October - Green Trails


October - Green Trails
O c tober 2012
The Lisle Township Food Pantry is operated for the benefit of township residents who are in
need. It is their goal that no person goes hungry. The pantry is staffed by a group of dedicated
volunteers. Some, with over twenty years of service to our township. The director of the program is Lois Biggins. She can be reached at 630-968-2087 ext 16. The Lisle Township pantry
is located at 4711 Indiana Ave, Lisle Il. It is on the East end of the building.
Through partnerships with the Northern Illinois Food Bank, area businesses, civic groups, and
individuals, the pantry can boast about having resources for its clients.
Items that are currently needed include:
Tuna Fish
Macaroni & Cheese
Peanut Butter
Jelly or Jam
Spaghetti Sauce
Toilet Tissue
Canned Fruit & Vegetables
On August 18th & 19th Lisle Township staged an outreach to collect much needed items for
their Food Pantry. Jewel food Store at 1156 Maple Avenue, Lisle, IL went above and beyond
in their efforts to help restock the Food Pantry shelves. During that food drive the food pantry
34 jars of peanut butter
42 jars of jelly
39 cans of vegetables
103 cans of soup
205 boxes of macaroni & cheese
204 cans of tuna
3 boxes of noodles
4 boxes of spaghetti
1 bag of coffee
1 loaf of bread
5 toothbrushes
2 bottles of laundry detergent
A grand total of 505 lbs of food as well as cash donations totaling $108.23
The food pantry is grateful for all the friendly shoppers who participated in last weekends food
Friends for Lisle Township is a not-for-profit organization that supports the food purchases of
the Lisle Township Food Pantry. As a registered 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, monetary
donations to Friends for Lisle Township are tax deductible. Make checks payable to Friends
for Lisle Township. Checks can be mailed to Friends for Lisle Township, 943 E. Gartner Rd.,
Naperville 60540 or delivered to the township office.
GT WEBSITE : www.greentrails.org
Page 1
GT E-MAIL: gtia@greentrails.org
Attention All Green Trails Residents:
As mentioned in the August 2012 Pathfinder, a committee is being formed to POSSIBLY update/redesign the Green Trails
entrance signs that have been in place
since 1987. Many residents have shown
an interest and may wish to provide input,
or their thoughts on the subject.
At this point a committee is simply being
formed for some ideas and some sketches
of ideas of how new signs, if done, might
Please know that no decision is being
made or has been made as to the signs being redesigned or replaced. We are simply
exploring some ideas and want to welcome
some of your ideas. There is no talk of this
personally effecting residents financially
and is not a meeting where any kind of vote
or decision will be made.
Please note this meeting will be held at a Green Trails personal residence and is being held as a courtesy
for all. Please keep the kids at home and know that the owner has a fairly large dog and exotic birds but
will have them out of contact of this meeting. This is just in case someone may have allergies.
Our objective of this meeting:
To explore what materials might be used, design ideas, colors, and present some sketches/pictures you
might have.
There will be pictures of many different signs around the surrounding communities and others, to help
inspire ideas and to see what is around. There will be a picture of the current Green Trails sign present
as well.
This meeting will begin promptly at 7:30 pm on October 30th, 2012 located at 2480 Acorn Hill Court in
Green Trails.
We will ask that a roster be signed at arrival of attendees. People will be properly introduced and will begin with discussing the history of the signs and how they came about. We will discuss some possibilities
and see if there is a direction the committee might be heading with the idea of updating them.
We will discuss some options already received and discuss your ideas at this time.
We will end the meeting up no later than 9:00 pm having made no decision or votinghaving been done.
The result of this meeting will be that we may have some designing ideas and what our next step might
be, if any.
PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE BY 10/26/2012. We will need to allow for enough space and
seating for everyone. A soft drink of some sort will be supplied. Please confirm via phone at 630-9466850 and leave a voice mail of the name of the adults that will be attending and a phone number in case
there would be a change, or confirm at bucknagel@Yahoo.com with the same information.
