FAALİYET RAPORU - Batı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği
FAALİYET RAPORU - Batı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği
BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLİLER DERNEĞİ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΩΝ ΜΕΙΟΝΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΘΡΑΚΗΣ WESTERN THRACE MINORITY UNIVERSITY GRADUATES ASSOCIATION FAALİYET RAPORU Ε ΚΘ Ε Σ Η Π Ε Π ΡΑ Γ Μ Ε Ν Ω Ν ANNUAL REPORT 2009 YÖNETİM KURULU ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Ahmet Kara Mehmet Emin Tülay Külçioğlu Serhat Nuri Başkan Πρόεδρος Chairman Asbaşkan Αντιπρόεδρος Vice- Chairman Genel sekreter Γενικός Γραμματέας Secretary General Kasadar Ταμίας Treasurer Sinem Hüseyin Sinan Kavas Fatme Salih Y.K. Üyesi Μέλος Δ.Σ. Board Member Y.K. Üyesi Μέλος Δ.Σ. Board Member Y.K. Üyesi Μέλος Δ.Σ. Board Member DENETİM KURULU ΕΞΕΛΕΓΚΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ AUDITING BOARD Ayşe Galip Zeynep Tevfikoğlu Mustafa Katrancı Başkan Πρόεδρος Chairman D.K. Üyesi Μέλος E.E. A.B.Member D.K. Üyesi Μέλος E.E. A.B.Member We would like to thank the members of our Association who contributed to the preparation of the Annual Report. The Administrative Board W.T.M.U.G.A. 28. BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 GENEL KURUL ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΕΛΕΥΣΗ GENERAL ASSEMBLY B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği 28. Olağan Genel Kurul Toplantısı, 25 Ocak 2009 Pazar günü Gümülcine’nin Chrıs & Eve otelinde gerçekleşmiştir. Kongre Başkanlığını, Emekli Öğretmen Tevfik Hüseyinoğlu, sekreterlik görevlerini ise Erhan Hüseyin Ali ve Emine Subaşılar yapmıştır. 28. dönem kongresinde 181 üye oy kullanmıştır. Η 28η. Γενική Συνέλευση του Σ.Ε.Μ.Δ.Θ. πραγματοποιήθηκε την Κυριακή 25 Ιανουαρίου 2009 στο ξενοδοχείο chris & Eve της Κομοτηνής. Καθήκοντα του προέδρου της Γενικής Συνέλευσης ανέλαβε ο συνταξιούχος καθηγητής κ. Τεφίκ Χουσεϊνογλου, ενώ καθήκοντα γραμματέως ανέλαβαν ο Ερχάν Χουσεΐν Αλί και η Εμινέ Σούμπασιλάρ Στη Γενική Συνέλευση της 28η. περιόδου ψήφισαν 181 μέλη. 1 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 28. GENEL KURUL ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΕΛΕΥΣΗ GENERAL ASSEMBLY T he 28th General assembly of the Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association (W.T.M.U.G.A.) was held on 25 January 2009 at the Chris & Eve Hotel in Komotini. The Assembly was chaired by Tevfik Hüseyinoğlu, retired teacher Tevfik Hüseyinoğlu, while the two secretaries were Erhan Hüseyin Ali and Emine Subaşılar. 2 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 YÖNETİM KU R U L U Z İ Y A R E T L E R İ ΕΠΙΣΚΕΨΕΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ VISITS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD B .T.A.Y.T.D. Yönetim Kurulu resmi makamlara nezaket ziyaretlerinde bulundu. Ta μέλη του διοικητικού Σθμβουλίου του Σ.Ε.Μ.Δ.Θ. πραγματοποίησαν εθιμοτυπικές επισκέψεις στις επίσημες αρχές . The administrative Board of the W.T.M.U.G.A. paid official visits in the prefecture. Y önetim Kurulu Üyeleri 28 Şubat 2009 Cumartesi günü İskeçe seçilmiş Müftüsü Ahmet Mete ve İskeçe Pasok Milletvekili Çetin Mandacı’ yı makamlarında ziyaret etti . Τα μέλη του Δ.Σ. του Συλλόγου μας επισκέφθηκαν τον αιρετό Μουφτή Ξάνθης κ. Αχμέτ Μετέ και τον Βουλευτή Ξάνθης κ. Τσετίν Μάντατζη το Σάββατο 28η Φεβρουαρίου 2009. The members of the Administrative Board visited the elected Mufti of Xanthi Mr. Ahmet Mete and the member of the Greek parliament Mr. Cetin Mandaci at their offices on the 28th of February 2009. Y önetim Kurulu Üyelerimiz 4 Mart 2009 Çarşamba günü Rodop Valisi Aris Yanakidis’i makamında ziyaret etti. Ziyaret esnasında Rodop Vilayeti Vali Yardımcıları Sibel Mustafaoğlu ve Mehmet Devecioğlu da hazır bulundu. Τα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου την Τετάρτη 4 Μαρτίου επισκέφθηκαν τον Νομάρχη Ροδόπης κ. Άρη Γιαννακίδη. Παρόν στη συζήτηση ήταν και οι αντινομάρχες Σιμπέλ Μουσταφάογλου και Μεχμέτ Ντεβετζήογλου. The members of our Administrative Board visited at his office the prefect of Rodope Mr. Aris Giannakidis on the 4th of March 2009. During their stay the assistant prefects of Rodope Mrs. Sibel Mustafaoglu and Mr. Mehmet Devecioglu were present. 3 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 YÖNETİM K U R U L U Z İ Y A R E T L E R İ ΕΠΙΣΚΕΨΕΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ VISITS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Y önetim kurulu aynı gün Rodop Evros Genişletilmiş Bölge valiliği Başkanı sn. Georgios I. Minopulos’u ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Gümülcine Başkonsolosu sn. Mustafa Sarnıç’ı ziyaret etti. Το Δ.Σ. του Συλλόγου μας την ίδια ημέρα επισκέφθηκε τον Πρόεδρο της Νομαρχιακής Αυτοδιοίκησης Ροδόπης – Έβρου κ. Γεώργιο Ι. Μηνόπουλο και τον Γενικό Πρόξενο της Τουρκίας στην Κομοτηνή κ. Mustafa Sarnıç . The members of the Administrative Board visited on the same day the prefect of the Broadened Prefecture of Rodope-Evros Mr. Georgios I. Minopoulos and the consul of the Republic of Turkey in Komotini Mr. Mustafa Sarnic. D erneğimiz Yönetim Kurulu 5 Mart 2009 Perşembe günü Gümülcine seçilmiş Müftüsü İbrahim Şerif’ i ziyaret etti. Το Δ.Σ. του Συλλόγου μας την Πέμπτη 5 Μαρτίου 2009 επισκέφθηκε τον αιρετό Μουφτή Κομοτηνής κ. Ιμπραχήμ Σερήφ. The members of our Administrative Board visited on Thursday the 5th of March 2009the elected Mufti of Komotini Mr. Ibrahim Serif. 4 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 YÖNETİM KU R U L U Z İ Y A R E T L E R İ ΕΠΙΣΚΕΨΕΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ VISITS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Y önetim Kurulu Üyeleri 17 Mart Salı günü Gümülcine Belediye Başkanı sayın Dimitris Koçakis’i makamında ziyaret etti. Ziyaret esnasında belediye başkan yardımcısı Sn.Ali Ali ve başkan danışmanı sn. Elmas Hüsemoğlu da hazır bulundu. Τα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του Συλλόγου μας την Τρίτη 17 Μαρτίου 2009, επισκέφθηκαν τον Δήμαρχο Κομοτηνής κ. Δημήτριο Κοτσάκη. Στη συνάντηση παραβρέθηκαν και ο Αντιδήμαρχος κ. Αλή Αλή και η κα. Ελμάς Χουσέμογλού. The members of our Administrative Board visited at his office the mayor of Komotini Mr.Dimitrios Kotsakis on Tuesday the 17th of March 2009. During their stay the assistant mayor Mr.Ali Ali and Mrs.Elmas Husemoglu were present. D erneğimiz Yönetim Kurulu üyeleri 2 Nisan 2009 Perşembe akşamı Doğu Makedonya ve Trakya Bölge Genel Sekreteri sn. D. Stamatis’i ziyaret etti. Τα μέλη του Δ.Σ. του Συλλόγου μας πραγματοποίησαν την Πέμπτη 2 Απριλίου 2009, εθιμοτυπική επίσκεψη στον Γ.Γ. Περιφέρειας Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας και Θράκης κ. Δημήτρη Σταμάτη. The members of our Administrative Board visited the General Secretary of the Prefecture of East Macedonia and Thrace Mr. Dimitrios Stamatis. D erneğimiz Yönetim Kurulu üyeleri 4 Ekim 2009 Milletvekili seçimlerinde İskeçe ve Rodop illerinden, iktidar partisi milletvekili olarak seçilen Sn. Ahmet Hacıosman ve Sn. Çetin Mandacı’ya birer nezaket ziyaretinde bulundular. The members of our board of association visited the elected -by the parliament majority party- on the 4th of October 2009 elections parliament members: Mr. Ahmet Haciosman anf Mr. Cetin Mandaci. Τα μέλη του Δ.Σ. του Συλλόγου μας επισκέφθηκαν τους κυρίουε Αχμέτ Χατζηοσμάν και Τσετίν Μάντατζη που εκλέχθηκαν Βουλευτές από το κυβερνών κόμμα στο Νομό Ροδόπης και στο Νομό Ξάνθης αντίστοιχα. 5 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 DERNEĞİMİZE GE R Ç E K L E Ş E N Z İ Y A R E T L E R ΟΙ ΕΠΙΣΚΕΨΕΙΣ ΠΟΥ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΟΠΟΙΗΘΗΚΑΝ ΣΤΟΝ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟ ΜΑΣ VISITS TO ASSOCIATION İ skeçe Belediyesinde Eşitlik Listesi üyeleri 5 Ocak 2009 Tarihinde Derneğimizin Gümülcine’ deki lokalini ziyaret ettiler. Τα μέλη του ανεξάρτητου συνδυασμού Ισότητα στο Δήμο Ξάνθης επισκέφθηκαν στις 5 Ιανουαρίου 2009 τα κεντρικά γραφεία του Συλλόγου μας στην Κομοτηνή. The members of the Equality List of the municipal council of Iskece visited our offices inKomotini on the 5th of January 2009. P asok Rodop Milletvekili adayı, Av. Rıdvan Kocamümin 18 Eylül 2009 Cuma günü derneğimizi ziyaret etti. Ο υποψήφιος Βουλευτής Ροδόπης από το ΠΑΣΟΚ Δικηγόρος κ. Ριτβάν Κοτζάμουμίν πραγματοποίησε μια επίσκεψη στο σύλλογο μας την Παρασκευή 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009. Our association was visited by Mr.Ridvan Kocamumin, attorney at law and candidate on the recent national parliament elections, on Friday the 18th of September. 6 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 DERNEĞİMİZE GE R Ç E K L E Ş E N Z İ Y A R E T L E R ΟΙ ΕΠΙΣΚΕΨΕΙΣ ΠΟΥ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΟΠΟΙΗΘΗΚΑΝ ΣΤΟΝ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟ ΜΑΣ VISITS TO ASSOCIATION A merika Birleşik Devletleri Atina Büyükelçiliği ve ABD Selanik Başkonsolosluğu’nda görevli diplomatlar 9 Aralık Çarşamba günü derneğimizi ziyaret ettiler. Dernek başkanı Ahmet Kara ve yönetim kurulu üyeleri tarafından karşılanan ABD heyeti ile yapılan görüşmede Kadınlar Kolu ve Tiyatro Kolu Başkanı Şükran Raif, Uluslararası İlişkiler ve İnsan Hakları Kolu sorumluları Cemil Kabza ve Pervin Hayrullah da yer aldı. Διπλωμάτες της Πρεσβείας των ΗΠΑ στην Αθήνα και του Γενικού Προξενείου στη Θεσσαλονίκη επισκέφθηκαν τον σύλλογο μας την Τετάρτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2009. Τους επισκέπτες υποδέχτηκαν ο πρόεδρος Αχμέτ Καρά, τα μέλη του Δ.Σ., η πρόεδρος του τμήματος γυναικών και υπεύθυνη του θεατρικού τμήματος κ. Σουκράν Ραϊφ και οι υπεύθυνοι του τμήματος Διεθνών Σχέσεων και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων Τζεμήλ Καπζά και Περβίν Χαϊρουλά. Diplomats of the Embassy of the U.S.A. mission in Athens and The General Consulate in Thessaloniki visited our association on Wednesday 9th of December 2009. The mission was wellcomed by the chairman Mr. Ahmet Kara and the members of the administrative board, the chairman of the womens’ barnch Mrs. Sukran Raif and the heads of the International Affairs and Human Rights Section Mr. Cemil Kabza and Ms.Pervin Hayrullah. A zeri Yazar, şair ve bilimadamı Elçin İsgenderzade 11 Kasım Çarşamba günü derneğimizi ziyaret etti. Αζέρος συγγραφέας, ποιητής και επιστήμονας Elçin İsgenderzade πραγματοποίησε μια επίσκεψη στο σύλλογο μας την Τετάρτη 11 Νοεμβρίου 2009. The Azerian writer, poet and scientist Elcin Iskenderzade visited our association on the 11th of November. 7 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KİT A P T A N I T I M I ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣΗ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΥ BOOK PRESENTATION B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği (BTAYTD) ve Batı Trakya Azınlığı Kültür ve Eğitim Şirketi (BAKEŞ) ortaklaşa bir kitap tanıtımı düzenledi. Azeri Yazar, şair ve bilimadamı Elçin İSGENDERZADE’nin Yunancaya çevrilen şiirlerinin toplandığı şiir kitabının tanıtımı 11 Kasım Çarşamba günü Gümülcine Chris Eve otelde yapıldı. İsgenderzade’nin 44 şiirinin yer aldığı Yunanca şiir kitabının tanıtımını Abdurrahim Subaşılar yönetti. Kitabın tanıtımını Paratiritis Gazetesi sahibi Ceni Kaçari-Vafiadi, eski Milletvekili Dr. Mustafa Mustafa ve gazeteci Damon Damianos yaptı. Kitap tanıtımından sonra ise uluslararası ödüle sahip şair, yazar Elçin İsgenderzade «Şiir ve barış» başlıklı bir konuşma yaptı. Ο Σ.Ε.Μ.Δ.Θ. και η Π.ΕΚ.Ε.Μ. συνδιοργάνωσαν μια παρουσίαση βιβλίου. Η Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του Αζέρου συγγραφέα , ποιητή και επιστήμονα Elçin İSGENDERZADE που αποτελείται από ποιήματα που έχουν μεταφραστεί στην Ελληνική Γλώσσα πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 11 Νοεμβρίου 2009 στο Ξενοδοχείο Chris & Eve. Την παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του İSGENDERZADE που αποτελείται από 44 ποιήματα έκανε ο Απτουρρα- 8 χήμ Σούμπασιλάρ. Το βιβλίο παρουσίασαν η εκδότρια της εφημερίδας Παρατηρητής της Θράκης κ. Τζένη Κατσαρή – Βαφειάδη, ο τέως βουλευτής Μουσταφά Μουσταφά και ο Δημοσιογράφος Δάμον Δαμιανός. T he Western Thrace University Graduates Association in cooperation with the Western Thrace Minority Educational and Cultural Company organised a book presentation. The presentation of the book of the Azerian writer, poet and scientist Elcin ISGENDERZADE that includes poems which have been translated to the greek language was held at the Chris&Eve Hotel on the 11th of November 2009. The presentation of the book of 44 poems was conducted by Abdurrahim Subasilar and the publisher of the newspaper Paratiritis tis Thrakis (Observer of Xanthi) Mrs. Tzeni Katsari-Vafiadi, the ex-parliameteer Mustafa Mustafa and the journalist Damon Damianos. BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KİTA P T A N I T I M I ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣΗ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΥ BOOK PRESENTATION B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği ve Papasotiriu Kitabevi ortaklaşa kitap tanıtımı düzenledi. Milletvekili Roman Yazarı Kemal Anadol’un “Büyük Ayrılık” adlı kitabı 09 Şubat 2009 Pazartesi Gümülcine Belediyesi’ne ait kültür etkinlikleri salonunda tanıtıldı. Ο Σύλλογος Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης και το Βιβλιοπωλείο Παπασωτηρίου συνδιοργάνωσαν την παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του Βουλευτή της Τουρκικής Δημοκρατίας και συγγραφέα Kemal Anadol “Büyük Ayrılık” «Ο Μεγάλος Χωρισμός». Η παρουσίαση του βιβλίου έγινε στην αίθουσα πολιτιστικών εκδηλώσεων του Δήμου Κομοτηνής και το βιβλίο παρουσίασαν ο Gökhan Demirağ Δήμαρχος Φότσα, ο φιλόλογος Θανάσης Κούγκουλος και ο ίδιος ο συγγραφέας. T he Western Thrace University Graduates Association in collaboration with the Papasotiriu Bookstores organised the presentation of the book of the writer and parliament member of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Kemal Anadol titled: “The Great Separation”. The presentation was held at the cultural exhibition room of the Municipality of Komotini and was presented by Gokhan Demirdag Mayor of Foca, the literature teacher Thanasis Kukulos, and the writer himself. 9 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KERMES ΦΙΛΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΚΟ ΠΑΖΑΡΙ CHARITABLE BAZAAR B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği çatısı altında, Batı Trakya Kadın Platformu tarafından 1011 Ekim 2009 tarihlerinde, Gümülcine Şehir Parkında kermes düzenlendi. Rodop, Evros ve İskeçe’den özellikle kadınların akın ettiği kermeste yaklaşık 100 kişi görev aldı. Açılışı 10 Ekim Cumartesi günü yapılan kermes, siyaset camiasını da bir araya getirdi. Açılışa Dışişleri Bakanlığı Siyasi İşler Bürosu şefi Aleksis Aleksandris’in eşiyle birlikte katılması dikkat çekti. İki gün süren kermesten yaklaşık 52 bin euroluk gelir elde edildi. Rodop - Evros Genişletilmiş Bölge Valiliği, Rodop Valiliği, Gümülcine Belediyesi ve Türkiye’nin Gümülcine Başkonsolosluğu tarafından da desteklenen kermesten elde edilen gelirin, Gümülcine Devlet Hastanesi’ne bağışlanması kararı alındı. κής Θράκης. Στο Φιλανθρωπικό Παζάρι που παραβρέθηκε κόσμος και ειδικά γυναίκες απ’όλες τις περιοχές της Θράκης (Ροδόπη, Έβρος και Ξάνθη), απασχολήθηκαν περίπου 100 άτομα. Στα εγκαίνια του Φιλανθρωπικού παζαριού που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στις 10 Οκτωβρίου 2009 παραβρέθηκαν μεταξύ άλλων και ο Πρέσβης κ. Αλέξης Αλεξανδρής μαζί με την σύζυγο του. Από το φιλανθρωπικό παζάρι που διήρκησε δύο μέρες μαζεύτηκαν περίπου 52.000 Ευρώ. Αποφασίστηκε, τα έσοδα του φιλανθρωπικού παζαριού που υποστηρίχτηκε από την Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Ροδόπης – Έβρου, από την Νομαρχία Ροδόπης, Δήμο Κομοτηνής και το Γενικό Προξενείο της Τουρκικής Δημοκρατίας στην Κομοτηνή, να δοθούν στο Κρατικό Νοσοκομείο Κομοτηνής. T Η Πλατφόρμα Γυναικών Δυτικής Θράκης πραγματοποίησε στις 10-11 Οκτωβρίου ένα διήμερο φιλανθρωπικό παζάρι στο Πάρκο Κομοτηνής υπό την αιγίδα του Συλλόγου Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτι- 10 he Western Thrace Women Platform organised a charitable bazaar at the Komotini Park on the 10th-11th of October in which an estimated 100 people from the Thrace area offered to work voluntarily. The bazaar, which lasted two days and was supported by the Perfectural Selfgovernment of Rodope-Evros, the Perfecture of Rodope, the Municipality of Rodope and The Consulate General of the Turkish Republic in Komotini managed to raise 52.000 euros which were eventually donated to the Komotini State Hospital. BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 SAĞ L I K P A N E L İ ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ PANEL DISCUSSION ON HEALTH B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği çatısı altında faaliyet gösteren Köye Erişim Projesi (KÖYEP) 8-9 Mayıs 2009 tarihlerinde Madde Bağımlılığı ile ilgili Konferans, Seminer ve Çalıştaylar düzenledi. 8 Mayıs 2009 Cuma günü Chris&Eve Otelinde gerçekleşen “Aile, Gençlik ve Bağımlılık” konulu Konferansa yaklaşık 250 kişi katıldı. Mikrobiyolog Mustafa Mustafa’nın yönettiği panelde Sayın Nurgül Yılmaz ve Sayın Burhan Baran konuşmacı olarak katıldılar. Sayın Nurgül Yılmaz aynı gün Gümülcine Türk Gençler Birliği Lokalinde gençlere seminer verdi. 11 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 SAĞ L I K P A N E L İ ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ PANEL DISCUSSION ON HEALTH 9 Mayıs Cumartesi günü Gümülcine Türk Gençler Birliği Lokalinde gençlerle bir çalıştay yapıldı. Aynı gün İskeçe Türk Birliği Lokalinde İskeçe’li gençler, aileler ve STK temsilcilerinin katıldığı bir seminer daha düzenlendi. Τ ο πρόγραμμα «προσεγγίζοντας στην Περιφέρεια» που δραστηριοποιείται υπό την αιγίδα του Συλλόγου μας διοργάνωσε διάλεξη, σεμινάριο και εργασίες υγείας στις 8 και 9 Μαΐου 2009 με θέμα την εξάρτηση. Στην διάλεξη που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 8 Μαΐου 2009 στο Ξενοδοχείο Chris & Eve, παραβρέθηκαν περίπου250 άτομα. Στην διάλεξη που διηύθυνε ο Μικροβιολόγος Μουσταφά Μουσταφά εισηγητές ήταν η Κ. Nurgül Yılmaz και ο κ. Μπουρχάν Μπαράν. Η κ. Nurgül Yılmaz τη ίδια ημέρα πραγματοποίησε ένα σεμινάριο για τους νέους. Το Σάββατο 9 Μαΐου πραγματοποιήθηκε μια εργασία στη Λέσχη της Νεολαίας Τούρκων Κομοτηνής, ενώ την ίδια ημέρα πραγματοποιήθηκε ένα σεμινάριο στην Ξάνθη και συμμετείχαν σ’αυτό, νέοι, οικογένειες και εκπρόσωποι μη κυβερνητικών οργανώσεων. A 12 t the panel that was moderated by Microbiologist Mr. Mustafa Mustafa, Psycholo- gist of the University of Hacettepe Mrs. Nurgul Yilmaz and the member of our association Mr. Burhan Baran were popularly attended. An estimated 250 person attended the Conferenece themed “Family, Youth and Addiction” that was held at Chris&Eve Hotel on Friday the 8th of May 2009. Mrs. Nurgul Yilmaz gave a seminar on the same day at the Turkish Youth Association of Gumulcine which was largely attended by youth. On the 9th of May 2009, took place at the Turkish Youth Association of Gumulcine. On the same day a seminar which was attended by the youth of Iskece, families and NGO representatives was held at The Turkish Union Of Iskece premises. BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 SAĞ L I K P A N E L İ ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ PANEL DISCUSSION ON HEALTH B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği Kadınlar Kolu, 9 Mayıs 2009 Cumartesi günü Chris & Eve Otel’de Sağlık paneli düzenledi. Mikrobiyolog Mustafa Mustafa’nın yönettiği panele Onkoloji uzmanı Prof. Dr. Pınar SAİT ile Nöroloji uzmanı Prof. Dr. Sebahattin SAİT konuşmacı olarak katıldılar. Τ ο Τμήμα Γυναικών του Συλλόγου Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης πραγματοποίησε μια ημερίδα υγείας το Σάββατο 9 Μαΐου 2009 στο Ξενοδεοχείο Chris & Eve. Στην ημερίδα που διηύθυνε ο Μικροβιολόγος Μουσταφά Μουσταφά εισηγητές ήταν η ογκολόγος Καθ. Δρ. Pınar SAİT και ο Νευρολόγος Καθ. Δρ. Sebahattin SAİT. T he Women’s Branch of Western Thrace University Garduates Association held a panel regarding health. The event took place at the Chris&Eve hotel and was highly attended. The panel which was moderated by Microbiologist Mr. Mustafa Mustafa was attended by the speakers oncology specialist Prof. Dr Pinar SAIT and neurology specialist Prof. Dr. Sebahattin SAIT. At the popular panel oncology specialist Prof. Dr Pinar SAIT shared information regarding “the types of cancer, early diagnosis and cure”, while neurology specialist Prof. Dr. Sebahattin SAIT informed about “the definition of migraine and headaches and their cure”. 13 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KO N F E R A N S ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ CONFERENCE B .T.A.Y.T. Derneği tiyatro kolu, Tohum Tiyatro Topluluğu 30 Kasım 2009 Pazartesi günü, Chris&Eve Otelde “ Komşu komşuya, Kalb kalbe iletişim” konulu bir konferans düzenledi. Tohum Tiyatro Topluluğu’nun 10. Kuruluş Yılı etkinlikleri çerçevesinde düzenlenen konferansa Prof. Dr. Üstün Dökmen konuşmacı olarak katıldı. Τ ο τμήμα Θεάτρου του Σ.Ε.Μ.Δ.Θ. «Ο Σπόρος» πραγματοποίησε στις 30 Νοεμβρίου 2009 στο Ξενοδοχείο Chris&Eve μια διάλεξη με θέμα «Γείτονα προς Γείτονα, καρδιά προς καρδιά επι- κοινωνία». Εισηγητής της διάλεξης που πραγματοποιήθηκε στα πλαίσια εκδηλώσεων για τα 10 χρόνια του ομίλου, ήταν ο καθ. Δρ. Üstün Dökmen. T he theatre branch of W.T.U.G.A. named Seed Theatre Community organised a conference themed: “Neighbour to neighbour, heart to heart communication” on the 30th of November 2009 at the Chris&Eve Hotel. In the event which was organised to celebrate the 10th anniversary of foundation of the Seed Theatre Community Prof. Dr. Ustun Dokmen attended as a speaker. 14 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 EĞİ T İ M P A N E L İ ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ PANEL ON EDUCATION B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği, 2 Aralık 2009, Çarşamba günü Chris&Eve otelde “Azınlık Eğitimi ve İki Dilde Eğitim” konulu bir panel düzenledi. B.T.A.Y.T.D. Başkanı Avukat Ahmet Kara’nın yönettiği panele Eğitim Uzmanı sayın Kelami DEDEZADE ve Dernek üyemiz doktora öğrencisi Sebahattin ABDURRAHMAN konuşmacı olarak katıldılar. Ο Σύλλογος Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης διοργάνωσε μια ημερίδα εκπαίδευσης στις 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2009 στο Ξενοδοχείο Chris&Eve με θέμα «Μειονοτική Εκπαίδευση και Δίγλωσση Εκπαίδευση». Στην ημερίδα που διηύθηνε ο Πρόεδρος του Συλλόγου μας Δικηγόρος Αχμέτ Καρά, εισηγητές ήταν ο ειδήμονας εκπαίδευσης κ. Kelami DEDEZADE και το μέλος του συλλόγου μας, φοιτητής διδακτορικής Sebahattin ABDURRAHMAN. T he W.T.U.G.A.held a panel with theme “Education of the minority and Dual Language Education” on Wednesday 2nd of December 2009 at the Chris&Eve Hotel. At the event which was moderated by the chairman of the W.T.U.G.A. attorney at Law, Mr. Ahmet Kara, Education Specialist Mr. Kelami DEDEZADE and the member of our association and doctorate student Mr. Sebahattin ABDURAHMAN attended as speakers. The event that was organised with the support of the member of our association Mr. Sebahattin ABDURAHMAN was highly popular among the people of Western Thrace and teachers. 15 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 SÖYLEŞİ: TA R I M V E H A Y V A N C I L I K ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ: ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΤΗΝΟΤΡΟΦΙΑ CONVERSATION ON AGRICULTURE AND CATTLE BREEDING B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği Tarım ve Hayvancılık kolu 13 Mart Cuma akşamı Gökçeler köyü ilkokulunda Tarım, Hayvancılık ve Avrupa Birliği Programlarıyla ilgili bir söyleşi düzenledi. Dernek üyelerimizden Rodop Vali Yardımcısı Veteriner Hekim Mehmet Devecioğlu’nun konuşmacı olarak katıldığı söyleşiye bölge halkı yoğun ilgi gösterdi. Το Τμήμα Γεωργίας και Κτηνοτροφίας του Συλλόγου Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης διοργάνωσε μια ημερίδα με θέμα «Γεωργία Κτηνοτροφία και Προγράμματα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης» την Παρασκευή 13 Μαρτίου στο Σέλερο Ξάνθης. Οι κάτοικοι της περιοχής έδειξαν μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον στην ημερίδα στην οποία ομιλητής ήταν το μέλος του Συλλόγου μας και Αντινομάρχης Ροδόπης, Κτηνίατρος κ. Μεχμέτ Ντεβετζήογλου. The branch of Agriculture and Cattle Breeding of the Western Thrace University Graduates Association organized a conversation regarding Agriculture ,cattle breeding and European Union Projects 16 at the preliminary school of Gokceler village on the 13th of March. At the event in which the assistant prefect and veterinary Mr. Mehmet Devecioglu was speaker, a large crowd attended. T arım ve Hayvancılık kolu 8 Nisan Çarşamba akşamı Payamdere köyü kahvehanesinde yine dernek üyelerimizden Veteriner Hekim Mehmet Devecioğlu’nun konuşmacı olarak katıldığı Tarım, Hayvancılık ve Avrupa Birliği BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 SÖYLEŞİ: TAR I M V E H A Y V A N C I L I K ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ: ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΤΗΝΟΤΡΟΦΙΑ CONVERSATION ON AGRICULTURE AND CATTLE BREEDING Programlarıyla ilgili bir söyleşi düzenledi. Στις 08 Απριλίου 2009 η ημερίδα με το ίδιο θέμα πραγματοποιήθηκε στο χωριό Πάτερμα Ροδόπης. The branch of Agriculture and Cattle Breeding of the Western Thrace University Graduates Association organized a conversation regarding Agriculture ,cattle breeding and European Union Projects at a café at the village of Peyamdere on the 8th of April in which the assistant prefect and veterinary Mr. Mehmet Devecioglu was speaker. 