Number 1 - Floating Homes Association
Number 1 - Floating Homes Association
ISSUE FLOATING HOMES ASSOCIATION NEWLSETTER FloatingTimes 01 2015 Annual Meeting and Party Feb. 28 By Larry Clinton Join your neighbors at the Bay Model on Saturday evening, February 28 to learn more about our community. After updates from FHA officers and committee Supervisor Sears at a previous chairs, the meetannual meeting Photo by Larry Clinton ing will close with an ever-popular drawing for door prizes. Registration Opens at 5PM, and the Annual Meeting begins at 5:30. All members of the community are invited to attend our annual meeting .and enjoy great food and fun! Featured speakers are County Supervisor Kate Sears and State Assemblymember Mark Levine. Our state Senator, Mike McGuire, might join us as well. The party starts at: 7:00PM, with a delicious buffet by Whole Foods, plus music for dancing by Pacifico Samante and friends. The party is free for two members of each FHA household and children under 14. Guests of FHA members pay $10 each. Memberships will be accepted during registration. Announcing Your FHA Officers By Katherine Boschetto Leading your Floating Homes Association for the 2015-2016 term: Flo Hoylman continues as our Vice President. We’d like to honor Flo’s dedication as this is her third term as VP, and for heading our Emergency Preparedness Project. Linda Sempliner was elected our new Secretary. Linda has resided in our community many years, always helping with the Annual Tour, most recently handling Ticket Sales and Registration very efficiently. Her eagle eye focus on details will be embraced and appreciated. Ron Moreland continues gifting the FHA with many more hours of hard work as our Treasurer. His staying power is remarkable — a bonus for us. Many of you already know Suki Sunnett, who is taking on our Government Relations post. With her involvement in local government and the Waldo Point Reconfiguration, she is well known and respected throughout the county. Suki will represent the FHA and communicate to us the issues that affect our community. Continued on next page New Officers continued from previous page We wholeheartedly thank Hillair Bell for her insights and diligence as Secretary over the past four years. She will be missed. Thank you doesn’t seem sufficient for Stan Barbarich’s many hours of time and effort dedicated to the FHA over numerous years serving the FHA. He moves to a Director at Large position, which we are grateful for as the FHA will continue to benefit from his expertise. Henry Baer continues as Director at Large, always providing a different perspective at our meetings. Many thanks to the Nominating Committee of Hillair Bell and Felicity Kirsch and Court Mast, too, for his input. Yours truly remains as your President, I am honored and humbled to do so. 2015 is going to be a brilliant year. Looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting and Party. Property Tax Relief for Seniors Selling Floating Homes By Ron Moreland The voters of California passed prop 60 in 1986. Prop 60 allows homeowners who are 55 years of age or older to sell their primary residence and transfer the base-year value of the original property to a replacement residence. If you sell your home and purchase a replacement home of equal or lesser value, and meet all the qualifying conditions, you might qualify for this one time transfer. This provides property tax relief for seniors by preventing a tax increase if they sell their existing home and buy another home of equal or lesser value. You have 2 years from the date that you sell your original residence to purchase or construct a replacement residence. There are also some important qualifications. You must be 55 or older (or in the case of couples one spouse must be 55). The cost of the new dwelling must be equal to or less than the sales price of the old one. This is a one time only exemption. Originally Prop 60 only applied to dwellings sold and bought in the same county. And, as we all know, selling a floating home and purchasing a lesser value single family home in Marin County is very difficult, although buying a condo might work. Fortunately several counties in California have agreed to allow Prop 60 to apply even if the original dwelling was