Saxion University of Applied Sciences


Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Jaargang 3, nummer 2, oktober 2008
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Step up to Saxion.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Table of contents
Table of contents
A word from the President_ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. Developments in international higher education_
Internationalisation and globalisation_ _ _
The European Educational Area__ _ _ _ _ _
International developments and Saxion_
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
2. Saxion’s international strategy as a University of Applied Sciences_ 8
International competences of our graduates_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Supporting international businesses and activities in the region_
International projects_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
International partnerships_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Double degree programmes__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Joint degree programmes_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. About Saxion_ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Saxion’s service departments_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Quality control_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Student satisfaction at Saxion__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Staff satisfaction at Saxion__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Accreditation of Saxion’s degree programmes_
Facts & Figures_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15
4. Higher education at Saxion University of Applied Sciences__
_ _ _ _ _ Education at Saxion_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
International programmes_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hospitality Business School_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Applied Art & Technology_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Applied Psychology & Human Resource Management_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Business Engineering & Entrepreneurship_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Communication, Information Technology & Information Management_
School of Education_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Environmental Planning & Building_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Finance & Accounting_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Governance & Law_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Health_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Life Science, Engineering & Design_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Marketing & International Management_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School of Social Work_ _
_ _ _ 17
_ _ _ 17
_ _ _ 18
_ _ _ 20
_ _ _ 22
_ _ _ 24
_ _ _ 26
_ _ _ 28
_ _ _ 30
_ _ _ 32
_ _ _ 34
_ _ _ 36
_ _ _ 38
_ _ _ 40
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42
5. Applied research at Saxion University of Applied Sciences_ _
Business Development_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Design & Technology_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Educational Innovation_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Health, Social Work & Technology_ _ _ _
Innovation & Entrepreneurship_ _ _ _ _ _
Urban & Environmental Development_ _
6. Saxion International Office_
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Language School_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
International Student Services_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Saxion Connect international traineeships_ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51
A word from the President
The world has become a dynamic and challenging place. Computers, internet, mobile communication has changed our outlook on the world. Changes seem to appear more rapidly
than ever before. Boundaries are disappearing between countries, especially within new
markets like Europe but also in the coming years within the Asia Pacific region. New economies are emerging and the balance of power is shifting between continents. There is also a
growing emphasis on the service-based and knowledge-based economies, and institutions
like research centres and universities play an important role in innovation and in equipping
students to deal with all these new challenges.
What is also of growing importance is the internationalisation of society. There is an increasing mobility of people and goods, both in the real and in the virtual world. And the world has
become a global village with virtual social communities that are ever more inter-connected.
These changes have brought with them new problems that also go beyond borders: economic
crises, limitations in natural resources, energy consumption, global warming. These developments present new challenges to higher education and research. The social responsibility of
our higher education institutions will have to focus on dealing with these new challenges.
We will have to educate the new generation to become innovative, responsible professionals,
able to work in an international environment, committed to solving problems and generating
The world has become
a dynamic and
challenging place.
a sustainable economy that takes care of its natural resources and living environment.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences has adopted a strategic plan for the coming decades
that contains elements that will contribute to this social responsibility:
• K
nowledge and innovation: knowledge enriches through its application in the context
of production and daily life. Saxion performs applied research in its Research Centres
that makes a contribution to innovation in cooperation with stakeholders like companies,
governmental organisations, etc.
• P
rofessionalisation: educating students for a future career in society, with the right knowledge, capabilities, skills and competences to perform the job at hand.
• Internationalisation: students are educated in an international study environment. To that
end Saxion has chosen to open its programmes to international students, develop the
international content of its courses and offer students international experience.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences is always looking for opportunities to cooperate with
other institutions of higher education sharing the same commitment to applied research
and professional education, in order to combine efforts in international research and to
generate an ever-increasing international study network. We should form new alliances with
companies, stakeholders and partners in order to combine our efforts to meet all these new
challenges in our common future!
Wim Boomkamp
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
A word from the President
1. Developments in international higher education
Internationalisation and globalisation
Globalisation has been one of the most influential processes in defining the new shape of the
world order. Globalisation has its own dynamics and moves at different speeds in the various
regions and economic sectors, being fed by new technological developments such as the
internet and mobile communication. This has changed the outlook of many different sectors
and disciplines over the last decade. It poses a constant challenge for an institution like
Saxion University of Applied Sciences to adapt sufficiently to these dynamics and characteristics in order to educate the new generation of professionals in an ever-globalising world. At
Saxion, we have embedded this process of internationalisation in our strategic plans for the
coming decade. We strive to be an internationally-recognised institution of higher education
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
1. Developments in
international higher education
with a clear focus on educating future professionals and conducting applied research. In the
areas of both professional education and applied research, we collaborate with companies
and institutions – both governmental and non-governmental – to create strong practical
links between the key issues and latest developments in the professional and educational
arenas. Our education and research is thus firmly anchored in the world of today, enabling
the university to contribute to real issues in society.
The European Educational Area
Developments in Europe, and in particular in the European Community, are strongly affected
by the process of globalisation. Europe is rapidly evolving into a single marketplace, in terms
of adopting the Euro, free mobility of its citizens according to the Schengen Treaty, free
mobility of labour, etc. The European Commission believes that the creation of a European
Educational Area will be another significant asset for the European Economic Area. Europe
has the ambition to become the world’s leading knowledge economy and is therefore
opening up its institutions of higher education to encourage international student mobility.
The implementation of the Bologna Declaration covering the three-cycle system of Bachelor,
Master and PhD, and the establishment of the European Credit Transfer System in accordance
with the Bologna Declaration, has paved the way for students from across Europe and further
afield to gain a wealth of international experience during their initial educational programme.
This international mobility is further enhanced by the Life Long Learning Programme and
the Erasmus scholarships. At Saxion, we have already adopted the Bologna Declaration and
implemented the ECTS; at present, we have over 100 solid Erasmus links, and each year
around 1,000 Saxion students gain some kind of international experience, either at a partner
university abroad or on an international internship. We are continuously looking to expand
our international network and are currently working on building up a network of preferred
partners among other Universities of Applied Sciences.
International developments and Saxion
At Saxion, we are strongly committed to keeping up with the latest international developments, both in professional education and applied research. The employment market for our
graduates is rapidly evolving into a global marketplace. Graduates are increasingly moving
abroad to pursue their career or, if they choose to stay in their home country, find that
their work has an international aspect, such as foreign trade links, business contacts, etc.
Educating future professionals and applied researchers naturally entails that we also help
our students to develop the international competences they will need after graduation. Each
year, more than 1,000 students are following part of their studies or an internship abroad. In
addition, the educational content of the courses we offer is increasingly focused on relevant
international developments in the various fields of study. Furthermore, around 40 of Saxion’s
courses are taught in the English language, making them highly accessible for international
students. These students participate in hugely diverse ‘international classrooms’ made up
of as many as 55 different nationalities. Around 1,000 students are currently on one of
our international courses, enjoying a unique experience of studying in a truly multi-cultural
At Saxion, we are
strongly committed to
keeping up with the
latest international
developments, both in
professional education
and applied research.
2.Saxion’s international strategy as a
University of Applied Sciences
International competences of our graduates
Within Saxion, we have set certain standards in order to ensure that all of our students
develop international competences. Each graduate should have approximately 30 European
Credits focused on the international aspects of their discipline, which may be attained either
via the international programmes or through a period of study abroad at an international
partner institution. Graduates should have a clear understanding of the international elements of their discipline and be able to operate within an international working environment
and professional arena. In addition to strong language skills, we also consider inter-cultural
awareness and inter-cultural communication to be key international competences.
