29 July 2015 - Rotorua Intermediate School


29 July 2015 - Rotorua Intermediate School
29 July 2015
Rotorua Intermediate School
Our Mission Statement: Courage & Commitment
Kia Kaha, Kia Maia
While undertaking some holiday read, I came across this statement in John C Maxwell’s book:
Good leaders ask Great Questions.
‘In life’s journey we face many doors. Hidden behind them are all kinds of possibilities leading to opportunities, experience and people, but the doors must be opened before we can go through them’.
Questions are the keys to opening these doors.
I share this with you to appreciate the value of encouraging your child to ask questions at school to help
open those doors. Asking the right question of the right person at the right time is a powerful combination because the answers they receive will set them up for success as they travel their path of learning
and achieving.
When I reflect on my own experience through my learning journey, I’d have to admit I’ve failed to ask a
question because I thought the question might sound dumb to others around me. On reflection, there
have been too many times I have allowed my desire not to look foolish keep me from gaining the
knowledge that I was seeking.
Please encourage your child not to have this mind-set. Encourage them that it is better to look uniformed than to be uninformed. For this reason you need to curb their egos and ask questions, even at
the risk of looking foolish.
Kia Kaha Parents’ and Caregivers.
Garry de Thierry
Thursday 30 July
Friday 31 July
Monday 3 August
Kia Ora
Garry de Thierry and
Specialist Prizegiving - 12.30—2pm.
PB/BOP Winter Tournament - Tauranga.
Nurse Service starting - Mondays and Thursdays
Wednesday 5August China Meeting 6pm - Staffroom.
Friday 7 August
PB/BOP Cross Country - Mt Maunganui.
BOP Badminton.
Tough Guy and Gal Challenge.
Saturday 8 August
RIS Overses Trips Garage Sale—Gymnasium
Rotorua Intermediate School
83 – 95 Malfroy Road
Telephone: 07 348 9888
Fascimile: 07 348 8421
Email: reception@rotorua-intermediate.org.nz
School Values:
Respect for self
Respect for others
Responsibility for all your actions
100% Attendance
Term 2
YEAR «Year»
«Home Class»
Garry de
Kahui Rangatahi is the Maori Leadership group at Rotorua
Intermediate School. Our role is to support and strengthen
Maori activities in our school by teaching students about
important cultural activities and practices.
We recently organised some cool quizzes for Matariki and
have also been hosting visitors in our school. We are really
looking forward to Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori. It should be
TeHei Simpkins,
Tawhao Webster,
Kiri Tepania,
Mereohia Ngata,
Armani Stephens,
Jada Beckham.
There is a new nurse service
to prevent Rheumatic Fever in our school.
Rheumatic Fever damages children’s hearts.
There is a free nurse available for children who have sore throats or skin
infections like school sores, nits and scabies.
The nurse will be available from 1.30-3.30pm on Mondays and Thursdays at
Rotorua Intermediate School.
Children and young people aged between 4 and 19 with sore throats or skin infections can
also use the free clinic- to see the nurse, please go to Western Heights Health Centre, 1
Brookland Rd, Western Heights in the afternoon between 3 and 6 pm Monday to Thursday or 3 and 5 pm Friday, or call 3470565, txt 0224847628 ( 022 4throat)
It is free to see the nurse and medicine will be provided. Children seen by the nurse stay
registered with their usual GP.
Please get sore throats treated and protect children’s hearts.
Dear RIS community,
It’s that time of year again when we need to check contact details.
We realise that people could have changed addresses and also cell phone numbers can
change frequently.
Please phone or email Julie or Paula in the office to advise any changes, so that in the event
of an emergency for your child, we are able to contact you immediately.
Thank you from the office staff.
For direct access to speak with our councillors, please phone:
Ben Teinakore—3498040
Trina Allen—3498044