This will be the last edition of the newsletter that will be received by


This will be the last edition of the newsletter that will be received by
This will be the last edition of the newsletter that will be received by you, our readers, before I
transition from the position of Conference Superintendent. My last day in the office is scheduled for
August 1st. That same day, Brother Danny Nelson will assume the office during the annual
Conference event.
Regenia and I would like to take this time to express appreciation for the privilege of serving our Lord
and this Conference in the role of Conference Superintendent for the past six years. I could mention
a lot of things we have done together, but I think I would prefer to write of the relationships
developed, the experiences we have shared, and the gratitude we feel for the journey we have
shared with you in Kingdom ministry. There is one result that I would like to mention that has been
done because we are learning the benefits of doing ministry together as a movement and a
conference. You ministers and churches have reported to the conference office over the last five
years: 19,382 saved, 2,356 sanctified, 969 filled with the Holy Spirit, and 4,063 new members added
to our church membership. I think you will agree with me that is worth praising God for being a part
of the Kingdom harvest! To God be the glory for the good done!
We are often asked what we plan to do after August 1st. We will certainly be catching up on some
family life with our sons, daughters, and nine grandchildren. We will enjoy friendships and activities
together. We will expand our hobbies such as gardening, golfing, fishing, and shopping (Regenia).
We would also like to continue in various ministry activities such as revivals, special day events, and
any other way that would be helpful to Brother Nelson and the conference. I have a special
passion for ministry to people and churches that are dealing with trouble and trauma. We will see
what the Lord has in mind about that part of our next season.
I plan to buy a remote controlled vacuum cleaner and stock up on paper plates to save our dish
washer from wear and tear. LOL
Thank you again to all of you from the Whitfield family.
Thank You, to All of You ............................................................................ 1
Remembering, Reminiscing & Rejoicing .................................................. 2
Welcome to Our Newest Staff Member! ................................................... 2
Global Outreach Celebration .................................................................... 3
Youth Quest .............................................................................................. 4
Power Chicks ‘15...................................................................................... 4
Youth Night @ Camp Meeting................................................................... 4
Archives Ministries ................................................................................... 5
Fall Leadership Summits .......................................................................... 5
Multicultural Ministries ............................................................................. 5
Kings Dominion IPHC Family Day .............................................................. 6
School of Ministry Schedule ...................................................................... 7
WIN Event.................................................................................................. 7
Prayer Corner/New Assignments/Open Churches .................................... 8
Camp Meeting 2015 ................................................................................. 8
Hello ladies!
In the beginning of this journey my first article for the Evangel was about Remembering, Reminiscing and Rejoicing. I will
complete my article by doing some of that at this time:
As the wife of the Superintendent of the North Carolina Conference, this will be my last article to share my heart and
express my sincere gratitude to you for the privilege of connecting with so many of you the past six years at many different
events and occasions.…. Revivals, Dedications, Homecomings, District Leadership Summits, Camp meeting, Conference,
WM retreats, iWin conference, Youth Quest, Retirees events, weddings, funerals, and many other occasions.
I am truly grateful for the privilege of working with a wonderful office staff who have become dear friends.
I have been involved with the Ministers’ wives & the Deborah’s Daughters; what a blessing to know these beautiful women!
What a privilege to serve as the School of Ministry Administrative Assistant--working with the students, many of who have
become licensed or ordained ministers during this span of time. I thank you so much for your graciousness and loving
support, your prayers, your phone calls and the many expressions of kindness you’ve shown to us.
My husband and I began our ministerial journey together when we were married at Culbreth Memorial Church in Falcon, NC
on August 17, 1963. Our travels took us to Holmes Bible College in Greenville S. C. followed by 11 years of pastoring in the
Florida Conference where our 2 sons and twin daughters were born. After serving five churches in ministry (including the
Mother church of the denomination-The First Church of Goldsboro-for 27 years), having four children, nine grandchildren,
and forty-six years later, we found ourselves moving into the N. C. Conference Office on our Anniversary, August 17, 2009.