Supporting international businesses and activities in the region
Saxion University of Applied Sciences is a comprehensive university that thinks globally
(international profile and expertise) and acts locally (regional collaboration). We feel a strong
sense of social responsibility towards our region, as demonstrated by our close links with
companies and institutions in the area, in various forms: in the field of education (both
content and approach), projects, internships, graduate theses and dissertations, as well as
applied research and consultancy. At Saxion, the pursuit of knowledge is key – which is why
we believe education, research and consultancy go hand-in-hand. We strive to create synergy
between professional training and education, applied research and the organisations concerned. The interaction between these factors is at the heart of Saxion’s previously regional
focus evolving into a truly international approach. When collaborating with locally-based
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
2. Saxion’s international strategy
as a University of Applied Sciences
organisations with an international focus, we are able to offer them support on foreign
projects, consultancy and training programmes, with students, professors and researchers
sharing their knowledge in an international working environment. To this end, we are always
on the lookout for new international projects together with international partners.
International projects
There are many examples of Saxion sharing knowledge and expertise in international educational, consultancy and research activities. Within our International Office, the International
Project Desk supports Saxion’s Schools and Research Centres in searching for and managing
international projects. The International Project Desk has many years of experience with
various funding bodies and a range of partners, some of which are organised within a consortium. The International Project Desk assesses the eligibility of foreign projects for financial
support from regional, national and international funding bodies. The resulting projects are
then matched with staff within Saxion. In this way, we also contribute to sharing knowledge
and expertise beyond organisational and country boundaries.
The foundations for our success on any project are our considerable experience in the area
of professional training, our understanding of and close links with the labour market, our
joint activities with a number of regional and national companies, and our applied research.
Research activities are conducted in collaboration with the research programmes at our
relevant Research Centres.
We take the three areas of education, consultancy and research and link them directly with
the requirements of the labour market, the business sectors and social institutions, before
placing everything in an international perspective. In doing so, we are also demonstrating
our sense of social responsibility within the framework of Collaborative Development, in
terms of innovating, sharing and disseminating knowledge.
International partnerships
Saxion University of Applied Sciences has a vast number of partnerships around the world,
on all continents. With internationally-operating companies and other organisations, we focus on securing internships, research projects and consultancy. Within the partnerships with
fellow universities, we collaborate on a wide range of educational and research activities, as
well as student and staff exchanges, cooperation on projects, combined study programmes
(such as the 3+1 education), etc.
Double degree programmes
For those students who are looking to pursue an international career, it is a definite asset
to have a degree from two institutions in different parts of the world. Therefore, we are in
strong favour of recognition and accreditation of a degree in both countries in which the
degree has been obtained. In addition, this also helps to underline the international nature
of the programme.
Joint degree programmes
Saxion is open to the development of joint programmes if they present the opportunity to
increase synergy within the fields of education and research. We will seek full recognition
of these programmes within the legal and educational framework to enable accreditation in
both countries.
3. About Saxion
With three campuses – located in the cities of Deventer, Enschede and Apeldoorn – and
over 22,000 students, Saxion is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the
Netherlands. Our range of educational programmes is extremely diverse, including a large
number of graduate disciplines and opportunities for specialisation, both nationally and
Education at Saxion can best be described as high-quality, sustainable, innovative and
entrepreneurial. We offer a broad range of programmes at all levels, and each student follows
his or her own ‘personal study path’ which involves a high degree of contact between tutor
and student. We believe it is crucial to help each of our students to develop and maximise
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
3. About Saxion
their potential, and this is reflected in our focus on continually improving the educational
programmes we offer. Thanks to our collaboration with businesses as well as other institu­
tions and government bodies, our educational programmes are strongly oriented towards
the realities of employment. Furthermore, we are currently developing a broad programme
of applied research projects.
A great place to study and to live
Organisational structure
Whether in Deventer or Enschede, Saxion’s students and staff members really feel privileged
to be able to study and live in such inspirational surroundings. Both campuses are located
Saxion is managed at
two levels: the Executive
Board and the heads of
the Schools and Service
Departments. The
Executive Board compri­
ses two members. The
establishment is overseen
by a Supervisory Board
comprising five external
in new buildings, close to the railway station and city centre in each case. Deventer and
Enschede are both moderately-sized but lively student cities, so anyone studying or working
at Saxion has a huge range of accommodation, culture and entertainment – not to mention
sport – right on their doorstep. Meanwhile, our Hotel Management programme is run from a
unique location in the centre of Apeldoorn.
The best of both worlds
At Saxion, we are keen to gain some benefit from our substantial size whilst retaining the
advantages of a smaller educational institution. This is the reason that Saxion is evolving into
an organisation based around the clear identity and innovativeness of its education programmes; it is horizontal organisation that enables rapid communication and feedback, in which
programmes or clusters of similar programmes are free to work together if it makes sense. Meanwhile, our central service departments
are committed to providing a professional, efficient and high-quality
Supervisory Board
framework of support.
Executive Board
General Council
(President &
Sharing knowledge and expertise
We collaborate with other institutions of higher education on the
Saxion Schools
Hospitality Business School
national joint education policy to ensure that the right kind of degree
School of Applied Art & Technology
programmes are on offer in line with current demand.
School of Applied Psychology & Human
School of Business Engineering &
School of Communication, Information
Resource Management
Via the Saxion Knowledge Transfer programme, we
Service Departments
provide assistance to government bodies, businesses
Compliance Department
Department of Education & Student
and health-care and social institutions on a commercial basis. Bringing together specialist knowledge from
Technology & Information Management
Public Relations Department
School of Education
Estate & Building Department
School of Environmental Planning & Building
Facilities Department
carry out applied research, provide training and offer
School of Finance & Accounting
Finance Department
School of Governance & Law
advice to companies and organisations in the region.
Human Resource Department
School of Health
ICT Department
School of Life Science, Engineering & Design
International Office
School of Marketing & International
School of Social Work
both inside and outside of Saxion, our Research Centre
Associate professors affiliated with the Research Centre
monitor the progress of the research projects and the
use of the findings within our educational programmes.
Saxion Next
Research Centres:
Research Centre for Business & Hospitality
Research Centre for Design & Technology
Research Centre for Educational Innovation
Research Centre for Health, Social Work &
Research Centre for Innovation &
Research Centre for Urban & Environmental
Saxion’s Service Departments
We are proud of the high degree of service we provide to our students and employees. At
all three of Saxion’s locations, the modern buildings fully meet the high standards we have
set ourselves for our educational facilities and, as we continue to grow, our accommodation
continues to be adapted accordingly. In 2008, the new foyer with extra classrooms was officially opened in Deventer. All of the Schools now have an ‘Open and Transparent Stimulating
Working environment’ for students, specifically designed to inspire and stimulate. The academic year 2009/2010 also witnessed the opening of a new Saxion building in Enschede.
The Department of Education & Student Affairs is the largest of Saxion’s ancillary services.
Its advisors and counsellors provide direct support to students in terms of study career
counselling, advice on legislation and regulations, and help with enrolment or termination
of enrolment, while the staff members in this Service Department help to maintain the high
standards of our programmes. This Service Department also has an advisory role towards
the individual Schools when they are planning their educational programmes; being involved
from the outset means that the Service Department is able to advise on any practical issues
or implications regarding informing students, administration or scheduling, before things
progress too far.
The Public Relations Department is the central department in charge of all our marketing and
communications activities. This Service Department has a coordinating and advisory role
towards our Schools, other Service Departments and Saxion’s Research Centres, as well as
ensuring that our students are kept fully up-to-date.
With branches in Deventer, Enschede and Apeldoorn, the Saxion Library is the ideal source
of information, materials and resources for our staff and students as well as a great place to
Our students have
the opportunity to get
involved in many kinds
of sporting and cultural
activities, often for free
or at attractive discount
rates, both within Saxion
and beyond.
study. Officially, the library is run by the auspicious ‘Stadsarchief & Athenaeumbibliotheek’
(historic city archive and library) in the heart of Deventer, which is open to Saxion staff and
students too.
The ICT Department provides IT support to our 22,000 students and over 2,000 employees.
