Untitled - St. Louis County


Untitled - St. Louis County
County Connection
Know Your Numbers
By Anna Gall (Admin)
This past January, the United
States Postal Service increased
rates. This impacts the
County’s mailing costs (and
yours at home!) as follows:
1) All First Class Letter mailings
increased by $0.01.
2) All First Class Flat mailings
increased by $0.02.
3) All Presort Letter mailing
increased by $0.01.
Blood Pressure
The ideal blood pressure reading is 120/80. The first
number indicates the systolic pressure, which is the pressure when the heart
beats while pumping blood. Thus far, it is the best lifelong measurement for
hypertension, which can lead to heart disease. A systolic reading above 140 is
considered too high and you should seek your physician’s advice.
4) All Presort Flats increased
by $0.02 for the 1st ounce
flat then $0.03 for every
additional ounce
HDL (healthy cholesterol) should be above 50 and the LDL (unhealthy
cholesterol) should be below 100. Your physician will suggest possible diet
modifications, physical activity, and medications to help with these numbers.
Please be mindful of your
mailings and use email when
possible. Contact Bob Cradick
(Admin) for more information.
Triglycerides are a type of lipid, which is a type of fat found in the human
blood. A 12-hour fast prior to blood testing is highly recommended for
accuracy. A score above 150 is considered abnormal. Again, lifestyle changes
can aid in the reduction of the triglycerides.
The Department of Planning
warmly welcomes Dara
Eskridge (Plng). Dara joined
the Comprehensive Planning
Division as a planner in
January. Dara comes to us from
the City of St. Louis where she
has been working as a program
specialist with the Division of
Homeless Services. She holds a
Master of Urban Planning
degree from Columbia
University in New York and an
undergraduate degree in
Architecture from Tuskegee
University in Alabama.
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We have so many numbers to remember:
telephone numbers, passwords, account
numbers, birthdays, and dates scheduled on
the calendar. So what about the numbers that
matter to your health? Knowing your numbers
in the following areas and working to improve
them will prevent a slew of health issues.
Also known as blood sugar, glucose should be tested after a 12-hour fast. A
reading above 100 should be monitored by your physician. Uncontrolled
blood sugar leads to diabetes, arthritic joints, and kidney disease.
Obesity can lead to so many health issues, including heart disease, cancer,
diabetes, arthritis, gout, gallstones, gastroesophageal reflex disease, and
sleep apnea. The ideal weight has been figured by many formulas. An online
tool to figure how much you should weigh is at http://www.calculator.net/
ideal-weight-calculator.html. Weight Watchers, the nationally recognized
weight management program is offered at the County for employees. Their
calculator can be found at http://www.weightwatchers.com/health/asm/
calc healthyweight.aspx.
Body mass index is a weight and height comparison to indicate potential
health risks related to obesity. This link from the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention will help calculate your BMI: http://www.cdc.gov/
Waist size
The ideal waist size for women is 32½ inches and 35
inches for men. Belly fat causes toxic signals throughout
See next page
the body. A waist size over 35 inches in women and over
40 inches in men greatly increases the risk of chronic
diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
Your health and pocketbook depend on your numbers. Onsite screenings will
be offered at various County locations, dates, and times over the next 6
months. Look for a schedule to be available on the intranet in March. Take
advantage of this free health and wellness service.
Do you know your numbers?
2011 Employee Achievement Awards
The Outstanding Contribution to Citizen
Services award recognizes employees who
exemplify public service at its best. The
nominee’s accomplishment must have led
to an improvement in direct services to the
St. Louis County community.
The award for 2011 in this category goes to
Heidi Kehler, County
Older Resident
Programs Case
Manager, in the
Department of Human
One of Heidi’s gifts is
tailoring treatment
plans for clients with
complex needs which
makes a difference in Heidi Kehler
the lives of many of
the County’s residents who are 60 and
older. She has a caseload of over 80
customers throughout the South County
area. Much of her time is spent in face-toface meetings, phone conversations, and
consultations, providing assistance.
In 2011, she was involved with the
Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing
Program which generated a lot of
additional work for her. Through her
efforts she was able to give hope to many
individuals who were homeless or were
about to be. In addition to her
accomplishments, she is bilingual in
Spanish and is able to effectively assist
many Spanish speaking customers who use
English as a second language.