GT WEBSITE : www.greentrails.org
Page 2
GT E-MAIL: gtia@greentrails.org
Green Trails Improvement Association
Board of Directors
Summary of GTIA Board Meeting
Minutes September 11, 2012
Pending Board Approval
Peter Bakas called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM in the
LRC at Kennedy Jr. High School. Board members present: Peter Bakas, Pat Coughlin-Schillo, Tony Dolinar, Don
Helgeson, Bob Klaeren, Les Lavin, Christy McGovern,
Mark Munoz, Roxanne Nagel, Michael Olson, Roger Sassen. Board members excused: Lou Beccavin, Bill Burlein,
Linda Gilbert, Marg Hough. Management: Joanne Broda
Paula Gleason was Recording Secretary. A quorum was
Open Forum: none
Minutes of the Prior Meeting: Minutes of the August
meeting were reviewed.
Board Motion: Bob Klaeren moved to approve the August minutes, Michael Olson seconded. The motion was
passed by a unanimous voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report: Michael Olson reviewed the August
Balance Sheet, and Income and Expense Statement. It was
noted that five partial payments were received on 2012 past
due accounts.
Board Motion: Roger Sassen motioned to accept the
check register expenditures of $26,757.74 for September,
Pat Coughlin-Schillo seconded. Motion was passed by
unanimous voice vote.
Management Report: Telephone log line items were
Management updated information on upcoming election for Board of Directors that was printed in the August
newsletter. Areas up for election this year are F, G, I, J and
O (3-year terms) and M (2-year term). Current representatives of those areas interested in remaining on the Board,
need to submit their application forms as soon as possible.
Start date for cleaning, prepping and re-staining the Gazebo
floor has not been scheduled.
Management distributed copies of the Illini Suburban
proposal for 2013 trail work, which only reflected a 2%
increase: sealcoat @$.63 L.F.; crack sealing @$.78 L.F.;
overlay @$11.93 L.F.; remove/replace @$25.99 L.F. The
2012 prices were $.62, $.76, $11.70 and $25.48 respectively. Management recommended approval.
Board Motion: Tony Dolinar motioned to approve the
Illini Suburban proposal as submitted, Roger Sassen seconded. Motion was passed by unanimous voice vote.
Management submitted copies of a DuPont Claim Resolution Agreement which offered to remove the 11 trees along
College Road that had been damaged when SuperGreen accidentally used equipment with Imprelis residue left inside.
SuperGreen filed the claim on our behalf.
Peter Bakas - President - Area N, TYN-APC
Leslie Lavin - Vice President - Area E, WGL(W)
Michael Olson - Treasurer - Area O, GT apts.
Robert Klaeren, Secretary - Area L, SR4, LW1, AWC, CG apts.
Bill Burlein - Area A, HF3, 4&5
Don Helgeson - Area B, HF1, OKS
Marg Hough - Area C, WV1,2,TLO
Tony Dolinar - Area D, HF2, WGL(E)
Christy McGovern - Area F, CWD, HTW, WGL 1-31
Mark Munoz - Area G, PRM
Pat Coughlin-Schillo - Area H, GR1 &2, LWS, SR5
Roger Sassen - Area I, SR1
Lou Beccavin - Area J, SR2, BLM
Roxanne Nagle - Area K, SR3, LW2
Linda Gilbert - Area M, HPT
Green Trails Pathfinder is a newsletter of the
Green Trails Improvement Association
Board Meeting is on the second Tuesday of the month.
All Green Trails residents are welcome.
NEXT MEETING: October 9, 2012
7:30 p.m.Kennedy Junior High School LRC
JRM Properties, Inc.
P.O. Box 3106
Lisle, IL 60532
Joanne Broda
Please call JRM Properties if
you need information or have
questions regarding Green Trails.
Visit our Green Trails
website at:
Or E-Mail us at:
GTIA Yearly Assessment Policy
Assessments are paid annually. The billing for the new year’s assessment
will be mailed out no later than Nov. 29th. Payment is due Jan. 1st. If
payment is not received by Feb. 1st, an administrative fee is added to the
assessment. If an owner does not receive an invoice by Dec. 10th, notify
management immediately. GTIA policy states the homeowner is responsible for paying on time, with or without the invoice. If your address has
changed, or if you have any questions regarding your bill, call Joanne
Broda at JRM Properties at 630-961-7456.
