e - U-Cursos
e - U-Cursos
OEDIPUS TYRANNUS I T A TOT ap AMA TO~ ,rrpO~nIIA DRAMATIS PERSONAE Oedipus Priest Creon Chorus ofTheban elders Tiresias locaste Messenger Shepherd Second messenger OlSí7TOV<; '1 €pEV<; ' KpÉw1J XOPO<; Y€PÓ1JTW1J 8r¡f3aíw1J Te.p€eTía<; 'loKáeTTr¡ A YY€AO<; 8€pá7TW1JAatov 'EtáYY€AO<; # MUTES .~ Children Daughters of Oedipus Scene: In front of the paIace at Thebes. Time: Sorne two generations before the Trojan War. '. 324 325 OI.<lIIIOT~ OEDIPUS TYRANNUS TTP ANNO~ A crowd consisting ofthe priest of Zeus and a number of children ís sitting as suppliants before the altars in front ofthe palace of Oedipus; Oedipus comes out ofthe palace and addresses them. OI~IIIOT! ~n TÉKVa, Ká8¡LOV TOV 1TáAat VÉO¡ TpOeP~, 5 10 Tiva, 1T0(}' e8pa, Tá<T8E JLOt (}Oá'ETE íKTr¡piot, KAá80t<TtV EtE<TTEJLJLÉVOt; 1TóAt, 8' ÓJLov JLEv (}vJLtaJLáTwv yÉJLEt, e , , OJLov OE 1TataVWV TE Kat <TTEVaYJLaTWV' t'~ ,.., '\ I ayw OtKatWV JLr¡ 1Tap" aYYEI\WV, TEKVa, "\ \ " "~ <" '\ '\ () a, al\l\wv aKovEtV aVTO, WO EI\r¡I\V \ 'O''''' \ ' o,~ 1Ta<Tt KI\EtVO, tOt1TOV, KaI\OVJLEVO,. ) \ \' -;.J. ' y, ) ' , " .J. al\l\ ,W YEpatE,I 'l'pa." E1TEt 1TpE1TWV E'I'V, 1TPO T&v8E ePwvEÍ;v, TiVt TpÓ1TC1! Ka(}É<TTaTE, ' '()'\ oEt<TaVTE, r¡ <TTEP"/;aVTE,; W, EI\OVTO, av EJLOV 1TpO<TapKE"iv 1Tav' 8V<TáAyr¡TO' yap liv dr¡v Totáv8E JLi¡ OV KaTOtKTipwv e8pav. OEDIPUS ,..,~" ., '" . • IEPET! <lAA', ~ Kparovwv Ol8i1TOV, xwpa, EiLfj" 15 ópqs JL€V TJJLOS TJAiKOt 1TpO<T~JLE(}a {3WJLo"i<Tt TO"i, <To"i" oí JL€V OV8É1TW JLaKpav 1TTÉ<T(}at <T(}ÉVOVTE" oí 8E <TVV y~pq- {3apE"i,' e , " ' Zr¡VO" I d~ " () , tEPEV, EYW JLEV OtoE T TI EWV AEKTOi' TO 8' áAAO ePVAOV EtE<TTEJLJLÉVOV 8 326 fort. om. II 7: del. Wunder Children, latest to be reared from the stock of Cadmus, why do you sit like this before me, with boughs of supplication wreathed with chaplets? and why is the city filled at the same time with incense, and with the sound of paeans and lamentations? Thinking it wrong to hear this from the report of others, my children, 1 have come myself, 1 who am called Oedipus, renowned to all. Come, aged man, tell me, since it is fitting you should speak for these, what is your state, one of fear or one of longing? Know that 1 am willing to render every kind of aid; 1would be hard ofheart if 1 felt no pity at such a supplication. PRIEST Why, Oedipus, ruler of my land, you see the ages of us who are seated at your altars, sorne not yet able to fly far, others weighed down with age. 1 am the priest of Zeus, and these are chosen from the unmarried young; the 18 í.p.V< Bentley: -e« codd. II (nÉpyovT~< Dawe 327 SOPHOCLES 30 ayopa'i(Tt (JaKE'i, 7rpÓ<; TE IIaAAá80<; 8t7rAo'i<; ~ao'i<;, E7r' 'Iapx/vov TE ¡LaVTEíq- (T7r080. 7rÓAt<; yáp, W(T7rEP KaVTO<; El(TOpq"" áyav ~87J (TaAEVEt KaVaKOVe/>í(Tat Kápa ... 3/,:> ,J.,.'" "\ {3V(J WV ET OVX ota TE ,/,OWtOV (TaJl.OV, e/>(Jívov(Ta /J.€v KáAvtw EYKáp7rot<; X(Jovó<;, -I.(J'tVOV(Ta o~, aYEJl.at'> :>'\ {ovvo¡LOt<;, 3' " '/' TOKOt(Tt TE ayóVOt'> yvvatK&'w EV 8' ó 7rVpe/>(Jpo<; (JEO,> (TK"Í.pa,> EA~vVEt, AOt¡LO<;EX(Jt(TTO<;, 7róAw, ve/>' ov KEVOVTat 8w¡La Ka8¡LE'iov' ¡LÉAa,> 8' • At87J'> (TTEvaY¡Lo'i<; Ka' YÓot'> 7rAOVTí'ETat. 35 Oeotut p.Évvvv OVK tUOV¡.L€VÓV (J"' E...,W ov8' Or8E 7ra'i8E<; é'Ó¡LE(T(J' Ee/>É(TTtOt, av8pwv 8E 7rPWTOV EV TE U"V¡Le/>opa'i<; {3íov , " , \\ ~ KptVOVTE,> EV TE" oat¡Lovwv U"VvaJl.Jl.ayat,>· 0<; y' EtÉAv(Ta'> á(TTV Ka8¡LE'iov ¡LoAów 20 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS other crowd that canies chaplets is seated in the marketplace, near the two temples of Pallas and the prophetic ashes of Ismenus. For the city, as you see yourself, is grievously tossed by storms, and still cannot lift its head fram beneath the depths of the killing angry sea. A blight is on the buds that enclose the fruit, a blight is on the flocks of grazing cattle and on the women giving birth, killing their offspring; the fire-bearing god, hateful Pestilence, has swooped upon the city and harries it, emptying the house of Cadmus, and black Hades is a plutocrat in graans and weeping. a It is not because we rank you with the gods that 1 and these children are seated at your hearth, but because we judge you to be the first of men, both in the incidents of life and in dealing with the higher powers. For it was you who carne to the city of Cadmus and released us from the tribute we were paying, the tribute of the cruel singer;b and that with no special knowledge or instruction from us; no, it is by the extra strength given by a god that you are said and believed to have set right our life. But now, Oedipus, mightiest man in the sight of all, aH we suppliants implore you to find sorne protection for us, whether your knowledge comes fram hearing a message fram a god or fram aman, perhaps; for 1 see that the setting together of counsels is most effective for those who have experience. Come, best of living men, raise up the city! Come, take carel For now this land calls you its ~ 25 40 45 (TKA7JpOS aot80v 8a(T¡Lov 8v 7rapEÍXO¡LEV, Ka, Tav(J' ve/>' 7¡¡LWV ov8EV EtEt8w<; 7rAÉov ov8' EK8t8ax(JEí<;, ana 7rP0(T(J"ÍKTI (JEOV AÉYTl vO¡Lí'TI (J' 7¡¡L'V op(Jw(Tat {3íov. vvv 8', ~ KpáTt(TTOV 7ra(TtV 018í7rOV Kápa, iKETEVO¡LÉv (TE 7ráVTE,> Or8E 7rPÓ(TTP07rOt aAK"Ív TtV' EVPE'iv 7¡¡Lív, E'TE TOV (JEWV e/>"Í¡L7JV aKOV(Ta<; ¡{T' a7r' av8po'> oi(T(Já 7rOV' W<; TO'i(TW E¡L7rEÍPOt(Tt Ka, Ta<; tV¡Le/>opa'> 'w(Ta'> ópw ¡LáAt(TTa TWV {30VAEV¡LáTWV. "(J' .. {3 pOTWV . . . apt(TT >/ :>'''' '\ t ,W , avop (JW(TOV 7rOJl.tv· ,(J', EvAa{3"Í(J7J(J" w<; (TE vvv ¡LEV 1í8E yi¡ a 'Pluto: one of the names of Hades, is derived from the word for 'wealth'; hence this grim puno b The Sphinx. 21 Écf/ 'I<T¡L"IvoíJ Dawe dubitanter 31 l<TOV¡LEVOV] -o~ Stanley 329 328 I L SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS CTW'rilpa KA.V'EL TiI<; 1Tápo<; 1TpO(JV/J-Ía<;, 50 apxiI<; Se ri¡<; CTiI<; fh7JSafhw<; fhEfhvVfhE(Ja (J' , , el CTTaVTE<; T E<; op OV KaL 1TECTOVTE<; VCTTEpOV, , \ \' , .4.. \ ' , ~ " , (J , all.lI. aCTo/all.ELq. T7JVO avop WCTOV 1TOA.LV. , " 3 ÓPVL(JL yap Kat rY¡v TÓT' a'CTí<¡J TVX7JV , e ..... ''"'', 1"\ 1TapECTXE<; 7JfhLV, KaL Tavvv LCTO<; YEVOV. w<; Et1TEp aptEL<; TilCTSE YiI<;, ¡j,CT1TEP KpaTEI.<;, 55 é' ''''' '\ \ _ " _ avopaCTLv Kall.lI.LOV 7J" KEV7J<; K"aTELV' e ,~" # , ". '" W<; OVOEV ECTTLV OVTE 1TVpy0<; OVTE vav<; Épilfh 0 <; avSpwv fh7} tVVOLKOVVTWV ÉCTW. ~ VV OI6.IIIon: (Jj 1TaíSE<; O'KTpoí, YVWTa KOVK ayvwTá fhOL 1TPOCTY¡A.(JE(J' ífhEÍpOVTE<;, EÚ yap 60 , ..... , ..... oTS' OTL (" VOCTELTE 1TaVTE<;' KaL VOCTOVVTE<;, w<; EYW OVK EU"7tV VI-UdV OUTl8 E~ ía-ov POCTEí. TO fhEV yap vfhwV aA.yo<; eL<; €V' ÉPXETaL fhÓVOV Ka(J' aVTóv, KOVSÉV' aHov, !JroX7} 1TóA.LV 65 i¡ S' Éfh7} KafhE Kat CT' ófhoíJ CTTÉVEL. , tI'~ "'c ' WCTT ovx V1TV<¡J y EVOOVTa fh E~ EYELPETE, aH' tCTTE 1ToHa fhÉv fhE SaKpVCTaVTa SY¡, el , , TE ti 1ToHa<; S' óSov<; ÉA.8ÓVTa q,pOVTíSo<; 1TA.áVOL<; . TlV i)' eV UKO'1T'WV Tjvptaxov LacrtV JL6VY]v, TavT7Jv É1Tpata' 1Tal.Sa yap MEVOLKÉW<; 70 KpÉOVT', ÉfhavToíJ yafhf3póv, É<; Ta IIv(JLKa É1TEfh¡/Ja iJ?oíf3ov 8l!)fha(J', w<; 7rÍ!(JOL(J' TL o Spwv 1} Tí OEDIPUS Children, 1 pity you! 1 know, 1 am not ignorant of the desires with which you have come; yes, 1 know that you are all sick, and, sick as you are, none of you is as sick as 1. Your pain comes upon each by himself and upon no other; but my soul mourns equally for the city and for myself and for you. And so you are not waking me from sleep, but know that 1 have shed many a tear, and have travelled many roads in the wanderings of reflection. The one remedy which, by careful thought, 1 have found 1 have applied; 1 have sent Creon, son of Menoeceus; my wife's brother, to the Pythian halls of Phoebus, so that he may learn by what deed or word 1 may protect this city. Already, when 1 compute the passage of the days, 1 am 49 JLE/-wilJLEOa Herwerden, Nauck: ~{¡JLEOa p: -wJLEOa Lra 54--57 del. van Deventer, 56--57 Reeve 65 Évo6vTa Badham post Reiske q,wvwv TY¡VS' ÉpvCTaífh7Jv 1TÓA.LV. Kaí fh' 1¡fhap 330 preserver on account of the energy you showed before; and let it not be our memory of your reign that we were stood up straight at first only to falllater; no, raise up the city so that it does not fall! The good fortune you gave us before carne with a favourable omen; be the same now! For if you are to continue ruling, as you govern now, better rule a land that has men than one that is empty, since a wall or a ship is nothing without men who live inside it. 1íS7J tVfhfhETPOVfhEVOV Xpóv<¡J 331 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS A"'" ,' , , V71"Et 'Tt 71"pa(TCTEt' TOV. . yap EtKOTO,> 71"Epa 75 ~I \,..... ()' , a71"Ea-'Tt, 71"I\EtW TOV Ka 'TJKOVTO'> XPOVOV. OTav 8' LK7JTUt, T7JVtKuvr' E:yw KaKO~ p,~ 8pwv &v e'í'TJV 71"áv(}' oa-' &v 8'TJAo'i (}EÓ,>. traubled, wandering haw he fares; far he has been away langer than is natural, beyand the proper time. But when he carnes, then 1 shall be a wretch if 1 fail ta take any actian that the gad may indicate. PRIEST lEPEn: \' (TV',,,, Q~ a'AA" E'> Kal\OV T Et71"a,>, OtoE T ap'Ttw,> K' ,. " pEovTa 71"POa-a-TEtXOVTa a-'TJp,atvova-t p,Ot. " , Why, yau speak appartunely! These men are just signalling ta me that Crean is approaching. I OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT$ 80 ~vag A71"OAAOV, El yap Év roXO 'lE TqJ a-WTijPt {3ai'TJ Aap,71"po,> Wa-71"Ep óp,p,a 'Tt. H PRIEST IEPET$ " , 'TJOV,>' ~ ~ , ,,'av Kapa , a,AA' EtKaa-a.t p,EV, ov, yap 71"OAVa-TEep~,> ¿¡¡8' Eip71"E 71"aYKáp71"ov 8áepv'TJ'>' OILl.IIIOT$ 85 TáX' Ela-óp,Ea-(}W 6;p,p,ETP0'> yap ÚJ,> KAVEtv. ávag, Ép,ov Kf¡8wp,a, 71"a'i MEVOtKEW,>, Tiv' Y¡p,tV 'ÍÍKEt'> TOV (}EOV epf¡p''TJV epEpWV; KPE!lN , ()\' \' , " <" ÁEa- I\'TJV' I\EYW yap Kat Ta DVa-'f'0P', Ka~' TVXOt opOov ¿gtÓVTU, 7TávT' av EVTVXEtV. , 71"OtoV TOV71"O'>; OVTE yap paa-v,> 90 ~,,., " ,/ At a guess, he brings camfart; far else he wauld nat be caming with a head crowned with luxuriant bay leaves. OEDIPUS We shall saan knaw, far he is clase enaugh ta hear. Lard, kinsman, san af Menaeceus, what ward af the gad have yau carne ta bring us? Enter CREON. CREON " Et OILl.IIIOT$ " Lord Apalla, may he carne radiant with preserving fartune, like a bright eye! '() Ea-Ttv DE OUT' oljv 71"po8Eia-a,> Elp,t n)l 'lE VVV AÓYqJ. One that is gaad; 1 say that even troubles hard ta bear, if they chance ta tum aut well, can bring gaad fartune. OEDIPUS But what is the message? What yau are naw saying makes me neither canfident nar apprehensive. R, como'Erfud • r t: 1Tpocrr- cett. AafL'1Tpo<] ,pat8po< Nauck ofLfLa Tt Wex: OfLfLaTt codd. 79 7TPO(J"(TT€fXOVTU ' 81 332 333 SOPHOCLES 75 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS AV7rEt Tí l7páa-a-Et' TOV 'lo,p ElKóTo~ l7Épa " \........ , al7Ea-n, 17I\EUJJ TOV Ka O' "1 KOVTO~ XpOVOV. d c;::., <1 ..... , )' , oTav v tK"ITat, T"IVtKaVT eyw KaKo~ 'Új opWV &V E'í"lV l7ávO' Da-' &v 0"lAVt OEÓ~. troubled, wondering how he fares; for he has been away longer than is natural, beyond the proper time. But when he comes, then 1 shall be a wretch if 1 fail to take any action that the god may indicate. PRIEST IEPET¡ Why, you speak opportunely! These men are just signalling to me that Creon is approaching. , \' "', 'Y "'~"'" a,A\' 1\ E~ Kal\VV (TV l' Etl7a~, OtOE l' apnw~ K' . , ...... pEvvTa l7POa-a-TEtXOVTa a-"I¡Lawoya-t ¡L0t. OEDIPUS OI~IIIOT¡ 80 Lord Apollo, may he come radiant with preserving fortune, like a bright eye! ~vag "Al7OAAOV, El 'lo,p EV TVXYI 'lÉ Te¡} a-WTi¡Pt f3aí"l Aa¡Ll7po~ Wa-l7Ep 0¡L¡La n. PRIEST IEPET¡ At a guess, he brings comfort; for else he would not be coming with a head crowned with luxuriant bay leaves. aAA' elKáa-at ¡LÉv, 7¡ov~' ov 'lo,p &V Kápa l7OAVa-TEc/>Y¡~ JJo' Erpl7E l7a'lKápl7oV oác/>v"I~. .. , , / 85 O OEDIPUS OI~IIIOT¡ ¡; , ... ,~ Tax Eta-0¡LEa- a' !, V¡L¡LETpO~ 'lap w~ KAVEtV. " é E¡L0V ".f~ ' ava!" K"IvEv¡La, l7at M EVOtKEW~, Tív' 7¡¡L'v iíKEt~ TOV OEOV c/>"Í¡L"IV c/>Épwv; ..... , ~: KPEilN Ea-OA"ÍlI' AÉ'lw 'lo,p Ka. 1'0, Ova-c/>op', el roXOt , , O' ,/;, " , ... KaT op OV E!, tavTa, l7aVT av EVTVXEW. ~\ . . OI~IIIOT¡ 90 , EnterCREON. CREON One that is good; 1 say that even troubles hard to bear, if they chance to tum out well, can bring good fortune. OEDIPUS " (;;0\..... " " 'O pa(TV~ ' Ea-TW VE l7VtaV TOVl7O~; OVTE 'lap 0151" ovv l7pooEÍa-a~ El¡Lt 1'0 'lE VVV AÓ'le¡}. 79 We shall soon know, for he is close enough to hear. Lord, kinsman, son of Menoeceus, what word of the god have you come to bring us? But what is the message? What you are now saying makes me neither confident nor apprehensive. -. "'pOCTCTTftx.0VTa R, coni. Erfurdt: "'pOCTT- cett. 81 Aa¡.t...pO~] <pa,8po~ Nauck ó¡.t¡.ta n Wex: ó¡.t¡.tan codd. 332 333 ~" , '1 :)..... EL'TfELIJ, OEDIPUS TYRANNUS KPE!1N CREON \ l' , 'TfAr¡a-LaSOIJTúJIJ KAVEW, EL TúJIJOE XPTlSEL~ e..... ETO~p.,O~ SOPHOCLES , ~I E~TE Ka~ , a-TELXEW " Ea-úJ. If you wish to hear in these people's presence, 1 arn ready to speak, or else to go inside. OEDIPUS OIAIIIOTS "" E~ 'TfaIJTa~ " avoa. TO 'TfÉIJBo~ 7) ~" TúJIJoE ' yap KaL Ti¡<; Ep.,i¡~ t/JVxi¡~ 'TfÉp~. I KPE!1N 95 '" \' ' 'TfAEOIJ 'f'EpúJ AÉyo~p.,' l1.IJ oi' -!íKova-a TOV BEOV 'Tfápa. aIJúJYEIJ T¡p.,a.~ iJ>ol.f3o~ Ep.,cPaIJW~, aIJa~, p.,íaa-p.,a xwpa~, EIJ <i» TEBpap.,p.,ÉIJOIJ XBOIJL Tfi8', EAavIJELIJ p.,r¡8' aIJ~KEa-TOIJ TpÉcPE~IJ. OIAIIIOTS 'Tfoílp KaBapp.,i¡J; Tí~ Ó TpÓ'TfO~ Ti¡~ ~vp.,cPopa.~; KPE!1N 100 aIJ8pr¡AaTOVIJra~, 7) cPÓIJlp cPÓIJOIJ 'TfáA~IJ A'VOIJTa~, úJ~ , ,TOO " , a~p.,a ". '1 XELp.,aSOIJ With what means of purifying? what is the nature of the trouble? CREON By banishment, or by repaying killing with killing, since it is this bloodshed that has brought the storm upon the cíty. OEDIPUS And who is the man whose fate he is revealing? KPE!1N éfJva~, Aá~6s 7fof)' T]YEJLWV a-E OEDIPUS '\ 'Tfoíov yop aIJ8po~ T~IJ8E p.,r¡IJVE~ TVXr¡IJ; yi¡~ Ti¡a-8E, 'TfpLIJ CREON 1 will tell you what 1 heard from the godo The lord Phoebus orders us plainly to drive out from the land a pollution, one that has been nourished in this country, and not to nourish it till it cannot be cured. 'TfOA~IJ. OIAIIIOTS ?jV i¡JLív, Speak out to al!! 1 lament more for these people than for myownlife. T~IJ8' a'TfEVBvIJELIJ 'TfÓA~IJ. CREON King, Laius was once lord of this land, before you guided it. OEDIPUS 1know from hearsay, for 1 never saw him. OIAIIIOTS 105 E~o~8' aKOVúJIJ' OV yap Ela-EI.8ÓIJ CREON yÉ 'TfúJ. KPE!1N TOVTOV BaIJÓIJTO~ IJVIJ E'TfLa-TÉAAE~ a-acPw~ , " TOV~ aVTOEIJTa~ 334 , np.,úJpELIJ ..... XELp~ nIJa~. He was killed, and the god now tells us plainly to punish his killers, whoever they may be. 107 nva~ fere codd.: nva Ape, SuDa 335 SOPHOCLES OEDlPUS TYRANNUS OEDIPUS Where in the world are they? Where shall the track of an ancient guilt, hard to make out, be found? KPE!1N 110 .... ~, "Á-. , ...., ~, r· CREON , TY¡O E'f'acrKE yy¡. TO OE ,,;r¡TOVIJ-EVOV ' , Á,.' <'" \ , a"WTOV, EK'f'ruYEt OE TaIJ-E"OVIJ-EVOV. EV '\ OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT$ I , ~,)" ,\,),., e , 71"OT€pa O EV O~KO~" r¡ v aypo~, O Aaw" i) yij, E71"' á"AAr¡, T<¡JIlE CTVIJ-71"í71"TE~ ep6vcp; KPE!1N w, 115 8EWp6" eepacrKEv, EKIlr¡IJ-WV 71"áAtv 7TpOC; OlKOV OVKÉ()' iK€()', WC; U7TEfTTáA'Y]o OILl.IIIOT$ ovil' áYYEA6, ~' OTOV ~ aTE.....~O, K n, ovllt1 CTVIJ-71"páKTWp óllov ' 8wv "Expr¡craT " " n, EKIJ-a av; KPE!1N () -;- wv 120 I n" o, I \' '?' ~\ Á.' yap, 71""r¡v Et, 'f'of3cp epVYWV, -<.J . \' .." , ~, ".., ,~, ..1.. ' " 71""r¡v EV OVOEV Etx EWW, 'f'pacra~.··· vy¡crKOVcr~ , '1'~ EtOE ... , .., OILl.IIIOT$ /\ \", '1:.' ' yap 71"0"" av 6" EVpO~, IJ-a 8WV, , He said, in this country. What one looks for can be caught, but what one neglects escapes. TO 71"OWV; EV dpX~v f3paXEtav El Aáf3o~, 71"p08vIJ-ía,. Was it in the house, or in the fields, or in another country that Laius met this bloody eIld? CREON He left to go to Delphi, as he said, and never retumed home from his joumey. OEDIPUS Was the deed seen by no reporter, or companion of his joumey, whose information one might have used? CREON No, they were all killed, except one, who ran away in terror and could tellnothing of what he saw for certain, except one thing. OEDIPUS One discovery might lead to many, when a litde energy has given a stact. 111 114 ÉKef>EvyEt] -Etv Valckenaer EcPaaX€p] -OP Kousis 120 É~eVpo,<; IwBwv D.-J.: É~EVpO' p,UBEív codd. I ]vpo, p,uB[ ll7 121 El Aáf3o,<; ",poBvp,íu<; U-J.: Aáf3o,p,EV ÉA",ílJo<; codd.: ]..p,.[ ita praebet II 7 ut potíus vp,u- quam o'p,x-uhabuisse videatur: Aáf3o, Tts ÉA",ílJo<; Herwerden 336 337 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS KPEUN '~/,/.,. \ 1 ) ..... /\Yla-Ta<; 6/-,aa-KE <TVVTVX0V'Ta<; OV ¡LUl.lO ~ PW¡LYl KTaVEW V~V, a/\/\a a-VV 1TI\'Y¡ EL XEpWV. ( I ..... , \ \' , \ orMIIOT:$ 125 1TW<; OÚV Ó AYla-T~<;, lí TL ¡L1¡ t'uv apyvp'l! , / , EV , OEVO, I~" ,~, ~, /\ "(3 E1Tpaa-a-ET E<; TOO av TO/\¡Lr¡<; E r¡; KPEUN ,,~ ~ , r¡v' ~ A" \ !' OOKOVVTa TaVT atov O"" O/\W/\OTO<; ovílEt<; apwyo<; .Iv KaKO'i<; €yíYVETO. OIMIIOT:$ , OE ", 1TO~OV ~ , " , TvpaVVtoo<; '" KaKOV E¡L1TOOWV OVTW 1TEa-Ova-r¡<; ElpYE TOVT' €fEL8Éva~; KPEUN 130 Y¡ 1TO~K~A'I!ílo<; !eptyf TO 1TpO<; 1TOa-t a-K01TELV ¡LEOÉVTa<; i¡¡LOS Taepavi} 1TpOa-7ÍYETO. orl>mOT$ aH' €f tmapxi}<; aÚO~<; aVT' €y';' epavw. , 1:'~W<; yap ' r F . ~(3 '1:' '" , E1TaS ""O~ 0<;, as ~W<; OE <TV 1TPO TOV OavóvTO<; T~víl' ÉOEa-O' €1TLa-TpOep~V' 135 W<TT' EvSíKW'; ót/Jecr()e Kap.,e CTÚJLf.LUXOV, yfj TfjílE TL¡LWPOVVTa Ti¡> OEi¡> O' a.¡La. l.J7Tep yap ovX'i TW1J a7TW7Épw epíAWV aAA' aVTOS ~I 140 av'TOV TOVT' ''9, ..... ( a:1TOUK€8w iJ.:ÚcroS. "", oa-TL<; yap r¡v EKEWOV O KTavwv TaX av Ka¡L' llv To~avTYl XELpt TL¡LWPE'iv OÉAO~. KEÍV'I! 1Tpoa-apKWV OÚV €¡LaVTOV WepEAW. 338 CREON He said that robbers encountered them and killed him; he died not through one man's strength, but by the hands ofmany. OEDIPUS But how could the robber have reached this pitch of daring, unless there had been sorne payment of money from here? CREON That is what people thought; but after Laius' death no one carne to he1p us in our trouble. OEDIPUS But when the throne had met with this disaster, what trouble prevented you from knowing all? CREDN The Sphinx with her riddling song forced us to let go what was obscure and attend to what lay before our feet. OEDIPUS Well, 1 shall begin again and light up the obscurity. Phoebus is right, and you areright, to show this concern on behalf of the dead man, so that you shall see me also justIy fighting for him, and defending the cause of this country and of the godo For it will not be on behalf of a distant friend, but for my own sake, that 1 shall drive away this pollution; whoever killed him may well wish to turn the same violence against me, so that in defending him 1 am helping myself. 339 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS Come, children, swiftly rise from the steps, taking away these boughs of supplication; and let another assemble here aH the people of Cadmus, knowing that 1 shaH take every measure. Either we shall succeed, with the god's help, or we shaH perish. 145 PRIEST IEPEn: 150 Children, let us stand up; for his announcement is the thing for which we carne; and may Phoebus, who sent these prophecies, come to preserve us and to put a stop to theplague! ¡¡, 7Ta'iSE<;, í(TTWILE<T8a' 7(VVSE yap ¡<.ápw Ka. SEVp' Éfir¡/LEV (Lv oS' Etayy€AAETat. 1>o'ifio<; S' Ó 7T€/Lt/Ja<; 'Táo"SE /Lav'TEía<; a/La '8,QtKOt'TO Kat" VOO"OV 7TaVO"'Tr¡pto<;. / o"W'Tr¡p The priest and the children leave; OEDIPUS and CREON also leave. The Charos of elderly Theban men enters the orchestra, and sings the opening ode, the parados. XOPO! 'J,.' S'A'_e~ I '" W .utO~ aOVE1TES"~aTt, Tl8 7TOTE TUS" 7TOAUXPVO"OV TIv8wvo<; aYAaa<; Éfia<; 8f¡fia<;; EK'T€Ta/Lat pofiEpav pp€va SEí/LaTt 7TáAAWV, , , A '\ TI O"'Tp. a I ' 1/Y}tE .uUALE - ULav, ,¡ 155 ~ V€OV ~c· 1/ 7TEpt'TEAAO/L€Vat<; 6Jpat<; 7TáAW ltavvO"Et<; xP€O<;;" et7T€ /LOt, ¡¡, xpvO"€a<; 'T€KVOV 'EA7TíSo<;, a/Lfipo'TE 1>á/La. 7TpWTa O"E KEKA6/LEVO<;, 8vya'TEp ~t6<;, lJ./Lfipo'T' 160 yatáox6v 'T' aSEApEav ~Ap'TE/LtV, KVKA6EV'T' ayopas 8p6vov EVKA€a 8áO"O"Et, KaL <Po"if3ov ÉKaf3ó'Aov, lw, &¡,uPl. <TDl. á'ÓJLEVOS"° Tí ¡.LOL ,A()úva, a 340 '1 aVT. a' CHORUS Sweet-speaking message of Zeus,a what are you that have come from Pytho rich in gold to gloríous Thebes? 1 am prostrated, my mínd ís shaken by terror, Delian healer invoked with críes, in awe of you, wondering what thíng you will accomplish, perhaps new, perhaps coming again with the revolving seasons. TeH me, child of golden Hope, immortal oraele! On you first 1 call, daughterofZeus, immortal Athena, and 1 implore your sister who protects the land, Artemis, seated on her round throne, far-famed, in the marketa Apollo derived his prophetic power from Zeus. 163 1<;, Heath: 1<;, 1<;, fere codd.: aw& Blaydes 341 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS TpunTOL aA€gí¡LopOL l1po<pávr¡TÉ ¡LOL" 165 ::tI , ,,~ ... , .. , EL 7rOT€ KaL 7rpOT€pa<; aTa<; V7r€POpvv¡L€Va<; 7rOA€L r,VVCTaT' €KT07ríav <pAó"1a 7r~¡LaTO<;, EAO€T€ KaL VVV. éfj 7rÓ7rOL, avápLO¡La "1ap <pÉpw , '" ~ I (TTp. {3' I 7r'Y]¡LaTa" VOCTEL O€ ¡LOL 7rp07ra<; 170 ",," '" '" '\ ' " CTTOJ\O<;, OVO€VL 'f'povnoo<; €"1X0<; cP n<; aAÉg€TaL' OVT€ "1ap EK"1ova KAvTa,S XeOVO~ aV~ETat OVT€ rÓKO{crtV " ' "aV€XOVCTL "1vvaLK€<;. ,.... L'Y]LWV Ka¡LaTWV 175 ánov 8' llv "" ánq- 7rpOCTí80L<; a7r€p €V7rT€POV 0PVLV , I '" KP€UTCTOV a¡LaL¡LaK€TOV 7rVPo<; 0P¡L€VOV " \(/ aKTav 7rpO<; €CT7r€POV ~ wv 180 O~ €ov· '\ avapL " O¡LO<; OJ\J\VTaL' ,'\\ 7rOM<; v'Y]AÉa 8E "1Év€OAa 7rpo<; , aVT. {3' 7rÉ8cp OavaTa<pópa KEÍTaL. avoíKTw<;' EV 8' aAoxOL 7rOALaí T' E71"L ¡LaTÉp€<; aKTav 7rápa {3W¡LLOV áAAOO€v áAAaL 185 Av"1pwv 7rÓVWV íKT'ijp€<; E71"LCTTEVáxoVCTLV. 7raLWV 8E Aá¡L7rEL CTTOVÓ€CTCTá T€ "1ijpv<; O¡LaVAo<;:" r TWV iJ7r€P, éfj xpvCTÉa Ov"1aT€p ALó<;, 190 E'u¡;nra 1TÉJLtf.sOlJ aAxáv. "A" \/~ pea T€ TOV ¡LaJ\€pov, 0<; " \ ' /~ vvv axaJ\Ko<; aCT7rLOWV ..... 