Fabienne Gautier - European University Association
Fabienne Gautier - European University Association
Doctoral Training in the European Research Area 8th EUA-CDE Annual Meeting Friday 19 June 2015 Fabienne Gautier – Head of Unit, DG RTD B2 Research & Innovation European Research Area (Article 179 of the Treaty) "in which, researchers, scientific knowledge and technology will circulate freely" -like a single market• Reinforced ERA - Partnership Approach The ERA Communication of July 2012 aims to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of research systems in Europe through a reinforced partnership between: European Commission Member States Stakeholder Organisations (MoUs and regular Platform) Working with Member States and institutions ERA Stakeholders Platform - Regular meetings with SHOs (EUA, LERU, CESAER, EARTO, Science Europe, Nordforsk) ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (SGHRM) - Regular meetings with national Ministries. Develops common guidelines, new or improved policy actions. Mutual learning. Working Groups on specific issues, often includes SHO representatives Monitoring Progress: ERA Progress Report (September 2014) concluded : conditions to achieve ERA now in place. Reforms must now be implemented at the Member State level to make ERA work Researchers' Report (September 2014) measures progress towards an open and attractive European labour market for researchers ERA Roadmap (May 2015) and National Roadmaps foreseen for mid2016 ERA Priorities 1) More effective national research systems 2) Transnational Cooperation and Competition 3) An Open Labour Market for Researchers 4) Gender Equality 5) Access and Circulation of Knowledge Open labour market for researchers Objectives • Remove barriers to mobility (international and inter-sectoral) • Retain and attract leading talent to EU • Make research careers more attractive • Improve training and skills of researchers • Improve human resources policies for researchers Open labour market for researchers Actions Charter & Code, HR Strategy for Researchers Innovative doctoral training Open, transparent and merit-based recruitment Pensions (RESAVER) EURAXESS Scientific visa package Doctoral Training: what is the issue? Around 120,000 new PhD graduates per year in EU Only 45% of all researchers in EU in private sector (vs 78% in US and 74% in Japan). One in ten PhDs report receiving training in IPR/entrepreneurship* Strong structural barriers to inter-sectoral mobility: skills, recruitment rules, transfer of social rights, difference of culture in academia and companies, IPR, lack of incentives etc Need skills to work outside academia *Source: MORE II Study Doctoral Training: what is in place? IDTPs MSC Actions EURAXESS Industry/Business H2020 Calls Support Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training Principles (adopted by the ERA SGHRM and endorsed by Council) •1. •2. •3. •4. • •5. •6. •7. Research Excellence Attractive Institutional Environment Interdisciplinary Research Options Exposure to industry and other relevant employment sectors International networking Transferable skills training Quality Assurance In short: Doctoral Training should become:« Triple i » • International • Interdisciplinary • Intersectoral - Common approach provides a ‘guiding tool’, while preserving flexibility & autonomy for institutions and PhDs - Study in 2013 showed wide uptake of principles - Some barriers remain, e.g., with 'exposure to industry' - Also general lack of funding, partly mitigated by Structural Funds (already being used by a number of countries e.g. CY, HU, BG, SK, EE, CZ as source of funding for doctoral training programmes) Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MCSA) "... Ensure excellent and innovative research training as well as attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility of researchers to best prepare them to face current and future societal challenges" Total budget: €6.2bn under H2020 (vs €4.7bn in FP7) 65,000 researchers will be funded Around 25,000 PhDs will benefit Research, networking, training costs 1800 € Management and indirect costs 1200 € Living allowance 3110 € Mobility allowance 600 € Family allowance 500 € EURAXESS Industry/Business A dedicated Industry tool has been launched as a pilot project by EURAXESS Ireland and will soon be available on the revised EURAXESS Portal to foster inter-sectoral mobility 2015 EURAXESS call for proposals (H2020-SEAC-2015-1) -1,5 M€ The aim is to provide EURAXESS service centres with tools to increase the use of the EURAXESS portals and services by the industry sector through mapping of specific needs of the industry sector providing trainings, seminars, networking updating of national EURAXESS home pages providing special IT applications for the national EURAXESS portals EC Support through H2020 Calls 1. INSO- 4-015/ Innovation Schemes innovation and science 2.0 covering: for open a) "Inter-sectoral mobility + b) "Academia–business/Public /CSO knowledge creation" actions Aim: "support effective linkage for innovation between universities and companies and other employment sectors" 2. New possible topics 'Institutions with Innovative concepts' foreseen in H2020 covering : a) Actions to increase and support mobility between industry and academia + b) Provision of structured doctoral training based on IDTPs The ERA Roadmap (May 2015) To achieve ERA Priority 3 “An open labour market for researchers”, the consultation of MS + AC identified, as a priority Improving inter-sectoral mobility between public and private sector research bodies in both directions and at all career stages Main conclusions of the SGHRM Report on IDTPs Member States, the Commission, and funding agencies are asked to: Assure sustainable funding for the full implementation of the IDTP. Special focus should be given to the use of Structural Funds for doctoral training programmes Jointly devise a communication strategy advantages of doing a 'Doctorate in Europe' for explaining the Contribute to a listing of European, national and regional structures for the exchange of experience on doctoral training and stimulate this exchange at all levels in cooperation with existing stakeholder organisations (on-going)
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