the capability of produaog magnitudes ranging from Mw 6.0 - 7 0 dependIng on whether the fau" ruptures an al once H'SIQrical Seismis;itv The subject site lies Within the highly seismic region 01 Southern California that has experienced a number of earthquakes that have produced strong ground shaking over time. The most stgniflC3nt hl5tonc seISmIC events in reference to the subject site are listed in Table 2. The informatlOO fot each earthquake incfudes the date, magnItude, and dIStance and direction from the epicenter GILES ENGINEERING ASSQCIATES. INC. Prelimin ary Geotectmical Engineering Exploration and Analysis Baldwm Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles, Ca lifomia Project No. 2G-0809OO1 Page 9 Tabl e 2 Significant Historic Earthquakes Earthquake Oate of Moment Events Earthquake MagnltudelMwj Ol.tanett to EplunlOt (km) to Eplcente, DI,-c~on 5.0 GEOLOGIC ANO SEISMIC HAZARDS 5.1 Faulting and Seismicity The sile does nollie within the boundanes of an "Earthquake Fault Zone" as defined by the State of Calil omia in the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Faull Zoning Act. Based on avaitable geologic data. actIVe or polentially active faults with the potenti al for surface fault rupture are not known to be located directly beneath or projecting toward the site. Therefore, the potential for surface rupture due to fa ult plane displacement al the site is considered low. The dosest known active or polenltally active fault to the site is the Newport-Inglewood fault zone. which is approKimately 2.9 kilometers from the Site. The Santa Morlica·Hol!ywood faull is located approximately 10.2 kilometers to the site. The subject site is not considered 10 be at a particularly greater level of seismiC risk compared 10 other areilS In the regkm. 5.2 liquefaction and Related HazardS Our review 01 Ihe published SeismiC Hazard Evaluation Report for the Hollywood Quadrangle (within which the subject site Is located) indicates thai the northern site lies Wlthln a designated Liquefaction Hazard Zone (Figure 3), ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. Pl'ellmmary Geotechmcal Engu'leenng ExpIoratlOl'l and Analysts BaldwIn HIlls Crenshaw Plaza los Angeles , california PrOject No. 2G-Q809001 Page 10 General types of groond failures that might occur as a consequence of severe ground shaking typically Inctude tandsliding. ground subsidence. ground lurching and shallow ground rupture The probabillly of occurrence of each Iype of ground failure depends on the severity 01 lhe earthquake, d,stance from faults. lopography. subsoils and groundwater conditions. in additIon 10 other faelers Bued on ou r subsurface exploration and evaluation of the site, all of the above mentioned effects of seismic activity are conside red unlikely at the site and not significant to the proposed development. S.3 landslide Hazards 01Jl' reVIeW 01 the published SeIsmic Hazard EvaluabOn Report for the Hollywood Quadrangle (WIthin whICh lhe SUbject SIte IS located) indlcales thatlile site does no! lie WithIn the designated Landslide Hazard Zone Since the su bject slle Is generally level and not located near unslable slope. mitigation of landslide hazards is not necessary fo r the site. 5.4 Tsunamis, Inundation. Seiches, and Flooding The slle is notiocated near a large body 01 waler thaI COlJld have an adverse affeClto the site in lhe event of earmqua~e·lnduced failures or selenes (wave osalta~ons in an enclosed or semi-endosed body of waler). Therefore. flooding at the site due 10 a seismically Induc:ed selc:he or dam break Is c:onsldered unlikely at the subJec:t site. The Slle 1$ not located in a coastal area. Therefore, tsunamiS (seismic: sea waves) are not co nsidered a signifICant hazard at the site. 5.5 Methane Gas The Slle is nOI located WIthIn an area deslgnaled by the City of los Angeles as a Methane Zone. Therefore, the effec:t of subterranean methane gls on the subject site Is considered unlikely and not sig nific ant to the proposed development. 6.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 6.1 Subsurface Exploration Our wbsutface exploration was performed by representa\lves of this fll'l'Tl and conSISted of the ~Ing 01 e.ght test borings to depths of approximalely 81 5 feel below elOs\lng groond elevabOnS. A geotogist and geotechnical engIneer were on'SlII for the majority of !he driltmg operation 10 dasslly SOIls and coordlnale sampling and driling aClIVI\les The approximate test boring Ioc:atlDr'lS arl shcr.vrl In the Test Bonng Locallon Plan (Figure 4). The Test Boring location Plan and Test Soong Logs (Records of Subsurface Explorauon) are endosed in Appendi~ A. Field and laboratory lest procedures and results arl Inclosed in Appendix B and C, respectIvely , The terms and symbols used on the Test Bonng logs are defined on the General NOles in Appendix D. ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC Prelimmary Geolecnr»cal Engoneemg Expiora\Joo and Analysis Baldwin Hijls Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles. califorma PrOted No. 20-0809001 Page I I Our subsurface exploralion included Ihe collecllon of relatively undislurbed samples of subsurface soil matenals for classification ar.d laboratory testlr.g purposes. Bulk samples COr.Slsted of composite soil matenals obtained al selected depth Ir.terva ls Irom the borir'lg. Relalively ur.disturbed samples were collected usmg a 3-ir.ch ootside-diarneter. modified Califomia split·spoon soil sampler (CS) hned wilh I·inch high brass rir'lgs. The sampler was dnven with successive 3Q..inch drops of a hydraulically operated. 14()..pound automatiC tnp Nimmer. Blow counts lOt each S·W drivll'lg lr'ICI'ement were reOOlded on the exploration togs. The central portions of the dnven core samples were plaoecl In sealed contall'lers and transported to our laboratory for lestlO!l. Where deemed appropnale, standard split·spoon teslS (55), also called Standard Penetration Tesl (SF'T). were also performed al selected depth intervals in accordance With the Amel"lClln Society lor Tesling Malenals (ASTM) Siandard Procedure D 1586. This method consiSts 01 mechanically driving an unbned standard split·barre! sampler 18 inches inlo lhe soil With successive 3()..inch drops of the 140·pound aulomahc lop hammer, Blow counis lor each 6·inch driving increment were recorded on the exploration logs. The number of blows requited to drive the standard spht·spoon sampler lor the lasl 12 of the 18 inches was iden~ fied as the uncorrected standard penetration resiSlar.ce (N). Disturbed soil samples from the ur.lirted staMard split·spoon samplers were placed In glass Jars and transported 10 our laboratory fO( lestlng. 6.2 Subs urfac e Cond"tion s The subsurface condllions as subsequenUy oescribed have been SImplified somewhat lor ease of report interpl'etallOn. A more detailed de5crlPlIOn of !he subsurface condibons 81 the lest boring IocallOl'ls is prOVIded by the logs 01 the test borings enclosed in Appendix B of thiS report. F'avemefl1 Existing pavement (encountered within all of our test borings) consisled of approximately 3 to 4 inch thick asphaltic concrete with approximately 6 to 8 inch thick aggregate base. Fill and possible fill malerials were encountered during oor subsurface exploratJon to depths of approxImately 3 to 13 leet below existl~ grade and are conSidered to have been placed during the development of the elUsling mall and. therefore. have been in place lor approXImately more than 20 years. These materials generally consisted of intertayered sandy day. sandy sitt. clayey sand and silty sand The sandy fills (clayey sand and silty sand ) consisted oIlTIOIst, firm to dense in rela\rie density of siJty fine to coarse sand and clayey fine to medium sand. The riner fills (s~t and clay) consisled 01 mens!. sllfllO very sllff in compara\rie consistency of sandy silt and sandy clay Na~ve soils encounlered undemeath the fill and possible fill generally conSISted of ITIOISt to weI. f.m to vefY dense in relative denSIty of sandy malenals (silty sand. sand With Sltt, sand and clayey sand). and stilf 10 hard in comparative consistency of finer malenals (clay and sill). The dense 10 very dense ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Preliminary Geotechnical Engmeering Baldwm Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles. California Project No. 2G-0809001 Page 12 Explora~on and Analysis sandy andlor gravely soils were encountered within our borings at depths of apprOKimately 25 to 35 feet below existing ground surfaces 7.0 LABORATORY TESTING Several laboratory tests were performed on selected samples considered representaUve of those encountered in order to evaluate the engineering prope rties of onsite soils underlying the site. No cI1emical analyses for environmental consideration have been conducted on the soils obtained during our subsurface exploration. However. no detectable