Massimo Serpieri, European Commission, Brussels
Massimo Serpieri, European Commission, Brussels
Developing tow ards Fifth Freedom Massimo Serpieri DG Research - European Commission ENRC meeting Brussels – 13th October 2009 1 Outline 1.Ongoing work on data collection and indicators 2. The European Partnership for Researchers (EPR) 3. EURAXESS Initiative for Career & Mobility of Researchers 4. Pan-Eu Pension Fund 30/10/2009 2 Outline 1.Ongoing work on data collection and indicators 2. The European Partnership for Researchers (EPR) 3. EURAXESS Initiative for Career & Mobility of Researchers 30/10/2009 4. Pan-Eu Pension Fund 3 Our global position in numbers • Researchers: Number of researchers (% of labour force) Share of employed in the private sector (%) EU-27 0.55 48 US 0.91 79 Japan 1.01 68 • Slow progress and too much fragmentation between the national and Community programmes and policies 30/10/2009 4 Ongoing work on data collection and indicators MORE study – Mobility patterns and career paths of EU researchers • 18 month study Jan 2009 – July 2010. Work packages including: • Updating and improving set of indicators (known as IISER) on stocks, career and mobility of researchers • Carry out a large-scale pan-European study of researchers in academia (already took place in summer, results by end 2009) • - carry out a smaller pilot study of researchers in industry • - spring 2010 will carry out a pilot study of EU res. in US • 5 Ongoing work on data collection and indicators Career Doctorate Holders Survey (CDH) • Joint Eurostat/OECD/UNESCO project • Measures demographic, employment, career characteristics and mobility of doctorate holders • CDH 1 - first data collection 2006. Some limited results available • 26 countries participated including 18 EU MS and US • CDH II – scheduled 2010, reference year 2009 • hp/Careers_of_doctorate_holders 6 Ongoing work on data collection and indicators • Indicator development : 2 exercises • Recent report by "EG on ERA Indicators and ERA Monitoring" presented to CREST. Aim is to define indicators to monitor progress towards ERA (all five ERA components). • Within ERA SGHRM, working group set up to produce a set of key indicators to monitor implementation of EPR. • Each exercise will include: • i) indicators that can be produced using existing sources and ii) indicators to be further developed 7 Ongoing work on data collection and indicators • Feasibility study for a university data collection July 2009-October 2010 - Consortium led by Univ. of Pisa • Aim is to create a sustainable infrastructure to collect data at institutional level. Project includes pilot data collection: • A census of all HEI with basic information • A more detailed data collection for a subset of HEI (researchactive institutions) • More detailed data should allow us to produce indicators: • Input : % research in overall budget, % researchers, etc • Process : degree specialisation, distribution of expenditure and staff by discipline • Output : number of graduates, number of publications, etc. 8 Outline 1.Ongoing work on data collection and indicators 2. The European Partnership for Researchers (EPR) 3. EURAXESS Initiative for Career & Mobility of Researchers 30/10/2009 4. Pan-Eu Pension Fund 9 Policy context - Spring European Council 14 March 2008: MS invited to set out in their National Reform Programmes (Lisbon) "…how their R&D strategies will contribute to the realising and better governance of the European Research Area" - "Ljubljana Process" launched at the Competitiveness Council on 30/5/08 with two clear goals: "Europe now needs to develop a common vision and effective governance of the European Research Area" - 2/12/08: European Research Area Vision 2020 by the Council - Governance structure needed! CREST and SGHRM - Partnership for Researchers: endorsement Council 26/9/2008 10 Essence of the Partnership • 3 year initiative building upon reforms and actions already underway • Member States to set out national action plans: End 2009: NAP • End 2010: Assessment – “Monitoring Study” • Commission helps in mutual learning, good practices: 3 working groups set up. On Social security: Expert group • End 2010: Assessment 11 Outline 1.Ongoing work on data collection and indicators 2. The European Partnership for Researchers (EPR) 3. EURAXESS Initiative for Career & Mobility of Researchers 30/10/2009 4. Pan-Eu Pension Fund 12 13 Information on job opportunities, funding opportunities, grants, employment, etc. Information for relocation assistance Information regarding the European Charter and Code Info to maintain the link with European researchers