195 CTTp. y' place, and Phoebus the far-darter; appear to me, aH three, to ward off doom! If in time past when destruction loomed over the city you drove the f1ames of ruin far away, come now also! Ah, countless are the troubles that 1 bear! Sickness lies on aH our company, and thought can find no weapon to repel it. The fruits of the glorious earth do not increase, and no births come to let women surmount the pains in which they cry out.. You can see one here and one there, swifter than destroying fire, speed like a winged bird to the shore of the god whose home is in the West. Countless are their deaths, and the city is perishing; unpitied her children lie on the ground, carried off by death, with none to lament; and by the row of altars wives and white-haired mothers on this side and on that groan as suppliants on account of their sad troubles. Loud rings out the hymn to the Healer and the sound of lamentation with it! For these things, golden daughter of Zeus, send the bright face of protection! And may savage Ares, who now without the bronze of shields is scorching me as he attacks with shouts, tum his back and hasten from our land, carried back either to the great chamber of Amphitrite or to the Thracian billow 165'J7TEpOpVV¡.tÉvas Musgrave: V7TEp óp- codd. 1750./o.A'I: Dobree: o./o.Ac¡> codd. <pAÉ"1EL ¡L€ 7r€PL{3Ó'Y]TO<; avná'wv, 186 7TUtWV TI 8, L"cK: 7Tuúiv cett. 7raAíCTCTVToV 8pá¡L'Y]¡La vWTíCTaL 7ráTpa<;, 188 TÓW] TW]V " "" €7rOVPOV ELT IQ4 €7TOVPOV ... €<; ¡L€"1av TI 8: ¿¡¡v codd. LRpt: 0.7T- Gl'ppa OáAa¡LOV ' A¡L<pLTpíTa<; liT' 342 er; TOV d:7TÓ~€VOV ópp.,wv 343 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES bare of harbours! For if Night leaves anything undone, day follows to accomplish it. Rim, father Zeus, you who wield the power of the lightning fiashes, destroy with your thunderbolt! Lord of Lycia,a 1 would gladly celebrate the invincible shafts coming from your golden bowstring as you stand by me bringing aid, and the fiery torches of Artemis, with which she darts through the Lycian mountains. And 1 call on him of the golden cap, him that gives his name to this land, ruddy-faced Bacchus, to whom they cry Euhoe, companion of the Maenads, to draw near with brightly blazing torch of pinewood against the god who lacks honour among the gods. 8pilKLOV KAVDwva' TEAEí:V yáp, E'í Tt .... ",-;-. wg aepij, )/ TOVT E7T TI¡Lap EpXETat' 200 / '9 .J.. / '"' TOV, W TaV 7TVP",OPWV , .... , , alTTpa7TaV KpaTTI VE¡LWV, ZEV 7TáTEp, 111To uq> cj>8ícrov KEpavvé¡J. éJJ , ,,, i : . ' , A'VKEt ava\" Ta TE lTa XpV- , aIJT. y I lTOlTTPÓepWV a7T' aYKVAaV 205 I f3ÉAEa OÉAOt¡L' &V a8á¡LaT' EVDaTEí:lTOat " , TE 7TVp",OpOV, ,/..' apwya 7TpOlTTaO' EVTa, Ta, 'APTÉ¡LtDO, a'íyAa" gvv aT, ~I , '"apEa Otq.lTlTEt' A VKt , , \ ' OEDIPUS has entered TOV XPVlTo¡LtTpav TE KtKATllTKW, 210 OEDIPUS TalTD' E7TC:)J)V¡LOIJ ya" You make a demand of me; and as to your demand, if you are willing to hear and to receive my words and to apply treatment to the sickness, you may get protection and relief from yóur troubles. 1 shall speak these words as a stranger to the story and a stranger to the deed; no, 1 could not get far on the track, unless 1 had sorne link with you. But as things are, since 1 have become a citizen with OLVW7TU BáKXOV, eú"ov MatIJáDwv Ó¡LÓlTTOAOIJ, , 7TEAalTOi¡IJat epAÉYOIJT' 215 ayAawm < - u-> , " " , 'O~O' 7TEVKq. 7Tt TOIJ a7TOTt¡L0IJ EV EOt, EOIJ. ~: OILl.IIIOT$ , ,.., <.\~, ,.... ",:> , atTEt,' a o atTEt" Ta¡L EaIJ 0'\ " EAT/, E7TTI a Apono. KAVWIJ DÉXElTOat Tij IJÓlTCfl O' ímTlPETEí:v, '\ ' \'Q .,\ ""/" .... 19S TEAel.V aAKTlv AafJOt, av KaIJaKOV",tlTtlI KaKWIJ' áyw gÉIJO, ¡LEV TOi) AÓYOV TOi)D' EgEPW, 220 gÉIJO, DE TOi) ""', '(J\ tXVEVOIJ aVTO, ¡LTI OVK EXWV Tt <TV¡LfJOAOV' ~, ~I ,,',:>, \ ... IJVIJ o , VlTTEPO, yap alTTO, Et, alTTOV, TEAW, 344 T<AH eodd.: TEAEt Kayser, qui post -yáp ráv Hermann: TÓV, 6J II 7, Lpat: TaV, ti> r 214 ex. gr. suppl. <<rÚ¡.t¡.taxov> G. Wolff, <VVKT<P'l.'> J.H.H. Sehmidt 221 aVro IGYPp: aVr6~ rpat post hune v. laeunam statuit Groeneboom; ex. gr. <7TóAewS' €1TUT7TaV 8avacrÍ,p.ovr;; c/>óvov DíKa~> supplere possis 200 TÓV, 6) 7TpaxOÉIJTO,' OV yap &v ¡LaKpap " ,.., Hermann: interpunxit I I L 345 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES the rest, though late, I utter to all Cadmeans this proelamation! Whoever among you knows at whose hands Laius, son of Labdacus, perished, him I command to tell me all! If he is afraid that if he removes the guilt <from the city, he will bring judgment of death> upon himself, well and good, he shall suffer nothing else unwelcome, but shallleave the land unharmed. But if someone knows another of you, or a foreigner, to be the killer, let him not be silent; for I can dispense rewards, and gratitude also shall be his. But if you remain silent, and someone, fearing for a friend or for himself, rejects this order-what I shall do then you must hear from me! I forbid all belonging to this land, over which I rule and sit upon the throne, to receive him or to spealc to him, or to let him share in prayers and sacrifices to the gods, or to touch holy water; but all must drive him from their homes, since we are polluted, as the Pythian oraele of the god has just now revealed to me. This is how I shall fight side by side with the god and with the man who died. [And I pray that the doer of the deed, whether a single man has gone undetected or he has acted with others, may wear away a miserable life in misery, miserable as he is. And I pray further that if he is by the hearth in my own V¡LtV 1TP0ePWVW 1TaCTt KUS¡LEíOt'> Tá8e d ~ OCTTt,> 1T0 O" v¡Lwv 225 , " KUTOWEV A' ' AUf-'OUKO P'" v uwv TOV ,'" EK , TtvO'> , "'\ uvopo,> OtWI\ETO, / ' l ' , TOVTOV KEAEVW 1TUVTU CT'Y)¡LUtvELV E¡LOt' " .l-P~ "\,, 1;\' KEL ¡LEV 'f'Of-'ELTUt, TOV1TtKI\'Y)¡L V1TESEI\WV [one line missing] , ) ".... "'\ / ' \ UVTO'> KUT UVTOV' -1TELCTETUt yup UI\I\O ¡LEV , " " ' ~ ",,, J P\ P'¡'~ UCTTEPYE'> OVOEV, Y'Y)'> o U1TELCTW tLf-'l\uf-'.,,- 230 ,,~ Tt'> UI\I\OV "\ \ " " , ' '1; "\ \ El o' OtOEV 'Y) S UI\I\'Y)'> X O' ovo,> , , I , ' . ' yu'p TOV UVTOXELpU, ¡L'Y) CTtW1TUTW TO uv KÉpSO'> TEAW 'yw xi¡ xápt'> 1TPOCTK€ÍCTETUt. ~ ' O E, Kut' Tt'> 'Y") 'f'tI\OV .1-'\ EL,,, o' UV CTtW1T'Y)CTECT ~ I , I ~\ " I~ ).... OELCTU,> U1TWCTEt TOV1TO'> 'Y) XUVTOV TOoE, 235 &K TWVSE 8páCTW, Tuvm xpT¡ KAVEtV E¡LOV. , <::'......... ) ~, I "'" TOV avSp' U1TUVOW TOVTOV, OCTTt,> ECTTt, Y'Y)'> Ti/CTS', ;ry,> EYW KpáT'Y) TE KU), O pÓVOV'> vÉ¡LW, 240 ¡L~T' ECT8ÉXECTOUt ¡L~T' EV OEWV EVXUtCTt KOtVOV 1TOEtCTOUt, ~ ) ", ¡L~TE 1TPOCTePWVÚV Ttvá, ¡L~TE ¡L~TE OV¡LUCTtV . XÉpVt(30'> vÉ¡LELV' I I t WOEtV O' a1T OtKWV 1TUVTU,>, W'> ¡LtUCT¡LUTO'> . . . ~, ( ' ) / t ' TI V O tKOV. ' OEOV~ TOVO 'Y)¡LtV OVTO,>, W'> TO ¡LUVTÚOV E~ÉeP'Y)VEV dPTíw'> E¡LOí. 227 post hunc versum ex. gr. suppl. U.-J. <TTÓA<W, ETTUTTTiiv 8avafTíp,ov, 4>óvov ¡¡íKa,> (cf. Sophoclea, 85) 229 á(3AafH}, pat: áfT4>aA'Í' Irp 230 ~ 'f Vauvilliers: Ef codd. 240 x Épv,(3o, LN: xÉpv,(3a, cett. 246--51 del. WeckIein: post 272 traiecit amicus Dobraei EYW ¡LEV oVV TOtÓCTSE T0 TE 8uí¡LOVt 245 TW T' dv8p), TW OUVÓVTt CTV¡L¡LUXO'> 1TÉAW. , , ' """ " "" [KUTEVX0¡LUt oE TOV OEOPUKOT , ELTE Tt,> ~ WV " I\EI\'Y) \ '\ OEV ELTE " 1TI\EWVWV \' Ei,> ¡L E'~a • , , ... " ' ...... 1. (.JI KUKOV KUKW,> VtV U¡LOPOV EKTpt't'Ut f-'WV, I ~')/ 'l: / E1TEVX0¡LUt O , OtKOtCTW EL S VVECTTW,> 347 346 \ L OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES EV TOt~ EILOt~ yÉVOLT' Ep,OV tVVELS6TO~, 7ra8E'iv a7rEp TO'io-S' &pTílJ)~ "¡pao-áp,"1 v ,] ( . . . oE ~ , . "" 7raVT ..., E7rLo-K"17rTIJ) ) , E'E7V Vp,LV TaVTa l' 1\ • , lJ7rÉp 1" Ep,aVTOV, TOV 8EOV TE, r'Íjo-SÉ TE y'Íj~ cilS' aKáp7rlJ)~ K(i8ÉIJ)~ Eef>8app,Év"1~' 255 ovS' el yap ,;¡V 1'0 7rpa.yp,a p,T¡ 8E~AaTov, aKá8apTov vp,a~ ELKO~ "1v OVTIJ)~ Eav, '" " faO-LI\EIJ)~ 3' ' ' avopo~ y' apLo-Tov l' ,,,1, OAIJ)I\OTO~, '(; ,... ""~,,, ...., , , aAA' 6" EpEvvav' VVV O E7rEL KVPIJ) l' EYIJ) " / t \ , ..... '9 , EXIJ)V p,EV apxa~, a~ EKELVO~ ELXE 7rpLV, 260 EXIJ)V Se AÉKTpa Kat YVVO-tX' óp,6o-7ropov, /~ , ", " , KOLVWV TE 7raWIJ)V KOLV av, EL KELVe¡¡ YEVO~ ~, 9") Á-.' p,T¡ 'OVo-TVX"1o-EV, "1V av EK7r6I'VKOTavVV S' E~ 1'0 KEívov Kpa.T'Ev~Aa8' ~ TVX"1' '" ,\ ,~, ( \,..... ,~ av 8'wv EYIJ) Tao, lJ)o-7rEpEL TOVp,OV 7raTpO" 265 V7rEpp,aXOvp,aL Ka7rt 7ráVT' aef>ítop,aL '''1 TWV TOV aVT6XELpa TOV ef>6vov Aaf3e'iv T,¡J Aaf3SaKEíe¡¡ 7raLSt IloAvSwpov TE Kat , ,~ "\ l'"A' TOV 7rPOo-8E Kaop,ov TOV. . . 7ral\aL Y"1vopo~. Kat TavTa TOt~ p,T¡ SPWo-LV Evxop,aL eEOV~ ,~. , .......... " 270 p'''1 T' apoTov aVTOL~ Y"1~ aVLEvaL TLva p,~T' ovv yvvaLKwv 7ra'iSa~, aAAo' T,¡J 7r6Tp,,!, T,¡J vVv ef>8Epe'io-8aL K&n TOVS' EX8íOVL. vp,'iv Se TO'i~ áAAOLO-L KaSp,EíoL~, Óo-OL~ ráS' EO-T'apÉO-Kov8', "í TE o-Vp,p,axo~ llíK"1 275 xoi 7ráVTE~ EV tVVE'iEV Eío-aEt 8EOí. house with my own knowledge, 1 may suffer the fate with which 1 have just cursed others.] And 1 charge you to bring all this about for my sake, for the sake of the god, and for the sake of this land, thus blasted with barrenness by the angry gods. For even had the matter not been forced upon you by the gods, it was not proper to leave the guilt thus unpurified, when a great man and a king had perished. No, you should have searched ít out. But now, sínce 1 chance to hold the power which once he held, and to have a marriage and a wife in common with hím, and sínce had he not been unfortunate ín respect of issue our children would have had one mother-but as things are he has been struck down by fortune; on account of this 1 shaH fight for him as though he had been my father, and shall go to every length in searching for the author of the murder done upon the son of Labdacus, sprung from Polydorus and from Cadmus before him and from Agenor long ago. And for those who take no action 1 pray that the gods may not send up crops from the earth nor allow their women to bear children, but that they may perísh by the fate that now afflicts them or by one yet worse. But beside you other Cadmeans, aH who approve these words, may Justice fight and may aH the gods ever graciously remain. 250 ('" " ';' Cf , ..... ·i .~.'- \ 270 'Yij~ Vauvilliers: 'YiJv codd. 349 348 l OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES CHORUS XOPO$ As you have put me upon oath, so, my lord, shall 1 speak. 1 did not kili mm, neither can 1 point to the killer. But the enquiry was the task of Phoebus who has sent the message, so that he should tell us who it is that did the deed. u "\ a 'e'8'" (;,EpW. .. Wa-7TEp iL ,:J"" UPUtOV EI\UJJE" W , UVUS, ,!", ,./, /,,, OVT EKTUVOV yup OVTE TOV KTUVOVT EXW 8EttUt. TO 8E '1¡T7IiLU TOV 7TÉpA/JUVTO' 7]V ,Q '" oa-Tt, d ., , <l>OtJJov TO'8" Et7TEtV, EtpYUa-TUt 7TOTE. OEDIPUS You are right; but to compel the gods when they are unwilling is a thing no man can do. OILHIlOT$ 280 8íKUt' ÉÁEtU,' an' avuYKáa-ut 0rov , &v iL~ OÉÁwa-tV ovo' <&v> E1, 8vvUtT' av1¡p. CHORUS May 1 saywhat seems to me the next best thing? xOPO$ OEDIPUS To. 8EVTEp' EK Twv8' &V ÁÉYOtiL' áiLO' 80KEt. If there is even a third best, do not omit to tell it me. OIMIlOT$ El KUL rpír' E(Jrí, fL~ 1Tapfj<; CHORUS ro {l:Y¡ ov ePpácruL. 1 know that he whose sight is closest to that of the lord Phoebus is the lord Tiresias; if one made enquiry of him, my lord, one might best learn the truth. XOPO$ " , UVUKTtTUV " . "O' 0PWVT e ..... " , TU UVUKT E7Tta- iL Ut 285 , 'a' ,,?,\ iLUÁta-TU <l>OtJJ{¡l TEtpEa-tUV, 7TUP ov Tt, UV ~ CFK07TúYV 1::' 'o OL TU'8'" , wvaS, EKfLU OI~IIlOT$ an' OVK EV apyot, ov8E TOVT' E7Tpát UiL EV . É7TEiLt/JU yo.p KpÉOVTO' Et7TÓVTO, 8t7TÁOV, 7TOiL7TOlJ<>- 7TáÁUt 8E iL~ 7TUPWV OUViLá'ETat. XOPO$ 290 , , KUt iL7IV Á,. , \ "" y UI\I\U KWo/U KUt, 7TUI\Ut E7T7I. 1, TU OEDIPUS Á-. ' a-U'f'ECTTUrU. "\ \ . \- Why, 1 have not been idle in that matter either! For at Creon's bidding 1 sent two men to bring him; and 1 have long been wondering why he is not here. CHORUS AH the rest, to be sure, is vague and ancient rumour. OEDIPUS What is that rumour? 1 am examining the whole question. OI~IIlOT$ ra 1TOLa TaVra; 1Távru yap CTK07TW AÓyoV. XOPO$ Ouváv EÁÉX071 7TPÓ, TtVWV Ó80t7TÓPWV, 350 CHORUS He was said to have been killed by people on the road. suppl. Burton 287 úrpárap.EV Shilleto: úrparáp.,,/v codd. 281 351 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS OIMIIOT$ # , .' , ~,~ ,., , ,~, ( ,., r¡KOVo"a Ka'YW' TOV VE VpWVT OVOEt<; 0P'l-' XOPO$ 295 an' E'l 'T"t p.€V 87¡ 8Eíp.aTó<; 'Y' exEt p.Épo<; Ta<; 0"0.<; aKOVWV ov P.EVÚ Totá0"8' apá<;. OIt.II1OT$ é[J p."Í '0"'T"t 8pwv'T"t Tápf3o<;, ov8' e"o<; epOf3EI.. xOPO$ an' OVgEAÉ'Ygwv Vtv 7TápEO"Ttv' or8E 'Yap TOV Oúov 1]0"1 p.áv'T"tv &8' á'YovO"tv, é[J '\ O'E<; EP.7T6f'VKEV , 'Á-.. ' O' , TaN'I av PW7TWV P.OV(¡l. OIMIIOT$ 300 305 T EtpEO"ta, ' OtoaKTa "'''' , TE áppr¡Tá T' ovpáVtá TE Kat XOOVOO"'T"tf3i¡, 7TÓAtv p.Év, El Kat p.7¡ f3AÉ7TEt<;, epPOVEI.<; 8' óp.w<; (//' "?,, , Ot'l- VOO"(¡l O"VVEO"'T"tV' "1<; O"E 7TpOo"TaTr¡v O"wTi¡pá T', @vag, p.ovvov EgwpíO"KOP.EV. CJ>01.f30<; 'Yáp, El Kat p.7¡ KAVEt<; TWV a'Y'Y ÉAWV , ~, W 7TaVTa ~ VWP.WV 1TÉ/Lt/Ja<TLV 7JJLív aVTÉ1TEfL.pev, EKAVeTLV 310 p.óvr¡v &V EAOEI.V Tov8E TOV voO""Íp.aTo<;, El TOV<; KTavóvTa<; Aátov p.aOóv7"E<; d; KTEÍvatp.Ev, 1) 'Yi¡<; epv'Yá8a<; EK7TE/L.paí/LEOa. " a7T , ,otWVWV ' "'Á..' O"V'~""'''/''O' v' ovv '1' ovr¡O"a<; /Lr¡T 'l'a'T"tv /L"ÍT' E'l 'T"tV' áAAr¡V /LaV7"tKi¡<; eXEt<; ó8óv, 293 I also have heard that; but the doer remains invisible. CHORUS But if he has any particle of fear within him, he will not wait long, now that he has heard such curses pronounced byyou. OEDIPUS He who is not afraid to do the deed is not frightened by a word.' CHORUS But here is he who shall convict him; yes, already they are bringing in the godlike prophet, in whom alone among mankind truth is implanted. EnterTIRESIAS, ledhy the hoy who is his guide. OEDIPUS Tiresias, you who dispose all things, those that can be explained and those unspeakable, things in heaven and things that move on earth, even though you cannot see you know the nature of the sickness that besets the city; and you are the only champion and protector, lord, whom we can find. In case you have not heard the messengers, Phoebus when we sent to him sent back the message that release from this plague would come only if we leamed for certain who were the killers of Laius and killed them, or sent them out of the country into exile.Well, do not grudge the use of a message from the birds or of any other road of propheey that you possess, and save yourself and 8p¡;'vr' anon. (1779): 186vr' codd. Heimsoeth: airTov ECTnv codd. 297 VW 7Táp€a'Ttv 352 353 SOPHOCLES ~..... """.1'\ OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ~, r..... , )' pVeraL erEaVTOV KaL 7roI\LV, pVeraL o E/LE, (,.., ..... IJ ' pVeraL oE 7Tav /l-Laer/l-a TOV TEVVTJKOTO~. :> "'" ,'~ ~,:> A.. \..... :> A.. , 'O' EV erOL yap Eer/l-EV' avopa O ú"f'EI\ELV a'f' wv " '\\ ' EXOL TE KaL,"', OVVaLTO KaI\I\LerTO~ 7TOVWV. ~,.....)' I 315 TIRESIAS TEIPE¡IA¡ Alas, alas, how dreadful it is to know when the knowledge does not benefit the knower! I knew this weH, but I suppressed it; else I would not have come here. ,pEV ,pEV, ,ppovEÍv W~ 8EWOV if.v8a /l-~ T€.ATJ AVYJ ,ppovovvn. mvm yap KaAW~ eyw ,~ .... ~)' \ , :>." ,\ ~....., I EWW~ ULwl\Eer . OV yap av oevp LK0/l-TJV. I OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOr¡ n , "', " O EernV; the city, and save me, and save us from aH the poHution coming from the dead mano We are in your hands; and for aman to use his qualities and his powers to help is the noblest oflabours. What is the matter? How despondent you are, now that you have come! ' " fJ ' \ '\ fJ W~ auv/l-0~ ELerEI\TJI\VVa~. TIRESIAS TEIPE¡IA¡ 320 )/../.. ,:>" (..... "" I pq.erTa yap TO erov /IJ Kayw OWLerW TOV/l-0V, TJV E/l-0L 7TWYJ. a'f'E~ /l- E~ OLKOV~· , ,,<;:I :> I ,\ , " erv TE " OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOr¡ OVT' if.lJVo/l-'EI7Ta~ OV7€ 7Tpoer,pLArj 7TÓAEL TfiS', 1í er' if.8pet/;E, 7'l)VS' a7TOerTEpWV ,pánv. TEIPE¡IA¡ 325 Let me go home! You wiH find it easier to bear your fate and I mine, if you do as I sayo What you say is neither lawful nor friendly to this city, which reared you, since you are withholding this message. TIRESIAS It is because I see that your speech also does not hit the Ópw yap OV8E o-OL 70 CTOV epWVr¡fL' lov " )' ( '5' ,,, ,.... iJ 7TpO~ KaLpOV· W~ OVV /l-TJO EYW TaVTOV 7TaVW~, I mark; therefore, so as not to have the same happen to me.... OEDIPUS OILl.IIIor¡ /l-~ 7TpO~ 8EWV ,pPOVWV y' a7TOerTpa,pfi~, e7Tet 7TávTE~ erE 7TpOerKVVOV/l-EV or8' íK7'l)PWL. TEIPE¡IA¡ 7Táv7E~ yap OV ,pPOVEÍT'. eyw S' OV 7TOTE ~,(,\" \"'Á,..I' )' Ta/l-, W~ av EL7TW /l-TJ Ta er , EK'f'TJVW KaKa. /l-1¡ Ifyou know, I beg you, do not turn away from us, since we aH implore you in supplication. TIRESIAS Yes, for aH of you are ignorant; I shaH never reveal my sorrows, not to mention yours. 325 354 sententiam interrumpi vidit Wunder 355 330 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OIMIlOT$ OEDIPUS Tí q,~<;; tVVEtSa.<; ov q,páCTEt<;, aA>..' Y¡,úis What are you saying? You know, but you will not tell us, but are minded to betray us and to destroy the city? Evvoe'i<; 1TpoSovvat Kat KaTaq,BE'ipat 1TÓAtV; TIRESIAS TEIPE$IA$ > , "" 1 shall give pain neither to you nor to myself. Why do you question me in vain? You cannot learn from me. , ., "\ ,,' .... , OVTE CT a"YVVúl. Tt TaVT "\ '\ ' "yap ?av "1TV BOto ' /Lov. aA"úl<; E"EYXEt<;; ov eyúl OVT E/LavTov OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT$ I ...., ,~ OVK, 335 , , Most villainous of villains-you would drive even a rock to fury! Wi!l you never speak out, but be seen as inflexible and inconclusive? , eh KaKúlV KaKtCTTE, Kat yap av 1TETPOV epVUl,V (J"v y' opyávEtac;, ¿eEplic; , -A ~<:;" , ~ \' 7fOTÉ, A. ~ aAA' wo aTEYKTo<; KaTE"EvTr¡TO<; 'j'avy¡; TIRESIAS You find fault with my temper, but you have not seen your own that lives with you, and you blame me. TEIPE$IA$ opy~v E/LÉ/Lo/úl T~V E/L~1J, T~V CT~V S' Ó/Lov , , ..... ~ '\\"'.1,' 1JatoVCTav ov KaTEtoE<;, a"" E/LE 'l'EYEt<;. OEDIPUS Why, who would not be angry, hearing such words as those with which you now show disrespect for the city? OILl.IIIOT$ yap TOtaVT' llv OVK av Oprí'OLT' E1T'T} \ ' , ,r "\ K"VúlV, a 1JV1J (TV Tr¡VO aTt/La."Et<; 1TO"t1J; ríe; 340 ~,,., ,~" TEIPE$IA$ 7ítEt yap aVTá, KaV Eya. CTtyi/ CTTÉyúl. OIMIlOT$ OVKOV1J él y' 7ítEt Kat CTE Xp~ AÉYEt1J E/Loí; TEIPE$IA$ OVK av nipa ef>páo-atf-tt. 1TpOC; rúS', El (JÉkelS, ., , ~ TIRES lAS Yes, things will come of themselves, even if 1 veil it in silence. OEDIPUS Is not what will come just what you ought to tell me? TIRESlAS 1 will explain no further; in the face of that, pray rage with the most ferocious anger! BV/Lov St' opyi¡<; 7íTt<; ayptúlTáTr¡. 356 357 345 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OILl.IrlOT$ OEDIPUS WeIl, 1 am so angry that 1 wiIlleave nnsaid nothing of what 1 nnderstand! Know that 1 think that yon shared in the planning of the deed and in its doing, except that yon did not kili him with your own hands; and if yon did not happen to be blind, 1 shonld have said that the deed was yours aIone! Ka~ p:Y¡v 1rapf¡<Tw 'Y' ov8Év, llJ<; oP'Yij<; EXW, a1rEp gvvír¡JL'. 'í<T0~ 'Yap 80KWV EJLO~ Ka~ gVJLcPvTEU<Ta~ 70VP'Y0V, Elp'Yá<TOa~ O', O<TOV JL7J XEp<T~ Kaívwv' El 8' EnJ'YxavE<; f3AÉ1rWV, '~I ~, " , , . . . . . , "A-.. ';' Ka~ 70VP'Y0V av <TOV 70V7 E'I'r¡V ELva~ JLOVOV. I TEIPEnA~ 350 TIRESIAS So? IcaIl on yon to abide by the procIamation yon made earlier, and from this day on address neither these men nar me, since yon are the nnholy poIlnter of this land! aAr¡OE<;; EVVÉ1rW <TE 7i¡) Kr¡pv'YJLan Jj1rEp 1rpolt1ra<; EfLJLÉVELV, KacP' -(¡fLÉpa<; I I 1,) I 7ij<; VUV 1rpo<TaVoav fLr¡7E 70V<TOE fLr¡7 EfLE, llJ<; ovn 'Yij<; 7ij<T8' avo<Tíq¡ fL~á<T70p~. ~..... ~ OEDIPUS Have yon so shamelessly started np this story? How do yon think yon wiIl escape its conseqnences? OIMIJOT$ 355 OV7W<; ava~8w<; EgEKívr¡<Ta<; 7ó8E 70 pijfLa; Ka~ 1rOU mU70 cPEvgE<TOa~ 80KEÍ<;; TIRESIAS 1 have escaped; the trnthI nnrture has strength. TEIPE$IA$ OEDIPUS 1rÉcPEV'Ya' 7aAr¡OE<; 'Yap l<TXUOV 7p ÉcP W, ,¡ OILl.IJIOT$ 1rpO<; mu 8~8axOEÍ<;; ov 'Yap , ~. EK 'lE Tij<; 7ÉXVr¡<;." TEIPE$IA$ , <TOV' ,. , <TV, 'Yap , fL", ) ".'< "\E''YE'V 1rP0<; aKOV7a 1rPQV7pE'j'W •. OILl.IIIOT$ 1rOLOV AÓ'Y0V; AÉ'Y' ave~<;, llJ<; fLaAAOV fLáOw. TEIPE$IA$ 360 OVX~ gvvijKa<; 1rpÓ<TOEV; .ry 'K1rELpq. t AÉ'Y,úvt; From whom have yon learned it? Not, 1 think, from your prophetic arto TIRES lAS From yon; it was yon who forced me to speak against my wiIl. OEDIPUS To say what? TeIl me again, so that 1 can nnderstand it better! TIRESIAS Did yon not nnderstand before? Are yon trying to test me?· Brunck: 7TP0<T- codd. 360';¡ LI.-J.: 1} AÉYELV] A6ywv L S.I.: A6yo,~ Günther 3517TpOEÍ7TOS codd. 358 359 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS OI~IIIOT~ 9(J te; 'f'pO-CTOV. A.. ' OVX WCTTE y Et7l"EtV YVWCTTOV' a/\/\ av 'u ".... , , ' \ \' TIRESIAS TEIPE~IA~ 1 say that you are the murderer of the man whose murderer you are searching for! .pOVÉO- CTÉ .p7)f-Lt TaVOpOe; OV '7)TeZe; KVpEtV. OI~IIIOT~ OEDIPUS You shal! not get away with speaking disaster twice! aAA' Ol) Tt Xaípwv oíe; YE 7I"7)f-LOVaS EpEte;. ~ ~ .. TEIPE~IA~ -"\ \' " ~ Not so that 1 can say 1know it; come, say it again! I ,r TIRESIAS Shall 1 tell you another thing, to make you even angrier? \/ Et7l"W Tt 07)Ta KO-/\/\, LV 0pYt'oY/ 7I"/\EOV; OEDIPUS OI~IIIOT~ 365 I'y C1 e , , Tel! me as much as you please, since your words will be wasted! I OCTOV YE XPY/'oEte;' we; f-LaT7)V Etp7)CTETat. TIRESIAS TEIPE~IA~ 1 say that you are living unawares in a shameful relationship with those closest to you, and cannot see the plight in which you are. AEA7)(JÉVO-t CTÉ .p7)f-Lt crVv TOte; .ptATáTOte; ~ (J' e \ " , ,~, e ..... q, ~ ..... O-tCTXtCT Of-Lt/\OVVT, ovo OpO-V tV Et KO-KOV. OI~IIIOT~ OEDIPUS .. KO-t' YEY7) (J' A",\,<: '" A 7) we; TO-VT O-Et /\E'o ELV OOKEte;; ". , TEIPE~IA~' Et7l"Ep Tí 370 y' \' , "';' , Yes, if the truth has any strength. OIMIIOT~ """ ,~, -" ECTTt, 1T1\7JV (TOt· O"'Ot oE TOVT ,f..