July - Community Development Foundation
BusinessJournal A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF JOURNAL PUBLISHING AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Verona company makes custom jeans. Page 3 JULY 2012 Document: F001CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 22:50:29;JPC 72 DPI THE NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI C BUSINESS JOURNAL JULY 2012 Made in Mississippi, shipped around the world ommerce makes the world go ’round. And for the Magnolia State, doing business globally means big bucks. Last year, Mississippi exported more than $10.9 billion in goods, a 33 percent increase over 2010, and a staggering 72 percent higher than 2009. Those figures are provided by the Mississippi U.S. Export Assistance Center, part of the U.S. Department of Com- merce’s U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service. The state’s largest trading partner is Canada, tallying $1.75 billion. Panama was second at $1.55 billion, followed by Mexico ($1.15 billion) and China ($500 million). Last year, Mississippi exported goods to some 180 countries. We even did business with tiny Burkina Faso – to the tune of $2,595. Just where is Burkina Faso? It’s in west Africa and until 1984 was better known For Over 45 Years, Busylad Has Been A Partner In Northeast Mississippi’s Tremendous Growth & Prosperity As a Family Owned and Operated business since 1967, Busylad has provided expertise, tools, equipment and special occasion accessories to the great people of Northeast Mississippi. We thank you for your business and urge you to continue to support Northeast Mississippi businesses. “Like” Busylad on Facebook for prize giveaways we make it easy. 662-842-7834 • busylad.com • 1818 McCullough Blvd. • Tupelo © JPC - 2012 as Upper Volta. Other places Mississippi companies did business are diverse, including Uzbekistan, Macau, Benin, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Guatemala, Sweden and Mongolia. By the way, I’ll volDENNIS unteer to help with SEID trade visits to Australia, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands and Fiji to make sure all is well. So what does Mississippi export? Petroleum and coal products top the list, making up $3.72 billion, or 81.5 percent of the total. The rest of the top 10: chemicals ($1.8 billion), computer and electronics ($914 million), paper ($827 million), transportation equipment ($773 million), crops ($655 million), machinery ($512 million), food ($350 million), electrical equipment/appliances and components ($206 million) and fabricated metal products ($206 million). So where does furniture fit in? Upholstered manufacturing has long been a staple in Northeast Mississippi, though few people outside of the region realize it. Last year, our furniture manufacturers exported nearly $120 million. It’s a small drop in the bucket – a little more than 5 percent of the state’s export total – but something’s better than nothing. Truly, it’s a global economy, and as Mississippi – and Northeast Mississippi – looks to grow its economy, leaders have to look at global trade as not a challenge, but an opportunity. “Many Mississippi businesses are finding that emerging markets around the world offer some of the best opportunities for making new sales and are adjusting their export strategies accordingly,” said Carol Moore, director of the U.S. Commercial Service. “One of the most important aspects of exporting is that it helps firms to diversify their portfolios and withstand downturns in the domestic economy, and that’s good for business.” DENNIS SEID is the editor of the Northeast Mississippi Business Journal. Contact him at dennis.seid@journalinc.com or (662) 678-1578. Document: F002CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 22:50:38;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Company makes custom blue jeans in Verona BY CARLIE KOLLATH BUSINESS JOURNAL VERONA – A Verona-based company wants to help men and women solve a pesky problem – finding the perfect jeans. Blue Delta Jeans in January started making jeans based on individual measurements from customers. The company officially launched June 28. “It’s very different from the mass product,” said co-owner JoshWest. “Most people don’t believe we actually make the jeans here.” The jeans are made to order and take four to six weeks from the fitting session to delivery. Men’s jeans are $172. The company recently started making women’s jeans for $190. As of the middle of June, West said the business has had about 90 orders. “We try to grow very slowly – one order in and one order out,” West said. The process starts with a fitting session. The only style right now is a boot cut jean, but West and his wife, Jill, said the individual measurements make each one unique. The men can determine if they want ‘We’ve had so many guys say they can’t find jeans that fit them.’ | WHERE TO BUY | BLUE DELTA JEANS is based in Verona and makes customized jeans based on the Jill West wearer’s measurements. WEBSITE: BlueDeltaJeans.com TWITTER: @bluedeltajeans PHONE: (662) 760-0696 the jeans tighter or looser in their thighs. then moved into the sewing area. They also get the length fit to them, Blue Delta Jeans has two seamsters. All EMAIL: jwest@bluedeltajeans.com which has been the biggest selling point together, it has five people on the payroll, so far, Josh West said. in addition to four owners – the Wests waistlines if customers gain or lose weight. “We’ve had so many guys say they can’t and Phil and Susan Daughdrill – and a The Wests right now are making the find jeans that fit them,” Jill West said. silent partner. jeans when they aren’t at their regular After the measurements, customers The jeans are made with older ma- jobs. Josh West is an economic developer pick the color denim they want and the chines, which Josh West prefers because in Pontotoc and Jill West is a developfabric for the pocket lining. they give him more control versus newer ment officer at Blue Mountain College. The American-made fabric comes machines that are made for speed. The Additionally, the New Albany residents from American-grown cotton. Wests and the employees spent last year are raising one child and adopting anCustomers also select pocket styles and planning the business and training on other from Taiwan this year. Eventually the color of the thread in their jeans. The the equipment. they want to use some of the company’s thread, as well, is American made. “We had a lot of jeans going in the trash profits to help families adopt children. The customers then name their jeans, the first few weeks,” JoshWest said. “They They also want to expand the Blue which come with a one-of-a-kind label were hideous.” Delta brand, but that’s way down the that includes the name, the seamster and After the sewing, riveting and other road, the couple said. the production number of the jean. processing, the jeans are inspected and “We’re brand new,” JoshWest said. “We From there, the order goes to a retrofit- delivered to customers. want to get this right before we start ted body shop building in Verona, about The jeans come with a warranty for the adding styles.” 