May - Congregation Har Shalom


May - Congregation Har Shalom
May 2010
Volume 46, Issue 10
Iyar/Sivan 5770
In loving memory of Bernie Witt
Sponsored by Carol and Marcia Witt
Please Donate Blood
Sunday, June 6
8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Mitzvah Day
Congregation Har Shalom Blood Drive
“You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to the poor, and to
the needy of your land.” (Deuteronomy 15:11)
Inova Blood Donor Services
will be located in the Stempler Social Hall.
Ilene Abrams Spring Mitzvah Day
11510 Falls Road, Potomac, MD 20854
Please make your lifesaving appointment today!
Contact Carol Witt (301) 299-7087 Ext. 239
Appointments preferred. Walk-ins welcome.
On Sunday, May 16, join Rabbi Zuckerman as he addresses the subject,
“Talking to Your Children About God,” at the remaining Parenting
Lecture, presented by the Men’s Club and the Adult Education
Committee. The program will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 am. See page
9 for details.
Erev Shavuot
ave the date of May 18 at 8:45 pm for an evening of drama,
study, and (of course) cheese blintz soufflé. This year we
will study the Book of Ruth through a dramatic reading by
congregants. We will discuss how modern Jews might react
to situations that confronted the heroines in this ancient text.
In addition, the study session will focus on the topic of
“Jewish community” in this text as well as in millennia of
subsequent Jewish texts. What do our most precious texts
and scholars have to teach us about how to build a spiritual
and supportive community?
Let us study and enjoy together. For questions, call the
Religious Activities Committee at 301-299-7087, ext. 325,
or email
Sunday, May 23, 2010-10:00 AM-2:00 PM
oin us at Har Shalom on Sunday May 23, from 10:00
am-2:00 pm, for Mitzvah Day, organized by the Gemilut
Hasadim Committee. Everyone is welcome. This is an
intergenerational activity where people of all ages can participate
together in projects that help those in need within our
community. Community Service Learning Credit is available.
Students should bring the appropriate forms. Children under
ten years old should be accompanied by an adult.
Activities will include:
• Make cheese sandwiches for the homeless. PB&J or
cheese sandwiches can also be made at home, wrapped in
individual sandwich bags, and brought in for us to deliver.
Sandwiches will be donated to DC Central Kitchen.
(continued on page 15)
The Washington Post Editor to Speak
at May 2 Men’s Club Event
n Sunday, May 2, at 9:15 am, the Men’s Club Speakers
Series and Brunch will feature David E. Hoffman,
contributing editor at The Washington Post, and Post Moscow
Bureau Chief from 1995-2001. Mr. Hoffman will discuss his
new book, The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War
Arms Race and Its Dangerous Legacy. This legacy includes
unguarded warehouses with stockpiles of biological and nuclear
weapons, as well as tens of thousands of unemployed defense
workers. Some of these workers are willing to sell weapons or
their skills to the highest bidder. In view of the nuclear summit
held in Washington, D.C. in April, this is an exceptionally timely
topic. You won’t want to miss this exciting speaker. • 301-299-7087
an inclusive, accessible congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Rabbis Neil J. Zuckerman and Risa Weinstein: 301-299-7087, ext. 223; Hazzan Henrique Ozur Bass, ext. 227
Saying “Goodbye” After Three Wonderful Years
t is hard to believe that my
three years as a member of Har
Shalom’s clergy will soon come to
an end on June 30. In fact, this
is the final TABLET article that I
will write as your assistant rabbi.
It seems like only yesterday that
Jonathan and I moved to Potomac
to join the Har Shalom community
and were welcomed so warmly into
your lives.
These three years have been a
time of tremendous growth for my
family and me. On a personal level, it has been so wonderful
to Jonathan and me to have your support and help as our
family grew in number. You celebrated with us the birth of
our child, Yedidyah. You brought us delicious food when I
was on maternity leave and Jonathan and I were too tired to
shop or cook. You applauded at Shabbat services when I told
you about Yedidyah’s first steps. You held our son and chased
him around the sanctuary so Jonathan and I could both be
free to participate in Shabbat morning services.
