2014 Annual Report (Download PDF 4.2 mb)


2014 Annual Report (Download PDF 4.2 mb)
“Life is…a sort of splendid
torch which I’ve got a hold of
for the moment and I want to
make it burn as brightly as
possible before handing it
on to future generations.”
The Community Foundation torch is
fueled by the generous people among us.
Here in the Wabash Valley, we are truly fortunate that there are
so many generous individuals, organizations and businesses
whose concern for the community generates the flame of giving.
We are fortunate, too, that through the Community Foundation,
that flame grows and intensifies, lighting the way to improve
quality of life for today’s and future generations.
The mission of the Wabash Valley Community Foundation
is to engage people, build resources and strengthen community
in the Wabash Valley.
The Wabash Valley Community Foundation will be the primary
steward of endowed funds and a leader that encourages
broad-based charitable activity in the Wabash Valley.
- George Bernard Shaw
Wabash Valley Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2014
2014 Donors
Ways to be
The Legacy of
Community Foundations
Harlan Fund
Benefits Hull Cemetery
Your Legacy
Fund Listing
$1 $1
There are Many Ways to
Lilly Endowment’s
GIFT Legacy
2014 Board
of Directors
and Committees
Generate Legacies
2014 Financials
Useful Will Planning
Guide Available
African Drumming
Healthy Families
Clay City Signage
Stories Along the Wabash
Wabash Valley Health Center
2014 Grants
2014 Memorials
and Honorariums
Generous People Generate Legacies For Generations
Dear Friends,
Of all the circumstances that came together –
location, resources, commerce, transportation
– to make Clay, Sullivan and Vigo counties
what they are today, none could explain
the culture of our communities without
one very human attribute: generosity.
many has been alleviated. Arts and culture have reached young
and old. Organizations have been given tools to help them serve
our diverse populations.
Throughout our history, generous men and women, rich and poor,
have stepped up to solve problems, provide education, cultural
opportunities, help the needy and promote the common good.
As our year came to an end, we received an unexpected
challenge gift from Lilly Endowment Inc.: the sixth phase of its
philanthropic initiative called Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow,
or GIFT. GIFT VI provides $1 million in matching money for Vigo
County and $500,000 each for Clay and Sullivan counties. At the
program’s end in March 2016, we will have added as much as $4
million to our permanent endowment, enabling us to significantly
increase the amount of money available to support local needs.
For example, Clay County owes much to Dr. Robert Maurer,
who helped to found the Clay Civic Memorial Foundation.
In Sullivan County, a similar spirit of generosity led Culbert
Sherman to start Mary Sherman Hospital and create the
Sherman Scholarship Fund, which provides significant aid to
county scholars. What would Vigo County have been without
entrepreneur Chauncey Rose, who donated generously to
education and to care of the sick, widows and orphans? And
yet, theirs is only part of the impact of charitable giving.
The Wabash Valley Community Foundation, which celebrated its
23rd anniversary in 2014, is a relative newcomer in our charitable
history. It is a vehicle for all of us to provide for scholarships and grants
to people and organizations who call this special place “home.”
This annual report chronicles some of the reasons that 2014 was
a very good year for the Foundation. Words and figures can shed
light on deeds, but it is difficult to grasp the enormous impact
that thousands of generous contributions have made. High
school graduates have seen college made possible. Hunger for
As our asset base grows, more resources are made available.
At the end of our fiscal year, we were managing 498 individual
endowments, an increase of 14.6% over 2013, and our asset
base had grown to $45.8 million, an increase of $4.3 million.
We are grateful to Lilly Endowment for this opportunity, but
now the responsibility shifts to you and me to generate the
matching funds. In the spirit of Dr. Maurer, Culbert Sherman
and Chauncey Rose, please consider how you can help. It is
your generosity that enables good to be done, for this and
future generations, improving lives and opportunity for all
who live here, and making the Wabash Valley a better place.
Fred Nation
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
The generous donors listed here have created
or added to legacies that are at work every day,
improving quality of life in the Wabash Valley.
Since it began serving Clay, Sullivan and Vigo counties, the
Wabash Valley Community Foundation has engaged donors
and volunteers from a range of generations. Quite often, an
individual or family will establish a named fund to honor
parents or grandparents.
For example, three generations of the Felstein family have been
generous donors to the Foundation. Allen and Millie Felstein
transferred the assets of his parents’ private foundation to create
the George I. and Rose E. Felstein Fund. Later, Allen and Millie
transferred the assets of their own private foundation to create
the Allen and Mildred D. Felstein Charitable Endowment Fund.
More recently, Allen and Millie’s grandchildren established
the Felstein Grandchildren Fund in Memory of Allen and
Millie Felstein. Other donor families with multi-generational
involvement include the Drummys, the McKees and the Shagleys.
G E N E R O U S P E O P L E Generate Legacies For Generations
2014 Donors
Banker/lawyer Frederick H. Goff, Cleveland, Ohio
Judge & Mrs. Dexter L.
Bolin, Jr.
Judge & Mrs. David R. Bolk
Ms. Leigh Ann Bonnet
Mr. Calvin L. Boone
Dalvin & Jean Boone
Mrs. Karen R. Borders
Jeff Boston Auction Service
Ms. Marilyn M. Bott
Baesler’s Market - Sullivan
Brad & Susan Bough
Bagnoche Promotional Products
Dr. & Mrs. David Bowden
Ms. Kay Abbott
Mr. Eric M. Abel
Jim & Vicki Bailey
Dave & Debbie Bradbury
Access Real Estate Company
Mrs. Catherine A. Baker
Richard & Leanne Braden
Mr. Gary L. Acree
Mary Add Baker
Ms. Jacquelyn Bradfield
Dr. Mary Ellen Adams
Ms. Melony Sue Baker
Ms. Meredith Addison
Mr. & Mrs. George G. Bakker
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C.
Mr. John R. Adkins
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Barker
Mark & Katy Bradford
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Ahlemeyer
Ms. Shirley A. Barnett
Nancy Bradford & Family
Ms. Kathy A. Baron
Ms. Susan Bradford
Mr. Jameel Ahmed
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Barr
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Bradley
Chris & Katie Aimone
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Barth
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold H. Brames
Bob & Lorraine Albanesi
Bartholomew County
Brampton Brick, Inc
Jack & Lana Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Allen
Ms. Sue E. Bass-Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Branum
Matthew & Dana Allen
Mrs. Christina M. Bauer
Mr. Kenneth Brauchle
Nancy & John Allen
Nancy J. Bauer
Ms. Jane Brazzell
Alpha Omega Masters
Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
Mr. & Mrs. William Bauer
Kathy & David Brentlinger
Mrs. Carol Valentine Baum
Nancy L. Brentlinger
AmazonSmile Foundation
Roberta L. Beaumont
Curt & Linda Brighton
Ambucare Clinic
Mr. Leroy A. Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Brill
American Legion Inc.,
Sullivan Post 139
Jacinda, Christie, Lisa
& Patty Bedwell
Brown Jewelers
American Legion Post
No. 197 Inc.
Mr. Gary M. Behan
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Brown
American Mortgage
Service Company
Bell Farms
Steven & Staci Shike Brown
Bemis Company
Ms. Judith M. Bengochea
Brown, Woodsmall &
Hinkel P.C.
Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd W.
Benjamin III
Judge Barbara Brugnaux
& Mr. Carl Bender
Ampacet Corporation
Doris Bennett
Ms. Judith A. Anderson
Office of Mayor
Duke Bennett
Mr. Gordon Bryan
& Mrs. Polly Gordon
AALCO Distributing Company, Inc.
American Structurepoint’s Community Service
Wayne, Betty & Toni Anderson
Tim & Julie Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar R. Branson
Ms. Linda Brown
Ms. Christine A. Buckley
Ms. Wendy D. Bennett
Buddee Extreme, Inc.
Mr. Daryl Andrews
Sue Bentrup
Bunch Nurseries
Beta Sigma Phi City Council
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Burdick
Bruce & Margie Anshutz
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beymer
Mrs. Betty Burkhart
Lainey Anshutz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Bezy
Bryan & Heidi Burkhart
Mrs. Barbara Archer
Mrs. Miriam E. Billman
Mr. Dan A. Armstrong
Mr. Bradley T. Bilyeu
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan L. Burlison
Jerry P. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bilyeu
Becky Buse
Patricia M. Armstrong
Bev Bitzegaio
Gary & Becky Busiere
Ms. Sara Arnett
Ms. Martha Bitzegaio
Mr. Nathan Busker
Art Spaces, Inc.
Ms. Beverly J. Black
Mr. Sylvester F. Bussing
Associated Roofing
Professionals, Inc.
Ms. Heather Khan
Ms. Bridget K. Butwin
Mr. Bill Aubin
Ms. Jean Blasingame
Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Byerley
Auto House, Inc.
Estate of Walter &
Katherine Bledsoe
Patrick & Mary Cahill
Ms. Ann P. Bloxdorf
John & Ann Caldwell
BMO Harris Bank
Mr. Robert Kevin Caldwell
Mr. Patrick Board
Mr. Joshua Canup
David & Joyce Boeglin
Capital Planning Systems, Inc.
Boilermakers Local 374
CARE Ambulance
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Azar
Ms. Dana Babel
Ms. Linda C. Badger
Mr. Robert Baer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baesler
Baesler’s Market
Jim & Rose Boland
Ms. Patricia Butwin
James & Ellie Caldwell
The Legacy
of Community
One hundred years ago, the community
foundation concept was born when
Frederick H. Goff led the creation of a
“community trust” in Cleveland, Ohio,
giving rise to a new philanthropy, a
new way of participating in community
and a new vision for the future.
The trust would pool the charitable
resources of Cleveland’s philanthropists
into a permanent endowment for the
betterment of the city. The interest that
the trust’s resources would accumulate
would be distributed by community
leaders to fund “such charitable purposes
as will best make for the mental, moral,
and physical improvement of the
inhabitants of Cleveland.” Within five
years, community foundations were at
work in Chicago, Boston, Milwaukee,
Minneapolis and Indianapolis.
Today – four generations later – our
Wabash Valley Community Foundation
represents the legacy of that original
foundation. Operating on much the same
concept developed in Cleveland all those
years ago, we are one of more than 700
community foundations in the United
States that collectively manage more than
$48 billion in assets and distribute some
$4.5 billion a year to community needs.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
The Charles L. Harlan family gravestone rests
among the many others in Hull Cemetery.
2014 Donors Continued
Charles L. Harlan was a U.S. Army
veteran and rural mail carrier with deep
family ties in southern Vigo County.
When he passed away in 2011 at the age
of 93, he was buried at Hull Cemetery
in Prairieton Township next to his
wife Ruth Jean and son Charles W.
Charles’s mother Ollie, who was a
Hull, was also buried there, and he
was concerned about the upkeep of
the cemetery where so many family
members were interred. He arranged
with the Community Foundation to
establish the Harlan Hull Cemetery
Fund to provide ongoing maintenance.
Mike Johnson, president of the Hull
Cemetery Association, said it was
often a struggle to get the funds
for maintenance, even to mow the
lawn. “This fund has certainly been
important for us,” Johnson said.
Upkeep like mowing, tree trimming,
brush cleaning and drive improvements
can be taken care of now.
“We have a long list of new projects
we want to do in the future,” Johnson
said. “Because it’s through the
Foundation, we know the money will
be there long after we’re gone and
someone else is taking care of it.”
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Ferree
Brian & Kim Doti
Ms. Grace Findley
Mr. & Mrs. David Doti
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Finzel
Mr. & Mrs. Dean F. Doti
First Financial Bank
First Financial Bank Sullivan
Carlisle Valley Irrigation, Inc.
Mr. Daniel Coulson
Robert & Mary Doti
Ms. Sue Ann Carnahan
Country Wide Service Center
Mr. Richard W. Dowell
Mr. Patrick J. Carney
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Cowley
Ms. Virginia Downing
Dr. Mary Ann Carroll
Coworx Staffing
Services, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Wil Downs
Mr. Ryan Carroll
Ms. Caroline Carvill
Cox Family
Keith, Joyce, Austin &
Brittany Drake
Mr. Jerome Case
Mrs. Cynthia Cox
Ms. Carole E. Dreher
Mr. Bruce Fisher & Family
Sue Case
Dorothy & Ray Cox
Doug, Janet & Troy Fisher
Central Wabash Valley Building & Construction
Trades Council
Mr. & Mrs. Guille Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Williams F.
Ms. Sallie J. Cox
Dorothy W. Drummond
Merrill Fisher & Family
Cox, Zwerner, Gambill
& Sullivan
Mr. William W. Drummy
Ducks Unlimited
Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos
& Newlin
Ms. Patricia DeCoursey Cercos
Harlan Fund
Hull Cemetery
Mike & Emily Dorton
First Financial Bank Trust Services
First Presbyterian Church
Ms. Margaret J. Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Fisher
Ms. Kelly Coy
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fleschner
Ceres Soluntions, LLP
Ms. Susan L. Crick
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Flowers
Chances & Services
for Youth
Dr. James & Mrs.
Beverly Cristee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
John Dugan
Duke Energy
Followell Real Estate, LLC
The Charitable Giving Card
Program of The
Community Foundation
of Middle Tennessee
Mr. & Mrs. John Cristee
Jim & June Dunbar
Mr. William J. Foraker, Jr.
Ms. Martha J. Crossen
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Duncan
Ms. Lucy E. Ford
Mrs. Susan L. Duncan
Forrest Sherer, Inc.
Ms. Pauline G. Cherry
Crossroads of
America Council
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Dunkin
Dr. W. Tad Foster
Ms. Joan T. Chervenko
Ms. Suzanne E. Crowder
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Dyer
Jim & Beth Foulkes
Ruby Saunders Christensen
Ms. Robin A. Crumrin
Mrs. Jeanne Fowler
John & Bev Christopher
E & M Farms
Mrs. Connie L. Francis
York & Noelle Chynn
CSX Good Government
Fund Pacmatch
Bill & Trish Eccles
Ms. Paula Frank
Lynne & Wayne Eckerle
Mr. William Frankel
Estate of Wilma J. Eckerty
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Edgerton
Fraternal Order of Police,
Terre Haute Lodge No. 85
Mr. Robert O. Effner
Ms. Lana K. Frazier
Jo Einstandig
Frederick Benson Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Ekstrom
Norm & Janie Elder
French Funeral Homes
Judge & Mrs. Michael H.
Friday Afternoon Club
Dr. Emeline Taylor Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Lant Davis
Mr. & Mrs. O. Earl Elliott
Dave & Janet Friedrich
Coca-Cola Refreshments
Ms. Kim Deakins
A Friend
Mrs. Kendra Cohen-Cook
DeBaun Funeral Homes
John H. & Mary G. Elmore
Coldwell Banker Troy
Helman Realtors
Ms. Susan C. Decker
Mr. John S. Elmore
Ms. Pamela Deeter
Embroidery Express
Mr. & Mrs. John Cole
Delta Theta Tau Sorority
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Emmert
Ms. Marlene Collett
Stan & Patrece Dennany
Energizing Indiana
Ms. Denise Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan E. Denney
Mr. Gene England
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Collins
Mr. J.W. Dennis
Mr. Donald C. Englert
Mr. Randy Collins
Derby Hill Equipment
Dr. Robert E. English
Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Mr. J. Bart Colwell
Dever Distributing
Company, Inc.
Essence of Red Committee
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Fultz
Chuck & Ginny Combs
Ms. Gretchen Holland Etling
Fund Evaluation Group, LLC
Commercial Interiors, Inc.
Luke & Ann Dever
Ms. Michelle Funkhouser
Committee to Elect Jon Ford
Tom & Laura Dever
John & Carol Pendergast
Community Chest of
Terre Haute
Ms. Susie J Dewey
Mr. Gabe Euratte
Thomas & Kate Dexter
Mr. Marc Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mrs. Jeanne M. Conley
Ms. Judie Dierdorf
Mr. Douglas W. Dillion
Ms. Norma C. Lemmon
Mr. & Mrs. Jose P. Garcia, Jr.
Mr. James Conner
Mrs. Mary Ann Conroy
Ms. Paula Dillion
Ms. Teresa D. Exline
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Garzolini
Mr. James R. Constantine
John & Rolanda Dinkel
Rev. & Mrs. Timothy J. Fagg
Mrs. Gauer’s 3rd Grade Class
Mr. Robert A. Coons
Tom & Susie Dinkel
Ms. Roseanne Fairchild
Gavilon, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Corley
Ms. Margaret Dirker
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Farmer
GE Aviation
Elizabeth S. Gelder
Corporate Square
Distributors Terminal
Farr & Associates
Ms. Bonnie Farris
Ms. Pearl L. Gemberling
Ms. Marie D. Cosby
Dixie Bee Elementary School
Ms. Beth Ann Fauber
Ms. Nola J. Gentry
Ms. Deborah CottrellSmudde
Mr. & Ms. Dan L. Doan
Mr. Troy E. Fears
Jim & Mary C. Gephart
Jerry & Cookie Dooley
Vern & Janice Fellows
Elmer & Liz Ciancone
Clabber Girl
Mr. Jefferey J. Claretto
Clay Business Women
Mr. Charles B. Clements
Mr. Daniel J. Cleveland
Mr. & Mrs. Jerre P. Cline
Robert & Bonnidell Clouse
Coalbed Methane
Operating Company, LLC
Ms. Martha Cornelius
Charles & Sandra Culp
Ellen Cunningham, SP
Ralph & Jan Cutter
Dr. Sheron J. Dailey
Ms. LeAnne Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Danielson
Data Management Services
Floyd-Hunter Incorporated
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Friedman
Friends’ GIFT Fund, a
component fund of the
Community Foundation
of Bloomington &
Monroe County
Friends of the Sullivan
County Public Library
Ms. Lauren Furrer
C. H. Garmong & Son, Inc.
G E N E R O U S P E O P L E Generate Legacies For Generations
Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Gettinger, Sr.
Kay Harper
Hunt Monument Works, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Kersey
Lighthouse Properties, LLC
Ms. Judy K. Harris
Mr. Hugh R. Hunt
Kesler & Kesler
Ms. Jessica Livingston
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Gettinger
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Harris
Mr. Larry Hunt
Mr. John A. Kesler II
Mr. & Mrs. Max Gibson
Harrison College
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Hustad
Ms. Ulla Kesler
Mr. & Mrs. William
Llewellyn, Jr.
Mrs. Patrica J. Gifford
Jim & Judy Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Hutson
Candy Kessel
Locust Street Company, Inc.
Mr. Carl Gene Gilbreath
Mr. Keith B. Hawkins
IBEW Local Union #725
Estate of Walter L. Kindrick
Ms. Susan C. Lonergan
Gill Township Class of 1958
Tim & Gail Hayes
Ms. Karen Long
Mr. John Heck &
Mrs. Sue Borders Heck
Independent Colleges
of Indiana
Dr. Dottie King
Gill Township Levee
Ms. Gail L. King
Ms. Trudy J. Longest
Mrs. Marsha Hedrick
Mike, Nicole, Tyler, Madison
& Abigail King
Yvonne C. Longfield
Douglas & Margot Gillespie
Indiana State Pipe
Trades Association
E. A. Gilman
Karen & Rod Heefner
Mr. Daniel V. Kingery
Ms. Terri M. Lorenz
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Giltner
Mr. Jacob A. Hellman
Ms. Jessica Kirchner
Mr. Al Gindale
Indiana State University
Center for Community
Troy & Suzanne Helt
Dr. Harold P. & Mrs.
Theresa A. Loveall
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Glendening
Kiwanis Club of Terre Haute
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Lowe
Ms. Madonna R. Glick
Mr. & Mrs. John D.