10 minutes south of Tupelo. The patterns life of the company. The Wests said they’ll are chalked onto the fabric, cut out and repair their jeans and they’ll even adjust carlie.kollath@journalinc.com Document: F003CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:15:45;JPC 72 DPI BUSINESS JOURNAL JULY 2012 BUSINESS JOURNAL JULY 2012 Rite-Kem might be right fire ant killer BY DENNIS SEID BUSINESS JOURNAL TUPELO – Fire ants have long plagued humans, beasts and other creatures, but killing them has been a fruitless battle for the most part. Powerful chemicals that once controlled and contained the pests also proved poisonous to everything else and have been banned. While new pesticides and insecticides and even steam have been used to help get rid of them, fire ants continue to survive. But Rite-Kem, a Tupelo-based chemical company, has been producing and selling its innocuously named “Fire Ant Granulars” for almost 10 years, and customers who buy the product swear by it. Tim Allred, the road manager for Lee County, said it’s been effective in eliminating fire ants the past 10 years. And that’s exactly what Rite-Kem President Mark Lovil hears from customers large and small. Farmers also have been good buyers. “It’s been used by cities and counties for years,” he said. “And it works.” Chemical company BASF provides the raw materials for Rite-Kem to mix | WHERE TO BUY | CALL THE COMPANY at (800) 841-5351 or at (662) 840-6060. The company’s office is on Westmoreland Drive in Tupelo. and use. Rite-Kem is registered to make and sell the product. It’s also non-hazardous to humans and animals, unlike other products on the market, Lovil said. “We pack it as a sand. You sprinkle two or three capfuls and it kills the mound,” he said. The cost of the product is $35 a case, which includes 12 one-pound containers of the ant-killer. But the general public hasn’t heard a lot about it – yet. “It’s been pretty popular, but it’s all been by word of mouth,” Lovil said. Fire Ant Granulars works this way: The granules are spread over a slightly disturbed mound of ants. The ants don’t eat it, however. Because of its properties, the granules stick to the ants’ bodies, which spread the granules to the rest of the colony, including the all-important queen. The granules pull the moisture out of While the government is its biggest the ants’ bodies, dehydrating them and customer, Rite-Kem also makes prodkilling them. ucts for residential and business use. “We make more than 300 products,” ••• he said. For example, the company makes the Lovil is a chemist, having moved to “cakes” placed in men’s urinals. It makes Tupelo 20 years ago. millions of them a year, one of only a He worked for a company that sold handful of companies able to do so. products to other companies, and he later bought the chemicals side of the ••• business and renamed it Rite-Kem. But NAFTA all but killed the business, sendWith government spending under ing fellow suppliers – and customers – scrutiny and the wars in Iraq and to Mexico. Afghanistan winding down, those govLovil knew he had to do something to ernment contracts may not be sustainfind new customers. able. Uncle Sam came calling, and RiteAfter all, when NAFTA went into efKem and the federal government have fect, Rite-Kem saw 80 percent of its become partners ever since. Along the business dry up. Lovil doesn’t want a reway, the company has developed scores peat. of new products, with Lovil leading the So he figures the Fire Ant Granulars way. will provide a boost, especially with the Among the biggest sellers for the gov- prime growing season ahead. ernment include flight deck wash for The company also has developed U.S. Navy aircraft carriers, laundry de- Swepe-Tite, an all-natural bed bug killer tergent for the Department of Defense, that is seeing plenty of interest. windshield wash for the U.S military “It’s all about diversification,” he said. and corrosion removing compound for the DoD and Brazil. dennis.seid@journalinc.com Document: F004CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:15:54;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 4 JULY 2012 BUSINESS JOURNAL Document: F005CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:16:03;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 5 T BUSINESS JOURNAL JULY 2012 Driverless cars may be made here in future he daily commute to the office, the occasional jaunt to the grocery store, the cross-country journey to visit friends and relatives – in the near future, all of these drives could look very different from today’s travel. Google, the company that gave us the most popular Web search engine, has developed technology that eliminates the need for human automobile driv- ers. Called Google driverless car, the technology uses GPS data, video cameras, proximity sensors and intelligent software to control the operation of an automobile. You can probably think of many benefits of computer-driven automobiles. Here are a few: • Driverless vehicles are safer than human-driven vehicles. The computer “Serving North Mississippi Since 1949” Furthermore, I see no reason why driverless vehicles won’t be commonplace within the next 10 years. The extra hardware and the required controlling software are not expensive ... Residential • Commercial • Industrial B&B CONCRETE CO., INC. email@bbconcrete.com © JPC - 2012 130 N. Industrial Rd. • Tupelo, MS 38802 842-6312 • Dispatch: 842-6313 • Fax: 842-6327 obeys the rules of the road. No speeding, no running red lights, no texting while driving, no tailgating, no road rage. Google has extensively tested its driverless car technology. In thousands of miles of testing, there was only one accident, and that accident occurred while the car was in manual mode. • People will make better use of their time. The executive or office worker might answer email and make phone calls during the commute to the office. On a trip of hours, people could sleep without the need for overnight hotel stops. • More people will have access to automobiles. People with certain disabilities, such as the visually impaired, could own and use cars. Children too young to get an operator’s license might-with a parent’s permission, or maybe I should say at a parent’s insistence – use a car to transport themselves to soccer practice or get a gallon of milk from the convenience store down the street. • Highways reserved for driverless vehicles would be cheaper to operate. Think of it: They would require no traffic signs. There’d be no need for law enforcement officers. Fleet Discounts Welcome We would appreciate the opportunity to provide your fleet vehicles' service and preventative