May/June/July - Tekakwitha Conference
May/June/July - Tekakwitha Conference
Tekakwitha Conference Evangelization for 76 Years 1939-2015 76th Annual Tekakwitha Conference Alexandria, Louisiana ——- July 22-26. 2015 “Saint Kateri Embraces the Wetlands” WELCOME H o u D m i a o c T e h s i e b o O d f a u x D A i l o e c x e a s n e d r O i f a Holy Family Kateri Circle Dulac, LA St. Charles the Roch Kateri Circle Montegut, LA 91st Kateri Circle of Birmingham, AL * Circle of the River of Memphis, TN Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Kateri Circle of El Paso, TX * Chahta Okla Kateri Circle of Choctaw, MS Blessed Mother Earth Kateri Circle of Alexandria, LA Visit us at: MAY-JUNE–JULY 2015 E-mail us at: VOLUME 33 ISSUE 4 2 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 Tekakwitha Conference National Center News From The Desk of The Executive Director Dear Friends, Let us rejoice and be glad and give glory to God, for the Lord our God reigns! You have redeemed us, Christ Jesus by your Blood, from every tribe, tongue, and nation from all four directions as your people. You Creator God are our hope and light on our journey. We call upon your special servant, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha to continue to guide us along your sacred path. There are many events during the joyful seasons of Spring and Summer - we ask for your inspiration, guidance and protection especially in all that we are being called to do. We call upon you to assist us in times of preparation such as: our 76th Annual Tekakwitha Conference as we celebrate 'Saint Kateri Embraces the Wetlands' in her new home, Alexandria, Louisiana; those members in each of the 5 Regions praying for the best candidate to represent their region on the National Board of Directors; for those first 50 who will be part of a bus pilgrimage to pray with Pope Francis in Philadelphia along with a pilgrimage to St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC and to the National Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel in Bensalem, PA. In addition to all of these events there are many family and community events for giving praise and thanksgiving for a loving Creator God who continues to bless us. May you have a blessed spring and summer, Sister Kateri Mitchell Board of Directors Nominations see Page 4 & 5 Job Opportunity The National Tekakwitha Conference Office is currently searching for an Office Manager. The ideal candidate will be a Native American who is in good standing with the Catholic Church and with the Tekakwitha Conference, has the qualifications necessary to manage our National Office, and is willing to relocate to Alexandria, LA. The Office Manager is one who is an effective communicator, can oversee office staff, and has a working knowledge of some office programs. Salary negotiable based on skills, qualifications and experience. Please submit your Resume to the Search Team via email at or by mail to “Search Team” c/o Gail Rando 5101 SW 60th Street Road, Apt. 702 Ocala, FL 34474 by May 30, 2015. Any resume received after this date is ineligible. 2225 North Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 Phone #: (318) 483-3908 Fax #: (318) 483-3909 Toll Free #: (844) 483-3900 http// Tekakwitha Conference Board of Directors 2014-2015 Gail Rando Cherokee Region 1 Chair Margaret Creel Jemez Region 6 Vice Chair Geri KanestaRychner Zuni Region 5 Secretary Pierre Solet Choctaw/ Houma Region 4 Treasurer Gregory R. Williams Crow Board Appointee Region 5 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Guide & Inspire Us Ex-Officio Members: Most Reverend Charles Chaput Potawatomi Episcopal Moderator Father Wayne Paysse, Executive Director Black & Indian Missions Father M. Henry Sands Ojibway/Ottawa/Potawatomi Assistant Director USCCB Cultural Diversity Sub Committee Vision Statement The Tekakwitha Conference is the Voice, Presence and Identity of Indigenous Catholics of North America under the protection and inspiration of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha. Our Mission Statement We, as members of the Tekakwitha Conference inspired by Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, a young, Mohawk/Algonquin woman of the 17th century, renew our faith and reaffirm our baptismal call as followers of Jesus to proclaim the Good News. We pray with faith and hope for the continued intercession of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha in the lives of Indigenous Peoples. We strive to: † Reinforce Catholic identity † Affirm pride in our cultures and spiritual traditions † Promote healing through forgiveness and reconciliation † Advocate for peace and justice in our Indigenous communities † Build stronger catechesis that is meaningful to Indigenous Catholic People † Nurture the relationship between Indigenous people and the Catholic Church † Empower Catholic Indigenous People as leaders within our communities and Church TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome Letter, Board of Directors, Vision Statement ……......... 1-2 Prayer Intentions & Special Days………………….…................. 3 Board of Directors Nominations ………………………………… 4-5 Upcoming Events & Religious Education Resources….……….. 6-7 Kateri Circles & Regional Group..………………………………. 8-9 Donations………………………………………………………… 10 2015 Annual Tekakwitha Conference……………………………..11-17 Kateri Circle Renewals, Individual & Group Membership Forms.. 18 Individual & Group Membership Forms………………..................19-20 Gift Shop Items ………………………………………………… 21-23 2015 Conference: Alexandria Riverfront Center…………………. 24 VOLUME 33 NO 4 3 Prayer Intentions Saint Kateri Prayer By: Harold Caldwell O Saint Kateri, Lily of the Mohawks, Your love for Jesus, so strong, so steadfast, grant that we may become like you. Your short and painful life showed us your strength and humility. Grant that we may become forever humble like you. Like the bright and shining stars at night, we pray that your light may forever shine down upon us, giving light, hope, peacefulness and serenity in our darkest moments. Fill our hearts, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha with your same love for Jesus and grant us your strength and courage to become one like you in Heaven. Amen. Saint Kateri Walk With Us In 1943, Pope Pius XII officially proclaimed that Kateri Tekakwitha had practiced all Christian virtues to a heroic degree, thereby granting the title of “Venerable to the Lily of the Mohawks”. May 1 St. Joseph the Worker 3 Saint Phillip & James, Apostles Exaltation of the Holy Cross 4 Blessed Marie-Leonie Paradis 7 National Day of Prayer 10 Mother’s Day 13 Our Lady FAtima 14 Ascension of the Lord 15 International Day of Families 17 Victoria Day (Canada) 21 Saint Eugene de Mazenod 24 Pentecost Sunday 25 Memorial Day (US) 27 St. Augustine 28 Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest 31 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary June 4 Body and Blood of Christ 11 St. Barnabas the Apostle 12 Sacred Heart of Jesus Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer for Healing and Special Intentions Diane Klena & Husband: poor health - PA Bishop Herzog’s continued healing Special Intentions 76th Annual Tekakwitha Conference 2015 Planning Committee All planning Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Celebrations World Meeting of Families All families who are mourning and grieving losses All couples who are waiting for a new child Our Church leaders All our National & Tribal leaders World peace For a greater respect for human dignity For peace and reconciliation among families All who are celebrating Anniversaries; Weddings, Religious Professions and Ordinations Rest In Peace Fr. Louis L. Renner, S.J. - WA Bernadine YellowWolf - AZ Lila Caldwell: mother of Harold Caldwell - ON Connie Smith: sister-n-law of Eleanor Smith - NM Ralph Chavez: brother-n-law of Eleanor Smith & Rose Leyba - NN Kathleen Kanseah: sister of Neil Smith - NM Mr. Jones: father of Mark Jones, director of Alexandria Riverfront Center May All Our Departed Tekakwitha Conference Members Kateri Circle Members and Family Members Who Have Returned to the Creator, Rest in the Peace of Christ “I am the Resurrection and the Life” June: continued 24 Birth of St. John the Baptist 29 Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles July 1 Canada Day 3 St. Thomas the Apostle 4 Independence Day 6 St. Maria Goretti 11 St. Benedict, abbot 14 Feast of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha 16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel 22-26 76th Annual Tekakwitha Conference 22 St. Mary Magdalene 25 St. James, Apostle 26 Saints Joachim & Anne, Parents of Blessed Virgin Mary 29 St. Martha 31 St. Ignatius of Loyola, priest John 6:35 Jesus answered them: I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever hunger; no one who believes in me will ever thirst. 