Dealing efficiently with any technical glitches, the Centre ensures that we are all able to study
and work in a stable and smooth-running IT environment. The Centre’s specialists also offer
help and advice on using the hardware and software. The main point of contact for students
and staff alike, the Service Desk is one of the most important aspects of this department,
registering and handling queries and solving technical problems. In addition to the network
computers in all work and study areas, each of Saxion’s campuses is fully wireless, enabling
flexible internet connectivity across the entire site.
It’s not all hard work at Saxion. Our students have the opportunity to get involved in many
kinds of sporting and cultural activities, often for free or at attractive discount rates, both
within Saxion and beyond. Students can find out more from Sport & Culture in Enschede or
from the society known as ‘Studium Generale’. Studium Generale organises all kinds of cultural and community-oriented activities which are linked directly or indirectly to the various
areas of study covered by Saxion’s programmes.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
3. About Saxion
Quality control
At Saxion, we are committed to providing high standards of quality, and we have a twotier Quality Assurance system in place, entailing internal and external checks, to help us
maintain the focus on continually improving our organisation. This system, known as the
Saxion Frameworks for Quality, contains clearly defined targets for the improvement of our
activities, products and work processes, right down to the level of individual employees
wherever possible. So far, four Saxion Frameworks for Quality have been approved by our
Executive Board:
1. Saxion Framework for Quality for Bachelor programmes
2. Saxion Framework for Quality for Master programmes
3. Saxion Framework for Quality for Saxion Service Departments
4. Saxion Framework for Quality for research and evaluation of the research centres
These Frameworks for Quality are evaluated for each programme, Service Department or
Research Centre during internal audits which take place every three years. Each of our
Bachelor programmes that is preparing for the visitation and external accreditation is first
subjected to a Saxion audit. These internal audits, conducted by a committee comprising
internal auditors, are very thorough – the panel examines documents, interviews the parties
involved and/or observes the relevant processes, before drawing up an evaluation of the
organisational unit in question. The unit then presents the results of the audit, and its plan
for any improvements, directly to the Executive Board.
Student satisfaction at Saxion
As part of our commitment to the continual improvement of our programmes and level
of service to our students, all of Saxion’s programmes – 62 in total – are evaluated in the
annual national Survey of Student Satisfaction. This is organised in conjunction with other
tions of higher education across the Netherlands, with a total of 65,000 students
participating in the most recent survey. Saxion achieved a grade of 6.9 out of 10, which
represents an improvement on last year’s score and is above the national average. Out of all
of Saxion’s programmes, 26 (42%) received a score of 7 or higher whilst only six programmes (10%) obtained a score below the national average. Notably, Saxion scored significantly
higher than the national average on the specific areas of programme content (including the
level of the programme, reflection of recent developments, study material), assessment,
scheduling and study load. This was particularly reassuring since we had identified these
aspects as focus points for improvement in 2008.
Wim Boomkamp, President of the Executive Board, is delighted with the results: “I am pleased
to see that not only is our student population growing, but also the satisfaction with our programmes is growing too, especially when benchmarking ourselves against other Universities
of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Of course, there’s always room for further improvement and we are currently identifying new areas to work on for the short term.”
Staff satisfaction at Saxion
Our staff are just as important as our students, so we measure how we are living up to our
employees’ expectations with the Saxion Survey of Staff Satisfaction. This was conducted for
the first time in October 2007, with a mid-term assessment being held in 2008 to monitor
the effectiveness of the various measures that had been taken to improve on selected points.
The results show that the overall satisfaction level of our staff has increased from 7.2 to
7.4 (out of 10). The levels of satisfaction with the working conditions and Saxion in general
(including aspects such as feeling valued by the organisation and the consultative structure)
have shown the most significant improvement. Awarding a score of 8.1, members of the
teaching staff are the most satisfied of all the colleagues. Notably, when looking at the
satisfaction levels of the staff as a whole, Saxion achieves a higher score than in 2007 on all
the main points. Steps to improve staff satisfaction – including adjustments to the working
conditions and efforts to help the employees feel more a part of the organisation – have
clearly paid off. Our staff also appreciate the work of the Executive Board work better since
the board members have become more actively present in the organisation.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
3. About Saxion
Accreditation of Saxion’s degree programmes
The excellent quality of the Dutch higher education system is renowned worldwide, and
we are proud to contribute to maintaining this strong reputation by offering programmes
of such a high standard. Saxion University of Applied Sciences is regulated by the Ministry
of Education, Culture and Science, which forms the Dutch national system of legislation and
quality control for educational institutions. The accreditations are awarded by the organisation known as the NVAO, which was established by international treaty and is tasked with
ensuring the quality of higher education in the Netherlands and Flanders. Several of Saxion’s
Master programmes are accredited by educational institutions abroad. Thanks to this legal
framework, you can rest assured that the level of education offered at Saxion University of
Applied Sciences meets high quality standards, both nationally and internationally.
Facts & Figures
Number of students
Number of Bachelor students
Number of Master students
Number of International students
Number of Bachelor programmes 49
Number of Master programmes
Of which taught in English:
Number of Bachelor programmes
Number of Master programmes
Number of Research Centres
Number of Chairs
Number of teaching staff
Number of support staff
4.Higher education at Saxion University of
Applied Sciences
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Education at Saxion
Education at Saxion is clearly focused on the individual student and on preparing our students
for the practical aspects of professional life. We expect our students to take responsibility
for their own study path, although of course our tutors and teachers are there to help and
advise them. Most of our tutors have built up several years of experience in professional
organisations before joining us. The atmosphere at Saxion is friendly, multi-cultural and
open, and there is plenty for students to do in their free time – travel, sporting and cultural
activities – to help them get to know their fellow students better.
International programmes
Saxion has been offering international Bachelor and Master programmes for over ten years,
and our programmes have proven to be extremely popular with students from all corners of
the globe. The current list of our international students represents an A-Z of 55 nationalities,
contributing to a truly multi-cultural learning experience. Our programmes are specifically
oriented towards internationalisation, constantly approaching the chosen field of activity
from European and worldwide perspectives. As a University of Applied Sciences, Saxion
places great emphasis on practical skills and applied research. All of our programmes have
a strong focus on best practices and skills to be used in working situations, preparing our
students for immediate entry into their chosen professional field or for further study towards
professional qualifications.
Our programmes are
specifically oriented
towards international­
isation, constantly
approaching the chosen
field of activity from
European and worldwide
Hospitality Business School
At the Hospitality Business School, we define hospitality as the ability to make guests feel
welcome in any situation while continually striving to exceed their expectations. The hospitality business is one of the most significant and fastest-growing service sectors in the world.
Guests are essential for the financial viability of offices, hotels, theme parks, restaurants,
hospitals, cities and entire regions. But hospitality is not just about buildings, beds and bars
– instead, it’s all about people and their experiences. From the guest’s point of view, it should
be more than just an encounter – it should be a sensory experience, from the very first
greeting right up to departure. It is our mission to help our students develop their talents to
become that special kind of person who can create the context for providing a consistently
outstanding level of service. By learning to combine enthusiasm and pro-activity with excellent entrepreneurial skills and organisational talent, our students are able to transform a
situation into an experience and extend a ‘new sense of welcome’ to guests day after day.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Our programmes
Our programmes are built around providing ‘a new sense of welcome’. We provide full-time,
part-time and dual Bachelor and Master programmes that are recognised in the Netherlands
and abroad, some of which can be followed in Dutch or English. Our Bachelor programmes
cover various aspects of the hospitality business: Facility Management focuses on buildings
and services for companies and other organisations, with the emphasis on providing suitable
and pleasant surroundings for employees to work in; Tourism Management examines the
growing industry for consumer activities, while Hotel Management deals with how a hotel
manager can consistently provide outstanding levels of service to exceed the guests’ expectations. Our Master programmes provide the opportunity to specialise in Facility Management,
Real Estate Management or Business Administration and Management.