Yes, the journey has been exceptionally good, and yet humbling. The trip has had its curves, its
obstacles, the miles seemed long and weary at times (4 children and 600 miles from home in our
earlier years); but, for WHOM you were making the journey, WHO you were travelling with and
WHY you continued on when you faced the difficulties - - someway, somehow you were able to
keep your focus on the “WHY”. Our strength is in the WHY….and HE, Our LORD, is why you
continue steadfastly in the work of the Lord. Then you can look back and REMEMBER,
REMINISCE AND REJOICE over the faithfulness of our loving LORD.
My prayer…for the Father’s Divine Guidance and the Anointing Power of the Holy Spirit to rest
upon Brother Danny and Rose Nelson, who will follow us as the Superintendent’s family, and all
the leadership of this great conference.
With heartfelt appreciation for each one
Your Friend and Sister in Christ...
Regenia Whitfield
We would like to welcome the newest member to the Conference office family...Karina Jimenez Avila!
Karina is originally from San Jose, Costa Rica and has been living in the United States for about 14
years. She has been living in the town of Falcon for only a couple of months since she just recently
married Andrey Avila. Prior to living in Falcon, Karina lived in Greenville, NC for about 11
years. Karina is a graduate of Pitt Community College with a degree in Medical and Office
Assisting. She has been active in the ministry since very young and thoroughly loves working with
the community while expanding God’s ministry.
Karina is the new Administrative Assistant for Hispanic Ministries at the Conference office. We are so happy to have her onboard and
look forward to working alongside her and Director Fernando Angulo as they work to expand and cultivate our Hispanic congregations
in the North Carolina Conference!
Pastor Steve Ely
Passion Church | Oklahoma City, OK
North Carolina Conference
From the Vault:
Did you know? Due to an increasing
pattern of growth throughout the
conference, in 1915, a motion was
made to split the NC conference into
two separate conventions.The motion
was passed and in that moment, the
“Mother Conference” birthed the
Western North Carolina Conference
Conference) of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.
For your information: Is this your church?
100 Years since being accepted into the NC Conference of the
IPHC - According to 1915 Minutes:
Moore’s Chapel – Kenly, NC
Shiloh – Wilson, NC
75 Years – According to 1940 Minutes
A Church by the name of “Rock Grove,” located in what was then
known as the Tarboro District, was accepted into the conference.
50 Years – According to 1965 Minutes
Free Welcome–reporting from what was then the
“Whiteville District”
North Tarboro–reporting from what was then known as the
“Tarboro District”
Maysville–reporting from what was then known as the
“Jacksonville District”
25 Years – According to 1990 Minutes (p. 63)
Community Chapel of Erwin
New Haven in Fayetteville
Calvary Temple in Rocky Mount
Fall 2015
All meetings are from
Monday, 9/14/15
Trinity Lakeshore PH Church
714 Carolina Drive, Dunn
Chris Brown, Pastor
Rocky Mount/Williamston
Monday, 9/21/15
Tarboro First PH Church
700 W. Howard Avenue, Tarboro
Bobby Forehand, Pastor
Tuesday, 9/15/15
Snow Hill PH Church
207 Eastover Street, Snow Hill
Tony Lee, Pastor
Tuesday, 9/22/15
Chadbourn PH Church
518 N. Elm Street, Chadbourn
Donald Conway, Pastor
New Bern/Morehead City
Thursday, 9/17/15
New Covenant PH Church
1212 Fulcher Lane, New Bern
Ben Britt, Pastor
Thursday, 9/24/15
Shiloh PH Church-WD
5843 Shiloh Church Rd., Wilson
Elwood Long, Pastor
Important Information and Relevant Training
will be offered during these sessions.
ALL MINISTERS, please be reminded that your
attendance is required (any extenuating circumstances
should be relayed to the Conference Bishop).
PASTORS, please make plans now to attend your
respective Summit with your Leadership Team.
Multicultural Ministries
Psa 144:1 A Psalm of David. Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:
Psa 144:2 My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who
subdueth my people under me.
Psa 144:3 LORD, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him! or the son of man, that thou makest account of him!
Throughout history we are privileged to have the opportunity to witness the
prophetic word of GOD come to pass in the lives of many reformers, missions and
movements. In each case we will find that the spoken word of GOD would require the
faith, obedience, and participation of a people. God has always faithfully fulfilled HIS
promises! We can be assured that GOD is the same today as HE has always been.