Indiana State University,
Office of the Provost
Mr. Thomas W. Kirchner
Industrial Supply Company
Mr. William A. Kline
Ms. Jaqueline L. Lower
Barbara & David Goeller
Cathy & Merv Hendricks
Ms. Freda Luers
Mr. & Mrs. D. Andrew
International Union
Operating Engineers
Local 841
Ms. Janella K. Knierim
Mr. Jonathan Goldbort
Mr. Robert A. Knierim
Mr. & Mrs. John Lukens
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Knotts
Ms. Johna Lumsdon
Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Knox
Mr. Rob Lundstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Koehler
Ms. Linda L. Lutz
Koffee Klass
Mr. Jim Luzar & Mrs.
Ella L. Ingram
The Gondeck Family
Ms. Sarah Jane Lookabill
Henry Bobe’s Trattoria
Italiano, Inc.
Ms. Claudette Irvin
Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Hewitt
Ms. Kristen Isbell
Janet Higgins-Jerry
J. Ford’s Black Angus, Inc.
Ms. Alyce A. Hill
Dorothy & Ed Jackman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hill
Ms. Gloria E. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. William Hine
Ms. Brent Jaco
Mr. Barry Hines
Jadcore, Inc.
Susan G. Koman Breast
Cancer Foundation Wabash Valley Affiliate
Mr. Ronald M. Hinsenkamp
& Mrs. Susan K.
Ms. Michelle A. Jahn
Ms. Eva Kor
Bill & Leanne Malloy
Mr. Derek S. James
Ms. Vicki Kosowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Manley
Mr. Cecil Green & Mrs.
Betty Niswonger-Green
Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Hisle
Mr. Timothy S. Jarvis
Chris & Phyllis Koszewski
Ms. Amy Mann
Mr. John Hochhalter
Ted & Judy Kraly
Dr. & Mrs. John Mann
Mr. Nate Green
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L.
Mrs. Carolyn W. Jeffries
Mr. Neil L. Marchese
Dr. Tara Jenkins
Ms. Mary E. Kramer &
Mr. Arthur B. Feinsod
Dr. Louis R. Jensen
Ms. Jean Kristeller
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R.
Good News Travels
Bobbie Goodman
Dorothy Goodwin
Ms. Cindy Gordon
Junior & Sue Goshen
Mr. & Mrs. David Goss
Gail & Norbert Gottschling
Meg Grandidier
Greater Texting
Green Crop Services, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Green
Dr. & Mrs. William D. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry K. Hoffa
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Irvin
Mr. & Mrs. Mak A. Koie
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Kollinger
Dr. Mark O. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. John S.
Ron & Reggie Magin
Michael & Susan Mardis
Mrs. Evelyn M. Greenwood
Ms. Helen Hoffa
Robert & Janet Jerry
Ms. Elizabeth A. Kult
Greggs & Reid CPAs PC
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hoffman
Bill & Dorothy Jerse
Marketability, LLC
Ruth Greiner
Camilla L. Hoffman-Patrick
Jewett Publications, Inc.
L.I.F.E. Among the
Ms. Maria Greninger
Mrs. Judy Hogan
Joe’s Italian Foods
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance
La Grange
Mr. & Mrs. H. Larry L. Martin
Bob & Linda Griffin
Judy & Terry Hogan
Mr. & Mrs. Branden Johnson
Ladies Missionary Society
Mr. & Mrs. Gene E. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Hoilman
Ms. Brenda K. Johnson
Gay Ladislas
Ms. Tracy Lynn Martin
Bill & Peggy Grimes
Mr. Ryan Hoke
Mr. Craig Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Hoke
Ms. Doris M. Grogan
Holiday Inn of Terre Haute
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Leon
Lake Wealth Consultants
& Insurance
Steve & Lana Martindale
David & Pamela Grimes
Mr. Clint Lamb
Ms. Peggy Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Holmes
Ms. Sherry E. Lamb
Mary Sherman Hospital
Mr. Louis J. Gudino
Honey Creek Collision &
Custom Paint
Mr. & Mrs. John Lambertus
Lois Massinon
Mr. Brett Lane
Mrs. Diane Gindele Mast
Greg & Angie Lansing
Ms. Lynn Mast
Mrs. Jennifer L. Jones
Mr. David E. Larimer
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Mattison
Ms. L. Sue Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Edman R. Lash
Judy & Bill Maxam
Mr. Terry Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Roger G.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mayfield
Ms. Jennifer Lawrence
Dr. C. Jack Maynard
Mr. Michael Lawson
Mr. Cary Laxer
Drs. Steven & Jamie
Don & Martha Layton
Mrs. Carolyn J. Mayrose
Legacy Professionals, LLP
Andy & Anna Lee McAleese
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R.
Ms. Beth McBride-Labrozzi
Ms. Mildred Lemen
Mr. Michael A. McCain
Ms. Lori Leo
Bob & Susan McCammon
Leone Stare Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray McCammon
Mr. Jason B. Lester
Mr. Jeffrey A. Lewellyn
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad W.
Samuel & Jo Ann Ligget
William & Susan McCarthy
Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Guell
George & Marion Johnson
Charitable Trust
Mr. Keith L. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Randall H.
Mrs. Whitney
Honey Creek Machine, LLC
Ms. Donna J. Gustafson
Ms. Sharon Horrall
Hadar Flooring, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Horton
Ms. Jane A. Hadley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hosking
Ms. Marylee M. Hagan
Mrs. Carolyn M. Houck
Mr. Jackie E. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Howard
Brandon Halleck
Jan Howell
Hamilton Center, Inc.
Mark Howell
Norman & Gail Hammer
Mr. & Mrs. Ward M. Hubbard
Kelly & Rick Hampton
Ms. Sharon Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Butch Hancock
William F. & Jolinda L. Keane
& Friends
Mrs. Lynn V. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hanna
Ms. Denise E. Keegan
Hulman & Company
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Harder
Ms. Roberta Mitchell Keirce
Ms. Marsha D. Harder
Humane Society of
Sullivan County
Norman & Carolyn Keiser
Ms. Karen L. Harding
Mr. John A. Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Burch R. Harlan
Dr. Paul Humphrey, DDS
Dana Harlan
Mr. Robert Hunley II
Hoosier Energy
Sydney Joyner
Jeff & Elizabeth Jungers
Michael T. & Carol A. Kalber
Heather & Josh Karnes
Ms. D. Joan Kasameyer
Ms. Barbara J. Keller
Ms. Mary L. Kelly
Bill & Mary Kent
Lida D. Kerlin
Ms. Susan L. Marr
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Martin
Martini Stirs Inc.
Larry & Patti Mayfield
Mr. & Mrs. Tom McBroom
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
2014 Donors Continued
Sharon & Steve Nicoson
Mrs. Paula Kay Ponsot
Chris, Alissa & Olivia Romas
Mr. Jimm S. Nidlinger
Mr. & Mrs. Rhaundel Porter
Doris Romas & Family
Mrs. Vivian F. Niemeyer
Ms. Carol A. Posey
Noon Investment Club
Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Powell
Matthew, Nicole, Isabelle
& Alex Romas
Mrs. Cindy McClain
Miracle on 7th St. Corp.
Norris Scale Company, Inc.
Mr. E. D. Powell
Ms. Rachel Romas
Lynn & Marsha McCool
Ms. Ann K. Mischler
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Powers
Mr. Ryan McCoy
Ms. Lorre A. Mishler
North American Latex
Rose-Hulman Institute
of Technology
Mr. Jerry W. McCullough
Mr. Joe Bill Misiniec
Northview Band Boosters
Ms. Gail A. Price
Miss Wanda
Rosemary Nudd, SP
Mrs. Rose Mary Price
Mr. & Mrs. Scott McCullough
Ms. Joan Misterka
Ms. Carolyn L. Nyren
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Prickel
Mr. Rickey N. McCurry
Dr. David & Mrs. Jerry
Penman Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Ocasek
Princeton Mining Company
Ohio Valley Gas, Inc.
Darrell & Karen Propst
Mr. & Mrs. John W.
Moats, Jr.
Mr. Rod O’Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Prose
Old National Insurance
Ms. Katelynn R. Moats
Dr. Robert H. Puckett
Old National Wealth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Drs. J. Robert & Diane J.
Dean & Brenda Rummel
Pat & Julie O’Leary
Quincy Recycle
Mr. Michael D. McCullough
Mr. James O. McDonald
Dr. & Mrs. Rodney McDonald
Mrs. Shirley McDonald
Ms. Kathleen R. McGarvey
Dan & Pam Price
Ms. Judy S. Ross
Tami Rotem
Ms. Maria Rowe
Richard & Joanne Rowe
Fred & Nancy Rubey
Mr. Al A. Ruckriegel
Rev. & Mrs. Paul McGlasson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W.
Dan & Diana McGrath
Janice L. Modesitt
Mr. & Mrs. Craig McKee
Alta Ooley
Jarren Mohanna
Ray & Ellen Quist
Dale & Nancy McKee
Sister Mary Moloney
Order of Eastern Star Twelve
Points Chapter 528
Mr. Jack W. Ragle
Ms. Elizabeth A. McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Monaghan
Marlowe A. Owen
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Monahan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Monarch Beverage Co.
P/S Inc.; Amoco/BP
Jiffy Mart
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Monroe
Pacesetter Sports, Inc.
Dr. John C. Ramer, Ph. D.
Mr. William Monroe
Jack & Mae Page
Ms. Eleanor Ramseier
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Col. & Mrs. Donald Moreau
Darice Palmier
Bob & Holly Sanders
Ms. Rogene A. Morge
Ms. Pamela G. PanganVarble
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L.
Don & Jean McMahan
Mr. Robert D. McMahan
Dr. Harriet McNeal
Ms. Elaine M. McVay
Ms. Nancy Measel
Harold & Malinda Medsker
Medical & Dental Staff
of Terre Haute Regional
Morrison Towing Service
Mr. & Mrs. John Ragle
Ms. Ilene Ralston
Patrick R. Ralston
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis E. Raubuck
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Runion
Mr. Michael S. Runion
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rusin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rusk
Dr. Muriel Drake Ryan
Paul & Ann Ryan
Sackrider & Company, Inc.
Mr. Joe Sanders
Ms. Helen D. Sapp
Partners for Resources
Raybestos Powertrain, LLC
RBW Logistics Co., Inc.
Mr. John Moser
Past Mighty Chosen
Ones Club
Steve & Kim Sappington
& Family
Ron & Cindy Readinger
Jim & Betty L. Moudy
Dr. Dipa Sarkar
Ms. Alpa Patel
Realty One, LTD
Ms. Patricia J. Mozley
Mrs. Lynne R. Reberger
Nicholas, Michelle &
Hannah Saucier
Ms. Jane A. Morse
Laney & Lu Meis
Mr. William R. Mozley
Patrick’s Restaurant &
Bowling Center
Meis Ventures, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Victor T. Mullen
Sharon & Jack Pattison
Waneta R. Rector Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Jason M.
Ms. Jeane Melendy
Ms. Janine Mullinix
Ms. Linda Sue Payton
Reddy Law Firm, LLC
Kathleen & Paul Saxton
The Melody Lounge
Mr. Rick Murdock
Peabody Investments Corp.
Dr. & Mrs. V. Venkat Reddy
Mrs. Christine Schellenberg
Mrs. Elizabeth Meneghini
Ms. Andrea Myers
Ms. Margaret J. Pearman
Mrs. Janice Redenbarger
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Schmisek
Louise Meneghini
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Myers
Ms. Betty L. Pech
Monte & Sandy Reece
Roger & Bobbi Schmisek
Barbara & Leon Mercer
Carol A. Myers & Rick Kellam
Ms. Michelle Reeson
Mr. & Mrs. John Mercer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Santhana Naidu
Pendergast Family Ltd.
Drs. Thomas & Norma
Mr. William M. Merrill
Dr. & Mrs. Peter M. Nalin
Ms. Jill Regan
Merry M.O.M.S.
Ms. Bunny Nash
Mr. & Mrs. James W.
Maxine Metz
Fr. John & Loretta Nasser
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Meyer
Fred & Nancy Nation
Ms. Greta Milburn & Family
Don & Gail Nattkemper
Milburn Pharmacy
Mrs. Emma Jean Neal
Mr. Dennis M. Miles
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Nee
Mr. & Mrs. Don Millard
Mrs. Dorothy Nemeth
Brad & Connie Miller
Mr. Fred Nevils
Mr. Bradley Thomas Miller
John S. & Kris Newlin
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Miller
Ms. Sara Newlin
Ms. Hazel E. Miller
Mark & Jan Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C.
Mrs. Mary Kate Miller
Newman Co., Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Max G. Miller
Mr. Bradley M. Newman
Ms. Rebecca L. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley R.
Rick & Kelli Miller
MillerWhite Marketing
Mr. Jack Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C.
Mr. & Mrs. Vince Milnes
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Newport
Mr. Brian Mimms
Ms. Leslie Newton
Joe & Pat Minnis
Jeff Nickels Family
K. Jane & Jerry Penry
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Perry
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Ms. Barbara J. Phelan
Mr. David R. Rector
Mr. Ronald G. Reeves
Retec, Inc.
C. J. Rhoads Income
Tax Service
Ron Rich, Northwestern
Mutual Financial Network
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Schomer
Mr. & Mrs. James R.
Ken & Linda Schoof
Mrs. Donna Schopmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Schrohe
Riddell National Bank
Ella & Paul Schutt
Mrs. Eleanor Cox Riggs
Mr. Donald T. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Riley
Susan & Don Scott
Rio Grande Full Gospel
Church, Inc.
Susan Templeton Scott
Piety Farms
Pigg Implement Sales, Inc.
Ms. Susan Smith Roads
Mr. Roberto Senderowitsch
Diane Pigg
Texas Roadhouse
Lucy Pigg
Anthony & Ellen Roberts
Richard & Alice Shagley
Dave & Jennifer Piker
Mr. David F. Robinson
Rick & Candy Shagley
Dr. & Mrs. Steven M.
Ms. Judith P. Robinson
Ann Shagley Sharp
Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Roby
Teri Sheckles
Ms. Judith Rodia
Mrs. Deanna R. Sheese
Nancy Rodia
Ms. Nancy Rogers
Mr. Bradley Shike &
Ms. Paula Fricchione
Ms. Sharon Polge
Mrs. Amy L. Roman
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Shupe
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Polky
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Roman
Ms. Tiffany Polmateer
Ms. Wilma M. Roman
Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Mary
Lynn Siefert
Ms. Sue Ann Phenis
Kelly Pierce
Judge & Mrs. P. J. Pierson
Pirtles Fast Food, Inc
Plumbers & Steam Fitters
Local 157 Advancement
Harry & Rosaline Secrest
G E N E R O U S P E O P L E Generate Legacies For Generations
Mr. & Mrs. James L.
Mr. John C. Wilkinson
Ms. Ann Venable
Ms. Holly M. Williams
Mrs. Eleise S. Thiemann
Veterans of Foreign Wars Lawton Byrum Post 972
J. Scott & Armeen M.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Stuckey
Bill Thomas
VFW Men’s Auxiliary #2459
Ms. Meredith Williams
Ms. Leslie A. Stultz
Ms. Eileen Austin Thomas
Williams Randall
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Thomas
Vigo County Association
of Actual Past Masters
Ms. Dorothy J. Smith
Ms. Tamara Styga
Ms. Lila Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Smith
Sugar & Spice Florist
Jeff & Sara Smith
Sullivan Automotive Group
Thompson Thrift
Development, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Smith
Sullivan County Abstract, Inc.
Bob & Marty Thompson
Ms. Kimberley Smith
Sullivan County Chest Clinic
Ms. Judy A. Thompson
Ms. Linda L. Smith
Sullivan County Community
Merrill & Emma S.
Sullivan County Credit Union
Mrs. Rebecca S. Thompson
Wabash Valley Correctional
Facility; Inside Out Dads
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Willis
Mr. Phillip C. Smith
Mrs. Robin Smith
Ms. Sandra Crafton
Wabash Valley Goodwill
Industries, Inc
Ms. Carolyn J. Wilson
Mr. Todd Smith
Sullivan County Farm
Bureau, Inc.
The Smithville Charitable
Sullivan County FFA Alumni
Mr. Thomas E. Thompson
Wabash Valley Herb Society
Tom & Clara Thompson
Ms. Teresa Wilson
Sullivan County Public
Ms. Patricia Thoms
Ms. Donna L. Snedeker
Wabash Valley Mechanical Contractors Association
Sullivan County Soil & Water
Conservation District
Ms. Lori Tingley
Ronald & Heather Winrod
Mr. Steve W. Songer, CEP
Wabash Valley Packaging
Bob & Nancy Tomey
Mr. Ralph E. Wagle
Sullivan Daily Times
Mr. Andrew L. Southard
Sullivan Elks #911
Mrs. Ruth A. Tooloose
Dr. Erik P. Southard & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Patrick
Beverly S. Spear
Sullivan Family Denistry,
Gregg W. Smith, DDS &
Neil L. Smith, DDS
Ann & Ron Speedy
Sullivan Furniture, Inc.
Ms. Lisa C. Spence
Sullivan Lodge 263 F&AM
Ms. Stacy L. Trhlik-Gough
The Spencer Group, Inc
Sullivan Rotary Club
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Tribble
Sullivan Save-A-Lot
Tribune-Star Employees
Springer Insurance &
Financial Services, Inc
Sunrise Coal, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard K. Trinkle
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Sutch
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Trinler
Springer Farms
Carolyn Sweeting
Mr. Nancy R. Tupa
Dr. James C. Springer
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Swihart
Ms. Connie Turner
Dr. & Mrs. Edward
Mr. John R. Springer
Mr. Chris Switzer
Dr. & Mrs. James A. Turner
Tom & Kay Weitekamp
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Yocom
Mr. Robert E. Springer
Sycamore Country Club, Inc.
Mr. Kenneth W. Turner
Dr. & Mrs. John C. Welch
Springhill Oaks Development
Sycamore Engineering, Inc.
Phyllis & Ned Turner
Mr. William M Welch
Mr. & Mrs. William R.
St. Mary’s Euchre Club
Wade S. Turner
WellFit, Inc.
Dr. Gary E. Staadt
Sycamore Trails RC&D
Council, Inc.
Mrs. Elizabeth Tuttle
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Stadler IV
Henry & Margaret Tamar
Mr. James Twitchell
Mrs. Ann Terese Wendecker
Mr. Richard E. Stamper
Danny & Claudia Tanoos
Tim & Kathy Twitchell
Mrs. Mary Werne
Linda Stanley
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R.
Taube, M.D.
Ms. Mary E. Tyler &
Mr. Mark R. Zettell
Ms. Gwen K. Wessel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Taylor
UAP Clinic
Jay & Patricia J. Taylor
Howard Unger Family
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Unger
TBM Building Services
Union Hospital Foundation
Larry & Martha Tempel
Union Hospital, Inc.
Westminster Village
Terre Haute, Inc.
Robert & Carolyn
Templeton Coal Company
United Actuarial Services, Inc
Weston Wabash Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William Tennis
Tom & Sally Whitehurst
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W.
Terre Haute Day Nursery
United Consulting
Engineers, Inc.
Terre Haute Economic
Development Corporation
United Steel Workers of America, Local No. 7441
Ms. P.J. Whitney
Terre Haute Park &
Recreation Department
UpTown Deli
Terre Haute Police
Department Beard Fund
Valley Group Insurance
& Investments
Terre Haute Regional
Milt & Suzanne Van Reed
Mr. & Mrs. B. Curtis Wilkinson
Mr. Keith A. Vanwey
Denise Wilkinson, SP
Terre Haute Rotary
Foundation Inc.
