o - U-Cursos
o - U-Cursos
SIGLA Il 13 Il 14 Il 15 P.Oxy. 1805 + 3787, saee. ii-ili P.Oxy. 3688, saee. v-vi P.Amst. inv. 68, saee. iii PHILOCTETES 1 r LAK the eommon souree 'of G (Laur. (Paris. supp. gr. 109), and I} a S V z AUY (lines 1~1297) ZgZo t TIa Il16 P.Berol. inv. 17058, saee. iv-v es 152), Q OEDIPUS AT COLONUS 1 r LAK QR .. t AUY , (lines 1338-779) " the eommon souree ofZn (Paris. gr. 2787), :lo TIa Il 17 P.Mieh. 3.1400, saee. ii-iii ~ 1m. seho1ium 1emma yp ypá</>ETat ae pe s.1. eett. ante eorreetionem post eorreetionem supra lineam eeteri a V z viii ' ANTIGONE T A TOT AP AMATO$ ITrO$!lITA 'AVTLyóvr¡ 'Iapt/¡vr¡ Xopo> 8r¡f3aíwv Y€PÓVTWV Kp~wv <l>vAa~ A"t¡Lwv TELp€(Tía> "AYY€AO> Evpv8íKr¡ DRAMATIS PERSONAE Antigone Ismene Chorus ofTheban Elders Creon· Guard Haemon Tiresias Messenger Eurydice Scene: In fmnt of the palace at Thebes. Time: Just after the battle in which the Thebans have repulsed the Argive attack, and the brothers Eteocles and Polynices have killedeach other. 2 3 ANTIrONH ANTIGONE ANTlrOl'H The stage buíldíng represents the royal palace at Thebes. ANTIGONE and ISMENE enterfrom the central Mor. "U KOtVOV aVTá8úI.q)Ov 'IeTfL~V"r¡<; KFpa, l' , '3' O'· :,. TWV . . . a7r "O'~/ ... • ap DteT on Z EVS Wt7rOV KaKWVa, 7TOtOP OVXt vcpv ETI, ,C:)(rul,V TEAEt; 5 10 ov8ev yap OVT' 'P,YEWOV OVT' /iTrI<; yÉfLov 0157' aiuXPov OVT' áTL¡.tÓVEU(}', Ó7TOtOV .....,.., , "" ,,, ", ,., TWV eTWV TE KafLltJv OVK 07rW7r EYW KaKWV. Kat vuv Tí Tovr'}:LiJ epaut 1Tav&q¡.tlp 1TóAEt K~pvYfLa OE'ivaLTov eTTpaTr¡yov apTíw<;; EXH<; n KEleT~KdveTa<;; ~ eTE AavOávH 7rpo<; TOV<; ef>íAOV<; eTTEíXOVTa TroV i)(Oprov KaKá; ov ANTIGONE My own sister Ismene, linked to myself, are you aware that Zeus ... ah, which of the evils that come from Oedipus is he not accomplishing while we stilI live? No, there is nothing painful or laden with destruction or shameful ordishonouring among your sorrows and mine that 1have not witnessed. And now whatis this procIamation that they say the general has lately made to the whole city? Rave you any knowledge? Rave you heard anything? Or have you failed to notice the evils from our enemies as they come against our friends? I$MHNH EfLOt fLev ov8Et<; p.vOo<;, ,AVTtyóVr¡, ef>íAwv oVO' 7¡8v<; OVT' aAYEtVo<; iKET' Et ÓTOV 15 8vo'iv a8EAef>0'iv EeTTEp~Or¡fLEV 8lÍo, fLtq. OavóvTow 7¡fLÉpq. 8t7rAfi XEpí' E7rEt 8e ef>pov8ó<;>EeTnv 'ApYEíwv eTTpaTo<; El! VVKTt rfj vvv,::üv8ev oiS' lJ7TÉpTEpov, OVT' EVTVXOVeTa JLaAAOV OVT' aTwfLÉvr¡. ISMENE Tome, Antigone, no word about our friends has come, either agreeable or painful, since we two were robbed of two brothers, who perished on ane day each at the other's hand. Since the Argive arrny left during this night, 1 Imow nothing further, nothing that improves my fortune orbrings me nearer to disaster.. ANTIGONE 1Imew it well, and 1 summoned you out of the gates of the ANTlrONH "t::' \ "" '\' \ ..... Y/0r¡ KaJI.W<;, Kat eT EKTO<; aVII.EtWV 'lrVII.WV 2 4 , . ", on Hermann:,-ó Tt codd. 3< - L ,-.: I J01TOLOV 'a, 1TOl,QV cadd . 4 i/.rr¡<; yÉ¡wv Hennann: i/.rr¡<; I1rEp codd. 5 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE courtyard beca.use 1wished youto hear thisalone. ISMENE I:$MHNH 20 tí 8' EeTTt; 8'Y/AOZ" 'láp Tt KeLAxaívoveT' E7TO'>, BuL what is it? It is clear th(l1: you are brooding over something youare going to sayo ' ANTlr.ONH O;V 'lap Táepov v0v TOl KaeTt'lvf¡Tw KpÉwv ~ov JLEV 1TpOTíuCt ?, TOVO' aTL¡.LáfTa'i EXEt; \ ' ¡.tE"V, llj'> I\E'lOVeTt,CTVV \' , otlf'Y/'> '" ,'E , TEOKI\Ea xpf¡eTEt 8tKaíq. K~t VÓ/UI!, KllTa xOOVO'> 25EKPVt/JE TOZ,> EVEpIJEv EVTtp,o;V VEKPOZ,>' , v"" a 0\' \" , T()V I\túJS'. O',' ~rOVTa TI O~VV€LKOVS' VE/wV &:eTToZeTí epaeTtV EI<KEK'Y/pvx~at TO p,~ iáepep KaAv.pat ¡.!ir¡8e KWKva-aí Twa, ~av 8' aKAavT01i;aTaepov, olwvoZ,> 'lAVKlJV 30 0'Y/eTavpov EleTopC;;eTt 7TpO'> Xápw f3opa'>. \otavTá epa.eTt TOV &:'laOov ItpÉOVTa eTOt K&p,oí, AÉ'lw 'larr K&:p,É, K'Y/pvtaVT' EXEW, Kat I>Evpo VEZeTOctt Tawa TOZeTt p,~ El8óeTtv lTaepfj 7TPOK'Y/PVtOPTa, KatTo 7TPU'lP,' a'lEw 35 OVX W'> 7Tap' oVQÉv, &:AA' &" &v TOVTWV Tt opq., epóvov 7TPOKEZeT0ix.t 8'Y/p,ÓAEYeTTOV EV 7TÓAEt. 0157W') EXEt:CTOL i.avTa, Kat~€íeEIS ráxa efT' E'irYEvr,~ 1TÉ~_YKaS' eíT' eér8Awv KUK'rj. I:$MllNH -tí S', 40 6) TaAa¡4>p~v, el ráS'Ev TOVTOL')" ANTIGONE Why, has not Creon honouredone of our brothers and dishonouredthe other in the matter of their burlal? Eteocles, theysay, in accordanpe with justice and with custom he has hidden bene(lth the earth, honoured ame:mg the de~d below. But asfpr the unhajJpy corpseof Polynices, they say it has beenJ.>roclaimedto the citizens tha.t none shallconceal itin a grave or laIllent for it, but that they should leave it unweptfor, unburied, a rlch treasure house forbirds as they loo~ out for fopd. This is the proclamation \yhich they say thegood Creon has made to youand to me yes, 1 count myself also-and he is comingthis way tomake the proclarnation clear to those who donot know df it. He is not trellting the rnatter as unimportant, but for anyone who does any of these things death in the city is ordained, l)y stoningat the people's haMo There you have the waythings stand, and you will sopp show whl'lther your natur~ is nobleor you are the cO\yardly descendant ofvaliant ¡[ncestors. . ISMENE But, my poor dear, if this is howthings stand, what could 1 con.tribute by trying to untie or to tie the knot? €yw AVOVeT' &VE'íO' á7TTOVeTa 7TP0eTOEÍp,'Y/v 7TAÉOV; 23-24 o-Vv 8íK"IS<Xpf¡lTEt G. H. Muller: o-Vv 8Í1<'!1 XP"I0'8.tS 40 .íO' á7TTOVO'U POI;on:'¡¡ 8á7TTOVO'U códd. codd. 6 7 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE ANTlrONH El tVP/TrOv7¡crEtSKat tvvEpyácry¡ crK6'TrEt. ANTIGONE Gonsider whether you will share the pain and the labour! ISMENE I~MHNH 'Trot6v Tt KtVOVV~V"La; 'TrOV YVWJL7J~ 'Tror' Ei; . What dangerous thing is to be done? What have you in mind? ANTlrONH El rov VEKpOV tVlJ rfiOE KOVef)tEt~ XEPi. I I~MHNH ANTIGONE Will you bury the dead man, tPgether with this hand of mine? .ry yap vOEt~ (}d-1TTEtV cr</>', u'Tr6pP7Jrov 'Tr6AEt; ANTlrONH 45 rov yovv €JL6v,~at rov cr6v, 1}v crV JLr, (}ÉXT1~, áOEA</>6v' ov yap S7¡ 'Trpooovcr' tÍAwcrOJLat; I~MHNH ¡;; CTXErAía, KfJÉovro~ uvrEtP7JK6ro~; ANTlrONH un' ovoev avrp rwv EJLWV <JL'> EípYEtV J.tÉra. I~MHNH 50 55 oíJLot· </>p6vr¡crov, ¡;; KaCTtyvr)r7J, 'Trarr,p W~ vpv U'TrEX(}7¡~ ovcrKAE7¡~ r' U'TrWAErO 'TrpO~ awo</>wpwv UJL'TrAaK7JJLárwv, Ot'TrAa~ ót/JEt~ upáta~ avro~ avrovpyp XEpí' €'TrEtra JL7¡rr¡p Kat yvv7¡, Ot'TrAOVV €'TrO~, 'TrAEKratcrtV ápTd-vatcrt Awf3iirat f3íov' , \.J,.' ovo ~" JLtav Ka (}'" TptTOV o"",~ aOEI\'('w 7JJLEpav , . , , ' \ ' , aVTOKTOVOVVTE TW Tal\at'TrWpw JLOpOV KOtVOV KaTEtpyd-cravr' €'TraAA7¡AOtV XEPOtlJ. vVV o' av JL6va Sr, vw AEAEtJLJLÉva crK6'TrEt ) 8 ISMENE Are you thinking ofburying him, when it has been forbidden to the city? ANTIGONE Well, 1 will bury my brother, and yours, if you will not; 1 will not be caught betraying him. ISMENE RE~ddess one, when Creon hasforbidden it? ANTIGONE But he has no right to keep meJrom my own! ISMENE Woe! Think, sister, ofhow our father perished hated and ill"famed, through the crimeshe had himself detected, after striking both his eyes himself, with his own hand! And then his mother and his wife, two names in one, díd violence to her life with twisted noose; and, thirdly, our two brothers, on one day killing each other, did themselves both to death at one another's hands. And now consider how much the worsewill be the fate of us two, ~6 spurium apud antiquos habitum esse testatur Didymus 48 suppl. Brunck 9 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES 60 ócrcp KáKL(FT' O}....OV/LE()', ei'vój.Lov f3íq. .pfiepov 71ipávIJúW 1) Kpá'Tr¡ 7TapÉtt¡LEV. aAA' Evvoliv xp7¡ 'TOV'TO ¡Lev yuvaZX' ÉepV¡LEV,W~ 7TfJ?~ áIJSpa~ov ¡Laxov¡¡,Éva' E'1TEtTU O:' OVVE,K' apxó¡J-ECTe' EK KpeuTfFóv(,jV ",." aKOVEtV Kan 'TúlVO -"'~" \ ' Kat" 'Tav'T a"ytOva. EYa, ¡Lev o~v a,l'Tov<Ta 'TOVS v~o XOovo~ tvyyvotav í<TXEtv, W~ atá'o¡Lat fáSE, "" , .,',\ /:} (.) ,... "" ' 'TOt~ EV 'TEMt f;'EfJúl<Tt 7TEwo¡Lat. 'Toyap, 7TEpt<T<TII7Tpái:T<TEWOVK ÉXEt vovv ovSÉva. on )' 65 -", - / - ANTlrONH "" OV'T av KEMva'at¡L OV'T ,:';' av, Et, 0.1'\ E"ot~ E'Tt 7Tpá<T<TEtv, E¡Ldv y' &v i¡SÉúl~ SP'Í?r¡~ ¡LÉTa. " 70 75 , -A -, \ - I -,' -- ,.'" aAA' íerO' ó7Toía (TOL OOKét,KEtVOV 8' E'YW Oá.púl. KaAóv Ij,0t 'TOWO VOtOV<TTI OavEZv.. 4JíA'YJ JLET' atrf(?v KEif.Top..ut, 4>í'Aov P.ÉTU, O<Tta 7TalJOvpY~<Ta<T" E7T<'¡ 7TAEíúlV Xpóvo~ fJv SEZ ¡.t' apÉ<TKEtV 'ToZ~ Ká'Túl 'TWV EvOáSE·· EKli ya~ aletK.Eí<To¡Lat. <TV S' El SOKEZ , O H,-' , .. , ,-, "". 'Ta 'TúlV . EúlV Evn¡L . an¡La<Ta<T EXE. ~ I"'l I$MHNH ' " ¡LEV " OVK ,- an¡La " ..... ~, EYúl 7TOtOv¡Lat, 'TO" oE aíq- 7TOAt'TWV Spav Éepvv a¡L"Íxavo~. - - who are Ieftalone, if in despjte of the Iaw we f10ut the decision of the ruIer or his power. Why, we must remember that we are women; whocannot fight against men, and then that we are ruIedby those whose power is greater, .so that we must consent to this and to other things even more painfuI! Sol shall begthose beneath the earth tobe understanding, since l act under constraint, but l shall obey those in authority; for there is no sejlse inactions that exceed ourpowers. •. A¡'¡TIG9NE l i'ouId HOt tell you to do it, ahd even if you were willing to act after all l wouId not becontent for you to actwith me! Do yoube the kind of person you have decided to be, but l shallbury him! It is hQnourabIe for me to dó this and die. l am his own and l s4alllie with him who is my oWn, having committed a crime that is hoIy, for therewill bea Ionger sp¡m of time for meto pIease those beIow than there will be tp pIease thdse here; for there l shalllie forever. As for you, if it is your pIeasure, dishonour what the gods honour! . ISMENE l am not dishonouring them, blit l do not have it in me to act against thl'lwill of the peopIe of the city. ANTIGONE You may offer that excuse; but l shall go to heap up a tomb for my dearest brother! ANTlrONH 80 <TV ¡Lev 'ráS' ilv 7TPOVXOt" EYa, Se S7¡ 'Táepov XW<TOV<T' aSEAep¡¡' eptA'Tá'Tl¡J 7TOpW<TO¡Lat. 10 11 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE I:l:MHNH ISMENE Alas, how 1 fear for you, poor creature! oí¡J-Ot, TaA.aíV7J<; w<; lJ7rEp8t80tKá <TOV. ANTIGONE ANTlrONH Rave no fears for me! Make your own course go straight! p:Y¡ '¡l.Ov'Tl'porápf3et· rov <TOV etópOov 'T1'ÓT¡J-OV. ISMENE I:l:MHNH 85 Well, tell no one of this act beforehand, but keep it secret, and so shall I. un' oVV 'T1'pop:r¡wcry¡<; YE rovro p:r¡8EVt rovpyov, Kpv4>ii 8E KEVOE, crov 8' !avrw<; €yw. •.. ANTIGONE Ah, tell them all! 1 shallhate you far more if you remain silent, and do not proclaim this to all. ANTlrONH oíp-ot, Ka'l"av8a' 'T1'oA.A.OvEXOíwv É<TTl <TtYW<T', eav p-0 'T1'om K7JPvtTl<; rá8E. ISMENE Your heart is fiery in a matter that is chilling. I:l:MHNH ANTIGONE OEpp-0ve'T1't tJroxpo'i<Tt Kap8íav Ex et <;. Why, 1 know that 1 am giving pleasure to those 1 must please most! ANTlrONH un' 018' UpÉ<TKOV<T' oi<;11'áA.t<TO' á8E'iv /leE xpT,· ISMENE I:l:MHNH 90 El Kat 8vvT,<TTl y" un' uP-7JXávwv epq,<;. ANTlrONH ) ,., ,c:::" , OVKOVV, orav 071 11'7,1 <To'EVW, 'T1'E'T1'aV<T011'at. ~ I:l:MHNH uPXY¡v 8~ 07Jpav ov 'T1'pÉ'T1'Et nJ,¡L'lÍx ava . ANTlrONH El TaVTa AétEt<;, exOapil 11'EV et e11'ov, 95 eXOpa 8E reí' Oavóvn 'T1'pO<TK€Í<TTl 8íKTl' un' Ea 11'E K(Lt r.ryv et e11'ov 8v<Tf3ovA.íav 'T1'aOe'iv ro 8EWOV rovro' 'T1'Eí<To11'at yap oVv "" '~' u \ '"' OaVEW. ~ rO<Tovrov ovoEV W<TrE 11'7'1 ) ov Ka"w<; 12 , , ~. If you have the strength! But you are in love with the impossible. ANTIGONE Then when my strength fails 1 shall be at resto ISMENE But to begin with it is wrong to hunt for what is impossible. ANTIGONE If you say that, you will be hated by me, and you will justly incur the hatred of the dead mano Let me and my rashness suffer this awful thing! 1 shall suffer nothing so dire that my death will not be one ofhonour. 13 ANTlGONE SOPHOCLES ISMENE I$MHNH ''\'\' aAA ) .... ~. ,... _ ,... - ,... EL'OOKel,~O",(FTELxeTO'UTO ~,)I ()' Well, if you wish to, gol But know this much, that in your going you arefoolish, but truly dearto those who are your own. 'd pto- '.BTt ávov<; /h~v i!pXYl, TOL<; ,pí~o.<;O' op()w<; ,pí)yr/. 100 XOPO$ , ) aKTL~ )-\/ /\ ," a-Tp.a a€J\LOV,-,!O Kal\- I AUTTOV É7TTamJAqJ,paVEV '(.} TWV 7TpOTEpWV . , 'l'ao<;, ./..' e r¡fJqI 'Á.. / () "":"":'i" E'I'aV r¡<; 7TOT'iW xpVa-Ea<; á/hÉpa<;f3AÉ,papov, A.pKaíwv V7TEP. PEÉ()pWV /hOAOVa-a, TOV t AEÚKaa-7I'W 'ApyÓ().EV ,pWTa f3avTa7favcrayíq-f ,pvyaoa 7TPÓOPO/hOV otvróPqJ KW1¡a-aa-a xaXw0' &d,p' T¡/hETÉpq- yfi IIoAvpEÍKov<; ap()Et<;lJHKÉwlI ¿f&/h,p·AÓyWV Exi}Unt ANTlqONE andISMENE. The CHORUS of elderly men, leading Citizens ofThebes,enters the orchestra. CHORUS ~ B~am of the sun, fairer than a11.thathave shone before for seyen-gatedThebes, fina11y )'ou shone. forth, eye of golden day, cpming over the streams of Dirce, you who moved off irrheadlongllighttl1e man with white shield th~t carne fram Argos in his panoply, witha bridle ofconstf~intthat pierced him sharply, him that was raised up against our land by the contentious quarrels of Polynices, a and Ilew to our country, loudly scteaming like an eagle sheathed in snow-white pinion, with many weapons and witl1 helmetswithhorsehair pl1Jmes; he paused above our hojlses, ringing raund the se",l'ln gates with spears that longed for blóod; but he went,before his jaws had been gltitted withour gore and thefire-god'spinecfed llame ha.d taken the walls that crawnpur city. Such was the diu l· 105 no otÉa KAct.'WV \ a.ETO<; E<; yr¡V W<; V7TEpE7TTa, AEVK7j<; X.ÓVO<; 7TTÉpVY. iTTEyaVO<; ) , ) ,....... ( I 7TOAAWV/hE()' Cm Arov i:' (),t.7T7TOK?/-L0.<; ."''.' .KOpV.. , ( )Ea-(]W. ~ vv , o V7TEp/hEl\a , .. \'()pwp yOVW./..' a-Ta<; "" 120 , ./.... , , \ a-a.a-.v a/h'l'.xavwv KVKl\qJ \' (" \,'1' I\OYXa.<; E7TTa'TTVI\OV a-TO/ha , .,(),., t , , EfJa, 7TpW 71'0 •. a/hETEpwv aí/haTWV yÉlIl)inv 7TAr¡a-()7j, ,;' Á-.': , va. <TE> Kau:rTE'I'aVW/ha 'TTVPYWV ' ( ) ' "H./.. '\ ~ 7TEVKaEP 'j-'a.a-TOV EI\HV. ~Q 14 , UV'T;-U I a Polynices had persuaded Adrastus, king ofArgos, to Iead an arrny against Thebes, where his brother EteocIes had excIuded him from power. Each of the sev~n gates of l'hebes had been attacked by one of seven famous ",arriors; theseventh gate had been attacked by Polynices and defended by hisbrother. no ik . . . IIOAVVEíKOV> Scaliger: et II (;v . . . IIOAVVEíK'I> codd. n 117 epOVW<rd.UTtv e schol. Bothe: epovaí<rtv K: epo( t)víat<rtv cett. 15 SOPHOCLES 125 'l"OtO, a¡.Lept VW'I"' E'I"áO"f/ 11'árayo, ~ApEo" avn7T(lAe¡¡ 8vaXEípw¡.La 8páKOV'I"O'. ."\ \ Z " yap ¡.LEYI2l\"f/' Yi\wcra-r¡, KO¡.L11'0V' V11'EPEXOaípH,Kaí crepa, Ecrt8wv 11'0AA0 !JElJ¡.Lan 11'POcrVtcrO¡.LEVOV" '" ..... ,,' xpvcrov Kavax"f/' V11'Ep011''I"Etat" 11'aA'I"0 !Jt11''I"Et11'VPt f3aAf3í8wv I E11" áKpWV 1íSn VíK"f/V óp¡.LWV'I"' aAaAátat' aVTtro7T(,!- 8' E1Tt yª 11'EcrE raV'I"aAwOEt, 11'VpepÓPO<; ik'l"ó'I"E ¡.LatvO¡.LEvq, tvv óp¡.Lª f3aKXEv(J)v E11'E7TvEt , . aVE¡.LWV. . pt11'at, EX O/tcr'l"WV ~\ \ "'" • <ai\i\ '\\' > EtXE O"', ai\i\q. Tao aAA' €'1T' . áAAOt') E7TEVW¡.La crroepEAí'6W ¡.LEya, ~A p"f/' 8EttÓcrHPO,. É11''I"a Aoxayoi yap Eep' É11''I"a 7TVAat, 'l"axOEV'I"E<; ícrOt 7TPO, ícrov, EAt11'0V Z"f/Vt 'l"po7Taíe¡¡ 11'áyxaAKa 'l"EA"f/, 7TA~V 'l"OtV cr'l"VYEpotv, & 11'a'l"pO' Évo, ¡.L"f/'I"PÓ, 'l"E ¡.Ltii, epVV'I"E KaO' aV'I"otv 8tKpa'l"Et, Aóyxa, cr'l"~craV7"' EXE'I"OV KOtvOV Oavá'l"ov ¡.LEpO, á¡.Lepw. aAAa yap á ¡.LEyaA6JVV¡.LO' i¡AOE NíKa 'I"ª 11'0Avap¡.Lá'l"e¡¡ avnxapEtcra e~f3q., EK ¡.LEV 8~ 11'0AE¡.LWV €V, 130 135 I ANTIGONE " ( ~, cr'l"p. f3' ~" .. 140 145 150 16 , ...• ofbattle stretched about rus back, hard for the dragon's adversary to vanquish. For Zeusdetests the boasts of a proud tongue, and when he saw them advancing in full Rood, with the arrogance of Rasrung gold, with the fire he hurls he Rung down him who was already hastening to shout forth his victory on the topmost ramparts.a And he fell upon the hard ground, shaken down, the torchbearer who in the fury of rus mad rush breathed upon us with the blast ofhateful winds. This indeed went otherwise; and different fates were dispensed to different persons by the mighty war-god who shattered them, a horse that carried our chariot to victory. For seven captains posted agaiIlst seven gates, man against man, left behind theirbrazen weapons for Zeus the god of tróphies, except for the unhappy two, who, sprung of 0I:¡e father and one. mother, set their strong spears against each other and both shared a common death. But since Victory whose name is glorious has come, her joy responding to the joy of Thebes with many a Capanens, one ofthe Seven Against Thebes. 125 áll'T'11'áA<¡J] -ov L s.l., a s.l. 126 8páKOPTO, V et s.l. in a: 8páKOPT< cett. 130 Vrrepo1TTeíat.8 Musgrave: -eíac; K: -ías cett. , , 138 <án'> ¡ÜA' <11" Ll.-J.: ánu 8' <11" t: ánu Tá8' <11' cett. , f3' av'I". 17 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES chariots, afterthe recent wars let us be forgetful, andJet us Yisit all thetemples of the gods with all-night dances, andmay the Bacchic godwho ~hakes the land ofThebes befuler! But here comes the new king ofthe land, ... Creon, under the new conditions givenby the gods; what plan is heturning over, that he has proposed this assembly of elders for discussion, summoning them by general proclamation? vVV OÉCT0'SATJCTfLOCTVVUV; ~ '" YUOV<;XOPOL<; , ~ OEWV OE TWV 7T(l.VVVXOlS 7T&~Tat;,: E7TÉA~: 155 OWfLEV,Ó 8i¡f3~<; 8' EAEAíxOwv BciKXw<;ápXOL. aAA' 08E yop87¡ f3UCTLAEV<; xwpu<;, tKpÉwvó MElIOLKÉW<;, t .. VEOX/f0<; VEUPU'ia-L OEWV E7rt CTVVruXíUL<; 1 XWPE'iTfvu 87¡fLfinv EpÉa-CTWV , CT¡)ykATJTO~ Ti¡v8E YEPÓVTWV 7rpoiJ8éto AÉa-XTJV, KOLVé¡J KYJpvYfLan 7rÉfLt/Ja.:<;; EnterCREON. .. on 160 / KPEilN 165 áv8pE<; ,Ta fL~v 87¡ 7rÓAEO<; aCTlpuAw<; OEOt \ \ ~ ... '\ ... ,. ." O . '\ . 