Heidi has been employed with the County
for twelve years.
The Outstanding Contribution to County
Government Operations award recognizes
employees who have succeeded in
accomplishing extraordinary improvements
in the efficiency and economy of work
processes which have led to cost
avoidance, cost reduction, or improved
productivity for the County.
The award for 2011 in
this category goes to
Margaret Kenny,
Special Events
Coordinator, in the
Department of Parks
and Recreation.
At the time of her
nomination, “Maggie”
was a Recreation
Margaret Kenny
Complex Manager,
but has since been promoted. The Parks
Department, like many County operations
in 2011 faced budgetary challenges. As did
many employees, Maggie absorbed
additional duties and assignments. Among
her achievements was hosting special
events outside of the Affton Complex,
where she worked. For example, the Farm
Fridays she was in charge of were highly
successful, as was Splash Mania. Over
1000 children participated in the events,
bringing in over $6600. She was in charge
of the annual Winter Wonder Walk and has
grown the program with over 3500 people
attending and bringing in over $19,000.
Finally, under her direction, the Volunteer
Program reached a record high with a total
of 103,681 volunteer hours, with a value to
the department of $2,214,619 and a full
time equivalency of 50 staff members.
On February 25, St. Louis County
demolished the long-vacant
Glasgow Village Shopping Center
at 100 Glashop Lane – the first
of many abandoned structures
slated for termination under an
aggressive St. Louis County
initiative. Under the program,
the buildings – many of them
scorched by fire and left empty
for several years – are declared
nuisances and then razed by a
contractor. Personnel with
Public Works’ Divisions of Code
Enforcement and Neighborhood
Services and St. Louis County
Police officers do most of the
heavy lifting in regard to
identifying problem structures
and performing the necessary
inspections by which the
buildings are declared
demolition-eligible nuisances. As
of late February, a total of 41
abandoned structures had been
approved for the wrecking ball
and bulldozer blade. Officials say
many more will follow.
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Maggie has been employed by the County
for nine years.
Ever Wonder?
… what would happen to your
beloved pet if you were in a car
accident? Or you had a house
fire? Or you lost your home in a
foreclosure? Saint Louis County
Animal Care and Control
Services to the rescue! They
rescue these animals and
provide care for pets during
critical times. Looking to
support this worthwhile cause?
Contact Julie Jordan at
jjordan@stlouisco.com for a
volunteer application, or better
yet, come by the animal shelter
at 10521 Baur Boulevard in
Olivette to pick one up in
County Connection
From last page
The County Connection
Spring 2013
Service with Purpose
A newsletter written by and for employees of
Saint Louis County Government
Charlie A. Dooley
County Executive
Here is the information that wouldn’t fit in the printed pages. Enjoy!
The St. Louis County Young Professionals Group started the new year off with a bang – or at least a name change! As a
result of a long-term strategic planning effort the group has changed their name to the Young Government Leaders of
St. Louis County! This new name better represents the mission statement and distinguished accomplishments of its
membership base. The group, which has already received attention nationwide courtesy of Governing Magazine, will
have the opportunity to take our local initiatives national by creating a local chapter of the Young Government Leaders
(check out their website at http://younggov.org/)! These great things and many more were made possible through the
support of the administration and the leadership of the original steering committee (Chair: Katrina Sommer; Assistance
Chair: Adam Roberts; Events Leader: Alison Zeidler; Philanthropy Leader: Michele Williams; Communications Leader:
Daniel Sampson). Effective 2013 the original steering committee will be disbanded and replaced by a new more comprehensive Leadership Board; announcements will made at the March quarterly meeting.
As always, new members are welcome! If you’re interested in joining the Young Government Leaders of St. Louis
County please contact Katrina Sommer at ksommer@stlouisco.com.