levels of volati le vapors were detected in the collected soil samples using a photoionization detector (PID) and no visual observed signs of contamination. The following are brief descnption of our laboratory test results. In Situ Moisture and Density Tests were performed on select samples from the test borings to determine the subsoils dry density and natural moisture contents. The results of these tests are induded in the Test Boring Logs endosed in Appendi K A. Grain Size Analyses Grain size anatyses were performed on selected samples from various depths in order to assist in soil ctassification and to aid in liquefaction analysis. These tests were performed in accordance with Test Method ASTM 0 422-98. The results of these lests are graphically presented as Figures 5 to 21. Append i~ A. Atterberg Limits The Atterberg limits (liquid limit. plastic limit and plasticity index) were determined for representative samples of onsile soi ls in accordance with Test Me thod ASTM 0 4318-00 \0 verify soil dassificalions and to aid in the liquefaction analyses. The results of the Atterberg Limits are induded on the Test Boring Logs and figures endosed as Figure 22 In Appendix A. E~pansive Potential To eva luate Ihe expansive potential of the ons ite soils encountered within the proposed build ing addition. a composite sample collected from Test Boring Nos. 13 (1 to 5 feet) and 43 (11 to 15 feet) was subjected to Expansive Index (EI) testing. The res ult of our expansion index (EI) testing indicates that ensite soil samples have medium expansion potentoal. EI of 67 and 60 for Test Borings No. 13 and 43. respectively. which Is also noted on the Test Berong Logs. Consolidafon ConSOlidation tests were performed on representative samples in order to determine the magnitude of volume decrease when subjected to different vertical pressures. The consolidation tests performed ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Preliminary Geotechmcal Engmeenng Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza los Angeles, California Project No. 2G-0809001 Page' 3 E~pIorahon and Analysis indicated that these samples were slightly compressible when subjected to anbClpated stallC loads The results of tesbng are shown as Figures 2310 32 in Appendi)( A. Direct Shear The angle of Internal fnction and coheSIOn. were determined for relallVely undisturbed soil samples. These tests were perfOO11ed In general accordance with Test Method No. ASTM D 3080-98. Three specimens were prepared for eadl test. The test specimens were artificially saturated, and then sheared under various normal loads at a maximum conslant rate of strain of 0_01 Inches per minute. Results are graphically presented as Figures 33 and 34 in AppendIX A. Soluble: Sulfate Analnis and SoIl Conys!y!ty RepresentatIVe sample of the oear surface soils which may contact shallow buned ttlitibes and structural concrete was performed In-house to delenmne the corrosion polenllal fOf buried feMOUs metal condUits and the concentrationS present of water Soluble sulfate which CO\iIcl result in chemical attack of cement. The foiloWlng table presents the results of our laboratory testing. The chloride content of near-surface and moderate deplh Soils was determined lor a selected sample In accordance With Cahfornia Test Method No 422. The resulls of Ihls test Indicated that on-sile soils have Low exposure to chloride (127 10 181 ppm). The results of limited in-house testing of soil pH and reSistivity were determined in accordance wilh Cahfofnl.il test Method No. 643 and indicated that on-Me soils are stighUy alkaline WlIh respect to pH (7.74 to 8.81) and SOIl resistivity was found 10 be low (4.730 to 5.100 ohm-cm). These test results have been evaluated in aa:;ordance with criteria established by the Cast Iron Pipe Research AsSOCIalIOO as well as the Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association. The test results on a near surface and moderate depth bl.llk sample from the site indicate that on-site soils have a low corrosive concem when in contact. WIth ferrous matenals. Corrosivlty testing also ineluded determination of the concentrations of water-soluble sulfates present the tested soil samp~s Our laboratory test data Indicated that the tested soils contain less than 010 percent of water soluble sulfates. Based on Section 1904.3 of the 2007 CalifornIa Budchng Code (CBe). concrete that may be exposed to sulfate containing soils shall comply with the PfOYlSO'lS of ACI 316-05, SectiOn 4 3. Therefore. aCCOfdlng to Table 4.3. I of the ACI 318-05, a negligible eJq)OSure to sulfate can be expected for concrete placed In contact WlIIl onslte soils No speciat sulfate resistant cement IS requlfed in contact With the tested onsne soils In ~GllES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Prem.nary GeoIechnical Engmeenng ExplorallOl1 and Analysis Baktwln Hills Crenshaw Plaza los Angeles, California Prtlject No 2G-Q809O()1 Page 14 8.0 PREliMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS It Is oor opinion from a geotechnical point of view that the subject property Is generally considered soltable for the proposed construction provided oor recommendations are Incorporated Into the design c riteria and project detail. Condltoom II11jXIS8d by the proposed development have beerI evaluated on \he baSIS of the assumed floor elevalJOn. structural informa\JOO proV1ded and engmeerlng characten$llCS 01 the sub$IJrface malenal$ enaruntE!fed donng oor subsurface investiga\Jon and their antiCIpated behaVlOl' both donng and arter construC\lOn , Preliminary condoSlOl1s and recommendations presented for Ihe de5lQn of bllIIdll1g loundallOl1s and building floor slab. along With s~e preparation reconvneodallons and conSIru<:1IOI1 consideratlOl1s are dl$CU5Sed in the following sections 01 thiS report . Effect of Proposed Grad'ng 00 Adjacerll Properties The proposed construction 15 located severa l hundred feet Irom adjoining properties. Therefore. it is our opinion lhat the proposed grading and cons truction will not adversely affect the stability of adjomlng properoes provided thai grading and construction are performed in accordance with the lecommendatlons presented nereln However. proposed deveklpment Will be constructed near eXls\Jng onslle structures that will remam and adjacent roads and underground utilities. Extreme cautions should be exercised to emure existing foondatlOl1; adjacent roadways and underground utilil!eS are I'IOt undemuned or affected Special Oesigns and construction techniques may be reQl.IIf'ed dependong on location of eXisting and roew foundallon, ad}ilceOl roadways and onderground wlilleS. 8.1 Seismic Design Considerations Faultlng/Se,smic Design Parameters Research 01 available maps published by the Calil ornia Geological Survey (CGS) Indicates thai the subject site is not klcated Wi thin an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. The potent<al lor fault rupture through the site is. therefore. considered to be low. The site may however be subject to strong groundshakmg dunng se,smic actiVity. The proposed structure should be desogned in accordance with the current verslOl1 of \he Califomia Building Code (CBC) and applicable local codes. Based upon the encountered subsurface soils and les~ ng performed to date. a SHe Class 0 is recommen6ed for design. However. through the use of speaalize(l sheat wave velocity tesling. it may be possible 10 change the Site Class to C. Accord'ng 10 the maps of known aCIWe fault near-source zones (ICBO, 1998) 10 be u&ed WIth \he 2007 CBC, \he Newport-Inglewood (LA Bas,n) faul! is \he dosest known actwe laoll and is; located approXimately 2.9 kilometers (1.8 miles) to the site. with an anticipated maXImum moment magnitude (Mw) ofS.9 ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Preliminary GeoIedWllcal Engineering Exploration and Analysis Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles, california Project No. 2G-0809001 Page 15 A computer program developed by the United Sta tes Geological Survey (USGS) called Earthquake Ground MotlO!1 Parameters Version 5.07 was used to provide ground motion parameters for the subject site. Based on the latitude, longitude and site class, seismic design parameters and spectral response for both short periods and I-second periods are calculated , This program Is based on USGS researd1 and publications and In cooperation with the CaHfornia Geological Survey for the evaluatIOn 01 California faulbng and selsmicity_ As prell>O\.lsly Indicated, With special shear wave velodty tesbng of the subsoils and considenng the relatively high Strength or the ma}ority of the subsoils, it may be possible to change the Site Class to C Liguefa~ LiquefactIOn IS the loss of strength In generally coheslooless, saturated soils when the pore-water pressure Il'Iduted m the soil by a seismiC event becomes equal to or eKceeds the overburden