MSPC Newsletter 2015-08-20 File
MSPC Newsletter 2015-08-20 File
Volume 17 No 13 20th August 2015 Dear Parents and Friends of Mt St Patrick College, I received the following email from the owner of the Southern Cross Motor Inn and Tourist Park, Berridale where seventy eight Year 9 students and seven staff stayed during their recent excursion to the snow fields. The comments are a wonderful reflection of the group and show the respect they have for each other and their teachers. I am sure parents will feel as proud as I am about the email. Dear Mr Daly, We just wanted to write a note to you to say how impressed we all were, yet again, with the staff and students of Mt St Patrick College on their recent stay with us for their Snow Camp. The students were all so beautifully behaved during their stay – so very polite and respectful of all those around them. The staff were, of course, so great to host here again – the care and respect they show towards the students is always a pleasure to watch, and particularly the effort that is put into the safety of the students while undertaking snow sports. You must be so proud of the great community you have at your School, and we thank you for allowing us to look after such a wonderful group! Kind Regards Michelle Hearn Southern Cross Motor Inn & Tourist Park A Special Request Next year Mt St Patrick College will celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the inception of Mt St Patrick Regional High School. Mt St Patrick College was founded as Mt St Patrick High School in 1926 and became known as Mt St Patrick Regional High School in 1966 after the introduction of the Wyndham Scheme. The start of Mt St Patrick Regional High School accompanied many changes to the school and so is a significant milestone in the 89 year history of the College. Our celebrations will reflect that significance. A Jubilee Book will be printed to mark the occasion. The book will focus on photos and memories of school life from ex-students, parents, teachers or others from the 1960’s to the present. Written contributions would be much appreciated, no matter how large or small. Photos of the 1960’s, especially of 1965 and 1966, are difficult to source and would make a valuable contribution to the book. Photos will be scanned and returned immediately. An appeal for articles and photos has been printed in the Sacred Heart Parish Bulletin, Murwillumbah, the St Joseph’s Parish Bulletin, Tweed Heads and College Newsletters. An article will be printed in the local free papers and the ‘Catholic Life’ in coming weeks. So far we have received only one response to our request for articles. Mt St Patrick College Newsletter Page 1 20/08/2015 Written contributions and/or photos may be left or posted to Mt St Patrick College (PO Box 105, Murwillumbah) or emailed to as soon as possible or hopefully before the end of September. A response to this special request will ensure that the Jubilee Book and our 50th Anniversary celebrations will be a wonderful reflection of the last 50 years. Thank you in anticipation of your support. Big Day Out The Big Day Out will be held on Tuesday 1st September. It marks the beginning of our major fundraising activity of the school year culminating in the Melbourne Cup Trifecta. The day begins with an Assembly to judge the best dressed homeroom and house. In the coming weeks, each homeroom will secretly organise a dress theme in the hope of earning House points. It is always surprising to see the array of themes and the trouble that some go to in the support of their House. The spirit on the day is fantastic. Normal lessons follow the Assembly with students moving to the oval at the beginning of lunch to enjoy the various stalls and entertainment organised by homerooms. The day ends with the Finals of the Term 3 lunchtime Touch Football Competition. Students are permitted to wear appropriate casual clothes to