For information on the Buntús Programme for Pre
For information on the Buntús Programme for Pre
)RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQ RQDQ\RIWKH%XQWºV3URJUDPPHV SOHDVHFRQWDFW Waterford Sports Partnership Civic Offices, Dungarvan, County Waterford on (058) 21194 Regional Sports Centre, Cork Road, Waterford on (051) 849855 Waterford City Childcare Committee on 051-860444 or Waterford County Childcare Committee on 058-48024 Like us > T. 058 42077 ,I\RXUHTXLUHIXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQRQ%XQWºV6WDUW SOHDVHFRQWDFW ALL IRISH SPORTS COUNCIL PROGRAMMES ARE UNDERPINNED BY THE CODE OF ETHICS & GOOD PRACTICE FOR CHILDREN’S SPORT %XQWºV6WDUW &KLOGUHQORYHWREHDFWLYHKDYHIXQDQG SOD\DFWLYHSOD\WLPHVKRXOGEHSDUWRI WKHLUGDLO\URXWLQHBeing active is not only fun but it is a National physical activity programme which Waterford Sports Partnership, Waterford City and County Childcare Committees and the HSE are responsible for rolling out across Waterford. Buntús Start is a physical activity programme for children aged 2-5 years. It has been designed for use in pre-school settings and develops basic movements and ball skills for children and also helps develop a positive attitude to a lifetime involvement in physical activity. is healthy too. There are many health benefits for children who take part in regular exercise such as; they develop a better sleep pattern, have a decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and more importantly are less likely to become overweight. Fundamental Motor Skills 300,000 CHILDREN IN IRELAND ARE Co-ordination and Control OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE (DEPT OF HEALTH, 2011) DON’T LET YOUR CHILD BE ONE OF THEM! The National Guidelines on Physical Activity for Ireland recommend the following level of activity for %XQWºV 6WDUW Children & Young People (aged 2 to 18) HOW MUCH? 60 MINUTES (THIS DOES NOT ALL HAVE TO BE DONE AT ONCE) HOW OFTEN? EVERY DAY INTENSITY MODERATE TO VIGOROUS WHAT COUNTS? ALL ACTIVITY NO MATTER HOW SHORT COUNTS For activity guidelines for other age categories and information on how to become more active visit :KDWLV%XQWºV" Buntús is a range of exciting programmes developed to support teachers and childcare practitioners in introducing young people to sport and physical activity. Buntús Play, Buntús Spóirt and Sport Specific Buntús programmes are available to Primary Schools. The Buntús Start Programme targets the childcare sector. The programmes are rolled out through the Irish Sports Council's network of Local Sports Partnerships. $OO%XQWºV 3URJUDPPHV provide each school / childcare centre with Training Resource Cards Equipment Aiming Predicting Estimating Spatial Awareness %XQWºV 6WDUWDQG 6ROWDDQG$LVWHDU Preschool services who participate in Buntús Start and run it in their service are giving children the chance to take part in games and exercises that are appropriate to their age. They also help children get along with others, teach numbers, see the importance of physical activity and also most importantly have fun!!!! Síolta and Aistear are National Frameworks for Early Learning in Ireland which support all types of preschool services for children aged from birth to 6 years. Síolta ensures that preschools, naíonraí, crèches, childminders, infant classes etc offer quality services and Aistear helps in the planning of exciting, fun and challenging activities for all children. “Fun, e with pr asy to use actic to use al games w childre ith the n in th childca re serv e ices” “Seo treanál iontach do gach éinne le cártaí eolais, cluichí agus fearas thar cionn le h-úsáid” “Wonderful, inclusive programme for all children!” Further information on both these frameworks can be found on and