Anyone selling or refinancing within the Green Trails Improvement
Association area should require a letter from JRM Properties, Inc.,
regarding their status of the yearly assessment charge. Requests for
such may be called into the Management Office or requested by letter.
Information to provide is as follows: 1) Property address; 2) Seller’s
attorney name and phone number; 3) Buyer’s name; and 4) Date of
closing. All this information will be required no less than 14 days
prior to the close. If notice is given less than 14 days prior to closing,
a $25 fee will be assessed. JRM Properties, Inc. P.O. Box 3106,
Lisle, IL 60532. Contact Joanne Broda, 630-961-7456.
Please read the box on the Classified page for instructions on how to
submit an ad.
Commercial ads should submit to
address at right.
Beth Haugeberg
E-Mail stories to:
(please see Minutes continued on page 4)
GT WEBSITE : www.greentrails.org
Page 3
For Commercial Ads
Contact Pam Shuta
Printing & Graphics
5100 Academy Dr., Ste 100
Lisle, IL 60532
GT E-MAIL: gtia@greentrails.org
Minutes continued from page 3
DuPont also offered to pay GTIA for the replacement of the
trees, maintenance of the newly planted trees with an additional amount to care for the other less affected trees and an
additional compensation. Consensus of the Board was to ask
if it was possible to avoid removing all the trees at once to
preserve the aesthetics of the area. Initially we may want to
remove only five trees but we would request compensation
for the remaining six that we could remove at a later date.
Management will confer with DuPont on whether it is amenable to this modification and notify Board members by email,
so that the settlement offer may be signed and delivered prior
to the September 30 expiration date of the settlement offer.
Management asked for and received Board approval for a full
second weed and feed application
Management inquired if the Board would want to transplant
pines this year and if so, the Maintenance Committee needs to
decide upon locations, and arranged a schedule with Schwarz
Nursery. Les Lavin noted there are approximately 10 possible locations and that at least 6 trees from the nursery will
need to be transplanted this year. Management will check
with Schwarz Nursery as to the advisability of transplanting
this year and see if there are any special measures that need to
be taken to improve the chances of survival, e.g. using water
retention products. . Management also suggested the purchase of a deciduous tree to plant near the bench in Gardens
Park and will ask Schwarz Nursery for suggestions.
Management again requested input from Board members
as to their choice to receive an electronic copy of the Board
packet or a paper copy. The consensus of the Board was to
continue with both versions unless a particular Board member
notified Management that the electronic copy was sufficient.
Management provided a list of August newcomers. Board
Directors are encouraged to call on newcomers in their respective areas.
Finance Committee: Michael Olson reported the committee
met jointly with the Maintenance Committee to draft the 2013
Maintenance Committee: No report (maintenance items
were discussed under Management Report)
Communications Committee: In Marge Hough’s absence,
Joe Broda noted the committee will meet to review a proposal
for a GTIA website update and redesign.
Parks Committee: Mark Munoz provided a brief synopsis of
the August Park District Board meeting. Pat Coughlin-Schillo will attend the Park District Board meeting in September.
Pat Coughlin-Schillo reminded several board members that
their respective park evaluation forms should be turned in to
her by the end of the week.
Nominating Committee: Only applications received to date
are from Lou Beccavin and Roger Sassen. Mark Munoz
noted that he would be available to serve if needed.
Old Business/New Business: Roxanne Nagel has received
GT WEBSITE : www.greentrails.org
many positive responses to the Pathfinder article requesting
resident volunteers to participate on a design committee to
research a redesign of the five entrance signs. Roxanne will
schedule the first meeting in October.
Board Member Area Reports: none
Executive Session
Board Motion: Bob Klaeren motioned to adjourn to Executive Session, Don Helgeson seconded. The motion was
passed by unanimous voice vote at 8:20 p.m.
Board Motion: Bob Klaeren motioned to adjourn from
Executive Session, Michael Olson seconded. The motion was
passed by unanimous voice vote at 8:55 p.m.