school on Tuesday 1st September as part of the Big Day Out subject to a gold coin donation. Year 12 Graduation Mass and Assembly Parents of Year 12 are invited to attend the Year 12 Graduation Mass and Farewell Assembly on Thursday 17th September commencing at 11.00am in the Sacred Heart Church. A light luncheon will be provided for parents and Year 12 students following the Graduation Mass. The Farewell Assembly will begin at 1.20pm in the Gilbey Multipurpose Centre. Parents are asked to be seated for the Assembly by 1.10pm please. All College students are required to wear their dress uniform to school on Thursday 17th September. Year 11 Preliminary Examinations Year 11 HSC Preliminary Examinations will begin on Friday 4th September and conclude on Friday 11th September. Year 11 must attend school in the week following the exams in preparation for the commencement of their HSC Course and to lead the most important week in the College calendar, our Year 12 Graduation Celebrations. Absences during the week commencing Monday 14th September will be closely monitored and should be explained by a Doctor’s Certificate. The Board of Studies has specified that students cannot achieve the outcomes of the course if their absence exceeds a certain number of hours. Some Year 11 students have already received official notification warning them that they are in danger of an N-Award because of poor attendance. The College has no say in this matter and is required to implement the Board’s regulations. Staff Professional Development Day A Staff Professional Development Day will be held on Tuesday 6th October 2015, the first day of Term 4. Students are not required to attend the College on that day. Congratulations Congratulations to the College Choir who entered the Gold Coast Eisteddfod last week and were awarded first place in the Secondary Schools Choir – C Grade and were Very Highly Mt St Patrick College Newsletter Page 2 20/08/2015 Commended and Highly Commended on two other occasions. Many thanks to Miss Kaitlyn Rennes and Mrs Vanessa Bowe for their hard work in preparing the choirs. Congratulations also to the Year 11 Debating Team of Kate Wilson, Katie Jones and Jessica Lees, who defeated St Joseph’s College, Banora Point to win the Regional Finals. The team will join the Year 8 Debaters in the State Debating Finals to be held in Sydney later this year. Debates for the Years 7, 9 and 10 teams are still being finalised. Congratulations to the 47 students who travelled to Coffs Harbour last Thursday to compete in the Lismore Diocesan Athletics Carnival. Results are included in this Newsletter. Fees Due Thank you to the many parents who have finalised fee payment. As you are aware, fees are payable over three terms with the final date of payment for all fees next Friday 28th August, 2015. If would be much appreciated if accounts are finalised by the due date please. In Hoc Signo Spes Mea Tony Daly Principal MUSIC MINISTRY GUEST SPEAKER : SAM CLEAR : WALK4ONE Sam Clear, an inspirational and gifted speaker, will address all students on Monday 24th August in the Gilbey Centre: Years 7-9 in Periods 1 and 2 and Years 10-12 in Periods 3 and 4. Sam walked around the world, covering 15,636 kilometres in 18 months, promoting unity of all Christians and spreading a message of love and truth. The night before Jesus died he prayed that ‘they may all be one’ (John 17:21) and the Christian, belief is that God desires that not only Christians but that all people, be one in Christ. Through his experiences, Sam is able to share the whisperings of God in our daily lives and encourages each one of us to find space to listen and hear those whispers. The cost is $4 per student and each student is asked to give $2 to their Homeroom teacher by Monday 24th August with the remainder of the cost being paid by the RE Department. Michael O’Donohue Leader of Learning: Ministry ENGLISH