insight execution
insight execution
execution Kia Motors Sustainability Report 2008 231, Yangjae-dong Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-938, Korea Kia Motors _ Sustainability Management Team TEL: +82.2.3464.5166 E-Mail: / Thinking about tomorrow Kia Motors Sustainability Report 2008 insight Kia Motors Sustainability Report 2008 002 004 006 007 012 012 014 016 020 intro I I I I I I I I I Sustainability Report Framework Message from the CEO Stakeholder Participation Materiality Analysis Corporate Overview Global Network Management Philosophy and Vision Sustainability Management Corporate Governance and Board I I I I Disclosure on Management Approach Operating Performance Financial Highlights Special Story: Design Management, Global Management 024 025 032 033 e c ono mi c value 038 039 040 054 063 065 069 070 074 e n v i r o nmental value I I I I I I I I I 078 079 092 097 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change s oci al value I I I I I I Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders OUTRO 112 I Third Party Verification 114 I GRI (G3) / BEST Index 117 I Sustainability Report Committee Thinking about Since 2003, Kia Motors has published its Sustainability Report for stakeholders annually. With this report, Kia aims to demonstrate its on-going effort to better its sustainable management practices and report performance in sustainable development initiatives to stakeholders. Kia Motors strives to fulfill its responsibilities to stakeholders who demand a company that builds safer and more reliable vehicles while being mindful of the environment and minimizing the impact of its automobiles. Sustainability Report 2008 provides a thorough analysis of the magnitude of the sustainability development impact encompassing the areas of economics, the environment and society. With stakeholders’ participation, the sustainability report focuses on the subjects that address their particular interests. This report outlines major achievements in sustainable development in 2007 with an aim to deliver a clear and accurate picture of one year’s progress towards being a more sustainable company. Incorporating environmental consciousness into all facets of product development, from production to logistics to supply chain management, Kia Motors continues to grow as a socially conscious organization as detailed in this report. Reporting Guidelines Kia Motors Sustainability Report 2008 is based on the GRI’s* Sustainability Reporting Guidelines 2006 (G3) and BEST Sustainability Reporting Guidelines** from IPS. GRI’s criteria for the contents can be found in the Outro of Kia Motors Sustainability Report under section “GRI (G3) / BEST Index.” * GRI: Global Reporting Initiative ( ** The BEST Guideline (BEST Sustainability Reporting Guideline) was jointly developed by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy(MKE), the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), and the Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (IPS) and provides for five levels of reporting rigor (Level 1 ~ 5). Report Outline Purpose _ This report aims to inform stakeholders of the results of sustainability management from a balanced perspective while providing a thorough internal review of sustainability management activities over the year. This report also serves to reexamine Kia’s current position and evaluate future directions. Accounting Standards _ Investment and expenditure of environmental and social costs are approved by the Board of Directors, audit committee and external audit committee according to financial accounting standards. The report reflects an investment rating system 2004 based on the investment breakdown by investment type. Changes _ There are no significant changes in standards for reported data from previous reports, unless otherwise specified. Document Verification _ This published report is based on the information provided by the Sustainability Report Committee of Kia Motors and is created to impartially monitor the progress of sustainable management within the company. This report is also verified by IPS in its report review, onsite inspection and review of the Materiality Test according to the verification criterion outlined by the GRI (G3) guideline and BEST guideline. Tomorrow Kia Motors is an entity continually evolving to better serve sustainable efforts. During the evolution of this report, there are bound to be some growing pains such as the lack of thorough overseas business information in last year’s report. Thus, extensive information has been added about our overseas business to better meet G3 guidelines. To grow properly, Kia will create certain rules to which it will strictly adhere. At Kia Motors, full disclosure of sustainable development in a transparent manner is a top priority. By publishing the Sustainability Report, Kia Motors reflects on its current sustainability management status, looks back to find ways in which to improve and looks forward to identify innovative solutions to better serve sustainable efforts as a responsible corporate citizen. Scope of the Report THE REPORTING PERIOD AND SCOPE _ The report covers the period between 2005 and 2007. To accurately depict the quantitative performance, the past three years of data were collected (environmental data in year zero (2003) + every three years). Qualitative results from the 2007 achievements in this report have also been assessed. The reporting year coincides with the company’s fiscal year that ends on December 31st of each year. This report’s monetary denomination is based on Korean currency, the Korean won. All quantitative data is based on ton (t), kilogram (kg), kilometer (km), square meter (m2), kilowatt (kW), and all other units are listed with their numerical values. Report Targets _ This report covers Kia Motors, subsidiaries of Kia Motors and joint overseas corporations. Domestic facilities covered include Kia headquarters, Sohari, Hwaseong and Gwangju plants, R&D Headquarters and Customer Service Centers. Additionally, overseas facilities covered include Dongfeng Yueda Kia Motors, Kia Motors Slovakia plant, overseas technology research centers and other overseas subsidiaries. The 2008 report improved upon last year’s report by improving data collection methods and filling in data gaps of overseas business activity. Report Publication Schedule _ The English version of the Sustainability Report 2008 was published on June 5th of 2008, and The Korean version was published on March 21st of 2008 and distributed at the general shareholders meeting. The Sustainability Report is published yearly, and this is its 6th edition. For more information Additional information can be found through the Internet and the Sustainability Management Team of Kia Motors. For more information about Kia Motors, visit or aspx To view this report online, see (Repository of Korea’s Corporate Filing) or (Kia Motors website) Contact: Sustainability Management Team, Planning Division of Kia Motors TEL: +82. 2. 3464. 5166 E-Mail: / 04 Message from the CEO Despite the unstable domestic and foreign business environment last year, Kia Motors continued strengthening its business foundation to prepare for future growth. Business that adds economic value 2007 started with the long-term goal of establishing a brand identity unique to Kia Motors. To that end, a design team was created in 2007 to build a brand identity that stood above the rest and reflected a coherent design philosophy. Kia also focused on improving profitability through cost saving measures to build a strong stable economic foundation for the future. The recently erected production plant in Slovakia, the second plant in China and new building in European facility allow Kia to challenge the rapidly changing global market by increasing global production and sales capacity. These pro-active steps also aid in the efforts to establish a strong brand presence throughout the world. Kia Motors will leap onto the global stage while solidly prepared for the future. Business that promotes environmental soundness Environmental sustainability emerged as a global challenge for 2007. This challenge fueled the need for eco-friendly cars that not only bolster increased performance and safety but also feature eco-friendly designs. 2007 also became a year that accelerated the development of an eco-friendly lineup of cars with technological features like high fuel efficiency and low greenhouse gas emissions. Kia is especially pleased to be acknowledged for its untiring effort in bridging automobile development with environmental sustainability. Last year, Kia Motors was selected as the third “most environmentally friendly automobile manufacturer” in the United States, the world’s largest automobile market. Kia Motors was also voted into the top tier of brands in terms of new car quality in the U.S. and European markets as well as the domestic market. As an environmentally responsible company, Kia is combating climate change through the reduction of greenhouse emissions and hazardous waste material in the production process. Kia Motors strives to minimize the environmental footprint of its products. We continue in our pursuit to become a highly competitive company built on a foundation of trust with an exemplary track record of sustainable management. 05 Socially responsible business Under the banner “Moving Together with the World,” Kia Motors actively participates in community outreach and service activities. In 2007, Kia ran social projects that promoted a culture of motor safety and provided aid to persons with disabilities. Kia also expanded its employee volunteer service program with emphasis on community service. The company implemented a structured social contribution system to materialize the principles of corporate social responsibility. It also devoted its energies to revitalizing the local business community by providing tailored help to meet their needs. To bridge the disparity between small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and large conglomerates, Kia actively partnered with them to provide support to foster healthy relationships. For example, Kia ventured into overseas markets as equal partners, provided early business stabilization support, and conducted technology seminars and R&D Tech days to bridge the technology gap. Economic value, environmental soundness, and social responsibility serve as Kia Motors’ underpinnings of its sustainability efforts. To bring stakeholders’ happiness and ensure a sustainable future for all, Kia Motors will always treat these three issues equally and attentively. As a company founded on trust, Kia Motors will play a crucial role in society as a model corporate citizen fulfilling its responsibilities. As a highly competitive company, Kia Motors will emerge as a model of sustainable management for others to emulate. Nam-Hong Cho Kia Motors President and CEO March 2008 06 Stakeholder Participation Sustainable management begins with a belief that everyone is part of a community. Kia Motors is a corporation that is part of a larger business community in which it operates and shares its responsibility within the community. As such, sustainable management must always consider the stakeholders in all matters of corporate activity. As the corporation’s size increases, it becomes easier to lose focus on the people who matter. Through a variety of communication channels, Kia is able to collect feedback and determine the needs of its stakeholders. The means by which Kia can keep an open channel of communication with its stakeholders is demonstrated below. Communication Channel with Stakeholders Shareholders & Investors Annual shareholders meeting Customers Customer satisfaction surveys Addressing customer complaints Employees Report committee Report survey Kia Motors Mutual business cooperation Business partners’ feedback channel Business Partners Seminars, forums, survey participation Analyzing issues and reaction NGOs & Academia Policymaking participation Government Stakeholders’ Opinion Survey on Sustainability Report 2007 Stakeholder opinions on Kia Motors Sustainability Report 2007, published on March 16th of 2007, helped identify key areas of improvement for the 2008 report. The 2007 report was divided into six parts consisting of interesting parts, excellent parts, weakest parts, contents, communication, and overall opinion. After, a sample of 67 stakeholders participated in a survey to detail opinions expressed in each of those parts. Reader Survey Results and 2008 Report Improvements I 1 I Writing a report from a stakeholder’s perspective (with I 5 I Report contents footnotes to explain jargon) The 2008 report cites corporate performance and plans based Technical terms and internal jargon can be often confusing on the principle of sustainable management while meeting and misunderstood. Confusion was minimized with the the guideline requirements. Sampling of stakeholder survey • Employees: 69% • Business Partners: 4% • Customers: 6% • Sustainability Management Experts: 19% • Miscellaneous: 2% addition of footnotes and detailed explanations of technical terms and internal jargon used in the report. I 6 I More balanced report (relatively insufficient data in sections beside environmental value) I 2 I Sustainable management vision and objectives Entries on product development (including environmental The Materiality Test was applied to evaluate the future value) and social value that were insufficient in last year’s direction of Kia’s sustainable management efforts. Contents report according to the stakeholder survey were also of sustainable management activities were expanded at the strengthened. Excellent Contents 50% 30% 20% beginning of the report. Also, the company's strategy, 43% 40% performance status and business management goals in each I 7 I Visually aided report (including graph) 10% section of the report were expounded. Graphs, information in Tp form and a special story to improve 0% readability were added. 26% 16% Economy 15% Environment Society Product I 3 I Labor relations-related issues An in-depth report of social performance in the social value I 8 I Supplementary information in comparison with other section of the sustainability report was also included. industries Information related to labor issues will gradually be added. A report with a more balanced view was produced by adding 50% external evaluations of the company’s and industry’s 40% activities. 30% I 4 I Corporate governance More detailed information on business ethics and corporate governance were included. Weak Contents 20% 46% 22% 18% 14% 10% 0% Economy Environment Society Product 07 Materiality Analysis The Sustainability Report must incorporate relevant issues from both the company and its stakeholders. Kia believes that management activity centered around stakeholders’ interests is the key to becoming a company that opens the doors to a sustainable future. The Materiality Test allowed key issues to be identified, which were then used to create strategies to improve sustainability development. In addition, Kia clearly reported current plans and activities in response to the Materiality Test in the Kia Motors Sustainability Report 2008. What is the Materiality Test? First, materiality should be defined. According to the GRI’s determine the material issues. The IPS Materiality Test ModelTM is a Sustainability Reporting Guideline, materiality is defined as “the 5-step test model subdivided into internal policies, norms and laws, threshold at which an issue or indicator becomes sufficiently stakeholder feedback, industry benchmarks and media research. IPS* important that it should be reported.” Simply, the materiality test is created the IPS Materiality Test ModelTM in December 2006 to test a test to see if an issue or indicator is relevant enough for this report. and derive material issues that match characteristics and present the Kia Motors defines the relevant issues which must take priority and condition of each industry. identified as high risk and/or high interest to stakeholders. In TEST TEST TEST TEST * One of the functions of IPS is to help form strategies for sustainable development. 2 1 4 3 Internal Concerns High Reporting Priority TEST 1 Internal Policies TEST 3Stakeholder Feedback Material Issues (2008) Sustainable Management • Stakeholder Feedback • Sustainable Management Planning (Results & Goals) Economy Economy (Medium) External Concerns + (high) 2Norms and Laws 3Stakeholder Feedback 4Industry Benchmarks 5Media Research External Concerns addition, Kia Motors employed the IPS Materiality Test ModelTM to – Sustainable Management • Domestic and Foreign Market Expansion • Financial Performance • Strengthening Overseas Sales • Brand Value Product Development Product Development • Reusability (Recycling) • Emission Reduction • Alternative Fuel Vehicle Development Socially Responsible Management • Product Safety • Stable Employment Socially Responsible Management • Discrimination-Free Workplace (Human Rights) • Labor Relations • Workplace Safety and Health • Community Service Projects • Contribution to the Community • Partnership Support Environmental Management • Fair Trade • Environmental Law Compliance Environmental Management • Reduction of Harmful Gas Emissions into the Environment • Climate Change Countermeasures • Cleaner Production Technology • Environmental Management System • Environmental Costs (Accounting) Economic Achievement Sustainable Management • Executive Leadership • Corporate Governance • Management Philosophy and Vision • Business Process Innovation (Reorganization) • Business Ethics Economy Economy • Indirect Economic Impact • Risk Management Product Development Product Development • Product Development Strategy • Better Fuel Economy Socially Responsible Management Socially Responsible Management • Work and Life Balance • Employee Volunteer Work • Customer Satisfaction (Customer Service) • Leadership Training • Work and Life Balance Environmental Management • Employee Training • Environmental Protection • Eco-friendly Product Acquisition • Employee Well-being • Management of Transportation and Logistics Impact Environmental Management on Environment • Conservation of Energy and Resources – (Medium) Internal Concerns (high) + 08 continuance As part of the journey, weathering both the good and bad is expected. requires driving through the rain while hoping for clear skies ahead. Sometimes, the journey Kia Motors has made it its goal to not look for short-term gain, but instead focus on steady long-term gain. Even in harsh weather, Kia continues to raise brand awareness and make its way towards a brighter future through continuous investment. 09 Reaching the destination is not necessarily the goal. pass. coexistence Sometimes, it’s best to move aside to let others Because the road is shared, it is only courteous to share with others. These little acts of kindness gather and are then “paid forward.” In the end, the journey goes faster in the right direction. Kia Motors remembers that in all its activities, stakeholder happiness precedes all other priorities. 10 conservation Along the road, there are a number of other creations that share the same journey. portant to clear obstacles for others on the way. As such, it is im- When choosing a path wisely, looking back on the road just traveled provides insight into how their journey is just as precious as one’s own. The dream of a peaceful relationship between the automobile and the Earth is what drives Kia Motors forward. 11 Ahead of the tunnel there is a light but it does not symbolize the end. there are often rainy days. ty of the land along the way. The journey continues on and When traveling with others, the journey can slow so as to admire the beauKia Motors’ aim is not to travel the fastest or the furthest, but rather, it is to ensure an enjoyable journey for everyone. aspiration 12 Kia Motors Sweden AB Eastern Europe / CIS Regional Headquarters (Moscow, Russia) Kia Motors Ireland Kia Motors UK Ltd. Kia Motors Belgium Kia Motors Deutschland (Frankfurt) Kia Motors Europe / Kia Motors European R&D Center / Kia Motors European Design Center (Frankfurt, Germany) Kia Motors Poland Kia Motors Czech s.r.o Slovakia Manufacturing Plant / Kia Motors Slovakia(Zilina, 300,000 units annual capacity, 2,601 employees) Kia Motors Hungary Kia Motors France Kia Motors Austria Headquarters – Seoul (32,977 employees, three manufacturing plants, two research facilities, 20 service centers, 340 sales offices) Kia Motors Central Europe Kia Motors Spain Kia Motors Japan Dongfeng Yueda Kia China Manufacturing Plant (Yancheng, Plant one & two with 3,367 employees) Middle East & Africa Regional Headquarters (Dubai, UAE) Asia Regional Headquarters (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) South Africa Office Kia Motors Australia / Pacific Regional Headquarters Kia Motors New Zealand Company Overview Company Introduction Since its establishment in 1944, Kia Motors has led the development of the then infant Korean auto industry and contributed to building a strong national economy over the past 63 years. In 1975, Kia Motors’ first passenger car, the Brisa, became the first Korean vehicle to be exported, which opened the floodgates to Korean exports. By 2000, through the establishment of a global sales network, Kia has laid the groundwork to expand to every corner of the global market. Domestically, Kia revitalized the local business community by creating employment, purchasing properties and partnering with businesses to open overseas markets. In addition, Kia worked with local residents to find tailored solutions to each of the local community’s problems. Through community service, Kia continually seeks ways to co-exist and cooperate with the community. Kia Motors communicates tirelessly with the community to fulfill its duty as a corporate citizen. With concern for the environment, Kia dedicates its energies and resources to becoming a part of the sustainable solution. Kia will build an unshakable trust with customers by creating more value for customers who in turn will help the company grow. Ultimately, Kia Motors will usher in a brighter sustainable future with its dynamic line-up of vehicles. Company Status (as of December 31, 2007) Company Kia Motors Key Executives Mong-Koo Chung / Eui-Sun Chung / Nam-Hong Cho Industry Cars and trailer manufacturing Product Cars and auto parts Headquarter 231, Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Established December 11, 1944 Total asset 12 trillion and 853.8 billion won Capital 1 trillion and 848.7 billion won Employees 32,977 * Additional information is available on the web or Economic Value section of this report. 13 Global Network Corporate Production Corporate Sales Kia Motors Canada (Toronto, Canada) Regional Headquarters Regional Offices Kia Motors Technical Center (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Kia Motors Design Center (California) Others Kia Motors America (Irvine, California) U.S. Manufacturing Plant / Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia (West Point, Georgia / under construction / expected annual capacity of 300,000 cars) Central & South America Regional Headquarters (Miami, Florida) Major Facilities Domestic R&D Namyang R&D Center, Mabuk R&D Center Production • Sohari Manufacturing Plant: Annual Output 350,000 cars (Carnival/Sedona and Pride/Rio models) • Hwaseong Manufacturing Plant: Annual Output 600,000 cars (Sorento, Mohave/ Borrego, Cerato/Spectra, Opirus/Amanti, and Lotze/Optima/Magentis models) • Gwangju Manufacturing Plant: Annual Output 420,000 cars (Carens/Rondo and Sportage models, trucks, buses and military vehicles) Sales 17 Regional Offices, 340 Regional Sales Office, 424 Dealerships, 13 Shipping Offices Service 20 Regional Service Centers, 811 Service Partners, 252 Various Service Providers Overseas R&D U.S. Technical Center, U.S. Design Center, Japan R&D Center, Europe R&D Center and Europe Design Center Production • China Manufacturing Plant 1 & 2: Annual Capacity 440,000 cars (Rio, Sorento, Optima/ Magentis, Carnival/Sedona, Cerato/Spectra and Sportage models) • Slovakia Manufacturing Plant: Annual Capacity 300,000 cars (cee’d and Sportage models) • Georgia Manufacturing Plant: Annual Capacity 300,000 cars (Under construction) Sales 165 Countries, 17 Subsidiaries, 148 Dealerships, 3,864 Dealers Service Located at Dealerships 14 Management Philosophy and Vision Aim for the Apex of the World Innovation for Humanity Pursuing Customer Satisfaction Reforms and Challenges Aim for the Apex of the World Reforms and Challenges Pursuing Customer Satisfaction Kia Motors will become a world-class Kia will abandon preconceived notions Customer satisfaction is the final goal of brand and overtake the position as the and practices. The company will find Kia Motors. Trust and confidence is apex of the global automotive industry. creative and innovative ideas to pursue earned by providing the best In addition, Kia will build an ideal its long-term vision of creating a society technology, exemplary product quality structure that entwines both qualitative that respects the environment and and excellent customer service. and quantitative growth. humanity. Kia will work to advance a corporate culture that contributes to the prosperity of humankind. 15 Management Philosophy The spirit of creative challenge is the underlying mentality and principle at Kia Motors. It is the driving force behind the continued success of Kia Motors today and is what will allow an active response to the changing business environment. With this spirit of creative challenge, Kia hopes to create a rich and bountiful experience for its shareholders, customers, employees, partners and the community. Business Policy Management Confidence Kia Motors facilitates business activities and increases the effectiveness of management by fostering a mutual trust between employees and management. Kia believes that strong confidence formed within the company will strengthen the company’s competitiveness and organizational culture. In turn, strong competitiveness and culture will boost operational efficiency, product quality and customer service. Through strong management confidence, Kia insures worker productivity, superior products and service, and stronger stakeholder confidence in the company. In 2007, with the strong backing of its stakeholders, Kia took giant steps toward becoming a world-class brand and competitor. Worksite Management Kia Motors enhances employee satisfaction and product quality through rapid decisionmaking and immediate response to issues or suggestions that may arise in the field. In 2007, through management of a global network, including regional sales headquarters and overseas factories, Kia was able to provide early stabilization support and increase sales capability. As a result, Kia’s ranking in IQS by JD Power and Associates jumped 12 spots from 2006 to 12th place with 125 points. Transparent Management In an effort to achieve sound governance and transparent management, Kia created a Board of Directors, where the major corporate decisions are made, and established “checks and balances” of management. To secure transparency of the decision-making process, corporate governance was institutionalized. Kia Motors’ corporate governance is made up of the Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Ethics Committee, and the Board Nominating Committee. In 2006, Kia Motors received public attention due to a lawsuit against its executives for their dealings with the management of company’s funds. Using this as an opportunity to reflect, Kia Motors placed stronger re-emphasis on the fairness and transparency of decisionmaking processes and proper business ethics. 16 Sustainability Management Sustainable Management Kia Motors began sustainability management based on the pressing need for accountibility for the environment, now and in the future. In the past, the need for a more convenient mode of transportation was the primary focus that shaped the automobile industry. However, recent trends reveal the need for eco-friendly alternatives. In the 21st century, expectations have changed and demand from the automotive industry to develop vehicles that maximize convenience while minimizing their environmental impact is rising. All companies, regardless of the industry, must exercise responsibility in generating profit and fairly distributing revenue while keeping stakeholder interests in mind. As part of the global automotive industry, Kia Motors proactively practices Environment- ally Sound & Sustainable Development (ESSD) to fulfill its responsibility as a corporate citizen. As such, Kia Motors hopes to grow with the community in a responsible manner. To help achieve this goal, Kia created three models of sustainable development: environmental management, community outreach and service, and business ethics. Sustainable Development Model Sustainable Management Environmental Management Materialization of Love for Humanity through Automobiles Community Engagement Business Ethics Committee Organization Chart Economy Community • Planning Office • Finance Center • Management Support Division • Procurement Division • Domestic Sales Division Product Environment • Overseas Sales Division • Environmental Technology Institute • Namyang R&D Center Production Environment • Sohari Manufacturing Plant • Hwaseong Manufacturing Plant Sustainable Management Supervision Sustainability Management Team Social Responsibility • Office of Planning & Coordination • Management Support Division • Regional Offices • Gwangju Manufacturing Plant • China Manufacturing Plant Business Ethics • Slovakia Manufacturing Plant • Audit Office • A/S Division • Production & Development Division All divisions of Kia Motors recognize the importance of sustainability management. Every year, each department selects personnel to give a briefing on the current status of Kia in improving the system one step at a time. 17 Sustainable Development Model Environmental Management Environmental Activity Guideline Kia Motors’ environmental management aims to improve economic value and environmental sustainability simultaneously. Kia sets environmental management as top priority for sustainable management and seeks to expand the program. In June 2003, Kia Motors Kia Motor's long-term unveiled a global eco-friendly management initiative called “ECO-GT5 2010”(Top 5 Global environmental management Environmental Automobile Manufacturer by 2010). This initiative has laid a solid foundation strategies for creating sustainable values as Kia Motors fulfills its economic, environmental and social Environmental Action Plan; responsibilities. ECO-GT5 2010 consists of environmental policy, environmental activity Three rounds in three years guidelines, environmental goals, specific objectives, and implementation plans. The First round Environmental Activity Guideline is comprised of the three-stage roadmap as shown below. 2003-2005 Establishment stage for Environmental Goals of Environmental Management Management (Introductory stage of Sustainability Management) Building environmental management bases focused on domestic business sites Environmental Management Product Environment (R&D) Business Environment (Marketing, A/S, Sales) Second round 2006-2008 Extension Stage for Environmental Management (Establishment Stage for Sustainability Management) Reinforcing organizational competencies through extending environmental management of all business sites at home and abroad Production Environment (Production, Procurement) ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES 1. Share responsibility for the present Concern for the environment is at the core of and future. Kia’s business management activity. As a global 2. Make efforts in meeting environmental, stakeholder, Kia will do all it can to fulfill its social economic and social demands. and economic responsibilities. Third round 3. Strive to preserve life, diversity and the Kia will actively lead the efforts in developing a 2009-2011 Earth’s beauty. strong economy and protecting the environment. Growth stage for 4. Respect nature, and economic and Respect for the environment, present and future, is Environmental Management (Extension stage for Sustainability Management) social justice. what motivates the company. Environmental Management Operation System P ct la n A Environmental Management Strategy and Goals Kia Motors Environmental Management Plan Implementation D ec k Improvement and Application o Ch Pursuit of sustainable growth through environmental management Environmental Analysis and Performance Evaluation 18 Business Ethics Working towards a more sustainable future is one of the responsibilities of corporate ethics. Using a corporate responsibility model of fair distribution of earnings, Kia Motors adopted the principle of fairness and impartiality as a model for sustainable management. Kia has combined two corporate principles, building a trustworthy and transparent business, and incorporates them into its corporate ethics code as a guideline for sustainable development. Kia Motors’ ethical practices will serve as a medium to correct and improve faulty corporate customs and cost structure to increase overall competitiveness and Economic Value Added (EVA®). The ultimate goal is to pursue business ethics that value stakeholders. In an effort to become a trustworthy and transparent company, Kia adopted its code of ethics in 2001 and issued a code of conduct for all employees. To ensure ethics compliance, Kia conducts mandatory online education for employees and created a Cyber Audit Office to enforce and oversee compliance.(1) Structure of Business Ethics Sections Institutionalized Code Kia Motors’ Code of Ethics Regulation of Workplace Ethics Employee Ethics Compliance Cyber Audit Office Cyber Call-in Center Production and Distribution of Employee Ethics Guidelines Ethical Guideline Publication and Cyber Ethics Education Adoption of Code of Ethics •Contribution to Society and Country Code of Ethics Adoption By raising its competitiveness to world-class levels, Kia has been given the great responsibility to guide the growth of its national economy for the 21st century. Regulation of Workplace Ethics •Promotion of Shareholder and Customer Interests •Respecting Human Rights and Fostering Future Talent •Establishing Respectable Regulation of Gifts and Bribes Partnerships between Partners •Establishing Transparent Management Strict Ethical Compliance in Acquisitions Department ( 1 ) More information on the Cyber Audit Office can be found in the Social Value section of this report. 19 Community Engagement Kia Motors believes that community involvement is a natural extension of corporate social responsibility as an active member of the community. Community service demonstrates the company’s appreciation for its stakeholders and the community who have supported its growth and made it possible for Kia’s current success. Kia Motors believes that the community must be healthy in order for sustainable development to be successful. For this reason, Kia adopted community outreach and service as its third criterion in its sustainable management policy and continues to expand the scope and scale of the activity. In 2005, Kia started a community service slogan, “Moving Together with the World,” to move towards a better future with neighbors and the greater community. Kia’s community activities encouraged comprehensive future-oriented activities as social welfare, environmental preservation, next-generation growth support, cultural arts, healthy living promotion and international exchange. Of those, Kia further focuses on motor safety and convenient motor use within its community service activities. For example, Kia Motors started the “School Zone Keeper Campaign” and other traffic safety campaigns to raise public motor safety awareness. Also, the “Easy Move” vehicle development and accessibility campaign creates a friendly transportation environment for persons with disabilities. Through these and other programs, Kia employees have volunteered their time and energy to reach out and serve the community. With the launch of overseas production facilities in 2007, overseas headquarters and production facilities conducted community service in each of their respective communities to reach the greater global community. Every part of the organization, internally and externally, has taken active part in the effort to make sustainable development successful. Expansion of Motor Safety Culture •Child Safety Motor Education Expansion of Motor Safety Culture •School Zone Keeper Campaign •Support Program for Traffic Accident Victims and Surviving Children Improving Motor Environment for the Disabled •Easy Move Vehicle Development and Employee Volunteer Work Kia Motors and its Affiliates Improving Motor Environment for the Disabled Accessibility •Improving Accessibility •Supporting Disabled with Special Shoes and Safeguards Regional Social Projects •Cultivation of the Environment and Young Talent •Development of Local Community Regional Social Projects Employee Volunteer Work •Social Volunteer Groups •Volunteer Work by Affiliates 20 Corporate Governance and Board Kia Motors’ corporate governance is a system created to insure soundness and transparency of the corporation and manage the interest of Kia executives, shareholders and employees. Kia Motors’ governance structure consists of the Board of Directors, the Board Committee who voices the opinion of the external stakeholders, Audit Committee who closely watches over the corporate management, the Board Nominating Committee, and the Ethics Committee. The Board of Directors and Committees Audit Committee Board of Directors Ethics Committee Board Nominating Committee Board of Directors The Board of Directors is responsible for oversight and supervision of the overall affairs of the company. More specifically, the Board of Directors not only undertakes the duties of the articles of association as well as the duties entrusted by general meeting of shareholders, but also oversees the company’s overall policy and management of the business. Additionally, the board will appoint one of its members to be the chairperson of the Board to supervise management. The Board of Directors consists of four inside directors and five outside directors. The Board will meet regularly at appointed times and more meetings will be held as needed. Performance-oriented Compensation _ Kia Motors CEO, executives and senior managers receive annual salaries which are determined by both personal achievement and performance. Committee Audit Committee _ The Audit Committee consists of four outside directors. The Audit Committee’s role includes monitoring the fairness and transparency of business practices, auditing the company’s operations, and investigating the company’s assets to assess business performance. The Audit Committee also discusses the minutes of the annual shareholders and Board of Directors meetings. Board Nominating Committee _ The Board Nominating Committee consists of two outside directors and two inside directors. The two outside directors are chosen at the annual shareholders meeting. 