4 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 Board Nominations 2015 Special Attention to Members: Fall 2015 is an Election Year for Board of Directors This Issue Cross and Feathers: May-June-July has the NOMINATION FORM Nominations will be open for REGIONS 1,2,3,4 and 6. Please note: Effective Board of Directors Leadership A Board Member requires care, loyalty and faithfulness to the mission of the Tekakwitha Conference 2015 Tekakwitha Conference Board of Directors Election Year Nominations for Board of Directors are open for the following Regions: Region 1: 3 Year Term Region 2: 2 Year Term Region 3: 2 Year Term Region 4: 3 Year Term Region 6: 3 Year Term Only current (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015) paid Tekakwitha Conference Members are eligible to be board nominees, and only current members are eligible to nominate and second a nomination. The 5 Regions above will nominate candidates from their REGION by June 30, 2015. Voting will take place after the annual conference by secret ballot for one (1) candidate from your Designated Region. Eligibility for Nomination A) Current member of the Tekakwitha Conference B) Active member of a local Kateri Circle is recommended C) Native American/Indigenous Catholic in good standing with the Catholic Church D) Participant in at least five (4) Annual Conferences since 2009 E) Commitment to be involved in future planning and direction for the overall organization/corporation F) Ability to receive and respond promptly to e-mails, relating to the Board or the Tekakwitha Conference Expectations of a Board Member Be a team player with other board members in decision making for the best interest of the Tekakwitha Conference as an organization and its members Recruit new members for the Tekakwitha Conference Membership Increase, strengthen and communicate with Adult and Youth Kateri Circles in your Region Make a strong commitment to become involved in all matters of the Tekakwitha Conference Organization / Corporation Be an active participant in policy making such as: Board Bylaws, Staff Policies and Procedures Serve per Region: Regions 1 - 4 - 6: at least 3 full years & Region 2 - 3: at least 2 full years. Oversee the nominations and elections during an election year or when vacancies occur Attend all three (3) scheduled board meetings, Spring and Fall weekend meetings and Summer during the annual conference Attend Board Enrichment sessions when scheduled before the Spring and Fall meetings Board Meetings † Travel cost for airfare from a major city airport, lodging and meals for the Spring and Fall Meetings only (unless a special meeting is called) are covered by the Tekakwitha Conference. If a Board Member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting and the Tekakwitha Conference has paid the airfare and room, and changes need to be made for personal reasons, the extra charges become the responsibility of the individual Board Member and he/she will be required to reimburse the Tekakwitha Conference in full. † † No other compensation, stipends or salaries are covered unless authorized by the entire Board to carry out business matter for the Conference. All elected Native American Directors are representatives for their region, exercise voting rights in all matters pertaining to the good of the Corporation, the Tekakwitha Conference VOLUME 33 NO 4 5 Board Nominations 2015 2015 Board of Directors Nominations open for Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, and Region 6 Criteria: To nominate and second a nomination you must be a current member (membership expires June 30,2015) Nominate or second a nomination from within your region only see page 8. If your nominee is not from within your region, your nomination will be void. Once nominees have been determined, the candidates present at the 76th Annual Conference in Alexandria, LA will introduce themselves during the Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Regional Groups sessions. Renew your Annual Membership July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 so that you will be eligible to r eceive a Ballot to vote in August either by e-mail or a mail-in by September 21, 2015. Any ballets received after September 21, 2015 will be invalid. Tekakwitha Conference Board of Directors Nomination Form Circle your REGION: Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 6 After prayer and reflection, nominate one (1) person per form. Review very important CRITERIA (pages 2 & 3) before submitting your nomination. Make additional copies of the nomination form if needed. Nominee ___________________________________________________________________________ First Name Last Name Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________ Street (or P.O. Box) ____________________________________________________________________________ City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Tribe/Nation/Pueblo _________________________________________________________ Nominated by ________________________Member#_____________ Date_____________ Seconded By _________________________Member#_____________ Date_____________ Kateri Circle Name(if applicable) ______________________________________________ Nominee has attended the following Annual Tekakwitha Conferences: _______ 2014 Fargo, ND _______ 2012 Albany, NY ______ 2013 El Paso, TX ______ Other (Please Specify) ___________________________________________________________ Nominations must be POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE June 30, 2015. PLEASE MAIL NOMINATION FORMS TO: Geri Kanesta-Rychner 10904 113th Avenue, SW Lakewood, WA 98498-1465 OR E-MAIL TO: *Please write your Region number on the lower left hand corner of your envelope. 6 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 Upcoming Events 2015 Native Religious and Clergy Retreat *Dates changed* September 22-27, 2015 July 20-22, 2015 Diocesan Maryhill Retreat Center 600 Maryhill Road, Pineville, LA 71360 (318)640-1378 Arrive: Monday, July 20, 2015 Begin Retreat: Monday Evening End Retreat: Wednesday Morning Contact: Brother John Hascall, OFM, Cap. Phone: (906) 630-8112 E-mail: Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center 1101 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Website: Sponsored By: Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family Fort Defiance, AZ Announces a Year of Jubilee Please join us in prayer in thanksgiving for 100 years of our parish. The celebration of 100th anniversary of the dedication of the church which was Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25, 1915 will be: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2015 Social 7 - 9 PM Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015 Liturgy 11 AM Followed by Thanksgiving Dinner Philadelphia Pilgrimage There is limited space. 50 spaces available, first come first serve basis. Proposed agenda: Friday: New York - St. Patrick's Cathedral Saturday: Washington DC National Basilica of the Immaculate Conceptions Sunday: Philadelphia - Mass with the Pope Monday: Bensalem, PA, Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament - National Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel Arrivals: September 24 in mid-afternoon Departures: September 29 in mid-morning Room Rate for 5 days/nights (kings & doubles): $144.72 per night X 5 = $723.60 Please call to reserve a spot: (318) 483-3908 or e-mail: A check for your hotel room for $723.60 should be received within 5 days, payable to Tekakwitha Conference, memo: Pope's Visit to Philadelphia. Details with cost per person for the chartered bus and meals will follow shortly. Chartered bus will leave from Philadelphia Airport. All participants will need to make their flight arrangements to arrive at the Philadelphia Airport. VOLUME 33 NO 4 7 Upcoming Events 3rd Annual International Native American Responsible Fatherhood Day June 20, 2015 Celebrate this day in your communities! For more information and to register your event call (480) 833-5007 or e-mail: For more information contact: Phone: (480) 833-5007 E-mail: Basic Directions in Native Ministry June 1- 8, 2015 Sioux Spiritual Center, Howes, South Dakota A seven-day institute for personnel who are beginning or are wanting to learn more about Native American ministry will be held at the Sioux Spiritual Center in Howes, South Dakota. The institute is sponsored by the National Tekakwitha Conference. It will begin with supper on Monday, June 1, 2015, at 6:00 PM (Mountain Daylight Time) and end on Monday, June 8, at 11:00 AM, with departures to the Rapid City airport after lunch. There will be 31 hours of class work associated with the workshop. Speakers will cover topics that include missiology, anthropology, liturgy, catechetics, collaborative ministry, Native culture and religion, and principles of recovery using AA. Native speakers