pressure, The primary factors which inl1uence the potenbal for liquefaction include groundwater table elevallon, soil type and gram size charaC1erisloC$. and rela~ve density of the soil. Initial confwung pressure, and Intensity and duration of grOlmd shaking. The depth below ground surlace in whld1 the occurrence of liquefaction may Impact de~elopment and Slruclures supported on shallow foundations Is typically considered to be 50 feet Llquefaclion potential is greater In saturaled, loose, poorly graded rlne sands With a mean (d",) grain sile in the range of 0.075 10 0.2 mm (Seed and Idriss, 1971 ), Clayey (cohes1ve) soils or soils 1'II\1ch possess clay particles (d<0,OO5mm) in eKcess of 15 percent (Seed and Idriss) are generatly not considered to be 5uscep~bIe to t;quefacbon, nor are those soils which are above the static grourldwater table According to the SeISmiC Hazard Zon!» map for the Hollywood Quadnongle. published by the CallfOfT\la OIVlSlOfl of Mines arid Geology (COMG). the northern half portion of the Site IS located Wlthm an area that has been designated by the State Geologist as a -moe of reqUlfed inveShgationdue 10 the polenhal for earthquake-induced liquefaction (Figure 3), ~G1LES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES,INC. Prelimltlary Geolechrl!cal Englneemg ExpioratlOO and Analysis Baldwin H~ls Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles, California Project No. 20-0809001 Page 16 Therefore, a site liquefaction evaluation consistent with the guidelines contained In CDMG Special Publication 117 has been performed as par1 of the current investigation. A historic high water level of 10 leel was adopted for liquefaction analysis Our slle-speciflC probabilistic seismic: hazard analySIS was performed using the computer program FRI$KSP (VersIOn 4.0), originally developed by the United States Geological Societ~ (USGS), and laler adapted by Thomas F. Blake (2000). FRISKSP esllmaleslhe probabiMy of experiencing various ground acceleratIOnS 'Mthifl the ~e over a peood of lime and the probability of exceeding el(j)Bded ground accelera\lons 'Mth., the lilelllne of the proposed structures from all significant earthquakes 'Mthin a SpecifIC radiUS of search. For the ptHI!nt case, a search radius of 62 miles (100 kilometers) was selected In evaluating ~quefa<:tlOf1 poIenbal. the California Divisioo of Mines and Geology and the Uniform Building Code adopted the standard of using a peak ground acceleratlOl'l that has a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years (wtllch is roughly eqUiValent to the deSign I,fe of an average reslClenbal development). The ground-mobon with a recurrence Interval of about 475 years IS used The estimated magnitud&-welQhled peak ground acceleration at the sile was deteffi1ined to be 0.39 9 A magnitude weightlOg WIth respect \0 a Magn~ude 7.5 earthquake was performed USing a magnitl.lde·weighting fador recommended by Idriss. Liquefaction analysis was performed using the computer program UQuefypro (version 5) deveklped by C,villech Softw<'lre. The progr<'lm i~ ba~ on \he ""0,,1 l..u.III puuli=tiuns uf u~ NCEER Workshop and SP117 Implementation. The lIquerlable layers at the location of Test Borings No. 34 and 43, which are located 'Mthln the -zone of reqUITed investigation", are presented graphICally J1 Plates-I and 2 of Appendul; A., The computer outputS are also Muded. In order to esllmate lhe amount of posl-earthquake seWement. melhods proposed by Toklmatsu and Seed (1987) were used for the settlement calcula~ons. Based on our analysis and under the ClJlTlOt Site c:onditlOOs. we estimate that the maximum total liquefaction-induced ground settlements at the SIte would be approximately 0.29 10 1,23 inch during the design leve! earthquake, The maximum differential settlement resulung from liquefaction is therefore esllmated to be the difference between the totalseWement in Borings No. 34 and 43 or 0 94 inches across a distance of 600 feet. 8.2 Preliminary Site Development Re commendations The follOWing recommendations for site development have been based upon the proVIded floor eleva1ions and assumed or pfOVlded parkIng 101 grades, lhe conditions encountered al the lest boring toca\Jorls and the lime of year in which the elqlloration was perfooned. Preliminary comparauve cost conslCleratJon esllmates for Site development should be based on the planned lime frame and weather condltlOl'lS antiopaled during actual oonslrucllOl'l Sue Cleanno Cleanng operations should include the removal of an eXisung structural features such as building foundatIons and nocr slabs, asphaltic concrete pavement. and concrete walkways 'Millin the area of the proposed new buildingS, parking structures and site improvements. Existing pavement 'Mthln ~GILES ENGINEERING A.SSOCIATES. INC. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles, California PrOject No. 2G·OB09001 Page 17 E)(plora ~on and Analysis areas 01 proposed devetopment shook! be removed or processed to a maKimum 3·inch size and stockpiled lor use as compacted fill or slabillzing material for the new buildings and parking structures. Processed asphalt may be used as nil. sub·base course material, Of subgrade stabilization material beyond the building perimeters. Due to the moisture sensitivity of the on·Slte soils, the pavement is recommended to remain in·place as long as possible to help protect the subgrade from construction traffic. 8.3 Pretiminary Construction Co nsiderations Reuse of On·SIIe Soil On·site material encountered in the bonngs may be reused as structural compacted fill within the proposed building area and parking structures Construc1ion Dewatering Perched groundwater was encountered at apprOKimate depth of 25 feet within our Tesl Boring No. 34 located atong the nortt1ern portion 01 the site. and al deeper depths of about 59 10 60 feet dunng our subsurface investigation. TherefOl'e. Ihe sile may be suscepti ble to ltie development of shallow percht:Od w"te' wnditluns t:Osp..clally along the northem portion of th" sit". tn the event that shallow perched water is encountered in shaHow e)(cavations. filter sump pumps placed within pits in the bottoms 01 e)(cavations are expected to be a feasible method of construction dewatering. The lowermost portion 01 the e)(cavaHon lor the basement located along the northerly porlien of the site (norlh 01 MLKB) will extend below the perched groundwater cond ition, approximately 25 feet below existing grade. This groundwater may cause an unstable condition wilhin the bottom and lower ponions of the sidewalls of the subterranean area along the northerly portion of the sile. If perched waler condiUon is encountered during shoring operation. a dewatering system should be installed prior 10 the subterranean area being e)(cavated below the groundwater level. Based on the requirements of the Cily 01 Los Angeles lor the construction of basements or el<cavations near property lines. a submerged dewatering system is required instead of wells to aVOid damage from de· watering under adjoining properties. The dewatering design shOUld take into consideration the potential for subSidence within the adjacent properties and on·site structures as a result 01 the dewatering process. Soil E)(cavation Some slope stabi lity problems maybe encountered in steep. unbraced e)(cavatlons considering the nature of the subsoits. A1t excavations must be performed in accordance with CAL·OSHA requirements. which is the responsibility of the contractor. Extreme caution should be exercised with any excavation that extends into the loundation Influence zone of existing foundations. Slot excavation techniques or shoring may be necessary depending on ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Preliminary Geotechn ical Engineering Explora tion and Analysis Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles, California PrOject No. 2G-0809001 Page 18 location and elevation of excavations with respect to existing foundations to ensure against undermining or removal of lateral support. Based on our field eKploration program. the majority of the earthwor1( can be performed with conventional construction equipment; however, some excavation difficulties may 00 encountered due 10 very dense onsite materials and possible cobb~s and boulders. Shoring Shoring will 00 required for deep excavation. There are several shoring techniques available for the proposed deep excavation (Le. soldier pile and laggifl9 wall with or without he-backs, sheet-pile wall With or w'thoutlie-backs ) 8.4 Preliminary Foundation Recommendations The proposed development may be designed for shallow spread footings or deep foundallon systems depending on the anticipated column and wail loads and their relative economics. Due to the prox,mity of the proposed new columns to the eXIsting bUi ldlfl9S to remain, it is our opinion that deep foundations consisting of driven