Board Motion: There being no further business, Mark Munoz motioned to adjourn the meeting, Pat Coughlin-Schillo
seconded. The motion was passed by unanimous voice vote;
the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Gleason, Recording Secretary, Signature on File
Natural Air Freshener that Will
Make Your Home Smell AH-Mazing!
by Beth Haugeberg
I found this wonderful recipe on a blog called One
More Moore, and apparently this is the concoction
that Williams Sonoma keeps simmering on a stove
top to make their store smell so good. I tried this and
my home smelled incredible and, with only three ingredients, the recipe is super easy. So, put down the
bottle of chemical-filled air freshener. Step away from
the Plug-in. Give this natural air freshener a try as a
great way to usher in the new season – you won’t be
1 lemon, sliced
a few sprigs of fresh rosemary
2 tbsp vanilla extract
Directions: Fill a sauce pot about 2/3 of the way with
water, add ingredients, and simmer for as long as you
like. You can let it go all day long, adding water and/
or more lemon as needed. Your nostrils will thank you!
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GT E-MAIL: gtia@greentrails.org
Lisle Park District
for more information please visit www.lisleparkdistrict.org or call 630-964-3410
A Festive Fall Fun Fair for the Whole Family!
Friday, October 19 • 6-8:30pm
Come and enjoy a festive
autumn fun fair filled with
friendly games, ghouls, animals and goodies. Win Halloween prizes at the Carnival and enjoy a snack at
the “Creepy Café.” Visit the
pumpkin patch and the petting zoo. Take a pony ride, or
a walk through the straw maze designed especially for
children and the young at heart. Buy your punch card
starting October 15.
Age: 10 years and under
Fee: $10 for a punch card with 25 punches
Location: Recreation Center, 1925 Ohio Street, Lisle
Volunteers Needed: Anyone in sixth grade or older
wishing to volunteer for Monster Madness should contact the Recreation Center at 630-964-3410.
Punch Card Presale begins October 15! Why wait in
line? Get your cards early!
8th Annual Nightime
Scarecrow Scramble
5K Run and Walk
Saturday, October 20, 2012
The Scarecrow Scramble is a
nighttime 5k run/walk for all ages.
It is more than a race, it is a family event with music,
food, hayrides, a costume contest and youth and tot races. The USTAF-certified course is at the beautiful and
scenic Lisle Community Park winding through slightly
hilly paths lit by luminaries.
The Scarecrow Scramble was founded by the Lisle
Partners for Parks Foundation and the Lisle Community Character Alliance through a partnership formed to
make the Lisle community a better place to live, work,
and play. All proceeds benefit the Lisle Partners for
Parks Foundation and the Lisle Community Character
4:30 – 6:15 pm Packet Pick-up and Registration (Pick
up anytime before the race begins)
5:00 pm
Costume Contest
5:30 pm
Tot Run
5:45 pm
Youth Run
6:30 pm
5K Run/Walk
4:30 – 7:30 pm DJ, Food, and Fun! Bonfire and Hayrides!
Please go to http://www.scarecrowscramble.com/ for
more information and to register.
Village of Lisle
for more information please visit www.villageoflisle.org
FREE Electronics, Small Applicance & Rechargeable Battery Recycling
Date/Time: 10/20/2012 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: 4930 Lincoln Avenue (Route 53), Located between Snow Valley Nursing Home & Lisle Lanes
Cost: FREE
Items Accepted Include:
Electronics (such as computers, microwaves, phones, televisions (any size and style), monitors, VCRs, DVD players,
fax machines, video game consoles & games, stereos, and printers)
Small household appliances (such as blenders, toasters and alarm clocks)
Rechargeable batteries (such as NiCd, NiMh, SLA, Li lon, lithium batteries, hearing aid batteries, lithium batteries;
camera batteries)
Please no hazardous waste or electronics containing liquids or other hazardous matter (such as refrigerators, air conditioners, or batteries for vehicles, boats or sump pumps).
GT WEBSITE : www.greentrails.org
Page 5
GT E-MAIL: gtia@greentrails.org
Lisle Library Events
for more information please visit www.lislelibrary.org or call 630-971-1675
Event Type: Adult Program
Dates: Mondays, October 1, 8, 22, & 29
Time: 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Back by popular demand, Lisle Library’s own
Classic Horror Movie Expert, Richard Flint, will
be showing and sharing his
thoughts on four definitive films
this October.