\' TIRESIAS E(TTt Tije; aA7)(JEíae; CT(JÉvoe;. ,\\", UI\/\ .... "., OVK €(TT , €7TEt "" ,9- TV'f'/\oe; Ta T WTO- TOV TE VOVV TO- T Of-Lf-LaT Et. ~, "(J\ ' .... " ~, r ~\ , CTV O O- /\tOe; YE TO-VT OVEWt'oWV, O- CTOt , ~,~\ , \ ,..~" ~..... , OVoEte; oe; oVXt TWVO OVEWtEt Taxa. 360 OEDIPUS It has, except for you; you are without it, since you are blind in your ears, in your mind, and in your eyes. TIRESIAS TEIPE~IA~ , Do you believe that you wil! continue to repeat such things and go scot-free? It is sad that you utter these reproaches, which al! men shall soon utter against you. 361 375 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OIt.IIIOT¡ OEDIPUS JLtO" TpÉc/>TJ 7rpO~ VVKTÓ~, WtTTE JLr,T' EJLE ' , a/\/\ov, "\ \ " .L ~ , ~ (3\/\a",at '.1. 7rOT ' av. " JLYJT OtTTt~ 'f'w~ opq" You are sustained by darkness only, so that you could never harm me or any other man that sees the light. TIRESIAS TEIPEnA¡ :J.I ,... 1"\:> .I,:>..... No, it is not at my hand that you are destined to fall, since Apollo, who has it in mind to bring this about, will he sufficient. .' ov yap tTE JLotpa 7rpO~ y EJLOV 7rEtTEtV, E7rEt íKavo~ 'A7rónwv, ¿¡; Tá8' EK7rpátat JLÉAEt. OIt.IIIOT¡ I OEDIPUS KpÉOVTO~, ~ TOV TaVTa Tatevpr,JLaTa; ls it Creon, or who, that has made these discoveries? TEIPE¡IA¡ ~I ,~J' K pEWV OE tTOt 7rYJJL OVOElJ, a/\/\ .I ".." '\\' TIRESIAS " , aVTO~ (]"V / tTOt. Creon is not your trouble, but rather you yourself. OEDIPUS OIt.IIIOT¡ 380 Ji 7rAOVTE KaL TVpaV1JL KaL TÉXlJYJ TÉXlJYJ~ ímEpc/>ÉpOVtTa n¡J 7rOAv'r,Aq¡ (3íq¡, " , , ~ '.LiJ ' .L \ ' OtTO~ 7rap vJLtv o 'f'VOlJO~ 'f'v/\atTtTETat, El áitT8É y' apxi¡~ OVlJEX', ~lJ EJLOL 7róAt~ /" .. ).1 OWpYJTOlJ, OVK atTYJTOlJ, EttTEXEtpttTElJ, TaVTYJ~ KpÉwv ¿ mtTTÓ~, ovt apxi¡~ c/>íAo~, AáOpq, JL' v7rEAOwv EK(3aAEtlJ íJLEípETat, Vc/>EL~ JLáyolJ TotólJ8E JLYJxalJoppác/>ov, 8óAtolJ ayvpTYJv, OtTTt~ EV Toí~ KÉp8EtTtv JLóvov 8É80PKE, T~lJ TÉXlJYJlJ 8' Ec/>VTVc/>Aó~. :> 'Á,.' , "Y.,/.../ E7rEt 'f'Ep Et7rE, 7rOV tTV JLalJTt~ Et tTa'f'YJ~; 7rW~ ovx, 00' T¡ pat/Jq¡8o~ EvOá8' '1V KVWlJ, "~ ,. , ~,:> '"" :> \ / YJvoa~ Tt TOttTO atTTOttTtV EK/\VTYJptoV; 1/", , l' KatTOt TO y atvtYJL" oVXt" TOV7rtolJTO~ YJlJ , "', ~, \ \ ' ,,,'" avopo~ OtEt7rEtv, a/\/\a JLalJTEta~ EOEt" ~ 385 390 :>.1 '" 362 1"\'/ O riches and kingship and skill surpassing skill in alife much-envied, how great is the hatred that you store up, if it is for the sake of this royal power, which the city placed in my hands as a gift, though 1 had not asked it, that Creon the trusty, my friend from the first, has crept up to me and longs to throw me out, setting upon me this wizard hatcher of plots, this crafty heggar, who has sight only when it comes to profit, hut in his art is hlind! Why, come, tell me, how can you be a true prophet? Why when the versifying hounda was here did not you speak sorne word that could release the citizens? lndeed, her riddle was not one for the first comer to explain! It • The Sphinx, called a hound because she was the servant of the god who sent her. 376 . (TE... - Brune. k· ¡.LE 'Y"€J1-0V . . . y€ O"ov-II9 et cadd . 378 TOV II 9'c: <Toi) II 9Pc et codd. 379 8.] y. Brunck 363 SOPHOCLES 395 ~v ovr' ~" OVT EK a-7T' oiwvwv c:rU 7fpov4>áV'r¡~ ÉXúJv O"" , al\l\ ,\\" EYW\ ¡.tOI\WV, \' EWV TOV YVWTOV' ~\ ,~, o( ¡.tr¡OEV EWW, " O'~' '>" ov or¡ 400 (]"V required prophetic skill, and you were exposed as having no knowledge from the birds or from the gods. No, it was 1 that came, Oedipus who knew nothing, and put a stop to her; 1 hit the mark by native wit, not by what 1 learned from birds. And it is 1 that you are trying to throw out, thinking that you wiil stand close to the throne of Creon. Both you and he who hatched this plan wiil regret, 1 think, your attempt to drive out the curse; and if you did not seem to be old, you would learn by suffering how dangerous are your thoughts. , Wt1TOV" E1TaVCTa VW, YVW¡.tY1 KVpr'¡CTa, ovS' " OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ~, ~ eb' olwvwv ¡.taOwv· '> ~ 1TEtpq-, EKfJaI\EtV, OOKWV , ~ 1TapaCTTaTr¡CTEtV TOt, ~ \ OPOVOt, ' K PEOVTEtOt, ' '\ 1TEl\a,. \' '> ~ ¡.tOt Kat' " "" Kl\atWV OOKEt, (]"V XW CTVV O' Et, TaoE , \' , '>' ,,'> ' ) ayr¡l\aTr¡CTEw' Et OE ¡.tr¡ OOKEt, YEPWV ~ ~'''?I Á.. "'" Etvat, 1TaO'" wv EYVW, av ota 1TEp 'f'pOVEt,. CHORUS XOPO~ 405 As we reckon, both this man's words and your own, Oedipus, seem to have been spoken in anger. We need nothing like that, but we should consider how best we can accomplish the prophecy of the godo ..;¡,.t"iv JL€V ElKá'ovo-(, Kat TU TOVS' €1T'YJ , ~ I\EI\EX \ \' Oat Kat' Ta " CT , O'''' ,,~ 0pYY1 tOt1TOV, OOKEt. " ~ O "" OEt , , \ \, d ov TOtOVTWV, al\l\ 01TW, Ta'~O TOV EOV~ " \ ' I~ "" ¡.taVTEt"'" aptCTTa I\VCT0¡.tEV, TOOE CTK01TEtV. TIRESIAS TEIPE~IA~ , \ .... 'é ' , .... Et Kat TVpaVVEt" ES tCTWTEOV TO YOVV " " \ ti:.' .... c;::. , " ..... tCT aVTeI\Esat' TOVOE yap Kayw KpaTW. 410 ., r ~ OOVI\O" ,,~\ ' \ \ ' AOstq-' t:' ov" yap Te CTOt, ",W al\l\a d " KPWPTO, ' WCTT ov \ ' I\EYW , ,>" O , , , 1TpOCTTaTOV YEypatIJO¡.tat. '>, ..1. \ ' ," E1TEWr¡ Kat, TV'f'I\OV ¡.t " WVEtOtCTa,' , "''> , ~\ ' d , ~ ~ Kat OEoopKa, KOV fJI\E1TEt, tV El: KaKOV, ,~, " O I 'c:::-, ~ ,....., OVO EP a patEt" OVO OTWP OtKEt, ¡.tETa- (]"V 415 ap' OtCTO' aep' @P Et; Kat Á.ÉÁ.r¡Oa, EXOpO' c":>v Toí, CToíCTW aVTov VÉpOE Ka1Tt yij, avw, Kaí CT' a¡.tept1TÁ.i¡g ¡.tr¡TpÓ, TE Ka1TO TOV 1Tatpo, EÁ.r¿. 1TOT' EK yij, TijCTSE SEtVÓ1TOV, apá, Q\ ' ,.." "0' , E1TEtTa " ~" CTKOTOV. fJI\E1TOVTa VVV ¡.tEV op OE 420 f3oij, 364 Se Ti¡, CTi¡, 1Toío, OVK ECTOaÁ.tKwP, Even though you are king, we may be equal so far as to answer word for word; for there 1 too have power, since 1 live not as your slave, but that of Loxias, so that 1 shail not be written down as Creon's partisano And 1 say, since you have reproached me with my blindness, that you have sight, but cannot see what trouble you are in, nor where you are living, nor with whom you share your home. Do you know from what stock you come? First, you are unaware of being an enemy to your own beneath and aboye the earth, and, next, the two-pronged curse that comes from your mother and your father with deadly step shail one day drive you from this land; now you have sight, then shail you look on darkness. What Helicon, what II 7Pc : Kat TOí) O"ov codd. 420 €UBU)..'KÓJV Blaydes, HeIWerden: '(]"TU< )..'I':rív codd. 417 KcbTO rov 365 SOPHOCLES Cithaeron shall not soon echo your laments when you become aware of the marriage into whose dangerous harbour you sailed in your house, sped by a favouring wind? And there are other troubles you do not perceive, which shall annihilate you together with your children. In face of that cover with abuse Creon and this mouth of mine! For there is none among mortals that shall be more cruelly rooted out than you. 7Toío,> KLOaLpWl' OVXt (T!JJL<Pilll'O'> ráxa, ., 'O ' VJLEl'aLOl', (/ ~,~" oral' KaraLCT y¡ rol' Ol' OOJLOL'> ~, al'opJLol' ELCTE7TAEVCTa,>, EV7TAOLa,> rVXilll'; áHilll' OE 7TAfjOO'> OVK E7TaLCTOál'Y¡ KaK(;w, a y' E~ai'(TT6)(T~L (TE a-VV TOLS' U"OLS- rÉKVOLS'. 7TpO'> ravra Kat KpÉol'ra Kat rovJLol' CTrÓJLa 7TP07T'Y}AáKL'E. CTOV yap OVK ECTTLl' (3porwl' 0' " KaKLOl' OCTTL'> EKrpL¡Jf/CTEraL 7TorE.I '''\ 425 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS " <f '\' I , OEDIPUS Is it bearable that 1 should hear these words from this man? Co to destruction! Turn at once your back and hasten home away from this house! OIt.IIIOT:l: ~ ravra ofjr' al'EKra 7TpO'> rovrov KAVEíl'; 430 OVK El,> OAEOpOl'; oVXt OaCTCTOl' aV 7TáALV á.poppo'> OLKilll' rwl'8' a7TOCTrpa<pEt'> á7TEL; TIRESIAS 1would never have come, had you not sent for me. TEIPE:l:IA:l: ,~, ~ I " ')1 ovo LKOJLr¡l' EYillY al', , EL OEDIPUS '\ CTV, JLr¡" KaAEL'>. No, 1 did not know that your words would be foolish; else 1would hardly have summoned you to my house. OIMIlOT:l: ov yáp rí CT' iíor¡ JLwpa <pillvríCTol'r', E7Tet CTXOAi! CT' al' OLKOV,> ro"',> EJLO"''> ECTTELAáJLr¡l'. TIRESIAS That is what 1 am; foolish, as you think, but the parents who gave you birth found me wise. TEIPE:l:IA:l: 435 ~JLEí,> rOLOío' E<pVJLEl', CÓ'> JLEl' CTOt OOKEÍ, OEDIPUS What parents? Wait! Who among mortals gave me birth? JLWPOL, YOl'EVCTL o', aL CT' E<pvCTal', EJL<pPOl'E'>. TIRESIAS OIt.IIIOT:l: This day shall be your parent and your destroyer. 'c;:.I, '../...' Q '" 7TOLOLCTL; JLELl'Ol'. TL'> oE JL EK'¡JVEL fJporilll'; I "... ríO' ~JLÉpa á y' codd. 425 Ka, 366 <pVcrEL CTE ¿ga"iCT'TWO"€t 433 KaL oLa<pOEpEI.. eFE crvv Bergk: á af¡ n 9 in linea, coni. G. Wolff: ov codd. el n 7 fí8,,! n 7 in margine: fí8EW codd. 434 <T)(o!l.ii 0"' fere codd.: O"xo!l.ii y' H, v.l. in n 9 I EIWú" <O"'> Porson 435 fLf.V o"o~] o-OL ¡'LEV Schaefer 430 TEIPE:l:IA:l: 0-' ¿guFWa-€L croí TE 367 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES ~ , ,# OItdIIOT~ ,./.,.1"\\' , OEDIPUS How riddling and obscure in excess are all your words! " W<; 'il'aVT a'lav aLPtKTa Ka<ra,+,7J J\E'lEt<;. TIRESIAS TEIPE~IA~ 440 " '1"\ , " ( , Do you not excel in answering such riddles? "Á,. OVKOVV lrV TaVT apt<rTO<; EVpt<rKEtV E,+,V<;; OEDIPUS OILi.IIIOT~ Yes, taunt me in matters in which you shall find me great! TOtaVT' oVEÍ8t" oI<; EjJ-' EÍJp~<rEt<; jJ-É'lav. TIRESIAS TEIPE~IA~ I But it is that very happeningthat has been your ruin. aVT7J 'lE jJ-ÉVTOt <r' Y¡ TVX7J 8UdAE<rEV. OEDIPUS Well, ifI preserved this city, 1 do not carel OILl.IIIOT~ '\\' , I~' . .1'\ aJ\J\ Et 7TOJ\LP T7JVU ,/;, ", E~ E<rW<r , OV 1\ jJ-Dt jJ-EJ\Et. TEIPE~IA~ I YI' a7TEtfLt TOtVVV' Kat lrV, 7Tat, KOjJ-to,E " I " ' " fLE. OEDIPUS OILi.IIIOT~ 445 KOfLt'ÉTW 8ijO" W<; 7TapWV , \ 0XJ\Et<;, ~ O lrV Et<; I ,~, a-V y' ~\ , '\ €fL7T08WV I \ I T av OVK av aJ\'lvVat<; 7TJ\EOV. TEIPE~IA~ , '" ~ ''S'\O ,-. <rOV , Et7TWV a7TEtfL ,'(' WV OVVEK 7JJ\ OV, OV' TO ~ I I " O' 07TOV ~ , \ ... UEt<ra<; 7TPO<rW7TOV' OV" 'lap E<r fL , OJ\Et<;. . '" \ ' "" <rOL' TOV ", ~ '\ J\E'lW uE avupa TOVTOV, OV 7TaJ\at 450 '7JTet<; a7TEtAWV KaVaK7JPV<r<rWV ,pÓVOV TOV AaiELOV, ovró<; ECYTtV EvOáSe, fÉvo<; AÓ'l<¡l fLÉTOtKO<;' EITa S' €'l'lE1J'Y¡<; ,paV~<rETat 87Jf3aío<;, ov8' Y¡<rO~<rETat Ti! fVfL,pOPq,' rv,pAO<; 'lap 455 , ", \ ' EK Kat 7TTWX0<; aVTt 7TJ\OV<rtOV TIRESIAS Then 1 shaIl go; boy, take me away! Yes, let him take you! While you are here, you are an obstruction and a nuisance, and when you have left you will cause us no more grief. TIRESIAS 1 shall go, now that 1 have spoken of the things that brought me here, with no fear of your angry countenance; for it cannot be that you destroy me. And 1 say this to you: the man you have long been looking for, with threats and proc1amations about the murder of Laius, that man is here! He is thought to be a stranger who has migrated here, but later he shall be revealed to be a native Theban, and the finding will bring him no pleasure; for he shall travel over strange land blind instead of seeing, poor 8ESOPKÓTO<; 1;' ~E1l7JV " E7Tt <rK~7TTp<¡l 7Tp08EtKvV<; 'laíav EfL7TOpW<rETab. 368 369 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS instead of rich, feeling his way with his stick. And he shall be revealed as being to his children whom he lives with both a brother and a father, and to rus mother both a son and a husband, and to his father a sharer in his wife and a killer. Co inside and think this over, and if you ¡¡nd me to be mistaken, you may say at once that 1have no wisdom in my prophecies! XOPO¡ Tí~ OV7{,1" á I ()€CT1TLÉ1TEt- crTp. a I áPPT]T' apP7ÍTwv TEAÉcravÁ,.' , Ta ,+,oLvLaLcrL XEpcrLV; wpa vw aEAAáowv tTrTrWV crOEvapwrepov f/Jvyq. Tr60a vWfLáv. ÉVOTr AO'> yap ETr' aVTov ETrEVOp<íJcrKEL 470 TrVpL KaL crTEpOTrat'> Ó ÁLO'> YEvÉTa'> , OEwaL o' áfL' ¡[TrOVTaL KfjPE'> avaTrAáKT]TOL. ÉAafLt/1E yap TOV vLf/J6Ev- OEDIPU8 leaves the stage and goes CHORUS a ÁEAf/JL'> nOE TrÉTpa 465 Exit TIRE8IA8; and into the palace. , aVT. a I Who is he that the oracular rock of Delphi sung as having done a deed worse than unspeakable with bloody hands? It is time for him to ply his foot in flight with strength mightier than that of the horses of the winds. For armed with ¡¡re and lightning there leaps upon him the son of Zeus, and after him come dread spirits of death that never miss their mark. For lately flashed out the word from snowcapped Parnassus that all were to follow the track of the mysterious mano Yes, he travels through the wild jungle and through caves and over rocks, like a bull, limping sadly with sorewounded foot, trying to leave far behind the prophecies TO'> apTíw,> f/Javúcra 475 f/J7ÍfLa IlapvacroiJ TOV áOT]- AOV ávopa Trávr' LXVEVELV. f/JOLTq. yap VTr' aypíav ~\ "'~' vl\av ava T aVTpa KaL, ~ , 464 ííll< J. E. Powell: <rll< K: <r7T< cett. 478 7T<rpaía'> Ó fort. Lae, sed non iam legitur: 7T<rpaía,> ';',> KRV: 7TÉrpa,,> ';',> Gp: 7TÉrpa,> ';',> pat ~ 7TETpaw,> o Tavpo,> , "" '\ \ ' , fLEI\EO'> fLEI\EqJ TrOOL XT]PEVWV, 370 371 SOPHOCLES 480 'TU p.BTóp.</>a"Aa yos a7rOIJO<T</>í'WIJ "" p.aIJ'TELa· , Ta ~, ) , o aEL 'WIJ'Ta 7rEpt7rOTaTat. <" ~<'" OEtlJa P.E IJVIJ, oEtlJa 'Tapa<T<TEt -l.' a-o~o~ 485 , OUtlVO ~ " 8'ETa~, 3/" ovr "'" OVT€ UOKOVV'T o" 'Tt \ ' l: a7rOpw. <;:-,'\ / '/ , , 7rE'Top.at O EI\7rt<TtIJ OV'T EIJI~, 8ao , ("" , 8' , ~ <", 1\6" W O .f ,/.. / U1TO'jJua"KOV H,) I I 0PWIJ OV'T 07rt<TW. "AafJoaKtoat, {.J<' ,,, 'Tt yap '17 490 ~ '1"7 'Te¡> TI OI\VfJOV \ '{.J ~ IJEt- KO, EKEt'T' OV'TE 7rápOt8Év ", ,# ,.., 7rO'T EYWY OV'TE 'TaIJVIJ 7rW, " 8OIJ, 7rpO, ' "O'TOV 0'17 <', Ep.a ¡3ua-ávq> 495 , E7rt 'TaIJ " <- > u u - E7rtoap.OIJ ,,, '\ E7rtKOVpO, aor¡l\wIJ 500 8aIJa'TWIJ. ' Zw, ó P.EIJ o¡)IJ Ó 'T' 'A7róHWIJ l: "'{.J ~ <, VVE'TOt Kat 'Ta fJPOTWIJ '<' , , <' ~ <'," , EtoO'TE,' avopwIJ o 0'Tt p.aIJ'Tt, \' ,\, ',/..' 7rI\EOIJ '17 yw 'l'EpETat, aH' coming from earth's centre; but they hover about him, ever alive. Grievous, grievous is the trouble caused me by the wise interpreter of omens; 1 neither believe it nor deny it, but 1 cannot tell what to say, and By on the wings ofhope, seeing neither the present nor the future. For what quarrel had the Labdacids or the son of Polybus neither before nor now have 1 leamed, that 1 should put the matter to the test and go against the public fame of Oedipus to aid the Labdacids in the matter of mysterious deaths. Well, Zeus and Apollo are wise and know the affairs of mortals; but when it comes to men, one cannot tell for sure that a prophet carries more weight than 1; a man may surpass one kind of wisdom by means of another. But never, till 1 see the saying made unmistakable, shall 1 assent to those that find fault with him; for in sight of all ,,~ </>á'TtIJ ETp.' Ol8t7ró8a Aa(38aKí8at, , , OEDIPUS TYRANNUS 483 ¡.tE vVV Bergk: ¡.t€V o,)v codd. 492 ."."'~ Ll. -J.: .".'" codd. 494lacunam post j3ucráv<¡J statuit Ritter, post É¡.tuOov Campbell, post 1)7'OV Brunck, post 8~ Hermann: <Xpr¡crá¡.tEVO~> suppl. Brunck, <.".ícrTtv ÉX"'v> G. Wolff Kpí<Tt'> OVK E<T'TtIJ a"Ar¡8'rí,' -l.' <'," -l.' a-o"f'tq., o uv CT0'P"av '.1. ' I 7rapap.Et'l'EtEIJ aIJr¡p. ,\\", ", ,# al\l\ OV7rOT EYWY aIJ, 505 ",~ " 7rptIJ toOtp. " op 8'OIJ E7rO" P.EP.l . ' " -1. ' 'l'0P.EIJWIJ aIJ Ka'Ta'l'atr¡IJ. 372 373 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES the winged maiden carne against him once, and he was seen to be wise and approved as dear to the city; thus shall he never be convicted ofcrime by my judgment. ePaVEpa 'Yap €7T' aVTep 510 '1I'TEpÓECTCT' ¡¡AOE KÓpa , KaL, CTO,+,O'> ,/..' W,+, ",/"o'Y] '1I'OTE, ' O' 'Y]OV'1I'OI\L'>' ~ ~ \:>, , ,.., TW'> a'1l' E/ha,> f3 aCTaV(¡) ,+,pEVO'> OV'1I'OT O,+,I\'Y]CTEL KaKLav. l' ,/... 515 520 , " EnterCREON. \ "'/"'\ l' CREON , Men of the city, 1 am here in indignation, having heard that King Oedipus is accusing me with terrible words. If in the present crisis he thinks he has suffered at my hands anything tending to harm, whether by words or deeds, 1 have no desire for long life when 1 hear such things said. No, the damage done by such a saying tends to no simple matter, but to one of great moment, if 1 am to be called a traitor to the dty an¿ a traitor in your eyes and in those of myfriends. KPE!1N áv8pE'> '1I'OALTaL, 8Eív' E'1I''Y] '1I'E'TI'vCTILÉvo,> KaT'Y]yopELV /hOV TOV TVpaVIJOV ol8í'1l'0V/J '1I'ápEL/h' aTA'Y]Twv. El yap €V TaL'> tV/h<PopaL'> ,.., VVV ,.., OOKEL ~..... 1 'y" ,E/hOV . . , '1I'E'1I'OV O'EvaL TaL'> TL '1I'po,> AÓYOLCTW E'iT' EPYOLCTLV €'> f3Aáf3'Y]v epÉpOV, OVTOL f3íov /hOL TOV /haKpaíwvo'> '1I'óOO'> , epÉpOVTL T"Ív8E f3átw. OV yap El,> á'1l'Aovv ~ ''Y]/hía /hOL TOV AÓyov TOVTOV epÉpEL, '\ \" l' ' ' ' , "\ al\l\ E'> /hEYLCTTOV, EL'KaKO'> /hEV EV '1I'OI\EL, ~ KaKO'> oE '1I'po,> CTOV KaL ,+,LI\WV KEKI\'Y]CTO/haL. " , " ,.., \ •./../\ \ CHORUS Well, this charge was uttered, but perhaps it was forced out by anger rather than by considered thought. l' CREON a'A'A' ¡¡AOE XOPO! /hEV 8~ TOVTO TOVVEL80,>, TáX' Clv ' ",,: 8' ., But was it openly said that the prophet was persuaded by my counsels to speak lies? opyfj f3LaCTO€V /ha'A'Aov ~ yvwNJ eppEVWV. KPE!1N 525 TOV'1I'O'> 8' €epávO'Y] TaL'> €/haL,> YVW/haL,> OTL ' \I\OYOV'> , ,1, "', \ ' , o" /haVTL'> TOV'> '1I'ELCToEL'> 'f'EVOEL'> I\EYOL; .. XOPO! "'" /hEV , Tao, '''', OLoa ", 'Y]voaTO o""" OV YVW/hYJ TWL., CHORUS This was said, but 1 know that it was unconsidered. Blaydes Krap: TWV II 71 a1T'] 1TpO~ Elmsley 516 SOKEí n Blaydes: vO¡J-í'.. eodd. 523 S' II 7, eoni. M. Sehmidt: om. eodd. 509 1TOTE] TÓT€ 510 T6>~ Ll.-J.: T0 525 To'¡hro~ TI 7, Kr, coni. Heimsoeth: TOV 71'pO~ Lp: 7T'pO~ Tova 527 374 nví Ll.-J. (ef. 524): Tív, eodd. 375 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS KPEilN CREON €t OfLfLáTOJV o' OpeWV TE Kd:rr' opeij<; <PPEVO<; KMr¡YOPE'iTO T01J7TíKAr¡fLa TOVT6 fLOV; CHORUS XOPO;¡; 530 But was it with a steady look and from a steady mind that this accusation was pronounced against me? a OVK oio" yo,p 0PWCT' oí KpaTovvTE<; ovx ópw. [avTo<; o' 00' 1íor¡ OOJfLáTOJV étOJ lTEpq..] I do not know; for I cannot judge the doings of my rulers. [Buthere he comes himself, out ofthe house.] Enter, suddenly, OILl.IIIOT;¡;¡ 535 O{jTO<; CTV, lTW<; o€Íip' ijAeE<;; ij TOCT6vo' éxEt<; '\ ' ti " , , TOl\fLr¡<; lTPOCTOJlTOV OJCTTE Ta<; EfLa<; CTTEya<; d Á. '" A<, '<" , Á. A tKOV, 'f'OVEV<; OJV TOVOE Tavopo<; EfL'f'avOJ<; AY/CTT"I¡<; T' EvapyT¡<; Tij<; €fLij<; ropavvíoo<;; .-1..':1" 'O EOJV, . . OEtl\taV ~ \ ' "r¡ fLOJptav , 'f'Ep EtlTE lTpO<; ,~ I " ..... "(3 \ ' toOJV TtV , EV fLOt TaVT E OVI\EVCTOJ lTOEtV; A 540 ~ TOVPYOV W<; ov YVOJpw'ifLí CTOV T60E 06A(¡llTpOCTÉplTOV KOVK aAEtoífLr¡v fLaOwv; ... " , ..... " " , CTOV, ap Ovxt fLOJPOV ECTTt TovYXEtpr¡fLa " \' , Á. ' \ ,<' aVEV TE 1TI\OVTOV Kat 'f'tI\OJV ropaVVtoa Or¡pav, 8 lTAi¡OEt xpi¡fLaCTív e' áAíCTKETat; OEDIPUS You there, how have you dared come here? Rave you such a sharneless face that you have come to my house, though you are elearly the would-be murderer of its master and are seen to be the would-be robber of my kingdom? Come, tell me, I beg you, was it because you saw in me sorne cowardice or folly that you decided to act thus? Or did you think I would not recognise the act as yours, as it carne stealthily against me, and would not leam of it and defend myself? Is not your attempt foolish, without wealth and without friends to try to steal a kingdom, a thing that is captured with massed supporters and with money? CREON KPEilN '" e' OJ<; (lTOr¡CTOV; ' "....." OtCT avTt TOJV Etpr¡fLEVOJV fu' a:IJTáKOVeTOV, Kq,TU KpLV' aVToi; p"u(}wv. Do you know what you should do? Listen fairly in tum to my words that reply to yours, and then judge when you have heard them! OILl.IllOT;¡; 545 AÉYEtv ero OEtv6<;, fLavOávEtV o' EYW KaKo<; CTOV' oVCTfLEvij yap Kat (3apvv CT' r¡Vpr¡K' EfLoí. II 7: Kcl~ eodd. 531 om. II 7, del. H. J. Rose 528 OEDIPUS You are a elever speaker, but I am a poor listener to you, for I have found you to be a bitter enemy to me. K(i1T' 537 EV ¡w, 376 OEDIPUS. Reisig: f.V f.¡w¡ eodd. anon. (1803): 1l'Í\7jflov<; eodd. an f3paí3v<;? (ef. 548) 5411l'Í\OVTOV 545 377 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS KPE11N ,...",,, . """, 1:,"" 'TOV'T aV'TO vvv fLoV 71pW'T aKOVO-OV úl~ Epúl. CREON First of al!, listen to this! OEDIPUS OIL:.IIIOTS 'r' 'TOV'T av'TO fLr¡ fLo< 'T'pa", , ,..., " / ,1.. ~ 071úl~ ,"5' OVK €< First of al!, do not tel! me that you are not a traitor! I KaKO~. CREON KPE11N El 550 If you believe that obstinacy without sense is worth possessing, you are not thinking wisely. 'TO< vOfLí'€<~ K'Ti¡fLa 'T~V avOa8íav E'lvaí n 'TOV vov Xúlpí~, OVK opOOj~ 4>povú~. OEDIPUS OIMIIOTS El If you believe that you can harm a kinsman and not pay the penalty, you are unwise. 'TO< vOfLí'€<~ /iv8pa O""V'Y'y€Vi¡ KaKw~ 8pwv OVX v4>É~E<V 'T~V 8íKr¡V, OVK EV 4>POVEt~. CREON I agree that what you say is just; but tel! me what it is you say I did to you! KPE11N ~vfL4>r¡fLí 0-0< ruV'T' ÉVS<K' Elpi¡o-Oa<' 'TO 8E ~ .i- ' 710, OEW ~ o<oaO-KE """ , fLE. 710,'O r¡fL " 0710<OV 'T'r¡~ OEDIPUS Did you or did you not persuade me that I ought to send someone for the much-revered prophet? OIL:.IIIOTS 555 É71€<OE~, ~ OVK É71€<OE~, ÓJ~ XPEír¡ fL' E71t , I " ~ I ,t, O' 'TOV o-EfLvofLavnv avopa 71EfL'f'ao0,< nva; KPE11N .. Ka<, vvv "O' E <:, aV'TO~ , €<fL< 'T(¡l 1"\ f3 oVI\EvfLan. \ ' OIL:.IIIOTS 71Óo-OV nv' 1í8r¡ Si¡O' Ó Aá<o~ XpóvovKPE11N ", .... oEopaKE 710<OV EPYOV; OV yap EVVOúl. ~,~ ..... ,/ OIL:.IIIOTS 560 a4>av'To~ Épp€< Oavao-ífL(¡l X€<pwfLan; , .:::,- ... CREON Yes, I still stand by the advice I gave you. OEDIPUS How long is it now since Laius ... CREON Did what? I do not understand. OEDIPUS Vanished from sight by a deadly stroke? CREON The count ofyears would mn far back. KPE11N fLaKpOt 71aAa<oí 'T' av fLE'TPr¡OEtEV XpÓVd<. 