Allen & Gerri Varner
Wilkinson, Goeller, Modesitt,
Wilkinson & Drummy
Sigma Alpha Iota/Patroness
Chapter/Terre Haute
Ms. April Simma
Mr. Jack Slaby
Mr. & Mrs. John Robert Slack
Mrs. Carol Ann Sloan
Ms. Becky Smith
LeAnn W. Smith
Louise & Walter Sommers
Ms. Joanne Spann
Paul Stanley
Ms. Michel Starkey
Mrs. Sharon L. Stearley
Mr. John J. Stefancik
Steimel Communications,
Dr. & Mrs. Randall L. Stevens
Bill & Sally Stewart
Gary & Renee Stewart
Ms. Maya Stewart
Drs. David & Kathleen
H. Ingrid Stoelting
Dr. J. Lewis Stoelting
Ms. Joyce A. Stone
Peter & Leann Stone
Terre Haute Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Stout
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Strack
Terre Haute South High
School Class of 2003
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Strain
Terry & Beth Tevlin
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Thomas
Ms. Roxanne Thurston
Ms. Caroline S. Toth
Ms. RoseAnn Toulson
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Treash
Dr. Ann M. Valentine
Mrs. Jean Ann Veach
Mr. Richard C. Vining
Mrs. Barbara A. Vogel
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Voll
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Voll
Wabash Valley Asphalt
Company, LLC
Wabash Valley Blacksmith
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Wall
Ms. Brigitte M. Wassel
Ms. Judith A. Waters
Jim & Joyce Watson
Mr. Timothy M. Weaver
Eula M. Webb
Les & Linda Webster
Wednesday Breakfast
Club at Boo’s
Ms. Nicole K. Wessley
Charlie & Donna Williams
Ms. Rebecca G. Williams
Russ & Pat Williams
Steve & Carole Williams
Williamsburg Health Care
Williamsburg Health &
Rebhab Nursing Staff
Mr. Mark S. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Willis
Ms. Sandra J. Willis
Mrs. Ruth Ann Wilson
Mr. Curtis A. Winkle
The Winslow Family
Clyde & Priscilla Wolfe
Mrs. Marina D. Wolfe
Woman’s Department Club
of Terre Haute, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James Wood
Mrs. Frances A. Wright
Jan & Bill Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Wright
Wright, Shagley &
Lowery, P.C.
Thomas Wright Foundation
Mary Jane Wynne & Family
Mr. Donn J. Yarbrough
Youngstown United
Methodist Church
Joan Zaun
Dr. Anna M. Zimmerman
Sally Zuel
Mr. Josh J. Zuerner
Ms. Tammy S. West
Western Indiana Community
Action Agency, Inc
Ms. Carol S. Whitman
Wildlife Land & Resource
Management, LLC
Wiley High School Class
of 1953
All donors to the Community Foundation are
acknowledged, regardless of the size of their gift.
Should a donor prefer anonymity, the Wabash
Valley Community Foundation protects the
identity and confidentiality of the donor.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
Through the Foundation,
there are Many Ways to be
U S .
G E N E R O U S P E O P L E Generate Legacies For Generations
The generous people of the Wabash Valley can
make donations to the Community Foundation
in any of the many ways described here.
Thanks to the Lilly Endowment GIFT initiative’s
$1-for-$1 match, any gift made from August 1,
is the easiest way to donate, whether it is actual
cash or a check. The Foundation’s online giving
platform, Wabash Valley Gives is a convenient
way to give using a credit or debit card.
R E A L E S T A T E or
may be given to the Foundation. Of course,
all gifts qualify for a charitable tax deduction
in the year the gift was made.
A P P R E C I A T E D S E C U R I T I E S,
when donated, allow you to avoid paying
the capital gains tax while providing an
accompanying income tax deduction for
the current fair-market value.
2014 through March 31, 2016, will be doubled
when you give to a new or existing unrestricted
endowment fund. Your financial, tax or estate
planner can help you select the type of gift that
best suits your needs.
allows you or someone you choose to receive
an income for life from assets transferred to a
trust. The transfer also qualifies as a charitable
deduction, the amount of which is determined
by the age of the income recipient and the
payout rate. When the trust ends, the trust
remainder is placed in a permanent fund in
your name in the Community Foundation, with
the charitable distributions made in accordance
with your wishes.
may be created, which will not receive any gift
from you until some time in the future, perhaps as
a part of your estate plan. The Foundation will work
cooperatively with you and your financial planner,
attorney or accountant to create an endowment
that will ensure that your wishes are properly
followed when the deferred gift is received.
such as a bequest in your will, is one way you
can create your charitable legacy .
is a simple way to make a substantial gift
while retaining the right to a lifetime income.
The amount of income is fixed, based on your
age. When the income is no longer needed,
the remainder supports the charitable cause
you have selected.
L I F E I N S U R A N C E,
with the Foundation named as the beneficiary
and owner of an existing or new policy, allows
you an immediate tax deduction, which usually
approximates the cash surrender value of
the policy. Insurance premiums paid after
the transfer of the policy may be deductible
as a charitable contribution.
allows the Foundation to receive an annual
payment during your lifetime or for a specified
number of years. When the trust terminates,
the principal is returned to you or others
you have designated.
A T E S T A M E N T A R Y G I F T,
or T R U S T S
often require significant time and money to
manage. By transferring your private foundation
or charitable trust to the Community Foundation,
all responsibilities for reports and administrative
duties will be carried out by the staff of the
Foundation. Since the Foundation is a public
charity and does not pay excise tax, more
income is available for charitable purposes.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
2014 Board of Directors
and Committees
Generosity comes in many forms. Our board and
committee members generously volunteer their
time and talents to the work of the Foundation.
Our staff, board and committee members work to ensure that
our donors achieve their charitable goals.
A second generation of the “Foundation family” has become
involved in carrying out our mission. Ron Jones, Shirley
McDonald and Sharon Nicoson, the children of our first
founding contributors, Delmar and Betty Jones, have all
served on our board and committees. In addition, through
the years, a number of our donors’ and board members’
children have served on the Youth Grant Committee.
Renee Stewart, President
Fred Nation, President
Randy Collins, Vice President
Kay Weitekamp, President
H. Michael Lawson,
Vice President
Connie Turner, Secretary
Malinda Medsker,
Vice President
Jeff Perry, Secretary
David Doti, Treasurer
Daryl Andrews
Cynthia Cox
Lant Davis
Jo Einstandig
Jon Ford
Judy Harris
Daryl Andrews
Kandace Brown
Paul Harden
Jan Howell
Carolyn Keiser
Vickie Mace
Michael McCullough
Lawrence Tempel
Janice Knotts, Secretary
Clay Arnett
Jim Conner
Cynthia Cox
LeAnne Daniels
Tim Garrett
Judy Harris
Tara Jenkins
Jacqueline Lower
Rita Knotts
Malinda Medsker
Bob McCammon
David Piker
Jean McMahan
Lakshmi Reddy
Patti Mayfield
Nancy Rogers
Troy Orwig
Randall Stevens
Ben Springer
Renee Stewart
Nancy Tomey
Richard Vining
Howard Unger
G E N E R O U S P E O P L E Generate Legacies For Generations
Jacqueline Lower, Chair
Cynthia Cox
H. Michael Lawson, Chair
Daryl Andrews
Randy Collins
Curt Brighton
Earl Elliott
Jon Ford
Lant Davis
Mike Lawson
Max Miller
Jo Einstandig
Fred Nation
Fred Nation
Bill Lower
Dave Piker
Jeff Perry
Fred Nation
Rick Shagley
Lakshmi Reddy
Renee Stewart
Howard Unger
Kay Weitekamp
Lant Davis, Chair
Mary McLaughlin, Chair
Buddy Berry
Connie Turner, Chair
Nancy Brentlinger
Aaron Slater
Jan Cutter
Richard Vining, Co-Chair
Barb Wiram
Jo Einstandig
Jacqueline Lower, Co-Chair
Kimberly White
Connie Fowler
Beverly Cristee
Martha Knox
Emily Gedrick
Dorothy Goodwin
Fred Nation
David Piker
Jacqueline Lower
Lakshmi Reddy
Tara Jenkins, Chair
Tina Maher
Nancy Rogers
Jim Conner
Joan Zahn
Tom Templeton
Patti Mayfield
Cynthia Cox, Chair
Julie Bowers
Jodie Bledsoe, Chair
William Olah, Chair
Mark Metheny
Allison Crick, Co-Chair
Patrick Cahill
Aruna Namburi
Mary Ann Etling, Secretary
Jim Conner
Scott Small
Layla Ahmadi
Katherine Utley
David Doti
Andy Hendricks
Ward Hubbard
Fred Nation
Jeff Perry
Earl Elliott, Sackrider &
Company, Consultant
Timothy P. O’Donnell,
Fund Evaluation Group,
Kirsten Davis
Erin Etling
Richard Vining, Chair
Mallory Pendergast
Julie Baesler
Natalie Shanks
David Doti
Rosalie Shanks
Carolyn Monaghan
Elizabeth Trausch
Patricia Mozley
Lindsay Welker
Fred Nation
Sandy Reece
Richard Shagley, II
Rick Shagley
Logan Fenimore
Carly Mayrose
Staff, left to right: Ruth Hallam,
Kathy Davis, Beth Tevlin,
Kelli Miller and Kate Kollinger
Beth Tevlin
Executive Director
Through the Lilly Endowment
Community Foundation
Internship Program, the
Foundation has been able
to offer paid internships to
college students. Our interns
during Fiscal Year 2014 were:
Kathy Davis
Program Assistant
Ruth Hallam
Administrative Assistant
Kate Kollinger
Chief Financial Officer
Kelli Miller
Program Director
Jessica Beatty
Indiana State University
Jessica Pitts
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Alison Miller
Indiana State University
Carissa Yates
Indiana State University
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
Each of us has the power to improve the
lives of others, now and in the future.
As individuals, we do that by paying forward the good deeds
that have been done for us, generating a legacy of good for our
children and their children. Collectively, through our gifts to
the Community Foundation, we generate legacies that will last
forever. The Community Foundation is a generator, preserving
the original gift and distributing the investment earnings for
current needs. Each endowment fund is a renewable resource
for now and for generations to come. Throughout this section of
our annual report, we have listed 498 named endowment funds
established by our generous donors over the past 23 years.
Generous People G E N E R AT E L E G AC I E S For Generations
You Choose the Way You
Generate Your Legacy
Creating a fund in the Wabash Valley
Community Foundation is an effective and
efficient way to generate resources that
will benefit Clay, Sullivan and Vigo county
If you wish to generate resources for your
community to meet future needs, assist an
existing program or even start a new one, the
unrestricted fund will be your choice. Your
resources will be granted by local volunteers in
your county for purposes that are meaningful
and timely. Gifts to unrestricted funds made
now through March 31, 2016 will leverage
matching funds from Lilly Endowment.
Perhaps you have a particular interest in a specific
area or need. It might be the arts, education or
improved services such as health, recreation
or fire protection. The Foundation board will
award grants from your fund within the area
you have set forth in your fund agreement.
You may wish to have more involvement in
the annual distributions from your fund. By
choosing an advised fund, you may serve
on or specify who will serve on your fund’s
selection committee. Each year, you can
recommend a different charitable grantee.
communities on a perpetual basis. As a donor
to the Foundation, you can customize a fund
that will support the charitable purposes or
organizations that are most important to you.
If you are devoted to one or more charitable
organizations, you may wish to establish a
designated fund, thereby assuring that your
favorite charity or charities will receive annual
grants from your endowed resources.
Immediacy is an element in the Foundation’s
special projects funds. Perhaps a new project
emerges, a need arises or a nonprofit group
requests fundraising assistance from the
Foundation. Rather than establish a permanent
endowment, resources are generated to support
these “special” short-term goals now.
An agency may establish an agency endowment
fund for its benefit. The agency’s supporters
may contribute funds to ensure an uninterrupted
and dependable source of revenue to carry
out its work on a perpetual basis.
A scholarship fund will assist students with
tuition and fees to pursue a post-secondary
education. Unlike generic scholarships, a
scholarship through the Community Foundation
can be customized to incorporate the donor’s
preferences for a particular field of study or a
particular institution of higher education. Eligibility
of applicants, application procedures and the
amount and duration of scholarship support are
designed to reflect the wishes of the donor.
Creating a Fund during Lilly GIFT VI
Generally, to create a unique fund bearing the
name and purpose you select, a gift of cash or
assets valued at $5,000 or more needs to be
placed with the Foundation. However, from
now until March 31, 2016, Lilly Endowment
Inc.’s GIFT VI $1-for-$1 matching opportunity
makes it possible for you to establish a new
unrestricted endowment fund for only $2,500.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
$1 $1
L I L LY E N D O W M E N T ’ S
Individuals taking advantage of this
opportunity will double the impact
of their gifts to the Foundation’s
unrestricted endowment funds.
In 2014, for the first time in 10 years, Lilly Endowment
announced a new GIFT initiative. From now until March 31,
2016, the Endowment will match, $1-for-$1, gifts made to
the Clay, Sullivan or Vigo County Community Grant Funds
or any other new or existing unrestricted endowment
fund. Individuals taking advantage of this opportunity will
double the impact of their gifts to their community through
the Foundation’s unrestricted endowment funds.
Indiana boasts a greater number of community foundations
than any other state, thanks in part to the forward-thinking
effort launched in 1990 by Lilly Endowment Inc. The
Endowment’s GIFT (Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow)
initiative was created to strengthen and expand the
growth of community foundations in the state.
Unrestricted endowment funds allow the Foundation to use the
funds for an emerging or urgent charitable purpose or where
there is the greatest need. These funds allow the Foundation
to provide grants that focus on the quality of life with the
assurance that donor contributions will target improvements
where one works and lives for generations to come.
In 1990, fewer than one dozen viable community foundations
dotted the Indiana landscape, with combined assets of about
$100 million. Today, 94 community foundations serve every
Indiana county with combined assets exceeding $2.6 billion.
If you have a strong interest in your community and would
like to create a fund for its benefit, we encourage you
to consider creating an unrestricted fund. Your gift will
be doubled through March 31, 2016, and any charitable
agency within your community can apply for a grant from
unrestricted funds to start new or innovative programs.
A $1 million endowment-building challenge grant from the
first phase of the Endowment’s GIFT initiative in 1991 inspired
the creation of the Wabash Valley Community Foundation.
After five GIFT phases, our Community Foundation has been
the beneficiary of more than $8.7 million in GIFT funds and
has awarded more than $20 million in grants and scholarships
benefitting residents of Clay, Sullivan and Vigo counties.
Details of the GIFT initiative vary by county. Anyone interested
in learning more or taking advantage of this matching gift
opportunity should contact the Community Foundation.
Generous People G E N E R AT E L E G AC I E S For Generations
Generate Legacies
“Transfer of wealth” brings
opportunity to our three counties.
“Leaving something to the kids”
is the goal of most individuals.
This has been referred to as
the intergenerational transfer
of wealth, and it creates a
significant opportunity to
impact our communities.
Local organizations depend on the generosity
and forethought of community-minded
citizens to help them benefit our community.
When wealth transfers from one generation
to the next through wills and estates, dollars
frequently leave the local area as the inheriting
children live in other communities. Assets that
previously generated charitable contributions
to local programs and projects are no longer
available for local philanthropic purposes.
Over a decade ago, the Indiana Philanthropy
Alliance commissioned the Center for Rural
Entrepreneurship to study the transfer of wealth
in Indiana. Due in part to the number of baby
boomers approaching the time when they would
be passing their wealth on to their children, the
initial report projected a tremendous opportunity
to capture a portion of this transfer for the benefit
of our local communities in the coming decades.
The study was updated in 2010 to determine the
effect of the Great Recession on transfer of wealth.
The updated study projected that for Clay, Sullivan
and Vigo counties, the 10-year transfer of wealth
could amount to $1.75 billion that would transfer
from one generation to the next. If just 5% of this
projected transfer was given to create permanent
endowments in the Community Foundation to
benefit the local community, the grants from these
endowments would exceed $3.5 million each and
every year! With those funds, the community could:
• Enrich our children’s educational opportunities;
• Assist residents with their basic needs for food and shelter;
• Secure the future of our arts and cultural
• Revitalize our downtown and historic
• Provide emergency funds in the event of a
natural disaster or crisis; and,
• So much more!
When finalizing your plans to “leave something to
the kids,” consider including a bequest of 5% to
benefit your community. Your legacy will impact
your children and generations to come. Setting
aside 5% of your estate in an endowment fund
is a charitable investment that will enhance the
quality of life and encourage sustainability in your
community now and for generations to come.
Right now, if you earmark that money for an
unrestricted endowment fund and finalize your
donation by March 31, 2016, the impact of your
gift will be doubled thanks to the matching
opportunity currently available through the
Lilly Endowment’s GIFT VI initiative.
As an Individual,
You Can Generate
Your Legacy!
• Help leverage the Lilly Endowment Gift VI matching funds by contributing
now to a new or existing unrestricted
endowment fund for your community.
• Talk to your professional advisor
about including the Community
Foundation in your estate plans.
Include a bequest of 5% percent
of your estate for an unrestricted endowment fund benefitting
your community or an endowment
benefitting your favorite charitable organization or purpose.
• Tell others that you believe in
the future of our community
and encourage them to include
a bequest of 5% too.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
Fund Listing
First National Bank & Trust
Employee Fund
Dr. Paul and Nadine
Humphrey Charitable Fund
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Sullivan County
Ray G. Ingram
Endowment Fund
Beulah Ahlemeyer
Memorial Fund
Lilly Endowment Fund
for Sullivan County
Bill and Edna Ahlemeyer
Endowment Fund
John and Yvonne Longfield
Endowment Fund
Lewis and Eva Berry
Endowment Fund
Harold and Malinda Medsker
Endowment Fund
Brazil Rotary Community
Milam Family Endowment
Clay City Lions Community
Lorene B. and Malcolm Pigg
Endowment Fund
Clay Civic Memorial Foundation Community
Clay County Community
Foundation Board
Endowment Fund
Clay County Community
Grant Fund
Albert and Freda Eder
DeCoursey Community
Anna Ferrell Endowment
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Clay County
Lilly Endowment Fund for
Clay County
John E. and Karen E. Mercer
Family Endowment Fund
* Traci K. Miller
Memorial Fund
Herschel and Josephine
Morge Endowment Fund
Riddell National Bank - John
H. Riddell Memorial Fund
Spencer Miller and
Associates, L.L.C., CPAs
Clay County Community
Richard and Hila Zimmerman
Endowment Fund
Allomatic Products
Community Enrichment
Lois A. Andrews Foundation
Fund for Sullivan County
Black Beauty Sullivan
County Community Fund
Guy and Wilma Edds
Charitable Endowment
Fund - Gammie’s Closet
* Funds created in 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Lee, Jr.
Endowment Fund
Clay City Community
Recreation Fund
Volunteer Action Center
Endowment Fund
Salo and Mary Levite
Endowment Fund
Wabash Valley Long Term
Disaster Recovery Fund
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund
Rolene Moore Fund
Youth Grant Committee
Endowment Fund
Sullivan County Community
Foundation Board
Endowment Fund
Lukens Family Endowment
Walter and Katherine
Bledsoe Family
Endowment Fund
Curt and Linda Brighton Family Endowment Fund
Thelma Maxine Dever
Memorial Fund
Thomas and Susan Dinkel
Family Fund
* Gene and Wilma J. Eckerty
Memorial Fund
O. Earl and Tina Elliott
Family Endowment Fund
Allen and Mildred D. Felstein
Charitable Endowment
First Financial Bank
Community Fund
Thomas L. and Connie
L. Francis Charitable
Endowment Fund
Lavelda M. Goble
Endowment Fund
Steve Harris Memorial
Endowment Fund
Hulman George Family
Endowment Fund
Bruce Brentlinger
Endowment Fund
Tribune Star Christmas
Basket Fund
Andres Family Endowment
Sara Lou Fund
* Brazil High School
Class of 1957 Fund
Gershon H. and Janice K.