maintenance. Please call me today at 662.213.7184 – Steven Cantrell, operations manager FOR MORE WAYS TO SAVE: – In the Tupelo/Booneville area, text vip1 to 99000 – In the Muscle Shoals area, tex havo to 99000 • Alcoholics would no longer be dependent on designated drivers. The downside? I can’t think of anything. The normalcy of driverless vehicles moved closer to reality last month, TED when Nevada issued HOLT the nation’s first driverless vehicle license plate, in this case for a driverless Toyota Prius. The law is an experiment of sorts. The state requires that at least two passengers occupy the automobile. One of them must sit in the driver’s seat and be prepared to seize control of the vehicle in case of emergency. The other occupant must monitor the vehicle’s progress and ensure that it follows the intended route. I see no reason why Nevada will keep these restrictions if driverless vehicles prove to be safe on the public roads. Furthermore, I see no reason why driverless vehicles won’t be commonplace within the next 10 years. The extra hardware and the required controlling software are not expensive and probably would add only a few hundred dollars to the cost of a new car. I have no connections to Toyota, either at the local factory or corporate headquarters, but if driverless cars become the new standard, I expect that all Toyota vehicles – including those made in Blue Springs – will be available in driverless models. TED HOLT is a member of BINaRE, a Tupelobased organization of professionals interested in technology. BINaRE welcomes new members. For more information, visit binare.org. 1630 N Gloster Tupelo 475 East Main Tupelo 662-840-5111 662-840-4112 2235 West Main Tupelo 1112 North 2nd Booneville 662-840-5154 662-728-0400 1081 Cliff Gookin Tupelo 710 East Avalon Muscle Shoals, AL 662-840-0234 256-383-9333 Document: F006CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:16:10;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 6 ChamberConnection A publication of Journal Publishing and the CDF Chamber Division – JULY 2012 CDF Welcomes New Ambassadors The new members of the 2012-2013 CDF Ambassadors Club officially began their year of service following an orientation luncheon June 5. This year’s club is made up of 42 individuals, representing 36 CDF-member businesses. Participation in the Ambassadors club gives participants a unique opportunity to share their business with the community and other Ambassadors, while serving as goodwill emissaries of CDF’s Chamber of Commerce division. “The Ambassadors are an asset to the Chamber of Commerce by helping our staff meet the needs of our over 1,200 members,” said Tommy Green, vice president of Chamber of Commerce for CDF. “By making calls and visits through the Ambassador mentor program, attending ribbon cuttings, grand openings and more, this exceptional group of volunteers provides a crucial link between CDF and our membership.” As Ambassadors, members of this prestigious group will attend ribbon cut- tings, groundbreakings, and any other events in support CDF and its many programs. The goal of the CDF Ambassadors Club is to promote the interests of business and CDF, by initiating contact with members and prospective members at CDF events, business site visits, and other community events. This year’s club represents such business sectors as technology, communications, banking, real estate, non-profits, insurance, hotel & hospitality management, restaurants, telecommunications, and many, many more. Ambassadors receive points for each CDF event that they attend or volunteer to work. An Ambassador of the Quarter is awarded each quarter, with an Ambassador of the Year recognized at the CDF Annual Meeting each spring. For more information about the CDF Ambassadors Club or to place your name on a waiting list for the 20132014 CDF Ambassador’s Club, please contact Emily Addison at (662) 8424521 or eaddison@cdfms.org. 2012-2013 Ambassador’s Club Mr. Enrique Amador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Plexus Slim Mr. Jesse Bandre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Exceed Technologies Ms. Britni Beasley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BancorpSouth Ms. Kelly Jo Brewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gentiva Hospice Ms. Stephanie Browning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hampton Inn & Suites Tupelo/Barnes Crossing Ms. Cindy Childs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mall at Barnes Crossing Ms. Molly Crews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Express Employment Professionals Ms. Kim Crump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LIFT, Incorporated Ms. Shirley Curry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Crye-Leike, Realtors Ms. Sheila Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PPI, Inc. Ms. Karen Dickey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Community Bank Ms. Barbara Doles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Trustmark National Bank Ms. Becki Duffie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kelly Services Ms. Patty Forsyth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vista Ridge Apartments Ms. Cheryl Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sleep Inn and Suites Ms. Dwana Golliday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Renasant Bank Mr. M.O. Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Water Depot of Tupelo Mr. Toby Hedges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shelter Insurance Ms. Daphene Hendricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tupelo Park and Recreation Ms. Shirley Hendrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R&B Specialty Printing Mr. Jim Jolly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Ms. Carman Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BancorpSouth Ms. Melonie Kight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tupelo Radio Broadcasting Ms. Tracy Lauderdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BancorpSouth Ms. Dana Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Crye-Leike, Realtors Ms. Bea Luckett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TRI, Inc. Realtors Mr. Brad McCully . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sportsman Lawn & Landscape Ms. Katie McMillan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Key Staff Source Mr. Bill McNutt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Tupelo Insurance Agency Ms. Haley Monaghan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alliance Collection Service, Inc. Ms. Carolyn Moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Comfort Inn Mr. Ricky Orr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M&F Bank Mr. Allen Pegues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Premium Productions Ms. Rachael Potts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gum Tree Mortgage Mr. Jon Paul Rhea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First American National Bank Ms. Torrie Robertson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SnyderMedia Ms. Mary Sue Tudor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lamar Advertising Ms. Carla Vancamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SnyderMedia Ms. Amanda Wallace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Community Bank Mr. Kevin Wallace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JaK’s Services and Vending Document: F007CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:16:16;JPC 72 DPI A CDF CHAMBER CONNECTION Chamber focus Dear Friends, It’s hot outside, but your Chamber of Commerce offers many “cool” benefits to our members. One of these is our ChamberAdvantage affinity program. CDF members receive disGreen counts at over 160 participating member businesses. This is a free service to our members by our members. For a complete list of ChamberAdvantage participating partners, visit our website. One of our favorite activities is assisting with ribbon cuttings throughout the year. We are happy to help your business celebrate a grand opening or a major milestone. Give us a call to schedule your event. This is just another benefit of your CDF membership. The Tupelo Young Professionals Lunch with Leaders Series begins July 19. The inaugural speaker will be Mayor Jack Reed, Jr. This luncheon will be held in the CDF Boardroom beginning at 11:45 a.m. and costs $10. Regis- New CDF Members ter online at www.cdfms.org/events. Nominations for the 20122014 class of the Jim Ingram Community Leadership Institute (CLI) will be received through July 13. CLI is a leadership program for Tupelo/Lee County and is jointly sponsored by CREATE and CDF. Nominees should possess leadership qualities as demonstrated by past and current activities, have a degree of motivation toward service in the community, and be representative of distinct elements of the community, i.e., geographic area, small business, industry, etc. If you would like to nominate someone, please call the CDF office at (662) 8424521 or complete the form online at www.tupelochamber.com. Have a safe and happy summer! Sincerely, Doodlebugs Paint & Party Place Ms. Kathy Poston 115 N Thomas St., Ste. I Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 680-5222 Arts Miller Psychiatry Clinic, Inc. Dr. Chanda Miller 110 Union Belle Saltillo, MS 38866 (662) 869-3042 Physicians and Surgeons Endville Bakery & Catering Co. Ms. Elizabeth Gable 2132 McCullough Blvd. Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 680-3332 Bakeries Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency Ms. Charlotte Mullinnix 110 South Broadway Tupelo, MS 38804 (662) 841-1960 Health Care Lodging Solutions Ms. Shauna O’Nan 2122 W Jackson St. Tupelo, MS 38804 (513) 827-2073 Hotels & Motels Plan House Printing & Graphics Mr. Cory Dewett 607 W Main St. Tupelo, MS 38804 (662) 407-0193 Printers & Publishers Board of Directors for 2012-2013 CDF is governed by a 60-member Board of Directors. The Executive Committee is composed of the CDF Officers and eleven additional members of the Board. CDF’s goals and objectives are accomplished through the efforts of members appointed to committees operating under one of CDF’s three divisions: Chamber Division, Economic Development Division, and Planning and Property Management Division. 2012-2013 Executive Committee Steve Altmiller Mark Burleson Tillmon Calvert Scott Cochran Blair Hughes Guy Mitchell Harry Rayburn Barry Smith Jane Spain Buddy Stubbs 2012-2013 Board of Directors Mike Armour Bernard Bean Jim Beane Roger Bland David Brevard Gary Carnathan Mike Clayborne V.M. Cleveland David Cole Joe Estess Clay Foster Tom Foy Sue Gardner Julianne Goodwin Frank Hodges Salad Creations Mr. Toby Hester 3952D N Gloster St. Tupelo, MS 38804 (662) 844-4257 Restaurants & Catering ServiceMaster Clean Fire & Water Recovery Mr. Chris Scribner 2720 S Gloster St. Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 841-7773 Restoration Tupelo Battery Service Mr. Larry Ezell 813 E Main St. Tupelo, MS 38804 (662) 844-7454 Automotive Charles & Mary Werner 888 Hwy 363 Saltillo, MS 38866 Individuals Vice President Chamber of Commerce Community Development Foundation’s David Copenhaver, Chairman Chauncey Godwin, First Vice Chairman Shane Hooper, Second Vice Chairman David Rumbarger, President/Secretary David Irwin, Immediate Past Chairman JULY 2012 Trentice Imbler Octavius Ivy Michael James Jamie Kennedy Jeff King Gearl Loden Jerry Maxcy Neal McCoy Larry Michael Paul Mize Phil Morgan Mabel Murphree Mary Pace Jim Pate Greg Pirkle Fred Pitts Jack Reed, Jr. Scott Reed Eddie Richey Cathy Robertson Drew Robertson Tom Robinson Ty Robinson Chris Rogers Kenny Smith Kiyoshi Tsuchiya Gabriela Ungo Mitch Waycaster Jimmy Weeks Dick White JOIN US FOR TWO JULY TYP EVENTS Lunch with Leaders Speaker: Mayor Jack Reed, Jr. Thursday, July 19, 2012 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Community Development Foundation 398 E Main St., CDF Center $10, includes lunch Register online at www.cdfms.org/events Networking Social @ Elite Medical Thursday, July 26, 2012 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 2633 Traceland Dr. Document: F008CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:16:21;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 8 PAGE 9 Endville Bakery & Catering Co. Celebrates First Anniversary The Food Network has made celebrities of such families as the Neelys and Paula Deen and sons. One day, we will all be watching the Gables. Elizabeth and David Gable, owners of Endville Bakery & Catering Co. in Tupelo have finished their first year of business serving everything from mouth-watering barbecue and smoked meats, to delectable desserts and everything in between. In January 2008, Elizabeth’s grandmother signed her up for a cake decorating class at Itawamba Community College. Six weeks later she found herself in the advanced cake decorating class. While she has always loved to cook, and her husband David enjoys grilling, it wasn’t until the two, along with their barbecue team Holy Smoke BBQ crew, took first place in Saltillo First Baptist Church’s barbecue competition that the thought of going into business crossed their minds. “If you win first place, you can’t just quit,” said Elizabeth. “People started asking us for food. We did more barbecue competitions, and last Valentine’s Day I made 60 dozen cookies by myself, in my home. That was when David told me to find somewhere to start the business or stop.” Endville Bakery & Catering Co. offers food for every occasion. At their location on McCullough Blvd., they offer a daily selection of cupcakes, cookies, rice krispy treats, brownies, peanut butter cornflake bars, and more. They also stock a freezer with casseroles available for pick-up. Frozen meals