August - Green Trails
August - Green Trails
A ug ust 2013 GET INVOLVED! Are you looking for a way to get more involved in your community? Run for a Director position with the Green Trails Improvement Association (GTIA). GTIA is your homeowners association. The GTIA board consists of 15 directors – one per area – who are tasked with the job of keeping Green Trails’ common areas beautiful. Becoming a board member offers a unique volunteer opportunity to make a visible difference in your community. This year, 6 of the 15 Board of Directors positions are up for election. At the beginning of October, an election ballot is sent to every homeowner in the areas up for election. If you don’t know the area in which you reside, check the mailing label on the back of this newsletter. Areas are referenced by the letters A through O. The following areas in Green Trails will conduct an election for their GTIA Board of Directors representative for the duration of the designated term: 3 Year Area: Section: Term end date: A Heritage Farms 3, 4, & 5 Nov. 2016 B Heritage Farms 1, Oaks Condos Nov. 2016 E Woodglenn West (North of Green Trails Dr., West of Golfview) Nov. 2016 L Surrey Ridge 4, Lakewood 1, Abbeywood Condos, Trails at Abbeywood Nov. 2016 N Tyrnbury, Torrey Pines Condos Nov. 2016 Area: Section: Term end date: O Green Trails Apartments Nov. 2015 Area: Section: Term end date: M High Point Condos Nov. 2014 2 Year 1 Year Anyone interested in seeking one of these positions must be a unit owner in the area represented. In order to have your name placed on the official ballot, please fill out the application on page 2 and send it to C&R Properties, Inc., P.O. Box 3106, Lisle, IL 60532-8106. Or, you can send an e-mail to All candidate applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 10, 2013. Please see “Get Involved” cont. on page 2 GT WEBSITE : Page 1 GT E-MAIL: “Get Involved” cont. from page 1 What does GTIA do? GTIA’s main responsibility is to maintain 16 of the 26 miles of paths that wind their way through the Green Trails subdivision. The other 10 miles are maintained primarily by the Lisle Park District. GTIA also maintains 198 lights along those 16 miles of trails, and maintains the areas around the 5 Green Trails welcome signs. GTIA operated on an approximate budget of $425,000 for 2012. What do board members do? Board members meet in the evenings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Meetings typically are held at Kennedy Junior High, but the location may vary and any changes in location are printed in the Pathfinder newsletter and on the home page of the website (, before the meeting. The meetings can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Board members also serve on committees where their talents can best be put to use. Committees may meet a few times per year. Why are there so many openings for board members? Typically, 5 board positions (onethird) are up for election each year. However, due to a lack of candidates in previous elections, some board members have been appointed to their positions. Appointed board members live in Green Trails, but do not necessarily live in the area that they represent. These positions, therefore, are put up for election. If you live in an area whose position is not up for election and you want to be considered for an appointed position, please contact management. If you would like to know more about what is involved in being a board member or need more information on becoming a candidate, please call management at 630-210-8353 or contact the current board member for your area. To see the Board of Directors in action, come to one of our meetings at 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month. Watch the Pathfinder or check the website for information about the location of the next meeting. Your involvement makes a difference in Green Trails! YES! I would like to be a candidate in the GTIA Board elections Candidate for Area_______________________ Name__________________________________ Address________________________________ Phone Number___________________________ GTIA Account Number____________________ **Please attach a paragraph or two describing yourself and your interest in this position. I am a homeowner in good standing with the Green Trails Improvement Association ______________________________________________ Candidate’s Signature