Loeser Endowment Fund
Henry and Geraldine
Adelman Memorial Fund
The Barnabas Fund
Landsbaum Endowment
William Snyder
Endowment Fund
James R. Piker, Ada A.
Piker and Virginia M. Ginter Memorial Fund
Targeting Hunger in
Clay County Fund
William and Joanne Wright
Family Endowment Fund
Primo A. and Sylvia A.
Andres Fund
Delmar L. and Betty L. Jones
Family Fund
Lilly Endowment Fund
Sullivan County Community
Grant Fund
Carol M. Starkey Kochell
Charitable Fund
MillerWhite Community
Endowment Fund
Brown Baggers School
Food Program
Endowment Fund
PMC Fund
Dana M. Burton Memorial
Endowment Fund
Jacqueline H. Phillips
Endowment Fund
Carlisle Community
Endowment Fund
Clay Civic Memorial
Foundation Advised Fund
Carl W. (“Bang”) and
Josephine M. Price
Memorial Fund
Cemetery Preservation
Endowment Fund
Clay County Hospital Health
Improvement Fund
Joe and Betty Dukes Family
Endowment Fund
Judge Silas D. Coffey
Memorial Fund
Leon and Roberta Sackrider
Endowment Fund
Gary W. and Judy A.
Schomer Family
Endowment Fund
Donald O. Springman
Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Academy of
Medicine Endowment
JAC (Job and Career) Fund
Merom Community
Endowment Fund
Lorene B. and Malcolm Pigg
Beautification Fund
Harry J. Stanley Memorial
Fund for Children of
Sullivan County
John Tipton Memorial Fund
Sullivan County Volunteer
of the Year Fund
* Richard C. Vining
Community Fund
Youth Endowment for
Sullivan County Fund
Wabash Valley Community
Grant Fund
Wabash Valley Asphalt
Endowment Fund
Wernsing Fund
White Family Endowment
Carbon Town Fund
Altrusa Foundation Fund
Larry C. Archer Memorial
Fund for Autism
Awareness and
Myrl and Marie Wilkinson
Community Endowment
Backpack Endowment Fund
J. Scott and Armeen
Williams Fund
Encouraging Access &
Success in Education Fund
David and Joan Zaun
Endowment Fund
Larry P. Fleschner Good
Samaritan Fund
Community Chest of
Terre Haute Fund
Home Packing Monument
Harlan Hull Cemetery Fund
James and June Conner
Civic Endowment Fund
Dugger Community
Endowment Fund
J. Carter Hale Memorial Fund
* Lloyd R. “Scotty” & Helen
Irvin Memorial Fund
Richard and Virginia
McHugh Fund
Sullivan Business and
Professional Women’s
Club Endowment Fund
Sullivan County Ag Day Fund
Sullivan County Women in
Giving Support “WINGS”
Georgia Marie Bird
Memorial Fund
Patrick and Mary Cahill
Endowment Fund
James and Beverly
Cristee Fund
Jerry and Jo Einstandig
Endowment Fund
O. Earl and Tina Elliott
Advised Fund
Gilbert and Virginia Gambill
Charitable Endowment
Pamela Gresham Angel Fund
* Guys Who Give
Endowment Fund
The Halo Fund
Jason A. Harvey Memorial
Endowment Fund
Terry Ho, M.D. Memorial
Jackie’s Garden Fund
W. Edward and Connie K.
Jukes Family Fund
Thomas L. and Patricia W.
Kelly Fund
Kiwanis Club of Terre Haute
Baldwin Kloer Endowment
Fred and Nancy Nation
Endowment Fund
Newman Family
Endowment Fund
J. Laurence and Barbara A.
Passmore Charitable Fund
Jack and Joann Ragle
Charitable Endowment
Henry Monroe Shagley
Memorial Fund
Sullivan High School
Athletic Fund
Vincent G. Sison, M.D.
Memorial Education
Program for Nurses Fund
Haley Kathryn Smith
Memorial Fund
100+ Women Who Care
Endowment Fund
Richard Alcock Memorial
Marilyn Scott Allen Fund
Mary and Don Smith Fund
Mary Ann Stadler
Memorial Fund
Terre Haute Bar Association
Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Cityscape Fund
Generous People G E N E R AT E L E G AC I E S For Generations
Terre Haute Day Nursery
Association Endowment
Col. Peter Baer Memorial
Terre Haute Regional
Hospital Foundation Fund
Mary Ann Carroll Fund for
the Sheldon Swope Art
Ralph and Helen Tevlin
Endowment Fund
Clabber Girl Fund for
Camp Riley
Veterans of Foreign
Wars, Post 972 Charitable
Endowment Fund
John Rogers Cox
Preservation Fund
Richard C. Vining
Endowment Fund
Herman and Coriene White
Charitable Fund
Miriam Fund for the Sheldon
Swope Art Museum
Educational Endowment
Susie Dewey Fund for the
Sheldon Swope Art
Marilyn Wheeler Pendergast
Foundation Fund for the
Sheldon Swope Art
Posey Township Volunteer
Fire Department
Endowment Fund
* Fayette Elementary School
Dictionary Project Fund
* Kathy Knox Memorial Fund
Mauri and Janice Modesitt
Dictionary Fund
North Clay Student Art
Collection Endowment
Penman Girls Operating
Endowment Fund
Marion and Marie Kattman
Sendmeyer Endowment
Fund for Poland Historical
Angels for Sullivan
Elementary School Fund
Angels for Sullivan Junior
High School Fund
Felstein Grandchildren Fund
in Memory of Allen and
Millie Felstein
George I. and Rose E.
Felstein Fund
Thomas L. and Connie L.
Francis Endowment Fund
for the Sheldon Swope
Art Museum
Fuqua Dictionary Project
Golish Family Memorial
Fund for Light House
Golish Family Memorial
Fund for Spay-Neuter
League, Inc. in Terre
Haute, Indiana
Goodwill Industries Tennis
Family Dictionary Fund
Charles L. Harlan Fund for Farmers Chapel Church
CAPE Endowment Fund for
Sullivan County
Hermine M. Haslem
Endowment Fund for
the Sheldon Swope
Art Museum
Paul Edmiston Agriculture
Education Fund
Nancy Hellmann
Educational Fund
Norma G. McNeill Fund
Helping Hand Endowment
Kay Aubin Memorial Fund
Leo and Virginia Pellum
Endowment Fund
Irwin and Mary Reiss
Operating Endowment
Fund for the Sullivan
County Community
Evelyn Peterman
Endowment Fund
Robert S. Ratcliffe
Memorial Fund
Community Kitchen
Endowment Fund
Ronald G. Reeves
Endowment Fund
Gill Township Volunteer
Fireman’s Operational
Scottish Rite Preservation
Mary Ann Shagley Fund
for the Sheldon Swope
Art Museum
Robert and Carolyn
Steinbaugh Fund for
the Sheldon Swope
Art Museum
Susan Templeton Scott
Dictionary Project Fund
Terre Haute Academy
of Medicine Fund
Terre Haute Rotary Club
Endowment Fund
Earl and Hazel Travioli
Charitable Endowment
Vigo County Public Library
West Terre Haute
Wabashiki Wetland
Observatory Fund
* Barbara A. Vogel Fund
for the Sheldon Swope
Art Museum
Wabash River Development
and Beautification, Inc.
Nonpermanent Fund
Merom Improvement
Association Fund
Merom United Methodist
Church Endowment Fund
Our Father’s Arms
Charitable Fund
Southwest High Schools
Alumni Association Cooper Endowment Fund
Sullivan City Endowment
Sullivan County 4-H
Endowment Fund
Sullivan County Community
Foundation Operating
Endowment Fund
Sullivan County Community
Hospital Foundation Fund
Sullivan County Public
Library Endowment Fund
Wabash Valley Dictionary
Project Endowment Fund
Humphrey Honor Award
Myrl and Marie Wilkinson
Endowment Fund
Sullivan County Soil and
Water Conservation Fund
Jamie Jacobsen Memorial
Endowment Fund
Karen J. Wright Memorial
Sullivan Presbyterian Church
Mission Fund
Sycamore Trails RC&D SCCF
Endowment Fund
* Fund to Honor Coach Paul
E. Weekley
Delmar L. and Betty L. Jones
Fund for Hospice
* Mary Kindrick Memorial
Danette Angermeier
Memorial Fund
Merom Conference Center
Endowment Fund
Jessie E. Hickman Fund
Mary Ellen Adams
Endowment Fund for the
Eastside Church of Christ
Humane Society of Sullivan
County Endowment Fund
Sullivan County Public
Library Genealogy,
Family and County History
Endowment Fund
Stairways to Success
Mentoring Program Fund
R.E.I.N. Center
Endowment Fund
Pfister Fund
Eileen Stith Jensen
Endowment Fund for
the Sheldon Swope
Art Museum
Jesse R. Sherwood Fund
Clay County Genealogical
Society Fund
Edmund J. and Mary R. Dede
Norma Lemmon Evans
Fund for the Sheldon
Swope Art Museum
Forest Park Endowment
Guido and Barbara Miescher
Endowment Fund
Clay County Community
Foundation Operating
Endowment Fund
Clay County YMCA
Endowment Fund
Roy E. Brown Memorial Fund
Esther MacBain Meeks
Memorial Fund for
Children’s Literature
Clay Community Schools
Chuck Miles Memorial Fund
Donna J. Doti Endowment
Angels for Eastside Fund
Harriet McNeal Fund for
the Sheldon Swope Art
Duane and Mary Alice Klueh Fund
Joseph A. Bray Detachment
471 Marine Corps League
Endowment Fund
Julie McLaughlin Memorial
Turman Township Youth
Foundation 2000 Limited
Annunciation Church
14th & Chestnut Community
Center Endowment Fund
Brazil City Fire Department
Safety and Equipment
A.L.L. – Washington High
School Nursery
Endowment Fund
Clay Youth Baseball League
ARC of Vigo County
Endowment Fund
Useful Will Planning
Guide Available
Not surprisingly, 64% of adults don’t
have a will, according to a recent
Harris Poll online survey for Rocket
Lawyer. Most of those, 57%, say they
just haven’t gotten around to it.
For many, the thought of estate
planning and drawing up a will
is daunting, and is a task that we
find easy to put off tackling.
The Community Foundation has made it
easier for you to “get around to” setting
up your will and estate plan with its
guide, “Planning Your Will and Trust.”
The guide encourages you to think
about how you want your assets to be
distributed at death and assists you
in gathering the essential information
your attorney will need to prepare a
will or trust to accomplish your goals.
Please take advantage of this
free booklet, prepared for you
by the Community Foundation,
by calling 812.232.2234.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
Fund Listing Continued
Bob Romas Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Camden Scott Romas
Memorial Fund
SERCOLBE Scholarship Fund
Leon D. and Nancy
Shake Huff Sigma Kappa
Scholarship Fund
James F. Jackson
Scholarship Fund
Area 7 Agency on Aging and
Disabled Endowment Fund
Sheldon Swope Art Museum
Endowment Fund
Roy W. Barnhart
Scholarship Fund
Art Spaces Endowment Fund
Sycamore Trails RC&D
Endowment Fund
Denise D. and John C. Bell
Scholarship Fund
Terre Haute Boys and
Girls Club - Max Gibson
Endowment Fund
Blair Endowment Fund
Dedia M. Sexton Scholarship
Fund for the Indiana
School for the Deaf
Brazil Business &
Professional Women’s
Club Scholarship Fund
Richard and Margaret
Shattuck Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Albert and Verna McKee
Memorial Scholarship
Virginia M. Buell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Everett E. and Fern A. Tucker
Scholarship Fund
Floyd and Irene Phillips
Scholarship Fund
Clay County Scholarship
Geraldine Ullery Scholarship
Robert and Barbara Deakins
Scholarship Fund
Dr. Robert K. Webster
& Wanda Webster, R.N.
Scholarship Fund
Jesse O. & Martha L.
Reynolds Scholarship
Boy Scouts of America,
Crossroads of America
Council Fund
Catholic Charities
Endowment Fund
C.H.A.N.C.E.S. for Indiana
Youth Endowment Fund
Clothes Closet Endowment
Community Christian School
Endowment Fund
Community Theatre of Terre
Haute Endowment Fund
Crossroads of America
Youth Orchestra
Endowment Fund
Davis Gardens Health
Center Fund
Dispute Resolution Center
Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Boys and Girls
Club - John G. Schmidt
Capital Fund
Terre Haute Children’s
Science & Technology
Museum Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Parks
Department Endowment
Terre Haute Symphony
Association Fund
Terre Haute Symphony
Association - Walter and
Margaret Reed Fund
TREES, Inc. Endowment
Gibault Fund
United Cerebral Palsy
Endowment Fund
Girl Scouts of Central
Indiana Fund
United Way of the Wabash
Valley Endowment Fund
Goodwill Industries
Endowment Fund
Katherine Hamilton
Endowment Fund for
Hamilton Center Inc.
Happiness Bag Endowment
Hospice of the Wabash
Valley Endowment Fund
Humane Society Fund
Albert and Freda Eder
DeCoursey Scholarship
Rob and Lisa Denker
Scholarship Fund
* Thomas H. & Mary G.
Elmore Scholarship Fund
Sam J. and Joyce E. Emmert
Family Fund
Barbara H. Fenton
Scholarship Trust
Kelly Fuqua Memorial Fund
United Way of the Wabash
Valley - Ada Hodge
Endowment Fund
Halie’s Rainbow-The Halie
Hite Memorial Scholarship
United Way of the
Wabash Valley Operating
Endowment Fund
Harry M. and Rosemary L.
Grandey Scholarship Fund
Vigo County Education
Foundation Endowment
Harriet Hicks Scholarship
Earl F. Hopkins Scholarship
Vigo County Historical
Society Endowment Fund
Mabel Kidwell Scholarship
Vigo County LifeLine
Endowment Fund
Roll and Dora King Moore
Scholarship Fund
League of Terre Haute
Endowment Fund
Vigo County Park &
Recreation Department Endowment Fund
Renis and Fern Knust
Scholarship Fund
Light House Mission
Endowment Fund
Vigo County Public Library
Endowment Fund
Mental Health Association
in Vigo County
Endowment Fund
Visiting Nurse Association
of the Wabash Valley, Inc.
Endowment Fund
* David & Jerry Penman
Mitchell Concertmaster
Chair Fund
Wabash Valley Community
Foundation Board
Operating Endowment
Ivy Tech Technology
Endowment Fund
* John Paul II Catholic High
School Endowment Fund
* Richard & JoAnne Rowe
Educational Fund for
Musical Arts
Saint Ann Clinic
Endowment Fund
Saint Benedict Church
Endowment Fund
Saint Joseph University
Parish Fund
Spay-Neuter League
Endowment Fund
Sumar Fund for the
Salvation Army
* Funds created in 2014
Wabash Valley Community
Foundation Operating
Endowment Fund
Wabash Valley Youth
for Christ & Urban Life
Endowment Fund
Western Indiana Community
Action Agency
Endowment Fund
World Gospel Church
Missions Endowment Fund
Albert A. Landes Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Roy and Louie E. Lucas
Scholarship Fund
* Traci K. Miller Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Janice Hart Modesitt, R.N.
Nursing Scholarship Fund
Rolene Moore Scholarship
Gary and Leesa Nesty
Scholarship Fund
Martha and Mary Ann Pedlar
Scholarship Fund
Max and Helen Pierce
Scholarship Fund
John and Myrtle Price
Scholarship Fund
Dedia M. Sexton
Scholarship Fund
Michael Ryan Keane
Memorial Scholarship
Esther Ruddell Ladson
Scholarship Fund
Reid & Nina Ross
Scholarship Fund
Sherman Educational Fund
Richard and Veada
Akers Medical Education
Scholarship Fund
J.P. Alexander Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Allomatic Products Machine
Trades Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth A. Bledsoe
Scholarship Fund
Jim Case Scholarship Fund
Janet Romine Chatfield
Business Award
Jeffrey Alan Cole Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Dr. James Harvey Crowder
Memorial Scholarship
Farmersburg Alumni
Association Scholarship
Dercie E. (Hawkins)
Simmons Education
Scholarship Fund
Sara W. Springer Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Sullivan County Purdue
Alumni Association
Scholarship Fund
Sullivan County Scholarship
Sullivan High School
Automotive Scholarship
Fred A. and Nannie O.
Graham Scholarship Fund
* Bernard C. Hoilman
Scholarship Fund
Brent and Helen Rentschler
Scholarship Fund
* Eleanor Jane Dixon
Hoilman Scholarship
Dan and Jane Robbins
Northview Marching
Knights Scholarship Fund
Leon D. and Nancy Shake
Huff Scholarship Fund
Senator Herman J. Fanning,
Jr. Memorial Scholarship
William Fenton Scholarship
Larry Paul Fleschner
Scholarship Fund
Gay Floyd, R.N. Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Don and Jane Fread Memorial Fund
Dr. John E. Freed, Jr.
Memorial Scholarship
Gerstmeyer Technical High
School Scholarship Fund
Glenn High School Alumni
Scholarship Fund
Lavelda M. Goble
Scholarship Fund
Sgt. Dale Russel Griffin
Memorial Scholarship
Robert P. White Elks
Charitable Fund
Walter and Katherine
Bledsoe Foundation Fund
David A. Gilman, Ph.D.
Memorial Scholarship
Lloyd and Lela Ewbank
Scholarship Fund
Valentine Family Scholarship
Evelyn W. Gettinger Indiana
University Scholarship
Gill Township Scholarship
Peter Anthony Duong
Memorial Scholarship
Don and Mary Goltry
Scholarship Fund
Joe and Dorothy Archer
Scholarship Fund
Chris Gilbert Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Vigo County Education
Foundation - Jennifer
M. Dunham Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Sallie Unger Scholarship
Sarah Geitz Scholarship
Fund for the John and
Eunice Organ Valedictorian
Scholarship & the Rex
E. Pierce Salutatorian
John D. Gettinger Purdue
Scholarship Fund
William W. Drummy III,
Rebecca A. Drummy, R.N.,
and Lillian A. Drummy,
R.N., Nursing Scholarship
Bentrup Family Scholarship
Charles F. & Nancy A.
Bradford Scholarship Fund
Dr. Charlotte M. Boener
Scholarship Fund
Charles Carter Hedrick
Memorial Scholarship
Jo Ann F. Johnson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Josh Kackley Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Vigo County Education
Foundation - John Kassis
Memorial Scholarship
Carol M. Starkey Kochell
Scholarship Fund
Beta Sigma Phi City Council
Scholarship Fund
Harold Paul Loveall III
Memorial Scholarship
Rex Buntain Tribune Star
Scholarship Fund
Jack Lower Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Fred Christman Scholarship
Tom McCarthy Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Rachael Dawn Clark
Memorial Scholarship
Avice McCrae
Scholarship Fund
Tina Clem Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Laura Brooke McDonald
Memorial Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. James O.
Conklin Scholarship Fund
Betty E. and Curt DeBaun, Jr.
Aviation Scholarship Fund
Hazel A. Dennis, R.N.,
Scholarship Fund
Dr. William W. Drummy
Memorial Scholarship
Nancy and Dale McKee
Family Scholarship Fund
John and Carol Myers
Scholarship Fund
Liane R. Page Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Generous People G E N E R AT E L E G AC I E S For Generations
Marilyn Wheeler Pendergast
Foundation Funds for:
- Indiana State University
Department of Marketing
- Indiana University School
of Law
- Rose-Hulman Institute of
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Literacy Initiative in
Clay County Fund
* Dr. John B. Pollock
Dentistry Scholarship
Dorothy Wurst Porter
Scholarship Fund
Sullivan Central Park
Project Fund
Ambrose and Miriam Rubey
Scholarship Fund
* Bob & Olive Sanders
Family Scholarship Fund
Gene K. Shike Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Travis James Smith
Memorial Fund
Elizabeth Smudde Memorial
Scholarship Fund
* Robert P. & Carolyn G.
