November 11, 2014 - Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Elementary School


November 11, 2014 - Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Elementary School
NOVEMBER 10, 2014
Dear Kaiser Families,
Getting to school on time is an important responsibility of parents and students. Tardiness is
regarded as a serious problem at our school. Our teachers use the first few minutes of every day to
complete necessary routines: attendance, homework collection, announcements, and morning
meetings. Missing this time can result in your child being uninformed or out-of-step with
classmates. Often, teachers use time early in the day for review or practice exercises to activate
thinking and creativity. Please don’t deprive your child of these valuable educational experiences.
While I understand that traffic in the Bay Area can sometimes be challenging, please make sure
that your children arrive to school on time. Since school has started in August, we have had over
1,000 tardies. This means that classroom instruction and learning for all students has been
interrupted over 1,000 times. We need parent cooperation. We want to see every child on time,
every day. We need to emphasize with our students the importance of being on time to school.
Consistent, on time school attendance is essential for your child’s success in school. Make your
child’s attendance your #1 priority. Attendance problems hinder your child’s progress, teaching that
school is not important. At age 5, school is your choice—at age 16, it’s their choice.
Playground supervision is available starting at 8:30 every day. School begins promptly at 8:45.
Make it a goal to arrive at school at 8:30 daily instead of 8:45 and this should help to cut down on
the numbers of students who are tardy. Give yourself plenty of time in the morning to allow for
traffic or last-minute problems that could cause your child to arrive late to school. Have your
children pick out their clothes, make their lunches, and pack up their backpacks before going to bed
at night so that everything is ready in the morning.
We appreciate your help in getting your child to school on time. It is important that we work together
to provide quality educational experiences for each and every child. Let’s all work to keep our goal
so that children at Kaiser will be on time for their education!
In Partnership,
Kathy Hatzke, Principal
Getting In The Know
How to be in the Pink Panther
The Pink Panther comes out every other week.
Look for it in your child's backpack on or around
12/9 and into the new year.
We welcome submissions from everyone in the
Kaiser Community. This is your newsletter, so
feel free to make it relevant to our community.
To include your story or information in your
school newsletter: forward your news,
questions, or article to the editor by 12 p.m.
on Sundays via e-mail: – Jolie McRae – Lily Chien-Davis
Please put “Pink Panther” in the subject of your
email to ensure that it is not deleted
Welcome Lily Chien-Davis! Lily
has volunteered to help to edit the
Pink Panther.
Please take a moment to update your Pink
Panther contact information to include her.
Submissions are always sent to both editors.
Nov. 11
No School – Veteran’s
Nov. 12
PTA Meeting
Nov. 19
SSC Meeting
Nov. 24-28
No School –
Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 5
Garden Day
Dec. 5
1st Report Card Period
Dec. 12
½ day of school (kids out
at 1:25pm)
Dec. 17
Kaiser Winter Program
The Pink Panther is also available at
How to Reach Kaiser School
Our phone number is (510) 549-4900
(includes a 24-hour message service).
Pink Panther’s PTA Sponsors
PTA President: Jennise Mendoza
Pink Panther Staff
Jolie McRae & Lily Chien-Davis
Copy editor: Wendy Harcarik
To participate in the school community group,
go to (and join) this website:
Check out the complete 2014-2015
school year calendar at the back of this
newsletter or at
Hello Kaiser Families, Thank you, everyone, who helped to make our Kaiser Auction another successful event. Thank you, Monica Yu and Nadia Bari, for coordinating this event. Thank you to all the classroom parents who
coordinated the classroom basket and/or art project. Thank you to all the parents that donated items. Above all
(though they may not see this), thank you to all the businesses in the Bay Area that donated to our auction.
I wanted to remind you that we have our PTA Association meeting this Wednesday, November 12th at 6:30 pm at Kaiser Elementary (multipurpose room). We need to vote on the budget, so it is important that you show up and vote. Also, we still need a few volunteers to help out: COMPUTER CLASS -­‐ Look at the sign-­‐up sheet located outside of the school office. We need someone to help Aaron Hinde (our computer teacher) with monitoring the students. Plus, this is a great way for you to see
what the kids are learning in computer class.