Rabbi Risa Weinstein
I am so proud of all we have accomplished together as a
community. Through our hard work, we have taught each
other how to be better people and better adherents to our
tradition. I look forward to another two months of working
together at Har Shalom, and after I leave, I look forward
to hearing all the wonderful ways in which Har Shalom is
growing in the future.
B’ahavah (with love),
Rabbi Risa Weinstein
table of contents
On a professional level, you have helped me mature as a
congregational rabbi. I came to you fresh out of rabbinical
school. Although I had completed a congregational
internship, I had no idea what it meant to be a full-time clergy
member at a synagogue. Together, we worked to make our
Art Gallery................................................... page 5
Calendar..............................................pages 12-13
The Newsletter for Congregation Har Shalom
relationship one that reflected the highest ideals of Jewish
tradition. You invited me to celebrate at your s’machot (happy
occasions) and to grieve with you during times of loss. You
participated enthusiastically in programs I brought to Har
Shalom. You sang and danced with me at G2G services, you
studied topics ranging from prayer to feminist theology with
me, and you entrusted me with the sacred task of teaching
Torah and Jewish values to your children.
Senior Rabbi
Assistant Rabbi
Executive Director
Director of Education
Early Childhood Director
Youth Director
Rabbi Emeritus
Cantor Emeritus
Founding Rabbi
Neil J. Zuckerman
Risa Weinstein
Vice Presidents
Ozur Bass
L. Simmons, FSA, ATZ
Mindy Blonder
Liran Laor
Financial Secretary
Julie Ashin
Leonard S. Cahan
Calvin K. Chizever
Morris Gordon
Marc Mayerson
Mark Cantor
Donald Hurwitz
Joe Kromash
Paul Lewis
Mikki Ashin
Draga Dubick
Leon Weintraub
Barbara Kaplowitz
Sandy Schonfeld
Sorell Schwartz
Copyright ©2010 by Congregation Har Shalom
11510 Falls Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854-2297
301-299-7087 fax 301-299-2247
Submissions to the TABLET are welcome. Please email to
Deadline for each issue is SIX WEEKS prior to publication date.
The TABLET USPS 002-534 is published monthly, except bi-monthly July/
August for $20.00 per year by Congregation Har Shalom, 11510 Falls Road, Potomac,
Maryland 20854. Periodicals postage paid at Rockville, Maryland. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to the TABLET, Congregation Har Shalom, 11510 Falls Road,
Potomac, Maryland 20854.
Bar-B-Que and Barkhu................................. page 3
Blood Drive...................................... pages 1 and 3
B’nai Mitzvah.......................................pages 12-13
Clergy Thoughts.......................................... page 2
Community News........................... pages 3 and 14
Donations.................................................. page 11
Early Childhood Education.......................... page 4
Family News................................................ page 5
Men’s Club.................................. pages 1 and 8-10
Mitzvah Day................................................ page 1
Pedaling to Raise Environmental Awareness... page 13
Sisterhood................................................pages 5-7
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot.................................... page 1
World Jewry............................................... page 16
Yom HaShoah............................................ page 15
Z’havah Sisterhood...................................... page 5
Bernie Witt Memorial Blood Drive
Conducted in Conjunction with Men’s Club’s
Wellness Program on Sunday, June 6
Blood Drive: 8:30 am-1:30 pm, in Har
Shalom’s Stempler Social Hall
membership outreach
Membership Outreach: 301-299-7087, ext. 320 • Email: •
Ken Popkin and Jan Shapiro, Co-chairs
Har Shalom
ue &
UE &
s some of you know, during the last year of Bernie Witt’s
four-year battle with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (mantle
cell), he received numerous transfusions of blood platelets. For
approximately four to five months, these transfusions helped
him to stay alive and continue to fight his cancer. These
infusions touched him greatly, and one of his dying wishes was
to “repay” the blood he had infused. A little more than a year
ago (April 26, 2009), with your help, we succeeded in carrying
out that wish—the blood drive was quite a success in terms of
donor turnout and number of pints collected.
Although we made several attempts to plan and schedule
a second blood drive in Bernie’s memory, Mother Nature had
“other ideas.” Who could have predicted that both the late
2009 and early 2010 dates would be scheduled on days when
the entire Washington metropolitan area would be facing major
blizzards (on December 20, 2009, and February 7, 2010)?!?
