2015 Annual Report - Henry`s Fork Foundation
2015 Annual Report - Henry`s Fork Foundation
T Accomplishments of the Henry’s Fork Foundation Annual Report 2015 E ICE OF THE R IV E R H VO 1984 SINCE H EN RY ’S FORK F O U N D AT I O N Photo credit: William Teuscher Board of Directors Chair Jim Carter Salt Lake City, UT Vice Chair Gary Gross Leander, TX Secretary Chris Brand Mill Valley, CA Treasurer Patrick Gibbons Salt Lake City, UT Governance Chair John Hoagland Salt Lake City, UT Eric Adema San Franciscio, CA Tom Brown Atherton, CA Will Connelly Salt Lake City, UT Bruce Elliston Asheville, NC Mike Engel Park City, UT John Gaynor Ashton, ID Pamela Johnson Kentfield, CA Kay Jones Jackson, WY Amelie Kappes Piedmont, CA Don Knickrehm Eagle, ID Mike Langford Salt Lake City, UT Mike Lawson St. Anthony, ID Martin McLellan Idaho Falls, ID Larry Myers Enumclaw, WA Jack Roberts Austin, TX Jonathan Stiehl Last Chance, ID Staff Members Brandon Hoffner Executive Director Rob Van Kirk Senior Scientist Julie Maurer Membership and Systems Coordinator Tim Maurer Finance and Human Resources Manager Kristen Widdison Development Coordinator Melissa Muradian Post-Graduate Research Associate Brady Taylor Conservation Fund Director Jamie Laatsch Conservation and Outreach Coordinator Christina Morrisett Research Consultant Abi Cano Technician Paige Cahoon Graphic Design and Marketing Coordinator A Message From the Executive Director By Brandon Hoffner When I first started with HFF, I was asked by those unfamiliar with the organization if I had a full-time job. I would try to suppress my laugh and then highlight the work of the Foundation and the commitment necessary to make all of HFF’s mission accomplishments possible. This question has not come up recently, and hopefully the work outlined in this annual report and our other publications is part of the reason why. The feedback from our membership and partners is that HFF continues to provide great service to the Henry’s Fork, the entire Snake River watershed, and the High Divide of the northern Rockies. We could not do it without your investment! Another question that I have been recently asked was hypothetical. What level of funding would be necessary to meet HFF’s greatest needs? Luckily, with the help of Dr. Rob Van Kirk, Brady Taylor, and the rest of our staff, I had already spent some time mulling this over. The Henry’s Fork needs a large investment in new infrastructure and technology to maximize the management of the Henry’s Fork watershed in the 21st century. We have immediate water-quantity and water-quality needs that can be addressed only through accurate and precise information, fully coordinated management, and a suite of new structures geared toward providing optimal conditions for the fishery, irrigation, and our communities. Pieces of this vision have already been fleshed out in the 2015 Henry’s Fork Basin Study, but more work remains to be accomplished. Can a local watershed organization like HFF galvanize a public-private partnership comprising strategic projects worth $500M to ensure the long-term future of its fishery? The Board and staff of HFF believe that we can. Keep an eye out for more information about this effort and how you can help in 2016. NOTABLE NUMBERS 141 A Message From the Board Chairman By Jim Carter I have heard it said the HFF staff’s main activities appear to be mostly fundraising, research, and restoration projects, all of which are core to our mission, but that’s not the whole story. Brandon and his team spend a great deal of time doing what my father used to call “management by walking around (MBWA)”, regularly communicating and working with our watershed partners and fellow stakeholders. That MBWA over the past thirty years has resulted in solid working relationships with a diverse group of stakeholders that paid off handsomely this past year. Number of river miles of the Henry’s Fork and its large tributaries. $34M One, but not the only example, is that on June 15th, opening day on the Railroad Ranch, Brandon got a call from our