Mail to: C&R Properties P.O. Box 3106 Lisle, IL 60532-8106 Must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 10, 2013. GT WEBSITE : Page 2 GT E-MAIL: Green Trails Improvement Association Board of Directors Summary of GTIA Board Meeting Minutes July 9, 2013 Pending Board Approval Peter Bakas - President - Area N, TYN-APC Leslie Lavin - Vice President - Area E, WGL(W) Michael Olson - Treasurer - Area O, GT apts. Robert Klaeren, Secretary - Area L, SR4, LW1, AWC, CG apts. Bill Burlein - Area A, HF3, 4&5 Don Helgeson - Area B, HF1, OKS Marg Hough - Area C, WV1,2,TLO Tony Dolinar - Area D, HF2, WGL(E) Christy McGovern - Area F, CWD, HTW, WGL 1-31 Vern Goering - Area G, PRM Pat Coughlin-Schillo - Area H, GR1 &2, LWS, SR5 Roger Sassen - Area I, SR1 Lou Beccavin - Area J, SR2, BLM Roxanne Nagle - Area K, SR3, LW2 Linda Gilbert - Area M, HPT Peter Bakas called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM in the Trinity auditorium at the Grounds for Hope CaféGreen Trails Center. Board members present: Peter Bakas, Lou Beccavin, Tony Dolinar, Vern Goering, Bob Klaeren, Les Lavin, Christy McGovern, Roxanne Nagel, Michael Olson, Roger Sassen. Board members excused: Bill Burlein, Pat Coughlin-Schillo, Linda Gilbert, Don Helgeson, Marg Hough. Management: Julie Maschmeier. Paula Gleason was Recording Secretary. A quorum was present. Open Forum: A GTIA resident was in attendance to discuss broadening residential interest in Green Trails. Suggestions included opening several trails in the winter; requesting dog owners to not only pick up their own pet refuse, but suggest they “pick up two”; alter the green color of the Pathfinder; raise assessment to include additional lawn trimming and/or fence maintenance. The Board thanked the resident for the input. Minutes of the Prior Meeting: Minutes of the June meeting were reviewed. Board Motion: Tony Dolinar moved to approve the June minutes, Michael Olson seconded. The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote. Treasurer’s Report: Michael Olson reviewed the June Balance Sheet, and Income and Expense Statement. Board Motion: Lou Beccavin motioned to accept the revised check register expenditures of $25,612.76 for July, Bob Klaeren seconded. Motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote. Management Report: Telephone log line items were reviewed. Management reported that 1,064 tree rings were treated with Round-Up. Mulch for the Pine Grove has been completed and designated area seeded. Management noted that if and when new signage is approved, stationary, website, and newsletter would need to be updated with the new logo. Management discussed the approved Plan A with Illini Suburban Asphalt. Sealcoating is tentatively scheduled for the last two weeks of July; overlay and concrete is Green Trails Pathfinder is a newsletter of the Green Trails Improvement Association Board Meeting is on the second Tuesday of the month. All Green Trails residents are welcome. NEXT MEETING: August 12, 2013 7:30 p.m. - Trinity Church Coffee Shop, Maple & Benedictine Pkwy PROPERTY MANAGER C&R Properties P.O. Box 3106 Lisle, IL 60532 Telephone: 630-210-8353 Julie Maschmeier Please call C&R Properties if you need information or have questions regarding Green Trails. Visit our Green Trails website at: Or E-Mail us at: GTIA Yearly Assessment Policy Assessments are paid annually. The billing for the new year’s assessment will be mailed out no later than Nov. 29th. Payment is due Jan. 1st. If payment is not received by Feb. 1st, an administrative fee is added to the assessment. If an owner does not receive an invoice by Dec. 10th, notify management immediately. GTIA policy states the homeowner is responsible for paying on time, with or without the invoice. If your address has changed, or if you have any questions regarding your bill, call Julie Maschmeier, at C&R Property Advisors at 630-210-8353. SELLING? REFINANCING? Anyone selling or refinancing within the Green Trails Improvement Association area should require a letter from JRM Properties, Inc., regarding their status of the yearly assessment charge. Requests for such may be called into the Management Office or requested by letter. Information to provide is as follows: 1) Property address; 2) Seller’s attorney name and phone number; 3) Buyer’s name; and 4) Date of closing. All this information will be required