sold in Marin. These counties are: Alameda, Contra Costa, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Modoc, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, San Mateo and Santa Clara. There are other qualifications, and you should contact the County Assessor's Office for more details. So how do we know Prop 60 applies to floating homes? We contacted Rich Benson, the Marin County Assessor, and he was extremely helpful. He told us that the Revenue & Taxation Code (69.5), which implements Prop 60, defines the original and replacement as real or personal property. The Revenue & Taxation Code also states that floating homes are to be taxed as real property. In Rich's opinion all of this leaves no doubt that Prop 60 applies to us. Prop 60 can be a major financial benefit to many of us. Keep in mind that the base-year (assessed) value of your floating home will probably be a fraction of the purchase price of a new home. This could mean significant savings in property taxes when you move to a dwelling in Marin or one of the above counties. 2 Water You Doing Here? by The Dinghy Dame Barrie Barnett was born in Baltimore. And she was reborn on A Dock. To sum up her feelings about our wonderful community, she says the first time she walked down Issaquah in 2013— she thought to herself, “My God, I’ve found my tribe!” ster Kennel Club dog show at Madison Square Garden, the super-bowl of dog shows, where the cream of the crop bring their prize-winning pups to compete against the other champions for the coveted ‘Best In Show’ trophy. It is an annual tradition for many of the dog owners to atBy the age of nine, Barrie had started formal art training in Classical Realism, and by tend whatever exhibit is currently at the William Secord Gallery, and mine was twenty she was creating high-level porshown that year. These people expect to traits. She was in a frame see paintings featuring not shop when she was just the popular breeds, but “discovered” by a womstellar examples of each an of the FFV. I had to breedwith perfect conforlook that up, but the first mation and coloring, so I refamilies of Virginia are ally had to do my homework quite a prestigious lot. and find exquisite examples Apparently elite Europeof each breed I painted -- a ans arrived in Colonial lot of pressure!” Virginia in the late seventeenth century and She became known as the those colonial family top pastellist in the country, names remain today in and taught at the Pastel SociBarrie Barnett at home on A Dock Photo by Bethany O'Connell good standing. (Blue ety of America in New York. Blood might suffice.) So Alas, all the pastel particulates from the beginning of Barrie’s career she in the air caused health problems and she worked within their social realm. For fifteen had to switch to another medium. She now years she primarily painted children for uses oils exclusively. She will continue to many families in the southeast. In ’98 she paint children and animals, but she currentswitched to dogs, and for the next fifteen ly is doing more portraits of adults after years she was flown all over the an winning a national award for her rendition effort to find perfect dogs and paint them. of her own dying mother. You can see that She was also doing commercial work for and other examples of her extraordinary artistry on her website gift products. You will be impressed. William Secord is an expert on the dog in art. His Manhattan gallery is filled with 19th century canine paintings, prints and sculptures. Barrie was one of three artists he commissioned. She told me she had to paint twenty-five perfect dogs in nine months, which is almost an impossible feat. “The show of dog paintings in New York was to coincide with the annual Westmin- Before I tell you how she got here, I must let you know that Barrie’s great grand father Edward Emerson Simmons was one of “The Ten” American Impressionists. One of his most renowned works was The Carpenter’s Son, which was, in people’s minds, a Continued on next page 3 Dinghy Dame continued from previous page representation of Jesus as a young boy. Her great great grand uncle was Ralph Waldo Emerson. (Talk about pedigree!) Barrie said, “My great great grandmother and her brother ‘Waldo’ raised my great grandfather as his father