partner Fall River Rural Electric telling him that they planned to more than double the outflow from Island Park Reservoir on June 21st for a four day test of the hydropower turbines at Chester Dam, an event that would likely blow out the world famous Green and Brown Drake hatches on the Ranch. Because of our long-standing working relationships with all involved, and based on our expert knowledge of the River’s hydrology, Brandon and Rob Van Kirk were able to negotiate a postponement of the test until later in the summer and reduce the duration to two days, thereby saving precious storage water for winter flows and securing the drake hatches, which, by many accounts, were outstanding for 2015. Annual value of recreational fishing in the Henry’s Fork. 111,000 Total trout population in the Henry’s Fork and its tributaries. If you’re curious about what a day or week in the life of an HFF staffer is like, and how important our ongoing participation in the life of the watershed community is to our success, I urge you to log on to our website and follow the staff blogs. There’s a lot of important work going on that doesn’t make the headlines, but which is critical to our long term success as the Voice of the River. We couldn’t do it without your support. $300 Value of each trout in the Henry’s Fork. $1.3M The annual budget of the Henry’s Fork Foundation in 2015. $12 Photo credit: Mike Lawson Photo credit: William Teuscher Dollar amount spent per trout by the Henry’s Fork Foundation. 95% Percentage of the HFF Annual Operating Budget funded directly by HFF members. 2 Photo credit: Madison Hyde Exciting Year for Water Quality Monitoring In 2014, HFF installed four “sondes”, continuous-recording water quality instruments, in the Henry’s Fork between Flatrock Club and Ashton. This summer, we expanded the monitoring network into the lower watershed by installing three more sondes between Ashton Dam and Parker. The sondes have proven to be rugged and robust data collectors and the program yielded invaluable information for watershed management going into the winter months. Earlier in the summer, HFF worked with partners, Idaho Departments of Environmental Quality and Fish and Game, to conduct depth profiles of dissolved oxygen, temperature, and turbidity in Island Park Reservoir. We combined this data with that taken by sondes downstream of the Dam to analyze the impacts of reservoir outflow on downstream water quality. This work resulted in an exciting collaboration with Fall River Rural Electric, which will enhance our abilities to monitor and manage water quality going forward. Summer Intern Success This year HFF hosted four incredible summer interns – Abi, Christina, Natalie, and Maya – to assist with programmatic work from May through August. These four interns hiked miles and miles into the backcountry to help Friends of the Teton River complete electrofishing surveys. They helped HFF plan and prepare for our annual Henry’s Fork Days event in June, monitored and maintained the Buffalo fish ladder, and helped our research team gather and analyze endless water quality data. Upon returning to school, Maya wrote a lovely article about her experience working with HFF, Natalie emailed us to say that she had a head start in an environmental course she was taking thanks to what she learned here, and Abi and Christina stayed past their internship dates to help with additional research and monitoring work. This wonderful team of interns accomplished a lot in their few months with HFF and were a true joy to work with! Work Continues With New Projects 3 As we look forward to another great year of programmatic work in 2016, we find ourselves with a very exciting and full calendar of projects. In the realm of stream restoration, HFF will be taking new steps forward on restoration projects on Harriman Canal, Black Spring Creek, Big Bend Creek, and Conant Creek. Planning has begun on these four sites, and we are especially excited to move ahead with the repair and restoration of Harriman Canal, located just upstream of the Log