• Bachelor in Hotel Management (BBA)
• Bachelor in Tourism Management (BBA)
• Final Year Bachelor Hotel Management (BBA)
• Final Year Bachelor Tourism Management (BBA)
• European Master in Facility Management (MSc)*
• European Master in Real Estate Management (MSc)*
• Master in Business Administration (MBA)*
Our network
• Master in Management (MA)*
Exchange semesters for students from partner universities:
• Hotel Management (Autumn)
• Tourism Management (Autumn)
• Hospitality in International Events (Autumn, Spring)
* Masters are provided under the auspices of the University of Greenwich (London, United
Applied science: relevant, innovative education
At the Saxion Hospitality Business School, we aim to provide innovative education and
research – on behalf of and in collaboration with the hospitality sector – that is inspired by
and relevant to the diverse and changing world we live in. Thanks to our close links with
the hospitality industry, our internationally-oriented programmes have a clear focus on the
demanding realities of the sector and enable us to give real meaning to the phrase ‘a new
sense of welcome’. On a practical level, we are involved in developing innovative hospita-
Saxion Hospitality Business
School has numerous
partners in higher edu­
cation and the hospitality
industry both within and
outside. As well as jointly
developing educational
experiences, we also run
single-semester exchange
programmes with many
of our partners. This
means that students from
partners universities can
study at Saxion Hospitality
Business School without
having to pay tuition fees.
lity concepts for all aspects of the business, ranging from facility management and hotel
management to tourism and leisure management. Sharing the results of our practical research
programmes with our industry partners, we are able to bridge the gap between education
and the hospitality sector.
To provide real-life
educational experiences
we are working with
leading companies in
the hospitality business
including: Starwood, NH
Hoteles, Hilton, Center
Parcs, Gelredome Stadium
(events), ISS, Facilicom,
TUI, The Advanced Travel
Partners (ATP)
School of Applied Art & Technology
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
At the School of Applied Art & Technology, our key mission is to enhance innovation through
achieving synthesis between creative processes and technical design. All three of our
Bachelor programmes have a significant artistic component whilst the Media, Information
& Communication and Textile Engineering & Management programmes additionally cover
economic, commercial and marketing aspects.
In view of the growing internationalisation of business in all of the sectors we cover – media,
communication and textiles – it goes without saying that our School takes an international
approach to our programmes.
Our programmes
We provide three Bachelor programmes:
• Art & Technology: This programme focuses on media, design and technology and has
4 graduation domains: Broadcast, Web, Advertising and Edutainment.
• Media, Information & Communication (from 2010 onwards): This programme provides the
knowledge and skills necessary for the complex landscape of new media combined with
an understanding of the economic aspects and (new) business models.
• Textile Engineering & Management: This programme is for people who plan to work in
the dynamic sector of textiles and new materials. The knowledge of textiles as materials,
product possibilities and construction methods is combined with aspects of fashion, interiors, smart applications and industrial users. The programme also covers the economic,
commercial and marketing aspects of the field.
The Bachelor in Art and Technology provides the option to follow a complete English curriculum and/or an English final year. Textile Management provides an English final year. There is
currently no English curriculum for the relatively new Media, Information & Communication
Bachelor programme but this is expected to be developed shortly.
Our network
We cooperate with inter­
national partners in
Western Europe (Germany,
Finland, Belgium, England)
as well as in South Africa,
China and Malaysia.
School of Applied Psychology & Human
Resource Management
Our School of Applied Psychology & Human Resource Management enables students to
specialise in Applied Psychology and Human Resource Management (HRM). As a leading
knowledge-based organisation, we are renowned for providing inspiring education and
highly-valued practical research, within inspiring and stimulating surroundings in which to
study and work. Professionalism, expertise and an intensive interaction with the business
world are our driving forces.
We believe it is essential to provide our students with a wider perspective and an understanding of the impact of internationalisation. To this end, we are increasingly teaching
our programmes in English and steadily broadening our international activities in terms of
exchange programmes as well as internships and research placements for dissertations.
Our programmes
Applied Psychology
Applied Psychology is a relatively new Bachelor programme with the first students due to grad­
uate in 2011. The graduation profiles Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology, Developmental
Psychology/Medical Pedagogy and Occupational and Organisational Psychology offer our
students a wide choice of psychological disciplines at Bachelor level. This programme has a
particularly strong focus on practical simulations and case studies, even in the first year, as
well as covering the areas of prevention, counselling, training and psycho-diagnostics.
Human Resource Management
Thanks to its graduation profile in Career & Employment Development, the Bachelor in
Human Resource Management has gained considerable recognition on the Dutch market. A
number of our graduates’ dissertations have won awards and other graduates have set up
their own thriving businesses. This, and our close collaboration with the business sector,
stands testament to the success of our HRM programme, and word has spread to Germany,
with many German students electing to study HRM in Enschede. The programme combines
theory with real case studies, giving students the opportunity to develop their practical skills
and understanding.
Final Year in Human Resource Management (English)
This final year is specifically for students who are keen to learn more about international
HRM challenges, experience inter-cultural differences and develop new approaches, with a
view to embarking on a career as an HRM manager, at home or abroad.
Saxion Knowledge Transfer
Saxion Knowledge Transfer is focused on the two-way sharing of expertise between Saxion
and external organisations. By providing a wide range of post-graduate courses as well as
training courses and programmes for HRM professionals on the open market, we are able
to gain valuable insights that provide us with an even better understanding of the latest
developments in the areas of employment, absenteeism and re-integration.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Our network
We cooperate with the
following international
• Germany:
Pforzheim, Gottingen
University Georg-EliasMüller-Institut für
• Belgium: Katho
University of Applied
Science, KHLeuven
University College,
Lessius, Howest, Institute
Libre Marie Haps
• Sweden: Karlstad
• France: Skema Business
School, Lille
• Poland: West
Pomeranian Business
School, Szczecin
• United Kingdom: The
Manchester Metropolitan
• Northern Ireland:
St Mary’s University
College, Belfast
• Austria: Fachhochschule
des bfi, Wien, University
of Applied Sciences bfi,
School of Business Engineering & Entrepreneurship
At the School of Business Engineering & Entrepreneurship, as an extension of the five key
values in Saxion’s strategic vision (intensifying its education, strong relations with the
professional field, internationalisation, excellence and professionalisation), we strive to be
ambitious, dedicated and entrepreneurial. Our School has clear ambitions: we aim to grow,
in quality as well as size. Our School expects dedication – not only from our staff members
but also from our students and from the industry. We all need to work together to achieve the
best possible results. Our School is entrepreneurial: we identify and adapt to trends, we are
constantly innovating in terms of what and how we teach. Our School is not only developing
concepts for and together with the client, but developing itself too!
Our programmes
We provide a wide range of economics and business-related bachelor programmes including
Construction Management, Small Business & Retail Management and Business Engineering.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
In addition we provide various part-time programmes including a Master in International
Supply Chain Management (2.5 years, part time) and an Associate Degree in Small Business &
Retail Management. The programmes can also be taught in-house to companies.
We provide the following international programmes (taught in English):
• Master in International Supply Chain Management
• Bachelor in Entrepreneurship
• Bachelor in Business Engineering
• Short Programme in Managing Innovating Organisations
We also offer the following courses:
• Entrepreneurship in the Health Care Sector
• Entrepreneurial Project Leader in the Health Care Sector
• Project Management in the Health Care Sector, based on the Prince2 method
• Effective Collaboration in the Health Care Sector • Financial Management in Practice – a new approach to financial planning
• Budgeting in Practice in the Health Care Sector
• Entrepreneurship (four-day course)
• ICT Management
Tailor-made courses are also available, and all courses can be taught in-house for companies.
Our network
We cooperate with a large number of Dutch companies and institu­
tions across a range of sectors:
• Fast moving consumer goods: Schuitema, C1000.
• Automotive: BOVAG, Broekhuis.
• Health care: Beweging 3.0.
• High-tech industry: Thales, Eaton Electric.
• Construction: Plegt-Vos, Ter Steege.