Even as the LORD has been with HIS people throughout history, so shall HE be with
HIS people in the 21st century.
Despite the ungodliness of the culture we live in, the LORD remains our strength, and
will teach us how to war in this hour. Every facet of our lives needs to be impacted by
the influence of the Kingdom of GOD. We are privy to put our trust in our KING! HE
Director, Multi-Cultural Ministries
will protect us, give us wisdom and strategies, and equip us to occupy our territory.
NC Conference
May we pray for laborers to work the vineyard, as we move forward in the Apostle/Senior Pastor —Divine Empowerment Int’l.
910-391-3092 |
advancement of the kingdom of GOD.
August 14-15
Class: Knowing and Studying the Bible (MCP 1.01)
Instructor: Rev. Merrill Davis
Order: LifeSprings Kit # 4600101
Class: Old Testament Survey (MCP 2.01B)
Instructor: Rev. Jonathan Altman
Order: LifeSprings #2101700 (Book) & #4601421 (Study Guide)
September 11-12
Class: IPHC Articles of Faith & Government (MCP 1.02)
Instructor: Rev. Danny Nelson
Order: LifeSprings Kit #4600102
Class: Acts (MCP 2.02A)
Instructor: Rev. Paul Evans
Order: LifeSprings #2151393 (Book) & #4601422 (Study Guide)
October 9-10
Class: Effective Christian Outreach (MCP 1.03)
Instructor: Rev. Doug Bartlett
Order: LifeSprings Kit # 4600103
Class: New Testament Survey (MCP 2.02B)
Instructor: Dr. Ryan Jackson
Order: LifeSprings #2109645 (Book) & #4604122 (Study Guide)
October 23-24
PLEASE NOTE: In lieu of a December class, this year we are offering
our students the opportunity to attend the Mark Rutland Seminar on
“Church Growth”, held this weekend in Falcon.
Special Instructions: There are no Order in advance. To receive SOM
credit, students must register, attend the entire seminar, & submit a
reaction paper postmarked no later than December 1st.
November 13-14
Class: IPHC History—“Old Time Power” (MCP 1.04)
Instructor: Dr. Danny Rollins
Order: LifeSprings #2105772 (Book) & #4601005 (Study Guide)
Class: Topics in American Church History—“Changes & Challenges
from the 1950s to the Present” (MCP 2.12)
Instructor: Dr. Dan Woods
Special Instructions: Contact the instructor no later than October 15 to
learn how to obtain the materials for this class:
For more detailed information, or to register for classes,
please call the Conference office,
or visit
To order class materials, please contact
LifeSprings Resources: 800-541-1376 or visit
Dates for Spring Semester 2016:
Jan. 8-9 | Feb. 12-13 | Mar. 11-12 | Apr. 8-9 | May 6-7
Registration: $25 per person
(checks payable to NCWIN)
Send to:
Rev. Lydia Figueroa, PO Box 9346,
Fayetteville NC 28311
For more info 910-705-8055
Post Office Box 59
Falcon, North Carolina 28342
Prayer Corner:
Mrs. Westa Barefoot
Mrs. Lois Brafford Bradshaw
Mrs. Edna Cordon
Rev. Ralph & Mrs. Vadie Leggett
Rev. Jesse Parson
Revs. John & Edna Parker
Family of Rev. Haywood Price
Mrs. Helen Warwick (wife of
Rev. Horace Warwick)
Rev. Samuel Weaver
Rev. Shelton Whitman
New Assignments:
Bethel—Brandon Witt
Brock’s Chapel—Dell Murphy
Graham Memorial—Bill Hooper
Lighthouse—Larry Lilley
Nakina—Jerry Green
Wade’s Point—Gary Jones
Open Churches:
Moore’s Chapel
Praise God for a successful Rescission
Offer. 97.5% of all investors chose to
stay with the Loan Fund and continue
“Resourcing Kingdom Ministry.” The
Fund is currently undergoing the process to re-open
for new investments. We appreciate your prayers
and trust this stage will be complete in late July.
Your support, patience and prayers have sustained
us through this challenging, but necessary, process.
God has proven faithful AGAIN!
—Oris Hubbard, Loan Fund Director