Jam, in one of the most iconic and beloved stretches of the Henry’s Fork. HFF will also be working with Harriman State Park to repair and update fencing near Wood Road 16 as well as with Harriman State Park, Fremont County, and Idaho Department of Fish and Game on improvements to the Stone Bridge access site. Many other efforts along with these are on the schedule for 2016 and the team is looking forward to another productive year. Research Program More Influential Than Ever Research to inform restoration and management has been a hallmark of HFF since its founding. In 2015, the influence of HFF’s research program grew substantially both within and outside of the watershed, as we brought modern computer programming and statistics to our daily work, identified links between seemingly disparate data sets, and communicated results to regional and national audiences. HFF staff and students built computer models to analyze effects of angling mortality on fish populations, assess availability of water for managed aquifer recharge, and identify ways to minimize impacts of drought. Using several different data sets, we found that robust aquatic vegetation is the most important component of trout habitat—and the fishing experience—in Harriman State Park. And, we gave invited presentations to state water agencies in Idaho and Montana, putting fish and wildlife needs at the forefront of conjunctive management of ground and surface water. Teaching a New Generation The keystone of HFF’s youth education program is the nationally recognized “Trout in the Classroom” (TIC). TIC has a history going back over 20 years and was inspired by a similar program called Salmon in the Classroom, which was an adaptation from yet another program called “Fisheries in the Classroom” dating back to the 1970s in Canada (history of TIC gathered from the Virginia TIC curriculum guide). Trout in the Classroom has been in Ashton since 2012, and in 2015 approximately 40 students participated in the four-month program. These 5th-grade students learned how to take care of eggs, calculate a hatch date, observe growth as the eggs matured into fry, draw trout life cycles, label trout anatomy through a trout dissection experiment, and took part in an Idaho Department of Fish and Game approved trout release field trip. HFF’s new TIC coordinator, Jamie Laatsch, is looking forward to another great year for the program in 2016. Recreational Access Ensured With the Purchase of Two Access Sites 3 Recreational access along the Henry’s Fork is part of what makes this river so special, and loss of access to this public resource is a constant concern for the Foundation. This past year provided two fantastic opportunities to establish and enhance public access on the Henry’s Fork. An early March phone call from an HFF member resulted in HFF purchasing an access site at Del Rio Bridge and transferring it to Fremont County. HFF was also able to work with an adjoining landowner at Stone Bridge to purchase additional acreage to expand the site. This purchase and transfer to Fremont County will allow partners to eventually upgrade the boat ramp and move Fishermans Drive further from the launch site. The ability to leap on these opportunities as they arise is a testament to the generosity of HFF members and the willingness of partners such as Fremont County and Idaho Fish and Game to make access a priority on the Henry’s Fork. 4 Green Drake Society Annual giving of $1,000 or more *New Life Members in 2015 are shown in boldface Photo credit: Mike Lawson $20,000 + Thomas and Joan Brown C. Walker Cross Charitable Foundation Robert and Kelli Dotson Gary and Cathy Gross Jack and Janet Roberts Denny and Jane Shelton Willard L. Eccles Charity Foundation $10,000 – 19,999 Eric Adema E. Bruce Elliston Fall River Rural Electric John and JoAnne Gaynor Bill and Debby Hackett John and Vicky Hoagland Amelie and Dan Kappes David and Sally Long Harris and Betty Moon Larry Myers Darrell Tate Photo credit: Bryan Gregson $5,000 – 9,999 William A. Arnold Craig Brewerton Jim Carter and