378 379 " 'S' SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OIMIIOT$ OEDIPUS ? (' 'S') 1"\ , TOT OVV o p.avn<; OVTO<; 'Y/V EV TT/ TEXVT/; CREON KPEnN a-Oc/>Ó~ y' óJLoiw\; Ka~ ía-ov T'JLÓJfLEVO~. OILl.IIIOT$ )' ,r,-,,,,, ,."" 565 , I 1"\'" ~ a/\/\ OVK EpEVvav TOV KaVOVTO, E<TXETE; 1"\ ~, " , , , 7TapE<TX0p.EV, 7TW, o OVXt; KOVK 'Y/KOV<Tap.Ev. OIMIIOT$ '5' A.. \ , ,,~ ,~ 7TW, OVV TO'B'? OVTO, o( <T0'l'0' OVK 'Y/voa TaOE; 1"\ KPEnN OVK ol8', €ef>' oi, yu.p p.T¡ ef>povw <Ttyav ef>tAÓJ. TO<Tóv8E y' ol<TBa Kat AÉYOt, &v EV ef>povwvKPEnN 1"\ ,~" \ 'S'I\:'" , , , 7TOLOV TOO; EL yap Otoa y , OVK apv'Y/<Top.at. OILl.IIIOT$ óBoíJ1JEK', El p.T¡ <TOt tvvijABE, TU., €P.G.<; OVK áv 7TOT' El7TE Aatov 8taef>Bopá,. 566 KaVÓVTO~ 380 CREON OEDIPUS How carne it, then, that this wise man did not tell you this? CREON 1 do not know; when 1 do not understand 1 like to say nothing. OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT$ 570 OEDIPUS We did, of course, hut we heard nothing. KPEnN , CREON But did you make no search for the killer? OILl.IIIOT$ , OEDIPUS Not while 1was standing anywhere nearhy. OVKOVV €p.oíJ y' É<TTÓJTO, ov8ap.oíJ 7TÉAa,. '\\' He was just as wise and enjoyed equal honour. Did he make any mention of me at that time? Ep.V'Y/<TaT OVV EP.OV n Te¡¡ TOT EV XPOVe¡¡; KPEnN Did the prophet in those days practise his craft? But you know this much, and you would tell me if you were honestCREON What thing? If 1know, 1 shall not refuse. OEDIPUS That ¡f he had not heen in concert with you he would never have spoken of my killing Laius. Herwerden: (Javóvror; codd. 381 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES CREON KPEUN El p,ev AÉYEL TáS', aVTo<; ora-B" EYW SÉ aov 575 p,aO{iv StKaU';) raiJO' a1TEp KUp,OV aV vvv. If he said that, you must know; but I claim the right to leam from you as much as you have just claimed to learn fromme. OIAIllOT); , , Oav'' ov, yap , 0'Y/ ,/-,OVEV<; , (\ EKp,av a"üJaop,at. ~'Á,. OEDIPUS I KPEUN You shallleam all you wish; I shall not be proved to be the murderer. Tí SijT'; USEAc/>7¡v T7¡V Ep,7¡v y!¡P,a.s EXEL<;; Well, are you married to my sister? OIAIllOT); ~, , 3/ apv'Y/at<; OVK EVEaTtV 1'" ..... üJV aVtaTOpEL<;. o' EKEívn ravTQ., yij~ íuov vÉ¡.utJv; OIAIllOT); 580 &v Ti OÉAovaa 1TávT' Ep,OV Kop,í'ETat. ,J.."'" :>,.., OVKOVV taovp,at a,/-,cpv EYüJ ~ CREON And do you rule the land, allowing her an equal share in power? OEDIPUS Everything she wishes she obtains from me. KPEUN 3/ OEDIPUS It is impossible to answer no to your question. KPEUN apX€ls CREON I 1"'\ ovow TptTO<;; CREON And am I not a third, equal to each of you? OIAIllOT); EvravOa yap S7¡ Kat KaKo<; c/>aívTJ c/>íAO<;. KPEUN ,/ ,~~I OVK, EL owOt'Y/<; y 585 ,f" CREON ",,\.1 aavTcp "oyov. (TKÉt/Ja~ oE Tovro npwTov, Eí 'TtV' a.v OOKEí" ápXELV ÉAÉaOat gvv c/>ó(3otat p,anov 1) " d~· , dé I aTpEaTov EVOOVT , EL, TaI y , av"0' E<, EL KpaT'Y/. €yw fLEV oiJv OEDIPUS That is where you are shown to be a traitorous friendo üJ<; EYüJ 01)7' aVTOC; ífL€ípwv ÉcPvv Not if you refiect upon the matter as Ido. Consider first this, whether you think anyone would choose to rule in terror rather than to rule while sleeping unafraid, if the power he has will be the same. Well, I am not the man to wish to be a king rather than to have royal power, nor is Túpavvo<; Etvat p,aAAov 1) Tvpavva Spav, 576 cPOVEV~ 586 El 382 <y'> Blaydes Ef YE TaVO' Broadhead Tá y' aVO'] 383 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES " , "\ \ ~I Á....... ;> / OVT al\l\o<; OCTTL<; CTW'f'pOVEW E1TLCTTaTaL. 590 '"' , " ..... "" ,J,.'{.:} ..t..' VVV ¡J-EV yap EK CTOV 1TaVT aVEV 'f'OfJOV 'f'EpW, ;>, ,~, EL -;- \ \' "'i:' <>\', aVTO<; r¡PXOV, 1TOl\l\a KaV aKWV EOpWV. O 1TW<; 8';¡T' E¡J-Ot ropaVVt<; i¡8íwv EX EW , ..... ' \ ' ,~ / ".-/... apxr¡<; aI\V1TOV KaL OVVaCTTELa<; E'f'V; " , ....., ..... OV1TW TOCTOVTOV r¡1TaTr¡¡J-EVO<; KVPW 595 ~I '''\ \ ' r ,\, , , \ ' ~ WCTT al\l\a XPYJe,EW r¡ Ta (TVV KEp,OEL Kal\a. .......... , ... ....., I,y VVV 1TaCTL xaLpW, VVV ¡J-E 1Ta<; aCT1Tae,ETaL, vvv oí CTÉ(JEV XPri'OVTE<; EKKaAovCTí ¡J-E" .....,..... 1"\'EVTav'"'(J' EVL. " TO" yap TVXELV aVTOLCTL 1Tav ... ~ ... " , . . . ,,\ \' a ".J.' I~ 1TW<; Or¡T EYW KEW av l\afJOL¡J- a'f'EL<; TaoE; 600 [OVK ilv yÉVOLTO vov<; KaKo<; KaAw<; eppovwv.] aH' " , OVT' EpaCTTi¡<; T';¡CT8E T';¡<; yvw¡J-r¡<; EepVV ." , ~..... "\ \ . -A \ ' , OVT av ¡J-ET al\l\ov 0PWVTO<; av Tl\aLr¡v 1TOTE. Kat Twv8' EAEYXOV TOVTO ¡J-EV IIv(Jw8' lwv 1TEV(JOV To' Xpr¡CT(JÉVT', 605 ..... , ,'\ \ ' , , el CTaepw<; ..... 'ÍÍ'YYELAá CTOL' , \' Q TOVT al\l\, Eav ¡J-E Tl¡l TEpaCTK01Tl¡l l\afJYJ<; KOLVfj TL (30VAEVCTavra, ¡J-..f¡ ¡J-' á1TAfj KTávYJ<; ,1, 'Á- '" \ ~ "" 'l'r¡'f'l¡l, OL1TI\YJ oE, 7YJ~ ,,~ ~ , \ Q' T E¡J-YJ KaL CT'lI, J\afJwv, yvw¡J-YJ 8' a8..f¡Al¡l ¡J-..f¡ ¡J-E XWpt<; alTLw. , ,~, " , " ov yap OLKaLOV OVTE TOV<; KaKOV<; ¡J-aTr¡v 610 Xpr¡CTTOV<; VO¡J-í'ELV OVTE TOV<; Xpr¡CTTOV<; KaKov<;. Á-'\ " , Q \ ~"LCTOV J\EYW \ ' 'f'LJ\OV yap ECT(J\' I\OV EKfJaJ\EW [ ~ Q' • \ ~ Á- \ ~] Ka"" rov 7T'ap " av'Ttp ¡Jtorov, ov '[('J\€tcrTOP o.ptl\€t. any man who knows how to think sensibly. As things are, 1 obtain everything from you without fear, and if 1 were the king, 1 would have to do many things against my wiIl. How, indeed, is it pleasanter for me to be a king than to hoId power and influence without grief? 1 am not so deluded as to wish for anything beyond what is honourable as weIl as profitable. Now everyone salutes me, everyone greets me; now those who want something from you take me aside, since they can get aII they wish for if they do. How could 1 let this go to get that other place? [A mind that thinks sensibly cannot become evil]. WeIl, 1 have no love for this attitude, nor could 1 bring myself to act with another who did such a thing. To put me to the test, go to pytho and ask about the oraele, whether 1 reported it truly; and next, if you find me to have plotted with the soothsayer, doom me to death not with one vote, but with two, yours and my own, but do not accuse me by your own guess, upon a mere surmise. Both are unjust, wrongly to think bad men good and wrongly to think good men bad. [1 think that for aman to cast off a true friend is equal to casting out his own way of Jife, which he most loves]. But in course of time you wiIl learn this with certainty, since time alone reveals the just man, but the traitor you can learn to know in a single day. 600 del. G. Wolff del. u.-J. (611-15 iam van Deventer) 611-12 aAA.' EV XPÓVúj yvwcrTl ráS' acrepaA.W~, E1TEL ,"" ,,'" "" , XPOVO<; OLKaLOV avopa OELKVVCTLV ¡J-OVO<;, 615 KaKOV 8E Kav EV i¡¡J-Épq. yvoír¡<; ¡J-Lq,. 384 385 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES XOPO$ CHORUS Ka'A&!<; É'AEtEV E'v'Aa{JovfJ-Év<¡J 1TECTELV, ava( epPOVELV yo.p oí TaXú<; OVK u<Tepa'Aú<;. OILl.IIIOT$ 620 OEDIPUS orav raxv<; n<; OV1TL{JOV'AEVWV 'Aá8p,/: xwpii, TaXVV 8ú KUfJ-E {JOV'AEVELV 1Tá'ALV. El 8' 7¡a-vxá'wv 1TP0<TfJ-EV&!, rO. r7v8E fJ-EV 1TE1TpaYfJ-Év' É<TTaL, rUfJ-o. 8' 7¡fJ-aprT¡fJ-Éva. When the secret conspirator moves fast, 1 also must plan quickly; but if 1 quietly wait for him, his design will be accomplished, and 1 shall have lost. CREON What is it you want? To expel me from the land? KPEnN rí 8fjTa xpri'EL<;; 1) fJ-E yfj<; Étw {Ja'AELv; OEDIPUS Not so! 1want death for you, not exile! OILl.IIIOT$ .ryKL<TTa· 8Vri<TKELV, OV epvyúv * * <TE * {Jov'AOfJ-aL. orav 1Tpo8Eí~YJC; oióv E(TTt 70 * * * e ) (le:. V1TEL~ WV )~, OVOE ep{}OV€Zv [again there is a gap in the text] * * I 1TL<TrEV<TWV CREON When you have first shown what envy is! OILl.IIIOT$ w<; ovx [at least two lines are missing] * * KPEnN 625 He has spoken well, lord, in the view of aman who takes care not to fall; for those who think quickly do not think safely. \ ' /\EYEL<;; OEDIPUS Do your words mean that you will not yield and will not believe me? KPEnN OV yo.p eppovovvrá <T' CREON ED {J'AÉ1TW. OILl.IIIOT$ Yes, because 1 can see that you are not true to me. , ,...." ro yovv EfJ-OV. OEDIPUS 1 am true to myself. CREON KPEnN '\\,'c" a/\/\ E~ L<TOV But you should be true to me also. <>~" OEL KafJ-ov. OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT$ '\\'''-/'' ' a/\/\ E'f'V<; KaKO<;. 623 386 post hunc versum et 6241acunas statuit Bruhn (cf. 641) But you are a traitor! 627 Ka¡.tov] TOVP,,(W Herwerden 387 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES CREON KPEUN But ifyou understand nothing? OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT$ , ) apKTEOV y , None the less, I have to rule! ~, 0P-OJ<;. CREON KPEUN Not if you rule badly! "'., apXOVTO<;. " ~ OVTOt KaKOJ<; y OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOTi ¿;; Think of the city, the city! 7TÓÍ\t<; 7TÓÍ\t<;. CREON But I too have a share in the city, and not you alone. KPEUN 630 ,/\ Kap-Ot ) 7TOI\EOJ<; ' P-ETECTTtV, . " CTOt " OVXt XOPo$ , 7TaVCTaCT n)v3' , .. EK e'" , ,avaKTE<;' KatptaV o ~,( p-ovep. "'" ( . . vp-w opOJ 3óp-OJv CTTEíxovCTav 'IoKáCTTr¡v, p-Ee' '1)<; ''''' TO vvv 7TapECTTO<; VEtKO<; ')' e' eat XpEOJV. ' EV IOCASTE ~. .,¡ yÍ\WCTCTr¡<; E7T"r)paCTe'; ov3' E7TatCTxÍJVECTeE Y1/<;'" q "~ ,. ,., I OVTOJ VOCTOVCTr¡<; tata KWOVVTE<; KaKa; OVK EL a-ú 7' Kat p-T¡ TO p-r¡3EV áÍ\yo<; OíKOVS' O'"V TE, E<; KpÉov, rus uas U'TÉyar;, p-Éy' ~ I Op-atp-E, uEwa 640 p- Wretches, why have you struek up this foolish battle of abuse? Are you not ashamed to start up private traubles when the eountry is thus siek? Wili you not go indoors, and you, Creon, to your house, and not make what ought not to pain you into something big? O'{CTETE; KPEUN d Cease, my lords! In timely fashion I see Ioeaste here eoming fram the house; with her aid you must settle your present quarrel. Enter roGASTE. ECT IOKA$TH " " f 3 \ .... \ / I Tt Tr¡V a OVI\OV, OJ Tal\at7TOJpOt, CTTaCTW 635 CHORUS ' 7TOCTt<; , Wt7TOV<; o(CTO<; 'O'~/ 3paCTat 3tKaWZ t3voZv a7ToKpíva<;t KaKoZv, ~ Y1/<; am;)CTat 7TaTpí30<;, ~ KTEZVat Í\af3wv. CREON Sister, your husband Oedipus threatens to do terrible things to me, one of two evils, either to drive me fram my native land or to take me and kili me. 6~8 y'] o' O 634 'T1)v] T~VO' Doederlein 637 Ta.~ lTa.~ Meineke: KaTa. Lrpa, om. Zrt 640 OVO'V á7TOKpíva~] OáTEpOV OVO'V Dindorf 388 389 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OILl.IIIOT~ OEDIPUS It is true, because 1 have found him out in trying to do violence against me by an evil scheme. fÚ¡;-c!JTI¡;-t' &pWVTa 'Yáp VtV, (J, 'Yvvat, KaKW, en:r¡ef>a TOV¡;-OV uw¡;-a UUV TÉXVTJ KaK'D' CREON KPEfiN ovaílJ-YJv, dA/\.' apuLor;, EL a-É Tt &É&paK', OA.oí¡;-TjV, 6Jv E'Tramé[. ¡;-e opáv. P:r] 645 May 1 never prosper, but may 1 perish under a curse if 1 have done to you any of the things with which you charge me! VVV lOKA~THI .. W 'O €WV ~, 'TTpor; 1Tta-TEVUOV, O''='' LOL7TOVS', lOCAS TE ,'=' TUVE, 1 beg you, Oedipus, believe him! You should respect first of aIl the oath by the gods which he has swom, and then me and these men whom you see here. ¡;-áA.tuTa ¡;-EV TÓVO' OpKOV al&euOet, Oewv, ~, "/~O'c.\"'''' e'TrEtTa Ka¡;-e Tovuve Ot 'Trapetut UOt. XOPO~ 650 CHORUS UTp. mOov OeA.Y¡ua, ef>pov1¡\' " 1: I\tuuo¡;-atua, T' , ava~, Let your wiIl and thought cause you to comply, my lord, 1 begyouOEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT~ What is it that you wish me to concede? ,,~" etKa'O w; Tt, UOt 0'\ el\Et, OTjT CHORUS XOPO~ '" , vTj'TrtOV , TOV OVTe 'TrptV VVV T' EV OPKe¡> ¡;-É'Yav KaTaí&euat. OILl.IIIOT$ XOPO$ oi&a. OILl.IIIOT$ ef>pá'e &Y¡' Tí ef>Y¡,; 390 Respect the man who was never foolish in the past and who now acquires greatness by his oath! OEDIPUS Then do you know what it is you wish for? CHORUS Yes! OEDIPUS TeIl me, then! What are you saying! 391 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES XOPO$ TOV Evayi/ </>íAOV p:f¡1I"0T€ a" alTíq, a-Vv u</>aVEt AÓYWV O-Ttp.-OV flaAúv. CHORUS That you should never assail with a doubtful charge your friend who is made holy by his oath, denying him the right to speak. OILl<IIIOT$ " r....."Ep.-OL EV'"' VVV E1I"tcTTW, Tav. . . 0' oTav ..r¡TT/', 'r¡TC';W OAEOpOV 1) </>vyY¡v EK Ti/aBE yi/" d OEDIPUS Know well that when you ask for this, you are asking for death or exile fram this land for me! CHORUS XOPO$ I 660 , O~ , OV" TOV 1I"aVTWV EWV O' EOV 1I"p0p.-ov ~ AALOV' E1I"et ([OEO, á</>LAO' Ó TL 11"lJp.-aTov 665 , , ,1.,.' " ~, ~ oAoLp.-av, 'f'povr¡aLV EL Tavo EXW. uHá p.-0L Svap.-ópcp ya </>Oívov1'<;::>" ..... aa TpVXEL KapOLaV, Tao EL KaKOL'> 1I"poaá.pEL TOt, 1I"áAaL Ta 1I"pO' a</>0 v . ~I , üILl<IIIOT$ Ó S' OVV íTW, KEl xp1¡ p.-E 1I"aVTEAW, OavEtV, 670 1) yi/, áTLp.-ov Ti/aS' u1l"WaOi/vaL flíq,. , , , " ..... , , TO yap aov, OV TO TOVO , E1I"0LKTLpW aTop.-a No, by the foremost of the gods, the Sunl May 1 perish in the most awful fashion, given up by gods and friends, if 1 harbour this thought! But alas for me, the wasting away of the land tears my heart, if the earlier traubles are to have added to them this trouble sprung fram you. OEDIPUS Well, let him go, even if 1 must altogether perish, or be driven from this land, deprived of honour. It is your pathetic words, not his, that rause my pity; he, wherever he is, shall be loathed! ~,' EAELVÓV' OVTO, S' EVO' llv i1 aTvy1¡aETaL. KPEnN aTVYvo, p.-EV EíKWV Si/Ao, EI, flapv, S' ÓTaV , ,'=', -1-' OVP.-OV 1I"EpaaT/'. aL oE TOLaVTaL 'f'vaEL, e ..... ~ ,1.,. , aVTaL'> OLKaLW, ELaLV 0.1\YLaTaL 'f'EpELV. ~ 675 OEDIPUS , " Will you not let me be and depart? ""\ üILl<IlIOT$ "'Y OVKOVV p.- EaaEL, KaKTO, EL; 392 fonnidable when far gone in rage. Such natures are hardest to bear for themselves, and justly. ~ l' ~ CREON It is clear that you yield with hatred, and you are (T' Nauck: !L'I]1TOT' EV codd. A6y",v Krp: A6y"" pa: A6yov L {3aAe'iv t et Suda: €K{3aAEtV codd. 666 KapSíav Hennaun: .pvXav Ka' codd. post KaKot~ add. KaKa codd.: del. Brandscheid 656 ¡J.:t}'TrOTÉ 657 393 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES KPE!lN CREON , 1 wiIl- go; you 1 have found uncomprehending, but they have saved me. 'lr°PE:lJa-°¡LUt, a-oi) ¡LEV TVXWV ayvwTOS,€V BE Tota-B€ a-Ws. ExitCREON. XOPO$ / \ \ ' YVVUt, n" ¡L€"''''€tS K0¡Lt- r <;, , , <;" Lady, why do you delay to conduct him inside? ",EtV v0¡LWV TOVa €a-w; IOCASTE IOKA$TH¡ 680 ¡Lu(}oi)a-á y' 'ÍÍns Y¡ 1wiIl when 1have learned what was the matter. TVX7J· CHORUS XOPO$ An ignorant supposition carne up in their talk, but even something that is unjust may sting. 06K7JíTt<; ayvw<; A6ywv ~A(}€, Bá'lrT€t BE KUL TO ¡L~ 'VBtKOV. IOCASTE It carne from both? IOKA$TH aJ.L<PoLv CHORUS aPTo ~ a7T' aVToLv; CHORUS Yes! XOPO$ , IOCASTE VUtXt. IOKA$TH "'5'\1' , -4 KUt ns "IV ",oyos; -, .•• XOPO$ 685 CHORUS It is enough, enough, it seems to me, in my concern for this land, that it should remain here where it left off. aAtS €¡LOty', aAtS, yas 'lrPOVOOV¡LÉv(¡J A..' "(}'''\(; 'l'UtV€TUt, €V ,,..,, €"'7J\'€V, UVTOV ¡L€V€t1J. OIMIlOT$ ópfi,c; Xv' , , TOV¡L0V ijKEI8, " 'lrUptEtS a'Ya(Jo~ tJv YVWfL'Y}v av~p, 6ivu[, et'lrOV ¡LEV OVX a'lru[ ¡L6vov, '{a-(}t OEDIPUS Do you see what point you have come to, good as your judgment is, by neglecting my interest and blunting my passion? ' , KUt KUTU¡L (3\",vvwv K€UP; XOPO$ 690 And what was said? BE 'lrupuePp6vt¡Lov, a'lr0pov €'lrL ePp6vt¡Lu CHORUS Lord, 1 have said it not once only, but know that 1 should 677 Toío-DE (J"w~ ,,,,wv Blaydes 1TP07TOVOVp..ÉVCf} 394 I1.-J.: TOtlTD' L(TW~ rpa: 685 TrPOVOOV¡LÉVWt TOtUO' t(TO~ Lpat: Ven. gr. 468, como Blaydes: :rp: 1Tp01TOvovJL€va~ Lpat 395 SOPHOCLES 7TEepávOat ¡.t' al', lí (j' EVOa-efJt'ó/Lav, Ó~ y' 695 E¡.LUV 'Yav c/>íAav El' 7TÓVOf8 '\ ' 'O'OIJ ovpt<Ta" aJI.VOV<TaIJ KaT , op H .... ~, " '9' , TaIJVIJ o EV7TO¡L7TO, av YEIJOto. , oEWIJ "'" 7TpO, ~ i: '" Ka¡L, i: OTOV ~ 7TOTE, H be seen as mad, resourceless as regards my thought, jf 1 were to turn away from you, who when my beloved country was in a sea of troubles gave it a fair wind; now again may you waft it to safety! roCASTE roKA$TH otoa~OIJ OEDIPUS TYRANNUS aIJa~, 1 beg you, my lord, explain to me also what matter has caused you to build up such great anger. ¡LijIJtV TO<T"ÍIJOE 7TpáY¡LaTo, <TT"Í<Ta, €XEt,. I 700 OILl.IIIOT$ ,,..,, , .....~" \ ' , 'f3 EpW' <TE yap TWIJO E, 7TI\EOIJ, YVIJat, <TE W' KpÉOIJTO', oiá ¡Lot f3Ef30VAEVKW' €XEt. OEDIPUS 1 wili, for 1 have more respect for you, lady, than 1 have for these. It was Creon, such has been his plot against me! roCASTE IOKA$TH AÉy', El <Taepw, TO IJEtKO, EYKaAwIJ EPEt,. Tell me, if you can clearly describe the quarrel in your accusation. OILl.IIIOT$ epoIJÉa ¡LE epT/<Tt Aatov KaOE<TTáIJat. OEDIPUS He says that 1was the murderer ofLaius. roKA$TH "i: '" H\ \ ' aVTO, .~ VIJEtoW" T/~ ¡LaO'WIJ al\I\ov 7Tapa; OIMIIOT$ 705 roCASTE From his own knowledge, or on information from another? OEDIPUS ¡LávTtIJ ¡LEIJ OOIJ KaKoíJpyoIJ E<T7TÉ¡Lo/a" E7Tet , , TO y Et, , . . '\. O EaVTOIJ 7TaIJ EI\EV EpOt ,~ ~ , <TTo¡La. No, he sent in a villainous prophet, because as regards himselfhe keeps his tongue altogether clean. roKA$TH , '"./.,.' \' , CTV VVIJ, a",Et, <TEaVTOIJ WIJ I\EYEt, 7TEpt, , .. , , , '0' OVIJEK E<TTt <TOt E¡LOV 7TaKOV<TOIJ Kat ¡La roCASTE ''(' «/ ,,, f3PÓTEtoIJ OVOEIJ ¡LaIJTtKij, EXOIJ TÉXIJT/" 710 epaIJw 692 694 396 oÉ <TOt o'T/¡LEta TWIJOE crVIJTO¡La. <T' Évo<Tq,.,6p.av Hermann: <TE VO<Tq,í'op.at codd. y' p, coni. Turnebus: r' codd. plerique Do you now acquit yourself in the matter of which you speak; listen to me and learn that nothing that is mortal is possessed of the prophetic art! 1 shall show you in brief the proof of this. ovpt<Ta, lII, r, Eustath.: oVP7l<Ta, Lpat yÉVOtO Blaydes: El avvaw codd. 709 EXOV suspectom 695 696 a~ 397 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES XPT]ap,o<; yap '13 <POt ov y 1¡ME Aat(¡l 7TOr', "".... "" o a7T avrov, rwv OVK EPW ,. . ~,~ ~ V7TT]pErWV a7TO, w<; avrov lítOt ¡.wtpa 7TP0<; 7TatSO<; (JavE'tv, ~ / "E¡J-OV , . , rE KaKEtvOV '" " oan<; YEVOtr 7Tapa. 715 '" Kat" rov ¡LEI v, wa7TEp y '~.-/..' T] o/an<;, ~é' EVOt 7TorE, EV Ay/arat cPovEvova' 7TatSo<; SE f3Aáara<; rpt7TAat<; á¡J-a6rot<;' ov StÉU"X0v ~¡LÉpat rpEt<;, Kaí VtV ap(Jpa KEtVO<; EvCEtÍta<; 7TOSOtV Epptt/JEV aAAwv XEpatV El<; af3arov opo<;. 720 Kavrav(J' 'A7TÓAAWV ovr' EKEtVOV 1ívvaEv A - ' YEVEa , (J at 7Tarpo<; '" o/0vEa ovrE A' awv ro SEtvOV OVcPof3EtrO 7TP0<; 7TatSo<; 7Ta(JE'tv. rOtavra cPi/¡Lat ¡J-avnKat Stwptaav, An oraele once carne to Laius, 1 will not say frorn Phoebus hirnself, but frorn his servants, saying that it would be his fate to die at the hands of the son who should be the child of hirn and me. And he, as the story goes, was rnurdered one day by foreign robbers at the place where three roads rneet; but the child's birth was not three days past when Laius fastened his ankles and had hirn cast out by the hands of others upon the trackless rnountain. And so Apollo did not bring it about that he should becorne the rnurderer of his father, nor that Laius should suffer the disaster which he feared, death at his son's hands. Thus did the voices of prophecy outline the future; pay thern no regard, for when the god needs a thing and looks for it, he will easily reveal it by hirnself. 6lV EvrpÉ7TOv av ¡LT]SÉv' 6lV yap i'lv (JED<; 725 I , ,.., (~, Á... " ,., OEDIPUS What a wandering of the spirit and a stirring of the rnind is upon me, lady, since 1heard your words just now! xpEtav EpEVV'f P'fotW<; avro<; o/aVEt. OIJl.IIIOT$ OWV ¡L aKovaavr apnw<; EXEt, yvvat, roCAS TE t/Jvxi/<; 7TAávT]¡La KavaKívT]at<; cPPEVWV. What is the worry that has rnade you tum about and speak these words? ,?I " ,. " " , , IOKA$TH 7Toía<; ¡LEpí¡LVT]<; rov(J' V7ToarpacPet<; AÉYEt<;; OIJl.IIIOT$ "e::. ¡;" €OO~ 730 '" .... ,c:;:., e e aKoVUUt CTOV 'TOO , w~ O OEDIPUS 1 thought 1 heard you say that Laius was slaughtered at the place where three roads rneet. A' a(,o~ KaraacPayEÍT] 7TP0<; rpt7TAat<; á¡Lattrot<;. roCAS TE Yes, that was the story, and it is still toldo OEDIPUS IOKA$TH ,~ .... , .... , ,~, T]voaro yap ravr, ovoE 7TW \'é I\.T]~ ", avr EXEt. And where is this place where the disaster happened? OIJl.IIIOT$ Kat 7TOV ' a(J' 398 ó Xwpo<; oí)ro<; oí) róS' 1¡v 7Tá(Jo<;; 719 El" post áf3urov traiecit Musgrave 399 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS roCASTE The country is called Phocis, and the road divides; it goes to the same point from Delphi and from Daulis. OEDIPUS OIAIIIOT~ 735 , ~ "" , Ka." n, XPOVO, TOHTO Ea-nv '1:. \ \ And how long is it since these things happened? (J' W,; OV~EI\r¡J\V roCASTE roKA~TH a-XESÓV n 1TpÓa-(JEV 1) This was proc1aimed in the city a little before you became manifest as king. ero ája-S'¡Éxwv x(Jovr)<; apxT¡v Eq,aívov TO'ílT' EKr¡PVX(Jr¡ 1TÓAE•. OEDIPUS O Zeus, how have you decided to act with regard to me? OIAIIIOT~ (J) ZeíJ, Tí ¡J-ov Spua-a. f3Ef3oVAE'Va-a. 1TÉp.; roCASTE What is this, Oedipus, that weighs upon your mind? roKA~TH , ~" TI, o , ECTTt- .. (TDL ...., TOVT, O'~J' tOL7TOV{), , (J' EV vp.,tOV; OEDIPUS Do not ask me yet; but tell me about Laius, what he looked like and what stage in manhood he had reached. OIAIIIOT~ 740 '~'A' -1-' ¡J-r¡1TW ¡J- EpWTa· TOV OE a.ov 'f'va-w Tív' Etp1TE q,pá'E, Tíva S' aK¡J-T¡v i'¡f3r¡, Éx wv . I ", roCASTE He was dark, but just beginning to have grizzled hair, and bis appearance was not far from yours. roKA~TH '\ 'r apn ~ \ (J"E, Kapa. ¡J-El\a" xvoabwv I\EVKav OEDIPUS ¡J-opq,i¡, SE Ti¡, a-i¡, OVK a1TEa-TáTH 1TOAV. Ah me! It seems that all unknowing 1 have exposed myself to a dread curse. OIAIIIOT~ " ) ' O.¡J-O. Tal\a,· EO.K E¡J-aVTOv H, apa, # 745 '\ " roCAS TE " '" " , HOEva•. ,", OEwa, 1TpO13'\\ al\l\wv apnw, OVK How do you say? 1 am afraid as 1 gaze on you, my lord. OEDIPUS roKA~TH ..... A..' ,.... ", .... ,:JI 1TW, 'f'r¡,; OKVW TO. 1TpO, a- a1Toa-K01TOVa-, OIAIIIOT~ SEWW, a(Jv¡J-w ¡J-T¡ f3AÉ1TWV Ó ¡J-ávn, Ti· "'1:. '" ~\ \ ~,' '1:.' ~ OH~ H, oE ¡J-aI\I\Ov, r¡v El' Eb H1TTI' En. 400 t: ava~. 