Untitled - Chilewich
Untitled - Chilewich
BACK COVER, FROM LEFT: WOVEN FLOORMATS IN GRANITE MULTI STRIPE, SHAG UTILITY MAT IN MINERAL EVEN STRIPE, ROUND PLACEMATS IN CARBON BASKETWEAVE, WOVEN FLOORMAT IN CARBON BASKETWEAVE. FRONT COVER, FROM LEFT: PLACEMAT IN GUNMETAL PEBBLE, WOVEN FLOORMAT IN WHITE + BLACK BASKETWEAVE, ART: WILDEBEAST MIGRATION, 2012 BY DAVID MARELL: VANDEB EDITIONS. PLACEMAT IN STEEL ENGINEERED SQUARES, WOVEN FLOORMAT IN CARBON BASKETWEAVE. CHILEWICH | SULTAN LLC 44 EAST 32ND STREET NEW YORK NY 10016 TEL 212 679 9204 FAX 212 679 9205 ©2014 CHILEWICH | SULTAN LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHILEWICH.COM S ANDY C HILEWIC H C REATIVE DIREC TOR A . U N IQ U E A ESTH ETIC THE VISUAL THREAD WHICH CONNECTS OUR DESIGNS AND HOW WE EXPRESS OUR VISION B. E X CL US I V E YA RNS PROPRIETARY BI-COLOR YARNS GIVE TEXTILES UNRIVALED DEPTH AND COMPLEXITY C. T E RRA S T RA ND™ YARNS ARE NOW 100% PHTHALATE-FREE WITH 25% VEGETABLE CONTENT D. WOVEN IN TH E U SA ENSURING QUALITY WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART EQUIPMENT E . DURA BL E / E A S Y -CA RE STAIN-RESISTANT AND LONG-LASTING F. WA RE HOUS E / M A NUFACT URI NG I N T HE US A A 125,000 SQUARE FOOT FACILITY THAT INCLUDES IN-HOUSE MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION PHOTO: KRISTIN GLADNEY C HILEWIC H | S ULTAN LLC WHAT MAKES CHILEWICH Chilewich SANDY CHILE WICH AND HE R O R I GI NA L TE X TI L E S H AV E BE E N E NH A NC I NG INTE RIORS AROUND THE WORLD SINC E 2 0 0 0 . E AC H S E A S ON, FROM H E R NY C STUDIO, SANDY CRE ATE S A NE W C OL L E C TI ON FOR TA BL E A ND FL OOR TH AT RE FLE CTS HE R DISTINCTIV E AE STHE TI C A ND U NI QU E V I S I ON. A B C D E F CONTINUALLY STRE TCHING THE BOUN DA R I E S OF WH AT TO E X PE C T FROM A TE X TI L E , CHILE W ICH DE SIGNS ARE RE NOW NE D WOR L DWI DE FOR TH E I R DU R A BI L I TY, E A S E OF CARE AND INV E NTIV E DE SIGN. FR/DE /E S/JA/KO TRANSLATIONS ON P 2 7 . 02 CHILEWICH.COM03 The Universal Comfort of Neutrals ON T HE TABLE AND UNDERFOOT. O P P O S I T E : P L AC E M AT S I N C L AY S P U N . B E L OW : S H AG R U N N E R I N B I R C H S KI N N Y S T R I P E . 04 CHILEWICH.COM05 Silver Can Be Subtle ABOV E : PLACE MAT AND RUNNE R IN SILV E R L ATTI C E . OPPOSITE : RUNNE R IN SILV E R TUXE DO STR I PE . 06 CHILEWICH.COM07 Silver Can Be Bold O P P O S I T E : P L AC E M AT S I N T I TAN I U M BAS KE T W E AV E . ABOV E : P L AC E M AT I N S I LV E R DAH L I A. 08 CHILEWICH.COM09 Gold & Black Black & Gold PLACE MATS IN BLACK AND BRASS PE BB L E . 10 CHILEWICH.COM11 Tufted Shag A HA RD W O RKIN G SO L UT IO N OU T S I DE . ABOV E : SHAG DOORMAT IN SILV E R/ BLACK BOL D S TR I PE . OPPOSITE : SHAG BIG MAT IN SILV E R/ BLACK BO L D S TR I PE . 12 CHILEWICH.COM13 Tufted Shag A HARDWORKING SOLUT ION INSIDE. O P P O S I T E : S H AG U T I L I T Y M AT I N M U LT I BO L D S T R I P E . ABOV E : S H AG R U N N E R I N DAR K M U LT I S KI N N Y S T R I P E . 14 CHILEWICH.COM15 Woven Textiles to Enhance ANY INT ERIOR. O P P O S I T E : WOV E N F L O O R M AT S I N N E W G O L D BAS KE T W E AV E . ABOV E : OVAL P L AC E M AT S I N P I S TAC H I O M I N I BAS KE T W E AV E . B R AS S S P H E R E : M AR T H A S T U R DY. 16 CHILEWICH.COM17 And Elevate OT H E R M AT E RIA L S SU CH A S W OOD. OPPOSITE : WOV E N FLOORMAT IN CAME L BAM BOO. ABOV E : PLACE MATS IN SOAPSTONE MINI BASK E TWE AV E . RE V E RSIBLE LINE N NAPKINS AND MINI BASKE TW E AV E NAPKIN RING S. 18 CHILEWICH.COM19 Sometimes Woven in a Complex Sequence MAKES A SIMPLE ST RIPE NOT SO SIMPLE. O P P O S I T E : P L AC E M AT S I N G R AN I T E M U LT I S T R I P E . ABOV E : WOV E N F L O O R M AT S I N G R AN I T E M U LT I S T R I P E . 