Jane Harrison Lyman and Carol Casey William and Melissa Connelly Stephen G. & Susan E. Denkers Family Foundation Tim Fontaine JP Hayes Layne and Mary Hepworth Idaho Fish and Game Pamela Johnson Lee and Phyllis King Matt Knickrehm Mark Moorman Orvis Rob and Pam Pannier Dr. Jim and Bonnie Pohl David and Shari Quinney Mark Rockefeller J. David and Leslie Schemel James W. Spiller Denny and Joy Swanson Trout and Salmon Foundation Voigt Foundation 5 Photo credit: Chapin Krafft $2,500 – 4,999 Mike and Lynn Aldrich Bales Family Partnership Tom and Shelley Botts Christopher and Nathalie Brand Jonathan and Quinlan Brown Lee Burke Yvon and Melinda Chouinard Stephen Denkers Kevin and Nicole Despain Bren Dismuke and Barry Schneider Henry and Flory Ellis Robb and Sarah Farr Rex W. Force Michael Fosmark Larry and Pam Garlick Patrick and Hilary Gibbons Larry and Shelley Green Dick Greene and Barbara Klesel Sallie Griffith Gary Grigg George and Mary Hall Ralph and Meggan Hamm III John Hanousek Karlee Hansen Kaylee Hansen Thomas W. Hansen Gregory and Martha Hein John and Carol Hepworth Elliot Hulet William B. Hurst Patsy Ishiyama Kent and Stefi Kuster Chris LaTour and Sally Patrick Steve Lauck Mike and Sheralee Lawson Tom and Cathy Loeb Scott & Erin Long Ron Malone Martin and Connie McLellan Richard and Bunny Melvoin Phillip and Lacey Moon Steve Moon Peter Mortimer Neil P. Moss Wesley and Janet Nelson Jerry Nielsen Richard Ono and Anne Wagner Patagonia River Ranch Thomas Patch James and Shawna Patten Bob and Paula Paulson Bob and Robin Paulson Eric Pauly Troy Phillips S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney Foundation Leonard and Carol Raizin Bruce Raskin and Kathleen Boone Bob and Susan Rosenberg John Runnells Craig Scholnick and Rachel Otto Sellas Family Art and Mary Jo Shartsis Grant Schettler Tom and Doris Squeri Marjorie Swig Brady and Amy Taylor Wayne and Jane Thorpe Chris and Jennifer Tissot Marshall and Ann Turner Peter Valenti Don Willey $1,000 - 2,499 H. G. Buck and Sharon Adams Ed and Teri Ahrens John and Kathy Albano Di Allison Brett Anderson John and Marsha Anderson R. Clark and Kay Arnold Sheila Asher Kenneth and Patricia S August Thomas H. Bailey Bank of Idaho Kathryn Bartlett Dutch Baughman Scott Becker Reed and Suzie Berlinsky Garth Blanchard Bowman Funeral Parlor Terry Box Dan Brown Richard and Janene Brown Paul and Irene Buehner Phillip Burleigh Dale and Janeel Burningham Brent and Susan Cameron Albert J. Campbell Cameron and Belinda Cantwell Mike and Jeanie Casey Phil and Cynthia Cohen Ralph and Vera Conner Jay Coulter John and Diana Coyle Joseph and Sarah Denig Clinton and Anna Dille Tom and Linda Dixon Kent Duckworth Tom and Karen Duncan Bruce Edwards Billye Elg Hans and Marcie Ellis Mike Engel Larry Evans Richard D. Farman Flat Rock Club William and Barbara Gibbons David Giles Paul and Marcia Ginsburg Rear Adm James Greene and Susan Hyde Greene Harry and Shirley Hagey Michael Hampton and Carol Day Ruth Harvey Robert Hatch Scott and Mimi Hayes Ed and Cindy Hikida Bill and Phyllis Hockett Brandon and Rochelle Hoffner Tod and Ann Holmes Jim Holton Scott and Tiffany Hortin Terry and Mary Hudgens Iron Rose Foundation Roger Johnson Will and Lillias Johnston Kay Jones Chuck and Roberta Katz Kelly and Lizzie Klein Jim Klug Don and Joy Knickrehm Jon Knoll Robert W. Lamm Roger and Sue Lang Nate LaTour Larry Lauck Alfred Lounsbury Ron Lynch Barry L. MacLean Todd and Allison Macy Mark and Cyndi McClure Clayton McDaniel Susan McDowell and Paul Beckley Michael & Michelle Menzia Rev. Peter and Wanda Michaelson Lew and Jill Mithun Kim and Jeff Montag Jason and Karolina Morey Dick Morrison Geoff and Elana Motlow Robert Murdoch Bob and Sally Neill Peter K. Noone Ed and Laura Opler Michell Patrick Kent and Carolyn Peterson DJ Phimister and Kathie Ramozotti James L. Pincock, M.D. Henry and Cynthia Poett III James C. Poulton and Bobbie Armor Kevin and Jennifer Peterson Jerry and Robin Pulley Terry and Sherri Putnam Gene and Susan Quinn Lynn and Diana Richardson Dr. and Mrs. Riegel Tony and Susan Riposta