piles is not prudent due 10 the potential lor damage to the existing structures. In C&ge, driven pile3 ere conaidorcd In tho foundation design. we wi ll provide geotechnicol design parameters on a separate ietter The allowable ooanng capacity and skin friction indicated for both shallow and deep foundations in the follOWing sections may be significantly increased with special field testing. such as pressuremeter tests. which are planned 10 be performed as part of the comprehensive Geotechnical Efl9ineering Exploration and AnalYSIS . EXlsbng fill and possible fi ll was encountere d to vari(lble depth at the boring locations as indicated by Ihe follOWing table : The eXIsting l ill and possible fill appears to be competent and does not conl<lin foreign ma!erials, such as buildmg or construction debris. The City of Los Angeles does no! allow new building construdlon C{?:if:GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering EKploration and Analysis Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los ArlQeles, Calijomia Project No. 2G-0809001 Page 19 foundations or floor SlabS to be supported by existing fill that was not "certified" for propose compactions during placement. Our rese arch of previous geotechnical reports and grading opera~ons appears to Indicate the majority of tne existing fill in probable shaHow foundation areas was "certified" and. therefore. can be used for fleW foundation and floor slab support. Areas where the existing fil l can not be demonstrated to have been "certified" during placement. specialized testing would be requirEKl along with a special variance obtained from the City \0 allow rts use to support fleW foundalions and fioor Slabs. The cily approval is typical ly difficult 10 obtain. Existing fill that can not be "certifiEKl" or speaal Cuy approval for reuse obtained. will neEKl to either be removed and replaced with structural fill that is "certified" or the foundaUon and flOOf support extended through the existing fill and founded in the underlying native soils. Shallow Spread Footings Based on the limited borings. field testing and laboratory testing performed, foundations supported wltnin sUitable native soH and lor certified fill continuous from su itable natIVe soil may be designed lor an allowable soil·bearing pressure in the range of 3.500 to 8.000 pounds per square loot (psI) for isolated square spread footings and contlnuoos wall strip footings depending on the size of the foundaUon and the characteristics of tne actual supporting materials With resulting tolerab~ post construction total alld differential seWements. The maximum bearing value applies to combined dead and sustaifled live loads and may be increase by one"tnird for short te rm wind and seismic loading. Lateral load resistallce will be developed by a combination of friction acting at the base of foulldations and slabs and tne passive earth pressure developed by foo\lngs below grade. Passive pressure and friction may be used in combination, without reduc~on, in determining the total resistance to lateral loads. A one-thlll:l Increase in the passive pressure value may be used for short duration wind or seismic loads Mal FoundaUon Both lightl y and heavily load ed areas of the proposed project could be supported by a mat foundation. Based on the subsurface information availab le and the projected planned structure loads. the mat supported within suitable bearing native soil and/or certifi ed fi ll continuous from suitable nahve soil may be designed fOf an allowable beanng capacity in the range of 2.500 to 5,000 psf with resulting favorable total and differential settlements, and a respective modules of subgrade reaCllOn of 70 to 150 pounds per cubiC inch (pel) The modules of subgrade reaction does not need to be reduced for size Drilled Piers Heavily loaded portions of the proposed development might 00 most economically supported by drilled piers. Consklenng the generally granular or rmn-coheslve nature of !he majority of the subsoils. under reams Of bells are not considered feasible due to caving and. therefore. straight shaft pier would be required. Based on subsurface conditions encountered, the allowable beanng capacilY of drilled piers is estimated to range from 7.500 to 15.000 psf with a skin friction factor rangir.g from 350 10 630 psflfeet within the upper 20 to 30 feet of the e ~lstlr.g ground surface. and Ihe bearing ~G1LES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. tNC. Prelwrunary Geotechnical Engmeenng ExpioratlOl'l and Analysis BaIdWWl HIlls Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles. Catlforrua PrOject No 2G-0B09001 Page 20 capaCity and skin friction increaSl1'I9 to a range of 25.000 to 35.000 psI and 650 to 900 psI/feet, respectively. WIt!1 Increasil'lQ depth below about 20 10 30 feet and resu1til'l9 In tolerable total and differential selllements. Up lift res istance WOuld be about 75% at the skin lric~On . Auger Cast Plies Deep loundatJons lor heavily loaded areas ml9ht also be economically supported by auger cast piles. Based on the sub5urface condiliOrlS erlCOUlltered, auger cast piles could be deSigned for about the same 10 slightly rugher (1 10 to 120%) of the skin IricIIOO recommended for the drilled piers, and for the allowable beanng capaCIty about the same 10 slightly less (85 to 100%) of the beMng capaCIty recolTVTl8nded for drilled piers. Resulting total and differential settlement would also be Within tolerable limits 8.5 Preliminary Floor Slab Rec ommendations The grOl.lnd floor 01 the proposed buildings and pa rlo:.lng structures may be deslQned and constructed as a conventional slab-on-grade Of posHenSlOned slab supponed on a properly prepared subgrade conslSbng of suitable supponmg nallve soils and/or "certified' fill continuous from a suitable native soil subgrade Soil of Ihe sutlgrade soils are expensive and, therefore, the slab-on-grade slab resting on e~panslve sools shook! be d8$ignvd In ;aeo»rc;anee With Section '805.8.2 of th. CSC 2007 ;Inc ;lleo in accordance With Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) pub!icatioo. The slab is typicaDy reconvnended to be uncIerialn by a 4 to 6-inch thick layer of granular malerial. A ffilnlfTlUm IO-mil synthetic sheet should be placed below !he floor slab \0 serve as a vapor retarder where reqUired \0 proleCI moisture sensl!rVe floor coverings (I.e. 1iIe, or carpet. etc.). For deslQn of the slab lhickoess, the subsoils erocountered at a shililow depth., the test bonngs are conSIdered \0 have a modulus 01 subgrade reaction In the range of 100 to 300 pci where properly prepared With resulting tolerable post conslruction lotal and dIfferential settlements. 8.6 Preliminary Retaining Willis and Walts Below-Grade The project includes walls below-grade for retail areas. inventory storage and the subterranean parking levels and may also Include shallow retaining wal ls supporl ing soil malerials such as the ramp areas accessing the below-grade parll.,ng These waU are anticipated to range from appro~imately 10 to 30 feet in height. Prelimlnal)' design lateral earth pressure, backfill criteria, and drainage recommendations for walls below grade are presented below. StaliC Laleral Earth pressures WaUs beIow-grade should be desogned 10 185151 the applicable lateral earth pressur85. On-sile soil matenals may be used as backfill behind letalnlng walls If these malerials are used as backfill. an actIVe eanh pressures equivalent nuid pressure" \he range of 35 to 50 pounds per cubiC foot (pd) IS esbmated for preliminary deSign of cantilevered walls retaining a level backfill depending on actual matenals retained. Active earth pressures should only be used for walls that are allowed to move wit!1 ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Pre/llTllnary Geotechnical Erogmeenng Exploration and Analysis BaldWin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles. Califorrua PrOject No 2G-0809001 Page 21 ~me and are therefore not connec!ed 10 or in contact With the structure For walls that are restrained, at·rest earth pressures are estimated In the range 0 160 to 80 pcf (equlvatent fluid pressures), for level backfill depending on the actual materials retained . The above values are for retaining walls that have been supplied With a proper sulldraln system. All walls should be designed to support any adjacent structural surcharge loads imposed by other nearby walls or foolings in addition to the above recommended actIVe and aHest earth pressures. The below-grade waUs of the structure will be fi~ed against rotatJon and. therefore. should be designed lor the at-rest O)Ildition Where suffiCIent area eXists behind the proposed walls. Imported free-<lralning materials may be used for wall backfill to reduce the lateral earth pl"essures by about 10 10 15 pel prOVIded these graoular bad<fill malenals extend behind the walls to a I"TIIOImum horizontal distance