We cooperate with the following international partners, among others:
• Germany: Fachhochschule Münster, Fachhochschule Osnabrück,
Fachhochschule Saarbrücken
• Belgium: Hogeschool Gent, Haute Ecole Libre Mosane, Liège
• Denmark: University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Sönderborg
• Poland: West Pomeranian Business School, Szczecin
• Lithuania: Banka Augstskola, Riga
• Finland: Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Pori
• United Kingdom: University of Salford, Manchester
• Ireland: Dublin Institute of Technology
• France: Lycee Ozenne, Toulouse
• Hungary: Budapesti Müszaki Fõiskola, Budapest
• Romania: Babes Bolyai University in Cluj, University of
Transsylvania in Brasov
• Turkey: Halic University, Istanbul
• South Africa: Tshwane University, Pretoria
School of Communication, Information
Technology & Information Management
At the School of Communication, Information Technology and Information Management,
our wide range of Bachelor programmes covers all aspects of information and communication technology. We help to prepare our students for employment in an IT-related position,
whether at a company that designs and develops IT solutions or one that uses IT solutions in
support of its core business. Our multi-disciplinary programmes cover the social and ethical
aspects of IT as well as having a strong practical focus, including practical training. By taking
this approach, we stand our students in good stead to contribute to the ongoing innovation
in the areas of information and technology, and we help to transform our students into the
IT and information professionals of the future.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Our programmes
We offer a broad range of IT-related programmes:
• Information Service & Management
• Business Information Technology
• Computer Science
• Computer Technology
The Information Service & Management and Business Information Technology programmes
are also offered as an Associate Degree.
We offer the following programmes, taught in English:
• Information Service & Management (Final Year)
• Business Information Technology (Final Year)
We also offer exchange programmes in conjunction with our partners in Europe:
• Security Management (Fall semester)
• Real Time Embedded Systems (Autumn semester)
• Information Service & Management (both Fall and Autumn semesters)
• Business Information Technology (both Fall and Autumn semesters)
Our network
We cooperate with the following international educational partners:
• Bulgaria: Kliment Ohridski, University of Sofia
• China: Nanchang Institute of Technology
• China: Sanjian University, Nanjing
• Italy: University of Parma
• Lithuania: University of Vilnius
• Poland: University of Warsaw
• Romania: North University of Baia Mare
• Spain: University of Zaragoza
• Germany: University of Applied Sciences, Hannover
• Belgium: University of Applied Sciences, Ghent
• Switzerland: University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Zurich
• Finland: University of Applied Sciences, Rovaniemen
We also cooperate with the following industry partners:
• Thales: global technology leader for the aerospace, space, defence,
security and transportation markets, member of the Thales group
(68,000 employees across 50 countries)
• PTS: consultancy firm (computer technology), member of the Alten
group (12,000 employees across 15 countries)
School of Education
At the School of Education, we offer two Bachelor teacher-training programmes, one for
primary-school and one for secondary-school level. In addition, we provide a range of educational services (such as staff development, training and advice) to schools and institutions,
including programmes for disadvantaged pupils, counselling, special education, physical
education, computer science and education, art education, curriculum development, educational innovation, remedial teaching, teaching methods, etc. Our School also operates
as an in-house centre for educational development for academic staff across all of Saxion
University’s Schools.
The staff members within our School, around 70 in total, are all qualified in higher education,
have experience of teaching professionally in primary and/or secondary schools, and are
all experts in a range of fields including language skills, numerical skills, didactical and
pedagogical approaches, organisational development and teaching methods.
Our School has attained a leading position in the Netherlands in the field of Dalton education
– a specific didactic and pedagogical approach based around the three interconnected principles of freedom, independence and cooperation. Working within the framework of a so-called
‘task system’ , one of the key characteristics is differentiation – an approach which recognises
that there are several ways to take the differences between individual children into account.
We teach the Dalton approach to educational institutions and professionals as well as to the
officers in charge of inspecting and assessing Dalton schools on a national level. As a result
of this, we are regarded as being at the forefront of modern teaching methods.
Our programmes
The primary-level programme takes four years. After completing the compulsory foundation
programme (lasting 18 months), students can choose from a range of majors, including specialising based on a particular age group (children aged 4-8 or 8-12), and a minor. Students
spend one day a week gaining practical experience, which increases to two days per week in
the main phase.
The second-degree programmes are also known as teacher-training programmes or conversion courses. Training lasts 18 months and the focus is on developing the pedagogic-didactic
skills only – qualification to degree-level in another subject is required.
All programmes are taught in Dutch. In view of the significant periods of practical experience
in local schools, Dutch-language skills to the level of NT-5 or higher are required.
Our network
We cooperate with
international educational
partners in Suriname, the
Dutch Antilles, Belgium
and England.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
School of Environmental Planning & Building
At the School of Environmental Planning & Building we provide education (Bachelors, Masters,
Short Courses and in-house company training) in the fields of environment and nature, spatial planning and development, urban design, real estate management, construction and civil
engineering. Applied research in these areas is organised in consultation with the Research
Centre for Urban & Environmental Development.
Sustainability is the common denominator for both our School and our Research Centre. In
view of increasing globalisation and the significant environmental issues the world is facing,
both the School and Research Centre have an international focus too, resulting in us sharing
an inter-cultural, inter-disciplinary and student-centred educational approach.
Our School of Environmental Planning & Building aims to develop long-term relationships
with other universities, NGOs, consultancies as well as partner companies, offering students
the opportunity for traineeships or to develop joint projects.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Sustainable collaborative projects
At our School, we are taking a critical look at the focus of future product-market combinations for international projects. There are already several projects in the pipeline that entail
collaboration with universities, international research organisations and companies abroad,
• Environmental Management projects in Indonesia
• Urban Planning & Design projects in Europe (e.g. Berlin and Barcelona)
• Nature and Biodiversity Management in West Africa
• Integral Area Development in central China
• Infrastructure projects in various regions
The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs has provided Saxion with a grant for the development
of these sustainable collaborative projects.
Meanwhile, we are currently involved in projects in:
Our network
• Vietnam (capacity building, institutional strengthening and curriculum development)
• EU (Sustainable Urban-Rural Fringes)
• EU (Spatial Aspects of Research & Development)
• Germany (new forms of housing)
• Indonesia (water and environmental management projects)
Our programmes
We offer the following Bachelor and Master programmes, taught in English:
• Exchange programmes for students from European partner universities:
Spring Semester – On the Border (12–20 weeks)
Autumn Semester – Sustainable Development (12–20 weeks)
• Short Course Environmental Impact Assessment (10 weeks)
• Short Course Integral Water Management & Sustainable Development (10 weeks)
• Short Course Sustainable International Business (20 weeks)
• Short Course Management of Environmental Disputes & Cultural Awareness (7 weeks)
• Final Year of Bachelor in Civil Engineering (10 months)
• Final Year of Bachelor in Environmental Science & Technology (10 months)
• Final Year of Bachelor in Urban & Regional Planning (10 months)
• Final Year of Bachelor in Urban Design (10 months)
• Master of Science in Environmental Science (13 months)
• Master of Science in Nature Conservation & Biodiversity Management (13 months)
• Master of Science in Urban & Regional Planning (13 months)
We cooperate with the
following international
• Universities in Indonesia
(Trisakti, UGM, ITS,
Diponegoro) for
double-degree Bachelor
• Universities in China
(Nanchang Institute
of Technology;
Beijing University of
• Erasmus-partner
universities in Europe,
including in Germany,
Belgium, UK, Spain,
Poland, Finland,
Hungary, Greece and
• Dutch partner uni­
versities, companies
(consultancy, construc­
tion, design), NGOs and
governmental organisa­
tions with international
contacts. Our School of
Environmental Planning
& Building is a member
of the Netherlands
Water Partnership
School of Finance & Accounting
At the School of Finance & Accounting, we help our 1,100 students, our staff and our clients
not only to gain a better understanding of economic and social issues but also to develop
personally. Our knowledge-driven approach enables students to develop essential competences that will stand them in good stead for future employment in the world of national
and international finance, such as negotiation skills, an external focus and commitment
to quality. We ensure that all of our educational programmes meet the following criteria:
flexible, current, correct level and challenging. By striving to reflect the latest developments
in the global corporate sector in our teaching sessions, we ensure an international flavour in
all of our programmes.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Our approach provides the basis for a ‘new kind of education’:
• All programmes are accredited by the NVAO
• High-quality programmes provide our students with a strong position on the employment
market (almost 100% guarantee of a job after graduation)
• A small-and-friendly approach (study groups of 8-10 students with a lot of personal
attention including tutoring by lecturers and study advisors)
• Practical focus (the various modules include real-life cases supplied by companies such as
Ernst & Young, Rabobank, KPMG, Gazelle etc.)