no less than 14 days prior to the close. If notice is given less than 14 days prior to closing, a $25 fee will be assessed. C&R Property Advisors, P.O. Box 3106, Lisle, IL 60532. Contact Julie Maschmeier, 630-210-8353. Please read the box on the Classified page for instructions on how to submit an ad. Commercial ads should be submitted to address at right. EDITOR Beth Haugeberg 630-416-7693 E-Mail stories to: (please see Minutes continued on page 4) GT WEBSITE : Page 3 For Commercial Ads Contact Pam Shuta ARBOR Printing & Graphics 5100 Academy Dr., Ste 100 Lisle, IL 60532 630-969-2277 GT E-MAIL: Minutes continued from page 3 scheduled for August. Piper & Sons have completed repairs to tree damage from the storm. Green Trails Night at DuPage County Hounds game will be Friday, July 12, 7:00PM; discounted tickets offered for GTIA residents and their families and friends. There will be a free Movie in the Park, “Wreck it Ralph”, on Tuesday, July 23rd, at the Woodglenn Athletic Field. Management provided a list of June newcomers. Board Directors are encouraged to call on newcomers in their respective areas. Finance Committee: Michael Olson will coordinate with management to schedule a committee meeting within the next two weeks. The committee will review the GTIA 2012 audit, budget recommendations and initiate a draft 2014 budget. Maintenance Committee: Les Lavin also confirmed that the Maintenance Committee would convene with management to review 2014 budget recommendations. Les Lavin and Betty Long will schedule a walk through along College Road to review and update their tree assessment. Communications Committee: No report Parks Committee: In Pat Coughlin-Schillo’s absence it was noted that she had met with Aaron Cerutti and will submit his summary of Green Trails Park Evaluations. Les Lavin gave a synopsis of the June Park District Board meeting he attended; Roxanne Nagel will attend in July. Les noted that at the meeting, he inquired about the status of the Park District’s proposal to plant any trees donated from the GTIA Nursery. Prior to the meeting, Les also discussed several specific park issues with Aaron Cerutti including replacement of 19 dead trees in the Woodglenn Park area. Peter Bakas requested Management negotiate with the Park District to develop a compatible working relationship between GTIA and Park District to replace out-of-service light poles in a timely manner. The Board will continue to follow up to determine how these issues are addressed. Nominating Committee – Peter Bakas will submit areas for next election to newsletter: Area A – Bill Burlein Area L – Bob Klaeren Area O – Michael Olson GT WEBSITE : Area B – Don Helgeson Area N – Peter Bakas Area E – Les Lavin Area M – Linda Gilbert Old Business/New Business: Vern Goering, Roxanne Nagel and Roger Sassen met again with several members of the College Square Tenants Association to promote a “Proud to be a Green Trails Resident” block party likeevent. After reading the newsletter article about this proposed event, several GTIA residents expressed interest in participating on the event committee. Vern has also explored several band choices, and tee shirt options with Janor Sports. Board member consensus was that the committee should meet and explore all alternatives. Board Member Area Reports: Area K, Roxanne Nagel queried who is responsible for two trees that may be dying of the Emerald Ash disease in their neighborhood island. Board suggested she contact the Village of Lisle. Adjournment Board Motion: There being no further business, Bob Klaeren motioned to adjourn the meeting, Michael Olson seconded. The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote; the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paula Gleason, Recording Secretary, Signature on File Lisle Will Celebrate It’s First Ever Ale Fest! The Lisle Ale Fest will be Lisle’s first craft beer festival. The inaugural festival will take place on Saturday, September 28, 2013. The fest will be a trifecta of American craft beer, BBQ, and blues music. It will feature over 80 unique beers from craft breweries around the country and one of the largest selection of October Fest beers in the area. The goal of the Lisle Ale Fest is to showcase American craft beer while supporting the Lisle Community. Proceeds from this event will benefit The Lisle Area Chamber of Commerce and