Jeff and Amy Roberts John and Patricia Rust Steve and Ann Schmidt Paul and Martha Schmitt John and Linda Seiter Ken and Mei-ling Shiroishi George and Leanne Sidney Simms Fishing John and Nancy Slatosky Paul and Noreen Slivon Gordon Smith Travis and Caitlin Smith Bailey Sory Steve Steblay Tania and Michael Stepanian Cary L. Stowe John Sullivan Sumner and Carol Swaner Susan Swig Roselyne C. Swig Hoyt Tarola Peter and Rachel Taylor Jesse and Elizabeth Theurer Scott and Kristie Thiel Peter and Anne Thomas Terry Thomas Gary and Susan Thurmond Les and Jeanie Thurmond Sara Timmons Upper Snake River Fly Fishers Rob Van Kirk and Sheryl Hill Jim Vermillion Loren Weiss and Gina Dalton Georgia Welles Andrew Wesner Rick and Shauna Williams John Willis David and Susan Wishney Paul Wojcik Jeffery and Azure Wolfe Michael Wolfe James A. Yarrow, MD Val Zupsan and Steve Whisler Wild Trout Club Lifetime giving of $10,000 or more River Steward $250k + Lyman and Carol Casey Hugo and Lois Melvoin Rainbow Trout $100k + Thomas and Joan Brown C. Walker Cross Charitable Foundation Robert and Kelli Dotson George B. Storer Foundation Layne and Mary Hepworth John and Vicky Hoagland M.R. and Ruth Mickelson, M.D. Jack and Janet Roberts Bob and Susan Rosenberg Sage Denny and Jane Shelton Brown Trout $50k + Eric Adema Yvon and Melinda Chouinard Fall River Rural Electric Flat Rock Club Mike and Jenifer Gibbons Gibbons Foundations Directors Paul and Marcia Ginsburg Rear Adm James Greene and Susan Hyde Greene Gary and Cathy Gross Bill and Debby Hackett Sara Ifft Ellen T. Kirch Roger and Sue Lang Shade and Ann Murray Larry Myers Ed and Laura Opler Patagonia River Ranch David and Shari Quinney S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney Foundation Mark Rockefeller Art and Mary Jo Shartsis Spruance II Foundation Tom and Preston Spruance James Sturdevant and Therese Lawless Thaddeus and Carroll Sweet Trout Unlimited Photo credit: Bryan Gregson Cutthroat Trout $25k + Mike and Lynn Aldrich Bales Family Partnership Robert and Gail Bardin Ponds Lodge Jim Carter and Jane Harrison William and Melissa Connelly Willard L. Eccles Charitable Foundation Henry and Flory Ellis Henry’s Fork Anglers Mike Engel E. Bruce Elliston John and JoAnne Gaynor Sallie Griffith JP Hayes William Heaney Hyde Drift Boats Jackson Hole One Fly Foundation Leslie and Laverne Judge Amelie and Dan Kappes James Kemp Mike and Sheralee Lawson LOOP Marine Ventures Foundation Jeffrey and Martha Melvoin Richard and Bunny Melvoin Gregory Nau Henry and Cynthia Poett III The Family of Eugene F. Quinn R & J Bamberger Memorial Foundation Rainbow King Lodge Bruce Raskin and Kathleen Boone Rio Manso Lodge Jeff and Amy Roberts James W. Spiller Stephen G. & Susan E. Denkers Family Foundation Henry and Freda Swan Sara Timmons Dan and Barbara Todd TroutHunter, LLC Trout & Salmon Foundation Peter Valenti Brook Trout $10k + Di Allison John and Marsha Anderson William A. Arnold Thomas H. Bailey Bank of Idaho Matthew A. Baxter John Becker Scott Becker Steve Born Christopher and Nathalie Brand Jonathan and Quinlan Brown Paul and Irene Buehner John E. Burke Lee Burke Brent and Susan Cameron Albert J. Campbell Thomas Carter Mike and Jeanie Casey CHC Foundation Suzie Coleman Ralph and Vera Conner Kevin and Nicole Despain Clinton and Anna Dille Jim Drake Paul Dremann Elizabeth Spencer Wines Larry Evans Yvonne Ferrell Tim Fontaine Larry and Pam Garlick Binnie Gates Betsy Geiger Patrick and Hilary Gibbons William and Barbara Gibbons William and Nancy Goodman Dave and Becky Hall Ralph and Meggan Hamm III Michael Hampton and Carol Day Thomas W. Hansen Richard N. Hansen Charlene Harvey Gregory and Martha Hein Henry’s Fork Lodge John and Carol Hepworth Ed and Cindy Hikida Richard and Wendy Hokin Charles and Jarmila Hrbek William B. Hurst Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation Pamela Johnson Will and Lillias Johnston Dennis Keller Lee and Phyllis King John S. Koch, M.D. Kent and Stefi Kuster Chris LaTour and Sally Patrick Tom and Cathy Loeb David and Sally Long Kenneth and