9 Nisan Perşembe akşamı Yahyabeyli köyünde belediye binasında çiftçilere dermek üyemiz Veteriner Hekim Mehmet Devecioğlu tarafından Avrupa Birliği programları, alternatif ürünler hakkında bilgiler verildi. Ayrıca hayvan yetiştiricilerine et ve süt verimlerinin arttırılması, ahır ve ağılların yasallaştırılması konularında bilgi verildi. Στις 9 Απριλίου 2009 το τμήμα Γεωργίας και Κτηνοτροφίας του Συλλόγου μας ήταν στα Αμάραντα Ροδόπης. Ο κ. Ντεβετζήγλου ενημέρωσε τους παρευρισκόμενους για τα προγράμματα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, για τις εναλλακτικές παραγωγές. Επίσης στους κτηνοτρόφους δόθηκαν πληροφορίες για το πώς μπορεί να αυξηθεί η παραγωγή κρέατος και γάλακτος και πως μπορούν να νομιμοποιηθούν οι στάβλοι και τα μαντριά. On the 9th of April, at the village of Yahyabeyli municipal building, our farmers were informed about European Union projects and alternative products by our member and veterinary Mr. Mehmet Devecioglu. In addition, breeders were informed on how to increase the production of milk and meat-stock, and on how to legalise stables and folders. 17 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 Aİ L E G E C E S İ ΧΟΡΟΣ TRADITIONAL ANNUAL BALL B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği ile İskeçe Türk Birliğinin Kurban Bayramı vesilesi ile ortaklaşa düzenledikleri Aile Gecesi 28 Kasım 2009 tarihinde Filia Düğün Salonununda gerçekleşti. Ο χορός που ήταν συνδιοργάνωση του Συλλόγου Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης και της Τουρκικής Ένωσης Ξάνθης πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 28 Νοεμβρίου 2009 στο Κέντρο Φιλία. T he tradiotional annual ball was organised on 28th of November 2009. 18 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 AZINLIK SANAT Ç I L A R I R E S İ M S E R G İ S İ ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΖΩΓΡΑΦΙΚΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΛΛΗΤΕΧΝΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΙΟΝΟΤΗΤΑΣ THE ART EXHIBITION OF MINORITY ARTISTS D erneğimiz, Gümülcine Belediyesi Kültürel Kalkınma Teşkilatı ile ortaklaşa Resim Sergisi düzenledi. Trakya’nın Kurtuluşu etkinlikleri çerçevesinde gerçekleşen Resim Sergisinin açılışı 15 Mayıs 2009 Cuma günü , Gümülcineliler Kulübü Sanat Galerisi’nde (Leshi Komotineon), yapıldı. Üç gün boyunca resim sevenlerin beğenisine sunulan sergide Batı Trakyalı Türk sanatçıların eserleri sergilendi. Ο Σύλλογος μας συνδιοργάνωσε με τη Δ.ΕΠ.Α.Κ μια έκθεση ζωγραφικής. Τα εγκαίνια της έκθεσης που πραγματοποιήθηκε στα πλαίσια των Ελευθερίων Θράκης έγιναν την Παρασκευή 15 Μαίου στην Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων της Λέσχης Κομοτηναίων. Στην έκθεση που παρέμεινε ανοιχτή για τρεις ημέρες εκτεθήκαν τα έργα των Τούρκων της Δυτικής Θράκης . O ur Association organized an Art Exhibition in cooperation with the Department of Cultural Development of Komotini Municipality. The opening of the exhibition, which was realised within the framework of the celebration events of the Liberation of Komotini, was held on 15th may 2008. various paintings of Turkish Minority artists were exhibited during three days. 19 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 FOTO Ğ R A F S E R G İ S İ ΈΚΘΕΣΗ ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ PHOTOGRAPH EXHIBITION D erneğimiz Prof. Dr. Ömer Türel ve Kamil Ercüment Atak’ın katılımıyla 25 – 30 Nisan 2009 Tarihlerinde “Komşudan Büyük Kartpostallar” isimli bir resim sergisi düzenledi. Gümülcineliler Lokali Sergi Salonununda gerçekleşen etkinliğe ilgi büyüktü. Ο Σύλλογος μας πραγματοποίησε μια έκθεση φωτογραφίας “Μεγάλες Φωτογραφίες απο το Γείτονα” με συμμετοχή των Καθ. Δρ. Ömer Türel και Kamil Ercüment Atak. Η έκθεση παρέμεινε ανοιχτή από τις 25 έως 30 Απριλίου. Η προσέλευση του κόσμου στην έκθεση που πραγματοποιήθηκε στην αίθουσα εκθέσεων της Λέσχης Κομοτηναίων ήταν πάρα πολύ μεγάλη. O ur association organised a photograph exhibition themed: “Cartpostals from the neighbour” with the participation of Prof.Dr. Omer Turel and Kamil Ercument Atak. 20 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KLASİK M Ü Z İ K K O N S E R İ ΣΥΝΑΥΛΙΑ ΚΛΑΣΙΚΗΣ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗΣ CLASSIC MUSIC CONCERT B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği Piyanist Esra Ramanoğlu-Fritz’in katılımıyla 21 Nisan 2009 Salı günü İskeçe Belediye Amfi-tiyatrosunda ve 22 Nisan 2009 Çarşamba günü Gümülcine İşçi Merkezi Salonunda Klasik Müzik Konseri düzenledi. Ο Σ.Ε.Μ.Δ.Θ. διοργάνωσε συναυλία κλασσικής μουσικής με την συμμετοχή της πιανίστριας Esra Ramadanoğlu-Fritz στις 21 Απριλίου στο Δημοτικό Αμφιθέατρο Ξάνθης και στις 22 Απριλίου 2009 στο Εργατικό Κέντρο Κομοτηνής. T he W.T.U.G.A. Organised a classical music concert with pianist Esra Ramadanoglu-Fritz on April 21st at the Municipal ampitheatre of Xanthi, and on April 22nd at the Komotini Labour Centre. 21 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HIDRELLEZ ŞENLİK L E R İ F E S T İ V A L İ N E K A T I L I M ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΗ ΣΤΟ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ «ΧΙΔΡΕΛΛΕΖ» HIDRELLEZ SPRING FESTIVAL B .T.A.Y.T.D. Folklor Ekibi 9-11 Mayıs 2009 tarihlerinde Makedonya Çalıklı’da gerçekleşen 18. Hıdrellez Bahar Şenlikleri Festivaline katıldı. Ο Σύλλογος Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης συμμετείχε στο 18ο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Χιδρελλέζ που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο χωρίο Τσάλικλη της ΠΓΔΜ. O ur folk dances group joined the 18. Hidrellez Spring Festival in Macedonia during 9-11 May 2009. SEL A N İ K G E Z İ S İ ΕΚΔΡΟΜΗ ΣΤΗ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ DAY TRIP TO THESSALONIKI B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği Şahin şubesi, Selanik’e 03 Nısan 2009 Cuma günü bir gezi düzenledi. Geziye, B.T.A.Y.T.D. Yönetim Kurulu üyesi Sinan Kavaz ve şube sorumluları yanısıra birçok kadın ve çocuk katıldı. Τ ο παράρτημα Εχίνου του Συλλόγου μας διοργάνωσε μια εκδρομή στη Θεσσαλονίκη στις 3 Απριλίου 22 2009.Στην εκδρομή συμμετείχαν, εκτός από το μέλος του Δ.Σ. Σινάν Καβάς και των υπευθύνων του παραρτήματος, πολλά παιδιά και πολλές γυναίκες. T he Echinos Branch organised a day trip to Thessaloniki on April 3rd 2009. Except from the member of tha administrative board Mr. Sinan Kavaz, the heads of the branch and a high number of women and children attended the trip. BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH “III . U l u s l a r a r a s i B a t i T r a kya Türkleri Araştirmalari Kongresi” I II. Ulslararasi Batı Trakya Türkleri Araştirmalari Kongresi Almanya Münih’te, Park Otel Theresian Höhe Kongre Salonunda 31 Ocak – 1 Şubat 2009 tarihleri arasında gerçekleşti. BATTAM ve KİBATEK tarafından düzenlenen kongreye derneğimizi temsilen üyemiz Özer Hatip katıldı. Özer Hatip “Batı Trakya’daki Türk Kültür Kurumları” adlı bir sunum yaptı. Τ ο 3ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Ερευνών Τούρκων Δυτικής Θράκης πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 31 Ιανουαρίου και 1 Φεβρουαρίου στην αίθουσα Theresian Höhe, του Ξενοδοχείου «Park Otel» του Μονάχου Γερμανίας. Στο συνέδριο που διοργανώθηκε από το BATTAM και την KİBATEK συμμετείχε και ως εκπρόσωπος του Συλλόγου μας ο Οζέρ Χατίπ και πραγματοποίησε μια εισήγηση με θέμα « Οι Τουρκικές Πολιτιστικές Οργανώσεις στη Δυτική Θράκη» M r. Ozer Hatip, representing our association paricipated to the 3. Internatinal Congress of Research of Western Thrace turks at Munich during 31 January and 1 February 2009. 23 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH B a t ı T r a k y a A z ı n l ı ğ ı Y ü ksek Tahsilliler Derneği Temsilcileri M e d e n iy e t l e r İ t t i f a k ı F orumuna Katıldı – 6-7 Nisan 2009 Οι εκπρόσωποι του Συλλόγου Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης παραβρέθηκαν στο Φόρουμ συνασπισμού πολιτισμών- 6-7 Απριλίου 2009 Representatives of Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association attended the Forum for Coalition of Cultures on 6th and 7th April 2009 B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği eski yöneticilerinden, BAKEŞ Genel Müdürü Pervin Hayrullah ve Dernek üyesi ve Sussex Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü doktora öğrencisi Ali Hüseyinoğlu Medeniyetler İttifakı Forumunda Batı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği’ni temsil etti. 6-7 Nisan 2009 tarihinde İstanbul’da düzenlenen Forumda temsilcilerimiz 2. ve 3. genel kurul oturumları dışında eşzamanlı düzenlenen farklı çalıştaylara katıldılar. Η πρώην αντιπρόεδρος του Συλλόγου μας και νυν Γενική Διευθύντρια της Π.ΕΚ.Ε.Μ Περβίν Χαϊρουλά και ο φοιτητής Διδακτορικής Διεθνούς Δικαίου στο Πανεπιστήμιο Sussex και μέλος του Συλλόγου μας Αλί Χουσεΐνογλου εκπροσώπησαν το Σύλλογο μας στο φόρουμ συνασπισμού πολιτισμών. Στο φόρουμ που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 6-7 Απριλίου στην Ιστάνμπουλ οι εκπρόσωποι μας εκτός από την 2η και 3η Γενική συνέλευση συμμετείχαν και σε διάφορες ομάδες εργασίας. T he former vice president of our Association and now Director General of P.EK.E.M Pervin Hayrullah and PhD student in the University of Sussex and a member of our Association Ali Huseyinoglu represented our Association in the forum for the coalition of cultures. The forum, held on 6-7 April in Istanbul. Our representatives except the 2nd and 3rd General Assembly participated in various working groups. 24 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Y u v a r l a k M a s a T o plantısı - 27-28 Nisan 2009 Συνεδρίαση Στρογγυλού Τραπεζιού 27-28 Απριλίου 2009 Round Table Meeting 27-28 April 2009 B atı Trakya Türkleri’nin sorunları Romanya’nın Cluj şehrinde düzenlenen yuvarlak masa toplantısında dile getirildi. İtalyan Sosyal Bilimler Konseyi’nin bir alt kuruluşu olan Ethnobarometer tarafından düzenlenen “Güney Avrupa’da yerel yönetim siyaseti, uygulamalar ve azınlıklar” konulu toplantıya derneğimizi temsilen eski başkanımız Cemil Kabza katıldı. Τ α προβλήματα των Τούρκων της Δυτικής Θράκης φέρθηκαν άλλη μια φορά στο προσκήνιο στη συνεδρίαση στρογγυλού τραπεζιού που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Κλούζ της Ρουμανίας. Στην εκδήλωση με θέμα « Η πολιτική τοπικών αυτοδιοι- κήσεων στη Νότια Ευρώπη, εφαρμογές και οι μειονότητες» που διοργανώθηκε από το Ethnobarometer που ενεργοποιείται υπό την αιγίδα του Συμβουλίου Κοινωνικών Επιστημών της Ιταλίας το σύλλογο μας εκπροσώπησε ο πρώην πρόεδρος μας Τζεμήλ Καπζά. T he problems of Turks in Western Thrace brought once again to the fore in a round table meeting held in Cluj Romania. The event entitled “The policy of local government in Southern Europe, applications and minorities’ organized by the Ethnobarometer triggered under the auspices of the Social Sciences of Italy. Our association was represented by former president Cemil Kabza. 25 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH CSS/ETHNOBAROMETER Southeast Europe: Minorities, Regional Stability & Security a European Perspective Workshop 27th April 2099 Cluj/Romania THE TURKISH MUSLIM MINORITY OF WESTERN THRACE-GREECE THE REGION Western Thrace is located in the northeast part of Greece between the rivers Evros and Nestos, in the east and in the west, and Rodopi Mountains and the Aegean Sea, in the north and in the south. It is one of the nine regions of Greece. Its area is 8575 square kilometers and it is divided into three provinces. Ksanthi, Rodopi, and Evros. According to population census of 18th March 2001 the total population of the Thrace region is: 362.038 Xanthi:101.856 (approximately 40% of the total population is Turkish Minority) Rodopi: 110.828 (approximately 50 % of the total population is Turkish Minority) Evros: 149.354 (approximately 15-20 % of the total population is Turkish minority) According to the above figures the total population of the Turkish Muslim Minority of Western Thrace is estimated 127.000 (All Greek citizens, members of the minority living in Greece. Including the Greek citizens living in Europe, USA, Australia and Turkey, the total population of Greek citizens members of the Turkish Muslim Minority of Western Thrace is approximately 150.000) WHO WE ARE? Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association (WTMUGA) was established in 1982 by 21 university graduate members of the Turkish Minority. With its 850 members (all university graduates, from different departments) today, it is one of the most important (minority) NGO’s in the region. Its main office is based in Komotini. It has two main branches in Xanthi and Thessaloniki and more than 10 other sub-branches mainly for its candidate members (university students from the Minority studying in Greek universities allover Greece). Until recent years, this NGO was the only officially recognized minority association. The main objective of WTMUGA is to promote and protect its members and Minority’s rights. It mainly deals with political, social, cultural and multicultural issues affecting the minority. It is the only NGO representing the minority in the international meetings, conferences. (UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, European Parliament, OIC, ext.) Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association is also supporting and promoting good relations and co-operation between Greece and Turkey and plays a key role for the dialogue between the minority and the state. 26 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH THE TURKISH MUSLIM MINORITY OF WESTERN THRACE Members of the Muslim Turkish Minority who have been living in this region for centuries identify themselves as ethnic Turks. The legal statute of this minority was established with the Peace Treaty of Lausanne signed in 1923, the bilateral agreements signed between Greece and Turkey and the international instruments concerning human and minority rights which Greece signed and ratified. In recent years, the situation has relatively improved in Turkish Minority’s everyday life, living conditions and constitutional rights owing to the Greek government’s policy of “Equality before law and equal citizenship” which was announced in the beginning of 1990s. Yet there has not been a progress in the field of minority rights. Greece alleges that “equality among citizens” policy provides sufficient reforms and continues to ignore its obligations regarding the rights of the Turkish Muslim Minority by violating the bilateral and international treaty obligations to which is a party. Denial of the Turkish Identity, Occupation of the Charitable Foundations and practice of the state-appointed muftis instead of the elected muftis continue unabated. More than 60.000 people still suffer from the deprivation of the article 19 of the citizenship law that was abolished in 1998 and the situation of minority education continues to be as miserable as ever. Since the early years of 19th century, the existence of the Turkish minority has been one of the most important issues of the Greek state. The historical relations between Greeks and Turks affected the existence of Turkish Minority within the Greek territory. The perception of minority by the Greek administrators has been changed due to the changing relation of Greece and Turkey. Starting from the Peace Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 till 1950s the Lausanne spirit dominated relations in the two sides of the Aegean. However, the year 1955 was one of the turning points for the minority issues because of some specific reasons (ex: September incidents in Istanbul and Cyprus incidents). The situations started to worsen day by day. Especially during the Military Junta Regime (1967-1974) human and minority rights violations reached the highest level. These unlawful and unacceptable applications continued till mid-1990s. At this point, it is important to stress that Greece has become a full member of the European Union in 1981. The new minority policy, announced after 10 years of EU membership, made positive contributions to the minority’s life in terms of basic citizenship rights. However, as for the application of minority rights, no major positive step has yet been taken by the year 2009. After the announcement of the policy «equality for all citizens», getting driving licenses, permission to build and repair houses, getting bank credits and buying land started to be permitted for the first time after many years of oppression in public and economic spheres. For more information about the issues of recognition, freedom of religion and belief, freedom of assembly and association, minority education and other, please see the documents distributed. 27 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH POLITICAL PARTICIPATION/REPRESENTATION ON THE NATIONAL AND REGIONAL LEVEL According to EU regulations Greece announced a new bill on local administration in 1994. The new bill reduced the prefectures and sub districts number from 6.000 to 1034 across Greece, by means of combining many sub districts and establishing new prefectures. 13 regions were established with the new bill, known as «Kapodistrias I» where the secretary general of the region is appointed by the government. With this new arrangement, the new bill reduced the number of prefectures and sub districts where the majority of the population is inhabited by the Turkish Minority and also the number of the elected authorities from the Turkish Minority, therefore negatively affecting the constituency power of the minority. THE ROLE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL The Secretary General is the highest authority person in the decision making procedure in the region. Municipalities and Prefecture Assemblies’ decisions have to be approved by the Secretary General who also has the right to veto. The power of the Secretary General has always been criticized of not being in line with the spirit of democracy and democratic governance. The appointed secretary general is usually a member of the political party in power. In many cases the approval of such development projects of prefectures of the region are taken according to political view of the prefecture council. Prefectures decisions (which are governed by Turks) taken by the local council do not always have the same chance of taking approval as the majority prefectures. The secretary general of each region should be elected by the Greek citizens of each region. The Secretary General of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace has the statutory responsibility for the supervision of rights provided to the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs retains an important advisory role. It should also be important to stress the existence of a Local Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Western Thrace which is located in the city of Xanthi and plays a key role in the implementation of the state minority policy. The person in charge of this office, which is officially called “Thracean Political Affairs Bureau” was transferred to the Greek Consulate General in İstanbul recently. And the Greek Consulate General of İstanbul became the Director of “Political Affairs Bureau” in Xanthi. There is no official explanation of the existence and the role of this foreign affairs office within Greece. It is still unknown if there is another such example throughout the world. 28 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH MUNICIPALITIES There are 54 Municipalities in Greece. With the bill 2240/94 in the region of Thrace two extensive Prefectures combining regions was established. The one is based in Xanthi called ‘The Extensive Prefecture of The Regions of Xanthi-Kavala-Drama’ and the other is based in Komotini called ‘The Extensive Prefecture of Rodopi-Evros regions’. In the extensive assembly, all elected members of Prefectures assembly participate and they regularly meet once a month. There is also the Extensive Prefecture of Athens-Pireous. The Turkish Minority members believe that the combination of the Prefectures is an obstacle for the minority to elect its own governors. (Especially in Rodopi region where more than half of the population is Turkish minority) Members of the Turkish Minority and especially elected people in the local administration announced their opposition to the new bill and used all channels to explain that the new regulations aimed to reduce Turkish Minority’s representation in the local administration. The new local administration bill was presumably introduced as “a bill for more powerful local administration” to the outside world by the Greek state. However, even after nearly 15 years Greek academicians and some politicians finally can announce the real aim of the combination of the Prefectures publicly. In fact the Extensive governor does not have any authority or responsibility towards the real development programs. Their role is more symbolic and politic rather than productive. REPRESENTATION IN NATIONAL LEVEL There are two minority members in the Greek Parliament today. Both members are from the opposition party (Socialist Party.) The new law on election adopted in 1991, does not allow the election of an independent MP. The new law put in force a quota of 3% of the total votes. In short, an independent MP candidate needs to collect more than 300.000 votes. (The minority until the new regulations had elected two times in Rodopi and once in Xanthi independent Minority MP’s) Due to this new electoral regulation the minority was forced to indicate MP candidates through the majority political parties. Although there are two minority MP’s in the Greek parliament today, their influence on the decision making structures is insignificant. So the 3% quota is assumed as another obstacle for the minority to elect their independent members for the Greek Parliament. MP of the Turkish Minority, are obliged by their political parties to follow the Party’s regulations and political vision. Practices prove that non of the majority political parties in Greece have a positive minority policy, (the minority policy is decided by the party leaders and most of the time in consensus) so, minority MP’s instead of defending minority rights in the parliament, become are obliged to act as majority MP’s. REPRESENTATION IN REGIONAL LEVEL In the regional administration approximately 280 members of the minority are elected in all three provinces. 29 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH XANTHI Out of 7 municipalities in Xanthi, 2 of them are governed by Muslim Turk mayors. There are 3 subdistricts in Xanthi where all of them are governed by Muslim Turks. In the other 5 municipalities where the population is mixed, there are vice-mayors in some and members of the local council in almost all. In the prefecture of Xanthi council, there is one vice-governor from the minority and 6 elected members at the prefecture council. RODOPI Out of 9 municipalities in Rodopi region, 3 of them are governed by Muslim Turk mayors. There are also 3 subdistricts in Rodopi where both of them are governed by Muslim Turks. In the other 6 municipalities where the population is mixed, there are vice-mayors in most of them and some members at the local councils. In the prefecture of Rodopi council, there are two vice-governors from the minority and 10 elected members at the prefecture council. EVROS In the Evros region, there is only one member of the minority elected in the Orfeas Prefecture council. During the national and regional elections, while members of the minority vote for Orthodox Christian Greek candidates, electoral results prove that Orthodox Christians do not vote for Muslim Turkish candidates. EMPLOYMENT There is no minority-majority balance at least based on population rates in the public administration sector. Although half of the population in Rodopi region is consisted of Muslim Turks, the employment percentage in the public administration does not reach 10 per cent. Although this number is slightly increasing in the last 5 years, it is still quite low compared to the demographic structure of Western Thrace and continues to be discriminatory against the Minority. The Greek Foreign Minister, Dora Bakoyanni, on February 2007 announced a special quota of 0.5% for minority members in the national examination for employement in the Greek public administration. This announcement was welcomed by the minority, but it is still to be implemented. Also, many EU-financed programs in business and agricultural sectors were implemented in the area. However, due to lack of information and healthy disclosure regarding these funds, only a few members of the minority can benefit. 