2010_EP_Spring_Pleia.. - Delta Theta Chi Sorority


2010_EP_Spring_Pleia.. - Delta Theta Chi Sorority
Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2010
Dear Delta Theta Chi Sisters,
Vice President
Educational Director
I hope this finds you healthy, safe and warm. The Board is starting
off 2010 on a dead run and I'm sure we'll reach the finish line in October before we even know it. We met the weekend of January 22 to
discuss all of the wonderful comments and suggestions that you
shared with us last October (Conclave 2009). I am confident that we
made as many changes as we could without eliminating the required
parts to make our next meeting in October wonderful and exciting for
you. Please understand that we were not able to incorporate all of
your wonderful suggestions, but we did our best to make improvements for you.
Officer Messages:
Corresponding Secretary
Recording Secretary
National Trustee
Immediate Past President
Chapter News:
Kansas Alpha
Nebraska Zeta
Kansas Kappa
Missouri Delta
Nebraska Eta
Kansas Beta
Kansas Theta
In the meantime, please don't forget to send your minutes and any
comments and suggestions to any member of the Board. We work
for you--the membership of this great organization. Please see
Cathie Barber's article for a complete list of your Electra Province
Board members. I'm so excited for Conclave in Omaha this year--it's
going to be a GREAT meeting and social event. Can't wait to see all
of you!
In Sisterly Love,
Brenda Kaiser
Electra Province President
Electra Coordinator
Committee Members
Donation Report
9 & 10
Editor’s Note: The styles, layout and
new additions are Cheryl Neeley’s creativity. The inputting and drawing text
boxes are Chris Durbin’s fingers.
President, Brenda Kaiser brendak1234@gmail.com
Vice-President, Mary Kreager mkreager3@cox.net
Educational Director, Janelle Clark jclark4552@sbcglobal.net
Recording Secretary, Cheryl Neeley cneeley@shb.com
Corresponding Secretary, Cathie Barber cathie.barber@cox.net
Treasurer, Kay Kimball kaykimball@sbcglobal.net
AUGUST 18, 2010
Immediate Past President, Carol Taylor taylorca1@cox.net
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Dear Electra Province Sisters,
Dear Electra Province Sisters,
Is it too late to wish you all a Happy New
Year? With all the snow and cold weather we‘ve
been having, it is always nice to have something
warm in our lives. So I wish you all a comfortable
chair, a hot cup of cocoa, coffee, or tea, a warm
afghan or ―snuggie‖, some time to yourself, and a
good book to read. (And, don‘t forget each day that
passes brings warmer weather one day closer.)
Here it is 2010. Just where has the time gone? It
seems as if I still haven‘t reorganized my office (aka
spare bedroom) with my new properties I acquired
from October‘s Conclave.
As your Electra Province Vice President, I have
been putting together an idea for the Membership
Campaign. Shortly after our mid-year Province
Board meeting, I will be getting it out to each Chapter. Watch for it and get your cleats ready. We‘re
looking for a lot of new ―players‖ for team Delta
Theta Chi.
In Sisterly Love,
November brought family in for a visit. December
brought more family in for visits as well as the holiday celebrations. The Christmas lights may be on the
house all year long!!!! Wow - here it is January and
getting ready for the Province board meeting.
Looking forward to getting down to Province business – it seems as if we will have a busy agenda.
Information about the Conclave skit theme has been
presented and was approved. I know many of you
are anxiously holding your breath - it is ok to exhale
now. I don‘t want you to burst.
Mary Kreager
Electra Province Vice President
I am looking forward to another inspiring and educational year.
In Sisterly Love,
Janelle Clark,
Electra Province Educational Director
Dear Sisters,
I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health after a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We
are happy to welcome Kay Kimball onto the Province Board as our new Treasurer. Thank you all for
keeping me informed on happenings that need cards/special notes in your chapters. I hope you keep doing so.
Just to keep everyone informed, the new Province Board is as follows:
President Brenda Kaiser, KS Beta; Vice-President Mary Kreager, NE Eta; Educational Director
Janelle Clark, KS Alpha; Recording Secretary Cheryl Neeley, MO Delta Corresponding Secretary
Cathie Barber, KS; Treasurer Kay Kimball, KS Alpha; Immediate Past President Carol Taylor, KS Beta.
These lovely ladies traveled to Wichita, Kansas the end January for the Mid-Year Meeting hosted by the
Kansas Betas. They were joined by our National Trustee, Cindy Whitely, Kansas Kappa, and our NEST,
Jane Loveless, Kansas Theta.