1 have grievous misgivings that the prophet may have sight; and you will make it c1earer, if you tell me one thing more. 741 EIp7TE Schneidewin: EIXE codd. I EX"'v : yVva. Günther 742 potAa, rp: poÉya, Lpat 401 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS IOKA$TH IOGASTE Kat p:Y¡V OKVW pb, &. S' flv I!.PYl ¡La8ovCT' €pw. Wel!, 1 am afraid, but whatever you ask me 1 willlisten andanswer. OI~IIIOT$ 750 OEDIPUS 'Tr6TEPOV €XWpet f3at6<;, ~ 'TroA1l.ov<; I!.xwv ávSpa<; AoXíra<;, oY' avT¡p apxr¡yÉTT/<;; Did he go with a small retinue, or had he many guards, in the manner of a king? IOKA$TH 7TÉvr' 7jo-av oí ~v¡.t7TavTEc;, EV IOGASTE S' p;UToíutv ~v There were altogether five, .and one of them a herald, and a single wagon carried Laius. Kfjpvt" a1l"7)vr¡ S' ~YE Aáwv ¡Lía. OI~IrrOT$ ,~ atat, 755 OEDIPUS ~ Tt<; , r¡v ~ 'TrOTE Ta'S' r¡~S r¡ Stacr avr¡. Alas, now al! is crystal clear! Who was it that told you this story, lady? , SE A'( 'A. oyOV<; ' (,.., yvvat; , o( TOVCT E a<; TOV<; V¡LW, IOGASTE IOKA$TH A slave, who was the only one to come back safe. ~ , OtKEV<; Tt<;, OCT'TrEp tKET EKCTW f)' et<; ¡LOVO<;. 3/ ti " OEDIPUS OI~IrrOT$ Does it happen that he is now in the house? , S'O¡LOtCTt TVYXaVEt , .Tavvv . . .'Trapwv; .' r¡'9- Kav IOKA$TH 760 OV Si¡T" acr' ol) yap Kú8EV ~A8E Kat KpáTr¡ , I CTE, T, Et98'"Exovra A'" awv T o, AWAOTa, €~tKÉT€VCTE Ti¡<; €¡Li¡<; XEtpo<; 8tywv , , CTcP E 'TrE¡L ' t/Jat Ka'Trt " 'Trot¡LVtWV , vO¡La<;, , aypov<; ( 'TrAEtCTTOV ... ~ " " w<; Etr¡ TOV. . 0' a'TrO'TrTO<; aCTTEW<;. Ká7TEJLtJs' EYW VLV· ¿¡,gtOC; yáp, oi' avi]p SOVAO<;, crÉpEW ~v Ti¡CTSE Kat ¡LEí'w Xápw. , ~. .'1 IOGASTE No; for after he retumed and saw that you were in power and Laius was dead, he clasped my hand in supplication, begging me to send him to the fields and to the pastures, so that he could be as far as possible fram the cíty. And 1 sent him there; for as slaves go he would have deserved a greater favour than this. OEDIPUS Could he come back here quickly? OI~IrrOT$ 765 'Trw<; flv ¡L6Aot Si¡8' TWtV €V TáXEt 'TráAtV; .749 763 402 & 1)' &v codd. plerique: &v 1)' Dresdensís D. 183 et Laud. gr. 54 oi' Hermann: ¡j y' LP, ¡jI)' Krpa: ¡jI)E YE at 403 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES IOCASTE IOKA!TH It can be done; but why do you make this demand? , '\\'" """Á..' / 1TapHTTtv. al\.l\.a 1TpO<; n TOVT E'I'tEerat; OEDIPUS OIll.I1IOT! 8ü30tK' E¡LaVT6v, (f; yúvat, ¡L7} 1T6n' áyav Elpr¡¡LEV' ¡LOt 8t' VtV ELert8úv OEAW. ñ a IOKA!TH 770 an' '{tETat ¡LEV' atía 8E 1T0V ¡La¡OE'iv "", é Kayw Ta y EV erot'c;::;.A.../" over'l'0pw<; EXOVT ,, " ava~. OIll.I1IOT! KOV ¡L7} erTEpr¡Of¡<; y' E<; ToerovTov EA1Tí8wv I E¡LOV {3E{3.... WTO<;. Tl¡l.....,'\ yap av Kat, Kp€tereroVt \ 'é ",,\ ,~" .... ~", I\.E~ at¡L av r¡ erot ota TVXr¡<; TOtaerO tWV; €¡LOL 1TaT7}p ¡LEV I16AV{30<; ~V KopívOto<;, ¡Lf¡Tr¡p 8E MEp61Tr¡ !:>.wpí<;. i¡y6¡Lr¡v 8' avTJp aerTWV ¡LEyterTO<; TWV EK€t, 1Tptv ¡LOt TVXr¡ Totá8' E1TEerTr¡, Oav¡Láerat ¡LEV atía, er1T0v8i¡<; YE ¡LEVTOt Ti¡<; E¡Li¡<; OVK atía. ~ aV7}p yapEV 8€Í1TVOt<; ¡L' V1TEp1TAr¡erOd<; ¡L€fJr¡<; '~" Kal\.€t 1Tap Otvl¡l1TI\.aerTo<; w<; €tr¡v 1TaTpt. Kayw {3apvvOd<; T7¡v ¡LEV overav T¡¡LEpaV ¡L6At<; KaTEcrxov, Oi¡TEpq. 8' LWV 1TEAa<; , ""\ Á,. , ¡Lr¡TpO<; 1TaTpo<; T r¡I\.EYXOV· Ot'<"<' oE over'l'0PW<; " ~ '5' ,.., ' \I\.oyov. ' TOVVEtoO<; r¡yov Tl¡l ¡LE0' Evn TOV Kayw Ta ¡LEV KEíVotV ETEp1T6¡Lr¡v, O¡Lw<; 8' " Y' ¡L" , TOV ""'o' . V'I'€tp1TE eA-...... , \ I EKVt",E a€t yap 1T01\.V. \I\.a'o pq. OE <' , , , , , ¡Lr¡TpO<; Kat 1TaTpo<; 1T0p€V0¡Lat I1vOw8E, Kaí ¡L' Ó <»0'i{30<; 6)V ¡LEV íK6¡Lr¡v , 775 A , 780 785 ..... I \,.."" 404 ..... \. , ..... , I I 1 am afraid 1 may have said too much, and that is why 1 wish to see him. IOCASTE Why, he shall come; but 1 think 1 deserve to leam what worries you, my lord. OEDIPUS And you shall not be cheated of the knowledge, now that 1 have reached such a pitch of expectation! Who has a better right than you to hear the story, since 1 aro living through such an experience? My father was Polybus of Corinth, and my mother Merope, a Dorian; and 1was brought up as the greatest of the citizens, till this happened to me, a thing to be wondered at, but not a thing for me to work foro At dinner a man got drunk, and over the wine charged me with not being my father's child. 1 was riled, and for that day scarcely controlled myself; and on the next 1 went to my mother and my father and questioned them; and they made the man who had let slip the word pay dearly for the insulto So far as concemed them 1was comforted, but still this continued to vex me, since it constantly recurred to me. Without the knowledge of my mother and my father 1 went to Pytho, and Phoebus sent 772 Ka' KpEícnrovt Blaydes: Ka' ¡J-Eí'ovt codd. 405 SOPHOCLES 790 " '{;' ,l. ,'\\ ", '()\' aTt¡Lov E~ E7TE¡L'j'EV, al\l\a o a I\te¡> '" ".l.. \' Kat' " oEtVa"Kat OVU"Tr¡va 7TPOV'f'r¡VEV I\EYWV, ¡Lr¡Tp< ¡LEv XPEír¡ ¡LE ¡LEtx()i¡vat, yÉVO' S' áT>"r¡rov av()pW7TOtU"t Sr¡>"wU"Ot¡L' ópav, .J. "~,, ,. ,... Á-. ' , 'f'0VEV, o EU"Ot¡Lr¡V TOV 'f'VTEvU"aVTO, 7TaTpo,. Kayw 7TaKovU"a, TaVTa Tr¡V K optV ()'tal' " \ ' TEK¡Lapov¡LEvO, , aU"TpOt, TO'1\0t7TOV X()'ova e1f>EVYov, ev()a ¡L"Í7TOT' ot/Joí¡Lr¡v ¡(aK¡;w Xpr¡U"¡L¡;w ovEÍSr¡ TWV E¡LWV TEAOV¡LEva. U"TEÍxwv S' íKVOV¡L<1.t TOVU"SE TOV, xwpov, El' oí, ~ "\ \ () at I\EYEt,. \' U"V' " TOV Tvpavvov TOVTOV OI\I\VU" , , , \ ()' ,{; \ Kat U"Ot, yvvat, Tal\r¡ E, E~EpW. Tpt7TI\r¡, " ,~ \ '() OV Tr¡U"O ~ ~ '\ oT .r¡ KEI\EV OOOt7TOpWV 7TEl\a" EVTav()á ¡LOt KiíPvt TE Ka7T< 7TWAtKií, avT¡p a7T"Ívr¡, E¡Lf3Ef3w" oíov 1f>"Í" tvvr¡vTía'ov' Kat óSOV ¡L' Ó ()' T¡YE¡LWV , , ()' o( 7TpEU" , f3 V, 7TPO, 'f3"tal' r¡l\aVVETr¡v. \ ' aVTO, KaYW TOV EKTpÉ7TOVTa, TOV TpoXr¡>..áTr¡V, 7Taíw St' opYií,' Kaí ¡L' ó 7TpÉU"f3V', ópª" "OXOV, 7TapaU"TEtXOVTa , " Tr¡pr¡U"a" ¡LEU"OV , ,,\ , ()' Kapa Ot7TI\Ot, KEVTpOtU"t ¡LOV Ka tKETO. OV ¡LT¡v íU"r¡v y' eTEtU"Ev, a>"A.i U"VvT6¡Lw, U"K"Í7TTpe¡> TV7TE<, EK Ti¡U"SE XEtpo, V7TTtO, ¡LÉU"r¡, a7T"Ívr¡, EVOV, EKKV>..ívSETat· , ~, "é' ,~, .... t' KTEtVW OE TOV, ~ V¡L7TaVTa,. Et OE Te¡> ~ EVe¡> TOVTe¡> 7TpOU""ÍKEt Aate¡> Tt U"VYYEVÉ" . , ..... ~,,' c:;." ,...~, '()\ ' Tt, TOVOE y avopo, VVV al' a I\tWTEPO" Tí, Ex()poSaí¡Lwv ¡Lanov al' yÉVOtT' av"Íp, w, , 795 800 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS '" I "''' ~ ~ ", "" ero 805 w, ~, 810 815 406 me away cheated of what I had come for, but carne out with other things terrible and sad for my unhappy self, saying that 1 was destined to lie with my mother, and to show to mortals a brood they could not bear to look on, and 1 should be the murderer of the father who had begotten me. When 1 heard this 1 left the land of Corinth, henceforth making out its position by the stars, and went where I could never see accomplished the shameful predictions of my cruel oraeles. And on my way I carne to the regions in which you say this king met bis death. And I wiIl tell you the truth, lady! When I was waIking near this meeting of three roads, I was met by a heraId and a man riding in a wagon, such as you describe; and the leader and the old man himself tried to drive me from the road by force. In anger I struck the driver, the man who was trying to tum me back; and when the vId man saw it, he waited till 1 was passing his chariot, and struck me right on the head with his double-pointed goad. Yet he paid the penalty with interest; in a word, this hand struck him with a stick, and he rolled backwards right out of the wagon, and I killed them all. But if this foreigner had any tie with Laius, who now could be more miserable, and who more hateful to the gods, than 1, whom no stranger and no citiáBAíc¡> Herwerden: -La codd. Hermann: 7l"pov</>ál'r¡ codd. 795 rEI<¡LapOV¡LEl'O<; Nauck: EI<¡LErpOV¡LEl'O<; codd. 800 om. L .807-8 sic interpunxit Kassel 808 0XOV<; Doederlein: 0Xov codd.: 0XOl' H. Stephanus 815 tll' Bergk: E<Tr( LV) codd. 789 790 7l"POVe/"'¡l'El' 407 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES 8v p:i¡ fÉvwv i!fEa-n p:r¡~' aa-'Twv nvt 86pm~ 8ÉXEa-{}at, p:r¡8€ 7rpoa-ef>wve'iv nva, o;W EW o a7r OtKWV; Kat 'Tao ovn~ all.II.o~ r¡v 7) 'yw '7r' E¡LavT0 'Táa-8' apa~ ó 7rpoa-n{}Ek AÉXr¡ 8€ 'TOV {}av6vTO~ EV XEpOtV E¡LatV , ~ , ? " \ ' 5' , ".J.. ' xpaww, ot WV7rEp WII.E'T . ap E'I'VV KaKo~; ilp' ovXt 7ro.~ avayvo~; E'í ¡LE XP~ ef>vyE'tv, Kaí ¡LOt ef>vy6vn ¡L1)a-n 'TOV~ E¡LOt~ l8EtV , {3aTEva-at ~ ''>'\' '> ~ ¡Lr¡o,>, E¡L 7ra'Tpwo~, r¡ ya¡Lot~ ¡LE. OH ¡Lr¡'TpO~ 'vyfjvat Kat 7ra'TÉpa Ka'TaK'TaVEtV II6Av{3ov, 8~ EfÉ{}pEl/JE KafÉef>va-É ¡LE. ilp' OVK a7r' W¡LOV ravra 8aí¡Lov6~ n~ av Kpívwv E7r' av8pt 'T08' av op{}oír¡ A6yov; ¡L~ 8fjra ¡L~ 8fjT', 6J {}EWV áyvov a-É{3a~, 'í80t¡Lt ravTr¡v 7¡¡LÉpav, aAA' EK {3pO'TWV ' ~. l . . '{}'\ ',>, ,., ~ {3atr¡v a'l'av'T~~ 7rpoa- EV r¡ 'Totavo tOEW Kr¡At8' E¡Lav'T0 (TV¡Lef>opo.~ aef>tY¡LÉvr¡v. , (}..... 820 825 830 ~, ~ , ~I "~,,,,,\ \ XOPO$ (.... 835 , '3' é .....,' "(/ ~", .;- r¡¡Lw ¡LEV, wva~, 'TaV'T OKvr¡p' EW~ o av ovv 7rpO~ rov 7rap6v'To~ EK¡Lá{}TI~, ex' EA7rí8a. zen may receive in his home, whom no man may address, but all must drive from their houses. And it was none other than 1 myself who laid upon myself these curses. And 1 am polluting the bed of the dead man with the hands by which he perished. Am 1 a criminal? am 1 not altogether unholy, if 1 must leave my country, and in my exile never see my dear ones, nor set foot upon my native land, or else be joined in marriage with my mother and slay my father Polybus, him.who brought me up, him who begot me? Would one not be right who judged that this carne upon me by the action of a cruel deity? Never, never, O sacred majesty of the gods, may 1 see that day, but may 1 vanish from among men before 1 see the stain ofsuch a disaster come upon me! CHORUS For us, my lord, this is dreadful; but until you have learned from the man who was present, have hope! OEDIPUS Why, 1 have just so much of hope, simply to wait for the herdsman! IOCASTE But when he has appeared, what is your desire? OIAlIIOT$ Kat ¡L~v 'Toa-ov'T6v y' Ea-'Tí ¡LDt 'Tfj~ EA7rí80~, 'TOV av8pa 'TOV {3oTfjpa 7rpoa-¡LEtvat ¡L6vov. IOKA$TH .l. ' '>" 7rE'I'aa-¡LEvov OE 408 n~ 7rO {}" 817 01' Schaefer: éii codd. I TLV' Dindorf: 7"<va codd. 825 .p/3aTeli<ra, 11 10: -.vELV codd. 827.NlipE.pE K&.g€cfJVO"É 11 10, pZr: .gÉq,VO"E KúgÉlipE.pÉ Lrpat }' r¡ 7rpO{v¡Lta; 409 E'YW 840 oLoáew CT'· SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OILl.IIIOT~ OEDIPUS ~V 'Yap EVpEOf¡ A€'YWV 1 will explain; if he is found to say what you said, 1 shall have escaped disaster. CTa. rav7', E'YW'Y' llv EK1rEc/><':V'YoíTJV 1ráOo~. IOCASTE IOKA~TH '" ~, And what special saying did you hear fram me? \ ' '~I 1rOLOV VE ¡LOV 1rEpLCTCTOV TJKOVCT08 J\0'Y0V; OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT~ AT/CT7a<; ~, W~ Ec/>UCTkE~ UVTOV , ávopu~ fVV€1rEtV "931· VLV KU7UK7ELVELUV. EL ¡LEV OVV ETL \ 'i: EL 70V ' ' " UpLO¡LOV, ' OVK "E'YW " J\E~ UV70V 845 ov 'Yap 'Y€VOL7' llv Er~ , V uvvp " , ~, EL You said that he told you that rabbers had killed him; so if he still gives the same number, 1 was not the killer, for one is not the same as many. But if he speaks unmistakably of one solitary man, then at once the balance tilts towards me. ~ ~ -, -OLO\,WVOV , ,r EV. K7UVOV' 'YE 70t~ 1rOAAOt~ íCTO~' ,~ , ..l.. '"' UVVTJCTEL 70V7' ECT7.V 1íOTJ 70VP'Y0V El~ E¡LE IOCASTE CTU'I'W~, P€1rov. IOKA~TH , \ \' ~ ..t.. -, ~ ~~, , , u"" w~ 'l'UVEV 'YE 70V1r0~ wv E1rLCT7UCTO, ' "ECTTLV UV7l¡l ,.... 70V70 "" , 'Y " EKfJUJ\ELV r.J \"" 1rU"-LV' '\ KOVK 85O '\ ",',1 "1 El O' oVv TL KdK7P€1rOL70 70V 1rPÓCTOEV " , OV70L 1r07 , c/>UVEt 'Y l: WVU~, OLKUíw~ ' 70V opOóv, OLEt1rE XpijVUL 1rULOO~ 855 I~ 1rOJ\L~ 'Yup TJKOVCT , OVK E'YW ¡LovTJ, 7UVE. Kuí70L VLV ov KEtVÓ~ AÓ'Y0V, { Á,.J' 'YE A·f. ULOV 'l'0vov OV 'YE Aoeíu~ Ee E¡LOV OuvEtV. 'Y' Ó OVCT7TJVÓ~ 1rOrE -dAA' aVToc; 1TápotOEV WA€TO. WCTT' OVXt fLUVT€íac; y' Civ ourE Tii8' €yw " Well, know that that is how the word was made known, and he cannot take back that word, for the whole city heard it, and not 1 alone. But even if he should tum back at all fram what he said before, he will never prave that thekilling of Laius was as predicted, of him who Loxias had praphesied would die at the hands of my son. Yet that poor child never killed him, but he himself perished before him; so that after that 1would look neither this way nor that on account of a prophecy. OEDIPUS Your beliefis sensible; but none the less, send someone to bring the slave, and do not faíl to do so. KUTÉKTUV', C)\ '.1. ,~, ~I '" ,..,~,,\~, fJJ\6f'UL¡L UV OVVEK OVrE 7T/V uv VCT7EpOV. OIMIIOT~ KUAW~ VO¡Lí'EL~. 860 dn' O¡Lw~ 70V EP'Yá7TJv 1r€¡Lt/Jov TLva CT7EAovvra ¡LTJOE 70V7' 410 aC/>f¡~. 411 . ./~ , 1'" SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS IOKA!TH roCAS TE \ \ , " ~ l' , 1 will make haste to send for him. But let us go into the house; for 1 would do nothing you did not desire. 7TE¡L'I'W TUXVVU<T • UI\I\ LW¡LEV E<; 00¡L0V<;. , ~, ,." l' l: ,." ~ , , ,J..'\ OVOEV yup UV 7TPU",UL¡L UV WV OV <TOL 'f'LI\OV. Exeunt OEDIPUS and IOCASTE. XOPO! EL ~, CHORUS <TTp. U ' ¡L0L tVVEír¡ ePÉPOVTL ¡L0Zpu Tav 3/ May such a destiny abide with me that 1 win praise for a reverent purity in all words and deeds sanctioned by laws that stand high, generated in lofty heaven, the laws whose only father is Olympus! The mortal nature of men did not beget them, neither shall they ever be lulled to sleep by forgetfulness. Great in these laws isthe god, nor does he ever grow old. Insolence has a child who is a tyrant; insolence, if vainly satiated with profusion that is not right or fitting, .mounts to the topmost cornice and rushes to the edge of an abyss where its feet can do it no service. But 1 pray the god never to undo the wrestler's throw that brought good to the city; never shall 1 cease fo hold the god for my protector. \J' EV<TE7TTOV uYVELUV I\oywv 865 " . '? l' l' l' EPYWV TE 7TUVTWV, WV V0¡L0L 7TPOKELVTUL ••,/ '" ' " V I ovpavtq, ""0\I\V¡L7TO<; UL'O' EpLTEKVW O' EVTE<;, WV V'f'L1TOOE~, 7TUTT¡p ¡L6vo<;, OVOÉ VW OVUTa ePV<TL<; avÉpwv 870 ~T"KTEV, OVO€JL-r11TOTE Aá- Ou KUTUKOL¡Lá<Trr l' , 1'. ¡LEYU<; EV TOVTOL<; O ,~, l' l' EO<;, OVOE yr¡PU<TKEL. V{3pL<; ePVTEVEL TVpUVVOV· V{3PL<;, , El UVT. U I 7TOAAWV ímEp7TAr¡<TOf¡ ¡LáTUV, 875 &. ¡LT¡ ,7TíKULpU ¡Lr¡oe <TV¡LePÉPOVTa, aKpóraTa ')'Eíu' avaf3au' " " ,'i' U7TOT0¡L0V WPOV<TEV EL<; UVUYKUV 876 áKpÓTara EVO' ov 7TOOt Xpr¡<Tí¡L<t> y€"ia-' avaf3aa-'G. Wolff: aKporárav ei<r- avaf3á<r' codd. xpijmL. TO KUAW<; o' EXOV 880 '\ '\ '\~ 7TOI\EL 7TUI\UL<T¡LU ¡Lr¡7TOTE I\V<TUL OEOV ulTov¡LuL. 'é ' , 3/ EOV OV 1\r¡",W 7TOTE 7TP0<TTUTUV L<TXWV. o, , \ 866-67) I ' , JI al.'(J' ovpavlsq. €p" Enger: ovpavl.uv ' , ~, DL r al.'(J'epa Iere codd. 873 lif3PL" ... TÚpavvov] lif3PL V ... ropavví" Blaydes ropavvov: úf3pt';] ropavvovvf3ptv: Fraenkel 412 413 L OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES El 8É n~ lJ1TÉpOTrTa XEpa-tV a-Tp. f3' \ I , 'l"'J /\oye¡.> TrOpEVETaL, 885 890 895 tlíKa~ Uepóf3'l'JTO~, ov8E 8aLJLóvwv i!8'l'J a-Éf3wv, d\ "" KaKa, VLV E/\OLTO JLoLpa, 8va-TróTJLOV XápLV XAL8a~, El JLY¡ TO KÉp80~ KEp8avlt 8LKaíw~ ..... ~/. "é: I KaL' TWV aa-ETrTWV Epe, ETaL, 7} TWV UOíKTWV Oí'ETaL JLaTlgwv. Tí~ En TrOT' EV Toía-8' uvY¡p tOvJLwv f3ÉA'l'J i!P'ETaLt lfivxa~ uJLvvwv; El yap aí TOLaí8E Trpá'EL~ TíJLLaL, Tí 8Eí JLE XOPEVELV; , aVT. OVKÉ'TL TOV áOt.KTOP EIJLt ya~ ETr' 0JLepaAov a-Éf3wv, 900 905 910 ov8' E~ TOV 'Af3aía-L vcióv, ov8E TaV 'OAvJLTríav, El JLY¡ Tá8E XELpó8ELKTa Traa-Lv áPJLóa-EL f3pOToí~. '\ \' '9 , ~ ~ O" , a/\/\ ,W KpaTVvwv, ELTrEp op aKOVEL~, '" TraVT , " avaa-a-wv, , \ '0 OL JL'l'J, /\a Z EV, " ,.,O' "', a-E Tav TE a-av a avaTOV aLEIJ apxav. epOíVOVTa ydp < - u - X > Aatov OÉa-epaT' E,aLpova-LV 1j8'l'J, Kov8aJLov nJLaí~ 'ATróAAWV EJLepav~~' EPpEL 8E Ta OEÍa. 414 f3' But if a mau moves arrogautly in deed or word, without fear of Justice, and without reverence for the seats of the gods, may au evil fate take him, for his ill-starred pride, if he will not win his advautage justly aud keep hirnself from acts irreverent, or if he wantonly lays hands on things inviolate! In such a case, what mau shall ward off the shafts of [ ... ]? For if such actions are to win respect, why should we honour the gods with dauces? No longer shall 1 go in reverence to the inviolate navel of the earth, nor to the temple at Abae, nor to that of Olympia, if these oraeles do not accord with truth, so that all mortals may point to them. But o ruler, if you are rightly thus called, Zeus, lord of all, may this not escape you aud your ever deathless power! For already the oraeles of Laius are fading aud are being expunged, aud nowhere is Apollo mauifest in honour; but the power of the gods is perishing. Enter IOCASTE, carrying offerings which she will present to the statue ofApollo which is on the stage. -, 891 fJítETaL 892 8V¡'LOV Blaydes: etETaL codd. pa: 8V¡.t0 Lrpa: 8v¡.tillv Schneidewin: 8Eillv Her- mann 894 eptEraL (vel eptEraL) codd. I á¡.tVVELV : á¡.tvvwv Erfurdt: -ELVcodd. suppl. Hermann, alii alia: an <Ka. 7ráÁ.m Aatov Lrp: Aatov 7TaAata a: 7TaAuul Aaiov pa: 7raÁ.ma post 8É<rcpaTa (907) praebet K 906 <rOL 7raÁ.aLa> Ta>? 415 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES IOCASTE IOKA!TH '" "'é a ¡Lot 7TapE<TTa'()r¡ xwpa<; avaKTE<;, OOs , , '() c:/ ,~, ;> '" vaov<; tKE<T at oat¡Lovwv, Tao EV XEpOtv <TTÉr/>r¡ Aaf3oV<TTJ Kum(}v¡Ltá¡Lam. VI/JOV '1ap a'ípEt (}V¡LOV 018í7Tov<; á'1av 915 \ ' , , c;:., ~ ...." , II.V7Tat<Tt 7TaVTOtat<Ttv' ovo 07TOt avr¡p )1 ''"''\ ' EVVOV<; Ta, Katva TOt<; 7Tall.at TEK¡LatpETat, "\.' , \ ' " -lo ' d \ ' al\.l" E<TTt, TOV~ II.E'1OVTO<;, r¡v ,/,opOV<; II.E'1TJ· 9. ~/, ,.. , , ,~, \,. ,... oT OVV 7TapatvOV<T OVOEV E<; 7TII.EOV 7TOW, 7TP0<; <T', 920 0 AVKEt' "A7TOAAOV, áYXtlrTo<; '1ap El, iKÉTt<; ur/>'i'1¡Lat To'i<T8E a-Vv KaTEv'1¡La<Ttv, 07TW<; AV<Ttv TtV' i¡¡LtV Eva'1ij 7T6pTJ<;' w<; vVv OKVOV¡LEV 7TávTE<; EK7T€7TAr¡'1¡LÉvov KE'ivov f3'AÉ7TOVTE<; w<; KVf3EPVr,Tr¡V VEW<;. ArrEAO! dp' ltv 7TUP' 925 vJLwv, 6J tÉVOt, p.á8oLJL' 01TOV 'nI, roí! Tvpávvov Dwp.uT' €CTTtV Oi8í1TOV; '\ ~,;>",,' I ()' ~ ¡Lall.t<TTa o aVTOV Et7TaT Et KaTt<T 07TOV. XOPO! , " ,~~ ~ ~ .;- l:' Lords of the land, the thought has come to me to go to the temples of the gods, bearing in my hands these garlands and this incense. For Oedipus is exciting his mind in excess with every kínd of grief, and he is not interpreting new happenings by means of earlier ones like a rational man, but he is at the merey of the speaker, ifhe speaks of terrors. So since 1 do no good by trying to counsel him, 1 come as a suppliant to you, Lycian Apollo, since you are our neighbour, with these accompaniments of prayer, that you may provide us with some cleansing solution. For now we are all afraid, when we see him, the captain of our ship, struck powerless. Enter MESSENGER. MESSENGER Might 1 learn from you, strangers, where is the house of King Oedipus? But best of all, tell me if you know where heis! CHORUS This is his dwelling, and he himseif is in it, stranger, and this lady is his wife and the mother ofhis children. <TTE'1at ¡LEV atoE, KaVTO<; EVOOV, W S Eve "" yvvr¡, OE ¡Lr¡Tr¡p ~ , , r¡OE TWV KEtvOV TEKVWV. (}'~" ArrEAO! MESSENGER Why, may she ever be happy and with others who are happy, since she is his queen! ' \ \ "oll.¡-Jta \ R ' TE Kat'é' '\R' " all.lI. S VV OIl.t-'tOt<; aEt 930 '1ÉVOtT', EKEÍVOV 928 (J' 416 y' oi'l<Ta 7TavTEAT¡<; 8á¡Lap. :$ L et Syrianus in Hermogeuem: om. eodd. 417 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS roKA~TH aV'T(¡)~8€ KaL <TÚ y', ,." , roGASTE & (ÉV'· átto<; yap Ei Id" \ \ \. A... / y, The same to you, stranger, since you deserve it for your courtesy! But teIl me with what wish or for what announcement you have come! d Tr¡<; EVE7TELa<; OVVEK . aAAa 'l'pa\, OTOV Xpygwv dc/>'itat xwn CTr¡p.ijVat OÉAWV. MESSENGER ArrEAO~ , O'~I aya a OOP.Ot<; TE Kat" 7TOCTEL Te¡¡""" CTe¡¡, yvvat. 1 bring good news for your house and your husband, lady! I roGASTE roKA~THj 935 , T'YJ<; ~ K OptV ' OOV. TO' EK ~,~ 'YJOOW P.EV, 7TW<; O MESSENGER ArrEAO~ From Corinth; and the word 1 shaIl soon speak wiIl bring you pleasure-ofcourse-but perhaps also sorrow. ~'." e (; ...., OV\, EpW-Taxa OVK av; acrxaAAOt<; O tCTW<;. O E7TO<; ....~"', I What news is that? and fromwhom do you come? 8' dc/>typ.Évo<;; Ta 7To'ia TavTa; 7Tapa Tívo<; , /\ \ .