LIBRARY -­‐ We need a leader for our Library Committee. This could be 1 person or this could be a team of 2 people. If you are interested, please email Check out the Volunteer board for details on this and other events we need help with. One last thing... We need families to donate paper to our school. We go through a lot of paper. I know, when you were younger,
everything was paid for by the school. Unfortunately, this is not the case in current times. Yes, Prop 30 did give
money to our schools, but basically it just allowed schools to keep their resources, not provide additional
funding. We need families to donate reams of paper to our school. Principal Hatzke is coming up with a list of
items that we might need in the future (i.e., pencils, lined paper, crayons, etc. - I just made up this list so it may
not be correct). Your help with this matter is greatly appreciated.
Go Panthers! Jennise Mendoza Kaiser Elem -­‐ PTA President PS -­‐ Don't forget that every Friday is Kaiser Pride Day. Show your pride and have your child show up in his or her green and gold colors. We wanted to remind parents that even though it can be very stressful dropping off and picking up your kids, we need to respect the neighbors near our school as well as the parents and staff at Kaiser. We know that life in general can be stressful, but we are the role models for our children. Please respect everyone. We are requesting families adhere to the following rules: 1. Obey the speed limits. Speed limits are reduced around schools for the safety of the children. 2. Do not park in the red zones. 3. Do not park on a corner (which is the red zone). 4. Do not park in the handicap zone unless you are handicapped and have an authorized handicap placard. 5. Do not park in the staff parking lot (Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am -­‐ 3:30 pm). 4. Follow the traffic circle rules. There is no parking in the traffic circle during drop off and pick up hours. 5. Do not block any neighbor's driveway; this includes when your car is idle but still running 6. Do not use foul language on or near campus. 7. Do not use inappropriate body language with the neighbors or with families at Kaiser (i.e., do not flip someone off). 8. Respect the people that are setting up for Thursday snack sale. These are volunteers. Please wait for them to set up the tables before you start purchasing item(s). 9. Please refrain from using your cell phone in the school buildings. I realize that we are the Kaiser Panthers, but we do not need to pounce on people like a real life panther. Thank you for following the above rules. And the Winner is…
Ms. Hunter’s Third Grade Class!!
Thanks to all of you have joined the PTA! Congratulations to Ms. Hunter’s Class,
winners of the PTA Membership Pizza Party Contest!! These lucky third graders will
enjoy a catered pizza lunch…date to be determined by Ms. Hunter.
Even though the contest drive has ended, it is not too late to join the PTA! Our PTA
provides much needed support to Kaiser teachers and students. The PTA provides
funding to support school day enrichment programs, the library and field trips, as well
as many of the classroom supplies our children use daily. Please consider joining, it is
only $10 to become a member. Membership forms are available on the table directly in
front of the main office or online at the Kaiser website.
Our goal is two members per child or 200% MEMBERSHIP! Here are the Membership
Totals by Class:
Pizza Party Winners!
Think of Kaiser PTA when you shop online. Go to and click on the Amazon button
on our school's home page.
Shop at or sign up your Safeway and credit
cards with eScrip. % of your purchase goes directly to Kaiser
PTA. Every year you need to designate Kaiser Elementary
School PTA, Oakland, CA as the beneficiary (ID:
up for a Target REDcard and designate Henry J. Kaiser,
Jr. Elementary School as the beneficiary. Every time you use
your REDcard, 1% goes to Kaiser PTA (ID:33866).
Don’t throw away your old ink cartridges! Kaiser can use
them to raise money. Drop off your old ink cartridges in the
school office. Contact: Lisette Bahamondes
Please clip & save Box Tops for Education labels and
place them in the Box Tops box in the school office.
Contact: Christine Kizziah
Ask your company if they provide a company matching
program. Some companies will match your donation, some
will match a portion of your donation, some will donate if
their employee donates their time to the school. If your
company needs confirmation of your donation, have them
submit their request to
100% of proceeds benefits the students and teachers at Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Elementary School.
WEDNESDAY, December 17th, 2011
6:40 p.m.
(Strings report for tuning at 6:15 p.m. / Band 6:30 p.m.)
Concert attire: Dark bottoms and white tops.
Dear Kaiser Families:
You are invited to join us for the opening instrumental event of the year.
Come celebrate the winter season with the music of the Kaiser Band and
Orchestra and hear the beginners perform for their very first time. You
won’t want to miss it! The concert will be followed by Mr. Neat’s 5th grade
Parents, please keep encouraging your child to practice regularly: 10–20
minutes / 5 times a week is suggested (or 50-100 minutes per week). We
want to sound great for our performance.
Concert participation is mandatory. Please let us know if your child won’t
be there because of an early vacation or other circumstances.
Thanks for your support.