Cathie Barber, Electra Province Corresponding Secretary
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Dear Electra Sisters,
I have just returned from Wichita where I had the pleasure of attending our Province Mid-Year Meeting. We
worked hard in preparing for the 2010 Conclave. Our Kansas Beta Sisters were all wonderful hosts and as
usual, great cooks! Our President led us well. Our newest Board member, Kay Kimball, was a welcomed
treat to this productive group of Sisters.
Can you name the Electra Province Membership Team? It is made up of the Province President, Vice President, and National Trustee. So that would be Brenda Kaiser, Mary Kreager, and myself, Cindy
Whiteley. So what are you doing on Saturday, Feb. 20th? Do you have someone you have been providing
sprinkles of Delta Theta Chi fun with? It is the perfect time to bring them to a rush event in Topeka Kansas.
It has been hard for all of us as each one opens their email, or answers their phone to hear of another loss in
our Province or of the loss of a Sister‘s spouse or family member. I wondered at one point, ―Will it ever
stop?‖ Then I tried to remember that Delta Theta Chi Sisters have been supporting each other for years. It
is the hugs, the laughter as we remember the time spent with each other along with the tears, it is the creating of the memories. It means calling and checking on each other, taking a Sister to the doctor, or helping
her clean her house, or visiting her in hospice. It means preparing a meal and taking it over in a time of
need, or sending a card, making a donation in her name. It is taking the time to forgive each other for our
inadequacies. It is sharing a bed, a car ride, a dinner with that Sister. It is all of the above and so much
more. Ours Sisters are very special and dear to us all. I will miss Iris and Trudy. I am so thankful to have
had the pleasure of knowing them. Hold high the torch of Delta Theta Chi. They go before us now. May we
all live to our fullest each day. Now go hug a sister; it will feel good.
In Sisterly Love,
Cindy Whiteley
Electra Province National Trustee
Dear Sisters,
Dear Sisters,
I was excited to join fellow Board members in
Wichita for the annual Mid-Year meeting. Not a
minute was wasted as we rolled up our shirt
sleeves and got right to work. Thank you for your
many suggestions, thoughts and concerns.
As the new Sister on the block, I attended my first
board meeting. I had many thoughts to share there,
including something fun for a Conclave fund raiser.
I am honored to serve as your Recording Secretary and am busy transcribing Minutes as you
read this. Conclave 2010 will be here before we
know it. Hope you have this on your calendar
and we will have a chance to share this special
weekend of Sisterhood together.
In Sisterly Love,
Cheryl Neeley, Recording Secretary
Thank you Sisters for your confidence in me, and I will
do my very best to represent you in the affairs to come.
Please feel free to contact me at any time. I look forward to continuing our friendships during future sorority
Kay Kimball, Treasurer
Electra Province
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Dear Electra Province Sisters,
I am proud to be your Immediate Past Province President, it was a honor to serve you. I cannot wait to join
the ―Tarnished Brass Club‖.
As you will note by looking at the photo, appearances
and personality are subject to change after you leave
the Presidency. However you can still enjoy chocolate
and your Sisterhood. Both are GRAND!
Love ya,
Carol Taylor
Immediate Past President
Halloween picture Carol Taylor, KS Beta.
Sign reads “BEWARE This could be you.”
Reported by Syble Coccanouer, Scholarship Treasurer
FEBRUARY 2009 - JANUARY 13, 2010
LaVerne Gates
Brenda Kaiser, Carol Taylor, Cathie Barber
Cathie Barber
Brenda Kaiser, Carol Taylor
Betty A Bahr
Deceased members of MO Alpha Chapter
(Proceeds from her badge, Chapter disbanded)
Melba Agee
Jana Sinclair daughter Royva Perkins
Melba Agee
Hazel Pratt
Cindy Whiteley
NE Chapter, Brenda Kaiser, Janelle Clark
Melba Agee
Dorothy Smith
Kansas Alpha
Cindi Cook
Iris Ozmun
Syble Coccanouer
Iris Ozmun, Phyllis Wise
in lieu Christmas Cards
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Oh my –highlights from October to present.
Conclave in Omaha, NE, Oct 3,4,5, 2009, started the month. It was such a wonderful time to share with
Sisters. We initiated our newest member, Landie Maxwell. Her Big Sister is also her Mother, Billie Godbold. Landie was put to the test on her first Conclave. She was the escort for several National Officers. I
think she should have had roller skates. Our History Book took first (1st) place, and we took third (3rd) in
the skit participation. Our chapter has the privilege to have 2 members serve on the Province Board - Sister
Kay Kimball as Province Treasurer, and Sister Janelle Clark as the Educational Director. CONGRATULATIONS.