SENIOR CSDA DEBATING SUCCESS Congratulations to our senior debating team on qualifying for the CSDA Regional and State Finals for 2015. They defeated St Joseph’s College, Banora Point in a closely contested Final. This will be the third time this team has been Regional Champions. Thank you to Louise Cornale and Charmaine Vella for hosting the debate. Also to Bob Sargent for his adjudication. Senior Debating Team: Jess Lees, Katie Jones and Kate Wilson. Paddy Bailey Leader of Learning: English Mt St Patrick College Newsletter Page 3 Further success for the College Choir As a result of our College Choir’s recent success at the local Murwillumbah Festival of Performing Arts, it was decided we would expand our horizons and compete in a larger competition. On Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th August, 30 members of the College Choir travelled to the Gold Coast Arts Centre to perform in the 34th Gold Coast Eisteddfod. Over 174 choirs entered into this highly competitive week long competition and our College Choir received special mention or a place in each of the three sections in which they competed. Secondary School Choir- C Grade: 1st Place, performing ‘Man in the Mirror’ and ‘Don’t You Worry Child’. Secondary Vocal Ensemble: Very Highly Commended, performing an arrangement of ‘Fix You’ (originally by Coldplay) and ‘Happy Together’ (originally performed by ‘The Turtles’). Sacred Music: Highly Commended, performing ‘Agnus Dei’ (latin version of Lamb of God) and ‘Cantate Domino’ (Latin version of Alleluia). The competition was outstanding with many private schools from the Gold Coast and Brisbane taking plart. It was an eye-opening opportunity for our students to see the high quality that is being achieved by students of a similar age in the Gold Coast area. To achieve special mention and place first in this eisteddfod is outstanding and all members of the College Choir are to be congratulated on their dedication, commitment and consistent high standard of performance. Special thanks is also given to Vanessa Bowe for her contribution to the vocal development of our students and piano accompaniment. Miss Kaitlyn Rennes 20/08/2015 FROM THE SPORTS DESK DIOCESAN ATHLETICS Mt St Patrick College sent 47 talented athletes to Coffs Harbour on Thursday 13th August. The usual 4.45am start did not too many as the bus got away on time. Excitement grew as the coach approached the stadium and team manager Miss Goodwin had the students ready to explode on both track and field. Her motivation obviously worked with the mighty team from Patties notching up its highest placed finish in recent memory, finishing in second place behind St Pauls from Port Maquarie. (see table below) Diocesan School Champions Place School Boys Girls Total DIOCESAN SURFING Unfortunately, due to the increased sightings and recent shark attacks on and around local beaches and waterways, a decision has been made to withdraw our College team from this year’s Surfing event to be held at Sawtell. TERM 4 SPORT SELECTIONS Parents, can you please discuss with your children their sport elective choices for Term 4 Sport. Many students select a sport that carries a financial commitment. Be sure to have your child select 3 choices that you would be happy for your child to participate in during Term 4. The process works like this: during Week 7 this term students will select 3 options and submit their choices online through the moodle page sport selection tab. This opens Monday 24th August at 8.50am and closes at 3.15pm on Friday 28th. Once the selection process closes students will be automatically allocated and they will be informed through the moodle page again what they have been placed into. Sport will begin in Week 2 Term 4 as the first Tuesday is a Staff Professional Development Day. 1 PORT ST.PAUL'S 428 332 760 2 MURWILLUMBAH 396 280 676 3 PORT ST.JOSEPH'S 300 362 662 4 LISMORE