21 Ethics Committee _ The Ethics Committee consists of five outside directors. The main goal of the Ethics Committee is to maintain fair and transparent business practices. To achieve that goal, the Ethics Committee reviews the "Monopoly Regulations and Fair Trade Law," enforces the stipulation on favoritism in personal relationships in the "Securities Exchange Act," and checks for compliance with the Fair Trade Voluntary Inspection. The social front of the Audit Committee’s responsibilities also includes reviewing and evaluating community engagements. Lastly, the Ethics Committee reviews the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct within the company and makes amendments to the Codes when deemed necessary. Board Structure Composition Name Internal External as of December 31, 2007 Position Remarks Mong-Koo Chung Member of Board Nominating Committee Chairperson of Board Eui-sun Chung Member of Board Nominating Committee Nam-Hong Cho - Hee-Bong An - Jong-Chang Kim Member of Board Nominating Committee, Chairperson of Audit Committee, Member of Ethics Committee Jong-Am Chung Member of Board Nominating Committee, Auditor, Chairperson of Ethics Committee Yul Choi Auditor, Member of Ethics Committee Dong-Sung Cho Auditor, Member of Ethics Committee Gun-Soo Shin Member of Ethics Committee Shareholders’ Rank as of December 31, 2007 (over 5% Ownership) Rank Shareholder 1 Hyundai Motors 2 3 Number of Shares Ratio of Shares 134,285,491 38.7% Credit Suise Financial 29,583,586 8.5% Treasury Stock Union 24,719,219 7.1% 2007 Membership Status of Corporate Associations NO Association Membership Grounds NO Association Membership Grounds 01 Federation of Korean Industries Mandatory 09 Fair Trade Commission Necessary 02 Korea Automobile Manufacturers Mandatory 10 Korean American Friendship Necessary Association Association 03 Korea International Trade Association Mandatory 11 Korea Association of Machinery 04 Korea Economic Organization Council Mandatory Industry 05 Korea Chamber of Commerce & Mandatory 12 Ethical Management Forum Necessary 13 Korean Standards Association Necessary 14 Korea Logistics Association Necessary 15 Korea Association of Industrial Necessary Industry 06 Korean Federation of Science and Mandatory Technology Societies 07 Korea Industrial Technology Mandatory Association 08 Korea Management Association Designers 16 Korea Council for Sustainable Necessary Necessary Development Necessary For a car, the road is where it will find its true existence. For a business, sustainable growth is the path that will add meaning to its existence. economic value When 20,000 moving parts come together, life of the automobile begins. The power that moves the world comes from those that gathered under the name of Kia Motors from all corners of the world. The first mission of the company is generating profits. But Kia is not only looking to add growth in the few sparks of visible performance. Instead, Kia sets its goal in tune with long-term sustainable development. Korea, China, Slovakia, the United States, Europe and Asia all gather to create the Kia Motors that is known around the world today and are paving the way for the future. 24 Disclosure on Management Approach Kia Motors is focusing on enhancing profitability, strengthening global management, introducing flexible manufacturing systems and innovating corporate culture to realize its goal of creating sustainable economic value. 2007 was an especially important year as Kia announced the launch of its design management system, through which Kia will enhance its brand value and aggressively roll out a differentiated Kia Motors design identity. Key achievements and plans Innovation for humanity (Innovation for customers) Business profitability as top priority 2007 Performance • Promotion of Total Cost Innovation (TCI) • Quality improvement: IQS rises 12 spots • Erected a solid foundation for future growth Laid foundations for global management + 2008 Plans • Secured successful entry into the new car market • Focused on strengthening total sales capacity 2007 Performance • Established production plant in Slovakia • Established second production plant in China • Established new Kia Motors Europe headquarters 2008 Plans • Strengthen global capability • Raise overseas subsidiaries’ profitability Build a flexible manufacturing system + 2007 Performance • Early operational stabilization and met mass-production schedule deadline • Secured engine and transmission production flexibility 2008 Plans • Improve operating capacity, HPV (1) and organizational efficiency (2) • Secure cost competitiveness Critical issues Financial Performance In 2007, Kia Motors recorded operational losses due to a worsening business environment that included high oil prices and a strengthening Korean currency. However, the business loss contingency buffer created in 2006 and operating profit from the fourth quarter of 2007 allowed Kia to fortify the company’s financial health to respond to any changes in the volatile business environment. A variety of new cars announced for 2008 will further improve Kia’s financial performance. Brand Equity In 2007, the domestic and international communities recognized Kia Motors’ highly competitive product quality by bestowing high marks in product quality and safety evaluations. Kia has strengthened its design competitiveness and continuously improves quality, which will ultimately translate into stronger brand recognition. (1) (2) HPV (Hour per Vehicle): The time it takes to build one car Organizational efficiency: the effectiveness of human resources management (for example: if efficiency is below 60%, then 1.67 workers will do the work of 1 worker) Innovate corporate culture + 2007 Performance • Fostered active corporate culture through bulletin board encouragements • Established and spread Kia Motors vision 2008 Plans • Revitalize organization and improve corporate culture 25 Operating Performance The automotive industry’s activities have a wide ripple effect on other industries, ranging from materials and equipment, to parts and manufacturing, transportation, sales and maintenance, oil, insurance, and banking industries. The automotive industry has potential for high economic growth and job creation as a leading labor-intensive national industry based on economies of scale. In 2007, the domestic automotive industry and related industries employed an estimated 1.5 million persons, which represented 10% of total national employment. Last year alone, the domestic automotive industry accounted for 14% of total national exports, amounting to approximately 17% of the national tax revenue. Hyundai and Kia Motors comprise Korea’s largest national automotive group and together hold 75% of the domestic automobile market. As the leader of the Korean automotive industry, the Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group is the driving force behind the nation’s economic development. As a convenient mode of transportation for goods and people, the automobile sustains modern life and economic activities. Kia Motors is Korea's second largest automobile manufacturer with a sales network and production bases spanning 165 countries. As a global company, Kia Motors has played a major role in the sustainable growth of national and international economies by raising transportation convenience while minimizing its impact on the environment. Through responsible corporate management at the national and international levels, Kia will grow together with its stakeholders. Key management activities and achievements in 2007 Kia Motors faced many difficulties in 2007 amidst a harsh business environment that was plagued by high oil prices, currency exchange volatility, and the sub-prime crisis in the U.S. Even during this difficult time, Kia maintained its focus on long-term sustainable growth and strengthened its foundation for the future. Kia Motors’ business activities in 2007 can be summarized into two parts: enhancing profitability and laying the groundwork for future growth. Last year, Kia Motors addressed its goal of enhancing profitability by improving product quality, boosting productivity and reducing costs. Kia’s focus on product quality resulted in receiving top marks in quality surveys conducted by independent research firms in the United States and Europe, thereby placing Kia’s quality in the top tier among the world’s automakers. On the service front, Kia placed utmost attention on 26 24 25 32 33 Disclosure on Management Approach Operating Performance Financial Highlights Special Story: Design Management, Global Management securing “customer satisfaction” as a top priority. As a result, the Korean Standards Association’s 'Korean Call Center Service Quality Index' survey ranked Kia’s customer service in first place, while the 'Korean Service Quality Index' survey ranked Kia’s overall customer service in first place for the fourth consecutive year. (1) Kia is becoming a company known for its customer service and satisfaction. In addition, Kia introduced a design management system in order to secure competitiveness and differentiate Kia Motors’ vehicles from the rest of the pack. With the core business objective of strengthening international competitiveness, Kia erected the Slovakia plant, a new European headquarters complex and a second production plant in China. These facilities have secured the base for stable global production and sales capability for the future. Efforts made in 2007 have become a stepping-stone for 2008. Kia has laid out the key challenges of “establishing a sales-oriented management system,” “securing profitability,” and “strengthening core competencies” in 2008. The company’s goals for 2008 are the delivery of 1.69 million vehicles at home and abroad while achieving 23 trillion won in sales and operating margin of 3%. With the release of the Borrego (Mohave) in January 2008, Kia is set to launch its restyled Lotze (Optima/Magentis), next generation Spectra (Cerato), and all-new Soul for 2008. Two new models are further planned for release in 2009. Enhancing its product lineup with the launch of new models, Kia has orchestrated a turning point for sales recovery. Kia will innovate management to ensure sustainable growth regardless of the business environment. In 2008, the design management system will be leveraged to raise brand equity. In order to establish an excellent workplace for employees,(2) the Great Work Place (GWP) program was initiated to form close personal relationships among employees, the company’s first corporate customer. In addition to building efficient overseas networks, Kia plans to conduct various employee-training programs to strengthen global capacity in every sector of its business. Annual production Total Domestic plants Unit: Vehicles 1,200,000 1,100,000 1,369,278 1,400,000 1,215,502 1,200,000 1,150,397 1,118,582 1,100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 900,000 900,000 800,000 800,000 700,000 700,000 600,000 600,000 500,000 500,000 400,000 400,000 300,000 300,000 250,696 200,000 100,000 200,000 110,071 120,480 387,579 345,806 236,628 145,158 148,569 105,538 100,000 0 0 2005 (1) (2) 1,369,278 1,300,000 1,270,877 1,105,431 Unit: Vehicles Overseas plants 1,400,000 1,300,000 2007 production by plants 2006 2007 Sohari Hwaseong Gwangju Seosan China More information on customer services can be found in the social value section of this report. Great Work Place refers to a workplace with three essential elements: a place where mutual trust between labor and management exists, a place where employees are proud of their work, and a place where employees enjoy working together. Slovakia Total 27 Goals and achievements by sector Production and Sales Despite high oil prices and unfavorable exchange rates in 2007, Kia Motors succeeded in boosting production and sales. The production plant in Slovakia, for example, exceeded its first year sales target. Although domestic production fell slightly, Kia Motors enjoyed an increase of 7.7% in total production and doubled overseas production capacities from 2006 thanks to overseas production achieving full operational capacity along with strong sales generated in Europe. Although domestic sales rose only slightly, exports significantly increased. Since the first-ever export of 10 Brisa pickup trucks to Qatar 32 years ago, annual exports totaled more than one million vehicles for the first time. Kia’s continual effort to nourish the company’s growth produced fruits of success as operating losses in 2006 were minimized and there was a return to operating profit in the fourth quarter of 2007. Key Production Performance and Plan _ Although domestic manufacturing production fell slightly, overseas production grew by 7.7% from last year with total production of 1,369,278 vehicles. Notable achievements in the manufacturing sector include creating an efficient logistics system and Global Maintenance Management System (GMMS). (3) In 2006, Kia became the first Korean company to utilize an advanced logistics system with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) (4) during the manufacturing process. In 2007, Kia established the UCLIP system (5) to improve reliability of its logistics system, share information with business partners in real time, and manage inventories efficiently. With the UCLIP system in place, Kia Motors achieved cost reduction and a competitive edge in the marketplace. Additionally, by using GMMS, it ensured increased capacity 01 02 03 and productivity while reducing costs through efficient management. Currently, Seosan and Gwangju Plants utilize RFID, but the RFID system will be expanded to all Kia Motors facilities in the future. In 2008, Kia set its sights on improving product quality and achieving stable production through the extension of domestic and overseas production facilities. Kia is planning to introduce mini interview » Eva Yanashova, Kia Motors’ Plant in Slovakia 04 “Everyone’s impressed when I tell them I work for Kia Motors.” Hello, I’m Eva Yanashova of Kia Motors Slovakia. Working for Kia Motors is a source of pride in Slovakia. With high pay and great benefits, Kia Motors is the best place to work. Many friends of mine want to work for Kia Motors and ask about open- ings at the plant. Kia Motors has superior benefits for female workers in comparison to other plants in Slovakia. Recently, I read in the newspapers that Kia Motors has created more than 8,000 jobs in Slovakia along with new infrastructure. Kia Motors is making our city a better place to live. Thank you, Kia Motors. zoom in » Kia Motors in Udmurtia, Russia “Kia Motors created 10,000 jobs in Udmurtia” On March 2007, Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov, President of the Udmurt Republic, expressed his gratitude for the contribution of Kia Motors to the economy of Russia. Since 2005, Kia Motors has manufactured the Cerato (Spectra) in the IshAvto plant in Izhevsk, the second largest automotive producer in Russia. Cerato (Spectra) is the best selling car in the Russian market. 01. 02. 03. 04. (3) (4) (5) According to Mr. Volkov, “Just one Kia Motors assembly line created 2,700 jobs. It is supporting approximately 10,000 citizens as it creates jobs from affiliated business partners and surrounding businesses. Introducing a cutting-edge Spectra (Cerato) assembly line to Udmurtia expanded social benefits to employees and increased tax revenue to Udmurtia.” He welcomes a larger Kia Motors presence in Udmurtia. Breaking Ground for China’s Second Manufacturing Plant European Sales Office and Design Center in Kia Motors’ New European Headquarters Transporting Kia Motors’ Vehicles at the Slovakia Plant Eva Yanashova, Slovakia Plant Employee GMMS (Global Maintenance Management System) RFID (Radio Frequency Identification): Through Wireless and IC chips, RFID manages information through a variety of next-generation object-recognition technologies UCLIP (Ubiquitous Cooperated Logistics Information Platform System): RFID-Integrated Logistics Information (auto parts, logistics, finished vehicles) sharing system between small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and Kia Motors 28 24 25 32 33 Disclosure on Management Approach Operating Performance Financial Highlights Special Story: Design Management, Global Management a Gamma engine facility with annual output of 100,000 units for small- to mid-sized engines in the Hwaseong plant. The Gwangju plant specializes in bus production, and it is pushing to finish renovation of production lines to churn out 2,100 buses a year such as the Granbird. As for overseas manufacturing facilities, Slovakia has been fully operational since last year with an annual production capacity of 300,000 vehicles, and Kia’s second plant in China came online in December 2007 with an annual production capacity of 300,000 vehicles. The construction of the U.S. manufacturing facility in Georgia, which began in 2006, is on track for completion in 2009 with an annual capacity of 300,000 vehicles. Kia is expecting its overseas annual production capacity to reach 1.03 million vehicles by 2009. This global expansion will contribute to the stabilization of production and sales while raising Kia’s brand equity.(6) In 2008, Kia Motors is aiming to produce 1.69 million vehicles (1.215 million and 0.475 million vehicles at home and abroad, respectively), an increase of 23.5 % from last year. Sales Division Key Performance and Plan _ In 2007, Kia Motors’ domestic sales rose 0.8 % with 271,809 vehicles. The domestic market shrank approximately 30% last year compared to 2002 01 02 due to high oil prices and the falling exchange rate, which devastated the export market and created a rough year for every domestic automaker. Although no new models were introduced in the stagnant domestic market, Kia launched restyled models with enhanced marketability and environmental performance, while expanding customer marketing. These strategies allowed Kia to weather the worsening market environment and end the year with improved sales and lower operating losses. In the sedan segment, Opirus (Amanti) recorded first place in sales for 19 consecutive months, and the refreshed super compact Morning (Picanto) posted high sales volume in the latter half of 2007. The sub-compact Rio (Pride) and Sportage compact SUV maintained top market share in their respective segments as well. Recovery in the domestic market for 2008 is not expected. By launching new models and enhancing customer satisfaction, however, Kia will achieve its target sales goal of 322,000 vehicles and 25% market share in 2008. Annual sales Total sales Unit: Vehicles Domestic sales Overseas sales 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,215,849 950,024 800,000 800,000 700,000 700,000 600,000 600,000 500,000 500,000 400,000 400,000 269,575 271,809 200,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 2006 1,215,849 2007 787,236 662,092 623,151 511,167 490,607 481,422 300,000 200,000 2005 1,359,956 1,258,851 1,000,000 989,276 900,000 265,825 Others 1,100,000 900,000 300,000 RV 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,088,147 Unit: Vehicles Passenger Car 1,300,000 1,258,851 1,100,000 1,000,000 Total sales 1,359,956 1,300,000 Sales by category 111,276 85,592 2005 2006 * ‘Others’ include commercial and specialty vehicles. 01. 02. (6) The refreshed for 2008 Morning (Picanto) has posted high sales figures. Ceremony for the 100,000th cee’d produced at the Slovakia plant in September 2007 More information on overseas facilities can be found on pages 34 to 35. 82,113 2007 29 Kia’s overseas sales division made significant accomplishments through export market diversification and a stable global production system this year. Kia Motors enjoyed a sales breakthrough with exports of 1,088,147 vehicles, a 10% increase from the previous year. Kia focused on Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America, and emerging markets. These diversified markets allowed Kia to increase exports by 26.3 % from the previous year. In addition, Kia overcame difficulties and posted a 7% export increase despite high oil prices and the U.S. subprime crisis. With successful operation of the manufacturing plant in Slovakia since last year, Kia also grew by 10% in the European market. Right on the tails of US and Europe, China is quickly emerging as one of Kia’s largest markets. Although sales fell slightly last year in China, as many automakers introduced new models and fierce price competition ensued, Kia plans to aggressively tackle the Chinese market with increased production from its second plant in China and new models that satisfy Chinese consumers’ needs. Kia expects the 2008 overseas market environment to stay unfavorable as oil and raw material prices continue to increase and the dollar value remains low. Despite the worsening business environment, Kia has set ambitious goal of exporting 1.363 million vehicles, a 25.2% increase from 01 02 2007. Kia plans to meet this goal by strengthening its product line-up, nurturing emerging markets, taking advantage of its overseas production base, increasing dealer capacity, introducing a 5-door Cerato (Spectra) designed exclusively for the Chinese market, stabilizing China’s second plant, and expanding its overseas sales network. Sales by Region Total sales Korea Unit: In million won 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 15,948,542 17,439,910 15,999,356 15,257,742 12,839,881 12,158,113 4,852,075 4,867,129 4,471,757 4,241,228 5,126,358 6,304,394 11,096,467 12,572,781 11,527,599 11,016,514 7,713,523 5,853,719 North America 4,879,604 5,144,229 4,297,325 4,989,520 3,731,397 3,344,308 Europe 2,860,028 4,295,839 4,492,756 3,655,789 2,145,117 1,071,728 Others 3,356,835 3,132,713 2,737,518 2,371,205 1,837,009 1,437,683 Overseas Quality and R&D In 2007, Kia Motors fortified its design capability, developed advanced technologies, reduced costs and implemented quality assurance systems. Through these efforts, Kia received glowing reviews on product quality from independent research firms, thereby raising its brand equity. Key Quality Performance and Plan _ In 2007, Kia Motors received accolades from around the world as its products earned top marks in product quality from various distinguished independent research firms. More specifically, Kia is proud of its success in the U.S., most notably its results in J.D. Power and Asociates’ 2007 Initial Quality Study (IQS), in which Kia’s ranking jumped 12 spots from 2006 to 12th place overall, thus placing Kia in the top tier of automakers. The company’s subcompact sedan, Pride (Rio), played a major role in enhancing brand value as it took first place in the subcompact segment in both the 2006 and 2007 studies. Furthermore, the Total Quality Study (TQS) by Strategic Vision (an American automotive research firm), U.S. Consumer group’s Consumer Reports, and the European Car of the Year (COTY) jury all gave rave reviews about Kia’s vehicle quality. Kia works tirelessly to develop top-quality vehicles in order to become consumers’ number one preference. For example, extensive tests are conducted to match driving performance with intended usage and environment when designing a new vehicle. Kia has revitalized customer services, such as the Auto Prosumer Systems, to reflect customer needs and wants. In addition, Kia 01. 02. Kia Motors representative receiving the JD Power and Associates’ IQS award for the Pride (Rio) as a segment winner 2008 Quality Meeting for acquiring top IQS ranking 30 24 25 32 33 Disclosure on Management Approach Operating Performance Financial Highlights Special Story: Design Management, Global Management Vehicle Quality Evaluation in 2007 VehiclesRating History cee’d • • • • • • • Germany, Autobild, C-segment (1st place tie with VW golf) Austria, Autotouring, 1st place U.K., Practical Caravan, What Car?, and Camping and Caravan Club eco-friendly vehicle and best hatchback Germany, ACE Lenkrad, C-segment 1st place Europe, 5 stars front and side impact tests, European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) Europe, 1st place in European COTY C-segment (4th place overall) Romania, 1st place COTY Sportage • • • 1st class in offset impact evaluation by Korea Automobile Technology Center U.S., 5 stars in impact tests by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) U.S., Consumer Reports Recommended model Pride (Rio) • U.S., The Car Book “Best Bet” • U.S., “Highest Ranked sub-compact car in Initial Quality Survey (IQS)” By J.D. Power and Associates Sorento • • • • U.S., 5 stars in impact tests by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) U.S., Best Medium SUV Ownership Experience in Total Quality Award from Strategic Vision U.S., Highest possible rating in rear impact evaluation from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) U.K., < Caravan Club Tow Car awards 2008> 1st place in Full-size 4X4 segment Carnival (Sedona) • • • • • • • • • U.S., The Car Book “Best Bet” U.S., Motor Week “Best Minivan” from 2007 Drivers’ Choice Awards 1st place in minivan segment for five consecutive years according to Korea Management Association Consulting U.S., 1st place in Total Quality Award of Strategic Vision for Best Minivan Ownership Experience Australia, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria “Lowest cost of maintenance” U.S., Highest possible rating in rear impact evaluation by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) U.S., 2nd place in Automotive Performance, Execution and Layout (APEAL) Study by J.D. Power and Associates in 2007 U.S., Forbes “The safest family car” U.S., Highest possible rating in safety evaluation by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Cerato (Spectra) • U.S., The Car Book “Best Bet” • U.S., US News & World Report, Best affordable Compact Wagon 01 02 03 04 05 Lotze • U.S., The Car Book “Best Bet” (Optima/Magentis) • 1st class in offset impact evaluation by Korea Automobile Technology Center • U.S., Consumer Reports Recommended model Opirus (Amanti) • U.S., Highest possible rating in side impact evaluation by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) 06 07 08 01. 02. 03. 04. cee’d Sportage Sorento Cerato (Spectra) 05. 06. 07. 08. Lotze (Optima/Magentis) Pride (Rio) Carnival (Sedona) Opirus (Amanti) 31 is stabilizing production lines and ensuring that its suppliers deliver high quality parts to gain a competitive advantage through higher end-product quality. For overseas facilities, the quality control manual, which consists of 10 categories with 180 checklists, is being prepared to improve the product quality control system and enable them to perform their own internal quality control. With a stabilized on-site work management system, Kia is working in overseas manufacturing facilities to produce new models under strict quality control at an early stage. Kia is never satisfied with past performances. Thus, despite excellent reviews on product quality in 2007, Kia will make every effort to surpass 2007’s performance in 2008. According to the Initial Quality Survey (IQS), Kia’s overall quality has improved by 53% since 2001. Kia’s improvement is the result of the steadfast belief that product quality is the foundation of competitiveness. Kia Motors is continuously improving product quality and raising brand value so that customers will not only acknowledge the brand, but go beyond and recognize the brand as a product that can be trusted and driven. For this to happen, Kia has taken three measures to insure product quality. First, Kia comparatively analyzes its products against competitors to improve their perceived quality. Second, Kia proactively checks quality parts for defects before they enter the 01 production cycle through careful monitoring of suppliers. Third and lastly, Kia has established a three-tier quality inspection process to prevent problems in the production cycle to meet the “Drive Defects to Zero” challenge. R&D Performance and Plan _ In 2007, Kia’s R&D efforts concentrated on creating innovative designs, strengthening technology and improving cost competitiveness through cost innovation. Kia’s concept cars, based on the "simplicity of a straight line" design concept, captured the world’s attention at numerous motor shows. The concept car line up included the 'Kue' large CUV, ‘ex_cee'd' convertible coupe, 'KND-4' mid-large size SUV, and ‘Kee’ sports coupe. In terms of cost innovation activities, Kia came up with 20,000 cost saving ideas centered around streamlining design and developing new materials with active participation from employees. Kia then successfully implemented these ideas into its vehicles to improve profitability. Digital development of automobiles and shared platforms and components are just some of the methods Kia is Brand Management exploring in order to save costs. But Kia is always looking for permanent cost saving solutions. In order to strengthen Kia’s technological competitiveness, the company must focus its Phase 1 attention on the development of eco-friendly and intelligent cars. To achieve that end, Kia has 2005-2007 formed a close partnership with parts suppliers and affiliated companies to secure electronics, Laying a solid foundation for brand management • Brand management plan announced • Execution of the plan by division/region materials and environmental technolog components critical to the industry. (7) Additionally, the Phase 2 2008-2010 Strengthening brand management • Build a system for brand management and evaluation • Launch new models with brand identity partially reflected Phase 3 Namyang R&D Center is the epicenter of support for the Eco-Technology Research Center and overseas R&D Centers (United States, Europe and Japan) to strengthen its global technological competitiveness. As a result, Kia received a favorable response from the European market when launching the cee’d 3-door and wagon models. At the same time, in China and the emerging markets, Kia strengthened R&D capabilities to respond immediately to local customers with customized vehicles. For example, Kia has received superb response in China from models like the Cerato (Spectra), Sportage, and Pride (Rio) with modified colors and body shapes that reflect the tastes of local customers. Brand Management Last year, Kia focused more on improving its core brand values to spur more business activities for sustainable growth. Kia continues to launch tailored vehicles to match customer needs. Kia will focus on today’s growth as well as tomorrow’s anticipated trends in order to become a top global brand. 2011-2015 Accelerating brand management • Launch new models with brand identity fully reflected • Reinforce Global Brand Management System 01. (7) “ex_cee’d” convertible and “Kee” sports coupe receive worldwide attention at motor shows More information on the technology for eco-friendly vehicles, strategies for climate change and the technology for intelligent vehicles can be found in the Environmental Value and Social Value sections, respectively, in this report. 32 Key Figures Key Figures Unit: Vehicles, In million won Production (Vehicles) Sales (Vehicles) Sales Operating profit 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 1,118,582 1,150,397 1,105,431 1,019,366 852,797 1,013,616 1,114,451 1,140,734 1,105,841 1,011,429 858,697 897,722 15,948,542 17,439,910 15,999,356 15,257,742 12,839,881 12,158,113 652,315 -55,404 -125,291 74,002 513,063 805,537 Operating profit rate Deficit Deficit 0.46% 3.36% 6.27% 5.37% Cash Flow(1) 28,240 -231,550 438,760 1,621,855 1,457,333 2,105,670 Earnings Before Tax (EBT) 24,968 73,213 689,405 840,078 937,526 851,393 Net Income 13,563 39,337 680,904 662,026 752,857 670,820 2007 2006 2005 15,948,542 17,439,910 15,999,356 12,572,988 14,085,595 12,503,862 3,375,554 3,354,315 3,495,494 676,396 709,719 612,815 2,699,158 2,644,596 2,882,679 2,119,226 2,155,284 1,975,208 333,000 310,574 284,313 26,299 26,097 23,009 220,633 152,641 112,349 0 0 487,800 * Based on 2007 Annual Report (excluding CKD and overseas production) (1)Cash Flow from Operating Activities Value Offered to Stakeholders Sales Unit: In million won Business Partners Costs of Goods and Service Value-added Creation Internal Buffer for Facility and R&D Investment Value Offered to Stakeholders (Excluding Business Partners) Employees Total Wages Benefits Public Sector Tax and Cost of Social Contributions Financial Investors Interests Shareholders Dividends • Material Costs • Depreciation Expenses • Value Offered to Stakeholders (Excluding Business Partners) 78.8% 4.3% 16.9% 1.0% Government and Public Sector 8.2% Shareholders and Financial Investors 90.8% Employees 33 Special Story Design management Kia Motors' advertising campaign slogan, “DE? GN,” sums up its design philosophy in one word. “Design” does not merely mean the exterior shape or style of the car. Instead, “DE? GN” demonstrates how Kia Motors is finding innovative answers to endless questions in order to improve customer lifestyles with safe and convenient vehicles. In the slogan, “?” of the “DE? “curiosity,” just like the symbol itself. “ “ GN” designates ” is a lightbulb that symbolizes “Idea” for solutions. Also, ” carries a bigger meaning as it represents change, innovation and the creative mind of Kia Motors’ “identity” that will foster the company’s endless growth. Quick-Glance at Kia Motors' History • Production of Korea first truck, K-360 • Production of Korea first export vehicle, Brisa B-1000 pick-up • Production of Korea first van, Bongo • World’s first sedan-compact SUV crossover, Sportage • Production of Korea first automobile built from ground up, Sephia • Korea first convertible two-seater sports car, Elan • Korea first minivan, Carens • Former Audi/Volkswagen head designer, Peter Schreyer, hired as Chief Design Officer • Korea brand perception changing vehicle, Soul (2008 launch date) Design differentiation through differentiated brand identity To establish a unique design identity for the company, Kia hired Peter Schreyer, a European automotive designer touted as one of the top three in the world. Peter Schreyer became Chief Design Officer of Kia Motors in 2006 to head Kia Motors’ global design initiatives and is based at Kia’s new Europe Design Center which opened in September 2007. Kia Motor’s Europe Design Center is responsible for strengthening competitiveness through innovative design. Peter Schreyer summed up Kia Motors’ future design direction as “Simplicity of the Straight Line.” “Simplicity of the Straight Line” means honest, simple but elegant design with aerodynamic forms to enhance driving performance. It is the culmination of a perfect combination design elements. 01 02 Concept Cars Designed under “Simplicity of the Straight Line” Design Concept • Kue • ex-cee’d • pro-cee’d • eco-cee’d • KND-4 • Kee “Simplicity of the Straight Line” Explained by Peter Schreyer, Chief Design Officer Q: Why did you propose “Simplicity of the Straight Line” as Kia Motors’ future design direction? A: “Simplicity of the Straight Line” is quite philosophical. A straight line symbolizes purity, persistence and honesty. In the future, we can not copy existing concepts. New thinking is needed. Clear simplicity, it is the ultimate design that is impossible for anyone to imitate. It is difficult to create something entirely new, but with this philosophy, Kia Motors will create a new design future through honesty, purity and simple beauty. 03 01. 02. 03. pro_cee’d, a concept car designed under the “Simplicity of the Straight Line” philosophy KND-4 mid-size SUV World famous automobile designer, Peter Schreyer 34 Special Story Global Management Kia Motors has poured vast amounts of energy into building a solid global production and sales network to ensure tomorrow’s growth despite the worsening business environment in 2007. Kia held the official grand opening of the Slovakia plant, with annual production capacity of 300,000 vehicles, in April 2007; the second plant in China, with annual production capacity of 300,000 vehicles, in December 2007; and the Europe Design Center and new Kia Motors Europe headquarters in September 2007. These facilities are in tandem with the company’s vision to complete a comprehensive network of production-sales-R&D operations in Europe. Enhancing brand value in the European market Completion of Slovakia plant construction The 1.68 million m2 Slovakia manufacturing plant under Kia Motors Slovakia (KMS) was officially opened in April 2007 and 300,000 vehicles are able to be produced annually. Kia Motors Slovakia’s plant is located in Zilina, Slovakia where the cee’d and Sportage are produced. With the completion of the plant, Kia Motors has erected a European management system 01 02 that encompasses R&D and production to marketing, sales and after service. This system represents the company’s first step in entering the realm of true global management. Through the Slovakia plant, Kia created jobs (directly and indirectly) for an astounding 10,000 people (as of December 2007, KMS directly employs 2,700 people, but Kia estimates that number to increase to 3,054 in the future), and Zilina region’s unemployment rate fell from 13.2% in 2003 to 5.5% in 2007 as a result. Kia Motors received support from the Slovakian government through its Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) promotion policy, which should not exceed 15% according to the EU rules. The Slovakian government’s support came in the form of free land, construction finance and tax benefits. Kia Motors’ cee’d, a model tailored for Europe, has earned rave reviews in the European market including being shortlisted in the 2007 “Car Of The Year (COTY)” Awards (top segment finisher) and earned a perfect score (first for Korean branded vehicle) from Euro NCAP, an independent safety assessment organization in Europe. Kia Motors’ products, such as cee’d, have raised the company’s product reputation and enhanced brand equity. To win a larger share of the European market, Kia introduced the pro_cee’d, the cee’d 3-door model, in December 2007 and plans to introduce the eco_cee’d, an eco-friendly model with improved fuel economy and reduced emissions towards the end of 2008. Completion of the new KME headquarters office building Kia Motors Europe (KME) opened its new corporate headquarters office building in Germany in 2007. The new office building is located in Europe’s commercial hub, Frankfurt, Germany, and houses KME headquarters, the Europe Design Center and Kia’s German subsidiary sales office. The new office building also serves as a strategic base of operations for all of Europe and a main point of contact for KMAw European stakeholders. Sales and Network Overview 2003년 2004년 KMIe 164,437 vehicles KMBL KMF 352,531 vehicles 2005년 329,026 vehicles 2006년 343,090 vehicles 2007년 01. 02. KMP KMUK 156,821 vehicles Slovakia plant grand opening ceremony held in April 2007 Production line of second China plant opened in December 2007 KMIb KME & KMD KMCz Europe Plant KMSS KMH KMAs 35 Building a Kia Motors foundation in the Chinese market Kia officially opened its second manufacturing plant in Jiangsu Province, Yancheng, China in December 2007. The second plant, which employs 1,400 people, produces the Cerato (Spectra) with annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles (according to 2007 year end figures). Kia plans to expand its operations in the second plant to employ 2,750 people and produce 300,000 vehicles per year by 2009. The second plant, which was constructed in just two years, along with Kia’s first Chinese plant, will play a major role in the Chinese automotive market, which is expected to become the world’s largest automotive market by 2010. Social engagement as part of global society Kia Motors refocused its community engagement on a group level in 2007 to better achieve its vision for community service. As an automotive industry leader, Kia continually looks for ways for automobiles to co-exist with the community in harmony. All Kia Motors employees work together under one principle: to contribute to society by providing customized help to fit the needs and characteristics of the local communities in which the company operates. Community Engagement in China and Slovakia The Slovakia plant and Dongfeng Yueda Kia plants in China are reaching out to local marginalized neighborhoods with donations and volunteer activities and through business tours and sponsorships of cultural and educational events. Through these activities, Kia hopes to improve the quality of life of its neighbors. Global Environmental Management System The 'Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development’ (ESSD) program, advocated by the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, proposes methods for practically achieving business management and profitability while successfully sustaining the economy and environment. Kia declared its ambition for GT5 2010 and plans for environment and management systems at the 'ECO GT5 2010' press event. International Standard ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certification Status • Hwaseong Manufacturing Plant • Gwangju Manufacturing Plant • Sohari Manufacturing Plant • A/S Center • Dongfeng Yueda Kia (1st China plant) • Slovakia Manufacturing Plant Oversea Plant Environmental Data Key Elements in Exhaust Contents Water pollutants Total wastewater consumption (tons) 91,679 39,051 BOD consumption (tons) 1.4 15.8 COD consumption (tons) 6.7 33.2 SS consumption (tons) 4.3 35.1 N-H consumption (tons) 01 02 Waste China Plant Slovakia Manufacturing Plant 0.01 0.03 Total waste consumption (tons) 9,297 26,407 Recycling waste amount (tons) 8,654 23,163 Recycling rate (%) 93.1 87.7 Toxic chemicals Poisonous material consumption (tons) 92.9 341.9 Air pollutants Dust (tons) 1.3 7.7 NOx (tons) 5.5 31.2 01. 