30 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH CONCLUSION Although the Muslim Turkish Minority of Western Thrace officially continue to live in the region since 1923, Greece, even today, continues to ignore its existence and implement different policies of discrimination. The national and local political systems, do not allow the full participation of minority in the decision making process and hinder their political representation. Multi-ethnic and multicultural life is matter of fact in today’s Europe. People with different ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural backgrounds have to learn how to live together side by side without prejudice. Tzemil Kapza Westher Thrace Minority University Graduates Association 31 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH CSS/ETHNOBAROMETER Southeast Europe: Minorities, Regional Stability & Security a European Perspective Workshop 27th April 2099 Cluj/Romania MOSQUES IN WESTERN THRACE Mosques and minarets are one of the most important parts of the Muslim Turkish Minority’s religious and cultural life. Although the historic monuments inherited from the Ottomans have been subject to systematic eradication, as of the year of 2006 there are 301 mosques in Western Thrace. 24 are closed and 277 of them still operate. Most of these mosques have minarets. In the last years only 14 minarets were built across the region. Much permission for building or restoring mosques and minarets are still pending in the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education. Building a minaret up to 16 meters high was easier until the year of 2004. Since then, permissions for building mosques and minarets up to 16 meters and higher are still pending. There are 161 mosques in Komotini. 157 operate and 4 are closed. 11 new mosques and 12 new minarets were built in Komotini in the last years. The total number of mosques in Xanthi is 115. 97 mosques operate and 18 are closed. 10 new mosques and one minaret were built in the last years. 23 out of 25 mosques operate in Alexandroupolis, while 2 new mosques and one minaret are to be built. PERMISSION PROCEDURE The law no 1363/1938 which was later replaced by law no 1672/1939 conducts the procedure of getting permission to build any kind of house of prayer as well as mosques and minarets. This law later was changed by the new law 1577/1985. According to article 21, paragraph 2 of this law the height of the minarets has been reduced from 16m and over to 7.5 m. However in the same paragraph, there is a “deviation” (discretionary power) which gives the right to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education for “reasonable” and special cases to give permissions for the heights of minarets 16m and over. According to this law, permissions for mosques, minarets and any other kind of house of prayer needed the authorization of the bishop of the region. The authority, which was given to the region’s bishop was transferred to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education in 1997. The Bishop of Komotini and Maronia region in many cases used the right to veto or postponed the permits. Furthermore in some cases he recalled his permissions. For example: In July 1995 The Bishop of Komotini and Maronia region signed the 16m permission of the Peleketi (Arabacikoy) minaret. The same bishop in 13-11-1996 recalled his permission of 16m and reduced it to 12m on the bases of the Greek Orthodox community’s objections living in the same village. After the transformation of the authorization of the bishop to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Educa32 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH tion, up to the year of 2004 many applications for building minarets were approved. However this is not the case since then. Many applications for building mosques and minarets up to 16m were refused or not answered at all by the Ministry. Applicants complain that the “deviation” (discretionary power) of article 21 is used more for political pressure rather than positive measures. MP of Rodopi Region Ahmet Hacıosman, led a question to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education on 15/5/2008 regarding the permissions for building minarets in the Venna (Demirbeyli), Kallindirio (Kalenderkoy) and Filira (Sirkeli) villages of the region of Rodopi. Minister of Education and Religious Affairs of the period Evripidis Stilianidis on his answer stated that the law permits of the length of the minarets is only 7.5m and that the bill should be implemented. The problem mentioned above is still to be resolved. The issue in question is not only limited to the heights of the minarets. The Greek Administration often raise difficulties for giving construction permits for restoration attempts of old mosques. In some villages, restoration permit applications of the members of the Minority have either been repeatedly denied or procrastinated. In some cases, because the restoration applications have been denied, these old ruins present a danger to the community of the villages. WHY THE MINARET IS IMPORTANT Minarets, are important and an essential part of the mosque. Minarets are used to call prayers to gather in the mosque when the prayer time comes. This happens 5 times a day. The length of the minaret is important to reach the farthest point. The taller the minaret the farthest point you reach. In the mosque’s minaret architecture the length of the minaret has to be over twice as tall as the mosque’s height. Length is also important in terms of aesthetics of the minarets. The policy of the Greek Administration to shorten the heights of the Minarets is based on a feeble policy to hide that the village in question is a Turkish village and to pretend that Western Thrace is not densely populated by Turks. Hence the policy to build churches to every single village, even to those that have no Christian populations at all. CITY PLANS According to city plans of Komotini and Xanthi drawn in 1930’s almost all mosques, mesjids, pious foundation lands, cemeteries and private Minority school buildings lose part of their property. The report on this issue prepared by Ibrahim Baltali (Journalist-researcher) gives a clear clarification on today’s situation. (Please find attached.) *** The above mentioned issues create a setback for the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace, regarding their religious rights that have been granted by several international and bilateral agreements and conventions, specifically those rights that have been safeguarded by the Treaty of Athens as well as by the Treaty of Lausanne. The above examples are a clear violation of these rights and prove that the Greek Government is not yet ready to provide for the needs of the Turkish Minority. The Minority on the other 33 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH hand, expects that the Greek state refrains from interfering in its religious affairs. THE MOSQUE ISSUE IN ATHENS Muslims in Athens are voicing their displeasure concerning the delay of a mosque construction that would house tens of thousands of worshipers. The mosque would allow for many Muslims living in Athens adequate place to pray and gather, instead of using abandoned factories or converted coffee shops as prayer houses, as they have been doing for years. The Greek Parliament approved a bill in 2000 allowing the construction of Athens’ first mosque and Islamic Center. In 2006 the government passed a new law providing for the establishment of a mosque, without a cultural center. In 2007, the Greek government approved a new bill for the construction of a mosque on a large plot of land owned by the Greek navy. According to the bill, the mosque would be run by a non profit organization staffed by state officials and members of the Muslim community, and the imam would be government appointed, backed, and salaried. However, Muslims said that the construction of a state-funded mosque and cemetery in Elaionas, near the center of Athens, has faced countless delays. A specific reason for the delay has not been given. Athens is one of the few European Union capitals to lack a functioning mosque. Furthermore is the single EU capital where no officially Mosque operates. Initiatives by governments to build a new mosque in the capital ran into objections from the Orthodox Church and protests from citizens who associate mosques with four centuries of subjugation under the Ottoman Empire and political rivalry with Turkey. The authorities managed to secure the church’s backing and passed a law providing for the construction of a mosque by 2010 in the central Athens district of Elaionas, on a large plot of land . A similar law passed before the Athens 2004 Olympics, for the construction of a mosque near the international airport, was shelved after furious protests by residents and the Church, which did not want visitors flying into Athens to be greeted by a minaret. According to the European commissioner for human rights, Thomas Hammarberg, such procrastination denies Muslims their basic rights. “Islam is a major religion in Europe today, so European authorities should facilitate Muslims in practicing their religion,” Hammarberg said. “Europe is seeing an increase in the construction of mosques, but these are funded by the state, not with money imported from the Middle East, to ensure that they remain independent.” Human rights groups maintain that immigrants have the same rights to worship as other residents. There are many Ottoman monuments in Athens. The number of Turkish monuments in the country was 3370 when Greece declared its independence from the Ottoman administration in 1821. According to statistics, 2336 of these were mosques and mesjids. Today there are only four mosques left in Athens and these remain closed. Tzemil Kapza Ex-Chairman of Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association 34 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH B a t ı T r ak y a A z ı n l ı ğ ı Y ü k sek Tahsilliler Derneği Temsilcileri AG İ T İ n s a n i B o y u t Ö n T o plantısına Katıldı – 4-5 Mayıs 2009 Οι εκπρόσωποι του Συλλόγου μας έλαβαν μέρος στο προσυνέδριο του ΟΑΣΕ στις 4-5- Μαΐου The representatives of our Association took part in the Human Dimension Preliminary meeting of OSCE on 4th-5th May. 4 -5 Mayıs 2009 tarihlerinde Avusturya’nın başkenti Viyana’da düzenlenen “Nefret Suçları” konusundaki toplantıda BTAYTD Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Sinan Kavaz ve Dernek eski yöneticilerinden Pervin Hayrullah Batı Trakya Türk Azınlığını temsil ettiler. Temsilcilerimiz 2 günlük toplantıda Batı Trakya Türk Azınlığının yaşadığı sorunları dile getirme fırsatı bulurken, Batı Trakya Türkleri’nin sorunlarını anlatan ve Batı Trakya Türklerine karşı işlenen nefret suçları örneklerini içeren yazılı raporu dokümantasyon merkezine sundular. Toplantının ilk gününde Sivil Toplum için düzenlenen Yuvarlak Masa toplantısında söz alan Sinan Kavaz, Yunanistan’da 1979 yılında çıkartılan ırkçılığa karşı yasa dışında bu konuyla ilgili yasa bulunmadığını vurgulayarak Yunanistan’ın bu konuda pasif ve yetersiz bir tutum sergilediğini dile getirdi. Polisin uygulamaları ve politik koşullar ile sosyal tutum arasında ilişki olup olamayacağını, medyadaki nefretin ve bunun yaklaşımlarının, politik direktiflerin ardında nefret suçlarıyla ilgili polisin uyguladığı objektif kriterlerin olup olmadığı ya da polisin sadece baskıya uygun olarak mı davrandığını, polisin nefret suçları konusunda bağımsız davranıp davranamayacağını sorarak bu konuda Yunanistan’da gözlemlenen uygulamalardan bahsetti.Toplantının Nefret Suçları Yasaları konulu 1. oturumunda tekrar söz alan Kavaz Yunanistan’ın nefret suçlarıyla nasıl mücadele edilemeyeceği konusunda çok güzel bir örnek olduğunu dile getirdi. 1979 yasası dışında herhangi bir yasa bulunmadığını ve bu konuda yasal bir boşluk olduğunu söyledi. Bu konuyla ilgili var olan ceza yasasının da kendi içinde yetersiz olduğunu, nefret suçlarıyla ilgili hiç bir konuya değinmediğini söyledi. Yunan ceza yasasının “nefrete teşvik” ile ilgili maddeleri ele alındığında, bunların Türk Azınlık konusunda kullanıldığını, 90’lı yıllarda siyasi ve dini liderlerin Yunanistan’daki anti-demokratik uygulamaları barışçıl bir yolla protesto ettiği dönemde Türk Azınlığa karşı bunların Yunan Mahkemeleri tarafından kullanıldığını dile getirdi. Aynı paralelde, aynı hükümetin, aynı yetkililerinin tıpkı Letonya’daki gibi 2006 yılında holiganizme karşı bir yasayı kabul ettiğini ve bunun için oldukça katı kurallar olduğunu belirtti. Bu nedenle ülkelerin bu konudaki yasaları neden benimsemediğiyle ilgili durumun derinlemesine araştırılması ve analiz edilmesi gerektiğini vurguladı. Σ την συνεδρίαση με θέμα « αδικήματα μίσους» που έγινε στις 4-5 Μαΐου 2009 στη πρωτεύουσα της Αυστρίας, Βιέννη εκπροσώπησαν την Τουρκική Μειονότητα της Δυτικής Θράκης το μέλος του Δ.Σ. του Σ.Ε.Μ.Δ.Θ Σινάν Καβάζ και η πρώην μέλος του Δ.Σ. Περβίν Χαϊρουλά. Οι εκπρόσωποι μας είχαν την ευκαιρία στο δύημερο των συνεδριάσεων να αναπτύξουν τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει η τουρκική Μειονότητα της Δυτικής Θράκης, επίσης παρέδωσαν και έγγραφα – εκθέσεις στο κέντρο εγγράφων. 35 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH T he meeting on “hate crimes” held on 4-5 May 2009 in the Austrian capital, Vienna, the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace was represented by Sinan Kavaz a member of the Board of W.T.M.U.G.A and a former member of the Board Pervin Hayrullah. Our representatives had the opportunity to develop the problems facing the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace, and also handed over documents - reports to the document center.EN 36 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Strazburg’da AİHM toplantısı 18 Haziran 2009 Συνεδρίαση στο ΕΔΑΔ στο Στρασβούργο 18 Ιουνίου 2009 Meeting at the ECHR in Strasbourg, June 18, 2009 Y unanistan Avrupa ve Dış Politika Vakfı (ELİAMEP) ve Avrupa Konseyi İnsan Hakları Direktörlüğü’nün ortaklaşa düzenlediği “Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi, ulusal siyasi ve hukuki statüsü” konulu toplantı, 18 Haziran Perşembe günü Strazburg’da gerçekleşti. Batı Trakya’dan Batı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği adına dernek eski başkanlarından Cemil Kabza ve dernek üyesi doktora öğrencisi Sebahattin Abdurrahman katıldı. BTAYTD adına toplantıya katılan Cemil Kabza ve Sebahattin Abdurrahman, katılımcılara, Batı Trakya Türklerinin AİHM nezdinde kazandığı davalar ve bu dava kararlarının Yunanistan tarafından uygulanmadığı ile ilgili bilgi verdi. Η συνδιοργάνωση του Ιδρύματος (ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ) και της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής με θέμα «ΕΔΑΔ, Η Εθνική, πολιτική και νομική θέση του» πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 18 Ιουνίου 2009 στο Στρασβούργο. Στην εκδήλωση παραβρέθηκαν για λογαριασμό του ΣΕΜΔΘ ο πρώην πρόεδρος Τζεμίλ Καπζά και ο Σεμπαχαττίν Απτουραχμάν. Οι εκπρόσωποι μας αναφέρθηκαν στις αποφάσεις του δικαστηρίου που δικαίωναν του Τούρκους της Δυτικής Θράκης και στην μη εφαρμογή αυτών των αποφάσεων από την Ελλάδα. T he collaboration between the Foundation (ELIAMEP) and the European Committee on the ECHR, The National, political and legal position “was held on June 18, 2009 in Strasbourg. The event was attended on behalf of W.T.M.U.G.A the former president Cemil Kabza and Sebahattin Abdurrahman. Our representatives referred to the decisions of the court justifies the Turks of Western Thrace and the failure to implement these decisions in Greece. 37 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH B A T I T R A K Y A T Ü R K A Z I NLIĞININ SORUNLARI BİR KEZ DAHA A G İ T G Ü N D E M İ N E TAŞINDI - 9-10 Temmuz 2009 ΤΑ ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑΤΑ ΤΗΣ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΚΗΣ ΜΕΙΟΝΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΘΡΑΚΗΣ ΞΑΝΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΗΜΕΡΗΣΙΑ ΔΙΑΤΑΞΗ ΤΟΥ ΟΑΣΕ. 9-10 ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ 2009 THE PROBLEMS OF TURKISH MINORITY IN WESTERN THRACE AGAIN ON THE AGENDA OF THE OSCE. 9-10 July 2009 9 -10 Temmuz 2009 tarihlerinde Avusturya’nın başkenti Viyana’da düzenlenen “Din ve İnanç Özgürlüğü” konusundaki toplantıda BTAYTD eski yöneticilerinden Pervin Hayrullah ve ABTTF adına toplantıya katılan Fatma Reşit Batı Trakya Türk Azınlığını temsil ettiler. Batı Trakya Türk Azınlığının Din Özgürlüğü konusunda yaşadığı sıkıntıları toplantı süresince gündeme getirme fırsatı bulan temsilcilerimiz, ayrıca bu konuda yaşanan sıkıntıları detaylı bir şekilde anlatan yazılı raporları dokümantasyon merkezine sundular. Σ τη συνεδρίαση με θέμα «Ελευθερία Θρησκείας και Πίστης» που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Βιέννη της Αυστρίας στι 9-10 Ιουλίου 2009 την Τουρκική Μειονότητα της Δυτικής Θράκης εκπροσώπησαν η πρήν αντιπρόεδρος του Συλλόγου μας Περβίν Χαϊρουλα και για λογαριασμό της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Τουρκων Δυτικής Θράκης η Φατμά Ρεσίτ. Οι εκπρόσωποι μας είχαν την ευκαιρία να αναπτύξουν τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει η Τουρκική Μειονότητα της Δυτικής Θράκης στο τομέα της Θρησκείας , επίσης παρέδωσαν και έγγραφα – εκθέσεις στο κέντρο εγγράφων. A t the meeting on “Freedom of Religion and Faith ‘held in Vienna, Austria on 9-10 July 2009 the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace was represented by the former vice president of our Association Pervin Hayrullah and on behalf of the European Federation of Western Thrace Turks Fatma Resit. Our representatives had the opportunity to develop the problems facing the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace in matters of religion, and also handed over documents - reports to the document center. 38 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association Egnatias 75, 69100 Komotini-Greece Tel/Fax: +302531029705 E-mail: btaytd@otenet.gr URL: www.btaytd.com OSCE SUPPLEMENTARY HUMAN DIMENSION MEETING FREEDOM OF RELIGION OR BELIEF 9-10 July 2009 Hofburg, Vienna VIOLATIONS OF FREEDOM OF RELIGION OR BELIEF THE TURKISH MUSLIM MINORITY OF WESTERN THRACE-GREECE THE REGION Western Thrace is located in the northeast part of Greece between the rivers Evros and Nestos, in the east and in the west, and Rodopi Mountains and the Aegean Sea, in the north and in the south. It is one of the nine regions of Greece. Its area is 8575 square kilometers and it is divided into three provinces. Ksanthi, Rodopi, and Evros. The total population of the Turkish Muslim Minority of Western Thrace is approximately 150.000. THE TURKISH MUSLIM MINORITY OF WESTERN THRACE Members of the Muslim Turkish Minority who have been living in this region for centuries identify themselves as ethnic Turks. The legal statute of this minority was established with the Peace Treaty of Lausanne signed in 1923, the bilateral agreements signed between Greece and Turkey and the international instruments concerning human and minority rights which Greece signed and ratified. In recent years, the situation has relatively improved in Turkish Minority’s everyday life, living conditions and constitutional rights owing to the Greek government’s policy of “Equality before law and equal citizenship” which was announced in the beginning of 1990s. Yet there has not been a progress in the field of minority rights. Greece alleges that “equality among citizens” policy provides sufficient reforms and continues to ignore its obligations regarding the rights of the Turkish Muslim Minority by violating the 39 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH bilateral and international treaty obligations to which is a party. Denial of the Turkish Identity, Occupation of the Charitable Foundations and practice of the state-appointed muftis instead of the elected muftis continue unabated. More than 60.000 people still suffer from the deprivation of the article 19 of the citizenship law that was abolished in 1998 and the situation of minority education continues to be as miserable as ever. Since the early years of 19th century, the existence of the Turkish minority has been one of the most important issues of the Greek state. The historical relations between Greeks and Turks affected the existence of Turkish Minority within the Greek territory. The perception of minority by the Greek administrators has been changed due to the changing relation of Greece and Turkey. Starting from the Peace Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 till 1950s the Lausanne spirit dominated relations in the two sides of the Aegean. However, the year 1955 was one of the turning points for the minority issues because of some specific reasons (ex: September incidents in Istanbul and Cyprus incidents). The situations started to worsen day by day. Especially during the Military Junta Regime (1967-1974) human and minority rights violations reached the highest level. These unlawful and unacceptable applications continued till mid-1990s. At this point, it is important to stress that Greece has become a full member of the European Union in 1981. The new minority policy, announced after 10 years of EU membership, made positive contributions to the minority’s life in terms of basic citizenship rights. However, as for the application of minority rights, no major positive step has yet been taken by the year 2009. After the announcement of the policy «equality for all citizens», getting driving licenses, permission to build and repair houses, getting bank credits and buying land started to be permitted for the first time after many years of oppression in public and economic spheres. However, members of the Minority cannot enjoy fully its established minority rights. The issues related with the Islam religion and its practices have been one of the main controversial points regarding the relations of the Turkish minority with the Greek state. Despite the minority members have been practicing their religious duties freely at their mosques, some religious problems like the election of muftis have not been solved yet. The Election of Muftis The State authorities without taking into consideration the minorities established rights by the bilateral and international treaties are insistently saying that the muftis are appointed and not elected because of their judicial and administrative functions. But, the establishment of the position of mufti is deeply rooted in the history. When Greece won its independence in 1830 by the London Protocol there had been a number of Muslim-Turkish populations living in Greece. In those years, religious matters were managed by Islamic Law under the supervision of the Kadi (Muslim Local Judge). Under the Ottoman Empire, in Greece, muftis had the role and authorities of these local judges. Treaties related with the authority and role of Mufti are as follows: a) Istanbul Treaty It was signed between Greece and Turkey in the 2nd of July 1881 and it protected rights of the Muslim 40 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Turks. According to the Article 8 of this treaty protects the right to freedom of religion is granted to Muslims living on territories given to Greece. Also, the freedom of association and the protection of immovable properties will be guaranteed. No hindrance will be put in relations between the religious leaders and members of these Muslim communities. b) Treaty of Athens According to the Article 11 of this treaty, signed in 1913, regulations for the election of muftis were defined; properties, lives, religions, sects and traditions of those under the Greek rule will be respected… Each of Muftis will be elected by Muslims of their regions. The Head Mufti will be elected by a committee composed of all muftis in Greece and the King of Greece will appoint one of the three candidate muftis. c) Treaty of Sevres (Greek Sevres) It is also known as the ‘Treaty Concerning the Protection of Minorities in Greece’. It was signed by Greece on the one hand, and England, France, Italy, Japan on the other. Turkey was not a part to this treaty. It was signed and ratified by the Greek Parliament on 29 September 1920. According to the Article 1 and 2, Greece accepts the protection of its citizens regardless of their ethnic, religious, linguistic differences. Also, the religious freedom of Muslims living in Greece is guaranteed by the Article 14. With this treaty, Greece also accepts to protect mosques, cemeteries, religious charitable organizations (wakfs) and other properties belonging to