equal 10 one-hall the wall height. Seismic Lateral Earth PreSSlires According to City of Los Angeles Public WOri\:s Department. retaining walls in which the retained height is greater than 12 feet should be designed for seismic active pressure and must be added to the static lateral pressure distribulion for the design of the walls. In determining the additional pressure that could resutl from seismic force. an accetera\lon equal 10 50 percent of the site grOJnd i:I~I"'"'tlOl1 Wa5 used in o-ur a~lysr5 A :seiSmiC pressure In the range of 1510 20 pet Is estlmaled f()( th,s Slle. Wall Backfin Backf.' behtnd shallow retamtog walls or walls below grade should cortSISI of aPpl"opriate matenals depending on the matena!s used and $hOtJ1d be properly compacted. Walls below grade thaI are nol free 10 deflect should be properly bfaced poor to placement and compactIOn of backfill. Below-grade wall bad<fitl should be dralfled 10 reduce the laleral earth pressure and help control wall dampness. AI1 appropriate drainage system should. therefore. be incorporated in the wall design along the base olll1e wall or founda~on. 8.7 Preliminary New Pavement Recommendations Subgrades The subgrade in areas of new pavemenl eonstrucbon afe elq)eeled to range from e~lsbng fill that extublt a medIum e.q>ansion potent;al 10 grallular oa!JYe soil. The anticipaled subgrade soils are claSSified as a falf subgrade matenal will1 estimated R-Yalues ranging from 10 10 20 when prope1fy pt"epared based on the Unified Soil Classification System deSl9oatlOll of SM 10 SC Iv! R-value of 10 has been estimated for preliminary pavement desogn. ~GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Exploration and Analysis Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Los Angeles , Calijornia Project No 2G·0809001 Page 22 Asphalt Pavements The following table presents a typical pavement sed ion for a new flexible pavement structure consisting of asphaltic concrete over a granular base for the encountered subsoils, anticipated trame loading and proper subgrade preparation. ""I.rI~l. H. . ~y DUly Alea. " , , , , • , '" Portland Concrete Pavements Portland Cement Concrete pavements are recommended in areas where trame Is concentrated such as the entrance/exit aprons as well as areas subjected to heavy loads such as the trash enclosure loading zone, the approach ramp withm the truck wells of the loading docks, al sharp corners and wt1ere heavy trucks might be parked, Portland Cement Concrete pavements in high stress areas should typically be at least 6 inches thick and contain NO. 4 bars at lo.inch on.center spacings each way With a properly prepared subgrade. ~GILES ENGtNEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. APPENDIX A FIGURES AND TEST BO RI NG LOGS The Boring \...o(:ation Plan contained herein was prepared based upon information supplied by Giles ' clieDi. or others. along with Giles' field measurements and observatioTIS. The diagram is presented for con~ptua[ purposes only and is iDiended 10 assist the reader in repon interpretation. The Test Boring Logs and related infonnation eoclO$ed herein depict the subsurface (SOIl and water) condilions encountered at the spec ific boring locations on the dale Ihat Ihe eltplOrdlion was perfonned . Subsurface conditioTIS may differ between boring local ions and within areas of Ihe sile Utal were 001 ".' plored " 'ith ICSI borings. The subsurface conditions may also change al Ihe boring local ions over the passage of time . GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES . INC . ....................................................................................................... U.-0I0'l001 .... ldwin "nh Hill. I-~ ....................................................................................................... 1012212001 10:1':Sl .... 1il. ~ _: ~:\(Ii<;J~r ... t~l\lG-0I09001. nl""ln Hills ... 11, litle: uldwin Htlh Hill Subt hl.: U,-0I{I9001 'n",,~ 1-)~.1iq Surhu ( h y .• ....1. HO."-3 ~ _~h of .... 1.. SO.O ft _Itlr nble durl", Urthq ... h. 10.0 ,. "It. . 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" •• " .... u ••• (OI'I ,h " ..r •• qullt he,or of ~ttl_"t ll~u.hctl ..... ~.s . ..c~U/cs~h fr . . ,.,urottd ,ando s . u l _ t frooo dry land, Toul ••n l _ . fra. •• tu~.ttd ..... dry ... nII • ..,-li_fy $Olh APPENDIX B FIGLD PROCEDURES The field operations were conducted in general accordance with the procedu res recommended by the American SocIety for Testlllg and Materials (ASTM) designation D 420 entitled "SW\dard Guide for Samphng Soil and Rock " andlor other relevam specifICations. Soil samples were preserved and uansponed 10 GtI~J' laborallll")' In general accordance with the procedures recommended by ASTM destg~11OII D 4220 enutled "Sl.<I.I1lbnl 1"nIcticC' for PreKn'mg and Tnmporllng Soli Samp,". - Broef <lescnpt..,n~ of the sampling. lestmg and foeld procedures commonly performed by GIlts are provided herem. GtLES ENGINEERING ASSocv.TIS. INC GENERAL FIELD PROCEpURES Tesl Soring Elevations The ground surface elevations reported on tile Tesl Boring Logs are referenced to tile assumed benchmark shown on the Boring Location Plan (f igure I), Unless otherwise noted. the elevations were determin~-d with a eonvenlional hand -level and are accurale to within about I fool. WI Soong! lICjujons The test borings were located on-sile based on the e:J!!sung site features andlor apparent property lines. Dimensions Illustrating the approllilTlllle boring locations are reported on tnc Boring Location Plan ( f igure I). Waler 1.&\'(1 Measurement Thc water levels reported on the: Tesl Boring Logs represent the depth of "free" water encountered dunng drillmg andlor after the drilling tools were removed fTOm the borehole Water levcls measured WlthID a granular (sand and gravel) soil profile are typically indicative of Ihe water table elcvation . It IS usually nOI possible 10 accuratcly i"emify Ihe Wiler !lIbte elevallon wllhln cohesIve (clayey) SOilS. SIDce the rale of seepage is slow. 1lle water table elevauon wllhm cohesive soils must therefore be determined over a period of time with groundwater observation wells. II IIlU$t be recognized that the water table lTIlIy l1uctuate seasonaUy and dunng perIOds of heavy precipitation. DependiTII on thl: subsurface conditions. waler lTIlIy also become perched abo\'e the water table , espedally during wet periods. Borellole IlackfilliOg Procedyres Each borehole was backfilled upon complttioTl of tile field opcrallo!l:l. If potential comamina!ion was eocoumered. aTidlor if requirl-d by stale or local regulations, boreholes were backfilled with an "impervious" material (such as bemoni!e slurry). BQrings that pcTletrau:d pa\"emeDlS. sidewalks . etc. were "capped" with Portland CemeDl concrete. asphaltie concrete. or a similar surface material. It must. however, be rc:cogn~ tlla! the: backfill maieriallTlllY setlle, and the surface cap may subside, o\'er a period of time . further backfilhng and/or re-surfacing b)' GIlt's' Client or lhe property owner may be required . GI LES ENGTNEERJNQ ASSOCIATES. tNC FIELD SAMpliNG AND TESTING PROCEDIJRES Aum Sampling (AU) Soil samples arc removed from Ihe auger flights as an auger is willHlrawn above the ground surface. Such samples are used to determine general soil types and identify approximate soil slratific;uions. Auger samples are highly disturbed and are therefore not typically used for geotechnical SlTength testing. Spljt-BarreJ SampJjow (55) - (ASIM D·1586) A split-barrel sampler with a 2-inch outside diameter is driven into the subsoil with a 140-pound hammer. free-falling a vertical distance of 30 inches. The surrunation of hammer-blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inclles of an IS -inCh sample interval is defined as the "Standard Penetration Resistaoce" or oN_value" The N-value is representative of the soils' resistance to penetration_ The N-value is therefore an index of the relative density of granular soils and the comparative consistency of cohesive soils. A soil sample is 1;ollected from each SPT intervaL Shelby Tube Sampling <SII - (ASIM 0 -1587) A relatively undisturbed soil sample is 1;ollected by hydraulically advancing a thinwaned Shelby Tube sampler imo a soil mass. SlIelby Tubes have a sharp cuning edge and are conunonly 2 to 5 inches in di3mefer. Unless otherwise noted. Giles uses 3-inch-dianlCter tubes. A relatively large volume of soil is collected with a shovel or other manuallyoperated tool. The sample is typically transported to Giles' materials laboratory in a sealed hag or bucket. Dynamic Cone Penetration lest fPC> - (ASIM SIP 399) Thi s test is condUCted by driving a 1.5-i nch-diameter cone into the subsoil using a 15-pound steel ring (hammer). free-falling a vertical distance of 20 inches _ The number of hammer-blows required to drive the cone 1'Ii ioches is an indication of the soi1 strength and density. and