involved in catechetics, parish administration, and youth ministry will discuss their work. Although the institute will take place in a Lakota setting, it will develop basic principles of inculturation that can be used in approaching any culture. Space is limited. Enrollment will be closed after 22 people who apply have been accepted. The cost for the institute is $800.00. This includes room (double occupancy), meals, and materials. Double occupancy means that you can expect to have a roommate. Rooms are air-conditioned. A $50.00 deposit is required with the application along with a letter of recommendation from the applicant’s pastor or supervisor. The letter must provide information on the applicant’s current or future ministry with Native people. The deposit is non-refundable after May 1. Airport shuttle service will only be available at these times: pickup ONLY on Monday afternoon, June 1. Please schedule your flight to arrive at Rapid City Regional Airport between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM. The return to the airport is ONLY on Monday, June 8 (schedule your departing flight no earlier than 1:00 PM). The cost of the round-trip shuttle service – in addition to tuition – is $50.00, payable in advance or upon arrival at the Center. For applications or more information, please contact: Fr. Peter Etzel, S.J. Sioux Spiritual Center 20100 Center Road Howes, SD 57748-7703 Phone: 605-985-5906 Fax: 605-985-5908 E-Mail: 8 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 Our Six Regions Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Regional Groups Region 1 Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Maine Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Vermont Virginia West Virginia Canadian Maritime Provinces Quebec Ontario Outside North America Region 2 Iowa Illinois Indiana Kentucky Michigan Missouri Ohio Wisconsin Region 3 Kansas Minnesota Montana Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota Wyoming Alberta Manitoba Saskatchewan Region 4 Alabama Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Oklahoma Tennessee Texas Region 5 Alaska California Hawaii Idaho Nevada Oregon Washington British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Inuvik Region 6 Arizona Colorado New Mexico Utah Mexico Please note the region you are located in. Regions are used for nominating and voting for Board of directors’ elections and for Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Regional Groups. VOLUME 33 NO 4 9 Our 2015 Group Members Region 1 Caring for Mother Earth Kateri Cicle Nittany Valley Kateri Circle Journey With The Bear Kateri Circle of Central Vicariate Many Nations Kateri Circle Ocala Spring Mills Bear PA DE Richmond VA Tampa FL St. Kateri Tekakwitha Committee Syracuse of St. Lucy’s Church Region 2 Columbus Diocese Kateri Circle Kateri Circle of the Great Spirit Lily of the Mohawks, NE Iowa Marquette Kateri Circle St. Kateri Prayer Circle of Chicago Columbus Milwaukee Peosta Marquette Chicago Region 3 Cheyenne River Kateri Circle Gichitwaa Kateri Circle Holy Family Kateri Circle St. Charles Kateri Circle St. Joseph and St. Mary Kateri Circle St. Labre Kateri Circle St. Lawrence Kateri Circle Saints Joseph and Mary Kateri Circle White Earth Area Kateri Circle FL Eagle Butte St. Paul/ Minneapolis Cloquet Pryor Fort Thompson Ashland Duluth Deer River Ogema Region 4 Blessed Mother Earth Kateri Alexandria Circle Holy Family Kateri Circle Dulac Ninety-First Kateri Circle Birmingham St. Charles the Roch Kateri Circle Montegut NY LA LA AL LA Anchorage Portland AK OR Emerald City Kateri Circle Seattle WA Interior Star Kateri Circle Fairbanks AK Lapwai WA Central Louisiana Archaeology Chapter Consolata Society For Foreign Missions Las Casas: Dominicans in Ministry with Native Amer. NM Page AZ Isleta Laveen Paquate Ohkay NM AZ NM NM Albuquerque Rio Rancho Parker NM NM AZ Tuba City AZ Lakewood CO Tucson AZ Bernalillo NM Jemez Pueblo NM MN WA MN AK VA FL Pineville LA Somerset NJ Racine WI Marquette University Milwaukee Midwest Jesuits Chicago Native American Concerns: Vernon Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office for Black Catholics /Asian Richmond Ministry: Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Louis Carondelet AK University of California, Berkeley ID Wisconsin Historical Society CA WA Tohatchi Arch/Diocese MN Archdiocese of St Paul/ St. Paul/ MT Minneapolis Minneapolis SD Archdiocese of Seattle Seattle Duluth MT Diocese of Duluth Fairbanks MN Diocese of Fairbanks Diocese of Richmond Richmond MN Diocese of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg MN Organizations Aurora Lights Kateri Circle City of Roses Kateri Circle Nez Perce Kateri Circle Region 6 Ch’ooshgai Kateri Circle Immaculate Heart of Mary Kateri Circle Isleta Kateri Circle Komatke Kateri Circle Laguna Kateri Circle Ohkay Owingeh Kateri Circle Queen of Angels Kateri Circle Rio Rancho Kateri Circle OH WI Sacred Heart Kateri Circle IA St. Jude Tuba City Kateri MI Circle Saint Kateri Catholic IL Community Kateri Circle Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish Kateri Circle SD Sandia Pueblo Kateri Circle MN Walatowa Kateri Circle Region 5 Kateri Circle Yakama Reservation Wapato Our Lady of the Snow Kateri Wasilla Circle St. Joseph’s Mission Church Ka- San Jacinto Tacoma Kateri Circle Tacoma WI IL CA VA MO Berkeley CA Madison WI 10 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 DONATIONS Spring 2015 Friends of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Fund donations to date have been invested in CDs as a Special Restricted Savings Account. This Special Fund began at the 2003 Annual Tekakwitha Conference. Our goal is to build up the principal to one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more to insure the on-going operation of this National/International organization, the Tekakwitha Conference. February 25 , 2015 total: …….………………………..$226,146.82 From Feb. 25, 2015 - April 30, 2015…………….… $ 345.00 Donations 2015 Registrations Feb 25 - April 30: $ 255.00 Grand Total: ………………………………………………. $ 226,746.82 Through the intercession of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, we pray for all of our generous benefactors of the Friends of Kateri Tekakwitha Fund who individually contribute monthly, annually, and with the Annual Conference registration. One Circle holds an annual Kateri Auction during the Conference; some conference attendees donate items for the on-site Annual Tekakwitha Conference Raffle or Auction. To all of you, we say, THANK YOU!! Can you make a difference? Be a partner in the mission of Evangelization with the Tekakwitha Conference. The Tekakwitha Conference is a 501 (c) 3 Religious Non-Profit Organization. Please consider a contribution to: The Friends of St. Kateri Tekakwitha Restricted Fund I, the undersigned, make this donation/pledge to the Friends of Kateri Tekakwitha Fund. ______ One Time ______ Monthly ______Annually Name________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________ State/Providence_____________ Zip/Postal Code________________ Country___________________________________________ Home Phone__________________________________________________ Cell Phone________________________________________ E-mail_________________________________________________________ ______$5 ______$10 ______$20 ______$50 ______$100 Your Choice_______________ Please return this form and make U.S. Check or U.S. Money Order Payable to: FRIENDS OF KATERI TEKAKWITHA FUND c/o TEKAKWITHA CONFERENCE 2225 North Bolton Avenue Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 Our EIN number will be provided for tax purposes upon receipt of your donation. (PayPal) Donations can also be made on our website at Cross and Feathers Vol. 33 No. 4 This Newsletter is published 4 times a year: November-December / January-February / March-April / May-June-July Articles/photos for publication must be received the first week of the month prior to publication. Please send via e-mail or mail to: Tekakwitha Conference 2225 North Bolton Ave Alexandria, LA 71303-4808 Next Issue: Volume 34 No. 1 November-December 2015 E-mail: Website: Facebook: VOLUME 33 NO 4 11 2015 VENDOR INFORMATION Vendor Sales Policy All vendors and their helpers are to register and pay full Conference Registration fees. Registration form is on pages 12 & 13. The Tekakwitha National Board of Directors allows individuals and groups who are full conference paid participants to sell during the Annual Conference to give you and / or your group an opportunity to finance your trip to the Annual Tekakwitha Conference. † † † † † † † † † † You must be a FULL CONFERENCE PAID PARTICIPANT A vendor permit will be issued only to those who are registered for the full 76th Annual Tekakwitha Conference and have paid a table fee of $100.00 per table. Vendors will be allowed to conduct sales these days: Wednesday July 22, Thursday July 23, Friday July 24, and Saturday July 25. Only in the area designated for vendors. Sales are permitted only in the designated area located at the Alexandria Riverfront Center. NO SALES ALLOWED DURING LITURGIES (MASS and PRAYER times). Please be respectful. Security of your sales table will be your responsibility and not the responsibility of the Tekakwitha Conference nor the responsibility of the Alexandria Riverfront Center. The Tekakwitha Conference and the Alexandria Riverfront Center are not liable for any loss, damage, or theft. ONLY tables provided by the Alexandria Riverfront Center are allowed for vendors. A PAID VENDOR PERMIT with your name is required for each table used. Sale items are limited to SAINT KATERI TEKAKWITHA RELIGIOUS ARTICLES AND NATIVE ARTS & CRAFTS. PLEASE go to the vendor registration table to pick up your vendor permit on registration day upon your arrival. Your full cooperation is most appreciated. Thank you. REQUEST FORM FOR VENDOR TABLE(S) SALES You must be a FULL CONFERENCE PAID PARTICIPANT to be a vendor/helper. ALL FORMS DUE BY JUNE 20, 2015. Cost per table: $100.00 U.S. Funds plus Full Conference Participant Fees. Please Print Name___________________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip____________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone_________________________ Cell Phone___________________________________________ E-mail__________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Tables Requested________________ x $100 per table = $________________________________ Description of Items_______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Please complete form and return to TCNC with Check or Money Order payable in U.S. Funds. Enclosed with your conference registration, please. Mail to: Tekakwitha Conference 2225 North Bolton Ave Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 Visit our website: Or call the Office and we can e-mail it: (318) 483-3908 Pre-Registration On-Line Now. 1 day or 2 day Pre-Registration Forms Deadline: June 20, 2015 Most Rev. Rev. Msgr. Deacon Sister Brother Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss + $ 25.00 CONFERENCE FEE $___________ Registration fee per person: Dues $ __________ Dues $ _________ Special Meals: Vegetarian: _______ Vegan: ________ A minimum of 50% of AMOUNT DUE must accompany pre-registration form. Total $___________ Balance Due $___________ AMOUNT PAID $___________ OPTIONAL: Donation to Friends of Saint Kateri Restricted Fund: (your choice) Donation$___________ N.B. Gluten Free: ________ Buffet Style Meals: Wednesday July 22 Dinner; Thursday, Friday, & Saturday: Lunch & Dinner. Meals include: beverage, dessert & taxes. SOLD AS MEAL PACKAGE ONLY. This does not include breakfast. Adult (18 and Up)……………………………………….……...$110.00 Youth (13-17)…..(Adult menu now applies)…………....$100.00 Meals$ ___________ Child (4-12)……..(Youth menu will be provided)………$ 65.00 Toddler (3 yrs & under)……………………………………….No Charge Food Allergies: _________________________ _____________________________________________________________ You must be a current member (Paid for July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015) in order to receive the member pricing. CONFERENCE FEES BELOW NON-MEMBER YOUTH MEMBER N/A $150.00 Senior(55 yrs & over)……………$110.00 N/A $175.00 Adult (18-54 yrs.)……………......$135.00 $80.00 N/A Youth (13-17 yrs.)………………...N/A $55.00 N/A Child (3-12 yrs.)….………………..N/A Toddler (under 3 years)………....Registration Fee Only……………….No Charge July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 VALID MEMBERSHIP DUES: NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE SENIOR (55 +) $20.00 / ADULT (18-54 yrs.) $25.00 / SENIORS/ADULTS 18 & over (OUTSIDE USA) $30.00 Membership # (optional) ____________ Renewal________ New Member______ **You may RENEW your membership for : July 1, 2015—June 30, 2016 If you are a non-member registering for the Annual Conference you may pay your membership dues now for July 1, 2014– June 30, 2015 and pay member conference fee as indicated on this registration form OR pay the non-member conference fee. REGISTRATION FEE: NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE REQUIRED OF ALL PARTICIPANTS, ALL AGES INCLUDING INFANTS/TODDLERS TRIBE/NATION:__________________________________________________ ARCH/DIOCESE: ________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: _______________________________AGE: ___________SEX: _________ HOME PHONE: ___________________________________ WORK PHONE: __________________________________CELL PHONE: _____________________________ CITY: ________________________________________________ STATE/PROV: _____________________________ ZIP/POSTAL CODE: ________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Circle one July 22-26, 2015 76th ANNUAL TEKAKWITHA CONFERENCE AT THE Alexandria Riverfront Center TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY. USE ONLY THIS PRE-REGISTRATION FORM OR A PHOTOCOPY USE ONE FORM PER PERSON Mail all registrations and payments in U.S. CHECK, U.S. MONEY ORDER, OR U.S. BANK DRAFT to: TEKAKWITHA CONFERENCE 2225 North Bolton Ave., Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 ENTIRE FORM MUST BE COMPLETED, SIGNED AND POSTMARKED BY JUNE 20, 2015. 12 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 ______ Relationship ____ _______ ________________ Relationship________________ ______ ___ Contact Phone #______ _____ Cell Phone # _____ _ ________ __________ _____Will bring own wheelchair ______Will need a wheelchair on-site for my use ___________________________ DATE ________ Car ________Chartered Bus Other (Please explain):______________________________________ Time _________________ __ Time _____________________ _______ S _______ M _______ L _______ XL _______ XXL _______ XXXL _______ XXXXL _____Yes, I would like to pre-order t-shirts. I agree to pick up and pay at the Tekakwitha Conference Office Vendor Table by Friday, 12:00 pm on July 24, 2015. Please indicate number and sizes needed below. Color options and prices are not available at this time. NO prepayments for t-shirts. ******If you have not made your travel and hotel arrangements, please e-mail or call when you make them. For more information, Contact: Tekakwitha Conference Phone: 1-844-483-3900 Fax: 1-318-483-3909 E-mail: Please provide your hotel name _______________________________________________________________________ I am traveling by: (Please Check One) If shuttle service is needed, please provide the following information as soon as July 15, 2015. ARRIVAL: Flight # ____________________ July 22: Airline ___________ __________________________ DEPARTURE: Flight # ____________________ July 26: Airline __________________________ _____________ TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION REQUIRED: Complimentary airport shuttle is available by 2015 Planning Committee from the Alexandria International Airport to Alexandria Riverfront Center, and ONLY conference hotels specified. Comfort Inn, SAI Convention Center, Best Western, Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta, Comfort Suites and Parc England. (Others TBA) Please check one of the following before July 15, 2015: Will need transportation to: (please circle one) Comfort Inn SAI Convention Center Best Western Hampton Inn & Suites La Quinta Inn Comfort Suites Parc England on Wed. JULY 22 YES _______ NO _______ on Sun. July 26 YES _______ NO _______ __________________________________________________________ PRINT (FULL NAME) __________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE (FULL NAME) *** EACH ADULT REGISTRATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND DATED BY THE ADULT BELOW. *** EACH REGISTRATION FORM FOR YOUTH, CHILD, TODDLER MUST BE SIGNED AND DATED BY AN ADULT BELOW. In case of illness or injury, I hereby authorize emergency medical treatment for my minor child, guardian and myself, and agree to assume full responsibility for any such treatment, including payment of costs and any claims arising from or associated with such medical treatment. I accept all the policies of the Tekakwitha Conference, Alexandria Riverfront Center and Conference Hotels. ****Registrations post marked after June 20, 2015, an additional fee of $15.00 will apply. On site registration will be available at the Alexandria River Front Center beginning July 22, 2015 with a $15.00 late fee. Cancellation Fee is $40.00; Membership Dues are non-refundable. Cancellation requests must be received in writing before or on September 15, 2015 to the Tekakwitha Conference Office. (Please Check One) My Prescriptions and ailments:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *COMPLETE AND/OR BRING MEDICAL INFORMATION* Alternate Contact _________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, PLEASE NOTIFY: Emergency Contact at Conference_____ ______ VOLUME 33 NO 4 13 14 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 Accommodations 2015 Sai Hotel and Convention Center Single/Double (1-4 people) $89.00 + tax per night Block: 36 Rooms Amenities 3 Miles to Alexandria Riverfront Center Hot Breakfast Fitness Center Outdoor Pool with Whirlpools Free Wired & Wireless Internet 2301 North MacArthur Dr. Alexandria, LA 71303 For Reservations call: (318) 619– 3300 Ask for the Tekakwitha Conference Room Block Make reservations by July 7, 2015 for group rate. Hampton Inn & Suites Double/Queen $109 + tax per night 60 Room Block Amenities Hot Breakfast Pool Fitness Room Laundry & Valet Service 6124 West Calhoun Drive, Alexandria, LA, 71303-5067 For Reservations Call: (318) 445-4449 Ask for the Tekakwitha Conference Room Block 6 miles to the Alexandria Riverfront Center Make reservations by July 1, 2015 for group rate. Comfort Suites 1 King Suite Single/Double $89.88 + tax per night 2 Queen Single/Double $109.88 + tax per night 25 Room Block Amenities Hot Breakfast Outdoor pool Fitness Room Free Wireless High-Speed Internet 6015 Old Boyce Rd, Alexandria, LA, 71303 For Reservations Call: (318) 445-9800 Ask for the Tekakwitha Conference Room Block 6 miles to the Alexandria Riverfront Center Make reservations by June 20, 2015 for group rate. La Quinta Inn Single/Double 1-4 people $89.10 + tax per night 35 Room Block Amenities 6 miles to the Alexandria Riverfront Center Free Wifi Fitness Center Outdoor Pool Hot Breakfast 6116 West Calhoun Dr., Ale, LA, 71303 For Reservations Call: (318) 442-3700 Ask for the Tekakwitha Conference Room Block. VOLUME 33 NO 4 15 Accommodations 2015 Parc England Single $125 + tax per night Amenities Hot Breakfast Restaurant Outdoor Pool Free Wireless High Speed Internet Balcony Bellmen 1321 Chappie James Avenue, Alexandria, LA 71303 For Reservations call: (318) 445-7574 Ask for the Tekakwitha Conference rate 6 Miles to Alexandria Riverfront Center Comfort Inn & Best Western have NO VACANCIES Conference 2015 Adult Workshop Presenters: New Evangelization - Presenter: Most Reverend Sam Jacobs Description: Responding to the call of the Church to be encountered by Christ and to proclaim the Gospel of Love to others. Living on the Bayou Embracing the Wetlands - Presenter: Donald Dardar Description: Workshop will show how our community keeps our culture and traditions alive by fishing and through agriculture. The Apparitions of St. Kateri Tekakwitha - Presenter: Richard May Description: Overview of Apparitions and other miraculous events associated with St. Kateri Our Native American Martyrs - Presenter: Richard May Description: Overview with slides of our Native American martyrs with a focus on the history and martyrdom of the Apalachee Indians of Florida and the status of their canonization. When the Saints Go Marching In - Presenter: Mark Thiel Description: Lessons learned from the canonization causes of St. Kateri and other holy people. Talking Circle II - Father Henry Sands Description: An opportunity to talk about and develop solutions to the issues of importance to Native American Catholics that were identified by the participants of the 2014 Talking Circles Workshop. New Directions in Native Ministry - Presenter: Father John Hatcher, S.J. Description: Native Leadership Inculturation. A model of ministry based on the corporal & spiritual works of mercy. Native Spirituality through: The Beauty of The Alligator Garfish “On The Bayou”- Presenter: Janie Verret Luster Description: How the Alligator garfish has been a family tradition with my family and how it’s a blessing to my family. Meet Me At The Sweat Lodge - Vincent Kevin Jones Description: Utilizing poetry inspired by Native Spirituality in the spiritual growth process. The workshops intention is to enhance spiritual growth incorporating 4 directions of the Sweat Lodge. Prayer Life - Life through Prayer - Presenter: Rick Gresczyk, SR. & Bryan Jon Maciewski Description: As we journey through life, ways we can make our lives more prayerful - open discussion and testimonials. Why Read the Bible? How Do I Read It - Presenter: Rev. Glenn LeCompte, M. Div., S.T. L. Description: Workshop is to help participants understand the significance of the Bible in the life of the Church and he spiritual life of the individual, and to encourage them to make reading of the Scriptures an integral part of their spiritual lives and to give participants some tips for understanding what they read in the Bible. Native Spirituality through Weaving a Basket - Presenter: Janie Verret Luster Description: History of the Houma basket with demonstration of weaving a basket and the plant used. St. Kateri, Louisiana, And The New Evangelization - A Journey In Time - Paul Maclean: Coordinator of the Office of The New Evangelization for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux LA. Description: It would tie in her life, the new evangelization and a Louisiana connection or history. All though if falls best under the new evangelization it will in-part touch on other topics as well. 16 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 CONFERENCE 2015 76th Annual Tekakwitha Conference Tentative Adult Agenda Alexandria Riverfront Center Registration - 8:30am - 9:00pm Vendors 8:30am - 9:00pm July 22-25, 2015 July 22-25, 2015 Wednesday, July 22, 2015 5:30pm - 7:00pm 7:30pm Dinner Opening Prayer Official Welcome: Sister Kateri Mitchell, Tekakwitha Conference Executive Director Most Reverend Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Tekakwitha Conference Episcopal Moderator Most Reverend Ronald Herzog - Bishop Diocese of Alexandria, LA. Most Reverend Shelton Fabre - Bishop Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, LA. Mayor Jacques Roy of Alexandria, LA Representative from Alexandria/Pineville Visitors Bureau Gail Rando - Chair, Tekakwitha Conference Board of Directors 2015 Planning Committee Barbara Naquin - Chair and Pierre Solet - Co-chair Representative from local tribe Closing Prayer Thursday, July 23, 2015 6:00am - 6:30am 8:30am - 9:00am 9:30am - 10:45am 10:45am - 11:00am 11:00am - 11:45am 12:00pm - 1:30pm Sunrise Service At your hotel. Morning Prayer (El Paso) Grand Entry Refreshment Break Keynote Address - Most Reverend Sam G. Jacobs, D.D. Lunch Workshops 1:30pm - 2:45pm A: Responding to the call of the church to be Encountered by Christ and to proclaim the Gospel Most Reverend Sam Jacobs B: Sister Judith Gomila, MSC C: Living on the Bayou Embracing the Wetlands - Donald Dardar D: The Apparitions of St. Kateri Tekakwitha - Richard May 2:45pm - 3:00pm Refreshment Break 3:00pm - 4:15pm Tekakwitha Conference Board of Directors addresses the General Assembly 4:30pm Eucharistic Liturgy - Main Celebrant: Most Reverend Charles Chaput, O.F.M., CAP 5:30pm - 7:00pm Dinner 7:00pm Reconciliation & Healing Service Father Roch Naquin, Music by Marcus Briggs-Cloud & Vincent Redhouse **Bring 3 oz. container of water from spring, pond, river or lake in your area. Friday, July 24, 2015 6:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:45am 10:30am 12:00pm - 6:30am 9:00am 9:45am 10:00am 1:30pm Sunrise Service - At your hotel. Morning Prayer (Tennessee Kateri Circle) Keynote Address - Most Reverend Shelton Fabre - Bishop Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, LA Refreshment Break Eucharistic Liturgy - Most Reverend Shelton Fabre - Bishop Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, LA Lunch Workshops 1:30pm - 2:45pm A: B: C: D: 2:45pm - 3:00pm Our Native American Martyrs - Richard May When the Saints Go Marching In - Mark Thiel Talking Circle II - Father Henry Sands New Directions in Native Ministry - Father John Hatcher S.J. Refreshment Break Workshops 3:00pm - 4:15pm A: Native Spirituality Through The Beauty of the Fish “On The Bayou” The Alligator Garfish Janie Verret Luster B: Meet Me At The Sweat Lodge - Vincent Kevin Jones C: Prayer Life - Life through Prayer - Rick Gresczyk, Sr & Bryan Jon Maciewski VOLUME 33 NO 4 17 CONFERENCE 2015 Friday Adult Agenda Continued 4:30pm - 5:30pm Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Six Regional Gatherings (Locations TBA) Region 1, Region 2, Region 3: Group A Region 4, Region 5, Region 6: Group B 5:30pm - 7:00pm 7:00pm - 9:00pm Dinner Pow-Wow Saturday, July 25, 2015 6:00am - 6:30am 8:30am - 9:00am 9:00am - 9:45am 9:45am - 10:15am Sunrise Service At your hotel. Morning Prayer Keynote Address - Sister Judith Gomila Refreshment Break Workshops 10:30am - 11:45am A: B: C: 12:00pm - 1:30pm 1:30pm - 2:30pm A: B: C: 2:30pm - 3:45pm A: B: C: 4:00pm - 5:30pm 5:30pm - 7:00pm 7:00pm Why Read the Bible? How Do I Read It? - Rev. Glenn LeCompte, M.Div.,S.T.L. Native Spirituality Through Weaving Life and Native Spirituality Into A Basket - Janie Verret Luster St. Kateri, Louisiana, And The New Evangelization - A Journey In Time - Paul Maclean Lunch Meet Me At The Sweat Lodge - Vincent Kevin Jones Prayer Life - Life through Prayer - Rick Gresczyk, Sr & Bryan Jon Maciewski St. Kateri, Louisiana, And The New Evangelization - A Journey In Time - Paul Maclean When the Saints Go Marching In - Mark Thiel TBA TBA Eucharistic Liturgy Celebrant Most Reverend Ronald Herzog (Transfer of Traveling Saint Kateri Statue & Saint Kateri Relic during Liturgy) Dinner (Traditional Meal) Entertainment for ALL: Fay Doe-Doe Treater Band Tentative Youth Agenda - All Youth Activities will be at the St. Francis Cathedral Parish Hall Wednesday, July 22, 2015 5:30pm - 7:20pm 7:30pm Dinner on the Red River Levee (Xavier Hall alternate weather location) Youth meet & Greet - begin Music preparation for liturgy and prayer service. All Co-chairs present for introductions. Opening Prayer: General Assembly Thursday, July 23, 2015 6:00am - 6:30am Sunrise Service At your hotel 8:30am - 9:00am Morning Prayer (El Paso - Riverfront Center) 9:30am - 10:30am Grand Entry (Pierre Solet) Gather in Xavier Hall - Snack break 10:50am - 11:20am Keynote Speaker - Xavier Hall (all groups) Trusting in Jesus and embracing our Faith in Culture through God’s Gifts 11:30am - 12:15pm Ages 4-9: Turtle Clan activity - Judy Arnouts (Xavier Hall) Ages 10-12: Music in Praise - Janet Cargle (Xavier Hall) Ages 13-17: United of wills - the Journey - Fr. Charlie Ray 12:00pm Lunch On the Levee (Xavier Hall alter nate weather location) 1:30pm - 2:30pm Art projects in Cultural & Sacred Traditions Ages 4-9: Painting from Natural Colors Ages 10-12: Moccasins - Walking in Faith - Judy Arnouts Ages 13-17: Fused Glass - Crosses with River Oaks volunteers 3:00pm Sharing the Faith in Everyday Culture - Peace and Discernment activity - Xavier Hall Ages 4-9: Turtle Clan Activity - Judy Arnouts Ages 10-12: Art & Music of Natural Resources Ages 13-17: Flute Workshop - Danny Dyson & Peter Villegas (Four Winds Tribe) 4:30pm Liturgy (Alexandria Riverfront Center) 5:30pm Dinner on the Levee 6:30pm Preparations for Reconciliation and Healing with the Sacraments - Diocesan Catechists 7:00pm Healing Service: bring 3 oz container of water from your home waters (lake, rivers, ponds) to be joined With all nations - all directions. Rosary and Journey Home - Our Restless Hearts (Youth Bus available to hotels (Menard). Friday, July 24, 2015 6:00am - 6:30am 8:30am - 9:00am 9:00am - 9:30am Sunrise Service At your hotel Morning Prayer (Tennessee Kateri Circle) Keynote Speaker - Levee (all groups): Peter Vallegas - Diocese of Lake Charles Ages 4-9: Preparations: music & reading for Liturgy drums & flutes 18 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 Conference 2015 Friday Youth Agenda Continued 11:45am 5:30pm - 7:00pm 7:00pm Zoo: Menard Bus (all ages) Lunch & Activities at the Zoo Ages 4-9: All Creatures Great & Small, Scavenger Hunt & Puzzle Activity Ages 10-12: Challenging Independence & asking the right questions - Scavenger Hunt Ages 13-17: Environmental Activity - Making a Splash team: Resource Management - Paul Wallace: (Zoo Docent & Retired NRCS Ecologist) Dinner on the Levee Pow-Wow (Riverfront Center) Saturday, July 25, 2015 6:00am - 6:30am 8:30am - 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 11:30pm 1:30pm 4:00pm - 5:30pm 5:30pm - 7:00pm 7:00pm - Sunrise Service At your hotel. Morning Prayer Walk the Talk - Levee (all ages) Music Workshop and telling the story in Music & Art. Recording Youth Music from Conference and more Lunch (pr ovided by local organization) Tentative Video Production - telling the story in film, music, art, dance…. Youth leaders working with each age group in all categories. Talent Show - Riverfront Center Preparation for Final Liturgy Liturgy: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Most Reverend Ronald Herzog – Diocese of Alexandria, LA Dinner at Riverfront Center (Traditional Meal) Entertainment - Riverfront ALL AGES ALL NATIONS TIME TO UPDATE YOUR KATERI CIRCLE CONTACT INFORMATION FOR 2015 PLEASE take a moment to assist us. Update and / or pay membership dues by completing the form and returning it to the Tekakwitha Conference at the address below. Official Name of Circle: ______________________________________________ $25 Membership Dues included Yes or No Adult Circle Youth Circle Parish/Mission/Other Sponsorship, if applicable: ____________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ State: _____________________ Zip/Providence Code: __________________ CONTACT INFORMATION President of Kateri Circle / Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________________ Official Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State/Providence: __________________ Zip/Providence Code: ____________ Contact Person Phone Information Home: _____________________________________________ Work: ____________________________________________ Cell: _______________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________ E-mail address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mail to Tekakwitha Conference 2225 North Bolton Ave., Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 We invite you to become a member and join the Tekakwitha Conference Family. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES FORM We are grateful for the prayers and your financial support through your annual membership to the Tekakwitha Conference. 55 years & over: Kateri Circles: $20.00 $25.00 18-54 years: $25.00 Arch/dioceses: $50.00 Seniors/Adults 18 & over (outside USA): $30.00 All Organization: $50.00 New Member: _______ Male_______ Female______ Date of Birth: _______________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________ Home#: _____________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ Cell #: _______________________________________________ City: __________________________________ St/Prov: ____________ Zip/Postal Code: __________________ Country: _________ E-mail Address: __________________________________ Tribe/Nation: ___________________ Arch/diocese: ___________________ I would like to receive a Cross and Feathers by (Circle one) : Postal/Mail E-mail/Electronic Person who invited me to become a member: Member Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ___________________ Please enclose this completed form with your Check or Money Order in U.S. Funds and mail to: Tekakwitha Conference 2225 North Bolton Ave. Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 VOLUME 33 NO 4 19 Individual Membership Form TEKAKWITHA CONFERENCE ANNUAL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP FORM JULY 1, 2015 - JUNE 30, 2016 I will sing a new song to my God. (Judith 16:13) Title First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address: Street or PO Box Gender Apartment # City Sate/Province Home Phone Work Phone Zip/Postal Code Country Cell Phone E-mail Address Date of Birth Age Tribe/Nation Cross and Feathers Delivery Method (Circle one) Circle One For: Renewal Arch/Diocese Postal/Mail E-mail/Electronic New Member Your Membership dues will include the following: Subscription to the Cross and Feathers newsletter Nominating & Voting privileges for Board of Directors elections Membership to an International Indigenous Catholic Organization Share in the Prayers offered for members ANNUAL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES WITHIN THE UNITED STATES OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES (U.S. FUNDS ONLY) SENIORS (55+) $20.00 SENIORS (55+) $30.00 ADULTS (18-54) $25.00 ADULTS (18-54) $30.00 Please make U.S. Check or U.S. Money Order payable to: Tekakwitha Conference Please cut out, complete, and mail form with payment to: Tekakwitha Conference 2225 North Bolton Avenue Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 20 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 Group Membership Form 2015 TEKAKWITHA CONFERENCE ANNUAL GROUP MEMBERSHIP FORM JANUARY 1 - DECEMBER 31 OFFICIAL GROUP NAME CITY STATE/PROVINCE ZIP/POSTAL CODE COUNTRY CONTACT PERSON MAILING ADDRESS: STREET OR P.O. BOX APARMENT NUMBER CITY STATE PHONE NUMBER ZIP/POSTAL CODE E-MAIL ADDRESS GROUP TYPE (PLEASE CIRCLE ONE BELOW) KATERI CIRCLE YOUTH KATERI CIRCLE ADULT ARCH/DIOCESE CIRCLE ONE: RENEWAL CROSS AND FEATHERS DELIVERY METHOD (CIRCLE ONE) ORGANIZATION NEW GROUP POSTAL/MAIL OR E-MAIL/ELECTRONIC I thank you and praise you ,O Lord. (Sirach 12) Your Membership dues will include the following: Subscription to the Cross and Feathers newsletter Membership to an International Indigenous Catholic Organization Share in the Prayers offered for members ANNUAL GROUP MEMBERSHIP DUES WITHIN THE UNITED STATES OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES (U.S. FUNDS ONLY) KATERI CIRCLE $25.00 KATERI CIRCLE $25.00 ARCH/DIOCESE $50.00 ARCH/DIOCESE $50.00 ORGANIZATION $50.00 ORGANIZATION $50.00 Please make U.S. Check or U.S. Money Order payable to: Tekakwitha Conference National Center Please cut out, complete, and mail form with payment to: Tekakwitha Conference National Center 2225 North Bolton Avenue Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 VOLUME 33 NO 4 21 GIFT SHOP ITEMS Books B-001 K-109 Kateri Tekakwitha, The Lily of the Mohawks (part of St. Joseph Picture Book Series) simply written for children by Father Lovasik, SVD, 34 pgs K-112 Kateri Novena in the form of a short biography Song of Kateri: Princess of the Eucharist by Marlene McCauley..311 pages Finding a Way Home: Indian & Catholic Spiritual Paths of the Plateau Tribes by Father Patrick Twohy, 294 pages.. $20.00 B-002 Beginnings: A Meditation on..Coast Salish Life Ways by Father Patrick Twohy, 155 pages $11.00 B-003 Sacred Ground: Reflections on Lakota Spirituality and the Gospels by Ron Zeilinger, 155 pages B-004 B-007 The Way of the Cross: Tree of Ron Zeilinger (16 pp) Black Elk: Colonialism & Lakota Catholicism by Damian Costello, 193 pages $1.50 K-123 $25.00 B-010 People of the Circle,..People of the Four Scott McCarthy (712 pp/155 photos) $34.00 K-126 K-127 $8.00 K-118 K-119 K-120 B-013 A Retreat with Black Elk:..Living in the Sacred Sister M Therese Archambault, OSF, 104 pages $5.00 K-202 K-206 B-014 B-017 The Original Caughnawaga Father Henri Bechard..258 pages Who Speaks for the Land: The Challenge of the American Indian. 