Muslims in Greece. c) Treaty of Lausanne According to the articles 37-45 of the Lausanne Peace Treaty, the religious autonomy and freedom of the Muslim Turkish Minority of Western Thrace is protected and guaranteed. By signing and ratifying bilateral and international treaties, Greece accepts the responsibility to obey to the articles of those treaties. For this sake, she made a number of changes and amendments in the Greek national law. However, it is unfortunate that the necessary amendments have usually been not in the same line with those stipulated in treaties and some laws, regulations and official actions of the Greek state, even, continue to be in conflict with these stipulations. Members of the Muslim Turkish minority of Western Thrace have the right to decide whether to choose the Sharia Law or Greek Civil Law regarding the family and inheritance issues. Mufti’s judicial decisions do not take into effect unless approved by competent Greek Courts. What is admired by the Minority is firstly to elect the Mufti (religious leader) of their region according to the provisions of relevant international treaties and then to discuss the judicial competences of the Muftis. The elected Muftis of Xanthi and Komotini who are not recognized by the government have been prosecuted for several times under the penal code for usurping of a religious authority of Mufti. The ECHR held that those prosecutions violated Article 9 of the Convention which enshrines the rights of freedom of thought, conscience and religion (please see Agga vs. Greece No: 1,2,3,4 and Sheriff vs. Greece Case No: 38178/97) 41 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH The bill 3536/2007 – the appointment of 240 imams In addition to the application of appointed Muftis, a new bill regarding the appointment of imams/seminary teachers passed in the Greek Parliament. This new bill 3536/2007 regarding the appointment of 240 imams/Islamic (seminary) teachers is contrary to the article 43 of the Peace Treaty of Lausanne that protects the religious freedom of the Muslim Turkish Minority. According to the provisions of this law, these 240 imams or seminary teachers would be appointed by a committee where most of members are Christians. Like that of 1992 UN Declaration on Minorities, other provisions of international treaties and documents that Greece signed and ratified promoted Minority’s religious autonomy. This new application which is totally refused by the minority threatens the freedom of faith of the Minority. MUSLIM CHARITABLE FOUNDATIONS: Muslim Charitable Foundations (Waqfs) constitute an essential part of Minority’s cultural, historic and religious heritage. The government continues to appoint the people who currently hold positions in the Administrative Boards of the Muslim Foundations. Disregarding their financial immunity, the State continued to impose excessive taxes and legal sanctions on the properties owned by the Muslim Charitable Foundations for four decades. Minority’s inability to govern and have access to the accounts of these Waqfs also prevents them from dispensing the revenues obtained thereof towards society’s vital needs, such as the maintenance and improvement of schools and repairs or build mosques. Although the provisions of the law passed in 2007 (No: 3554) erased the existing debts of waqfs, the fines and income taxes imposed on them remained intact. As of December 2008, the total debt of Administrative Board of Komotini Waqfs accumulated to 775.463 Euro, which resulted in the imposition of mortgages on 23 shops and one farm owned by the waqf administration. New law (Law no: 3647/2008) passed on 7th February 2008 was prepared without taking into consideration Minority’s opinions and proposals. Although the new law foresees the appointment of board members with elections, the minority does not endorse the provisions of the law that give excessive jurisdictions to the Secretary General of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace region as well as the tutelage powers vested in the office of the “appointed” Muftis. It should also be noted that, before the passing of the said law, the Minority had communicated its opinion and remarks regarding the draft bill to the Government, which proved a futile effort since the Administration once again disregarded the Minority’s will. Pervin Chairoula Member of Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association 42 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH B a t ı T r a k y a Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği Yunanistan Raporun u n G ö r ü ş ü ldüğüHer Türlü Irk Ayrımcılığının Tasfiye Edilmesine Dair K o m i s yon (CERD) Toplant ısı’na Katıldı - 10-11 Ağustos 2009 Ο Σύλλογος Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης έλαβε μέρος στη συνεδρίαση της επιτροπής καταπολέμησης κάθε είδους εθνικής διάκρισης, στην οποία συζητήθηκε και η έκθεση της Ελλάδας. 10-11 Αυγούστου 2009 Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association attended the meeting of Committee On the Elimination of Racial Discrimination which discussed the report of Greece. 10/11 August 2009 B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği eski yöneticilerinden BAKEŞ Genel Müdürü Pervin Hayrullah 10-11 Ağustos 2009 tarihinde İsviçre’nin Cenevre şehrinde düzenlenen, Yunanistan dönem raporunun görüşüldüğü CERD’in 75. Oturumuna katıldı. Toplantıda ABTTF adına Melek Kırmacı yer aldı. Batı Trakya Türk Azınlığı temsilcileri Komisyona azınlığın yaşadığı sıkıntıları detaylı bir şekilde anlatan ülke raporuna paralel yazılı raporlar sundular. Η πρώην αντιπρόεδρος του Συλλόγου μας και νυν Γεν. Διευθύντρια της Π.ΕΚ.Ε.Μ Περβίν Χαϊρουλά έλαβε μέρος στην 75η συνεδρίαση της CERD που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Γενεύη της Ελβετίας στις 10-11- Αυγούστου και στην οποία συζητήθηκε και η έκθεση της Ελλάδας. T he former vice president of our Association and now Director General of P.EK.E.M Pervin Hayrullah participated in the 75th session of CERD in Geneva, Switzerland, 10-11 - August and discussed the report of Greece. 43 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH BTAYTD FUEN’İN 60. YIL KONGRESİNE KATILDI 29 Eylül – 2 Ekim 2009 Ο Σύλλογος Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης έλαβε μέρος στην 60η Γενική Συνέλευση της FUEN, 29 Σεπτεμβρίου – 2 Οκτωβρίου Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association participated in the 60th General Assembly of FUEN, 29 September - 2 October B TAYTD 29 Eylül-2 Ekim 2009 tarihlerinde Avrupa Ulusları Federal Birliği’nin (FUEN) Brüksel’de gerçekleştirilen 60. Yıldönümü Kongresi’ne katıldı. Kongreye Batı Trakya Türk Azınlığı Delegasyonu olarak BTAYTD adına ise Ali Hüseyin ve İrfan Çakır katılırken ABTTF adına Başkan Halit Habipoğlu, Başkan Yardımcısı Sami Yusuf, Genel Sekreter Özkan Reşit ve Uluslararası Çalışmalar ve Lobi Grubu üyesi Fatma Reşit katıldılar. Ο Σύλλογος μας συμμετείχε στην 60η Γενική Συνέλευση της FUEN, που πραγματοποιήθηκε κατά τις ημερομηνίες 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2 Οκτωβρίου στις Βρυξέλλες. Στην συνέλευση για λογαριασμό του Συλλόγου μας παραβρεθήκαν οι Αλί Χουσεΐνογλού και Ιρφάν Τσακίρ, ενώ για λογαριασμό της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Τούρκων Δυτικής Θράκης συμμετείχαν ο πρόεδρος Χαλίτ Χαμπίπογλού, Αντιπρόεδρος Σαμί Γιουσούφ, Γενικός Γραμματέας Οζκάν Ρεσίτ και η Φατμά Ρεσίτ. O ur Association participated in the 60th General Assembly of FUEN, held on the dates September 29 October 2 in Brussels. In the meeting on behalf of our Association were attended by Irfan Cakir and Ali Huseyinoglu , and for the European Federation of Western Thrace Turks involving President Halit Habipoglu, Vice president Sami Yusuf, Secretary General Ozkan Resit and Fatma Resit.N 44 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Delegation of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace (Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe and Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association) Language: English 54th FUEN Congress of Nationalities 29 September - 2 October 2009, Brussels, Belgium Resolution submitted by the Delegation of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace On 19 September 2009 the Sunday supplement of the daily Eleftherotipia made an allegation that the soldiers serving in the 4th Army Corps have had a document signed that they do not want to vote in their elector rolls where they are registered. On 29 September 2009, Yannis Yanginis from the daily Paratiritis brought on again the same allegation. In the news, Yanginis stated that since soldiers did not want to lose their right to vote, the soldiers were going to vote in the region where they were serving, adding that Yanginis did not suppose that those soldiers, who had signed the relevant document, were not from Thrace. Yanginis expressed that the soldiers from Thrace were already serving in the region where they had been born, and wrote that in case the relevant allegations reflected the truth, a few hundred soldiers serving in the region were going to vote in the prefectures of Xanthi, Rhodope and Evros. Yanginis expressed that since it is non-Thracian soldiers, the votes of those soldiers were to be going to not the Muslim candidate, but the Christian one. If such is the case, the relevant allegations brought forward first in the daily Eleftherotipia, later in the daily Paratiritis were real, then it would be a heavy blow to the democratic election process on the parliamentary elections which will be held on October 4, 2009. Since a democratic election process is required for the Minority to participate fully and effectively in political life of the country, we note with very concern that any infringement to this process would have a negative effect on the concept of democracy in Greece. We, hereby, urge the Greek authorities: - To investigate allegations and to authenticate of claims that soldiers serving in the 4th Army Corps have had a document signed that they want to vote in the region of Western Thrace instead of the elector rolls where they are registered -To ensure that a democratic election process is held in accordance with certain principles that lends them their democratic status in the parliamentary elections of October 4, 2009. 45 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH B A T I TRAKYA TÜRK AZINLIĞININ SORUNLARI AGİT İNSANİ B O Y UT TOPLANTISINDA ANLATILDI 28 Eylül – 9 Ekim 2009 ΤΑ ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑΤΑ ΤΗΣ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΚΗΣ ΜΕΙΟΝΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΘΡΑΚΗΣ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗΚΑΝ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ ΤΟΥ ΟΑΣΕ. 28 Σεπτεμβρίου – 9 Οκτωβρίου THE PROBLEMS OF TURKISH MINORITY IN WESTERN THRACE OUTLINED IN COUNCIL OF THE OSCE. September 28 - October 9 2 8 Eylül-9 Ekim 2009 tarihlerinde Polonya’nın başkenti Varşova’da düzenlenen AGİT İnsani Boyut toplantısında BTAYTD üyeleri Sebahattin Abdurrahman ve Pervin Hayrullah ve ABTTF adına toplantıya katılan Fatma Reşit Batı Trakya Türk Azınlığını temsil ettiler. Batı Trakya Türk Azınlığının Din Özgürlüğü, Dernekleşme Özgürlüğü, Eğitim alanında yaşadığı sıkıntılar, maruz kaldığı nefret suçları ve basın yoluyla uğradığı hakaretler ve siyasi katılım konusunda karşılaştığı güçlükler toplantı süresince temsilcilerimiz tarafından gündeme getirildi. Ayrıca, yaşanan sıkıntıları detaylı bir şekilde anlatan yazılı raporlar dokümantasyon merkezine sunuldu. Σ το Συμβούλιο που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Βαρσοβία εκπροσώπησαν την τουρκική Μειονότητα της Δυτικής Θράκης ο Σεμπαχαττίν Απτουραχμάν, η Περβίν Χαϊρουλά και η Φατμά Ρεσίτ. Στο συμβούλιο αναπτύχθηκαν τα διάφορα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει η μειονότητα. επίσης παραδόθηκαν έγγραφα – εκθέσεις στο κέντρο εγγράφων. T he Council which was organized in Warsaw, Turkish Minority of Western Thrace, was represented by Sebahattin Abdurrahman, Pervin Hayrullah and Fatma Resit. At the Board various problems were developed which are being faced by the minority. Also documents-reports were handed over to the document center. 46 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association Egnatias 75, 69100 Komotini-Greece Tel/Fax: +302531029705 E-mail: btaytd@otenet.gr URL: www.btaytd.com OSCE HUMAN DIMENTION IMPLEMENTATION MEETING WARSAW, 28 September – 9 October Working Session 2, Freedom of Religion VIOLATION OF RELIGIOUS RIGHTS IN WESTERN THRACE Ms/Mr Moderator, Thank you very much for the floor, I would like to point out some issues regarding the implementation of religious rights of the Muslim Turkish Minority of Western Thrace in Greece. The first issue is about the new bill of 3536/2008 regarding the appointment of 240 imams/Islamic (seminary) teachers. This new law is contrary to the article 43 of the Lausanne Peace Treaty of 1923 which provides religious autonomy and freedom for the Turkish Minority. According to the provisions of the new law, these 240 imams or seminary teachers would be appointed by a committee of five people, and none of them is from the Turkish minority. Like that of 1992 UN Declaration on Minorities, other provisions of international treaties and documents that Greece signed and ratified promoted Minority’s religious autonomy. This new application which is totally refused by the minority threatens the freedom of faith and undermines the religious autonomy of the Minority. The second point which I would like emphasize is the issue of Waqfs. The waqfs constitute an essential part of Minority’s cultural, historic and religious heritage. The government continues to appoint the people who currently hold positions in the Administrative Boards of the Muslim Foundations since 1970s. Disregarding their financial immunity, the State continued to impose excessive taxes and legal sanctions on the properties owned by the Muslim Charitable Foundations for four decades. Minority’s inability to 47 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH govern and have access to the accounts of these Waqfs also prevents them from dispensing the revenues obtained thereof towards society’s vital needs, such as the maintenance and improvement of schools and repairs or build mosques. Muslim charitable organizations also suffer from excessive taxes and accumulated debts. Although the provisions of the law passed in 2007 (No: 3554) erased the existing debts of waqfs, the fines and income taxes imposed on them remained intact. As of December 2008, the total debt of Administrative Board of Komotini Waqfs accumulated to 775.463 Euro, which resulted in the imposition of mortgages on 23 shops and one farm owned by the waqf administration. New law (Law no: 3647/2008) on waqfs was prepared without taking into consideration Minority’s opinions and proposals. Although the new law foresees the appointment of board members with elections, the minority does not endorse the provisions of the law that give excessive jurisdictions to the Secretary General of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace region as well as the tutelage powers vested in the office of the “appointed” Muftis. It should also be noted that, before the passing of the said law, the Minority had communicated its opinion and remarks regarding the draft bill to the Government, which proved a futile effort since the Administration once again disregarded the Minority’s will. The next issue is the election of Muftis. Disregarding several bilateral and international treaties and the religious autonomy of the minority, the State authorities insist appointing the religious leaders of the minority (Muftis) with the pretext of their judicial and administrative jurisdictions. The State continuously argues that Muftis are appointed in all Muslim countries. However, there are also many countries, where Muslims are in minority position, Muftis are indeed elected. Many Balkan countries with Christian majority allow Muslims to elect Muftis (like Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Kosovo). It should also be noted here that the Islamic law practised by Muftis in the family and inheritance matters of the Muslim Turks is not obligatory. The Members of the Turkish minority of Western Thrace have the right to decide whether to choose the Sharia Law or Greek Civil Law regarding the family and inheritance issues. Mufti’s judicial decisions do not take into effect unless approved by competent Greek Courts. What is admired by the Minority is firstly to elect the Mufti (religious leader) of their region according to the provisions of relevant international treaties and then to discuss the judicial competences of the Muftis. The elected Muftis of Xanthi and Komotini who are not recognized by the government have been prosecuted for several times under the penal code for usurping of a religious authority of Mufti. The ECHR held that those prosecutions violated Article 9 of the Convention which enshrines the rights of freedom of thought, conscience and religion (please see Agga vs. Greece No: 1,2,3,4 and Sheriff vs. Greece Case No: 38178/97) Another problematic theme is the mosques in Western Thrace. Mosques and minarets are one of the most important parts of the Turkish Minority’s religious and cultural life. Although the historic monuments inherited from the Ottomans have been subject to systematic eradication, as of the year of 2009 there are 301 mosques in Western Thrace. However, many requests for permission to build or restore mosques and minarets are still pending in the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education. Building a minaret up to 48 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH 16 meters is not allowed anymore. The law no 1363/1938 which was later replaced by law no 1672/1939 conducts the procedure of getting permission to build any kind of house of prayer as well as mosques and minarets. This law later was changed by the new law 1577/1985. According to article 21, paragraph 2 of this law the height of the minarets has been reduced from 16m and over to 7.5 m. However in the same paragraph, there is a “deviation” (discretionary power) which gives the right to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education for “reasonable” and special cases to give permissions for the heights of minarets 16m and over. According to this law, permissions for mosques, minarets and any other kind of house of prayer needed the authorization of the bishop of the region. The authority, which was given to the region’s bishop, was transferred to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education in 1997. The Bishop of Komotini and Maronia region in many cases used the right to veto or postponed the permits. After the transformation of the authorization of the bishop to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education, up to the year of 2004 many applications for building minarets were approved. However, many applications for building mosques and minarets up to 16m are currently refused or not answered at all by the Ministry. The only Minority MP of Rodopi Region Ahmet Hacıosman, led a question to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education on 15/5/2008 regarding the permissions for building minarets in the Venna (Demirbeyli), Kallindirio (Kalenderkoy) and Filira (Sirkeli) villages of the region of Rodopi. The former Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Evripidis Stilianidis on his answer stated that the law allows the building of minaret up to 7.5m, and that the bill should be implemented. The problem still continues. The issue in question is not only limited to the heights of the minarets. The Greek Administration often raises difficulties for giving construction permits for restoration attempts of old mosques. In some villages, restoration permit applications of the members of the Minority have either been repeatedly denied or procrastinated. In some cases, because the restoration applications have been denied, these old ruins are going to collapse in the very new future. The last point that I would like to mention is about attacks towards the sacred places. Although the sporadic acts of vandalism and desecration targeting mosques and Muslim cemeteries has become rare in recent years, last month the Mosque in village Toxotes was attacked for the third times and this indicates that the Muslim Turkish Minority still faces problems on that issue. Furthermore, Turkish – Islamic historic monuments in Western Thrace inherited from the Ottomans are systematically eradicated. Mosques, chapels of dervishes, bridges are not restored and attempts of restoration by individuals are not given permission. The destruction begins with the inscriptions being torn down, eliminating the identity of the work. In other cases, the so-called restoration process is delayed expecting that; time itself will do the destruction. Meanwhile the Alevi-Bektashi chapels of dervishes, who 49 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH were the first settlers of Western Thrace, are converted into churches. Some publications distributed by the Government refer to Ottoman mosques as “Turkish churches” and the Ottoman bridges are regarded as “Pomak bridges” in an effort to prove that these architectural works belong to another nation. The city plan drawn by Komotini (Gümülcine) Municipality in 1933, which covers about 20 mosques and mesjids, is carried out gradually. From time to time, Ottoman tombstones in nearby villages, which are estimated to be 350 – 400 years old, are taken to unknown destinations by trucks and the police forces just witness these occurrences without taking any action to stop them. Recommendations We call upon the Greek State: To ensure the revision of the new law No: 3647/2008 regarding the pious foundations (Waqfs) passed by the Greek Parliament and entered into force on February 29, 2008, which was prepared without taking the opinion and will of Western Thrace Turkish Minority. Therefore, it cannot be accepted or applied in its current form because of excessive jurisdictions vested to the Secretary General of the Region of East Macedonia and Thrace and appointed Muftis. To take all necessary steps to protect and promote religious rights and freedoms of the minority, in full alignment with international human rights mechanisms and standards. Sebahattin Abdurrahman Member Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association 50 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association Egnatias 75, 69100 Komotini-Greece Tel/Fax: +302531029705 E-mail: btaytd@otenet.gr URL: www.btaytd.com OSCE HUMAN DIMENTION IMPLEMENTATION MEETING WARSAW, 28 September – 9 October Working Session 3, Freedom of Association VIOLATION OF FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION IN WESTERN THRACE Ms/ Mr. Moderator, Thank you very much for giving this opportunity to me to emphasize briefly on unlawful implementations of the Greek administration towards the members of the Turkish minority in Greece with regards to the rights of freedom of association. The right to freedom of association is a basic fundamental human right and it is stipulated by most of the fundamental human rights instruments and nowadays is accepted as an inseparable and indispensible part of human rights. Furthermore, the right to freedom of association is considered commonly as an imperative aspect of diversity and pluralist democracy. Therefore, the implementation of the right to freedom of association is one of the significant aspects to establish and improve the standard of democracy within a state. I would like to mention three cases here regarding the implementation of the right to freedom of association in Greece and the cases indicate clearly that Greece is still continuing unlawful attitudes towards the Turkish minority. In 1983, the Greek state officially declared that there are no Turks in Greece and the members of the minority are Greek-Muslims and following such discourse, three historical minority associations (Turkish Union of Xanthi, Turkish Youth Union of Komotini, and Union of Turkish Teachers in Western Thrace) were shut down in 1984 by the local courts. However, the Xanthi Turkish Union and the other associations had been legally operated and recognized by all forms of social, political and cultural life until 1980s. 51 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Finally, in 1987, the Greek Supreme Court reached a verdict on dissolution of the Komotini Turkish Youth Union and the Union of Turkish Teachers of Western Thrace on the basis that the term ‘Turkish’ in their titles referred to citizens of Turkey and constituted a threat to the social cohesion and solidarity of Greece. Despite these allegations, none of them was convicted with any offence until their termination. On the contrary, they made significant contributions to the relationships between the minority and majority, to mutual understanding to all enriching and diversity. After an unjustified 22 years legal struggle, in 2005, the Greek High Court approved the verdicts on dissolution of ‘the Xsanthi Turkish Union’. 