02. SO2 (tons) 0.015 0.18 CO2 (tons) 57,062 156,559 Slovakia plant awarded certificates ISO 14001 certificate for Slovakia plant Kia Motors will protect nature’s beauty that both inspires and sustains. the loss of the oysters which once lined the coast of her small fishing village. According to a newspaper article, Taean’s once lush coast devastated by an oil spill would require at least 20 years to recover the beauty it once had. On the way back to Seoul, thoughts turn to what can be done for the environment. Besides the clean up efforts on the polluted coast, Kia wanted to do more by minimizing its footprint on the environment. As an automobile company, Kia Motors, will develop cars and manufacturing process from production to waste that are friendly to the environment. Kia Motors will never forget the duties to protect and preserve the nature’s beauty. environmental value Holding onto a grandmother’s hand and comforting her as she grieves 38 Disclosure on Management Approach Kia Motors is implementing eco-friendly management in every facet of its activities, from design to production to distribution. The management is on a global scale in every facility by encouraging the development and production of automobiles that minimize the negative impact on the environment. Environmental Management Performance and Plans 2007 Goals of Environmental Management • Establish environmental management system. • Implement environmental management system overseas. • Become a leader in the automotive industry for environmental management. • Developed alternative fuel vehicles and reduced greenhouse gas emissions in response to climate change. 2007 Environmental Performance • Improved engine transmission and reduced car weight to lower greenhouse gas emissions and improve fuel efficiency. • Increased recycling rate through eco-friendly design technology. • Acquired ISO Environmental Management Certification (Slovakia plant and 1st plant in China). • 2007-2012, Designated Sohari and Hawseong plant as eco-friendly facilities. • Promote industrial waste reduction through “Zero Industrial Waste Declaration.” • Reduce greenhouse gas in facilities overseas to combat climate change. • Promote research and development of eco-friendly vehicles. 2008 Plans • Acquire ISO certification for the second plant in China. • Develop and apply technologies for clean production. • Disclose evaluations of each model’s environmental impact on the Kia Motors’ website (Including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)). Material Issues Based on the Materiality Test, Kia Motors isolated material issues identified by stakeholders and developed strategies to ensure sustainable management activities. Kia Motors has further broken down each issue with plans and performances of each material issue below. Eco-friendly production Eco-friendly product • Reducing harmful pollutants • Strategy for developing products • Technology for clean production • Developing alternative vehicles • Responding to climate change • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions • Environmental management system • Recycling • Observing environmental laws and regulations 39 Environmental Management In the 21st century, the most critical issue around the world is climate change caused by global warming. This climate change is accountable for abnormal weather patterns, occurrences of diseases and extinction of species of fauna and flora. Awareness of global warming in recent years has increased public demand for countries and companies to provide viable plans and policies to reduce greenhouse gases. To overcome this crisis of global warming, both industrial development for more eco-friendly production and active environmental preservation efforts are required. To pursue sustainability that does not restrict future generations and in accordance with the needs of the present and future, companies must comply with its social obligations by providing products that increase quality of a life while minimally affecting the environment. Under eco-friendly management, Kia Motors dedicated its R&D to developing technologies that raise the efficiency of its product by saving energy, reducing greenhouse gas and CO 2 emissions, and developing vehicles using alternative energies. Kia Motors devoted great efforts in providing practical solutions for immediate problems to fundamental solutions for greater society. 40 Eco-Friendly Product Development To develop vehicles that reduce their impact on the environment, Kia Motors established four R&D directives for the Environmental Technology Research Center to head its research and ecofriendly efforts. The four directives are as follows. First directive, develop alternative fuel vehicles and expand eco-friendly technology. Second, develop efficient engines, exhaust systems and transmissions that reduce gas emissions. Third, improve fuel economy through the application of new technology and lightweight bodies. Fourth directive, increase recycling based on LCA. 4 Product Development Directives Four Directives Plan Environmental management Goals Eco-friendly vehicle • Develop next generation alternative • Hybrid mass production (2009) fuel vehicles. Reduce gas emission Improve fuel economy • Develop low polluting engines and efficient • Promote mass production of fuel cell transmissions. vehicle (2012). • Develop low polluting exhaust system. • Regional exhaust gas regulations response • Develop lightweight materials and new • Reduced CO2 emissions (2012, 130 g/km). production methods. • Regional fuel economy regulations • Develop and apply new technology for response engine / transmission. Increase recycling • Develop eco-friendly design technology. • Improve recycling rate (new cars as of 2008). • Develop material recycling technology. : Reclaim more than 85% • Develop auto salvage and dismantling : Recover more than 95% technology. • Develop technology to improve production environment. Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fossil fuels are considered a major accelerant of global warming since they discharge large amounts of air contaminants, such as CO2, in the combustion process. Unfortunately, as a result, automobiles powered by fossil fuels partly caused the increase of global warming. Moreover, these fossil fuels are natural resources with limited reserves, so the development of automobiles 41 with alternative fuels has become even more necessary. In the effort to create an alternative fuel vehicle, Kia Motors set the immediate goals of mass-producing hybrid electric vehicles, which combine electric and fossil fuel powered engines. As a mid-long term strategy, Kia Motors will focus on developing fuel cell vehicles with zero greenhouse gas emissions to replace current fossil fuel vehicles. Through the development of eco-friendly automobiles, Kia Motors will strengthen competitiveness through sustainability efforts and play a leading role in establishing a society that utilizes advanced energies. Hybrid Electric Vehicles Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) utilizes both a gasoline engine and electric motor concurrently in its operations. This concurrent utilization enhances fuel efficiency and reduces gas emissions. As a result, HEVs are becoming the most viable and realistic solution to commercially available ecofriendly vehicles. By the end of 2009, Kia Motors expect to produce HEVs that will reduce air pollutants by more than 30% and increase fuel efficiency up to 50%, when compared to existing gasoline-powered vehicles. Technology Development Status _ In 2002, Kia Motors succeeded in developing a hybrid electric system that is more fuel-efficient than legacy vehicles with an internal-combustion Global Research & Development Network Namyang R&D Center Kia Motors integrated all research function in Korea under the Namyang R&D Center. The center houses a driving test site, the wind tunnel test site and a design institute. The center is responsible for the entire vehicle development process, and research and development of advanced technologies. Namyang R&D center is able to operate an efficient Kia Motors’ R&D program through the centralization of research personnels on one campus, enabling research expansion and technology sharing at lower costs. 01 02 03 04 05 Environmental Technology Research Center In the aim of establishing a consistent environmental strategy, the Environmental Technology Research Center was established in September 2005. The center is responsible for the application of environmental plans during the entire product cycle, from product development, production, sale, aftersales to disposal. The Center has a hydrogen fuel cell station with 700 atmospheric pressure, fuel cell durability test equipment, electrical power systems, and a scrap vehicle disassembly system. The Center’s 700 atmospheric pressure hydrogen fuel cell station is acknowledged as the standard model for installation and expansion of all future hydrogen fuel cell fueling systems. Facilities at the Environmental Technology Research Center offer an eco-friendly environment by employing a natural lighting system and vacuum sewage system. The 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. Namyang R&D Center Environmental Technology Research Center U.S. Technology Research Center Japan R&D Center Kia Motors’ European R&D Center Center’s R&D activities focus on the development of future generations of eco-friendly technology such as gas emission reducing technology and eco-friendly production technology. These activities play a vital role in Kia’s eco-friendly management goals. U.S. Technology Research Center U.S. Technology Research Center is an expansion of the Hyundai-Kia Motors U.S. Technology Research. The Center performs automobile production design, power train development, vehicle assessments, regulation compliance, as well as product design and planning. Japan R&D Center The Japan R&D Center has been conducting various research activities that consist in the development of Advanced Safety Vehicle (ASV), infotainment (Information + Entertainment), comfort-focused systems, and future generation vehicles, e.g. hybrid electric vehicle systems and fuel cell vehicle technology. Kia Motors’ European R&D Center Kia Motors’ European R&D Center, based in Germany, conducts major research activities consisting of product planning, power train development, and vehicle assessment and regulation compliance. The Center also provides manufacturing technologies to support production in Europe. 42 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change engine, and at the same time, allows for a smoother ride. Kia Motors’ hybrid system works in acceleration mode by allowing an electric motor to provide support power so the engine’s power load is reduced. In deceleration, energy generated from the reduction in speed is captured and stored in the electric motor, which is then reused for acceleration. This cycle of storing and reusing energies enables vehicles to consume far less fuel for operation. When a vehicle is in idle mode, the engine comes to a complete stop, thereby expensing no fuel. When it reaccelerates, an electric motor initiates the vehicle smoothly to ensure minimized usage of unnecessary fuel. Current Distribution and Plans _ Kia Motors is expanding the production of hybrid electrical vehicles with Government cooperation. As a result, in 2005, 121 Pride hybrids were distributed to various public institutions in the capital area. Distributed Pride hybrids reduced air pollution and increased fuel efficiency by 37% and 44%, respectively, compared to gasoline-powered vehicles. Pride (Rio) Hybrid Electric Vehicle Specifications Driving Method: Parallel type In 2006, Kia Motors elevated its emission standards from Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) levels HEV Format: Soft HEV to Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) and expanded its distribution area to include Busan, Engine: 1,399cc DOHC Deagu, Gwangju, Ulsan and Daejeon, where an additional 146 Pride hybrids were distributed. In Fuel: Gasoline 2007, the number of distributed Pride hybrids increased to 353. Kia also donated 47 hybrid vehicles to public welfare organizations through Community Chest of Korea. Motor: Alternating current motor (12 kW/95 Nm) Battery: Ni-MH (144 V) Transmission: CVT LPI Hybrid Electric Vehicle Development and Sales Strategies _ In 2009, Kia Motors will Fuel Economy (LA4 Mode): release the LPI-HEV, which utilizes both LPG fuel that emits lower air pollutants and LPI engine 19.8 km/ℓ technology developed through pilot programs. LPI HEV combines benefits of legacy vehicles Driving Performance Maximum Speed: 165 km/h 0 > 100 (km/h): 12.2 seconds Development History of Eco-Friendly vehicles 1986 •Developed the first Korean electric vehicle (Besta). 1991 •Developed lead cell electric vehicle (Pride (Rio)). 1993 •Developed nickel- cadmium cell electric vehicle (Sephia). •Sold the first Korean electric vehicle. 1995 •Developed electric vehicle (Sephia). 1999 •Developed electric vehicle (Sportage). •Developed hybrid electric vehicle. 2000 •Participated in the California Fuel-cell Partnership (CaFCP). •Developed the first Korean fuel cell vehicle (Sportage methanol fuel cell vehicles). •Developed the first generation of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. 2001 •Completed the world’s first 3-axis hydrogen filling in 350 bar. •Won a medal in the Michelin Bibendum Challenge. 2002 •Became a member of the Japan Fuel Cell Auto Commercialization Project. •Completed fuel cell road rally (480 km, CaFCP). 2003 •Won a medal in the Michelin Bibendum Challenge. •Completed fuel cell road rally (640 km, CaFCP). 2004 •Developed second generation hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (Sportage hydrogen fuel cell auto). •Completed fuel cell road rally (208 km, CaFCP). •Selected as pilot driving test project operator managed by U.S. Department of Energy . 2005 •Developed hybrid electric vehicles (Supplied 350 Pride/Verna HEVs). •Built hydrogen fueling stations in the Chino Lab in the U.S.. •Completed fuel cell road rally (410 km, EVS21: 21st International Electric Vehicles Symposium). 2006 •Developed hybrid electric vehicle (Supplied 380 Pride/Verna HEVs). 2007 •Developed hybrid electric vehicle (Plans to supply 3,390 Pride/Verna HEV in two years). 2009 •Developing hybrid electric vehicle (Plans mid-and large-sized LPI-HEV commercial sale). •Independent development of Fuel Cell Bus System. Gas Emission Regulations: Satisfying SULEV 43 fueled by LPG with those of the hybrid system to ensure high fuel economy and eco-friendliness. LPI HEV will become a contributing factor to the national energy policy for diversifying national energy sources. The Korean Ministry of Environment, a government body in charge of supplying HEV, disclosed a plan to promote the use of HEV by giving various tax breaks when these vehicles enter the commercial market in 2009. Kia Motors is actively researching advanced HEV technology Sportage Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Main performances and specifications Fuel cell stack: 80 kW (by and expanding mass production. By 2010, Kia Motors will invest additional 300 billion won to meet annual production capacity of 300,000 units of commercial hybrid vehicles. Fuel Cell Vehicles independent development) Today’s world faces stringent environmental regulations due to air pollution and global warming; Driving system: demanding alternative energy sources are additionally being explored to replace diminishing independent development fossil fuels. In this age, no matter how advanced a fossil fuel powered vehicle may be, it cannot Battery system: 20 kW-LiPB avoid emissions of air pollutants. Fundamental eco-friendly solutions are in the development of battery Motor system: 40 kW/80 kW vehicles that do not use any fossil fuels. Fuel cell vehicles that utilize alternative energy are Hydrogen fuel tank: 350 bar gaining in popularity. They are considered as the model vehicle for future generations since they Weight of empty vehicle: pose no threat to the environment and no risk of exhausting natural energy resources. 1,850 kg Acceleration performance: hydrogen and oxygen in the air. Because this reaction uses sustainable fuel and produces only 18 seconds Maximum speed: 150 km/h Fuel cell vehicles utilize electrical chemical energy generated from a reaction between water as its by-product, it solves both the environmental and alternative energy source problem at the same time. With the belief that fuel cell vehicles will be the future of the automotive industry, automotive companies around the world are investing heavily in the development and commercialization of fuel cell vehicles. Kia Motors is no exception as it strives to lead the fuel cell vehicle market and further its R&D initiatives with its already advanced technology. Fuel Cell Vehicle Development _ Kia Motors attained major fuel cell system technology through in-house R&D and secured key fuel cell system parts to establish a firm ground for fuel cell systems development. Kia Motors made improvements in output and density of cell stacks to achieve 80 kW fuel cell stacks for the first time in Korea. This 80 kW fuel cell stack was assembled into the engine room of the Sportage and evaluated through real road test drives. In terms of durability, Kia Motors’ fuel cell secured a life span of more than 1,500 hours in diverse vehicles. In addition to stack cells, Kia Motors succeeded in the localization of 95% of its fuel cell system parts that include hydrogen/air blowers and electric water pumps. Kia Motors developed fuel cell buses with 160 kW output and compressed hydrogen of 350 bar enabling total driving distance of 300 km with only one fuel charge. In February 2005, Kia Motors in conjunction with UTC Power, a U.S.-based company, developed the second generation hydrogen fuel cell Sportage, which showcased improved safety, driving performance and power, as well as a good starting performance. In March 2007, a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle developed in-house proved the safety of Kia’s hydrogen storing system through rear-end-collision and SLED tests of the Sportage. In July 2007, Kia Motors reached vehicle under -15°C freezing conditions. These technological breakthroughs took Kia Motors one step closer to fuel cell vehicle commercialization. In addition, the 100 kW fuel cell stack was developed in May 2007 as a result of Kia Motors’ efforts to enhance acceleration and performance by increasing cell stack output. Kia Motors, equipped with over ten years of dedicated stack cell development, improved the output of its cell stacks by 30% while retaining the same volume of 80 kW cell stacks. This cell stacks optimized height, length, and width to be better suitable for incorporating into a vehicle. Currently, Kia Motors is focusing on the development of cost effective metal plates, necessary for mass production of cell stacks and, also, the biggest hurdle for fuel cell vehicle commercialization. By 2010, Kia Motors will improve the output density of cell stacks and develop economically viable materials while securing a stable supply of quality materials to enable mass production of fuel cell vehicles. 44 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change Pilot Driving Tests in the U.S _ In 2004, Kia Motors was selected to participate in construction of hydrogen fueling stations and a fuel cell vehicle pilot driving test project, managed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Kia Motors’ selection and results of the participation revealed Kia’s world-class technical expertise. Currently, Kia Motors is contributing to the commercialization of fuel cell vehicles by leading efforts to collect vehicle development data and establish safety criteria for hydrogen fueling stations. Also, Kia Motors secured 320,000 km of driving distance through five institutions in three areas of the U.S. that test drove 22 Sportage fuel cell vehicles. U.S. based Chevron’s six hydrogen fueling stations will provide fueling for Kia Motors fuel cell vehicles. In February 2005, Kia Motors built and operated the first hydrogen fueling station in Chino Lab, and five additional stations are planned for construction. Pilot Driving Test in Korea _ The hydrogen fueling station construction and fuel cell vehicle pilot driving test projects in Korea have been on-going since 2006. Under the project, eight fueling stations will be built in major cities nationwide, and test driving will be conducted with the participation of fuel cell research institutes, certification institutes, automobile manufacturers and fuel suppliers. Kia Motors constructed a hydrogen fueling station at the Mabuk Environmental Technology Research Center, and plans to operate 30 fuel cell autos and four fuel cell buses in the capital area and Jeju Province. With the data collected through the test driving project, thus far, Kia Motors have been able to improve the fuel cell vehicle’s efficiency. Hydrogen fuel infrastructures were evaluated to set guidelines for regulations. Kia Motors plans to promote the fuel cell vehicle market and public transportation by encouraging the central government, public institutions and public transportation operators to participate in test driving fuel cell vehicles. Biofuel Vehicles Biofuel is fuel extracted from the energy created or emitted from biomass, which is material derived from recently dead biological material, including plants, animals and their by-products. Unlike fossil fuels, biofuel is perpetually recyclable and considered pure, clean energy since it does not cause environmental pollutants. The development of vehicles powered by biofuel is critical for automotive makers in order to maintain a sustainable future. Bio Diesel Vehicle _ Bio Diesel was the first commercialized fuel to substitute petroleum through the korean government’s mid-long term distribution plans. From July 2006, as a voluntary agreement between oil refineries and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, 0.5% of bio diesel were added into gasoline. In 2007, the oil refinery industry had expanded its consumption to around 90,000 tons of bio diesel. In January 2008, bio diesel in gasoline increased to 1%, and this ratio will increase in phases up to 3%, which will consume 540,000 tons of bio diesels by 2012. Kia Motors adopted technology to utilize BD5 (gasoline containing less than 5% of Biodiesel) in its vehicles. In a joint effort with the government-owned Energy Technology Research Center, Kia Motors tested the BD5 modified Kia Sorento on actual road conditions over a long term basis to verify the system’s efficiency. Currently, Kia Motors is developing materials and parts that can properly adapt to the engine for BD5 commercialization. Bio Ethanol Vehicles _ At the end of 2007, the Korean government began distributing 330,000 liters of Bio Ethanol fuel in two types, E3 (Bio Ethanol 3% + gasoline 97%) and E5 (Bio Ethanol 5%+ gasoline 95%). When fuels are substituted with Bio Ethanol, CO 2 emissions will be Zero Count and an octane rating (1) of gasoline will be enhanced by the ethanol mixture, as outlined in the Kyoto protocol. A study indicated that octane increased two to three grades when 10% of ethanol (E10) is added into gasoline. Kia Motors already implemented current vehicles to utilize (1) Octane Number: It is a measure of the anti-knocking of a gasoline or fuel. Higher the octane number, the lower the knocking rate in the engine. 45 gasoline that contains up to 10% of ethanol. Kia Motors is also on course to develop Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFV) which can adapt to ethanol containing fuel or other bio-mixed fuels in specific proportions. Improvements in Fuel Economy Improvements in fuel economy are considered an approach to reducing climate change by saving energy and utilizing energy effectively. The industrial development boom brought increased fossil fuel usage while diminishing fossil fuel reserves. It also led to fossil fuel prices increaseing and accelerated global warming. These situations led Kia Motors’ attention to focus on efficiently utilizing limited energy. Environments around the automotive industry are demanding higher mileage vehicles to increase energy efficiency. Kia Motors responded to the market and customer demand by developing fuel economy enhancing technologies to save customers’ bottom line and meet market demands. Improvements in Engine efficiency 01 02 The engine in a vehicle is like the heart in a person. Both serve the same critical functions, so performance and efficiency of the engine can lead to overall improvement of the vehicle. Kia Motors consistently strives to improve engine capacity, including any relevant parts to secure efficiency. Cerato (Spectra) _ Previous Cerato (Spectra) engine was exchanged with the Gasoline Gamma 1.6CVVT engine that is lighter by applying aluminum cylinder blocks to the engine. New small transmission, Motor Driven Power Steering (MDPS) and silica tires were installed to enhanced fuel efficiency of the Cerato (Spectra) by 6% from 12.6 km/ℓ to 13.2 km/ℓ, compared to the previous model. New Carens (Rondo) _ The new Carens (Rondo) received upgrades to its engine to second generation Diesel D 2.0 VGT. New Carens also received Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT) technology, a second generation fuel injection system with 1,600 bar of high pressure and an enhanced lineup variable system. New Carens optimizes its combustion with enhanced VGT that optimally controls inhaled air flow through the high pressure fuel injection system. Also, the lineup variable system improved fuel efficiency by approximately 9% by establishing an optimal driving lineup that enhances effective transfer resulting in fuel efficiency of 13.0 km/ℓ from 12.0 km/ℓ, compared to the previous model. Sorento _ The Kia Sorento is built with the diesel A2.5 VGT Engine and 1,600 bar high pressured second generation fuel injection system. By loading five-speed auto transmission and through 03 04 technology that reduces Cd (Drag Coefficient), Sorento improved its fuel efficiency by approximately 12%, allowing fuel usage of 10.7 km/ℓ from 9.4 km/ℓ, compared to the previous model. Enhancement in Transmission Efficiency Transmission, which controls the speed of a vehicle, is a critical factor in delivering efficient power generated from the engine. Enhancement in transmission leads to efficient delivery of power generated by the engine, which then leads to efficient fuel usage and CO2 emissions reduction. Miniaturization and staging are the major factors that lead to the enhancement of the auto transmission. Through constant research and development, Kia Motors develops improved transmissions and commercialized mass production. 01. 02. 03. 04. The Gamma engine of the Cerato (Spectra) with approximately 6% fuel economy improvement over its previous model. Second generation engine of new Carens with approximately 9% fuel economy improvement over the previous model. 46 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change Next Generational Small Automatic Transmission _ A small sized automatic transmission, designed for small-mid sized vehicles, was adopted by new technologies such as the straight torque converter and disk type spring in 2006. It is also equipped with an aluminum spool valve and efficient oil pump to enhance efficiency in transferring power to increase fuel efficiency. Also, 99.8% of the parts were supplied by cooperating domestic companies to establish close relationships to open roads to sustainable future. In terms of safety, high impact gear materials have been used, so the power generated by wheel rotation is capable for larger vehicles, including the Lotze with 2,000 cc or more. Highly Efficient Five-Speed Automatic Transmission _ In 2006, a high efficiency 5-speed automatic transmission was developed after six years of R&D. The transmission implemented lineup speed management valve body, straight torque converter, high impact gear materials and high capacity bearing to improve drivability in speed changes and achieve high fuel efficiency. The new transmission features high efficiency, high capacity and low noise levels. Kia Motors’ revitalized domestic businesses and contributing cooperative companies increased their competitiveness by localizing 99% of its transmission parts. Reducing Auto Body Weight Auto industries around the world are competing to reduce auto body weight. Competition is intensifying as increased energy efficiency, minimization of environmental impact and improved performance can be achieved by simply reducing auto body weight. Lighter body weight will improve fuel efficiency and reduce the amount of pollutants emitted. Weight reductions are necessary in order to secure future competitiveness developing next generation vehicles that will utilize fuels, other than fossil fuels. Through continual efforts to reduce auto body weight, Kia Motors improves economical and environmental values, and actively respond to governmental auto body regulations. Weight reduction technology revolves around reducing the chassis weight, which amounts to 30% of the total weight of the vehicle. Kia Motors utilized materials as aluminum and magnesium that are at least 30% and 40% lighter, respectively, than steel. Kia Motors also developed new materials that can be applied to plastics and carbon fibers, and changed the coating method to reduce weight. At the same time, Kia Motors strives to achieve safety enhancements and cost reductions through the application of new technology. Lightweight Vehicles by Using Alternative Materials _ Light recyclable aluminum and magnesium, considered as eco-friendly materials, are key materials for vehicle weight reduction. Kia Motors enhanced its wheel core, airbag housing, and steering column housing (handling) that affect noise and vibration levels. Kia Motors applied aluminum to improve suspension parts, which are directly linked to comfort level when driving. Magnesium has been applied to the body and seat parts as well as suspension to improve fuel economy and comfort. Approximately 40% of auto part weight was saved by using magnesium as a single casting material in place of several steel welded components. In automobiles, reducing the weight of power train parts is an important factor to increasing performance and fuel economy. Kia Motors will continue to develop magnesium power train parts that are designed to endure high temperatures. Application of High-Strength Steel _ The chassis makes up about 30% of a vehicle’s total weight, thus using lightweight materials guarantees the overall reduction of vehicle weight. The chassis is the skeleton of the automobile's frame where the engine, transmission and other essential components are attached. Kia Motors utilizes high-strength steel to increase the strength of the frame while reducing overall weight. Kia Motors is also developing advanced lightweight high-strength steel to continue its sustainable efforts. 01. 02. Highly efficient 5-speed automatic transmission developed over a six-year period. Plasma Coating Method developed to reduce environmental impact and vehicle weight. 01 02 47 Lightweight Technology by New Methods _ Kia Motors has developed and applied new methods used for the production of its vehicle parts, thereby lowering the weight of each vehicle. Kia Motors applied a long fiber strengthening PU foaming method to the package tray parts of the Opirus (Amanti) model, instead of applying the conventional heating press molding method for resin-felt materials. This reduced the weight of each vehicle by 800 g. Additionally, vehicle weight is also reduced with the incorporation of resin-felt and W/Stock. Lightweight Technology Utilizing Eco-friendly Materials _ Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) such as formaldehyde and toluene can cause eyes, nose and throat irritations. Kia Motors has been developing VOC emission reducing technology with eco-friendly materials to protect vehicle users and reduce negative environmental effects. Kia Motors have developed eco-friendly water-soluble coating agents (primer and top coating) and applied them to internal parts (such as crash mat and door trim) of the Lotze model. As a result, VOC emissions were reduced and the overall quality of the product improved (such as lowering two odor levels). Kia Motors plans to expand the application of new coating agents to other models in the future. Auto Lightweight Technology through the Development of New Materials _ Overall vehicle weight can be reduced by applying lightweight materials to the vehicle’s production. By applying lightweight TALC-filled Polypropylene (PP+Talc 5%) instead of TALC (14%)-filled Polypropylene and Polyethylene materials to the plastic door trims, the Cerato (Spectra) shaved off 0.3 kg from its total weight. Other Eco-friendly Technologies Developed to Produce Lightweight Vehicles _ Kia Motors has also developed an eco-friendly plasma coating method that can replace conventional and primer coating methods, for the application of external plastic parts. Plasma coating is a superior coating method as the polarity of the plastic surface changes to form a tighter bond with the coating material. The Plasma coating method has been applied to the wheel cover of the new Carens since 2006. Reducing Gas Emissions NOx and Particulate Matter (PM) are emitted by vehicles with internal-combustion engines. Reducing gas empowers environmental sustainability. Kia Motors firmly set zero gas emission targets and is striving to reduce gas emissions in phases by developing the necessary technology. Currently, all Kia Motors vehicles’ gas emissions are managed in accordance with each country’s emission regulations. Kia Motors is not satisfied by merely responding to pre-existing regulations, but focuses on developing technologies to surpass future regulations. Efforts to reduce gas emissions can be identified into two categories, regional geographic response to emission gas regulations and the development of eco-friendly engine technology. Regional Response to Gas Emission Regulations North America (Gasoline Powered Vehicles) _ The U.S. has the highest sales of gasoline powered vehicles but maintains its federal (Tier-2) and California state Low Emission Vehicle II (LEV-II) regulations. These two types of regulations have seen continuous evolution since 2004, and LEV-II and Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) are considered as the world’s most demanding gas emission regulations. In response to LEV-II, Kia Motors is currently selling Cerato, Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV), with a Beta 2 Engine. Also, current Kia Motors’ models in the market such as the Pride (Rio), Cerato (Spectra), Lotze (Optima/Magentis), Carnival (Sedona), Sportage and Sorento satisfy gas emission regulations. 48 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change E.U. (Diesel Powered Vehicles) _ Traditionally, diesel vehicle demands have been high in the E.U., and E.U. Regulations of PM (Particulate Matter) and NOx emissions continue to evolve over time. Current Euro 4 regulations in Europe were established in 2005 and all current Kia models, such as the Pride (Rio), Cerato (Spectra), Sportage, Lotze (Optima/Magentis) and Carens (Rondo) conformed to this regulation. The E.U. expects to strengthen regulations to Euro 5, which will reduce PMs by 80% of NOx by 30% compared to Euro 4. The Euro 5 regulation is planned as early as September 2009. The E.U. is also in talks to establish Euro 6 regulations which would reduce NOx emissions by 60%. Besides stringent regulations, the E.U. demands lowering CO2 emission to 130 g/km by 2012. In response to strengthening regulations in the future, Kia Motors plans to apply Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) to its diesel vehicles. Kia Motors is also making efforts in developing Selective Catalytic Reaction (SCR) technology to reduce NOx dramatically. Currently, Morning (Picanto), Carens (Rondo), Sportage and Sorento are available for sale. Korea _ In the Korean market, with equal distribution of both Gasoline and Diesel vehicles compared to other regions, regulations are in place for each vehicle. Since 2006, Korean regulations are at equivalent levels as LEV-II of California for gasoline vehicles, and are strengthening more regulations in phases of 25%. For diesel vehicles, Euro 4 guideline is applied and all Kia Motors models after 2006 satisfy this regulation. Other than these regulations mentioned above, On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) requirement on gasoline vehicles are satisfied by installing OBD on all 2007 Kia models. Current vehicles that currently satisfy local regulations is shown below. Gasoline vehicles: Cerato (Spectra), Opirus (Amanti), Picanto (Morning), Lotze (Magentis/Lotze) Diesel vehicles: Sportage, New Carens (Rondo), Sorento, Mohave (Borrego) Development of Eco-friendly Engine Technology PM Reduced Emission Diesel Engine _ PM sedan diesel engine adopted CPF (Catalyzed Particulate Filter) to dramatically reduce air pollution. This engine complies with high capacity, eco-friendly, and low noise regulations of Euro 4, and is equipped with an advanced feature that allows more than 90% purification efficiency. This eco-friendly engine is equipped with a filter, which can be used for the engine’s lifetime. Kia Motors is the first automotive maker in Korea to apply the E-VGT, high capacity CGI cylinder block and Piezo fuel injection system to achieve 3rd Place in the Most Eco-Friendly Auto Maker 2007 Kia Motors, along with Hyundai Motors, took 3rd USC evaluates vehicles for pollutants and gas emis- place in "the most eco-friendly auto maker 2007" sions that contribute to smog and global warming. in the United States. The Union of Concerned In the 2007 evaluation, Kia Motors took 3rd place Scientists (UCS), an organization consisting of followed by Honda and Toyota. UCS revealed that environmental scientists, has been selecting eco- Kia Motors‟ vehicles emit 87% of gas pollutants friendly auto makers every two years since 1998. compared to 100% industry average. cee‟d, Selected as Best Car by Major Auto Magazines in Britain British magazines, Practical Caravan and What ing performance, fuel efficiency and low emissions. Car?, both selected the cee’d as the best eco- They also reported that Kia Motors’ high quality friendly hatchback. These magazines evaluated vehicles are making Ford, Vauxhall and Renault in cee’d as a high quality vehicle with excellent driv- Europe nervous. 01. 02. Highly efficient, environmentally friendly and quiet, low-emissions engine. Eco-friendly I-4 Gamma Engine that boasts low noise quality, light weight, improved engine performance and reduced gas exhaust. 