abroad, 14 EURAXESS Links • To network European researchers abroad to maintain their links with Europe and promote cooperation and brain circulation; • European researchers abroad: Not a loss, but a valuable resource for Europe; • Network launched in USA (2006) and Japan (2008); • Expansion planned in China (2009) and other countries/regions of the world (2010/11) 15 A ‘bill of rights and duties’ for all researchers working in the EU To recognise researchers as professionals 16 C&C vs. Partnership for Researchers Most actions of the Partnership are routed in the Charter & Code, which is the institutional side of the Partnership process. Partnership: “ Coordinated action in these areas, alongside renew ed efforts on ex isting initiatives such as increasing the tak e-up of the principles of the Charter and Code, would provide better job opportunities and more rewarding careers for researchers…” Thus: Stakeholders to play a great role! 17 The Charter & Code implementation Successful results • Around 100 signed declarations representing almost 1000 research organisations spread over 27 countries • C&C recognised policy tool: national initiatives in line with the C&C, Working groups; etc. Difficulties • Lack of awareness • Fear of administrative burden • Lack of institutional strategies, legal problems 18 A HR Strategy for Researchers to speed up the implementation of the C&C A) An internal analysis by the research institution to compare institutional practices against the C&C principles, which should involve all key institutional players; B) The publication of a "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers Incorporating the Charter & Code "; C) The acknowledgement of the HR Strategy by the European Commission; D) A self-assessment based implementation; E) An external evaluation every 4 years 19 HR Strategy for Researchers (2) An example of a possible standard template for the internal analysis and implementation of the HR Strategy for Researchers 20 HR Strategy for Researchers (3) A Charter & Code implementation mechanism that : - Is based on institutional self-assessment and respects the autonomy of the institutions - Is as light as possible, avoiding cumbersome procedures and recognizing the variety of situations across institutions - Is a transparent approach that provides easily accessible public information on the HR policies of undersigning institutions 21 The “HR Strategy for Researchers Group” • By March 2010 the first group of C&C undersigning institutions “acknowledged” by the Commission • Two workshops (September 2009 & beginning 2010) to exchange practices and ideas on general and specific issues (e.g. clarification interpretation of C&C principles) and help draft their HR Strategy for Researchers 22 Outline 1.Ongoing work on data collection and indicators 2. The European Partnership for Researchers (EPR) 3. EURAXESS Initiative for Career & Mobility of Researchers 30/10/2009 4. Pan-Eu Pension Fund 23 A Eu Pension Fund for Researchers Concept Pension providers to be encouraged to open up pan-EU pension schemes targeted to researchers and companies to use pension providers in other EU MS. Mobile researchers allowed to contribute to the same supplementary pension fund while working in different EU countries and still comply with the different social, labour and pension legislation in participating MS Re: Directive 2003/41/EC on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provisions (IORP) 24 Eu pension Fund for researchers Advantages Researchers could better manage their pension schemes, as: - Only one pension fund regardless in which MS they work - Better overview & clarity of pension rights, only one contact point/information package, no language problems any more, etc. Procedure: tender for a study to assess feasibility Contract: June 2009-May 2010 – Hewitt Associates 25 Eu pension Fund for researchers: Steps Market practice review: focus on insurance based and pension fund based arrangements in relation to cross-border IORPs Survey among public and private researchers’ employers: to provide insight on current employers’ practices and on their potential interest to sponsor new cross-border arrangements Review of cost of pension arrangements: cover a “member service” center, members’ administration, investment fund administration Essential elements of a governance framework Benchmark analysis of best location Simulating profile of 15 mobile researchers (home country labour law framework, taxation issues, geo-sectoral mobility paths) 26 Thank you for your attention 27
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