1984 onwards, the designation of the minority associations as “Turkish” has been forbidden any kind of restriction has expanded for new proposed association to not allow using the word ‘minority’ in their titles and according to this restriction associations are not allowed to be registered. Moreover, in 2005, the Greek High Court approved the verdict on denial of request for registration by the ‘Cultural Association of Turkish Women of Rodopi’ based on aforementioned reasons, even though, that the association had never been registered and existed. Furthermore, the Greek state did not tolerate even the term “Minority” in the title of the ‘Evros Minority Youth Association’. In 2007, the Greek High Court refused the establishment of the Evros Minority Youth Association on the grounds that the definition of Minority in this context, whether ethnic, religious or national, was not clear. When these cases came before the European Court of Human Rights, the Court held unanimously that there had been a violation of Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Court dismissed the allegations of the Greek state and found that the aims of the associations were not contrary to the Greek public policy; their presidents or members had never called for the use of violence or other form of rejection of democratic principles. Moreover, the Court added that even if the members of associations claimed that there was an ethnic minority in Greece, this would not constitute a threat to democratic society. The decisions became final and obligatory when the Grand Chamber dismissed the appeal of Greece. After the final decision of the Grand Chamber of ECHR, “Xanthi Turkish Union” applied to the First Instance Court of Xanthi for invalidating the decision of dissolution of the Xanthi Turkish Union in order to be registered as before. The case was held on 19 February 2009 and the Federation of Thrace Unions based in Thessaloniki applied to the court as an intervening party by claiming that local Greek courts are not obliged to follow the decision of ECHR and an association bearing the name Turkish should not allowed to be established. Interestingly, similar approach had been mentioned by the First Instance Court of Alexandroupolis when the Evros Minority Youth Association applied to be registered within the framework of relevant ECHR decision (Bekir Ousta v Greece no: 35151/05). The Court rejected the application on December 9, 2008 on the grounds that the decisions of ECHR are not obligatory regarding the Greek domestic law and they do not necessarily require the Greek authorities to register the association. In April 2009, a group of minority people applied to in order to establish a new NGO under the title of “Western Thrace Minority Southern Evros Education and Culture Association”, but their application was rejected on the same grounds that the NGO had the word “minority” in its title. This shows that there is a systematic breach of freedom of association in Greece. Since 2007, Greece has not taken any measures in order to make applicable the decisions of the ECHR 52 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH regarding re-functioning of the dissolution associations with the title “Turkish” or establishing new minority associations under the name of their choice. The current developments show the attitudes have become much more contrary rather than be compatible with legal obligations and democratic principles. Recommendations We recommend that the Greek State authorities should respect the collective usage of the right of selfidentification and let us establish our own “Turkish” associations. We recommend that the Greek State to ensure immediately that freedom of association is guaranteed by the Greek Constitution for all persons concerned and demand that the Greek authorities abolish all restrictions to the freedom of association for ethnic minorities, especially ethnic Turks. We urge the Greek State to end the abuse of the right of freedom of association so that civil and political rights of ethnic minorities are guaranteed for all persons concerned. We further urge Greece to respect and act according to the recent written notifications of European Court of Human Rights on the cases of Tourkiki Enosi Xanthis and Others v. Greece (no. 26698/05), Emin and Others v. Greece (no. 34144/05), and Bekir Ousta and Others v. Greece (no. 35151/05) which resulted in favour of the said associations. We recommend Greece to ratify the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities signed in 1997. Sebahattin Abdurrahman Member Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association 53 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association Egnatias 75, 69100 Komotini-Greece Tel/Fax: +302531029705 E-mail: btaytd@otenet.gr URL: www.btaytd.com OSCE HUMAN DIMENTION IMPLEMENTATION MEETING WARSAW, 28 September – 9 October Working Session 5, National Minorities WESTERN THRACE TURKISH MINORITY Ms/ Mr. Moderator, I would like to thank you for allowing me to point out how and whether minority rights are practiced in conformity with the generality of international human rights documents in Greece, includes the Treaty of Lausanne which indicates directly minority rights for the Turkish minority. Although, I am going to talk about the current general problems regarding the implementation of minority rights, I will focus more the education rights of the minority because the issue is one of the most important and controversial issues in the minority rights debate. Greece, similar to other South East European countries, contains national minorities, the largest being the Turkish-Muslim minority since the ratification of the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. The estimated number is around 150.000 and members of the minority identify themselves as ethnic Turks. The legal status of this minority was established by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne and bilateral treaties which were signed between Greece and Turkey. Moreover, the Turkish minority, as an ‘old’ or ‘historical’ one, is the only one which directly holds minority rights. Apart from the minority educational problems, denial of ethnic identity, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, religious freedom, charitable foundations, expelled citizens are still the main problems which the Western Thrace Turkish minority faces at the present. 54 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH The denial of ethnic identity of Western Thrace Turks by the Greek state is one of the most contentious issues regarding the government’s minority policy. Until the Junta regime in 1967 the identification of the minority as Turkish was not a problem. By the advent of Junta regime, however, the authorities started to call the minority as “Muslim” and since then, they have continued to reject the ethnic Turkish identity in Western Thrace. The other problematic issue is expelled citizents. The Article 19 of the Greek Citizenship Law (No: 3370 of 1955) was an obvious case of racial discrimination and a flagrant violation of the fundamental right to citizenship. It was in breach of the Greek constitution and international law. It provided that: “A citizen of non-Greek origin leaving Greece without the intention of returning may be declared having lost Greek citizenship.” On 23 January 1998, Article 19 of the Greek Citizenship was repealed by the Greek Parliament. This act was welcomed both by the international community, as well as within the ranks of the Turkish minority. However abolishment did not include a retroactive effect. The Minister of Interior on April 2005 announced the number of Muslim Turks deprived from the Greek citizenship until 1998 was 46.638. So far, apart from some 200 persons living in Greece, no steps have been taken in order to reinstate thousands of unlawfully expelled citizens and their children who continue living as stateless persons. At the beginning of the last decade the new minority policy based on the principles “equality before the law” and “equality in civil rights” was put into practice, since then there have been some improvements concerning the basic citizenship rights. Members of the Turkish Minority of course, accept these as positive developments; however, still much remains to be done if the situation of the minority is to become wholly satisfactory. According to many human and minority rights instruments and article 40 of the Peace Treaty of Lausanne, members of the minority have the right to establish, manage and control their own schools and to use their own language freely. But, because of the Governments’ interference the autonomous structure of Turkish Minority education has been changed radically. So, the present form of the educational system of Turkish Minority cannot serve fundamental educational needs. The Greek state since 1923 has put in force more than 70 new laws, decrees and governmental decisions regarding the minority education. While these new regulations are more in favor for the improvement of the state language instruction (Greek), they undermine the autonomy and increase the weakness of the instruction of the Turkish curriculum. Furthermore, the Minority is not allowed to directly elect board members of the minority schools since 1972. According to the Law No. 3518/2006 pre-school education in Greece since 2007 has become compulsory for children 4 and 5 years old. The new law is not in line with the international and bilateral agreements concerning the minority education system in a way that all pupils with different linguistic, religious and cultural background across the country as well as the members of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace are obliged to follow the compulsory pre-school education which is only in Greek language. The new law on pre-school education does not stipulate any special measures for minorities. There is no minority or bilingual nursery school in Western Thrace. The recent announcements of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs regarding the establishment of multicultural nurseries is ambiguous and far from sincerity. 55 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH As for the year of 2009 there are 185 Private Minority Primary schools across the region of Western Thrace. The number minority schools have been decreased from 240 to 185 since 1950s. And the number of students decreased from 12.000 to 6.000. The instruction in these schools is bilingual, in Greek and Turkish. Many students attend these schools where some teachers are employed for the Turkish instruction and some for the Greek instruction. Both teachers are paid by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Text books for the Turkish instruction are provided by Turkey according to the 1968 bilateral agreement between Greece and Turkey and the textbooks for the Greek instruction are supplied by the Greek state. The compulsory education in Greece (including the pre-school education) is 10 years. But it is not applied for the minority schools. In minority schools the duration of education is 6 years. This 10 year compulsory education system which is perceived as double standard and seen as application of isolation by the Muslim Turkish Minority of Western Thrace. The number of secondary minority schools in Western Thrace is inadequate. There are only 2 minority high schools in the region, one in Komotini, the other in Xanthi. In Komotini, where the Turkish minority constitutes more than half of the population, there is only one Turkish minority high school vis-à-vis 24 state high schools. Likewise, in Xanthi, % 45 of the population of which is of the Turkish minority, there is just one Turkish minority high school vis-à-vis 37 state high schools. Most of the minority students do not have the opportunity to finish the minority secondary education if they desire to attend the bilingual minority secondary schools. Every year more than 2.000 students attend the secondary education. There are only two Minority secondary and high schools in Western Thrace with the capacity of 1000 students, the Celal Bayar Minority High School in Komotini and the Muzaffer Salihoglu High School in Xanthi. Those who have no opportunity to continue their educations in these schools are obliged to attend the public schools where the instruction is only in Greek. The Greek state is rejecting minority’s applications for the establishment of new minority high schools. In the last 10 years the Greek state has taken major steps (such as preparing new text books, educating teachers, supplying additional courses in Greek) by using EU financial sources for improving the curriculum of the Greek language. However, no major step has been taken for the improvement of the Turkish curriculum. Actually, the main problem of these schools is the poor quality of the Turkish curriculum. There are no more well trained and qualified teachers for the Turkish instruction. Most of the teachers graduated from a two/three year the Special Pedagogical Academy of Thessaloniki are not qualified to teach the text books provided by Turkey. As a result, students who attend these Minority Schools are not able to learn both languages. Today, there are many successful examples of bilingual schools. The success of the bilingual or the multilingual educational system has been proved by academicians and is a phenomenon in today’s world. It is also important to note that the Minority primary schools were a good example in the past. This academy, founded in 1968, trains members of the Minority as teachers for Minority schools. The main language of instruction of the EPATH is Greek. The duration of education used to be two years but recently, it has been increased to three years. Although all of the pedagogical academies in Greece were replaced by the Faculties of Education or Departments of Education in 1989, the EPATH still rema- 56 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH ins as the unique Teacher Training Institution of this type. In the preparatory year, the EPATH students are taught Greek, Basic Mathematics, History, Psychology, Geometry, Music, Turkish language, Sports, Geography of Greece and Techniques. It is useful to stress that although these teachers will educate the Minority children in Turkish, all of the courses in EPATH except Turkish language are taught in Greek that affects the level of their teaching capacity in Turkish. By 2009, all teachers in minority primary Schools are graduates of this academy. Taking into account that their three year of education is predominantly in Greek, the EPATH teachers have highly been criticized for their poor level of knowledge in Turkish language. Some teachers admit their weakness of teaching properly the Turkish language and the lessons in Turkish and they have been demanding additional educational seminars to improve their quality of teaching in Turkish for years. This strengthens the suspect among the Muslim Turks that EPATH teachers have been used deliberately by the Greek State for not giving a proper and modern education to the Western Thrace Minority Pupils; such an attitude of the State authorities can widely be interpreted as an impediment against the improvement of the level of education of the Minority. Some of the demands of the EPATH Teachers Associations of Rodop-Evros and Xanthi submitted to the Ministry of Education on June 2008 are like: We would like the regulations and the criteria which have been stated in the laws, constitution and as well as the international documents about the appointments of the principles of minority schools be implemented. At the beginning of school period we would like the new Turkish books be introduced with seminars by authors of the books. We would like our school libraries be decked out with books both in Turkish and Greek languages and references…. The recently introduced practice of elective Turkish classes in Greek high schools can not replace the right to minority education. In fact, the Turkish Minority reacted to this practice as a breach of minority rights and as a vehicle for assimilation. Taking into account that their three year of education is predominantly in Greek, the EPATH teachers have highly been criticized for their poor level of knowledge in Turkish language. Some teachers admit their weakness of teaching properly the Turkish language and the lessons in Turkish. This increases the suspect among the Muslim Turks that EPATH teachers have been used deliberately by the Greek State for not giving a proper and modern education to the Western Thrace Minority Pupils, such an attitude of the State authorities can widely be interpreted as an impediment against the improvement of the level of education of the Minority. Recommendations We call upon the Greek State: - To prepare an action plan to improve the quality of the education in the Western Thrace Turkish Minority 57 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Schools. - Ensure the equal opportunity for the instruction in mother tongue and the state language. - Greece should also take immediate steps to ensure that the rights to education for the ethnic minorities are guaranteed so that children in Western Thrace have a bilingual preschool education. Remembering that the ethnic Turkish minority has the right to take education in its native language according to the Treaty of Lausanne, we in particular urge the Greek State to abolish the discriminatory clauses of the new Preschool law that anticipates the Greek language is a must in preschool education. - To demand that Greek authorities take steps to ensure the immediate rectification of the unfortunate consequences arising from deprivation of Greek citizenship on the basis of former Article 19 of the Greek Citizenship Code for all persons concerned, especially ethnic Turks. - In particular, we urge the authorities to genuinely facilitate these persons’ recovery of their citizenship by removing any obstacle, including the need for them to go through the naturalization procedure. SEBAHATTIN ABDURRAHMAN MEMBER WTMUGA 58 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association Egnatias 75, 69100 Komotini-Greece Tel/Fax: +302531029705 E-mail: btaytd@otenet.gr URL: www.btaytd.com OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 28 September – 09 October 2009 Warsaw, Poland Working Session 10 COMBATING HATE CRIMES IN WESTERN THRACE Mr/Ms Moderator, Thank you very much for the floor. My name is Pervin Chairoula, and I am representing The Turkish Minority of Western Thrace in Greece. Introduction In all nation states, the points of view of dominant cultures to people with different ethnic, religious and linguistic backgrounds are mainly based on discrimination. In today’s Europe, more than 300 million people with different ethnic, religious and linguistic backgrounds are obliged to live together. However, discrimination based on religion and belief, ethnic identity and different culture seems to be more of a threat rather than strength. And the perception of “others”, “unknown” may cause emotional and psychological distress and create tension if there is no reliable legislation. It is worth to note that communities and minorities who live for centuries in the Balkans differ from the other minorities living across Europe. While most people with different ethnic religious and linguistic background living in north Europe are immigrants, people belonging to national, ethnic or religious and linguistic minorities in the Balkans are indigenous populations. In the Balkans, especially the Muslim communities use ethnicity and religion as an inseparable single identity. In many Balkan countries, the perception of Turkish Minority is also a Muslim Minority and vice versa. Therefore, persons belonging to these minorities are often subject to hate crimes. The common concept of hate crimes is based on the hatred towards the “other” or towards the fear of 59 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH “otherness” or “intolerance”. Hate Crimes in Western Thrace Western Thrace is a region that extends on an area of 8578 square kilometers in the northeast part of Greece. It consists of three provinces: Ksanthi, Rodopi and Evros. Today, an estimated number of 150.000 ethnic Turks live in Western Thrace. Members of the Muslim Turkish Minority who have been living in this region for centuries identify themselves as ethnic Turks. In recent years the situation of the Turkish Muslim Minority has relatively improved. But there has not been progress in the field of established minority rights. Greece alleges that “equality among citizens” policy provides sufficient reforms and continues to ignore its obligations regarding the rights of the Turkish Muslim Minority by violating the bilateral and international treaty obligations to which is a party. Denial of the Turkish identity, occupation of the Charitable Foundations and practice of the state appointed muftis instead of the elected muftis continue unabated. More than 60.000 people still suffer from the deprivation of the article 19 of the citizenship law and the situation of minority education continues to be as miserable as ever, the level of education in mother tongue decreases day by day. And somehow the violent attacks still continue. As a natural result of oppressive and discriminative assimilation policies of the Greek State and the provocative nature of the majority media, the members of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace have long suffered as victims of hate crimes in Greece. Since the early years of 19th century the existence of the Turkish minority has been one of the most important issues of the Greek state. The historical relations between Greeks and Turks affected the existence of Turkish Minority within the Greek territory. The perception of the Turkish minority has been changed due to the changing relations of Greece and Turkey. Starting from the Peace Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 till 1950s the Lausanne spirit dominated the relations. However, from 1950’s onwards, the situation of the Minority started to get worse day by day. Especially during the Military Junta Regime, in the second part of 1960s, hate crimes, human and minority rights violations reached the highest level. These unlawful and unacceptable practices continued till 1990s. In 1990, one of the extreme examples of hate crimes occurred in Western Thrace. On 29 January 1990 after the trial of Sadik Ahmet and Ibrahim Serif a religious ceremony organized for the anniversary of 29 January 1988 protest. But, a number of Greek people decided to protest this ceremony, then before the ceremony the violent attack to Turks started. Muslim Turks were beaten, around 30 people were injured and many shops belonging to Turks were damaged. On that day, it was not a coincidence that no Greek shop was damaged. According to the article “Hellenism” quoted in a book published in Istanbul “The Greek shops were labeled as the Nazis labeled the shops belonging to the Jews. The difference was that in Western Thrace the labeled shops represented the ones that should not be damaged.” After these events the governmental officials declared that the loss of shopkeepers would be compensated. However, up to now none of them were given compensation. In 2001 (11 January) a Greek Orthodox woman broke into the local mosque in the “Alitcilar” Alkioni village 60 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH in Xanthi. The woman damaged many pictures and Islamic figures in the mosque and was arrested by the police while she was about to broke up a fire. There was no announcement after the arrestment. In 2001 (2 January) in a village of Evros region a Turkish graveyard was attacked and many graves were damaged. One of the graves was approximately 300 years old. There may be different reasons for the Greek authorities to deny the ethnic identity of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace. But, one of the main reasons can be the security of Greece. As Meinardus stated “The great majority of Greeks see the minority issue mainly as an issue of national security… they fear this area may one day become a second Cyprus, subject to invasion, and possible annexation, by Turkey.” Article 19 of the Greek Citizenship Law (No: 3370 of 1955) was an obvious case of racial discrimination and a flagrant violation of the fundamental right to citizenship. It was in breach of the Greek constitution and international law. It provided that: “A citizen of non-Greek origin leaving Greece without the intention of returning may be declared having lost Greek citizenship.” On 23 January 1998, Article 19 of the Greek Citizenship was repealed by the Greek Parliament. This act was welcomed both by the international community, as well as within the ranks of the Turkish minority. However abolishment did not include a retroactive effect. The Minister of Interior on April 2005 announced that the number of Muslim Turks deprived from the Greek citizenship until 1998 was 46.638, which is actually around 60.000. So far, no steps have been taken in order to reinstate thousands of unlawfully expelled citizens and their children who continue living abroad. If the case of the victims of article 19 is not an example of hate crime, then it is definitely a good example of an “ethnic cleansing” attempt. Recently, in the second half of 2008 in Xanthi within the borders of Vistonida Municipality in Tekton village some graves in the Turkish graveyard were damaged by Municipality authorities in order to open a road. Pictures of this practice are available in the written documents that will be circulated shortly. Last month the Mosque in village Toxotes in Xanthi region was attacked for the third time and this indicates that the Muslim Turkish Minority still has problems on that issue. Hate Speech in Media In Greece, the media plays an effective role among the governments / public opinion and minorities. Also, it plays an important role in shaping the public opinion that the authorities generally take into account. Until recently, the media exercised its role with a constructive manner to enhance conflicts, especially in Western Thrace. Although after 90’s, with the improvement of Turkish-Greek relations the influence of the media turned into a positive attitude towards the minority, some local and national Greek newspapers like “Hronos”, “Stohos”, “Antifonitis” and “Eleftheri Thraki” still continue their strong nationalistic discourses that strengthen “the other” as anti-self. The Turkish-Muslim Minority in Western Thrace has suffered from the discriminatory applications of the Greek authorities and their refusal to recognize the minority’s self-identification. The aforementioned newspapers reject to use minority’s identity as “Turkish”. They promote “Muslim” identity instead. 