the Lisle community. Page 4 GT E-MAIL: NEWCOMERS CORNER Green Trails Improvement Association would like to welcome the following new homeowners who moved into Green Trails since November. Please don’t hesitate to call the managing agent (630-210-8353) if you have any questions about Green Trails, Lisle, the surrounding area and/or if you need assistance with anything. Once again, “Welcome to Green Trails:” Abbeywood Condos: Andrzej & Beata Krzycki 2382 Abbeywood Dr., Apt D Baohua Xue & Katie Kai 2254 Abbeywood Dr., Apt A Collegewood: Lakewood: Dennis & Mary Mueller 6720 Innsbruck Ct. Michael & Holly Rossi 6740 Breckenridge Rd. George & Kelly Carr 6694 Old College Rd. James & Mary Plakovic 2736 Sun Valley Rd. Gardens: Eric Powell 6782 Aspen Rd. Heritage Farms: Elizabeth Mohr 1905 Hillside Ln. Richard & Nicole DeVerdier 6076 Miller Ln. Jeremy & Rebecca Meisinger 6101 Heritage Ln. Christopher & Lindsay Lotysz 6159 Harth Ct. Craig & Renee Shallmo 6217 Sleepy Hollow Ln. Pratish Pillay & Vedha Mitra 6216 Sleepy Hollow Ln. Oaks Condos: Tyrnbury: Sailesh & Ramapriya Remasubramanian 2860 Tory Ct. Woodglenn: Adam Glassberg 1940 Carriage Hill Rd. Andrew & Rosanna Eden 1880 Carriage Hill Rd. Surrey Ridge: Salvatore & Laura Bucaro 6491 Cape Cod Ct. Matthew Arient 1874 Carriage Hill Rd. Matt & Alicia Yaeger 6464 Berkshire Ct. Ryan Johnson 2089 Carriage Hill Rd. Michael & Laura Lane 6448 Berkshire Ct. Montee & Darlene McCoy 6582 Raintree Ct. Curt & Jilian Vonnahme 6373 Hampshire Ct. Joy Young 2179 Ridgewood Rd. John & Jill Zmaczynski 6381 Surrey Ridge Rd. Eric & Rebecca Diehl 6576 Timbertrails Rd. Nicole & Rory Rorke 2877 Valley Forge Rd. Adam Sadkowski 2370 Tanglewood Dr. Benjamin & Karoline Goodnick 2793 Camden Ct. Woodglenn Village: Brad Brunsman 2247 Christian Ln. Pepi Manieson 6327 Kent Ct. Susan Openshaw 2257 Christian Ln. Tall Oaks: Lynette Pitrak 6257 Trubuty Dr. Judy Smithers 2880 Torrey Pine Ln., Apt. 2H Promenades: Timothy & Sara Plackett 2512 Sun Valley Rd Michael & Bess Paull 6551 Tealwood Dr. Daniel Moody 2880 Torrey Pine Ln., Apt. 2F Crai & Karen Latto 6294 Timber View Dr. Doleatha Wright 6387 Kindling Ct. Alan Kwit & Tammy Scott 2216 Black Oak Ct. Frank & Cherri Gentile 6414 Pruthmore Ct. Torrey Pines Condos: Joel LaRocca 2880 Torrey Pine Ln., Apt 2E GT WEBSITE : Page 5 Tracy Goering 6424 Ashford Ct. Wylie & Christine Tsan 2354 Trowbridge Way GT E-MAIL: Lisle Park District Events for more information please visit or call 630-964-3410 Movies in the Park After Dark FREE Family Movies! Time: Dusk (Approx. 8:15pm-Movie times will vary) Showtime at sundown! Bring your families, picnic baskets, coolers, and lawn chairs for this FREE family-friendly movie series! August Movie Schedule: Tuesday, August 6 - The Avengers (PG-13) – 143 Min. Cool Science! Let’s Learn About Frogs & Toads Saturday, August 17 - 9-10AM (reg. by Aug. 10) Ages: 3-5 years In this fun hands-on class, preschoolers will learn all about frogs and toads! First, they’ll listen to a book about them, ,earn about their life cycle, sing a song, and jump like frogs and toads, work on an arts and crafts project ,and meet a live specimen. Contact the park district to register. Make Balloon Animals! Wednesday, August 14 from 6-7:15pm Ages: 6-13 Did you ever want to learn how to make those cool balloon animals that you see at parties? Well, now you can. With just a little practice, children will the learn the techniques needed to take a plain balloon and transform it into a fascinating balloon animal creation (like dogs, butterflies, swords, etc.) At the end of class, the children will get to take home all of the things that they made. Parents are more than welcome to join their children in the class. Contact the park district by August 7 to register. Sea Lion After Hours Friday August 16 from 7-10pm Grades: Entering 6th-9th Get your friends together and meet up at the Sea Lion Aquatic Park. Our DJ will be spinning the hottest tunes as you swim or hang out poolside with all of your friends. There may even be a contest or two thrown in for good measure. $5 tickets are available at the door. When: Sunday, August 18 - Register Early - Last year was a sell out! 2nd - 9 holes: River Bend Golf Club, 5900 S. Route 53, Lisle Time: Shotgun Starts at 8:00am 11:00am Shotgun Start Fee: $70 per person for the entire day. Carts not included. First come, first served at each