Thankfully the snow has melted, and we hope that we will no
longer be facing any weather-related issues. Now, on June 6,
you can help us achieve Bernie’s wish a second time. (See page
1 for the blood drive flyer.)
The Witt family thanks Har Shalom’s Men’s Club for
agreeing to have the Bernie Witt Memorial Blood Drive as
part of the Men’s Club Wellness Program scheduled for June
6. (See page 8 for more information about the Men’s Club
event.) A complimentary breakfast will be given to all donors
and attempted donors. Likewise, for those of you unable to
attend this blood drive, won’t you please consider making a
blood donation elsewhere and think of Bernie Witt when you
do? Thank you so much!
See page 15 for a review of the Yom HaShoah
program held on April 12.
Save-the-Date ­— May 2
Friday,, MMayAY7 7
Come celebrate
celebrate the
the start
start of
of Shabbat
with aa Bar-B-Que
Bar-B-Que and
and aa special
Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat Service
Service with
with the
Shalom “Unplugged”
“Unplugged” Ensemble
services at 7:30 PM
Cost: Adults
Children under 6 - free
Sponsored by
by Membership
Outreach Committee
Community Israel Celebration
One Community/Three Ways to Celebrate T
his year the JCCs of Maryland, D.C., and Northern
Virginia will coordinate community celebrations in honor
of Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day)
on Sunday, May 2(Lag B’Omer). Events and
activities designed to engage the community
will run throughout the day, encouraging
community members to celebrate together, and
giving us the opportunity to strengthen our
connections to the larger Jewish community
and to the State of Israel and its people. Call
888-246-1818 for more information. For
Save the
the date:
Bar-B-Que and
and Barkhu
June 18
Early childhood education
Early Childhood Center: 301-299-7087, ext. 235 • Email: • Liran Laor, Director
Teaching About Tzedakah to the Younger Set
Liran Laor
made and gave mishlo’ach manot to
the seniors. The visit also promoted
another mitzvah, that of engaging
in acts of kindness, as the students
entertained the seniors.
adheres to the
belief that it is very
important to teach
our children the
value of tzedakah.
With that in mind,
we seek to involve
the children in
tzedakah in a
fun and ageappropriate
Another example of promoting
tzedakah is our Chain of Kindness.
The Chain of Kindness was set up
as an activity and a product which
illustrates to the children how simple
acts of kindness help “fix the world.”
The project challenges the children
to do as many helpful things as
possible and have their parents/
One example of such involvement Anne-Laurie Josephs, the ECEC’s music teacher;
occurred when the Dolphins & Pandas ECEC parents; ECEC teachers; and students
classes visited the Ring House during Purim. enjoy Purim at the Ring House.
The purpose of the visit was to ensure that
teachers write those things
both the Ring House tenants and ECEC students fulfill the
down on a strip of paper to
mitzvah of being happy during the month of Adar. This also
create a link in the “kindness
enabled the students to fulfill the mitzvah of gift-giving as they
chain.” This enables the children
to visually witness the effect of
their kindness by watching the
chain as it becomes longer and
longer, and to celebrate their
efforts with special school-wide
Daytimers: 301-299-7087, ext. 275 • Email: Daytimers@
events when milestones are • Jerry and Selma Miller, Co-chairs
reached. We are sure to watch
the chain grow throughout the Mrs. Barbara Halpern and
year. Next time you’re in the Jacob Silverman add a link to
building please check it out.
the Chain of Kindness.
Upcoming Forums to Focus on
Middle East Issues
he second of three Daytimers Forums focusing on the
Middle East crisis will be held on Wednesday, May 12,
at 12:00 noon. An official from the Israeli Embassy, to be
announced, will be the guest speaker. The April speaker, Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, founder and
president of The Israel Project, discussed “Protecting Israel
and Our Global Jewish Family.” The Israel Project is a nonprofit international organization dedicated to educating the
media and the public about Israel and its security needs.
On Wednesday, June 9, David Makovsky, a fellow at
the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, will analyze
“Middle East Challenges for the Obama Administration.”
Makovsky is the co-author with Dennis Ross of the book
Myths, Illusions, & Peace: Finding a New Direction for America
in the Middle East. A book-signing will follow his talk.