• Approachable (lecturers and other staff members who are always on hand to answer
students’ questions)
• Digital access to study materials (students can study in their own time, when and where
it suits them)
Our programmes
We offer the following full-time Bachelor programmes:
• Accountancy (Auditing)
• Finance & Control
• Fiscal Economics
Our network
We provide the following programmes in English:
To help us maintain
such a high degree of
practical relevance, we
work with a number of
major national and inter­
national partners from
the corporate sector who
actively contribute to our
programmes, including
KPMG, Ernst & Young and
Furthermore, our School
of Finance & Accounting
takes part in the yearly
international Businet
conference in order to
establish new contacts
and to intensify the level
of cooperation and ex­
change. Our students also
participate in business
weeks in Belgium, Finland,
Portugal, Italy, etc.
We cooperate with
international educational
partners in countries
including Finland, Poland,
Belgium, Spain, China,
Vietnam and Indonesia.
• Bachelor in International Finance and Accounting
• Final Year Accounting & Finance (final year only)
Students in Curaçao can follow the four-year programme Finance & Control, the final year of
which is followed in the Netherlands. This programme is taught in Dutch.
We also offer part-time programmes and courses including Business Studies, SPD, Taxation
Advisor, Payroll Advisor, Financial Controller, and Project Management in Practice.
School of Governance & Law
Our School of Governance & Law has a reputation within Saxion for being one of its most
ambitious Schools – it is a well-known fact that we make high demands of our staff and our
1,500 students. Every year, we witness a large number of our graduates entering corporate
life, joining firms of solicitors and lawyers, governmental departments and non-profit organisations, all with a high-quality education behind them. This is made possible by our clear
educational vision, which we are able to translate into a top-level programme of education.
But it is also thanks to our employees – over 100 in total, ranging from lecturers and educationalists to administrative staff – all of whom are dedicated and passionate about their work.
We view it as our role to prepare our students to become the professionals of the future in
their chosen fields of management, governance and law.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Our programmes
We provide the following programmes:
• Public Administration
• Applied Safety & Security Studies
• Law
• Business Management Studies
• Social Legal Services
For students who wish to go on to work in an international environment, we offer an
international Final Year Programme. This programme gives a limited number of students the
opportunity to spend their final year studying:
• International Business and Law (BBA)
• Public Management and International Law (BBA)
• International Law (LLB)
The Final Year programme is a knowledge and skill-based programme examining businessrelated, judicial and governance dilemmas in the public and private sectors. The challenging
curriculum focuses on global themes that are becoming increasingly important and challenging to businesses, such as developing a new economic order, integrity and the level
of cooperation between public and private organisations. The range of modules includes
International Public Law, Challenges in International Business & Economics, European Law,
International Policy Dilemmas and Academic & Cultural Skills.
Students also have the possibility to complete the first semester through their participation in
the Erasmus exchange programme.
Our network
Our School forms part of the Research Centre for Urban &
Environmental Development, with our associate professors overseeing
practical research projects. We have a long history of collaboration
and partnership with the legal sector, and we are always on the
lookout for ways to intensify our cooperation with the industry.
We cooperate with the following international partners, among
• France: Université de Catholique, Lyon
• Belgium: Haute Ecole EPHEC, Brussels
• Scotland: Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
• Austria: Fachhochschule Wien, Vienna
• Bulgaria: American Univeristy, Blagoevgrad
• Poland: Lazarski School of Commerce and Law, Warsaw
• Germany: Fachhochschule Osnabruck
• Turkey: Ankara University
• South Korea: Kyung Hee, Seoul
School of Health
At the School of Health, we place a strong focus on internationalisation – many of our research
and teaching activities and our services have an international/inter-cultural dimension. In our
Bachelor and Master programmes, this is reflected by our emphasis on mobility for both staff
and students, as well as our treatment of cultural aspects, language and programme content.
We also help public authorities and institutions in developing strategies to adapt to and
benefit from cross-border, multi-cultural relations. Needless to say, our School takes an active
role in building collaborative networks – both of health-care organisations and educational
institutions for the health-care sector – and setting up bilateral agreements for cooperation
and knowledge-exchange.
All of our teaching staff are experts in their fields and have considerable experience, both
in the Netherlands and abroad. We encourage and support our students in their studies of
international approaches to healthcare, not only via the curriculum but also allowing them
first-hand experiences during a range of clinical placements, international projects and exchange programmes. Notably, the most recent NVAO accreditation awarded our programme
a ‘special distinction’ for the international activities in physiotherapy education. We currently
run one full-time, four-year Bachelor programme – Physiotherapy – taught in English which
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
attracts many international students and hence has the added benefit of enabling students
to learn from each other’s international perspectives. Other short courses in the English
language are due to be announced in the near future.
Our School enjoys an intensive cooperation with the Saxion Research Centre for Health,
Social Work & Technology.
Our programmes
We offer the following programmes (taught in Dutch):
• Physiotherapy
• Podiatry
• Nursing
• Health and Applied Technology (from September 2010)
• Health Management
• Master in Health Care and Social Work
• Master in Advanced Nursing Practice
• Master in Musculoskeletal
Our Bachelor in Physiotherapy can also be followed in English.
Our network
Our School plays an active role in European networks of higher
education institutions and is involved in bilateral collaboration at
both European and global level, including on activities to develop
intensive programmes and modules together with our partners.
We are involved in more than 20 bilateral Erasmus agreements
within the framework of Lifelong Learning Programmes, across 13
European countries: Latvia, Sweden, Denmark, Turkey, Belgium,
Finland, Portugal, Germany, Cyprus, United Kingdom, Norway, Ireland
and Austria. There are also agreements outside of Europe, such as
in Namibia (University Windhoek), South Africa (two universities
in Johannesburg), South America (hospitals and universities in
Suriname) and Asia (seven universities in Vietnam). Close and active
participation in relevant European networks (such as ENPHE for the
field of physiotherapy) is key to our School continuing to maintain a
high degree of collaboration at international level as well as main­
taining a global perspective. Not forgetting cooperation at national/
regional level, we also have strong research and educational links
with a number of outstanding hospitals (MST in Enschede and DZ in
Deventer), rehabilitation institutions (Roessingh), a range of health-care
institutions and services (Livio, Solis etc) and universities (University of
Twente) for the purpose of developing and sharing best practices.
School of Life Science, Engineering & Design
Life science is all around us - everything we see, feel and use has been designed and engineered. At our School, we provide a range of programmes for the fields of life science,
engineering and design, some of which are offered as Associate degree (Ad), although most
are Bachelor programmes (BA) which can then lead on to a Master programme. Our School
currently numbers around 110 lecturers and 1,800 students.
The various disciplines of the fields of both life science and engineering are very inter­
national. The four-year Electrical and Electronic Engineering programme is taught entirely in
English, bringing together students from Asia, Africa and Europe, who then enjoy the added
benefit of being able to share their experiences and learn from one another. Each programme
includes a minimum of one full year of practical, professional experience, which can be
conducted abroad in order to add an even stronger international dimension. Our School is
currently developing an exchange network, to open up more possibilities for the exchange
of students, staff and educational content. In addition, we organise an annual International
Project Week, during which guest students from abroad are invited to participate in company
Noteworthy subjects taught within our School include Crime Science, Industrial Product
Development, and International Water Technology. These special educational topics are
developed in cooperation with leading companies in the field.