TRINITY 404 252 656 5 COFFS HARBOUR 268 384 652 6 WOODLAWN 232 292 524 7 KEMPSEY 232 228 460 8 BALLINA 140 168 308 9 CASINO 88 170 258 TERM 4 SPORT CHOICES - 2015 10 GRAFTON 136 80 216 11 TWEED 28 104 132 12 NEWMAN 36 16 52 ONLINE SELECTION OPENS MONDAY WEEK 7 COST PER COST PER MAX OPTION WEEK TERM NUMBER Tennis $2 $16 25 NEW RECORDS SET 2015 Event NAME AGE Existing Time /Distance New Record Triple Jump Dylan Clarke Open 12.94m 12.97m 400m 800m 1500m Sarah Champley Sarah Champley Morgan Mathews 17+ 1.01.60 1.00.99 17+ 2.20.98 2.19.55 13 yr 5.07.00 5.04.89 From our many fine performances many students have qualified to be part of the Lismore Diocesan team to compete in Sydney at the NSWCCC Championships. We wish those attending the very best of luck. More detailed results can be accessed from the Lismore sport webpage and clicking secondary sport and then athletics. Included in this Newsletter are the Age Champion results for the Carnival. Congratulations to all the MSPC students who appear here. NSWCCC ATHLETICS MSPC will be sending a number of athletes to Homebush to compete in the NSWCCC Championships on Friday 11th September. I would remind all students involved that the Registration Forms they collected at Coffs Harbour need to be completed electronically as soon as possible. There will be no bus offered for the Diocesan team this year. Athletes will need to get to Sydney with their families. DIOCESAN NETBALL We wish the 3 teams attending the Diocesan Netball Championships the best of luck next week in Port Macquarie. Mt St Patrick College Newsletter Page 4 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT IF YOUR CHILD IS TO SELECT A WATER-BASED ACTIVITY AT THE BEACH THEY MUST HOLD A BRONZE MEDALLION, A SURF RESCUE CERTIFICATE OR AN OSSA AWARD. No other student will be allowed to participate in these sports. Water Polo $3 $24 40 Water Aerobics $3 $24 40 Free Weight $5 $40 30 Rowing $7 $56 30 Surfing Surf Lifesaving Training Beach Cricket / Soccer Beach Volleyball $7 $56 25 $7 $56 25 $7 $56 20 $7 $56 45 Beach Fitness $7 $56 45 Lawn Bowls $7 $56 28 Ten Pin Bowling $13 $104 57 In Line Skating $13 $12 (bus $5 play / lesson$7) Free $104 40 $96 25 Free 40 Free Free 15 Free Free 25 Fishing Free Free 50 Road Cycling Free Free 20 School Sport Free Free 60 Dance Fit Horse Sports (TBC) Free $11 (+$7 Stabling) Free 45 $144 20 Golf Yoga Fitness Room (Yr 11 only) Power Walking 20/08/2015 GIFTED AND TALENTED SPORT ENRICHMENT CAMP Every two years our Diocese hosts a Sports Enrichment Camp for talented athletes in Years 6 to 8. In previous years this camp has been held at Woodlawn College, however this year it will be held at the NSW Institute of Sport in Narrabeen. The dates of the camp are Sunday 29th November to Tuesday 1st December. If you would like to put your son or daughter’s name forward as a candidate for this camp would you please write a letter and send it to school listing the highest level of sporting representation achieved in the last two years. School-based sports where a child has achieved Polding level in Primary or gained a place in a NSW CCC team at High School is the level of representation required to be eligible. Other sports not in the school pathway will also be considered if you provide accurate information that can be easily verified. The College is limited to nominating only 6 students and there is no guarantee that these students will be successful. Please have documentation to me by the end of Week 7 (Friday 20th November) if you are interested. GIRLS ATHLETICS SINGLETS We are currently missing some girls Athletics singlets. Number on the singlets that are missing are; 6, 7, 8 and 27. If anyone finds these missing singlets could you please return them to the College. Tim Whitney Sports Coordinator LEARNING SUPPORT Previously I have provided information about dyslexia and dysgraphia, conditions which cause difficulties with