October 1: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
October 8: The Bride of
October 22: Mark of the
October 29: Abbott and Costello
Meet Frankenstein
Ghosts of Route 66
Event Type: Adult Program
Date: 10/25/2012
Time: 7:00 - 8:45 PM
Windy City Road Warrior David Clark will present a
travelogue to the haunted places along Route 66.
Halloween Storytime & Trick or Treat Parade!
Event Type: Youth Services Program
Date: 10/30/2012
Time: 10:30 - 11:30 AM
Join us for our 3rd Annual Spook-tacular storytime
filled with Halloween stories,
songs, and rhymes! Don’t
forget to wear your costume
because there will be a trick
or treat parade after the storytime.
Coffee with the
Do you have questions
about what’s happening in
the Village of Lisle? Coffee
with the Mayor is a great opportunity to meet and talk with Mayor Broda.
The next Coffee with the Mayor is this Tuesday, October 2, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00
a.m. at Village Hall.
Unlike regular Village Board or Workshop
meetings, this informal session provides
residents and business owners an opportunity to discuss issues affecting them and the
Lisle community.
Whether it be an update on development
projects in the Village, or questions about
municipal services, the Mayor and Village
staff will be happy to assist you. Please feel
free to stop in, enjoy a cup of coffee, and
chat with Mayor Broda.
GT WEBSITE : www.greentrails.org
The Lisle High School Girls’ Volleyball Teams will participate in “Volley for the Cure” to benefit Susan G.
Komen for the Cure on Thursday October 4th at Lisle
High School, 1800 Short Street, Lisle, IL 60532. The
sophomore game begins at 5:30pm and the Varsity
will begin approximately at 6:30pm.
Help us pack the gym PINK by wearing pink or buying a Volley for the Cure event t-shirt available for
purchase. Then, watch Lisle High School and Walther Lutheran “Volley for the Cure” while contributing
to breast cancer awareness. The promise of Susan
G. Komen is to save lives by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all, and energizing science to
find the cure.
Other activities for the evening include: a 50/50 raffle, silent and Chinese auctions, a serving contest,
and a bake sale.
For More Information Please Contact: Anne Stitt,
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GT E-MAIL: gtia@greentrails.org
by Paula Gleason
Apple-Cheddar Soup (Serves 4 to 6)
An apple a day just isn’t enough during harvest season, especially with this ever-popular
apples and cheese duo combined in a hearty soup.
½ cup finely chopped onion
1 Tbsp butter
2 medium baking potatoes,peeled,diced
2 cups apple cider
1 tsp snipped fresh thyme
1/2 tsp salt
dash cayenne pepper
1 medium cooking apple,peeled,chopped
1/2 cup milk
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
Fresh apple slices
In large saucepan cook onion in hot butter over medium heat until tender. Stir in potatoes, cider, thyme, salt and cayenne pepper. Bring to boiling, reduce heat. Simmer,
covered, 15 minutes. Add chopped apple, simmer, covered, 5 minutes or until potatoes
are tender. In small bowl combine milk and flour; stir into soup. Cook and stir until
bubbly. Slowly add cheese, whisking until cheese is melted. Divide soup among serving
dishes; top with apple slices and peppercorns.
Last Chance
to Visit the
Lisle French Market
Some cause happiness wherever they go,
others whenever they go!
The French Market is open
for just one more month! The
hours, which were extended this year, continue to
be 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. every Saturday, rain or
shine, through October 27th.
A great pleasure in life
is doing what people say you cannot do.
The more promises you keep,
the more wealth you’ll reap.
The French Market is located at the corner of
Main Street and Burlington Avenue for the rest of
the season.
The Fall French Market will offer a variety of
fresh produce from local vendors such as Twin
Garden Farms, Blue Creek Farms, KAP Farms and
Windy City Acres.
Some succeed because they are destined to, but
most succeed because they are determined to.
A good sense of humor is essential
to deal with reality.
Experience the market for yourself. Visit the Fall
French Market in Downtown Lisle
GT WEBSITE : www.greentrails.org
Page 7
GT E-MAIL: gtia@greentrails.org
Green Trails Classified Ads
Green Trails residents may submit ads and articles for publication in the Pathfinder free of
charge according to approved guidelines:
1. Ads must be received by the editor on or
before the 12th of each month to be considered
for publication. Ads may be sent by e-mail or by
USPS. If sent by USPS, the ads must be typed
or printed on 8 ½ X 11 paper.