20 CHILEWICH.COM21 And Available in 120+ Colors A BOV E : PLACE MATS IN ORANGE SPUN AND PAPAYA BA S K E TWE AV E . OP P OSITE : PLACE MATS AND RUNNE R IN LE MON MINI BA S K E TWE AV E . 22 CHILEWICH.COM23 And Don’t Forget The Napkins and Napkin Rings OPP O S I T E : P L AC E M AT S I N BOTAN I C BAS KE T W E AV E AN D G AR D E N M I N I BAS KE T W E AV E . N AP KI N R I N G I N G AR D E N M I NI BAS KE T W E AV E O N 1 0 0 % L I N E N N AP KI N I N BO N E . N Y M P H E N B U R G P O R C E L AI N F I G U R E : T H E P O R C E L AI N RO O M . ABOV E : AS S O R T E D N AP KI N R I N G S O N 1 0 0 % L I N E N N AP KI N S I N BO N E . 24 CHILEWICH.COM25 TerraStrand™ ■ TerraStrand, the proprietary name of our yarn, is 100% phthalate-free. ■ TerraStrand contains 25% renewable vegetable content. ■ TerraStrand will be used in over 90% of our woven products by 2015. ■ Every square yard of TerraStrand saves 0.02 gallons of petroleum and 0.41 pounds of CO2 as compared to conventional woven vinyls. Chilewich is making a significant environmental development by replacing the petroleum-based plasticizers in our yarns with phthalate-free, renewable vegetable compounds. Plasticizers have traditionally been made from petroleum-based compounds that are used to make PVC yarns soft. No more. We call these innovative new yarns and the fabrics made from them TerraStrand. Almost all of our woven products will be made from TerraStrand by 2015. 100% of our woven textile placemats and floormats are made in the USA, and finished in our own facility in the USA. Our quality, sustainability and of course original design set us apart from all others. Chilewich prides itself on cutting-edge design. We specialize in the manufacture of woven textile products made with vinyl for both residential and commercial use. Vinyl is extremely durable, easy to maintain and provides us with endless design possibilities. Chilewich FR Sandy Chilewich and her original textiles have been enhancing interiors around the world since 2000. Each season, from her NYC studio, Sandy creates a new collection for table and floor that reflects her distinctive aesthetic and unique vision. Continually stretching the boundaries of what to expect from a textile, Chilewich designs are renowned worldwide for their durability, ease of care and cutting-edge design. UNIQUE AESTHETIC The visual thread which connects our designs and how we present our work. EXCLUSIVE YARNS Proprietary bi-color yarns give textiles unrivaled depth and complexity. TERRASTRAND™ Yarns are now 100% phthalate-free with 25% vegetable content. WOVEN IN THE USA Ensuring quality with state-of-the-art equipment. DURABLE/EASY-CARE Stain-resistant and long-lasting. WAREHOUSE/MANUFACTURING IN THE USA A 125,000 square foot facility that includes in-house manufacturing and distribution. ES Sandy Chilewich and her original textiles have been enhancing interiors around the world since 2000. Each season, from her NYC studio, Sandy creates a new collection for table and floor that reflects her distinctive aesthetic and unique vision. Continually stretching the boundaries