~,,, roGASTE roKA~TH What is it? How does it possess a double power? , ovvap.tll ", "'''''''''~ n ,,,,~ O ECTn; 7TOtaV wo EXEt Ot7TA'YJV; MESSENGER ArrEAO~ 940 ropawov aVTOv OV7TtXWPWt XOOVO<; ~ '1 CTOp.ta<; ' CTT'YJCTOVCTtll, le,~,.... " T'YJ<; w<; 'YJvoaT The natives of the Isthmian land are to establish him as king, as the story went there. ,... EKEL. , ",. roKA~TH Tí 8'; OVX Ó 7TpÉCTf3V<; II6Avf30<; How so? Is not the aged Polybus stiIl in power? eYKparY¡<; En; ArrEAO~ ov 8ijT', e7TEí Vtll OávaTo<; ev roGASTE 86p;ot<; EX€t. roKA~TH 7T(;)<; Ei7Ta<;; ~ TÉOV'YJKE<V Ol8í7TOV 7TaT"l'¡p>; ArrEAO~ MESSENGER No, for death holds him in the tomb. roCAS TE What have you said? Is Oedipus' father dead? MESSENGER If 1 am not telling the truth, 1 say that 1 deserve to die. "AEYW , TaAr¡ '\ O'E<;, a\, 'c tW~ OaVEtll. ~ EL, p.'YJ P: Tá.4>VL~ cett. suppl. Nauck: TÉOVr¡KE IIóAv,8o~ Lrpa: alii alia 942 8Ó¡LOL~ 943 418 419 I SOPHOCLES I OEDIPUS TYRANNUS roGASTE roKA:STH 945 J> 7T'p6(nTOA', ovXt OECT7T'6rTl ráo' w<; ráxo<; ¡WAOVCTa AÉtEt<;; J> OEi»1l ¡Lallrf:Ú¡Lara, q " , ,... O)~' JI\ ' tll ECTrE. rovrOll tot7T'OV<; 7T'al\at rpE¡Lwll rOll állOp' ~c/>EV'YE ¡LT¡ Krállot" Kat vVll ÓOE 7T'po<; ri¡<; rvX"l<; OAWAEll OVOE rovO' 157T'o. OIMIIOT~ 950 J> c/>íAraroll YVllatKo<; 'IoKáCTr"l<; Kápa, Servant, go at once and tell this to the master! O prophecies of the gods, where are you? Oedipus long avoided this man for fear ofkilling him, and now he has died a natural death, not at his hands. Enter OEDIPUS. OEDIPUS My dearest wife, Ioeaste, vvhy have you summoned me here from the house? rí ¡L' EtmÉ¡L<pw OEVpO rWllOE OW¡Lárwll; roKA:STH '" ~ , ~" , KI\VWll \ ' aKOVE rallOpo<; rOVOE, Kat' CTK07T'Et ",q,q ... , ra CTE¡Lll tll "IKEt rov EOV ¡LallrEV¡Lara. roGASTE Listen to this man, and then ask where the god's revered oraeles stand! O~ OIAIIIOT:S OEDIPUS And who is he and what does he say to me? ~" , 'Kat " n ¡LOt I\E'YEt; \ ' ovro<; OE n<; 7T'or,ECTn roGASTE '(' roKA:STH 955 EK ri¡<; Kopíll80v, 7T'arÉpa rOll CTOll a'Y'YEAwll ( OVKEr '" Ollra " . TIOI\V '\ {3... , \ \' ol\wl\ora. '\ \' w<; Oll, al\l\ From Corinth, to report that your father Polybus is no more-he is dead. OEDIPUS What are you saying, stranger? Tell me yourself! OIAIIIOT:S )' n ',/.,.' '1'''1<;, sl:"Ell; avro<; ¡LOt CTV" CT"I¡L"Illa<; 'YEllOV"" . ArrEAo:s MESSENGER IfI must first tell you this truly, know for eertain that he is dead and gone! El rovro 7T'pWrOll OEt ¡L' a7T'a'Y'YEtAat CTac/>w<;, Ef} fCTO' EKEtllOll OalláCTt¡LOll {3E{3"1K6ra. OEDIPUS Was it by treason, or through siekness? MESSENGER OIAIIIOT:S 960 7T'6rEpa 06AOtCTtll, 7) 116CTOV twaAAa'Yii; , ' , ArrEAO:S "'Y ( , CT¡LtKpa 7T'al\ata CTW¡Lar EVllasEt P07T'''I. 420 \ A small jolt brings aged persons to their resto 957 CT7)f1:ríva<; LrPa: (Y7If'ávrwp Kpat et 'YP in L et G 421 1, SOPHOCLES OILl.IIIOT! VÓ<TOIS Ó TA:/¡JLWV, ro'.) EOtKEV, €cP8LTO. ArrEAO! / , KUt''''' Tl¡J ¡LUKpl¡J"" YE CTV¡L¡LETPOV¡LEVO, XpOVl¡J. OILl.IIIOT! ePev 965 97O ePEV, Tí 8fjr' áv, 6J '}'vvaL, uKo1Toíró Tl8 Ti¡V I1v(}ó¡Luvnv f.CTTíuv, f¡ TOV~ avúJ KAá'OVTa, ÓPVEt" 6JV ve/>' r,yr¡TWV EYW KTaVEí:v €¡LEA.AOV 7TUTÉpU TOV E¡LÓV; Ó SE (}uvwv KEV(}Et KáTúJ Si¡ yi¡,' EYW S' oS' Ev(}áSE á¡f;UVCTTO, €YXov" Eí n ¡L7¡ TW¡Li¡¡ 7TÓ(}l¡J ',/..()(}'. , ~ 'C' o KUTE'I' t • OVTúJ oc"" UV () uvwv Etr¡ s E¡LOV. TU S' OVV 7TUPÓVTU CTVAAUf3WV (}ECT7TíCT/L':LTa KEí:Tat 7TUP' "AtST/ I1ÓAVf30, att' OVSEVÓ'. roKA!TH OVKOVV EYW CTOt TUVTU 7TPOVAEYOV 7TáAUt; OILl.IIIOT! r¡vSu,' EYW SE Ti¡¡ epóf3l¡J 7TUpr¡yÓ¡Lr¡v. roKA!TH 975 ¡L1¡ VVV €T' UVTWV ¡Lr¡SEv E, (}V¡Lov f3áAT/" OILl.IIIOT! ' \I'.EKTpOV ' " OKVEtV "" ¡LE UEt; ~"" KUt, 7TúJ, TO ¡Lr¡TpO, OVK ,.." roKA!TH 980 Tí S' &v ep0f30í:T' aV(}PúJ7TO" é[> TU Ti¡, TVXr¡, ..... , ~"" ~, ,t. , KPUTEt, 7TpOVOtU O ECTnv OVOEVO, CTU'I'r¡,; , "'" Y"" ~ ~, , EtKr¡ KpunCTTOV sr¡v, 07TúJ, UVVutTO n,. crV S' E, TU ¡Lr¡TpO' ¡L7¡ epof3ov VV¡LepEV¡LUTa' 422 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OEDIPUS It is from sickness, it seems, that he died, alas! MESSENGER And from the long years that he had measured out. OEDIPUS Ah, ah, lady, why should one look to the prophetic hearth of Pytho, or to the birds that shriek aboye us, according to whose message 1 was to kill my father? But he is dead, and lies deep below the earth; and 1 am here, not having touched the weapon, unless he died from missing me; in that way 1 might have caused his death. But still, Polybus lies in Hades, and with him have gone the oraeles that were with us, now worth nothing. roCAS TE Did 1 not foretell this to you long ago? OEDIPUS You told me; but 1 was led along by fear. roCASTE Then let none of these things worry you any more! OEDIPUS And how can 1 not fear intercourse with my mother? roCAS TE But what should a man be afraid of when for mm it is the event that rules, and there is no certain foreknowledge of anything? It is best to live anyhow, as one may; do not be 423 I SOPHOCLES 7TOAAO' yap ~S1] KaV ovEÍpaaw f3POTWV ' 81]o-av. aJ\J\a ' \ \ ' Tav~8'·OT<p ¡L1]Tpt, ~1:vV1]vvao, ~ J':> ~ "" "f3'tDV 'f'EpEt. A- ' 7Tap' OVOEV Eo-TL, pq.O-Ta TOV \ "" <1 "" ,~, 985 El fL~ YJ"\ 'KÚPEt'WCT' "",:>' 'é' , E~ Etp1]TO o-Ot, T¡ 'TEKov<ra· vvv o' E7TEL :> \,.., afraid of marriage with your mother! Many have lain with their mothers in dreams too. It is he to whom such things are nothing who puts up with life the best. OEDIPUS OIMIIOT~ KaJ\(J), a7TaVTa TaVT av OEDIPUS TYRANNUS Everything you have said would be right, were not my mother still alive; but since she stilllives, even though you are right, 1 must be afraid. :>,.., \' ",y¡, 7Tao- avaYK1], KEt KaJ\(J), J\)YEt" OKVEtV. roCAS TE Well, your father's funeral is a great source oflight. roKA~TH Ka. ¡L7¡v ¡LÉya, <y'> oep8aA¡LO' oí 7TaTpo, Táepot. OEDIPUS Yes, 1 understand; but 1 am afraid while she stilllives. OILl.IIIOT~ ¡LÉya" ~vví1]¡L" aAAa Tfj, 'wo-1], epóf3o,. But who is the woman who makes you afraid? ArrEAO~ J' ~" ,:> Á. f3 ~ 8' • 7TOta, oE Kat yvVatKO, EK'f'O Eto- V7TEp; OILl.IIIOT~ 990 MEpÓ7T1]" YEpatÉ, rróAvf3o, MESSENGER ií, lÍÍKEt ¡LÉTa. OEDIPUS Merope, old man, the wife ofPolybus. MESSENGER What is it about her that causes you to be afraid? ArrEAO~ (,:> Á. J'f3 A- ' TL. . o~'"Eo-T,:>, EKEtV1], V¡LtV E, 'f'0 OV 'f'EpOV; OEDIPUS A terrible propheey from the gods, stranger. OILl.IIIOT~ 8E~AaTOV ¡LáVTEV¡La SEtVÓV, cii MESSENGER ~ÉVE. Can it be mentioned? or is it not lawful for another to knowofit? ArrEAO~ -;- ( J' " :> 1] P1]TOV; 1] ov 8E¡Lto-TOV "'\ \ aJ\J\ov ,~, , OILl.IIIOT~ ¡LáAto-Tá y" Et7TE yáp ¡LE Ao~ía> 7ToTE . 995 ,., ... ,,:> OEDIPUS EtDEvat; ....., Yes! Loxias once said that 1 was fated to lie with my mother, and to spill my father's blood with my own hands. XP1]vat ¡LtY1]vat ¡L1]Tpt T1]¡LavTOv, TO TE H81 Kav] roí, y' Dawe dubitanter: 'v roí, Blaydes 7TaTp¡¡'ov aTiLa XEPo-. Tat, É¡Lal'" ÉAEÍV. 987 <y'> anon. (1746) 993 0v OEjLLCFTOJ/ Johnson: ov Oep.tTOll codd.: OVXt OE/LLTOJ/ Brunck 424 425 ¡ ! SOPHOCLES éSv OVVEX' T¡ KÓptv80~ Et E/WV 1ráX.aL ¡J-aKpaV U1rf¡JKeLT" EVTVXW~ ¡J-EV, un' O¡J-W~ , # ll'"" ' Ta' " TWV TEKOVTWV 0¡J-¡J-au 'YJ0UTTOV f3\I\E1rEtv. Was it for fear of this that you had left? .ry yap Táo' OKVWV KE'i8EV .rya-8' U1rÓ1rTOX.L~; OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT~ Yes, and from the wish not to he my father's murderer, old mano 1raTpÓ~ YE xvÉl(WV ¡J-Y¡ <jlOV€U~ EfvaL, yEPOV. ArrEAO~ n , MESSENGER .-l..'f3ova-,", <: 0'YJT EYW OVXL TOVOE. TOV ,+,0 ava~, ~ .... , " , E1rH1rEp , " # EVVOV~ .... 0;::. II 1"1 'YJI\UOV, .. \ 'é \ E~ Why, since 1 have come in friendship, do 1 not release you from this fear, my lord? ' El\va-a¡J-'YJv; OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT~ Indeed, you would receive a reward worthy of the service. Kat JLT¡v XáptV y' av deíav 'Aáf3oI.8 EfLOV. MESSENGER ArrEAO~ 1005 Why, 1 carne here most of al! in the hope that when you carne home 1 might acquire sorne henefit! Kat ¡J-Y¡V ¡J-áX.La-Ta TOVT' U<jlLKÓ¡J-'YJV, 01rW~ a-OV 1rpO~ OÓ¡J-OV~ EX.8óVTO~ EV 1rpátaL¡J-í n. aAA.' oV1Tor"€T¡.t" TOL~ epVTEvuacrív y' óp.ov. ArrEAO~ KaX.w~ El oijx.o~ OVK El8w~ Tí 8pq;~. 6J YEpaLÉ; 1rpO~ 8EWV 8í8aa-KE ¡J-E. El Twv8E <jlWyH~ OVVEK' El~ OrKOV~ 1001 YE 426 ~:.' . MESSENGER My son, it is clear that you do not know what you are doing. How so, old man? Explain to me! MESSENGER ArrEAO~ 1010 ,¡ But 1wil! never go to where my parents are. OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT~ 1rW~, OEDIPUS , OILl.IIIOT~ 6J 1ra'i, This is why 1 have long lived far from Corinth; my fortune has heen good, hut none the less it is the greatest delight to see the faces of one's parents. MESSENGER ArrEAO~ 1000 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ¡J-oX.E'iV. If it is hecause of them that you avoid coming home. p, coni. Hermann: TE cett. 427 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS OI6.IIIOT$ rap{3wv 'YE fL~ ¡Wt iPo'i{3o<; etÉAOYI <Tarfní<;· MESSENGER ArrEAO$ Is it so that you shaIl not acquire pollution through your parents? ~ fLY¡ fLía<TfLa TWV <pVTEj)<TáVTWV Aá{3Y1<;; OI6.IIIOT$ """/.'{3 TOVT aVTO, 'TrpE<T v, """.'A..{3~ TOj)TO fL €t<TaEt '1'0 €t. ArrEAot OI6.IIIOT$ 1015 'TrW<; ~, O " .... ovXt, 'Trat<; 'Y " 1"\ " ,J.. €t TWVOE 'YEVV'Y/TWV E't'VV; ArrEAO$ 'O' ,.. II'\ {3 ,"" EV 'YEV€t. , O OVVEK 'Y/V <TOt OAV 0<; OVOEV 'Trw<; Et'Tra<;; OV 'Yap IIÓ>"V{30<; etÉepV<TÉ fLE; ,,,, ~" ,'" '\\'~ OV fLaAAOV OVOEV TOVOE TaVOpO<;, aAA tCTOV. OI6.IIIOT$ , ,.,. <" Á...; '(; " ,.., ~, Kat 'TrW<; O 't'V<Ta<; ES tCTOV Te¡> fL'Y/0EVt; aAA' ov (J' €YEívaT' 01)7' €K€ZVO~ ovi¡-' E'}'W. , ,.., ~, ,..,c:;:.", , r aAA aVTt TOV 071 'Trataa fL WVOfLa.,ETO; '~O ~,~ No more than 1 was, but just as much! OEDIPUS And how can my father be as much my father as one who is nothing to me? Well, neither he nor 1 begot you. But why did he caIl me his son? MESSENGER ArrEAO$ ,,~, What are you saying? Was not Polybus my father? OEDIPUS OI6.IIIOT$ '\ \ ' , Because Polybus was no relation to you! MESSENGER ArrEAO$. 1020 MESSENGER MESSENGER ArrEAO$ ~\\ But 1 must, if indeed these are my parents! OEDIPUS OI6.IIIOT$ , Do you not know that you have no reason to be afraid? OEDIPUS ~ ..... OEDIPUS Exactly that, oId man, that is what always frightens me. MESSENGER ilp' ot<TOa ()fjra 'TrP(J<; ()íK'Y/<; OV()eV TpÉfLWV; "" Yes, for fear that Phoebus may prove true. ~\{3' He received you once, 1 tell you, from my hands, as a gift. OWpOV 'TrOT , t<T t, TWV EfLWV X€tpWV Aa WV. 428 429 I SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS OIDoIIIOTt Kq.O' dlo' a'17' án"1<; x€tpa<; ECrTEptEI' {J-É"I a ; ArrEAot , ~, " "1 yap '17ptl' aVTOI' 'é / ES E'17EtlT " ITV O' Ep.'17o"A1¡lTa<; Yes, his previous lack of any child brought him to that. .;¡ TVXWI' p.' aVTq, oíOw<;; EVPWI' l'a'17aíat<; El' KtOatpowo<; '17TvXa'" OE '17pa<; Tí TOVITOE TOV<; TÓ'17OV<;; , ~O':OOpEtot<; ., '17OtP.l'tot<; " E'17EITTaTOVI'. €l'TaV I OIDoIIIOT$ ArrEAot ITOV 8', (J TÉKI'OI', ITwT1¡p "lE Tq, TÓT' El' XPÓI'ct!.{ OIDoIIIOTt Tí O' á"Ayo<; Xa-xOI'T' El' XEPO'1' P.E "Aap.f3ál'€t<;; ArrEAot. al' ápOpa p.apTvp1¡IT€tEI' Ta lTá. OtP.Ot, Tt TOVT apxawl' EI'I'E'17€t<; KaKOI'; ..... " 1"'0 1 was there in charge of the flocks grazing on the mountain. " So were you a shepherd, wandering about in your servitude? MESSENGER Yes, and 1 saved you, my son, at that time. OEDIPUS What trouble was 1 suffering from when you took me in yourarms? MESSENGER Your ankles would bear witness to it. OIDoIIIOTt I And why were you travelling in those regions? OEDIPUS '17OtP.r,1' yap -1¡ITOa Ka'17t Or¡TEÍq- '17A.ál'r¡<;; " 1 found you in the wooded glens of Cithaeron. MESSENGER ArrEAot '17OOWI' Did you buy me or find me before you gave me to him? OEDIPUS OIDoIIIOTt 1030 OEDIPUS MESSENGER ArrEAOi WOOt'17Óp€t<; And then he cherished me so great1y, though 1 had come to him from another's hand? MESSENGER ~, a'17aWta. OIDoIIIOTt 1025 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS / OEDIPUS Ah, why do you speak of that ancient grief? ArrEAot "Avw IT' EXOI'Ta OtaTÓpov<; '17000'1' aKp.á,. MESSENGER When 1 released you, your ankles had been pierced. 1025 TVX';W 430 Bothe: TEKWV codd. 1030 S' G: y' cett. 431 I , SOPHOCLES j OEDIPUS OIó>IIIOT:lO 1035 <' " \ ' OEWOV l' ,H OVEWO~ a-'lI"ap1'avwv av€tllop:r¡v. <' Yes, it was a dreadful brand of shame that 1 had from my cradle. ' ArrEAO:lO '" " wvop.aa/(J r¡~ EK " wa-'T MESSENGER , <.\'S' 'TVXr¡~ 'Tav'Tr¡~ o~ €t. So that it was from that occurrence that you got the name youbear. OIó>IIIOT:lO ~ 'lI"pO~ (JEWV, 'lI"pO~ p.r¡'TpÓ~, ~ 'lI"a'TpÓ~; eppáa-ov. I OEDIPUS By heaven, did my father or my mother name me? TeH methat! ArrEAO:lO OVK 078'· Ó 80v~ OEDIPUS TYRANNUS 8E rav'T' EP.OV A00v eppovEt. MESSENGER 1 do not know; the man who gave you to me knows it aH better than 1 did. OIó>IIIOT:lO "\ \ p. , Ella ~\ f3 E~ ovo '~'" , "1.,.., 1'ap 'lI"ap ,. allllOv av'To~ 'TVXWV; OEDIPUS Then did younot nnd me, but received me from another man? ArrEAO:lO 1040 OVK, aAAa 'lI"Otp.~v áAAO~ EK8í8wa-í P.Ot. MESSENGER OIó>IIIOT:lO Yes, another shepherd gave you to me. 'Tí~ ofj'TO~; ~ Ká'TOta-(Ja 8r¡Awa-at AÓ1'C¡¡; OEDIPUS Who was he? Do you know how to teH this truly? ArrEAO:lO ~ A awv J. '" 'TWV or¡'lI"OV 'Tt~ "1 wvop.a.,E'TO. MESSENGER 1 think he was said to be one of Laius' meno OIó>IIIOT:lO OEDIPUS ~ 'TOV 'Tvpávvov 'Tf¡a-8E 1'f¡~ 'lI"áAat 'lI"O'TÉ; ArrEAO:lO " \ ' p.aAta-'Ta· 'TOV'TOV ) ~, 'Tavopo~ l' OV'TO~ .,.. "IV The man who long ago was ruler of this land? MESSENGER f3 O'Tr¡p. ' Yes; that was the man whose shepherd he was. OEDIPUS OIó>IIIOT:lO 1045 ~ KaCTT' ETL 'WV OiJTO~, w(rr' Is he still alive, so that 1 could see him? iSEZV €JLÉ; 432 433 l SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ArrEAO$ MESSENGER &V OínT'l-xWpLOL. VfLELr; y' ápui:r' EloELT' You who are the people of the country would know that besto OILl.IIIOT$ " EU"nV n'i / J'\ VJLWV TWV 'TrapEU"TWTWV 'TrEr.a'i, e..... KáTOLS~ TOV f3orfjp', OV EVVÉ7TEL, " , .-;,." ... " , O)'~' , ~ HT OVV E'Tr aypwv EtTE KaV ao EtU"tOWV; ÓUTl8 J' 1050 (T'r¡JL~vaO', W'i ó KatpO'i r¡ÍJpfjU"~at Tá8Eo oiJLat JLev ov8Év' anOV ~ TOV e~ aypwv, al' KaJLáTEV€'i 'TrpÓU"OEV ElU"t8EtV" aTap 1í8' llv Tá8' OVX 1íKtU"T' llv 'IOKáU"Tr¡ AÉYOto 1055 .:,..... (f ,.) Ithink he is none other than the man from the fields whom you were eager to see before; but locaste here could tell that besto OEDIPUS Lady, you know the man we lately sent for; is he the one this man speaks of? OILl.IIIOT$ -..... Is there one among you who are standing by who knows the shepherd of whom he speaks, whether he has seen him in the fields or here? Tell me, since it is time these things were found out! CHORUS XOPO$ J' OEDIPUS "" I yvvat, VOH'i EKEtVOV, ovnI' apnw'i \ ~ 6ytEJLEU" 'Á-.' Oa; TOVQ ''>'''' \ ' JLOr.EtV OVTO'i r.EYH; roCAS TE Why ask of whom he spoke? Take no thought of it! Let these words go for nothing and not be remembered! IOKA$TH Tí 8' ovnI" Ei'TrE; JLr¡8ev eVTpa'Trfi'i JLáTr¡V pr¡OÉVTa f3ovAOV JLr¡8e JLEJLvfjU"Oat Tá8Eo o OILl.IIIOT$ OVK al' YEVOtTO TOV.....0' ,0'TrW'i EYW r.a f3'wv ,,\ ..... J'. (f ....." A... ..... " , OEDIPUS It cannot be that when I have obtained such indications I shall not bring to light my birth! roCAS TE \ \/ U"r¡JLHa TOtaVT ov 'l'avw TOVJLOV YEVO'i o I beg you, do not search this out, if you care for your own life! My anguish is enough! roKA$TH 1060 JL~ 'TrpO'i OEWV, EÍ'TrEp n TOV U"avTov f3íov K~8'l1, JLa7€vU"'l1'i TOVO" íiAt'i voU"ovU"' eywo 434 1056-57 f'áTrIV .. o Tá8< A. Y. Campbell: TU 8. . . . f'áTrIV codd. 435 1J SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ! OEDlPUS OILl.IIIOT$ a-v Do not worry! Even if 1 prove to be the offspring of three generations of slaves, you wil!not be shown to be lowbom! OáP<TEt' ¡LEV yo,p ov8' EO,v TpíTr¡, EYw ¡Lr¡TPO' ePavw Tpí80VAO" EKePavii KaK~. lOKA$TH lOCASTE O¡LW' mOov ¡LOt, Aí<T<To¡Lat· ¡LT] 8pa Tá8E. All the same do as 1wish, 1 beg you! Do not do this! OEDlPUS Youwill never persuade me notto find out the truth! 1065 lOKA$TH lOCAS TE Yet it is in loyalty that 1 am tel!ing you what is best for you! Kat ¡LT]V ePpovov<Tá y' EV To' Ai¡J<TTá <TOt AÉyW. OILl.IIIOT$ .... , "" , ¡L" \' '\ Ta, \f\(1!<TTa TOtllVV TaVTa al\YVVEt 1Tal\at. OEDlPUS It is that "best" that has long been causing me distress! lOKA$TH lOCAS TE 6J 8V<T1TOT¡L', E'íOE ¡L~1TOTE yvoír¡, el, Ei. Ill-fated one, may you never find out who you are! OILl.IIIOT$ 1070 átEt T'> eA8wv 8wpo TOV f3oTi¡pá ¡LOt; TaVTr¡V 8' eaTE 1TAOV<Tílfl XaípEtlI yÉVEt. ., , ~. OEDlPUS Will someonego and bring the shepherd here? and leave her to take pride in her noble family! lOCASTE lOKA$TH ... I tOV tOV, OV<TTr¡VE" TOVToyap <T ,:JIEXW ""~I I "" "\ \ ,~, " O' V<TTEpOV. q ¡L0VOV 1TpO<TEt1TEtlI, al\l\o OV1TO ° XOPO$ 1075 Tí '1l'OT€ f3éf3r¡KEV, ülSí7TOV<;, lJ1T' a:ypía<; ~ta<Ta AV1Tr¡, r, yvv~; 8É80tX' 01TW, ¡LT]'K Ti¡, <TtW1Ti¡, Ti¡<T8' avapp~tEt KaKá. 1062 436 Ah, ah, unhappy one! That is al! that 1 can say to you, and nothing any more! Exit lOCASTE. CHORUS Why has the lady sped away, Oedipus, in bitter pain? 1 am afraid evil may burst forth after this silence. eav Hermann: llv EK codd. 437 SOPHOCLES OILl.IIIOT$ II ¡ i l' " '""' w" 1080 1085 OEDIPUS CHORUS U"Tp. EYW ¡Lavn" EL¡L' KaL KaTa yvw¡Lav í8p'", OV TOV "OAV¡L7TOV o.7TEípwv, J¡ K,(Ja,pwv, OVK fati Td.v avpwv 7TavU"ÉA1JvOV ¡L~ ov U"É YE KaL 7TaTP'WTaV 018í7j"OV KUL 7po'</>OV Ka" p.,UTÉp' aV~€LV, .. .:.; , , (J " Ka' XOP€VEU" a, 7TpO" "1" ¡L¡;W W" E7Tí1Jpa ePÉPOVTa TO'" E¡LO'" Tvpavvo,,,. ""'~Q ,"" ''YJ'E '*"O'fJE, U"O' OE ..... , , , ,." TaVT apEU"T EL1J. , ,'f aVT. TES (TE, 'TEKVOV, Tl8 ( j E'TLEL7TEp 1090 ,., 1095 I 1100 '" ,..... I remains on stage dUringthe Third Stasimon. If 1 am a prophet and wise in my judgment, O Cithaeron, you shall not fail to know that tomorrow's full moon exalts you as the fellow-native and nurse and mother of Oedipus, and that you are honoured by us with dances, as doing kindness to our princes. O Phoebus to whom men cry out, may these things prove agreeable to you! Who, who among those who live long bore you, with Pan who roves the mountains as your father? Or was it XOPO$ 'f OEDIPUS May whatever will burst forth! Even if it is lowly, 1 desire to leam my origin; but she, for she is proud in woman's .fashion, is perhaps ashamed of my low birth. But 1 regard myself as child of the event that brought good fortune, and shall not be dishonoured. She is my mother; and the months that are my Idn havedetermined my smallness and my greatness. With such a parent, 1 could never tum out.another Idnd of person, so as not to leam what was my birth. Ó7TO/,a XPV'E' /JTIYVVTW" TOVp)W 8' EYW, ,~ R \' KEL U"¡L'KpOV EU"n, U"7TEp¡L WEW fJOV""'/U"0¡La,. aVT7/ 8' íU"w", ePPOVE/, yap yvv~ ¡LÉya, T~V 8VU"yÉvE,av T~V E¡L~V alrrxvvETa,. EYW 8' E¡LaVTOv 7Ta/'8a Tij" TVX1J" vÉ¡Lwv Tij" EV 8,80vU"1J" OVK om¡LaU"(Ji¡U"o¡La,. ..... ".l..' , . (~,I "'. T1J" yap 7T6I'VKa ¡L1JTpO'" 0' vE U"VYYEVH" ¡Lijvú ¡LE ¡LL/<POV KaL ¡LÉyav 8,wp,U"av. , '" ° "",EK'I'V" J..' OVK , av " E!, 'I:'\(J TOWU"OE EI\ 0'¡L ", En 7TOT' áAAO", WU"TE ¡L~ 'K¡La(JE'iv TOV¡LOV yÉvo". ) OEDIPUS TYRANNUS , 1085 7TOT' á),Ao~] ámlLO~ Nauck: áAAoío~ Dindorf codd.: rov Wilamowitz 1099 rav Heimsoeth: rwv codd. 1101 7Tarpo~ 7TeAacrOEÍcr' Lachmann: 7Tpocr7TeAacrOeícr' codd. 1 erE ')1' eVVáTELpá nI) Arndt: Uf ')lE 8vyáT'YJ/J Lp: a-É· ')lE TlS OvyámlP rpat 1090 J<a~ I I ..... ' "apa KTE Tav ¡LaKpa'wvwv Ilavo" opEU"U",(3áTa 7Ta- Tpor; 7T€AaaBlia-'; i} crÉy' €VVáT€Lpá 'T18 439 438 1 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES (;/ ....., \.' ) / ,. . A o!,toV; Tl¡l yap 7T"aKE, aypovo¡.LOt 1T'ao"at sorne bedfellow ofLoxias? For the mountain pastures are all dear to mm. Or was it the lord of Cyllene, or the Bacchic god dwelling on the mountain tops that received you as a lucky find from one of the black-eyed Nyrnphs, with whom he often plays? ef>íAat' "O' O• K VJ\J\ava~ \\ ' " UVUU(JWV, líO' ó BaKxEÍo, OEO, El. ll05 vaíúJv E:rr' áKpWV opÉwv<u'> eV- pr¡¡.La 8É~aT' EK TOV NV¡.Lef>iiv ÉAtKc.mí8wv, aY, 11'AE/'O"Ta O"V¡.L1T'aí'Et. OEDIPUS I OILl.IIIOT! 11lO 1115 El xpf¡ n Ka¡.LE ¡.LT¡ o"vvaAAá~avTá 7TW, 1T'pÉO"(3Et" O"TaOfLiiO"Oat, TOV (3orfip' ópiiv 80KW, d "\ r ... " , ...... OV1T'Ep 1T'a"at ."r¡TOV¡.LEV. EV TE yap fLaKpl¡l yf¡pq. ~VV1-8H T.¡J8E Tav8pt mJ¡.L¡.LETPO', áAAW, TE 1'0,), áyoVTa' W0"7TEP olKÉTa, EYVWK' E¡.LaVTOV· Tii 8' EmO"Tf¡f-LT} mJ ¡.LOV 7TPOVXOt, TáX' áv 7T0V, rov (30Ti'¡p' l8wv 1T'ápo,. , XOPO! " , ,.o"a,/, /Á,.'"tO"Ot' A atov J. '';EyvwKa yap, yap r¡v Eí1T'Ep n, áAAo, 7TtO"TO, VO¡.LE,)' avf¡p. " , . . If 1, who have had no dealings ,with him, am able to judge, aged sirs, I think I see the shepherd whom we have long been seeking; for in old age he matches this man; yes, and I rtjcognise those who are bringing mm as servants of my own. But in point of knowledge you have the advantage of me, since you have seen the shepherd before. CHORUS Yes, I recognise him, be assured! He was as trusty a servant of Laius as any, although but a shepherd. Enter SHEPHERD OEDIPUS I ask you first, stranger from Corinth: is this the man you mean? w, OILl.IIIOT! . (TE 1TpWT' EPWTW, TOV Kopív8tOP 1120 7} Tóv8E eÉvov, 1103~ aypov0¡.t0' ef>pá'H'; f'/ I Zrt' "? : -VO¡LO' cett.: an aypov0¡Lwv. 1106 snppl. Dindorf 1106 €l\.tKW1Tt " 'S wv WilamOW1tz:·. . 'E'I\.l,KúWLa'SCLIP cadd' : EALKW- ArrEA O! ..... , ..... TOVTOV, OV1T'Ep HO"0Pq." 440 MESSENGER Yes, the man you see. víSltJP Aac. coni. Porson 441 SOPHOCLES i! OILl.IIIOT$ i I OVTO<; mí, 7rpEcr{3V, Sevpó pm ePWVet {3AúrwV Off'- /111 (T' EpWTW. Aaiov 7T07' ij(T8a ero; I1 ; 8EPAIlilN What work, 01' what way of life, was your care? i!pyov JLeptlLVWV 1TOLOV f) {3íov ¡ríva; SHEPHERD 8EPAIlilN For most of my life 1 have been with the herds. 1ToíJLvat<; 'Td1TAeLcrra TOV {3íov crVVEt1TÓJL'Y)V. OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT$ In what places for the most part did you bivouac? xwpot<; JLáAtcr'Ta 1TpO<; 'Tícrt ~vvavAo<; wv; SHEPHERD 8EPAIlilN 1 .ryv JLEV Kt(Jatpwv, .ryv SE 1TPÓcrxWPO<; 'T611"0<;. I OILl.IIIOT$ , ~,~ ,~, -;'$' (J a 'Ty¡oe ~"" , 'TOV avopa 'TOVO ovv Otcr 1TOV JLa (J wv; 8EPAIlilN OEDIPUS This man here; have you ever had to do with him? 'TóvS' ()<; 1Tápecr'TtV" .ry ~vv~na~a<; 'Tí 1TW; SHEPHERD 8EPAIlilN ,) ..... " Et1TetV ev , OEDIPUS Then do you know this man from having met him there? Met him doing what? What man do you mean? OILl.IIIOT$ ,d There was Cithaeron, and there was the regíon near it. SHEPHERD : Tí xpi¡JLa Spwvra; 1TOLOV avSpa Kat AEyet<;; , Ovx wcr'Te y SHJ¡;PHERD OEDIPUS OIMIlOT$ 1130 OEDIPUS You there, old man, look at me and answer my questions! Did you once belong to Laius? Yes, 1 was a slave not bought, but brought up in the house. .ry, SovAo<; OÍJK Wvr¡TÓ<;, an' OrKOt 'TpaePeí<;. 1125 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS Not so that 1 could speak at once from memory. d 'TaxEt JLV'Y)JL'Y)<; V1TO. MESSENGER ArrEAO$ No wonder, my lord! But though he does not know me, I wiIl help him to remember clearly; because I know weIl '''''(J ~ "" " "" , cra'l'w<; d-.