Carol Louder Barry L. MacLean Todd and Allison Macy Susan Martin John and Pam McCosker Martin and Connie McLellan Michael & Michelle Menzia Rev. Peter and Wanda Michaelson Lew and Jill Mithun Kim and Jeff Montag Harris and Betty Moon Neil P. Moss Robert Murdoch Wesley and Janet Nelson Rodger and Teresa Nye Ellie Oakes Richard Ono & Anne Wagner Rob and Pam Pannier Thomas Patch James and Shawna Patten Maunsel and Ann Pearce James L. Pincock, M.D. Dr. Jim and Bonnie Pohl James C. Poulton and Bobbie Armor Jerry and Robin Pulley Terry and Sherri Putnam Dirk Reinhardt J. David and Leslie Schemel Grant Schettler Lee Schmitt John Schneider Fritz and Jan Schulte Charles and Judy Shepard George and Leanne Sidney Dave Smith Tom and Doris Squeri Sumner Swaner Denny and Joy Swanson Marjorie Swig Darrell Tate Three Rivers Ranch Les and Jeanie Thurmond Voigt Foundation M. Walker and Sue Wallace John Willis Larry and Gay Wood James A. Yarrow, MD John and Rosemary Young World Cast Val Zupsan and Steve Whisler Legacy Society Gifts through Estate Planning Eric Adema Garth Blanchard Thomas and Joan Brown Robert and Kelli Dotson Henry and Flory Ellis Bob and Gaye Fields John and JoAnne Gaynor Gary and Cathy Gross Bill and Debby Hackett Tom Henderson John and Carol Hepworth Layne and Mary Hepworth Brandon and Rochelle Hoffner Pamela Johnson Lee and Phyllis King Robert W. Lamm M.R. and Ruth Mickelson, M.D. Jerry Nielsen Jerry and Robin Pulley Bruce Raskin and Kathleen Boone Jack and Janet Roberts Jeff and Amy Roberts John Schneider Brady and Amy Taylor Major Corporate Sponsors Elizabeth Spencer Wines Henry’s Fork Anglers Henry’s Fork Lodge Hyde Drift Boats Idaho Angler LOOP Patagonia River Ranch Ponds Lodge Rainbow King Lodge Rio Manso Lodge Sage Three River’s Ranch TroutHunter Winston WorldCast Yellow Dog Fly Fishing 6 Invitation to Give The efforts of the Henry’s Fork Foundation are many. What started with a fence project on Harriman Ranch now encompasses the entire watershed, from Henry’s Lake to the South Fork of the Snake and all of the tributaries in between. That’s a lot to look after, but the Foundation does it. Through the tireless efforts of a dedicated staff that is committed to science, attends all pertinent community meetings and stays engaged in all the goings-on in the Watershed, the Foundation has become an important voice in the community. At no time has that been more apparent than during the last season, when the Foundation learned at the last minute that rivers flows were going to be raised to test the turbines at the new Chester Dam. The HFF was able to successfully convince members of the community to recognize the potential damage an exceedingly high flow could have on the fishing in the short term and the larger water picture in the long term, and as a result flow delivery from Island Park Reservoir to conduct the test was moved from June 21-25 to July 21-23. The Foundation’s proactive stance resulted in excellent Ranch Opener fishing and, more importantly, kept additional water in Island Park Reservoir resulting in higher winter flows than we likely would be seeing today. It has not always been possible to exercise this type of influence. Photo credit: Kelly Glissmeyer This influence came as a result of the respect the Foundation has earned by its continuous efforts in science, engagement, and growing its constituency over the many years of its existence. Currently, many in the region look to the Foundation to be a leader in conservation, with benefits coming to the Henry’s Fork in ways not possible in the past. This influence demands our vigilance and resources. It requires staff, equipment, and continual effort. Join me in support of “The Voice of the River”. H E VO ICE OF THE R IV E R T Jon Stiehl TroutHunter 1984 SINCE H EN RY’S FORK F O U N D AT I O N 512 Main Street PO Box 550 Ashton, Idaho 83420 208.652.3567 hff@henrysfork.org Connect with us online . . . www.henrysfork.org twitter.com/henrysfork facebook.com/henrysfork youtube.com/hffoundation
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