The brown-bag forums are held monthly, September to
June, in the Har Shalom Social Hall from 12-2 pm and are
free and open to all. Refreshments are always served.
Thank you to Barbara Winderlich (Dolphins teacher)
for these photos.
Join Us at the Ninth Annual
Art Show
he children in the Har Shalom Early Childhood
Education Center (ECEC) have been very busy creating
beautiful and wonderful artwork. Under the direction of
Gaye Feinberg, Art Specialist, the three- and four-year-old
children are taught the basic principles of art, geared to their
specific age group. While the ECEC students are learning to
appreciate and enjoy art, the four-year-olds are also learning
about many famous artists.
Please save the date of Wednesday, May 5, for the ECEC
Ninth Annual Art Show, from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Social
Hall. All of the children’s artwork from this school year,
including art from the two-year-olds, will be displayed.
We hope that everyone can attend this very special event!
Art Gallery News
Art Gallery: 301-299-7087, ext. 310 • Email: ArtGallery@ • Laverne Markowitz, Chairman
May-June Show’s Artists Work in
Water Color, Acrylics, and Pottery
ur January and March artist receptions were a huge
success with over 100 people in attendance at each.
The Art Gallery Committee hopes that many of you have
stopped by to view the art on display in the Gallery, located
in the hallway between the Burke Sanctuary and the Stempler
Social Hall. The next show will be for the months of May
and June, with a reception being held on Sunday, May 16,
from 1:00-3:00 pm. The artists love to discuss their work,
and each reception has a demonstration. Please put the
May 16 date on your calendar.
The featured nationally-known artists for May-June are:
Sylvia Cohen, whose works are in water color and
acrylics inspired by nature. Her paintings range
from bold, intense acrylics to the delicate tracery of
flowers, weeds, and grasses in her watercolors.
• Susan Fox Hirschman, who is known for unique
art pottery in porcelain.
These artists have exhibited at many local galleries and
shows. Enjoy the exhibits and consider buying one of the
artist’s works for your home or office. Price lists and artists’
biographical information are available in the acrylic boxes
near the glass cases on the Gallery Wall. Many members have
told us that the prices being charged to buy the art are very
reasonable, given the high quality. A percentage of the sale
price is rebated back to Har Shalom as a contribution.
Thank you for your continued support of the Art Gallery.
We are in the midst of planning more shows for the autumn
of 2010 and the spring of 2011.
Z’havah sisterhood
Z’havah Sisterhood: 301-299-7087, ext. 410 • Email: • Susan Grant, Chairman
Save May 16 for “Reading, Screening
and Eating”
oin Z’havah women on Sunday, May 16, for our last
movie-night-out for this programming year, as part of our
monthly “Reading, Screening and Eating” events. We will
get together for a girls’ night out, go to a movie, and chat
afterwards over coffee. The movie will be selected the week
before our event. Stay tuned!
Sisterhood: 301-299-7087, ext. 410 •
Email: • Cheryl Rod, President
Vashti’s Banquet Continues With a YearLong Celebration of Jewish Women
he Vashti’s Banquet program continues with an exploration
and celebration of the traditional healing waters of the
mikveh. On Sunday, May 16, we will travel to the mikveh at
Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C. At 11:30 am,
we will have a tour of the mikveh and take part in a pre-Shavuot
healing service, helping us open our hearts to get ready to
reaccept Torah into our lives. There will be an opportunity for
those who would like to immerse in the mikveh to do so after
the service. Then, at 1:30 pm, we will meet at the DCJCC for
a kosher lunch and watch a performance of Theater J’s play,
“Mikveh.” The play will be followed by a special Q&A session.
The tour of the mikveh is free, but the cost of immersing is $18.
To RSVP for the mikveh tour, please contact Rabbi Weinstein
at 301-299-7087, ext. 223, by Wednesday, May 5. Let her know
if you would like the opportunity to immerse in the mikveh. To
RSVP for the lunch and the play, please contact Wendy Epstein
at the Sisterhood phone number or email address above.
family news
Mazal tov to:
Renate Chernoff on the inclusion of her art in the “Third Annual
Tribute to Fiber Art Exhibition” at the Black Rock Center for the
Arts, in Gaithersburg, from March 3-28.