Anniversary Milestones
50 Years of Service
Mary Dahm (Law Library)
40 Years of Service
Herbert Bernsen (JS), Patrick Chambers (H&T), Kristina Cline (Jud
Admin), Gary Ebrecht (Police), Rick Hill (PW), Daniel Hoernschemeyer
(H&T), Kurt Ossieck (H&T), Richard Robison (Rev), David Ruzicka (P&R),
David Tichacek (H&T), Mary Wickenhauser (Police)
35 Years of Service
Timme Berthold (H&T), Margie Britt (Cty Cncl), Cheryl Campbell (Fam
Ct), Glenn Curcio (Admin), Francis Friel (H&T), Michael Hutcherson
(Police), Douglas Lightfoot (H&T), Steven Lovan (H&T), Scott Macaulay
(H&T), James Maher (H&T), Timothy Mc Niff (Fam Ct), Donald Merseal
(H&T), Kris Mueller (H&T), Rebecca Murphy (Police), Chris Palecek (Cty
Cncl), John Putnam (Plng), Terry Roberds (Police), Vito Salamone
(Police), Loyd Spurgeon (Plng), Edward Stack (DOH), John Voracek
(H&T), Gary White (Admin), Eland Williams (H&T), Susan Willis (DOH)
30 Years of Service
Freda Becton (Rev), Jeffrey Bond (H&T), Karen Bugnitz (Rev), William
Clemons (Fam Ct), Debra Derr (H&T), Teresa Donnelly (DOH), Sandra
Ford (Fam Ct), Dennis Geivett (Admin), Michael Gooding (H&T), Kevin
Gulledge (JS), David Herberg (P&R), Cynthia Hermes (Assess), Erica
Hopkins (DOH), Dennis Jobe (PW), Eunice Johnson (DHS), Thomas Larkin
(Police), Keith Larner (Pros Atty), Bernard Lewandowski (Law Library),
Shelby Locke (Assess), David Mades (PW), Thomas Newport (H&T),
Jeffrey Osburg (Fam Ct), William Peters (P&R), William Rinehart (Jud
Admin), Adrian Roberts (JS), Deborah Seeck (DOH), Darryl Smith (JS),
Larry Smith (Police), Karen Tasch (Fam Ct), Laurie Twombly (H&T),
Audrey Walker (Police), James Williams (Police)
25 Years of Service
Eve Adams (H&T), Michael Barnes (H&T), Susan Barreca (Pros Atty),
Jeffrey Burk (Police), George Carroll (PW), William Coatney (Assess),
William Coleman (DOH), Patrick Costello (Police), Kenneth Cox (Police),
Ruby Cox (Law Library), Mark Daugherty (Plng), Walter Davis (Police),
Scott Dezort (H&T), Michael Dierkes (Police), Michael Duncan (Admin),
Barbara Forde (DOH), Jesse Francis (P&R), Connie Frazier (Rev), Cynthia
Goben (Police), Glenn Goeke (H&T), Ronald Grames (Police), Joyce
Guleff (Fam Ct), John Hand (H&T), Susan Havener (Assess), Marc Hillen
(Police), Robert Hirtz (Police), Richard Holesinger (H&T), Kathleen
Jamerson (PW), Tena Johnson (JS), Dee Jones (H&T), Victor Jordan (Fam
Ct), Martin Koeller (H&T), Rosalie Loehr (Plng), Mary Losing (Assess),
Gary Marti (H&T), Chris Matthews (Admin), Paula Mayberry (H&T),
Richard Mc Ghay (H&T), James Merseal (H&T), Barbara Murray (DOH),
Karen Noah (BOE), Donna Ostendorf (Police), Gregory Phillips (H&T),
David Price (H&T), Karen Sanchez (JS), Gregory Shinell (JS), Neil
Stevenson (H&T), Charles Thien (H&T), Kenneth Vannoy (Fam Ct),
Carolyn Weingaertner (P&R), James Wright (H&T)
20 Years of Service
Raymond Absolon (Police), Carmen Akridge (Fam Ct), Cedric Barnes (JS),
Sharon Belko (DOH), Joseph Bolte (Assess), John Bozarth (Police), Eric
Braun (P&R), Yvette Brauner (Admin), Lance Bretsnyder (Fam Ct),
Maureen Brown (Muni Ct), Dean Bruemmer (JS), Linda Cendroski (Rev),
Mark Cox (Police), Daniel Cunningham (Police), Robert Decker (PW),
Mark Diedrich (Police), Phyllis Dilworth-Weaver (DOH), Troy Doyle