7rOJ\l\W a-UMJ (i'HCTUVTE<; wp WCTUV 7rUMV' VfLGS B'EYW' 1!"0fL7rO'iCTLV EK 7rciVTWv8íxu " \,'".( '-0:': ,',.... .' 'Aatov J.... €fTT€f,I\:tK€CT .p"t, TOV'TO 1f,EV Ta crÉf3ovra<; El841<; €V 0PÓ1J(JJv aEt KpciTTJ, TOVT' UVOL<;, ~VíK' O¡8í7rov<; wpOov 7róAá', ) 170 ,- ~" * * ' \ r 'A-.' * "\,: * I .., KU7rH OLWJ\ET; UfL'I'L TOV<; KEW(JJV En 7ru'i8u<; fLÉvovra<;EfL7rÉ8oL<; ef>POVi¡fLUCTLV. OT' O{W EKE'iVOL 7rPo<; 8L7rAfi<; fLoípu<; fLíuv e, I ,"'\ ' I I , " KU TJfLEPUVWJ\OVTO 7rULCTUVTE<; TE KUL 7rATJyÉVTE<; UVTÓXELPL CTVV fLLciCTfLUn, EYW KpciTTJ 8i¡ 7rávra KUt OpÓVOV<; EXW ,1 YEVOV<; KUT UYXLCTTHU TWV OJ\WJ\OTWV. o, , 18 ' " 1"\ 1"\ '\ , ",. . •..•.• •.• CREOJ'i: •.•. Sirs, the gods haveshaken the city's Jortunes with a heavy sh(lking, but n()w they have set themright ip. safety. And 1 have summop.ed you outof allithe people by emissarles, kn{Íwing well first that you have always reverencedthe power of the throne of Laius, and second that when Oedipus gnided the city <with my sister as his wife, you always setved them faithfully,> and when he perished, you persisted in loyalty towards their clúldren. So now thatthey have perished by twofold ruin on a single day, strikingand being struck by the polluting yiolence ofone another, 1 hold the power and the thronl'1 by :reason of my kinship with the dead. 151 (Na-(Jf hu:: O~a-(Ja< RSVt 167 post hune versum laeunam statuit Dindorf \ 19 SOPHOCLES 175 Be 'lTavTo,>UvBpo,> ap,7]xaVOV .,. / \'<J.. ' ANTIGONE EKp,a()E7,p ..., ... ')\ ,¡,VX'TjV TE Kat'l'pov'Tjp,a Kat YVWp,'TjV, 'lTpt., av apxalS TE Kat v6p,ounVEvTpt{3i¡,> pavii. €P,pt yap ocm'> 7Tacrav EV()VVWV 7T6AtlJ p,~ T¿;W apícrTwv á7TTETat {30VAEVp,áTWV, 180 '\\"Á.'{3 \~ '\' ~ a1\1\ EK '1'0 OV TOV y 1\wcrcrav EYKJ\"[/cra,> EXH, , . 't "" '... • 1\ c;::. ,... KaKtcrTO'> Hvat lJVV TE Kat 7Ta1\at OOKH' '... ir , « 1 , ' , . . . , ' ',,", ( J... I KCl,t p,H",OV ocrn,> avn T'Tj'> aVTOV 7TaTpa'> Á. ' \ . 'r·· TOVTOV ~ , <> ~ \ ' 'l't1\OV VOp,t'oH, ovoap,ov 1\EYW. ,... I ". EYW yap, tcrT(ll 185 ",,,", Z'" EV'> .., e . , ()' O 7TaV e .... " opWV aH, c .'.:~ .... OVT ap crtW7T'Tjcratp,t T'TjV aT'TjV opWV I ,,'0'" ,........ . I crTHxovcrav acrTOt'> avn T'Tj'> crwT7lpta,> , ~ ,~ Á. ' \ •• , OVT av 'l't1\OV 7TOT ,~"" avopa OVcrp,EV'Tj~ X ()OVO'> ()Eíp,'Tjp Ep,aVTiP, TOVTO ytyvwcrKwvon .,~, ,... e' 'r'''' , 3/ 'Tj0 Ecrnv 'Tj cr(¡J",ovcra Kat TaVT'Tj'> E7Tt 190 7TAÉOVTE,> op()Y¡,> TOV'> píAOV'> 7TowVp,E()a. ;., ~,: " ,"',,"" ,~, "/; '\ TOWtcro EYW VOp,Otcrt T'TjVO av",w 7TOl).tV. Kat VVV aBEAePa TwvBE K'TjpV~a,> ÉXW , ,... . I'l\::'.."'" . , acrTOtcrt 7TatOWV TWV a7T O'~' , ,1 Wt7TOV 7TEpt' 'ETEoKAÉa p,ÉV, (),> 7T6AEW'> lJ7TEpp,axwv 195 ~\ \ ~ <> ", , <>' 01\W1\E T'TjcroE, 7TaVT aptcrTEvcra,> OOpt, There is no way of getting to know a man's spirit and thought and judgment, untilhe has been seen to be versed in govemment and in the Iaws. Yes, to me anyone who while guiding the whoIe city fails to set his hand to the best counseIs, but keeps his mouth shut by reason of sorne fear seems now and has aIways seemed the worst of men; and him who rates a dear one higher than his native Iand, him 1 put nowhere. 1 would never be siIent, may Zeus who sees all things for ever know it, when 1 saw ruin coming upon the citizens instead of safety, nar wouId 1 make a friend of the enemy ofmy country, knowing that this is the ship that preserves us, and that this is the ship on which we sail and onIy whiIe she prospers can we make our friends. These are the rules by which 1 make our city great; and now in consonance with them 1 have made to the citizehs this proclamation touching the sons of Oedipus. Eteocles, who died fighting for this city, having excelled inbattle, we shall hide in the tomb and we shall render to him al! the rites that come to the nobIest of the dead beIow. But his brother, 1 mean PoIynices, who carne back from exile meaning to bum tú the ground his native city and the gods of his race, and meaning to drink the peopIe's bIood and to enslaye its people-him, it is ',./.,. TE " KpV,¡,at ,'.i. Kat. . Ta. . " , E'I'aYVtcrat 'Á..' Ta'l'(¡J 7TaVT <.\ ,... ',', '." , ..... a TOt'> aptcrTOt'> EpXETat KaTW VEKPOt'>' , ~<> TOV o", av.,. '"l:' Vvatp,OV TOVOE, (),> yY¡v 7TaTp1Jav 200 Á.' II01\VVHK'Tj \ , 1\EYW, \ ' Ka~ ()EOV,> TOV'> EYYEVE¡" \() , '\ ' , 'l'vya,> KaTEI). WV 'Tj, () E1\'TjcrE p,EV 7TVpt ,., , " '()'\ ~,,, 7Tp'Tjcrat KaTaKpa,>, 'Tj E1\'TjcrE o atp,aTO'> ' ( )at, TOV'> '<>," \' " KOtVOV~ 7Tacracr OE OOV1\wcra,> aYEtlJ, 20 21 ANTlGQNE SOPHOCLES 205 TOVTOV 1ToAEt rfj3' EKKEK'l'ÍpvKTat Táebcp p....q7€ KTffpí'€L~-'JLI¡T€ Kwtd]uuí,7"tva, €aV S' áOa1TTov Kat 7TpOC; olwviJv SÉp.,a, \. ""'",:,', ,~. \.. ,., .O'" ,~ . . ', Kat 7TpO~ KVVú)V EOE<TTOVatKt<T El' T toEtV. TotóVD' -EJ:t0V4!PÓV7JJLU"KáÜ1TOT' EK E¡Lot Ttp:fj '1TP()Étov,~' oíKaKO~-'Tó1~ Ev8íK,úJ V. '\ \' O<TTt, q.. EV~OV' q" ~~ ~ '\ O ' a"" TY¡OE TY¡ 7ToII.Et,¡avwv Kat 'iJvóp.,o[ú), ÉKY' €JLOV TtwrícrETat. .• y' 210 xopot ruvr' ap¿ct;KEt,1TUt M€VOLKÉW~, 1To€í~,:: TOV Ti)S€ SV(TVOVV Kat TOV EVp.,Ev7I 1TOAEt· vop.,cp SE xpi¡lrOat 1TavTí, TOVT' ÉVEa-rí <Tot Kat TwvOavovTwv x&m6<Tot 'Wp.,EV7TÉpt. u()t e w, ,\ ''''.- j. - "9 ,,'.... " , CREON So.that you may see that my orders are obsl.Jrved ... CHORUS CREON , Etp7Jp.,E1/WV-·'.. al'<TK07To~VVV7JTETWV CHORUS rus your ple~sure, son of Mepoeceus, to.do this to the man who is hostile and to the man who is loyal to the city; and you havepower to observeevery rulewith regard to th!}dead and to us who are aliye:j. Give this burden to sorne younger man tobear! KPE!lN 215 proclaimed to this city, noneshall bury or lament,but they shalllea\ie his body unbutied for birds and dogs to deyour and savage. That is myway of thinking, and never by my will shall bad men excl.Jed good men in honour. N()' whoever is loyal to the city in death and life alike shall from me have honour. xopot VEWTÉpcp Tcp TÓVTO {3a<TTá'EtV 7TpOOE,. But men are rl.Jadywho will guard the cOqlse! CHORUS Then what other command have you to giVl.J? KPE!lN áAA' EtfT' ÉTO~JLOL , ,,\ Tt V7JT al' ~.... 'fOV VE:KpO~_ 'Y' E~í()'xoii;_ot. CREON You must not give way to thosl.JWho disobey in this. xoPO¡ "\\,, ..... '\::',' '\ \ " 0.1\11. EK TOVVE7TEVTEII.II.Ot> ETt; - . CHORUS There is no oile foolish enoughto desire death. KPE!lN \. TO \., ','" p.,7J 1TtXWf1EtV ...., .,... TOt, a1Tt<TTOV<TW ,~ TUVE •. Xopot 220 OVK É<TTtV oi5tw p.,wpo,¡;, Oavliv Epé¡.. 22 203 EKKEK1}p'llKTat 'Táepep Musgrave: -vx()at Táepcp codd.: 208 Ttp:fiLinwood: -T¡v codd, 211 7l'OL€W ' ( '~lC ) K 'In margo (CO~l. " M artin: ')K ' ve1 KpÉwv peov codd. 213 TOVT' Platt: 11'0'; T' codd. .2 18&H' EK TOVS' Pallis: &H'I' (&Ho L s.l.) ToíJT' codd, -vXOat ÁÉoy'" Nauck 23 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES KPEilN Kat ¡L~v á ¡LurOó<; y' OfiTO<;. aA>.' 1m' EA.'rríoúJv ávopa<; TO K¡pOO<; 'lTOAAtiK¿<; OU.óAEa-EV. CREaN WeIl, that is the reward; but hope has often caused the love ofgain to ruin meno EnterGUARD. <I>TAAS 225 230 235 ávae, EpW /LE." OVX Ó7TWS ráxovs V7TO ova-'lTvov<; íKCÍ,VúJ KOVepOV Etópa<; 'lTóoa. 'lToA>.o.<; yo.pÉa-xov eppOVTíoúJV 4'rr¿a-Ttia-€t<;, áOOL<; KVKAWV E¡LavToV El<; avaa-Tpoepi¡V' .¡mX~ yo.p 7]voa 'lTOAAti ¡Lo¿ ¡LvOOV¡L€V7], "TtiAa<;, Tí xwp€'i<; oí ¡LÓAWV owa-€t<; OíK'Y¡V; TAi¡¡LúJV, ¡L€v€t<; aii; KEl iáo' EZa-ETCU Kp€úJv áA>.ov'lTap' avop6<;, 'lTw<; ero Oi¡T' OVK aAyvvi/;" To¿avO' €Aía-aooúJV -iíVVTOV a-X OAii f3paov<;, XOVTW{ áoo<;f3paxEZa yíYVETa¿ ¡LaKpá. T€AO<; YE ¡L€V7'Ot OEVp' EvíK7]a-€¡J ¡LOAELV a-oí' KEl TO ¡L7]oev EtEpw, eppáa-úJ o' ()¡Lw<;. Ti¡<; EAll'íoo<;yo.p ÉpX0¡La¿ oEopaY¡L€vo<;, , TO ¡L~ 'lTaOEZv ltv áA>.o ll'Ai¡V TO ¡Lópa-¿/J,Ov. ,~ KPEilN Tí o' ErfTtV avO' ofi Ti¡VO' ÉX€t<; aOv¡Líav; <I>TAAS 240 eppáa-a¿ O€AúJ a-o¿ 'lTpWTa Ta¡LavTov' TO yo.p 'lTpáY¡L' OVT' Éopaa-' OVT' E¿OOV ()a-n<; 1)V á opwv, " E<; KaKOV , 'lTEa-O¿¡L¿ , , n. ovo av otKa¿úJ<; ~~,~, ~ KPEilN GUARD King, 1 wiIl not say that 1 come breathless with running, having plied a nimble foot! 1 had many worries that held me up, tuming this way and that in my joumey as 1 thought of going back. Yes, my mind spoke many words to me: 'Wretch, why are you going to a place where you will pay the penalty? Poor feIl~w, are you staying behind, then? And if Creon leams this from another man, how shaIl you escape afHiction?"· As 1 pondered on such thoughts 1 made my way slowly, with delays, and so a short joumey became a long one. But in the end the thought that prevailed was that of coming here to you; and even if what 1 say amounts to nothing, stiIl 1 wiIl teIl you; for 1 come clutching at the hope that 1 cannot suffer anything but what is fated. CREaN But what is it that so troubles you? GUARD First 1 want to teIl you about myself; 1 did not do the deed, nor did 1 see who did, and 1 could not with justice come to any harm. CREaN You are skilfuIly setting fences and palisades around the matter, and it is clear that you have sorne news to teIl uso Eii YE a-ToXá'YI Ka'lToepápyvva-a¿ KÚKAl¡l TO 'lTpáY¡La.07]AoL<; o' w<; n a-7]¡Lavwv V€ov. 24 25 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES GUARD <pTAAS To' SEtlIo' yáp/TOt 7I"pO(J"TíOr¡(J"' ÓKVOV 7I"o)l.:,)v. CREüN KPEilN ~" '" , ' ) ' ".:) y \ -O' OVKOVV EpEt<;'TI'OT , EtTa7l"al\I\ax Et<; a'Tl'Et; )f· KaL ST¡AÉYW(TOt. TOVPEKp6V rt<;iapTíw<; Oá1J;a<;f3Éf37]~E Ka7l"L XPWTL St1J;íf~ K6vw VaAVV/!-<; Kapayt(J"TEV(J"a<; &.. XP"'Í· . . Will you not Out with it, aIl.d theIl take you~self away? GUARD . <pTAAS 245 Yes, serious matters make one very nervous. Wt;ll, 1 willtell you! Someone has just gone off after bl1rying the body, sprinlding its.f1esh withthirsty dust and perforrning tlie necessary rites. CREüN ~at are you,saying? What mllll has dare4to do this? KPEilN Tí p"'Í<;;Tí<;aVSpwv 7)v/<3 TOAp,"'Í(J"a<; TáS¿i <pTAAS 250 255 OVK oIS.', €KEtyo'pOVTE.TOV YEvfiSo<; 7)v 'TI'Ai¡yp,', ov StKÉHr¡<; €i{f30A"'Í' (J"TVPAO<;&E yi¡ KaL XÉp(J"o<;,app@~ ovS' É7I"r¡p,a~Evp,Év"YJ TpoxoLrnv, d,XX' a(J"7]p,o<; OVpyáTr¡S rt<; 7)v. 07l"w<; S' Ó 7I"P¿;'TO<; Y¡p,LV Y¡p,EP0(J"K671"0<; . . SEíKVV(Tt, 7I"ii(n Oavp,a8v(J"XEpE<; 'TI'api¡v. Ó p,EVYo'p i¡páVt(J"TO, TVP,f3"'Ípr¡<; p,EV ov; \ ) / . ,.1.; / , '" ,,..,. I\E7l"Tr¡O ayo<; ,/-,EVYOVTO<; w<; E1TT¡v KOVt<;. (J"r¡p,Eta. S' OVrE Or¡P0<;OVTE TOV KVVWV E'AfJÓV+Ót;, o{,'o-'7TáfTuv'TOC; E~EcPatlJ€To. Myot.S' Év aH"'ÍAOt(J"tV Épp600vv KaKoí, pVAa~ÉAÉyXwv pVAaKa, Kilv ÉyíYVETO \ , . \ . ~, , ", ,. \ " ~ 7I"1\r¡Y7JTEI\EVTW(J" , ovo o KWI\V(J"WV 7I"apr¡v. El<; yáp rt<; ~v ÉKa(J"To<; ov~Etpya(J"p,Évo~, KovSá<; Évapy"'Í<;, aH' ÉpEVYE p,T¡ E1SÉv/!-t. ...~, 260 26 ,1 GUARD 1 do not know; there was nomark of an axe, no earth turned up by a mattock; théearth was hard and. dry, unbroken and with no tracks of wheels;the doer left no mark. And when the first daytime watcher showed us, it W as a disagr~eable surprise forall.He had vanished, not buried in a tomb, but covered vvith a lightdust, as though Pllt there bysomeone to avoid.poHution;and there were nosigns of aIly wild beast or any dog that had comeand torn the body. Hard words wert; bandiedbetween us, one guard questioning another, and it might have ended with a blow, and no one was there t()stop it; for each of us was the doer, butno one manifestlyso, but he escaped detec. 259 post húnc versum aliquid forsitan interéiderit 27 '~ SOPHOCLES ~JLEV 265 ANTIGONE 8' ÉTO/'JLOtKUt JLv8pov, u'ípEtV XEpO/'V, tioU. And we were ready to lift lumps of molten lead and to go through fire and to swearby the gods that we had not done the deed and did not know who had planned it or who had done it. And finally, when our search had done us no good, one of us said a thing that made us all bow our heads to the ground in terror; for we could not answer him nor see what action would help us to escape disaster. What he said was that \ve had to report the matter to you and not conceal it. This view prevailed, and the lot constrained me, poor fellow, to accept this privilege. Sohere 1 am,no less unwelcome than unwilling, 1 know; fofno one loves the messengerwho brings bad news. Kut mp 8tÉp7rEtV, Kut (JEOV, ÓPKWJLOTE/'V ro JLi¡TE 8pucnit JLi¡re re¡¡gvvEt8Évut ro 7rpu)'JLu f3ovlteVcTavTtJLi¡r' Elp)'UCTJLÉVe¡¡. '\ ~, d,' ,. ~, -;-.., "" \}' . rEI'O, o or. OVOEV r¡v EPEVVWCTtV 7rl'EOV, \ ' . 't' c.\,}' ..,. }' I'E)'Et Tt, EL, O·7rUVTU' E,7rEl/OV KUPU VEVCTUt eP6f3e¡¡irPOVrpEt/JEV' OV )'O-f} E'íXO¡XEV o15r' avTtePwvEtV 0V(}' Ó7rW, 8pwvrE' KUltfJ¡, 7rpatutJL€v. ~v8' Ó JLv(Jo, aVOtCTrÉov CTOt rovp)'oVELr¡ romo KOVXt KpV7rrEov. KUt TaVT' EvíKU, KaJLe TOV oVCTSaíJLova 7ralto, KU(JUtPE/, rovro rd,yu(Jov ItUf3E/'V. 7rapEtJLt8' áKWV oVX ÉKOVCTtV, 078' cJTt' CTrÉp)'Et)'O-pov8á, á)')'€ltov KUKWV E7rWV. _,~ 270 w, , 275 )JO, -:"" :,.. " , CHORUS King, my anxious thought has long been advising me that this action may have been prompted by the gods. CREON xOPO$ ávut, EJLoí rOt JLi¡ Tt KUt (JEi¡lturov :., )'~, e é' 'f3 \ rovp)'ov roor¡ !, vVVOtu . OVI'EVEt 7rUI'Ut. I /\ . KPEllN 280 7rUVCTUt, 7rptV op)'fi, Kuí JLE JLECTrwCTUt ItÉ)'WV, JLT¡ ,ePEVPE(Jfj, ávov, rE .KUt )'ÉpWV áJLu. ÍtÉ)'Et, )'o-p ovK aVEKro- 8uíJLOVU' ItÉ)'WV 7rp6vOtuv 'ícrxEtV rov8E rov VEKpOV 7rÉpt. , . e e·, , 7rOTEpOV V7rEpTtJLWVrE, W, EVEp)'Err¡V 1'"\ 285 ÉKPV'1f'TOV , ~. Cease, before your words fill me with rage, so that you may not be found to be not only an old man but a fool! What you say is intolerable, that the gods are concemed for this corpse! Did they conceal it so as to do him great who carne to bum their honour as a benefactor, colonnaded temples and their offerings and to destroy their country and its laws? Do you see the gods honour- mm 269 il N auck: il~ codd. avróv, ÓCí'Tt~ ,a¡.t<pf,Kíova~ VUOV, 7rVPWCTWV ~1t(JE KaVU(Ji¡JLura KUt )'fiV €KEívwv KUt v6¡xov, 8tUCTKE8wv; .,\, , ,. . , . . . (J' r¡ rov, KUKOV, TtJLwvru, EtCTOpClS EOV,; 28 29 OVK E(T'TtV. 290 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE aAAa TaíJTaKat 1TáAat1TÓAEWS ingevil men? It is not so! But long sincemen in the city who find it hard to bear me have been mutmuring against mein secret,shaking their heads, unwilling tokeeptheir neqks beneath the yoke, as justice demands, so as to put llpwith me.! know well tha( these peopIe. have been bribedby those men to do this thing. There is no institution so ruinqus for men as mqney; money sacks cities, mOJley drivesmen from their homes! Money by its teaching perverts men's goodminds sothat they take to' evil actions! Mqney has shown men how topractise villainy, an~ taught them impiousness in every acjion! •• But those who toearntheir feehave cont~ive~ to dqthisthing have ensured that in time they wiILpay the penalty. Well, if Zells is still revered through my authority, know this for certain, and Ispeak to you on oath!If youdo not find the author of thi~ burial andreveaI him to my eyes, a single Hades shallnot suffice ,.' for you, before all have been, strung up aliye to expose this insoIence, so that for the future you may know whE)re you can get your profit whell you pIunder, and Iearn that you must not grow used to making money out of everything. One sees more peopIe ruinedthanone has seenpreservedby shamefuI gains. avSpE<;i¡.LÓAt<;epÉPOVTE<; EppÓ{}OVV E¡.LOt .-/.,.""-., ,,' ~ -~,' ,~,-~ ,y. "" Kpv'f'71' Kapa(TEtovTE<;,OVO V1TO r,VYCP \ Á... " ,,'.'.1' ( , - .) - , A0'f'0votKatW<; EtXOV, W<; a-TEPYEtV E¡.LE. ~ -~ EK TWVSE TOV7"0V<; E9E1T(a-Ta¡.Lat KaAW<; '11;apTJy¡;.Évov<;i ¡.Lta-{}olmv elpyáa-{}at TáS,e. 295 ovSev yap av{}pú>1TOtlTiV oíov apyvpo<; KaKOVjlÓ¡.Ltcr!L' Ef3Aaa-TE. TOVTO IKat 1TóAEt<; 1:' ," , 1TOp Et,TOOaVOpa<; Er,aVWTT}a-woOf.LWV· {} A, "'""" , TÓS' EKStSúa-KEt Kat 1TapaAAáa-a-Et eppÉva<; XPTJa-Tá<;1TPO<; alfrXPa1TpáY¡.La{}' ra-Tacf{}at f3POT6W 300 1Tavovpy(a<; S' ESEt9Evav{}pcf>1TOt<; EXEW 'o" , -~,-, - ", ~ '''f3 - - - )~I' Kat 1TaVTO<;EpyOV OVa-a-E Etav EtoEVat. " '" {}", , A " , ," oa-Ot OE¡.Lta-apVOVVTE<;TJvva-aVTaOE, XPÓVCP'TrOT' E9É1Tpa9avw<; SoVvavS(KTJV. aAA'EíJIEpí(JTX€¡ ZeuS' 'ET' EJLOV'CíÉ{3ur;, eg 305 e'Ú 'TOV~-! E7Tí~Taa:', OpK'tOc; Bé 310 El ¡.L~ TOV aMÓXEtpa TqíJSE TOV Tác/JOv " ( "'..J...- """',f...{) \' ,-, EVpOVT~<; EK'f'aVEtT E<;?'f' aA¡.Lov<; E¡.LqV<;, OVX Vf.Ltv ·At~TJ<; ¡.Lovvo<; apkÉa-Et, 1TptV ~v 'WVTE<;KpE¡.Laa-TOt TljvSE STJAWcrr¡{}' vf3pív, rv' elSóTE<; TO KÉpSO<; EV{}EV,ola-TÉOV 0'"0(, AÉyw, l' TO AOt'/TOV áP1TátTJTE, Kat ¡.Lá{}TJ{}' OVK , , ~' - OTt E9 (i,1TaV7-o<; SEt TO KEpSaívEtv <ptAEtV. EK Twvyap ala-xpwv ATJ¡.L¡.LáTWV mu<; 1TAEíova<; , " " , aTw¡.LEvoV<; tOOt<; av TJ a-Ea-Wf.LEVOV<;. ",~ 30 - ~\ 31 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE <l>TAAS 315 €i1T€tV TL GUARD 8W(T€L~, ~ (T'Tpa4J€t'; OVTW'; íw; Will you let me say something, or must 1 tum my back and leave like this? KPEfiN OVK O!CTOa Ka~ IJVIJ W~ dIJtap¡;¡~ AÉ'YEt~; EV TOtULV WO"LV ~. '1T' CREaN De) you not know even now how your words pain me? <liTAAE rji :,tJ¡vxfi 8áKVYF GUARD Is it your ears or your mind that feels the pain? KPEfiN I /~, 7"t ('-0 ¡J-t."Et~ /y, ')' \' T"IIJ E¡J-"IIJ AV71'''IIJ 071'0V; CREaN d DE pV Why do you try to locate the pain 1 feel? iPTAAS Ó 8pwv',u' aVLª ras ePpÉvar;, Ta 8';.i~T' EyW. GUARD The doer pains your mind, but 1 your ears. KPEfiN 320 CREaN oí¡J-' W~ AáA~¡J-a, O+jAoIJ, EK71'E,pVKO~ El. iPTAAE ... , OVKOVV TO 'Y EP'Yo lJ TOV7"O " ,,1 ,".~I " 71'Ot"lCTa~ Ah, you are a chatterer by nature, it is clear! , 71'OTE. GUARD But never one who did this thing! KPEfiN CREaN Ka~ mVT' E71"dp"(Úpep 'lE T.ryIJ <JmX.ryIJ 71'pOOoV~. , ~ iPTAAS You did, because you gave awayyour life for money! ,peV.ry OEtlJÓIJ, é[J oodi 'lE, Ka~ t/Jwoij OOKÚIJ. oh! It is dangerous for the believer to believe what is not true. CREaN KPEfiN 325 '.1,' IJVIJ T"IIJ ,'" 'l: alJ" Et' OE "', TaVTa ~ KO¡J-'f'EVE 00." ¡J-"I, ,paIJELTÉ ¡J-Ot TOV~ op¡;¡IJm~, EeEpÚO' To. OEtAo. KÉpO"l 7l'''I¡J-OlJo.