Graciela Schwartz on her retirement from the Department of
Homeland Security after many years of public service.
Graciela & Jeremy Schwartz on the birth of their grandson, Jonah
Ethan Tessler, on November 28, 2009. The proud parents are
Shoshana & Steven Tessler.
Nan & Stan Fried and Manny Karbeling on the birth of their
grandson, Noah Harrison Karbeling, on March 7 in Baltimore.
The proud parents are Jamie & Bradley Karbeling.
Susan & Perry Hookman on the birth of their grandson, Devin
Reid Robins, in December 2009. The proud parents are Aimee
& Brian Robins.
The Shames & Kasimow families on the auf ruf and upcoming
wedding of Seth & Sophie.
Matt & Julie Farber and their family on the naming of their
daughter, Hailey Rose.
Carol Witt on celebrating her 77th birthday.
Ruthie & Mark Hartzman on the wedding of their son, Jack
Hartzman, to Monica Vidal, on February 14 in Bethesda.
Condolences to:
Ronni Cristol on the passing of her mother, Miriam Green.
Allyn Cohen on the passing of his mother, Lillian Cohen.
Sisterhood: 301-299-7087, ext. 410 • Email: • Cheryl Rod, President
“Adorn Yourself!”
Volunteer Appreciation and Installation
y popular demand, Mimi Harris will be back to teach us
how to make our own wire link necklaces. If you enjoyed
our bracelet-making class last year, you will enjoy this year’s
necklace-making class. If you missed last year’s class, be sure
to join us this year. The session takes place at 8:00 pm on
Monday, May 17, when we will learn how to shape different
colored wire to form links and assemble our own necklace
incorporating beads. The class costs $25 per person for wire
only, or $35 if you want SOME sterling silver wire. Please
RSVP by Monday, May 10, by sending your $25 or $35 check
made payable to Sisterhood of Congregation Har Shalom to:
Save Wednesday evening, June 2, for the annual
Sisterhood Volunteer Appreciation and Installation event. If
you have volunteered on any Sisterhood program or project,
please let us know. We want you to be our guest for the
evening, and would like to say “thank you” during Volunteer
Appreciation. In addition, we will install the new officers
for 2010/2011. If you chaired a committee this year, please
send a list of volunteers to Margie Swerdlow, Sisterhood
VP of Membership and Chair of Volunteer Appreciation.
In addition, if you have any questions or would like to help
with this event, please contact Margie at the Sisterhood phone
number or email address noted above.
Congregation Har Shalom
ATTN: Meliha Halpern
11510 Falls Road
Potomac, MD 20854
May/June Sisterhood Calendar
Questions? Contact Sisterhood at the phone number or
email address noted above.
Spring Highlights Include Books,
Discussions, and a Big “Thank You”
Sisterhood Daytime Book Club
Join Sisterhood on Wednesday, May 5, at 12:15 pm,
for a discussion of City of Thieves, a novel by David Benioff.
Joan Gorman will lead the discussion. The story takes place
during the WWII Siege of Leningrad. Author David Benioff,
who is a gifted screenplay writer, has managed to use humor
to captivate the reader while writing about a grim time and
place. City of Thieves is an historical novel about coming
of age, friendship, courage, loyalty, and love. This is the
final Daytime Book Club event of this programming year.
Everyone is welcome!
Sisterhood Rosh Hodesh Programs
On Thursday, May 13, at 8:00 pm, during Rosh Hodesh
Sivan, three very inspiring members of our group will focus
our Rosh Hodesh discussion on some key newer life passage
rituals that meet our modern needs, and also facilitate and
inform our understanding of how we fit into this challenging
world. Come join us, your Sisterhood “Sisters,” as we daven,
learn, discuss, laugh outrageously, socialize, and, hopefully,
even integrate some of these rituals into our daily Jewishness.
Vashti Program—Sunday, May 2—Contact Nina Simon at
the Sisterhood phone number or email address above for
more information.
Daytime Book Club—Wednesday, May 5, at 12:15 pm—
Joan Gorman will facilitate a discussion of the book, City of
Thieves. (See article on this page for more information.)