Claudia McCarthy & Candy Sanderson
Instrumental Music Teachers
Hello NOLL/SOLL families,
Spring 2015 Registration is now open for all divisions!
There is an early bird registration discount through November 15th. Early
registration helps the league by providing us valuable early information in
order to plan field, equipment and coaching needs. (Please note that registration
will close on January 3rd, the day before tryouts for our competitive divisions.)
You can find more information and register now at
Once you have registered your child(ren), please pass the word on to a
neighbor or friend and invite them to become part of our extended baseball
family! We are open to boys and girls age 5 through 16 in Oakland,
Piedmont, Emeryville and Berkeley (south of Virginia St). If you are
interested in coaching please sign up as a coach by following the 'Register
a Coach' link.
If you know someone with kids age 7-18 with disabilities, let them know that
we have an active Challenger Division and would like to field two teams this
year. Find out more at .
NOLL/SOLL also offers full or partial scholarships to families in need. If
someone you know or families at your school have a financial need that
prevents them from signing up, please encourage them to email for information on scholarship opportunities.
Thank you Kaiser families for clipping and saving BoxTops
for Education. We just submitted more than 2,300 of those
little pink coupons (found on many boxes of cereal, cake mix,
canned goods, granola bars, etc.). That's more than $230.00
to help pay for the programs that our children love. The next
submission date is in March- keep on collecting! A collection
box is located in the school office. Thanks!
Hello All,
Looking ahead, we could use a few parents on Tuesday 11/18 for
both the 9:00 am Tour and the Open House at 6:30 pm that evening.
Annie de Jong & Liza Lyons
School Board Director Jody London
Invites you to a North Oakland
Superintendent Antwan Wilson
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Chabot Elementary School
6686 Chabot Road, Oakland, California
Meet our new Superintendent!
Learn about Oakland’s education priorities
Provide your ideas
Compare notes with other public school supporters
Childcare available
Please contact the Chabot Office at 510 654 4884 to reserve
a spot for your child
For more information and to RSVP:
Jody London
510 459 0667
For Families Exploring Middle School Options:
Fri, Nov. 14, 2014, 6:15pm – 9pm, at home of Chabot/Claremont parents, Elizabeth Falkner and
Kevin Kenny, 5436 Broadway
Here’s another chance for families exploring their middle school options to get an inside look at
what life is like at Claremont and for the families who are definitely headed for Claremont to get
serious about joining and building the Claremont community. A panel of current Claremont students
and parents will speak about their experiences and respond to anonymous questions. Mixing and
mingling will follow. Light fare will be provided.
Thurs, Nov 13; Tues, Dec 2; Mon, Dec 8, 2014, 8:45-10:15 am at Claremont
A chance for parents and families of prospective students to take a guided look at Claremont during
the school day.
Sign up at, or for more information, please
contact Chabot/Claremont parent, Bernadette Kirchstetter at
Montera Invites Prospective Families for Prospective Family Tours
We are offering parent-led tours for the following dates. The parent-led tours start at 9:10 AM in the
Montera courtyard and last about 50 minutes, culminating in a courtyard chat with administrators.
No RSVP is required. Mark your calendars!
Remaining Dates for Prospective Family Tours:
Friday, November 14, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Friday, January 9, 2015
If you would like more information about prospective family tours, please
check or
From: "
Measure N Passed! Thank you Oakland voters for once again believing
in education as a path to improving our city, and our city's schools, and
our city's families! What a resounding vote! 75.8% said YES for
Oakland! Oakland Schools Yes On NAnd Yes on Measure Z too! This
means so much to Skyline and Tech and all of our high schools!
Thank you Academy educators, who have shown us the way to transform
our high schools! Thank you endorsers, who signed up to help with
dollars and your reputations! Thank you parents, even those who can't
yet vote, but came out to rallies and have entrusted us as educators with
your children! And finally, Thank you students, even those who can't yet
vote, for coming out to tell your story, in person, on video, on the phone!
You have truly left a huge legacy!
Nuts & Candies for Sale!
Kaiser's Junior Girl Scouts will be selling a selection of nuts and candies after
school on Monday, November 17th from 3-4pm. There will be Dark
Chocolate Mint Penguins, Dulce De Leche Owls, Gummi Berries, Butter
Toasted Peanuts, and Cranberry Nut Mix available, all for $5 a package.
Donations also accepted to send nuts and candies to the military or food
banks. Help support our troop and pick up some yummy treats for the