(Police), Mary Duncan (DOH), Linda Edison
(Assess), Mary Hamilton (Muni Ct),
See next page
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Cynthia Harcourt-Hearring (Fam Ct), Yvette
Harris (JS), Thomas Hawkins (Police), Michael
Henderson (JS), Rodney Henderson (JS), Kurt Hetzel (Fam Ct), Renee
Hines-Tyce (Muni Ct), Richard Hodel (PW), Jeffery Hoots (Police), Dina
Hope (JS), Barbara Hughes (DHS), Melissa Ide (DOH), Forrest Jones
(Admin), Deborah Karr (DOH), Mark Koeller (Police), Rena Lammert
(DOH), Wynell Landers (Assess), Christopher Long (DOH), Robert
Lunatto (Police), Ted Mason (Spirit), Michael Mc Kee (P&R), Reginald
Mc Nairy (Fam Ct), David Mc Vey (Police), Robert Meacham (JS), Mary
Mireles (Fam Ct), James Molden (Police), Paul Neske (Police), Richard
O'Brien (Police), Daniel O'Neil (Police), Joye Paker (Admin), Mary
Patterson (DOH), Clay Peeler (Police), Rebecca Person (Police), Marian
Phillips (DOH), Patricia Pietroburgo (Fam Ct), Curtis Ratlif (Police), Jamie
Reiter (Police), Sheri Reynolds (Police), Edward Roediger (Police), James
Schrand (Police), James Scott (Cty Exec), Johnny Sims (Fam Ct), Albert
Slamp (H&T), James Smithey (Spirit), The Streiker (Jud Admin), Steven
Sutherlin (JS), Jess Ullom (Muni Ct), James Vogt (H&T), Daniel
Waldemer (PW), John Wilson (Police), Pamela Wimberly (Fam Ct),
Theresa Winkelmann (Jud Admin), Alexis Woods (JS), David Woodson
(JS), Michael Youngblood (Police), Theodore Zinselmeier (Police)
10 Years of Service
Catherine Adams (Police), Patt Adjartey (Fam Ct), Jonathan Armbrister
(Police), Vernell Ashford-Dampier (JS), Steven Atwell (H&T), Marla
Atwell (H&T), Dorothy Baker (JS), Jennifer Banes (JS), Laurence Bartman
(H&T), Cyrene Beatty (H&T), Scott Behrle (H&T), David Bello (Police),
Mark Berry (Police), Carolyn Betton (Assess), Bradley Bland (Police),
Teresa Bomkamp (Pros Atty), Shoni Brevik (Police), Jeffery Brown (H&T),
Kathleen Burkett (Cty Cncl), Brandon Byrd (H&T), Andrew Canaday (JS),
Judith Candela (Plng), John Conrardy (Police), Leroyce Cook (Fam Ct),
Marsha Craten (Plng), Marie-Jane Crawford (Fam Ct), Gabrial Crocker
(Police), Patrick Curry (P&R), Billy Curry (Police), Ladona Cutts (JS),
Tameka Davis (JS), Tiffany Davis (Muni Ct), Michael Dickson (JS), Jason
Dite (Police), Kenneth Doebber (DOH), Mario Dollschnieder (Fam Ct),
Mark Ellerbeck (Rev), Edith Evans (Rev), Timothy Flannery (Admin),
Carol Flood (Admin), Boris Frumson (Assess), Jody Gates (DOH), Scott
Gerard (Police), Bozo Gilic (H&T), Christopher Gilyon (Police), Joanne
Gladney-Naumer (Plng), Robert Goodrich (Jud Admin), Paul Gordon
(Police), James Grace (Police), Roger Gray (PW), Gary Guittar (Jud
Admin), John Halliday (Police), Sylvester Harold (Fam Ct), Dario Hayes
(Police), James Herries (H&T), Brian Hessling (Police), William Hoff (PW),
Patrick Hokamp (Police), Mark Holloway (H&T), Justin Holtz (Police),
Colette Howard (Assess), Sharon Hoyt (P&R), Marvin Hyman (Jud
15 Years of Service
Sandra Aleman (Police), Fortunato Anotde (PW), Tammy Artis (Fam Ct), Admin), Cedric Irby (Fam Ct), William Jarrett (Assess), Betty Johnson
(DHS), Megan Julian (Pros Atty), Kyle Jundt (Police), Michael
Vincent Bazzoni (Police), Kimberly Birdwell (Fam Ct), Deborah Blanc
Kaemmerer (Police), Kathi Kaltenbach (Fam Ct), James Karase (Police),