01 02 49 maximum horse power of 240 and maximum torque of 46 kg·m. In 2006, PM sedan diesel engine received 52nd IR52 Young-Sil Jang Award, named after an acclaimed Korean scientist. I-4 Gamma Engine _ Kia Motors succeeded in developing the I-4 Gamma Engine, a gasoline engine designed for small-mid sized vehicles, in 2007. This engine is regarded as an eco-friendly gasoline engine since it reduced the weight of the engine, yet improved the engine’s capacity by utilizing high pressure treated aluminum block. Exhaust manifold, a part that distributes inhaled air in cylinder, is made from plastic to reduce engine weight and noise levels while improving engine performance. Kia Motors also arranged exhaust manifold in the back and applied WOC+UCC, an efficient purification catalyzer to reduce catalyzing time to accomplish gas emission reduction. In terms of durability, Kia Motors utilized a silent timing chain and high performance electric control system and proclaimed world-class quality by guaranteeing its engine for 10 years or 100,000 miles. The entire I-4 gamma engine was made with domestic parts and awarded with the 17th IR52 Young-Sil Jang Award in 2007. Currently, Cerato (Spectra) contains the gamma engine. The gamma engine is planned to be installed in mid-sized vehicles 01 02 and Crossover Utility Vehicles in the future. V6 S Engine _ Noise, vibration and starting delay have been known as the few drawbacks of diesel engines in the past. To overcome these drawbacks, the V6 S Engine was developed in 2006 by applying the Piezo fuel injection system, high capacity steel cylinder and rapid thermal generation capability. In 2006, V6 S Diesel Engine for 3,000cc vehicles was certified as New Excellent Technology (NET) by the Ministry of Science and Technology and Korean Industry Technology Committee. Reduction in Resource Usage and Recycling Improvements Steep increase in population and reckless usage of resources are causing resource scarcity while contaminating the environment, threatening the Earth’s eco-system. As a corporate citizen, Kia Motors realizes its responsibilities to actively respond to the resource scarcity. To fulfill its responsibilities, Kia Motors is focusing on developing technologies that utilize alternative resources and recycle resources whenever possible. To establish a recycling society, Kia Motors applies eco-friendly concepts to every phase of its product development. Kia Motors designs products and actively evaluates them through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Eco-efficiency Evaluation to make every effort in waste recycling efficiency. Active Evaluation on Product Effects on the Environment and Counter Effect Strategies Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) _ Kia Motors quantitatively evaluates the environmental effects of its products through the evaluation of the full life cycle of its products, which includes production, usage and waste. LCA is a part of the ISO14040 series that has been standardized internationally. When LCA was first introduced, it generally applied to bumpers, dashboards and fender/hood, engine along with other parts. With accumulated experience, beginning in 2006, new vehicles now go through Total Car LCA. As a result of Total Car LCA, the Mohave (Borrego), which debuted in January 2008, was evaluated to be more eco-friendly than any other vehicle in the same grade. Kia Motors plans to continuously support environmental sustainability by establishing complete cycle structure where all new vehicles developed will attain LCA results of previous vehicles. 01. 02. 2007 17th IR52 Young-Sil Jang Award (for I-4 Gamma Engine) Winner in Third New Excellent Technology (for V6 S Engine) 50 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change Eco-efficiency _ Eco-efficiency was introduced to Kia Motors Eco-efficiency in 2007 as an addition to many other environmental indexes to enhance sustainability. Eco-efficiency is a sustainability 120 evaluation method, which evolved in Europe and Japan ever 100 since its inception at the World Business Council for Sustainable 80 Development (WBCSD) in 1994. The core concept of eco- 60 efficiency is to consider both aspects of environment and 40 economy during production and service. In order to improve eco-efficiency, environmental burdens need to be minimized while improving economic value. Sustainable management is 111.6% 103.2% 100% 20 0 only possible through these activities and respecting the 2004 2005 2006 environment. Kia Motors evaluated its eco-efficiency through in-house-research, which created indexes of relevant corporate business activities, productions, vehicle’s economic values and environmental burdens. To quantify eco-efficiency, gross sales were considered as a gauge for economic value while CO2 emissions and usage of resources were measured to determine environmental burden. This evaluation indicated that Kia Motors increased its eco-efficiency in relation to gross sales, CO2 emissions, and resource usage by 3.2% and 11.6% in 2005 and 2006, respectively, compared to 2004. Eco-efficiency for 2007 will be reported in 2009. Eco-efficiency is not limited to corporate eco-efficiency and Kia Motors plans to expand the evaluation’s boundary to production and new vehicle development. Kia Motors also plans to incorporate systematic index management systems to support eco-efficiency improvements. (Eco-efficiency = Economic Value ÷ Environmental Burden) Recycling Rate Yield Program (RAIS-H) _ In response to European recycling certification and regulations in each country, a web system, RAIS-H (Recyclability Assessment Information System for Homologation), was developed and implemented. This web system is capable of calculating recycling rate yields and identifies non-recyclable materials so that these materials can be eliminated during the eco-friendly design process. This web system simultaneously evaluates both Hyundai and Kia Motors vehicles, so synergy efforts can be expected. After completing evaluations on Carens (Rondo) and cee’d in 2006 and Mohave (Borrego) in 2007, results of evaluations satisfied both recycle ratio of 85% and recollection ratio of 95%, which are regulation standard. New vehicles are currently going through these evaluations. The RAIS-H system will be upgraded in the future to include the certifying process within the company. The upgrade will allow for quick responses to appropriate recycling regulations and is also expected to be used as a basic guideline for eco-designing. Acquisition of E.U. Certificate of Compliance with Annex IV In November 2007, Kia Motors acquired the first ries, heavy metals abandoning policy and recycling E.U. Certificate of Compliance with Annex IV yield process levels. Through this certificate, Kia among Korean automotive makers. EU Certificate Motors earned objective credentials on its sustain- of Compliance with Annex IV is issued by RDW ability and recycling research. With the certifi- (Netherlands Department of Transportation). The cate, effective 2008, Kia Motors’ brand value will RDW certified Kia Motors’ recycling activities such increase in the European market. as recycling within Korea/Europe (Slovakia) facto- 01. 02. RAIS-H (Recyclability Assessment Information System for Homologation) Certificate of Compliance with Annex IV 01 02 51 Eco-friendly Design Digital Verification _ Product disassembly, maintenance and recycling is set during the product design process. To change the product after production requires a significant amount of time and expense. Thus, beginning in 2003, Kia Motors implemented a digital verification system in order to cut down on issues arising after production. In 2007, CAD modeling for DfR (Design for Recycling) and DfD (Design for Dismantling) were added to the digital verification process to achieve DfE (Design for Environment) goals. DfD System (Design for Dismantling) _ Kia Motors integrated the DfD support system into the CAD modeling verification process to analyze the probability of dismantling, maintenance and recyclability of a product to improve upon identified weaknesses in the verification process. 01 The DfD support system is divided into three stages of analysis, evaluation and remodeling. A product’s 3D model is entered into the system to analyze disassembled structure and path, whose data is then collected to make models for the digital verification process. Any structurally weak components are identified by the system and redesigned before the production stage. With the DfD support system, design and redesign duration has decreased by 30% and product dismantling reduced by 20%; the product’s maintenance, reusability and reproduction-ability have been improved as well. When this system is used for disassembly and assembly related design plans, design and redesign time decreases substantially. The CAD linkable dismantling design system is the first of its kind in the world. With this system, Design for Recycling (DfR) and Design for Environment (DfE) can be materialized. Main Function of DfD System Disassembly Design System Based CATIA 1. Structure / Path Generation 2. DfD Modular Design 3. Check Finished Component 4. Check Tool Application 5. Change Finished Component 6. Video Facilitated Component Verification 7. Score Evaluation of Disassembly 8. Quick Interpretation 9. Help for Each Function 01. Eco-friendly Design Digital Verification 52 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change Minimizing Waste and Improving Recycling Automotive Recycling Center _ Since 2006, Kia Motors has operated its Recycling Center with a recycling capacity of 4,200 vehicles a year. The Center provides technical support for designing ASR Recycling Technology Development recyclable vehicles, developing scrap vehicles and waste handling/recycling technology and Scrapped Vehicle provides technical support for community business partners to build a recycling society. Through the Center, Kia Motors collects more than 90% of the various liquids and gas in the vehicle Shredding + ARS disassembly process to prevent environmental contamination. Kia Motors, also, collects and separats various internal and external parts for recycling with an over 85% recycling rate. The Material Selection Center manages waste processing with real-time monitoring systems for recycling and waste volumes through cutting edge ubiquitous technology. Kia Motors is striving to develop auto ARS Recycling dismantling systems and equipment to supply to small- and medium-sized business partners that Material Recovery are in difficult positions to develop recycling technologies on their own. Since 2006, Kia Motors has Cement Heating Source held the annual “Scrap Vehicle Handling Technologies Exchange Forum” to share information Reusable Gas By-product about national and international auto regulations and scrap vehicle handling technologies with its partners. Based on technology gained from the Recycling Center, Kia Motors plans to establish parts-recycling and eco-friendly management starting from the design stages. Additionally, by offering recycling operating know-how and technology to auto disassembly operators, Kia Motors will set a standard for managing scrapped vehicles. Recycling through Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR) _ Recycling auto salvage waste by- Recycling Process for Nylon Type Mixed Waste Material Selection product is a crucial technology to preserving the environment. Due to environmental pollution from waste produced by scrapped vehicles, countries have set stricter regulations, and countries such as in Europe and Japan set goals to reduce the waste from scrapped vehicles to 5% by 2015. In Separation of iron, copper and rubber from nylon material response to these regulations, Kia Motors has been researching ASR recycling technology with various universities in Korea since 2000. From 2005 to 2008, Kia Motors participated in a governmental ASR optimization research project to improve ASR material recycling rates by Compressing Compressed according to securing disassembled parts recycling and material technologies through the strict selection of ASR size for washing quality materials. Kia Motors is also actively developing pure gas energy sources and industrial heat source technologies to reach a 95% scrap vehicle recycling rate. At the same time, Kia Motors is Washing developing technology to completely remove toxic chemicals and harmful materials such as auto Removing dust, sediments refrigerants. and other contaminants Recycling Materials from Dismantled Components and Mass Production Technology _ In Strengthening response to European regulation target of 85% scrapped vehicle recyclability by 2015, Kia Motors Mechanical property selects components based on eco-friendly level, economic valuation and work efficiency levels. Kia uniformity and reinforcement Flow Chart of Recycling Management The Scrapped Vehicle Handling System is capable of handling a large quantity of vehicles through its conveyor-type system in eight recycling stages. 01. Determine Car Type 02. Explosive Material Removal Airbag, Seats, Pretensioners, Explosive Removal Chamber 03. Hood, Battery and Tire Removal 04. Retrieval of Nine Types of Liquid such as Oil and Gasoline Liquid Retrieval 05. 06. Dismantling Dismantling Exterior Parts, such Interior Parts as Bumper and Radiator 07. Dismantling Engine and Transmission 08. Compression Body Compression Press 53 Rubber Scrap Recycling Process Fine Powder Creation from Motors applied and expanded material recycling technology from assembly lines in mass production to new product development. Rubber Scraps (Compound Polyamide (Nylon) Components Recycling): Nylon is the most popular material use for Rubber Surface Creation materials used in radiator end tanks were mostly sent to landfill or incinerators because they are radiator components inside an engine. Classified as a premier engineered plastic, nylon compound difficult to recycle. However, to prevent nylon related environmental contamination, Kia Motors Recycled Rubber Processing collects the nylon compound, such as radiator end tank, fan and shroud, from scrapped vehicles for recycling while striving to develop more advanced nylon recycling technology to produce more eco-friendly products. Kia Motors plans to apply recycled nylon re-compounded materials that Master Batch have the same level of physical properties as new materials in vehicle roof racks. Kia Motors New Material for Vehicle expects to reduce roof rack material costs by more than 20% and nylon disposal costs by 180,000 ~ Component 220,000 won/ton based on incineration costs. The 2008 Grand Carnival and Sportage will come equipped with the recycled nylon roof rack. (Reuse of Rubber Scrap): One of the vehicle’s major components, rubber, must retain its key characteristics of elasticity by being permanently thermoset to prevent future melting. Thermosetting is obtained from vulcanization, chemical reaction, using sulfur and peroxide. After vulcanization, rubber is difficult to melt and thereby difficult to recycle. To address this problem, Kia Motors developed and applied Fine Powder Technology for rubber recycling. Kia Motors developed the first Fine Powder Technology in the world for rubber recycling. This technology allows thermoset rubber to be made into powder at room temperature for recycling, and this recycled rubber can be used on a vehicle’s weather strip. Based on this technology, Kia Motors researched practical uses for high impact elastic material using Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) rubber scrap, fluorinated rubber scrap and end-of-life plastic polymer since 2006. Component Remanufacturing Technique _ Waste materials from repairing or scrapping are mostly land-filled other than a few metals. Kia Motors’ research on components remanufacturing technique will improve resource and energy utilization, reduce negative effects on the environment and reduce economic inefficiency. Remanufacturing technology restores the quality of scrap vehicle’s reusable components back to new components. Kia Motors decreases defective rates with the analysis of major malfunction faults and patterns. Using the analysis, Kia Motors minimizes vehicle component waste by repairing or scrapping vehicles by recycling their reusable components through remanufacturing. Kia Motors also performs step-by-step research for 01 Component Remanufacturing Process Collecting Waste Components standardizing components’ remanufacturing. In addition to the above activities, Kia Motors is focusing on creating product quality guidelines to reduce quality deviation of remanufacturing components, developing testing methods for reliability and researching ways to better calculate a component’s life cycle. Kia Motors has a large number of patents regarding its reprocessing technique, which is at the core of remanufacturing. In alternators and start motors, Kia Motors, together with Korean Dismantling Cleaning Testing and Sorting Repairing and Adjusting research centers and industries, completed many projects utilizing the remanufacturing technology and implementation of its testing system. Currently, Kia Motors plans on lunching remanufacturing components, such as remanufactured alternators and starter motors, with the cooperation of remanufacturing companies and contractors. Gradually, Kia Motors plans mass production of remanufactured components in assorted fields. Superior quality with reasonably priced remanufactured components reduce a vehicle’s overall operating cost and improves environmental conditions by reducing CO2 usage, increasing reuse of natural resources and energy saving. Reassembling Final Testing 01. Alternator produced using remanufactured components 54 Minimizing Environmental Impacts on Production The current century’s global condition suggests that the entire globe will transit towards resource circulation by reducing, reusing and recycling wastes for the global environment. Throughout production, Kia Motors strives to establish an eco-friendly circular system by minimizing resources and maximizing waste recycling with the appropriate treatment of industrial waste. The efficient use of resources and energy controls eco-friendly production and the minimization of wastes. Kia Motors is also adhering to accomplishing corporate responsibility to improve its society’s sustainability through complete environmental management and manufacturing process development. Utilization of Sustainable Resources Kia Motors strives to reduce resource usage in production to defend non-renewable resources, lower resource-intensiveness and raise economic efficiency. To efficiently utilize resources, minimizing usage of raw materials and wastes is necessary throughout the production process. Resources such as steel, paint, thinner, aluminum, plastics, papers and polyvinyl are used in vehicle manufacturing; resources also include energies such as electricity and natural gas. Kia Motors is enhancing technologies for comprehending and minimizing the use of resources through tedious monitoring of the manufacturing processes.To efficiently manage wastes, Kia is executing detailed plans to improve recycling rates by 3-5%, gradually aiming for 0% waste. Minimizing Raw Materials Raw materials are essential in vehicle manufacturing. Generally, the more raw materials used, the more environmental pollutants are emitted. In this regard, the reduction of raw material consumption is as vital as efficient management of environmental pollutants. Steel, Paint, Thinner, and Wrap Guard Film _ Kia Motors aims at fully reducing the use of typical raw materials such as steel, paint, thinner and wrap guard film. Kia reduces the quantity of steel used in production by replacing it with recycled steel and adopting state-of-the-art production technologies; thereby improving the material yield ratio. Backed by these efforts, the total steel usage in 2007 reduced 8.9% compared to 2003. 55 Notably, the steel quantity for each vehicle produced decreased 19.9%. Kia utilizes highly efficient Robobell atomizers to minimize the quantity of paint and thinner for vehicle surfaces and top coating; thinners are completely recycled. The amount of paint and thinner used for each vehicle produced in 2007 was lowered by 9.4% and 8.0% respectively, while the total usage of thinner increased by 8.1% compared to 2003. The total amount of wrap guard film in 2007 decreased by 24.2% in addition to the lowered amount used for each vehicle production by 33.4% compared to 2003’s ratios. Toxic Chemicals _ Kia Motors built the In-house Environmental Security and Health management system (i-ESH), allowing the company to monitor noxious chemicals usage. To manage these materials properly and prevent accidents in advance, strict employee training programs in addition to periodical inspections are consistently operated. Kia Motors is putting forth intense efforts to reduce the use of noxious chemicals by improving its management approach. Prior to purchasing and applying new chemical materials, the management system operates a tedious screening process for verification purposes. Kia’s management and chemical use are based on characteristics and detailed information laid out by the i-ESH. For Kia’s compliance with the Montreal Convention, Kia substitutes refrigerants like freezers and CFC, an ozonedepleting substance, with HFC and replacing old equipment with improved technologies. Steel Usage Paint Usage Steel Usage(ton) 220,000 Usage per Vehicle (kg/vehicle) Paint Usage (ton) 240 240 25,000 220 20,000 200 15,000 180 10,000 180,000 160 5,000 170,000 140 0 210,000 200,000 206 204,247 196,809 190,000 189 188,873 2003 ~ 2005 2006 192 186,110 12.0 13,438 12 9 13,833 11,669 6 3 0 2007 2003 Usage per Vehicle (kg/vehicle) ~ 2005 Wrap Guard Film Usage (ton) 10,000 5 500 4.5 400 4.0 300 3.5 200 4.6 5.1 4.4 6,000 4,365 2006 2007 4,376 4,439 3.7 2,000 3.0 100 0 2.5 0 ~ 2005 2006 2007 * Paint and thinner usage processes: Electro Deposition, Surface and Top Coating Usage per Vehicle (g/vehicle) 250 254.5 200 234.6 188.6 150 169.6 225 217 189 3,572 2003 15 13.8 Wrap Guard Film Usage Thinner Usage (ton) 4,000 14 12,489 Thinner Usage 8,000 Usage per Vehicle (kg/vehicle) 14.7 100 164 50 0 2003 ~ 2005 2006 2007 * Wrap Guard Film is thin PE coating for vehicle surface protection. 56 38 39 40 54 63 65 69 70 74 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change Toxic Chemical Usage Toxic Chemical Usage (ton) Water and Weight Ratio in Waste-Paints Usage per Vehicle (kg/vehicles) 5,000 Water 3.0 100 2.5 80 2.0 60 1.5 40 1,000 1.0 20 0 0.5 0 4,000 2.7 2.7 2.7 2,539 2,692 3,000 2,283 2,000 2003 ~ 2005 2006 2.8 2,747 Desiccant Waste-paint Waste Reduction 100kg 63.6kg 2007 Raw Sample 65% After Centrifuging 45% 61.6kg After Adding Desiccant 40% Waste Reduction Most raw materials used during manufacturing processes are recycled through an in-house system, with the rest carried out in waste form. From efforts to reduce wastes generated in plants, Kia Motors developed a technology that reduces the quantity of water contained in waste-paints of surface and top coats. With this installment, wastes lowered by 40-65% at the Sohari plant. Kia Motors is systemically executing activities to reduce waste through the improvement of control in processes of waste-generating sources. Kia Motors operates the in-house recycling center to regroup wastes after linear categorizing, consigning regrouped wastes to external specialist contractors of wastes and scrap disposal. Kia inspects its contractors at least twice a year concerning related laws and regulations of waste management. In February 2007, Kia Motors declared “Zero landfill” on three domestic facilities (Sohari, Hwaseong, and Gangju plants) to phase out landfills. In the first phase, Kia Motors planned a reduction of landfill waste of less than 1% out of total wastes. Voluntary Agreements on Toxics Discharge Reduction - 30/50 Program (1) Kia Motors signed a voluntary agreement on toxic models. Kia Motors designated Toluene as the discharge reduction concerning its environment. major toxic chemical for reduction in the VA, as Based on this agreement, Kia Motors managed a cause for discharging the most toxic chemicals toxic discharge volume through an ‘investigation in plants. As a result, Kia Motors lowered the dis- system to measure toxic discharge volumes. Kia charge rate by 14.5% compared to 2005. Although Motors also reduced toxic discharge volumes by the total rate of paint and thinner usage increased installing Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTOs) 5.7% along with the quantities of chemical quanti- for each painting process, injecting microbes in ties as a result of increased vehicles production, Kia circulation-tank booths. During the second phase, Motors reduced the increasing rate of discharged Robobell atomizers are applied to the painting volume using eco-friendly subsidiary materials of process, minimizing over-spray in 2008 and 2009 new model manufacturing processes. Volume of Toxic Chemical Discharged Classification Number of Toxic Chemicals Discharged Volume to Transferred Volume (Type) Environment (kg/year) (kg/year) Volume of Toluene Discharged(2) (kg/year) 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 Sohari 11 15 34,353 54,858 146,394 123,315 722,923 617,402 Hwaseong 16 20 252,988 161,789 9,497,837 10,088,372 Gwangju 13 17 36,169 41,617 108,409 177,433 (1) (2) Voluntary Agreement on Toxics Discharge Reduction (30/50 Program): In the voluntary agreement that corporate facility designated, the toxic chemicals reduced its discharge rate voluntarily by 30%, by 2007 50% and by 2009 based on volume of discharges in 2001. The volume of Toluene summed by three plants. 57 Volume of Waste Generated Volume of Waste Generated (ton) 500,000 231 Recycling, Incineration and Landfill Rate Usage per Vehicle (kg/vehicle) 230 213 400,000 200,000 213,458 197,180 250 100 200 80 150 60 100 40 50 20 0 0 202,701 100,000 0 2003 ~ 2005 2006 Incineration Rate(%) 84.9 209 300,000 220,508 Recycle Rate(%) 8.6 88.6 88.2 6.0 6.4 6.5 2007 2003 5.4 ~ Landfill Rate(%) 2005 91.5 4.7 3.8 5.4 2006 2007 In 2007, while the landfill rate was about 3.8%. Kia Motors stopped sludge disposal at sea locations. Hwaseong and Sohari plants are have been recycling sludge entirely as of 2004 and 2007, respectively. The Gwangju plant is also recycling slag wastes as indicated in the 2007 waste records. In addition, Kia Motors will continue to increase recycle rates and decrease the amount of incinerated wastes for execution plans. The total waste generated from three of Kia Motors’ plants was 202,701 tons in 2007, with 91.5% of wastes recycled. Wastes for manufacturing one vehicle was 231.4 kg in 2003, but decreased 9.7% to 209.0 kg in 2007. Minimizing Water Usage Currently human beings are faced with a shortage of water due to the rapid industrialization and climatic changes. Kia Motors strives to minimize water usage in manufacturing vehicles to raise environmental soundness. The main facilities consuming the most amount of water are painting, engine & transmission and foundry facility. Water consumed by Kia Motors comes from a water supply facility and underground water. Water is mainly used from a source, but small quantities of underground water are used in the Gwangju plant alongside water supplies with no impact on headsprings. Kia Motors purifies and discharges used water to minimize the effect on water quality. As of 2000, Kia Motors focused on reducing the use of water through its ‘Save Water in the Workplace’ campaign and equipment investment, such as water installment saving systems in lavatories, increasing the collection rate of condensed liquid from steam, as well as improving cooling-tower overflow. As a result, in 2007, Kia Motors reduced the total usage rate of water by 9.1% compared to 2003, but usage of underground water increased 19.9% compared to 2000. Water Usage Amount of Water Used (1,000m3) Amount of Underground Water Used (1,000m3) Amount of Water Used per Vehicle (m3/vehicle) 10,000 7.5 6.7 6.1 8,000 6,000 5.8 5,853 5,719 5,771 5.4 5,198 4,000 2,000 6.0 4.5 3.0 1,762 1,323 1,589 1.5 1,586 0 0 2003 ~ 2005 2006 2007 58 38 39 40 54 63 65 69 70 74 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change Eco-friendly Production Technology The environmental management of Kia Motors covers basic to eco-friendly production stages. The basic stage is disposing of pollutants generated from production processes, and eco-friendly production stages for promoting eco-designs in production processes. These efforts lead to fundamentally reducing pollutants. The eco-friendly production system includes choosing raw materials, designing the process of production, producing of products, as well as recycling byproducts. Many corporations reduce the cost of processing pollutants, energy saving, and preventing potential safety accidents by making adjustments and applying eco-friendly production technologies. Kia Motors is investing in the improvement of production processes and facilities, as well as installing optimized pollutant reduction and prevention systems for establishment eco-friendly systems. These eco-friendly production technologies will be applied under the second mid-long term environmental management strategies carried out between 2006 and 2008. Kia Motors will extend the application of eco-friendly production technologies each year to minimize pollutants. Countering Climate Change in the Workplace Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions _ Since 2006, Kia Motors adheres to enhanced management abilities concerning greenhouse gas emissions from worksites, including Sohari, Hwaseong, and Gwangju plants, and its A/S centers. Kia Motors has executed third party verifications for clear and objective processes in inspecting greenhouse gas emissions, limiting emission volumes, greenhouse gas inventory and database systems, and for the maintenance of monitoring systems for the first time in the nation. The annual verification is being expanded upon for execution reliabilities. Kia Motors plans to extend its verification systems to its China and Slovakia plants, updating work guidelines and emission standards of greenhouse gas. Furthermore, Kia Motors has a plan to establish an inventory system for domestic and Goals of Reducing Greenhouse Gas & Long Term Plan Volume Trends of Greenhouse Gas emitted (~2020) Volume of CO2 emitted (1,000 ton CO2/year) BaU 1,000 900 908 800 1,007 1,030 1,043 923 934 942 952 938 894 751 700 694 600 500 581 2000 2004 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 *BaU (Business as Usual) : Indication of incremental trends in the volume of emissions and energy used, per vehicle, produced if 2006 plans are not executed concerning emission reductions after 2007. *Emission Estimate Criteria •Estimation is based on low heat quantity. Estimate for areas one, two, and three (Except quantity of HFC in area three). •Excluding A/S Centers, the Boundary applies to operation controls. Reduced Volume per Vehicle Trends Volume of Greenhouse Gas emitted (1,000 ton CO2/year) Volume of Greenhouse Gas emitted per Vehicle (kg/vehicle) 1,100 900 700 500 724 581 694 680 655 655 918 914 626 610 942 934 789 648 599 596 300 100 2000 2004 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 59 overseas locations, and examine emissions statuses, analyze potential emission volumes and lower emission volumes from greenhouse gases. As of 2008, Kia has made plans to rigorously reduce greenhouse gas and wastes, setting the goal for 2020 mid-long term pollutant reductions in joining the “Voluntary Industrial Agreement in Response to Climate Change and Protection of the Environment.” In looking at volumes from 1990 to 2007, from the Korea Energy Economics Institute’s Roadmap establishment of mid–to-long-term plans for voluntary greenhouse gas reductions, Kia is setting long term goals for reducing volumes by 17.6 % per vehicle produced until 2020 by developing various technologies. Other than the Roadmap, Kia also controls emission volumes with in-house checklists. In 2007, the volume decreased 25% per vehicle produced compared to 2003. Energy Reduction _ From 2000, Kia Motors continually participates in ‘Voluntary Agreement of Saving Energy’ for energy reduction activities. Since Ton of Oil Equivalent (TOE) largely consists of electric power and LNG, Kia is currently focusing on electric power savings. At the Hwaseong Plant, Kia Motors has installed inverters in air controlling units to maintain steady and proper indoor temperatures. This results in energy savings worth 347 million won per year. Kia also saved energy costs of 250 million won per year with cooling technologies which condense the air with a water supply. For the first and second plants in Gwangju, old steam-air controlling units have been replaced with direct fired steam-air controlling units. The equivalent of saved energy amounted to 700 million won per year, and approximately 4,000 reduced tons of CO2 emissions. Condensers have also been installed in substations of each plant to break reverse currents of power supply. The energy saved an equivalent of 250 million won a year reducing 2,000 tons of CO 2 emissions. In 2007, Kia Motors installed Solar Photovoltaic System in Gwangju, Incheon, Changwon, Wonju and Cheongju facilities, and a Solar Hot Water System in its Gangneung facility to save on energy costs, usage and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Solar Photovoltaic System has been designed to use solar light as an energy source and enhance the eco-friendly environment of Kia Motors’ facilities; saving electricity costs by approximately 9.8 million won Solar Photovoltaic System Data Transformer (Solar Radiation, Electric Power) Solar Cell 50 kW (220W x 252 cells = 50 kW) Monitoring System Utility-Interactive Inverter 50 kW (3,380V 60Hz) KEPCO Power Lines from Korea Electric Power Corporation Total CO2 Emissions Area 1,2,3 Unit: 1000 tCO2 /year Area1,2 LNG 2,500 Electric Power 400 1,619 1,476 1,000 500 Fuel and Oil Unit: 1000 TOE/year 500 2,000 1,500 Total Energy Usage 783 659 1,555 1,449 300 200 734 678 0 100 0 2003 ~ 2005 2006 2007 * Applied to four Facilities (Sohari, Hwaseong, Gwangju, and Seosan plants) and A/S division * Applied from 2003 due to Changes of Internal Criteria for the Estimate 176 15 218 18 18 128 106 2003 207 ~ 2005 122 2006 207 16 110 2007 • Area1(Stationary combustion): LNG, LPG (Propane), LPG (Butane), Gasoline, Diesel, and Kerosene Direct (Mobile Combustion): LPG (Propane), LPG (Butane), Gasoline and Diesel Emissions (Fugitive Emission): Refrigerants for Freezers (HFC-134a), Substation (SF6) and Fugitive in Charging Refrigerants into Vehicles (Process Emission): CO2 (welding) and Detergent •Area 2 (Indirect Emission): Electric Power Indirect Emissions •Area 3 (Indirect Emission): LPG (Butane), Gasoline, Diesel, and Charging Refrigerants into Vehicles (HFC-134a) 60 38 39 40 54 63 65 69 70 74 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change every year, reducing approximately 33 tons of CO 2 emission volumes. Kia Motors improved environmental soundness through the installation of the Solar Photovoltaic System. With such improvements, Kia Motors was awarded an excellence award in the “Second Renewable Energy Installation Competition” by the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy and Korea Energy Management Corporations in the private sector of energy management. Kia Motors will install four more Solar Photovoltaic Systems by 2008. Process of recycling waste heat from RTO system Hazardous chemical and odor removal using high temperature (820 °C) Collected waste heat are supplied to humidity controller RTO (high-temperature heating) Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Heating/AC and humidity controller Atmospheric emission Waste heat collector Painting booth Heat exchanger * RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer) Air Pollutants In an effort to reduce the air pollutants generated during the production process, Kia Motors is continuously applying eco-friendly production technologies, improving work processes, installing optimized air pollutant prevention systems and utilizing materials containing fewer pollutants. Reduction of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) _ In order to reduce VOCs emissions, that can adversely affect men’s body and the environment, the first painting plant of Kia’s Gwangju facility has introduced water-soluble paints. Water-soluble paint contains less organic compounds than oil-soluble paints, which cut down VOCs emissions during the production process. The third painting plant of Hwaseong’s facilities completed the installation of water-soluble paint SOx Emission SOx Emission (ton) NOx Emission Unit Usage (g/vehicle) NOx Emission (ton) 5 2.5 750 4 2.0 600 3 1.5 450 1.3 1.3 1.2 2 1.1 1 1.3 1.2 2005 2006 1.1 1.1 0 ~ 471.5 300 200 150 100 0 0 2003 ~ 2005 2006 2007 BOD Emission Unit Usage (g/vehicle) 519.0 900 BOD Emission (ton) 482.6 399.9 496.9 300 483.2 387.8 0 Unit Usage (g/vehicle) 125 600 100 450 75 300 50 150 25 0 2004 400 300 750 564.9 451.0 405.0 50 623.9 600 417.6 0.5 2007 1,500 1,200 500 450.5 1.0 Dust Emission Dust Emission (ton) 492.5 478.4 407.7 0 2003 Unit Usage (g/vehicle) 2005 2006 2007 41.2 39.2 39.4 33.4 40 32.0 31.5 32.1 30.6 2006 2007 30 20 0 10 0 2003 ~ 2005 61 application equipment. Kia will extend the use of water-soluble paints to all Kia Motors plants. In addition, Kia improved the workplace environment by installing VOCs thinner filtration system in order to prevent its employees in the Service Center from VOCs exposure and better its surrounding environment. Kia also installed the Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) system in its painting facilities to remove VOCs emitted during the drying process. Kia Motors lets no energy go to waste even during the RTO system. High heat waste generated from RTO is funneled back to a heat exchanger to supply the air controlling unit for maintaining constant temperature and humidity in the painting booth. Cost of steam generation and LNG saved by RTO is approximately one billion won a year. In addition, Kia Motors installed painting robots, “Robobell,” in surface and top coating processes. With “Robobell,” Kia Motors increased painting process efficiency, reducing the amount of paint used thereby improving the work environment by reducing the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (THC) emissions. SOx, NOx and Dust Reduction _ Kia Motors installed the TeleMetering System (TMS) on pollutant emitting compenents such as boilers in Sohari and Hwaseong plants in order to comply with the National Capital’s Special Environmental Protection Law. With TMS, Kia Motors monitors and controls pollutants, and the information gathered is sent to relevant government agencies to ensure a dual surveillance system. Kia Motors will focus on establishing more eco-friendly production systems with additional installations of TMS within the first half of 2008. Through Kia’s sustainability management, the total emitted volume of SOx, NOx and dust were lowered by 1.3%, 0.7% and 35.9% respectively in 2007 compared to 2003. In terms of emitted volume per vehicle produced, numbers reduced by 13.2%, 12.7% and 42.4%, respectively. Water Pollutants Reducing the Discharge of Water Pollutants through Appropriate Wastewater Processing _ Kia Motors minimizes the discharge of water pollutants through appropriate wastewater processing while using as little water as possible. In order to prevent possible environmental contamination, Kia Motors constantly renovates its wastewater processing system and all facilities while monitoring the concentration of discharged water with automatic and manual measuring systems, including TMS. In 2008, Kia Motors will enforce strict management of water pollutant discharge with the installation of improved TMS in its Hwaseong Plant. The discharge of BOD and SS in 2007 was lowered by 8.6% and 40.3%, respectively, and its quantity per vehicle produced was lowered by 7.8% and 47.5%, respectively, compared to 2003. Managing the Source of Pollution _ The existing processing facilities generate oil waste and oil mist from cutting processes that cause air and water pollution. In an effort to solve this problem, Kia Motors installed Dry Hobbing Machines that use compressed air instead of cutting COD Emission COD Emission (ton) SS Emission Unit Usage (g/vehicle) SS Emission (ton) 150 120 72.9 69.1 69.5 60 62.1 69.5 50 80 40 60 30 40 20 20 10 65.2 30 0 0 2003 ~ 2005 2006 Unit Usage (g/vehicle) 10.0 2007 10 9.0 8 67.2 90 66.1 100 6.2 4.7 6 4 9.6 7.7 6.2 0 2003 ~ 2005 2006 2 4.6 2007 0 62 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change oil on new micro AT gear processing lines of the automatic transmission plant in its Hwaseong facility. In addition, Kia Motors reexamined the sludge forming process through various tests and solvents to reduce its viscosity in order to increase the collected volume, improve turbidity and reduce the rate of clogged sludge machines. By doing so, Kia Motors lowered the amount of waste paint remaining inside the settling bath, minimized the foul odor from the remaining waste paints and reduced the amount of paints. Establishing Efficient and Eco-friendly Logistics Systems A large volume of greenhouse gas is generated from the transportation of raw materials, parts and vehicles. Even though there is no specific governmental regulations on greenhouse gas emissions from product distribution, Kia Motors seeks to minimize air pollution throughout its entire logistics system. To reduce CO2, Kia Motors is planning CO2 reduction methods based on CO2 volume estimates based on logistic processes. As of 2007, Kia Motors practices an eco-friendly distribution system by evaluating the condition of its entire distribution system to find and implement possible improvements. A systematic plan was developed to build an eco-friendly distribution system in 2007. In 2008, Kia Motors will implement the plan and report the performance of its eco-friendly distribution system in the future. Product Distribution _ Product distribution or logistics consists of procurement, production, domestic sales and overseas export. Kia Motors is planning to reduce CO2 emissions by analyzing the current status of CO2 emissions from each distribution point, including production, domestic sales and loading ports for overseas exports. Efficiency through Reduction of Each Logistical Area _ Kia Motors estimated the volume of CO2 emissions in each distribution points as of 2005. Kia Motors also investigated Modal Shift to energy-efficient transportation, methods in which to improve load efficiency, optimized transportation paths, integrated transportation, building a center for integrated distribution and large-scale transportation vehicles to raise efficiency through the reduction of each logistical area. Automotive Logistics Flow Chart Parts Division Factory (Customers) Plant Port Orange Portion is the first area in reducing CO2 emissions. Export Plant Green Zone Kia Motors is supporting its eco-friendly workplace by expanding the green area to secure its green zone ratio according to the building area increase in the workplace. In addition, Kia has managed facilities that may cause soil contamination since 2000. Currently the leaking out accident did not occur even one case. Green Zone Sections Sohari Hwaseong Gwangju Slovakia China Site area (m2) 508,721 3,251,923 1,031,288 1,665,000 450,000 Building area (m2) 213,144 987,538 399,546 228,503 94,000 24,374 637,000 88,308 1,095,000 38,000 8.2 28.1 14.0 76.2 10.7 22,002 228,752 98,044 2,848 1,853 Green area (m2) Green rate (%) Reforestation (trees) 63 Environmental Management System Kia Motors installed an aggressive Environmental Management System and established hazardous material management to actively support the growth of environmental sustainability. Environmental Management Performance Fostering an Eco-friendly Workplace In order to minimize environmental impact from production and pursue environmentally sound, sustainable development, Kia Motors met with the stringent requirements of ISO14001 for the certification in 2003, and completed renewal of the certification in 2006. Eligibility and validity was evaluated thoroughly after certification examination, later, in 2007. Kia Motors is building an eco-friendly work place and eco-friendly production systems by removing potential risk factors and creating a cleaner production system. Kia Motors is improving areas identified by external certifying organizations and created a self-auditing environment to comply with ISO14001 certification since 2004. In 2007, Kia Motors performed a thorough examination of management, unit improvements and waste reduction in 85 departments, A/S centers and three plants, including Seosan plant. Special attention was paid to the environmental facilities and waste management of the A/S centers in 20 regions. Kia Motors motivated employees and departmental solidarity by awarding departments that contributed to environmental management. Kia Motors is striving to solve problems identified in the environmental audit to ensure and expand sustainable business activity. To manage a unified internal audit in 2007, Kia Motors selected rotating personnel from each department for training as an internal auditor. Kia Motors elevated auditing objectivity through departmental cross-examination departments and information exchange between auditors. Kia Motors plans to train all employees as qualified environmental auditors to encourage minimal environmental loads and develop a sustainable environment. 