(2030 Carriage Hill Rd. - Lisle)
2. Ads must include the residents GTIA Account
Number (as found on their Pathfinder label),
name, address, telephone number and/or e-mail
3. Ads will be limited to 25 words.
4. Renewal ads must be re-submitted each month
according to these guidelines.
5. Ads that do not meet policy guidelines will not
be printed.
6. Ads for businesses will not be accepted for
free publication.
7. First-time classified ad submissions will take
priority over repeat ads, and the editor will have
discretion over revisions to ads.
The Green Trails Improvement Association does
not endorse any of the products or services
listed in the Pathfinder.
• Classifieds must be renewed monthly via
e-mail with “pathfinder” in the subject line.
• No phone-in ads or phone renewals.
• Classifieds should be sent to Beth Haugeberg
at: pathfinderads@greentrails.org.
• 2002 Lincoln Town Car. Executive Series. 65,00 miles.
Original owner. Garage kept. Excellent condition. Asking
6800.00. Call 630-416-0586.
• Electric Frigidaire Stove with matching beige/cream convection microwave $300 for both. Please contact Susan at
• Foosball table, electronic scorekeeper, standard size, wood
grain sides $60. Please contact Susan at 630-270-8285.
• Baby Trend - Sit n Stand Stroller and Infant Car Seat with
Base (car seat expiration 11/14) $150.00 - Will sell pieces
separately. Please call Rachel 630-242-0506.
• Graco Baby Swing - brown, cream and polka dots. Very
gently used. $50.00. Please call Rachel 630-242-0506.
GT WEBSITE : www.greentrails.org
• Baldwin spinet piano with bench. Cherry wood. $750.
Call George 630-420-1728.
• Beautiful, white wood Ikea 7-piece bedroom furniture set.
Daybed with 3 pullout drawers, nightstand, desk and more.
Hardly used, looks brand new. Asking $730 - negotiable.
Call (630) 687-0122.
• First Choice of Photography Students: Canon AE-1 Camera with Canon 50mm FD and 28mm FD lenses, Canon
Speedlite 177A, Tiffen Wide Angle + Super Wide Angle
+ Telephoto converters, everything in excellent condition;
Canon cleaning kit, Canon camera leather case, camera
carrying case and all individual lens cases included; $450
OBO, In Tyrnbury subdivision; call 630-357-9099.
• (New Lower Price) A computer table with hutch; pullout L-extension; Good condition; $25 OBO; In Tyrnbury
subdivision; call 630-357-9099.
• XBOX360 Games for Sale: NBA2K10 - $5, NCAA
Football 2008 - $5, Assassin Creed Brotherhood - $15, Call
of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - $20; Entire bundle for $40
OBO; All guaranteed to work, are in their original cases,
and have original manuals. Call 630-357-9099.
• Classic XBOX Games that also work on XBOX360:
Sonic Heroes - A Platinum Family Hit - $6, Halo 2 - A
Platinum Hit - $6; Halo - A Platinum Hit - $6, Manhunt $5, Sega GT2002+JSRF dual-game-pack - $6, Thrillville
- A Platinum Family Hit - $6, The Punisher - $5. All work
fine, come in their original cases and have original manuals. Call 630-357-9099.
• Waterford crystal (no stemware), 2 antique mantle clocks,
vintage wood cabinet, antique quilt, Hummels, silverplate,
Chintz bowl (German), Fenton cranberry slipper, Seiko
watch, Zaphir figurine 630-915-5523.
• GREAT DEALS-Flutes for Sale: Emerson Piccolo Flute
with cover, hardly ever used, $1500. Yamaha Advanced
Silver Flute 561 with cover, open hole, offset G, $750.
Call 630-842-6481.
• 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix. Black 4-door, original owner.
63,000 miles. Sun Roof, AM/FM Stereo, CD Player, OnStar equiped, V-6, 3.8 liter engine (good gas milage), recent
tires, brakes, and battery. Excellent Condition. $10,495.