of what to expect from a textile, Chilewich designs are renowned worldwide for their durability, ease of care and cutting-edge design. UNIQUE AESTHETIC The visual thread which connects our designs and how we present our work. EXCLUSIVE YARNS Proprietary bi-color yarns give textiles unrivaled depth and complexity. TERRASTRAND™ Yarns are now 100% phthalate-free with 25% vegetable content. WOVEN IN THE USA Ensuring quality with state-of-the-art equipment. DURABLE/EASY-CARE Stain-resistant and long-lasting. WAREHOUSE/MANUFACTURING IN THE USA A 125,000 square foot facility that includes in-house manufacturing and distribution. DE Sandy Chilewich and her original textiles have been enhancing interiors around the world since 2000. Each season, from her NYC studio, Sandy creates a new collection for table and floor that reflects her distinctive aesthetic and unique vision. Continually stretching the boundaries of what to expect from a textile, Chilewich designs are renowned worldwide for their durability, ease of care and cutting-edge design. UNIQUE AESTHETIC The visual thread which connects our designs and how we present our work. EXCLUSIVE YARNS Proprietary bi-color yarns give textiles unrivaled depth and complexity. TERRASTRAND™ Yarns are now 100% phthalate-free with 25% vegetable content. WOVEN IN THE USA Ensuring quality with state-of-the-art equipment. DURABLE/EASY-CARE Stain-resistant and long-lasting. WAREHOUSE/MANUFACTURING IN THE USA A 125,000 square foot facility that includes in-house manufacturing and distribution. Unlike many other tabletop and flooring products, Chilewich textiles can be easily washed with just water and biodegradable detergents, helping the user reduce energy and laundering costs while maintaining a unique and refined aesthetic. JP Sandy Chilewich and her original textiles have been enhancing interiors around the world since 2000. Each season, from her NYC studio, Sandy creates a new collection for table and floor that reflects her distinctive aesthetic and unique vision. Continually stretching the boundaries of what to expect from a textile, Chilewich designs are renowned worldwide for their durability, ease of care and cutting-edge design. Our woven vinyl products also contain Microban® antimicrobial protection. This is particularly beneficial for the home and hospitality markets. Microban® works continuously for the lifetime of the product to inhibit the growth of stain and odorcausing bacteria, mold and mildew. Chilewich fabrics are covered by the GreenGuard® program certified by the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute, which protects human health and quality of life through the reduction of chemical exposure and improved indoor air quality. UNIQUE AESTHETIC The visual thread which connects our designs and how we present our work. EXCLUSIVE YARNS Proprietary bi-color yarns give textiles unrivaled depth and complexity. TERRASTRAND™ Yarns are now 100% phthalate-free with 25% vegetable content. WOVEN IN THE USA Ensuring quality with state-of-the-art equipment. DURABLE/EASY-CARE Stain-resistant and long-lasting. WAREHOUSE/MANUFACTURING IN THE USA A 125,000 square foot facility that includes in-house manufacturing and distribution. The Chilewich® Collection is made in the USA with the following exceptions; Linen Napkins made in China, Manhattan Tray, Dahlia, Pebble and Mod made in Taiwan. Tulle Tech made in Germany. Metallic Lace made in USA of imported fabric. Raymaille Napkin Rings made in Canada and Stainless Steel Napkin Rings assembled in China. Manhattan Tray Project™ is Patent Pending. 