64 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change Self-Inspection Service Center Designation In 2007, Kia Motors’ service centers in Wonju, Cheongju, Gwangju, and Yeongdeungpo designated Self-Inspection Centers in areas of air quality, water quality, and waste disposal. SelfInspection Center system works through voluntarily action of reporting pollutant emission levels and determining environmental regulation compliance. Designation is only given to institutions with clean environmental records for two consecutive years and who possess adequate management and facilities to handle hazardous emission and waste. Kia Motors contributes to the improvement of the environment by elevating the level of environmental management so all centers may receive the designation. Compliance with Environmental Regulations Kia Motors provides early environmental solutions through preliminary internal evaluations before new legislation or amending environmental regulations take place. The countermeasure is posted on the regulation information section of i-ESH to inform employees. Kia Motors sets stricter internal criteria for managing environmental polluting materials than federal regulations. Kia Motors developed the Global Environmental Information System (GEIS) to find early environmental solutions to stricter regulations that may restrict business and to send global environmental regulation information to the entire company. Kia Motors will continuously increase environmental performance by finding innovative solutions to environmental problems. Cooperation System for Elevating Environmental Performance Exchange between Domestic Automobile Companies Kia Motors’ Hwaseong plant hosted the Eco-friendly Work Place Workshop sponsored by the Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association (KAMA) for 40 environmental management personnel from five different automobile companies. At this workshop, industry experts held seminars dealing with the regulation status in automobile painting, issues in automobile painting and a trend in developing paintings. Afterwards, participants in charge of environmental tasks in their respective companies presented countermeasures for climate change, examples of estimations and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, plans and results for reduction of wastes and discussed the direction of product development. The Eco-friendly Work Place Workshop is held every year to improve environmental performance through cooperation between automobile companies, and it contributes to information exchange between people in charge of environmental management in the company. Environmental Conservation Initiatives for Community Kia Motors is actively communicating with the local community by holding community meetings to introduce environmental management activities and tours of its environmental facilities. Kia Motors is improving the local environment through the adopt-a-highway program, environment preservation activities and monitoring odor and water pollution with local businesses. Kia Motors is also cleaning local rivers each month 12 times a year through a program similar to adopt-ahighway. 01. 02. Kia Motors was designated Self-Inspection Service Center. Kia Motors employees engaged in local environmental clean-up activities. 01 02 65 Eco-friendly Supply Chain Management Securing eco-friendly parts for an automobile that consists of over 20,000 parts is a critical factor for determining the extent of environmental impact. Kia Motors actively provides support to partners to achieve eco-friendly management and eco-friendly competitiveness. Kia Motors will improve eco-friendliness in every aspect of its automotive production. Environmental Technology Support Group Kia Motors provided partners with technical support by dispatching its environmental technology support group (from Sohari, Hwaseong, and Gwangju) every year since December 2005. The support group offered their eco-friendly expertise and helped establish eco-friendly management. In 2007, Kia Motors diagnosed and consulted the entire environmental management system, including the management of its eco-friendly image, pollutants, eligibility in environmental partners and systematic environmental management for partners to help establish their eco-friendly service. A violation of environmental regulations by a partner could damage Kia Motors’ sustainability efforts. Additionally, mismanagement can cause the product to negatively impact the community’s environment and result in a costly recall of those products. In order to minimize extra cost and negative environmental impact, Kia Motors pays close attention to partners’ difficulties. Kia Motors provides pollutant reducing environmental technology support, information on emission reduction and prevention procedures, and new environmental technologies to Kia’s partners. Kia Motors distributed books containing environmental regulations and management items for partners to support their environmental management. In addition, Kia Motors gives environmental education to partners’ employees about domestic and international environmental regulations and Kia Motors’ environmental policy every year. To prevent environmental regulation violations by partners, the Gwangju plant collaborated with Gwangju City to create the environmental guardian system to support partners every quarter. From now on, Kia Motors will become the automotive industry’s future link to chain auto companies from pre-to post production partners through the ongoing support for environmental soundness. 66 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change Kia Motors’ Environmental Support Group Partners • Establishing support plans for partners • Evaluating partner’s eco-friendly management • Training eco-friendly management and providing technical support (1) • Supporting EMS construction • Evaluating partners and offering incentives • Partners’ registration management and other policies • Support through participation of government environmental project (1) • Training and consulting services request (Evaluation on compliance with environmental regulations and training on eco-friendly management) • Technical support request • Environmental solution request • Environmental issue identification and submitting improvement results Partners Support Model • Improving company image • Providing a foundation for sustainable development • Expanding partners’ eco-friendly management • Establishing eco-friendly management system • Finding solutions to environmental regulation problems • Resolving management risk Providing Guidelines for Environmental Criteria Kia Motors distributed ‘Environmental Criteria for Hyundai-Kia Motors’ that lists Kia Motors’ environmental obligation for all auto parts and all parts supplying partners to comply and excel at global environmental regulations. ‘Environmental Criteria for Hyundai-Kia Motors’ can be read in Kia Motors’ portal site, Vaatz ( This guideline provides information on prohibited materials such as the four major heavy metals, lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium, and restricted noxious materials. It also includes a manual for inputting manufactured parts IMDS (International Material Data System), manual for submission of RAISH (Recyclability Assessment Information System for Homologation) and manual for management of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). XRF Analyzer Joint Purchase Program The X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer allows for the analysis of heavy (metal) elemental composition of any given sample. In order to offset the cost burden of this equipment for partnered part suppliers, Kia Motors’ purchasing department created the “XRF Analyzer Joint Purchase Program” for Kia’s partners in November 2006. 86 partners purchased the XRF analyzer through this program by December 2007, and by 2008, total 100 partners will have XRF analyzers. For partners that purchase the equipment, Kia Motors offers incentives through internal performance evaluations after 2008 and provides purchase cost offsetting to encourage partners’ eco-friendly management. (1) Includes support from external experts. 67 Green Dealer System This system is designed to standardize Kia Motors’ sales dealerships and promote eco-friendly services in its auto repair shops. With this system, Kia Motors’ branches and dealerships minimized waste and promoted recycling since 2006. Kia Motors’ eco-friendly service is being promoted worldwide through the “Act Smart Campaign” voluntarily initiated by auto dealers around the world. Kia Motors also awards excellent dealers and sales offices to ensure active participation in sustainable development of overseas subsidiaries. Eco-friendly Parts Supply Agreement Kia Motors concluded an eco-friendly parts supply agreement with primary parts manufacturers in its supply chain in February 2007. This agreement includes Kia Motors’ strong will to be an advanced company with environmentally friendly management for eco-friendly parts manufacturing, ethical management and social responsibility. Eco-friendly Parts Supply Agreement This agreement is made between Kia Motors (hereinafter “Company”) and partner (hereinafter “Partner”) to treat global environmental regulations that are strengthened continuously and contribute to the community, and is effective from the date when Company and Partner signs below. I 1 I The Partner agrees not to use or include any noxious or dangerous materials for health of human beings or the environment in manufacturing parts supplied to the Company, and comply with the “Kia Motors’ Environmental Criteria” for treating globally local environmental regulations. I 2 I The Partner should not use four major heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium) for parts that are supplied to domestic or overseas plants by the schedule provided by the Company. I 3 I The Partner strives to build an internal eco-friendly system for parts supplied to the Company to be designed, produced, wrapped and transported in an eco-friendly manner. I 4 I The Partner should have both eco-friendly and ethic management and pursue sustainable management that grows with the Company as an advanced company responsible to stakeholders, including employees, partners and community. 68 38 39 40 54 63 Disclosure on Management Approach Environmental Management Eco-Friendly Product Development Eco-Friendly Workplace Environmental Management System 65 69 70 74 Eco-Friendly Supply Chain Management Environmental Management Costs Eco-Friendly Achievements in Domestic Workplace Special Story: Countering Climate Change Eco-friendly Procurement With a voluntary agreement of eco-friendly procurement, Kia Motors strives to expand boundaries of eco-friendly production cultures. The agreement refers to a system with company participants who apply eco-friendly procurement procedures voluntarily for eco-friendly production and procurement. Conclusion of Voluntary Agreement In September 2005, the voluntary agreement of eco-friendly procurement was concluded with the purpose of establishing a sustainable economic infrastructure. As a corporation implementing voluntary eco-friendly procurement, Kia Motors contributed to establishing a sustainable society that embraces a cycle of eco-friendly production, distribution and procurement. Introductory Phase of Eco-Friendly Procurement Proliferation Phase of Eco-Friendly Procurement Settlement Phase of Eco-Friendly Procurement (First Year from Inception) (Second Year from Inception) (Third Year from Inception) • Benchmarking distinguished • Enforcing eco-friendly • Inducing settlement of domestic and foreign cases procurement in participating evaluation in raw and • Establishing execution plans for companies subsidiary materials from eco-friendly procurement • Revising construction cooperative vendors • Providing information for specifications and maintenance • Adding more industrial eco-friendly products of procurement systems of materials to eco-friendly • Preparing the foundation goods purchases products list through MRO companies • Training cooperative vendors • Planning on improving, • Expanding products certified • Adding more industrial evaluating and marketing with environmental marks in materials to eco-friendly in voluntary agreements such response to increase in industry product list as eco-friendly procurement demand Eco-friendly Procurement Performance In 2007, Kia Motors’ performance in eco-friendly procurement increased 20% (in monetary standards), and will continue to expand on eco-friendly procurement. Eco-friendly Procurement Performance Affiliated products 2006 Performance Number of products Products certified with environmental marks Products with outstanding recycle marks Products with reduced hazardous substances 2007 Performance (Estimated) In million won Number of products In million won 30 9 29 9 7 242 8 174 35 6,662 34 8,116 72 6,913 71 8,299 (Lead, Mercury, Chrome and Cadmium) Total 69 Environmental Management Costs Annual environmental management costs for Kia Motors is commissioned over three plants; Sohari, Hwaseong, and Gwangju. The commission is computed over five different classifications. Kia Motors also systematized preexisting investment systems since 2004, introducing the investment evaluation system that helps materialize specific ecological needs as well as reducing costs; in addition to supporting effective investments each year. The costs, as of 2007, totaled 17.7 billion won; direct costs showed an increase of 4% compared to its previous year. The cost increase was mainly due to increased eco-activities concerning the community. However, it had increased the reduction environmental pollution as a result of the ISO inspection and reappointing eco-friendly companies. Starting in 2008, environmental management costs from overseas facilities including the first and second plants in China and Slovakia will be taken into account. Environmental Management Costs in 2007 Unit: In thousand won Classification Total Costs Total Direct Costs Associated with the Reduction of Environmental Pollution (Costs 11,976,769 in Investment and Maintenance for Environmental Arrangement) Indirect Costs Associated With Reduction in Environmental Pollution (Costs in 823,138 Environmental Training for Employees and Environmental Evaluation) Environmental Risk Maintenance Costs (Costs in Environmental Regulation 557,076 Compliance and Accident Prevention) Waste Handling and Recycling (Costs in Waste Consignment) Social Environmental Activity Costs (Costs in Community Engagements and 3,825,349 515,631 Afforestation Management) Total Costs * Environmental costs refer to expenditures from business environment managements. * The A/S division does not include costs associated with research centers. 17,697,963 70 Eco-friendly Achivements in Domestic Workplace Sohari Plant • Location: 781-1 Soha-dong Gwangmyeong City, GyeongGi-do • Employees: 6,778 • Established: July 1973 • Manufacturing Products: Grand Canival (Sedona), Pride (Rio) and Engine • Lot Size: 508,721 m2 • Facility Size: 213,144 m2 • ISO14001 Certification: December 2003 Environmental Director and Executive Vice President Jong-Gil Choi Activity Overview in 2007 Plant Superintendent CO2 (Energy) reduction activity Waste reduction activity VOCs reduction activity All employees are partaking in the reduction of The joint efforts of separate waste collection and Each of Kia Motors’ painting plants is putting CO2 emissions, power saving and LNG gas usage management of recycling companies is resulting forth efforts to increase efficiency in its painting with full awareness of the global warming crisis. in continuous improvement of diminished waste process as well as collecting process of the used quantities and increased recycling volumes. thinners to decrease VOCs emissions. Waste Management Trends Volume Trends of VOCs Emitted Volume Trends of CO2 Emitted Volume of CO2 Emitted (1,000 ton/year) Total Volume Recycle Volume (1,000 ton/year) Volume Emitted by a Vehicle (ton/vehicle) Recycle Volume per Vehicle (kg/vehicle) Volume of VOCs emitted (g/m3) 500 2.5 50 25.0 100 400 2.0 40 20.0 80 300 1.5 30 15.0 60 200 1.0 20 10.0 40 100 0.5 10 5.0 20 0 0 2005 2006 0 0 2007 2005 2006 Based by Sedan 0 2007 Communicating with community 2005 2006 2007 Environmental Conservation Initiatives Kia Motors continuously pursues close bonds with local communities, participating in worldwide eco-activity celebrations of Earth Day and engaging in conservatory activities such as, “one company conserving one mountain,” and “one company conserving one river.” Incidents/Lawsuits Related to the Environment: None Environmental Data Air Pollutants in 2007 Pollutants TRI Chemicals in 2006 Emission Transfer Consumption Amount Amount Amount 868 39 84 746 Di-Ethy lHexyl Phthalate 273 0 3 270 Ethyl Acetate 226 11 21 194 Hydrogen Chloride 110 0 0 110 Sodium Hydroxide 84 0 0 84 Methyl Ethylidene 79 0 0 78 Xylene 76 3 10 64 Water Contaminants in 2007 Potassium Hydroxide 35 0 0 35 Contaminants Nickel Compound 31 0 0 31 Manganese Compound 31 0 0 31 Dust NOx Plant Equipment Regulation Actual Measurement Measurement Painting Facilities 100 2.1 Toluene Drying Facilities 100 2.8 Drying Facilities 200 22.4 * Regulation Measurement Unit is Dust: g/Nm3, NOx, and SOx:ppm * Actual Measurement is a mean value. Regulation Measurement Actual Measurement pH Pollutants Volume 5.8~8.6 7.1 BOD 80 3.0 COD 90 13.9 SS 80 1.3 * Emission Amount: Volume emitted into the atmosphere, hydrosphere and soil 5 0.8 * Transfer Amount: Amount of volume handled by outsiders. N-H * The restraint volume of BOD and SS is represented by the maximum (in daily average). * mg/L & pH is excepted from Unit. * pH: Hydrogen Ion Concentration * BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand * COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand * SS: Suspended Solids * Unit: ton/year * Volume: Total volume in the workplace * Consumption Amount: The amount of volume actually used in businesses. 71 Eco-friendly Achivements in Domestic Workplace Hwaseong Plant • Location: 1714 Ihwa-ri Ujeong-eup Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi-do • Employees: 12,130 • Established: April, 1989 • Manufacturing Products: Opirus (Amanti), Lotze (Optima), Sorento, and Cerato • Lot Size: 3,251,922 m2 • Facility Size: 987,538 m2 • ISO14001 Certification: April, 2003 Environmental Director and Vice President Sam-Ung Lee Activity Overview in 2007 Plant Superintendent CO2 (Energy) reduction activity Waste reduction activity VOCs reduction activity The installation equipment for collecting waste Separate waste collection and recycling waste Thinner recovery system, Regenerative Thermal heat in the second and third painting plants has has resulted in decreased disposal quantity in Oxidizers (RTO) installation, and Robobell helped increased energy efficiency, hence saving energy comparison to 2006. reduce the total emission volumes. Waste Management Trends Volume Trends of VOCs Emitted compared to 2006. Volume Trends of CO2 Emitted Volume of CO2 Emitted (1,000 ton/year) Total Volume Recycle Volume (1,000 ton/year) Volume Emitted by a Vehicle (ton/vehicle) Recycle Volume per Vehicle (kg/vehicle) Volume of VOCs emitted (ton/year) 1,000 3.0 250 500 100 800 2.5 200 400 80 600 2.0 150 300 60 400 1.5 100 200 40 200 1.0 50 100 20 0 0.5 0 2005 2006 0 2007 2005 2006 Based by Sedan 0 2007 Communicating with community 2005 2006 2007 Environmental Conservation Initiatives Constant conservation activities are taking place in the vicinity of decontaminating plants (each quarter year), with winter’s wild animal food dispersal activities, and local community outreach programs such as ‘love your neighbor with grain support,’ and ‘the hunger march.’ Incidents/Lawsuits Related to the Environment: None Environmental Data Air Pollutants in 2007 Pollutants TRI Chemicals in 2006 Regulation Actual Measurement Measurement Emission Transfer Consumption Amount Amount Electric Furnace 20 3.5 Toluene 1 ,891 101 287 General Facilities 100 5.6 1,504 Di- Phthalate 508 0 6 502 NOx Drying Facilities 200 SOx Drying Facilities 500 2.5 Ethyl Acetate 507 29 56 421 1.5 Xylene 324 22 38 264 Potassium Hydroxide 127 0 0 127 2-Ethoxyethyl Acetate 67 4 9 54 Methylethylketone 60 3 8 49 Water Contaminants in 2007 Methyl Alcohol 47 2 10 36 Contaminants Hydrogen Chloride 35 0 0 35 Acetic Acid 24 1 5 18 Dust Plant Equipment * Regulation Measurement Unit is Dust: g/Nm , NOx, and SOx:ppm 3 * Actual Measurement is a mean value. Regulation Measurement Actual Measurement pH Pollutants Volume 5.8~8.6 7.0 BOD 80 7.4 COD 90 14.5 SS 80 0.5 * Emission Amount: Volume emitted into the atmosphere, hydrosphere and soil 5 0.2 * Transfer Amount: Amount of volume handled by outsiders. N-H * The restraint volume of BOD and SS is represented by the maximum (in daily average). * mg/L & pH is excepted from Unit. * pH: Hydrogen Ion Concentration * BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand * COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand * SS: Suspended Solids * Unit: ton/year * Volume: Total volume in the workplace * Consumption Amount: The amount of volume actually used in businesses. Amount 72 Eco-friendly Achivements in Domestic Workplace Gwangju Plant • Location: 700 Naebang-dong Seo-gu, Gwangju City • Employees: 6,675 • Established: April 1989 • Manufacturing Products: Carens (Rondo), Sportage, Bongo, Bus, and Military vehichles • Lot Size: 1,014,941 m2 • Facility Size: 498,684 m2 • ISO14001 Certification: November 2003 Environmental Director and Executive Vice President Nam-Il Cho Activity Overview in 2007 Plant Superintendent CO2 (Energy) reduction activity Waste reduction activity VOCs reduction activity Although its production volume was increased, Kia Motors is reducing the volume of waste Kia Motors increased its painting efficiency with compact production facilities and the waste disposal through recycling waste and separate the automated Robobell, and decreased VOCs heat collection helped reduce the energy usage waste collection. emissions with the recovery of thinner used in on producing a vehicle and total energy usage washing painting gun. compared to 2006. Volume Trends of CO2 Emitted Waste Management Trends Volume of CO2 Emitted (1,000 ton/year) Total Volume Volume Emitted by a Vehicle (ton/vehicle) 500 Volume Trends of VOCs Emitted Recycle Volume (1,000 ton/year) Volume of VOCs emitted (g/m3) 2.5 Recycle Volume per Vehicle (kg/vehicle) 100 250 100 400 2.0 80 200 80 300 1.5 60 150 60 200 1.0 40 100 40 100 0.5 20 50 20 0 0 0 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 Based by Sedan 2007 2005 2006 2007 Environmental Conservation Initiatives Communicating with community Kia Motors is continually providing plant tours for local residents through field trips and open communication activities, engaging in active information disclosures and sharing suggestions. In addition, Kia Motors cleaned up roads around plants 12 times with volunteers in 2007. Incidents/Lawsuits Related to the Environment: None Environmental Data Air Pollutants in 2007 Pollutants Dust NOx SOx TRI Chemicals in 2006 Plant Equipment Regulation Actual Measurement Measurement Emission Transfer Consumption Amount Amount Painting Facilities 100 9.46 Toluene Amount 612 29 78 Drying Facilities 100 8.14 505 Di-Ethy lHexyl Phthalate 331 0 7 Electric Casting Furnace 20 8.48 324 Ethyl Acetate 145 7 20 Drying Facilities 200 118 13.38 Hydrogen Chloride 128 0 0 Casting Facilities 128 200 11.63 Sodium Hydroxide 127 0 0 Casting Facilities 127 500 Non-detected Methyl Ethylidene 119 0 1 118 Xylene 113 0 2 110 70 3 10 57 Nickel Compound 57 0 1 56 Manganese Compound 55 0 1 54 * Regulation Measurement Unit is Dust: g/Nm , NOx, and SOx:ppm 3 Water Contaminants in 2007 Regulation Measurement Actual Measurement pH 5.8~8.6 7.2 BOD 80 13.8 COD 90 20.7 SS 80 2.8 5 1.9 N-H * Unit: ton/year * Volume: Total volume in the workplace * Emission Amount: Volume emitted into the atmosphere, hydrosphere and soil * Transfer Amount: Amount of volume handled by outsiders. * Consumption Amount: The amount of volume actually used in businesses. * The restraint volume of BOD and SS is represented by the maximum (in daily average). * mg/L & pH is excepted from Unit. * pH: Hydrogen Ion Concentration * BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand * COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand * SS: Suspended Solids Volume Potassium Hydroxide * Actual Measurement is a mean value. Contaminants Pollutants 73 Eco-friendly Achivements in Domestic Workplace Service Centers • Location: 20 locations, including 996-3 Siheung-dong Geumcheon-gu, Seoul • Employees: 1,820 • Established: 1958 • Main Service: Warranty and General Repairs • Lot Size: 220,301 m2 • Facility Size: 175,997 m2 • ISO14001 Certification: December 2003 Environmental Director and Executive Vice President Jong-Oak Park Activity Overview in 2007 AS Division CO2 (Energy) reduction activity Waste reduction activity Environmental management technology Kia Motors has put in efforts to capture Separate waste collection and recycling activities support renewable energy sources, installing the Solar is allowing a consistent decrease of waste through Since the establishment of technical support Photovoltaic System in five service centers. Kia processes of waste landfill and incineration. in 2005, Kia Motors has been aiding partners’ Motors has planned for further development environmental management systems with Kia’s suggested by application results, with goals to environmental management technology. reduce CO2 emissions through the minimal use of refrigerants in air conditioners. Volume Trends of CO2 Emitted Waste Management Trends Volume of CO2 Emitted (1,000 ton/year) Total Volume Volume Emitted by a Vehicle (kg/vehicle) Recycle Volume per Vehicle (kg/vehicle) Recycle Volume (ton/year) 25.0 50 2,500 2.5 20.0 40 2,000 2.0 15.0 30 1,500 1.5 10.0 20 1,000 1.0 5.0 10 500 0.5 0 0 2005 2006 2007 0 0 2005 2006 2007 Environmental education Environmental evaluation Investment in eco-friendly infrastructure Training courses for capacity development are ISO 14001 is renewed by external audit Solar Photovoltaic Equipment was installed and served on a quarterly basis to employees in charge institutions. waste storage was also upgraded. of service centers. Capacity Development Training for Environmental Activities Renewal Examination Meeting Communicating with community Kia Motors as been strengthening its brand image as an eco-friendly management company by participating social service activities. 20 direct service centers in Korea are campaigning bimonthly for environment preservation at community parks, lakes and on local roads. Incidents/Lawsuits Related to the Environment: None 2007 Environmental Conservation Initiatives Overview Frequency: 120 times Participants: 1,494 volunteers Activities: Mountain, river, park, road, building, and terminal clean-ups Solar Photovoltaic Facility Environmental Conservation Initiatives 74 Special Story Countering Climate Change Climate changes are currently posing threats to peace and the future of humanity. Kia Motors is cognizant of such significant climate changes. Kia Motors also responds to climate changes by endeavoring to reduce greenhouse gases from vehicle manufacturing processes and CO2 emitted by vehicles. Moreover, Kia Motors established responding systems countering climate changes, enforcing tasks in the workplace. Major enforced tasks are generally divided into two categories as follows: Energy efficiency improvements (clean production) and development of highly fuel efficient vehicles. Countering Synopsis of Climatic Change Convention Distributing Eco-Friendly Vehicles Enhancing Energy Efficiency Establishing the Foundation for Responding to the (Enforcement) (Enforcement) Kyoto Protocol (Enforcement) • Developing hybrid electric vehicles • Reducing CO2 in the workplace • Establishing the foundation for greenhouse • Developing fuel cell vehicles • Voluntary agreement to reduce gas statistics • Expanding next generation diesel vehicle • Joint response with academia, government and NGOs distribution • Recycling of waste reduction • Training and PR domestically and overseas • Developing technologies in fuel efficiency • Rationalizing the logistics system • Introducing support programs for business partners energy usage enhancement • Executing internal transaction systems of • Developing technologies for CO2 reduction discharging rights Corresponding Production Trends 2nd phase Establishment of Strategic Corresponding System 1st phase Establishing Corresponding Infrastructures Verifying plans regarding greenhouse gas discharge volumes, called “Greenhouse Gas Inspection Infrastructure Plans” Benchmarking the correspondence of Japanese companies for countering climatic change convention Korea’s first greenhouse discharge quantity Third party verification and greenhouse gas Development of computation guidelines (ver. 1.0) for estimating quantity of discharge: Hwaseong plant Verifying the discharged volume of greenhouse gas (Pilot project of Korea Energy Management Corporation ): Hwaseong plant Developing computation guidelines (ver. 2.0) to estimate total discharged volume and develop inventory systems (GEIK ver. 1.0) Verifying total discharged volume of greenhouse gas: Sohari and Gwangju plants, and A/S division 3rd phase Promoting the Reduction of Discharged Volumes Establishing reduction goals and activity strategy for the discharged volume of greenhouse gases Expanding on the verification on the discharge volume of greenhouse gases (Including overseas facilities and managing greenhouse gas in EMS) 2007~ 2006 2005 CO2 Reduction Overview by Vehicles As climate change relief activities have become more and more globalized, developed countries are implementing various regulations and standards to reduce greenhouse gases emitted from auto industries. As a leader in auto greenhouse gas reduction, the EU is planning to enforce restrictions with its standard of 130 g/km from 2012 as a response to disappointing results in voluntary agreements from the late 1990s. Kia Motors constantly strives to advance technologies and enhance fuel efficiencies. As 75 proof of these constant efforts, Kia Motors released the Picanto (Morning), a small compact vehicle with CO2 quantity of less than 120 g/km, in the European market in 2004 and continued to produce vehicles equipped with eco-friendly diesel engines in 2005. As a result of these efforts, Kia Motors achieved CO2 emissions of 167.3 g/km to satisfy KAMA’s mid-term goal of 170 g/km in 2004 and in 2006, achieved CO2 emissions quantity of 163.5g/km, showing a 3.8g/km decrease from 2004. CO2 Reduction Trends in Europe KIA KAMA JAMA Unit: g/km ACEA 220 210 200 190 180 170 165 (KAMA) 163 (K!A) 160 150 2000 ~ 2004 2005 2006 * Source-Kama-EU & KIA-AAA Consecutively Selected as an Outstanding Company for the Voluntary Agreement of Greenhouse Gas Reductions Since 2000, Kia Motors has been consecutively awarded as an outstanding company for the Voluntary Agreement of Greenhouse Gas Reductions, aiding in reversing the greenhouse effect and consistent environmental improvement activities. Selected Plants as Outstanding Facilities by Year Classification 2005 2006 Sohari 2003 ◦ 2004 ◦ ◦ Hwasung ◦ ◦ ◦ Gwangju ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ * AL Voluntary Agreement: Non-regulated agreement signed by Government and Corporation to set and achieve a common goal for saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions * The highest award (Minister Award) is included. Actively Countering Greenhouse Gas from the Workplace Kia Motors is an active participant of VA projects to reduce greenhouse gas and save energy. In its Hwaseong Plant, Kia installed a variety of inverters (duct system, precipitator, coolant pump, exhaust fan, pump motor, and etc.), boilers (automatic fuel-air ratio control system, economizer, and continual blow down installation), infrastructure complement, coolant withdrawal systems change, air compressor, cooling power complement, pre-treated coating exchange efficiency compliment, and etc.; such installations thereby control activities that reduce unnecessary power usage. Kia Motors’ Energy Saving Overview 01 02 Classification 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Saving costs (In millions/year) 3,079 2,845 2,780 4,675 3,586 5,009 Saving amounts (TOE) 8,526 8,550 8,970 14,456 9,992 18,387 CO2 reduction (tCO2/year) 4,821 4,531 5,448 8,544 5,975 10,131 * TOE (Ton of Oil Equivalent): Standard unit of Calorie (Cal) for one ton of crude oil for various units of energy. * Results of VA Projects for Sohari, Hwaseong, and Gwangju plants 01. 02. Awarded for Excellence in Newly Recyclable Energy Accomplishment President Award in Energy Saving Promotion Competition by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy Roads are made to connect one person to another. Kia Motors is a road to a sustainable society. social value Countless roads are built to facilitate convenient travel. Our vehicles, our pride and joy, travel over these roads. We bring peace of mind to our customers with never-ending efforts to build safer vehicles for our customers. Creating more convenient vehicles and preventing vehicular accidents are the true profit of an automobile company’s responsibility. Alleviating walking discomfort, attending to those working in the vehicle production, as well as looking back at the people facing greater hardship, Kia Motors will materialize the needs that will sustain the company and society’s coexistence. 