Call 630-420-0260 for more details.
• BABY CRADLE. Beautiful heirloom wicker baby cradle
recently purchased at Land of Nod. Comes with bumper
pad, matress, and dust ruffle. Top of the line quality, in like
new condition. Makes a great gift for yourself (and baby)
or for that someone special. $300. Call 630-420-0260.
• Violin and bow for sale. Newly refurbished with new
case. Appraised for $ 1500.00. Asking $1000. Welcome
to play it. Call 630-717-0515.
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GT E-MAIL: gtia@greentrails.org
Suprising New Cleaning Uses
Bleach Bottle as Cat Litter Scoop
Cut diagonally across the middle
of an empty, clean bottle, toss the
base, and use the half with the
handle to scoop up soil or cat litter.
Car Wax as Sink Polish
Polish faucets, sinks, tile, even shower doors with
Turtle Wax, which leaves behind a protective barrier against water and soap buildup, so your hardearned sparkle will last past the next tooth-brushing.
Panty Hose as Candle Cleaner
Revive a forgotten flickerer. Slide a dusty candle inside
a stocking and roll it around.
Chalk as Tarnish Prevention
Slow the tarnish on your good
silver by tying up a few moistureabsorbing pieces in cheesecloth
and store them with your cutlery
for shinier flatware that reflects
well on you.
Baby Oil as Paint Remover
Dab some baby oil on splatters to remove latex paint
from skin.
Salt as Iron Cleaner
Eliminate sticky residue from an iron. Run the hot iron
(no steam) over plain paper sprinkled with salt.
Olive Oil as Stainless Steel Cleaner
Buff streaks out of stainless steel with a little oil on a
terry-cloth rag, then shine with a dry paper towel.
Lint Roller as Handbag Cleaner
Quickly clean the interior of your purse by running a lint
roller over the lining.
• PLAYER PIANO, pump or electric, spinet style, medium
color wood with bench. $3,300.00 but negotiable. Piano
Rolls, $5.00 each. Call Josephine at 630-527-8643.
• White leather, Queen Sleeper Sofa, $197.00. Call Josephine at 630-527-8643.
• Responsible, mature, nonsmoking woman seeking
mother-in-law flat or home-sharing arrangement in the
western suburbs (Naperville, Lisle, Wheaton, Glen Ellyn).
Call 630-651-6101.
• 3 HOUR MOVING SALE, Saturday Oct 6, 10:00 AM
to 1:00 PM. 2089 Carriage Hill Road, Lisle.
• LUXURIOUS SKI CONDO. Winter Park, CO. Ski-in,
ski-out, fully furnished. Sleeps 4. Fully furnished kitchen.
Deck overlooking Continental Divide. Skiing, snowmobiling, ice skating, dog sledding, snowshoeing. Phone
GT WEBSITE : www.greentrails.org
Cooking Spray as Candlestick
Celebrating by candlelight? Spray the inside of a
votive holder with a thin coating before dropping in
a tea light. After the candle has burned down, the
remaining wax will slip out.
Use Cooking Spray as an Ice Repellent
Before clearing snow off a driveway, liberally spray
both sides of a plastic or metal shovel with cooking
spray. The ice will slide right off the oily surface. It’s
the easiest trick for smoother snow removal.
• Very nice 2 BR townhouse. Cathedral ceilings. Stainless
steel appliances. Family Room, basement, garage and pool
access. Phone 630-460-0010.
• For Rent/Sale. Spacious 1-bedroom condo, Abbeywood
Drive near Benedictine University. 1000 sq.ft., eat-in
kitchen, large bedroom, living/dining area, A/C, laundry
in unit, dishwasher. $900/mo + elect./phone. Call 630416-6101.
• Find out how to tune up your PC and get it running like
new. Learn how to check for and clean up spyware and
viruses. Also get your PC to boot and run faster, and see
useful tips and tricks you can use in Windows. Become
skilled at backing up important data like pictures, documents, and music. You will also learn what to look for
when buying a new computer. Bring your questions! A
Lisle Park District Program. November 13 from 7-8:30pm.
Contact the Park District at 630-964-3410 for registration
and fee information.
Page 9
GT E-MAIL: gtia@greentrails.org

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