15 pages. (illus/paperback) $17.00 K-213 $0.25 K-241 B-020 The Pipe and Christ:..A Christian-Sioux William Stoltzman, 222 pages B-026 B-032 Lakota Grieving: A Pastoral Father Stephen Huffstetter..Grade. 9 - Adult; paperback US Catholic Historian..Volume 27, No 21, Winter 2009.."Comparative Studies of Native American Catholics" K-242 $8.00 K-260 K-251 $9.50 K-252 $18.00 K-312 K-319 Journeys of Discovery: Transitions, Rites of Passage, and the Sacramental Life of Faith by Father Robert J Hater, PhD, 199 pages $20.00 K-331 B-054 B-055 B-056 Nicholas Black Elk– Medicine Man, Missionary, Mystic Drumming from Within Peacemaking Circles & Urban Youth: Bringing Justice Home by Carolyn Boyes-Waston, PhD, 285 pages.. $25.00 K-352 $17.00 K-353 $20.00 K-353b B-057 Sacraments and Shamans by Scott McCarthy, 195 pages $17.00 B-058 B-059 Prayerful Pauses American Indian Nations from Termination to Restoration 1953-2006, by Roberta Ulrich, 311 pages $13.00 $30.00 K-357 B-60 Keeping Hope: A Resource for Family and Friends of the Incarcerated by Karen Henning Heuberger & Ron Zeilinger $8.00 B-201 God’s Family Circle: Sacrament of Baptism Text by: Father Patrick J. Twohy, SJ. Illustrated by: Gus Antone, 21 pages $4.00 B-202 God's Sacred Meal: Sacrament of Eucharist Text by Father Patrick Twohy, SJ. Illustrated. by Gus Antone, 25 pages B-203 Strong in the Spirit: Sacrament of Confirmation. Text by Father. Patrick Twohy, SJ. Illustrated. by Gus Antone 39 pages Catherine Tekakwitha Medal Bracelet (turquoise on gold toned medal) $8.00 Kateri Medal & 18" Chain..(Sterling Silver) Gift boxed Kateri Rosary Brown Bead $30.00 $10.00 Kateri Rosary Teak Beads $10.00 4-Directions Rosary with medal $10.00 $2.00 Lapel Pin-Buckskin image $2.00 Lapel Pin– Pewter $2.00 Pewter Kateri Pin with Basket $4.00 K-355 Kateri Earrings (Traditional image) $4.00 K-356 Kateri Earrings (Buckskin image) $4.00 Kateri Necklace (Traditional image) Gold-colored..Oval-shaped $6.50 K-358 Kateri Necklace (Buckskin image) Gold-colored..Oval-shaped $6.50 K-359 Kateri Locket Gold color (Traditional image) $6.50 K-360 Kateri Locket Gold color (Buckskin image) K-361B Kateri Oval Bracelet Silver Color $14.00 $4.00 K-362K K-362B Kateri Oval Keychain Silver Color Kateri Cross Bracelet Silver Color $ $14.00 $4.00 K-362E K-362N $0.50 K-362P Kateri Cross Earrings Silver Color $6.00 Kateri Cross Necklace Silver color $5.00 Kateri Cross Lapel Pin Silver Color $6.00 Kateri Necklace with Medal, Traditional image $4.00 $0.50 K-365 Traditional Kateri Stamptack $3.00 K-366 $0.50 K-367 Buckskin Kateri Stamptack Kateri Locket silver colored with 18" chain..Traditional Image $3.00 $6.50 K-364 Marriage and Family Life. Text by Father. Patrick Twohy, SJ. Art by Gus Antone, 45 pages $0.50 B-208 Praying: A Way of Being in the Father P. Twohy, SJ. Art by Gus Antone, 23 pages $0.50 K-403 K-405 Kateri Henri Bechard, SJ, 20 pages $25.00 $3.50 B-207 K-107 $25.00 St. Kateri 8” Tekakwitha Bronze Statue Lapel Pin-Traditional image K-351 Leadership: Gift to the Faith Community. Text by Father Patrick Twohy, SJ Art by Gus Antone, 36 pages Kateri Francis X. Weiser, SJ, 165 pages $25.00 St. Kateri 8”Tekakwitha Ivory Statue Pendant– 1” round/full color/boxed– Traditional Image B-206 K-106 $25.00 St. Kateri 8” Traditional Brown Antiqued Statue $3.00 $8.00 American Indian Liberation: A Theology of Sovereignty by George E "Tink" Tinker, 163 pages Silver Rope Bead Rosary Bracelet with Kateri Medal Kateri Statue, 8’ in Buckskin..Made in Italy $5.00 B-052 K-105 $25.00 Kateri Medal Silver Color (round) Catherine Tekakwitha Medal Necklace (turquoise on gold toned medal) on chain and boxed $30.00 K-313 K-317 $20.00 K-318 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Courageous Faith, Adapted from a book by Lillian M Fisher, 131 pages, quick read $3.50 Kateri Statue, 8" in Blue Robe..Made in Italy $6.00 In the Footsteps of Our Ancestors, The Dakota Commemorative Marches of the 21st Century. Edited by W Angela Wilson, 324 pages K-104 Stretchy Wooden Bead Saint Kateri Bracelet Kateri Gilded Medal..(gold plated) Made in Italy B-050 Kateri Items $1.50 $5.50 K-306 $19.00 Kaia'tano'ron - Kateri Father Henri Bechard, 219 pages $15.00 Kateri Statuettes -- 1” (pocket size) Catherine Tekakwitha Medal (turquoise on gold toned medal) no chain $1.00 The Vision Keepers: Walking for Native Americans by Douglas Alderson, 261 pages K-102 $16.00 Lily of the Mohawk, The Story or Saint Kateri Kateri medal (Buckskin image), gold with relic B-049 The Sacraments and Indigenous People-Rev RJ Hater Saint Kateri : Lily of the Mohawks by Matthew and Margaret Bunson K-304 $20.00 K-309 K-310 B-363 $5.00 $1.00 Peacemaking Circles: From Crime to Community by Kay Pranis, Barry Stuart, Mike Wedge, 277 pages God's Healing Touch: Anointing of the Sick. Text by Father Patrick Twohy, SJ...Illustrated by Gus Antone, 30 pages Whitney From Heaven: A Wondrous Cat by Marlene McCauley, 156 pages Kateri Medal--Traditional..(oval shape) silver finish B-048 B-205 $12.00 K-301 $25.00 God's Pardon and Peace: Sacrament of Reconciliation. Text by Father Patrick Twohy, SJ. Illustrated by Gus Antone, 39 pages $12.00 St. Kateri Tekakwitha touch relic Justice as Healing: Indigenous Ways..Edited by Wanda D McCaslin, 459 pages B-204 $2.00 $15.00 K-300 B-047 B-053 Kateri Tekakwitha, Mohawk Maiden by Evelyn M Brown Tekakwitha Holy Native, Mohawk Virgin 1656-1680 Compiler/Author of life story, with reflections, Reverend Edward Sherman, 105 pages $8.00 K-368 Kateri Locket silver colored on 18" chain..Buckskin Image K-402 Kateri Chaplet (with Crucifix) $8.00 $10.00 $6.50 $12.00 $9.00 Kateri Rosary with Rose Beads $13.00 Kateri Rosary...Crystal Beads Kateri Rosarywith Black or Brown Beads $13.00 $13.00 K-409 Kateri Rosary - Wooden, from Brazil, with Kateri photo on heart beads.. $12.00 K-412 Kateri Rosary with special relic $10.00 K-413 Kateri Rosary with Gold Medal $5.00 K-414 How to Pray the Rosary $0.50 Kateri Key Chain - Traditional Image Kateri Key Chain - Buckskin Image $3.50 $3.50 Kateri Visor/Money Clip - Traditional Image $4.00 $10.00 K-407 K-408 $17.00 Kateri Chaplets with medal/3 decades in clear, amber, red $6.50 K-431 $8.00 K-432 $2.50 K-441 22 MAY-JUNE-JULY 2015 GIFT SHOP ITEMS K-442 Kateri Visor/Money Clip - Buckskin Image $4.00 V-06 Putting Shoes on the Gospel, Sister Jose Hobday, 2 hours $10.00 K-443 Kateri Visor Clip (with spring clasp)-Traditional image Barefoot in the Gospels,… by Sister Jose Hobday, 2 hours $10.00 K-444 Kateri Visor Clip (with spring clasp)-Buckskin image Prayer and Spirituality,.. by Sister Jose Hobday, 1 hour 19 minutes $10.00 K-450 Kateri Pocket case with Medal, Prayer & Touch Relic Sacraments & Spirituality,.. by Sister Jose Hobday, 2 hours $10.00 K-451 Kateri "Stained Glass" Bi-fold (Traditional image) K-452 Kateri "Stained Glass" Bi-fold (Buckskin image) $4.50 V-07 $4.50 V-08 $5.00 V-10 $4.00 V-11 $4.00 Native American Spirituality & Christian Experiences,.. by Sister Jose Hobday, 1 hour $10.00 K-461 Kateri Magnet (2x1) Buckskin V-12 Specify Specific Year...Annual Conference Highlights, Specify Year: 1983 -1986; 1995-1999; 2002, 2003, 2004 $10.00 Kateri Magnet, round 2", white rubber with inscription "Kateri Tekakwitha Pray for Us" $0.50 K-468 V-13 The Spirit and Message of Kateri Tekakwitha Today, Panel Discussion $10.00 Conversations with Indigenous.. People: Sacred Relations… (1998: Memphis, Tenn) $10.00 Kateri Magnet (2x1) Traditional $1.00 V-21 K-462 K-470 Kateri Magnet (small)- Buckskin $2.00 K-471 Kateri Magnet (small)- Traditional image $2.00 K-507 Prayer Card with Kateri Medal on Chain $5.50 K-511 Prayer Card & Relic Medal (in clear plastic case)..Traditional image $3.00 K-514 Kateri Medal & Holycard K-515 $1.00 2014 Fargo, ND V-126 Opening & Welcome Ceremony, Keynote Speaker: Mark Thiel “75 Years and before, of history of the Tekakwitha Conference” $15.00 V-127 Liturgy & Homily Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFMCap, Workshop: Fr. John Hascall, OFMCap “Indigenous/Christian Spirituality & St. Kateri” $15.00 $3.00 Lily of the Mohawks Pin $3.50 V-128 Gathering of Nations, Grand Entry, & Pow Wow $15.00 K-516 Lily of the Valley Necklace Pendant Lily of the Mohawks . Kateri Poster..12" x 18" K-571 Kateri leather hand tooled bookmarks $3.00 Workshop: Mark Thiel “140 Action Years of the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions” Keynote speaker: Sister Inez Jetty, Deacon Bud Jetty, Deacon Francis, & Father Cavanaugh “The Beauty of Walking Humbly” $15.00 K-518 $3.50 V-129 $2.00 K-601 Kateri Poster by King Kuka..18" x 24".. $2.00 Keynote Speaker: Sister Judy Gomila “Where Do We Go From Here” $15.00 K-613 Kateri Poster by John Steele..5" x 7" $1.50 V-131 Workshop: Scott Nelson Foster “Painting St. Kateri” (Iconography) $15.00 K-615 Kateri Poster by John Steele. 