Through our research projects at the Research Centre for Design & Technology, we are able
to further develop our knowledge of a wide range of fields including industrial product development, materials, embedded software and media technology. By sharing our insights with
small businesses and non-profit organisations, we are able to contribute to the development
of innovative new products and services for the sector.
Our programmes
We offer the following programmes:
• Biology & Medical Laboratory Research (Bachelor)
• Chemistry (Bachelor)
• Chemical Engineering (Bachelor)
• Crime Science (Specialisation)
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering (4 year Bachelor+ Final Year programme)
• Industrial Design Engineering (Bachelor)
• Integrated Product Development (Specialisation)
• International Water Technology (Specialisation)
• Engineering Physics (Bachelor)
• Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor / Associate Degree)
The final year Electrical and Electronic Engineering is taught in English.
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4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Our network
We are always on the lookout for ways to further extend our network
of international contacts, both within Europe and beyond. We cur­
rently have exchange partnerships with approximately 10 universities
across Europe (Erasmus scheme), and for the final year we cooperate
with the following universities in Asia:
China: Sanjian University, Nanjing
Vietnam: Ton Duc Thang, Ho chi Minh
Curricula are aligned, meaning students from these universities can
spend their final year in the Netherlands (a so-called 3+1 education),
obtaining a Dutch Bachelor qualification upon graduation.
School of Marketing & International Management
At the School of Marketing & International Management, we are committed to offering
high-quality education in the fields of marketing and international business in order to help
prepare our students for a career in an international business environment. Our educational
programmes balance areas of specialisation with general business knowledge and link theory (administrative organisation, accounting and finance, international marketing, supply
chain management, information management) to professional life through the use of real-life
case studies and assignments supplied by our partners in the business sector. We also aim
to contribute to our students’ personal growth, helping them to develop the skills required
for a range of challenging business situations. With training on practical communication and
computer skills as well as team-building sessions and internships, our students refine their
skills in areas such as problem solving, the ability to adapt to change and the ability to work
as part of a team. Our programmes have been developed in close cooperation with partners
in a wide variety of sectors from across the world of business.
The semester projects are designed to help our students apply their theoretical knowledge to
practical situations – the assignments require them to contact companies and organisations
in the field in order to complete the set tasks. An internship, preferably abroad, is a com-
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
pulsory component of all of our degree programmes, and the dissertation in the final year
should examine, analyse and provide solutions to a real-life strategic business challenge.
Our School organises several excursions and visits by guest speakers throughout the year,
providing many opportunities for our students to gain a clearer insight into professional
life. With approximately 2,500 students and more than 20 different nationalities, our School
provides a truly inter-cultural learning environment.
Our programmes
We offer the following programmes taught in Dutch:
Our network
• International Business & Languages (BCom)
• Marketing (BCom)
We offer the following programmes taught in English:
• International Business & Management Studies (IBMS, BBA)
• European Business School (from September 2011, BBA)
• Final Year of International Business & Management Studies (Bachelor of Business
• Final Year of Marketing (Bachelor of Commerce) – final year of the Marketing Management
degree programme specifically for international students
The Saxion European Business School has been set up in close collaboration with leading
business organisations – its facilities include a campus, scholarships and field trips, and its
educational programme provides an intensive level of training in small groups. There is a clear
focus on European perspectives; with students from many different cultural backgrounds, the
learning environment is truly international, and throughout the year many lectures are held by
guest speakers coming from all corners of Europe. This high standard of education coupled
with our extensive network ensures that our graduates have a head start on the international
We have formal exchange
partnerships with over
50 universities around
the world as part of the
Erasmus scheme. Students
from these partner
universities can study at
our School without having
to pay tuition fees, and
can get exemptions based
on the study results they
attain while with us. In
addition, we have various
partnerships allowing
students to spend their
final year studying at our
job market.
The Final Year of International Business & Management Studies is part of the IBMS degree
programme with a particular focus on applying theoretical knowledge to strategic situations.
Working in project groups with a mix of students of different nationalities, this final year
offers invaluable practical and internationally-oriented experience.
As well as student ex­
change programmes, we
also have several partner­
ships in place to enable
the exchange of teaching
staff, thus encouraging
the sharing of expertise.
We are constantly on the
lookout for possibilities to
expand our inter­national
network, in order to
provide our students
with the best possible
opportunities for truly
educational programmes.
School of Social Work
At the School of Social Work, we are committed to providing programmes that go much
further than theoretical knowledge – as well as educational content, we focus strongly on
personal development and the practical application of theory and competences in the field
of social work. Our key goal is to help our 2,500 students develop the skills required in the
broad field of social work, both today and in the future.
In addition to running numerous programmes for the field of social work in Dutch, our School
runs the ‘Sozialpädagogik (SP)’ social work programme in the German language. Furthermore,
we collaborate with Saxion’s School of Applied Psychology & Human Resource Management
and the School of Education to offer the first-year programme Psychology & Educational
Studies (also known as the 3PS). We also offer the Master programme Health Care and Social
Work in cooperation with the School of Health.
With their focus on the development of competences, dialogues and the completion of
assign­ments, all of our School’s programmes are aligned with Saxion’s major-minor approach. This structure is designed to allow students a large degree of independence during
their studies, with the freedom to choose their own route of study to a certain extent. As a
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
4. Higher education at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
reflection of this, the amount of coaching students receive steadily decreases over the course
of the programme.
Our School currently offers two tailor-made programmes, namely in the Netherlands and
Germany. In addition, we offer a range of minors that are aligned as closely as possible with
market requirements. Looking to the future, we are in the process of developing a range of
specialised courses and minors in answer to the ever-changing demands of the professional
Our programmes
We offer the following programmes taught in Dutch:
• Social Work and Social Services
• Social Educational Care
• First-year Psychology & Educational Studies
• Master Health Care and Social Work
We offer the following international programmes:
• Sozialpädagogik (taught in German)
• Final Year in the field of Social Work (taught in English, from September 2011 onwards)
In addition to our Bachelor programmes, we offer various further training courses in the fields
of wellness and health care, and we can provide tailor-made courses and/or advice if desired.
Our network
The fact that we are one of two institutions for higher education
provid­ing a degree programme for social work taught completely
in the German language makes us unique in the Netherlands, and
illustrates the extent to which we are embracing internationalisation.
In addition, we offer our students the chance to follow a minor, or
to spend a period of time on work experience, abroad thanks to our
partnerships in Finland, Germany, Belgium, England, Suriname,
India and Aruba. We are keen to help our students gain international
perspectives on their future field of employment and our School is
therefore constantly striving to further improve the international
flavour of its programmes, both in terms of internships and minors.
Our School is currently involved in an international project in
Germany. New partnerships are currently being developed with
universities in Turkey and Finland, among others.
5.Applied research at Saxion University
of Applied Sciences
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
5. Applied research at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Not only do we provide education at Saxion, we also conduct research into practical situations with the aim of helping organisations discover solutions to real-life challenges. By setting
strict criteria for our research projects – they must be concrete, beneficial and innovative
– we ensure we obtain new insights that can be used not only in organisations but also in
our educational programmes. Being in such close contact with the market ensures that the
content of our programmes is always seamlessly aligned with the latest developments within
the professional sector concerned. We have six Research Centres at Saxion, each centre with
its own area of expertise.
Research Centre for Business Development
Our Research Centre for Business Development is focused on solving real-life business challenges regarding the innovation of processes and products, particularly in the service sector.
The associate professors prepare the research schedule in close cooperation with the professional sector, so that there is a constant alignment between the practical research and the
content of our educational programmes. This has proven to be a very successful approach to
providing research and education on behalf of and in collaboration with the market.
The chairs within this Research Centre are: Experience in Hospitality &
Leisure, Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation & Organisation.