Sister Janet Nuzman gave a book report on ‗Ladies of Liberty‘. She was ‗highlighted‘ during our meeting.
The Education Committee is trying to ‗highlight‘ a Sister so we can ‗get to know‘ our Sisters better. We
toured the Mulvane Art Museum and Art Lab for Children on the Washburn University campus. We viewed
an exhibit called ―Hybrid Visions: Ken Butler‖. This exhibit included 60 of the artist‘s infinitely inventive and
witty hybrid instruments. Mr. Butler is an artist and musician whose hybrid musical instruments and other
artworks explore the interaction and transformation of common & uncommon objects, altered images,
sounds and silence. Examples are film reel and tennis racket guitar, cowboy boot violin, ax cellos and styrofoam packing pianos. We also viewed a selection of Japanese color prints, Tsubas (sword guards),
Yatates (pen & ink containers) and Meissen (decorative and fine utilitarian pieces of true hard-past, hand
painted porcelain figurines).
In December we toured the Annual Topeka Association of Retarded Citizens light display at Lake Shawnee
as well as our own Sister Elaine Powell yard decorations. Sister Elaine once again won the area competition for best Christmas decorated yard. CONGRATULATIONS, ELAINE. We held our annual Sorority
Christmas party at Sister Delores Mueller ‗penthouse‘. Unfortunately Sister Delores was not able to attend
because of her spinal disc compression fracture. She is moving slowly and hoping to avoid back surgery.
Sister Lucy Breitenstein and husband, Joe, had many unscheduled houseguests due to the severe winter
storm – and they survived!
Despite the ‗Winter Wonderland‘ weather many of our Sisters were able to gather with family and friends for
the holidays. What a beautiful sight to view from the kitchen and living room windows. The weather has
kept many from traveling any great distances – except for the Nuzman‘s. They are off on a Caribbean
cruise! And the Clark‘s who were able to visit their daughter, Amber, in TX. Luckily they arrived home before the massive snowfall. January brought sad news to our Province. Former member Sister Bette Ringle
died January 1, 2010; KS Theta Sister Iris Ozmun passed away January 3, 2010; KS Alpha Sister Trudy
McFarland passed away January 22, 2010; and Delta Guy Gordon Heald (husband of KS Alpha Sister Petty
Heald) passed away January 21, 2010. May they rest in peace and have eternal life. God Bless.
Sister Cheryl McLain, Membership Chair, and her committee have orchestrated a ‗rush‘ event for February
20, 2010. Kansas Theta Sisters will be co-hosting this event. Sisters Kay Kimball and Janelle Clark attended the Province Board meeting January 22, 23 and 24, 2010, in Wichita, Kansas.
Sister Marie Beuchat and her daughter, Ursula, are planning a trip to Germany this summer. Her grandson,
Bryce, is doing very well since his surgery. Sister V. Kay Foster is going on a cruise to New Zealand and
Australia. She says she will be able to cross that ‗to do‘ off her ‗bucket list‘! Many Sisters, near and far, are
experiencing adversities in their own lives and with family members. Kansas Alpha Sisters send loving
thoughts and prayers to all. We are looking forward to Spring and warmer days.
In Sisterly love,
Kansas Alpha Sisters
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Dear Electra Province Sisters,
Mindy Miller, KS Kappa, Coordinator
Do not forget that applications for the Loretta Cutler Electra Province Scholarship and the Irene
Mutch Thomson Electra Province Scholarship are
due by March 15, 2010. The completed applications need to be submitted to Mindy Miller, KS
Kappa, Electra Province Scholarship Coordinator.
Maria Keil, KS Beta, Committee Member
If any of you have any questions regarding any of
this information, feel free to contact any of the
Electra Province Scholarship Committee members.. Thank you for your continued encouragement of education and the advancement of literacy.
Jan Nuzman, KS Alpha, Committee Member
Karen Tichy, NE Zeta, Committee Member
Respectfully submitted,
Mindy Miller, Scholarship Coordinator
We hosted a great conclave in October at the Marriott Hotel. There aren‘t enough words to put into
such little space to describe adequately the fun, the food, the programs, the Sisters, and of course the DTC
guys. We learned. We played. We ate. We even sang! The whole weekend was an excellent example of
Sisterhood at its finest. Thank you to all of you who attended and made it such a great conclave.