Steinbaugh Scholarship
* Cameron Taylor Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Terre Haute Exchange Club
Annual Speech Contest
Terre Haute Junior Golf
Association Scholarship
Terre Haute Regional
Hospital Medical Staff
Scholarship Fund
Andy and Edythe Turner
Memorial Scholarship
VFW Post 972 Voice of
Democracy Scholarship
Humane Shelter of
Sullivan County Fund
Art Spaces Preservation
CARE Council Project Fund
Duke Energy Grants Fund
The Essence of Red
Committee Fund
Holiday Wish List
Indiana EASE - Vigo County
Grant Fund
* Kiwanis Club of Terre
Haute Project Fund
Richard and Veada Akers*
Hermine Haslem*
Waneta R. Rector*
Scottish Rite of Wabash
Valley Capital Project Fund
Daryl Andrews
Jessie Hickman*
Ron Reeves
Terre Haute Parks
Department Project Fund
Roy Barnhart*
Helen C. Rentschler*
Helen E. Hixson*
Jesse and Martha Reynolds*
Margaret Halleck Blair*
Leon D. Huff*
Reid and Nina Ross*
Frank Bledsoe*
Fred and Nancy Rubey
Walter and Katherine
Jeff and Shelley Hyatt
Roberta L. Sackrider*
Rudolf Jacobsen*
Gary and Judy Schomer
Charlotte Boener*
Eileen Stith Jensen*
Dana Burton*
Walter Kindrick*
Dedia Sexton*
Pat and Mary Cahill
Cuthbert J. Sherman*
Duane and Mary
Alice Klueh
Mary Ann Carroll
Carol M. Starkey Kochell*
Carl A. Smudde*
Esther Ruddell Ladson*
Ralph Spelbring
Nancy Crowder Cochran*
Randy and Debbie Stevens
Judge Silas Coffey*
Clarabelle Conklin *
Jackie Lower
Jim Conner
Louie Lucas*
Larry and Martha Tempel
Norma G. McNeill*
Terry and Beth Tevlin
Edmund J. Dede*
Norman Mendenhall*
Hazel Travioli*
J. W. Dennis
Harold and Malinda Medsker
Everett and Fern Tucker*
Wilma Eckerty*
Howard and Norma Unger
Jo Einstandig
Guido and Barbara
Allen and Millie Felstein*
Bradley T. Miller
George and Rose Felstein*
Rolene Moore*
Barbara Fenton*
Ted and Anna Nesty*
Chester W. “Pat” Patton
Sara Lou Joelson Garrard*
Evelyn Peterman*
Virginia M. Ginter*
Jacqueline H. Phillips*
Lavelda M. Goble*
J. Scott and Armeen
Harry and Rosemary
John and Myrtle Price*
Charles Harlan*
Jack W. and Joan Ragle
Terre Haute Parks
Department Project Fund Deming Park
Terre Haute Parks
Department Project Fund Dobbs Park
Terre Haute Parks
Department Project Fund Gold Medal Plaza
Vigo County Scholarship
Wabash Valley Community
Foundation Scholarship
Veterans Memorial Plaza
Project Fund
Erskine Lee and Eula Webb
Scholarship Fund
Wiley High School Alumni
Scholarship Fund
Myrl and Marie Wilkinson
Scholarship Fund
Bill Wood Insurance
Adjuster’s Scholarship
Wright, Shagley and Lowery
Scholarship Fund
Thomas J. Wright
Scholarship Fund
Kimberley Jeanne Fowler
Wulf Scholarship Fund for
Catholic Education
You, too, may become a Legacy
Society member by simply
declaring your intention to include
the Foundation in your estate plan.
No confidential details need be
disclosed, and if you wish to remain
anonymous, you can be a member
without public recognition.
Janet Sue’s Helping Hand
Terre Haute Parks
Department Project Fund Maple Ave.
* Wabash Valley Mechanical
Contractors Association
Scholarship Fund
The Legacy Society recognizes
those individuals who have made
arrangements in their wills or estate
plans to benefit the community
through a gift to the Wabash Valley
Community Foundation. We sincerely
thank them for their generosity.
Vigo County Park &
Recreation Department
Projects Fund
Wabash River National Road
Wetland Reservation
Project Fund
Wabash Valley Gives Community Engagement
YWCA of Terre Haute
Scholarship Fund
* Deceased member
Jesse Sherwood*
Dick Vining
Chris and Melinda Wall
Gwendolyn Wernsing*
Anna M. White
Coriene White*
Earl and Pam White
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
2014 Financials
A full copy of the audit can be found on our website.
A S S E T S Cash $
2 0 1 4 152,019 $
45,599,457 Office Furniture and Equipment Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Other Receivables Total Assets
118,732 107,072
(103,169) (99,292)
15,563 7,780
L I A B I L I T I E S & N E T A S S E T S 2 0 1 4 Agency Endowments
$ Scholarships and Grants Payable
HRA Payable
Annuity Liability
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
3,167,547 $ 1,012,391 12,028 56,705 4,248,671 2,970,663
38,601,300 304,577 2,612,491 41,518,368 34,912,449
$ 45,767,039
'92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 ‘14
Generous People G E N E R AT E L E G AC I E S For Generations
Public Support
Total Amounts Raised
Less: Amounts Received as Agency Endowments Total Contributions
Seminar Fees
Fundraising Revenue
Other Fees
Total Public Support
2,567,638 $
2,521,069 3,551 63,372 29,911
2,617,903 Revenue and Gains
Investment Income - Net of Custodial Fees
905,641 Investment Management Fees
Gain (loss) on Sale of Investments
1,797,116 Unrealized Gain (loss) on Investments
301,302 Excess Mgmt. Fees from Agency Endowments
35,310 Net Assets Released from Restrictions:
Satisfaction of Donor Restrictions
Total Revenues and Gains
Total Public Support, Revenue and Gains
Community Activities:
Total Grants and Distributions
Less: Grants Made from Agency Endowments
Total Grants and Distributions
Supporting Activities:
Personnel Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Occupancy Expenses
Development Expenses
Total Supporting Activities Expenses
Total Expenses
$ -
- - (90,911) 108,823 - -
- 2,567,638
- - -
- - 939,023
- -
108,823 195,754
38,601,300 $
- -
- T O TA L
- $
- -
108,823 $16,471,481
‘92 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14
Designated and
Agency Endowment
$ 41,518,368
Special Projects
Field of Interest
2,612,491 $ GIFTS BY FUND
3,688,851 C U M U L AT I V E G R A N T S
- $
- 33,382 -
108,889 57,463 -
433,094 186,241 34,362 79,130
Change in Net Assets
Assets at End of Year
1,276,505 Net Assets at Beginning of Year
1,324,386 (65,042)
1,259,344 Fundraising Expenses
Total Community Activities Expenses
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
FOR 25
Generous People Generate Legacies F O R G E N E R AT I O N S
The Community Foundation’s grant process takes advantage
of one of the greatest strengths of our three-county partnership –
the use of local volunteers to
determine the organizations
and agencies to be funded
within each county.
The hallmark of the Wabash Valley Community Foundation is that
local citizens make decisions about local grants. Each county has its
own individual review process and deadlines for granting available
unrestricted funds. Foundation guidelines place a high priority on
grant requests that prevent problems, are proactive and creative,
respond to the changing needs of the community, encourage
community cooperation and collaboration, leverage other funding
sources and make a significant improvement to our communities.
Included in this section are grant awards made in Clay, Sullivan
and Vigo counties in 2014. These grants – which honor our
ancestors; make us mindful of our history; preserve and support
the arts and culture; promote happier, healthier, safer children
and families; contribute to community improvements and
economic development and provide education for the leaders
of the future – have impact on our communities today and in
generations to come.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
John Rogers Cox (1915-1990)
Scales Mound, 1974
Oil on canvas; 35” x 45 1/8”
Given in memory and from the collection of Edward
Burch Ijams and Elisabeth Alexander Ijams, 2013.14
Conservation funding provided by a grant from
the Wabash Valley Community Foundation
Far left: Before cleaning (detail)
Middle: After cleaning
Below: During cleaning (detail)
“History…is the story
of us, had we been
born a little earlier.”
- Stephen Fry, “History Matters”
Past Generations
The world is changing rapidly and
sometimes we lose touch with the
importance of those generations that
have gone before us. In the Wabash
Valley, however, many individuals
and organizations are keenly aware
that an understanding of our history
and a knowledge of our ancestors’
trials and triumphs can ground us
and teach us much about ourselves.
Keeping the story of past generations
alive and within our reach has been
the goal of many projects funded
by the Wabash Valley Community
Foundation. Prime examples include
the effort to honor those who have
served in past conflicts with the
Vigo County Veterans Memorial
Plaza, providing resources to
study our ancestors at the Clay
County Genealogical Society and
the genealogy department at the
Sullivan County Public Library,
and preservation of past cultures,
historic landmarks and cemeteries
across the Wabash Valley.
In 2014, several grants made
significant contributions to
remembering the past and
preserving it for future generations.
Generous People Generate Legacies F O R G E N E R AT I O N S
Repairs to the Dresser House included new porch supports and
shutters and new plaster and paint to restore a damaged interior wall.
Works of art are as much a reflection of our past
as are landmarks, monuments and genealogies.
Last fall, the Swope Art Museum received a 1974
John Rogers Cox work, Scales Mound, from the
Ijams family. The painting depicts a rural scene
from an earlier era and features wheat fields and
farm equipment in the foreground, the mound
on the horizon and billowing clouds in the sky.
Long before Europeans and other
cultures arrived in the Wabash
Valley, Miami Indians made their
home on the land near the Wabash
River. Today, Native Americans like
those involved with the Sullivan
County American Indian Council,
Inc. (SCAIC), continue to honor
their ancestors and educate their
communities about their rich heritage.
The artist is a Terre Haute native who gained
recognition for his work in the 1940s and also
as the Swope Art Museum’s first director. In his
short tenure with the Swope, Cox acquired several
works by contemporary American artists that
remain at the core of the museum’s collection.
When museum staff assessed the painting’s
condition, they decided it needed conservation,
a very special technique used to restore
paintings to their near-original state.
The museum applied for grant funding from the
Wabash Valley Community Foundation to have
conservator Linda Witkowski treat the painting.
This included filling in small areas of paint loss and
cleaning accumulated grime, dust, nicotine, grease
and oil from the work’s surface. The $2,850 grant
came from the Lavelda M. Goble Endowment Fund,
the Andres Family Endowment Fund and the Walter
& Katherine Bledsoe Family Endowment Fund.
The Swope’s Executive Director Marianne Richter
explained that before and after photographs show
a dramatic change in the treated paining, noting
that “Cox’s vibrant use of color is shown to full,
glorious effect after treatment.” The resulting
stabilized and preserved work of the past can
now be safely shared with generations to come.
In 2012, archaeological research
identified an Indian mound site in
Fairbanks Township, Sullivan County, dating back
at least 1,000 years. SCAIC reached an agreement
with the landowners, Indiana Michigan Power
Company/AEP, to serve as keepers of the two
Woodland Era mounds. Council president Susan
Petoskey said council members developed the
cultural park on the site, Waapaahsiki Siipiiwi
Mound Historical Park (the Miami linguistic
spelling for Wabash River), so they can
continue to share their heritage with others.
SCAIC members volunteer to maintain the park
and provide educational opportunities for visitors.
They have created a heritage garden to restore
indigenous plant species, thus enhancing the
park’s educational value. At seasonal gatherings,
the group uses the garden’s wild sage and sweet
grass in ceremonies to honor their ancestors. They
have hosted garden clubs and church groups, and
they often receive plant cuttings from neighbors
to add to the garden. A $500 Sullivan County
Community Foundation grant from the Harold
and Malinda Medsker Endowment Fund helped
with the start-up of the heritage garden, which will
also benefit from a matching private donation.
Terre Haute native Paul Dresser is one of the most
important American composers of the 1890s,
and the author of Indiana’s State Song, “On the
Banks of the Wabash.” The Vigo County Historical
Society acquired Paul Dresser’s boyhood home
in 1963 and later moved it to its present location
in Fairbanks Park. This example of a workingclass home of the 1850s plays an important role
in the cultural experience of the citizens of Vigo
County. Visitors and Vigo County students tour
the home, and it is used for special events.
Last year’s especially harsh winter took its toll on
the house, and repairs were needed to restore
the building for events and visitors. “We’ve
been entrusted with this piece of our history,”
said the Society’s executive director Marylee
Hagan. “We need to keep it in good repair so
that people can learn about the birthplace of
the man who composed our State Song.”
The needed repairs were made thanks to a $10,000
Community Foundation grant from the Hulman
George Family Endowment Fund. These included
exterior trim, porch supports, shutters, siding,
gutter installation and mortar re-pointing, as well
as plaster to repair a damaged interior wall.
Plantings in the Waapaahsiki Siipiiwi Mound Historical Park heritage garden help members of
the Sullivan County American Indian Council honor their ancestors and share their heritage.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
Healthier Generations
ISU Applied Health Sciences students lead exercises and give demonstrations on preparing healthy foods
at a Women on the Move event.
In the Wabash Valley, where more than half the
population is either overweight or obese, and nearly
a third reports being inactive, adults and children
face the likelihood of developing chronic conditions
such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic
respiratory disease and hypertension. These
problems are exacerbated by the reality that a
quarter of people in Vigo County live in poverty.
Understanding that poor nutrition and physical
inactivity are habits that can be improved
through education and motivation, local health
leaders and organizations including United
“The awareness that
health is dependent
upon habits that we
control makes us
the first generation
in history that…
determines its own
destiny.” - Jimmy Carter
Way of the Wabash Valley, the YMCA,
Vigo County School Corporation, Vigo
County Purdue Extension and our local
institutions of higher education are
focused on combating this serious threat
through community-wide programs.
A number of Community Foundation
grants in 2014 were directed
toward helping adults and children
develop better health habits and
improve their overall health for
a future of healthier generations.
Generous People Generate Legacies F O R G E N E R AT I O N S
Youngsters at the Maple Center’s Youth LEAF program prepare
a salad while learning the benefits of eating healthy foods.
Faculty and students in Indiana State
University’s Department of Applied Health
Sciences are committed to promoting healthy
habits in the community. Under the direction
of Assistant Professor Darleesa Doss, they
planned and implemented the Women
on the Move to Healthy Eating event.
The goal of the program, which was supported
by several community partners, was to improve
the health of two at-risk groups – low-income
women and children – through nutrition and
physical activity education, as well as hands-on
experience in meal preparation and exercise. The
event also provided Allied Health students with
important experiential learning opportunities.
Participants at the November and December
event sessions, held at Booker T. Washington
Community Center, learned where to purchase
healthy foods and how to cook healthy, lowcost, easy dishes; took home a cookbook with
information on preparing those meals and snacks;
and even received pedometers and health tips
on ways to increase their level of activity. Applied
Health Sciences students helped prepare the
materials and present the demonstrations.
The Maple Center, Inc., a nonprofit
integrative health center, provides
health education and clinical services
to the Wabash Valley. Among its
many services, is the Wabash
Valley LEAF (Lifestyle Education
and Food) Program, an affordable
eight-week lifestyle-changing
course offered twice a year.
Childhood obesity is evident in the Wabash
Valley and was identified as one of the three top
health-related problems in the community. To
address this issue, The Maple Center developed
The Youth Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Program,
or Youth LEAF, for children ages 8 through 12.
Activities include healthy lifestyle and eating
habits, stress control and fun ways to exercise.
Supporting the program are UAP Clinic, Indiana
State University, Union Hospital Center for
Fitness and Performance, WICAA, CASY, Purdue
Doss said, “Our participants showed an interest
in future programs that focus on improving and
increasing healthy behaviors.” The program was
supported by a $1,500 Community Foundation
grant from the Landsbaum Endowment Fund and
the Wabash Valley Asphalt Endowment Fund.
Extension, Vigo County Health Department and
Vigo County School Corporation. To make it
possible for children in need to attend the Youth
LEAF program, a $3,000 Community Foundation
grant from the PMC Fund, the Gary W. and Judy A.
Schomer Family Endowment Fund and the Dr. Paul
and Nadine Humphrey Charitable Fund provides
scholarships to cover the $65-per-youth cost.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC)
launched the Pomeroy Wellness Program for
Vigo County to help improve the health of area
residents and expand the use of its new Jeanne
Knoerle Sports and Recreation Center. This
initiative is made possible through the support of
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation and
the Wabash Valley Community Foundation.
Except for activities in the local schools, the
western Vigo County area where the College is
located offers fewer health and wellness activities
than other areas of the county. Pomeroy Wellness
focuses on healthy lifestyle changes that residents
can practice throughout their lives and offers
classes like yoga, Pilates and total body cardio,
taught by instructors from the YMCA, as well as
healthy recipes, stress management tips and more.
The success of the program depended on
the participation of residents in the area, so
getting the word out was critical. A $10,000
Community Foundation grant from Lilly
Endowment Fund supported a comprehensive
campaign to market the program.
The program’s kick-off drew more than 100
people who came out to register, despite belowzero temperatures. Coordinator Jenn Kersey
said, “The turnout speaks volumes about
western Vigo County’s overall commitment
and desire to live a healthy lifestyle.”
Marilyn Byrd performs a health screening for April Simma (top) and Beth Neeley leads a Pilates session (bottom)
at a Pomeroy Wellness registration event at the new Knoerle Center.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
“It is up to us to live up to the legacy that was left for us,
and to leave a legacy that is worthy of our children
and of future generations.”
- Christine Gregoire
Lions Club members Marvin Meriele and Paul Elkins perform an eye exam for Kambo Harris at Kiddie Carousel Day Care-Preschool. She is excited to receive her book after the exam is over.
Future Generations
The Wabash Valley is well-known for its
generosity. Whether on an individual basis
or as part of a group, people here are never
hesitant about donating their time, talent
and dollars when there is a need.
This kind of generosity builds community.
Our donors establish legacies that make
possible the awarding of grants in Clay,
Sullivan and Vigo counties, many of which
are focused on building a better future for
the generations that will follow us.
Examples include planting trees in Brazil’s
Forest Park; beautification efforts in towns like
Sullivan and Carlisle; presenting dictionaries
to Wabash Valley third graders; building young
leaders through Terre Haute’s Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day program; mentoring youth in
Sullivan County; stocking the emergency food
pantry in Clay County and buying equipment
for the new Ivy Tech Community College Vet
Tech program. All these grants and dozens
more in 2014 will have the long-range effect of
improving opportunities for future generations.
Generous People Generate Legacies F O R G E N E R AT I O N S
The Red Cross is on the scene with meals as volunteers
make sandbags to protect property from rising floodwaters
in southern Indiana. The Delivering Hope program will help
Sullivan County prepare for disasters of this kind.
Lions clubs throughout Vigo County have
embarked on a Reading Action Program designed
to increase literacy rates by promoting reading
for preschoolers and their families.
Clay County’s Cultivating Responsible Adults
by Developing Education, Leadership, and SelfSufficiency (CRADLES) is a community-based
collaboration whose mission is to help studentparents take their place in local communities as
self-sufficient citizens within healthy family units.
Best known internationally for their work in
fighting blindness, Vigo County’s Lions clubs –
the New Goshen-West Vigo, Prairie Creek, Pierson
Township, Riley Township, Terre Haute, Downtown
Terre Haute and Terre Haute Evening Lions – have
been instrumental in making sure children receive
essential vision screenings.