~ EP'Yá'Emt. on iPTAAE dn' EVpEOet"l ¡J-EIJ ¡J-áAtCTT" Eo.IJ oÉ TOt A"I,pOfj TE Ka~ ¡J-{¡, TOVTO 'Yo.p TVX"I KptIJEL, 32 GUARD Well, you split hairs about beliefl But if you do not reveal the doers to me, you shall testify that low desire for profit is the cause of pain! ExítCREON. GUARD Why, let him be found by all means! But whether he is found or not, for that is something that fortune will 33 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES O' "",11 '\0'OVTa p,E.. OVK ECT01Tm<; O'l'Y/ CTV'~"'" OEVP EA Kat VVV yap EKTO<; EA1TíSo<; yvwp,r¡<; T' Ep,i¡S '.-/..'\ TOt, OEOt<; 1TOAAr¡V XaptV. , O'f'EtAm CTm oEt<; ) 330 ,! . decide,you will never see me corning here again! Indeed, this.time 1 have got off safely beyond my OWll hopes and my ()Wll judgment, and 1am deeply grateful to the gods! </ A A \ \ ' , Exit XOPO::;: 335 1TOna Ta SEtVa. KovSEV avOPW1TOV SEWÓTEPOV 1TÉAEt· TOVTO Kat 1ToAtov 1TÉpav I l' - / . , 1TOVTOV XEtp,Epte¡> VOTe¡> xmpli., 1TEptf3pvxítJtCTW 1TEPWV V1r' OtSj:WCTW, OEWV 7€TaVV7[Ep.ráTav,rav aKap,aTcw a1ToTpvETat, lAAop,ÉvmvtlpóTpmv eTO<; Ek eTO<;, í7T1TEícp yÉVEt 1TOAEVWV. Kovq;ovómv TE. q;VAov opvíOmv ap,<f;tf3aAwv aYEt Kat Or¡pwv 6.ypímv eOvr¡ l' ., "-'\1' ..J..' 7TOVTOV T Ewq.Atav 'f'VCTW CT7TEípatlJ'tSt~TVOKAwCTTOt<; , 7TEptq;paS~<; tlV'YÍP' KpaTEI. SE p,r¡xaval., dypaúXov Or¡po<; 0PECTCTtf3áTa, XaCTtaÚXEvá O' r7T7TOV OXp'á'ETat ap,q;t Aóq;ov 'vy0 '1 , ,.,.'"" "" OVPEtOVT aKp,r¡Ta Tavpov. Kat q;OÉyp,a Kat aVEp,ÓEJ q;póvr¡p,a KataCTTvvóp,OV<; opya<; EStSágaro Kat &CTaúAmv , 340 345 350 355 34 l' , CTTp. a I , , aVT.a I '1 GUARD. CHORUS MaIlY things are formidable, arid none more formidable than man! He crosses the gray sea beneath the \\Iinter wind, passing beneath the surges that surround him; and he \Vears aw-ay the highest of tb.e gods, Earth, immorta! an<1;unwearying, as his ploughsgo back and forth from . year to year, tuming the soil witb. the aid of the breed of horses. And he captures the tribeofthotlght1ess birds andthe races of wild beasts and the watery brood of the sea, catching them in the woven coils of nets, man the skilful. And he contrives to overcomethebeast that roams the mountain, .and tames the shaggy-maned horse and the untiring mountain bull, putting a yoke about their necks. And he has leamed speech and wind-swift thought and the temper that rules cities, and how to escapethe $51 0xfLá'ETat SchOne:. égETUt 1: ligErat codd. plerique tlfLif>¡ M</>ov 'vy0 Schone et Franz:&fL</>íAO</>OV.'vyov codd. CTTp.f3' 35 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE 7ráywvl17TaíOpeta Ka. 360 OVo"OILf3pa .pEfryEW f3ÉAr¡ 7raVT071"OpO<;' a7ropo<; E7r' OVOEV ÉPXETat TO ILÉAAOV' •AtOa ILoVOV eP€vgtV OVK E7TágETUt' voO"wvo' aILr¡xávwv .pvyos f VIL7TÉ.ppaO"Tat. 365 ..J...' , I , 0"0,+,01' n TO ILr¡xavoEv ' QI aVT. fJ TÉxva<; 117TEp EA7río' " X WV E TOTE ILEV KaKov, aAAOT'¿7r' E0"8AOV ep7rEt. The GUARD leads in ANTIGONE. vo¡.tov<; 7rapEípwv X80vo<; <" 8EWV T,,,EVOPKOV otKaV 1 am at a loss; is this a godsent portent? But howshall 1 deny, since 1 know it, that this is the young Antigone? Unhappy one and child of an unhappy father, Oedipus, what is this? Surely they do not lead you captive for disobedience to the king's laws, having detected you in folly? ~ 370·• '1~I'tI/\' ~'i't7rO",t<;' # \ ~ \ ... a7ro"'t<; OTcp TO" ILr¡ Ka",ov gvVEO"Tt TOAILa<; Xápw. , ", , ILr¡T EILOt 7rapEo"no<; 375 yÉVOtTO ILi¡T' tO"ov .ppovwv • Tao '<" EpOOt. " <' 0<; el oatILOVtoV TÉpa<; aIL.pwow TOOE' 7rw<; <o'> E10w<; avnAoyi¡O"w Ti¡VO' OVK Elvat 7ratO' 'Avnyovr¡v; ¿¡, 380 OVO"Tr¡VO<; Ka. OVO"Ti¡VOV exposure of the inhospitable hills and the sharp arrows of the rain, all-resourceful; he meets nothing in the future without resource; only from Hades shall he apply no means offlight; and he has contrived escape from desperate maladies. Skilful beyond hope is the contrivance of his art, and he advances sometimes to evil, at other times to good. When he applies the laws of the earth and the justice the gods have swom to uphold. he is high in the city; outcast from the city is he with whom the ignoble consorts because ofms reddessness. May he who does such things never sit by my hearth or share my thoughts! ., ' ~ GUARO This is the one that did the deed! We caught her burying 357 ,nraUJp<ta Boeckh: arOp<a codd. yepaípwv Reiske 376 el Reiske: Es codd. 368 7fape¡pwv] 7raTpo<; Olot7rooa, Ti 17'07'; .... fJ ov8'Yj 1TOV (TÉ y' a7TtU'TOVUav , TOt<; fJaO"t"'Etot<; a7rayovO"t VOILOt<; «aL E-IJ \' " acPp0crÚvn KU{}€AÓvTEt;; <pTAAS e'~'" r¡o 36 " EO"T " EKEWr¡ ~ ' TOVPYOV r¡~ 'i: ., EtpyaO"ILEVr¡' 37 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES 385 Tf¡v8' €/'AOfJ-€V (Já'TrTOV<Tav. dAAa 'TrOV Kpéwv; xopo::>: 08' EK 86fJ-wviat/Joppo~ E~ 8éov 'Tr€pq.. KPEON Tí 8' E<T'T"t; 'Troírt gVfJ-fJ-€TPO~ 'Trpo15f3'Y]v TVXY¡; .•••• .. .• <!>T¡\,AE ava~,:ljpo7o¡ci;tV ovoÉv Ea-r' a7í~¡.to:ov. ." 390 ,~ d 395 400 _\ "~' ,,' t , , , ' , .,' 'f'EVO€t yap'Y] 'TrtvOta T'Y]V YVWfJ-'Y]V' €'TrEt <T)(OAfj 'Tr0(J' 'ífg€tv o€Vp' &.11 Eg'Y]VXOVV Ey6J TaL~ <TaL~ d'Tr€tAaL~, a¡;~lx.EtfJ-á<T(J'Y]v T6i.€. dA>.' T¡ yape6KTo~ Ka. 'Trap' EA'Trí8a.~ xapa EOtK€V ¡{AAY¡ ¡.t';¡KO~ ov8ev T¡80vfj, r d " , , .., ,,' 'Y]KW, Ot •.• OpKlJ1.V Kat'Tr€p WV a'TrWfJ-oTO~, , ~ ., ", - ( J '(J .., .1KOp'Y]V aywl(T'Y]vo , 'Y] Ka Y¡P€ 'Y] Ta'l'0V KO<TfJ-oV<Ta. A';¡po~ Ev(Jáo'OVK E'TráA>.€To, dAN E<T'T' EfJ-f)V (Jo15pfJ-awv, OVK aA>.ov, T6o€. Kat vvv, áv(}.,g; 71Ív3' aV7óS-, wS' (}ÉAE1S, Xaf3wv .< Ka. KPLV€ KdgéA€-YX" EYW 8' EAeÍJ(J€PO~ .. , ~ 8íKat6~€1fJ-t 7"('dVO' d'Tr'Y]AAáx(Jat KaK¡;'v. KPEfiN ~ aYEt~ "" " Tc¡J~, \ (.), o€ T'Y]VO€ .TpO'Trc¡J 'Tr0'(J €V l\afJwv; <!>TAAE aVT~ rol' áv8p' ÉOa'TTTE"" 1TávT' lrrícT'TaUCLt; KPEilN ~ Ka. tvví'Y]~· ka. A€YEt~ op(J¡;'~ 392 eVKTO< Eothe: EKTO< codd. 402 38 aVri¡ Wílson: aiJ'TT1 codd. thebody! Butwhere is Creon? CHaRUS He is hete, returning from the house just when he is needed. E11.ter CREONi CREaN What is the matter? What is the event that makes my cOIlling opportune? GUARD Kí)lg, there isnothing that mortaIs can swear is impossihIel For second thoughts show one's judgment to be wrong; why,. Iscarcely would h(¡ve thought 1 would come here again because ofyour threats, which at that time battered me. But since the delight that one has prayed for beyond hope is unlike any other pleasure by a long way, 1 have come, though 1 had sworn never to do so, bringing this gir!; who was caught adoming the grave. No lots were cast in this case, but thegift of fortune belongs to me and to no other. And now, 1dng, take her yourself and juqge her and· convict her; bu~ 1 am free,· and have the right to be released from thesetroubles! CREaN How did you take her,and from where have you brought her? GUARD She herself was burying the man! You know it all! a ePf¡~; CREaN Do you understand, and are you saying correctly what you at~ telling me? 39 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES GUARD <I>TAAa , , ,~ '- ()' .. '- ''- v TUVT'YJV ')' WWV U7TTOVCTUV OV CTV TOV VEKpO 405 a7TEÍ7TU<;. o.p' Év8r¡Au KUt CTUef>ii AÉ')'W; CREüN KPEflN And how was she sighted and taken in the act? KUt m;)<; ópaTat Ka7TíAr¡7TTO<; iJpÉ(}'YJ; GUARD <I>'TAAS .... r,< '\ .... ,.ff '- d TOtOVTOV 'YJV TO 7TpU')'¡L • 07TW<; ')'f#.p 'YJKO¡LEV, 7TpO<; CTOV Ta 8Eív' €KEtV' €7Tr¡ 7TEtA'YJ¡LÉVOt, , 410 , <.\ .... '- 7TaCTUV KOVW CTr¡PUVTE<; 'YJ KUTEtXE TOV VÉKVV, ¡Lv8wv TE CTW¡LU YV¡LVWCTUVTE<; EV, KU(}~¡LE(}' aKpwv €K 7Tá')'wv V7T~VE¡LOt, OCT¡LT¡V o.7T' UVTOV ¡LT¡ f3áAY¡ 7TEef>EV')'6TE<;, €')'EPTt KtVWV av8p' o.vT¡p €7TtppÓ(}Ot<; I<UKO'ia-tV, 415 Eí Tl8 TOiJi)' dq,Ef,8'Yja-ot 7TÓVOV. XPÓVOV Tá8' .ryv TOCTOVTOV, ÉCTT' €V uWÉpt ¡LÉCTl¡J KaTÉCTT'YJ AU¡L7TpO<; -Y¡Aíov KÚKAO<; , KUt KUV¡L' É(}UA7TE" KUt TÓT' €tuíef>v'YJ<; X(}OVO<; : TVef>W<; o.')'EÍpu<; CTK'YJ7TTÓV, ovpávwv axo<;, 420 7Tí¡L7TA'YJ CTt 7TE8íov, 7TaCTUV UlKí'wv ef>6f3r¡v íJA'YJ<; 7TE8tá80<;, €V 8' €¡LECTTW(}'YJ ¡LÉ')'u<; uWf¡p' ¡LVCTUVTE<; 8' E'iXO¡LEV (}Eíuv VÓCTOV. Kut TOv8' o.7TUAAU')'ÉVTO<; €V Xpóvl¡J ¡LUKPéi!, e ,.., (.... ) . I wvfi<; VEOCTCTWV opef>UVOV f3AÉ>py¡ AÉXO<;' OVTW SE XaVTT}, t/nAOV w.;- ópéf: VÉKVV, YÓOtULV 40 E~cfJp.,úJgEV, EK 8' It was like this! When we went back, after those terrible threats of yours, we swept away all thedust that covered the corpse, carefully stripped the mouldering body, and then sat shielded by the hilltops from the wind, avoiding the smell that might have come to us from it, each man watchfully arousing his neighbour with volleys of abuse, if anyone seemed likely to neglect this task. This lasted until the bright circle of the sun took its place in the sky and the midday heat began to roast us; and then suddenly a whirlwind on the ground raised up a storm, a trouble in the air, and filled the plain, tormenting all the foliage of the woods that covered the ground there; and the vast sky was filled with it, and we shut our eyes and endured the godsent afRiction. And when after a long time this went away, we saw the girl; she cried out bitterly, with a sound like the piercing note of a bird when she sees her empty nest robbed ofher young; just so did she cry out, weeping, when she saw the corpse laid bare and called down curses on those who ,.., 'YJ 7Tut<; 0PUTUt KUVUKWKVEt 7TtKpW<; OPVt(}O<; otlJV ef>(}ó')'')'OV, W<; OTaV KEVfi<; 425 Yes, l saw her burying the corpse whose buria! you forbade! Is what l say clear and exact? 412 post hune versum laeunam statuit Meineke 418 áYE'pa~ Radermaeher: áEípa~ eodd. 423 7nKpW~ Bothe: 7nKpo.~ eodd. apac; KaKas 41 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES 430 435 440 i¡PUTO TOL(Tt TOVPYOV EgHPyaap-ÉvOt<;. Kat XÉpatVEv8v<; St¡fJíal{pÉpEt KÓVtV, EK T' EVKpOT~TOV xaAKÉ~<; ápS'Y}v71'p ÓX OV xoaLat .Tpta71'ÓVSotat T6V VÉKVV aTÉpEt. Xi¡¡LEL<; lSÓVTE<; ÍÉp.Éa8a'avv SÉ VtV 8'Y}pWP.E8' eV8v<; OVSEV EK71'E71'A'Y}YP.ÉV'Y}v, Kat Tcf<;TE 71'pÓa8EV Tcf<;n ¡'vv i¡AÉyXOP.EV 71'pcf~Et<;. f1.71'apvo<; S' OVSEVo<;Kd8íaTaTO, ap.' 7¡SÉW<;EP.OtYE KUAYEtVW<; ap.a. ro JLEV yap ulrtov EK Ka~wv 7TEepEvyÉvat." .. E<; , KaKOVOE '"' ' '1.'tl\ov<;aYEtV -1..'\" 'Y}0taTov! TOJ$ '\ " a""a \ \" 71'aVTa ,,:av~8' 'Y}aaw • \ (.) ~ a"YEtVov. "afJEtV EP.Ot 71'ÉpVKE Ti¡<; EP.i¡<; a.wT'Y}pía<;. CREON You there, yQJ.l that are bowing down your head towards the ground, do you admit, or do you deny, that youhave done this? ANTlGONE KPEílN 1say that 1did it and 1 do not deny it. cr~ 87j'(T€ :T~V veVOV(TU1i:ES' 1TÉ8ovl<áp.u, P1Í<;, T¡KaTapvf¡ p.i¡ SESpaKÉvat TcfSE; . CREON (ta G UARD) You may take yourself to wherever you please, free from theheavycharge. ANTlrONH Kat ep'Y}p.t Spuaat KOVK (Í71'apvovp.atTO p.~. KPEílN 445 had done the deed. At once she brought in her hands thirsty dust,and from the well-wrought):¡razen uro that she was carrying she poured over the cor¡>se a threefold libation. When we saw it we made ha~te .and atonce seized her, she being in no way surpriséd, and charged herwith her éarlier action and with this. She denied none of it, which gave me pleasure and pain at once. For to have escapedoneselffrom trouble is mostpleasant, but to bring friends intodanger is painful. But all this matters less to me than my own safety! Exit GUARD. (ta ANTIGONE) But do you tell me, not at length, but brieHy: did yon know of the proclamation forbiddingthis? ai) P.EV kop.í'ot<; llv aEaVTov{j 8ÉAEt<; E~W f3apEía<; alTía<; EAEV8EPOV' ANTIGONE av S'el71'ÉP.Ot p.i¡ P.i¡KO<;, UAAa avVTÓP.W<;, ií8r¡a8a KTJPVX8ÉvTa p.i¡ 71'pcfaaEtV TcfSE; 1knew it: ofcourse 1knew it. It was known to all. CREON And yet you dared to transgress these laws? ANTlrONH iíS'Y}' Tí S' OVK EP.EAAov;Ep.pavi¡ yap .ryv. KPEílN , ~ '" , ) '\ I ~, ~ Q I - I Kat V'Y}T ETo"p.a<; Tovao V71'Epf'JatVEtV vop.ov<;; 42 43 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE ANTlrONH 450 455 460 465 470 ov yáp Tí p,OtZEVr; 11V óK'Y/pvgar; Tá8E, , 1::', < i:' .,. '" '., () '" A ' OVO 'Y/ ~ VVOtKQr; TWV KaTW EWV utK'Y/ TOtOVo-8' cEVap()PÚY1fOto-W' Wpto-EV VÓ¡LOVr;, ov8e a-()ÉVEtV 1"Oo-OVTOV c'pÓp''Y/V Ta o-a . K'Y/pvyp,a()' w&-T'áypaTrTa K~a-cPaAii ()EWiJ. VÓp,tp,a 8vvaa-()at ()V'Y/Táy' OV()' vTrEp8pap,€'iv. ov yápTt vVVYE Kax()Ér;, aAA' akí TrOTE .••.. 'il TaVTa, KoV8Ets" oi8EVEg ÓTOV 'cP á V'1}. TOVTWV EYW OVK Ép,EAAov, av8por; OV8EVOS" cPpóv'Y/P,a 8Eío-ao-', EV ()EO¡o-t Ti}V 8íK'Y/V 8Wo-EW' ()avo~p,Év'Y/ yapEgri8'Y/, Tí 8' ov; Ket p,i} o-V TrP()VK~pvgar;. El 8e TOV XPÓV()V 1 ()' . () '", . r 1::' . >, , , , \ ' .' Trpqo- EV avpvp,at, KEpOOr; aVT EYW /\.eyw. Óo-'TLr; yap EV7TOAAo¡o-wwr; EYW KaKO¡r; 'il, Trwr;Ó8' OVXt KaT()aVWV KÉp8or;cPÉpú; OVTWr; Ép,OtYE1-0V8E TOVp,ÓPOV TVX6V Trap' ov8ev (J,'A.yor;" aAA'(J,v, El TOV Eg Ep,~r; WfJTpOr; ()avóPT' (J,()aTrTOV; <OVT'> T,VE<TXÓp,'Y/v,' KEíVOts" &v 1jAyovv" To¡a-8E 8' OVK aAyvvop,at. o-Ot 8' El 80K@ vVv p,wpa 8pwa-a TV'YXávEW, <TXE8óv 'TL p,WP4! p,wpíav 0cPAto-Kávw. XOPO~ 8fjAov' TO yÉv;v'Y/p,' wp,ov Eg wp,ov TraTpOr; " ~ / "31 ~,), / . ..... T'Y/r; TratoOr;" EtKEtV o OVK ETrta-TaTat KaKOtr;. '\\'>, () KPE!lN " \ ' ,>, ,1... , a/\./\. to- t TOtTa o-K/\.'Y/P ayav 'fJpov'Y/p,aTa 44 ANTIGONE Yes, for it wasnot Zeus who made this proclamation,nor was it Justice who lives with the gods below that established such laws among men, nor did 1 think your proclamations strong enough to havepower to overrule, mortal asthey were, the unwritten aIld unfailing ordinances of the gods. For these have life, n.ot simply today and yesterday, but for ever, and no oneknows how long ago they were revealed. For this 1 did not intend to pay the penaltyamong the gods for fear of any man's pride. 1 knew that 1 would die, of course 1 knew, •. even if YQu had made no proclamation. But ~f 1 die before my time, 1 account thatgain.. For .' doesnot whoever lives among many troubles, as 1 do, gain by death? So it is in no way painful for me to meet with thisdeath; if 1 had endured that the sonof my own mother shoulddie and remain uIlburied, that would have given me pain, but this gives me none. And if you think my actioIls foolish, that amounts to a charge offolly bya fooI! CHORUS Iti is clear! The nature of the girl is savage, like her father's, andshe does not know how to bend before her troubles. CREON Why, know that over-stubbofIl wills arethe most apt to 455 (}vrrrú y' óv()' Bruhn: (}vrrrovóv()' codd. T¡(v)~óp.:rlv VÉKVV codd. 467 <ÓVT'> T¡vE~óp.:rlv Blaydes: plerique: T¡VE~ÓJL71V VÉKVV Zo 471 8ijAov Nauck: 871AOt codd. 45 SOPHOCLES , ' '\ ANTIGONE , ,,. 7T(,7TTEtV p,UI\UrTU, KU(, TOpEYKPUTECTTUTOV 475 EK CTí8r¡pov ()1TTOV () 1 1 \""\, I~ PUVCT() EVTU KU(, PUYEVTU7TI\EtCTT UV EtCTWO(,f). 8' oI8u TOVf) CTJ-UKpé¡> XUAwé¡> ., . (,7T7TOVf) 480 7TVPOf) 7TEP('CTKEAi¡ '( ()vp,ovp,ÉVOVf) ""\ OV yup EK7TEI\Et () , KUTUPTV EVTUf)· ,/.. " P,EY ".,OCTT(,f) OOVI\Of) ~ "\ " " '\ o/POVEtV E~T(, TúJV 7TEI\Uf). ., e;:. , «(.J 'r " "(; 1 UVTr¡ o V¡vp(,t::,EtV p,EV 1'01' ES r¡7T(,CTTUTO, 1 I (.J ( I , 1 VOJ-WVf) V7TEPfJU(,VOVCTU TOVf) 7TpOKEtp,EVOVf)· ., (.J ~'" e;:. le;:. ... e;:. e;:. 1 V¡vp(,f) o , E7TE(' OEOPUKEV, r¡OE OEVTEPU, TOVTO(,~E7TUVXéLV KUt ~ 485 av~p, vUV EYW p,ev OVK , 1""1" 'I"'\~. TUVT UVUTE(, TYJOE El, aAA' ELT' a8EA4>i¡f) TOV 7TUVTOf) " UVTr¡ TE 8E8pUKVLUV UVTr¡ ,. KE(,CTETU(, 8' , YEAUv. av~p, KpUTr¡. EL()' óp,U(,p,OVECTTÉpU ~p,LV Zr¡VOf) ÉpKEíov KVPEL, '(;1 "\1(; Xr¡ S VVu(,p,Of) OVKUI\VS ETOV , , "1' :J' I p,opOV KUK(,CTTOV· KU(, yup OVV KEtVr¡V (,CTOV 490 E7TU(,T(,Wp,U(, I \ TOVSE (30VAEVCTU(, Tá4>ov. ANTIGONE ,";'~ Do you wish for anything more than to take me and kilI me? ~I ......, , , , KU(, V(,V KUI\EtT '. ECTúJ yup EtOOV UpT(,úJf) AVCTCTWCTUV UVTrW ov8' 4>(,AEL 8' ó ()vp,Of) 495 1""1 p'('CTúJ ( \ YE ' I EV KAo7TEVf) CTKÓTq> TEXVúJp,ÉVúJv. ;" , p,EVTO(, XúJTUV " E7T~(30Aov 4>PEVWV. 7TpÓCT()EV Ílpi¡CT()U(' TWV p,r¡8ev 0p()Wf) fall, and the toughest iron, baked in the fire till it is hard, is most ofien, you will see, cracked and shattered! 1 know that spirited horses are controlIed by a small bridle; for pride is impossible for anyone who is another's slave. This girl knew well how to be insolent then, transgressing the established laws; and after her action, this was a second insolence, to exult in this and to laugh at the thought of having done it. Indeed, now 1 am no man, but she is a man; if she is to enjoy such power as this with impunity. But whether she is my sister's child or closer in affinity than our whole family linked by Zeus of the hearth, she andher sister shalI not escape a dreadful death! Yes, 1 hold her equalIy guilty of having planned this burial! CalI her! 1 saw her lately in the house raving, having lost control of her wits. The mind is often detected in deceit beforehand, when people are planning nefarious deeds in darkness; but 1 hate also those who are caught out in evil deeds and then try to gloss them overo EV " \ \ I 1""1 KUKO(,CT(, 1 UI\OVf) E7TEtTU TOVTO KUI\I\VVE(,V CREON Not I! When 1 have that, 1 have everything. T(,f) () ' \ EI\YJ. ANTlrONH ()ÉAEtf) T(, p,EL'OiJ ~ KUTUKTELvuí p,' ÉAwv; KPEflN " , ,~/ 1"'\ ", (/ , " EYúJ p,EV OVOEV·TOVT EXúJV U7TUVT EXúJ. 46 47 SOPHOCLES ANTIGQNE ANTlrONH ANTIGONE Then why do you delay? Therels nothing to pIease me in rí 8fjra p.IAAEÍS; WS E/Wt rwv o"wv Xóywv' " . . , --) -, -. 500 apEo"rOV()VOEV~ p.':YJO apEO"() E~'Y] 7rorE,, ovrw 8€Kat O"()'i ráp.: a4>av8ávovr' ~4>v. Kaíro~ 1T()(}EV k'A.ÉOS y' &V ElJKAEÉo"rEpov KarÉuxov 7} rcw avrá8EA4>ov EV rá4>qJ n(}liO"a;rovrois rovro 7Tao"~v áv8ávE~V 505 AÉYO~¡.t'~v, El ¡.ti¡ YAwO"O"av EYKA~O~ 4>ó/3;os. aAA' i¡ r~pavv;8 7TOAAá r' áAA' Ev8a~¡.tovEL .KátEO"rwavrñ8pav AÉYEtV ()' él fioVAErat. ~, YOllf words, and may there never be, and just so myatti- ~'" tuge displeases you. Yet how cQuld 1 have gained greater glory than by placing my own brother in his grave? 