skills which involve print; spelling, reading and writing. Dyspraxia is the condition which affects movement or oral skills. Another specific learning disorder is Dyscalculia which is a condition which affects the ability of a person to perform mathematical tasks. We can consider dyscalculia when a student has significant difficulties memorising times tables, performing calculations which work backwards (subtraction), working out which of two numbers is the larger, frequently reversing number placements (eg. 54 instead of 45), and grouping numbers of objects. The most important understanding for us all is that students who have dyscalculia are not failing to try or being forgetful or lazy. They are often trying very hard and need assistance to develop and practise skills. Kathy Cristini Additional Needs Teacher HSIE Year 12 students Luke Byatt and Maddison Youngblutt are to be congratulated on their endeavours in Tertiary studies. Luke has completed a Griffith University “Schools Outreach Program”, attaining a Distinction in Business Management. Maddison has completed a Bond University “Student for a Semester” course in Health Science and Medicine. Year 11 Business Studies and Year 10 Commerce enjoyed a visit to the Brisbane Show “the Ekka”, studying aspects of marketing, in particular, promotional techniques. Reports indicate that some of the boys scored a maximum “15” in the “Chilli Challenge”, which was very commendable. Chris Core Leader of Learning: HSIE Mt St Patrick College Newsletter Page 5 20/08/2015 SCIENCE YEAR 8 SCIENCE GUEST SPEAKER As part of the new Australian Science Curriculum Stage 4 (Year 8) students are required to research and describe solutions to contemporary issues such as organ transplantations. We were fortunate enough to have Dr Joe Ogg from Tweed Heads Hospital/Bond University speak to the students about the procedures and issues surrounding this important issue. The students were extremely attentive and engaged in Dr Ogg’s presentation which ranged from an overview of organ transplantation from the donor, recipient and medical staff perspective through to some inspiring images of before and after images of donor organ recipients. The Year 8 Science staff and students would like to thank Dr Ogg for taking the time to share his knowledge with us all. Narelle Chaffer Science Teacher NAGLE CO-ORDINATOR'S AWARDS Year 7 Brendan Piccini, Emily Ward, Lauren Kennedy, Sarah Stuart (2). Year 8 Joseph Quirk, Kaila Cripps, Jessica Evans, Alexander Flannery, Katherine Townend, Cassidy Baker, Fletcher Carr. Year 9 Ava Hollis (2), Tully Mellows. Year 10 Georgia Freier, Eveena Smith, Olivia Thompson. PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS Year 8 Joseph Quirk, Alexander Flannery. Year 9 Ava Hollis PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS Year 8 Alexander Flannery PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS Year 7 Zane Patience, Sophie Ross. Year 8 Adrian Platt, Charli Anderson, Georgina Avery. Year 10 Leilanii Boag, Eilish Wilkinson. COLLEGE AWARD Year 8 Adrian Platt 2015 TERM 3 WEEK 7 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri WEEK 8 24/8 25/8 26/8 27/8 28/8 Day Day Day Day Day 6 8 7 9 10 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 31/8 1/9 2/9 3/9 4/9 Day Day Day Day Day 11 13 12 14 15 2015 CALENDAR Aug 24th 9am HSC Visual Art majorworks due in Guest Speaker for Yrs 7 – 12 in 2 sessions $2 pm Preliminary Online Engineering Visit, Banora 25th 8.30am – 3.30pm HSC Drama Practical Marking 26th 8.30 – 11.30am HSC Industrial Tech: Wood marking 9am Dio Netball, 2 days, Port Macquarie 3.30 – 5.30pm Wood Major projects on Display, D13 27th Yr 12 Earth & Env. Excursion, Brunswick Heads Yr 12 Hospitality Excursion Per 5 & 6 Year 11 Financial Maths Presentation Yr 11 Group B Marine Studies First Aide Course 28th Year 10 HSIE Excursion, all day 9am – 2.30pm Yr 9 PASS volunteers, Arkinstall