61 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH In some of the examples of the Greek Media, Turkish Minority is reflected as “the other” and is alleged to endanger the national Greek identity. The construction of the Greek identity is influenced by “the other” who is a threatening image to the nation’s independence. (Because Turkish Minority has a kin-state, Turkey, neighbouring to Greece). The history and the basic characteristics of the Greek-Turkish conflict and stereotypes play a key role in the Greek Media’s attitude towards the Turkish Minority. Greek Media promote the fear of “the other” by emphasizing differences between the minority and the majority. The journalists of Hronos, Stohos, Antifonitis, and Eleftheri Thraki generally use degrading phrases that constitute hatred or prejudice against the Turkish minority. As a result of this targeting practice, the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace is often subject to threats and misdemeanour in the midst of a conditioned society. Some examples of these degrading and targeting media speech are also available on the written documents. CONCLUSION As can be seen from the above examples, the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace is targeted on purpose specifically due to its ethnic origin and is constantly subject to hate crimes as a result of the unjustifiable and discriminative policies of the Greek Administration as well as the provocative and degrading context of the Greek Media. The Turkish Minority of Western Thrace has under no circumstances confronted the Greek State, nor ever rebelled against it. Quite on the contrary, the members of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace have always been law abiding exemplary citizens. It is outrageous that the Greek Administration and the media perceive the Minority as a threat against national security. Therefore, the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace calls upon the international community to urge Greece to end all oppressive and discriminative practices targeting the minority immediately and implement an objective and satisfactory legislation in order to prevent hate crimes as well as to take all necessary precautions to better police and prosecute these crimes. Pervin Chairoula Member Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association 62 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association Egnatias 75, 69100 Komotini-Greece Tel/Fax: +302531029705 E-mail: btaytd@otenet.gr URL: www.btaytd.com OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 28 September – 09 October 2009 Warsaw, Poland Working Session 12 FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IN WESTERN THRACE Mr./Ms Moderator, Thank you very much for the floor. My name is Pervin Chairoula, and I am representing the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace in Greece. One of the basic issues that have been debated during the last fifteen years has been the use of the word “Turkish” in the names of associations of the minority. According to Greek authorities, the word “Turkish” expresses the identity of citizens of a specific State and not an ethnic identity. Greek officials base their claim on the Lausanne Treaty’s articles that are based on religious criterion. The word “Turk” as definition of an individual can be used, but the word “Turkish” as a definition of a group/community is not yet accepted by the Greek state. The basic problem started when in 1988; the Turkish Associations of Western Thrace were ordered closed by the Greek Supreme Court because of the word “Turkish”. On April 25 and 26 1991, the Rodopi Court of First Instance ordered the closing of the Western Thrace Turkish Teachers’ Association and the Komotini Turkish Youth Association because of the word “Turkish” in their titles. The official explanation of the Supreme Court decision was that “The association creates the impression that it is a Turkish association. The word Turkish seems to refer not to those of other ethnic origin, religion or language, but specifically to the citizens of a foreign country. Therefore, the functions of the aforementioned associations became illegal and a threat to the public order.” Concerning the issue of identity of the minority, the Greek government insistently continues not to recognize the individual’s right for self-identification, and recognizes the Minority only as Muslim. As a result, some individuals who define themselves as members of a minority find it difficult to express their identity 63 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH freely. Therefore, we, as the members of Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association call upon the international community to urge Greece to take necessary steps for the recognition of the freedom of expression and association for the members of the Turkish Minority in Western Thrace. Moreover, we call upon the Greek State to ratify, without delay and without reservations, the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Pervin Chairoula Member Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association 64 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association Egnatias 75, 69100 Komotini-Greece Tel/Fax: +302531029705 E-mail: btaytd@otenet.gr URL: www.btaytd.com OSCE HUMAN DIMENTION IMPLEMENTATION MEETING WARSAW, 28 September – 9 October Working Session 17 Political Rights of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace Mr./Ms Moderator, Thank you very much for the floor. My name is Pervin Chairoula, and I am representing the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace in Greece. Full and effective political participation is an essential component of a peaceful and democratic society. According to many international documents persons belonging to minorities have the right to participate effectively in the decision - making process on the national and, where appropriate, regional level concerning the minority to which they belong or the regions in which they live, in a manner not incompatible with national legislation. However, the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace in Greece is inadequately represented in society’s policy and decision making system. The new law on election adopted in 1991, does not allow the minority to elect an independent MP. This new law introduced 3% electoral threshold that is implemented for both political parties and independent candidates. In short, an independent MP candidate needs to collect more than 300.000 votes. (The minority until the new regulations had elected independent MPs twice in Rodopi and once in Xanthi). Due to this new electoral regulation the minority was forced to indicate MP candidates through the majority political parties. Although there are two minority MP’s in the Greek Parliament today, their influence on the decision making structures is insignificant. So the 3% electoral threshold is assumed as an obstacle for the minority to elect their independent members for the Greek Parliament. 65 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Furthermore, in 1994, a new bill on local administration was adopted, which reduced the number of prefectures and sub districts from 6.000 to 1034 by combining many sub districts and establishing new prefectures. With this new bill, known as «Kapodistrias I», the number of prefectures and sub districts, where the majority of the population is inhabited by the Turkish Minority, and the number of the elected representatives of the minority decreased. With this new bill (2240/94), the State created two enlarged electoral districts in the region of Thrace, one for the prefectures of Xanthi-Kavala-Drama, and the other for Rodopi-Evros regions. As a result, the electoral constituencies populated heavily by the minority are merged with the ones populated by the majority so as to avoid the possibility of an election of Turkish governor. In order to cover the discriminatory nature of this implication, the system of enlarged electoral district is also imposed in the prefecture of Athens-Piraeus. Since 1994, the Secretary Generals of regions started to be appointed by the government as the highest state official in the region. Municipalities and Prefecture Assemblies’ decisions have to be approved by the Secretary General who also has the right to veto. The power of the Secretary General has always been criticized of not being in line with the spirit of democracy and democratic governance. The appointed Secretary General is usually a member of the political party in power. In many cases the approval of such development projects of prefectures of the region are taken according to political view of the prefecture council. Prefectures decisions (which are governed by Turks) taken by the local council do not always have the same chance of taking approval as the majority prefectures. The Secretary General of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace has the statutory responsibility for the supervision of rights provided to the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs retains an important advisory role for implementation of the state’s minority policy via Political Affairs Bureau in Xanthi. Recommendations We call upon the Greek State: To take all necessary steps in line with the international standards in order to ensure the effective participation of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace to the political life in Greece. To withdraw the 3% electoral threshold for an independent candidate to be elected and abolish the division of local districts into enlarged electoral districts which are now implemented in the prefectures of Rhodopi and Xanthi. Pervin Chairoula Member Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association 66 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH OSCE HUMAN DIMENSION IMPLEMENTATION MEETING WORKING SESSION 2: FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS I (29.9.2009) WORKING SESSION 3: FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS II (29.9.2009) WORKING SESSION 5: TOLERANCE AND NON-DISCRIMINATION I (30.09.2009) STATEMENT BY THE GREEK DELEGATION in exercise of its Right of Reply A.Greece’s policy towards the Muslim minority in Thrace is being pursued on the basis of the following paramount principles and goals: 1. Full respect for Greece’s obligations under both the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, which established the status of the Muslim minority in Thrace, and the contemporary universal and regional human rights treaties. In conformity with the principles of equality before the law and equal enjoyment of civil rights, the members of the Muslim minority in Thrace enjoy the same rights and are subject to the same obligations as their fellow Christian citizens. In almost all successive parliamentary elections held since 1927, Muslims have been elected to Parliament either with the governing party or the opposition or, in most cases, on both sides of the chamber, while Muslims participate in all the levels of the Local Administration in Thrace; 2. Furthermore, positive measures, such as the two quotas (0,5%) for admission of minority students to Universities and for employment in the public sector, in accordance with modern standards in the field of minority protection, have been enacted; 3. In a broader framework, additional steps have been taken in order to enable members of the Muslim minority, especially women and young persons, to be beneficiaries of nation – wide programmes and projects, co – financed by the European Union, designed for vulnerable social groups, in particular on gender equality, combating racism and xenophobia, equal opportunities, access to employment and inter – cultural dialogue. In the same vein, when it comes to Muslim Roma – one of the three components of the Muslim minority – it’s worth mentioning the wider Integrated Action Plan for the social integration of Greek Gypsies, which was launched in 2002. This Plan is being structured upon two priority axes aimed at housing rehabilitation and at providing services in the fields of education, health, employment, culture and sports. In general, over the last fifteen years, the Muslim minority has reaped all the benefits of Greece’s long membership in the European Union, as have all other Greek citizens. This has been, and continues to be, tangible evidence of our political culture and of our commitment to ensure the smooth integration of 67 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH the minority in the social, economic and educational fabric of the country. B.1. Any person who claims to belong to a distinct ethnic or cultural group is free to do so, with no negative consequences deriving from such a choice. However, such subjective claims or perceptions, which are not based on objective facts and criteria, are not sufficient by themselves to impose a State an obligation to officially recognize a group as a minority and to provide to its members specific minority rights, additional to those guaranteed by human rights treaties. This view is fully in line with the approach adopted in the context of modern human rights treaties in the field of minority protection, according to which the individual’s subjective choice is inseparably linked to objective criteria relevant to that person’s identity. 2. The Muslim minority in Thrace consists of three distinct groups, whose members are of Turkish, Pomak and Roma origin. Each of these groups has its own distinct spoken language, cultural traditions and heritage, which are fully respected by the Greek state. The Muslim minority in Thrace cannot be identified in its entirety as “Turkish”, despite the continuous attempts of hardliners of the Turkish – origin component to impose its cultural characteristics and traditions on the other two components (Pomaks and Roma). Such an attempt is not in conformity with the Lausanne Treaty which regulates the status of the Muslim minority in Thrace; it is also contrary to contemporary human rights standards in the field of minority protection, which require respect for the identity of a smaller group within a larger minority group, which otherwise would be at risk of being subsumed under the identity of the latter. C. During the last years, a series of measures has been adopted in favor of persons belonging to the Muslim minority in Thrace: – Turkish language courses have been introduced (since 2006) in public schools curricula in Thrace, as an optional foreign language. – A programme of Greek language & civilization courses has been successfully initiated for Muslim parents. – As far as tertiary education is concerned, the introduction of a 0,5 % quota for the admission of Muslim students to Universities and Higher Technical Schools, has long borne its fruits. – Mindful of the need to enhance the participation of the minority in the public sector in Thrace, we have introduced another quota of 0,5 % to the State exams, as provided for in a newly enacted law. At the same time, the overall situation on the ground, concerning certain professions, is more than satisfactory. For instance, there is a large number of teachers from the minority, not to mention those working in banks and state hospitals in Thrace. – In the framework of a law, adopted early in 2007, the Ministry of Education and Religion has provided for the appointment of 240 religious faith teachers, and their remuneration, to the three Mufti Offices. – By virtue of the new law on the administration and the management of Muslim Wakifs in Thrace, the members of the three main Management Committees are to be elected. Thus, a longstanding request by the Muslim minority is being met by the Greek state. Previously, in 2007, the Muslim Wakifs had been exempted from submitting the Tax Declarations on 68 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Income, Land Property and Major Land Property of previous years, and consequently their accumulated registered debts, fines and existing mortgages have been written off. Furthermore, as of 2008, the Muslim Wakifs are now exempted from paying the Major Land Property tax. – Aiming at promoting inter – cultural dialogue, Greece took the initiative, in the context of an E.U. project, to establish Youth Councils, involving young Christians & Muslims alike, as part of the Local Administration network in Thrace. D. Muftis / Religious Freedom / Application of the Sharia Law in Thrace 1. The Muftis in Thrace have never been elected and Law 2345 / 1920 – enacted provisionally on the expectation of the entry into force of the Treaty of Sevres – has never been applied and long fallen in disuse. This law was formally repealed in 1991, when Law 1920 / 1991, regulating the status of Muftis, was enacted. Thus, the Muftis in Thrace are appointed through transparent procedures similar to those applied all over the Muslim world – and in Turkey – since the Holy Islamic Law does not foresee popular elections for Muslim religious leaders. The appointment of the Muftis takes place with the active participation of prominent Muslim personalities. This procedure was deemed necessary given the judicial authority bestowed on the Muftis on matters of family and inheritance law. It should be stressed that, while the Muftis in Thrace were always appointed in accordance with the above – mentioned procedure, in the past few years certain individuals within the minority have staged “elections” for Muftis, contravening both the relevant Greek Law and the procedures leading to the election of high ranking religious officials. Not to mention the fact, that even these so – called “elections” took place with the participation of only a part of the minority and with the exclusion of women in defiance of modern human rights standards. The decision of the European Court of Human Rights does not impose on Greek authorities the obligation to recognize the so – called “elected” Muftis. The Court did not either examine the issue of the appointment of the Muftis. It has only found that the conviction of the applicants by the Greek courts for having usurped the office of the Minister of a known religion was not in conformity with the E.C.H.R. In the spirit of equal rights and equal opportunities (isopoliteia) pursued by the Greek state, Muslim spiritual elders, as their Christian religious counterparts, have now access, if they choose so, to a state salary, as well as health and retirement benefits. The provisions of Law 3536 / 2007 extend these benefits to the preachers and teachers of the Holy Koran (ierodidaskaloi) and not necessarily to the Imams (Muslim clerics) who in any case are chosen and employed by their parishioners. It goes without saying that Imams too can opt to benefit from the provisions of Law 3536 / 2007, since they are preachers and teachers of the Holy Koran. Therefore, the term of “appointed” Imams is a shrewd distortion of the letter and the spirit of the above law, which has been enacted in the framework of offering equal access to state benefits to both Christian and Muslim taxpayers. It is strongly believed that because of the benefits of Law 3536 / 2007, the preachers and teachers of the Holy Koran will be in a better position to contribute more efficiently to the spiritual needs of their communities. The selection process, meant for the preachers and teachers of the Holy Koran, is deliberately presented in a distorted way, since the Muftis and Muslim boards of examiners select the competent candidates. 69 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH The candidates submit their applications to the official Muftis of their regions and Muslim theologians process the applications and judge on the competence of the candidate preachers and teachers of the Holy Koran. The state committee has simply the sole responsibility to see whether the chosen candidates fulfill certain formal requirements (absence of criminal record, military service, certificate of primary school etc.) a standard procedure for all state hiring. The contracts of employment are signed by the official Muftis and the preachers themselves individually and their salaries are paid through the office of the Muftis. It is clearly untenable and self – contradictory to argue that the state’s concern for the welfare of Muslim spiritual elders constitutes “a clear violation of the freedom of religion and conscience of the Western Thrace Turkish Minority”. The extension of some financial and social benefit opportunities to a certain group of Greek citizens, who choose to opt for them, is in keeping with the spirit and practice in a modern state and only offend those circles that encourage introversion and isolation of the Muslim minority in Thrace. 2. It is worth mentioning that members of the minority do have the option to take their legal cases to the Civil Courts, whereas these Courts do also review the decisions taken by the Muftis within their jurisdiction. Greece takes seriously into account the need to strengthen the substantive review and control by domestic Courts. Bearing in mind the expressed preferences and visible tendencies within the majority of the Muslim minority on religious, social and legal matters, Greece will study possible readjustments, such as the abolition of the application of the Sharia Law in Thrace, taking hereby into account its legal obligations and the potential changes of the wishes of the Muslim minority itself. 3. In general, the members of the Muslim minority in Thrace perform their religious duties and follow their traditions without any restriction, retaining in full the right to worship in every day life. E. The right to education (a) In implementing the letter and the spirit of the Lausanne Treaty, Greece fosters the proper functioning of the existing minority schools in Thrace. (b) In parallel, the minority is, more than ever before, determined to bring their children to the public educational system, so the Greek state needs to respond to this request. The common feature of all democracies is the policy towards integration of their minorities, while promoting their cultural and linguistic characteristics. (c) The Greek Government has indeed extended the period of compulsory education from nine to ten years. This tenth year applies to children between five and six years old, who attend kindergartens. Children at kindergartens do not have Greek textbooks – actually they do not have any textbook – and do not follow any curriculum. In keeping with international and E.U. educational standards, the various activities and games at Greek kindergartens serve as a smooth introduction to primary education. We encourage kindergarten teachers, members of the Muslim minority in Thrace, to work at kindergartens in areas where there are many Muslims. Nevertheless, for the time being, the number of university – educated kindergarten teachers from the Muslim minority is still low, not exceeding 10 members. The situation is going to improve in the following years. 