1 would say that aH these men wüuld approve this, if it were notthat fear shuts their mouths.. But kingship is fortunate in many ways, and in particularit has power to do and say what it wishes. KPEON a-Urovro ¡.tOVV'Y] rwv8E Ka8¡.t€Íwv ópqs. ANTlrONH ópwo"~ x()~ro~'0"0t8'V7TíAAoVo"~ o"ró¡.ta. KPEON 510 a-U 8' OVK E7Tai8ñ, rwv8E xwptsEl 4>POVE'S; • ANTlrONH .<;. " ov8€v yd-p alUXPov rovs Ó¡.tOo"7TAáyxvov~ O"Éfi€tiJ. Was not he who died on the other side also your brother? KPEON OVKOVV ó¡.ta~¡.tos XW Karavríov (}avów; "i""i. o¡.ta~¡.tOSEK ¡.t~as rE , ) " Ka~ ANTIGONE My brother with the same mother and the same father. ANTlrONH d CREON , ravrov 7Tarpos. KPEON CREON Then how can you render the other a grace which is impious towards him? 7TWS 8fjr' EKEíVqJ 8VO"O"Efifj n¡.tfis XáptV; 505 'AÉ,,/Otp-' 48 Ll.-J.: 'AÉ,,/OtT' codd. 49 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE ANTlroNH 515 , ov fLap'TVp~CTEL 'TavB' o• Ka'T B' aVWV VEKV¡;. KPEfiN The dead bodywill not bear witness to that. CREON Yes, ifyou honour him equally with the impious one. lí 'Toí CTePE TLP.q,¡; Eg íCTOV 'T<p OVCTCTE{3li. ANTIGONE It was not a slave, but my brother who had died. ANTlrONH ov yáp TL OOVAO¡;, aAA' aO~AePO~ WAE'TO. KPEfiN ,t:! 'TTopBwvoe 'T~VOE y-ryV' ó o' aVTLCT'Ta¡; V'TTEp. ~) •, 1 ' "AtO'Y1¡; 'TOV~ VÓII.OV~ 'TOV'TOV¡; 'TToBli. ofLW¡; o<y ., r KPEfiN aAA' OVx ó XP'l1CT'TO~ 'T<p KaK<p AaXliv íCTO~. ANTlrONH , ,. , '8 'Tí¡; OiOEV El KánJ) 'CT'TW EVay'l1 'Ta E; KPEfiN .../,.' " OV'Tot 'TTOB' OVXBpÓ¡;, ovO' O'TaV Báv71' \IJtAO~ .. ';'; ANTlrONH OV'Tot CTvvÉXBELV, aAAa, CTVfLePtAliV EePVV , KPEfiN 525 But he was trying to destroy this country, and the other stood against him to protect it. ANTIGONE ANTlrONH 520 CREON Ká'TWVVV EABoVCT', El ePtA'l1'TÉov, eP íAEL " ' aps "i: EL yv v~ , , , , ~E' '( WV'TO¡; OVK .,. KEtVOV¡;' EfLoV o S None the less, Hades demands theselaws. CREON But the noble man has not equa! claim to honour with the eviL ANTIGONE Who knows if this action is free from blame in the world below? CREON An enemy is never a friend, even when he is dead. ANTIGONE 1 have no enemies by birth, but 1 have friends by birth. CREON Then go below and love those friends, if you must love them! But while 1 live a woman shall not rule! CHORUS XOPO~ Ka/' p.-Y¡v 'TTpO 'TTVAWV 71 0' 'ICTfL~V'l1' ÉV'l1' "'/"tAáoEAeP. a Ká'TW OáKpV' df3ofL 'Y ., ( VEeP ÉA'l1 O' 0ePPVWV V'TTEp atfLa'TOEV See, here before the gates is Ismene, dropping tears of love for her sister; and a cloud over her eyes marks her I 51 50 SOPHOCLES 530 ANTIGONE pÉ(Joe; ailTX1JvEt, , '" ,., .,' I 'TEYYOVlT EVlmTa 7TapEtav. Hushed face, wetting her fair cheeks! I Enter ISMENE. j KPE.QN crU 8', 535 CREON 1/ Ka'T' o'íKove; we; gxt811' vepEtJLÉV1j You, whom 1 never noticedas likea viper hiding in the house you sucked my blood-nor did 1 know that 1 was rearing up two plagues and two subverters of the throne-come, tell me, do yOu admit being a party to this burial, or wiIl you swear thatyou know nothing? \ '(J" )~, " , (J A'r¡ OVlTa, JL"é:" ES E7TtVEe;, ovo E¡J-a~ avov 'r/.. t-h"" , .'(J' 'TpE'f'WV Ova'Ta Ka7TaValT'TalTEte; pOVWV, epÉp', Ei7T€ 8?Í ¡J-ot,KaL lTi) 'Tov8E 'TOV ~d.epOV epnerEte; fLE'Tacrxe'i ll , f¡ 'tofLi! 'TO ¡J-Y¡ EiSÉvat; I ISMENE I$MHNH 1 did the deed, if she agrees, and 1 take and bear my share of the blame. 8É8paKa múpyov, e'í7TEp -fí8' Ó¡J-oppo(JEí, KaL tV¡J-¡J-E'TíerXWKaL epÉpw 'Ti'je; alríae;. ANTlrONH aAA' OVK Eaa-ELTOV'TÓ ')1' i¡ SiK'1l u', E1TEL OV'T' 7¡(JÉA'1/erae; OV'T' €yw ' KotvWlTáfJ-'1/lI. I$MHNH 540 dAA' €V KaKoíe; 'Toíe; eroíerwovK aierxVvo¡J-at fÚ¡J-7TAOVV €fLaviY¡v 'TOV 7Tá(Jove; 7TOWV¡J-ÉVY¡. ANTlrONH (Jjv 'Tovpyov d AtS1'Je; xoi Ká'TW tvví(T'TOpEe;' Aóyote; S' €yw eptAOVerav ov lT'TÉpyw epíA1'JV. I$MHNH 545 I ' " I " t, KalTtyv1'J'T'1/, ¡J-'1/'To fL anfJ-aer'(je; 'TO' ¡J-'1/ ov (JavEív 'TE crUv eroL 'TOV (JaVÓVTa (J' áyvílTat. ANTlrONH ¡J-Y¡ 'fJ-OL (Jáv'(je; <.Ti) Kowá, fL1'J8' & fJ-Y¡ '(JtYEe; ,' (J"V'(jerKover" , 7TOWV............. erEaV'T1'Je;, apKEerw EYW. 52 ANTIGONE l " E I! Why, justice will not aIlow you this, since you refused and 1was not your associate! 15MENE But in your time of trouble 1 am not ashamed to make myself a feIlow voyager in your suffering. ANTIGONE Hades and those below know to ",hom the deed belongs! And 1 do not tolerate a loved one who shows her love OlUy inwords. 15MENE Sister, do not so dishonour me as not to let me die with you and grant the dead man the proper rites! ANTIGONE Do not try to share my death, and do not claim as your ownsomething you never put a hand to! My death wiIl be enough! 536 ó¡.wppo/M:] -(Jw Nauck 53 Kat rí~ /3íov f.LOt SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE I!MHNH ISMENE O-OV And what desire for life will be mine if you leave me? AEA€tf.Lf.LÉVY11TÓOO~; .. ANTIGONE ANTlrONH Ask Creon! You are his champion! KpÉovr' EpWra' rov8E 'Yap a-U Kr¡8Ef.LWV. ISMENE I!M:HNH 550 , """ Tt ravr ..... avtq.~ , '..J,. \' ,~, Why do you give me such pain, when it does you no good? I f.L OVOEV W'I'EI\OVf.LEVr¡; ANTIGONE ANTlrONH I It grieves me to mock you, if 1 do mockyou. aA'Y0Vo-a f.LEV 8fjr', El 'YEAW 'Y', EV o-ot 'YEAW. ISMENE What help can 1 still give you, to this? I!MHNH ,~ .... , .., ,\\, .... ,~, '.J...\ "":1' , Tt or¡r 1J.V al\l\a 1J1IV o- Er W'I'EI\OLf.L E'YW; 0-' Save yourselfl 1 do not grudge you your escape. V1TEKef>V'YÚV. ISMENE I!MHNH Ah me, am 1 to miss sharing your death? o'íf.LOt nlAatva, Kaf.L1TAáKw rOl) o-ov f.LÓpOV; ANTIGONE ANTlrONH 555 Yes, you chose Jife, and 1 chose death! a-U f.LEV'Yap EíAoV 'fjv, E'YW 8E KarOaVEtv. ISMENE I!MHNH But 1 did not fail to speak out! aAA' OVK E1T' app~TOt~ 'YE rOt~ Ef.L0t~ Aó'Yot~. ANTIGONE Some thought you wereright, and some thought Iwas. ANTlrONH \ ~ KaI\W~ , , , o-v f.LEV ,." ~. ~ rot~, rOt~ ......, "" , ,'" Á- .~ o E'YW OOKOVV 'l'POVEtv. I!MHNH e 't: ISMENE Why, our.offence is equal! ' ANTIGONE Kat f.Lr¡v to-r¡ Vf¡}V Ecrrtv r¡ '" af.LapTta. ANTIrONH 560 OáPO-Et. a-Uf.LEV 'ii~, T¡ 8' Ef.LT¡ .¡wxT¡ 1TáAat rÉOvr¡KEV, wo-rE rOt~ OavOVO-tv &1ef>.EAEtV. 54 that things have come ANTIGONE ANTlrONH o-&o-ov.o-Eavnív. ovef>Oovw rloW Be comforted! You are alive, but my Jife has long been dead, so as to help the dead. 560 ¿,</>ú••iv] ·.i< Dobree 55 , SOPHOCLES KPEllN '\ .... ~~ ..J... '\ /~ '\, TW 7ratoE'f'7JILt TWoE T7JV fLEV ~ ;/.., [J ,", ANTlGONE ! / apnw~ ';/..,'" I ! . ~, , ! ~;/.. avovv 7rE'f'aVvat, T7JV o a'f' ()V Ta 7rpWT E'f'V, CREaN 1 say that one of these girlshas only now been revealed as mad, but the other has been so from birth. ISMENE Yes, king, those who are miserable lose even such senSeas they have; it leaves them. KPEilN 565 '\ ...... . .... d {j' "'\ . '\ <T()t yovv, Ov EtAOV <TVV CREaN I -...., KaKOt~ , 7rpa<T<TEtV KaKa. It left.you, when you choset() do evil with evildoers. ISMENE I~MHNH How can 1 live alone without her? Tíyap fLovT1 fLOt Tr¡<TO' lf.TEp f3U;)<TtfLOV; CREaN Why, she-Do not say it, f6r she no longerexists! KPEilN ) \ \' de;:> - , '\ \ -" ) ~ '\ ," aAA 7JOE fLEVTOt-fL7J AEY • OV yap E<TT En. I~MHNH d>"'Aa KTEVli~ vVfLePE'iaTov <TaVTOV TÉKVOV; KPEilN .. I~MHNH 570 OVX ¿k EKEíVqJ Tf¡OÉ T' .ryv T¡PfLO<TfLÉva. KPEilN .... ,'\ '\ KaKa~ EYW Á.,.'\'L]' " ayav KPEilN YE \.... AV7rEt~ 572 Antigonae 56 '\ '\ '\ '\ CREaN 1 hate evil wives for my son! CREaN ' <T anfLa."Et 7raT7Jp. ~',"r W~ It would not be as fitting as for him and for her. Dearest Haemon, how your father dishonours you! I~MHNH A'l'tfLOV, W 'f'tATav '5' ISMENE ISMENE , .... VtE<Tt (TTVYW. ~ yvVatKa~ CREaN Yes, for the furrows of others can be ploughed! " " ", UpW<TtfL?t yap XaTEpWV Et<TtV yvat. ,,\ ISMENE But wilI you kilI her who is to be your son's bride? '\ Kat <TV Kat TO <TOV You cause me excessive pain, you and the marriage you talk ofl -\' AEXO~. tribuit ed. Aldina 57 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE I$MHNH ISMENE Willyou indeed rob your son ofher? .ry yo.p erTEpT¡erü'> rijer8E TOV a-aVTOV yÓVov.; CREON KPEilN 575 It is:Hades who will prevent thisIllarriage for me. •At8r¡,>ó 7Taverwv Tover8E TOV'> yá¡wv'> EfJ-oí. ISMENE I$MHNH It is'decided, it seems, that she shall die. "" "" ' " t<,aTOaVEtv. ~ OEVOY¡¡'EV, W'>,~OtKE, Tr¡VOE KPEilN CREON I By you and by me! Let there be;no delay, but take her in, hen\)hmen! From now on these two must be women, and must not be on the loose. Yes,~ven those who are bold try to escape, when they see Hades already near to their lives. ANTIGONE and ISMENE are taken ínsíde. ¡..tT¡ 'T'pt{3ar; ET',aAAá Ko¡¡,í'ET' E'ierw,8¡¡'WE'>' EK 8e Tov8E xpT¡ Kat CToí '}'E Kap;:oí. 580 yvvatKa> E7va~ Táer8E ¡¡,r¡8'avEt¡¡,Éva,>. epEvyovm yáp:TOt XOt OpaerEt'>, orav 7TÉXa,> ~8r¡ TOV "At8r¡v EterOpWert TOV {3íov. . XOPO$ E'uSaí¡.iovEr; oi<Tt. 585 595 o/yev(rror;· alwv. erTp. a oi,> yo.p llv cTElerOij OEÓOEV 8ó¡¡,o'>, ara,> ov8evEAAEí7TEt YEVEiis E7Tt 7T AijOO'> ep7TOV\ WUT€ 590 KUKWV , 1Tovríar;'á'Aor; oi8¡¡,a8ver7Tváot'> OTav 8plÍ ererr¡mv/tpE{30'> vepaAOV Em8pá¡¡,y¡ 7TvOat'> , KVAív8Et {3VcrdÓOEV KEAaWo.V Otva. Kat 8verávE¡¡'Ot erTóVep {3pÉ¡¡,overw aVTt7TAijYE'> aKraí. , , aVT. a apxata To. Aa{38aKt8av O'iKWV ópw¡¡,at , -1..0·""" , ,, 7Tr¡¡¡,aTa 'f' tTc,lV E7Tt 7Tr¡¡¡,aert 7Tt7TTOVT ov8' a7TaAAácrerEt YEVEo.V yÉvo,>, aAA' EpEÍ7TEt '" Tt'>, ovo ,~, " \ I EXEt I\.vertv. OEWV 574 choro tribuit 58 Boeckh CHORUS Fortunate are they whose lifetime never tastes of evil! For those whose house is shaken by the gods, no part of ruin is wanting, as it marchesílgainst the whole of the faIllily; like the swell of the deep sea, when darkness runs beril3ath the water, brought by the direblast of winds from Thrace, it rolls up from the bottom the black sand an<:l the wind-vexed shores resound before its impacto From ancient times 1 see the troubles of the dead of the Labdacid house falling hard upon one another, nor does one generation release ano¡her, but some one of the gods shattersthem, and they háve no means of deliverIsmenae tribuunt Kat, choro ceU., Antigonae Boeckh ante W<TTE add. o/w'iov codd., del. Seidler 59! 8v,,-áv€fLO' Hartung: -ov coM.: -'I! Jacobs 592 f3pÉfLOV<T W Zo (coni. Jacobs): f3pÉfLOV<T' 8' ceU. 595 .plhTWV Hermann: .pB'fLÉvwv codd. 576 586 59 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES .... , , ~ ~, vvv yap E<T)(aTa<; V11'Ep 600 "Y " -1..' , pt.,a<; ETETaTO 'j'ao<; EV ,'S" Á.. O"'" "" tot11'OV OOfLOt<;' / KaT av Vtv 'j'0tVta 8E6JV T6JV VEpTl.pWV afLe¡. K011'í<;, Myov T' avota Ka. c/>peV6JV 'Eptvv<;. T€áv, ZEV, ovvaul,V Tí~av- 605 U'Tp. (3' 8p~v 1.I11'Ep(3aU'ía KaTá<T)(ot; Tav oVO' V11'Vo<; aípE'i 11'08' Ó t11'CLvtoY"Ípw<;t :JI" / OVT aKafLaTOt 8~ EWV fL,qJJE<;, ay"Ípw<; 8E XPÓvep 8wáU'm<; , KatEXEt<; 610 'O'I\VfL11'0V ' fLapfLapÓEU'U'av atyÁaJJ. TÓT' E1TEI,Ta KaL 70 ¡.tÉAAOV " E11'apKEU'Et , Kat" TO 11'ptv vó¡Lo<; 58" ov8l.v' Ép11'Et 8¡jaT6JV (3íOTO<; 11'áfL11'oÁv<; EKTO<; am<;. 615 á yap 87¡ 11'oÁV11'ÁaYKTo<; EÁ- i, , .. Q' aVT. fJ ance. For lately the light spread out aboye the last root in the house of Oedipus; it too is mown down by the bloody chopper of the infernal gods, folly in speech and the Erinys in the mind. Zeus, what arrogance of men could restrict your power? Neither sleep the all-conquering nor the unwearying months of the gods defeats it, but as a ruler time cannot age, yoÍl occupy the dazzling glare of Olympus..For present, future and past this law shall suffice: to none among mortals shall great wealth come without disaster. For widely wandering hope brings profit to many men, but to many the deception of thoughtless longings; and a man knows nothing when it comes upon him, until he scalds bis foot in blazing fire. For in wisdom someone has revealed the famous saying, that evil seems good to him whose mind the god is driving towards disaster; but the small man fares throughout his time without disaster. Here is Haemon, the latest born among your sonsl Is 11'.<; 11'0no'i<; fLEVÓV'YJU't<; av8p6Jv, 11'()no'i<; 8' a11'ám KOVc/>OVówv EPWTWV' 11'p.v 11'Vp. 8EpfLi¡J 11'ó8a Tt<; 11'poU'avU'y¡. . .J.." '" U'ú'j't,!yap EK TOV . , ", '-1.. KI\EtvOV E11'O<; 11'E'j'aVTat, Te, KaKOV 80KE'iV 11'0T' EU'8Áov 625 lJ7TEp] 07TEp K s.l., como Hermanrt 600 ETÉTuro Brunck: TÉTU'TO codd.: <o> El~óTt 8' OÚ8EV Ép11'Et, 620 599 Ti¡J8' ÉfLfLEV 5Tep c/>pl.va<; 8EO<; áYEt 11'po<; ámv' , '\ I , ". , ' " 11'paU'U'Et o~, Ol\tyO<; TOV XPOVOV EKTO<; aTa<;. Jortin: TÉTUTO Hennann codd. 606 7TaVToy'ÍpW~] 7TávT' ó.ypwwv Jebb: alii alia 607 aKá¡.turot Oewv] BefJv áK}LUrOt Hermann 613-14 ovSév' ... 7Tá!L7TOAV~ Ll.-J. (ovSév' iam Aldina, 1TápJ7TOA.V'i Musgrave): ovSev Ép71'Et OVU'TWV f3"ÓTCP 1TáfL1TOAt8 codd. Ép1T€t] Ép1TEtv Heath, qui etiam TráfL1TOA:Ú y'coniecit 616 6vao"t~ Brunck: 6vr¡O"t~ codd. 618 fiSón 8'] EÚ eiOóo-t.v Wilamowitz, del. Ép1TEt 625 oAiyo~ TOV 11.-J.: OAtY0O"TOV codd.: oAiytO"TovBergk 602 K01Tís K6vlS Ó8E fL7¡v AtfLwv, 11'aí8wv T6JV U'6JV 60 61 SOPHOCLES 630 ,,¡~ ~ . </ , '" " / VEarOVYEVVTJfJ• ap aXVVfJ-EVO<; [r1j<; fJ-ENAoyáfJ-OV vVfJ-4JTJ<;] ráAt80<;1íKEt fJ-6pov 'AvTty6vTJ<;, a7TárTJ<;AExÉWV V7TEpaAYWV; ! ! ! KPEilN ráx' Eier6fJ-Eer8a fJ-áVrEwv V,!,ÉpTEpOV. ¡j) 7Tat,TEAEíav tf1fj4Jov apa fJ-T¡ KtVWV r1j<; fJ-EAAOVVfJ-4JOV 7TarpL Avereraívwv 7TápEt; 1} erOL fJ-~V 7¡fJ-Et<; 7TavTaxii 8pwvrE<;4JíAOt; 635 .'.)/ '" , , <t ,)f ~ , €xOpov avrajLvvwvTai' KaKOZ~, Kat TOv-4)íA.o"V Tt¡.dJcrLV eg íCTOV 7rarpí. W~ _Kat -'TOV 645 650 Enter II We shall soon have better knowledge than prophets could have given uso My son, now that you have heard the valid decision against your destined bride, are you here in rage against your father, or are w¡l dear to you, no matter what wedo? • ",,' .1..'\ .1..' rEKva, , oerTt<; O', aVW'('EI\TJra '('trvEt rí r6v8' liv Eí7TOt<; liAAO 7TAT¡v avri¡J 7T6vov<; 4Jverat, 7TOAVV 8~ rOtertV Ex8poterw yÉAWV; fJ-"Í vVv '/ror', ¡j) 7Tat, ras 4JpÉva<; y' v4J' i¡8ov1j<; , ~ " {.}'\ ,~ ' d yvVatKO<; OVVEK EKfJaI\TI<;, EWW<; OTt tf1vXPov7TapaYKáAterfJ-a rovro yíYVETat, CREüN Yes, my son, that is how your mind should be, thinking that all things rank secondto your father's judgment. This is why men pray that they may beget and keep in their houses obedient offspring, so that they may requite the enemy with evil and honour the friend as they honour their father. But as for the man who fathers children who give him no help, what can you say that he begets but trouble for himself, and much delight for his enemies? N ever let go your good sense, my son, for sake of the pleasure that a woman gives, knowing that this thing ¡san arrnful that grows cold, anevil woman sharing your bed in 62S om. Zot 635/-,< B!aydes: /-,0< Sazt: /-,ov LRV 637 dt":'CT<Ta< Musgrave: lf.tw~ ve! dt,w~ (ilCT'TCl,t) codd. 640 €fJ'Táva¿] i<TTáVUt -Musgrave 645 62 HAEMON. CREüN KPEilN 640 1¡ Father, 1 belong to you, and you keep me straight with your good judgments, which 1 shall follow. Yes, in my eyes no marriage shall be more highly vaIued than your right guidance. , " ,. / , 7TarEp, 0'0<; EtfJ-t' Kat crv pE YVWfJ-Q.<; EXWV XPTJerra;, a7Top80t<;, al<; EYWY' E4JÉtf10fJ-at. EfJ-O' yap OV8E'<; atuderETat yáfJ-o<; fJ-EÍ'wv 4JÉpEer8aterov KaAW<; 7¡YOVfJ-ÉVOV. ovrw yáp, ¡j) 7Tat, xpT¡ 8taerrÉpvwIJ EXEtV, 8 -e, YVWfJ-TJ<; 7Tarp(¡la<; 7Tavr 07Tter EV EerraVat. rovrov yap OVVEK' liv8pE<; eVXOVTat yova<; KaTT/K6qv<; 4JveraVTE<; EV 86¡LOt<; EXEtV, he angry at the fate of his affianced one, Antigone, grieving at the baffled hope of marriage? HAEMüN AIMilN .... ANTIGONE eptrerJ€l. Livineius: epVTeVH codd. 63 SOPHOCLES 655 660 YVlJ'Y¡ KaKT¡ ~VV€VVO<; EV S6¡wt<;. Tí yap yÉVOtT' llv ÉAKO<; JLÚ'OV 7} ePíAO<; KaKó<;; a7To7TTvCTa<; ovv WCTTE SV(TJLEvij JLÉ8E<; TT¡V 7TatS' EV "AtSov T1ÍVSE VVJLePEVEtV Ttví. E7TEt yap aVTT¡v EiAOV EJLePavw<; EYW 7TóAEW<; a7TtCTT1ÍCTaCTav EK7TÓ,CTT¡<; JL6vT¡v, .pEVSi¡ y' EJLaVTOV ov KaTaCTT1ÍCT~7TÓAEt, aHa KTEVW. 7TpO<; TaíJT' EePVJLVEÍTW tlía ~vvatJL0JJ" El yap ST¡ Tá l' El'YEPi¡ ePVCTEt áKOCTJLa 8pÉt/Jw, Kápm TOV<; E~W yÉvov<;. , .... q EV TOt<; yap OtKEtotCTtV O(J"Tt<; ECTT aVT¡p XPT¡CTTÓ<;, ePaVEtTat KaV1TÓAEt SíKato<; @V. [OCTTt<; S' v7TEpf3a<; 7} VÓJLov<; f3tá'ETat, .... , '" T¡ TOV7TtTaCTCTEtV TOt<; KpaTVVOvCTtV VOEt, ,-)~ ~,), ~\" 665 670 675 OVK ECTT' €:1Taívov'TOVTOP'€t €-¡.LOl) TVXELV. aH' ¡')JJ 7TóAt<; CTT1ÍCTEtE, TOíJSE xpT¡ KAVEtV , ," , ~I " , ] Kat CTJLtKpa Kat otKata Kat TaVaVTta. , Kat TOWOV llv TOV ávSpa 8apCTOíT¡v EYW , ~. KaAW<; JLEV ápXEtV, EV Q'llv ápXECT8at 8ÉAEtV, Sopó<; T' llv EV XEtJLWVt 7TpOCTTETaYJLÉvov JLÉVEtV SíKatov Kaya80v 7TapaCTTáTT¡V. avapxíar;; BE fLE'i'OV OVK.ECT'TLV KaK6v. aVTT¡ 7TÓ'AEt<; OAAVCTtV, 7fS' avaCTTáTov<; OLKOV<; TíOT¡CTtV, 7fSE CTVJLJLáxov Sopo<; Tpo7Ta<; KaTapP1ÍyvvCTt' TWV S' op8ovJLÉvwv CTlÍJ'Et Ta 7ToHa CTwJLa8' i¡ 7TEt8apx ía . ~, , "ECTTt " 'TOt<; " KOCTJLOVJLEVOt<;, , OVTW<; aJLVVTE e , KOVTOt yvVatKO<; ovoaJLW<; T¡CTCTT¡TEa. ~ 64 \.,~..... I I , I I I I, ¡ 1 I ANTIGONE your house. For what wound could be deeper than a dear one who is evil? So respue this girl as an enemy and allow her to marry someone in Hades! For since I caught her openly disobeying, alone out of all the city, I shall not show myself false to the city, but I shall kill her! In the face of that let her keep invoking the Zeus of kindred! If those of my own family whom I keep are to show no discipline, how much more will those outside my family! The man who acts rightly in family matters willbe seen to be righteous in the city also. [But whoever transgresses or does violence to the laws, or is minded to dictate to those in power, that.man shall never receive praise from me. One must obey the man whom the city sets up in power in small things and in justice and in its opposite.] This is the man whom I would trust to be a good ruler and a good subject, and when assigned his post in the storm of battle to prove a true and noble comrade in the fight. But there is no worse evil than insubordination! Thisit is that ruins cities, this it is that destroys houses, this it is that shatters and puts to flight the warriors on its own side! But what saves the lives· of most of those that go stnlight is obedience! In this way we have to protect discipline, and we must never allow a woman to vanquish uso If we must 653 a1T01T'TV,m, Blaydes: aAA' a1To1Tru<TU, cett. ovv i:Jcr'TE Blaydes: wU"eí 659 'To. y' Erfurdt: 'Tú8' a: 'TÚ 'T' cett. 1TTVo-OS TE KRZc: aAAo. codd. 663-67 del. 666-67 del. Blaydes: post 671 traiecit Seidler Dawe 667 <T¡LtKpo.] 