include chicken spaghetti, chicken and dressing, chicken broccoli rice casserole, spaghetti sauce, barbecue, meatloaf, and various vegetables. The Gables offer a special service LARGE OR SMALL...WE CAN HELP YOUR COMPANY! Business Phone Systems Voicemail Network Wiring Security & Fire Alarms. Welcome Jerry Paul We are proud to have Jerry join our team here at ASI. He brings 23 years of experience with him – to help solve any technical need you might have. Give Jerry a call today! called “Monday Meal.” Each week an email is sent detailing what dishes will be available in the following week’s “Monday Meal.” To order, simply respond to the e-mail with your name and address, and the food is delivered to your door for supper that night. Past “Monday Meals” have included poppy seed chicken, smoked chicken or pork loin, barbecue, and lasagna. To join the “Monday Meal” e-mail list, simply send an e-mail to Elizabeth@endvillebakery.com. Catering is a large part of Endville Could Your Business Use FASTER or MORE RELIABLE INTERNET SERVICE? We Have the Solution! Aggressively Priced Bundled Offer that is Competitive with other companies. It includes: Internet ( 10 MG Internet Circuit / via Fiber ) Local Phone Service Long Distance ( 6,900 Minutes per Month ) Hurry! Limited Time Offer! • Professional Consultations • Expert Installation • Cutting Edge Technology • Unbeatable Value • Guaranteed Satisfaction 105 West Main Street / New Albany 1-800-246-4987 or (662) 534-4987 Telecom Professional Consultations Expert Installation Cutting Edge Technology Unbeatable Value Guaranteed Satisfaction www.asitelecom.com Bakery & Catering Co.’s business. They offer cakes, lunch for offices, holiday menus, and tailgate menus. Endville Bakery & Catering Co. can tailor any menu to the needs of the client. They also have smokers, fish cookers, and grills that are ready for any event, big or small. “We have all kinds of toys as far as cooking goes,” said Elizabeth. “We can cook for your rehearsal dinner Friday night, prepare the cake, and cater the reception on Saturday. We also have all of the serving pieces, so you don’t have to go somewhere else to rent those items.” While Elizabeth and David Gable love to cook, it is a hard business, but the rewards are endless. “It’s hard and exhausting, but worth it when you see pictures of a child’s first birthday who is playing in your smash cake,” said Elizabeth. “That mama will remember it forever.” Endville Bakery & Catering Co. is located at 2132 McCullough Blvd. in Tupelo, and can be reached at (662) 680-3332. You can find them on Facebook and Twitter. Endville Bakery & Catering Co. is open Tuesday through Friday from 8:30a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Telecom 105 West Main Street / New Albany 1-800-246-4987 or (662) 534-4987 www.asitelecom.com Document: F009CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 22:50:43;JPC 72 DPI CHAMBER CONNECTION JULY 2012 CHAMBER CONNECTION JULY 2012 Students Learn Hands-on Skills and Business Basics at Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs Summer Manufacturing Camp Hawkeye Industries, Itawamba Community College, and the Community Development Foundation again offered the Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs® TEK2GO Advanced Manufacturing Camp for students ages 12-15 from June 18-22. Designed to help inspire the next generation of inventors, engineers, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers, the camp is a technical, hands-on experience to introduce students to 21st century manufacturing technology and basic entrepreneurial skills. “This camp introduces students to the world of advanced manufacturing, and gives them a glimpse of the jobs that are available in Lee County, should they choose to pursue this type of career,” said Todd Beadles, vice president of workforce development for the Community Development Foundation. “Camp participants built a clock from start to finish, utilizing technology, while gaining practical experience and confidence.” Participants explored 3D design, com- puter numerical control (CNC) programming, laser cutting, machining, finishing, entrepreneurship, and more, while emphasizing product creation, problem solving, and team building. Visits to area manufacturers provided an up-close look at products being made as well as career advice and inspiration from the entrepre- neurs who run the companies. Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs®, the foundation of the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association Intl. (NBT) and the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE). Camps will be offered at NACCE member community colleges throughout the United States. NBT introduces young people tocareers in the trades through manufacturing summer camps for youth. It also issues scholarships to students at colleges and trade schools pursuing studies that lead to careers in manufacturing. More information on NBT is available by visiting www.NutsAndBoltsFoundation.org. Based in Rockford, IL, the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International, is a professional organization with more than 2,100 members working together to improve the metal forming and fabricating industry. Learn more at www.fmanet.org. 2013-2015 Tupelo/Lee County Map Project Underway The Community Development Foundation (CDF) is producing the new 2013-2015 street map of Tupelo/Lee County. Once again, CDF has partnered with Spring Hill Press to produce this map, an exclusive advertising opportunity for members of CDF. CDF members are invited to pur- chase a display ad on the map. Beginning July 2, a representative of Spring Hill Press will contact members about this exclusive opportunity. Spring Hill Press is the publisher of the “Official Tupelo/Lee County CDF Map,” the only map endorsed by CDF. Tupelo/Lee County maps are available at CDF and the Tupelo Convention and Visitors Bureau. In addition, they are included in membership, relocation, and visitor packets. For advertising information, please contact Nita Hickman at Spring Hill Press at (800) 627-8141 or nitah@springhillpress.net. MILLER PSYCHIATRY Don’t miss the Mississippi Tourism Mastery Road Show with Twitchy Twitchy is one of North America’s most indemand tourism sales and service trainers Monday, July 9 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. CDF Boardroom 398 E Main St., CDF Center A ribbon cutting was held at Miller Psychiatry Clinic in Saltillo. The clinic offers individual, marriage, and family counseling services to children, adolescents, and adults. Miller Psychiatry Clinic is located at 110 Union Belle, and can be reached at (662) 869-3042. For more information, please visit www.millerpsychiatry.com. To reserve your space at this free seminar, please contact the Tupelo Convention & Visitors Bureau at (800) 533-0611. For more information, please visit www.itwitch.com/ocstourism