is defined as "N." The Dynamk Cone Penetration test is commonly cooouCled in hand auger borings. test pits and within excavated trenches _ - Cominued - GILES ENGlNEERtNG ASSOCli\TIlS. INC. Rios- Lined 8aml Sampling - CASTM P 3550l 10 this procedure, a ring-lined barrel sampler is used to collect soil samples for classification and laboratory testing. This me!hod pro~ides samples that fit directly ioto laboratory test iIL'lIrumenlS wi!hout additional hand ling/disturbance, Sampling and Testjng ProudureJj The field testing and sampling operations were condUCted io general accordance wi!h the procedures rewmmended by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) anUlor other relevant specifications. Results of the field testing {i,e. N-vaJues} are reponed 00 !he Test Boring Logs. E)[planations of the terms and symbols shown on the logs are provided on tbe appendb enclosure emitlo:! "General Notes.' GILES ENGINEERING ASSOClATES, INC. APPENDIX C LABORATORY T ESTING AN D CLASSIFICATION The laboralOry testing was conducted uRder the supervision of a geotechnical engineer in general accordance with the procedures reconunended by the American Society for Testing and Materials (AST M) arKIfor other relevalll spa:ifications. Brief descriptions of labor:uory lests commonly perfonncd by Gil ..s are providl-d herein. GII.ES ENGINEERING ASSOC1i\TES . INC . I.ABORATORY TESTING AND C I,ASSIB CATION Photoionizatioo Detector {PJPI In this procedure, soil samples are "scanned" in Gil~5' analytical laboratory using a PhOloionUation Detector (PID), The instrument is equipped with an 11,7 eV lamp calibrated to a Benzene Standard and is capable of <k:tecting a minute ooncentratiOD of cenain Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) vapors. such as those commonly associated with petroleum products IlIKI some solvents. ResUlts of 1m: PID analysis ar~ e)(presscd in HNu (manufacturer's) units ratller than actual concentration. Moisture COntan (w) (AS'f M P 2216) Moisture oooteD! is defmed as the ratio of tile weight of water contained within a soil sample to the weight of the dry solids within the sample. Moisture content is expressed as a percentage. Uncnnfined Cnmprc;ssiv: SlrenKtIl (qu) (ASTM P 2166) An allialload is applied at a uniform rale 10 a cylindrical soil sample. The unconfined compressive strengtll is tile lTl3llimum stress obtained or the Stress when 15% axial strain is reachc<.l, whichever 0<,:<:11" fi~t, Calibrated I3netrometer Resistance (gp) The small. cylindrical tip of a band-held penetrometer is pressed into a soil sample to a prescribed depth to measure 1m: soils capacity to resist penclration, This lest is used to evaluate uncoofmed compressive strength. Vane-Shm Sireogih (qs) The blades of a vane are insened intO 1m: fial surface of a soil sample and the vane is TOtaled uotil failure occurs. The maximum shear resistance measured immediately prior to failure is taken as tile vane-shear streogtll. Loss-Gn- lgnitioQ (ASIM D 2974- Melhod C) The Loss-on-ignition (L.O,I.) test is used 10 determine the organic CODlen! of a soil I;IlD1plc. This procedure is <:(Inducted by heating a dry soil sample to 44O ' C in order 10 bum· off or "ash" organic matter present within the sample, The L.O.I. value is the ralio of the weight lost due to ignition compared 10 the initial weight of the dry sample. L.O,1. is e)(pressed as a percentage, GILES ENGU'EERING ASSOCIATES. U'c. Panicle Size OisJrjbutiou (ASTM 0421 P 422 and P 1140) This test is performed !O determine t11e distribution of specifie particle sizes (diameters) wit11in a soil sample. The distribution of coarse-grained soil particles (saod and gravel) is determined from a ' sieve analysis.' which is conducted by passing the sample through a series of nested sieves. The distribution of fine-grained soil panicles (silt and cl ay) is determined from a "hydrometer analysis.' which is based on the sedimentation of panicles suspended in water. Consolidation Test (ASTM P 2435) In this procedure. a series of cumulative venicaJ loads are applied to a small , lateTally confined soil sample. During each load ioeremem, venical compression (consolidation) of the sample is measured over a period of time . Results of Ihis test are used to estimate senlemem and tmlt rate of settlemem. CllIlisification of Samples Each soil sample was visually-manually classified. based on texture and plasticity, in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM 0 -2488 -75). The classifications are reponed on the Test Boring Logs. Laborato[), Teslin~ The laboratory lesting operations were conducted io general accordance with the procedures recommended by the American Society for Testing and Materials (AST M) and/or other relevant spec ifications. Results of the laboratory tests are provided on the Test Boring Logs or other appendix ellClosull:s. Explanation of the terms and symbols used on the logs is provided on !he appendix enclosure ent itled "General Notes.' GILES ENGrNEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. California Bearjn~ Ratjo (CBR) Test ASTM 0-1833 The CBR lest is used for evalUalion of a soil subgrade for pavement design. The test consists of measuring the force required for a 3-squBre-inch cylindrical piston \0 penetrate 0.1 or 0.2 inches intO a compacted soil sample. The result is expressed as a percent of force required to penetrate a standard compacted crushed stone. Unless a CBR test has been specifically requested by the client or heavy traffic loads are expected, the CBR is estimated from published charts, based on soil classification and strength characteristics. A typical correlation chart;s indicated below . ~ I I * I I I , I - , , , I GILES ENGINEERlNG ASSOCIATIlS. INC. I ' APPENDIX D GENERAL INFORMATION GILES ENG INEERING ASSOCIATES. INC . GENERAl. COMMENTS The soil samples obtained during the subsurface exploration will be retained for a period of thirty days. JfltO instructions arc: received. they will be disposed of at that time. This report has been prepared exclusively for the client in orot!" to aid in the evaluati on of this property and to assist the architects and engineers in the design and preparation of the project plans and specifications. Copies of this report may be provided 10 contractor(s). wnh contract docwnenlS. to disclose infonnation relative to this project. The report. Ilowcvt!". has IIOt been prepared to serve as the plans and specifications for actual construction without the appropriate interpretation by the project architect, stroctural engineer. and/or ci\il engineer. Reproduetion and distribution of this report must be authorized by the client and Giles. This report has been based on assumed conditions/characteristics of the proposed development where s~ific infonnat ion wa.~ nnt available It is recommend...! that the architect. civil engineer and stroeturaJ engineer along with any other design professionals involved in tlus project carefully review these assumptions to CI1SUrl: they are consistent with the actual planned development. When discrepancies exist. they should be brought to OUT anention to ensure they do oot affect the conclusions and recommendations provided herein. The project plans and specifications may also be submitted w Giles for review to ensure that the geotechnical related conclusions and recommendatioos provided herein have been correctly interpreted. The analysis of this site was based on a subsoil profile intapolated from a limited subsurface exploration. If the acrnal conditions encountered during construction vary from those indicated by the borings, Giles must be contacted immediately to dctennine if the conditions alter the recommendations contained herc:io. The cooclusions and recommendations presented in this report have been promulgated in accordance with gene:a.lly accepted professional engineering practicc::s in the field of geotechnical engioeering. No other wilITanty is either expressed or implied. GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. CUIDE SPECm CAnONS FOR SUaCRADE .v m PREPARATION FOR FILL. FOUNDAnON, FLOOR S LAB AND PAVEMENT SUPPORT; AND SElLCI10N,PlA CEMENT AND COMPACI10N OF fllLSOlL'l US INC l'ofODIJl£D PROCTOR PROCEDURES eo.._lIO" """"""",.d IeSWIi 01 ~ ODd pwIr:s fix fill. bmdo"... , Boor sIIb ODd po.-cmml, ODd IiII pi" . ODd" , .",;"", sbalI be porfortrIod Ior ................... milsmguxcr 0Ddf0r Iw '"+" 1M"", .. 2 All·' , •• j liD, Up.Jes. on:! pwIr:s obaIl be (I) IIIIdorlau! lor lU>1IbIe b=v!g IIIIlcnal, (b) he 01.0 cqooac fn:I=. or DIIa cIekIenco.aIlDIIcnaI, mel (el """'"Cd, IeSI<d -.d "I'PfO'o'"d by quaWi<d ~ pa_1 'epit5i1lWii ................... ..as ........ "'.,....., 01 OlIbgIaies Ifto:r JlnPP"'1 ~, orpnic or...t..r .-..toblc ...-w. obaIloonatt 01(1) ~ 10 cIeua d. wei, )'1ddin& seils or 0Ibtr unsublc IIII!cnaIJ IhII must be I!IIdercut, (b) ~ lOp 6 10 8 ....:hea. (e) IiIOISE\n eondil><XliDB 1M IIIiIs as reqwrcd. and (4) ~ 10 ..",. mwmum ""SIN density ~ for ......1.. 