Rosh Hodesh Sivan—Thursday, May 13, at 8:00 pm—This
program will offer a discussion on key, newer life passage
rituals. (See article on this page for more information.)
Vashti Program—Sunday, May 16, at 11:30 am—Visit the
Adas Israel mikveh; have lunch at the DCJCC; then view
the play, “Mikveh,” at Theatre J. Contact Rabbi Weinstein
to register for the mikveh visit (301-299-7087, ext. 223).
Contact Wendy Epstein at the Sisterhood phone number or
email address above for more information, cost, and deadline
for registration for the lunch and for the Theater J production.
(See article on page 5 for more information.)
General Membership Program—Monday, May 17, at
8:00 pm—“Adorn Yourself!”—By popular demand, Mimi
Harris is back to teach us how to make our own necklaces.
If you enjoyed our bracelet-making class last year, you’ll love
this year’s class. If you missed last year’s class, be sure to join
us this year. (See article on this page for more information.)
Contact Sisterhood at the phone number or email address
above to RSVP or for more information.
Volunteer Appreciation—Wednesday, June 2—Contact Margie
Swerdlow, Chairperson of this event, at the Sisterhood phone
number or email address above for details or to volunteer to
help. (See article on this page for more information.)
Rosh Hodesh Tammuz—Sunday, June 13—Minha will be
held at 2:00 pm. The theme of this Rosh Hodesh program
will be “In the Garden.”
(continued on next page)
Sisterhood: 301-299-7087, ext. 410 • Email: • Cheryl Rod, President
May/June Sisterhood Calendar (continued)
Fitness Classes—Fitness classes will continue to be offered on
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and Thursdays at 9:30 am through the
end of May. Enjoy new routines, new steps, and new music
and have fun! Drop-ins are welcome. For more information
contact Sisterhood at the phone number or email address
And There’s More…
Judaica Shop
Visit the Judaica Shop and see what is new for the end
of the year. The kippot and CDs from the recent fantastic
Uganda program are now for sale in the shop. CDs from Liz
Kruger, the Religious School music teacher, are also available.
Hours are Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00 pm; Fridays, 9:00-11:00 am;
Sundays, 9:00 am-noon; and by appointment. Additional
help is always welcome. For further information contact
Margo Fonoroff.
Special Occasions Shabbat
Celebrate the recognition of any simha event by donating
to the general Sisterhood Kiddush Fund with a check made
payable to “Har Shalom Sisterhood” (minimum donations are
$36). Upcoming dates are May 15 and June 19. For more
information contact Dana Kromash, Catering Vice President.
Support Sisterhood With Your Scrip Purchase
It’s easy to purchase scrip for all of your grocery shopping
needs. For further information please contact Carol Witt at
301-299-7087, ext. 239, or email
Save the Date
Save the date: December 12-15, 2010. That’s when the
Women’s League Biennial Convention will be held. The theme
for this year’s convention is “Kehila Kedoshah: Celebrating
Community Woman to Woman.” The convention will be
held at the Marriott Waterfront in Baltimore, Maryland. For
more information, contact Sandy Myers, Convention Chair.
Books For Baltimore
Be on the lookout for information on Women’s League’s
new and exciting program, “Books for Baltimore: Building
a Community of Readers One Child at a Time.” The goal is
to purchase 7,000 books, one for every third grader in the
Baltimore City Public Schools. Everyone’s participation is
needed! Contact Sisterhood for details.
Purim Basket Project a Success
Again in 2010
isterhood has just completed another terrific Purim Basket
Project. Thanks to all those who ordered baskets for
their friends and relatives. Scores of volunteers assembled
the Purim baskets and delivered them locally. In addition,
Purim treats were assembled and delivered by Bena Siegel
and Ronnie Ginsberg to local Jewish nursing home residents,
who were delighted to receive them. This is a social action
project we do every year—Sisterhood doesn’t forget our
senior citizens. We would also like to offer a special thanks to
Liran Laor, the director of the Har Shalom Early Childhood
Education Center. Liran got in touch with Sisterhood and
asked how the children in the Nursery School could help
out with our Purim Basket Project. We decided to have the
children make Purim greeting cards to be delivered along
with the baskets to the nursing home residents. The cards
were adorable, and we are sure our senior citizens thought
so too! Thank you to all of the children and the ECEC staff
for making this happen.