70 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH (d) By virtue of a draft law, the Special Pedagogic Academy of Thessaloniki is to be converted into a postgraduate Higher Education Training Centre for Intercultural Education. In parallel, the degrees of the remaining graduates of the Special Pedagogic Academy of Thessaloniki are to be equated to those granted by the Pedagogic Departments of Universities. F. The right to freedom of association From the outset and with a view to dismissing any misunderstanding about compliance by Greece with the right of freedom of association, it should be stressed that in Thrace a large number of Muslim minority associations and N.G.Os. have already been registered by the competent courts and operate unimpeded, thus preserving, highlighting and promoting all aspects of the cultural, educational and economic life of the minority. Only three judgments of the ECtHR on an equal number of associations have been rendered. At present, the three cases are pending before the competent Greek Courts. The government is considering ways and means to implement the judgments of the ECtHR. G. Respect for the cultural diversity and heritage in Thrace In Thrace, on may easily witness the forced “enculturation” tactics by segments of the dominant in numbers, Turkish origin, minority population, who discriminate against the Pomaks and Roma of the Muslim minority. Within the rural social environment of Muslim villages, psychological pressure ends up in massive attendance of extra – systemic “Quranic schools”, which fundamentally disrupt the educational process provided for by minority schools. This not only contributes to the structural inefficiency of minority schools but also promotes an ethno – religious pattern alien to both the communities and the society in Thrace as a whole. Islamic values are invested with ethnic concepts affiliated with the socio – economic processes in Turkey. It is reprehensible and alarming for the cohesion of the open society in Thrace that “Quranic schools” alienate the young generation of the minority, at their first steps in life, from the social mainstream of their country, thus turning them against the values of the rest of the society. Furthermore and in a broader context, the cultural heritage of all segments of the minority is fully respected. As for the Turkish origin one, during the last years, an increasing number of cultural / artistic events and festivities in Thrace have been staged by municipal authorities and artists from Turkey. Cultural co – operation between local authorities from both sides of the border is being constantly strengthened, with no impediments. 71 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH OSCE HUMAN DIMENSION IMPLEMENT A TION MEETING WORKING SESSION 12: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, FREE MEDIA AND INFORMATION (06.10.2009) WRITTEN STATEMENT BY THE GREEK DELEGATION Freedom of Media A. Law 3592/2007 has been issued in order to provide the necessary conditions for the operation of television and radio stations. This Law is a product of lengthy consultations between the General Secretariats of CommunicationlInformation and competent EU authorities. A number of criteria have been taken into account to ensure that media operators abide by high standards, safeguarding at the same time fundamental rights of media operators, individuals and consumers. Thus, media pluralism, commercial viability, quality of programming, technical requirements, freedom of expression and information are amongst other criteria specified for license eligibility. It must also be taken into account that frequencies constitute a “public good”, which must be carefully managed, bearing always in mind the public interest. Provisions of the said Law in no way hinder any local or regional applicant from obtaining a license, which is granted by a local (prefecture level) or regional authority. The relevant provisions for minimum disbursed capital (distinguishing between news and information providers and others) linked to population ratio (according to latest popUlation census data) and/or employing a certain number of staff for radio stations, are amongst other requirements which purport to guarantee commercial viability, quantity and quality of programming, professional sustainability and better employment conditions, fully respecting national and international regulations and in line with the demands of professional groups (trade unions) themselves. Serious professionals abiding by the minimum requirements and universal criteria and conditions set by this new media legislation have nothing to be afraid of. In the said Law, Greek is provided for as main, but not exclusive language of broadcasting. By this provision, which is only of a guiding nature, the Law provides for the use of the Greek language in conformity with the principles of the European Union which ensure and promote linguistic pluralism within the European area. Otherwise, spoken programming can be broadcast in languages other than Greek, thus ensuring the right to the free flow of information, freedom of expression and pluralism, free from any sort of discrimina tion. B. With regard to freedom of expression and freedom of media in Thrace, it should be said that this region has long been a place of harmonious coexistence between Christians and Muslims, even before the terms “xenophobia” and / or “Islamophobia” and “Christianophobia” were brought to the agenda of the international community. Furthermore, human rights and religious freedom as well as freedom of expression of the Muslim minority in Thrace are fully respected. Minority written (9 dailies) and electronic press (6 radio stations), as well as 4 magazines, are a fact of life in the open society of Thrace. 72 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH The Hellenic Radio (ER.A.) for Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, along with the district radio station in the city of Komotini broadcasts the following: a. On a weekly basis: 1. An hourly information programme in the Turkish language, called after “Helicon”, which is prepared and presented by journalist, member of the Muslim minority. 2. In a broader framework, a musical, cultural and information programme, entitled “We, the others” and prepared by two journalists, one of whom belongs to the Muslim minority. b. On a daily basis, an approximately half hourly news bulletin, on both nation -wide and local press, in the Turkish language is broadcasted by four Muslim journalists. Comments by fringe press or electronic media and one isolated incident of verbal violence -which has never been reported by the minority press or denounced to the authorities -can, by no means, constitute a hate crime whatsoever or found any claims that a racist, hostile to the Muslim minority, environment exists in Greece. On the contrary, one could not tum a blind eye to hate (biased) speeches by very few, but influential, Muslim religious leaders in Thrace, which insult the Christian majority. 73 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH OSCE HUMAN DIMENSION IMPLEMENTATION MEETING WORKING SESSION 10: TOLERANCE AND NON DISCRIMINATION II (05.10.2009) WRITTEN STATEMENT BY THE GREEK DELEGATION Greece unequivocally condemned the arson attempt to a Mosque in the village of Toxotes in Xanthi (Thrace) whereas a police investigation procedure was promptly conducted. An emphasis should be put on this particular Mosque, which, in the past, was the target of a severe attack, having resulted in its destruction. It was at that time that the Greek state undertook the initiative to completely restore and renovate it. Notwithstanding such an isolated incident, which, by no means, could mar the long peaceful coexistence of Christians and Muslims in Thrace, Greece, in a broader framework, stands against any act of violence, intolerance and disrespect of religious freedom, whoever be the perpetrator, be it on the majority or the minority segment of a society. 74 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH “K a d ı n l a r a K a r ş ı Ş i d d e t O d a k l ı C i n s i y e t E ş i t l i ğ i ” AGİT İn s a n i B o y u t T a m a m l a y ı c ı T o p l a n t ı s ı 5 - 6 K a s ı m 2 0 0 9 Η συμπληρωματική συνεδρίαση του ΟΑΣΕ με θέμα «Ισότητα φύλων με επίκεντρο τη βία κατά των γυναικών», 5-6 Νοεμβρίου 2009 The additional meeting of the OSCE on “Gender equality, focusing on violence against women”, 5-6 November 2009 5 -6 Kasım 2009 tarihlerinde Avusturya’nın başkenti Viyana’da düzenlenen Kadınlara Karşı Şiddet Odaklı Cinsiyet Eşitliği” AGİT İnsani Boyut Tamamlayıcı Toplantısına BTAYTD adına eski yöneticilerimizden Pervin Hayrullah katılarak Batı Trakya Türk Kadınlarının sorunlarını dile getirmiştir. Pervin Hayrullah Batı Trakya Türk Kadınlarının devlet eliyle ayrımcılığa maruz kaldığını ve psikolojik şiddet gördüğünü dile getirmiştir. 75 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Σ τη Συμπληρωματική συνεδρίαση του ΟΑΣΕ που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Βιέννη στις 5-6 Νοεμβρίου έλαβε μέρος και η πρώην αντιπρόεδρος του Συλλόγου μας Περβίν Χαϊρουλά και αναφέρθηκε στα προβλήματα των Γυναικών της Μειονότητας της Δυτικής Θράκης. Η Χαϊρουλα τόνισε πως και το κράτος συμβάλλει στη διάκριση κατά των γυναικών. I n the additional meeting of the OSCE in Vienna on 5-6 November took part our former vice president of our Association Pervin Hayrullah and referred to the problems of Women of Minority in Western Thrace. Hayrullah stressed that the state also contributes to discrimination against women. OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting On Gender Equality with a Special Focus on Violence against Women 5-6 November 2009 Hofburg, Vienna WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN WESTERN THRACE – GREECE “Cultural Association of the Turkish Women of Rodopi” It is widely accepted that women belonging to minorities and other vulnerable groups suffer more from violence against women. In order to alleviate problems faced by the female members of the Turkish minority of Western Thrace, a group of Turkish women took the initiative and tried to establish an association, the “Cultural Association of the Turkish Women of Rodopi” in 2001. 76 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH The main objectives of the association: • To create a meeting place for women in order to promote and meet their cultural, educational, entertainment, and psychological needs, • To uplift socially, morally, and spiritually its members, • To establish bonds of sisterhood among its members, • To protect and promote popular, cultural heritage by the revival of local traditions in cooperation with local administrative bodies, To achieve the objectives of the association Turkish women planned: • to organize exhibitions, theatrical, musical and dance shows, social, cultural and educational content to increase general awareness level of women, • to organize visits to archeological sites, nature trips, and visits to scientific production units, • to organize training programs to help women become socially, culturally and economically more productive, • to represent and prepare statements to inform the administrative bodies about the problems of women and to find solutions, What a painful fact that the Turkish women in Western Thrace face with State hand discrimination and psychological violence/pressure on the ground that their ethnic origin is Turkish. The application for the establishment of the “Cultural Association of Turkish Women of Rodopi” was rejected by the First Instance Court of Thrace on 6th June 2001. The Greek courts dismissed the request for registration of the association on the ground that its title might mislead the public regarding the origin of its members. The Court of Appeal upheld that decision in January 2003, and then the Greek Supreme Court on the 1st of April 2005. After exhausting all local remedies the executive committee of the association applied to the European Court of Human Rights. The ECHR released its decision on 27th March 2008 (Emin and Others vs. Greece, No: 34144/ 05): Article 11 Emin and Others Whilst reiterating that the taking of evidence was governed primarily by the rules of domestic law and that it was in principle for the national courts to assess the evidence before them, the Court was not satisfied that the Greek courts had based their finding that the association constituted a danger to public policy on the title “Cultural Association of Turkish Women of the Region of Rodopi” alone. It observed that it had not been possible to verify the intentions of the applicants in practice as the association had never been registered. 77 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH The Court observed that even supposing that the real aim of the association had been to promote the idea that there was an ethnic minority in Greece, this could not be said to constitute a threat to democratic society. There was nothing in the statute to indicate that its members advocated the use of violence or of undemocratic or unconstitutional means. The Court noted further that the Greek courts would have had the power to dissolve the association if in practice it pursued aims that were different from those stated in its statute or if it operated in a manner contrary to the law. Accordingly, the Court held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 11.1 The “Cultural Association of the Turkish Women of the Region of Rodopi” applied to the Court of First Instance of the City of Rodopi for repeal of the rule no 146/2001 within the context of relevant decision of ECHR. The case will be retried on 13th January 2010. Turkish women of Western Thrace hope that in 2010, in Greece, in the cradle of democracy this deadlocked situation will be solved. And they hope to establish their association, like “Roma Women’s Association of Drosero”. It is a mysterious question that: “How the existence of the Roma Women’s Association does not constitute a threat to the unity of Greece and to the Greek public order while the one with the “Turkish” denomination does?” It is also striking that three other minority associations have also suffered from discriminatory policies of the Greek administration regarding the freedom of association. Having functioned peacefully since 1927, Greece closed down the “Turkish Union of Xanthi” in 1984 with the argument that the word “Turkish” might lead to public disorder. ECHR concluded that freedom of association was violated (Tourkiki Enosi Xanthis and Others vs. Greece, No: 26698/05). The freedom of association of minority members living in the Evros region was violated in two different cases; namely “Evros Prefecture Minority Youth Association” and “Western Thrace Minority Southern Evros Education and Culture Association”. Since the Greek authorities did not register these associations because of the alleged ambiguity of the word “minority” in their title, ECHR decided that Article 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights was violated (BekirOusta and Others vs. Greece, No: 35151/05) Living in the cradle of democracy and within the boundaries of the European Union as European citizens since 1981, we the Turkish women of Western Thrace are waiting from our country, Greece, to respect our right to establish our associations with the denomination `Turk/Turkish` and `Minority`. Turkish Minority of Western Thrace The principle of equality has been stressed since the time of the Great philosopher Aristotle. He asserts that equality is the basis for the establishment of a just society.2 In modern Greece, however, the principle of equality of the sexes was introduced by the Constitution of 1975.3 Since then, the laws4 aimed to eliminate discrimination against women in all sectors of social life were adopted. With the revision of the Constitution in 2001, article 116, paragraph 2 was modified to eliminate any deviation from the principle of gender equality.5 Furthermore the Law 2910/2001 provides women to participate in the public administration decision-making councils. 1 European Court of Human Rights, Press Release issued by the Registrar (215) 27.3.2008 2 Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics – “Spoudi” Editions. 3 Constitution 1975, paragraphs 1&2 “All Greeks are equal before the law. Greek men and women have equal rights and equal obligations” 4 Law 1329/83 ( The Greek Family Law was modernized and was adapted to the constitutional principle of gender equality) 5 Article 116, paragraph 2:“Adoption of positive measures for promoting equality between men and women does not constitute discrimination on the basis of sex. The State shall be mindful of the elimination of inequalities actually existing, especially to the detriment of women. 78 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH The situation in Western Thrace, however, differs from other regions in Greece. The rights and freedoms of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace of Greece are safeguarded in particular in the Lausanne Peace Treaty of 1923, as well as in other relevant bilateral and international covenants. It is acknowledged that there has been some amelioration of the plight of Minority in recent years thanks to the improvement of relations between Greece and Turkey. Nevertheless, the Minority continues to face serious problems. • Standards of the Minority schools have deteriorated over the years due to excessive interference by the Greek authorities. The number of minority schools decreased drastically as well as that of students. • The Presidential decree promulgated on 24 December 1990, which abrogated the Law no. 2345 dated 1920, has removed the Turkish Muslim Minority’s right to elect its religious leaders (Muftis), which dates back to Athens Agreement of 1913. Instead, it delegated this prerogative to the Greek State. This arbitrary decision has prevented the Muftis from fulfilling their duty to supervise the properties of foundations. Despite the continuous objection of the minority regarding the “appointed” Muftis, the State is planning to appoint 240 imams to empower them. • The principle of self-governance of the Minority’s foundations has been disregarded since 1967. In breach of the Athens Agreement and the Lausanne Treaty, the elected members of the executive boards of foundations were dismissed and have been replaced by appointed employees. This practice has led to the mismanagement of these foundations. Moreover, their properties were unlawfully expropriated. The remaining foundations have also been subjected to excessive taxes. • So far, no concrete action has been taken with a view to restoring citizenship of around 60,000 members of the minority, who have been stripped of their citizenship due to the implementation of the repealed article 19 of the Greek Citizenship Law no 3370/1955. • The ethnic identity of the Minority is denied since the 1970s. This policy criminalizes the usage of words such as “Turk” and “Turkish”. This has in turn led to the banning of the Minority’s NGOs on the grounds that their titles bear the word “Turkish”. • The minority status of Turkish people living in Rhodes and Dodecanese islands is not recognized at all. Recommendations Therefore, we request Greece to fully abide by the European norms and practices in terms of minority protection, as well as freedom of expression and religion. And we urge Greece to settle the Turkish Muslim Minority’s abovementioned problems in compliance with the Lausanne Peace Treaty, the European Convention on Human Rights and standards of the international organizations, like OSCE. We recommend OSCE to re-consider whether Greece fully implements the provisions of the 1990 CSCE / OSCE Copenhagen Document that has signed and ratified. Thank you very much. Pervin Chairoula 79 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Batı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Konseyi Azınlıklar Forumuna Katıldı – 12-13 Kasım 2009 Ο Σύλλογος Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης έλαβε μέρος στο Φόρουμ Μειονοτήτων της Επιτροπής Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων των Ηνωμένων Εθνών. 12-13- Νοεμβρίου 2009 Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association participated in the Forum of Minority Human Rights Committee of the United Nations. 12-13 - November 2009 1 2-13 Kasım 2009 tarihinde İsviçre’nin Cenevre kentinde bu yıl 2. si düzenlenen Azınlıklar Forumuna BTAYTD adına Dernek üyesi Pervin Hayrullah katılırken ABTTF adına Melek Kırmacı katıldı. Bu yılki Forum’a BM Azınlıklar Bağımsız Uzmanı Bayan Gay McDougall’ın daveti üzerine Trakya’nın Sesi Gazetesi sahibi Abdulhalim Dede de katıldı. BTAYTD ve ABTTF temsilcileri Batı Trakya Türklerinin siyasi katılım konusunda yaşadığı sıkıntıları ortak bir sunumla dile getirdiler. ABTTF temsilcisi Melek Kırmacı’nın sunduğu bildiride azınlığın %3’lük seçim barajı nedeniyle bağımsız milletvekili seçemediği, 1994 yılında çıkan yasayla bölgelerin birleştirildiği ve azınlığın siyasi temsilci sayısının azaltıldığı dile getirildi. Genişletilmiş Bölge Valiliklerinin oluşturulmasıyla azınlığın Türk vali seçebilmesinin engellendiği not edildi. Σ το Φόρουμ Μειονοτήτων που διοργανώθηκε για δεύτερη φορά στη Γενέυη στις 12-13 Νοεμβρίου έλαβαν μέρος για λογαριασμό του Συλλόγου μας η Περβίν Χαϊρουλά και για λογαριασμό της Ευρωπαϊκής Όμοσπονδίας Τούρκων Δυτικής Θράκης η Μελέκ Κιρματζή. T he Minority Forum organized for the second time in Geneva on 12-13 November was attended on behalf of our Association by Pervin Hayrullah and on behalf of the European Federation of Western Thrace Turks Melek Kirmatzi. 80 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH Avrupa Batı Trakya Türk Federasyonu Föderation der West-Thrakien Türken in Europa Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία Τούρκων Δυτικής Θράκης Wemerstr. 2, D-58454 Witten - Germany Tel.: +49.2302.913291 / Fax: +49.2302.913293 E-mail: info@abttf.org / URL: www.abttf.org Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association Egnatias 75, 69100 Komotini-Greece Tel/Fax: +302531029705 E-mail: btaytd@otenet.gr URL: www.btaytd.com Name of Contact Person(s) Ms. Melek Kirmaci and Ms. Pervin Chairoula E-mail(s): melek.kirmaci@abttf.org / chairoulap@yahoo.com UN Human Rights Council Forum on Minority Issues Second Session 12-13 November 2009 Geneva Item 3 JOINT STATEMENT Madam Chairperson, Distinguished delegates, And civil society representatives, This is a joint statement of Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association and Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe. Full and effective political participation is an essential component of a peaceful and democratic society. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights protects the right to everyone “to take part in the government of his country” and to “equal access to public service in his country”. The UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities states that “persons belonging to minorities have the right to participate effectively in decisions on the national and, where appropriate, regional level concerning the minority to which they belong or the regions in which they live, in a 81 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH manner not incompatible with national legislation”. However, the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace in Greece is inadequately represented in society’s policy and decision making system. In the last century, Greece, which is known in world’s history as the cradle of democracy, frequently was ruled by governments that had nothing to do with democracy and some even acted contrary to democracy. After the Second World War, Greece lived a civil war (1946-1949) and a junta regime led by colonels (1967-1974). The Turks of Western Thrace who acquired minority status according to the Articles 37-45 of the Lausanne Peace Treaty have had the opportunity to be represented in the Greek Parliament within the present political parties during the times when Greece overcame the problems and implemented democracy. Since then, the Turks of Western Thrace tried to elect their MPs from the independent lists for the Greek Parliament. After the Turkish Minority elected an independent deputy in 1989, a new electoral law was introduced in Greece, which set a threshold of 3% of the nationwide vote for a party and for an independent candidate to be represented in the Parliament. Under the current electoral law of “reinforced proportionality”, political parties and independent candidates cannot enter the Parliament unless they obtain at least 3 % of the votes throughout the country, although they may have enough votes to get electoral seats in specific electoral districts. This made it impossible for the candidates to be elected independently because; the total number of the Turks living in Western Thrace was about 150.000. Since then, Western Thracian Turks have never had the opportunity been represented by independent MPs in Greek parliament. Law 2240/1994, which reduced the number of prefectures and sub-districts, established enlarged electoral districts in Western Thrace which in turn caused a decrease in number of elected representatives from the Minority, because the election law merged Xanthi with neighbouring Kavala and Drama, and Rhodope with neighbouring Evros, where Turkish Minority is densely populated. As a result, the electoral constituencies populated heavily by the minority are merged with the ones populated by the majority so as to avoid the possibility of an election of Turkish governor. It should be remembered that European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) also stated in its first report that “the redistribution of the electoral districts in 1994 had adversely influenced the chances for the election of Muslim prefects or prefectural councillors”. We call upon the Greek State: •To protect and promote full and effective participation of the Minority in political decisions on the national and regional level concerning the region in which the Minority lives, and to create a consultative mechanism, at national, regional and local levels which would ensure an institutionalised, open, sincere and continuous dialogue with representatives of the Turkish Minority, •To take all necessary steps in line with the international standards in order to ensure the effective participation of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace to the political life in Greece, •To withdraw the 3% electoral threshold for an independent candidate to be elected and To review and amend Law 2240/1994 taking Minority’s demands into account and abolish the division of local districts into enlarged electoral districts which are now implemented in the prefectures of Rhodopi and Xanthi, Thank you very much. 82 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER V E İ N S A N H A K L A R I K O L U TMHMA ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ PUBLIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRANCH B a t ı T r a k y a sorunu İsveçli parlamenterlere anlatıldı. 20 Kasım 20 0 9 Το Πρόβλημα της Δυτικής Θράκης εκφράσθηκε στους Σουηδούς Βουλευτές. 20 Νοεμβρίου 2009 The Western Thrace Issue presented to the members of the Swedish parliament on 20 th of november 2009 B atı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği ve Avrupa Batı Trakya Türk Federasyonu yetkilileri, İsveç Parlamentosu üyelerinden Mehmet Kaplan ve Anne Ludvingsson ile parlamentoda görüştü. BTAYTD Başkanı Ahmet Kara, eski başkanlardan Cemil Kabza, ABTTF başkanı Halit Habipoğlu ve ABTTF Uluslararası ilişkiler ve Lobi Çalışma grubu üyesi Engin Soyyılmaz’dan oluşan heyet, 20 Kasım Cuma günü İsveç Yeşiller Partisi millitevekili Türk asıllı Mehmet Kaplan ile İsveç Sosyal Demokrat Parti milletvekili Anne Ludvingsson ile mecliste görüştü. Batı Trakya heyeti, Batı Trakya Türkleri’nin sorunlarını anlattı ve azınlık sorunlarını içeren yazılı raporlar sundu. Ο ι υπεύθυνοι του Συλλόγου Επιστημόνων Μειονότητας Δυτικής Θράκης και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Τούρκων Δυτικής Θράκης, συναντήθηκαν με τα μέλη του Σουηδικού κοινοβουλίου Mehmet Kaplan και Anne Ludvingsson στο Σουηδικό Κοινοβούλιο. Η αποστολή που την αποτελούσαν ο Πρόεδρος του Σ.Ε.Μ.Δ.Θ. Αχμέτ Καρά, ο πρώην πρόεδρος του Σ.Ε.Μ.Δ.Θ. Τζεμήλ Καπζά, ο πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Τούρκων Δυτικής Θράκης Χαλήτ Χαμπίπογλου και το μέλος του ομίλου διεθνών σχέσεων Ενγκίν Σοϊγιλμάζ, συναντήθηκε στις 20 Νοεμβρίου 2009 στη Βουλή με τον Τουρκικής καταγωγής Βουλευτή των Πρασίνων Mehmet Kaplan και την βουλευτή των Σοσιαλδημοκρατών Anne Ludvingsson. Η αποστολή της Δυτικής Θράκης εξήγησε στους δύο βουλευτές τα προβλήματα των Τούρκων της Δυτικής Θράκης και τους παρέδωσε έγγραφα – εκθέσεις που περιέχουν τα προβλήματα της μειονότητας. T he Western Thrace Issue presented to the members of the Swedish parliament on 20 th of november 2009. A delegation consisted from Mr. Ahmet Kara Chairman of W.T.U.G.A., Mr. Cemil Kabza former Chairman of W.T.U.G.A., Mr Halit Habipoglu Chairman of the E.W.T.T.F., and Mr. Engin Soyyilmaz Head of International Relations and Lobby Works of E.W.T.T.F. met Mr. Mehmet Kaplan (member of the swedish Parliament-Green Party) and Anne Ludvingsson (member of the swedish parliament-Social Democrats Party) at Swedish Parliament premises. The delegation informed about the issues of the Western thrace Turks and presented written documents containing the problems faced by the minority. 83 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KÖYE E R İ Ş İ M P R O J E S İ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΠΡΟΣΕΓΓΙΖΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΙΑ REACHING OUT TO THE COUNTRYSIDE PROJECT K öye Erişim Projesi kadın ve ailelere yönelik eğitim seminerleri, panel ve toplantılara 2009 yılında da devam etti. Το πρόγραμμα συνέχισε τα εκπαιδευτικά σεμινάρια τις ημερίδες και τις συγκεντρώσεις του με κυρίους αποδέκτες τις γυναίκες. The programme continued its activities with seminars, panels and roun-up sessions during 2009. 84 04-02-2009 - Yassıköy - Ίασμος 07-02-2009 - Domruköy - Δοκός 15-05-2009 - Gümülcine - Κομοτηνή 16-05-2009 - Şahin - Εχίνος 16-05-2009 - Kırköy - Κίρνος 24-11-2009 - Gökçeler - Σέλερο BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KÖYE E R İ Ş İ M P R O J E S İ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΠΡΟΣΕΓΓΙΖΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΙΑ REACHING OUT TO THE COUNTRYSIDE PROJECT K öye Erişim Projesi 21 Mart 2009 Cumarte- si günü Çanakkale’ye bir gezi düzenledi. Το πρόγραμμα διοργάνωσε μια εκδρομή στη Τσανάκκαλε στις 21 Μαρτίου 2009. The programme organised a day trip to Canakkale on 21st of March 2009. Πολιτισμός του παραρτήματος Ξάνθης. Ο σκοπός του προγράμματος είναι η οικονομική ενίσχυση των παιδιών που σπουδάζουν κάτω από δύσκολες συνθήκες. The programme initiated the project “Mother supportin education” in komotini, a programme that had already been apllied in xanthi and aimed to aid children studying under difficult conditions. K ÖYEP 1 Eylül 2009 tarihinden itibaren, daha önce İskeçe Şubesi Kadın Aile ve Kültür Kolu tarafından başlatılan ve amacı eğitimlerini zor şartlarda devam ettiren öğrencilere destek vermek olan Okutan Anne Projesini Gümülcinede hayata geçirdi. Το πρόγραμμα προσεγγίζοντας την περιφέρεια ξεκίνησε στην Κομοτηνή από την 1η Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 το πρόγραμμα «μητέρα που σπουδάζει»που είχε πρωτοξεκινήσει το τμήμα Γυναίκα –Οικογένεια και 85 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KAD I N L A R K O L U ΤΜΗΜΑ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ WOMEN’S BRANCH B TAYTD Kadınlar Kolu olağan yönetim kurulu seçimleri, 6 Kasım 2009 Cuma günü Dernek Lokalinde gerçekleşti. BTAYTD Kadınlar Kolu yeni yönetim kurulu görev dağılımı aşağıda görüldüğü şekilde belirlenmiştir: Οι αρχαιρεσίες στο τμήμα Γυναικών του Συλλόγου πραγματοποιήθηκαν στις 6 Νοεμβρίου 2009 στη Λέσχη του Συλλόγου. Η Κατανομή αξιωμάτων είναι όπως παρακάτω: The womens branch elections and appointments were made: Şükran Raif Zeynep Tevfikoğlu İlknur Halil Cahide Haseki Vildan Yaşar Neşe Hüseyin Tijen Hasan Selma Molla Mehmet Nursel Mehmet Başkan Πρόεδρος Chairman Asbaşkan Αντιπρόεδρος Vice chairman Genel Sekreter Γραμματέας General Secretary Kasadar Ταμίας Cashier Üye Μέλος Member Üye Μέλος Member Üye Μέλος Member Yedek üye Αναπληρωματικό μέλος substituting member Yedek üye Αναπληρωματικό μέλος substituting member K adınlar Kolu yeni yönetim kurulu, 17 Kasım Salı günü T.C. Gümülcine Başkonsolosu Mustafa Sarnıç’ı ziyaret etti. Το Δ.Σ. του Τμήματος Γυναικών επισκέφθηκε στις 17 Νοεμβρίου 2009 τον Γενικό Πρόξενο της Τουρκικής Δημοκρατίας στην Κομοτηνή κ. Mustafa Sarnıç. The new administrative board visited the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Mustafa Sarnic on the 17th of November. 86 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KAD I N L A R K O L U ΤΜΗΜΑ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ WOMEN’S BRANCH K adınlar Kolu, İstanbul’a bir kültür gezisi düzenledi. 13 Aralık Pazar günü düzenlenen gezi kapsamında Panorama Tarih Müzesi gezildi. Nilgün Belgün ve Ali Poyrazoğlu’nun oynadığı “İyi Günde Kötü Günde” adlı oyun izlendi. Το τμήμα γυναικών διοργάνωσε μια πολιτιστική εκδρομή στην Ιστανμπούλ. Στην εκδρομή που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2009 πραγματοποιήθηκε και μια επίσκεψη στο Μουσείο Πανόραμα 1453. Έπειτα παρακολουθήθηκε η παράσταση « Σε καλή μέρα και σε κακή μέρα» με πρωταγωνιστές την Nilgün Belgün και Ali Poyrazoğlu. The branch visited the Panorama Museum and attended a theatrical play while on an organised trip to istanbul on the 13th of December 2009. 87 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KADIN-AİL E V E K Ü L T Ü R K O L U TMHMA ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑΣ – ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ WOMAN – FAMILY AND CULTURE BRANCH B .T.A.Y.T.D. İskeçe Şubesi tarafından başlatılan ve koordinatörlüğünü Sev- tap Hint`in yürüttüğü “Okutan Anne Projesi” nde büyük bir özveri ile görev alan Anneler 20 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde geniş bir katılımla Köşk Lokantasında düzenlenen yemekte bir araya geldiler. Οι μητέρες που συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα «μητέρα που σπουδάζει» συντονίστρια του οποίου είναι η Σεβτάπ Χίντ συνευρέθηκαν σε ένα δείπνο που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη ταβέρνα «Το Κιόσκι». Women participating at the “mother supporting education” came together at an organised dinner on 20th of May 2009 at the “Kiosk” tavern. K adın Aile Kültür Kolu 10 Nisan 2009 tarihinde Kan Bağışı Kampanyası düzenledi. Το τμήμα Γυναίκα- Οικογένεια και πολιτισμός διοργάνωσε στις 10 Απριλίου 2009 μια εθελοντική αιμοδοσία. A blood donation day was organised on April 10th 2009. 88 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KADIN-AİLE V E K Ü L T Ü R K O L U TMHMA ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑΣ – ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ WOMAN – FAMILY AND CULTURE BRANCH K adın Aile Kültür Kolu olağan yönetim kurulu seçimleri, 22 Haziran 2009 tarihinde İskeçe Dernek Lokalinde gerçekleşti. BTAYTD Kadın Aile Kültür Kolu yeni yönetim kurulu görev dağılımı aşağıda görüldüğü şekilde belirlenmiştir: Οι τακτικές αρχαιρεσίες στο τμήμα Γυναίκα –Οικογένεια και Πολιτισμός πραγματοποιήθηκαν στις 22 Ιουνίου 2009 στο παράρτημα Ξάνθης του Συλλόγου. Το νέο Δ.Σ. και η κατανομή αξιωμάτων είναι όπως παρακάτω: The elections of the Women, Family, Culture Branch were held at the Xanthi premises of the branch on 22nd of June 2009. The new board of administration and the appointments are as follows: Sevkan Tahsinoğlu Müberra Karadayı Bahar Cemiloğlu Aysel Homko Ayşe Uzun Gülcan Mümün – Melek Genç İlknur Tuzlacı – Pelin Cemiloğlu Fatma Tevfikoğlu K adın-Aile Kolu 21 Başkan Πρόεδρος Chairman Asbaşkan Αντιπρόεδρος Vice chairman Genel Sekreter Γενικός Γραμματέας General Secretary Kasadar Ταμίας Cashier Platform söz. Εκπρόσωπος Πλατφόρμας Speaker of the Platform Balk. Kol. Sorum. Υπεύθυνοι Τμήματος Ορεινής Περιοχής Member in charge of the Balkan area Bas. ve halk. İlşk. Sorum. Υπεύθυνοι Δημοσίων Σχέσεων και Τύπου Members in charge of Media and Public Realtions Section Sağlık kol. sorum. Υπεύθυνοι Τμήματος Υγείας Member in charge of Health Section Kültür Ekim 2009 Çarşmbagünü kırköy bayanlarıyla buluştu. Το τμήμα Γυναίκα- Οικογένεια και πολιτισμός στις 21 Οκτωβρίου επισκέφθηκε τις γυναίκες του Κύρνου. The branch visited the Kirnos village women on October 21st. 89 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KADIN-AİL E V E K Ü L T Ü R K O L U TMHMA ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑΣ – ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ WOMAN – FAMILY AND CULTURE BRANCH K adın Aile Kültür Kolu 13 Kasım 2009 tarihinde Edirne’ye bir gezi düzenledi. Το τμήμα Γυναίκα- Οικογένεια και πολιτισμός διοργάνωσε μια εκδρομή στην Εδίρνε στις 13 Νοεμβρίου 2009. The Branch organised a day trip to Edirne on the 13th of November 2009. K adın-Aile Kültür Kolu 14 Aralık 2009 Pazartesi günü Elmalı köyü bayanlarıyla bu- luştu. Το τμήμα Γυναίκα- Οικογένεια και πολιτισμός στις 14 Δεκεμβρίου επισκέφθηκε τις γυναίκες των Μελιβοίων. The branch visited the Melivia village women on the 14th of December. K adın-Aile Kültür Kolu 23 Aralık 2009 tarihinde Müftü Ahmet Mete’yi ziyaret etti. Το τμήμα Γυναίκα- Οικογένεια και πολιτισμός στις 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2009 επισκέφθηκε τον αιρετό μουφτή Ξάνθης Αχμέτ ΜΕΤΕ. The branch visited the Mufti, Mr. Ahmet Mete on the 23rd of December 2009. 90 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 KİLİM – HALI DOKUM A V E E L S A N A T L A R I K O L U ΤΜΗΜΑ ΧΕΙΡΟΤΕΧΝΙΑΣ ΚΙΛΙΜΙΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΧΑΛΙΩΝ RUG AND CARPET WEAVING BRANCH Y assıören köyünde bulunuan Kilim-Halı Do- kuma ve El Sanatları kolu 26 Nisan 2009 tarihinde bir sergi düzenledi. Το τμήμα Χειροτεχνίας κιλιμιών και χαλιών που εδρεύει στο χωριό Ωραίο Ξάντης διοργάνωσε μια έκθεση στις 26 Απριλίου 2009. The Branch of Rug and Carpet Weaving which is located in the village of Oraio in xanthi organized an exhibition on 26th April 2009. 91 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 DİKİŞ VE E L B E C E R İ K U R S U ΤΜΗΜΑ ΡΑΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΧΕΙΡΟΤΕΧΝΙΑΣ HANDICRAFTS BRANCH D ikiş ve El Beceri Kursu 3 Haziran 2009 tarihinde yıl sonu sergisi düzenledi. Το τμήμα Ραπτικής και Χειροτεχνίας παρουσίασε τα έργα του με μία έκθεση στις 3 Ιουνίου 2009. The Handicrafts Branch organized an exhibition on 3ht June 2009 E l Beceri kursu Hemetli Şubesi 27 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde bir sergi düzenledi. Το παράρτημα Οργάνης του Τμήματος Ραπτικής και Χειροτεχνίας παρουσίασε τα έργα του με μία έκθεση στις 27 Μαΐου 2009. The Handicrafts Branch in Organi organized an exhibition on 27 May 2009. 92 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 RE S İ M K O L U ΤΜΗΜΑ ΖΩΓΡΑΦΙΚΗΣ PAINTING BRANCH D erneğimiz sorumlusu Resim kolu Füsun Suka 25 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde Gümülcineliler Şehir Kulübünde bir resim sergisi düzenledi. Στις 25 Μαΐου 2009 η υπεύθυνη του τμήματος ζωγραφικής του Συλλόγου μας Φισούν Σούκα πραγματοποίησε μια έκθεση ζωγραφικής στη λέσχη Κομοτηναίων . Ms. Fusun Suka, the person in charge of the painting branch of our Association, opened an art exhibition on 25th May 2009. 93 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 TİY A T R O K O L U ΤΜΗΜΑ ΘΕΑΤΡΟΥ THEATER BRANCH B .T.A.Y.T.D. Tohum Tiyatro Topluluğu ve İ.T.B Çekirdek Tiyatro Topluluğu, “Büyülü Göl” isimli çocuk oyununu, 10-11-12 Nisan 2009 tarihlerinde Gümül- cine eski REX sinema salonunda sahneledi. Η Θεατρική ομάδα Τοχούμ του Συλλόγου μας και Η Θεατρική ομάδα Τσεκιρντέκ της Τουρκικής Ένωσης Ξάνθης ανέβασαν στην σκηνή το θεατρικό έργο “Μαγική Λίμνη” στις 10-11-12 Απριλίου 2009. The Seed Theatre Community and The Core Theatre Community of the Turkish Union of Xanthi co-organised the play “Magical Lake” during 10-11-12 April 2009. 94 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 GENÇ AKADEM İ S Y E N L E R T O P L U L U Ğ U ΟΜΙΛΟΣ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ YOUNG ACADEMICIANS’ CLUB G .A.T. 3 Ocak 2009 tarihinde, “Azınlığın Anaokulu ve İlkokul Sorunları” konulu Bir Eğitim Söyleşisi düzenledi. Ο Όμιλος Φοιτητών διοργάνωσε στις 3 Ιανουαρίου 2009 μια ημερίδα με θέμα «Τα προβλήματα της μειονότητας στο Δημοτικό και στην προσχολική εκπαίδευση The club organised a dialogue event themed: “The problems of the minority at preliminary and nursery education level” 4 Ocak 2009 tarihinde G.A.T. Kan Bağışı Kampanyası düzenledi. Ο όμιλος Φοιτητών διοργάνωσε στις 4 Ιανουαρίου 2009 μια εθελοντική αιμοδοσία. The club organized a voluntary blood donation day on the 4th of January 2009. 95 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 GENÇ AKADEM İ S Y E N L E R T O P L U L U Ğ U ΟΜΙΛΟΣ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ YOUNG ACADEMICIANS’ CLUB 1 1 Ocak 2009 tarihinde, G.A.T. Larisa teşkilatı kuruldu. Στις 11 Ιανουαρίου 2009 ιδρύθηκε η οργάνωση Λάρισας. The club founded its Larissa branch on the 11th of January 2009. 2 4 Ocak 2009 tarihinde G.A.T. Lamia Teşkilatı kuruldu. Στις 24 Ιανουαρίου ιδρύθηκε η οργάνωση Λαμίας. The club founded its Lamia branch on the 24th of January 2009 96 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 GENÇ AKADEM İ S Y E N L E R T O P L U L U Ğ U ΟΜΙΛΟΣ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ YOUNG ACADEMICIANS’ CLUB 7 şubat tarihinde G.A.T. Yanya Teşkilatı kuruldu. Στις 7 Φεβρουαρίου ιδρύθηκε η οργάνωση Ιωαννίνων The club founded its Ioannina branch on the 7th of February 2009 3 Mart 2009 tarihinde G.A.T. Kavala ve Seres Teşkilatları kuruldu. Στις 3 Μαρτίου 2009 ιδρύθηκαν οι οργανώσει Καβάλας και Σερρών The club founded its Kavala and Serres branches on the 3rd of March 2009 97 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 GENÇ AKADEM İ S Y E N L E R T O P L U L U Ğ U ΟΜΙΛΟΣ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ YOUNG ACADEMICIANS’ CLUB 2 1 Mart 2009 Cumartesi günü Genç Akademisyenler Topluluğu Selanik’te B.T.A.Y.T.D. şubesinde bir söyleşi düzenledi. Στις 21 Μαρτίου 2009 η Οργάνωση Θεσσαλονίκης του Ομίλου Φοιτητών διοργάνωσε μια συνομιλία στο παράρτημα Θεσσαλονίκης του Συλλόγου μας. The club organized a dialogue on the 21st of March at its premises at Thessaloniki. 7 - 15 Mart tarihleri arasında G.A.T. Selanik Teşkilatı tarafından Tavla turnuvası düzenlendi. Διοργανώθηκε τουρνουά τάβλι κατά τις ημερομηνίες 7- 15 Μαρτίου από την οργάνωση Θεσσαλονίκης. A backgammon tournament was organized between 7-15 of March. 2 2 Mart 2009 pazar günü, G.A.T. Selânik teşkilâtı a.x.e.p.a. hastanesinde kan bağı- şı kampanyası düzenledi. Στις 22 Μαρτίου η Οργάνωση Θεσσαλονίκης διοργάνωση εθελοντική αιμοδοσία στο Νοσοκομείο ΑΧΕΠΑ. A blood donation day was organized bay the Thessaloniki branch of the club at the AHEPA hospital. 98 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 GENÇ AKADEM İ S Y E N L E R T O P L U L U Ğ U ΟΜΙΛΟΣ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ YOUNG ACADEMICIANS’ CLUB G enç Akademisyenler Topluluğu Selânik Teşkilâtı tarafından düzenlenen “Batı Trakya Cup 2009 Halı Saha Turnuvası” 08-Mart-2009 tarihinde başladı. Το Τουρνουά 5Χ5 που διοργάνωσε η οργάνωση Θεσσαλονίκης ξεκίνησε στις 8 Μαρτίου 2009. The 5x5 football tournament that was organized by the Thessaloniki branch of the club kicked off on the 8th of March 2009. G .A.T. Kavala Teşkilatı 1 Nisan 2009 tarihinde yemek düzenleyerek öğrencileri bir araya getirdi. Τα μέλη της οργάνωσης Καβάλας συνευρέθηκαν σε ένα δείπνο που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 1 Απριλίου 2009. The members of the club came together during a dinner organized by the Kavala Branch on April 1st 2009. 3 Nisan 2009 tarihinde G.A.T. Volos Teşkilatı kuruldu. Στις 3 Απριλίου 2009 ιδρύθηκε η οργάνωση Βόλου. The club founded its Volos branch on the 3rd of April 2009. 1 3 Haziran 2009 Cumartesi günü G.A.T. Volos teskilatı yemekte bir araya geldi. Τα μέλη της οργάνωσης Βόλου συνευρέθηκαν σε ένα δείπνο που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 13 Ιουνίου 2009. The members of the club came together during a dinner organized by the Volos Branch on the 13th of June 2009. 99 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 GENÇ AKADEM İ S Y E N L E R T O P L U L U Ğ U ΟΜΙΛΟΣ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ YOUNG ACADEMICIANS’ CLUB G .A.T. Nisan arasında, 21-25 tarihleri İtalya’nın başkenti Roma’ya gezi düzenledi. Ο όμιλος Φοιτητών διοργάνωσε στις 21-25 Απριλίου μια εκδρομή στη Ρώμη. The club organized a trip to the capital of Italy, Rome during the 21st 25th of April 2009. 4 -10 Ağustos tarihleri ara- sında Çanakkale ve Muğla’ya bir gezi organize edildi. Στις 4-10 Αυγούστου πραγματοποιήθηκε μια εκδρομή στη Τσανάκκαλε και στη Μούγλα. A educational voyage was organized to Canakkale and Mugla between 4th-10th of August . 100 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 GENÇ AKADEM İ S Y E N L E R T O P L U L U Ğ U ΟΜΙΛΟΣ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ YOUNG ACADEMICIANS’ CLUB G enç Akademisyenler Topluluğu 16. Olağan Genel Kurulu 18 Ağustos 2009 tarihinde Filia Düğün Salonu’nda gerçekleşti. Yeni Yönetim Kurulu ve görev dağılımı: Η 16η Γενική Συνέλευση του Ομίλου Φοιτητών πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 18 Αυγούστου στο κέντρο Φιλία. Το νέο Δ.Σ. και η κατανομή Αξιωμάτων: The 16.th Congress of the Club was held on August 18th 2009, at the Filia Ball Room. The new board of administration and the appointments are: Olcay Hüseyin Başkan Πρόεδρος Chairman Ridvan Molla Hüseyin Ahmet Başkan Yardımcısı Αντιπρόεδρος: Vice-chairman İrfan Çakır Başkan Yardımcısı Αντιπρόεδρος: Vice-chairman Gülsüm Mustafa Genel Sekreter Γενικός Γραμματέας General Secretary Defne Kasapoglu Kasadar Ταμίας Cashier Hasan Hisim Sportif Faaliyetler Sorumlusu Υπεύθυνος Αθλητικών εκδηλώσεων Member in charge of Sports Emine Hacihalil Genel Koordinatör Ve Teşkilatlar Sorumlusu Γενικός Συντονιστής και Υπεύθυνος οργανώσεων General coordinator and member in charge of branches Semih İsmail Basin Ve Halk İle İlişkiler Sorumlusu Υπεύθυνος Τύπου και Δημοσίων Σχέσεων Member in charge of Media and Public Realtions Section Batuhan Malkoç Halil Kültürel Faaliyetler Sorumlusu Υπεύθυνος Πολιτιστικών Εκδηλώσεων Member in charge of cultural activities 101 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 GENÇ AKADEM İ S Y E N L E R T O P L U L U Ğ U ΟΜΙΛΟΣ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ YOUNG ACADEMICIANS’ CLUB 1 4 Ekim 2009 tarihinde G.A.T. Dedeağaç teşkilatı kuruldu. Στις 14 Οκτωβρίου ιδρύθηκε η οργάνωση Αλεξανδρούπολης. The club founded its Aleksandrupoli branch on the 14th of October 2009. 1 5 Ekim 2009 tarihinde G.A.T. Kozani Teşkilatı kuruldu. Στις 15 Οκτωβρίου ιδρύθηκε η οργάνωση Κοζάνης. The club founded its Kozani branch on the 15th of October 2009. 102 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 ÇOCU K K U L Ü P L E R İ ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ CHILDREN’S CLUBS D erneğimize bağlı faliyet gösteren çocuk kulupleri 2009 yılında da faliyetlerine devam etti. Τα Παιδικά Τμήματα του Συλλόγου μας συνέχισαν τις δραστηριότητες τους και το έτος 2009. Children’ Clubs of our Association continued their activities in 2009. GÜMÜLCİNE ŞUBESİ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΚΟΜOΤΗΝΗΣ KOMOTINI BRANCH KURCALI ŞUBESİ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ LIKION BRANCH 103 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 ÇOCU K K U L Ü P L E R İ ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ CHILDREN’S CLUBS ÇEPELLİ ŞUBESİ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΜΙΣΧΟΥ KOMOTINI BRANCH 104 HEMETLİ ŞUBESİ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΟΡΓΑΝΗΣ ORGANI BRANCH BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 ÇOCU K K U L Ü P L E R İ ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ CHILDREN’S CLUBS İLHANLI ŞUBESİ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΕΥΛΑΛΟΥ EVLALO BRANCH SİRKELİ ŞUBESİ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΦΙΛΛΥΡΑΣ FILIRA BRANCH 105 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 ÇOCU K K U L Ü P L E R İ ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ CHILDREN’S CLUBS YAHYABEYLİ ŞUBESİ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΑΜΑΡΑΝΤΩΝ AMARANTA BRANCH 106 ŞAHİN ŞUBESİ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΕΧΙΝΟΥ ECHINOS BRANCH BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 ÇOCU K K U L Ü P L E R İ ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ CHILDREN’S CLUBS 107 BATI TRAKYA AZINLIĞI YÜKSEK TAHSİLLER DERNEĞİ - FAALİYET RAPORU 2009 BİLGİSA Y A R M E R K E Z L E R İ ΚΕΝΤΡΑ ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΩΝ COMPUTER CENTER G ümülcine ve İskeçe’deki Bilgisayar Merkezlerimiz 2009 yılında da faa- liyetlerine devam etti. Τα Κέντρα Υπολογιστών στην Κομοτηνή και στην Ξάνθη συνέχισαν τις δραστηριότητές τους και το 2009. Our Computer Centers in Komotini and Xanthi continued their activities in 2009. 108 DECOR MUSLİ ALÇI DEKORASYON TAVAN ve BÖLME İŞLEMLERİ İÇ ve DIŞ MEKAN DÜZENLEMESİ MIAOULI 39 İSKEÇE (XANTHI) TEL: 25410 72509 MOBİL: 6944532249 6948583320 MIAOULI 39 İSKEÇE (XANTHI) TEL: 25410 72509 MOBİL: 6944532249 6948583320 DECOR MUSLİ ALÇI DEKORASYON TAVAN ve BÖLME İŞLEMLERİ İÇ ve DIŞ MEKAN DÜZENLEMESİ K& M mobilya