Several of the Zeta Sisters attended and even participated in the Initiation Ceremony of Melissa Kemling‘s mother and now a Nebraska Sister. It was held at the home of Teresa Silence.
Our chapter had a fun time at the home of Connie and Mike James where Connie hosted a cookie exchange in early December. We had a nice turn out of sisters and guests. Our time together was filled with
warm drinks, and lots of conversation and laughter. Connie also had friends/family there with candles, jewelry and make-up for any of us who wanted to pick up a gift or two. We each brought six dozen cookies of
one recipe and took home an equal amount in a variety of recipes. YUM! We were like kids in a candy shop
as we circled the table picking up our treats to take home.
We planned a night out for our annual Holiday Party. Our guys joined us for dinner at Anthony‘s, a local
steakhouse. It wasn‘t the best of weather and the turnout was small, but it was difficult to tell which was
better, the fellowship or the food.
January brings us together for our annual ―after the holiday‖ brunch at the Rockbrook Garden Café. The
NE Eta Sisters are invited and as always, lots of laughter and good conversation. February will bring us
back together for regular meetings and some Rush events.
Currently we are working on fleece blankets to be given to students at Benson West, where Mary Kreager is school nurse. The blankets are being given to students who show significant academic and behavioral improvement but often go unrecognized because they are not at the ―top‖. Six are given each grading
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Kreager
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The Kansas Kappa Chapter has been very busy this
year with pledging a new sister into our chapter, Kelly
Braud. She comes to us from Baldwin, Kansas and
works in Lawrence. She is very excited about joining
our chapter and will bring many new fresh and exciting ideas to our chapter.
In October, the Nebraska Etas had the pleasure of
initiating Loretta Oliver as our newest member. She is
the Little Sister of Melissa Kemling. She is also
Melissa's Mom! We are very happy to have her as an
At Conclave in Omaha, we initiated our newest sister,
Corinne Anderson. She is a professor at Kansas University and lives in Lawrence. She happens to also
be a neighbor of one of our fellow chapter sisters,
Cindy Whiteley and happens to also be Cindy‘s Little
Sister. She has been such a wonderful addition to our
chapter and we are very much looking forward to seeing what wonderful ideas Corinne brings to our chapter.
The Kansas Kappa Chapter is continuing to donate
items to the Lawrence Women‘s Shelter. Sisters are
continuing to donate stuffed animals to Sister Mindy
Miller‘s kindergarten classroom literacy program,
―Buggin‘ About Reading.‖ We are also in the midst of
planning our 4th Founder‘s Day celebration. It will
take place in Lawrence, Kansas on Saturday, March
13th. Invitations will be sent out in the mail in the next
couple of weeks.
As you can all tell, the Kansas Kappa Chapter is
growing and continuing to hold high the torch of Delta
Theta Chi Sorority.
Respectfully submitted,
Mindy Miller
Our chapter was not able to begin meeting until December when Ruth Hightower, Billee Murphy, Doris
Waller, Cheryl Neeley and Chris Durbin gathered for a
Christmas punch and cookie party at the social room
in Helen Chappell‘s retirement complex. It was a
great afternoon to share with Sisters. Our next gathering was a January luncheon hosted by Chris and
the last time we were able to see Doris as she spends
the next 3 months in her Hawaiian home. Because of
weather we will begin chapter meetings in March.
Plans are already being made for our Founder‘s Day,
May 1, 2010. It is with sadness that we report that our
dear Sister Billee is moving to Houston, Texas. Billee
will be living near her daughter Joyce. This is a good
move for Billee but she will be dearly missed by all of
her Chapter Sisters.
Also in October, we enjoyed a Saturday afternoon
carving pumpkins at Teresa Silence's home. December brought us to Deb Ourecky's for our annual
Christmas craft. We made ornaments of ribbon and
styrofoam balls.
During January, we got together for a trip to the International Quilt Study Center in Lincoln. We saw some
very unusual quilts, and learned some of the history
behind them. We are also looking forward to getting
rid of all of the snow!
Respectfully submitted,
Alma Santos
Twenty-three Kansas Beta and Nebraska Eta sisters
and guests boarded a flight on August 31, 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia for Copenhagen, Denmark and a Baltic
Cruise. Sisters going were Cathie Barber, Noelle
Testa, Paula Smotherman, LaVerne Gates and
daughter Lynn Ramsey, Gracene Sims and guest Ralphena Dole and guest, Syble Coccanouer, Jan Ingham and guest Mary Crawshaw, Maria Keil and husband Mark, Cindi Cook and husband Mike and Mike‘s
sister, Teresa Carter, husband Jimmy and Teresa‘s
aunt, husband and son from Oklahoma City, and Nebraska Eta‘s Teresa Silence and Sandi Kayne. Besides Copenhagen, Denmark, Oslo, Norway, Helsinki,
Finland, St Petersburg, Russia, Estonia, and Poland,
three sisters -- Cathie Barber, Noelle Testa and
Teresa Silence — took a side trip to Moscow, Russia.