26 W HAT M A K E S C H I L E W I C H KO Sandy Chilewich and her original textiles have been enhancing interiors around the world since 2000. Each season, from her NYC studio, Sandy creates a new collection for table and floor that reflects her distinctive aesthetic and unique vision. Continually stretching the boundaries of what to expect from a textile, Chilewich designs are renowned worldwide for their durability, ease of care and cutting-edge design. UNIQUE AESTHETIC The visual thread which connects our designs and how we present our work. EXCLUSIVE YARNS Proprietary bi-color yarns give textiles unrivaled depth and complexity. TERRASTRAND™ Yarns are now 100% phthalate-free with 25% vegetable content. WOVEN IN THE USA Ensuring quality with state-of-the-art equipment. DURABLE/EASY-CARE Stain-resistant and long-lasting. WAREHOUSE/MANUFACTURING IN THE USA A 125,000 square foot facility that includes in-house manufacturing and distribution. 27 MERCER CAPITAL, MEMPHIS, TN, USA. PHOTO: ©2010 LANGDON CLAY CUT, LAS VEGAS, NV, USA. PHOTO: JEFF GREEN Chilewich Contract Chilewich Hospitality I N N O V AT I V E A N D O R I G INAL DI ST INCT IVE T EXT ILES RENOWNED WORLDWIDE Chilewich Contract Textiles enhance retail, hospitality, healthcare, fitness and commercial spaces around the globe. Discover the latest designs from the Chilewich Hospitality collection. The only choice when quality is important. TM ADVERTISING, DALLAS, TX, USA. PHOTO: BRUCE DAMONTE 28 ROSA F. KELLER LIBRARY AND COMMUNITY CENTER. NEW ORLEANS, LA, USA. PHOTO: TIM HURSLEY LE BERNARDIN, NEW YORK, NY, USA. PHOTO: © JORDANSTUDIO.COM 2013 CASTILLE PARIS, PARIS, FRANCE. PHOTO: CASTILLE PARIS 29 EN | CARE INSTRUCTIONS TABLEMAT COLLECTION Simply wipe clean with soap, water and sponge. Air dry. Do not iron. No machine wash. NAPKINS Machine wash warm (40°C or 100°F). Non-chlorine bleach only. Dry flat. Do not tumble dry. Warm iron (110°C or 230°F). For best results, ironing should be done on slightly damp napkins. MANHATTAN TRAY Wipe clean with a damp cloth, avoid abrasive cleaning products and prolonged exposure to water. SHAG INDOOR/OUTDOOR FLOORMATS Vacuum, shake out or hose off to clean. Hang to dry. Occasionally lift and air out. WOVEN FLOORMATS Best suited on dry surfaces. Vacuum or mop face of mat to clean. Air dry thoroughly. Occasionally lift and air out. FOR COMPLETE CARE INSTRUCTIONS SEE: MAINTENANCE.CHILEWICH.COM. FR | ENTRETIEN COLLECTION SETS DE TABLE Nettoyer tout simplement à l’aide d’une éponge imprégnée d’eau savonneuse. Laisser sécher à l’air. Frotter les taches tenaces avec un nettoyant javellisé, puis rincer. Ne pas repasser. Le lavage en machine est déconseillé. Les sets de table Metallic Lace, Tulle Tech et Tuxedo Stripe sont à nettoyer très délicatement. SERVIETTES DE TABLE Lavage machine à l’eau tiède (40° C). Ne pas utiliser d’eau de Javel ni de chlorures décolorants. Séchage à plat. Ne pas utiliser de un sèchelinge. Repassage avec un fer chaud (110° C). Repasser les serviettes pendant qu’elles sont encore un peu humides, pour obtenir un meilleur résultat. PLATEAUX MANHATTAN Nettoyer en essuyant à l’aide d’un chiffon humide, éviter l’utilisation de produits d’entretien abrasifs et tout trempage