had died young.” Apparently of all the progeny only she inherited the gene of the artist, and she has felt the need to nurture that talent and make it her life’s work. in search of a far off land where they might worship in peace. The blood of those nineteen people who made that voyage flows in my veins, so it is no wonder I can’t tolerate restraint in any form, or that I had zero reservations about abandoning my deep East Coast roots and migrating solo to Sausalito’s houseboat community. Authenticity, inclusivity, all our uniqueness --it feels like the polar opposite of the cookiecutter suburbs where people don’t know their neighbors.” In 2007 Barrie was living on the Chesapeake Bay. By 2012 she found herself fed Barrie has a studio at the ICB in Sauup with the intense D.C. salito and participates in the open mentality and she longed studios there. She also belongs to the for a change of scenery. Rowing Club in Greenbrae where she She travelled to New Zeacrews three times a week. She particiland with hopes of earning pated in our last tour, and is becomBarrie at ages 3 and 30 a Masters Degree in Indiging a welcome addition to our life on enous Studies. Her daughter joined her there and the edge. they lived together for four months. Upon her re- Barrie has three programs in mind for the future turn to the states she stopped off at a cousin’s where her passion and talents can interact. She house in Fairfax and learned about VRBO wants to impact how we, as a nation, see our old(something else I had to have explained to me!). er people. She wants to change that and pay Vacation Rentals By Owners brought Barrie to Is- homage to a concept she gleaned from a favorite saquah for three months, during which time she book, “Grandmothers Counsel the World” by Cargot hooked on our lifestyle. She found herself a ol Schaeffer. She hopes to create a global stewfour hundred square foot studio on “The Alpha” ards pro-bono program and paint our elder leadon A Dock in 2013, and she calls it home. Here is ers (for example, Jane Goodall). She has already what she had to say: “I realized that New Zealand painted a Maori elder she met in New Zealand. was just a stepping stone to Marin with even a She hopes to create a film production company better lifestyle and career opportunities and it and to compile a biography of her great grandfawasn’t sixteen thousand miles from my daughter. ther Simmons, as he is the only one of “The Ten” In my opinion, the houseboat community is the without one. Anti-Stepford. It embraces diversity and individual expression and awesome non-conformism! My Her energy, enthusiasm and talents are endless. Welcome aboard, Barrie!! ancestors were the Pilgrims, that first group of adventurers who embarked upon the Mayflower ADVERTISE IN THE FLOATING TIMES Place your (un)classified advertisement in the Floating Times for the low price of $50/year for copy up to 250 characters or $100 for copy up to 500 characters, 6 issues a year. All ads should have a header no longer than 2 lines and 50 characters (letters & spaces) and no formatting. Contact Cathy Moreland at (415) 332-2429 or 4 Community News December Flooding On December 3, a 6.5-inch high tide combined with 4 inches of rain to flood roadways and parking lots around Gate 6 and Gate 6-1/2. The newly-raised parking areas of Waldo Point Harbor had no problems, but residents of other Marinas encountered knee deep waters, as the following photos illustrate. Kappas Green underwater Photo by Julie Durbin After the storm, Kappas Green became a mushroom farm Gate 6-1/2 residents waded into their parking lot to rescue their cars Photo by Gabrielle Moore-Gordon Gate 6 Road was inundated in front of Yellow Ferry Harbor Photo by Barrie Barnett Mosquito Abatement By Joan Sheahan If mosquitos are a problem on your dock help is a phone call away! Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District has been visiting South Forty dock and offering solutions. I have a few pamphlets with in teresting facts about mosquitoes and their preferences if anyone would like one, contact me at The contact at this company is Teresa ThomasNett and you can reach her at 707 9755 FHA Supports Local Nonprofits Partial proceeds from our annual Open Homes Tour were donated to three local nonprofits last year. Friends of the Marin City Library and Sausalito Village were both recognized for providing volunteers on Tour day. The Bay Model, which hosts our annual meeting and party, also received a donation. Retiring, But Not Shy At Issaquah Dock’s annual holiday party, Steve Sekhon was awarded a trophy as the Best Dock Rep ever. Steve, whose role has been assumed by Jennifer Gennari, stepped down after several years as Dock Rep. Steve Sekhon with his trophy Photo by Emily Riddell Tour co-chair Mari Steeno presents a check to Wyna Barron, President of Friends of Marin City Library. Photo by Etienne Douglas Help Save a Seal Large numbers of starving sea lion pups have stranded along California shores this winter, and the Marine Mammal Center volunteers are working overtime to help these animals. The Center is actively recruiting short-term volunteers 18 or older to work in the fish kitchen during this crisis. There are three 4-hour volunteer shifts every day, seven days a week from now through the end of June. To sign up, email with your preferred date(s) and shift time. Gate 6 ½ Getting Ready Together By Linda Zraik On Saturday, December 6th, the residents of Gate tions. What’s next is to take the information 6 ½ had a two -hour gleaned and to specialize it for our specific meeting with three dock needs. members of the Marin The second hour of the meeting everyone City Fire Department. went out on the dock and the fire fighters Captain Todd Overshiner, showed us how to use the fire hoses, which Bjorn Anderson and are stationed throughout our dock. Because Gabe Garcia began with of the training several of the residents are goa slide show, which preing to write up the protocol for using these Fire fighters demonstrate use sented what actions hoses and will laminate these instructions and of dock hoses should be taken in the put them on each fire hose area. Those inPhoto by Linda Zraik event of a disaster. Capstructions will be offered to other Dock Reps tain Overshiner headed up the meeting, and gave at upcoming Board Meetings so they’ll be availaeveryone material to use and answered quesble to post everywhere. 6 Classified Adver tisements PAYNE WHITTINGTON INSURANCE SERVICES Appointed agent for Red Shield Insurance Floating Home Insurance Uniquely designed for you. We understand and cover both marine and residential risks. Lic#0A96341 Luci Payne, CPCU (415) 884-2930 NELSON PAINTING—YOUR WATERFRONT EXPERTS FREE CONSULTATIONS Interior & exterior painting - Dry rot removal and repair - Industrial deck/roof coatings - Natural wood restoration Dock repair/non-skid coatings - Feng Shui & Organizing 415-250-4100 786 Waldo Pt Sausalito Lic# 647175 SADLER AND CO., INC. INSURANCE for Floating Homes. Owner or tenant. Excellent rates. Also yacht, home, renters, auto, business, life/health. Call Broker Laura Elliott (415) 457-2400 ENGMAN ARCHITECTURE Robert Engman AIA - Architect, estb. in Sausalito in 1973. Multiple experience with Floating Homes, Single Family Residences, new & remodeling, Kitchens, Baths & site improvements. Completed projects in all Southern Marin cities. Owner/architect of #11 “A” Dock, Waldo Point Harbor. (415) 383-1606 MICHELE AFFRONTE – The Waterfront Specialist Since 1987 THIS IS A GREAT TIME TO SELL YOUR FLOATING HOME. We now have 2 lenders doing loans on our homes and there are very few floating homes for sale. I have many buyers just waiting for new listings. I have the most aggressive, innovative marketing plan on the docks. I will have full color videos & slideshows done for your listing. I will price & sell your listing in a short amount of time for the best possible price. Bradley Real Estate Mill Valley 415.798.0236 License #00959293 PAUL BERGERON REAL ESTATE Residential Sales - Vacation Rentals Try a fresh approach to selling or purchasing a Floating Home or earn extra income by renting as a Vacation Rental. 