Research Centre for Design & Technology
Our Research Centre for Design & Technology helps organisations to generate ideas and
to transform these ideas into innovative and marketable products and services. As one of
the leading centres for practical product development in the region, the Research Centre
works together with a large number of professional organisations on identifying solutions
to design and technology problems. We view it as our mission to bring together the areas of
utility-based industrial product design, materials, embedded software and media technology.
By sharing this specialised knowledge with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and
non-profit organisations, we are able to work together with them to develop innovative new
products and services with a practical focus.
The chairs within this Research Centre are: Ambient Intelligence, Fashion
Materials Design, Industrial Design/Product Design, Media Technology
Design, Process and Production Innovation, and Smart Functional Materials.
Research Centre for Educational Innovation
The key goal of our Research Centre for Educational Innovation is to improve the quality of
education, both within and beyond Saxion. We do this by developing, making available and
sharing knowledge about teaching, educating and learning. Within Saxion, we contribute to
the improvement of Saxion’s programmes (didactics, curricula and organisation) as well as
to the professionalisation of the faculty. Beyond Saxion, we conduct practical research for a
wide variety of organisations involved in primary, secondary and tertiary education.
To help us achieve our mission, we work in close cooperation with partners in the local,
regional, national and international sectors of general and professional education as well
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
5. Applied research at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
as related sectors within the labour market. We go a step further than simply conducting
educational research – we take a practical approach, translating our findings into solutions
for real-life situations faced by the educational and professional sectors.
The chairs within this Research Centre are: Assessment, Dalton,
Educational Transition, and Educational Innovation & Effectiveness.
Research Centre for Health, Social Work & Technology
Continual renewal and improvement is essential for the development of health care-related
businesses and institutions. Thanks to a number of chairs in various areas of expertise,
our Research Centre for Health, Social Work & Technology is able to make a significant contribution to innovation by researching real-life problems faced in the field and developing
practical solutions to these challenges in conjunction with businesses and institutions. At the
Research Centre for Health, Social Work & Technology, we offer:
• Practical research (previous success includes an award-winning new method for young
adults in the youth care system)
• Education for health care professionals (including the accredited Master Programmes for
Health Care and Social Work, Advanced Nursing Practice, Musculoskeletal)
• Projects in cooperation with external partners (such as projects with universities in
Vietnam to help raise the level of nursing education)
• Consultancy (including monitoring fitness and health of employees of large manufacturing companies)
Research is conducted by a team comprising staff members and students, supervised by an
associate professor.
The chairs within this Research Centre are: Active Ageing & Palliative Care,
Technology in Health & Social Work, Community Care & Youth, Health &
Movement, Mental Health Care: Recovery-oriented care and empowerment.
Research Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Our Research Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship has one clear goal – to stimulate
entrepreneurship both within and beyond Saxion. There is no question that research is
a key aspect of this Research Centre, but we have also been responsible for developing
actual concepts that have helped young entrepreneurs to get a headstart: an interest-free
loan known as SPEED, various minors in entrepreneurship and innovation, and the studententrepreneurs association called Young Business Professionals. This Research Centre also
had a leading role in the Young Business Incubator, which functions as an intermediary in
helping student-entrepreneurs to find suitable business premises. Pro-activity is at the very
heart of entrepreneurship – taking the initiative whilst not losing sight of the needs of customers and others, channelling determination, paying attention to detail and formalities. At
this Research Centre, we view it as our goal to help people achieve theirs. We aim to facilitate
the entire process, from awareness to action, and we do so by providing education, research,
encouragement and help with innovation in the region – we understand that, as far as the
entrepreneur is concerned, all of these factors are intrinsically linked. The key to our success
A word from the President
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
5. Applied research at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
is that, rather than being an outsider in an advisory role, we embark on a journey of research
and learning together with the entrepreneur.
The chairs within this Research Centre are: Knowledge and Innovative
Entrepreneurship, Strategic Human Resources Management,
Entrepreneurship in Healthcare, and Identity Marketing.
Research Centre for Urban & Environmental Development
Our Research Centre for Urban & Environmental Development conducts research in the urban
area in its broadest sense, as it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between urban
and rural areas.
The chairs within this Research Centre are: Fire Safety, Renewable Supply
of Energy, Sustainable Development, Area Development & Law, Governance,
Regional Development, Risk Control, and Innovative Entrepreneurship in
Construction. In addition to the eight chairs, all of our associate professors
work closely together on the following three key research areas: Urban
Concepts, Safe & Durable Energy and Governance & Entrepreneurship.
6. Saxion International Office
Our International Office is the gateway to the Saxion organisation for our international partners. The International Office serves various stakeholders, both within and outside of the
organisation. As well as having an advisory role to our Executive Board, the International
Office assists our Schools in their internationalisation efforts and is responsible for recruiting
and supporting international students, to name just a few of its activities.
Language School
Saxion’s international Bachelor and Master programmes, taught in English, have been popular
with students from all over the world for many years. As well as having the appropriate educational background, it is essential that students master the English language sufficiently to
be able to follow the international courses. For students who need intensive English-language
coaching in order to be admitted, we offer a range of preparatory courses of varying durations
and content. Apart from improving their competency in English, students can benefit from
taking part in the preparatory programmes in other ways too. For example, the courses can
help students from other cultural backgrounds, who may be used to a completely different
style of studying and teaching, to adapt more easily to Saxion’s pro-active and interactive
study methods, giving them a better chance of academic success afterwards. Another advan-
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
6. Saxion International Office
tage can be that the students have time to acclimatise to Dutch culture, helping them to settle
in to life in the Netherlands before they start the academic course. The aim of the preparatory
programme is to improve a student’s competence in English to the level required for admission to our 4-year Bachelor programmes, final year Bachelor courses or Master programmes.
International Student Services
The role of our International Office is not limited to the recruitment of international students
– in addition, the International Office also supports our international students before, during
and after their stay at Saxion. Before their arrival, the International Office assists them with the
application procedure and in making the necessary arrangements to come to the Netherlands.
This can include support in applying for a student visa and in finding accommodation in
either Deventer or Enschede, for example. Once the study programmes have started, the
International Office helps the students to fulfil formal requirements, such as registering
at the local town hall for instance, as well as providing support in the form of organised
social events, excursions and host families for our students. These activities provide a great
opportunity for the international students to learn more about the cities they are living in,
as well as other aspects of the Dutch culture. After graduation, we keep in touch with our
former students via Saxion alumni meetings which are held both in the Netherlands and in
the students’ home countries.
Saxion Connect international traineeships
For students who decide to stay in the Netherlands after graduating, we provide them with
an excellent opportunity to build up their work experience and professional skills – as well as
to improve their prospects on the Dutch and international job markets – through the Saxion
Connect International Traineeship Programme.
Within the framework of this programme, our international graduates embark on a traineeship,
lasting between six and twelve months, at a company or organisation in The Netherlands directly after graduating. Companies and organisations with international ambitions are keen to
employ highly-skilled workers with knowledge and first-hand experience of specific cultures,
languages and countries, both for technical roles and for management, logistics and sales
and marketing positions. Thanks to Saxion’s extensive network of contacts within companies
and organisations in various sectors across the Netherlands, our graduates have excellent
opportunities to secure a challenging and stimulating traineeship position.
A recent change in immigration policy has opened up further possibilities for highly-skilled
migrants to fully explore the possibilities on the Dutch labour market. The so-called ‘search
year residence permit’ allows successful graduates to remain in the Netherlands for one year
following their graduation from a Dutch higher education institution.
All Saxion graduates are able to apply for the programme. By means of a strict selection
process, the most talented candidates are selected and matched with a company. The trainee
is assigned a mentor within the company, and we provide additional training and coaching
covering the Dutch labour market, communication skills and the Dutch language throughout
the traineeship.
For students who decide
to stay in the Netherlands
after graduating, we pro­
vide them with an excel­
lent opportunity to build
up their work experience
and professional skills
– as well as to improve
their prospects on the
Dutch and international
job markets – through
the Saxion Connect
International Traineeship
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
International Office P.O. Box 501
7400 AM Deventer, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 570 603789
Fax +31 570 603628