Cathie Barber is recuperating from ankle surgery.
Teresa Carter has recuperated from a bout with pneumonia. Prayers, and cards are requested for Noelle
Testa, who is beginning a series of chemo therapy for
a cancer condition.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Ingham
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Durbin
Page 7
Community: Jan Davis has volunteered as the Chairperson responsible for the gate admissions for the Apple Festival held at Prairie Town held the first weekend in October. Jan was recognized by the Apple Festival organizers for her 10+ years of service for the organization. Dana Baughman also volunteered for gate
admissions. Jan Davis and husband Rich, Jane and Vicki manned the phone-bank for KTWU, our Public
Broadcast Station. Sisters Darlene Peck and Jane Loveless worked at the Washburn University’ s bookstore during spring enrollment. Their task was to check-in/out the student’ s book bags upon entering the
bookstore. Jane was adamant that the book bags weighed at least 50 lbs!
The KS Theta ’ s celebrated their 50th anniversary with their Founder ’ s Day Luncheon on November 21st.
The KS Theta chapter was chartered November 21, 1959.
Social: On December 12th the KS Theta ’ s held their 22nd Annual Christmas Caroling Soup/Chili Supper
with Sister Bess Brown hosting the event. Iris ’ s sister Carole and husband Ken, from Broken Arrow, OK
joined us along with Sister Marty Atkisson and daughter Amy from Emporia. Other guests included Cathie
Barber ( KS Beta ) , Cheryl Neeley and Chris Durbin ( MO Delta ) , Janelle and John Clark, Jan and Carl
Nuzman, Cheryl McLain and Kay Kimball ( KS Alpha ) .
Back row: l-r, Jane, Jan, Marty and Darlene; Front row: l-r, Dana, Iris and Bess
The Topeka Community Concert Association on February 5th hosted the Canadian Tenors who were invited
to perform on Oprah. Due to the weather, only Sister Dana Baughman and her mother, Beth Hamm attended the concert.
On February 20th the KS Theta ’ s in conjunction with the KS Alpha ’ s are hosting a rush party. We are
looking forward to sharing the DTC story with the guests.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Lignitz
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Iris was my big sister. It was a chance happening that we became reacquainted in late summer of
2000. My first introduction to her sorority sisters was when she invited me to join them for a movie
and, of course, a bite to eat. Iris had the largest circle of friends of anyone I have ever known. Her
compassion toward others was never ending. In addition to Iris’s dedication to sorority, she was
also involved with work and community. Iris was initiated in June 1972. She was a past president
of Electra Province and held offices in the Theta Chapter. Iris was an esteemed sister in DTC and
will be sincerely missed.
Vicki Lignitz, Kansas Theta
My words to describe Iris would be beautiful, perfectionist, put together nicely, concerned, educated,
and playful. She seemed to love to take pictures. I
remember it was like yesterday…there she was, quietly snapping pictures of sisters at all kinds of
events. I remember thinking at the Theta’s last
Founder’s Day, how great she looked, who would
have guessed that she had even been so sick.
Cindy Whiteley, Kansas Kappa
Iris was one of the first ones to say hello and make
me welcome when I first started to go to sorority
functions outside of our chapter.
Emily Mersmann, Kansas Kappa
I remember what a sweet and kind person Iris was.
She also welcomed everyone she saw with open
arms and never seemed to ever meet a stranger.
Mindy Miller, Kansas Kappa
As you all well know, we have lost another sister, dear Iris Ozmun. I share the following thought
from author Richard Bach: "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." I believe He has given Iris beautiful wings.
Kay Kimball, Kansas Alpha
The many celebrations shared between the KS Alpha and KS Theta Chapters of Delta Theta Chi Sorority is where I met Iris R. Ozmun. I further became acquainted with Iris through other Sorority
functions such as Founder Day celebrations and the annual Province Conclave. I found Iris very composed, dignified and always displaying a friendly and caring attitude with people she met. She liked
sharing her talents of cooking and crafting. I wish I could remember some of her jokes that would
catch me off guard with her witty/dry sense of humor. Iris will be missed.
Janelle Clark, Kansas Alpha
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