~ Kovoev ye aVJLa, oecr1TO'T . aMI. eyw &:YVWT' avu¡..tv7}O"w VLV. El) yap oi8' OTL 443 442 I 1 I 1 ~ SOPHOCLES 1135 KároÚ)EV i¡p,0<; rov KtOatpwvo<; r67Tov Ó p,ev 8t7TAOt(Tt 1rotp,víot<;, E'YO> 8' €Vt 1140 E7TA7¡U"ía'ov r08E rav8pt rpEt<; ÓAov<; Et i¡pO<; El<; apKrOVpOV €Kp,f¡VOV<; Xp6vov<;' XEtp,WVt 8' .ry8'YJ rap,á r' El<; É7TavA' E'YO> 71Auvvov Oi5TÓ~ T' ¿s rO. Aaiov crTUf} jLá. AÉ'Y<iJ Tt rovriJ)v, 1} ov AÉ'Y<iJ 7TEJrp a 'YP,Évov; * * * * * ElEPAUUN AÉ'YEt<;aA'YJOij, Kaí7TEp EK p,aKpov Xp6vov. ArrEAO~ OEDIPUS TYRANNUS that he is aware that when <we were both staying in> the regíon round Cithaeron, he with two herds and 1 with one, 1 was in this man's company for three whole periods of six months each, from spring to the rising of Arcturus; and when winter carne 1 would drive my Rock back to their byres and he his to the steadings of Laius. Is what 1 am saying true, or not? SHEPHERD What you say is true, though it islong ago. MESSENGER Tell me now, do you remember giving me a child, so that 1 could bring it up as my own? SHEPHERD What? Why are you asking me this question? MESSENGER ElEPAUUN / Tt 1145 ~," .,.c;:." 00 ,',', , ..... ' e 31 , ..... EU"Tt; 7TpO<; Tt rovro rov7To<; tU"ropEt<;; O , ?..... EU"TtV, <iJ rav, ArrEAO~ ..\ " 't , ,', KEtVO<; 0<; ror 'YJv VEO<;. .....', This man, sir, is he who was once that child. SHEPHERD A plague on you! Will you not be silent? OEDIPUS ElEPAUUN No, do not strike him, old man! Your words deserve a blow more than his do. , Et<; , OI\E "\ 'O'pov; ov, U"t<iJ7T'YJU"a<; , " OVK ECrT/; OIl>.ITIOT~ r 7TpEU"fJV, ' ,(J" TOPO , a, p''YJ KOl\a\,E, 'i' , '\ ,1~, , , ',' , ra U"a ~ \ ~ ~ \ \ ," ~"',', oEtrat KOl\aU"rov p,al\l\ov 'YJ ra TOVa E7T'YJ. '" 444 E7TEt 1135 post hune v. laeunam statuit Reiske: ex. gr. ,. eyw> 1131 EKP.{¡VOV<; Eustath.: ep.p.{¡vov<; eodd. <f.'rrurra- " ovv ~ " L 1,.~. J 'TOVVTE~ ELX0¡.tEV: TOT 445 ¡ SOPHOCLES I eEPArrfiN '5'..1,..,.. /~, '"' ~ e , TL O , W 'l'EpUrrE OElT'lTOTWJJ, ap,apTaJJW; I OIAIIIOT:t 1150 ) ) , ., ..... ~, '"' e '? ... ,.. OVK EJJJJE'lTW"l! TOJJ 'lTaW OJJ OVTO<; tlTTOpEt. eEPArrfiN "'" '''' al\l\ ,\\, al\l\w<; 'lTOJJEt. l\eYEt yap Etow<; OVOEJJ, "\\ \' ~ I OIAIIIOT:t o-V 'lTpO<; XáptJJ 'ÚJJ OVK Epet<;, KA.aíwJJ8' EpÚS. eEPArrfiN ¡LT¡ MiTa, 'lTpo<; OEWJJ, TOJJ yÉpOJJTá ¡L' alKílTn· I I I OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SHEPHERD But, nobIest of masters, what is my offence? OEDIPUS You are not telling about the child about whom he is asking! SHEPHERD Because he speaks from ignorance, and is wasting his Iabour! OEDIPUS Ifkindness wiIl not get you to speak, pain will! SHEPHERD 1am oId; do not torture me, 1 beg you! OIt.IrrOT:t OEDIPUS OVx W<; Táxo<; TL<; Tov8' a'lTOlTTpÉ.pEt xÉpa<;; Will not one of you at once tiehis hands behind bis back? eEPArrfiN 1155 SHEPHERD Ah, misery, why? What do youwish to Iearn? 8VlTT1)JJO<;,aJJTL TOV; Tí 'lTPOlTXpiJ'Et<;¡LaOE/,JJ; OEDIPUS OIAIIIOT:t Did you give to this man the child he is asking about? SHEPHERD eEPArrfiN e8WK" &AÉlTOat l. did; 1 wish 1 had perished oIl. that day! 8' WepEA.OJJ rii8' T,¡LÉpq-. OEDIPUS OIAIIIOT:t It wiIl come to that, if you do not teIl the truth! aAx.' E<; Tó8' ií~Et<; ¡LT¡ A.ÉYWJJ "lE TOVJJ8tKOJJ. SHEPHERD eEPArrfiN My ruin is far more certain ifI tell! 'lToAx.cr "lE fLo.Ax.OJJ, ~JJ eppálTW, 8tóAx.v¡Lat. OEDIPUS It seems that this man is pIaying for time. OIAIIIOT:t 1160 áJJT¡p 08', W<; eOtKEJJ, el<; Tptf3U<; EA.q.. 1155 "pocrXP'n'Et" 446 I1 Blaydes: -wv codd. 447 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES SHEPHERD eEPAIU1N ~c;:.,.."",~\\,." el\::" OV O'1]T E'YW'Y, a"" H1TOV W, No, 1 said some time ago that 1 gave him the child. "\ OO~'1]V 1Ta"a~. OEDIPUS OILl.lrrOT~ 'O \ 1TO EV Aa Where did you get it from? Was it your own, or someone else's? f3'wv; Of,K€"OV,7] , ~ .,{;saJ\J\ov "\ \ 'TLVOS; / eEPArrnN SHEPHERD €p,ovp,ev OVK É'YW'Y', €8Etáp,'1]v 8é TOV. It was not my own; 1 received it from another persono OILl.III ot~ OEDIPUS Tívo, .1TOA~TWV Twv8E KaK 1Toía, CTTE'Y'1]"; From which ofthese citizens, and from which house? SHEPHERD eEPArrnN 1165 Master, 1 implore you, question me no more! p,i¡ 1TpO' ()EWV, p,1¡, 8Eo-1T00', íCTTÓpH 1TXÉOV. OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT~ óAwAa" E't CTE You are dead,ifI have to ask you this once more! miJT' €p1¡CTop,a~ 1TáAW. SHEPHERD eEPArrnN Tt, 77v t'YEvv'1]p,áTwl't. 77 80VAO" 1) KEívov Tt, €'Y'YEv7¡, 'YE'YW,; It was someone from the house of Laius. TWV Autov Toívvv OEDIPUS OILl.IIIOT~ Was it a slave, or one ofhis family? , ., ~. SHEPHERD Ah, 1 have come to the danger point in telling my story! eEPArrnN o'tp,o~, 1Tpo,avTi¡> 'Y' Elp,t Ti¡> 8EWi¡> Af.'YEW . OEDIPUS And 1 in listening to it! But all the same 1 have to listen. OILl.IIIOT~ 1170 #. "... '\ \' d , ... Ka'YW'Y aKOVEW' a"" op,w, aKOVCTTEOV. SHEPHERD It was said to be his child; but your wife indoors could best tell you how it was. eEPArrnN KEívO)J 'YE TO~ 8i¡ 1Tat" €KAiJ'EO" ~ 8' ÉCTW J'\ \ ,,\ e Ka"I\tCTT al' H1TO~ CT'1] 'YVV'1] Tao W, EXH. # , . , ,~, ~ 1167 YEvv"l¡.táTWV] EK 8w¡.táTWV Herwerden 449 448 1 L SOPHOCLES o lll. III o n: .ry yap II W3waw ií&€ aot; 8EPAIH1N p.,áAUTT', áva.;~. R 1& 9EPAIItW , \ / , ava"wa-atfLtvtv. úl<; OI<l.IIIOT$ 1175 T€KOVaa TXf¡fLúlV; I I I I 8EPAIIUN (JECíepáTWV y' bKV<p .KUKWV. , OEDIPUS Poor thing, was she its mother? SHEPHERD What prophecies? SHEPHERD lt was said that it would kilI itsparents. OI<l.IIIOT$ 7TW<; &7¡T' ifef>7¡Ka<; T0 yÉPOVTt T0&€ OEDIPUS mí; I 8EPAIIUN KaTOtKTíaa<;, (J, &Éa7To(J', w<; áAA"1V x(Jóva 80KWV d7TOít:TEtv, aVTo~ , €<; .. , , " Ev(}ev 7jv' fL€ytaT €aúla€v. Ó SE " e ' ,. EL yap aVTO<; r,- EL OV ef>"1r:TtV O'ÓTO<;, fa(Jt &úa7ToTfLo<; y€yw<;. 1180 aÍ/ro<; 450 SHEPHERD So that 1 could make away with it. OEDIPUS KT€V€tV VtV TOV<; T€KÓvTa<; .ryv Aóy,?~, Ka.K' OEDIPUS For what purpose? Yes, it was for fear of evil prophecies. 9EPAIIUN 1180 SHEPHERD Yes, my lord. OI<l.IIIOT$ 1TOLWV; I OEDIPUS Was it she who gave it you? j OI<l.IIIon: e OEDIPUS TYRANNUS M ,! Heimsoeth: oí'lro<; codd. I II How then did you come to make it over to this man? SHEPHERD 1 felt sorry for it, my lord, and thought he would take it to another country, where he carne from; but he preserved it for a great disaster; because if you are who he says you are, know that you were bom to misery! , I I t 451 :> 1185 , :> / . , , -A , SOPHOCLES ,1 OIt.IIIOT$ I! ..J.. ,. . '{;' Exit TOUOVTOi/ 6CíOV Kat 8ógavT' ,', a1TOKALV(U; 1195 oaíp.,ova, ~ TOlIUÓV, 6J TAap.ov Ol8t1TÓ8a, (3POTWV ov8ev p.aKapí'w· • e (3oJ\av \'" O(J"Tt,> Ka O''.V1TEp 1200 , ....:> aVT. a a 'I'he I Sphinx. TOeEV(Ta~EKpáTTJ(Tar;OV 1189--90 7Távr" evoaíf.Lovor; oXf3ov, 1193 TOV éf> ZEV, KaTa p.ev epOí(J"a<) Tav yap.t/swvvxa 1Tap(JÉvov xpr¡(J"p.c¡¡8óv, OaváTWV 8' EP.fi. , , :> , XWPCl- 7TVpyO,> aVE(J"Ta,>' Eg oil Kat (3a(J"tAEv,> KaAfj " EP.O'> Kat' " Ta P.EYt(J"T " ETt- 452 also mate your lifeto be! What man, what man wins more of happiness than enough to seern, and after seeming to decline? With your fate asmy example, your fate, unhappy Oedipus, 1 say that nothing perlaining to mankind is envíable. You it was whose arrow unbelievablyfound its mark and you won a success not in aH ways sanctíoned by the gods-O Zeus-when you destroyed the prophesying maiden with hooked talons,~ lUId for my country stood like a wall keeping off death. Becauseof that are you TOV (J"ov TOt 7TapaOEtyp. EXWV, TOVUOV SHEPHERD Ah, generations of men, how close to nothingness 1 estí- 80KELV ,<:;>:> and the CHORUS (J"Tp. a' I te"" w'> vp.a,> t(J"a Kat" TO p.r¡8ev 'w(J"a,> EVaptOp.w. Tí,> yáp, Tí,> avi¡p 7TAÉoV TaS Ev8at¡LOvía,> epÉpEt ~ OEDIPus;the MESSENGER leave. XDPO$ 1190 OEDIPUS Oh, oh! AH is now clear! O light, may 1 now look on you for the last tíme, 1 who aro revealed as curs.ed in my birth, cursed in my marriage, cursed in my killing! toV toV' Ta 1TaVT av El> r¡KOt (J"a't'r¡. éf> epW'>, TEAEVTatÓV (J"E1TpOa/3AÉt/Jatp.t VVV, Ó(J"Tt'>7TÉepa(J"p.at epV'> T' aep' 6JV ov xpijv, gvv orp' ov xpijv ÓP.tAWV, OV,> TÉ p.' OVK i!8Et KTaVWV. " YEVEat . '(3.POTWV, ~ tW OEDIPUS TYRANNUS I I 1197 an 7rMov et <PEpE< permutanda sunt? Carnerarius: TO codd. EKpáTIlo-as ov Reisig: ÉKpá'T'Y]o-as roi) codd.: ÉKpá1'7]CTE ,-ov Ambrosianus L.39 sup., como Hermano avÉuras rpat: avÉCTTu LPa 1202-3 KaAíJE/-,o'>] E/-,O'> KaAíJ Elmsley: KaAíJ,-' E/-,O'> Blaydes 1201 i I 453 ! ¡ p,á(Jr¡<;, TaL<; P,EYáAaUTLV I EV e~ f3aLCTtv._.CtváU'fTwv. TavVV 1205 8' &.K01JELV Tí<; a(JALwTEp0<;, <YTp. f3' EV 1TÓVOL<; Tí<; áTaL<; aypíaL<;t tvvOLKO<; dAXayéj. f3íov; tWKAHVOvül8í1TOV Kápa, tTí<; i[J p,Éya<; ALp,7¡V II I ( ' r¡PKE<YEV " aVTO<; 7TaL8, Ka, 7TaTp' 1210 (JaAap,r¡7rÓA<p 7TW<; 7TO'¡"E 7TE<YELV, 7TW<; 7T0(J' aí 7TaTpi¡>- J..' '\ aL <Y a¡Ü)KE<; <pEpELV, Tal\a<;, I OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ! SOPHOCLES "'\' E<; To<Yóv8E; ecP7}vpÉ (J' /iKov8' Ó 7TávfJ' ópwv XP'6vo(), my' E8vvá(Jr¡<Yav , f3' aVT. called king, and you received the greatest honours, ruling in mightyThebes. But now whose story is sadder to hear, who dwells amid more cruel torments, more cruel labours through the reversal of his life? Ah, famous Oedipus, whom the same wide harbour served as child and as father on your bridal bed! How, how could the field your father sowed put up with you so long in silence? Time the all-seeing has found you out against your will; long since has it condemned the monstrous marriage that produced offspring for you and offspring for itselU Ah, son of Laius, would that 1 had never set eyes on you! For 1 grievously lament, pouring from my lips a dirge. To tell the truth, you restored me to life and you lulled my eyes in death. Enter SECOND 8LKá'ELTOV áyap,ov yáp,ov 7TáAaL 1215 ,..... , SECOND MESSENGER I TEKVOVVTa KaL TEKVOVp,EVOV. <ti» tÚJ AaiEtov E(,(Je cr'e'íBe You who are everheld in greatest honour in this land, what actions shall you hear of, what actions shall you see, rÉKVOV, CTE aSee Sophoclea 107f. P,'YÍ7TOT' El86p,av' w<; 68vpop,aL , \ \.", 7TEpLal\/\ Lav 1220 1205 Tí~ a:rats a.:ypíuI.S, rír; EV 1TÓVOlS Hennann: 12097TurpL] 1TÓcrEL Wunder , XEúJV I , ~, ) (J' , <YTop,aTúJV. TO o op OV EL" ' "aVE7TVEveru"T " J EV 11'€LP, EK((TE , , , alii alia suppl. Erfurdt oSVPO/La' Kamerbeek: Oí3Vpop.aL yap W~ codd. 1219 iav XÉwv Burges: iaxÉwv codd. 1216 , EK , MESSENGER 1218 w~ " KaL KaTEKOLp,r¡<Ya TOVp,OV op,p,a. EEArrEAO$ Ji yfj<; p,ÉYL<YTa T7]<Y8' aEL TLp,Wp,EVOL, oi' Épy' &KolJ(TECT(J', ora 454 8' elo-ót/JEu(J', OCTOV o' ! I 1 455 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES 1225 1230 and what Illourning shall youendure, ifyou have stillloyal regard forthe house of Laius! For I think that neither Ister nor Phasis' could wash clean thishouse, such horrors does it conceal, and sorne it shall soon expose to the light, horrors willed and not unwilled. And the griefs that give most pain are those webring uponourselves. ape'ia-8E7r'ÉvOo<;, Ef7r'Ep EVYEVW<; Én TWV Aaf3SaKEíwv ¿IITpÉ7rEaOE SW¡;.,á.,TWV. oi¡;.,at yO,p OVT' (1v "IaTpov OVTE <l>éimv (1v vít/Jat KaO(J.p¡;"cr n)VSE Ti¡V aTÉy'Y/V, oaa «eú(Jet, ra 8' UV'TíK'}S 70 ePiJC; ePavEt KaKa ,","" ,.., ,.., EKOVTa ')OVK aKOVT(/,. TWV OE 7r'Y/¡;"OVWV " .,. ~ , • Á.' ~ , '0' ¡;.,al\ta Tai\V7rova .. at 'l'aVW¡ av atpETot. (/ . : ~, CHORUS Even.the.things we knew b~foredo not fall short ofbeing grievous; ",hat can you add to them? XOPO~ 'AEí7rH ¡;.,kv ovS' &7TpóaOEv iíSE¡;"EV Tq ¡;.,i¡ ov {3apVUTf)V' ETvaL'-::'1TPO() 8' EKEíVOUFtjJ,"rí 4nl~; SECOND MESSENGER The newsI must first speak ahd you must first learn is that the august locaste is dead. ESArrEAO~ ÓJL€V TáX(,(TTO~ T¿)lI 1\6ywv el1TEtVTE' CHORUS KaL Oh sorrow! What was the cause? ¡;.,aOav,'I"ÉOv'Y/KEOE'iov 'loKáaT'Y/<; Kif-pa. SECOND MESSENGER xopo~ lt was byher own hand. The most painful part of what has happ~J:led you are sparec:l, because you did not see it; but so far as my memory can serve me, you shall hear of the sufferings ofthat poor woman. Whenjn her passion shepassed through the door, she sped directly to her bridal bed, tearing her hair with fin" gers of b9th hands. And when she entered she slammed shut both panels of the door,. calling on Laius, now long a corpse, remembering their love-making long ago, which 6JSvuTáXuLva, 7TPQ~ Tívo~ 7TDr'alríác;; ESArrEAO~ 1240 1245 (J.vT1j 7rpo<; aVTi¡~/TWV SE 7rpaxOÉvTfPV T<ir jLEV "'\ . 1" . . . . . - ",'(-, "',1. ", a~YtaT •. a7rEaTW''Y/ yap o'j't<; OV 7r(J.pa. o¡;.,W<; S', oaov YE Kav E¡;"Ot ¡;.,v7¡¡;"'Y/<; ÉVt, , Tex. "KEW'Y/<; ' 0a ..'I\ta<; ' 7raO' 7rEvaT/ 'Y/¡;.,aTa. 07rW<;YO,p opyf¡ Xpw¡;.,Év'Y/ 7rapi¡'AO' Éaw Ovpwvo<;, rET' EVOV 7rpO<; To' VV¡;.,ef>tKo' 'AÉX'Y/, KÓ¡;"'Y/V a7rwa' a¡;.,ef>tSE~íot<; aK¡;.,a'i<;· mJ'Aa<; S', 07rW<; Elai¡'AO', E7rtppá~aa' Éaw, Ka'Aa TOV 1)S'Y/ Aáwv 7rá'Aat VEKpÓV, ¡;.,v7¡¡;"'Y/V 7ra'AatWV a7rEp¡;.,áTWV Éxova', vef>' 6>V a The Danube and the Rioní (in the C.ucasus). 1225 dry€v¡;'~ Hartung: €Y'Y€v¡;'~ codd. 457 456 I L SOPHOCLES ' fLEV")' eaVOt ,~,)' \" Tr¡V OE TtKTOVO"aV JH1TOt TOt~ oiO"w aVTOV 8VO"TEKVOV 1Tat8ovp'liav. 'loaTo 8' Evvá~, EVea 8Vo"Tr¡VO~ 8t1TAfi aVTO~, 1250 E~alJ8poc; áv'8pa KaL rÉKv' XOJ7TWC;¡L€V EK iÉKVWV TÉKOt. EK 'TwvS' OVKÉT' 013' a1TóAAVTUt' f30wv 'lo.p E,O"É1TatO"EV o,8i1TOV~, vep' oii OVK ~v 1255 1260 1265 1270 TO K€ív'Y]C; EK(}eáuua-(Jut ~ I , 1 i i i KUKÓV, aAA' E'~ EKEtVOV 1TEpt1TOAOVJr' EAEVO"O"0fLEV. epOtTq. 'lo.p Y¡fLa~ E'lXO~ EtatTWV 1TOPÚV, /,vvatKá T' ov yvva'iKu, IL'YJTPci>av '8' Ó1TOV Kixot 8t1TAi/v ápovpav oii TE Ka' TÉKVWV. AVO"O"WVTt 8' aVT0 8atfLÓVwv 8EíKVVO"í Tt~· ov8á~ 'lo.p av8pwv, ot 1Tapi/fLElJ E'l'lveEV. 8EWOV 8' avo"a~ W~ vep' Y¡'lr¡TOV TtVO~ '\ ot1TJ\at~ ,,\ ~ Evr¡J\aT "\ ", EK vE '" 1TVe' 1TVJ\a" fLEVWV EKAWE KOtAa KAfiepa KafL1Tí1TTEt O"TÉ'lTl' oii 8~ KpEfLaO"T7¡v T7¡V yvvatK' EtO"EÍ80fLEV, 1TAEKTatO"W a,wpatO"tV EfL1TE1TAE'lfLÉVr¡v. ,~. ó 8' W~ ópq. VW, 8Etvo. f3PVXr¡eE'~ TáAa~, xaAq. KpEfLaO"T7¡v apTávr¡v. E1Tá 8E 'lfi EKEtTO TA1¡fLwv, 8Etvá y' .ryv TaVeÉv8' ópav. a1Too"1Táo"a~ 'lo.p EífLáTWV xpvo"r¡AáTOV~ )' . " , '" ~ , t. '\ \ 1TEpova~ a1T aVTr¡~, atO"w ES EO"TEJ\J\ETO, ,,'/ ::>fe'" t""\ apa~ E1TatO"EV ap pa TWV aVTOV KVKJ\WV, av'8wv· TOtaf){)', Ó()OVV€K' OVK Oo/OLVTÓ lJtV ( "" Evpa ,,~ OV"e' Ot-C-,::>fE1TaO"XEV OV"e' 01TOt KaKa,)' , \ \' , )' '\ ' ..\ , , "r:::: aJ\J\ EV o"KOT(¡J 1'0 J\Ot1TOV OV~ fLEV OVK EOEt ¿"'oiae', oil~ 8' EXPTl'EV ov 'lvwO"oiaTo. 458 :,. OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ; ¿ II I ¡ I1 1 1 Ii i 1 I~ 1 i 1 .1 I .1. had brought him death, leaving her to bring forth a progeny accursed by one that was his own; and she wept over the bed where in double misery she had brought forth a husband by her husband and children by her child. And how after that she perished is more than 1 know; for Oedipus burst in crying out loud, so that we could not watch her calamity to its end, but were gazing upon him as he moved around. For he ranged about asking us to hand him a sword, andasking where he should find not his wife, but the field that had yielded two harvests, himself and his children. Andin his fury sorne god showed her to him; it was none of us men who stood nearby. And with a dreadful cry, as though someone were guiding him he rushed at the double doors, forced the bolts inwards from their sockets and fel! into the room. There we saw the woman hanging, her neck tied in a twisted noose. And when he saw her, with a fearful roar, poor man, he untied the knot from which she hung; and when the unhappy woman lay upon the ground, what we saw next was terrible. For he broke off the golden pins from her raiment, with which she was adorned; and lifting up his eyes struck them, uttering such words as these: that they should not see his dread sufferings or his dread actions, but in the future they should see in darkness those they never should have seen, and fail to recognise those he wished to know. Repeating such words as these he 1249 8t1rAii P: -as K: -a o s.l.: -oíi< cett. 12641rAEKTa"iaw Ambrosiani e.56, L.39: 1rAEKTa"i< cett. I alwpaww Ambros. e.56: alwpa« e. s.l., pat: Éwpa,< Lrpa post ÉiL1rE1rAeYiLÉvr¡v add. Ó 8. codd., quod aut delendum aut in initio v. 12651egendum censuit Blaydes 1265 Ó 8' w< Blaydes: 01rw< pat: 01rw< 8' Lrp 459 1 I '! SOPHOCLES 'TOtav'T' Eí{>1J¡.LVWV 7I'OnáKte; 'TE KOVX á7l'ut 1)pao'cT' E7I'aípwv f3Aéí{>apa. í{>oívtat S' o¡.LOV \ .... 1<. , ~ __ ",~" I Y Nr¡Vat 'lEVEt E'TE'l'l()V, OVO aVtEcrav. [í{>óvov ¡.Lv~0crae; crrayóvae;, an' O¡.LoíJ ¡J.ÉAa<; "13poe; txq.Aa",1je; · \ ' Y at¡.ta'Toe; " t"€'T€'l'lE'TÓ.J1 o¡.L t'TáS' EK8vo'iv ({ppw'l€V Ov ¡.Lóvov ~9-Kát an'aVSptKat 'lvvatKt crv¡.L¡.L~'l';¡ KaKtf.. O7I'ptv 7I'a'Aatoe; S' óA/3oe; .ryv 7I'á p OtOE p.EV óAf3oe; Sl.Kaíwe;, vVvSE 'TfjSE OT¡¡.LÉpc!: -"'''':'" ,', O'" , . -, .... >,.., cr'TEva'l¡.LOe;,; U'T1j, aVU'TOe;, atcrxvV1j,KaKwv 01 , , . , __ , .... , 1 .... ,' , , ,. ,,>, , ocr Ecr'Tt 7I'UV'TWV ovo¡.La'T , OVOEV Ecr'TU7I'OV. ~ XOPO~ OEDIPUS TYRANNUS lifted Up bis eyes and not OI1ce but many times struck them; the bleeding eyebaHssoaked bischeeks, and did nót cease to drip [sending forth sluggish drops of gore, but aH at once a dark shower of bloodcame down like hail]. These horrors burst forthnot fromone person, but brought commingled grief toman and woman. Their earlier happiness was truly happiness; but now in this day lamentation, ruin, death; shame, aH· ills that can be ¡lamed, none of them is absellt. CHORUS And now does the wretchedmanhaveany respite from pain? VVV S' ({dO'o 'TA7Í¡.L(J))/ ({V 'TWt crXOAfj l<aKOV; ESArrEAO~ f3o~ ~Wí'lEW KAfiOp/1, Kat S1jAOVV 'Ttva 'To'ie; micrt.KaS¡.LEíot<:tt 'TOV 7I'a'TpOK'TÓVOV, 'ToV ¡.L1j'TpQe;, avSwv4vócrt' OVSE p1j'T(J. ¡.LOt, :. WS' EK X(}gpoS' pít/JúJV Éavróv, OvO' ÉTL ¡.LEVWJI SÓ¡.Lote; apa'io ?, ;we; T¡pácra'To. e l " .',' I , .... pW¡.L1je; 'lE ¡.tEV'TOt Kat 7I'p01j'l1j'TOV 'TtVOe; 8E'i'Tat' 'To'lap vócr1j¡.La ¡.LE'i~OV 1) í{>Ép€W. SdtEt SEKix.t croí. KAfjOpa 'lap 7I'VAWV 'TáSE SWí'lE'Tat' OÉa¡.La S' Elcrót/J1J nl.xa .... ",? , ...., , " 'TOWV'TOV Otov Kat cr'TVYOVV'T E7I'OtK'Ttcrat. ,l SECOND MESSENGER He is cryingfor someone tounbar the gates and show to aH the Cadmeians bis father's killer,his motheá-he spoke unholy words, which 1 cannot .utter-meaning to cast himself out of this laud, and not tolinger in the house.· under thecurse, that curse that was bis own. But he is in need of the strength of someguide; forhis sickness is too great for bim to bear it. Btithe wiIl display it to you also; for the bars óf the gates arebeing opened, and you shaIl soon see such a sight as would drive to pity even one who hateshim. EnterOEDIPUS, now blind. del. West del. Dindorf 1280 EK] E~ Pearson 1278--79 128o-Bl ov p..Óvov KaKá] OV p..ÓVOV Kára Otto: OVXEVOC; p..óvov Porson 460 461 SOPHOCLES 1 1 XOPO:$ I (f, 8EtvOV ¡8liv 1TáOo<; avOpc!mot<;, ti> Sel,vórarov 7Táv'TWV ou' E:YOl 1TPOfTÉKVPfT' 1)8'1' Tí;, fT', (f, TAijfLov, 1300 1 l1pOfTÉ(3r¡ fLavía; Tí<; Ó 1Tr¡8rífTa<; II fL€í'ova 8aífLwv TWV fLr¡KífTTWV 1TpO<; fTfj8vfT8aífLovt fLoípq-; -k ~-k ~", ,", ,I,,~ "\\' 'I'€V 'I'€V OVfTTr¡V , a/l./I. ovo €fTtOEtV ", "fT' ,0 '\ '\ \" aV€p€CT 'O at, ovvafLat € €/l.WV 1TO/l./I. 1305 1ToAAa 1TVOÉfTOat, 1ToAAa 8' aOpijfTat' I Toíav cPpíKr¡V 1TapÉXEt<; fLOto OIMIIOT$ Ah, cloud of darkness abominable, coming over me lw '8a'iJLov, LV' E~'ríXOV. ! XOPO:$ aKOVíT'TÓV, ov8' , ~. E7TÓt!Jl,¡Lov. " orMIIOT:$ , , I tW fTKOTOV ',1.. VE'I'0<; 1315 '~I , \ fTTp. a , I , \ ".-1... I EfLOV a1TOTp01TOV, E1Tt1T/l.OfLEVOV a'l'aTov, I '~I " aoafLaTov TE Kat OVfTOVptfTTOV <OV>. I I I fL6.A' 1310 IltU7l"WTÚTU' -7TÉ7TTuruL' Musgrave, et fort. II 10: -7l"ÉTUTU' Lpa: rpXrt 1315 aOá¡WTOV Hermann: -UCFTOV codd. I <8v> suppl. Her- aiiOt<;· ofov €lfTÉ8v fL' ufLa KÉVTpWV TE Twv8' o'ífTTPr¡fLa Ka' fLv"ÍfLr¡ KaKwv. 462 unspeakably, irresistible, sped by an evil wind! Alas, alas once more! How the sting of these goads has sunk into me together with the remembrance of my troubles! mann " OtfLOt, o'ífLOt OEDrpus Alas, alas, miserable am 1! Where am 1 being carried in my sorrow? Where is my voice borne on the wings of the air? Ah, god, how far have you leaped? OEDIPUS cP0oyya8ta1TwTorat cPopá8av; 8El,VÓV,ov8' O grief terrible for men to see, O grief most terrible of any 1 have yet encountered! What madness has come upon you, unhappy one? Who is the god that with a leap longer than the longest has sprung upon your miserable fate? Ah, ah, unhappy one, 1 cannot even bear to look on you, though 1 wish to ask you many questions and to learn many answers and perceive many things; such is the horror you inspire in me! To something terrible, not to be heard or looked upon. 1TO'i yoscPÉpofLat TAáfLwv; 1Tq. fLOt Ee; CHORUS CHORUS ataí ala1,'8veJ"'ruVO'iEYW, 1310 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ! II 1 463 i SOPHOCLES •.•.• 1320 XOPo:$ I •.•.••..•.••. KaL Oav~.a y' OV8EV EV 'TOCTOtCT8E 7T'JjjLaCTw 8t1TAaq-~1TEVOEtV KaL 8t1TAa 0pOEtvKaKa. OIAIIIOT:$ lw .epíAÓ.~, , av'T. a I I CTi) ¡ÚV E¡Ú)' E1Tí1TOAO, ~n ¡LÓVt¡Lo,' Én yap V1TOp.ÉVEt, .¡LE 'TOV 'TVepAOV KTJpeúwv. epEV epEV' 1325 '. Ah, my friend, you ar.e s~llsemainingto protectme; yqu still staybehind to carefor the blind man! Alas, al~s! Your presence is not hidfrom me, but 1 recognise your voice, though 1 am in thedlirk. Doer of dreadful deeds'.hpw did youbringyourself s(}to quench your sight? Whiclj..of the gods set you on? OImIPUS XOPO:$ ll ¡;.pEt, ¡Lapavat; 'Tí, CT' E1Ti¡pE 8at¡Lóvwv; 0·- 0_.. . .. ·.0' OIAIIIOT:$ 'A1Tónwv 'Ta8' .ryv, 'A1Tónwv, epíX.Ot, ó KaKa KaKa 'TEAWV E¡La 'Ta8' E¡La 1TaOEa. É1TatCTE' 8' aV'TÓXEtp VtV OUUAA' EYW 'TAa¡LWv. 'Tí yap É8Et ¡L' ópav, O'T<¡J y' ópwvn ¡LTJ8EV .ryv l8Etv YAVKV; n" 1335 OEDIPUS CHORUS Ji 8EtVa 8paCTa" 1TW, É'TATJ, 'TOtaVm CTa, 1330 CHORUS It is no wonder that in subh sorrows you should douhly lament and doubly cry out Upon your woes! . OV yap ¡LE Ar,OEt" una ytYVWCTKWCTaepw" Kaí1TEp CTKO'TEWÓ" .'Tr,v YE CT~V av8~v O¡LW" c····:· OEDIPUSTYRANNUS "i XOPO:$ CT'Tp. 13' I It was. Apollo, Apollo'IllY friends,. who accomplis t)d these cruel, cruel sufferings of mine! And no other hand struck my eyes, but my o}vn.miserable hand! For whyd,id 1 have tosee, when there.was nothing 1 could see \Vith pleasure? . CHORUS It was just as you sayo tiEDIPUS What was 1 to look uponar cherish, or what gree~ng could 1 hear with pleasl1re, friends? Take me away as soon as you can, take me, my friends, the utterly lost,the .ryv 'Tif8' 01TWCT1TEP KaL o-V epr". OIAIIIOT:$ 'Tí 8i¡'T'E¡LOL j3AE1T'TOV 1} CT'TEpK'TOIJ, TJ 1TpOCTTJYOPOV ;'." / "''¡ ,'., , e~,.. ,J.,.I'\ ET EO"T>aKOVELV TJOOVq.., lf'LI\.OL; 1340 ,. , -.,-." r! , ;' a1TaYE7' .EK'T01TtoV on 'TaXtCT'Ta ¡LE, , , -., .";' Á-. /\ ' '" \ 'o a1TaYE'T, W 'f'tll.Ot, 'TOV ¡LEY Oll.E ptov, 464 Nauck:</>opfív codd. p1erí'lue Erfurdt: .