Document: F010CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:16:27;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 10 PAGE 11 Opportunities for Entrepreneurs at the Renasant Center for IDEAs INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND SMALL BUSINESS: OPPORTUNITIES AND LIABILITIES Presented by: Mr. Nick Landau Intellectual Property attorney Bradley Arant Boult Cummings Wednesday, July 18 at 2:00 p.m. Renasant Center for IDEAs 398 E Main St. Participants will learn about: Trademarks – Distinguishing your business in the marketplace Trade Secrets – The law of confidentiality Copyrights – Protecting works of authorship and art Patents – The new outlook for owning inventions To register for this free seminar, please visit www.cdfms.org/events Document: F011CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 03, 2012 09:58:37;JPC 72 DPI CHAMBER CONNECTION JULY 2012 CHAMBER CONNECTION JULY 2012 ZIP SCRIPTS CHAMBER SEMINAR “Every Door Direct Mail Seminar” Presented by: Mr. Perry Whitaker, Sales/Direct Mail Specialist, PPI Mr. Marc Williams, Business Development Specialist, United States Postal Service Tuesday, July 24 8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. CDF Boardroom 398 E Main St., CDF Center Learn about the new direct mail program from the United States Postal Service: • Incredibly low postal rates for direct mail • Mail that can be targeted to specific neighborhoods • Cost effective ways to send large over-size mail pieces at reduced rates • Can be used for low minimum quantities or high volume mass mailings • Perfect for business to consumer marketing • No mailing lists needed To celebrate the grand opening of Zip Scripts in Tupelo, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held. A fullservice, drive-thru pharmacy, Zip Scripts is located at 501 S Gloster St., and can be reached at (662) 680-3148. For more information, please visit www.zip-scripts.com. To register for this free seminar, please visit www.cdfms.org/events We are pleased to call Tupelo and NEMS our home. We sell the best tires to you, MADE IN NEMS by you!! 4006 W. Main Street • Tupelo, MS 38801 662.844.1852 Document: F012CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 22:50:48;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 12 CHAMBER CONNECTION PAGE 13 Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for New Shannon Town Hall Mayor Ronnie Hallmark and the Shannon Board of Aldermen officially broke ground June 22 on a new Town Hall facility for the Town of Shannon, MS. Funding for the new Town Hall was made possible in part through a Small Municipalities Grant from the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA). “I have worked with the state for several years to secure funding towards this project,” said Mayor Hallmark. “I appreciate the partnership we have with MDA and our state officials who have helped to make this opportunity available. The Town is also grateful for the continued support that we receive from the Lee County Board of Supervisors. Our leaders make a difference. That is why we can see progress like a new Town Hall.” The current Town Hall was built in the 1950s as an early post office. The Town acquired the building in the late 1980s and converted it into the existing Town Hall. The municipal functions have outgrown the current facility, and through the support of Governor Phil Bryant, Senator Russell Jolly, and Representative Steve Holland, Mayor Hallmark’s vision for a new facility was realized. The new Shannon Town Hall was designed by Chris Root of Tek 1 Studio, and will include a drive-through window for citizens to conveniently pay utility bills; a larger boardroom for Pictured participating in the Shannon Town Hall groundbreaking are: Senator Russell Jolly; Supervisor Tommie Lee Ivy; Alderman Debra Grubbs; Alderman Bryant Thompson; Mayor Ronnie Hallmark; Representative Steve Holland; Alderman Carl Trice; Alderman Paul Lyles; Supervisor Billy Joe Holland; Alderman Joey McCord; Town Clerk Kizzy Johnson; and Utility Clerk Pat Holloway. meetings and court hearings; and addi- precinct for Shannon. tional parking, with handicapped The Town of Shannon recently respaces, for community access. The fa- ceived a separate energy grant through cility will also become the new voting MDA to make cost-saving improve- JUNE TYP The June TYP event was held at Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Young Professionals enjoyed tours of the new facility, as well as refreshments and networking. The CDF Business Roundtable will meet Wednesday, July 25 at 4:00 p.m. CDF Boardroom, 398 E Main St., CDF Center For more information or to appear on the agenda, please contact Emily Addison at (662) 842-4521 or eaddison@cdfms.org. ments to the existing Town Hall facility. That building will be converted into the Shannon Police Department once it is vacated. Join us for the August Business Boxed Lunch & Learn “Your On-Line Presence” Presented by Mr. Greg Word Manager Technical/Graphic Services North Mississippi Industrial Development Association Wednesday, August 22 11:45 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. CDF Boardroom $10.00-CDF members $20.00-non-members Register online at www.cdfms.org/events by Thursday, August 16 Document: F013CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:16:41;JPC 72 DPI JULY 2012 CHAMBER CONNECTION Talmadge Kirk won the Dixon Golf Challenge. JULY 2012 Golfers participate in a putting green contest sponsored by U.S. Lawns of NMS. Pictured are members of the BancorpSouth team. SnyderMedia’s live hole sponsor tent at Big Oaks Golf Club. First place went to the team from Mitchell Signs. Thank you to the sponsors of the 6th Annual CDF Membership Golf Tournament Abner's Advanced Innovations East, Inc. Auto Spa Baptist Memorial Hospital – Union County Barnes and Noble Bauhaus USA, Inc. Belk Bishop's Flower's & Gifts, Inc. Borrowed Thyme BNA Bank Buffalo Wild Wings Café 212 Caron Prince Art Gallery Century Construction Chick-fil-A Thompson Square Community Bank Crossroads Rib Shack Deco Direct Elvis Presley Memorial Foundation Express Employment Professionals Fairpark Grill First American National Bank Golf First Goodwin Chiropractic Harvey's Health Link His Hers Antiques & Collectibles Home Depot Humana Keep It Casual La Vino Logan's Roadhouse Lowe's Magnolia BBQ & Fish Magnolia Business Centre McAlister's Midnite Pottery Mid-South Nursery Mississippi Manufacturers Association Mitchell Distributing MLM Clothiers NAPA Auto Parts N.E.W. Newk's Northeast Mississippi Board of Realtors O'Charley's Old Venice Pizza Company Oscar's Fine Wine Outback Steakhouse Papa John’s Pizza Park Heights Pepsi Beverages Co. Reed's Romie’s Grocery & Rob Lesley Catering Select Staffing SkyBox Sports Grill & Pizzeria Smoothie King SnyderMedia Staples Sweet Peppers Deli T&L Specialty Co. Tellini’s Pasta Market Trails & Treads Tupelo Automobile Museum Tupelo Coca Cola Tupelo Small Animal Hospital U.S. Lawns of Northeast Mississippi Vanelli's Waste Management Watkins Uiberall Yoconoa Area Council – Boy Scouts Document: F014CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:16:46;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 14 PAGE 15 Business Directory Auto Rental All Types Floor/Slab Problems Bank Your 5-Star, A Rated Bank Concrete Bell Bottom Pier System • Helical Steel Pier System • Conventional Flooring Leveling • Sill, Joist and Beam Repairs • Totally Rebuild Floor Foundation • Wood Floor Deterioration - mold, mildew, fungi, dry rot, brown rot - wet rot • Specializing in Bathroom Repair • Moisture Proofing Airvents - improper ventilation & additional foundation vents Force Air Blower fans, (increase circulation) by Bauer Financial and Weiss Ratings Roger Rakestraw We take care of your money. 