78 Disclosure on Management Approach Kia Motors strives to maintain healthy relationship with two components of the company’s driving force, its partners and employees. Kia raised the bar with “Making a Great Work Place,” which boasts employees’ satisfaction, employment security, and employee’s rights protection. Kia is continually expanding support for management stability and competitiveness of business partners. Beyond offering excellent customer satisfaction, Kia Motors enriches lives with comfortable reliable vehicles and active contribution to local communities. Under the slogan, “Moving Together with the World,” Kia promoted harmony with the community by contributing to the development of safer traffic culture and advancing mobility for the people with disability and disadvantaged drivers. From 2007 onward, Kia Motors continues to expand the community engagement with volunteer work and global community activities. Materiality Analysis Results 2008 Sustainability report amended expansive information in the social value section to correct the inadequacies, noted in the last year’s stakeholders’ satisfaction survey. For the issues below, Kia Motors’ categorizing system helped locate inadequacies in the report, while valuable contents were organized into graphs to allow clarity of the data. Results gathered from various outside parties are clearly organized for viewing. Employees Employees’ Rights and Labor-Management Relationship Benefits and Training Workplace Safety • Creating Jobs (for 220 people) and Awaiting Retirees Support • Running Committee of Employment Stabilities and Committee of Next Generation Management • “Making a Great Work Place” (Providing better benefits and training, events supported by employees, and cheerful culture) • Decreased 51 Industrial Accidents Business Partners + Partnership Support Fair Trade Settlement • Operating Support System for Business Partners • Executing 5 Star System • Training Employees of Business Partners • R&D Partners Tech Day Meeting • Guest Engineering Program • Supporting Management Stabilization (Improving payment condition and financial support) • Joint Overseas Market Entry • 2nd Partnership Support Reinforcement • Settling Fair Trade System Customers + Customers’ Safety Customer Service • Development of Vehicle Safety and Intelligence • Demonstrated Superiority in Safety Evaluations • Awarded Best Service Satisfaction • Awarded 1st Place in Best Korean Standard Service Quality Index (four consecutive years) • Awarded 1st Place in Superior Korean Standard-Service Quality Index by Korean Business Call Center • Operation of Auto Q Services and Before Services • Kia Motors America Awarded 1st Place in Best Website by J.D. Power and Associates Local Community + Community Engagement • Advancement of Transportation for the People with Disability and Disadvantaged Drivers (Easy Move) • Expansion of Safer Traffic Culture (Safe Move) • Employees Volunteer Services • Establishing Infrastructures for Regional Communities • Strengthening Global Community Service Activities • Total Expenditures in Community Engagement; 7.4 billion won 79 Employees Businesses focused only on the optimal allocation of resources and financial growth exposed various problems. This initiated outcry from the world to change the corporate management paradigm to focus on strengthening corporate responsibilities to the society. As a responsible corporate citizen and a member of the community, Kia Motors seeks public and stakeholders’ optimal benefit, carefully dealing stockholder matters and working towards a common good. Additionally, special attention is given to all stages of corporate earning distribution in a fair and responsible manner with the stakeholders in mind. Large aspect of Kia’s community contributions is creating new economic supplement to aid local communities and to further aid country’s development. Kia Motors is generating economic values for local communities through job creation, while its employees establish the company’s future values and aid in obtaining goals of the sustainable management. Kia is made possible through people, just as Kia’s products are made to better the lives of people. Caring for its employees is as important to Kia as its primary goals of sustainable management growth and responsibility to the community. Total number of Employees Unit: Employees On December 31st, 2007, Kia Motors reported a total of 32,977 employees. Through job creation, Kia seeks to improve the 50,000 economic value of its local communities and further improve 40,000 30,000 Employees Overview Employees and Employment 32,745 33,005 32,977 the nation’s economy. Each year through various public hiring, Kia hires great number of new workers under equal 20,000 opportunity practice. In 2007, 220 new employees were hired. 10,000 Employment Loss Management and Retirees Support 0 2005 2006 2007 Kia Motors attributes foundation of business competitiveness with hiring and retainment of highly valuable employees. In order to comprehend the employees’ satisfaction, Kia examines and manages information regarding employees’ age, gender, region, occupation changes and its turnover rates. For new employees, Kia provides a mentoring system to aid the employees’ adjustment stage and prevent skill relapses. Mentoring system is established through representatives of each department, assigning team formations of either 1:1 or 1:3 to provide this system with guardianship. Once employed, during the first six months, employees take turn at least once a month establishing a 80 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders productive meeting to discuss various difficulties and socialize with other employees. In the process of an employee’s retirement, Kia’s awaiting retirees are entrusted to outside consulting agencies to provide psychological stability and facilitate reclamation of the employees’ own paths. Kia also holds two weeks seminar to give valuable information regarding their health, assets, and spare time management. To raise employees’ morale by matching employees with their desired job, Kia utilize a system of self-assessment report that are used to shift job position at the beginning of the following year when any work difficulties or desired position are reported. Education for Awaiting Retirees Education Contents (a total of five days / 40 hours) • Reality cognizance: retirement preparation, lifetime plan (prospectus), jobs after retirement, and sense of life after retirement. • Self care: image care, health care, and a happy marriage • Future plans: property management, understanding and viewing company commencement, power resume, and plans for off-hours. Number of Trainees • 37 retirees in 2006 and 26 retirees in 2007 Results from the Satisfaction Report of Retirees • “Contents are organized appropriately for the awaiting retirees that it will likely provide major help after retirement.” • “Education gave me friendly future direction and a welcome relief few months before the retirement.” • “It was a period where I was given the chance to look back at life. My previously narrow outlook on life has widened along with my heart.” Employees by Occupation Unit: Employees Positions General Production Technician Research Sales Other Total 21,711 1,663 108 2,995 183 28,405 2007 Union Member 1,745 Non-Union Member 4,194 21 - 140 217 - 4,572 5,939 21,732 1,663 248 3,212 183 32,977 2006 5,745 21,774 1,672 250 3,228 336 33,005 2005 5,566 21,554 1,661 253 3,239 395 32,668 * Standard for current employees based on assessment taken December 31st of each year. Employees by Occupation in 2007 Employees’ Location Unit: Employees Officer General Production R&D Privileged Total Head Office - 30 - - 4 34 Apgujeong - 2 - - - 2 Wonhyoro - 1 - - - 1 Sohari Plant - 22 1 - 3 26 Hwaseong Plant - 50 61 4 7 122 Gwangju Plant - 17 - - 2 19 R&D Center - 11 - - - 11 Domestic Regions - 3 - - - 3 Oversees Regions 2 - - - - 2 Total 2 136 62 4 16 220 81 Retirees for 2007 Unit: Employees Categories 2005 2006 2007 Head Office 96 80 70 Sohari 75 73 59 Hwaseong 93 46 47 Gwangju 64 68 67 R&D Center 766 7 4 Misc. 142 77 60 Total 1,236 351 307 * Head office consists of Yangjae, Apgujeong, Wonhyoro, and oversees regions, and R&D Center consists of Namyang, Mabuk, Shihwa, and Sohari R&D center. Job Creation Unit: Employees Regional Job Creation Categories 2,500 Head Office 2,000 1,500 1,499 2006 2007 48 52 38 Sohari 150 108 26 Hwaseong 147 278 122 1,101 99 19 47 17 11 Misc. 6 18 4 Total 1,499 572 220 Gwangju 1,000 Unit: Employees 2005 R&D Center 572 500 220 0 2005 2006 2007 * Head office consists of Yangjae, Apgujeong, Wonhyoro, and oversees regions, and R&D Center consists of Namyang, Mabuk, Sihwa, and Sohari R&D center. Respect for Diversity and Protection of Human Rights Formation of Non-discriminatory and Open Work Environment Kia Motors does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, or social standing. Each opportunity is given according to each employee’s individual abilities. Kia’s Employment Stability Committee is securing full employment of Kia’s employees and building a relationship of trust. According to employment manual and public standards, Kia follows processes of fair employment, thereby insuring Kia Motors with competent workers. Respect for Employees’ Diversities Kia Motors’ overseas facilities are currently located in the United States, China, and Slovakia. As of 2007 in Kia overseas operations, native employees account for 7,407 employees, making up 18.3% of all employees. Kia is reviving many regions’ economies through employment, while founding suitable environmental and cultural formations to create and support enjoyable working conditions for the native employees. 01 02 The ratios of female employees make up 2.5% of Kia’s employees with a total of 833 female employees. Currently, there are no females in management positions. Kia Motors practices management activities with an open mind and accepts differences in perspectives. Kia is putting efforts to equalize gender in the workplace by progressively employing women and providing comfortable working environments for both employees. 01. 02. Slovakia Plant’s Native Employees Kia Motors’ New Employees in 2007 82 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Personnel Evaluation and Performance Based Compensation Kia Motors preserves all matters regarding personnel evaluation, equal treatment of employees, and job promotion management as stated in Article 36 of the Collective Agreement, and Article 4 in the Rules of Personnel Management. Employees are paid according to the wage criteria regardless of gender and by objective validity of the employee’s duration of services. Personal evaluation system objectively measures individual services for improving the employee’s capacities. Promotion system requires that the official examination board makes consideration on the basis of various diverse objective data to deal fairly and to advance further objectives. Employee Representative Assembly Guarantee According to the 8th Article of the Collective Agreement, it secures union association and the liberty of their activities. According to the 18th Article in Rules of Employment, if a dispute shall rise between labor and management, disadvantages may not be charged to employees participating in a strike. Agreement regulates that the labor and management settle their issues through negotiations. In addition, for improvement of employees and social welfare, a conference concerning the collective agreement and labor management is held every two years. Deliberations regard factors such as cost of living, productivity increase, wage settlement, and wage negotiations. In order to build collaborative labor relations, a Labor and Management Council is being operated at least every three months. The collective bargaining which applies to union members makes up 28,405 members. With the exception of employees at or above management levels or positions managing any of the company’s major policies, employees are allowed to obtain union membership. Through the collective agreement, the labor and management mentions, “following the fundamental mentality of Constitution and three labor rights, and the ILO, as being in a reciprocally equal position to being under the faithful principles, union member’s labor conditions, maintenance improvement, politics, economy, community, and cultural elevation of statuses,” thereby securing rights and interests. Human Resources Management To efficiently resolve employees’ grievances, Kia Motors established consultation service standards called Human Resources (HR) Ombudsman Services. Located in each business department, various employees’ personal concerns of promotion or proposals regarding promotion-related operations are treated and collected with additional aims to improving HR management policies. In addition to each division, an “Employee Grievance Handling Committee” has been established to help resolve concerns about an employee’s job allocation. Promotion management keeps all matters of employees’ concerns confidential to prevent any discrimination against employees. Correspondingly, in order to resolve employee rights, systems, or general matters, a civil corner via intranet can be accessed by employees. Employee Wage Classification Total Employees Consecutive Years of Employment Annual Wage Wage per Employee Unit: Employees, In million won 2005 2006 2007 32,745 33,005 32,977 12 13 13 1,752,972 1,844,824 1,894,262 53.53 55.90 57 83 Education for Protection of Human Rights To protect the basic rights and privacy of employees, Kia is raising protection standards especially concerning sexual harassment. HR lectures and workshop programs are given to all employees each year for sexual harassment prevention. Lectures educate employees with real life and legal cases in a variety of sessions. Lectures are intended to raise moral consciousness in a societal working environment with Kia Motor’s goal of obtaining its culture of gender equality. Personal consultation services for employees are provided in addition to the establishment of personal consultation committee for female employees. Education for Sexual Harassment Prevention • All employees require education in first and second half of each year (Education from Lieutenant operated separately in each department). • Education includes laws and regulations concerning sexual harassment, company guide to sexual harassment prevention, handling procedures, and management standards. Prohibition of Child Labor and Forced Labor Kia Motors is pursuant to employment principles only accepting candidates of at least 18 years of age. Following the 26th Article of the Collective Agreement, no enforcement of work may be applied on holidays for labor extension. Kia does not take advantages of employees with labor service extensions. Win-Win Practice for Employees Management Disclosure Practice Following the 14th Article of Collective Agreement providing notification of liabilities, Kia Motors is making great strides through management disclosure practices. Contents which require notifications of alterations or changes are trades and incorporations and employment rules; personnel regulations whereby affecting union members’ by regulations enactment and reorganizations, appointment and dismissal of directors; position changes, employee identification changes, audit reports, management performance, and decisions made by the board of directors. Such notification matters are immediately transferred as documents in effectively building positive reliability. With the above mentioned and separately, Kia Motors is regularly (monthly, quarterly, and biannually) disclosing operating results to labor unions for reciprocal understanding and improvement of joint efforts. Employees’ Management Participation Employment Stability Committee formed by employees at Kia Motors, as well as Next Generation Committee inducing active management participation, keeping ears open to employees’ views. Employment Stability Committee _ Employment Stability Committee follows 53rd Article of the Collective Agreement. As an established committee, meeting is to be held once a year, for a period of two to three months in which the committee discusses general matters and bring conclusions covering employment and production at Kia Motors. Operations related solutions are reflected upon directly. In each plant, subcommittees are separately assigned by their departments, deliberating employment for each plant’s unit and discussing production-related matters. In 2007, Employment Stability Committee held a discussion ending with a mutual agreement on labor management in allocating Opirus production line to Sohari plant and producing a brand new AM, in Gwangju plant. 84 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Next Generation Committee _ Next Generation Committee allows exchanges between middle management and top management, exchanging ideas and increasing consensus through direct consultation. Committee is continuing to play a vital role conveying business policies, expressing Kia Motors’ vision to all its employees, in addition to communicating employees’ various suggestions to top management groups. With purposes of resolving crucial pending issues and problems, with a total of 16 committee members from each division (6th standard: 16 headquarters and operating departments) during one term of one year, each member attend workshop every month and promotes one subject quarterly. From 2001, Kia Motors encouraged employees to participate in the management as Next Generation Committee. Kia finished six terms of the committee throughout seven years, and 18 subjects were applied to operate businesses. Co-ownership of Ideas Kia Motors administered an online community for each management department to promote a knowledgeable community, where new employees to top management committees are given rights to voice their opinions. Through the community knowledge base, employees may present suggestions or serious concerns to top management groups and relevant government ministries. Starting with cost reductions, various ideas for improvements that emerge while on duty may be presented. Such suggestions or ideas are reflected upon by the administration and top management groups to aid future activities. Growth of a “Cheer” Culture At Kia Motors, in order to maintain a spontaneous atmosphere where employees are encouraged to have high morale and strive in their operations, a change in company culture is being promoted by praising Kia’s workers. In 2007, through KIA world and CS plaza, a “cheer relay” and “cheer board” was newly established to further expand the “cheer” culture. Similarly in 2008, Kia Motors plans to continue its support of a company culture where employees can effectively support and actively encourage one another. Employees Care Efforts Employee Training In order to develop and strengthen Kia employees’ abilities, Kia Motors established educational program system with training provision to raise ability of Kia workers. This has benefited the company for multilateral management and control. The company is especially focusing on the training processes of employees that will initiate innovative thinking and cultivate coping abilities. Training Programs Kia’s training program is divided by positions (general administration, Production, R&D, repair and sales) offering basic skill training, OJT, key human resources, development training, and other courses for specialty training. Aside from basic training courses, Kia also operates a useful selection of training programs for employee family members. For welfare of employees, Kia Motors offers financial support to highly qualified employees as part of its academia-industry programs. Training Curriculum _ Employee training curriculum includes management training, OJT, key human resources, productivity improvement training, and internationalization courses. Training is divided by employee’s position and executives according to level; leadership training, specialist 01. 02. Signing 2007 Wage Negotiations Cheer Board within the Company for Encouraging Employees 01 02 85 training, performance improvement, and overseas human resources training. Kia offers support training that is best suited to each employee’s own capacities for continual progress and rise in employee’s ability. Online Training ( _ Kia Motors was acknowledged by Korea Management Association and the Ministry of Labor in 2001 and 2004 for the development of employees’ skill and the online training system. From 2005, online training systems is being expanded and applied to the employee community base for exchange and application of ideas. Ministry of Labor rated Kia Motors “A” grade for three consecutive years. 2007 Training Guidelines Guidelines Directional Focus Creating Performance-oriented Goals Enhancing Training Aimed at Settling Workplace (Headquarter) Issues, Measuring Effectiveness of Training as a Management Performance Global Capacity Reinforcement Internationalization Training Centered on Results, Systematic Development of Overseas Regional Specialists, and Overseas Training Support Systemization Laying a Foundation for Capacity Reinforcing the System of Capacity Training by Occupation and Business Training Division Reinforcing Self-training Individual Development Plan, Training Based on its Own Needs HRD Capability Improvement HRD Management in Global Level, Systematic Development of HRD Specialist, and Reinforcement of Overseas HRD Benchmarking Training System Category Training Contents Directors and Leadership Training New Directors, Executives' Forum, Core Capacity Education (Training people who were promoted), Leadership Development, Human Resources, and Promotion Candidates Curriculum Specialists Development Training by Occupation : General, Research, Production, Repair, and Sales Promotion of Capability On the Job Training (OJT): 28 Cyber and Assessor Curriculums Overseas Specialists Training Natives and Residents training Training Contents Category Training by Position Business Management Director Training, New Employee Training, Capacity Training, Promotion Number of Trainees Training Hours 10,060 235,853 39,815 691,137 32 16,340 4,410 44,814 5,335 118,378 Candidates Training, and Cyber Training OJT Computer, IE, CS, Worksite Improvement, CALS/CIM, Patent, Job Transfer, CAD/CAM, Auto Disassembly, and Repair and Maintenance Training Key Human Resource Overseas Education/Training, Graduate Schools, Global Experts, and Overseas Regional Experts Training Product Quality Training Six Sigma, ISO, Divisional group, Proposals, Logistics, VE, and Partners’ Product Quality/Logistics Training Globalization Training Foreign Language, Language (Including Cyber Training), Telephone English, and Overseas Residents Others Total External Training and Workshop 55,722 403,255 115,374 1,509,777 86 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Online College for Housewives ( _ To aid continuing education and self development of its employees’ family members, Kia offers free Online College for Housewives that provides up to 60 lectures every month. The college offers special lectures, standard lectures, as well as open lectures. Any members of the employees’ families are allowed access to these lectures. Children School and English Classroom for Employees’ Children ( _ Kia’s children school offers a broad range of content taught at levels appropriate for children. Ranging from grades three to six, English Classroom for Employees’ Children is offered during school break periods. Native English teachers and English training specialists provide various programs such as regular ESS courses, drama courses, “Making English Newspapers”, and presentation days. Training Facilities The following lists Kia Motors’ training facilities for the development in vocational training: Osan and Paju Human Resource Development Center, Gwangju and Goyang Training Institute, Sohari Production Training Center, Hwaseong Carens Center, Cheonan Maintenance Training Institute, Ulsan Seongnae Training Center, and Southern Auto Repair Training Center. Training Evaluation Index Training Evaluation Index is divided into arrangement, training operations, and evaluation of its employees. Training evaluations are conducted using manuals that utilize various evaluation methods. Training Status Position 2005 2006 2007 Training Expenses (In million won) 9,700 9,400 7,100 300 290 220 68 64 46 Training Expenses per Person (In thousand won/trainee) Training hours per person (hr/trainee) Training Hours Unit: hr/employee Position 2006 2007 General 98 87 138 22 Repair 82 83 Sales 51 21 Productivity Training Types and Training hours Training Category Business Management Unit: hr/employee 2006 2007 9 7 23 21 Key Human Resources 1 1 Product Quality Training 3 1 Globalization Training 5 4 23 12 OJT Others 01. 02. Employee Training Center (Osan) responsible for employees’ OJT English Classroom for Employees’ Children, one of many programs offered to employees to improve quality of life. 01 02 87 Since 2007, training levels were based on one’s position and training processes with indices gathered from each employee with total training hours. Promotion points are deducted for those employees who do not take part in the course. Training Evaluation Index has been developed for system management and operation of nurturing future talents, and it is used for making future plans regarding employee training and evaluations. In 2007, total training expenditures were 7.1 billion won, 220,000 won per employee, and 46 hours of training for each employee. Employee Welfare System In 2007, Kia Motors contributed 333 billion won, 9.8% increase from previous year. For the advancement of employee’s welfare system, Kia operates many programs such as National Health Insurance System, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance System, National Pension System, Health Management System, and Unemployment Insurance. In addition, some specific items of Kia’s employee welfare system are: daily life expense support, housing, retirement pensions, health and safety, motivation, labor unions, and many others. 01 02 Kia Motors’ expenditures of employee welfare systems in 2007 were as follows: 46.8 billion won for National Health Insurance, 43.6 billion won for Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance, 63.5 billion won for National Pension and 20.7 billion won for Unemployment Insurance. In the case of maternity leaves, 37 employees used a total of 3,403 days (92 days per employee). Outside legal affairs, Kia established employee welfare system with labor unions to ensure the employees’ stability and morale, while maintaining positive relationship with labor unions. In addition, 4,535 employees received interim payments for retirement pensions. A total of 52.4 billion won and 9.9 billion won were paid for supporting employees’ home visit and vacations, respectively. Kia Motors also offered medical check-up services to 8,410 employees and 5,076 of their family members. A total of 235 employees received Excellent Employee Awards in recognition of their outstanding work performances. Employee Benefits Kia is putting forth efforts to improve and stabilize the quality of life for its employees. Kia Motors’ wage system guarantees wage above the legal minimum systemized for all businesses in the country. Full time and part time employees (as well as hourly) are given nondiscriminatory benefits. The differences in wages for full and part time (as well as hourly) employees are in grant provisions relevant to the wages system. Details of Employee Welfare Costs Unit: In million won Annual Welfare Costs Welfare Costs Category National Pension 63,479 National Health Insurance 46,816 Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance 43,576 Life Support and Conveniences 117,784 Employment Insurance 20,709 Others 40,650 Total 333,014 500 25 400 300 277.2 303.3 333.0 100 10 8.47 9.19 10.10 0 New Employees Camp 2007 New Employees Camp 2007 Graduation Ceremony 20 15 200 * Others include the following: 15,136 million won in Safety, Health, and Hygiene, 2,884 million won in Culture and recreation, 17,346 million won in Motivation. 01. 02. Unit: In billion won/In million won Welfare Costs per Employee 5 0 2005 2006 2007 88 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Industrial Safety and Health Industrial Safety and Health Committee Industrial Safety & Health Committee consists of seven members from labor union and management. Through the committee, Kia Motors manages the company’s assets, safety maintenance, and well-being of its employees by creating favorable working conditions. Industrial Safety and Health Committees are located in each plant, consisting of labor union representatives that seek to fulfill various safety needs of each plant. Industrial Safety and Health Center Management Kia motors’ Industrial Safety and Health Center provides medical care for the health maintenance of employees in every plant. The center ranges in general medical services including treatment facilities for musculoskeletal disorders. The center also runs free medical examinations and treatments for business partners’ employees as well as Kia Motors’ employees. 01 02 Disease Prevention Management and Health Promotions Program For health maintenance, employees undergo regular and special medical examinations, adult disease examinations, and other examinations to detect any diseases at its early stages. Kia Motors employee’s family members may receive financial support to cover medical expenses from national health insurance or affiliated medical centers. In 2007, Kia Motors supported 8,410 employees and 5,076 employees’ immediate family members with a total of 9.3 billion won. Kia also established the online medical examination center to expand the medical convenience and employee’s choices connected to Online Med Inc. ( Health centers (health gym, sports center) in every workplace allow for employees to maintain their health. Kia Motors offers employees with musculoskeletal disorders with eight week health programs prior to work, to prevent any relapses of musculoskeletal illness. Medical examinations are conducted every three years to find causes and prevent employees’ musculoskeletal disorders or illnesses that arise from repetitive procedures in the waist, neck, knees, and shoulders. Aside from musculoskeletal services, Kia operates hearing care services to prevent loss of hearing in addition to making improvement in the work environment. Through the Industrial Safety and Health Maintenance, employees undergo routine and special health examinations to aid in health improvements and working environment. Industrial Accident Ratio and Total Number of Days Lost In 2007, 661 industrial accidents were reported on company grounds. Total recovery days are 102,924, which decreased by 43,607 days compared to 2006. There was no record of sick leaves from illness. The industrial accident ratio showed an increase in musculoskeletal sicknesses with growing social concerns from 2000. However, there has been notable decrease in conventional safety accidents. Kia’s production lines were reorganized to specifically prevent musculoskeletal sicknesses. Enhancing treatment management, accident prevention, consistent safety examinations, and diversified effort has resulted in a decrease of 20 cases since 2006. Industrial Accident Ratio Classification 2005 2006 Kia Motors 2.03 1.94 1.9 Manufacturing Industry Average 1.16 1.18 (N/A) Transportation Manufacturing Industry Average 1.62 1.42 (N/A) 01. 02. Hwaseong Plant’s Industrial Safety and Health Center Employee’s medical examination appointment site (Online med) 2007 89 In-house Environmental Safety and Health system (i-ESH) The i-ESH is an organizational system for environmental, safety, health matters covering all of Kia Motors’ production grounds. The system is not only for its efficiency of data organization, but for disclosing environment safety related information for training purposes. Certification of Industrial Safety and Health Management System To prevent industrial accidents and for a pleasant working environment, Kia Motors operates the Industrial Safety and Health Management. Sohari plant has acquired the KOSHA 18001 Certification, and Hwaseong plant obtained the OHSAS 18001 Certification as well as the KOSHA 18001 Certification. i-ESH System Environmental Management Health Management Safety Management •Criterion Information •Waste Management •Environmental Goals •Soil Management •Noxious Chemical Management •Environmental Management Training •Emergency Procedures •Air Management •Environment Inspection •Water Analysis •General Environment •Partnership •Criterion Information •Health Training •Physical Health Facilities •Equipment Management •Work Environment Examination •Safety Information •Musculoskeletal Illness •Health Information •Toxic Chemicals •Criterion Information •Dangerous Operations •Safety Goals •Partnership •Facilities Establishment •Emergency Procedures •Public Safety Information •Accident/Industrial Disasters + + Statistical Data + •Common Factor Management •Environmental Management •Safety Management •Health Management Making a “Great Work Place” (GWP) Kia Motors strives through a variety of programs for its employees to come in harmony and enjoy a “Great Work Place”. Last year, the Art Leum Museum opened art spaces at the Yangjae-dong headquarters lobbies for Kia’s employees to enjoy the art and for mental /physical recharge. For employees and their families, Kia Motors presented education programs such as “My father is an Art Ph.D.” In November, Kia held Visions Festival for its employees to provide unified group vision and culture. Employees participated in group activities and forums that focus on the company’s group vision and culture of encouragement for each other’s brighter future. Employees also enjoyed the Company Brand Day events where Employees’ families could participate in enjoyable family programs. 01 02 03 01. 02. 03. “My father is an art Ph.D,” art education program at Art Leum Museum in company HQ. Competition event at new Visions Festival held from October to November of 2007. Finalists of Best Dressers at one of the Visions Festival events 90 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Industrial Safety and Health Education As stated in the 69th Article of the Collective Agreement, Kia Motors and labor union share the common interest in maintaining the high priority in the matters of employee’s industrial safety and health. Law-related matters of Industrial Safety and Health Rules (31st Article) were set forth by the labor union according to the decisions of the collective agreement. Rigorous specialist training is being employed to the head of production management and persons in charge of musculoskeletal illnesses for Industrial Safety and Health Management. In addition, returning personnel from industrial accident are given rehabilitation training to improve health conditions. Kia Safety Academy (KSA) Kia Motors established Kia Safety Academy (KSA) to develop general safety maintenance for any inadequacies in the work field. KSA’s programs include legal safety, health process, and in-house inspectors training. In 2007, 1,015 employees received 12 different trainings to facilitate duties in the health and safety management. With this academy, Kia Motors established the safety culture and enhanced employees’ productivity. 01 02 Industrial Safety and Health Training Category Safety and Health Participants Training Hours Period (Month) Production Sohari 2 1 122,856 10,639 2 1 255,336 5,963 2 1 Sales 3,234 2 1 Technical 1,658 2 1 39,792 General 5,753 2 1 138,072 Sohari 245 24 1 5,880 Hwaseong 700 24 1 16,800 Gwangju 300 24 1 7,200 79 8 1 632 186 8 1 1,488 Maintenance Hwaseong Training during Gwangju Stated Period Supervisor Expertise Period (Year) Total Training Hours 5,119 143,112 77,616 Industrial Safety and Sohari Health Committee Hwaseong Member Gwangju 73 8 1 584 Services Center 40 8 1 320 Administrative Staff Sohari 46 16 1 736 for Musculoskeletal Hwaseong 75 16 1 1,200 Illness Gwangju 42 16 1 672 Services Center 40 16 1 640 Health Promotion Sohari 63 400 1 25,200 Training Hwaseong 116 400 1 46,400 51 400 1 20,400 Total Hours 904,936 Annual Training Hours per Person 27.45 Specialized Training Gwangju RemarksTotal: 32, 977 Trainees (2007 Standard) 01. 02. Supervisor Management Safety Training Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training at KSA 91 Security Management and Training Security Management System Kia Motors is working to expand safety measures at a global level to meet the company standards. Kia applied security procedures with standards guides, constructed security portal systems, and raised PC management levels. In 2006, Kia Motors acquired the ISO27001 certification through an audit institution, BSI KOREA, obtaining the public’s trust for information security management. The company is maintaining the certification twice a year through postinspection. Security Training Throughout the first and second half of each year, Kia operates collective training for the security personnel for apt abilities in cases of unknown industry spies, information extrusion, company security policies, and security management counterplan. Also for all security officers, workshops are held twice a year. During the first Fridays of every month, the security supervisors offer guidance training and examinations, which are required for following security management procedures. 01 02 Special Security Management Training From 2005, Kia Motors’ directors and managers at headquarters undergo special security sessions and training. The emphasis of security training is in raising security consciousness towards preventing industrial data espionage, as well as company security countermeasures for providing approachable methods to core security affairs. In 2008, there will be collective training for the whole company for establishing security management values and raising security consciousness. Enforcement of Business Information Management Using International security certification (ISO27001) as a basis, evaluation in security managements are held first and second half of the year. Security management conditions are evaluated for any indicating issues that surface during inspection processes, and causes are analyzed to prevent further relapses. Kia’s annual results from information management evaluations show a steady annual improvement in security levels. Kia strives for excellence, which is reflected in its results. Through early evaluation results, the company award departments who achieve top security management and continually making improvements, while making careful deliberations for less adequate departments. Annual Results of Information Management Evaluation Classification Content Goal 2005 2006 2007 100 pts 98.2 98.5 98.7 Security Related System To prevent electronic document hacking, malicious codes, access in identity theft, and other data abuses, the One Time Password system (OTP) is utilized. Also through Electronic Document and Records Management (e-DRM) systems, documents and electronic blueprints are being encrypted to prevent abuses. For protection and data evidence enhancement, data and output records are preserved for future cases. 01. 