TeacherCare - Evaluating Childcare Options


TeacherCare - Evaluating Childcare Options
Childcare options
to consider
Hello Parents!
One of the most important things you can do for your family is
secure great childcare for your loved ones while you are working.
There are many childcare options available to you. This guide will
help you evaluate the childcare options that fit best with your
family’s needs, and provide peace of mind while you are working.
What you should know when you choose childcare.
All children have five childcare needs that are vital to their health
and happiness. Leading researchers Dr. Brazleton and Dr.
Greenspan define these needs as:
✤ Ongoing nurturing relationships. Every child needs a warm,
intimate relationship with a primary caregiver. Infants, toddlers
and preschoolers need these nurturing interactions most of
their waking hours.
✤ Protection from physical and psychological harm.
✤ Experiences tailored to individual differences. Every child
has a unique temperament. Tailoring early experience to
nurture children's individual nature prevents learning and
behavioral problems and enables them to develop to their full
✤ Developmentally appropriate experiences. Unrealistic
expectations can hinder a child's development.
✤ Limit-setting, structure and expectations. Children need
adults who believe in their potential but understand their
weaknesses. Children need incentive systems, not failure
In this guide, we will share a comparison of 4 options for
Choosing High Quality Childcare
In a recent study, The National Institute of Health studied nearly
1000 children, who were followed from birth to age 15, to
understand the long term impact of childcare services. They found
children who spend time in high-quality childcare centers and with
high quality childcare providers scored higher on academic tests
than their peers and reported fewer behavior problems.
8 Basics of Quality Childcare
✤ Children should be supervised for their own safety at all
times, while performing "high" and "low" energy activities (i.e.
engaged outdoor play and sleeping)
✤ Adults working in childcare centers or as child care teachers
should all be trained professionally in CPR and First Aid
✤ Children should feel comfortable engaging their peers and
teachers in conversation and play; they should be welcomed
warmly and teachers should establish a relationship with each
individual child
✤ Childcare teachers should have advanced knowledge of Early
Childhood Education and attend professional development
courses throughout each year
✤ Proper health precautions should be taken at a daycare
center or in your home; i.e. frequent hand washing, sanitizing
toys and vacuuming carpets daily
✤ Adults should rely on positive guidance techniques, like
redirection and promote good social behaviors like conflict
resolution between children
✤ Age appropriate toys, books and learning materials (in good
condition) should be organized and accessible to your child
throughout the day
✤ A child's cognitive, social and emotional needs should be
met as an individual and as part of the whole group,
promoting a sense of independence and community
• A nanny is typically between the ages of 18 and 55 and works
(and possibly lives) in your home to provide childcare and
perhaps light housekeeping for 40 to 65 hours per week.
What nannies do:
• Nannies generally provide daily care and child-related chores
and errands. Nannies engage in activities, but are not
expected to provide educational opportunities for children.
Most nannies hold high school degrees, however, education,
skills, experience and language abilities vary widely.
Hiring a nanny:
• Nannies may be hired through agencies, online or through
word-of-mouth. Nanny agencies typically charge fees based
on the nanny's salary. Most nanny agencies check references
and criminal backgrounds, and interview candidates by phone
or in person. Online nanny services generally charge one-time
fees to reach candidates and offer options for background
Cost: $$$
Setting: Individual care in your home
Au Pair
• An au pair is a foreign national between 18 and 26 years of
age who is enrolled in a cultural exchange program to learn
another language and provide limited childcare services for
up to 12 months.
What au pairs do:
• An au pair will live in your house as part of your family and is
entitled to a private bedroom. An au pair is normally
expected to work between 25 to 45 hours per week and must
have time off to attend language classes. Due to regulations,
au pairs are typically not allowed to work over 45 hours per
week or more than 10 hours per day. They cannot do any
household work that is not directly related to children.
Educational levels range, and most au pairs hold a high school
degree and are not expected to provide educational activities
for the children.
Hiring an au pair:
• Most au pairs are hired through international services.
Cost: $$
Setting: Individual care in your home
Daycare Center
• Centers can care for your child all day, either full-time or parttime. There are multiple children in daycare centers, and the
staff-to-child ratio can vary.
Choosing a daycare center:
• Your state should provide a list of licensed facilities. In Illinois,
check out: http://www.ilqualitycounts.com/qrs/overview
Cost: $ - $$
What daycare centers do:
• Most parents choose daycare centers based on cost or the
belief that daycare socializes their children. Good centers
provide both care and educational activities for your child in
suitable surroundings. Daycares must be licensed and
accredited, so be sure to see evidence of licensing.
Setting: A daycare center can be in a church basement, private
home, stand-alone facility, or anything in between.
• TeacherCaregivers are generally between the ages of 21 and 50
and will work with your children in your home for 35-55 hours per
week. They are educated and experienced in childcare and many
hold advanced degrees. They typically stay with families for over
three years.
What TeacherCaregivers do:
• TeacherCaregivers provide childcare and a variety of additional
educational services including tutoring, enrichment,
homeschooling, and special needs education. Your
TeacherCaregiver will handle the daily care of your child, and
provide activities such as arts and crafts, storytelling, vocabulary
development, music and dance, field trips and other activities and
interactions that foster social, emotional, cognitive and physical
development. TeacherCaregivers individualize routines and
activities to meet the interests and needs of the child and family.
Your child is able to learn and grow in the best possible
environment: your home, with all the advantages of socialization
and outside experiences that individualized care provides.
Hiring a TeacherCaregiver:
• Go to: http://www.teachercare.com/ for a free family consultation.
Cost: $$$
Setting: In your home, with activities in the community.
Thanks for reading!
As a working parent, I learned the critical importance of childcare and left my
career because I didn't have acceptable childcare choices.
My closest friend discovered an extraordinary teacher who would come to her
home. When we would visit, both of our sets of children would light up. We
could see the magic, inspiration and education that the teacher inspired
naturally. The kids could just see fun.
That was when the light bulb moment happened. I realized that the relaxed
personal-teaching atmosphere in a home was wonderful for the children and for
us as parents, and other parents and children would really benefit from a
teachers care too. Years of experience, and research and interviews with
hundreds of educators taught me the art and science of identifying
extraordinary teachers. And, happy parents and teachers loved the result so
much that they became our spokespeople, spreading our message at schools,
daycare centers and water coolers everywhere.
If you would like to share your thoughts directly with me, I welcome your email
to terri@teachercare.com.
We are honored that you put your trust in us.
Yours truly,