1TtKpo. van Eldik 674 <TV¡L¡Lo.xov Reiske: <TV¡L¡Lo.X'llIR: o-Vv ¡Lo.X'lI cett. 65 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES 680 KpEí<YfTOV yáp, €Í7TEp 8EÍ,7Tpó, uv8pó, EK7TECTEÍV, KOVK av yvvatKWV iíCTCTOVE, KaAoípAJ' Ilv. CHORUS XOPO$ 7¡¡-tív ¡-tÉv, El ¡-ti¡ 'T0 Xpóv(¡J KEK'AÉ¡-t¡-tEOa, AÉYHV ¡j>POV015V'TW' Jiv 'AÉYEt, 80KEí, 7TÉpt. AIM!lN 7Tá'TEp, OEOL ¡j>150VCTtv uvOpÓ'J7TOt, IppÉva" ,. ,,'.. e" 7TaV'TWV OCT ECTn K'Tr¡¡-ta'TWV V7TEp'Ta'TOV, 685. EY¡p 8' 07TW, criJ ¡-ti¡ AÉYEt, opOw, 'Tá8E, OV'" av 8vvaí¡-tr¡v ¡-t7¡'T' E7TtCT'Taí¡-tr¡v AÉYEtV' [yÉVOt'TO ¡-tÉV'Tav XU'TÉp'l- KaAW, EXOV.] ~/"" uV.' 8' OV 7TÉePVKur; 7Távru,·ll1pOUK07T€tV n, 690 n, 695 '/ 700 Qua 'AÉYEt 7) 7TpáCTCTEt 7) ¡fiÉYEtV EXEt. 'Toyap CTOV o¡-t¡-ta 8Etvov&v8pL 8r¡¡-tó'TTI AóYOt, 'TOt015'TOt, oT, criJ ¡-ti¡ 'TÉplfiTl KAVWV' ) ,c:;.,) ,o, E¡-tOt o aKOvEtv ECT V7TO CTKO'TOV 'TaOE, 'TT¡v 7Taí8a 'TaV'Tr¡v ol' o815pE'Tat 7TÓAt" 7T(}.CTWV yvvatKwV W, uvattúJ'Tá'Tr¡ KaKtCT'T' U7T' EPYWV EVKAEECT'Tá'TWV ¡j>OíVEt· iín, 'TOV avrii, aV'Tá8EA¡j>ov EV ¡j>ovaí, 7T€7T'TW'T' 1l0a7T'TOV ¡-t7¡0' V7T' W¡-tr¡CT'TWV KVVWV e , , .... EtaCT OI\ECTOat ¡-tr¡'O' V7T Otwvwv 'TtvO,' OVX ií8E XPVCTi¡, ugía n¡-ti¡, AaxEÍv; 'Totá8' €PE¡-tVT¡ CT'iy' V7TÉPXE'Tat ¡j>án,. E¡-tOL Se CTOV 7TpáCTCTOV'TO' EV'TVXW', 7Tá'TEp, OVK ECTnv OVOEV K'Tr¡¡-ta n¡-ttW'T€pov. 'O aI\I\OV'TO, '\ \ ' \ ' 'TEKVOt, , n " yap 7Ta'TpO, EVKI\Etq. /~, ) 66 ,) \ ~I o,e I perish, it is better to do so by the hand of aman, and then we cannot be called inferior te women. /~ To us, if we are not led astray by our old age, you seem to speal< sensibly llboutthe things you speak oL HAEMON Father, it is the gods who give men intelligence, the most precious of all possessions, and 1 could never say,and may 1 never know how to say, that what you say is wrong. [But a different view might be correct.] But it ls not in your nature to foresee people's words or actions or the objects of their censure; for your countenance is alarming to a subject when he speaks words that give you no pleasure. But for me it is possible to hear under cover this, how the city is lamenting for this girl, sayingthat no woman ever deserved it less, but that she is to perish miserably for actions that ar~ glorious, she who did not allow her own brother whohad· fallen in the slaughter to remain unburied or to be· destroyed by savage dogs ór birds. Does not shedeserve, they ask, to be honoured with a golden prize? Such is the dark saying that is silently advancing. For me, father, nothing is more precious than your good fortune; for what distinction can be greater for children thana father who Hourishes in higb repute, or I ,~,,.., , del. Heimreich Xa'Tlp,!- K in linea, coni. Musgrave: X(hlpw~ R: xarlp't' cett. 688 ero LypY: <TOV LP: <TOO L s.l., Ra ov 7Tlcf>vKa~ Ll'p: oí5v 7Tlcf>vKa codd. 690 lacunam post hunc versum statuit Dindorf 700 wlpXETat Herwerden: É7TlpXETat codd. 703 WKÍ<.Eí,!- Greg. Cypr., coní. Johnson: -a~ codd. 687 67 SOPHOCLES " \ t"\ y' " ANTIGONE "~ / 1 , ayaA¡La ¡LEte,OV,.7J Tt '7TP0<; '7TaWWV '7TWrpt; 705 vvv ~V -{¡80<; ¡L0vvov EV CTavT0 ePÓPEt, ( .J.' , , ~ '- -"\ \ .... , , ~ w<; ,/,7J<; CTV, KovoEV aAAO, TOVT op w<; EXEtP. ¡L"Í 8 aCTTt<; yap aVTo<; 1/ YAwCTCTav, " 1/ ePPOVE'iV ¡Lóvo<; 80KEt, ~VOVK aAAo<;, ~ t/Jvxi¡v €XEtV, '> '" 8EVTE<;W,/, ' "-1.87JCTav KEVOt.' OVTOt Ota'7TTVX -i.' TO, ¡Lav8' y¡~ CTO,/,O<;, avEtv '\\' avopa, " '" aAA KEt" Tt<; 710 ,~ , '\ \ , , ' , '" atCTXpov ovoEV Kat TO '7TOAA 1, " ¡L7J TEtVEtv ayav. ópqs '7Tapa p€Í8POtCTt XEt¡Láppot<; aCTa "" '" " \~ OEVOPúJV V1TELKEL, KJ\wvar; ~, , I ,'., " ú)~ ,., 'Y EKCTqJsETat, "'\ \ o aVTtTEtvOVT aVTO'7TpE¡LV a'7TOAAVTat. Ta 715 , ~, :# , o ,,' , J'~ aVTW<; OE vao<; OCTTt<; EV KpaTEt '7Tooa , ,'~': (' (1 I TEtva<; V'7TEtKEt ¡L7JOEV, V'7TTtot<; KaTW CTTpÉt/Ja<; TO AOt7TOV (TÉA¡LaCTtV vavTíAAETat. , \\' , "','" Kat" ¡LETaCTTaCTtv otoOV. ",,.., YVW¡L7J yap Et Tt<; Ka'7T E¡LOV VEWTEPOV aAA 720 ~ EtKE ·8V¡LOV,.. ", , " J..."'" QI \' '7TpOCTECTTt, '/'7J¡L EYWYE '7TpECTfJEVEtV '7TOAV .J. '"' , , / ,~.. 1," , \ ' ,/,vvat TOV avopa '7TaVT E'7TtCTT7J¡L7J<; '7TAEWV' El 8' , \ ' ,,' -;< \ ' , Kat TWV AEYOVTWV EV KaAOV TO '8 ' ¡Lav avEtv. XOPO! " l: avae" 725 1,' '" CTE T " I '" '5' ...... I '5' ", ! King, it is proper, if he says anything that is to the point, that you should learo from mm, and you, Haemon, from Creon; for true things have been said on both sides. CREüN \' EtKO<;, Et Tt KatptOV AEYEt, c:-, 1 greater for a father than sons who do so? Do not wear thegarment of one mood onIy, thinking that your opinion and no other must be right! For whoever think that they themselves alone have sense, or have a power of speech or an intelligence that no other has, these people when they are laid open are found to be empty. It is not shaIlleful for aman, even if he is wise, often to learo things and not to resist too mucho You see how when rivers are swollen in winter those trees that yield to the f100d retain their branches, but those that offer resistance perish, trunk and all. Just so whoever in command of a ship keeps the sheet taut, and never slackens it, is overtumed and thereafter sails with his oarsmen's benches upside down. No, retreat from your anger and allow yourself to change; for if 1 too, young as 1 am, have some judgment, 1 say that it is best by far if a man is altogether full of knowledge; but that, since things are not accustomed to go that way, it is also good to leam from those whogive good counsel. CHORUS ovv, ePtAEtyap TOVTO ¡Li¡ ravTY¡ pÉ'7TEtv, ..... i I ~ '\"'" ¡La 8EtV, (TE T av TOVO • EV yap Etp7JTat Ot'7TAY¡. So men of my age are to be taught sense by aman of your age? KPE!1N oi T7JAtKOí8E Kat 8t8atÓ¡LECT8a 8i¡ ePPOVEtV '7TpO<; av8po<; T7JAtKOv8E Ti¡V ePVeTtV; 715 év 68 KpáTEt D.-J.: éYKpaTEí L in linea, R: -"1 vel-T¡<; cett. 69 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES 1 AIMilN p:r/SÉv y' ! g JL~ ¡ SíKawv' El S' EYW vÉo<;, ov TOV Xpóvov XP~JLaAAov 7) Tápya <TK07TEtV. II KPEilN 730 EPYOV yáp E<TTt TOV<; aKO<TJLovvra<; <TÉf3EtV; AIMilN ,~, " \ ~ '.' Q '" , ..J. ' , ovo aVKE"EV<TaLJLEV<TEfJEtV E<; 70V<; KaKOV<;. HAEMüN Nothingbut what is right! If 1 am young, one must not consider my age rather than my merits. CREüN Is it a merit to show regard for those ",ho cause disorder? HAEMüN It is not that Iwould ask you to show regard for evildoers. CREüN Is not she affiicted with this malady? . KPEilN OVX iíSE yap TOLq.S' E7TEí'Ar¡7TTaL VÓ<T<¡l; HAEMüN This people ofThebes that shares our city does not say so. AIMilN CREüN OV ef>r¡<TL 8{¡f3r¡<; T77<TS' ÓJLÓ7TTo'AL<; 'AEW<;. Is the city to teil me what orders 1 shail give? KPEilN HAEMüN 7TÓ'AL<; yap T¡0v áJLE Xp~ Tá<T<TEW Epa; . Do younotice that what you have said is spoken like a . veryyoungman? AIMilN 735 ópq.<; TÓS' ro<; lipr¡Ka<; ro<; áyav vÉo<;; KPEilN , .;." áAA<¡l yap 7) 'JLOt xp{¡ JLE T77<TS' apXEtv x(}oVó<;;" AIMilN 7Tó'AL<; yap OVK E<T(}' iíTt<; avSpó<;E<T(J' Évó<;. KPEilN 'Y ov TOV KpaTovvTO<; r¡ 7TO"L<; VOJLLo"ETaL; ''''' '" I CREüN Must 1 rule this land for another and not for myself? HAEMüN Yes, there is no city that belongs to a single man! CREüN Is not the city thought to belong to its ruler? HAEMüN e'\ You would be a fine ruler over a deserted city! AIMilN Ka'Aw<; Ep{¡JLr¡<; y' av <Tií Y77<; áPXOL<; JLÓVO<;. CREüN This man, it seems, is fighting on the woman's side. KPEilN 740 oS', ro<; EOLKE, Tii yvvaLKt <TVJLJLaXEt. 70 728 y' ó Toumier: 70 codd. 736 ¡.tE Dobree: om. K: YE cett. 71 E'í7rEp yvvY¡ SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE AIMnN HAEMON If you are a woman; because it is you for whom 1 feel concern. a-V. o-ov yap ovv 7rPOKY¡ OO ILat. KPEnN ij 6J 7raYKáKt<J'TE, Ota oíWf)' lwv 7ra'Tpí; AIMnN ov yap oíKatá 0-' HAEMON Because 1 see that you are offending against justice! Eta¡.Lap'Távov8' ópw. I KPEnN 1 á¡.Lap'Távw yap 'Ta, E¡.La, apxa, O-Éf3wv; AIMnN 745 ov yap o-Éf3€t" 'Tt¡.Lá, YE 'Ta, 8EWV 7ra'Twv. KPEnN 6J ¡.Ltapov 1¡8o, Ka. yvVatKO, Vo-'TEpOV. AIMnN OV 'Tllv n,Ot, Tío-o-w YE 'TWV alo-xpwv E¡.LÉ. KPEnN ó yovv A6yo, o-Ot 7rá., l!7rEP KEív'lj' ÓOE. AIMnN ] Ii I I 1 Ka. o-OV YE Ka¡.LOV, Ka. 8EWV 'TWV VEp'TÉp6JV. 75O 'Tav'T'ljv 7rO'T OVK I ,))! Eo- 8' KPEnN W, " ~ E'Tt r ,.. '" . ."wo-av y a¡.L €t, AIMnN Tío' ovv 8avEÍ'Tut Ka. 8avovo-' DAli 'Ttvu. KPEnN 1¡ Ka7rU7rEtAWV JJo' E7rEtÉpXll 8pua-V,; " Tav ';\ .747 OV 72 ErfUfdt: OVK • 'Y at: OVK >1, av , '" av cett . CREON You villain, by disputing against your father? 1 CREON Am 1 offending when 1show regard for my own office? HAEMON You show no regard when you trample on the honours due to the gods! CREON Contemptible character, inferior to a woman! HAEMON You wiil not find me vanquished by what is shameful. CREON Weil, everything you say is on behalfofher. HAEMON And of you and of me, and of the infernal gods! CREON You shail never marry this woman while she is alive! HAEMON Then she will die and by her death she wiil destroy another. CREON Rave you the insolence to come out against me with threats? 73 ~.~-~-~._~--------- SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE AIM!1N HAEMON , o~,,,E<rr " WlrELI\.'Y/ \ ' / , \ ' . TL<; 7TPO, <r ,"Ep.,a, Yl'wp.,a, I\.EYELV, . What kind of threat is it for me to tell you my decisions? CREON KPE!1N / Á.,./ ." Á.. . ""' " / KAaLWl' 'l'PEl'W<rEL<;, Wl' 'l'PEl'Wl' avro<; KEl'O<;, You will regret your lecturing of me, when you yourself uhderstand nothing! AIM!1N 755 El p.,T¡ 7TarT¡p ij<r(J', Ei7TOl' ál' OVK KPE!1N I tT' EV HAEMON c/>pol'EÍl'. , " oovI\.Evp.,a, '" ' \ \ \ ' yvl'aLKo<;wl' p.,'Y"/ KWTLI\.I\.E p.,E. If you were not my father, I would say you had no sense. CREON Slave ofa woman that you are, do not try to cajole me! HAEMON AIM!1N f3oVAY¡ AÉYELV TL Kat AÉywl' p.,'Y/8el' KAVELl'; KPE!1N áA'Y/(JE<;; dA;>.' OV, r6l'8' "OAVp.,7TOl', t<r(J' OTL, Xaípwl' ETL ljJ6YOL<rL 8EWá<rEL<; Ep.,É. 760 " ,. ,,",. e , " " , aYEr< ro P.L<rO<;, w<; Kar op.p.ar Q,VTLKa 7Tap6l'TL (Jl'f¡<rKY¡ 7TA'Y/<ría ri¡J vvp.c/>íC¡l, AIM!1N ov 8'Íjr' EP.OLYE, rovro p.T¡ 86ty¡<; 7TorÉ, d"', OI\.ELraL '\ ~ 7T1\.'Y/<rLa, \ ' <rv" , '" , ov"(J' 'Y/0 r ovoap.fL rovp.ol' 7Tpo<r6ljJy¡ Kpar' El' oc/>(JaAp.o'i<; ópwl', 765 w<; ro'i<; (JÉAOV<rL rwl' c/>íAWl' p.aíl'Y¡ <rVl'wl'. XOPO$ v ál'i¡p, ál'at, f3Éf3'Y/KEl' Et opy'Íj<; rax <;' ~ , , \ ~ '\' Q' l'ov, o" "E<rTL r'Y/I\.LKovro<; aI\.Y'Y/<ra<; fJapv<;. 753 TrPÓ' (J"' E¡.ta, Ll.-J.: TrPO, KEVa, codd. 759 gn Dobree: ETrt codd. 74 Do you wish to speak but not to listen to him you speak to? CREON Do you say that? Why, by that Olympus which we see, be sure of it, you shall not continue to abuse me with your reproaches with impunity! Bring the hateful creature, so that she may die at once close at hand, in the sight of her bridegroom! HAEMON She shall not die close to me, never imagine it, and you shall never more set eyes upon my face, so that you can raye on in the company of those friendswho will endure it! Exit HAEMON. CHORUS King, the man is gone, swiftly, in his rage; and the temper ofone ofhis age is formidable under pain, 75 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE KPEfiN CREON Spt5.'TW, ePPOVEÍTW fLe7,'ov ,'~, ~ -;- .l'C:-," TaO OVV Kopa Tao OVK ~ KaT' ávSp' y"'i:. Let him act so, let him go and show more than a man's pride! But he shall not save those two girls from death! lC:w ' a1raJ\J\a~Et fLOPOV' CHORUS XOPO! 770 Then have you a mind to kill both of them? áfupw/,ap aVTa KaL KaTaKTE~Vat voeL';; CREON KPEflN ov TlÍv 'lE fL~ Otyo{JcTaV' EiI Not the one that did not touch the corpse; you are right! XÉyw>. yap "ilv CHORUS And bywhat death do you plan to kilI her? XOPO! fLóPC¡> SE 1roíc¡> Kaí O"ePE {3ovXf:ÚY¡ KTavEÍv; CREON KPEfiN áywv €piifL0<; EVO' lJ.v TI {3POT¡;)P o"Tí{3o<; 1 KPVt/JW 1rETpWSEt 'wO"av €V KaTwpVX t , 775 I eP o p{3ii<; TOO"OVTOV oo"ov r'1.yo<; ePf:ÚYEtV 1rpoOEí<;, I 01rw<; fLíaO"fLa 1rao"' lJ1rEKePvyy¡ 1róXt<;. '~'dA"'·' KaKEt TOV to"1V, ov fLOVOV O"E'{30~ Et EWV, " ,)' at7ovfLEP'I/ 1rOV )' ¡; TEV~ '-, ETat 1'0 fL"1 OavEtv, ~ ~YVWo"ETat yovv d.XXa T"1VtKaVO' OTt 780 1 shall take her to where there is a path which no man treads, and hide her, stillliving, in a rocky cavem, putting out enough food to escape pollution,a so that the whole city may avoid contagion. And there she can pray to Hades, the oniy one among the gods whom she respects, and perhaps be spared from death; or else she willleam, at that late stage, that it is wasted effort to show regard for things in Hades. Exit CREON. )' " EO"Tt , uTav A'" 1rOVO<; 1rEpto"o"O<; toOV O"E'{3ELV. CHORUS XOPO! ,')' ~E O"Tp. a I pw<;aVtKaTE fLaxav, ~E c.\')' )' pw<;, 0<; EV KT"1fLaO"t 1rt1rTEt<;, r Lave invincible in battle, Love who falls upon men's property, you who spend the night upon the soft cheeks of a girl, and travel over the sea and through the huts of dwellers in the wild! None among the immortals can &<; €V fLaXaKa'i<; 1rapEta'i<; , ~, a Creon believes that if he supplies Antigone with a token quantity of food he will escape the pollution caused by his killing a member ofhis own family. )' VEaVtoo<; EVVVXEVEt<;, 785 Á,. I"\~' , )' e , ", '{JOtT<[-<; O V1rEP1rOVTto<; EV , \ l' 1"\ aypovOfLOt<; aVJ\at<;' , , ""0)' .J..'é '{JV~ tfL0<; "O' afLEptWV ( , O"E)', , OV y av- Kat O" OVT a avaTWV 76 ,~ , OVvEt<; 775 oa-ov codd. 789 Blaydes: W~ codd. q"vYEtV Hartung: a-é y' Blaydes: <7r' codd. j1-ÓVOV 77 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES 790 795 800 805 (JPW'TUJJV, Ó 8' EXWV JLÉp:r¡VEV. <Tii Ka~ 8tKaíwv a8íKov~ ,ppÉva~ 7Tapa(T7rqs E7Tt Awf3q-' <Tii Kat 'TÓ8E Ve"iKO~ av8pwv t'rJvatJLov EXEt~ 'Tapúga~' VtKq. 8' EvapyT¡~ f3AE,púpWV . rJLEpO~ EVAÉK'TpOV vVJL,pa~, 'TWV JLeyúAwv 7TúpE8pol EV (JEO"JLWV' áJLaxo~ yap EJL7Taí'Et (JEO~ , A,pp08í'Ta. vVV 8'1í8'Y]'Yw KaV'TO~ (JEO"JLWV Egw ,pÉpoJLat 'Tú8' ópwv, tO"XEtV 8' . OVKÉ'Tt 7T'Y]ya~ 8vvaJLat 8aKpvwv, 'TOV 7TaYKOí'T'Y]V o(J' ópw (JúAaJLOv , ~"A··V'Ttyov"Y]v , " . 'T"Y]VO· aVV'TovO"av. , av'T, a apxai~ ANTIGONE ANTlrONH ópo.'TÉJL', ¡;¡ yo.~ 7TarpíM 7TOAt'Tat TUV vEárav 810 815 óSov O"'TEíxovO"av, vÉa'Tov 8e ,pÉyYM AeVO"O"ovO"av aEAíov, K0157TO'T' aMt~' anú JL' ó 7Tay'" r~ d , dA toa~ KOt'Ta~ ."wO"av aYEt 'TaV 'AXÉpOV'TO~ , , ovd(J" VJLEVatWV , aK'TaV, EYKA"Y]POV, o15'T' E7Tt VVJL,J...' " d d 'l'Etot~ 7TW JLE 'Tt~ VJLVO~ V'\\"AXEpOV'Tt ' Á. ' JLV"Y]O"EV, aA/' VVJL'I'EVO"W. 78 escape you, nor any among mortal men, and he who has you is mad. You wrench just men's mínds aside from justice, doing them violence; it is you who have stirred up this quarrel between men of the same blood. Victory goes to the visible desire that comes from the eyes of the beautiful bride,a desire that has its throne beside those of the mighty laws; for irresistible in her sporting is the goddess Aphrodite. I a:;'Tp. f31 ~. I I is brought in from the palace under guardo But now 1 myself arn carried beyond the laws at this sight, and 1 can no longer restrain the stream of tears, when 1 see Antigone here passing to the bridal chamber where aH come to resto ANTIGONE Behold me, citizens of my native land, as 1 make my last journey, and look on the light of the sun for the last time, and never more; Hades who lulls aH to sleep is taking me, still living, to the shore of Acheron, without the bridal that was my due, nor has any song been sung for meat my marriage, but 1 shaH be the bride ofAcheron. a The early Greeks believed that desire was darted fmm the eyes of the person who inspired it into those of the person who felt it. 79711'ápEllpos <u] aVu8pouos Arndt 814 <11" VVlupEíots Bergk: <11" vvfupíllws fere codd. 79 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES CHORUS XOPO¡ \ " '" . 3' , OVKOVV KI'EtVr¡ Kat E7TatVOV EXOVCT 15 it not with glory and with praise that you depart to this cavem of the dead? Not smitten by wasting maladies nor paid the wages of the sword, of your own wiIl you alone of mortals while yet alive descend to Hades. ~ ES 'Tó8' a7TÉPXTI KEV()OS VEKÚWV; -I..()' \ ~ . , tVaCTtV 7T1'r¡YEtCTa VOCTOtS OV'TE ttcPÉwv E7TíXEtpa Aaxoih', aH' alJTÓVOILOS 'wCTa ¡Lóvr¡. 8;' ()vr¡'TWV 'Aí8r¡v Ka'TaI3f¡CTTI' ~ OV'TE '1' 820 ANTIGONE 1 have heard that the Phrygian stranger, Tantalus' daughter,a died the saddest death, near lofty Sipylus; her did the growth of the rock,'like clinging ivy, subdue, and as she melts away rain, as men say, and snow never leave her, and with her ever-weeping eyes she soaks the mountain ridges; very like her am 1, as the god sends me to sleep. I ANTlrONH 825 830 "iKovCTa 8;' AVYPo'Tá'Tav OAÉCT()at "rF.. ' 'Tav ""pvytav \,/;'Evav '\ ~ '\ ", Tav'Tal'ov ..<,t7TVMI' 7TpOS a" .