prolongé. TAPIS CHILEWICH Les surfaces sèches conviennent le mieux à ces tapis. Nettoyer la surface supérieure du tapis à l’aspirateur ou à la serpillère. Frotter les liquides renversés ou les taches à l’aide d’une brosse souple et d’une solution détergente. Laisser sécher à l’air. TAPIS D’INTÉRIEUR ET D’EXTÉRIEUR SHAG Passer l’aspirateur, secouer ou nettoyer au jet d’eau. Suspendre pour faire sécher. MICROBAN® ET GREENGUARD® De nombreux produits Chilewich contiennent du Microban®, une protection antimicrobienne active toute la durée de vie utile des produits, qui empêche le développement de bactéries, de moisissure et de rouille pouvant tacher et dégager de mauvaises odeurs. Les tissus Chilewich sont également couverts par le programme de certification GREENGUARD, qui vous assure que les produits conçus pour être utilisés dans des espaces intérieurs sont conformes à des limites strictes d’émissions de substances chimiques, ce qui contribue à la création d’intérieurs plus sains. DE | PFLEGEANLEITUNGEN TISCHSETS Einfach mit Wasser, Seife und einem Schwamm abwischen. An der Luft trocknen lassen. Hartnäckige Flecken mit einem chlorhaltigen Reinigungsmittel bearbeiten und anschließend abspülen. Bitte nicht bügeln. Nicht in der Wasch-/Spülmaschine reinigen. Für Metallic Lace, Tulle Tech und Tuxedo Stripe ist eine schonendere Pflege erforderlich. SERVIETTEN Waschmachine bei 40°C – kein Bleichmittel benutzen. Bitte nicht im Trockner trocknen, gerade aufhängen. Bei 110°C im leicht feuchten Zustand bügeln. MANHATTAN TABLETTS Mit feuchtem Tuch abwischen. Scheuernde Reinigungsmittel sowie längeren Kontakt mit Wasser vermeiden. TEPPICHE VON CHILEWICH® Am besten auf trockenen Oberflächen verwenden. Teppiche absaugen oder mit einem Mopp abwischen. Flecken können mit einem Spülmittel und einer mittelharten Bürste entfernt werden. An der Luft trocknen lassen. SHAG FUSSMATTEN FÜR DRINNEN UND DRAUSSEN Die Matten zum Säubern absaugen, ausschütteln oder mit einem Schlauch abspritzen. Zum Trocknen aufhängen. MICROBAN® UND GREENGUARD® Viele Chilewich-Produkte enthalten Microban®, einen Schutz gegen Mikroben, der für die gesamte Lebensdauer des Produkts anhält und das Wachstum von flecken- und geruchsverursachenden Bakterien und Schimmel hemmt. Die ChilewichGewebe sind außerdem durch das GREENGUARD-Zertifizierungsprogramm abgedeckt, welches gewährleistet, dass Produkte, die zur Verwendung in Innenräumen gedacht sind, strikte chemische Emissionsgrenzen einhalten, was zuSchaffung eines gesunden Innenraumklimas beiträgt. 30 MICROBAN® AND GREENGUARD® Many Chilewich products contain Microban®, an antimicrobial protection that works continuously for the lifetime of the product to inhibit the growth of stain and odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew. Chilewich fabrics are also covered by the GREENGUARD Certification Program which assures that products designed for use in indoor spaces meet strict chemical emissions limits, contributing to the creation of healthier interiors. ABOVE: PLACEMATS IN GILT BOUCLÉ. BRASS SPHERE: MARTHA STURDY. ES | INSTRUCCIONES DE MANTENIMIENTO COLECCIÓN DE INDIVIDUALES DE SOBREMESA Simplemente frotar con una esponja, agua y jabón. Dejar que se seque al aire. Para manchas resistentes, fregar con limpiador a base de lejía y aclarar. No planchar. No se recomienda lavar a máquina. Puede que se requiera un mantenimiento más delicado para los diseños