(Police), Michael Bradley (Police), Deborah Bradley (Police), Michael
Brown (Police), Sammie Bush (Police), Molly Butterworth (P&R), Karen Barbara Kelley-O'Neil (Fam Ct), Kevin Kelly (Rev), Conde Kinsella (PW),
Margaret Kochner (BOE), Sharon Kuelker (Assess), Barton Lane (Assess),
Buttice (BOE), John Carlton (H&T), Barbara Carter (JS), Daniel Christy
Craig Lanham (Police), Judith Ludwig (JS), Louis Major (Police), Michael
(Police), Jennifer Clay (Police), Russel Clemons (H&T), Derrick Clemons
Maloney (DOH), Constance Martin (Police), Craig May (H&T), Robert Mc
(JS), Raymond Cliffe (P&R), Flora Collins (DOH), David Corwin (H&T),
Donald (Assess), Patrick Mc Entee (Police), Viviane Mc Kay (DOH),
Robert Cradick (Admin), Mary Cranor (P&R), Laura Criscione (Fam Ct),
Josiah Merritt (Police), Amy Meyer (Police), Jeffrey Milam (Police), Kay
Raymond Dailey (JS), Katonia Dase (Police), Cynthia Davies (Pros Atty),
Miller (Fam Ct), Bonnie Miller (Fam Ct), Piper Mohesky (Police), Robert
Robert Dean (Police), Janet Dixon (DOH), Theodore Dubis (Police),
Verlion Evans (DOH), Jeanne Fitzgerald (JS), Tammie Fobert (Fam Ct), H. Moore (JS), Aaron Moore (JS), James Morgan (Police), Robin Murray
(Fam Ct), Samantha Neal (DOH), Patrick Nigh (Police), John Nolle (H&T),
Paul Fox (Jud Admin), Robert Froehlich (Police), Jeffery Fuesting
(Police), Joyce Gamblin (DOH), Mary Garnaas-Meyers (Pros Atty), Linda Richard Nunnally (H&T), Andrea Parham (PW), Kenneth Parks (BOE),
Lanitra Payne (Rev), Gary Pinkard (JS), Priscillah Poeling (DHS),
Gladson (PW), Jacob Gorelik (PW), Matthew Gruendler (H&T), Scott
Halter (H&T), Glenn Henninger (H&T), Laurie Herzog (Rev), Linda Hiette Stephanie Politte (Police), John Rebsamen (Assess), Elizabeth Rechtien
(Police), John Reddick (Police), Mario Reed (JS), Morris Reynolds (H&T),
(DOH), Aaron Higgins (JS), Christopher Hildebrand (Police), Jason
Hoernschemeyer (H&T), Felicia Holland (Fam Ct), Bradley Hubbard (JS), Christopher Rickard (Police), Todd Rodebaugh (PW), John Rodriguez
(H&T), Christine Romo (Police), Scott Ruess (H&T), Kevin Sanders
Mary Hunt (DOH), Pamela Ingram (Assess), Cedric Ivy (JS), Willia
(Assess), Gregory Sanders (Police), Brian Schellman (Police), Tracy
Jackson (JS), Walter Jones (Plng), Jason Kapayou (Police), Debra Lang
Schmitz (Fam Ct), Daniel Schroeder (Police), April Schuette-Wilson
(JS), Jenelle Leighton (DOH), Nicklous Leonard (H&T), Daniel Lottmann
(Admin), Shannon Schulte (Police), Eric Schweikert (H&T), Valerie Sebek
(Police), Jon Martin (Police), Scott Martin (Police), Earl Maxwell (H&T),
(Police), Susan Seyer (DOH), Candace Shelton (Police), Robert Sherman
Sharon Mc Bain (Cty Cnslr), Michael Mc Cartney (Police), Brian Mc
Cauley (Police), Daniel Mc Intyre (Police), Pamela Mc Keage (Cty Cnslr), (Assess), Sarah Slaughter (Admin), Karen Snider (DOH), Lynn Sojka
(DOH), Christopher Spiroff (P&R), Suzanne Strain (Assess), Albert
Eloise Mc Kinley-Moore (DOH), John Meyer (P&R), Nicholas Milcic
Swanegan (DOH), Jeanna Szuch (Assess), Bernice Taliaferro (JS), Tiffany
(Police), Andrew Miller (P&R), Patrick Monahan (Pros Atty), Gloria
Teat (JS), Joyce Theard (DOH), John Thomas (Fam Ct), Michael
Moniz (Jud Admin), James Monroe (Police), Robert Moore (Cty Cnslr),