02. International Security Certification (ISO27001) Certificate International Information Security Management System Ceremony 92 Business Partners Vehicle industry requires technology-intensive and capital-intensive industrial values. Completed vehicle is like a finished 20,000 piece puzzle. Similarly for composition of one vehicle, multiple business partners form relationships with vehicle manufacturers for vehicle production, development, and parts. Throughout the process, all of each partner’s specialty level determines Direction of the Win-Win Practice the quality of the finished vehicle. Vehicle manufacturing company like Kia is held together by the supply chain of its suppliers and partners who provide timely, crucial parts and technology for flawlessly orchestrated completion of a vehicle. In this respect, Kia respects its partners by supporting competitiveness and survival of its partners for a mutual and sustainable growth. Business Partner Programs for Accompanied Growth Support for Strengthening Partners’ Competitiveness Partnership Support _ On January 2007, Kia Motors founded Partnership Support Team with Foundation of Korea Automotive Part Industry Promotion to strengthen the company culture and promote global competitiveness with its small-medium business partners. Every year, Partnership Support Team works with business partners for at least three months providing technical support, quality directors, exports and management supports as part of the partnership management. Partnership Support Team is made up of 20 full time officers excelling in each respective management fields, serving two year terms. Costs from consultation periods are fully supported by Foundation of Korea Automotive Part Industry Promotion for Kia’s business partners to heighten partners’ management abilities. Hyundai-Kia Motors group contributed a total of 3.5 billion won to Foundation of Korea Automotive Part Industry Promotion in 2007. Partnership Support Team goes beyond providing quality and technical knowledge by engaging in sustainable strategies with long-term values placed on performance. In this process, expansive technical knowledge from former executives is handed down to all partners. From small-medium businesses, Kia Motors received acknowledgment for its industrial precedent in partnership model. Execution of the “5 Stars” System _ Since 2002, Kia Motors initiated the “5 Stars Quality” system for improving partners’ parts quality and strengthening its competitiveness. Kia Motors operated the system under three criteria: no recalls in the latest year, parts supply rate of at least “4.5 Stars” rating, and 750 points in quality management systems. Partners that achieve the “5 Stars” can register for the “5 Stars Quality Club.” Reinforcement in Partners’ Core Capability • Execution of the 5 Stars System • Partnership Support • New Technology Exhibition and Seminar Opening • Guest Engineering Program Reinforcement of Management Stability • Supply Costs Settlement • Working towards a Common Goal • Funds Supports • Group Purchases Strengthening the Global Correspondence System • Joint Overseas Market Entry • Global Human Resources Program • Building Environmental Network Reinforcement of 2nd Partners Supports • SQ Mark Certification System • Management Innovation Seminar • Quality and Technology Volunteer Services • Group Purchases • Occupational Training Consortium Expansion 93 Companies awarded with “5 Stars” ratings heighten their status through credit rating agencies with privileges of using “5 Stars” logos. From 2002 to 2008 January, a total of 15 companies were registered to the “5 Stars Quality Club.” Kia awards bids participation for new vehicle development to those partners who score 50 points out of 100 in social responsibility section of the “5 Stars” system. (Social responsibility standards consist of company operation’s level of integrity, transparency, and internal HR policies.) Partners’ Employees Training _ At Kia Motors, various programs are run to elevate technical skills and operating competence of business partners’ employees. Every year, 32,000 partners’ employees train with specialists in collective and online setting. Kia also holds training session for its partners in purchasing techniques to advance partners’ purchase systems. Tech Day Opening for Partnership R&D _ On November 2007 at the Namyang Research base (R&D), Kia Motors held its “2 nd Tech Day for Partnership R&D” for the 30 primary partners; (Powertrain (10 companies), chassis (7 companies), assembly (8 companies), and car body (5 01 02 companies)). For R&D and strengthening partnership efforts, Kia Motors held the “Partnership Skills Unity Exhibition,” where Kia Motors gave partners the opportunity to present new R&D technologies. ‘R&D Partnership Seminars’ were also established to settle partners’ grievances and discuss improvement plans. Kia Motors held the annual ‘R&D Partnership Tech Day’ events to expand the scope of partners’ competitiveness. These events also offered an equal share of necessary skills as well as idea exchange to build strong partnership based on open communications. Kia plans to further expand the partnership program to encourage growth of its partners. Support for Partners’ Management Stability Supply Costs Settlement _ Kia Motors is furnishing ready funds to financially aid small-to- medium businesses with inadequate raw supply expenditures. For larger companies, Kia has reduced the pay periods from 120 to 60 days. To maintain payment systems, similar operations will allow second and third partners to receive payments simultaneously. Financial Support _ To stabilize for business partners, Kia Motors supports raw material purchases in addition to R&D costs. In 2007, Kia Motors funded 2.4 trillion won in supports and plans to further expand the support scope. Partner Production System Guest Engineering Program Guest Engineering Program is Kia Motors’ representative partnership extension program. In order to reduce auto part development periods and costs, parts designers from partners and engineers from Kia work together in vehicle development. Based on monthly average, partnership program are operated in 43 companies with its 242 researchers at Hyundai-Kia Motors research centers. Establishing Logistics System (RFID) (1) What is significant in the win-win practice with its partners is the closely linked logistics system. In this 01. 02. (1) system, Kia Motors uses electronic tags called Radio Frequency Identification (RIFD), which are applied to the vehicle parts in the production process for assembling identification. RFID emits signals that are picked up by the computer servers. This allows companies to use their free time to accurately observe progress via the internet without having to physically attend to each affair. In addition, company trucks delivering auto parts also carry electronic tags for comprehending each process of distribution; thereby, serving efficient supply management and cost reduction purposes. Management Innovation Training for Partner’s Representatives Hyundai-Kia Motors Partnership Convention and Seminar RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) : Through Wireless and IC chips, RFID manages information through a variety of next-generation object-recognition technologies 94 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Practicing Shared Achievement _ Kia Motors has been practicing Shared Achievement since 1990. Kia Motors utilizes Value Engineering (VE) that reduces cost at no expense of quality of product or service. With collaborative efforts, imported parts are replaced with domestic parts, which reduces Kia’s bottom line while nourishing Kia’s partners in win-win strategy. Group Procurement _ For the material cost reduction of business partners, Kia Motors’ purchasing power was utilized for group procurement, spending 61.8 billion won in 2006 and 67.6 billion won in 2007. Kia Motors is expanding procurement from general resources to stainless, aluminum ingot, and raw materials. Strengthening Global Correspondence System Joint Overseas Market Entry _ Kia Motors is entering the overseas market with its business partners, focusing on smooth provision of parts and job creations in regional communities. To strengthen partnership, Kia created supports system for its partners to minimize losses from trial and error. For partners’ stable settlement in overseas market, Kia Motors provides partners with employment, business material purchases, and legal consultation. Kia Motors’ current regional procurement ratio for automotive parts is approximately 80%. Regarding overseas investment difficulties of small-to-medium businesses, global support system is being utilized as an aid to overcome this problem for small-to-medium businesses. Global Human Resources Nurturing Program _ Kia Motors offers various education programs aiding partners’ executive management and small companies’ employees for acquiring a variety of specialty knowledge. In 2007, a total of 32,000 partners’ employees were trained through Kia Motors’ educational program. With partners’ entry into the global market, Kia plans to further develop training program for its partners to meet this need with expanded scope of global management and partners’ employee language training. Reinforcement of Second Partnership Support Kia Motors is constantly expanding joint efforts with its partners. For automotive part vendors’ quality improvement, Kia Motors is operating quality technology services. Kia Motors provides its second partners with technology specialists and monthly seminar for intensive training in quality systems, which receives great praises from business partners. In June of 2007, Kia Motors held 12 Developing Win-Win Competitiveness in-between Partners At the Kia Motors’ Slovakia plant located in Zilina, there are 13 business partners (parts suppliers) including Hyundai Mobis, Sewon ECS, Donghee Auto Co., Pyung Hwa Auto Parts Company, and Halla Climate Control Corporation. To ensure stable development of its partners, Kia treats each fairly and honestly. Simple shout of “me too” from any of the partners will set Kia Motors into action by attending to each partners’ necessary processes and services. (Mini interview) Seung-Gil Park, Corporate Director of Sewon ECS “A variety of business affairs such as incentive negotiations, memorandum of understanding (MOU) conclusions, selection of factory sites are resolved through Kia Motors. Due to Kia Motors, Sewon was able to eliminate unnecessary processes of trial and error, time waste, and costs; in order to focus primarily on plant operations. After 2006 Slovakian governmental transition, Sewon lost all its governmental contacts and support during the crucial market entry stage. Mong-Koo Chung, the chairman of Kia Motors, and Eui-Sun Chung, president of Kia Motors directly negotiated with the Slovakia administration to smooth out our market entry without any negative repercussions.” 95 business briefings focused on cost reduction methods through power of group purchase to its second partners. To boost second partners’ competitiveness, Kia Motors plans further engagement with persistent emphasis on joint effort programs. Procurement Policy Settlement of Open and Fair Procurement Systems Under the principle management ethics, all of Kia Motors’ partner transactions must be open and fair (Open & Fair policy). For moral establishment in purchase system, published guides are Acquiring Cost Competitiveness • Promoting Partners’ Active Participation through Proposals • Corresponding Price Advancement on Materials Improving Parts Quality • Stabilizing Parts Quality in New Models • Elevating Partners’ Quality Level • Improving Parts Quality on a Global Level Transparent Purchase • Promoting Transparent Transactions • Settling Business Ethics Reinforcing Overseas Plants’ support • Expanding Value Advanced Automotive Trade Zone (VAATZ) in Overseas Plants • Supporting Group Purchases in Five Global Divisions provided by the supervising system of the cyber audit offices and HR Ombudsman programs. Purchase managements undergo purchase training in computerization of purchases through Value Advanced Automotive Trade Zone (VAATZ) programs, where purchases may be practiced in an open and fair manner. In 2007, fair transactions examination revealed three cases of mismanagement that later received visible legal actions and penalties. Currently, three more cases are undergoing inspection processes. Following inspection results, Kia Motors will acknowledge any inadequate factors pointed out and reform them for preventative measure. Further, Kia will perform comprehensive self-examination as a preventative measures to find any potential legal violations and correct them. Kia Motors puts forth consistent efforts with consistent training and transparent resolution practice. Complying with Ethics Charter Ethics Charter of the purchasing department outlines fair and transparent purchase activities as well as central values of Kia’s partnerships with domestic and overseas partners. In general, ethics regulations are specified in factors such as receiving money, soliciting for meals and goods, or abusing information in business activities. Following principles of Ethics Charter, Kia’s employees may not receive any gifts or money from business partners over 30,000 won. Also, receiving direct and indirect compensations from business partners are considered unethical behavior. Guidelines for Employee’s Ethical Behaviors Kia Motors’ previous Code of Ethics and Ethical Charter for employees’ ethical behaviors were too vague for employees to comprehend. To make up for equivocal standards in business activities, Kia distributed clear guidelines concerning the employee’s ethical behavior, clarifying where ethical regulations lie at work and daily activities. Cyber Audit Office The audit office of Kia Motors runs field audit and cyber audits to operate ethical management efficiently. The cyber audit office disclosed Kia’ Ethical Charter and Code of Ethics on Kia Motors’ website. It informed business partners and customers of basic ethical management mentality in the field and practices; facilitating businesses work ethics to be reflected on Kia employees’ behalf. Especially with the foundation of Cyber Call-in Center since April 2004, customers, companies, employees, and anyone interested in Kia Motors are allowed access via the internet. This allows anyone to bring consciousness of any unjust and unethical behaviors within the company. The helpful input provides for effective reflection on issues for system improvements and Kia’s ethical activities. As a practical and transparent system, persons that report any unethical activities are informed of the resolving processes and results. In 2007, Kia Motors received five reports through the internet regarding employees’ unethical behaviors. Kia investigated and took actions against those employees according to the corporate policies, contributing to Kia’s business improvement. Kia Motors is striving to consistently prevent relapses of unethical behaviors through ethical training. 96 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Operating Ombudsman Program for Business Partners In order to build collaborative relationships between Kia Motors and its business partners, HR Ombudsman programs are being conducted for partners’ employees. Business partners report their concerns, suggestions, or report any unethical behaviors of Kia Motors’ employees. With this program, Kia pursues reciprocal development. 01 Cooperation on Procurement by the VAATZ System Kia Motors is operating VAATZ to practice transparent and effective purchase systems. Kia Motors built the Sapturn system(1) within the VAATZ, where business decisions can be achieved by simply viewing computerized processes, consequently negating most personal interferences. The system strengthened the transparent transactions at a much higher level and allowed comprehension of purchases’ scope globally. Kia also conducts on-line bids through the VAATZ system for parts procurement processes and selecting business partners to practice fair and transparent business activities. Establishing Fair Transaction System Training Employees’ Fair Transaction _ Kia Motors trains employees concerning issues such as anti-corruption policies linked to Fair Transaction Laws. In 2003, Kia Motors started online training for all of its employees to better inform transaction laws. In its inception, 4,500 employees began the online training. Currently, Kia Motors is offering the training regularly with promotion of new candidates and new employees. Employees in purchase and fair transactions sector also undergo specialized training processes. In procurement and sales departments, duty training is operated at least twice a year (at least 2 hours per training) with external lecturers in order to set solid foundation for corruption prevention. Voluntary Compliance Program for Fair Transaction _ Kia Motors operates a Voluntary Compliance Program for Fair Transaction to enhance transparent businesses culture and prevent transaction violations. The program was established in 2002 November. In addition, Kia Motors established a council for the voluntary fair transactions compliance. Managers appointed by the Board report employees’ compliance results biquarterly to the Board. Kia Motors offers employees various training programs for fair business transactions both online and offline. The Voluntary Compliance Program contributes to reducing losses resulting in violation of fair transactions. Anti-corruption Training Program Transparent Purchase Training Legal Processes of Fair Transactions for all Employees (in cyber training) Training content: Transparent purchase training and procurement ethics Training content: understanding fair transactions legal processes, blocking compliance unlawful transaction processes Training date / hours: January 26 and March 5, 2007 / 1 hour Training date / hours: 20 hours Trainees: total 47 members (41 promotion candidates in purchase 2007 trainees: 108 members (new members) headquarters / 6 of new employees) 01. (1) The Purchasing Process Computerized by VAATZ System Sapturn System: Electronic bid system 97 Customers Although a vehicle is a private possession, it is also a social possession. Vehicles, which allow comfort and reliability, influence not only individuals but society as well. Automotive manufacturing company is responsible for creating vehicles with maximum comfort and reliability, while raising the quality of life through the motor lifestyle culture. Kia Motors understands that with each vehicle comes a responsibility for customer’s life, thus Kia develop safety features. Kia is making great strides to continually improve customer service. In 2007, Kia Motors earned high scores in domestic and overseas safety evaluations, taking a step further in materialization of customer safety. According to the outside research and evaluation services, Kia Motors achieved first place in Korean Service Quality Index for four consecutive years, in addition to first place for quality in Call Center Services Index. Kia also strives to raise the customers’ lifestyle through various cultural and sports events. Customers Safety: Vehicle Safety One vital function of vehicles is ensuring safety of the driver, passenger, and pedestrian, because accidents involving vehicles can be fatal. Kia Motors makes considerable efforts to design a safe vehicle for its customers. This effort is made through Advanced Safety Vehicles (ASV) and application of safety systems. Additionally, voluntary recall initiatives are set in place to respond immediately in case any defect surfaces that may pose threat to the customer’s safety. Kia Motors runs traffic safety campaigns for its customer and training sessions for accident prevention and guarantee customer safety. 98 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Advanced Safety Vehicle (ASV) To provide more than a general safety offered by safety belts and air bags, Kia Motors is developing intelligent active safety system, Advanced Safety Vehicles (ASV), which will further enhance safety and reduce the impact of vehicle collision. ASV perceives driving condition on the road and the driver to readily and actively prevent accidents, reduce collision damage, confirm collision safety, and minimize damage magnifications. ASV will be connected to the Intelligent Transport System (ITS), which will bring the same safety features from the ASV to the roadways. Advanced Safety Vehicle 13 14 15 18 12 05 12 12 12 22 23 16 28 23 27 12 11 17 10 20 21 24 05 19 25 26 02 01 03 06 02 04 09 08 07 05 1. Road condition sensor 12. Airbag 22. Fire detection sensor 2. Magnetic sensor 13. Road-to-Vehicle / Vehicle-to- 23. Vehicle speed, acceleration 3. Vehicle distance sensor 4. Forward obstacle sensor 14. Rear view camera 24. Collision detection sensor 5. Blind spot monitoring camera 15. Water repelling wind shield 25. Pedestrian collision injury 6. Drive recorder 16. Seatbelt pretensioner 7. Side obstacle sensor 17. Driver monitoring sensor 26. Electronic control steering 8. Air pressure sensor 18. Headup display 27. Message display system 9. Inside door lock/unlock 19. Steering angle sensor 28. Hands-free system 10. Rear obstacle sensor 20. Electronic control throttle 11. GPS sensor 21. Electronic control brake Vehicle communication system sensor reduction structure Safety Technology in Mohave model Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) VDC provides additional eyes and hands to the driver as it assists in detecting potential hazards on the roadway and providing driving support. VDC uses built-in sensors to detect the driver’s control and its road conditions for any potential dangers (Sideslip and Under/Over steer), and then it independently controls a break system in each tire and engine output to avoid accidents. Sensor signals •Car wheel speed •Deceleration •YAW Moment •Steering Wheel Rotation •Pedal Response Speed Insecure Navigation Control VDC Rest time awaiting signal Active Control •Under Steer Correction •Over Steer Correction •Overturn Danger •Emergency Brake Function •Dynamic Brake Control (DBC) •Hill-start Assist Control (HAC) Securing Driving Performance (1) ITS: Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is next generational advanced traffic system to efficiently manage traffic confusions and safety using telecommunications/electronic technology. 99 As a first stage of development, Kia Motors will focus on vehicle control, information communications, and core systems technology. Collision Safety Vehicle Collision Analysis _ Kia Motors uses computerized Vehicle Collision Analysis to assess safety performance of the vehicle from the designing stages for improving customer safety. Kia Motors conducts collision analysis for passenger behaviors as well as safety for women and children. For complete analysis of the vehicle and its passengers, multiple vehicle collision simulations, and actual vehicle tests are taken. With computerized applications, various Vehicle Collision Analyses are being widely applied for passengers’ protection. Actual Vehicle Collision Tests _ In orders to fully maximize collision safety, numerous tests are run under severe conditions with numerous road circumstances. These diverse multi-tests range from front, side, back, offset crashes to car-to-car and car-to-pole crashes. With evaluation from these tests, Kia increases chances of passenger survival and efficiency of protection systems. Kia 01 02 Motors consistently tests under various circumstances to satisfy global standards by conducting tests utilized by various safety-related institutions. Safety Acknowledgements Kia Motors is acknowledged nationwide for producing the safest vehicles. Kia Motors’ top safety grading was determined through the national safety tests. Korea _ Vehicle safety evaluation is operated through New Car Assessment Program (NCAP). 2004 Cerato as a 1500cc compact car (driver seat ★5, Sportage as a medium-sized leisure vehicle (driver seat passenger seat ★5, passenger ★4, ★4, sides sides ★4), ★5) and 2005 received the highest evaluations in vehicle safety. Especially in 2007, Lotze as a 2000cc compact car acquired five stars on all safety tests (driver seat ★5, passenger ★5, sides ★5) and established itself as one of the nation’s safest vehicles. Oversees _ In 2007 global market, cee’d received the highest safety rating of five stars in European New Car Assessment Program. In New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Lotze (Optima), Sportage, Sorento, and Grand Carnival (Sedona) received a five star rating in front and side impact tests, thus receiving acknowledgement as safest vehicles. In NCAP of Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS), Grand Carnival (Sedona) was also acknowledged as ‘Top Safety Pick’ on all front, sides, rear, and collision impact test. Korea and America Safety Collision Evaluation Model Domestic NHTSA Front Side Front Side Cerato 5★/ 4★ 4★ 5★/5★ 4★/4★ Lotze 5★/ 5★ 5★ 5★/5★ 5★/5★ Carens (Rondo) 5★/ 4★ (*) 5★(*) 5★/5★ 5★/4★ Sportage 5★/ 4★ 5★ 5★/5★ 5★/5★ Sorento 5★/ 5★(*) 5★(*) 5★/5★ 5★/5★ Grand Carnival (Sedona) 5★/ 4★(*) 5★(*) 5★/5★ 5★/5★ (*)Kia Motors’ actual test results 01. 02. Front Impact Test Airbag Expansion 100 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Customer Satisfaction For Customer’s Comfortable and Pleasant Experience Customer satisfaction is an essential value of Kia Motors for sustaining its business and achieving its long-term goals. In customers’ relationships, Kia Motors fosters lasting impressions by contributing to customer values. In 2007, Kia Motors aggressively addressed customer complaints and promoted proactive services for employees’ Customer Satisfaction (CS) capabilities. Strengthening Employees’ Capability for CS Employees’ capability for CS _ To assimilate CS culture throughout the company, Kia Motors is providing employees with a variety of CS training programs through CS training classes every month. At Kia’s headquarter, the company trains employees with business manners, a system for employees’ mentality at work, and methods to raise employee morale. For employees in customer service sector, Kia focuses on e-customer services, active organization creation, active response and services with CS mentality. Activities for Customer Service Improvement _ As a necessary inspection for customer service standard compliance, mystery shoppers visited Kia’s auto sales and repair shops. While pretending to be customers, mystery shoppers carried out evaluations of Kia’s customer services to identify inadequacies for further improvement. Internal Customers Satisfaction Services _ To motivate Kia employees with CS formation and to achieve top Customer satisfaction, Kia selects “Customer Applauds Employee” and “Our Proud Kia Employee” every month. Selected employees are awarded with CS “applaud Voice of Customer (VOC) System • Collecting customers’ opinions and surveying customer’s satisfaction level after 2 months from the vehicle purchase date (monthly) > Survey on 203,719 of Kia Motors’ vehicle buyers in 2007 > Total of 35,612 customers responded to the survey > Feedback of each Division’s VOC analysis results (monthly) > Second monitoring of customer complaints on product quality and A/S Satisfaction Level to Resolve Complaints • 6 month delivery period, 1~3 year delivery period (monthly) > Customer surveys after 6 month period: total of 59,744 ,Customer surveys during 1~3 year period: total of 116,013 • Customer satisfaction rating in 6 month period: 82.6 (1.8 rise from 2006) > 1~3 years delivery service satisfaction rating: 75.7 (3.6 rise from 2007) VOC Activities • Training all plants (Sohari, Hwaseong, and Gwangju) employees based on their positions > Trainees: executives, managers, and field workers > Content: major customer complaints At Kia Motors’ Sohari, Hwaseong, and Gwangju plant, Kia is spreading VOC activities in its employee training to reinforcing values of production in the workplace. Kia instituted quality consciousness in its employees with understanding that even the small matters in production can affect customers and the company. With these efforts, Kia and Kia’s employees produce quality vehicles appreciated by the customers. 101 acknowledgements” and showcased in each department for individual accomplishments. Employee’s customer service levels are evaluated monthly to maintain excellent customer satisfaction level. Customer Relationship Various Customer Services Programs _ Kia Motors is offering a vast array of customer service programs with the aim of preventing customers’ inconvenience to maintain strong relationship with its customers. These programs include VOC surveys, six-month monitoring calls for sold vehicles, and “Customer Love Happy Calls.” These various program ranges from the new autodelivery phase to the auto scrapping phase. Kia Motors also sends out its auto magazines and e-mails with beneficial information to its customers. Auto Q Service _ With improvement of previous Q services, Kia Motors is now operating “Auto Q Services” membership program to its customers with high quality services for buying brand new vehicles, maintaining vehicles, and various motor convenience. As an industry’s first auto service, Auto Q Service is designed to maximize “Customer Lifetime Value” and provide Q Service members with regular auto check-ups and repairs based on Kia’s standard customer service manual. Through the Lifetime Customer Services program, Kia’s customers can acquire points on the Kia Motors’ “Q membership” card for vehicle maintenance services. 01 02 03 Before Service _ Unlike the A/S that are performed after malfunction, Kia Motors introduced the Before Service (BS) with focus on service management, inspection, and malfunction prevention. In 2007, Kia substantially raised its customer satisfaction with its BS. In figures, 11,820 technicians made 5,274 visits to customers, inspecting 142,125 vehicles for proper management. Through “Q Members” website, Kia’s customers may register and schedule services. CS Training Support for Business Partners _ For Kia Motors’ business partners, Kia established the CS Training Support to strengthen mutual relations and better the company’s image. In 2007, 3,800 trainees from express bus and taxi businesses, customs, and district offices received CS training, which received praises from participating partners. Awarded Best Service Satisfaction From April 2006, the 5th Service Satisfaction Awards for the expansion of consumers’ satisfaction awarded Kia Motors for best follow-up services. With a total of 329 companies competing in service satisfaction awards in 2007, Kia Motors was awarded for its diligent efforts of customer care for during and after purchase of vehicles. 01. 02. Kia Motors’ Distinguished Customer Service, "Auto Q Service" 03. Kia Motors’ Advance Service, “Before Service” Providing Customers with Free On-site Inspection and Repair Services 102 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Customer Consultation Center • Offering a variety of communication channels > Phone consultation: 080-200-2000 > VVIP exclusive consultation: 080-760-2000 > Cyber Counseling: E-mail consultation (ERMS), internet chat consultation (ITI) (, • "Customer Satisfaction Solutions"enabling helpful cooperation with Customer service department, giving prompt feedback to customer complaints (suggestions) and undergoing management improvements • Maintaining customers relationship through “Customer Love Happy Call” Program > Furnishing variety of data each year Customer Satisfaction Index 1st place for four consecutive years in Korea Standard-Service Quality Index (KS-SQI) _ Managed by the Korean Standards Association, Korean Standard-Service Quality Index (KS-SQI) selected Kia Motors for the best service for four consecutive awards since 2002, showcasing a steady rise of quality. The Korea Standard-Service Quality Index notes how real customers are treated by the service 01 02 benefit, level of customer satisfaction, creative services, promise keeping, response to customers, accessibility, reliability, and the service environment. Kia Motors has received a superior evaluation based on all 8 qualifications. 1st Place in 2007 Korean Industry Call Center Standard-Service Quality _ Kia Motors’ customer service center receive suggestions from customers, promptly resolving customer complaints, managing customers, and meeting customer’s demands. At 2007’s “Call Center’s Korean Standard-Service Quality Index” held by the Korea Management Association, Kia Motors was awarded 1st Place (95 points) keeping its streak alive since 2005. Kia Motors not only received best results in the vehicle sector, but also topped the national rating for its consistent amiable efforts in customer service in the Call Center Sector that envelops all of Korea’s businesses. Customer Information Protection There were no cases involving any violation of customers’ personal information in 2007. To ensure protection of customer information, all employees in customer service center sign the “Nondisclosure agreement”. Kia Motors informs customers of their information rights through “Agreement of customers’ personal information use” when consulting with Kia’s customer support. Korea Standard-Service Quality Index Evaluation Results Kia Motors A Call Center Korean Standard-Service Quality Index Evaluation Results 2007 B 80 95 75 94 71.5 70 65.2 65 62.7 60 55 61.3 94 72.2 94 93 68.8 93 92 66.2 64.3 91 62.2 91 90 58.0 2004 01. 02. 70.5 69.3 95 2005 2006 2007 1st Place in Korea Standard-Service Quality Index Award 1st Place in Call Center Korean Standard-Service Quality Index Award Kia Motors A B C D 103 Customer Marketing Advertising _ For marketing, Kia Motors runs variety of events and communications activities. No marketing events infringe on customer privacy, lay double standards, or influence children. All marketing communications meet the ethical and cultural standards. Opirus’ newspaper advertisement “Snowman” was a huge public hit and later awarded The Best Advertisement by the Newspaper Advertisement Nominee from 2005 to 2007. The popularized Opirus TV commercial “You are right” (featuring In-Pyu Cha and Ee-Rah Shin) received the best TVCF award (Korea’s commercial award) in the broadcast category in the 4th Advertising Ethics Award of the Republic of Korea. In overseas market communications activities, all commercial mediums (TV/ Newspapers/Magazines/Internet, etc.) and advertisements are executed through processes of preauditing and accounting to meet native customers’ taste and standards. Customer Events _ Kia Motors is offering more chances for customers to experience its brand through numerous yet diverse cultural offers. Kia strives to become a lively youthful company that appeals to wider range of customers. In 2007, Kia Motors offered the holiday homecoming rides assistance (New Years Day/the harvest moon festival), Grand Carnival airport limousine service to provide cozy rides for tourists, Lotze driving school and Cerato beauty driving school to promote safer driving. To expand on the customers’ engagement of cultural affairs, Kia Motors carries out multiple cultural marketing, such as sponsoring the Pusan International Film Festival and various other cultural events featuring movies, performances, and concerts. The Summer Auto Camp Zone invites customers every summer vacation to rest and enjoy various fun filled activities. In 2007, it celebrated its 23rd anniversary. Kia opened “Fun Kia,” online UCC website, to reach youthful 01 02 03 customers in their 20’s. Kia also opened “Kia-Buzz,” global online business blog, to communicate with customers from abroad. Kia Motors America’s website ( was evaluated by J.D. Power Kia Motors America’s website ( was evaluated by J.D. Power and Associates as the best website, and it offers prompt and accurate information for consumers. J.D. Power and Associates rated the website as “2007’s most useful automobile manufacturer site” with a score of 868 out of 1,000. The website was acknowledged amongst 37 other automobile manufacturer websites. Kia also placed first in 2003 and 2005 to make it its third 01. 02. 03. first place placement. “The most useful automobile manufacturer website” recognition was a result of comprehensive evaluation based on responses from 11,280 consumers who planned on purchasing vehicles within two years. These customers had graded all 37 automobile manufacturer sites in terms of information/content, speed, user friendliness, and appearance. Consumers' Selection of Good Advertisement Awarding Opirus Advertisement, “Snowman” At One of the Customer Events Opened Lotze Mystery Event Exclusive UCC Site 'Fun Kia' for 20’s 104 Community Aside from financial contributions to the community as one of the corporate social responsibility, Kia puts various efforts into providing vehicles with maximum comfort and stability. Especially in regards to traffic convenience for people with disability, Kia Motors established the “Easy Move” Campaign as well as “Safe Move” Campaigns for establishment and promotion of safe traffic cultures. Also, active voluntary participations from employees have allowed voluntary activities to expand into three major focuses. By investing in public infrastructure and various social contribution activities, Kia Motors is continuously making efforts to create a better community. Traffic Convenience for People with Disability (Easy Move) • Traffic Convenience Promotions Support for People with Disability Traffic Convenience for People with Disability (Easy Move) Representative Businesses of Affiliates Social Engagement System Promoting Safe Traffic Culture (Safe Move) • Accident Prevention Education • Accident Prevention Campaign • Supporting Traffic Accident Victims Promoting Traffic Safety (Safe Move) + Volunteer Group Global Community Engagement • Global Relief Activities- Focus • Foreign Workers Support Representative Company of Affiliates • Social Welfare • Young Generation Support • Human Resources • Environmental Preservation • Local Community Development + Global Community Engagement Volunteer Group • Group Social Engagement • Social Engagement Campaign • Volunteers of Affiliated Companies 105 Kia Motors made an establishment to sustain communities and allow harmonious communications. At our domestic and overseas facilities, our former establishment was removed for the construction of new facilities. Through mutual communications with local communities, Kia is meticulously examining various regional and societal influences as well as establishing security alarm systems. From a viewpoint of government relations regarding automotive manufacturing industries, there must be a thorough inspection of the department prior to community policy establishment and amendments. Kia Motors is establishing policy-making through partnership amongst similar industries. Social Engagement Philosophy and System After introducing our management philosophy slogan, “We usher human happiness through our vehicles” and 2005’s social slogan, “Moving together with the World,” Kia set new boundaries as, “a company leading in vehicle culture through eco-friendly economic activities and active social responsibility, in pursuit of human happiness and a sustainable society.” Philosophy: The pursuit of human happiness through vehicles Mission Statement: “As a leading automotive group, we are committed to our goals of a sustainable society and human happiness through eco-friendly business operations and achieving societal responsibilities”. Core Values in Social Engagement • We strive in eco-friendly business practices and environmental preservation. • We act to fulfill social responsibilities through corporate citizenship. • We act on partnerships with civil society for building a sustainable society. • We act on social values upholding human dignity and happiness. • We act on social needs timely and globally. Mid- and Long-term Plan of Social Engagement Settlement (2005-2006) Extending volunteer activities Dissemination (2007-2008) Building global community care system Lead (2009-2010) Taking lead of Spreading community care models through society Social Engagement Organization Chart Top management Leader of Social Engagement Group Group Council for Social Engagement Head of Planning and Coordination Office (The director of a bureau: Leader of Social Culture Team) President of Hyundai Motors President of Kia Motors President of affiliated companies Hyundai Motors Kia Motors Social Engagement Council of affiliated Officer of Hyundai Motors' Social Engagement Officer of Kia Motors’ Social Engagement companies Hyundai Motors Social Engagement Council Kia Motors Social Engagement Council Officer of Kia Motors’ Social Engagement (Coordinator of each region) (Coordinator of each region) Management Support System of affiliated companies 106 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Easy Move Campaign Looking to people less fortunate than us is to understand those we share lives with, imparting us in our care for a sustainable world. As seniors or disabled people need medical equipments for support, general vehicles are required to special implementation applied to vehicles. Republic of Korea falls under UN standards of the aging society (advanced age population is 7%). Looking at current increasing trends, the aged society (14%) would be come in the year 2020 and the postaged society (above 20%). With the trends, Kia Motors continues the persisting development of Easy Move vehicles to facilitate transportation processes for disabled and disadvantaged drivers. In September of 2006, Kia Motors introduced various extensions of vehicle properties in Easy Move models such as the Lotze and Carnival’s rear wheelchair slope, steering wheel lifter seat, and wheelchair crane. Kia is undergoing various processes of R&D for adding extensions to more model varieties. To furnish transportation for disabled and disadvantaged people in a manner of establishing societal sympathy, Kia Motors actively runs Easy Move campaigns. Kia’s special concerns of traffic life for the disabled and disadvantaged were characterized by various support programs. Disability Support Service programs provide various aids such as brails support and prosthetic limbs. Promoting locomotory activities for people with disabilities is one of Kia’s central goals for community engagement. Kia Motors will expand the range of locomotive support programs for disabled and disadvantaged persons, through continual R&D and cooperative aid from related organizations. Status of Easy Move Activities • Korean Differently Abled Federation , Community Chest of Korea: Reinforcement of accessibility to facilities (Automatic door installation, slope supplement, handrail installation, and expansion of exit doors’ operating radius) • Community Chest of Korea, Federation of Korean Industries: construction of integrated exercise facilities for the disabled • Community Chest of Korea: Prosthetic limbs support (176 amputees and physically disabled persons with lower brackets of income) • Community Chest of Korea, 4 regional integrated welfare centers: Specialty playroom establishment called, “Kids’ Floor” for children with disabilities Safe Move Campaign Majority of traffic accidents come from security mishaps that can be prevented simply by a heightened surrounding awareness by drivers and pedestrians. As a vehicle production and sales company, Kia Motors leverages responsible conscientiousness in actual traffic affairs with, “Prevention Training, Field Prevention, and Service Support” programs to promote Traffic safety culture. Especially for advanced communities concerning children’s safety and growth, government and associated organizations are establishing and promoting safety school zones (children’s safe district) through campaigns. According to 2007 National Police Agency publications, consistent school zone campaigns aided in the decrease of children’s death from traffic accidents by 57 % in the last five years, precisely 468 children’s deaths in 2002 to 202 deaths in 2007. However, the number of deaths still places a high rank for OECD members. Kia Motors plans further anti-traffic accident campaigns to eliminate traffic disasters of children; also as post-support to traffic accident victims. 