de Metallic Lace, Tulle Tech y Tuxedo Stripe. SERVILLETAS Lavado a máquina a 40°C. Usar sólo lejía sin cloro. Secar desplegada y plana. No usar secadora. Planchar a 110°C. El planchado debe hacerse con la servilleta algo mojada para obtener los mejores resultados. BANDEJAS MANHATTAN Limpiar con un paño húmedo, evitar los productos de limpieza abrasivos y la exposición prolongada al agua. ALFOMBRAS CHILEWICH Óptimas sobre superficies secas. Limpiar con aspiradora o fregona escurrida. Para derrames o manchas, usar un cepillo de dureza mediana y una solución detergente. Dejar que se seque al aire. ALFOMBRAS DE INTERIOR/EXTERIOR SHAG Usar aspiradora, sacudir o usar manguera. Secar colgada al aire. MICROBAN® Y GREENGUARD® Muchos productos Chilewich contienen Microban®, una protección antimicrobiana que actúa continuamente durante la vida útil del producto para inhibir el crecimiento de bacterias y moho que causan manchas y olores. Las telas Chilewich también están cubiertas por el Programa de Certificación GREENGUARD, que garantiza que los productos diseñados para uso en espacios interiores cumplen estrictos límites de emisiones de productos químicos, con lo cual contribuyen a la creación de interiores más saludables. JA | お手入れ方法 テーブルマットコレクション 中性洗剤・水・スポンジを 使って汚れを拭き取り、 自然乾燥させます。落ちにくい汚れには漂白剤入りク リーナーを使用し、水ですすぎます。 アイロンはご使用できません。洗濯機や 食洗機で洗うことはお避けください。 メタリックレース、 チュールテック、 タキシ ードストライプの製品は、 よりデリケートなお手入れ方法が必要な場合があ ります。 ナプキン 洗濯機(水温40°Cまで) のご使用は可能です。漂白剤ご使用 の場合は非塩素系であることを必ずご確認ください。平面での乾燥をお願い します。 タンブル乾燥はお避けください。 ナプキンが少し湿った状態でアイロン (110°Cまで) をお掛けいただけますとキレイに仕上がります。 マンハッタント レイ 濡れた布でふき取ります。研磨剤が入った洗剤を使用したり、長時間水 に浸さないでください。 チルウィッチ フロアマット 乾いた場所での使用に適 しています。汚れはマット表面に掃除機をかけるか、 モップで拭いて取り除きま す。 シミや汚れは中程度の硬さのブラシに少量の液体洗剤をつけてこすり取っ た後、残った洗剤をお拭き取りください。屋内用/屋外用シャグ フロアマット 掃除機をかけるか、 はたいてほこりを取るか、 ホースで水をかけて汚れを取り ます。 吊るして乾かしてください。 MICROBAN® AND GREENGUARD® 多くのChilewich 製品には、製品寿命を通して持続的に作用し、染みや匂いの原因となるバクテ リアやかび等の発生を抑制する抗菌材質Microban®が含まれています。 さらに、 チルウィッチの織地は、室内での使用における化学物質の放射量を厳しく制 限し、健康な環境を促進するGREENGUARD認定プログラムに対応しています。 KO | 취급방법 테이블매트 비누, 물, 스폰지로만 세척하고 바람에 말리 십시오. 잘 닦이지 않는 얼룩은 표백 세제를 사용해 문지른 후 헹구십시 오. 다림질하지 마십시오. 기계 세탁은 권장하지 않습니다. 메탈릭 레이 스/ 툴 테크 / 턱시도 스트라이프 제품은 보다 섬세한 유지관리가 필요 합니다 테이블냅킨 따뜻한 물(40°C)로 기계세탁 하십시오. 무염소 표 백제만 사용하고 편평하게 펴서 말리십시오. 건조기로 말리지 마십시오. 저온 다림질하십시오(110°C). 다림질은 가장 잘 다려지도록 물기있는 냅 킨에 하십시오. 맨해튼 트레이 물기있는 천으로 깨끗이 닦아 청소하십시 오. 연마세정제 사용을 피하시고, 장시간 물에 닿지 않게 하십시오. 플 로어매트 플로어매트는 건조한 표면에 가장 적합합니다. 깔개 면을 진공 청소기나 대걸레를 사용해 청소하십시오. 얼룩이 생길 경우 중간사이즈 세탁솔에 세제를 묻혀 제거하십시오. 바람에 말리십시오. SHAG 실내외 용 매트 진공청소기를 사용하거나, 털거나, 또는 호스로 물을 뿜어 청소 하십시오. 걸어서 말리십시오. MICROBAN® 및 GREENGUARD® Chilewich 제 품은 Microban® 항균 보호제를 함유하고 향균 보호효과는 제품 수명 기간 동안 계속 작용하여 얼룩과 냄새를 일으키는 세균, 곰팡이 및 흰곰팡이 의 성장을 억제합니다. Chilewich 원단은 GREENGUARD® 인증을 받았으며, 이는 실내용으로 만든 제품이 엄격한 화학물질 방출 제한 요건을 충족하 며 건강한 실내 환경 조성에 기여한다는 것을 보증하는 프로그램입니다. CHILEWICH.COM31 BACK COVER, FROM LEFT: WOVEN FLOORMATS IN GRANITE MULTI STRIPE, SHAG UTILITY MAT IN MINERAL EVEN STRIPE, ROUND PLACEMATS IN CARBON BASKETWEAVE, WOVEN FLOORMAT IN CARBON BASKETWEAVE. FRONT COVER, FROM LEFT: PLACEMAT IN GUNMETAL PEBBLE, WOVEN FLOORMAT IN WHITE + BLACK BASKETWEAVE, ART: WILDEBEAST MIGRATION, 2012 BY DAVID MARELL: VANDEB EDITIONS. PLACEMAT IN STEEL ENGINEERED SQUARES, WOVEN FLOORMAT IN CARBON BASKETWEAVE. CHILEWICH | SULTAN LLC 44 EAST 32ND STREET NEW YORK NY 10016 TEL 212 679 9204 FAX 212 679 9205 ©2014 CHILEWICH | SULTAN LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHILEWICH.COM