\ e , , Kpf¡l, 'Tav KtCTCTOS ws a'TEvr¡s 7TE'Tpaía f3'AáCT'Ta 8á¡LaCTEV, Kaí vtV O¡Lf3POt 'TaKO¡LÉvav, '-1..' ,"'~ ws 'l'ans avopwv, , , )~ ' \ ' XtWV 'T ovoa¡La I'Et7TEt, 'TÉYYEt 8' 1m' OcPPVCTt 7Tay\' '" ,'" "" Kl'aV'TOts oEtpaoas' q.? ¡LE oate " r ¡LWV o¡Loto'Ta'TaV Ka'TEVVae,Et. , av'T. 13' I I ~ ANTIGONE a Niobe, who was the subject of plays by both Aeschylus and Sophocles. b Niobe's father Tantalus is commonly called a son ofZeus. '\\'()EOS , 'Tot Kat'() EOYEVVr¡S, , al'l'a 7,¡Le'is 8E f3P0'TOt Kat ()Vr¡'TOYEVEtS. Kaí'Tot cP()t¡LÉvTI ¡LÉya KaKoVCTat 'TOtS ¿CTO()ÉOtS EYKAr¡pa Aaxetv e,WCTav Kat, E7TEt'Ta () aVOVCTav. r~ But she was a goddess and the child of gods,b and we are mortal and the children of mortals; yet it is a great thing for the departed to have the credit of afate like that of those equal to gods, both in life and later in death. Ah, 1 am being mocked! Why, in the name of the gods of XOPO¡ 835 CHORUS 828 óp.f3POt Musgrave: -o~ Zc s.l., coni. Gleditsch: -<p cett. 836 p.Éyu Ká.Kova-ut Seyffert: p.Éy' áKOVa-Ut codd. ~ ANTlrONH CT'Tp. Y 80 I 81 I SOPHOCLES my fathers, do you insult me not when 1 am gone, but while 1 am still visible? O city, O rich men of the city! Ah, fountains of Dirce and grove of Thebes of the fine chariots, you at least 1 can call to witness how unwept by friends, under what laws 1 come to the heaped-up mound of my strange tomb. Ah, unhappy one, living neither among mortals nor as a shade among the shades, neither with the living nor with the dead! Tí fJ-E, 'TrpO, OdJv 'TraTpcf¡wv, 840 ) ~ , ~ 'r Q OVK OtX0fJ-Evav vfJpt",Et" dA.A' E7Tí4>UVTOV; 6J1TÓA.t~, 6J 1TÓA.EW~ 'TrOAvKT7ÍfJ-0VE, aV8PE" lw iltpKaLat Kpi¡vat 87Í- 845 {3a, T' EvapfJ-áTov /lAcro" ÉfJ-- ANTIGONE I 'Tra, tVfJ-fJ-ápTvpa, VfJ-fJ-' EmwrwfJ-at, oLa q,í.'AWV CHORUS aKAav'To~, OiOL~ VÓfLOL~ Advancing to the extreme of daring, you stnmbled against the lofty altar of Justice, my child! And you are paying for sorne crime ofyour fathers. 'TrpO, epfJ-a TVfJ-{36xwcrTov Ép'Á' X0fJ-at Ta<¡-,ov 'TrOTatvWV' 850 lw 8vcrTavo" ANTIGONE {3POTOL, You have touched on a thought most painful for me, the fate of my father, thrice renewed, and the whole of our destiny, that of the famous Labdacids. Ah, the disaster of oun <VEKPO,> vEKPOLcrtv fLÉ'TOtKO~, ov 'W<Tl.V, ov (Javovutv. XOPO~ 'Trpo{3acr' E'Tr' ÉcrXaTOV Opácrov, Vt!J7/AOV E, 855 ilíKa, {3áOpov 1TpO(TÉ1TEUE~, .JJ 'TraTpéi'!ov 8' TÉKVOV, 840oixol"Évav Martin: OA(A)0I"Évav veloAAvl"Évav eodd. 848 Epl"a S, seh. L, eoni. Hermann: .P'Yl"a fere eodd. , ~. 1ToSí. EKTívEt, TtV' aOAoV. ANTlrONH ",/, '\ E,¡,avcra, al\')'Et- , " , aVT. ')' , OVTE <VEKP0'» Gleditseh: ow' EV fere eodd. 7l"ollí Bruhn: 7l"OA,)v LSV: 7l"oA,) fere eett. 859 Tpt7l"OAícrTOV Ll.-J.: -tcrTOV eodd. oÍTov Ll.-J.: J(PC, eoni. Brunek: OtKTOV fere eodd. 851 855 I OtTDV VOTaTa, EfJ-0t fJ-EptfJ-va" , \ ' '1 'TraTpO, Tpt'TrOl\tcrTOV OtTOV 860 ~ , TOV TE 'Trp0'TraVTO, " , afJ-ETEpoV 'TrOTfJ-0V KAEtVOL, Aa{38aKí8atcrw. 82 83 SOPHOCLES lw fl-O/rpi¡Jat AÉK'TpWIJ ,,:1 I ANTIGONE a- marriage with his mother, and my father's ineestuous eoupJings with his ill-fated mother! From what parents was 1 born, miserable one! To them 1 go, to Jive with them, aeeursed, unmarried! Ah, brother who made a disastrous marriage,a in your death you have destroyed my Jife! I 'Tat KOtfl-r¡fl-a'Ta 'T aV'T0Y€IJ- 865 IJr¡'T' Efl-0 7Ta'Tpt 8verfl-6pov fl- a 'Tp6,· ~I " OtWIJ €yw 7TO o,ea 'Tal\at",pWIJ \'''/''' €",VIJ' ",,1.. 7TPO' ov, apato, ayafl-o, a8' ' " fl-€'TOtKO, €PX0fl-at. ~ eyw :1' tW 870 CHORUS , ~, OVer7TO'Tfl-WIJ Kaert- , , The respeet you showed is a noble kind of respeet; but power, in the hands of himto whom it belongs, is in no way to be Houted, and you were destroyed by your selfwilled passion. I YIJr¡'T€ yafl-WIJ KVpr¡era" OaIJwIJ E'T' overalJ Ka'T~IJapÉ, fl-€. XOPO! ANTIGONE "' f3 ' n" er€'f3 EtIJ fl-EIJ EverE Eta I ~,q I Unwept, friendless, unwedded, 1 am eondueted, unhappy one, along the way that Jies before me! No longer may 1, poor ereature, look upon the saered eye of the shining sun; and my fate, unwept for, is lamented by no friendo '\ Kpa'TO, o , O'T<:¡J Kpa'TO, fl-€I\Et, 7Tapaf3arOIJ ov8afl-fl. 7TÉAEt, 875 erE 8' aV'T6YIJw'T0, óSAEer' opyá. ANTlrONH "\ aKl\aV'TO" "..J...\" a",tI\O" aIJvfl-EIJat- <á> TaAaí,ppwIJ Tav €Toí¡J-av óSóv. o, oVKÉn fl-0t 880 'T68E aY0fl-at Aafl-7Tá80, íEpOIJ ofl-fl-a OÉfl-t, ópaIJ TaAaíIJf!:' , ~", , ,~ , 'TOIJ o Efl-0IJ 7TO'Tfl-0IJ aOaKpV'TOIJ ov8Et, ,píAWIJ er'TEIJá'Et. , Enter CREON. . E7T. CREON Do you not know that no one would eease to pour forth songs and lamentations before death, if need be? Will you not lead her off as soon as possible, and when you have enclosed her in the eneompassing tomb, as 1 have a Adrastus' support for Polynices was the consequence of the latter's marriage with bis daughter Argeia. KPEUN 5'",ter'T ,,~, ''*'O ~ ap aotoa, Kat" yoov, 7TpO 'TOV aIJEtIJ W~ ov8' (LV éís 7rUVUUL'T' el xpeíYJ, XÉwv; av, 885 Reiske 884 X lwv Blaydes: 'AlYEW codd.: 'Alywv Vauvilliers 878 ÉToíp..av] '1TVfL&rav OVK atEO' <ó, 'TáXterTa, Kat Ka'Tr¡pE,pci té e"" / , f3 'TUfl- <:¡J 7TEpt7T'TV~ aIJ'TE" W, Etpr¡K EYW, 84 85 r I SOPHOCLES I P.ÓV7jV Epij¡LOV, ErTE xpfi (JaVEtV eLr' EV Totuíl'TlI 'wa-u TVfLf3EVELV (TT€'}''l!" e,.." e , \. I 7jP.Et') yap ayvOt TOV1Tt T7jVOE T7jV KOp7jV' P.ETOtKía') S'oVV Tij') avw CTTEP"ÍCTETat. ác/>E'TE ~, 890 I~ él) r6p.f30'), él) vvp.c/>EtOV, él) KaTaCTKaC/>i¡') aEÍc/>povpO'), oi 1TOpEÍJOPfLt 1TpO') TOV') Ep.avTij'), @V apt(Jp.ov EV VEKPO'i') 1TAE'iCTTOV SÉSEKTat <t>EpCTÉc/>aCTCT' OAWAÓTWV' @V AOtCT(Jía 'yw Kat KáKtCTTa Si¡ p.aKPéi! OrK7jCTt') KáTEtP.t, 1Tpív P.0t p.o'ipav Et"ÍKEtV f3íov. '\(J OVCTa ... I '" '\ I '.J.. E" P.EVTOt KapT EV E"1TtCTtV TpE<f'W -1,.'\ '"" ,. -1,. \ ' <>' CTOt, , ,+,t"7j P.EV 7jSEtV 1TaTpt, 1TpOCT,+,t"7j') oE P.ijTEP, c/>iA7j SE 900 CToí, KaCTíyv7jTOV Kápa' E1TEt (JaVÓVTa,) aVTÓXEtp vP.Os EYW KaKóCTp.7jCTa Ka1TtTVp.f3íov') ",<> ~ <>, IIO"VVEtKE'), \ ' " CTOV xoa') EoWKa' vvv OE, TO <>, '\\ '<>' N oEp.a') 1TEptCTTE""OVCTa TOtao apvvp.at. ÉAoVCTa , 905 910 ,",1 "'Á" ..... 9 KatTOt CT EYW Ttp.7jCTa TOt') ,+,POVOVCTtv EV. ov yáp 1TOr' 0157' el 'T€KV' 6>v ¡.tf¡TTJP €~VV "" , J ' "ET7jKETO, OVT Et 1TOCTt') P.Ot KaT(avwv ' \ ...... , c:;., ,\ " , f3 ttt 1TO"tTWV TOVO av Ylpop.7jV 1TOVOV. , I c:;.,,.., \ , \' TtVO') vOP.OV 07j TaVTa 1TPO') Xaptv "EYW; 1TÓCTt') p.Ev áv P.Ot KaT(JavóvTo') áAAO') 1jv, av \ ......', "\ \ .J. ' , ..... ~," \ Kat 1Tat') a1T a""ov ,+,WTO'), Et TOVO 7jp.1T"aKOV, , o<>" EV "A wov <> , KEKEV (J OTOtv , P.7jTpO,) Kat, 1TaTpo') , " ,,~ \.J.. \ ~ "f3\ ' ,, OVK ECTT aoE",+,o') OCTTt') av "aCTTOt 1TOTE. TOtéi!SE P.ÉVTOt CT' EK1TpOTtp."ÍCTaCT' EYW 86 ordered, leave her alone, isolated, whether she wishes to die or to be entombed living in such a dwelling. For we are guiltless where this girl is concerned; but she shall be deprived of residence with us here aboye the ground. ANTIGONE ANTlrONH 895 ANTIGONE O tomb, O bridal chamber, O deep-dug home, to be guarded for ever, where I go to join those who are my own, of whom Phersephassaa has already received a great number, dead, among the shades! Of these I am the last and my descent will be the saddest of all, before the term of my life has come. But when I come there, I am confident that I shall come dear to my father, dear to you, my mother, and dear to you, my own brother; since when you díed it was I that with my own hands washed you and adorned you and poured Iibations on your graves; and now, Polynices, for burying your body I get this reward! Yet in the eyes of the wise I did well to honour you; for never, had children of whom I was the mother or had my husband perished and been mouldering there, would I have taken on myself this task, in de:liance of the citizens. In virtue of what law do I say this? If my husband had died, I could have had another, and a child by another man, if I had lost the first, but with my mother and my father in Hades below, I could never have another brother. Such was the law for whose sake I díd you a Persephone. 904-20 del. Lehrs (905-13 iam A. Jacob): 911-12 citat Aristoteles, Rhet. 1417 a 32-33 905 TÉKV' i1v C. Winckelmann: TÉKVWV codd. 87 T I SOPHOCLES VÓ¡UP' Kp€ovn mv'T' 915 ESOg' Kat SEtVa 'TOAfJ-aV, éiJ KaCTíyv'Y/'TOV Kápa. Kat VVV aYEt fJ-E Sta XEpWV oi!'Túl Aa{3wv aAEK'TpOV, avvfJ-€vatOv, fJ-€po<; AaXOVCTav 6IS' aA'A' 920 áfJ-ap'TávEtV OU'TE OU'TE 'TOV yáfJ-oV 1TatSEíov 'Tpoef>7j<;, €pf¡fJ-O<; 1TpO<; ef>íAúlV T¡ SVCTfJ-0P0<; r"" ' O ' "EpX0fJ-at Ka'TaC¡Ka'j'a<;' ,J.,.' .,úlCT E<; , avOV'TúlV 1Toíav 1TapEgEAOovCTa SatfJ-óVúlV SíK'Y/V; 'Tí XP~ fJ-E 'T~V SVCT'T'Y/VOV €<; OEOV<; En (3A€1TEtV; 'Tív' avSav gVfJ-fJ-áXúlV; €1Td YE S~ ~v SVCTCT€{3EtaV EVCTE{30VCT' EK'T'Y/CTáfJ-'Y/v. 925 ) \ \' , a"" , ,~,) . '9 , , OEOt<; \ ' ~ fJ-EV ovv 'Tao ECTnv Ka"a, , \ , 1TaoOV'TE<; av vYYVotfJ-EV 'Y/fJ-ap'T'Y/KO'TE<;' Et l: 1"1 EV ~ El S' oíS' áfJ-ap'TávovCTt, fJ-~ 1TAEíúl KaKa " Kat,~,.., , ~, " 1Ta'OOtEV 'Y/ OpúlCTW EKOtKúl<; EfJ-E. XOPO$ " ,..., 930 Vroxf¡<; ,,., '.1 ('- aV'TúlV aVEfJ-úlV aV'Tat pt1Tat 'T~VSE y' EXOVCTtV. KPE!1N " 'Totyap 'TOV'TúlV 'TOtCTtV ayoVCTtV KAaVfJ-aO' íJ1TápgEt {3paSV'T7j'TO<; V1TEp. , , OtfJ-Ot, CHORUS The same blasts of the same winds of the spirit still possess her. CREON Therefore there shall be trouble for those conducting her on account of their slowness! ANTIGONE Ah me, this saying has come close lo death! ,.., ANTlfONH ~ special honour, but to Creon 1 seemed to do wrong and to show shocking recklessness, O my own brother. And now he leads me thus by the hands, without marriage, without bridal, having no share in wedlock or in the rearing of children, but thus deserted by my friends 1 come living, poor creature, to the cavems of the dead. What justice of the gods have 1 transgressed? Why must 1 stilllook to the gods, unhappy one? Whom can 1 call on to protect me? For by acting piously 1 have been convicted of impiety. Well, if this is approved among the gods, 1 should forgive them for what 1 have suffered, since 1 have done wrong; but if they are the wrongdoers, may they not suffer worse evils than those they are unjustly inRicting upon me! I !, En 'TúlV ANTIGONE CREON 1 can give you no hope that the sentence will not be accomplished thus. O' . . . " EYYV'Ta'Túl , ava'TOV 'TOV'T 927 7T}.Eíw] ¡.tEíw " 'A-."" 'TOV1TO<; a'j'tK'Tat. Vauvilliers KPE!1N 935 OapCTÚV OVSEV 1TapafJ-VOovfJ-at , ,'C:-' .... O fJ-'Y/ ov 'Tao€ 'Tav'T'(I Ka'TaKVpOVCT ato 88 89 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE ANTlrONH Ancestral city of the land of Thebes and gods of my forebears, 1 am led away and there is delay no longer! Look, rulers of Thebes, upon the last of the royal house, what things 1 am suffering from what men, for having shown reverence for reverence! yTj~ 8~f3r¡~ álI'Tl) 7T'aTpé¡JoV ~ Kat'(J €ot, 7T'pOY€VE<~, 6J áyo¡.tat 940 8i¡ 'yw KOVKÉn ¡.tÉAAW. A€VlIlI€T€,8~f3r¡~ oí Kotpaví8at, Ti¡V f3alItAEt8illv ¡.tovvr¡v AOt7T'~V, ? o , ~ ~..... ANTIGONE is led away. ~~ ota 7T'pO~ OtWV avopwv 7T'aCT)(w, , €VlI€ , f3'taV lI€ f3'tlIalIa. I TTJV CHORUS XOPO$ ~I \ ., €TI'a Kat 945 A ' uavaa~ " ovpavwv Á.. .... lITp. a' '{'W~ aAAá~at 8É¡.ta~ EV xaAK08ÉTOt~ aVAa'i~' KPV7T'To¡.tÉva 8' EV TV¡.tf3~- pE< (JaAá¡.t(¡l KaT€'€VX(Jr¡' l· , ..... KatTOt <Kat> Y€V€q. 950 I n¡.tw~, ' I Kat' z r¡vo~ Ta¡.ttEV€lIK€ , \ \ " a ¡.totptota "" n<; aM' 'S'..... '" W 7T'at 7T'at, , I yova~ XpVlIOpVTOV~. "" oVValIt~ "" OEtva' " , av " Vtv 01' "\f30<; OVT " , "A pr¡~, OVT OV 7T'Vpyo~, OVX áAíKTV7T'Ot ,..... \ K€I'atVat 955 va€~ ).,/,,' €K'{'VY0tEV. '€Vx(Jr¡ 8' O~VXOAO~ 7T'a'i~ Ó ~pvavTo~, 'H8wjJillv f3alItAd)~, K€PTO¡.tíot~opya'i~ , A' I €K uWVVlIOV 7T'€TPW8Et KaTá<papKTO~ EV 8€lI¡.té¡J. 960 d . ..... . I ~ " 'r OVTW Ta<; ¡.taVta~ o€tvOV a7T'OlITa",Et av(Jr¡póv T€ ¡.tÉVO~. K€'iVO~ E7T'ÉyVW ¡.tavíat<; •/ .' '(J" I \ I 'j'avwv TOV €OV €V K€PTO¡.tWt~ y I'wlIlIat~ . , aVT. a Danae too endured an exchange .of heaven's light for the brass-fastened dwelling, and immured in the tomblike chamber she was held prisoner. Yet she carne of an honoured house, my daughter, and had the keeping of the seed ofZeus that flDwed in gold.'But the power of fate is strange; neither wealth nor martial valour, nor a wall, nor black ships crashing through the sea can escape it. Held prisoner, too, was the ~ickly angered son of Dryas, the king of the Edonians, for his mocking fury pent by Dionysus in a rocky prison. Thus the fierce, exuberant force ofhis madness drained away. He learoed too late that he was mad in laying hands on the god, with mocking tongue; for he tried to check the inspired I a Danae. the daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos, WaS mother ofPerseus byZeus. b Lycurgus; see [liad 6, 130 f and the fragments of Aeschylus' tetralogy about him. {3aaú.«8¡;,v G. Wolff: {3a'J'tA€íav t: {3alJ'tAí8a cett. suppl. Hermann 952 oA{3o< Scaliger: op-{3po< codd. 941 948 7T'aV€lIK€ ¡.tEV yap EV(JÉOV~ ..... yvVatKa~ 90 ;,/ I ..... €VWV.T€ 7T'Vp, 91 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES 965 970 975 980 985 efltAaVAOVc; T' Y¡pÉ(Jt'E ¡LOVcrac;. 'lTapa SE KvavÉwv 'lTEAa'yÉWV StSv¡.tac; áAOC; C1'Tp. f3' aKTq, BOCT'TTopíq, <T6'IT0C; 1jv> ó 8p'Y/íKWV , \ ~A a'YXt'ITTOMC; P'Y/c; StCTCTOíCTt <ptvdSatc; ElSEv apaTov EAKOC; TVPAw(JEv Eg aypíac; Sá¡.tapToC; I '\ " \' " , \ al\aov al\aCTTopOtCTtV o¡.t¡.taTwv KVKI\OtC; apax(JÉvTWV vp' aí¡.taT'Y/paíc; , "" XEtpECTCTt Kat"~' KEpKtoWV aK¡.tatCTw. ,,,,, '\ \"(J , KaTa oE TaKo¡.tEVOt ¡.tEI\EOt ¡.tEI\Eav 'ITa av aVT. KAaíov, ¡.taTpoc; €XOVTEC; avv¡.tpEvTOV yováv' á SE CT'lTÉp¡.ta ¡.tEV apxawy6vwv <1jv> iLvaCTCT' 'Epex(Je'iSav, T'Y/AE7T6potc; S' EV iLVTPOtC; Tpáp'Y/ (JVÉAA'Y/CTtV EV 'lTaTpCÍJatC; BopEac;á¡.tt'IT'lToc; op(J6'IToSoc; V'lTEp 'lTáyov , "" '" '\\' " , , ~ (J EWV 'lTatC;' al\l\a Ka'IT EKEWq, ; '" .. , ~ 9 '" Motpat ¡.taKpatWVEC; ECTXOV, W 'lTat. "'<' " ' U" .... aA¡.tvo'Y/CTCTOC;, tV Q' fJ TEIPEtIAt 990 8f¡f3'Y/c; iLvaKTEC;, 'ÍÍKO¡.tEV Kow0v óSOV S6' Eg ÉVOC; f3AÉ'lTOVTE' Toíc; TVpAOíCTt yap aVT'Y/ KÉAEV(JOC; EK 'lTP0'Y/y'Y/TOV 'lTÉAEt. 965 iLOVlTa~ Ll.-J.: MovlTa~ vulgo post 1rEAaYÉW~ habent co~d. ":ETP¿;W, quod del. ~runc~ 969 aKTé¡ BOlT1rop''l Ll.-J.: -a' -opta, codd. <T01rO~ "Iv> Ll.-J. ep"ItKWV Herkenrath: epYlKWV codd. 966 92 women and the Bacchic Gre, and provoked the music of their pipes. And by the shore of the Bosporus of the dark waters of the double sea was the Thracian place Salmydessus, where Ares whose city is nearby saw the accursed blinding wound infiicted on the two sons of Phineus a by his cruel wife, robbing of sight the circles of their eyes that cried for vengeance, toro out by her bloody hands and the sharppoints ofher distaff. And as they pined away they sadly wept for their sad affliction, the children of a mother unhappy in her marriage. She by birth was a princess of the ancient house of the sons of Erechtheus; but she was reared in distant caves, among her father's storm winds, a daughter of Boreas riding with the others beyond the steep mountain, a child of the gods. But even upon her the long-lived Fates bore hard, my child. Enterthe blindprophet TIRE8IA8, ledby a boyo TIRE8IA8 Lords of Thebes, we have come, joumeying together, two with one pair of eyes; the blind have this way of travelling with a guide. a The Thracian king Phineus was first married to Cleopatra, a daughter of Boreas, the North Wind, by Oreithyia, a daughter of the Athenian king Erechtheus. phineus' children by Cleopatra were blinded by his second wife, Eidothea. 975 apax()ÉvTWV Seidler: apaX()Ev eyxÉwv fere codd. 980 aVViL<PEÚTOV Meineke: -EVTOV fere codd. 982 <'Iv> avalTlT' anon. ap. Wilamowitz: aVTalT' codd. 93 ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES CREaN KPEfiN , Tt ~ ' VEOV; , ECTTtV, W YEpatE T EtpECTta, ~, # U What is the matter, aged Tiresias? , TIRESlAS TElPEtlAt I wiIl explain, and do you obey the prophet! , , Uwa!;w, " "'c Kat" ~ EYW av~ 'T<¡J , ¡LaV'TEt 'TTtoOVo CREaN KPEfiN OVKOVIJ 'TTápo, YE CTi¡, a'TTE<T'TárOVIJ epPEIJÓ'. TElPEtlAi TIRESlAS 'Totyap 8t' opOi¡, nív8' EvavKAf¡pEt, 'TTÓAtV. I can testify from experience that it was profitable. EXW 'TTE'TTOVOW, ¡LapropEtv Ovi¡CTt¡La. TIRESlAS TElPEtlAt Think, for you are again upon a razor's edge! epPÓVEt f3Ef3W' a~ vvv E'TTt eVpOV rVX'YJ" CREaN KPEfiN , Tt ° ~, " e' , , , Á... I I ECT'TW; W, EYW 'TO CTOV 'T'ptCTCTW CT'T0¡La. TElPEtlAt 1000 1005 YVWo-y¡, 'TÉXV'YJ' CT'YJ¡LEta 'Ti¡, E¡Li¡, KAvWV. E, yap 'TTaAat()IJ OaKov OPVtOOCTKÓ'TTOV ~r d , 'i' "1'\ \ I t.,WV, tV 'YJV ¡L0t 'TTav'TO" Otwvov /\t¡L'YJ V, ayvw'T' aK01)W epOóyyov, ópVtOa, KaKi¡> KAá,ov'Ta, O'íCT'Tp<¡J Kat f3Ef3apf3apW¡LÉv<¡J' Kat CT'TTWV'Ta, EV X'YJAatCTw aAAf¡Aov, epovat, EYVWV' 'TT'TEpWV yap potf380, OVK aCT'YJ¡Lo, .ryv. 'O' li::" ~ I , I , I €V V, OE UEtCTa, E¡L'TTVPWV EYEV0¡L'YJ V f3W¡LOtCTt 'TTa¡LepAÉK'TOtCTW' EK 8e OV¡Lá'TWV "HA' E/\a¡L'TTEV, ~\ ' \ \, E'TTt " CT'TTOU<¡J " ~ 'T'atCT'TO, OVK a/\/\ ¡Lv8WCTa K'YJKt, ¡L'YJpíwv E'Tf¡KE'TO 94 That is why you steered the ship of this city straight. CREaN KPEfiN 995 In the past I have not been used to depart !Tom your counsel. What is the matter! Your way of speaking frightens me! TIRES lAS You shaIlleam, when you hear the indicátions of my art! As I took my place on myancient seat for observing birds, where I can mark every bird of omen, I heard a strange sound among them, since they were screeching with dire, incoherent frenzy; and I knew that they were tearing each other with bloody claws, for there was a whirring of wings that made it clear. At once I was alarmed, and attempted bumt sacrifice at the altar where I kindled fire; but the fire god raised no f1ame from my offerings. Over the lOOll5pvdJa< Blaydes: opvíOwv codd. 95 I, , SOPHOCLES 1010 1015 1020 1025 ~"'A. KaVE7TTVE, " KaTV,/,E KaL" p,ETapCTtOL \ 'OLEa-7TEtPOVTO, '''' ~ X0l'aL KaL, KaTappVEt'> p,7JpOt KaAv7T77j,> €eÉKEtVTO 7Ttp,EAfj,>. ~ '=" ~'="" ' TOLaVTa 7TaWO,> TOVO Ep,aV Oavov 7Tapa Á"O"LVOVT·"aa-7Jp,wv , ) I I '/' opytWv p,aVTEVp,aTa. €p,ot yap oi:!To,> r,YEP,WV, áA,AOL'> S' €yw. Kat TaVTa Tfj,> a-fj,> €K epPEVO'> v9a-ú 7T6AL'>. f3wp,Ot yap r,p,'iv €a-xápaL TE 7TavTEAE'i,> 7TA..f¡pEL'> V7T' olwvwv TE Kat KVVWV f3opa.S "', ~ O''='' , TOV~ OVa-p,OPOV 7TE7TTWTO,> LOL7TOV yOVOV. .. , OV,"', ''=' \ ' ETt " Kq.T OEXOVTaL OVa-TaOa,> "'Ta,> OEOt 7Tap' r,p,WV ovSe p,7Jpíwv epA6ya, ovS' OPVL'> EVa-..f¡p,OV'> a7ToppoLf3SE'i f3oá,> , avSpoep06pov f3Ef3PWT€'> afp,aTO'> Aí7TO'>. "")'-;I Á..' 