(-'~ TOV Lrpa 1336 T~O' Nauck: Tdo' Lp: ravO' rpat 1337';¡ : ~v Wilamowitz 1343 (-'él ó'AéOpwv Erfurdt: ó'AéOpwv (-'éya pXrt: óAéOpwv (-'éyav Lrpa 1320 0pOfív 1323 (-'f TOV 465 SOPHOCLES 1345 ! ~ a ! ,i l OIIl<IIIOT! "\ (J' OUTt, '" ~ ~ ) "~ , f3' 01\0' 'Y/v o, ayp,a, VEoa, aVT. vO¡La, E11'L11'0Sía, EAaf3É ¡L' a11'ó TE cPÓVOV <¡L'> EpVTO KaVEUWUEV, ovS€V ¿, Xáp'v 11'páuuwv. róre yap. av ()uvwv OVK ~ cPíAoLUW ovS' E¡Loi TOUÓVS' áxo" 1355 I , (JÉAoVTt Ka¡LOt TOVT' av ~v. 1360 ÓfL0'Y€V~t; 1365 ~ aeP' éSv aVTOt; ÉcPvv ráX-ut;. SÉ TL 11'PEUf3vTEpov ETt KaKov KaK6v, ,., "'\ ., O''''' TOVT El\aX LO'11'0V'. EL XOPO! OVK oiS' 011'W, UE cPw f3Ef3ovAEvu(Ja, KaAw,. KpEÍUUWV yap -1¡u(Ja ¡L'Y/KÉT' &v ~ 'wv TvcPA6,. 1348¡.t"loa¡úi yvwvaí Dobree: ¡.t"l0' avayvwvaí codd. 1349(js- t: 466 oS' a1T' fere codd. I1 ~ I I I, I av 8' , I OIIl<IIIOT! irarpót:; y' epOV€Vfi ~A(Jov, ovS€ VV¡LcPío, f3POTOZ, EKA~(J'Y/v (Jjv EcPVP á11'0. VVV S'á(JEO, ¡LÉv EL¡L', avouíwv Se 11'aZ" 1¡ ; XOPO! OVKOVV thrice accursed, and moreover the one among mortals most hated by the gods! l~ ¿J, u' ~(JÉA'Y/ua ¡L'Y/Sa¡La yvwvaí 11'0T' áv. , í ,ª SEíAa'E TOV vov Ti¡, TE UV¡LcP0pos tUOV, )' OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ~ . / " OE <::-' ~ ' KaTapaToTaTov, TOV ETt Ka''(J EO'.' Ex(JpóTaTOV f3POTWV. XOPO! 1350 ~ '1 I ,, 1 II i I I I I CHORUS Wretched in your mind and wretched in your fortune, how 1wish 1had never come to know you! OEDIPUS A curse upon the shepherd who released me from the cruel fetters of my feet, and saved me from death, and preserved me, doing me no kindness! For if 1 haddied then, 1 would not have been so great a grief to m)" friends or to myself. CHORUS 1too wish that it had been so. OEDIPUS 1 would not have come to be my father's killer, nor would 1 have been called by men the bridegroom of her that gave me birth. But now 1 am abandoned by the gods, the child of unholy parents, a sharer in my father's marriagebed, and if there is any evil even beyond evil, that is the portion of Oedipus. CHORUS 1 do not know how 1 can say that you were well advised; for you would have been better dead than living but blindo 1350 vo¡.ta< Hartung: vo¡.táoo< codd. I ~'Aaf3É ¡.t' Ven. gr. 468: ~'Avo"É ¡.t' Krp: ~'AVo"EV a I <¡.t'> suppl. Kennedy 1360 &IJEO< Erfurdt et Elmsley: &1J'Ato< codd. 1365 €TL Hermann: €4>v rpat 1368 '10"11' <&v> Porson et Purgold 1 I I I .t 467 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES OEDlPUS OI.6.IIIOT4 13.70 W~ ¡J-~1J T6M ovx &8'.€O"T' fiPtCTT'ElpyaO"pkvU, , "'" '" O"V¡J- f3 OVi\EVEr '\ , # t . ¡J-TJ" ¡.r, EK?t0a,O"KE, ¡J-TJ()E EyW.yap?VK oI8' op,MuO"tV 1roíOt~ f3A.é'0 wv , ,1r?rUV ' , 1rpO.o"EtoOVH~ ... "" '·-A" \' 1rUTEpU >. toOVHOf\WV, ~~, ?"'\". . ..." , 'F') ",' ~"''''' OV0(tV TUi\UtVUV ¡J-TJTEp , Otv E¡J-Ot uvotv )/ . "',,", s>':':., '.' '0,' ,.. . '.. .... EPYEo"n~pEto"o"oV . . UYXOVTJ~ EtpYUa-~EVU. I &~A' ~T.ÉKVWV 8~( oo/t~ i¡JE4>í¡J-EP?~' f3Aa,'§.TOVa"'?1rW~ €f3AUO"TE, ·1rPO'§.AEÚO"a-Etv E¡J-oí; ov8fiTu TO~~ y' E¡J-OLaw o4>eu~rOL~1rOrE" OV8'If-O"T1JY" ov8€ ~Pyo~, ov8€ 8at¡.¡§vwv &yá}.¡.¡,ae'i~pá e', &1' Ó 1ravTkrjfJ-wv~yw KáA~WT'a1J~p Ei~ €1JYE raL~ ef¡f3at~Tpa4>Et~ a1rEa"¿EPTJo"E¡J-aVT0I!' aVTO~ EV E1rwv .•. · , 1385 1390 ....: ...: •..... , .-:.,:.,.~ ... , . , ','>, " , . ,. . . . . Il '.-,' WOEfv.-a7T~V,~aC;TOva(J"~f3fj, TOll'EK ()€,~1!: A.. . 1'·, " , . ' , ; , ' . . ' > , ...... A .....1.. 'PaV~1JT (1,I!(1,Yvov KatYEvov~ TO}-' . atpv· Totáv8'EYW KTJAL8a, ¡J-TJvVO"U.f E¡J-i¡I!. Ope?L~ €fJ-EAAOV o¡J-¡J-UO"tV TOVTOV~ ÓF'~V; 'ÍÍKtO"'rá y'·&,n' el T~.~ aKOVOVo-TJ~ €T'i¡V 1rTJY~~ 8t'~TWV 4>paYfLó~, OVK (lv EO"X(,¡J-TJV TO ¡J-~ a1ro/(Af¡O"at TOV¡J-OV fieAWV 8É¡J-(j8' LV' i¡TV4>AÓ~ TE Kat kAVWV ¡J-TJ8Év· TOyap \. "'.J."~,)le. .... " "" "" ' , \ TTJV 'PpOVTto E~W TWV KaKWV OtKEtV yl)-VKV.1. "\." Kt e:" l' ..' ).' . \ f3' tW atpWV, TtI.,,~ ¡J- EOEXOV; Tt ¡J- ov f\a wv 'e ' , ,," 1: ' EKTEtva~EV V~, w~ EOEt~a ¡J-TJ1rOTE ,E¡J-aVTOV \. al' ',. ,' - e'pW1rOto"tv , "El'eEl' TJ'3' YEYW~; Do not try to show me that ",hat has been done was not done for the best, andgive meno more~ounsel! F'or 1 do not knowwith whateyes I~ould havelooked upon my father wh~.n 1 went. to Hades, or upon my unhappy· mother, sipce upon them both 1 have.done deeds that .. . •• hanging could not atone foro . Then, ~ould 1 desire to look uponn¡y children,since ~eir origins were what the~were? ~ever could these eyes haveharboured such desire! NOFto look upon the city, or thewall, or thestatuesof the gods or the temples, . from whü::h 1, who had enjp)'ed the. greatest luxury in. Thebes, had in my misery cHt myself(Jff, commanding with my 0\VIl Iips that all shqll1d drive from theirhouses the impious5¡ne, the one who the godshad shown to be Ill hppure and of the race of LaiHs. WhenI had proclaimedthl.lt such astain lay upon me~ wlls 1 to look upon these withsteady eyes? Never!. Wh)'. if"there hadbeen a means ofJ:¡locking the stream of hearing through my ears, .lwouldnot havehesitated to shut off my wretched self, makingIllyself blind and deaf. It is. l.ljoy to live with one's thoughts beyondt4e reach of sorrow. Ah, Cit4aeron, why did YOIl receive me? Why did you not take me and kili me at once, so that l~ould never have revealed tomortals what wasmy origin? O Polybus and 1. # 1, 1379 468 íeptl.'f)', &v Nauck: iepá, TWV codd. 469 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS TI'\ P KaL, K' , OI\VfJE OpLV BE KaL" Ta 1raTpLa Á-óy'l' 1raÁ-aLa 8wfLaB', oiov apá fLE ~ W 1395 KáÁ-Á-o<; KaKWV V1r0VÁ-OV E~EBpÉ.paTE. ......, ...... I,~,) t. I VVV yap KaKO<; T WV KaK KaKWV EVp"TKOfLaL. (Jj Tpe'i<; KÉÁ-evBoL KaL KEKPVfLfLÉVr¡ Vá1rr¡ ", , " ." 0PVfLO<; TE KaL lTTEVW1r0<; EV TpL1r1\aL<; 000'<;, ~ \ 1400 ó ,.\ l' ...... , '" ...... ~ 'f aL TOVfLOV aLfLa TWV EfLWV XELpWV a1r0 E7TíETE 7Turp6c;,dpá p..OV/LÉp..~'YJ(F(J' ~Tt oi' ÉpyCL 8pálTa<; VfLLV Erra 8EíJp' lwv Ó'1T'D'L' ¡{1TPU(T(TOV aVOt,c;; JJ yáfLOt yáfLOt, E<pvlTaB'-(¡fLa<;, KaL <pVTEVlTaVTE<; 1ráÁ-w 1405 aVELTE Ta.:VTOV U"7TÉP/LU, K(i1TEoEí~aTE 1raTÉpa<; a8EÁ-<pOV<;, 1raí8a<; aifL' EfL<PVÁ-WV, VVfL<Pa<; yvva'iKa<; fLr¡TÉpa<; TE, xúmÓlTa a'ílTXLlTT' EV aVBpW1r0LlTLV Épya yíYVETaL. an', ov yap av8av ÉlTB' 1" ., 1410 11 fLr¡8E 8pav KaÁ-6v, 01rW<; TáXLlTTa 1rpo<; BEWV É~w fLÉ 1r0V Ko.."A:ú1J1ar', ~ <poveúa-UT', ~ 8aAácrcrLov : E.Kpít/Jar', Év8a J1:r17TOT' elcróo/ecr8' ET". ír',' rigte!>craT' &.vSpoc; cifJAíov Oty€'iv" ' " yap KaKa, 1rL'BB ElT E, fLr¡,'" OELlTr¡TE" TafLa 1415 Corinth and what was called the ancient home of my fathers, how beautiful was the veneer with which the care you gave me veiled my secret sickness! For now I am discovered to be evil and sprung from evil ancestors. O three roads, hidden glade, coppice and narrow path where three ways meet, ways that drankmy own, my father's blood shed by my hands, doyou stil! remember what deeds you saw me do and what deeds I did when I carne here? Marriage, marriage, you gave me birth, and after you had done so you brought up the selfsame seed, and displayed fathers who were brothers, children who were fruit of incest, hrides who were both wives and mothers to their spouses, and al! things that are most atrocious among meno But since it is hateful to speak ofhateful deeds, as soon as possible, I beg you, hide me somewhere abroad, or kilI me, or hurl me into the sea, where you shal! never again see me! Come, condescend to touch a man accursed! Do as I say, do not be afraid! For there is no human being who can bear mywoes but 1. EnterCREON. CHORUS OV8EL<; oTó<; TE 1rÁ-~v EfLoíJ <pÉpEW (3POTWV. XOPO! But here is Creon ready for the actions and the counsels you demand, since he is left as the sole guardian of the land in your place. aÁ-Á-' 6>V E1raLT€Í<; E<; 8Éov 1rápElTB' 08E '" )\I" TO 1rpalTlTEW KaL" TOf fJOVI\EVEW, E1rEL K pEWV , \ '\ ~, , ~ xwpa<; I\EI\EL1rTaL fLovvo<; avn lTOV 1406 sic interpunxit Macleod 1411-12 Kul\1Jt/JuT' et ÉKpít/JUT' 470 Á-'\ é ,+,vl\a~. permutavit Burges 471 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OEDIPUS Alas, what \Vords can 1 addressto him? What just claim c<mfidenceshail 1 produce?.f()r in alLmy past dealings with him 1 alIl found to have done wrong. 1420 CREON KPE!1N OVX W, YEAaCT'T-r]" üloí1Tov" EA-r]AVOa, ovo' W, OVEtOtWV 'Tt 'TWV 1Tápo,IKaK¡;:W. '\ \' ,y·O' .~... " "". ',. ,. O'~ aAA Et 'Ta Vr¡'TWV p:r¡ Ka'TateTXVVECT E'Tt '0\Aa, 'T'YJV ' YOVV ~ 1TaV'Ta '13 OCTKOVCTav ' -1. \ ' YEVE 't'Aoya ,,, ~O' aVaK'TO, " 'H\' , ", ayo, " . atoEtCT AtoV, 'TOtovo aKáAV1T'TOIl OV'TW OEtKVVVat, 'TO ¡;--r]'TE yi/ ¡;--r]'T' ó¡;-f3po, íEPO, ¡;--r]'TE epw, 1TpoCTo¿gEmt. '\ \-, < e . "<'S, 'r aAA W, 'TaXtCT'T E, OtKOV ECTKO¡;-t'oE'TE' 'TOL, EV yÉVEt yap 'TaYYEvi¡ ¡;-ÓVOt, O' ópav , ',. . ,..:,. ,. "',' ,- ,'" 13 . . " " . ¡;-OVOt, 'T aKOVEtV €VCTE W, EXEt KaKa. o 1430 '" . , lo OIAIIIOT$ 1TPO, OEWV, E1TEÍ1TEp EA1TíOo, ¡;-' a1TÉCT1TaCTa,,; ,/ . ' EA 'YO'WV 1TpO, - , ,KaKtCT'TOV ' - avop E¡;-E, aptCT'TO, mOov 'Tí ¡;-ot· 1TPO, lTOV yáp, ovo' E¡;-OV, (/H'(L~rW_ '3f. 11lavenot cpme tO mockyou, Qedipus, orto reproach you with any wrong that liesin the pasto (To.the attendants.) Hut if you have nO shame beforethe face of men, revere ~t least thefire of the Sun that feeds all things, and do not expose openly such a poiluti()n, one which neither the.·. e¡¡rth nor the sacred rain J'l()r. the light shall welcome! 'f¡tke mm lltonce intothe.1,Iouse! Pietydemands that kinsmen alone should see and alone should hear the sorrows of theirkin. OEDIPUS Ibeg you, since beyondall expectation you have come in all your goodnessto mybadness, grant me a favour! It is for your sakeI ask it, not my oWU. CREON ~"" AiJ.d whatistlle favour that y()1l thus delI\and of me? OEi)IJ:'US KPE!1N' 1435 Kat'To-íJ éxpEía, ~OE At1TapEL''TVX~LJI; Cast me 0llt of this land as. soon as possible, to a place where 1 cannot be addressed byany mortal being! OIAIIIOT$ PL.pÓV ¡;-E'Yi/, EK 'Ti/CTO' ÓlTOV 'TáXtCT~',¡51TOV Ovr¡'TWV epavo-íJ¡;-at ¡;-r¡OEVO, 1TPOCT-r]yOPO,. 472 1430 ¡.tóvot" (J' PHugk{¡.tóvo." iam Dobree): ¡.tá>.."y(J' codd. 473 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS KPEllN CREON É8paa-' &V EV TOVT' ía-()' áv, El ¡L~ TOV ()EOV 'TrPWTLdT' ÉXPTl'OV EK¡La()ELv Ti 'TrpaKTÉov. OEDIPUS OIMIlOT}; 1440 aH' 1í y' EKEivov 'Trua-' E8r¡A.w()r¡ ePóm~, TOV 'TraTp0ePóvTr¡v, TOV a,a-Ef3i¡ ¡L' a'TroA.A.vvat. KPE!l'N OVTW<; EA.ÉX()r¡ Tav()'· O¡LW~ 8' ív' Ea-Ta¡LEV XPEiw; á¡LEtvOV EK¡La()E'iv Ti 8paa-TÉov. OVTW<; áp' av8po~. a()A.iov 'TrEVa-Ea-()'V'TrEP; KPEllN Kat 'lapa-v vvv y' &v 1'0 ()E0 'Tria-TLlJ ePÉpOt~. OILl.IIIOT}; Ku'ia'oíy' E7TtU"K1}7TTW TE Ka" 7Tporp;é1J.¡op.,ut, ,.., " ", , , < . \ () J ' \ . , Á.. Tr¡~ ¡LEVKaT OtKOV<; aVTO<; OV EA.Et<; Ta'l'0V, '" "'()I"'\ '" 'lE a-WV ,...\ . . . ~,:.; ()OV-Kat yap op W~ TWV TEA.Et~ v![/'~p-, E¡LOV 1450 1455 8E¡L~'TrOT' a~tW()~TW Tó8E 'TraTP00v áa-ro 'WVTO~ olKr¡Tov TVXEív, '\\'" '" "() \,1r aA.A. Ea ¡LE VatEtV OpEa-tlJ, Eva KA.Tlo,ETat OV¡LO~ K,()atpwv Oí)TO~, &V ¡L~Tr¡p TÉ ¡LOt 'TraT~p 1" E()Éa-()r¡V 'WVTE KVPWV TáeP0v, '1:" \ \ tV ES EKEtVWV, Otd¡L" a'TrWA.A.VTr¡V, avw. KaiTOt TOa-OVTÓV y' oT8a, ¡L~TE ¡L' &v vóa-ov ¡L~T' áA.A.o 'TrÉpa-at ¡Lr¡8Év' ov 'lap áv 'TrOTE ()VrJa-KWV Ea-W()r¡V, ¡L~ ''Tri T<¡> 8Etv0K aK 0· of , 474 J' But his pronouncement is all too c1ear, that 1, the parricide, the impious one, should be allowed to perish! CREON Such things were said; but in the emergency in which we are it is better to find out how we should acto OEDIPUS Will you then inquire about mywretched person? OILl.IIIOT}; 1445 1 would have done so, be assured, only 1 wished first to learn from the god what 1 should do. () , CREON Yes, this time you will believe the god! OEDIPUS Yes, and 1 charge you and shall urge you; bury yourself, as you will, her who is in the house; for it is right that you should discharge the duty for one who is your OWll. But as for me, do not require the city of my father to have me living in it, but let me live in the mountains, where there is that mountain of my OWll that is called Cithaeron, which my mother and my father, while they lived, appointed to be my tomb, so that 1 may get my death from them who tried to kill me. So much, at least, 1 know, that no sickness or other factor would have killed me; for 1 should never have been saved from death but for sorne dreadful evil. But letmy 1445 y' uv Kr: Tllv Lpat 1446 TrPOTpÉ.pOfLa, rato TrporJ- LpZr 475 SOPHOCLES ~,(,:,', .1465 rI, ",9,'," 3/ "~o • UAA' r¡ ¡LEV r¡¡.LWV ¡.LOLp , 01rOL1rEp ELeT, LTW ~ ,',,"~, K ' 1rUWWV OE TWV ¡.LEV UperEVWV ¡.L'Y/ ¡.LOL, PEOV, 1rpOerOf¡ .¡.LÉPL¡.LVUV· ({VOpE<; Elerív, WerTE ¡.Li¡ .. : " ' , . . ' ~ O' '" '3' . ',' ',' ..... f3' er1rUVW 1rOTE O)(ELV, EV UV WerL, TOV WV' TUtV o' aOAíuw olKTputv TE 1rUpOÉVOLV E¡.LUtV, uiv oviroO' N¡.Li¡t XWP'<; EerTáOr¡ f3opa<; Tpá1rE" ({V€V TOVO' avopó<;, aH' oerwv EYW .pUVOL¡.LL, 1ráVTWV Tolo' aet ¡.L~TfiLXÉTr¡V, TatV ¡.LOL ¡.LÉAEerOUL· KU' ¡.LáALerTa ¡.LEV XEPOtV ::".... '1','" ~I ,"., ) \ ,' O :., .. .puverUL ¡.L Euerov KU1rOKJl.UVeruer UL KUKU. ... 1460 (........., OEDIPUS TYRANNUS ....." .. :,.. ) . . . ... ',' ,'o #0·' ~ c· 1.,;:"",(Uv~~, fO' J:, yovfJ YEvvutE. XEperí Tllv OLYWV OOKOt¡.L' ÉXEW erepu<;, Wer1rEp T¡VíK' Éf3A€1rOV. Tí epr¡¡.LL; 0-6 oi¡ KAVW 1rOV 1rpo<; OEWV TOtV ¡.LOL epíAOW OUKPVPPOOVVTOLV, Kuí ¡.L' E1rOLKTípu<; KpÉwv É1rE¡.L.pÉ ~OL 1'0. epí'ArUT' EKYÓVOLV E¡.LOtV; 1475 AÉyw n; KPEfiN AÉYEL<;' EYW yáp et¡.L' Ó 1rOpcrVvu<;TáoE, yvov<; Ti¡V 1rupover(w TÉp.pLV "ÍÍ er' e'lXEv 1ráAUL. OI~IIIOTt 1480 aH' EVTVxoír¡<;, Kuí erE TfjeroE Tfj<; ÓOOV· ~,,", "',' OUL/LWV U/LEWOV r¡~",,/.. /LE ,/-,povp'Y/erU<;TlJXOL. 5' ... . : < . . . . / ~ .... ; " '3/\0 W TEKVU, 1rOV 1rOT " EerTfi; O€Vp LT, E" ETE W<; To.<;aOEAepo.<; TáerOE 1'0.<; E¡.Lo.<;XÉpu<;, U~ TOV cPVTOVPYOV 1rUTP0<; V¡.L'V tilo.' ópav 476 fate go wherever it will go;hut as to my children, do n6t take thotight for the males;Jor theyare men, and whetever they are will never fail.to get a living. But of my ~9 girIs, poorpitiahle 0Iles, for.whom the.table where late 'Nas never set apart so thatt!l¡Jy were without me, but they always shared in what Lput a hand to-care for them! And if you can, let me to ?h them and lament over. my l1 wrrows! Come, myIord, come, youwhom your birth made noble! If I can lay myhands onthem I can seemtb have themwith me, as whenl could see. Enter thedaughters ofo ED IfUS• Whatam I saying? Do! not hear,I. ask, my dear ones weeping?Creon has takenpityon meand has sent me my two dearest children. Anll right? CREON You are; lihave contrivedthis, knowingthe joy you no'IV feel, whi<,h possessed you inthe past also. OEDJPUS .May youh.ave good fortune;andmaya.god guideyouoIl this path b¡Jtter than I was guided! Children, where are you? Come here!Cometo these h:¡nds that are your brother's,which have done the duty of the eyes of the 1463-64 0 bscuri 1463 oi)7ro8' 'Í~'¡] Oi)7rOT' ciéi~ Kennedy 1465 n:'o' Schneidewin: T¿¡"o'eodd. 1466 Taí" Zr (coni. Heath): ai" codd. 1477 Tí (y' ÉtXEV La"1::.ry (J"'ÉXH Zg: ~v €iX€~ LPera 477 OEDIPUS TYRANNUS SOPHOCLES o To. 1rpÓdO€Aap.,1rpo. 1rpovtÉvr¡O"av óp.,p.,am .,>, e '" ~ o, vp.,w, W T€KV , OV~/O' OpWV OV~!O" tO"TOPWV 1raT7¡p eepávOr¡v ÉvO€V aVTO, Y¡póOr¡V. . / . OaKpVW' .,,,' R\ ' "O Kat, a''I'W 1rP0O"fJJ\€1rEtV yap OV O" '€VW .... 1485 ( I I , VOOVfLEVOr;; To.. 1TtKpa TovAoV7TOV 1490 f3íov, oIov (3twvat O"epW 1rPO, avOpóJ'Tl'wv XP€ÓW, 1Toíar;; yap aa-TWV i1~ET' Elr;; óf:tLAíar;;, I ~, o,e , O ' '1 \ , 1 1rota, O €OpTa" €V €V OV K€KJ\aVp.,€Vat 1rPO, OIKOV 'lt€O"O' aVT< Tij, O€wpía,; an' -Y¡víK' llv 87¡ 1rPO, yáp.,wv 'ÍÍKr¡T' aKp.,á" 'e', '" , ','. Tt, OVTO, €O"Tat, Tt, 1rapappt'f'Et, T€KVa, TotaíJT' ov€i8r¡ Aap.,(3ávEtv, hot,ep.,ot,t YOV€v(J"tv ÉO"mt O"epi¡Jv O' óp.,ov 8r¡A~p.,aTa; " ..... JI , , \ Tt yap KaKWv a1r€O"Tt; TOV 1raT€pa 1raTr¡p I " I I a 1495 vp.,iJv T-qV TEKoveruv 7JPO(rf:V, E7TEepVEo "O ..", o €V 1r€P aVTO, €o"1rapr¡, KaK TWV tO"WV I 1500 ,,..,./ EKT?ja-a{)' vfLás, (bV7TEP avror;; €~Éepv. TOtUVT'OvEt8túO"O€. K~Ta Tí, yap.,Et; ' "€O"TW OVUEt" ,'" W';' T€KV , ,, aJ\J\a '\\'" \ OVK or¡J\aur¡ XÉpO"ov,epOapijvat Kayáp.,ov, vp.,a, Xp€ów. ~ ','" , ,\\", , W 1rat M€VOtK€W" aJ\J\ €1rEt p.,ovo, 1raTr¡p ,1, ~\,..t.., ,1 TaVTaw A€J\€t'f'at, VW" yap, W 'l'VT€vO"ap.,€v, , '\, r:::::', " oAwJ\ap.,€v UV OVT€, /hr¡'..t.. O"'I'€, 1raT€p, "r::::: wy¡, 1rTWXo., aváv8pov, eyy€vú, aAw/hÉva<>, /hr¡8' ettO"ÓJO"'[J, Tá0"8€ Tot, ep.,ot, KaKot,. an' O'iKTtO"ÓV O"epa" ¿;;8€ Tr¡AtKá0"8' ópWV 1ráVTWV ep~p.,ov" 1rA7¡v oO"ov TO o"ov /hÉpo,. fúvv€vO"ov, Ji y€Vvat€, o"f¡ .pavO"a, X€pí. '" /. . I 1505 1510 1\ I 478 o father who begat you, once so bright; he who unseeing, unknowing became your father by her from whom he himself was got. And 1 weep for you, for 1 have no power to look upon you, as 1 think upon the bittemess of the life that awaits you, the Jife that will be dealt out to you by meno For to what assemblies, to what feasts of the citizens will you go, from which you will not retum in tears instead of taking pleasure in the show? But when you come to the age of marriage, who shall he be, who shall take up the hazard of incurring such reproaches as will attach disastrously to your parents and to you? Why, what misery is absent? Your father killed his father; he had issue of his mother, from whom he himself had sprung, and begot you from the source of his own being. Such are the taunts you will encounter; and then who shall marry you? There is no one, my children, but it is clear that you are destined to perish barren, without husbands. Son of Menoeceus, since you are left as the only father for these girls, since we two who were their parents have perished, do not look on, father, while these that are your kin wander in beggary without husbands, and do not degrade them to the level of my sorrows! Take pity on them, seeing them at their age bereft of everything, except so far as you provide. Nod your assent, noble one, and touch them with your hand! To you, children, if you 1485 1TUIT¡p] áPOTT¡p Herwerden 1487 1TLKpa ... AOt1TOV Kp: AOt1Ta...1TtKpOV Lrpat 1494 7"O¿~ €}LOES] Toía-í TE Herwerden: alti alia 15051TáTep,rSv" Jackson: 1TUpíoV" codd. 479 SOPHOCLES erep0v 8';0 TÉd, El(-LEV EtXÉT7¡V ~fJ'11eppÉva<), 'Tr6Aj.,' Q,~'Traprivovv'<vvv 8E TOvT'dJXl;erOÉ (-LO', OV Ka,po,;Éq. ,fjv, TOV f3íov 8E Aef¡OVOS v¡úis KVpfjera, TOvepVTEveravTos 'TraTp6s. '> . . ..••. KPEilN., 1515 ,o.A,S iV'/Ée!ÍK€tS 8aKpvw¡r an' Ukl:tiÉyr¡s eow. OIAII19T~ , OEDIPUS TYRANNUS h I 4ad alreadyunderstanding, Iwould give much advice; bU,t as things are, pray for thi~ for me, that you may Uve where opportunity allows, aIld that you may have a better life than thatof the father who begot you. I I ~ cREaN Ybu have wept long enough;goinside thehouse! OEDIPUS .lshall obey,though it gives.Ill¡jno pleasure. 'TrE,erTÉov, Ket ¡;,r¡8EV .j8v. CREON J\ll things aregood that areiILseason. KPEilN 'TráVTa yap Ka,p0 KaAá. OEDIPUS Do you know, then, on what/c'onditionsTwill go? OIAIIlOT~ CREaN You will tellme, and when Ihave heard you 1 shaU know. KPEilN \'i: . ,','" ,', ''''''' \ ' J\E!, E'S, Ka' TOT E,ero¡;,a, KJ\VWV. OIAIIlOT~ .... ' yr¡s ¡;, O'TrWS ,',~:' , ~'í'" 'TrE¡;''f'€tS a'TrO'KOV' ~ KPEilN TOV 8EPíFp: atTetS 86ertv. OIAIIIOT~ ano. 8Eo'is y' ex8ierTos 'lÍKW. , OEi)IPUS T~atyou shall send me out ofthe countl"y. CREON 'Yhat you ask of me is in thé gift ofthe godo .•' .' CREaN For that reason you shall sdoIJ.receive itl OEDIPUS KPEilN Twyapovv TWen T4xa. 1520 ,J,. , ,. .,.,r¡s Tao, --. ovv; OIAIIIOT~ I~" OEDIPUS Hut the gods detest me! Do you say so? CREON Yes, for 1 am not accustomed to say frivolously things 1 do notmean. KPEilN 11 ¡;,~ epPOVW yap OV ept.AWAÉYEtv ¡;,áTr¡V. 480 1513 'él Dindorf: áEl codd. 1513--30 del. Teuffel 481 SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OIIl.IIIOT:$ OEDIPUS ¿úrayÉ vúv ¡-t' EVTEV()EV ';¡¡).¡.¡. So now take me away from here! CREON KPEON ..... ,. ~, I (T'TEI,XE VVV, TEKVWlJ o , Á... ..... UlfIOV. OEDIPUS OIIl.IIIOT:$ By no means take these away from me! p..r¡8ap..&~ raúra~ y' I!.A.'[I p..OV. CREON KPOON 17"áVTa p..i¡ f3oúÍl.ov KpaTEl.V· l:l' t.. , KaL yap aKpaTr¡a-(J,'OV a-aL T<¡J fJL<¡J e,VVEa-17"ETO. , , .( 1 " (f, 17"áTpa~ e~f3r¡~ EVOLKOL, Íl.EÚa-a-ET', Ol8í17"OV~ 08E, O~ Ta KAEív'aLvíl'iLuT' 110ft, Kat KpáTt(YTO~ ov TÍ> oV.'~ÍI.<¡J1tOÍl.LT&V 1530 ~v av~p, ral.~ TúxaL~ E17"Éf3Í1.€17"EV, El~ OC[OV KÍl.ú8wva 8Ewij~ a-vp..rPopéi.s EÍI.~Íl.V()EV. Wa-TE Vr¡TOV OVT EKEWr¡V Tr¡V TEJ\EVTataV E"8 E~ Y¡p..Épav E17"ta-K017"OVVra ¡-tr¡8Év' OÍl.f3í'EW, 17"ptV ltv TÉp¡-ta TOV f3íov 17"Epáa-'[I p..r¡8ev aÍl.YEWOV,7ÚJ.()Wv. "() ' " ' ' I Do not wish to have control in everything! Power to control did not accompany you through all your life. 1"\ XOPO:$ 1525 CO now, and let go ofyour children! , \ I Exeunt OEDIPUS and CREON. CHORUS Dwellers in our native land of Thebes, see to what a storm of cruel disaster has come Oedipus here, who knew the answer to the famous riddle and was a mighty man, on whose fortune every one among the citizens used to look with envy! So that one should wait to see the final day and should call none among mortals fortunate, till he has crossed the boume of life without suffering grief. del. RiUer Martín: í5U"7"t~ codd. l· Tat~ Canter: Ka' codd. I É7rÉf3A€'1r€u Musgrave: €'1rLf3AÉ'1rwU codd. 1528 ~S€< Stanley: /S€tu codd. 1524-30 1526 Di) 7"í~ 482 483
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