1-877-288-7395 • 662-534-6698 New Albany, MS 38652 PH: 662-842-5404 FAX: 662-842-0909 www.advancedfoundationrepairms.com Insured, Licensed, Bonded Certified Antiques/Auctions Licensed Real Estate Broker & Auctioneers Full Time Professional Auction Service Free Auction Consultation Alabama • Mississippi • Tennessee Auction Types: Call or email to be placed Court Ordered, Foreclosures, Houses, on our mailing list. Land, Buildings, Business, Personal or Family Estates, Business Inventory, Vehicles, Equipment, Personal Collections (i.e. guns, coins, gold, silver, jewelry, rugs, collectibles, antiques, furniture, primitives) bandb@sonet.net • 800-890-5130 Apartments Homes Affordable Luxury Apartment Homes 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom 111 Grand Ole Oaks Drive Belden, MS 38826 Carey Wilson Manager office: 662.823.1470 • fax: 662.823.1474 • cell:662.231.7508 We take care of you. 1480 EAST MAIN ST. TUPELO, MS 38804 Email: discountrentcar@gmail.com Automotive Services Bank RICK’S CHASSIS WORKS Foreign - Domestic • Insurance Claims Welcome • Free Estimates • Body & Paint Repair Call Robin Barnett today! 662-841-8743 rbarnett@trustmark.com 1875 Nelle St. Tupelo, MS “We Specialize in Frame Work” 844-0260 Bank Automotive Services Tupelo Lending Office Body Repair • Auto Glass •Insurance Claims Ratliff Body and Glass 365-8245 431 W Main Suite 201 Jamie Osbirn Ron Roper Leslie Stacy www.GrandOleOaks.com “You pay the premiums, you choose the shop.” www.ratliffbodyandglass.com Apartments Homes Automotive Commercial Vehicles 662.844.3419 fanb.net Member FDIC Equal Housing LENDER Blinds Budget Blinds a style for every point of view Nancy Oliver Site Manager 508 Lumpkin Avenue Tupelo, Mississippi 38801 Telephone: (662) 844-2370 Fax: (662) 844-2345 E-mail: oakcreeka@comcast.net Attorney FREE In-Home Consultation Whether you’re hauling or delivering...Call DWAYNE BLACKMON CHEVROLET for your commercial vehicle needs! 1410 SOUTH GLOSTER / TUPELO / 842-3611 Bank Jason Lee Shelton 218 N. Spring St. P. O. Box 1362 Tupelo, MS 38802-1362 Phone (662) 842-5051 Res. (662) 842-5321 Toll Free 1-888-537-5051 • Fax (662) 841-1941 Email: jshelton@dixie-net.com Licensed In Mississippi & Alabama Shutters, Wood Blinds, Draperies and more! Bank Of Okolona Okolona P.O. Box 306 Okolona, Mississippi 38860 (662) 447-5403 Houston Banking Center 321 W. Madison St. Houston, Mississippi (662) 456-3347 www.bankofokolona.com Tupelo: 662.823.6455 Oxford: 662.281.0586 cell: 662.380.0958 fax: 662.281.0585 rlloomis@budgetblinds.com www.budgetblinds.com An Independently Owned and Operated Franchise Building Supplies Rex & Diannah Coggins, Owners Attorney-At-Law Shelton & Associates P.A. Budget Blinds of Tupelo Ph: (662) 365-7021 N H A R Fax: (662) 365-8902 Y DW & DW AR L E SUPPLY, INC. BA • Full Service • Hardware • Building Supplies • Plumbing • Hydraulic Hoses • Electrical • Glass • Valspar Paints • Welding Supplies • Portable Carports 1187 North 4th St. • Baldwyn, MS 38824 Document: F015CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:16:52;JPC 72 DPI BUSINESS JOURNAL JULY 2012 BUSINESS JOURNAL JULY 2012 Business Directory Building Supplies Framing Dentist Lumbe ville r Boone Company NORTH MISSISSIPPI Periodontal Clinic Full Line of Lumber & Hardware 403 Church St. • Booneville • 728-0032 J. Michael Robertson, D.M.D. (662) 842.2448 / 800.840.2449 Booneville Supply www.northmsperio.com For all your plumbing needs 103 Parkgate Ext. / Tupelo Commercial Cleaning Services Engineering 2300 E. Chambers Dr. • Booneville • 728-0094 Booneville Hardware & Supply For all your hardware needs 400 E. Church St. • Booneville • 720-1102 From The Delta to The Heart of The Hills Still Serving Mississippi After 14 Years! Furniture DCF DABBS ENGINEERING CO., INC. Tupelo, MS Land Surveyors Decorators Connection for Furniture Boundary ■ Topo ■ Alta ■ Construction Layout ■ Subdivisions “OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE CUSTOMIZING FURNITURE” ■ Engineers 224 Starlyn Ave. New Albany, MS 38652 662-534-4448 ■ Civil ■ Environmental-Testing Geotechnical Thomas R. Dabbs, P.E. Fax 662-841-0431 E-mail: tdabbs@dabbsengineering.com P.O. Box 7064 / 1050 N. Eason, Tupelo, MS 662-841-0162 www.dabbsengineeringinc.com Commercial Cleaning Services MR. JANITOR ■ Janet L. Branch, owner 662/538-5551 145A W. Bankhead Street New Albany, MS 38652 Event Venue We Also Do Furniture Recovery, Repair and Refinishing 10168 Pontotoc Hwy 6 East Tupelo, MS 38801 662-844-4689 662-844-0569 Fax David Bullard 662-213-5006 davidbullard547@gmail.com Furniture inc. heavyonthemr.com Carpet • Upholstery • Oriental/Natural Fiber Rugs Hardwood Floors • Ceramic Tile and Grout Cleaning All Your Indoor Cleaning Needs! 662-844-7713 Helping To Keep Northeast Mississippi Clean and Beautiful David Stephens President mrjanitor1984@yahoo.com 1835 Nelle Street • Tupelo, MS 38801 Fax 662-844-7169 Cell 662-321-0275 We’ve got all your Available for Weddings, Receptions, Parties and Meetings For Information Call 844-2772 at affordable prices. 