16” x 20” $5.00 V-132 $15.00 K-622 16X20 Kateri Poster by Gus Antone $1.00 Liturgy & Homily: Most Reverend Donald Kettler, Bishop of St. Cloud, MN & Talent Show K-631 Kateri Poster by Tisket Seslar..5" x 7".. $1.00 K-632 Kateri Poster by Tisket Seslar..8" x 10".. $1.00 V-124 K-633 Kateri Poster by Tisket Seslar..9" x 12" $1.00 K-634 Kateri Poster by Tisket Seslar..11" x 14" $1.00 V-125 K-636 Kateri art print Icon (Laurence) $30.00 K-642 Kateri Wooden Relic Plaque (4" X 3 3/4") $10.00 K-644 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha wood inlay wall hanging 13”x6 1/2 made from various wood. Design by Bro Conrad Heinin $60.00 V-114 K-650 Kateri Tekakwitha Stained Glass image sun catcher, static sticker $3.00 K-660 Kateri Bumper Stickers $0.25 K-731 Kateri Note cards by "Tisket"..(package of 10) $2.00 V-115 V-130 2013 El. Paso, TX K-M14 St. Kateri Tekakwitha Gold Pendant, no chain K-P1 Silver Tone Plaque with Blue & White Rim G-07 Guadalupe Poster by Gus Antone 12x17 1/2 $15.00 $10.00 Grand Entry, Sister Kateri Mitchells speaks of First Class Miracle with Jake Finkbonner & Family, Yupik Group, Father John Haskell, Grand Entry, Keynote Speaker Father Jim Nisbet on Topic: The Gift of Kateri, NY State Governor Office Representative $10.00 V-116 Workshop Presentation by Deacon Daniel Nez Martin, Topic: Health of Native Americans & Diabetes, Workshop Presentation by Darren Bonaparte, author of the book "Lily Among Thorns: A Story of Kateri Tekakwitha", Topic: The Historical Kateri Tekakwitha $10.00 V-117 Liturgy - main Celebrant, Most Reverend Terry LaValley, Mohawk Women's Dance to the music of Marcus Briggs-Cloud and Vince RedHouse, Mohawk Hunting song and dance by Hotinonhson:ni Cultural Youth Group $10.00 Reverend David Korth play native flute. MD's Irvin Pablo, Gail Rando. Pre-liturgy announcements, Kateri Tekakwitha monologue by Theresa Steele, Keynote Speaker Deacon Ron Boyer, Topic: Kateri's Influence in Our Lives $10.00 Hotinonhson:ni Cultural Youth Group, Main Celebrant Most Reverend Charles Chaput with Liturgy, Liturgical music by Akwesasne Mohawk Women Singers and Hotinonhson:ni Cultural Youth Group $10.00 $3.00 $5.00 $1.00 Workshop: Mark Thiel “Legacy of St. Kateri”, Liturgy: Most Reverend Mark J. Seitz, Bishop of El Paso, & Pow Wow Welcoming Ceremony, Prayer & Smudging, Introductions, Hotinonhson:ni Cultural Youth Group, Very Reverend Michael Farano, Bishop Donald Kettler, Akwesasne Tribal Council Representatives, Holiday Inn Representative, 2012 Planning Committee, Tekakwitha Conference Board of Directors $4.00 K-M06S St. Kateri Silver Relic $15.00 2012 Albany, New York $4.00 K-M06G St. Kateri Gold Relic Opening & Welcoming Ceremony, Eagle Dance, Transfer of the Bell, & Grand Entry DVDs DVD-1 In Her Footsteps: The Story of Kateri Tekakwitha, 2012 Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation DVD $20.00 V-118 DVD-2 St. Kateri Tekakwitha, A Pilgrimage Into Her Heart $15.00 V-1 How Indian Is Your Bishop Chaput..(35 min.) $5.00 V-119 V-02 Life of Blessed Kateri, a monologue by Theresa Steele & Sarah Hassenplug, 1990 and a Kateri Play by Mohawk Youth 2007, 25 Minute $5.00 Being Indian, Being Christian by Father John Hascall, OFM, 1 hour 30 minutes $10.00 V-120 Workshop with Earl Dionne, Topic: Faith and Culture, Witness talk on Healing Fire $10.00 V-03 V-04 Symbols & their Meanings in Native Worship by Father John Hascall, OFM, 1 hour 30 minutes $10.00 V-121 Opening with speakers and bishops of Fairbanks, AK..July 19 Grand $10.00 V-05 Spirituality in Indian Culture by Father John Hascall, OFM Cap, 1 hour OFM, 1 hour 30 mins $10.00 V-122 Keynote speaker, Vicar General of Albany and Monsignor Lenz and his role in the last miracle of Kateri Tekakwitha $10.00 VOLUME 33 NO 4 23 GIFT SHOP ITEMS OTHER DVDs AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST FROM 1982-2011: GRAND ENTRY, OPENING CEREMONY, WORKSHOPS, LITURGIES, & KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Please E-mail: Or Call: (318) 483-3908 K-241 K-242 K-260 K-644 Red St. Kateri Tekakwitha Enticed Pen $1.00 K-106 B-002 B-050 Silver 75th Annual Tekakwitha Conf. Enticed Pen $1.00 ORDER FORM May-June-July 2015 TEKAKWITHA CONFERENCE GIFT SHOP B-020 B-054 B-010 These items make great gifts for, Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries, First Eucharist, Confirmation, “Anytime” and Saint Kateri celebrations. Help support the ministry of the Tekakwitha Conference. Place your order today. Name: ___________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________ City: _______________________State/Province: _______________ ZIP/Postal Code: _________________ Country: _____________ K-M06S K-120 Phone # _____________________ Cell # ______________________ E-mail address ____________________________________________ Item # K-310 K-118 K-127 DVD-1 Description Qty. ________ _________________________ ________ ________ _________________________ _________ ________ _________________________ _________ ________ _________________________ _________ Prices are subject to change. PLEASE send NO payment with your order. Shipping and handling will be included on your invoice. Please be sure to include all information on this form so that we may process your order promptly. Mail or E-mail or Phone your order to: K-105 Sales – TCNC 2225 North Bolton Ave. Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 Or Call: 1-844-483-3900 E-mail: DVD-2 K-304 K-213 Visit our website: for other Conference information and to view our Catalog. TEKAKWITHA CONFERENCE 2225 North Bolton Ave. Alexandria, LA 71303-4408 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED **Attention: Conference Attendees** A new meal experience for all will take place this July 22-26 in Alexandria. Therefore, it is highly recommended that everyone purchase the meal package as indicated on the 2015 Registration Form. There are only three (3) small coffee and sandwich shops open until noon or 3:00pm within walking distance of the Alexandria Riverfront Center. Hospitals: Rapides Regional Medical Center: 211 4th Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 -0.28 miles Christus St. Francis Cabrini Hospital: 3330 Masonic Dr, Alexandria, LA 71301 -2.87 miles V.A. Medical Center: 2495 Shreveport Hwy, Pineville, LA 71360 -5.07 miles Pharmacies: CVS Pharmacy: 721 Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA 71301 Ph: (318) 443-8405 -1.08 miles Walgreens Pharmacy: 3333 Masonic Drive Alexandria, LA 71301 Ph: (318) 445-6386 -2.90 miles 4444 Jackson Street Ext Alexandria, LA 71303 Ph: (318) 448-9340 -3.43 miles Walmart: 2050 N Mall Dr., Alexandria, LA 71301 Ph: (318) 445-2300 -3.28 miles 812 Belleau Wood, Alexandria, LA 71301 Ph: (318) 625-3762 -3.82 miles Alexandria City maps with important locations will be distributed on-site, at registration time during the Annual Tekakwitha Conference. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Complimentary Shuttle Service to and from hotels and the Alexandria River Front each morning and evening will be provided. For those who are driving there is FREE parking in downtown Alexandria. Bring sweaters and /or jackets for the air-conditioned buildings and rooms. Bring 3 oz. container of water from spring, pond, river or lake in your area. Only service dogs are allowed during the Conference. As many of you suggested in past year you would like to bring your own lanyards & conference bags to future conferences. We invite you to bring them for your own use during this upcoming conference. If you have a water bottle feel free to bring it for your own use. La Quinta & Hampton Inn has a hotel shuttle for early & late departures.