415 332-7539 COOPERATIVE CENTER FEDERAL CREDIT UNION In 2004, the National Credit Union Administration approved the Floating Homes Assoc. as a charter group of Cooperative Center FCU. When you’re shopping for a loan, think of your credit union first! For 72 years, we have provided our members with highly competitive rates and terms on ALL CONCRETE HULL REPAIRS BY MORGAN CONSTRUCloans, from VISA Credit Cards to Auto Loans to Floating TION Home Loans. We invite you to learn more by calling our Repairing hulls for over 30 years. Licensed and bonded. Loan Dept. at (510) 647-2126 or visit State law requires construction workers to be licensed for HOWARD MYERS, 30 YEARS SELLING jobs over $500. OUR FLOATING HOMES Licence #548554 for details. CALL 415.531.5146 Decker Bullock Sotheby's International Reality Good loans are available with interest rates that have never R. HASKELL CONSTRUCTION CA#692399 been so low! Sale prices are higher Reasonable, reliable handyman, experienced in than at the previous market peak in 2007! This is the best remodel, repairs, new construction, carpentry, finish market environment I have ever seen! work, baths and kitchens. Local references. GIVE YOUR HOME AND LIFESTYLE THE INTERNA415-465-1100. Free estimates. Rich Haskell TIONAL EXPOSURE IT DESERVES High end full color photography, videos, and slide shows, RED SHIELD INSURANCE COMPANY® I sell all price points. DON’T SETTLE FOR LESS!!! Howard Myers: consistent, knowledgeable, honest service. 800-527-7397 415 378 4526 Knowledge Commitment Reliability Service BRE license# 00888402 BANK OF MARIN FLOATING HOME LOANS Now offering financing for floating homes with competitive rates & terms with experienced local underwriting & management. Loan amounts up to $1 million. Available for homes with a concrete hull. Credit approval decision within 48 hours with a completed loan package. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. NMLSR # 781770. Call 415-289-8705 or stop by any Bank of Marin branch. JBL SOLAR — FLOATING HOME WHIZ Use Money You Are Spending Anyway Electric bill $125+? Friendly local installer delivers excellent Return-On-Investment. Enjoy the 30% Tax Credit, add value to your home. Financing programs available! Great service, local references, call today! Lic #981865 707-381-2014 7 FHA Voice Mail (415) 332-1916 Website: FHA OFFICERS Govt. Relations Admin. Coordinator Katherine Boschetto Flo Hoylman Linda Sempliner Ron Moreland Henry Baer Stan Barbarich Suki Sennett Lewis Shireman 297 6592 332-1043 717-6278 332-2429 331-9220 332-7225 331-6375 331-8325 COMMITTEES Emergency Prep. Emergency Notification System Environmental Membership Newsletter Editor Submissions Classifieds Tour Co-Directors Public Relations Flo Hoylman Joe Novitski 332-1043 786-367-5859 Stan Barbarich 332-7225 Ron Moreland 332-2429 Jenny Stein 244-4201 Dan Genter 650-245-3727 Terri Thomas 650-703-2787 Mari Steeno 713 1117 Michele Affronte 798 0236 Larry Clinton 332-6196 Donna Lunsford 332-5350 Cathy Moreland 332-2429 Mari Steeno 713 1117 Larry Clinton 332-6196 Vacant District 3 Supervisor Kate Sears 473-7331 Assemblymember Mark Levine 479-4920 San Francisco BCDC 352-3600 FEMA 800-462-9029 Army Corps of Engineers 332-0334 Sausalito Post Office 332-0258 ISSUE 01 472-0911 289-4143 cell: 971-3919 San Francisco Baykeeper Hot Line 1-800 533-7229 Marin County Fire Dept. Non-emergency 446-4463 Marin County Sheriff Non-emergency 332-5422 Harbor Equity Group Pam Bousquet 331-3614 WPH Residents (HEG) Liaison Ric Miller 331-6116 Kappas Homeowners Ron Moreland 332-2429 WildCare 456-7283 24 Hour Nightline 300-6359 The Marine Mammal Center 289-7325 A Dock Sally Champe 331-1505 Alternate Rich Stim 887-9748 Commodore Felicity Kirsch 888-3919 Alternate Richard Kiiski 717-2470 Co-op Michael Labate 331-5081 Van Damme Dock Vacant East Kappas Ted Sempliner 717-8870 Alternate Brad Hathaway 299-3382 Gate 6 1/2 Larry Clinton 332-6196 Alternate Linda Zraik 332-0352 Issaquah Jennifer Gennari 332-3988 Alternate Mari Steeno 713-1117 Liberty Michele Affronte 798 0236 Alternate Nanci Starr 244-2499 Main Dock Peter Huson 332-6240 Alternate Peter Hudson 717-6469 South 40 Guy Biederman 707-292-9040 Phyllis Biederman 707-292-2888 Alternate Martin Dengler 510-672-2746 Dancer Styles 272-7515 West Kappas Court Mast 331-1953 Alternate Alida Lasker 917-822-7601 Yellow Ferry Richard Pavek 331-3753 Alternate Vacant GOVERNMENT SERVICES Emergency Line when using cell phones RBRA Harbor Admin Bill Price DOCK REPS and ALTERNATES FLOATING TIMES President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Directors at Large 8 04
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