01. 02. Lotze Easy Move Model Operating “School Zone Keeper Campaign” as Part of Safe Move Campaigns 01 02 107 Safe Move Activities Activities Details Children’s Traffic Safety Campaign • Safe Traffic Musical, “No No Story” • Traffic Safety Content Disclosure • National Tour Children’s Traffic Safety Education • Broadcast Campaign • Traffic Safety Mini Exposition • Traffic Safety Classes for Employees 3 Clover Hunt • Fulfilling Wishes for a Child Victim in a Traffic Accident Keeping a Safety School Zone Campaign Operation Year Since: 2005 ~ Current Activities: For preventing traffic accidents in School Zones (children protection zones), kick off campaigns taking 01 02 circular checks of school zones near business districts, establishing safe environments for children Partners Organization: National Safety Association Employees Volunteers Activities Kia Motors’ employees are putting forth efforts to better a society that is shared, through active contributions to neglected neighborhoods; conforming to Kia Motors’ purpose through participation and lively support. With Hyundai-Kia Motors Group composed of volunteer employees, blood drive campaigns are held each year alongside social engagement campaigns at the year’s end. In November 2005, specialized disasters relief corpsman and community volunteers unified to restore its community of flood damaged regions. In addition, Kia Motors has engaged in community activities, running community activity campaigns from participation of employees’ families since 2007. For each affiliated company, volunteer activities are being held not as a one-time event, but as a continual event through coagulation of 362 volunteer sectors from 18 companies. Monthly or by a cycle of every other week, the volunteers are forming connections with its community welfare facilities. The companies are systematically unfolding various activities such as social welfare, the next generation support, human resources, environmental conservation, and regional community developments. Investment of Infrastructure for Public Benefit Kia Motors considers livelihood of domestic and overseas community members while constructing infrastructures. As a link to Kia’s Easy Move Campaign, sports centers have been erected for the disabled and regional residents within the vicinity of its production plants. For overseas community engagement, Kia Motors constructed educational facilities for lower class members in India with social welfare organizations. Sports Center Operation Hwaseong and Sohari plant Sports Centers opened integrated cultural spaces for all Kia Motor’s employees, their families, and regional residents; alongside Shuttle bus operations for comfortable access. Kia Motors operates programs for every center for quality livelihood of regional residents and promoting sports culture. Also, Gwangju plants have allowed residents access to swimming facilities, and headquarter in Seoul has opened health centers and swimming facilities with Art Leum’s art exhibition space for residents. 01. 02. Nationwide Tour of Traffic Safety Schools for Children Employees' Blood Donation Campaign 108 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Reinforcement of Accessibility to Facilities for the Disabled Hyundai-Kia Motors Group contributed 5 hundred million won alongside Community Chest of Korea and Korea Differently Abled Federation (KODAF) for 84 organizations established nationwide for the people with disabilities. The contribution supported an arrangement of impact absorption floors with elasticity and slippery prevention floors. Before the arrangement, many people with disabilities were limited to exercise due to general equipments; however enhanced facilities have allowed easy access for health maintenance and remedial exercises. Indoor Playgrounds Support for Children with Disabilities Hyundai-Kia Motors Group offered 500 million won with Community Chest of Korea and 4 regional welfare centers in contributions to support children’s specialized play rooms “Kids’ Floor”. The meaning of “Kids’ Floor” conveys children’s space that is provided for running around playfully while being safety conscious (Floor space). Through specialized educators, obesity prevention clinic, family education, and various educational programs have been established for children with disabilities. Kia’s efforts aid children with disabilities to gain independence and eventually lead confident and healthy lives in their own communities. Educational Facilities Support for India Lower Class At northern part of India, in Dhaneshari region where there are untouchable villages, HyundaiKia Motors Group constructed dormitories as extensions of an old building at the Sujata Academy Facilities, which is an educational institute for neglected regions. Amidst the India’s identity caste system, the class occupies 15% of India’s population. People who belong to that class face severe discrimination their whole lives. Currently, Indian government prohibits discrimination, however the society’s immensely potent caste system remains unavoidable; the outcast live amongst social discrimination and complete poverty. Currently Hyundai-Kia Motors Group actively pursues contributions for the social dream of the alienated class. Together with Community Chest of Korea and Korea Join Together Society (JTS), 200 million won were contributed in the last two years, in support of constructing a four-compartment, three-story high boarding house extending off of an old building, measuring 1,785; Kia also supports the 1,000 people’s uniforms, bags, and shoes in its donations. Social Engagement by Issues Social Welfare and Environmental Conservation Every year, Kia seeks to contribute with various activities to neglected neighbors. In 2007, Kia Motors kicked off three campaigns with Ministry of Information and Communication, and mobile communication companies; the Give Phone Campaign, Lotze soccer tournament and lunch money campaign for fund raising. To raise environmental concerns and promote clearing and maintaining the environment, Kia Motors’ employees actively participated in “Love Green Mountain” campaign for mountain climbers that pursue nationally famous landscapes. The Lotze “King of fuel efficiency” contest for corporate taxi was held to promote energy saving as well as to have a just traffic culture; In addition, Kia Motors held the Sorento national environmental explorations for swamps at the demilitarized zones. Growing Generation Support Every year, Kia Motors offers chances for the youth who do not lose hold of their dreams amidst their difficult environment in order to give hope and a self-challenging mentality. The 01. 02. Disabled Children's Playground "Kid's Floor" Establishment Support Offering Donation for Compassion Korea 01 02 109 opportunity is given to the Lotze Youth expeditionary team for teenagers and college students dreaming of being next generation leaders. With such efforts, Kia supports potential global leaders, raising quality of the youth through global work camps. During May in 2007, Kia Motors contributed Compassion Korea for releasing children from poverty with 30 million won. Out of poverty stricken countries for which Compassion Korea will promote, one child is connected for monthly support of 35,000 won until the child finishes high school education. To strengthen the release campaign, “having one child”, 66 Kia’s employees joined the campaign and connected to 72 children. Cultural Aspect On March 2007, Hyundai-Kia Motors group opened “Yangjae Art Leum” art exhibitions space at Yangjae-dong headquarters with work of various themes. To celebrate the space, famous contemporary artists, Chang-Yul Kim, Sung-Tae Park, Yong-Duk Lee were first given private viewing; operating two to three month periods of planning new exhibitions. 01 02 A Letter from Indonesia To. Hyung-Bae Yoon Hello, how are you? I am doing quite well. I am the eldest daughter of my family and am currently living with my grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, and younger sister. I wanted to thank you for being my sponsor. Every Sunday I diligently attend a nearby church and I am grateful for your help. I will pray that all things will go well with you and your family I will stay a good kid as well. Again thank you. Oza from Indonesia Oza is an eight year old girl whom I met through Compassions activities. I wanted to make provide a sister to seven month boy, however upon seeing Oza’s hanging picture from Love’s Fruit, and especially her large round eyes, I decided I had to immediately take support of this child. As I received a short, but a thoughtful letter, I once again thought to myself what I could do to help this child. I am thankful that such a small help could be of great hope, but I should too hurry with my reply letter. Domestic Communications Team: Manager HyungBae Yoon Academic-industrial Cooperation Program for Human Resources To expand on the development of human resources and educational opportunities for students, Kia Motors has joined with colleges for Academicindustrial cooperation alongside technology teaching supports and specialist seminars. Since 1985, Kia has financially supported teachers who taught 4,200 students newest skills in technology. Every year, Kia Motors offers 200 test vehicles and engines to education organizations nation-wide for testing transmissions and materials for training. From 2001, the annual “College Cooperative System Technology Competition” gives opportunity and the disclosure for students to test theories into literal application practices. Future Automotive Technology Competition In 1996, the Future Automotive Technology competition was opened to domestic college students to reveal their creativity and a chance of exhibiting execution of their ideas. In 2007, Kia created a new approach for preexisting real productions, expanding the scope for participants, allowing ideas to 01. 02. be executed in the medium video or simulation. Throughout the competition, Kia motors supported 20 work productions, alongside an announcements ceremony awarding scholarships of 100 million won. Local Citizens' Ordinary Access of Art Exhibitions Space "Yangjae Art Leum" Operating the "Future Car Technology Exhibitions" for College Students to Display Their Ideas 110 78 79 92 97 104 111 Disclosure on Management Approach Employees Business Partners Customers Community Special Story: Communicating with Stakeholders Global Community Engagement Kia Motors is expanding marketing and production networking worldwide. Kia Motors is taking Social contribution activities, raising community caring standards to a global level from Europe, Central and South America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Middle East regions. Kia Motors and overseas natives are together reaching materialization for particular necessities of the communities. Europe With focus on sales subsidiaries, Kia Motors is making efforts to contributing globally to numerous regional communities in Germany, London, Slovakia, Czech, Austria, Hungary, and central Europe. In Germany, 7 euros from each vehicle sales are endowed as contributions to regional communities. Kia Motors continues its support in UNICEF and child cancer research centers, solar energy developments, and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). Kia is also supporting children for safe ways to school, in London, through sponsorship and vehicle design competitions; alongside vehicle sales support for workers struggling financially and endowments support women’s cancer research centers. In middle regions of Europe, Kia Motors is operating various cultural activities, with participations in environmental improvement programs to support lower class members of society. Central and South America, and Canada Kia Motors continues to expand societal contributions activities in the Central and South American regions in nations of Chile, Atlanta, Panama, Peru, El Salvador, Paraguay, Ecuador, Columbia, Nicaragua, and Haiti. In the poverty stricken nations’ poor working class, Kia is focusing on activities with UNICEF, Red Cross and international organizations to develop and expand support programs for the poor. In Canada, Kia’s vehicles are contributed for use in training for technical schools in its communities other than donating funds for child patients’ care. Australia and New Zealand In Australia, Kia Motors focuses on expanding traffic safety culture with programs for younger drivers’ safe driving and fundamental training. With drivers’ license requirement age of 15 years, teenagers’ reckless driving still continues to be a dominant social issue in New Zealand. Kia’s training programs focus on operating safety training and driving school supports for teenage drivers. Asia and Middle East With a sharp increase in vehicle accidents in Malaysia, regional community’s issues of safety traffic culture are prevailing. Concerning this, Kia Motors is kicking off campaigns for traffic safety. Kia is also offering support scholarships for children who are unable to get any education due to economic crises in most regions of Philippines and Vietnam. Kia Motors is also supporting residents in poverty stricken Middle East regions. 01. 02. Central and South America Regions' Car Seat Support for Infants Safe Drive Training Aimed at Young Drivers In Australia 01 02 111 Special Story Communicating with Stakeholders Global Blog (Kia-BUZZ) Kia-BUZZ opened in September 2007, to bring awareness to Kia Motors of and to expand communications with overseas stakeholders. For domestic companies, this is the latest approach to global networking. “‘Kia-BUZZ (” is a communications base that surpasses national communication boundaries for stakeholders worldwide. 01 ‘Kia-BUZZ’ consists of eight categories of Business, Communications, Design, FYI, Kia Vehicles, Motor Shows & Events, R&D, and Social Responsibility. During the first four months in opening, international users from 123 nations accessed 7,101(28,403 total page views) times on monthly average, with approximately 240 new subscribers. By end of December of 2007, there were 250 registered suggestion comments. Aside from direct registration of the website, various tracers such as track pack/link/citation are popularizing, allowing facilitated methods to collecting suggestions from stakeholders. President Eui-Sun Chung, Vice President Peter Schreyer, management, as well as its employees are participating in posting to reveal new vehicle design and teaser images. The posts include publicizing skill abilities, corresponding to false information or reports, and introducing marketing strategies are conveniently categorized, effectively expanding direct communications with stakeholders. Environmental Information on Homepage The Resources Circulating Law Toxic Chemicals Content Recycling Information + Supplementary Environmental Information Eco-Friendly Level of Products LCA Results Fuel Rate (Volume of CO2 Emissions) Gas Emissions Noise, etc. Disclosure on Homepage for Environmental Information In order to have fluid communications with stakeholders and reliance of transparent information, Kia Motors’ website will disclosed environmental information on June 2008. Kia Motors will adhere to Resources Circulation Law that requires the disclosure of information regarding re-evaluation of hazardous materials and recycling-related information. Kia is also consistently improving environmental assessment results for new vehicles. The results will be shared with Kia’s stakeholders for active environmental communications. Environmental Impact Overview Category Environmental Impact Global Warming Photochemical Acidification Resources Drain Eutrophication (ton CO2 eq.) Smog (kg SO2 eq.) (year -1) (kg PO4 3- eq.) 17.8 (kg ethene eq.) Existing Models 54.5 52.1 135.9 409.2 Mohave 53.2 51.6 131.8 401.9 17.0 2.4% < 0.9% < 3.1% < 1.8% < 5.1% < Results Overview of the Discharged Pollutants Category Discharged Pollutants(kg) CO2 NOx SOx PM Existing Models 50,400 124 64.4 Mohave 49,200 118 60.7 32.7 2.4% < 4.8% < 5.8% < 9.6% < Results 36.2 * From the assessment of environmental impact, pollutants reduced at 1-5% / hazardous material reduction ratio: 90% of total environmental impact generated from the process of use / High Fuel Efficiency (3.7% >) in process of use and gas emission reduction resulted in pollutant reduction. * Due to the increase of total vehicle weight (BL: 2009kg > Mohave: 2152kg) and use of light weight materials (Al and Cu), discharged pollutants was increased on producing and repairing phases. 01. Kia-Buzz Blog Screen 112 Third Party's Assurance Statement To the Management of Kia Motors Sustainability Report 2008: The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies1 (The Auditor) was engaged by Kia Motors to review information specified in its 2008 Sustainability Management Report (The Report) to provide independent third-party assurance on its contents. Kia Motors is responsible for the collection and presentation of all information within The Report as well as the maintenance of the underlying data collection system and internal controls. The key objective of our review is to provide independent assurance that all statements and data cited in The Report are free of material misstatement or bias and that the data collection systems used are robust. On the basis of the above, The Auditor presents the following third-party statement of assurance. Context and Scope In its 2008 Sustainability Management Report, Kia Motors describes efforts and progress made toward sustainability management as well as its plans for the future. The Auditor’s review examined the following. • Reasonable assurance on whether: the financial data specified under “Economic Value” is properly derived from Kia Motors’ audited Annual Reports for 2007 • Limited assurance on whether: the data specified under “Intro”, “Environmental Value”, “Social Value”, and “Outro” of The Report are stated adequately and in full and are free of material misstatement or bias. * Reasonable assurance constitutes a higher level of assurance than limited. Independence The Auditor was not involved in the preparation of any part of The Report, and with the exception of this work has no other affiliation with Kia Motors that might compromise our independence or autonomy or place The Auditor under Kia Motors’ influence, therefore ruling out any possible conflicts of interest. The Auditor has no relationship with Kia Motors regarding any of its for-profit operations and activities. Criteria (1) The AA1000 Assurance Standard’s (AA1000 AS)* three core principles of Materiality, Completeness and Responsiveness; and (2) The Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines Version 3.0**. (3) The BEST Guidelines (BEST Sustainability Reporting Guidelines)** for sustainability management. * AA1000 AS is an assurance standard for social and sustainable reporting developed by the U.K.-based Institute of Social and Ethical AccountAbility in November 1999. A nonprofit organization that promotes corporate social responsibility, business ethics and responsible business practices, AccountAbility aims to improve the quality of social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting through the AA1000 AS. ** The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s Sustainability Reporting Guideline was jointly convened by the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) and UNEP in 1997. The newly revised G3 version was launched in October 2006. *** The BEST Guideline (BEST Sustainability Reporting Guideline) was jointly developed by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy(MKE), the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), and the Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (IPS) and provides for five levels of reporting rigor (Level 1 ~ 5). Work Undertaken and Scope The Auditor reviewed the Materiality, Completeness, and Responsiveness of The Report through the process outlined below: • a review of media reports relating to Kia Motors • a review of information contained in The Report as well as the underlying data collection system (validation of internal sustainability-related organizations, systems, and activities) • data sampling and assessment of high-risk areas to support intensive review of key statements in The Report, internal policies, documentation, and information system • interviews with managers and staff in charge of sustainability management and reporting, as well as persons responsible for The Report’s source information • on-site workplace reviews (1) The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (IPS) Established in 1993, the Institute for Industrial Policy Studies has accumulated broad expertise in the area of sustainability management since 2002. “The Auditor” is composed of six individuals (Dong-Sung Cho, Seok-Young Lee, Sung-Pil Park, Keun-tae Han, Hee-Jung Kim, Ji-yeon Ahn) - professors at Korea’s top universities or expert practitioners with professional accreditation and extensive experience in sustainability management based on majors in business management, accounting, environmental science etc. 113 Conclusions On the basis of the above we provide the following conclusions. The Auditor did not find The Report to contain any material misstatements or bias. All material findings of The Auditor are included herein, and detailed review findings and follow-up recommendations have been submitted to the management of Kia Motors. Materiality: Does The Report cover economic, social and environmental issues of the greatest importance to Kia Motors? The Auditor does not believe that Kia Motors has omitted or excluded any information of the greatest importance to itself. We were able to verify efforts by Kia Motors to identify issues of the greatest material interest to its stakeholders through Materiality Testing (i.e. examining internal rules, laws and regulations, international guidelines, stakeholder involvement, same-industry benchmarking, media reports, etc.) to give priority to reporting issues of the greatest risk or importance. The Auditor recommends that Kia Motors continues to further refine its Materiality Testing model to best identify issues of the greatest stakeholder importance. Completeness: How reliable is the information and data stated in The Report, and is the underlying information and data collection system complete and robust? The Auditor took note that Kia Motors has been gauging and managing environmentally relevant issues through a company-wide organization and underlying system for environmental management. Moreover, we confirmed that Kia Motors has adopted diverse management systems such as i-ESH (integrated system for safety, health, and environment), and VOC (Voice of the Customer) designed to analyze customer satisfaction regarding its products and services. However, The Auditor recommends introducing a permanent organization to be in charge of sustainability management while spreading out its existing systems and organization throughout the entire enterprise and improving upon its performance measurement and evaluation system for sustainability management. Responsiveness: How well does The Report address information of importance to Kia Motors’ stakeholders? The Auditor determined that Kia Motors has established stakeholder-specific channels of communication including management and staff surveys and sustainability expert interviews to listen to issues and comments from stakeholders. We also found The Report to be improved from the previous year in terms of the structure of contents and design thanks to incorporating findings from its 2007 Reader Comment Survey. The Auditor suggests collecting stakeholder comments from more diverse communication channels to reflect into future reports. Relative to BEST Guidelines, in view of the level of reporting rigor and intensity of information provided, The Auditor finds The Report to fulfill 83.8% of the reporting requirements necessary to qualify for a Level 4 Report (from among Level 1 ~ 5). Issues for Future Consideration For future publications, in the interest of continued qualitative improvements in sustainability management performance and reporting, the Auditor recommends the following. • • • Present targets for major issues in each dimension and indicate the percentage of actual performance achieved against targets to better demonstrate Kia Motors’ commitment to keeping its promise to stakeholders. Refine the implementation mechanism for sustainability management to be more systematic to expand the scope of stakeholders against whom sustainability management performance is aggregated and measured to better enhance data collection and reporting for social and environmental sustainability performance. Enhance the Completeness of The Report by incorporating findings from its stakeholder communication channels into Materiality Testing and disclosing the above. Based upon the above review and recommendations, The Auditor suggests that Kia Motors establish a more systematic program of sustainability management and reporting, and continue to follow up with ongoing improvements going forward. March 7, 2008 Yoon-Chul Lee President, The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies 114 GRI(G3) /bEST InDEX Number Indicator Remark Page ● Fully Reported ◐ Partially Reported ○ Not Reported ◇ Not Applicable BEST Profile Strategy and analysis 1.1 Statement from the Board of Management ● 4~5 A_1 1.2 Impacts of operational activity, key risks and opportunities ● 7 A_2 Organizational profile 2.1 Name of the organization ● 12 A_3 2.2 Primary brands, products, and services ● 12, 30 A_4 2.3 Operational structure of the organization ◐ 3 A_5 2.4 Location of organization’s headquarters ● 12~13 A_7 2.5 Countries where the organization operates ● 13 A_7 2.6 Ownership structure and legal ● 23 A_8 2.7 Markets served ● 13 A_9 2.8 Scale of the organization profile ● 12 A_10 2.9 Significant changes regarding size, structure, or ownership ● 25-26 B_8 2.10 Awards ● 48, 78 CO8 3.1 Reporting period ● 3 B_3 3.2 Date of most recent previous report ● 3 B_8 3.3 Reporting cycle ● 3 B_6 3.4 Contact persons for questions regarding the report ● 3 B_9 3.5 Process for defining report content ● 6~7 B_4 3.6 Boundary of the report ● 3 B-1 3.7 Limitations on the scope or boundary of the report ● 3 B-2 3.8 Basis for reporting on joint ventures ◇ A_6 3.9 Data measurement techniques and bases of calculations ● 2 - 3.10 Restatements of information ● 3 - 3.11 Changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods ● 3 B_5 3.12 GRI Content Index ● 114-116 B_10 3.13 External assurance for the report ● 112-113 B_7 4.1 Governance structure of the organization ● 20-21 GR1 4.2 Independence of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board ● 21 GR1 GR3 4.3 Number of independent members in the highest governance body ● 20-21 GR2 4.4 Co-determination right of employees and shareholders ● 21 GR12 4.5 Linkage between executive compensation and achievement of sustainability goals ● 20 GR7 4.6 Process in place to avoid conflicts of interest ● 20 GR13 4.7 Qualifications and expertise of the highest governance body regarding economic, ◐ 20-21 GR4 ● 16-18 GR5 Report parameters Governance, commitments and engagement environmental, and social topic 4.8 Values, mission statements, principles, and codes of conduct of the organization relevant to sustainability 4.9 Oversight of the sustainability performance and relevant risks by the Board of Management ○ - GR6 4.10 Assessment of the performance of the Board of Management regarding sustainability ○ - GR11 4.11 Precautionary approach ○ - GR10 4.12 Support for external economic, environmental, and social activities ● 56, 59, 68 A_11 4.13 Memberships in associations and representation of interests ● 21 C_1 4.14 Stakeholder groups engaged by the organization ● 6 C_2 4.15 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders ◐ 6 C_1 4.16 Approaches to stakeholder engagement ● 6 C_2 4.17 Key stakeholder topics ● 7 C_3 Economic Economic EC1 Direct economic value generated ● 32 EC1 Performance EC2 Financial implications due to climate change ◐ 74 EC2 EC3 Organization’s defined benefit plan obligations ● 87 EC3 EC4 Significant financial assistance received from government ○ - EC5 EC5 Range of ratios of standard entry level compared to local minimum wage ◐ 87 EM4 Policy, practices and proportion of locally based suppliers ● 94 EC4 Procedures for local hiring ◐ 79,82 EC4 Impact of infrastructure investments and services ● 107-109 EC6 Indirect economic impacts ● 27, 106-110 EC7 Market Presence EC6 EC7 Indirect conomic EC8 Impacts EC9 115 Number Indicator Remark Page ● Fully Reported ◐ Partially Reported ○ Not Reported ◇ Not Applicable BEST Environment EN1 Materials used by weight or volume ● 53-56 EV10 EN2 Percentage of used materials that are recycled materials ● 55,57 EV11 EN3 Direct energy consumption ◐ 59 EV7 EN4 Indirect energy consumption ◐ 59 EV8 EN5 Energy savings ● 59 EV5 EN6 Energy-efficient products and services ● 40-53 EV5 EN7 Reduction of indirect energy consumption ● 59 EV5, EV25 EN8 Total water withdrawal ● 57 EV9 EN9 Water sources affected by withdrawal of water ◇ - EV20 EN10 Percentage of water recycled and reused ● 57 EV18 EN11 Production plants in protected areas ● 62 EV22 EN12 Significant impacts upon biodiversity in protected areas ◇ - EV22, EV26 EN13 Habitats protected and restored ◇ - EV27 EN14 Strategies for managing impacts on biodiversity ◇ - EV6, EV26 EN15 Endangered species in areas affected by operations of the organization ◇ - EV28 EN16 Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions ● 58, 70-73 EV12 EN17 Other relevant greenhouse gas emissions ○ - EV13 EN18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved ● 58, 74-75 EV4 EN19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances ◐ - EV14 EN20 NOx ,SOx and other significant emissions ● 35,60 EV15 EN21 Total water discharge ◐ 61 EV17 EN22 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method ● 56-57 EV16 EN23 Significant spills ● 62 EV21 EN24 Cross-border transport or treatment of hazardous waste ◇ - EV29 EN25 Areas impacted by the organization’s discharges of water and runoff ○ - EV19 Products and Services EN26 Initiatives to mitigate of harmful environmental impacts of products ● 40-53 EV23 EN27 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category ◐ 52-53 EV24 Compliance EN28 Significant fines and sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws ● 64 EV31 Transport EN29 Significant environmental impacts of transporting products, goods, materials and members of ● 62 EV30 ● 69 EV1 Materials Energy Water Biodiversity Emissions, Effluents, and Waste the workforce Overall EN30 Environmental protection expenditures and investments Employees LA1 Breakdown of workforce by employment type, contract, and region ● 79 EM1 LA2 Employee fluctuation ratio ● 80-81 EM5 LA3 Benefits provided only to full-time employees ● 87 EM20 Labor Management Relations LA4 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements ● 83 EM12 LA5 Minimum notice period(s) regarding significant operational changes ◐ 83 EM13 Occupational Health and Safety LA6 Percentage of total workforce represented in occupational health and safety committees ● 88 EM14 LA7 Injuries, occupational diseases, working days lost, absentee rate, and work-related fatalities ● 88 EM19 LA8 Preventive healthcare, counseling and training regarding serious diseases ● 87 EM18 LA9 Health and safety topics covered in agreements with trade unions ◐ 82 EM15 LA10 Education and further training measures ● 86 EM27 LA11 Skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees ● 79-80 EM28 LA12 Employee performance and career development reviews ● 84-86 EM29 LA13 Diversity in senior management and employee structure ◐ 82 EM2 LA14 Ratio of basic salary of male and female employees ● 82 EM3 Employment Training and Education Diversity and Equal Opportunity 116 Number Indicator Remark Page ● Fully Reported ◐ Partially Reported ○ Not Reported ◇ Not Applicable BEST Human rights HR1 Investment decisions that include human rights clauses ○ - PN2 HR2 Percentage of suppliers that have undergone screening on human rights ◐ 92 PN3 HR3 Employee training on human rights ● 96 EM30 HR4 Incidents of discrimination and actions taken ◐ 82 EM7 Freedom of Association HR5 Operations with significant risk concerning the freedom of association and collective ● 82 EM8 Child Labor HR6 Operations with significant risk for incidents of child labor ● 83 EM9 Forced and Compulsory Labor HR7 Operations with significant risk for incidents of forced and compulsory labor ● 83 EM10 Security Practices HR8 Percentage of security personnel trained on aspects of human rights that are relevant to ◐ 83 EM31 Indigenous Rights HR9 ○ - CO2 NonDiscrimination bargaining operations Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people Society Community SO1 Impacts of operation on local communities and regions ● 104-110 CO2 Corruption SO2 Number of business units analyzed for corruption-related risks ◐ 95 CO5 SO3 Employee training regarding anti-corruption ● 96 CO5 SO4 Anti-corruption measures ● 95-96 CO5 SO5 Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying ○ - CO6 Anti-competitive SO6 Behavior Financial and in-kind contributions to political parties and politicians ○ - CO7 Anti-competitive SO7 Act Number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior ○ - CS3 Compliance Number of fines for non-compliance with laws ● 95 CO9 Public Policy SO8 Product responsibility Customer Health PR1 and Safety PR2 Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed ● 97-100 CS4 Incidents of non-compliance with regulations concerning health and of safety of products ◐ 97 CS11 Product and PR3 Service Labeling PR4 Principles and measures related to product and service information and labeling ◐ 101 CS5 Incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product ○ - CS12 Customer satisfaction ● 100-102 CS9 Programs for compliance with laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing ○ - CS13 ◐ 103 CS14 information and labeling PR5 Marketing PR6 Communications PR7 communications Incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes related to marketing communications Customer Privacy PR8 Number of substantiated data protection complaints ● 102 CS15 PR9 Significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use ● 102 CS12 of products Disclosure on Management Approach 24, 38, 78 GRI Application Level Kia Motors Sustainability Report 2008 is based on GRI’s G3 Guidelines, self-declared B+ on GRI’s application level table, and received B+ from IPS as the third party verification. 117 sustainability report committee Commitee Supervision Kwang-Joo Kim Executive Vice President Corporate Planning Division +82-2-3464-5077 Goan-Soo Shin General Manager Sustainability Management Team +82-2-3464-5165 Keuk-Jin Bang Deputy General Manager Sustainability Management Team +82-2-3464-5171 Chang-Muk Choi Deputy General Manager Sustainability Management Team +82-2-3464-5168 Jong-Oh Kim Assistant Manager Sustainability Management Team +82-2-3464-5167 Kye-Hwan Roh Assistant Manager Sustainability Management Team +82-2-3464-5166 Hyun-Jin Cho Staff Sustainability Management Team +82-2-3464-5169 Public Relations Management Team +82-2-3464-5206 Economic value Namyoung Lee Manager Dong-Eun Lee Manager Accounting Team +82-2-3464-5412 Pil-Sun Ryu Assistant Manager Treasury Team +82-2-3464-5463 Environmental value Min-Seok Kim Assistant Manager Strategy Planning Team +82-3464-5170 Hee-Jeong Yim Senior Research Engineer Eco-Technology Research Team +82-31-899-3060 Yun-Dong Hwang Research Engineer HEV System Engineering Team +82-31-368-2088 Sang-Sun Park Senior Research Engineer Polymeric Materials Research Team +82-31-368-7408 Dong-Ki Lee Manager Safety & Environment Team +82-2-801-3058 Ki-dong Lim Assistant Manager Safety & Environment Team +82-31-359-5094 Dong-Keun Choi Deputy General Manager Safety & Environment Team +82-62-370-3341 Gill-Beom Nam Manager Service General Affairs Team +82-2-3271-2612 Social value Eunhee Kang Assistant Manager Corporate Responsibility Team +82-2-3464-2066 Sang-HO Lee Manager General Affair Team +82-2-3464-5251 Seo Jang Won Assistant Manager HR Administration Team +82-2-3464-5322 Byung-Keun Ji Assistant Manager Human Resources Support Team +82-2-3464-5353 Jee-Eun Chung Assistant Manager Core Competency Development Team +82-31-950-1512 Ju-Hun Lee Manager Occupational Safety Planning Team +82-2-801-4982 Jae-Sun Lee Manager General Affairs Team +82-2-3464-5306 Ki-Bum Kim Assistant Manager Procurement Strategy & Planning Team +82-2-3464-0212 Seung-Jae Lim Deputy General Manager Audit Planning Team +82-2-3464-3499 Jin-Uk Jeong Assistant Manager Sales Planning Team +82-2-510-9691 Ki-Tae Ahn Manager Customer Satisfaction Planning Team +82-2-510-9445 Joung-Hoon Yeo Manager Customer Satisfaction Planning Team +82-2-2108-0502 Hyung-Bae Yoon Manager Domestic Communication Team +82-2-510-9242 Myeong-Kon Jeong Deputy General Manager Quality Strategy Team +82-2-3464-3016 • Editorial Closed March 3, 2008 (Annual) • Produced by Strike Communications • Published by Kia Motors • Coordination Chang-Hyun Shin, Na-young Lee • Editing Sustainability Management Team • designed by Ju-Hwan Kim • Printed by Young-Eun Printing • Project Manager Kye-Hwan Roh