Five years ago, with grant assistance from the
Wabash County Community Foundation, the
clubs provided equipment to assist the Vigo
County School Corporation in meeting State of
Indiana vision screening requirements. They also
purchased advanced vision-screening equipment
for use in daycares and preschools. Such
equipment can detect several vision problems
common in small children, including a condition
that may lead to amblyopia (lazy eye), which can be
reversed if caught and treated early enough.
Raymond Collins of the Riley Lions Club, who
heads up the effort to vision screen the county’s
preschoolers, said the clubs’ goal is to screen
every one of the more than 6,300 preschool-aged
children in Vigo County. “More than 20 Lions Club
member volunteers have been trained to do vision
screening,” he said. “Even though there are more
than 100 daycares and preschools, we’re making
progress every year as we’re able to screen more
Now, Lions International’s Reading Action Program
also gives local volunteers the opportunity
to provide each one of those vision-screened
preschoolers an age-appropriate
book to take home, promoting the
importance of parents and children
reading together. Books will be
provided with the support of a
$3,600 Community Foundation grant
from the Steve Harris Memorial
Endowment Fund, the Delmar L.
and Betty L. Jones Family Fund and
the Gershon H. and Janice Loeser
Endowment Fund.
With nearly one-quarter of the county’s children
living in poverty, it is the CRADLES’ philosophy that
only by educating parents and working in support
of families can the cycle of poverty be broken.
CRADLES of Clay County provides developmentally
appropriate childcare while parents improve their
education by finishing high school, preparing for
the GED and going on to further their education.
It also helps improve parenting and life skills.
With paid staff and volunteers, and supported
by 20 partnering agencies, this family learning
ministry has the potential to serve 36 children
and 30 parents at two locations – the Children’s
Pavilion at the Wabash Camp and Retreat Center
in Clay City and the First Baptist Church in Brazil.
CRADLES program director Mary Yelton said,
“We hope that by giving student-parents
this opportunity to learn, grow and become
contributing citizens who will in turn support their
children throughout their K-12 education, CRADLES
will change lives and impact future generations.”
A $5,000 Clay County Community Foundation grant
from the Anna Ferrell Endowment Fund, the Lilly
Endowment Fund for Clay County and the Richard
and Hilda Zimmerman Endowment Fund will
provide for childcare services through the program.
Site coordinator Evalyn Walton oversees children enjoying a sensory activity
at the sand table during their day at CRADLES’ Clay City childcare center.
Support from the American Red Cross can be key
when citizens and communities are recovering
from disasters such as the area’s severe flooding in
The Wabash Valley Chapter of the American Red
Cross serves eight counties in Indiana, including
Sullivan County. In 2013, 25 individuals in Sullivan
County received assistance after losing their homes
in a disaster. Knowing well that being prepared for
a disaster is much less expensive than responding
to one, the Red Cross is committed to increasing
Sullivan County’s disaster preparedness and ability
to bounce back with its Delivering Hope program.
The program will recruit and train at least 20 new
volunteers to provide a shelter to be set up in a
disaster where multiple families are affected. It will
also partner with schools, churches, civic groups
and government agencies to increase the amount
of disaster preparedness and fire prevention
education available in the county, and it will reach
at least 10 businesses with disaster preparedness
assessment and information. Businesses that
are able to survive a disaster and recover quickly
without closing for a long period assure their
workers of continued employment and the
community of economic stability.
The Sullivan County Community Foundation
provided a $3,000 grant from the Lois A. Andrews
Foundation Fund for Sullivan County, the Guy and
Wilma Edds Charitable Endowment Fund and the
Harold and Melinda Medsker Endowment Fund for
disaster response, volunteer recruitment, retention
and training supplies and program materials.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
2014 Grants
Art Spaces, Inc.
General support
Art Spaces Endowment Fund
Arts Illiana
Arts educational initiative
Lavelda M. Goble
Endowment Fund
Children’s Theatre of
Terre Haute, Inc.
Co-sponsor for
Aladdin, Jr.
Thomas L. and Connie
L. Francis Charitable
Endowment Fund and
Lilly Endowment Fund
Clay County
Genealogical Society
General support
Clay County Genealogical
Society Fund
Community Theatre
of Terre Haute
General support
Community Theatre of Terre
Haute Endowment Fund
Community Theatre
of Terre Haute
General support
Robert S. Ratcliffe
Memorial Fund
Poland Chapel
Historical Society
General support
Marion and Marie
Kattman Sendmeyer
Endowment Fund for
Poland Historical Chapel
Terre Haute Children’s Choir
Scholarships and new music
Hulman George Family
Endowment Fund and
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Terre Haute Symphony
General support
Terre Haute Symphony
Association Fund
Terre Haute Symphony
General support
Terre Haute Symphony
Association - Walter and
Margaret Reed Fund
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
Juried art exhibition
Danette Angermeier
Memorial Fund
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Edmund J. and
Mary R. Dede Fund
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
Preservation and/or
restoration of art collection
John Rogers Cox
Preservation Fund
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Miriam Fund for the Sheldon
Swope Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Marilyn Wheeler Pendergast
Foundation Fund for the
Sheldon Swope Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Sheldon Swope Art Museum
Endowment Fund
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Susie Dewey Fund for the
Sheldon Swope Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Harriet McNeal Fund for the
Sheldon Swope Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Hermine M. Haslem
Endowment Fund for the
Sheldon Swope Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Eileen Stith Jensen
Endowment Fund for the
Sheldon Swope Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
Acquisition of art
Guido and Barbara Miescher
Endowment Fund
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Mary Ann Carroll Fund for the
Sheldon Swope Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Robert and Carolyn
Steinbaugh Fund for the
Sheldon Swope Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Norma Lemmon Evans
Fund for the Sheldon
Swope Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Thomas L. and Connie L.
Francis Endowment Fund
for the Sheldon Swope
Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Mary Ann Shagley Fund
for the Sheldon Swope
Art Museum
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
Conservation for
Scales Mound
Lavelda M. Goble
Endowment Fund,
Andres Family Endowment
Fund and Walter and
Katherine Bledsoe Family
Endowment Fund
The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
General support
Fred and Nancy Nation
Endowment Fund
Vigo County
Historical Society
General support
Vigo County Historical
Society Endowment Fund
Vigo County
Historical Society
Building campaign
Community Chest
of Terre Haute Fund
Allen Chapel
Friends of Historic
Indiana Theatre fundraiser
Duke Energy Grants Fund
Chances and Services
for Youth
Dancing with the
Terre Haute Stars
Duke Energy Grants Fund
Chances and Services
for Youth
Kitchen remodel
Felstein Grandchildren
Fund in Memory of Allen
& Millie Felstein, Myrl and
Marie Wilkinson Commuity
Endowment Fund and
Lilly Endowment Fund
City of Brazil
Beautification of Forest Park
Roy E. Brown Memorial Fund
City of Brazil
Trees for Forest Park
Forest Park Endowment Fund
City of Sullivan
Paving at Center
Ridge Cemetery
Sullivan County
Community Grant Fund
City of Sullivan
Replace shelter house tables
John and Yvonne Longfield
Endowment Fund and
Harold and Malinda Medsker
Endowment Fund
Clay City USA
Refurbish the city signs
Clay City Lions Commuity
Fund, Clay County
Community Grant Fund,
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for Clay
County and John E. and
Karen Mercer Family
Endowment Fund
Clay County Parks
American Softball
Kids backstop
construction project
Brazil Rotary Commuity
Fund, Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for Clay
County and Spencer Miller
and Associates, L.L.C.,
CPA’s Clay County
Community Fund
Childcare for parents
returning to school
Anna Ferrell Endowment
Fund, Lilly Endowment Fund
for Clay County and Richard
and Hilda Zimmerman
Endowment Fund
Friends of Goose Pond, Inc.
Frog gigging event
Youth Endowment for
Sullivan County
Gill Township Volunteer
Fire Fighters Inc.
General support
Gill Township Volunteer
Fireman’s Operational Fund
Greater Terre Haute
Chamber Foundation
Terre Haute Tomorrow
Community Chest
of Terre Haute Fund
Hull Cemetery
Association, Inc
Preservation, maintenance
and beautification
Charles Harlan Fund
for the Hull Cemetery
Indiana Nonprofit
Resource Network
Nonprofit Learning Series
Wabash Valley Community
Foundation Special Account
Merom Conference Center
Re-roofing of Holt Hall
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Sullivan County, William
Snyder Endowment Fund
and Lorene B. and Malcolm
Pigg Endowment Fund
Merom Improvement
Assoc., Inc.
Basketball court renovation
Leo & Virginia Pellum
Endowment Fund, Lilly
Endowment for Sullivan
County and Lilly Endowment
Board Designated for
Sullivan County
Providence Food Pantry
Kitchen remodel
Lilly Endowment Fund, PMC
Fund and Leon & Roberta
Sackrider Endowment Fund
Ryves Youth Center
New flooring
Vigo County Community
Grant Fund and Lavelda M.
Goble Endowment Fund
Shelburn Youth League
New concession stand
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for Sullivan
County, Sullivan County
Community Grant Fund and
William and Joanne Wright
Family Endowment Fund
Sullivan County
Community Hospital
General support
Sullivan County Community
Hospital Foundation
Endowment Fund
Sullivan County
Public Library
General support
Sullivan County Public
Library Endowment Fund
Sycamore Trails
RC&D Council, Inc.
General support
Sycamore Trails RC&D
SCCF Endowment Fund
Sycamore Trails
RC&D Council, Inc.
General support
Sycamore Trails RC&D
Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Boys
and Girls Club
General support
George I. and Rose
E. Felstein Fund
Terre Haute Boys
and Girls Club
Gilbert and Virginia Gambill
Charitable Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Humane Society
General support
Earl and Hazel Travioli
Charitable Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Humane Society
General support
Humane Society Fund
Terre Haute Park and
Recreation Department
Terre Haute Park project
Terre Haute Parks
Endowment Fund
Generous People Generate Legacies F O R G E N E R AT I O N S
Students at Sarah Scott Middle School practice
their percussion skills on African drums as part
of a music program made possible by ISU’s
Community School of the Arts.
Indiana State University Photography Services
Terre Haute Park and
Recreation Department
Flowers at Maple Ave Park
Terre Haute Parks
Department Project
Fund - Maple Ave.
Terre Haute Rotary
Foundation Inc.
General support
Terre Haute Rotary Club
Endowment Fund
Town of Carlisle
Improvement and
beautification of
Carlisle Town Park
Jesse R. Sherwood Fund
Town of Center Point
General support
Center Point Town
Project Fund
General support
TREES Inc. Endowment Fund
Turman Township
Youth Foundation
General support
Turman Township
Youth Foundation
2000 Limited Fund
Vigo County
Historical Society
Repairs to Paul
Dresser house
Hulman George Family
Endowment Fund
A.L.L.- Washington
High School
General support
A.L.L. - Washington
High School Nursery
Endowment Fund
A.L.L.- Washington
High School
Rocking babies: purchase
of one new rocker
Terre Haute Day
Nursery Association
Endowment Fund
CANDLES Holocaust
Genocide awareness
Wabash Valley
Gives - Community
Engagement Platform
Clay Community Schools
Discretionary funds for
principal of Eastside
Elementary School
to advance students’
ability to learn
Angels for Eastside Fund
Clay County
Genealogical Society
New copier and lease
Bill and Edna Ahlemeyer
Endowment Fund, Clay
Civic Memorial Foundation
Advised Fund and Albert
and Freda Eder DeCoursey
Community Fund
Wabash Valley Community
Foundation, Inc.
Will planning session
for Sullivan County
Sullivan County
Community Grant Fund
Community Christian
School, Inc.
General support
Community Christian
School Endowment Fund
Wabash Valley Community
Foundation, Inc.
2014-2015 Nonprofit
Learning Series
Community Chest of
Terre Haute Fund
Dictionary Project
Dictionary Project
Mauri and Janice Modesitt
Dictionary Fund; James
R. Piker, Ada A. Piker
and Virginia M. Ginter
Memorial Fund
Wabash Valley Senior
Citizens Center
Repairs to furnace
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Gibault Foundation, Inc.
General support
Edmund J. and Mary
R. Dede Fund
West Terre Haute
Little League
Building a shelter,
bleachers and picnic
tables at the ballpark
Community Chest of
Terre Haute Fund
YMCAs of the
Wabash Valley
General support for
Clay County YMCA
Clay County YMCA
Endowment Fund
Gibault Foundation, Inc.
General support
Pfister Fund
Guerin Outreach Ministries
Tutoring program for
children and adults
Community Chest of Terre
Haute Fund; James R. Piker,
Ada A. Piker and Virginia M.
Ginter Memorial Fund and
Altrusa Foundation Fund
Indiana State University
College of Arts & Sciences
African drumming
afterschool program
Donald O. Springman
Endowment Fund, White
Family Endowment Fund
and Thelma Maxine
Dever Memorial Fund
Indiana State University
Early Childhood
Education Center
Patio improvements/
Terre Haute Day
Nursery Association
Endowment Fund
Indiana State University/
West Central Indiana
Small Business
Development Center
Support of training
for entrepreneurs
Lukens Family Endowment
Fund and John Tipton
Memorial Fund
Indiana University
Along the Wabash
Henry and Geraldine
Adelman Memorial Fund
and Salo and Mary Levite
Endowment Fund
Indiana Youth Institute
Youth Worker Café
in Vigo County
Thomas L. and Connie
L. Francis Charitable
Endowment Fund
and Lukens Family
Endowment Fund
Ivy Tech Community College
Computer updates
Ivy Tech Technology
Endowment Fund
Ivy Tech Foundation
Lab equipment at new
Humane Shelter
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Meridian Elementary School
Support for backpack
Clay Civic Memorial
Foundation Advised Fund,
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for Clay
County, Lilly Endowment
Fund for Clay County,
Spencer Miller and
Associates, L.L.C., CPA’s
Clay County Community
Fund and Richard and
Hilda Zimmerman
Endowment Fund
Merom Improvement
Assoc., Inc.
General support
Merom Improvement
Association Agency Fund
Northeast School
E-Books for North Central
High School library
Sullivan County Community
Foundation General
Endowment Fund
Northeast School
Projector & mic for Hymera
Elementary School
Sullivan County Community
Foundation General
Endowment Fund
Riley Township Lions Club
Steve Harris Memorial
Endowment Fund,
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund and
Gershon H. & Janice
Loeser Endowment Fund
Rural Community
Schools, Inc.
iPads for student use
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for Sullivan
County and Dana M. Burton
Memorial Endowment Fund
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
General support
Jessie E. Hickman Fund
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Marketing for communitywide fitness program
Lilly Endowment Fund
SEFI/Science Education
Foundation of Indiana
Vigo County Science Fair
Terre Haute Academy
of Medicine Fund
Southwest High Schools
Alumni Association Inc.
General support
Southwest High Schools
Alumni Association Cooper Endowment
SPPRAK in Vigo County
SPPRAK Pack for
Vigo County
Carl W. (“Bang”) and
Josephine M. Price
Memorial Fund and Allen
and Mildred D. Felstein
Charitable Endowment Fund
St. Patrick Church
General support for John
Paul Catholic High School
Terry Ho M.D. Memorial Fund
Stair Steps to Success
Mentoring program for
homeless, court-involved
or fostered youth in
Sullivan County
Stair Steps to Success
Endowment Fund
African Drumming
Indiana State University’s Community
School of the Arts (CSA) is the only
comprehensive educational outreach
of its kind in Indiana and one of very
few in the country. Through the CSA,
students of all ages, backgrounds and
ability levels can experience year-round
professional and affordable instruction
in the performing and fine arts.
The CSA’s African Drumming Program
reaches out to Terre Haute’s only Title
I middle school, Sarah Scott, with a
30-week afterschool music program.
In middle school, music and the other
arts become electives, and not many
students who want to take these
types of classes can afford private
instruction, so this introduction to
percussion may be the only opportunity
this predominantly underserved
population has to take music classes.
“The impact of this program goes
beyond the students’ enjoyment
and appreciation of music,” said
CSA director Petra Nyendick. “It
also provides creative and critical
problem-solving skills, strengthened
concentration and improved memory
skills that have been shown to help
students improve scholastically.”
A $2,875 Community Foundation
grant from the Donald O. Springman
Endowment Fund, the White Family
Endowment Fund and the Thelma
Maxine Dever Memorial Fund purchased
African drums for the program.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
A Hamilton Center representative shares safe-sleep
and other baby care information with a mother during
a Healthy Families session.
2014 Grants Continued
Sullivan County 4-H
General support
Sullivan County 4-H
Endowment Fund
Sullivan County American
Indian Council
of a heritage garden
Harold and Malinda Medsker
Endowment Fund
Healthy Families
For more than 40 years, Hamilton
Center Inc. (HCI) has been the area’s
leading behavioral health organization.
Its Healthy Families Program, serving
Greene, Sullivan, Vermillion and Vigo
counties, strives to prevent child abuse
and promote the importance of early
learning for all children. Now in its 20th
year, the program has served more
than 4,000 children and their parents.
Healthy Families’ intervention begins
as soon as a child is born, with homeand center-based activities that
provide resources, programming and
role models to help parents embrace
their role as their child’s first teacher.
Most current evaluation results show
that the state rate of child abuse and
neglect for the general population
is more than double that of Healthy
Families participant families.
In support of home visits, Healthy
Families provides materials such as
community resource information; safety
notebooks and printed materials on
child abuse, well-baby care, child safety,
positive discipline and more. Handouts
also include DVDs, developmental
assessments and screening tools.
A gift card is used as an incentive to
encourage interest and participation.
Recent funding cuts have caused HCI to
seek additional sources of revenue for
Healthy Families. A $4,000 Foundation
grant from the James R. Piker, Ada A.
Piker and Virginia M. Ginter Memorial
Fund provided materials for home visits
and incentive gift cards for families.
Sullivan County
Public Library
Support for the
Genealogy Department
Sullivan County Public
Library Genealogy,
Family & County History
Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Children’s
General support
Terre Haute Children’s
Science and Technology
Museum Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Children’s
2014 Fairytale Ball
Duke Energy Grants Fund
Terre Haute Children’s
Moonjars and materials
for budgeting program
Ray G. Ingram Endowment
Fund, Lilly Endowment Fund
and Donald O. Springman
Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Human
Relations Commission
Martin Luther King,
Jr. Youth Summit
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Vigo County Education
General support
Vigo County
Education Foundation
Endowment Fund
Vigo County Education
North Vigo High School
- Tote Bag Club
South Vigo High School
- Blanket Project
- School Essential
Bundles and Food Drive
West Vigo Middle School
- B is for Bullying book
- Heroes in Action
West Vigo High School
- West T Pride Day
Youth Grant Committee
Endowment Fund
Vigo County Public Library
General support
Vigo County Public
Library Endowment
Vigo County Public Library
Children’s literature program
Esther MacBain Meeks
Memorial Fund for
Children’s Literature
Wabash Valley Right To
Life Education Fund
General support of Right
to Life education
Terry Ho M.D. Memorial Fund
American Heart Association
Heart health research
The Essence of Red
American Red Cross
Building Resilient
Communities program
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Lee
Jr. Endowment Fund and
Hulman George Family
Endowment Fund
American Red Cross
Disaster preparedness
for Sullivan County
Lois A. Andrews Foundation
Fund for Sullivan County,
Guy and Wilma Edds
Charitable Endowment Fund
and Harold and Malinda
Medsker Endowment Fund
ARC of Vigo County
General support
ARC of Vigo County
Endowment Fund
Area 7 Agency on
Aging and Disabled
General support
Area 7 Agency on Aging and
Disabled Endowment Fund
Big Brother Big Sister
Start programming at
West Vigo Schools
James R. Piker, Ada A.