I so very much appreciate the help of all of our hardworking volunteers. Your amazing dedication has continued
to make the mishloach manot project a wonderful success each
year, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Many hours
were spent stuffing order forms into envelopes, entering
the orders on computers, mapping out the delivery routes,
packing baskets and cartons, making numerous phone calls,
purchasing food and supplies, and delivering the goodies.
I’d like to especially mention Ellen Bresnick, Wendy Epstein,
Dina Fox, Lynn Mintzer, and Millie Rumerman, who put in
many hours making this project happen. A special word of
thanks is owed to Richard Brandes. Each year he personally
delivers all of the shipping supplies to the synagogue, picks up
all of our shipped baskets, and arranges to have them mailed.
We received a nice donation from the Costco in
Gaithersburg, which we used to help us purchase goodies for
our baskets. Thank you to the Costco for their generosity.
We acknowledged special donations of $100 by our
“Mordechai Purim Patrons” by including their names in all
of our Purim baskets. Todah rabah to our Purim Patrons for
2010: Diane & Dan Berinstein, Ellen & Bill Bresnick, Wendy
& David Epstein, Jim Patrician, Susan & Ted Rabkin, and
Carol Witt.
Unless noted otherwise, information about each of these
programs can be found by contacting Sisterhood members at
the phone number or email address noted above.
Susan Rabkin,
Purim Basket Chairperson
men’s club
Men’s Club: 301-299-7087, ext. 411 • Email: • Hal Freed, President
Come Learn How to Give Your
Body the Care It Deserves
he next Men’s Club Speakers Series/Brunch and Wellness
Event is scheduled for Sunday, June 6, beginning at
9:15 am. The event will feature a presentation on health
issues as we age, and an examination of the profound impact
our food choices make upon our bodies. We will also feature
health screenings for blood pressure, grip strength, and body
mass index, and we will feature the Har Shalom blood drive
(see pages 1 and 3 for details). The health screenings and
blood drive will be provided by Adventist Healthcare and
INOVA Hospital, respectively.
Our featured speaker will be Lucas Seipp-Williams, a
noted nutritionist, and wellness coach and expert. He will
focus on how we can enhance the body’s natural ability to
heal itself through our lifestyle choices. We can avoid chronic
diseases and work at slowing the aging process by taking
steps in our lives to become more active, eat healthier foods,
get more sleep, and control our stress levels. This will be an
opportunity to learn how to take better care of our bodies.
After all, we need to care for our bodies, as they are the only
places we get to live. This program continues the highly
regarded “5 Minute Health Tip” and Men’s Club Wellness
initiatives that have become a popular part of the monthly
Sunday Speakers Series and Brunch agendas. All members
of Har Shalom are invited to attend this special program on
June 6.
“5 Minute Health Tip” – Importance
of Periodontal Care Can’t Be
edicine has known as far back as Hippocrates (460377 BCE) that “Infectious diseases can cause changes
at distant body sites.” Modern society puts a tremendous
emphasis on the cosmetic aspects of dentistry and the
wonderful procedures that can be performed to change the
appearance of dental patients. Of more importance is the role
of dentistry to inform and treat patients for chronic infection
and inflammation, and the relationship of those measures to
overall good health.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading killer of men and
women in the United States. Periodontal disease, a chronic
inflammatory process that destroys bone and gum tissue,
affects 75% of all American adults to some degree. Managing
periodontal disease may help reduce the risk factors for
cardiovascular issues, as stated in The American Journal of
Cardiology and the Journal of Periodontology.
New clinical guidelines released by the International
Diabetes Federation emphasize the importance of effective
periodontal care and maintenance for people with diabetes.
Controlling blood sugar levels and minimizing inflammation
in the mouth are important goals in diabetic control.
There has been a recent emphasis in medicine on the role
of inflammation—the body’s reaction designed to fight off
infection, guard against injury, or shield against irritation.