1IlItCnIl indicotaI WIlIer hem S. Nace: Compoo:b<ln req..... OiI'IOIN for po_I oubgrode are lusher lhan 0Ihcr II'UI. Weltbor a n d _ tqwpma>l moy danage eompoet.ed filllllrl'_ ODd rcworlw!8 ond rele<luli m.oy be ~...ry for proper perfonnance. 3 In <MftXCI, '1lIOO ODd fill ItCU, 1M fill _ CXImd (IJ IIIWIImUIIII roacll1crll do_ beyQ>d IM-'orod&< 01 !be I'ounocIAtooa 01 btaru>g arode or p o _ .. oubvldc WId dooowu !O ""YI'f'oc:ICd IiJllUbgIdc .... ",'n_a> 0»0: I (~) oIopc. (b) I bit oIxMoblm!& pw:Io 0Ibdt 1M ~ ..,j (e) 10 Boor ..t....,s. iDswIe 1M buiJcIm&. Fill obaIl be p\.ocD;l nI c. 'I, ,.., .... S(H).IM*,," or _ be SIqIp<d or bcnc:btd II noqwed 10 n...... If oac spoe<f>eoJly "","0. '" by quoIi6od pu ....... IDler dx dire<:toooo 0/ ... ~ .......... miIs!lO>plO<f 4 Thoa . , . d£ll-..lsoball beheo/dd<",,-. orP*'. or &.-. .......... sholI_ no d .1.lhItmayre.sult III dx II'III:nII ta.c d &0.1II .~. nllIhoII be..... ....... ~ ""lb. I!WaIINm loquod !.=II (A.S1M D-42J) ODd I'\astic:IIy &dox (ASTh1 0-424)01 30 -.I I S. ~'o'dy. """IpCICI1io:aIly....,.;!..J ro-t 10 1M"" \ow cxpIIUI"" prq>CfUCS IIIi1 opp<Md by All ................. lOlls cngu><ICI' Tho lOp 12 !DdIos 01 comp.oot«IfiIl $bouId b.a"" • _ _ ) .no:b porIlClo d:i _ _ ""'" 011 wwlcrM _ .. oc,ed fill • IIWWIIIIIII 6 .no:b c b _ IIIIIea ~ ~ by .......... """"'" ooils ""I"'""" AD!iJI ~ IIIUII be ....,.;! ODd 1JIIIItI"<d ... the ........ 01 .. cxpenenc:e41Oils onzu-r prior !O pi"""",,",,!. Ifdx fill III 10 prtMCIo _,&ott ~bled>--.SlIC$, ,t must be cllSSlfied ... cleo:! GW. GP. SW or $I' per UIlIlKd Soils CLusifi..uon Sr-om ..,...,..oe'''' (ASTM 0.2(87). S For - . J fiU depths I_lhan 20 fcel, \he "...SI1)' oClhc IIrUC1UrII c:ompocItd IiJI and ICInfICd IIIbIfl'le ODd '"""" sholl DOl be _ _ \10 peroo:n! of lhc moxlmlllll..,. oIcnsil)' .. <IoncntWxd by Ioblifxd """"'" (Asn..i Dol 551) ",,,10 !be ~ <Ii"'" lOp 1211'1Chos 011"""". ~ wt.::h obalI hrooe • ..........., 1&''';10 oIaull)' 0I9S paoono oC oIaul!),. or S """"""" b.at>cr Ihoa 1II!dorIyID~ stnx:NrII fill IIIIICnIb ....'bore \he IlrUCtlnlIill dqId> ISIJW.Cr 111m 20 I'ec!.. \he parII<II! .......... 20 feCI """*I .,'" 1 _ a-pIaco< do:I:al)'o/95 peroo:n! d Qoy~. or 5 , . . - hlp !bon \he lOp 20 feet. ~"" .sIs1bol.l1lOt ''11or I!'IO:n d>aa •110*) ~ _ _ ODd JrViI'bt .. ~ puur>l6'om 1M opWPUm ",ben plocaI """ ""'"P"'ed or , "1_ 'ed. !mIcs:s opoaficoUy l.......... ottMkdftoppfO\'ed ~ dx seils mplWl' oIacrvmi !be pi...,....,. """ compactIOn ~'''' seils ""II!""""'" 10 hlsb cxpIfIAOII polentIoIs tpl>-LS) 1Io:Iul4.~. be plICIfd.. j""" _.....tpnorlO_II.~1 po:n:oenI JIIOQIIn _tml .txMopl"""'" moosnn_1O IuJut 1iII\n~ Fill obaIl be pIIDI!d . . . . . ",'Ifh ........... '" 100:80: dwi-nt:so dl ..,..,.. for fu"ndo""M""" 10 mdICI kor $labs ood po\laDCOlS" <mIess .,ar...Jly ~..o b)' the soils...,."....1IIan;! !DIO -........... !be!)pe 0/ DIIImIIs ODd <O!IalpK\IOII equ>pmml t.em, ......d. The compocIiOlI <qJIpIl'I<I>I should ........ o/lUItoblo iIWICboIIIc&I eqwpme1ll.,....r.wly <la!p>Cd ror _I ooompac:I ..... S,1I1dovtn or 1IfIllI.. 1rId;.., veiUc:1es Me !)l'lCIlly oaclWlAblo: for """'POCbCCl malC!mlI'Il.,. ""..-..un II • : n- 6 ExcoVlbi;f!. 5li.ni. ~ ~ prep...uor> sholl be pcrfurmc4 '" I......".,. ODd """I""""" llw WIll prov><Lc <IrIlnoge 01 on umcs trod pr'Opa'<>JaIroL d ~ PRcp.!Ol>Ofl. tpnnp. ..,j ~....-- ~ sholl be pumped or drol1>ecL 10 pm~"k 1 .... tobIt ~ pIo!;form. Spnng. or "'...... -P"I\II' ~ <bv\&""""~ CODItrUClIOn mUll be coiled 10 !be ....u engu>o<r's - . 0 . . """"""~Ly fur pooI<Sible ~ procooobc ""._ or mclUSlClfl ol ... uncItrthuIl)'Ila!l. 7 ~ £II odjoo:r:nIlO 1IN:tlnI6II1hau1c1 I)JIICIIlybe pLomd '" umscn 10 pI'I>"Ide BockIlU oIoa& wills _ be pI-.I ODd ~ WId! an I1IIbobr!otd Lala'ol ptaSlftS do "'" devdop Tho 1)1'" olfill fI\IIaW ploood odJltCDllO belo"'1IfIdc w olls (u. b. • ""1Ils ODd ............ ",-.os) _ 1M: propoe:rI)' rar.ed ord ~ lor ... """",,.........J ~s apnea ..,II! _wknuon lOr dx ........ _..m ",!be ,.011 daop'. 8 \VhoereYa. III !be "P"""" olll!!l: lOlls ~ or dx 0........ , ikp ..........''a.lIIlIIISlIble ooado""" II bema"'~""'" by ClIIt1nI or IillIfl8. !be work should oac proooccL lIIIO IhII ora until on oppop iIIC fO"ICCl!Ncol cxpIonooa ODd onalyso, Iw boa. paformod ond.\he ~. plan Iffouncj rooc:QSM)' IOa'dIft_"" "",oed. Laten!"""""" , , CIlARACfERlliTICS ...,.... 1) RAH ," ,CS OFUNU1ED SO IL loV:'1"I::M CU.$l:S .·OR SOIL CONSTRUC1 101" V.l ..... MI'. Dry Subc;no6r o.. oull1 \\'bnoN .. C...,praolbiUly \.1 ......... VaJ ..... lbH C..... I'""lio .. SI...d.nI Drll" ,," .Itd ( ...bn ......... .:.p....Io.. Pormnbilil) SlIb}e<1 10 CH~ CUn«ermico [ ,-,... (~O ,"d A__ OW :~~~~ , G' -: -r~;;~ roller _ ",bber-umlor A___ 1'('''' - sw " , , , : t~ ." !tubber·llnd fl,': poor 10!lc1 La I ''',"' , . co. "'" , AlmoillKlllC o t'" I ~ - 6, I '''... slftpsfOOlor h"LopOOr ",bb01<1,,«I..,1kr , . Mod,wn to hlah 1!llh U< OB " I Good <ba ..... ~_ \'nylQble ;e ""rr.:::.~,' .0" ~~:., ·~:·"'ble ~:;, . .....- ~- . ~ I ~' .. ,,"coOOO>llbly ~ Poor ... b~Jty. 0 r:;:::::" , ~ I P"", _dn'I>I~_ """"'"""'- ~.,." ~IO ..... ..... . '=''''', "'"' _ ~ 'q ""'" 1:::"'-" - re- , .~;~~.~I " ~ r,,, " ,- ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ ~ - o ""lIbl. ~.llIb'hly. I .... ~ 1-,"::'. . . ... _.- ...~.. ,~ .. (,* ""mll . Good .... ,...,,,. Sh&h1 H·IlO I , ~ 19~J I ;~ .. , I ~ :.a:.bk , ~____CG~'"',"'""""o"rn"'.'"~~'O""'»OA ....n.""c, rn",c,-_________________________________________________________ UNIFtED SOil CLASSIFICATI ON SYSTEM (ASTM 0 .UBn - ",._. ~= .! t· ~ I' Il "" I! , o' ,• " I j "., ",.' 0,. ....... ,.... .... . . _ .. _ .. _,,,,,. ,,,,, "olio _1_ , ....... ---'-'.' -_._ ... _.- - , " a.. .. . - . .. _-.. __ D •..,.. "'" ..... _ .·Ci· 'Dot,' .. .... ·_" i ! liil~~ - • · •, I •• I , , ! Ii! , , "'"'~'''''' ' _ -. , ~ I• 01 • <_._ r",...,,,_ ,,- """:'";; .. ' ''' ..... I.C. <.~ j . .~ , ' ""= l!·.1 . i I. S."_ ..... ".......... .,..-.,, ....,,,..... '.' ...... " . ...... .... , ... F--".....". . "H!! " ..... ""' !J'ij' I ~ , I' , , .... i~ l1: • Ii i ,, d ·... ., ., !I -., ., , " ~j " ! •• , ·i ; ,. ,, " -- JII . <I, .. 0 . . . . . "_'"" ............... _ - .- ... _... '. ... ~ .. .. o. " .. . ...... .. _ ~,. _~~_ i! , , I .- _,~." 0- "" _ '" ..~ o ....,c _ _ ..... . - _. .... ........ _ "~", ... h I" . I Y I'" I 1/ ~. . . . . . . . . ._ I ./ , I '0 - -".... '-"-".- ..-. ~" ...,,..... ,- .. GII-ES ENGINEERWG ASSOCiATES. INC. ,- 0 .. , oi~~_.- . ....... " .. . '" '0 _ _ , ..... ,. .. ,_ _ I.' " " . .. _ ,...."., •• _ ••,., c·.... .......... ...,.. _ ,,- '. .. , ~ "",,~,'. -_ _- ~" • ,," ~;:=:, w, , '~- ..." ...... ," , .. 1:;-'-' ,- ........." - "n'" ~ , .... _ . 1," , _ ~ ,_>< I.."'''' ..."........, .... ''', . " .. ,..... '_ ...... ......... . ." • ! ~ .! 0, Il • " ! I u hJig~ ~ ~._ . . . ,,, ... ,. , '_on .. "., ..... _"'" '" ,.- GENERAL NOTES SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AU .....Jeo art vm.aliy classifotd ID general accord.ulce WIlli the Un,fotd Soil Cla$s,flCltt<>tl System (ASTM 0.2481_75 or 0.2488-75) DESCRIPTIVE TERM ~ BY DRY WEIGIIT) True: Lmlc: Some: ADdlAdJecuv. 1.10% 11 .20% 21-35% PARTICLE SIZE (DIAMET/:"R) 8 III and larger Boulden: CobbJeo: 1 III 10 8 111 Gra~.I, coanc - % 10 3 in J6·SO% fine _ No, 4 (4.76 mm) (Q Y. in coarse - NO.4 (4.76 mm) 10 NO. 10 (2.0 mm) medIUm - No, 10(2.0 mm) 10 No, 40 (0.42 mm) r"", - No. 40(0.42 mm) 10 NO. 200 (0.074 mm) No, 200 (0.074 mm) and <l1\&lIe, (Non·pIO$uc) No, 200 (0.074 mm) Ind small ... (1'I&$bC) S,II: Clay: SOIL PROP/:"RTY SYMBOlS "', !.t: I'L !'L COO '",. w DRlLUNGANDSAMPL INGSYMBOLS SS ST, Dry DeMny (1"'0 Llqu,d L,mi',1"'m:n, Ploslic Luni!, pert..." Plomclly Il>dt-x (L ..... PL) Loss on IgmlIDn, perteDI Specific Gravny Coeffic,enl of Permeab,hl)" MOlSNre comen~ percent Calibrated PcnelrOmcI<r CS DC: AU: N Ne: No l" 0.0. Cohfom .. RUl8 Sampl ... [)ynamJc Cone Penclf<>mClC11"'r ASTM Spec..1T.cI"""oj Public1ol;"n No, 399 Auger Samplt DB: DWnond Bn CD Carb,de Bil Wash S/lmp!e WS, Romance, ISf Vane_Sheat Suroglh, ISf Uncoofin<d Comprcs<lve Sl!<"tIglh, !Sf Spill.Spoon Sllelby Tube :J" 0.0 (u«!>' wbcre noled) RB OS. Rock-Roller Bn Bulk Sample No!., Deplh Interval. for sampl"" !hov."I\ on Reco,d of Sill'" Cone P.o<'1IOmcl., Res"tonc. SubswflCO Explorabon are nol ",rue'bVe of umple m:o~ery, bul JIOSUlan wllne samphnK ,nm"'ed Correl.lod 10 Uncoafincd Compress"'e Suenglll,lSf Resul .. of v.por anal)'ill conducted an represcDl&U~e sampl., llhhz,n&' PhoIO'Onl7.'lion DeI.,;,o, calib ... otd to. bor"",,~. __ dud. 11 ..... 111 .xp,_;" HNU· un'" (BDL-Below Deleell"" I..lmllS) P~Dco-aUcm Re~l$taoc~ pe' 6 ,nch II!I'fV~J. Or f.xlicm tbr~f, for a $W!dard 2 tnch 0.0 (1* Inch 1.0.)sphl ,pootl sampler rlm'en WIlli I 140 pound """,gbl free.falllDg.lO ioobrt.. Performed ut g...,,,,,,1 OCCgn\ance wllh Stondafd PC1I<'1IlInon TOI Specificanon. (ASl"M 0-1586), N in blgws per fOOl equals .um of N VII!ues whete pI'" 1'80 " ,ho ..." Pcnennon Resinance pet 11', inches ofDynlmjc Cone PCllCtrornc!Cf Approxtlna!ely equ",alcnllo SWldard I'<:nelnlhM T... , N_ Va!"" II! blows per fOOl. Pcnctraoon RcstsW>Cc per 6 inch m!efVl~ or £racoon tbtreof. for Callfonna Rtng Sampltr &w..., WIlli. 