Piker and Virginia M.
Ginter Memorial Fund
and Carol M. Starkey
Kochell Charitable Fund
Catholic Charities
Terre Haute
General support
Edmund J. and Mary
R. Dede Fund
Catholic Charities
Terre Haute
General support
Pfister Fund
United Child Care Center
Student scholarships
James R. Piker, Ada A.
Piker and Virginia M.
Ginter Memorial Fund
14th & Chestnut
Community Center/UMC
General support
14th & Chestnut Community
Center Endowment Fund
Catholic Charities
Terre Haute
General support
Catholic Charities
Endowment Fund
Vigo County CASA
Daycare costs
James R. Piker, Ada A.
Piker and Virginia M.
Ginter Memorial Fund
14th & Chestnut
Community Center/UMC
General support
Col. Peter Baer
Memorial Fund
Catholic Charities
Terre Haute
Building campaign
Community Chest of
Terre Haute Fund
Vigo County Education
Support for school activities
and personal items for
children in need at Fayette
Elementary School
Nancy Hellmann
Educational Fund
American Cancer Society,
Vigo County Unit
General support
Earl and Hazel Travioli
Charitable Endowment Fund
Catholic Charities
Terre Haute
General support
Terry Ho M.D. Memorial Fund
American Heart Association
General support
Earl and Hazel Travioli
Charitable Endowment Fund
Catholic Charities
Terre Haute
Bunk beds for
Bethany House
Ray G. Ingram Endowment
Fund and Wabash Valley
Asphalt Endowment Fund
Chances and Services
for Youth
Youth Resources program
C.H.A.N.C.E.S. and Services
for Youth Endowment Fund
Chances and Services
for Youth
Smoking cessation for youth
The Essence of Red
Christian Foundation
for Children & Aging
General support
Pfister Fund
Clay Co. Emergency
Food Pantry
Food for pantry
Clay County Hospital Health
Improvement Fund
Covenant Cooperative
Ministry Inc.
Thanksgiving Food program
Duke Energy Grants Fund
Crisis Pregnancy Center
Medical testing supplies
Vigo County Community
Grant Fund, Terre Haute
Academy of Medicine
Fund and Jacqueline H.
Phillips Endowment Fund
Crossroads of America
Council, Boy Scouts
of America
General support
Boy Scouts of America,
Crossroads of America
Council Endowment Fund
Crossroads of America
Council, Boy Scouts
of America
General support
Robert S. Ratcliffe
Memorial Fund
Dispute Resolution Center
for the Wabash Valley
General support
Dispute Resolution Center
Endowment Fund
Families By Choice
CoOp to Feed
program support
Community Chest of
Terre Haute Fund
Family Service Association
of the Wabash Valley, Inc.
Counseling support for
Terre Haute North Vigo
High School students
with non-drug related
mental health issues
Jamie Jacobsen Memorial
Endowment Fund
Generous People Generate Legacies F O R G E N E R AT I O N S
One of the refurbished “Mayberry of the Midwest”
signs is stored at the sign shop awaiting good
weather to be reinstalled at the entrance to Clay City.
Family Service Association
of the Wabash Valley, Inc.
Breathalyzer and
copy/fax machine
Lavelda M. Goble
Endowment Fund and
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Farmers Chapel
Community Church
General support
Charles L. Harlan Fund for
Farmers Chapel Church
First Presbyterian
Church of Sullivan
Support for Community
Kitchen program
Community Kitchen
Endowment Fund
Friends of Families, Inc.
General support
M. Evelyn Peterman Fund
Gibault Foundation, Inc.
Support for Gibault
School for Boys
Gibault Fund
Girl Scouts of
Central Indiana
General support
Girl Scouts of Central
Indiana Fund
Girl Scouts of
Central Indiana
General support
Robert S. Ratcliffe
Memorial Fund
Hamilton Center, Inc.
General support
Katherine Hamilton
Endowment Fund for
Hamilton Center, Inc.
Hamilton Center, Inc.
Healthy Families program
James R. Piker, Ada A.
Piker and Virginia M.
Ginter Memorial Fund
Harmony Haven, Inc.
General support
Newman Family
Endowment Fund
Humane Society of
Sullivan County
Preventive medicine
Lilly Endowment Fund
for Sullivan County,
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Sullivan County and Harold
and Malinda Medsker
Endowment Fund
Humane Society of
Sullivan County
General support
Humane Society of Sullivan
County Endowment Fund
Indiana State University
Bayh College of Education
Acquire ADOS-2
Larry C. Archer Memorial
Fund for Autism Awareness
and Understanding
Indiana State University
College of Nursing
Women on the Move to
Healthy Eating program
Landsbaum Endowment
Fund and Wabash Valley
Asphalt Endowment Fund
Lewis Township Volunteer
Fire Department
Fire prevention week
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Clay County and Hershel
and Josephine Morge
Endowment Fund
Light House Mission, Inc.
General support
Edmund J. and Mary
R. Dede Fund
Light House Mission, Inc.
General support
Helping Hand
Endowment Fund
Light House Mission, Inc.
New computers
Community Chest of
Terre Haute Fund
Maple Center, Inc.
Healthy Weight and Lifestyle
Program for Youth
PMC Fund, Gary W. and
Judy A. Schomer Family
Endowment Fund and
Dr. Paul and Nadine
Humphrey Charitable Fund
Mary’s Children, Inc.
General support
Donna J. Doti
Endowment Fund
Mental Health America
General support
Mental Health Association
in Vigo County
Endowment Fund
Foundation for the National
Institutes of Health
Heart health research
The Essence of Red
Shriners Hospitals
for Children
General support
George I. and Rose
E. Felstein Fund
Next Step Foundation, Inc.
Equipment to outfit daycare
center for residents
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund, Thomas
and Susan Dinkel Family
Fund and O. Earl and Tina
Elliott Family Endowment
Sisters of Providence
CPR Training for White
Violet Center
The Essence of Red
Open Arms Christian
General support
Norma G. McNeill Fund
Our Father’s Arms, Inc.
General support
Anonymous Fund
Our Father’s Arms, Inc.
Brown Baggers program
Brown Baggers School Food
Program Endowment Fund
Our Father’s Arms, Inc.
Food for those in need
Allomatic Products
Community Endowment
Fund, Black Beauty Sullivan
County Community Fund
and Lilly Endowment
Board Designated Fund
for Sullivan County
Parke Co. EMS
Pads & equipment for AEDs
The Essence of Red
Purdue Extension
Vermillion County
Pedometers for 10,000
steps program
The Essence of Red
Richard L. Roudebush
VA Medical Center
Support for the veterans
Joseph A. Bray Detachment
471 Marine Corps League
Endowment Fund
Missionaries of
Charity - Bronx, NY
General support
Pfister Fund
Riley Memorial Association
General support
for Camp Riley
Clabber Girl Fund
for Camp Riley
Mother Theodore
Corporation IV
General support
Pfister Fund
Riley Memorial Association
General support
George I. and Rose
E. Felstein Fund
Mount Pleasant United
Methodist Church
Celebrate Recovery
program support
Newman Family
Endowment Fund
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Power of the Purse
Duke Energy Grants Fund
Salvation Army
General support
Sumar Fund for the
Salvation Army
Spay-Neuter League
General support
Spay-Neuter League
Endowment Fund
St. Vincent Clay Hospital
Festival of Trees
Duke Energy Grants Fund
Sullivan County
Auditor’s Office
Sullivan County Supervised
Visitation Center
Sullivan County
Community Grant Fund
Sullivan County
Community Hospital
General support
Leo & Virginia Pellum
Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Boys
and Girls Club
General support
Jessie E. Hickman Fund
Terre Haute Boys
and Girls Club
General support
Terre Haute Boys and
Girls Club - Max Gibson
Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Boys
and Girls Club
Support for capital projects
Terre Haute Boys and Girls
Club - John G. Schmidt
Capital Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Boys
and Girls Club
Early Bird Day Camp
tuition scholarships
David and Joan Zaun
Endowment Fund, Curt
& Linda Brighton Family
Endowment Fund and
Lilly Endowment Fund
Terre Haute Junior
Tennis Association
Support for the
2014 Tournament
Mary Ann Stadler
Memorial Fund
The League of Terre Haute
General support
Clothes Closet
Endowment Fund
The League of Terre Haute
General support
League of Terre Haute
Endowment Fund
Clay City Signage
Hometown values are all-important in
the southern Clay County community
of Clay City, described by a visitor
as “a throwback to the days when
people waved to friends, knew
neighbors on a first-name basis
and took time to enjoy visitors.”
Since 1999, Clay City USA Foundation
has been working for the betterment of
the town, converting an old downtown
gas station into a welcome center,
supporting creation of a community
library and sponsoring community
events. Wishing to have people
identify Clay City with the family values
portrayed on the 1960s television
show, “The Andy Griffith Show,”
which took place in fictional Mayberry,
North Carolina, the group nicknamed
its town “Mayberry of the Midwest.”
For years, travelers entering town from
every direction have been greeted with
signs welcoming them to “Mayberry
of the Midwest.” The signs had fallen
into disrepair and needed restoration,
which include painting, metal work
and minor fabrication, to give visitors
a better first impression of the town.
Clay City USA went to the Clay County
Community Foundation for grant
assistance to cover the cost, which was
provided by a $5,050 grant from the Clay
City Lions Community Fund, the Clay
County Community Grant Fund, the Lilly
Endowment Board Designated Fund for
Clay County and the John E. and Karen
Mercer Family Endowment Fund.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
Passengers prepare to board a barge, pushed by the
steamer E. Rutledge, at a time when river travel and
trade was common scene along the Wabash River.
2014 Grants Continued
Tribune Star Christmas
Basket program
Food for baskets
Tribune Star Christmas
Basket Fund
Union Hospital
Foundation, Inc.
General support
George I. and Rose
E. Felstein Fund
Stories Along
the Wabash
Certainly the 2013 “Year of the River”
celebration gave us all an awareness
of the rich heritage of the Wabash
River and our ancestors’ strong ties
to and deep dependence on the State
River of Indiana. As Board President
Fred Nation put it, the Wabash is, “in
many ways…why we are here.”
This year, WTIU Public Television came
to the Wabash Valley Community
Foundation with a request to support
the production of Along the Wabash:
The State River of Indiana in Seven
Vignettes. The one-hour special will
illustrate major events in history with ties
to the Wabash and stories of everyday
people whose lives and livelihoods
depended on the river. Producer
Suzanne Schwibs made several visits
to the Wabash Valley to research
aspects of the river’s influence here,
including late 19th century pearl fishing
and manufacture of pearl buttons.
Set to air in March 2016, the state’s
bicentennial year, the program will
connect viewers with past generations
and highlight the importance of the
Wabash River as a setting for events
that shaped Indiana and, ultimately,
our lives today. Supporting the
production of Along the Wabash
is a $6,000 Foundation grant from
the Henry & Geraldine Adelman
Memorial Fund and the Salo &
Mary Levite Endowment Fund.
Union Hospital
Foundation, Inc.
General support
Jessie E. Hickman Fund
United Cerebral Palsy
General support
United Cerebral Palsy
Endowment Fund
United Way of the
Wabash Valley
General support
United Way of the Wabash
Valley Endowment Fund
United Way of the
Wabash Valley
General support
United Way of the Wabash
Valley - Ada Hodge Fund
United Way of the
Wabash Valley
General support
United Way of the Wabash
Valley Operating Endowment
United Way of the
Wabash Valley
Community Chest of
Terre Haute Fund
United Way of the
Wabash Valley
Event sponsorships
Duke Energy Grants Fund
United Way of the
Wabash Valley
2014 Campaign
Community Chest of
Terre Haute Fund
VA Illiana Health
Care System
Support for the veterans
Joseph A. Bray Detachment
471 Marine Corps League
Endowment Fund
Vigo County Education
Heart health education
for youth
The Essence of
Red Committee
Vigo County LifeLine
General support
Vigo County LifeLine
Endowment Fund
Vigo County School
Backpack Program
Community Chest of
Terre Haute Fund
Visiting Nurse Association
of the Wabash Valley, Inc.
General support
Visiting Nurse Association
of the Wabash Valley
Inc. Endowment Fund
Visiting Nurse Association
of the Wabash Valley, Inc.
General support
Edmund J. and Mary
R. Dede Fund
Visiting Nurse Association
of the Wabash Valley, Inc.
General support
George I. and Rose
E. Felstein Fund
West Terre Haute
Police Department
Recognition Banquet
Carol M. Starkey Kochell
Charitable Fund
Western Indiana Community
Action Agency, Inc.
General support
Western Indiana Community
Action Agency Fund
Western Indiana Community
Action Agency, Inc.
Residential ramps
Janet S. Newman
Helping Hand Fund
Western Indiana Community
Action Agency, Inc.
Shoes for kids
Vigo County Community
Grant Fund and Lilly
Endowment Fund
YMCAs of the Wabash Valley
Support for the Vigo
County YMCA
Jessie E. Hickman Fund
Visiting Nurse Association
of the Wabash Valley, Inc.
Support for Hospice of
the Wabash Valley
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Fund for Hospice
Catholic Church
General support
Church Educational
Endowment Fund
Visiting Nurse Association
of the Wabash Valley, Inc.
Support for Hospice of
the Wabash Valley
Hospice of the Wabash
Valley Endowment Fund
Archdiocese of Indianapolis
- United Catholic Appeal
General support
Pfister Fund
Wabash Valley Goodwill
Industries, Inc.
General support
Goodwill Industries
Endowment Fund
Wabash Valley Health Center
General support
Saint Ann Clinic
Endowment Fund
Wabash Valley Health Center
General support
Helping Hand
Endowment Fund
Wabash Valley Health Center
General support
Pfister Fund
Wabash Valley Health Center
Equipment for medical care
James R. Piker, Ada A.
Piker and Virginia M.
Ginter Memorial Fund,
Community Chest of Terre
Haute Fund and Lavelda M.
Goble Endowment Fund
Capuchin Franciscan Friars
General support
Pfister Fund
Carmelite Monastery
General support
Terry Ho M.D. Memorial Fund
Central Presbyterian Church
General support
Jessie E. Hickman Fund
First United
Presbyterian Church
General support
Sullivan Presbyterian
Church Mission Fund
Merom United
Methodist Church
General support
Merom United Methodist
Church Endowment Fund
Province of our Lady
of Consolation Inc.
General support
Pfister Fund
Sacred Heart Church
Education program support
Elizabeth Smudde
Memorial Fund
Sacred Heart Church
General support
Pfister Fund
Sisters of Our Lady
Mt. Carmel
General support
Pfister Fund
Sisters of Providence
General support
Pfister Fund
St. Benedict Church
General support
Edmund J. and Mary
R. Dede Fund
St. Benedict Church
General support
Saint Benedict Church
Endowment Fund
St. Benedict Church
General support
Pfister Fund
St. Joseph University Parish
General support
Saint Joseph University
Parish Fund
St. Joseph University Parish
General support
Pfister Fund
St. Stephen’s
Episcopal Church
General support
Jessie E. Hickman Fund
United Hebrew
Congregation Foundation
General support
George I. and Rose
E. Felstein Fund
United Hebrew
Congregation Foundation
General support
Felstein Grandchildren
Fund in Memory of
Allen & Millie Felstein
World Gospel Church, Inc.
Support for its
mission projects
World Gospel Church
Missions Endowment Fund
Generous People Generate Legacies F O R G E N E R AT I O N S
Wabash Valley Health Center nurse Jennifer Long
reads a patient’s blood pressure using the equipment
panel provided by a Community Foundation grant.
The exam bed was also grant-funded.
Big Brother Big Sister
Hygiene Kits and healthy
snacks for children
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Catholic Charities
of Terre Haute
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Sullivan County
Catholic Charities
of Terre Haute
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Catholic Charities
of Terre Haute
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Catholic Charities
of Terre Haute
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Children’s Theatre of
Terre Haute, Inc.
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Clay County
Genealogical Society
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund
for Clay County
Clay County
Historical Society
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund
for Clay County
Crossroads of America
Council, Boy Scouts
of America
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Families By Choice
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Happiness Bag, Inc.
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Indiana State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Indiana State University
Center for Community
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Indiana State University
Early Childhood
Education Center
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Junior Achievement of
the Wabash Valley
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund
for Clay County
Junior Achievement of
the Wabash Valley
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Sullivan County
Junior Achievement of
the Wabash Valley
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
The League of Terre Haute
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Light House Mission, Inc.
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
McMillan Adult Day Care
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Meals on Wheels, Inc.
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Ronald McDonald
House of Indiana
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Sullivan County
Ronald McDonald
House of Indiana
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Salvation Army
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Senior Education
Ministries, Inc.
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Sisters of Providence
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
Stair Steps to Success
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Sullivan County
Sullivan County
Community Kitchen
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Lilly Endowment Board
Designated Fund for
Sullivan County
Wabash Valley Health Center
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
United Way of the
Wabash Valley
Matching funds for 2013
Holiday Wish program
Delmar L. and Betty L.
Jones Family Fund
100+ Women Who Care
- CANDLES Holocaust Museum
- Catholic Charities
of Terre Haute
- Ivy Tech Foundation
- The Sheldon Swope
Art Museum, Inc.
- United Way of the
Wabash Valley
Guys Who Give
- Catholic Charities
of Terre Haute
- Vigo County Education
- West Vigo
Community Center
Wabash Valley
Health Center
Wabash Valley Health Center, formerly
known as St. Ann’s Clinic, has served the
Wabash Valley since 1997, providing a
range of medical services for all persons,
regardless of their ability to pay. With the
clinic’s 2013 designation as a Federally
Qualified Health Center, a CEO, full-time
medical director and additional staff
were hired. Renovation and expansion of
facilities was necessary to accommodate
new staff members and treatment space
for the anticipated 3,000 additional visits
the first year. The expansion included
five exam rooms and office space.
Implementation of an electronic medical
records system necessitated more
computers, scanners and printers. As
a result of the expansion, the phone
and communications system had to be
upgraded, and additional furnishings
and clinical equipment was required.
The clinic turned to the Wabash
Valley Community Foundation for
assistance to purchase additional
clinical equipment. A $15,000 grant
from the James R. Piker, Ada A. Piker
and Virginia M. Ginter Memorial
Fund, the Community Chest of Terre
Haute Fund and the Lavelda M. Goble
Endowment Fund enabled the clinic
to acquire the needed equipment for
medical care to support the expansion.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
2014 Scholarships
$ 500,102.25
$14,500 - Kennedy Camden
Lavelda M. Goble
$500 - Brittany Vancil
Lloyd and Lela Ewbank
Anderson University
$500 - Gabrielle Pruitt
Wright, Shagley and
Lowery Scholarship
$455 - Alek Copeland
Albert and Verna McKee
Memorial Scholarship
$220 - Brittany Vancil
Tina Clem Memorial
$500 - Gabrielle Pruitt
Hazel A. Dennis,
R.N. Scholarship
$1,500 - Taylor Dickison
Albert and Freda Eder
DeCoursey Scholarship
$300 - Hannah VanHorn
Brazil Business &
Professional Women’s
Club Scholarship
Ball State University
$400 - Jared Wells
Jack Lower Memorial
$180 - Kelsie Fischer
Clay County Scholarship
$400 - Jared Wells
Wabash Valley Community
Foundation Scholarship
Carnegie Mellon University
$500 - Jacob Johnson
Vigo County Education
Foundation - John Kassis
Memorial Scholarship
Cincinnati Christian
$14,000 - Gabriela Vijil
Sherman Educational
DePauw University
$1,000 - Kourtney Clark
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Medical Staff Scholarship
Aeronautical University
$200 - Adam La Grange
Terre Haute Junior Golf
Association Scholarship
Georgetown University
$7,425 - Zachary Hughbanks
Elizabeth A. Bledsoe
$14,000 - Zachary
Sherman Educational
Indiana State University
$2,300 - Emma Auterson
Larry Paul Fleschner
$3,000 - Emma Auterson
Vigo County Scholarship
$14,000 - Kaitlin Basinger
Sherman Educational
$4,229 - Brooke Brown
Myrl and Marie Wilkinson
$1,000 - Kelsie Fischer
Denise D. and John C.