'O' , TaVT OVV, TEKVOV, ,/,POV7Ja-OV. av PW7TOLa-L yap 1"\"" " Ea-Tt TOV~ 'e. ap,apTaVELV' ' TOL'> 7Taa-L KOLVOV E1T€t S' á¡LápTTJ, K€'iVO~ OVKÉr' ECT'T' avi¡p \ ''='''' \f3o,>, oa-Tt'> ., , KaKOV , a"f3 ovI'o,> OVo avol' E'> 7TEa-WV aKEtTaL P,7JO aKtv7JTo,> 7TEI'Et. "" TOL a-KaLoT7JT " 'Á,,\ ' av'O aota o,/,,,,a-KaVEt. ,\\,.. '\ \' al'I' EtKE Te¡>~ O' aVOVTt, P,7JO"', ol'WI'oTa , , ,al'K7J \ " TOV OavoVT E7TLKTaVEW; KEVTEt. Tt'> EÚ a-OL eppov..f¡a-a,> eú AÉyW' TO p,avOávEtv S' iíSLa-TOV EÚ AÉYOVTO'>, El KÉpSO'> AÉYOL. Aged man, all of you shoot at me like archers aiming at a target, and 1 am not unscathed by your prophetic art; long KPEl1N .. 'f3 ' W 7TpEa- V, 7TaVTE'> Wa-TE TO~e'OTaL a-K07TOV,. . TOeEVET' dvSpo,> TOVSE, KovSe t p,aVTtKfj,> áTPWTO'> vp,'iv Eip,L' TWV S' V7Tat yÉvov,>t del. Reeve, 1021-22 Paley; fortasse lacuna post 1021 statuenda est 1034 KO"?;' €K ¡.taVTLK';¡~ Wecklein 1035 áTpWTO~ Pallis: á7TpaKTo~ codd. , 1030 , 1'\ ~, ) I /\ I Q 1035 ANTIGONE 96 " . ashes a dank slime oozed from the thigh bones, smoked and sputtered; the gall was sprayed high into the air, and the thighs, streaming with liquid, lay bare of the fat that had concealed them. Such was the ruin of the prophetic rites by which 1vainly sought a sign, as 1 learned from this boy; for he guides me, as 1 guide others. And it is your will that has put this plague upon the city; for our altars and our braziers, one and all, are filled with carrion brought by birds and dogs from the unhappy son of Oedipus who fell. And the gods are no longer accepting the prayers that accompany sacrifice or the flame that consumes the thigh bones, and the cries screamed out by the birds no longer give me signs ... for they have eaten fat compounded with a dead man's blood. Think upon this, my son! All men are liable to make mistakes; and when aman does this, he who after getting into trouble tries to repair the damage and does not remain immovable is not foolish or miserable. Obstinacy lays you open to the charge of blundering. Give way to the dead man, and do not continue to stab him as he lies dead! What is the bravery of killing a dead man oVer again? 1 am well disposed to you, and my advice is good; and it is a pleasure to learn from a good adviser, if his advice brings profit. '" CREaN 1021 97 ------------1' ... ¡ 1 SOPHOCLES E~-r¡¡L'11"ÓA-r¡¡LUt Ko'K'11"Eef>ÓpnlT¡LUt '11"áAUt. KEpSuíVET', E¡L'11"OAB.TE To''11"O :z,ápSEWV 1¡AEKTpoV, El j3ovAElT(JE, Kut TOV 'IVStKOV ,1;J.~""" ;>, Kpv'f'ETE, .. ~,~ xpVlTov' TU'f'l¡! o EKEWOV ovxt ;>~, '\. ., Ot~ -r¡vo, UtETOt' Q , OVo Et (J EJ\OVlT tJopuv ef>ÉpEW VtV áp'11"á'ovrE' E, tlto, (Jpépov,' o{,S' &, ¡LíUlT¡LU TOUTO ¡Li'¡ TpÉlTU, .1'Yw , 1,.., 'i" d (J U'11"TEtV '11"Up-r¡lTW KEtVOV' EV 'YUP Oto on ' ¡LtUWEW , ~ , (J' (J EOV, ovn, uv PW'11"WV lT(J'EVEt. , '> 'YEpUtE'T EtpElTtU, '() ~ '11"t'11"TOVlTt o"" , W tJpOTWV xol '11"OAAa SEWOt '11"T(rl¡LaT' u'ílTXP', OTaV AÓ'Y0V, ullTXPov, KUAW, AÉ'YWlTt 7"OU KÉpSOV, Xápw. ,1 1040 , z ' ;> 'S'~, 1045 ANTIGONE since I have been sold and exported by your tribe! Make your profits, import electrum from Sardis if you wish, and gold from India! But you shall not hide him in the grave, even ¡f Zeus' eagles should snatch the body and bear the carrion up to their master's throne! Not even then shall I take fright at this pollution and allow him to be buried; for I well know that no mortals have power to pollute the gods. And even men who are elever at many things fal! shamefully, aged Tiresias, when they skilfully speak shameful words in the pursuit of gain! TIRESIAS Alack! Does any man know, does any man understandCREüN What thing? What is this general statement you are making? TEIPE$IA$ ef>EU' TIRESIAS o.p' OiSEV av(Jpómwv n" o.pu ef>pá'ETat- How much the best ofall possessions is good counsel! KPEDN Tí xpij¡Lu;'11"o'iov TOUTO '11"á'YKOtVOV AÉ'YEt,; TEIPE$IA$ 1050 Ó(T~ KpáTt(TTOV KTY¡fLá'TWV CREüN Just as much, I think, as foolishness is the greatest plague. TIRESIAS E"uf3ov"Ata; But that is the malady from which you suffer! KPEDN OlTl¡!'11"Ep, oi¡Lut, ¡Li'¡ ef>povE'iv '11"AEílTT-r¡ j3Aáj3-r¡. CREüN I do not wish to reply rudely to the prophet. TEIPE$IA$ Tav7"'YJ, a-V ¡LÉVTOt Tij, VÓlTOV '11"A~p-r¡, Éef>v,. TIRES lAS Yet you speak rudely, saying that my prophecies are false. KPEDN 1037 T(i.TrQ Blaydes: TU. lI"pO L in linea: TOP lI"pO L s.l., Aa Zo TEIPE$IA$ KUt ¡Li'¡v AÉ'YEt" tf¡EVSij ¡LE (JElT'11"í'EW AÉ'YWV. 98 99 T SOPHOCLES KPEUN 1055 CREaN 'TO p,aVTtKOV yap 1TaV efnAápyvpov ylivo<;. 8' afl 'Tvpávvwv alaXPOKlipoEtav efnAú:. o.p' oTaOa rayov<; ovra<; oil<; "'liYE}<; Aliywv; oTo'- Et Ep,OV yap njvO' ÉXEL<; awaa<; 1TÓAW. KPEUN A.' av" p,avTt<;, a""a ' \ \ ' 'TaOLKEtV ," ~ A. ~ ao'f'o<; 'f'LAWV. TEIPE$IA$ opaEt<; p,E 'TaKívr¡ra OLa c/>PEVWV c/>pámu. Yes; fo! it is through me that you saved this city. CREaN You are a skilful prophet, but given to dishonesty. TIRESIAS You will provoke me into telling you things that should not be dug up! CREaN KPEUN OE p,7¡ Do you know that those whom you rebuke have power? TIRESIAS TEIPE$IA$ KívEt, p,óvov Rulers, also, are prone to be corrupto CREaN KPEUN 1060 Yes, all you prophets are an avaricious race. TIRESIAS TEIPE$IA$ 'TO ANTlGONE Do so, only do not speak for the sake ofprofit! '1TL KlipOEaw AÉywV. TIRESIAS TEIPE$IA$ That is what you already think 1 do. OV'TW yap '¡¡Sr¡ KaL OOKW 'TO aov p,Épo<;. CREaN KPEUN w<; p,7¡ 'p,1Tok/¡awv '[aOL 'T7¡v Ep,7¡V rPpÉva. TIRESIAS TEIPE$IA$ 1065 aAA' EfI yÉ 'TOL KánaOL p,7¡ 1TOAAOV<; É'TL 'TPÓxov<; áp,LAAr¡T7¡pa<; 7¡Aíov 'TEAWV, ~ EV OLaL 'TWV awv av'To<; EK a1T"ayxvwv Eva ) ,.., ,..., ") \' d VÉKVV VEKpWV afLoLf3ov UV'TtOovS" Ét:TTl, ave' 6JV EXEl8 JLev TW1J avw f3a'AÚJv KáTW, 1056 8' aiJ Hartung: 8' ¿K codd. 100 Know that you will never be able to trade on my judgment! Then know well that you shall not accomplish many racing courses of the sun, and in that lapse of time you shall give in exchange for corpses the corpse of one from your own loins, in retum for having hurled below one of those 1057 0;)<; Kapsomenos: O- SVR: O-V cett. t/J'I'fL<; Wecklein: AÉYfL<; codd. 1065 T¡Aiov TEAWV] ijAWV TEAEív C. Winckehnann 101 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ANTlGONE SOPHOCLES 1070 .1.....' , , ,J... , 'l'vX'fJV y ," anp.w<; EV 'Ta'f'ce Ka'TOtKUTa<;, 'O ao "", av'l' OEWV ~ EXH<; OE,~ 'TWV Ka'TW OEV EV " , , , ap.OtpOV, aK'TEpUT'TOV, avoenov VEKVV. ~"" " 'TOt<; ..... " WV OV'TE eTOt P.E'TEeT'TW OV'TE avw H '" aboye, blasphemously lodging a living person in a tomb, and you have kept here something belonging to the gods below, a corpse deprived, unburied, unholy. Neither you nor the gods aboye have any part in this, but you have inHicted it upon them! On account of this there lie in wait for you the doers of outrage who in the end destroy, the Erinyes of Hades and the gods, so that you will be caught up in these same evils. Consider whether 1 tell you this because 1 have been bribed! For after no long lapse of time there shall be lamentations of men and women in your house; and all the cities are stirred up by enmity ... (corpses) of which fragments have been consecrated by dogs or beasts, or some winged bird, carrying the unholy scent to the city with its hearths. These are the arrows which like an archer, since you provoke me, 1 have shot in anger at your heart, sure arrows, whose sting you will not escape. Boy, lead me home, so that this man may discharge his anger against younger persons, and may leam to keep his tongue quieter and his mind more sensible than the intelligence he has at present! , ~, ~ ,\\" al\1\ OeOLUtV, 1075 lOSO "" €K C]"OV~f3'r tasoVTat raoE. 'TotÍ'TWV eTE Awf3'fJ'Ti¡PE<; VeT'TEp.Oc/>0ÓPOt AoXilleTW v AtoOV Ka. OEillv 'EpwtÍ~<;, EV 'TOteTW aV'Tot<; 'TOteTOE A'fJc/>Oijvat KaKOt<;. Ka. 'TaíJ'T' áOp'fJeTOV El Ka'T'fJpyvpwp.Évo<; AEyW· c/>aVEt yo.p ov p.aKpov Xpóvov 'Tptf3T¡ avopillv yvvatKillv eTot<; oóP.Ot<; KWKtÍp.a'Ta. EXOpq. 1TaeTat<TVv'TapáeTeTov'Tat 1TÓAEt<; oe * lOS5 * * * * ~ , ,~\, OeTWV eT1Tapayp.a'T 'fJ KVVE<; Ka O' 'fJyVteTav ~ Oi¡PE<;, 1í n<; 1T'T'fJVO<; olwvó<;, c/>ÉpWV " ' " EeT'TWVXOV e.....' '\ aVOeTtOV OeTP.'fJV E<; 1TOMV. 'Totav'Tá eTOt, AV1TEt<; yáp, WeT'TE 'TOeÓ'T'fJ<; &c/>i¡Ka OVp.i¡l Kapoía<; 'TOeEtÍp.am f3Éf3aw., 'TillV OáA1TO<; ovx V1TEKopap.f¡. éfi 1Tat, <Ti> O' i¡p.a<; á1TaYE 1TPO<; OÓP.OV<;, rva 'TOV OVP.OV o-o'TO<; E<; VEW'TÉpOV<; ac/>f¡, Ka. yv.¡J 'TpÉc/>HV 'TT¡v YAilleTeTav i¡<TVxat'TÉpav , ,.."" .... ,J... ..... '? ..... A-.' 'TO" VOVV 'T ap.Eww 'TWV 'f'pEVWV wv vvv 'f'EpH. ero 1090 XOPO$ f3'f3 <;, 'O EeT1TteTa<;. ' E 'fJKE oEtVa E1TteT'Táp.EeTOa o', Ee O'TOV AEVKT¡V EYW , <;," \' '.J. f3 '\\ , 'T'fJvo EK p.E"atlJ'fJ<; ap.'f't a""op.at 'Tptxa, " ..'l'EVOO<; Ir ..... ~ ' . 1TOMV ' \ . "aKEtV. \ ..... p.'fJ" 1TW 1T0'T" aV'TOV E<; " " 1: av'fJp, ava~, 102 Exit TIRE8IA8. CHORUS I The man is gone, king, after uttering a fearful prophecy; and 1 know that since this hair, once black, now white, has clothed my head, he has never spoken a falsehood to the city. Dawe: 'r' codd. 1080 i!XOpq. Reiske: EX Opa, eodd post hune versum laeunam statuit U-J.: lOSo-S3 del. A. Jaeob 10S3,,6Aw] "6Ao,, Nauek 1084 CTOL ZiZe: CTOV eett. 1090 Ji" Brunek: 7} codd. 1069 ,,/' 103 r SOPHOCLES KPEfiN 1095 )'" ,1.. , eyvwKa KaVTO, Kat Tapa(nTop.at 'f'pEva,' ~ , , , e"" , c;:. " , TO T EtKa EtV yap OEtVOV, aVTUTTaVTa oE ~, e ' , I\tVf¡l \' 7Tapa. , "ATr¡, 7TaTas ,{;at VP.OV EV Sá', 7Tat MWOtKÉdl" t Aaf3Etvt. KPEllN I '" ~ '" ~ .i.. 'r ' Tt, or¡Ta Xpr¡, opav; 'f'pasE" 7TEuT0p.at o"""EYW, XOPO~ 1100 '\e"WV El' " EK KaTWpvxo, I I KOpr¡V P.EV U"TEyr¡, ,,/ , ~''"' 1 CREON I 1 know it myself, and my mind is disturbed! For to yield would be terrible, but if 1 resist, my wiIl may run into tbe fowler's net of disaster. CHORUS XOPO~ Evf3ovAía, ANTIGONE You have need of good counsel, son of Menoeceus! CREON What must 1 do? TeIl me, and 1wiIl obey! CHORUS CO and release tbe girl from tbe subterranean dwelling, and make a tomb for him who lies tbere! I.J. CREON aVE" KTtU"OV OE Tf¡l 7TpOKEtP.EVf¡l Ta'f'0V. KPEllN Kat TaVT' E7TatVEt, Kat SOKEt 7TapEtKaeEtV; 15 tbat what you approve, and do you tbink 1 should give way? CHORUS XOPO~ OU"OV y', ávag, TáXtU"Ta' a-vVTÉP.VOVU"t yap As soon as possible, king! Swift avengers from the gods cut off tbose who tbink mistakenly. eEiJv 7TOSWKEt, TOV, KaKóePpova, BAáf3at. KPEllN 1105 "" "', ES,{;,tU"Tap.at " '\ ' KapOta, o OtP.ot· P.0l\t, P.EV, TO Spav' aváYKYI S' oVxt Go, tben, and do it, and do not leave it to otbers! '" ~ VVV Tao '''', El' '\e'WV p.r¡o"', E7T , , al\l\otU"tV "\ \ ' opa TpE7TE. KPEllN 'é'~, t: 3/ " " " / wo W, EXW U"TEtXOtP. av' tT , "tT " o7TaovE" d ", of", 1110 , ~ opp.aU" 104 CHORUS SvU"p.axr¡TÉov. XOPO~ Ot T OVTE, Ot T a7TovTE" CREON Alack! It comes hard, but 1 renounce my heart's purpose, and shaIl act! One cannot fight against superior force. '(;1 as tVa, '" XEPOtV e' EI\OVTE, (\ ' Et,"','. ' E7T0'l'toV T07TOV. CREON 1 wiIl go, just as 1 ami Come, come, my servants, present and absent, take picks in your hands and rush to tbe 1097 "AT1I~ ... A.ív<¡> Ll.-J.: "ATTI ... OEtv'¡¡ codd. A.a{3€'iv IV: A.aX€'iv Zf: KpÉov saZot, K in marg.: Rauchenstein 1102 oOKi¡ Rauchenstein: OOKii~ codd. 1098 . Ta vvv 105 r I I, SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE I ground that you can see! Since my decision has been thus reversed, 1who imprisoned her shal! myselfbe present to release her! 1 am afraid that it is best to end one's life in obedience to the established laws! €Yed 8', €7TEt8T¡ 8óta 'l"ii8' €7TECT'l"pác/Y1/, " , 'f~ . '\ ' \ ' \. (Tonal, av'l"O~ 'l" Evr¡CTa Kat 7Tapwv EKAV r . 8É8otKa yo,p fLT¡ 'l"OV~ Ka(JECT'l"W'l"a~ v6fLov~ áPUT'TOV Ti crc{l'ovraTov f3íov TEAEtV. I Exit CREON. XOPO$ 1115 7TOAvwvvfLE, Ka8fLEía~ vVfLef>a~ ayaAfLa Kat !.l.tO~ f3apvf3pEfLÉ'l"a yÉvor;; ,KAvrav 1120 CT'l"p. a CHORUS I You who have many names, pride of the Cadmean bridea and child of Zeus the IOlld-thunderer, you who rule famous Italy, and lord it in the hol!ows of Demeter of Eleusis, open to al!, Bacchic god, who live in the mother city of the Bacchants, Thebes, by the watery Ilow of Ismenus, near to the seed of the savage dragon! Upon you looks the fiery llame of pitch beyond the rock with double peak, where waIk the C06'cian Bacchic nymphs, and where is the Castalian spring. And the ivycovered slopes of the hills of Nysa and the green coast with many grapes send you here, while voices divine cry "euhoe," as you visit the streets ofThebes. I oS' cL/LepÉTtEIS 'haAíav, fLÉ8Et~ 8E , 'E\A€VCTt1Jta~ ' 7TaYKOt1JOt~ !.l.r¡ov~ €V K6A7TOt~, éiJ BaKXEv, BaKXav fLa'l"p67TOAtV 81¡f3av "" ,( VatE'l"WV 7Tap vypov '!CTfLr¡vov pÉE(JpOV, aypíov 'l"' '\ 1125 1130 1135 €7Tt CT7TOpq. 8páKOV'l"O~. CTE 8' lJ1TEp 8tA6ef>ov 7TÉ'l"pa~ , .1. ~ CT'l"EpO,!, 07TW7TE AtYVV~, í!v(Ja KwpvKtat CT'l"EíXOVCTt NVfLef>at BaKxí8E~ KaCT'l"aAía~ 'l"E vafLa. ' " Kat, CTE N VCTatWV OpEWV , ~(J \ ", KtCTCTr¡pEt~ 0X at XAwpa 'l" aK'l"o' 7TOAVCT'l"áef>VAO~ 7TÉfL7TEt , Q I , I afLf-'pO'Twv E7TEWV Eva'6v'l"wv 8r¡f3ata~ , .... " I E7TtCTK07TOVV'l" aYVta~. 106 , .aV'l". a ... I a SemeJe. daughter of Cadmus, king of Thebes, was the mother of Dionysus. b During the winter mouths, when Apollo was with the Hyperboreans, bis brother Dionysus occupied his shrine at DeJpbi. 1123 vate7"wv Dindorf: vaíwv codd. €7reráv Pallis 1134 E7TÉWV] 107 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE '\, .... .... TaV EK 1TaU"aV Tt¡Lq-<; U"Tp. (3' \J1TEpTáTaV 1TÓA.EWV , ¡LaTpt" lTlJV KEpaVVtq-' 1140 ~, 1"\ ( VVV o ,W<; / (3 tata<; , EXETat " c;:. '\ , ~, 1TaVOa¡LO<; 1TOAt<; E1Tt VOU"OV, ¡LoA.e'iv Ka(}apU"íl¡l 1To8t IIapvaU"íav 1145 ~ V1TEp KA.EtrUV ,'\...., U"TOVÓEVm ;'Op(}p,ÓV. I tW 1TVP 1TVEOVTWV , -, " xopay aU"TpWV, , aVT. , (3' VVXtWV Her do you honour aboye al! cities, together with your mother, victim of the Iightning; and now, since the whole city is gripped by the assault of plague, come with cleansing movement over the slope of Parnassus, or the resounding strait! Hail, leader of the dance of the stars breathing fire, master of the voices heard by night, son of Zeus, appear, king, with your attendant Thyiads,a who in their frenzy dance al! night in honour of their lord Iacchus!b Enter MESSENGER. c/>(}eY¡LáTwv E1TíU"K01TE, MESSENGER ZT/VO<; yÉVE(}A.OV, 1Tpoc/>ávT/()', 1150 Jivat, U"aL., á¡La 1TEPt1TÓA.ot<; ' e vtaU"tV, q , , at U"E ¡LaWO¡LEVat 1TavvvXOt , '\ , XOPEVOVU"t TOV Ta¡LtaV "1 aKXov. ArrEAO! 1155 Ká8¡LoV 1TápotKOt Kat 8ó¡Lwv ' A¡Lc/>íovo<;, , EU" ~ ()' ( . . U"TaVT . " 'av \ 'av()' OVK 01TOtOV PW1TOV OVT' alvÉU"uLfL' (3'toV al' OVTE fLE1J't/Jaíp:r]v 'TrOTÉ. nJXT/ yap 0p(}OL Kat TVXT/ KamppÉ1TEt rol' eUTVxoVVTU TÓV TE 8VeTTVXOVVT' aEí· 1160 '\ I ,~'\.... () , Kat ¡LaVTt<; OVOEt<; TWV Ka EU"TWTWV (3POTOt<; . ~ KpÉwv yap 7jv 'T/A.WTÓ<;, W<; E¡Loí, 1TOTÉ, , " U"wU"a<; ¡LEV ~ EX ()pWV '''' TT/VOE K"" aO¡LEtaV X()' ova, Neighbours of Cadmus and the house of Amphion,e there is no state of human life that 1 would praise or blame as though it had come to a stop; for fortune makes straight and fortune brings down the fortunate or the unfortunate man at al! times, and no prophet can tel! mortals what is ordained. Why, Creon once was enviable, as it seemed to me; he had saved this Cadmean land from enemies, had acquired the all-powerful kingship of the land, and was guiding it, happy with a noble brood of children. a Maenads. name of a deity invoked dUring the Eleusinian Mysteries, in al! probability identical with Dionysus. eWith his brother Zethus Amphion was the legendary bnilder of the wal!s ofThebes. b The A.a(3wv TE xwpa<; 1TavTEA.fj ¡Lovapxíav ' ~, ~ T/V"()VVE, (}'\\ aAAWV EVYEVEt TEKVWV U"1TOpq-' 1149 post €7TícrK07TE add. 7Ta'i codd., del. Schubert Zr¡vo~ Bothe: tlt,>< codd.: tl'iov Seyffert 7Tpoq,ávr¡O' &vat Bergk: 7Tpoq,ávr¡Ot vatía<> codd. 108 109 r , SOPHOCLES 1165 , '"' ~Á-.'" ,,~~, I Kat vvV a'l'HTat 'TraVTa. Kat 'lOop r¡oovat OTaV 'Trpo8waw av8p6<;, ov Tí()r¡¡L' E7 '';¡v TOVTOV, aAA' E¡LtJmXOV 7¡7ov¡Lat VEKp6v. 'TrAOVTEt TE 7ap KM' OiKOV, EL j30VA7J, ¡LÉ7a, Ka. TVP(WVOV ax';¡¡L' EXWV, EaV 8' a'Trf¡ TOVTWV TO xaípHv, Ta),X E7@ Ka'TrVOV CTKtn<; OVK fiv 'Trptaí¡Lr¡v av8p' 'Trpo<; T7¡vH¡8wrív. w ,.;¡ 1170 XOPO$ 8' ai) T68' áX()o<; j3aCTtAÉwv 7íKH<; cPÉpwv; Tí TE()vnCTw oí 8E 'WVTE<; a'ínot ()aVEtv. I ° ° KH¡LEVO<;; J\E7E. I~, n<; 'l'0VEVH; n<; ~ I \ I ArrEAO$ 1175 A'í¡Lwv OAWAEV' aVT6XHp 1.\" I aVTov, 7TaTpt JL'YJvíCTac; cPóvov. XOPO$ e" ' ()' ~ W ¡Lavn, TOV'TrO<; w<; ap , op ov r¡VVCTa<;. r,' I " ArrEAO$ ÚJ<; And who is the murderer? and who lies low? ·TeH me! MESSENGER CHORUS I XEP0<;; ArrEAO$ aVTO~ 7TpOC; MESSENGER Was it by his father's hand or by his own? XOPO$ I But what is this new burden for the princes that you come bringing? Haemon is dead; and his own hand has shed his blood. a 8' aí¡LáCTCTETat. 'TrOTEpa 'TraTpepa<;, r¡ 'Trpo<; OtKEta<; CHORUS CHORUS XOPO$ "Á-,. . And now all has been let go; for when a man's pleasures have abandoned him, 1 do not consider him a living being, but an animated corpse. Enjoy great wealth in your house, if you wiH, and live in royal style; but if you take no delight in these things, 1 would not purchase aH the rest for the shadow of smoke, compared with pleasure. They are dead! And those who are alive are guilty of their deaths! ArrEAO$ Kat ANTlGONE MESSENGER He died at bis own hand, in anger against his father for the murder he committed. CHORUS Prophet, how true, then, was your word! MESSENGER You may take counsel in the knowledge that this is so. 6)8' EX6vTWV TaAAa j30VA.EVEtV 'Trápa. Ka, yap "¡8ova, Seyffert: 1"0." yo.p "¡8ovo." codd. 1166 áv8p6,,] av8pa" Zot: av8pa Eustathius 1165 no a An untranslatable pun; the name Haemon resembles the Greek word for blood. In r SOPROCLES ANTlGONE CHORUS XOPO$ 1180 Kat ¡Li¡v ópw 'TáAaWaV EvpvoíWflV Ó¡LOV oá¡Lapm 'Ti¡v KpÉov'To<;' .1K ií'TOt KAvoiJ<Ta 1TatOo<; OE oúJ¡Lá'TúJv .