Park Year 12 Reports home Daffodil Day, 10 x Yr 9 volunteers, fundraising 6pm NOVO Gathering, Gilbey Centre TERM 3 2015 CANTEEN ROSTER LORETO CO-ORDINATOR'S AWARDS Year 7 Liliana Evans, Zane Patience, Madison Van Rosi (3), Thomas Wharton, Sophie Ross, Breeanna Males, Ella Kent, Joshua Malone, Codie Chung, Genevieve Spencer. Year 8 Anthea Warne (2), Adrian Platt, Charli Anderson (2), Georgina Avery, Ben Champley, Brock Youngblutt. Week 7 24/8 25/8 26/8 27/8 28/8 Lisa Richards Jodie Heiniger, Peter Hyde Chris Reynolds Charnel Larkin Gene Molloy Week 8 31/8 1/9 2/9 3/9 4/9 Krissy Alexander, Jane Clare Peter Hyde Chris Reynolds Sharon Horner Jodie Champley Year 9 Jaya Roche Year 10 Leilanii Boag, Conor Brett, Luke Griffis-Collier, Eilish Wilkinson (3). Mt St Patrick College Newsletter Page 6 20/08/2015 Mt St Patrick College Newsletter Page 7 20/08/2015 Results from Diocesan Athletics Carnival Diocesan Boys Age Champions Diocesan Girls Age Champions Boys - 12 Year Girls - 12 Year Place Last Name First name School Place COFFS HARBOUR Points 60 1 Zawadzki Nathan 2 Culling Kooper GRAFTON 56 3 Shaw Tom CASINO 4 Taylor Gabe WOODLAWN Last Name First name 1 McLaren Samantha LISMORE TRINITY 60 2 Rankin Jamilla LISMORE TRINITY 56 44 2 Wright Emily PORT ST.JOSEPH'S 56 32 3 Plentinger Francesca PORT ST.PAUL'S 40 Boys - 13 Year School Points Girls - 13 Year Place Last Name First name School De Domizio Kyle PORT ST.PAUL'S Points 84 Place 1 2 Van Den Driest Callum MURWILLUMBAH 48 3 Walsh Oliver MURWILLUMBAH 3 Watts Jackson PORT ST.JOSEPH'S Last Name First name 1 Wood Allie PORT ST.JOSEPH'S 44 2 Williams Nell CASINO 40 40 3 Farrawell Courtney PORT ST.PAUL'S 32 40 4 Hinrichsen Elke BALLINA 28 Place Last Name First name 1 Burke Melinda PORT ST.JOSEPH'S 68 Boys - 14 Year School Points Girls - 14 Year Place Last Name First name School 1 Cooper Jack WOODLAWN Points 72 2 Essery Nick LISMORE TRINITY 60 2 Saddler Brooke MURWILLUMBAH 64 3 Sanderson Issac PORT ST.JOSEPH'S 44 3 Palmer Jacqueline PORT ST.PAUL'S 40 4 Wilson Liam MURWILLUMBAH 32 4 Perry - Swift Lily MURWILLUMBAH 32 Place Last Name First name 1 Herington Sarah WOODLAWN 48 Boys - 15 Year School Points Girls - 15 Year Place Last Name First name School 1 Phillips Nathan KEMPSEY Points 56 2 Carey Will WOODLAWN 28 2 Starr Majella PORT ST.PAUL'S 36 2 Stahl Oscar LISMORE TRINITY 28 3 Osmetti Abby WOODLAWN 32 2 Aboud Adam MURWILLUMBAH 28 3 Sinclair Keely PORT ST.PAUL'S 32 Place Last Name First name 1 Richardson Kiara WOODLAWN 60 Boys - 16 Year School Points Girls - 16 Year Place Last Name First name School 1 Davidson Lachlan KEMPSEY Points 56 2 Perry - Swift Zachary MURWILLUMBAH 48 2 Malcolm Lillith MURWILLUMBAH 48 3 Palmer Logan PORT ST.JOSEPH'S 28 2 Creswick Olivia KEMPSEY 48 3 Bird Angus KEMPSEY 28 3 Evans Claire BALLINA 36 Boys - 17+ Year School Points Girls - 17+ Year Place Last Name First name School Place Last Name First name MURWILLUMBAH Points 60 1 Walsh Arnold 1 Linton Courtney WOODLAWN 1 Clarke 76 Dylan MURWILLUMBAH 60 2 Champley Sarah MURWILLUMBAH 2 56 Sillah Phillip LISMORE TRINITY 32 2 3 Harrison Dayna TWEED 44 Martin Timothy COFFS HARBOUR 32 4 Kollen Tahlia COFFS HARBOUR 32 Boys - Junior AWD School Points Girls - Junior AWD Place Last Name First Name School Points Place Last Name First Name 1 Fensling Jhye St Joseph’s Port 80 1 McTernan Madeline Coffs Harbour 88 2 Wilson Mason St Joseph’s Port 52 2 McIntosh Claire St Joseph’s Port 68 3 Schaffer Keegan Skennar's Head 44 3 4 Stillhand Marc Grafton 44 4 Boys - Senior AWD School Points Girls - Senior AWD 1 Christiansen Mitchell Grafton 88 1 Hunter Maddison Skennar's Head 96 2 Parkinson Joshua Kempsey 48 2 Bartlett Georgia Newman 60 3 Bertalli James Grafton 44 3 4 Boggis Matthew Skennar's Head 40 4 Mt St Patrick College Newsletter Page 8 20/08/2015 Mt St Patrick College Newsletter Page 9 20/08/2015
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