course. Barbeque Cookout to Follow in Tent: Format : 4-Man Scramble, Best Ball Event 1st - 9 holes: Downers Grove Golf Course, 2420 Haddow Ave., Downers Grove 7:00 - 8:00am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:00am Shotgun Start For more information call 630-963-1306 GT WEBSITE : Choice of 2: Burgers, Italian Sausage, Chicken Sandwich, plus Chips, Desserts, and a variety of Soda & Water. Unlimited Draft Beer (with ID) For more information call 630-968-1920 or visit Contest & Prizes Awarded Following the Event. Page 6 GT E-MAIL: TIDBITS by Paula Gleason Blackberry Swirl Pie (8 servings) If you don’t have much time to bake, this pie is simple & guaranteed to taste great! 1 single crust unbaked piecrust 3 T all-purpose flour 1 8-oz carton dairy sour cream 1/8 tsp salt 3/4 cup sugar 3 C fresh blackberries OR 16-oz pkg frozen blackberries Preheat oven to 450 degrees with rack in middle position. If using frozen berries, let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare pastry and line a 9-inch pie plate. Line pastry with a double thickness of foil. Bake 8 minutes. Remove foil. Bake 4 more minutes or until lightly browned. Cool on wire rack. Reduce oven to 350 degrees. In medium bowl, combine sour cream, sugar, flour and salt. Add blackberries and gently stir to combine, then spoon into pre-baked crust. To prevent over-browning, cover edge of pie with foil. Bake 25 minutes (50 minutes for frozen berries). Remove foil. Bake 20 minutes more or until filling is bubbly and appears set. Cool on wire rack for approx 2 hours. A summer delight! ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Stand for something or you’ll fall for anything. You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is always hope when people are forced to listen to both sides. You can’t change the past but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future. Friends double our joys, divide our sorrows. Time Flies When You Are Having Summer Fun! Make sure to your school’s websites for important back to school dates and information. Naperville Schools: Benet Academy: St. Joan of Arc: GT WEBSITE : Page 7 GT E-MAIL: Green Trails Classified Ads • Classic XBOX Games that also work on XBOX360: Sonic Heroes - A Platinum Family Hit - $6, Halo - A Platinum Hit $6, Manhunt - $5, Sega GT2002+JSRF dual-game-pack - $6, Thrillville - A Platinum Family Hit - $6, The Punisher - $5. 1. Ads must be received by the editor on or All work fine, come in their original cases and have original before the 12th of each month to be considered manuals. Call 630-357-9099. for publication. Ads may be sent by e-mail or by • XBOX360 Games for Sale: NBA2K10 - $5, NCAA USPS. If sent by USPS, the ads must be typed Football 2008 - $5, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - $20; or printed on 8 ½ X 11 paper. Entire bundle for $25 OBO; All guaranteed to work, are in (2030 Carriage Hill Rd. - Lisle) their original cases, and have original manuals. Call 6302. Ads must include the residents GTIA Account 357-9099. Number (as found on their Pathfinder label), name, address, telephone number and/or e-mail • Trek 800 Series Single Track ladies mountain bike. Has address. not been used for several years. Water holder and rack with 3. Ads will be limited to 25 words. pack. Asking $90 obo. Call Sue at 630-400-7354. 4. Renewal ads must be re-submitted each month • Selling 3 types of flutes. Cash or cashier’s check only. according to these guidelines. Please call 630-842-6481. Gemeinhardt Beginner Flute with 5. Ads that do not meet policy guidelines will not cover, Serial # F24776, $250.00. Emerson Piccolo Flute be printed. with cover, hardly used, Serial # 6646, $500.00. Yamaha 6. Ads for businesses will not be accepted for Advanced Silver Flute 561 with cover, open hole, offset G, free publication. Serial # YFL561H, $ 800.00. 