Thomeczek (Police), Anthony Thompson (JS), Jonathan Tooley (H&T),
Robert Morley (Police), Richard Mundy (Police), William Munson
Gregory Van Mierlo (Police), Amy Vaughn (JS), Michael Wallis (Fam Ct),
(Police), Edward Neff (Police), Yolanda Newson (DOH), Lakisha Noah
Linda Wasserman (Cty Cnslr), Dianne Watkins (DOH), Sue Weatherford
(BOE), Thomas Noonan (Police), Stephanie Parker (JS), Jeffrey Parnas
(JS), Linda Weldon (DOH), Rita Wells (DOH), Ezra White (Police), Linda
(Police), Ronald Phillips (Rev), Matthew Pleviak (Police), Joseph
Whitfield (Jud Admin), A Brice Williams (H&T), Warren Williams (Jud
Randazzo (Police), Sherri Rauch (H&T), Anthony Ray (Police), Matthew
Admin), Damita Williams (DOH), Matthew Wilson (Police), John Wilson
Redmond (Police), Sandra Richardson (DOH), Elizabeth Richardson
(Police), David Winkler (Assess), Timothy Wobbe (P&R), Allan Wright
(Rev), Stephen Rowland (Police), Debra Schaefer (P&R), Rosemary
(JS), Michelle Wright-Berry (JS), Fareid Yaakub (Police), Ronald Younge
Schriefer (DHS), Michael Selby (P&R), Brian Shanika (Police), Patricia
Silver (Rev), Kevin Stevener (Police), Thomas Taylor (Police), Matthew
Tieber (PW), Christopher Trittler (Police), David Truman (Pros Atty),
5 Years of Service
Steven Tucker (Police), Naomi Vance (DOH), Robert Vogel (Police),
Justin Adams (Police), Nada Alispahic (DOH), Mary Allmon (Admin),
Michael Walker (Police), Joyce Ware (DOH), Jeffery Warner (Police),
Timothy Anderer (Police), Lenell Anderson (Police), Moria Anderson
Kimberly Wenom (Pros Atty), Patrick White (H&T), Keith Wildhaber
(DOH), Angel Anderson (DOH), Anthony Aschoff (Police), Mihretu
(Police), Mia Williams (Admin), Jenifer Williams (Police), Chrisie
Williams (JS), Willie Wilson (JS), Denise Wilson (DOH), Scott Winer (Jud Ayalew (DOH), Sean Becker (Police), Daniel Becker (Jud Admin), Mary
Becker (Admin), Justin Behlmann (Police), Drew
Admin), Robert Wolff (Police), David Wrone (H&T), Carol Zeilman
See next page
Belmar (Police), Stephen Benko (Police),
(Admin), Jean Zuck (Fam Ct)
Page 10
From last page
Justin Lautz (Police) - Forensic Scientist II
Matthew Livasy (Fam Ct) - Deputy Juvenile
Officer II
Arika Locke (JS) - Corrections Officer
Brandon Mc Crary (JS) - Corrections Officer
Christopher Mcclendon (DOH) - Office Services Representative
Gregory Meier (PW) - Plumbing Inspector
Jason Mitchell (PW) - Neighborhood Preservation Inspector
Andrew Moore (JS) - Corrections Officer
Venita Oatis (DOH) - Accounting Services Representative
Tadeusz Oledzki (PW) - Building System Mechanic
Kristin Palmer (JS) - Corrections Officer
Karen Peters (DOH) - Registered Dietitian
Krista Peyton (Fam Ct) - Attorney II
Gretchen Plut (Police) - Records Clerk
Natassia Pollard (JS) - Corrections Officer
Daniel Rehagen (Police) - Police Recruit
Bridget Rice (DHS) - Community Services Coordinator
Alisha Robinson (DOH) - Licensed Practical Nurse
Raymond Schindler (BOE) - IT Manager
Jasmine Schmidt (Police) - Police Recruit
Andrew Schuette (Police) - Police Recruit
Benjamin Selz (Police) - Police Recruit
Kenya Shotwell (DOH) - Registered Nurse
Laura Singleton (Police) - Records Clerk
Camelia Stimage (DOH) - Office Services Representative
Emily Strain (H&T) - Office Services Representative