¡¡ roXy/1TEpfi:. Enter EURYDlCE. ETPTaIKH 6l1Táv'TE<; a<T'Toí, 'TWV AóyúJv .1~y/<TOÓ¡Lr¡v 1TpO<; ¡[tooov <T'TEíxov<Ta, IlaAAáo¿<; OEá<; 1185 d c./ I " 01TúJ<; tKOt¡Lr¡V EVY¡La'TúJV 1TpO<Tr¡yopo<;. Kat 'TVYXQ.VúJ 'TE KAiiOp' aVa<T1Ta<T'TOV 1T1JAr¡<; xaAW<Ta, Kaí ¡LE </>OóyyO<; OlKEÍOV KaKOV a '\\ ~,,' ,,~, \' l-'all.lI.Et Ot úJ'TúJ)J" V1T'Tta DE KII.WO¡Lat OEí<Ta<Ta 1TpO<; O¡LúJa'i<Tt Ka1T01TA"Í<T<TO¡Lat. 1190 ) \ \, d ';' c""'O " all.lI. O<T'Tt<; r¡V O ¡LV 0<; av90t<; Et1Ta'TE' ..... , ", Now 1 see the unhappy Eurydice close by, Creon's wife; she is eoming from the house, perhaps beeause she has heard about her son. EURYDICE All you citizens, 1 heard the news as 1 was about to Ieave the house so as to go to address prayers to the goddess Pallas; and 1 ehaneed to be Ioosening the boIt of the gate to open it when the aeeent of disaster in the house struek my ears, and in terror 1 fell baek into the arms of my servants, and was struek dumb. But whatever the news was, tell it again! For you wi1l have a listener not without experienee of disaster. '9,)/ MESSENGER KaKúJV yap OVK a1TEtpO<; OV<T aKOV<T0¡Lat. ArrEAO$ , I •.1...'\ I " , '"' EYúJ, o/tll.r¡ DE<T1TOWa, Kat 1TapúJV EpúJ, ~ KO-VOEV 1TaP"Í<TúJ rY¡<; aAr¡OEÍa<; E1TO<;. 1195 'Tí yáp <TE ¡LaAOá<T<Tot¡L' i'iv 6lV .1<; V<T'TEpOV '\ 'O Et ' aEt. , , Op O'OV all.r¡ ,l. ~ cJ. 'O" ; 'j'EV<T'Tat o/aVOV¡LE EYW OE <Tf¡J 1ToDayo<; €<T1TÓ¡Lr¡V 1TÓ<TEt c;:." "" " O' EKEt'TO " \ ' 1TEDtQV E1T aKpov, EV vr¡II.EE<; , ~ KVVO<T1TapaK'TOV <TúJ¡La I Kat" 'TOV ¡LEV, 1200 Il\ ' " OIl.VVEtKOV<; E'Tt' ,~/ O' at'Tr¡<TaV'TE<; EVOotaV EOV " IlAOV'TúJvá 'T' opya<; EV¡LEVet<; Ka'Ta<TXEOetV, \' e 1 was there, dear mistress, and will tell you, and 1 sball suppress no word of the truth. For why shouId 1 try to soothe you with words whieh willIater brand me as a liar? Truth is aIways best. 1 aeeompanied your husband on foot to the edge of the plain, where the unpitied eorpse of PoIyniees stillIay, tom by the dogs. Praying the goddess of the erossway" and PIuto to restrain their wrath in merey, we washed it with puriJ'ying water, and among newIy uprooted bushes bumed what was Ieft. And we heaped up a taIl burlaI mound of our own earth, and after '\ )" a Recate. I II.OV<TaV'TE<; ayvov II.OV'TPOV, EV VEO<T1Ta<TW OaAAo'i<; ti oi¡ 'AÉAEt1T'TO <TVYKa'Ti/OO¡LEV, 1182 '11"Epq, Brunck: '11"ápa codd. Kat 'TV¡L(3ov OpOÓKpaVOV olKEÍa<; XOOVO<; 112 113 ANTlGONE SOPHOCLES xwa-aVTE'> ulJOt'> 7TpO'> AtOÓCTTpWTOV KÓPT/'> 1205 -1-" "A. toOV '" KOtAOV "\ ' Q' VVfL'f'EWV EUJEfJuwofLEV. o' á7TWOEV opOíwv KWKVfLáTWV ePwvij,> \ ' , / , ,e;:. Á..' KAVEt Tt'> UKTEPUTTOV UfL'f't 7TuaTUOU, ' · KPEOVTt ' '\ ' Kut''> oEa7TOTn aT/fLuwEt fLOAWV' Te¡¡ O' aOAíu,> áar¡fLU 7TEp,(3g-íVEt (30i¡,> 1210 ep7TOVTt fLánov aaaov, Ol¡Lwtu1 O' E7TO'> tT/at ovaOp-rjVT/TOV, "¿) TáAU'> EYW, Op' ElfLL fLáVTt'>; apu OVaTVXEaTáTT/V '\ O" " 7TUpEA \0 " 'OOWV; '" " KEAev OV Ep7TW TWV ovawv 7TUtOó'>fLE auívEt eP0ÓYYO'>. aAAá, 7TpÓa7TOAOt, 1215 ír' ii<T<TOPWKEí~, Kat rrapaa-7á.vTEf) Tá1>t:p aOp-rjaUT', aYfLov XWfLUTO'> AtOOa7TUOi¡ ~/ ,, " aTOfLtoV, OVVTE'> 7TpO'> UVTO " TOV A"tfLOVO'> Et eP0óyyov CTVvíT/fL', ~ OEOíat KAÉ7TTOfLUt." ',>, E~ 'é 'lL' '> ' \' TUO UUVfLOV oEa7TOTOV KEAEV¡LuatV 1220 r¡OPOVfLEV"EV OE AotaOí(¡J TVfL(3EVfLUTt ". ", /~ TT/V fLEV KpEfLuaTT/v UVXEVO,> KUTEWOfLEV, (3póX(¡J fLtTWOEt awOóvo,> KUOT/fLfLÉvT/V, TOV o' afLePL fLÉaaTl 7TEpt7TETi¡ 7TpoaKEÍfLEvov, EVVi¡,> a7TOtfLW'OVTa Tij,> KáTW eP00pav 1225 , ", that approached the maiden's hollow bridal chamber of death with its stony floor. And we heard sorne way off a voice of loud wailing around the unconsecrated nuptial room, and went to tell our master Creon. As he carne nearer, the indistinct sound of a pitiful cry floated about him, and with a groan he uttered a lamenting word, "O my unhappy self, am 1 a prophet? am 1 travelling on the saddest path of all the ways 1 have come in the past? 1 recognise my son's voicel Come, attendants, swiftly come near, stand by the tomb, and look, entering the gap made by the tearing away of the stones, to see whether 1 know the voice of Haemon, or the gods deceive me!" At these orders from our master in bis desperation we looked upon the scene; and at the bottom of the tomb we saw her hanging by the neck, caught in the woven noose ofa piece of linen, and him lying near, his arms about her waíst, lamenting for the ruin ofhis bride in the world below and the actions of his father and his miserable marriage. But when Creon saw him, with a dreadful groan he carne inside towards him, and with wailing accents called on him: 'Wretch, what a thing you have done! What was in your mind? At what point of disaster did you lose your reason? Come out, my son, 1 beg you as a suppliant!" But his son glared at him with furious eyes, spat in his face, \' "~I KUt 7TUTpO'> EPYU KUt TO ovaTT/VOV AEX0'>. Ó 8' W~ .... XWpEt Ópéj. , 7TpO'> "Ji TAi¡fLov, (TePE, (T'TV'YVOV olp..w~af) É<TúJ '" KUVUKWKVaU,> , \ ..... UVTOV KUAEt· oiov EpyOV EtpyuaUt· Tívu ay!-,ov LI.-J.: áp!-,ov codd. post hunc versum lacunam statuit Hermann 1225 versus forte delendus 1216 1219 vovv EaxE'>; EV Te¡¡ CTVfLePOpá,> OtEeP0ápT/'>; 1230 l: \ 0 ' €, TEKVOV, tK€(TLOf) , , TOV O uyptot,> oaaOtat (1' H ESE/\ ~" 114 ,/ \ ' (TE I\LCYUOp..at. , 7TU7TTT/VU,> ( O " '" 7TUt,> , 115 SOPHOCLES , , , " " , ANTIGONE (;'Á,. AEVKii 77"apHq. cPotvíov CTTaAáYfLaTo<;. KELmt SE VEKpO<; 77"Ept VEKpi¡J, To' VVfLcPtKO, and retuming no answer drew bis two-edged sword. As his father darted back to escape him, he missed him; then the unhappy man, furious with himself, just as he was, pressed himself against the sword and drove it, half its length, into his side. Stillliving, he clasped the maiden in the bend of his feeble arm, and shooting forth a sharp jet of blood, he stained her wbite cheek. He lay, a ·corpse holding a corpse, having acbieved his marriage rites, poor feIlow, in the house of Hades, having shown by how much the worst evil among mortals is bad counseL '\ /\axwv \ ' OEt/\aw<; "'\ "y, "A" "' TE/\r¡ EV toOV OOfLot<;, Exit 77"TVCTa<; 77"POCTW77"C[! KOVOEV aVTH77"WV, S t'V0V<; EAKH St77"AOV<; KVWSOVm<;, .1K S' óPfLwfLÉvoV 77"aTpo<; cPvya'iCTw ~fL77"AaK" 1235 E'W' Ó SVCTfLop0<; aVTi¡J XOAwOEÍ<;, (/)CT77"EP ETX', .177"EvmOEt<; ~pHCTE 77"AEVprii<; fLÉCTCTOV EyxO<; . .1<; S' vypov aYKwv' ET' EfLcPPWV 77"apOÉvc[! qrPOCT77"TVCTCTETat Kat cPVCTtWV o~EÍav EKf3áAAEt PO~VI 1240 EURYDICE. SEí~a<; EV avOpw77"otm T~V af30vAíav )~" I Cf CHORUS I OCTc[! fLEytCTTOV avopt 77"pOCTKHTat KaKov. What do you make of this? The lady has departed, before uttering a good or abad word. XOPO! Tí 1245 'TOV'T' av EiKácrELa¡;; 'ÍJ 'Yvvi¡ 7TáAtV MESSENGER cPpovSr¡, 77"ptV Ei77"ELV ECTOAOV 'Y/ KaKov AÓyOV. AffEAO! " ' E/\77"tCTW '\' OE C::-' 13 OCTKOfLat ' KaVTO<; TEO' afL13r¡K' áXr¡ TÉKVOV KAVOVCTav E<; 77"ó'AtV yóov "1::' '\\'(" " OVK aS tWCTEW, a/\/\ v77"o CTTEyr¡<; ECTW "< 1 too am afraid; but 1 am sustained by hope that after hearing of the SOITOWS of her son she wiIl not demand a lamentation in the city, but will order her servants to mouro a private sorrow in the house, indoors; for she is free from the inexperience in judgment that might lead to error. CHORUS SfLwaL<; 77"poOiÍCTHV 77"ÉvOo<; O'KELOV CTTÉVHV. 1250 YVWfLr¡<; yap OVK á77"HpO<;, (/)CTO' áfLapTávEw. XOPO! OVK oTS', EfLOt S' oÚv 7í T' áyav CTty~ f3apv SOKEL 77"poCTEÍvat xi¡ fLáTr¡V 77"OAAi¡ f3m'¡. 1 do not know; but to me both excessive silence and loud crying to no end seem grievous. MESSENGER Well, we shall know, whether indeed she is not hiding sorne secret purpose in her impassioned heart, by enter- AffEAO! '\\' HCTOfLECT " Oa, a/\/\ fLr¡' Tt , Kat, KaTaCTXETov KPVc/>ii KaAV77"TH Kap8íc¿. OVfLoVp,ÉVn, 116 1241 €V y' Heath: .iv Kat: EV cett. Pearson: y6ov" codd. 1247 y60v 117 ANTlGONE SOPHOCLES 1255 ~/ / 'i" , '$' ing the house. Yes, you are right; excessive silence also has its dangers. \1' vo/wv" 'TTapa(T'rE<XOVrE,>' EV yap OVV I'EYE<,>. Kat ri¡" ayav yáp EO"rí 'TTOV O"<y';¡" {3ápo". Exit MESSENGEF4 andfrom the side enter CREON, carry- XOPO~ , 1260 d~,)( , _ (; 'rt.. " ing the body OfHAEMON. J' Ka< P:Y/V 00 avUo!, avro" 6¡/t¡KH /LVi¡po' E'TTíO""f//WV 8<0. XHP0,> I!xwv, '(J' '1"1 OVK , al'I'orp<av '\\ ' HE/U" H'TTHV, I ar"f/V, d.Í\Í\' aVTC),> á¡Lapnrlv. CHORUS Rere comes the king himself, bearing in his arms an all too clear reminder; jf we may say so, his ruin carne not from others, but from his own error. KPEfiN o"rp. a' <"w q,pEVWV 8vO"cppóvWV á¡LapT'Y'¡¡Lam o"rEpEn BaVarÓEVr', '>' I , ú) K'TaVOVTa~ 1265 TE KUL Bavóvm" {3Í\É'TTOVrE,> E¡LepvÍ\íov". w¡L0< E¡LWV avoÍ\{3a {3ovÍ\€V¡Lárwv. lIé' I <w 'TTa<, VEO'> VEq> S VV /-tOpq>, " Woe for the errors of my mistaken mind, obstinate and fraught with death! You look on kindred that have done and suffered murder! Alas for the disaster caused by my decisions! Ah, my son, young and newly dead, alas, alas, you died, you were cut off, through my folly, not through yourown! CHORUS 1"1 Alas, you seem to have seen justice onIy late! alaí ala'i, ... l!(JavE", U'TTEÍ\vB"f/'> , E¡La'i" OV8€ O"a'iO"< 8vO"{3ovÍ\ía<". XOPO~ 1270 CREON ot¡L' W" EO<Ka" o¡fJ€ r7¡v 8íK"f/V l8E'iV. KPEfiN CREON Alas, 1 have leamed, unhappy as 1 am; then it was, then, that a god bearing a great weight struck my head, and hurled me into ways of cruelty, overthrowing my joy so that it was trodden under foot! Ah, ah, woe for the sad troubles of men! # 0<¡L0<, EXW ¡LaBwv 8EíAatO"· EV 8' E¡Lii! Kápq. BEO" r6r' apa rórE ¡LE ¡LÉya {3ápo,> EXWV (~I"I E'TTa<O"EV, EV O~'"EO"HO"EV ayp<a<" oVO<", " \I'aK'TTar"f/rov ' "aVrpE'TTWV xapav. 0<¡L0< cpéJ q,EV, lw 'TT6vo< {3porwv 8vO"'TTovo<. " 1275 , 1273 P.E hue traiecit Meineke: post f3ápo, praebent eodd. 1275 'l\o.K'rrá'T"1Tov ] A€W1Tá'T'Yl'rDV a " I 118 119 ! SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE ArrEAO$ '5' ~, W OEa-7rO ()' ( 31 ,W~ " EXWV 7"E Ka, Enter MESSENGER. I KEK7"r¡fLEVO~, 1280 ,/ EO'Ka~ MESSENGER My lord, you carry this sorrow in your arms with full o' EV 06fLO'~ 7"0. fL€V 7rPO XHpWV 7"áOE cPÉpH~, 7"0. ~ () , r¡KHV Ka''" 7"ax '3'.'. 0'l'Ea- a, KaKa. rights of ownership, and it seems that soon you will enter and see other sorrows in the house. KPEUN ~, I o 'Tt " €CTTtV '5" , av CREON "", KaKtoV EK KaKWV €Tt; What is there that is yet more evil, coming after evils? ArrEAO$ I YVV~ 7"É(}Vr¡KE, '" ova-Tr¡vo~, KPEUN , aV7". a 'W, lw ova-Kó.(}ap7"O~ n • A,oov 'A.'fL"ÍV, "'\' I,~ OAEKH~; fL apa n fL Ji KaKó.YYEÚÓ. fLo, 7rp07rÉfLt/Ja~ áXr¡, 7"iva (}poe'i~ 'A.6yov; , '" '\ \"" ~ "l:. I aw" OAWA07" avop E7rEc, E'Pyaa-w. n 1290 Your wife is dead, own mother of this dead man, unhappy one, through wounds newly inflicted! ~ , \' apn VE07"0fLo,a-, 7rAr¡YfLaa-w. ,, 185 2 MESSENGER 7"OVOE 7rafLfLT¡7"Wp VEKPOV, , A.. ' "" 7ra', n 'l'r¡~, I~, o '5' \ I CREON I Woe, woe, all-receiving Hades, never to be appeased, why, why do you destroy me? You who convey to me the evil news of sorrow, what story do you tell? Alas, you have killed a dead man a second time! What are you saying, boy? What new message of my wife's death, alas, alas, lies upon me, bringing destruction after death? CHORUS I av AEYE<> fLo, VEOV, ala'i aiaí, You can see it! It is no longer hidden indoors. CREON (j~á'Y"ov €1T' oXi.OPlf?, Alas, 1 see this second disaster, miserable one! What fate, yvva'Ketov afLcP'KELa-(}a, fL6pov; what fate still awaits me? 1 held only now my son in my XOPO$ t ..... I '" 0pav 7rapEa-nv· ov yap EV ,..", fLvxo'~ En. KPEUN 1295 " o'fLo" ' ' '7"00 ' ' , aAAO ,'\ \ OEV7"EPOV "', Q\ ' KaKOV t-'AE7rW '" n~ apa, 120 I 7"" fLE ' " 7r07"fLO~ En 1278 E~&:Y'YeÁo< t: á:yyeÁo< Zo: OiKÉrr¡< fere codd. <pÉpe« Brunck: <pÉpow codd. 1281 EK Canter: .;¡ codd. 1279 '\ 7"aAa~. 12891'í S' ai) U.-J.: 'Tíva codd. I 7rEP'fLEVH; 121 SOPHOCLES '3 jI / ANTlGONE )', anns, ah misery, and now 1 see her, a corpse, before me. Ah, ah, unhappy mother, ah, my son! EXW fJ-EV EV XHpEa-CnV apTtW'> TEKVOV, '\ ''', " ' , Tal\.a<;, Tav O EvaVTa 7TpOa-(3\I\.E7TW VEKpOV. 1300 -I..~-I..~ 'll\' ~ -I..~ , MESSENGER 'l'EV 'l'EV fJ-aTEp au I\.ta, 'l'EV TEKVOV. Pierced by the sharp sword . .. near the altar, she ... closed her darkening eyes, after she had lamented the empty marriage bed of Megareus, who died earlier, and again of Haemon, and at the last had cailed down curses upon you, the kiiler of your son. ArrEAO$ H 8' O~V8T/KTO<; -rí8E (3wfJ-ía 7TÉptft * * *~ * * Íl.VEt KEÍl.atva (3Í1.Éef>apa, KWKva-aala ,úv 'll' TOV~ 7TptV uaVOVTO<; aV8t<; 1305 8E Tov8E, M eyapEW<; ' Íl.oía-8wv 8E ' \I\.EX0<;, ' KEVOV CREON a-oL KaKa<; 7Tpá~H<; €ef>vfJ-vf¡a-aa-a Ti¡> 7Tat80KTÓV<p. KPEilN alaZ ala'i, a-Tp. (3' Alas, alas! My mind leaps up with fear! Why has no one struck me to the heart with a two-edged sword? Miserable am 1, alas, and miserable the woe with which 1 am compounded! " Á,./(3 1" , , aVE7TTav '1'0 qJ. Tt fJ- OVK aVTataV E7Tata-Év Tt<; Q.fJ-ef>t8f¡KTqJ ~íef>H; 1310 8EíÍl.aw<; €'lw, ataZ, 8HÍl.aíez, 8E MESSENGER You were reproached by the dead as guilty of those deaths and these. CREON a-V'lKÉKpafJ-at 8vez,. But in what fashion did she meet her bloody end? ArrEAO$ e" W<; atTtaV I"~, I 7TpO<; T';¡<; 8avova-T/<; T';¡a-8' €7TEa-Kf¡7TTOV fJ-ÓpWV. KPEilN ~" MESSENGER " 'lE TWVOE KaKEtvWV EXWV With her own hand she struck herselfbeneath the liver, so that she experienced the suffering ofher son, loudly to be lamented. "..J,. ..... , 1TOtep oE KU1TEJ\VET EJI ~Ovat~ rp01Tq>; I \' ArrEAO$ 1315 7Taía-aa-' vef>' .fj7Tap aVTóXHp aVTf¡v, 07TW<; '" ' ' ' , ,'l1a-UET , II "O~ 1VKWKVTOV :' 'll 7TaWO<; Too 7TaUO<;. 122 1298 T(W o' Postgate: TlÍvo' R: TÚO' L: TÓVO' a "EP' tícf>E< Arndt Iaeunam post hune versum statuit Brunek 1303 KEVOV Seyffert: K/WVOV eodd. AEXO'] Aáxo, Bothe 1310 ala, Erfurdt: </>EÚ </>EÚ eodd. 1313 ¡.tópWV KSt: ¡.tóp<p eett. 1314 Kci7l'E~VE'T' Pearson: Ka:7TEAvU"u'T' codd 1301 ótvOf¡KT<p {3w¡.tia 123 SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE KPEUN ... ~, " ,. ) , "\ \ CREON Q ..... Ah me, this can never be transferred to any other mortal, acquitting me! For it was I that killed you, unhappy one, 1, I speak the truth! Ah! attendants, lead me off at once, lead me out of the way, me who am no more than nothing! wJLOt JLOt, 'Tao OVK €7T aAAOIJ tJP0'TWIJ €Jkii~ áp/Lóu€t 1Tor' ¿g alTía~. " ... lT '" , ,JL€A€O'>, '\ eyw yap , €yw lT '"€KaIJOIJ, W 1320 ".,.1.."" '" 7TPOlT7TOAOt, \ €yw, '('aJL €'TVJLOIJ. tW " "d' ,,, CHORUS ",~, ay€'T€ JL O'Tt 'TaXtlT'T , ay€'T€ JL €K7TOOWIJ, 1325 , , " "'\\ 'TOIJ OVK oIJ'Ta JLaAAOIJ Your counsel is good, if there is any good among troubles; for when one is face to face with troubles, quickest is best! ~; -A 7J fL7Jo€lJa. l XOPO! CREON /~ .... " /~, .... K€P07J 7TapatIJ€t'>, €t 'Tt K€POO'> €IJ KaKot,> o a' " , , , tJpaXtlT'Ta yap Kpa'TtlT'Ta 'TaIJ 7TOlTtIJ KaKa. KPEUN lTúJ íTW, av'T. CHORUS epavrj'Tw JLópWIJ Ó KáAAtlT'T' EXWIJ 1330 That lies in the future; but we must attend to present tasks; the future is a care to those responsible. " ' " 1:1 €JLOt 'T€PJLtaIJ aywIJ aJL€paIJ tI '1" V1TaTO¡;· tTW tTW, CREON 07TW,> JL7JKÉ'T' aJLap aH' €llTí8w. What I desire I have already prayed foro XOPO! .. JLÉAAOIJ'Ta 'Tav'Ta. 'Te;,IJ 7TPOK€tJLÉIJWIJ 'Tt xpT¡ 1335 , '\ . , f3' Let it come, let it come! May it appear, the best of deaths for me, bringing my final day, the best fate of all! Let it come, let it come, so that I may never look upon another day! ""~' d ,/\ 7TpalTlT€tIJ. JL€A€t yap 'TWIJO O'TOtlTt XP7J JL€A€tIJ. CHORUS Utter no prayers now! There is no escape from fated calamity for mortals. KPEUN uH' J,IJ epe;, JLÉIJ, ravra lTVYKa'TTJvtáJLTJIJ. XOPO! , ... ~/ t: , JLTJ 1JVIJ 7TPOlT€VXOV JLTJO€IJ W'> 7T€7TpWJL€IJTJ'> O OVK ElT'Tt {JIJTJ'TOIS lTvJLepopos u7TaHay"Í. Erfurdt: Táxo~ codd. ÉX"'I' Pallís: É",WI' codd. 1322 TliXtlJT' 1329 124 125 li I ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES CREON KPEUN 1340 á:YOtT' al' p.,áratov áv8p' EK7T08wv, ";' ."" " , e, , 0<;, úl 7Tat, <re 'T ovx €KúlV Ka'T€KavOV ~ , , -;- /\ ,~,,, ,~, " <re 'T av 'TaVO , úlfhOt fh€I'€o<;, ovo €Xúl " 7TO'T€POV "~ '" KM \ (J úl' ~, , 7TpO<; Wúl,TrCf 7Tq.V'Ta yap 1345 'AÉxpta 'Tav X€poív, 'Ta 8' €7Tt Kpa'Tí fJ;ot , '" , '\ I TrO'TfhO<; OV<rKofht<r'TO<; H<r'Y}I'a'TO. XOPO! 7T0'A'Ar¡J 'TO eppov€ív €V8atfhOvía<; 7TpW'TOV lJ7TápXH' Xp.ry 8e 'Tá 1" E<; (J€ov<; 1350 fh'Y}8ev a<r€7T'TEÍv- fh€'}'á'Aot8e 'AóYOt Lead me out of the way, useless man that 1 am, who kiHed you, my son, not by my own will, and you here too, ah, miserable one; 1 do not know which to look on, which way to lean; for aH that is in my hands has gone awry, and fate hard to deal with has leapt upon my head. Exeunt CREON and his attendants. CHORUS Good sense is by far the chief part of happiness; and we must not be impious towards the gods. The great words of boasters are always punished with great blows, and as they grow old teach them wisdom. fh€yá'Aa<; 7T'A'Y}ya<; 'TWV lJ7T€pavXúlv , , a7TO'TH<raV'T€<; y~PCf 'TO eppov€ív E8í8atav. W. Seh'd ' llel er: Ka'TEKTavov CQdd • , ", Sel'dler: altráv av.TaVo codd. •. 1343' S'dl dd 'TrpOS' el er: 07Tq. rrpol) ca . 1344 K/..dlw Musgrave: Ka, OW codd. 1345 'Tav Brunck: 'Táll' EV codd. 1340 1341 ' KO¡T€KaVOV 'H ermann: . oS' , <TE ca dd . Q"'€ d 126 , 127
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