662-489-1176 219 N o r t h B ro ad way • Tu p e l o 7540 Veterans Hwy. West • Pontotoc, MS 38863 Event Venue Gifts Computer & Data 589 N. Coley Rd. Tupelo, MS home furnishings T h e G o o d l e tt M a n o r Okolona Meetings • Weddings Sanctuary Space • Reception Hall • Catering Concerts • Special Events Great Employment Opportunities 1800 West Main St. • Tupelo • 662-690-4011 • www.link-centre.org Concrete Farm Equipment Sales Drug Co. Complete Prescription Service We Accept All Medicare Part D Plans • • • • • Gifts & Fenton Glass Tyler Candles Aromatique Arthur Court Lenox & Gorham China 210 West Main Street Okolona, MS (662) 447-5471 Glass & Overhead Doors Service Serving Tupelo for 3 Generations 24 Hour Emergency Service 401 Elizabeth St. • Tupelo 662-842-7305 BAY IMPLEMENT COMPANY INC. 1005 4th St. NW 800-439-2006 256-356-2482 • Adora Dolls & Lee Middleton Dolls • Ole Miss & Miss. State Collegiate Items • NEW Casseroles to Go! Red Bay, Alabama Fax 256-356-8916 bayimp@hiwaay.net Store Fronts • Mirrors Shower Doors • Garage Doors Commercial Doors Hollow Metal Doors 662-844-4540 “Serving Tupelo for 3 Generations” 711 ROBERT E. LEE DR. • TUPELO, MS “Experience Is The Difference” FAX:662-620-7754 Document: F016CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:16:59;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 16 PAGE 17 Business Directory Hair Metal Buildings Livestock Completely Confidential Free Consultations Creative Hair Replacement 1443 East Main Street Tupelo, Mississippi WE GE ICE T THE BEST PR Owner, Ron Herndon PONTOTOC STOCKYARD SATURDAYS FOR ALL LIVESTOCK NEEDS Post Frame Buildings And Supplies Metal Siding • Roofing & Trim • Engineered Wood Trusses • Metal Building Insulation • Pre-Cut Building Kits 273 Road 1178 Tupelo, MS (662) 844-9576 Mon - Fri 8:00-5:00 • Sat 8:00-12:00 568 RockyFord Rd. • Hwy 76 West, Pontotoc 489-4385 or 213-7080 www.tupelohairloss.com Goats, Hogs, and Horses at 11:00 am, Cattle at 1:00 pm (662) 842-1222 Home Improvement www.econopostframe.com • Email: jeff@econopostframe.com Moving Locksmith MILLER’S SAFE & LOCK SERVICE, INC. NEW & USED SAFES • Safes Serviced & Installed • Locks Installed • Locksets • Combinations Changed • Locks Rekeyed • Lost Keys Replaced • Master Key Systems • High Security Keys AUTO RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL (662) 963-2825 rafcomhs@gmail.com Windows, Doors, Tubs, Skirting, Fixtures, and More!! Installation available!!! Horse Performance Call for a Free Estimate Bronzie Morgan Relocation Specialist 662-842-1120 (662) 842-7720 “The Morgan Family has been moving families like yours for over 50 years” 1219 1⁄2 NELLE STREET • TUPELO Paint Manufactured Homes For Sale WHEEL ESTATE HOMES TUPELO • SALTILLO • NEW ALBANY Tour!! to Tour Reposs to and Repo Used,, and New,, Used 90 New Over Over 90 Family Owned & Operated Since 1967 www.wheelestate.net 800-846-6670 Insurance Pest Control Medical Hancock Insurance Agency Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Low Odor & Odorless Chemicals INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES ATV • Life • Health Annuities • RV • Automobile Motorcycle • Home Mobile Home Medicare Supplements Scott Hancock Allen Hancock Monthly Rates Available Locally Owned and Operated by Mike Fulco 662-534-2661 662-842-BUGS 662-842-2847 720 W . Bankhead St. New Albany Lawn & Garden Plumbing Medical , PA Plants • Flowers • Trees • Shrubbery Decorative Outdoor Planters & Pots Gift Registry • Yard Art • Pottery 662.534.8800 • Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 816-1/2 W. Bankhead St. • New Albany Comprehensive Medical Care For Your Family or Business Appointments & Walk-Ins Welcome Mon-Fri. 8 - 6:30 Sat. 9 - 6 Sun. 1 - 6 1154 Cross Creek Dr. (Next to Home Depot) 840-8010 Lee Wallace, CFNP David W. Bell, MD RH PLUMBING, INC. Commercial Plumbing, Gas & Industrial Piping RICHARD HANLON (662) 447-3213 P.O. BOX 417 Okolona, MS 38860 Thank you for choosing RH Plumbing. We appreciate your business Document: F017CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:17:07;JPC 72 DPI √BUSINESS JOURNAL JULY 2012 BUSINESS JOURNAL JULY 2012 Business Directory Carolina Cleaners W You Get It Dirty - We Clean It Up Mobile 662-678-6356 Real Estate 499 Gloster Creek Village, Tupelo, MS 38801 Phone: (662) 844-4888 Fax: (662) 844-3006 RO INC. OF ING LICENSED & INSURED 411 CLARK ST. ❖ TUPELO ❖ 844-4481 Restaurant at • Max 2 FREE Kids with Adult Entree • 12 Years and Under Salon Services Hair Care, Manicures, Pedicures, Facials, Skin Care, Micro-Dermabrasion, Massage, Color Analysis & Correction The Creative Touch • Drink Not Included • Kid's Menu Only Tupelo • Tuesdays 3 - 9 pm • 495 S. Gloster • 680-3354 New Albany • Thursdays 5 - 9 pm • 534-2700 Corinth • Tuesdays 4 - 9 pm • 286-9007 Restaurant HE EL ER “A Family Business Since 1946” • Residential • Commercial • Industrial FREE Estimates Specializing in Hot High Pressure Washing HEAVY EQUIPMENT • HOUSES • TRUCKS • TRAILERS Steve Hill Owner Roofing Restaurant Pressure Washing Restaurant DAY S PA & S A L O N 662-844-3734 • 844-6204 2613-A TRACELAND DR. • TUPELO, MS 38801 Septic Tanks & Systems Bill’s Septic Tank Service Since 1979 Residential • Commercial • Industrial WE Roast, You Boast • Dining • Carryout • Catering 203 Commerce St. • Tupelo, MS • 840-8800 Mall at Barnes Crossing • Food Court • 690-8009 • Pizza Spaghetti • Salad Bar • Sandwich 365-7059 709 S 4th St. • Baldwyn, MS Mon.-Thurs. 11-10 • Fri.-Sat. 11-11 • Sun. 12-10 Restaurant Restaurant The Rib Shack Country Store (2) Can Eat for 18 Specializing in Ribs & BBQ! 2 Pc. Whole MS Farm Raised & Restaurant C(2)ATFISH PLATES Come See Us at $ Hwy. 6, 4.5 mi. from Nettleton & Plantersville In front of Pettigrew Cabinets Thu., Fri. & Sat. Nights 5:00 – 9:00 pm 99 Served w/salad & potato. Price includes drinks & tax. Lunch Specials & Pizza Call 591-2900 for take-out orders Restaurant Party Trays for all Occasions! Fried Pickles, Cheese and Sausage Plate, Cheese Steaks, Hoagies, Chicken Salad, Fish, Steaks, Kid Menu, BBQ Nachos, Homemade Desserts and much, much more. - Pumping & Repairs - Field Line Installed - 662-767-3105 Cell# 662-231-1941 4810 Pontocola Rd., Shannon, MS To bacco & Beer 2 LOCATIONS Monday-Saturday 7 am -10 pm • Sunday 10 am -6 pm Town Creek Center 2546 Hwy 145 #A Saltillo • 662-869-0086 We’re a family owned business and appreciate all of our customers 3061 Tupelo Commons • Tupelo, MS • 840-1700 920 Hwy 72 East • Corinth, MS • 284-4646 Road Side Service Monday-Saturday 7 am -10 pm • Sunday 1 pm -8 pm 204 Starlyn Avenue • New Albany, MS 662-534-4500 Uniforms CR Diesel Service 24 Hour Road Side Service Jumpstarts • New & Used Tires • Flat Repairs Truck & Trailer Repair • Fuel Delivery Chris Roach – 662-610-5604 1101 W. Main • Tupelo 842-3774 SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION CLEANING & CLASS ONE TREATMENT PLANTS Keeping Professional People Looking Professional 795 S. Gloster, Tupelo • (662) 844-4272 2316 Hwy. 45 N. Columbus • (662) 328-7777 1151 D. Frontage Rd. Oxford • (662) 513-0341 www.scrubsandco.com Document: F018CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 23:17:16;JPC 72 DPI PAGE 18 ©Journal Publishing ‘11 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ☎ (662) 842-8283 (662) 842-4117 www.trirealestate.net Close the deal at Park Heights. A business meeting like no other! Private rooms available 335 East Main Street Fairpark District | Historic Downtown Tupelo Lunch: M-F 11am-2pm | Dinner: M-S 5:30-10pm 662-842-5665 www.parkheightsrestaurant.com PAGE 19 Document: F019CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 22:51:25;JPC 72 DPI BUSINESS JOURNAL JULY 2012 PAGE 20 BUSINESS JOURNAL Document: F020CDF070612.eps;Page: 1;Format:(254.00 x 295.27 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: Jul 02, 2012 22:51:30;JPC 72 DPI JULY 2012
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