7. First-time classified ad submissions will take priority over repeat ads, and the editor will have • Dresser for sale ( $150), exercise bike ($50) and treaddiscretion over revisions to ads. mill ($400), all are used and in excellent condition. OBO. Pictures available. Please call 630-369-1615. DISCLAIMER The Green Trails Improvement Association does SERVICES: not endorse any of the products or services • My 14yr old son is available during this summer vacation listed in the Pathfinder. and can sit/walk your pets. We live in Tyrnbury subdivision. (630) 357-9099. SUBMITTING CLASSIFIEDS • University of Chicago Student Offering Math, English, • Classifieds must be renewed monthly via ACT/SAT Tutoring Services during the summer (Junee-mail with “pathfinder” in the subject line. September). Please call Sherry at 630-579-1636. • No phone-in ads or phone renewals. WANTED: • Classifieds should be sent to Beth Haugeberg at: • Private coin collector in Green Trails looking to buy U.S. coins, 1 cent to $1, coin collections, bullion or pocket FOR SALE: watches. Very fair prices paid. Please call 630-241-0255. • Sears 650 Cardio Cross Trainer elliptical machine with heart FOUND: monitor and cup holder. Asking $100. You pick up in Green • Ladies watch on path near Kennedy Jr. High School early Trails. Call Sue at 630-400-7354. June. To claim, call 630-400-7354. • Selling a 20” bike for boys. In great condition. $25 OBO. FOR RENT: Call 630-357-9099. • XL Twin Size mattress - no box spring. Like new, perfect • LUXURIOUS MOUTAIN CONDO. Winter Park, CO. On the mountain. Sleeps 4 with fully furnished kitchen, deck for college, $25. Call Judy at 630-740-5399. overlooking the Continental Divide, hot tubs, work out • 1-12 ft wooden step ladder, $100, 1-8 ft. wooden step ladder, $75, both in excellent condition. 1 trimmer-edger, room, mountain biking, alpine slide, and mini golf. $595 Black&Decker 18V battery operated, $50. Broadcast spread- per week. Phone 630-460-0010. • Enjoy paradise in a 1 BR fully furnished resort apartment ers 1 small: $15, 1 med. $20. Call 630-305-8685. • Stairlift - battery powered and includes charger, $1250. on beautiful Grand Cayman beach that can be used any week Powered Chairlift - extends to upright, $200. Chairback exercise bike, $60. All in excellent condition. Call 630-961-2532. See “Classifieds” cont. on Page 9 Green Trails residents may submit ads and articles for publication in the Pathfinder free of charge according to approved guidelines: GT WEBSITE : Page 8 GT E-MAIL: “Classifieds” cont. from Page 8 in 2013 except two weeks at Christmas. Resort has all amenities including water sports, 3 swimming pools, spa, restaurant, grocery store, gift shop, children’s activities, etc. $900.00 for the week. Please call 630-717-7923. • VERY NICE Highpoint townhome. Cathedral ceiling, 2BR 2BA, family room, basement. Stainless appliances incl built in microwave, washer/dryer. Phone 630-4600010. • Venice, FL - Newly remodeled 2BR-2 Bath home. Bright and airy; fully furnished; High-speed internet; 5 minutes from beach. Available weekly, monthly or longer stays. No pets or smoking. Phone 630-527-2477. SALES: • Huge multi-family garage sale August 8th, 9th, and 10th from 9am-2pm on Wildwood Ct., southeast corner of Green Trails and College. Electronics, Small Applicances & Rechargeable Batteries Recycling Event Scheduled The monthly Electronics, Small Appliances and Rechargeable Batteries Recycling Collection will take place on Saturday, July 20 from 9 AM to noon at 4930 Route 53 in Lisle. Please visit for a list of accepted items. The Downtown Lisle French Market returned for its seventh season and opened on May 4th. This year the colorful open air market returns to the commuter parking lot on Burlington Avenue just west of Village Hall in Downtown Lisle. The French Market features a variety of fresh produce, plants and flowers, delicious baked goods, gourmet items, artisan crafts, live entertainment, and more. The market is open every Saturday (rain or shine) through October 26, from 8am to 1pm. Parking is free and conveniently located adjacent to the market. There is no admission fee, so bring the whole family. Friendly pets are welcome too! If you are interest in securing a booth at the 2013 French Market, please contact Market Supervisor Paula Gleason by calling 630-222-3403. Great Horned Owlets Spotted in Green Trails! This photo shows a fledgling great horned owl that was taken in Green Trails in the Surrey Ridge area. Resident David Most had watched this owl and his sibling for a couple of weeks while they were scavenging for food their first few days out of the nest and then calling for their parents each night. David said, “It was great to see this wildlife right in the backyard.” Photo Courtesy of Green Trails Resident David Most GT WEBSITE : Page 9 GT E-MAIL:
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