Mark Stuart (Assess) - Residential Appraiser
Frances Thomas (DOH) - Office Services Representative
Jordan Tipton (Police) - Police Recruit
Serena Washington (DOH) - Office Services Representative
Erica Watts (DOH) - Registered Nurse
Cheryl Wells (DHS) - Case Manager
Michael Wells (PW) - Plumbing Inspector
Virginia Wingler (DOH) - Registered Nurse
Joshua Wirth (Police) - Police Recruit
Rose Young (Pros Atty) - Accounting Services Specialist
Moving Up
Edward Bay (PW) - Commercial Building
Sharon Belko (DOH) - Accountant II
Erica Bockhoff (P&R) - Manager,
Recreation Complex
Nichelle Bogan (Rev) - Personnel
Bruce Brown (H&T) - Maintenance Driver II
Jeremy Brown (H&T) - Maintenance Driver I
Travis Brown (Police) - Police Recruit
Brandon Bryant (DHS) - Workforce Development Specialist
Linda Cendroski (Rev) - Personnel Administrator
Harolton Clayborn (Police) - Sergeant
Carrie Dickhans (DOH) - Manager, Environmental
Dawn Duda (H&T) - Secretary
Keith Ehlen (P&R) - Maintenance Supervisor
Kyle Embrey (Police) - Police Officer
Allison Enderle (Police) - Police Officer
Magdalena Espitia (DHS) - Case Manager
Marvin Forrest (PW) - Laborer
Patrick Ganley (P&R) - Maintenance Worker II
Andrew Gilley (Jud Admin) - Administrative Deputy Sheriff
Deborah Haasis (DOH) - Registered Nurse Supervisor
George Hogan (H&T) - Maintenance Driver I
Devin Hohbein (H&T) - Signal Technician
Jon Holman (Police) - Police Officer
Tammi Holmes (DOH) - Health Education Coordinator
Stephanie Ihrig (Police) - Police Officer
Diana Johnson (Police) - Public Safety Dispatcher III
Jericka Johnson (Rev) - Office Services Coordinator
Noah Kennon (H&T) - Maintenance Driver II
Rebekah Kent (H&T) - Accountant III
Joyce Kpere-Daibo (Fam Ct) - Deputy Juvenile Officer I
Stephen Landfair (PW) - Manager, Facilities
Michael Maloney (DOH) - Supervisor, Laboratory
Steven Martin (PW) - Residential Building Lead Inspector
Charles Mettlach (JS) - Corrections Officer Lead
John Meyer (P&R) - Maintenance Supervisor
Yolanda Newson (DOH) - Dental Assistant
Gary Nichols (Jud Admin) - Deputy Sheriff, Execution
Stefan Nieman (Police) - Police Officer
Kyle Null (Police) - Police Officer
Brandon O'Brien (Police) - Police Recruit
Myra Perry (JS) - Corrections Officer Lead
Matthias Phillips (Police) - Police Officer
Jason Pratte (P&R) - Maintenance Supervisor
Dawn Purgahn (Pros Atty) - Attorney IV
Teresa Quarles (DHS) - Supervisor, Social Services Programs
James Quinn (H&T) - Maintenance Driver I
Lana Rains (DOH) - Animal Control Officer
Daniel Rehagen (Police) - Police Officer
Patricia Reuter (P&R) - Materials and Inventory Supervisor
Tucker Schnerre (Police) - Police Officer
Andrew Schuette (Police) - Police Officer
Benjamin Selz (Police) - Police Officer
Kristin Short (Police) - Police Officer
Blake Snyder (Police) - Police Officer
David Sprenke (H&T) - Maintenance Driver I
Katelyn Stinson (Police) - Police Officer
Jordan Tipton (Police) - Police Officer
Christian Tolbert (BOE) - Deputy Director
Myesha Walker (DOH) - Payroll Specialist
Mark Webb (DOH) - Office Supervisor
Jennifer Western (DOH) - Manager, Laboratory
Christopher Wille (H&T) - Maintenance Driver I
Linda Williams (H&T) - Accountant II
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