Bell Scholarship
$14,000 - Brentney Fulford
Sherman Educational
$1,330 - Samuel Hall
Dr. James Harvey Crowder
Memorial Scholarship
$14,000 - Samuel Hall
Sherman Educational
$352 - Jake Mathis
Betty E. and Curt DeBaun,
Jr. Aviation Scholarship
$1,000 - Hannah VanHorn
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Foundation Scholarship
$133 - Kourtey Vanwey
Bill Wood Insurance
Adjuster’s Scholarship
$2,773.25 - Andres Velazques
Earl and Hazel Travioli
Charitable Endowment
$500 - Ryan Turner
Charles F. and Nancy A.
Bradford Scholarship
$703 - Leisel Young
Marilyn Wheeler Pendergast
Foundation Fund for
Indiana State University
Department of Marketing
$500 - Halie Sciotto
Harriet Hicks Scholarship
Indiana University
$844 - Kelsie Ackman
Marilyn Wheeler Pendergast
Foundation Fund for Indiana
University School of Law
$3,000 - Halie Sciotto
Martha & Mary Ann
Pedlar Scholarship
$1,000 - Ricky Brookins
Travis James Smith
Mental Attitude Award
$1,000 - Cooper Smith
Janice Hart Modesitt, R.N.
Nursing Scholarship
$650 - Corrina Gunn
Gill Township Scholarship
$2,500 - Halie Sciotto
Geraldine Ullery Scholarship
$26,000 - Dylan Stolz
Dr. and Mrs. James O.
Conklin Scholarship
$7,800 - Corrina Gunn
Sherman Educational
$700 - Claire Miller
Mabel Kidwell Scholarship
$2,375 - Claire Miller
Roy W. Barnhart Scholarship
$550 - Jake Pirtle
Valentine Family Scholarship
$500 - Lynzie Thomann
Beta Sigma Phi City
Council Scholarship
$2,360 - Minh Tong
Roy & Louie E. Lucas
$7,800 - Halie Brown
Sherman Educational
$200 - Mikayla Turner
Evelyn W. Gettinger Indiana
University Scholarship
$900 - Mackenzie Brush
Halie’s Rainbow-The Halie
Hite Memorial Scholarship
$14,000 - Mikayla Turner
Sherman Educational
$380 - Nelson Effner
Bob Romas Memorial
$500 - Aubrey Washburn
Beta Sigma Phi City
Council Scholarship
$1,150 - Nelson Effner
Renis and Fern Knust
Indiana UniversityBloomington
$150 - Jordan
Fred Christman
Scholarship Fund
$200 - Shelby Hoyes
Janet Romine Chatfield
Business Award
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
$16,800 - Ryan Chung
James F. Jackson
Mulligan College
$200 - Craig Rice
Everett E. and Fern A.
Tucker Scholarship
$550 - Craig Rice
Rob and Lisa Denker
Purdue University
$225 - Jennifer Eble
John D. Gettinger
Purdue Scholarship
$800 - Samantha Ivaturi
Erskine Lee and Eula
Webb Scholarship
$4,700 - Paige Stevenson
Ted and Anna Nesty
$19,600 - Jacob Wheatley
Joe and Dorothy
Archer Scholarship
$275 - Luke Willis
Sullivan County Purdue
Alumni Association
$2,000 - Cassidy Mahurin
Reid & Nina Ross
Rose-Hulman Institute
of Technology
$2,600 - Elizabeth Beddow
Gerstmeyer Technical
High School Scholarship
$1,000 - Jordan
Laura Brooke McDonald
Memorial Scholarship
$2,500 - Richard McClain
Carol M. Starkey
Kochell Scholarship
$365 - Elizabeth Beddow
Glenn High School
Alumni Scholarship
$2,000 - Alexandra Miller
Dr. William W. Drummy
Memorial Scholarship
$7,800 - Paige Passen
Sherman Educational
$19,600 - Adam Blackburn
Joe and Dorothy
Archer Scholarship
$500 - Logan Quick
Jeffrey Alan Cole
Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 - Adam Blackburn
Laura Brooke McDonald
Memorial Scholarship
$1,350 - Kristine Zukokas
YWCA Scholarship
$1,127 - Carson Bishop
Avice McCrae Scholarship
Lincoln Trail College
$1,000 - Parker Radecki
Sally Unger Scholarship
$14,000 - Bradley Drake
Sherman Educational
$1,000 - Aaron Schueitzer
Sally Unger Scholarship
$1,700 - David Drummond
Harold Paul Loveall III
Memorial Scholarship
$360 - Kexin He
Ambrose and Miriam
Rubey Scholarship
$1,000 - Kristin Sutliff
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Foundation Scholarship
$1,400 - Kexin He
Peter Anthony Duong
Memorial Scholarship
$22,676 - Anthony Witt
Fred A. & Nannie
Graham Scholarship
$2,000 - Kristin Sutliff
William W. Drummy, III,
Rebecca A. Drummy, RN,
and Lillian A. Drummy R.N.
Nursing Scholarship
$500 - Andrew Mathies
Tom McCarthy Memorial
Indiana Wesleyan
$500 - Drew Cahill
Travis James Smith
Memorial Scholarship
$5,000 - Claire Miller
John & Myrtle Price
Ivy Tech Community College
$460 - Dustin Boyll
Farmersburg Alumni
Association Scholarship
$150 - Dustin Boyll
J.P. Alexander Memorial
$500 - Nicholas Stucker
Jim Case Scholarship
$140 - Kylee Truax
Virginia M. Buell Scholarship
$250 - Guy Wiss
Sam J. and Joyce E.
Emmert Family
$100 - Minh Tong
Richard and Margaret
Shattuck Memorial
Indiana University
School of Medicine
$570 - Taylor Twiggs
Dr. John E. Freed, Jr.
Memorial Scholarship
$1,400 - Alexandra Miller
Dedia M. Sexton Scholarship
$14,000 - Ryan Nail
Sherman Educational
$26,000 - Michaela Gambill
Dr. and Mrs. James O.
Conklin Scholarship
$380 - Brooks Weszely
Esther Ruddell Ladson
$14,000 - Jaron Goodman
Sherman Educational
Generous People Generate Legacies F O R G E N E R AT I O N S
Leon and Nancy Shake Huff
$7,800 - Kynon Johnson
Sherman Educational
$7,800 - Gabe Bond
Sherman Educational
$883 - George McCammon
George I. and Rose E.
Felstein Scholarship
$7,800 - Elijah Hollis
Sherman Educational
$704 - Lindsay Vencel
Marilyn Wheeler
Pendergast Foundation
Fund for Rose-Hulman
Institute of Technology
$7,800 - Olivia Pinkston
Sherman Educational
Saint Mary-of-theWoods College
$1,000 - Bonnie McCammon
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Medical Staff Scholarship
$660 - Grant Prindiville
Robert and Barbara
Deakins Scholarship
Wabash College
$18,000 - Joey Dierdorf
Brent & Helen Rentschler
$378 - Casey Dust
Marilyn Wheeler Pendergast
Foundation Fund for Saint
Mary-of-the-Woods College
$350 - Tyler Mix
Dorothy Wurst Porter
Southern Illinois University
$15,500 - Dennis Ramsook
Thomas J. Wright
$100 - Trey Hunt
Sullivan High School
Automotive Scholarship
$500 - Abigail Switzer
Andy and Edythe Turner
Memorial Scholarship
$540 - Dustin Sartor
Allomatic Products Machine
Trades Scholaship
$5,500 - Garrett Wiss
Harry M. & Rosemary L.
Grandey Scholarship
$100 - Makylie Siples
SERCOLBE Scholarship
$4,500 - Garrett Wiss
Dr. Robert K. Webster
& Wanda Webster,
R.N. Scholarship
University of Indianapolis
$500 - Eileen Stinnett
Earl F. Hopkins Scholarship
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
$4,000 - Aaron Shema
Cameron Taylor
Memorial Scholarship
University of
Southern Indiana
$1,000 - Michaela Hayden
Max & Helen Pierce
Vincennes University
$500 - Gabe Bond
Michael Ryan Keane
Memorial Scholarship
$1,150 - Gabe Bond
Sara W. Springer
Memorial Scholarship
2014 VFW Voice of
Democracy Awards
$5,000 - Alejandro
$4,000 - Jose Jiminez
$3,000 - Micah Breitweiser
$2,500 - Chloe Arini
$2,000 - Taryn Ashley
$1,500 - Matthew Jenkins
Sgt. Dale Russel Griffin
Memorial Scholarship
$2,500 - Trey Boor
Anderson University
$2,500 - Ryan Moshak
US Military Academy
$2,500 - Ian Newton
Utah State University
$2,500 - Sam Bowden
Lilly Community
Endowment Scholars
First offered in 1998 by
Lilly Endowment, Inc.,
the purpose of the Lilly
Endowment Scholarship
Program is to help raise
the level of educational
attainment in Indiana
and to leverage further
the ability of Indiana’s
community foundations to
enhance the quality of life
of the state’s residents.
Lilly Endowment Community
Scholars are chosen by local
volunteers from their county.
They receive full tuition and
an annual book stipend for
four years at a four-year
Indiana college or university.
Clay County
Emily Sands
Graduate of Northview
High School
University of Indianapolis
Sullivan County
Hunter King
Graduate of Sullivan
High School
University of Evansville
Vigo County
Mary Ann Etling
Graduate of Terre Haute
North Vigo High School
DePauw University
Grant Potts
Graduate of Terre Haute
North Vigo High School
DePauw University
Donor Honors Wife
with Scholarships
Leon and Nancy Shake Huff were married
in June of 1960, and just 13 years later,
Nancy passed away. Having lost his wife
at such an early stage in their marriage,
Leon chose to honor her when he was
considering decisions about his estate.
Leon followed his father’s lead in the
carpentry trade and was a member of
Carpenters Local Union 133. He enjoyed
life in general, especially outdoor activities
and sports, and was a longtime Indiana
State University season ticket holder.
Nancy earned an elementary
education degree from ISU, where
she was an active member of Sigma
Kappa Sorority. After graduation, she
taught at Collett Park and Dixie Bee
elementary schools, among others.
Knowing how much Nancy’s sorority
experience meant to her, Leon established
the Leon D. & Nancy Shake Huff Sigma
Kappa Scholarship Fund to benefit a
Sigma Kappa member at ISU with financial
need and outstanding involvement
with the sorority. After Leon’s passing
in 2013, the Leon D. and Nancy Shake
Huff Scholarship Fund was established
from a bequest in his estate to benefit a
Sullivan High School graduate planning
to study elementary education at ISU.
Thanks to Leon Huff’s decision to honor
his wife and her love of education, he was
able to create a lasting legacy that will
benefit Sullivan County students forever.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 014
2014 Memorials
and Honorariums
The individuals on this page were
memorialized or honored with gifts to the
Wabash Valley Community Foundation made
from October 1, 2013, to September 30, 2014.
Katherine Bledsoe Ahrens
J.P. Alexander
Mr. Paul Dean Akers
Brent Anderson
Richard E. Anderson
Rose M. Antonini
Lou Ater
Kay Aubin
Tom Baker
Stephen Baldwin
Terry Dean Barnett
Elaine Neese Berkowitz
Martha Boatman
Michael L. Bolton
Wanda “Tink” A. Boyd
Charles F. Bradford
Billy Brant
Bruce Brentlinger
Marilyn Britt
Rick Brooks
Eckler Brooks
Robert Brown
Charles L. Bryan, Sr.
Linda Burger
E. L. Burkhart
Millie & Leonard Busiere
Jeremy Byerley
Gregory R. Campbell
Charles Carter
Margie Stigler Cauldwell
Linda Stigler Chaney
Andy Cherry
Alex Chervenko
Mr. & Mrs. James H.
Clement, Sr.
Wanda Bruer Coffin
Jackie Collett
Henry Conrad
John Conrad
Richard Conrad
Francis Cook
Virginia Cotton
Dave Cox
Haskell Cox
James E. Cox
Woodrow Wilson Creason
Anna Criss
Karen Crooks-Alumbaugh
Benjamin Allen &
Doris Elizabeth
Broderick Crowder
Mr. Bud Cunningham
Donna M. Curley
Suzie Davis
Pastor Richard Joseph
Luken E. Dever
Betty Dodson
E.R. Dorsett
Ralph & Helen Dowell
Tim Driscoll
John Dugger, Jr.
Peter Anthony Duong
Gene Easter
Billy R. Easton
Family & Friends
Kenneth C. Farris
Jim & Marie Favre
Jason Allen Fell
Melba & Bill Fenoglio
Sheila Ann Fisher
Orren L. Fisher
Michael B. Fowler
Thomas L. Francis
Sidona Z. Frazier
Donald & Jane Ann Fread
Jean & John Freed
Jerry Friedrich
Catherine E. “Betty” Gauer
George & “Patches”
Herbert R. Gerdink
John D. Gifford, Sr.
Stella Gilbreath
John Thomas “Tom” Gill
David A. Gilman, PhD
Paula Goff’s dad
Richard Goss
Philip Greiner
Sgt. Dale Russell Griffin
Charlotte S. Harker
Mary Lou Hartzler
Ina Mae Haskett
Eleanor Hawkins
Harvey H. & Mildred
Hazel & Olen Haymaker
Travis R. Heaton
Charles Carter Hedrick
Eric Hemminghouse
Amelia Higham
Paul Hightower
Hillary & Ray
George Hines
Haley Hite
Terry J. Ho, M.D.
Nellie Hodgers
Nancy Hodges
Margaret Hoggatt
Alyssa Hogue
Mary Hough
Leon D. Huff
Dale A. Hultz
Robert H. Jerry
Elmer & Jessie Johnson
Pauline L. Johnson
Thomas J. Jones
Tom & Charlotte Jones
Josh Kackley
Michael Ryan Keane
Patrick “Pat” Kelly
Robert L. Kennedy
Leonard P. Kincade
Walter L. Kindrick
Dick Knotts
Kathy Knox
Carol Landes
Jim Landes
Margie Larimer
Ronald Laswell
Joy Weathers Leach
Mary Legg
Max Lenderman
Marjorie Marie Lisby
William J. Llewellyn, Sr.
Harold Paul Loveall
John “Jack” Lower
Helen Lustig
Bill Mann
Wendell Manwaring
JoAnn Mardis
Bob Martin
Veronica C. Martin
Pete Massinon
Paul W. Mausel
Jane, Wayne & Bob Maynard
Thomas McCarthy
Ethel L. McClain
Douglas James McCracken
Ester McCoy
Laura Brooke McDonald
Judy K. McDowell-Glover
Iva Meng
Clarence H. Metz, Jr.
Shane Miller
Traci K. Miller
Donna Miller
George B. Mullen
George E. Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob M. Mullen
Maggie May Murray
Martin A. Myers
The complete list of all persons memorialized through the
Wabash Valley Community Foundation since 1991 can
be found at www.wvcf.com/memorials_home.html.
Dr. Stephen C. Nasser
Donald Neuenschwander
Marjorie A. Newlin
Janet Sue Newman
Raymond L. Norris
Robert Norton
Pat O’ Leary
Audrey & Chuck Olah
Daisy Deane “DeDe” Ooley
Tim Orwig
Peggy L. Osmon
Henry Ozok
Ethel Maxine Page
Rick G. Paitson
Jane E. Paitson
Harold W. “Pat” Patterson
Paul, Marcella, Rick & Jesse
Marilyn Wheeler Pendergast
Phyllis Phenis
Bill Pierson
James & Hazel Piety
André G. Ponsot
Steve Posey
Charles Powell
Phillis Price
Carl “Bang” &
Josephine Price
Betty Prose
Raymond Theodore
“Ted” Prose
John Quatroche
Michael Quatroche
George Ralston
Richard Ralston
Abby Raubuck
Christopher Ray
Randy Readinger
Roy & Eddith Reeves
Rob Robbins
Larry Robinson
Camden Scott Romas
Bob Romas
David Rowlett
Brad Rusin
Patty & Morris Salter
Oscar Sanders
Helen Weber Scherb
Wayne Schopmeyer
Bretta Schriner
Jerry A. Sears
Henry Monroe Shagley
Mary Ann Rassel Shagley
Gene K. Shike
Nina Shoemaker
Bonnie Sisson
Carroll D. Smeltzer
Haley K. Smith
Hollis & Sue Smith
Pat Smith
Richard L. Smith
Thomas Smith
Dr. Carl Smudde
Robert L. Snedeker
Norma Ruth Sotak
Irene Soughers
Mary Alice Spahr
Jerry Spelbring
Robert P. Steinbaugh
Earl Stevenson
Jack & Hazel Stout
Earl & Betty Strain
Rev. Elmer & Mary Strain
James E. Sullivan, Jr.
Margaret T. Sullivan
William J. Tabor
Henry Tamar
Cameron Taylor
Marjorie “Marci” Tennis
Wilma Jean Brown Tennis
Judy Gettinger Terrell
Cindy Tevlin
Sandra M. Thacker
John & Ruth Thomas
Jean Elizabeth Thompson
Maxine Shake Thrasher
Matthew, LaDonna &
Mattox Tooloose
Tucker Titus
Carolyn L. Toops
Katherine Trueblood
Dan K. Tucker
D. Kirk Tucker
Euleta Slover Turner
Howard R. Turner
Emmitt Tyler, Sr.
Geraldine Ullery
Ladonna Unger
Robert & Florine Voll
Louis F. Wailly
Kathleen Bell Walker
Royce Waltman
Mary Waltrup
Barbara Webster
Ruby Weinz
Paul & Doyne Weir
Frank Weiss
Elizabeth White
Ronald R. Whitlock
Kenneth H. Williams
Jess & Donna Williams
Thomas F. & Alma E. Wilson
Ray Allen Winnett
Anne E. Woelfle
Gretchen Woodard
Ralph Woodard
Larry Wright
Mary House Wright
Kent Wright
Kimberley Fowler Wulf
Sara C. Youman
Joe & Margot Zumar
Dr. Mary Ellen Adams
Frank & Polly Anshutz
Lib Barnhart’s 90th Birthday
Larry Bird
Nancy Bradford’s Birthday
David A. Brentlinger
Randy Brown
Mrs. Susie J. Dewey
Carol Etling’s Birthday
Susie Fischer
Emily & John Gedrick’s
50th Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Armand
Gottardi’s 60th Wedding
Lynn Hayes’s Birthday
Noah Horowitz’s Birthday
Christy & Layla Knotts
Elaine Marheine
Harold & Malinda Medsker
Lu & Laney Meis
Order of the Eastern Star
12 Points #528 Shut-ins
Dr. David & Jerry Penman
John Mutchner
John T. Myers
Fred Nation
Curt Pendergast’s Birthday
Marilyn Pendergast
Richard & Joanne Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
Tom & Carol Templeton
Emma L. Thompson
Jane Wood
David J. Wulf
“Carve your name on hearts,
not tombstones. A legacy is
etched into the minds of
others and the stories
they share about you.”
- Shannon L. Alder
2901 Ohio Boulevard, Suite 153
Terre Haute, IN 47803
If you have any questions or would like to
discuss your gift plans, please contact us
at 812.232.2234, toll free at 877.232.2230,
or via email at info@wvcf.com.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation
Meets National Standards
This Annual Report covers the Wabash Valley Community Foundation's
2014 fiscal year, October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014.