140 pound welghl f«<ef.ll"" 30 ,nches per ASTM 0 ·)S50, 1'01 equlVlI.nllo Standmt P.... traUon Test N-Value. SOIL STRENGTH CHAIlAC1£RISTICS COJlt:SII '£ ICLA ~£ l) SOILS ,.'O'y·COII£SIV£ IGIIANULAI/J SO/IS UNOONFIN~[) CO~IPAR,\ T JV£ C O~ S ISTI~<; C Y Very Soft "'. Bl OWS PE;II rOOT (1'1) ., ,.. ". ,~ Mednun SIIIT StilT ~·I S V.... Shff 111-30 "w OO.\ IPRf-SSIVE STIIKNGTII (TSF) RELATIV£ DKNSITY o~" IHI'O "~~ ..,. 0.51).1.00 100-200 2.00-4.00 OU;IIEEo.' D~G"'t,:[o.· p ..... ~,. , CITV N""" 10 SI;;\I' " t:XrANS1" £ P<:H£NTlAl. ~ ~ Sltgh' Mednun IIlgh kI V .... H'lIh '.)0 Med L"'" 11·10 ",~ ". GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. ,,- BLOWS P£R FOOT(N ) ~ ~ '-10 ~. lI·lO 11·50 ,~ "'"" " ." IHS ". ". Important Intormadon About Your Subsum problems are iI principal cause 01 cons/ruction delays. cost overruns, claims, and disputes. The following information Is provided 10 help you manage your tists. -- • *"*". ~ b2b:ift, (JlIIUKJn. Of ~ d hi • ~ d h dI$9l.-n. II' Iteof doerU. A."......0 '1)1"",''<1 Wit c:G'I1Ial b I eM eng;. fI!IIII may ...,. kfiI lie IlIIJIs 01. ~ w.a:b or M'I nfI!r ~ IfIQIIINI IIIIi:aIM MCf1 ",*",iiClI i!l'QII'I!tI'flg ~ is . . . . fICI'I gIdIICtwIicII q,.,.1I!Q reoon is ~ ~ soItIylor h di!Jt No c:ne excep )'Cl! shJuId rely \WI)'IlI gtdaJ.iLlIqinllermg rIIJOtI VIi~ ~tSltcn*TlIl\lvoim hi ~oicaI~ .m;,pr~1Id i AncJIJjIlfll As I general ,... ~ iI*Im )0.1 oetJIICh IIQIIIf9i'ItII!I oIlWOp!Ij d .. ¢ ~ mro- ores---¥d reoues.. ,,,14 01 hi! ~ Gt«td'rlt:.rf ~ GEm w::ap/ ~ r¥ bItiIiIy Irx (¥OOIttm Ih¥ (UlI M:aISl! Ih!it ~ d:I nd~~etpf"'r. Ii lIII01 - nd,.." }QI-sIn.iId ~ h ~lIEfend~ ...... ""- reponlDr ¥II' pI.I'pOSe tlf lIfillCl tIIOIPI .. .,.. QlogIo'IIIy "".lopIi/ei1 , G«oIo!t.hoal ...... ' IXIi'ISiileI: a I'l.IltoeI: f1 onu.llfoted-$ll8d!ol: 110;. lin ~ esIIDIo!twI;I lie srope 011 Wl'!' Typio;;II a10rs ~ !he ~,nI pr(lflQ~. IIlIIIInlCe CDidtllwll can DIIIII8 Seno:u pIttoI!mI 11M oo;:omd Iira:lse hI!B rflIrIog on I gdIiCh oaI . . . .II1II IIIlOfI cId ,.. mill ~ ... 00 I'd II!lI, on ~ IliC\iIIIe ~ 00 I'd ... SiIIIc:IId IIeI.u only 0:I0I01', 00Ib • rlSk 11.........18. lIf_ozs.1hl1IftiaI AgedId,UIlVOlBPjI Jlf!IM is Dad (WI alI'OIl(q hi ensIId ¥ Ire !me hi SllJ:tfw§ ~bllWld Do ntI!eIy (1')' ga.etwd~ A'W~wI'OIe~Jl'IJ1hM_'" by h~oI Irnr. b¥ II1iIH!IoIdI! IM:III!. !lid! ill tDI'ISIIuCICIII (WI (II adjaoenIlO lie SlIt. or b¥ AaQI MIlS, uti. bds....." III ~ IDa.IJOftS. ~arIiId "~.dI..,. bIIoII ~ hi It!IXWI 10 IIIWnwe I ~ is ~ reIiaoIe. A/I'iIO lII'I:UII 01 ~ IIstII;I Of nysis m,Mj IIMR: /RI.jOI ~ Most Geeteclli«11 FIIdi.... Art ProIln_1i iIIIlJ1I O! trill SIr~ io'MJMicI. its Site, nI conIigo.Qtoon; IhllociIlon 01 0pi"11 1h15Ii\iill.l'e on h $Ole; nI oIher pIamed or tldSlIng 1i!l1 iIIl:orO¥ell'6'U. ~ IS EmS rc0ad5. paMog leis. ~ .roergrro:oc! o,tijibes, Llnlm toe \jtIMiJ.oaI qllll!lei".no wW:Io!Id !he Wl'!' specdically in:IicaIes ~ tnnSl. <10 'lOt Illy on I geoIiIChool ~ong rapon NI w.lS Srte ~ion iOnFes sWsuIln anliTlons ~ IIIhlSe ~ YII1lfe $l.05I.lIa !!SIS in a:wD.ded (II' ~ ale 1D:l. Geoid ....... engt.""'" 1 _ field ~ IabotaIory ~ II'Id hOI proi!ssioniII ilD.Jreo;t 10 ccn:tI iIXU SUbSu1acI ~ ~ h sa AIbI ~ an:IobIn$ ~.--$(JI'Il!III!I .yLtI) ~ II'Ole nflCb! 1\ 'flU ftIXII'\. AIicanng rt gddIlIQI ~ lIII:l*,. ' ...... ')'01.1 reoon 10 prOVICIa IXfI5IU:2lOR ~ ~ Ill! IIOSI ~ IIIIiIhod III """"10 fit nsb ......... VlllllIII"'~ • 1IlI11feon;11Dr)'OO. • rd~nywtrlll!d. • ncJIlIf'PQI kII lie s;oec:ik SIR ~ or • COl,"; bIbt II'O)I'Id IIfOIII:I chlngIs _ I!IIdi! "'* .. I1'1III_ WDluIS. Typal !Nriges hi; cao .odele reIiIbify 01 ~ ~ gddIlQI IlIII)ItI!IIlIIIQ IIIlOfII'd.llllIIISi! ill! aII!d: • . . ~ COl h 1If0l)llWll $II'II:I1R.1S _ 1'1 ~ to;rn, DIfkonG gnge 10 ~ oIIU ~ or .1I1I111Q1'1 RllISlnlilpiwl 10 I ~onouse. .eoooerllild ARa.II'sRlel II tetlolaArtNft~ ()()...,. ~ \1'1 tie CI:I'Q~ iiWiii.01IIU .. ondu:II:I;I in 'flU ~ rIDie I!!W"~ ltend 6taI. t.:ause QIIlOIediIlClll qi- ""'" dMIqIlhem IJlI"OPlIIy tom ~ n CIIIII'IOIl ~ ~ (3) mil! 1hIiI1«XII1" ... ~1oro only Irf obsI!Jwlg «2IaI subsur1ace ccnfm rml9:l ibtr"IJ ro:.stru:Iion. TIle geo/8dItJIaII 6npIfIIJef IfIJo tbe/ctJ«l )'tV repon carrot ~ mspon5Ibildy I)( IQbiIily /I)( /fe repon~ (~ ~ hi ~ IkJes not perlorm CIIfIStILdioo ol1st!v.1IlOIl. have led 10 di~, dams. iI1C ~ To ~ redrce Ihe n5k 01 su:h ooIco'res, o;e:KedI1ical eoglflle(S CIlI'Il'OO!!Iy irdtOe a VOfieIy cI e>pIarIa!ctY ~ in IheiI r!JiO(lS. Son'dilres labeIer:!'rmitalicns' rrany d ttese prOYisions iOOicaie \OIIlete oeor«:fmical enginM' f!SII(II'$bililes begU1 ill! end, 10 teo 00IerS re:ogI1ile Ltlerr 0\10I'I rtSflIlIlSibililies and risks, iIe«J Ihest fIlavisions cJfMJy. Ask ~ V(U geaoctri:al eogirleel stwkI respr:n:llully anllrrtl)'. Geoeovi'Glimeatal CoRc&r'lll Are Not Coverall TlIl ~prret tedlnl(fJeS, ill! persomel used Ie perform aQf't'81I1IOO~study (frfler sqUficanUy hOl11Iilose Do Not fteIitaw ItIe EII"18r'l Logs GeoIecIm:;aI en;ners pr~ IiIaI toil1!l iIII ~~ logs based ~ ItoeiI inIer~ d foekl kJgs illllallorJIOo1' _ TO preYel1 i!fi0lS or CWTIissions, ~ logs II'dUded in I \II'Ili'dV1Q1qi/ll!l'll1!l ~ $hOllkl flM11bl redIMJ u indusioo in irdUII:dI.IaIor ether desql ~nos. Only p/'(III)grap'UC 01 elecIroo.:: ~Ion is ~. lid rf!C(}{JI1Ilf! IfIrII st!fJiIId/Jrv logs Ilqm /fe repon (3l e/tVaIe flS/£ GIve C8ilb'a:1Ul"11 ConipIeta Repart JIId Guldillce So:mi awofIrS iIII tlesigl1 prolessiorlals II1ISQkenIy belieYe tI"rf ~ make WItJ£t/)S liallie lor ~ !I.IhUfa:t rmlibCl1S tIy Il'niIIn;l wr.r« Itoty ~ for bid p<~, To ..... p ~ oostIy lI'obiIrm. giYt 00f>~ iI'e ~ gaAtd.U1 qioeai/lJ ~ IJdpreIiJ:e ~ ~ I cIeirIy '//linen Ie!!er d !r.r9rollal. n Ih<llIeIIa idVlSI! ~ Ih3lIhe rl:llllll_ na pre(l;'l'Eid lor pr.rposes d biG delelQ;A lej iI1C lila Ihe repcrt's a::an:y is ImiIIII; I:!"IXlI3}e Ih!m 10 tool!:! Uh Ihe QIDl'dnicaI prepw:llTle I~ (11I1IldesI1ee ITay be relJ,lired) iIII/OIlO r::ord.£I additiooal study to or:tvrJ h s;e::i!Ic!)1leS d inIormaIlon ItJey rml 01 ~. A~ wilelerrr;e ClI1I11so be 'IaIuitIIe. & Sl6t'COttIaCI!n Me ~ Iitr!lIO per10rm miooal SIutt. Only b'JetI mioIf you be ill 1 posibOn 10 OM! cortradOlS lTle best ~ avaii;I)Ie to YOU. while r~ ItBn 1;1 ~ least shin sure oj Ihe ~ resjXllSibil~ies SIe!TIM!i Iron'I ~ COIlI~ions. enomeer...oo used to perform a !PXf;dItr.:al 51ud)' forllial r!i3SCtL I ~I eogoneering ~ does na usually rew Ill)' geoenYirorrnerul iinOOlQS. an:Iusiorrs, 01 teCIlIIlTI!fIda e.g ,11m Ihe Iikelillcod oj enc:tU1Iel'll1!l oo;Ie!gra.n:l ~ tncs 01 r~ COIlIaml'lalC. /.iJaIOOpatttJ ~ fIlob/ffrf; II.M! I«J to runetOllS flIO/«1Ia/h.1e$. ~ you tIM na yet ottairll!!l )tu r;rwn groenwOOTe:'Ul ifilorrnabor\ ask your \JllOIIl(:tr'Ii COIlSlIitlft!or risk ~ agernn~. Do IlQ( I(J/y (WI" tlMJOIlleOOl fflPM ~ /I)( _... ObtaIn ProIessloRII Alsimla To Deal with Mold Diwo'se SIr.!lejl!eS can bIi aptJIllid O:.mg Iliildlr'lg oesigrI, OOI'ISlrOClillll, operation, iI'Id rnall'fe!Wl:e to IIevenl SlQII/fiC:d ¥I'QJI'IlS oj rnoI(I ~0111 !II!JW111g IJI1 irdoor ~, To bIi~, all su:h strUil!eS shI:W! bIi deY!sI'Jj lor ttoe ~ ~cllI1I)Id preyeRton, ~ irm I WI!prehenwe plan, in! exea.ted WI'" dilroent ~ by I pIO/essiorIaI mokI ~Ion ~1Iart Beo:::<IM II!Sl a small ~ 01 W3IeI' ~ mooSlure can lead to Ihe ~Cip'1'et 01 SMre meld inestfillOS, I fRIll\" btl 01 ,..,.d plMI1iOon w¥eg. focus on kIepIng buikling SlIIbaoI: dr}' ~Ie gr~. wale! inliltral:1OIl. am sunila' is1;ues may ~ been iIIXIessa1 zs part oIlf1! oeotectru;aIql1ll'!eling study MIM ~ndinos i!re W1Ye)'f'JI ill b'l1S r!!pOII.lh! gooIedriI:IIlf1Oirwr ill dlarge d ltJis profld is na a llllid prewnlion ~ nona of Ih' urmfl ,.,. flNfll'" in tl1fmmion with tfJ, g,alachn/&ai ,ngineff's Jtully 1R'fI' dnign,d fJf tonduc/.d far /h. purpflSl/ of mold pfl'~n" lion. Proptf /mpl,m,lIl11ion of /hi rttfHfIt'Mndl/l1JllS totroe"d in flrls ~{HH1 will 001 al itu" "" SlIme/lilt 10 Pfl'Vff/I mold from growing in "on Ih' Slnlrntfl' imfOwed. ReId Respollllbllll, Provbionl Closely Safe dier:ts. QeSIgn prolesslonib. OVId r;:(I1IIal(lrS 00 na rtrognile th3I ~1C31 engumtng is Iar less em 11m ~ !OIII!m'Ul\l disci· (IIires. ThIs I;,D:. d uiderSiaridil1!l has aeated Iffl3Iis!M: exoeuat>(Wl$lI\1rI 8611 Col.sville ~oarlISullr! GHIi, SiIYer $p!"'!I, f<10 2091D ~. lO1~21JJ ha,mllo- 101/S89·2Il11 .. rr~l ~~ ~2IIH..,ASfl.1Iw: _ _ .." _ • " __ " ' _ " ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ........zfe.O!g R_"'''_'' otOf _______ ASIf'r ____ ''''''''_._''''_''' _ _ _ '''ASif.''''''''''' __ Oot_otASff_ ...... _"'. • ........ _"'., _.. _ .... - ~'_'" _ot~_"' _ _ .. _ _ ..... _ ... _ _ _ .. ASff _ _ .. _ _ .. _ _~., _ . . . I .....