While inflammation initially is designed to have a protective
effect, untreated chronic inflammation can lead to dysfunction
of the affected tissues and, subsequently, to more severe health
For these reasons, it is recommended that everyone receive
periodic dental check ups and cleanings so that problems, if
any, are identified early. Through early intervention, more
serious diseases can be minimized and problems within
the body (as evidenced in the mouth) can be treated more
effectively. For more information, speak with your dental
professional or visit
Meshuga Mixer – We Learned Some
Funny Tales About Each Other
id you know? Did you know that when Don Lipman
was a teenager, a fish jumped in his boat all by itself?
Did you know that the pier owner then called an Asbury Park
Gazette photographer, and the pier owner added his daughter,
whom Don had never met, to the picture? Did you know that
Mark Versel was called up as an Army Reservist when the
Berlin Wall was built in 1961? The good news is that he was
camped at the Presidio in San Francisco. Tough duty! These
are some of the “what you didn’t know about me” tales you
missed, if you didn’t get to the Meshugh Mixer on March 13,
sponsored by Sisterhood and Men’s Club. As an icebreaker,
attendees flagged down and questioned someone they didn’t
know well, asked about something unusual in the person’s
past, and then wrote the newfound info on a card. Later we
pulled cards out of fishbowl. What laughter! What fun!
Besides the opportunity to get to know each other
a bit better, we heard a Strathmore artist-in-residence,
Margot MacDonald, strum the guitar and serenade us with
songs she composed herself. When this young woman’s star
rises—as we are convinced it will—we can all say we heard
her “when.”
The rest of the evening was about schmoozing, eating
desserts, and drinking wine—activities we are all good at!
(continued on next page)
men’s club
Men’s Club: 301-299-7087, ext. 411 • Email: • Hal Freed, President
Meshuga Mixer—March 13, 2010
Meshuga Mixer - We Learned (continued)
Please take a moment to see the related photos on this
page. For the second year in a row, Har Shalomers got to
spend a casual and fun time at the home of Marcy and Mark
Versel, our gracious hosts. Yashar koach to the Versels, and to
Jerry Breslow and the rest of the committee, for a wonderful
evening. Won’t you join us next year?
Final Parenting Series Session—
Talking to Your Children About
arents may begin to tremble when confronted by their
children with questions related to God. That does not
have to be the case! These challenging questions can be
wonderful opportunities to speak with our children about
some of life’s most meaningful lessons. And let’s be honest,
their questions are frequently our questions as well. So join
us as we discuss the following topics:
Wonderful music, good food and wine, and great friends—
what more could one ask for? Enjoying the evening are,
left to right: Steve Silverman, Marilyn Silverman, Marcy
Versel, Hal Scheinberg, and Roberta Lasken.
• Are religion and belief in God good for you?
• What is God’s role in suffering and how do I explain
it to my kids?
Rabbi Zuckerman will address these subjects at the
remaining Parenting Lecture, presented by the Men’s Club
and the Adult Education Committee, from 9:30 to 11:30 am
on Sunday, May 16.
BOYZ club
Sisterhood president Cheryl Rod and Men’s Club president
Hal Freed were very pleased with the outcome of their
jointly-sponsored event.
BOYZ Club: 301-299-7087, ext. 411 • Email: • Lloyd Malech, Chairman
Younger Members Enjoy “Game
he BOYZ Club had another memorable event in March.
“Game Night” was a huge success, especially for one of
the BOYZ in particular who couldn’t lose. It’s always great
seeing new faces at our events, at which we sponsor activities
for Har Shalom men in their 30s, 40s, and early 50s. We look
forward to seeing more and more of you in the upcoming
months. Check our schedule and find something that interests
you. If you are not receiving BOYZ Club emails and want to
receive them, contact the Men’s Club at the phone number or
email address above, and we will add your name to the list.
A highlight of the evening was the chance to meet new
people and schmooze with long-time friends. Relaxing
and spending time together are, left to right: Don
Lipman, Augie Spector, Rabbi Leonard Cahan, and
Hal Scheinberg.
men’s club
Men’s Club: 301-299-7087, ext. 411 • Email: • Hal Freed, President
The March Triple Header
fter sponsoring an activity every weekend in February, the
Men’s Club exceeded itself on March 21, when the Club hit
a triple header with three activities on the same day. And what
activities they were! In the morning, the Club finished packing
up the Yom HaShoah candles for delivery to all the families in
the congregation (see the photo on this page). On the prior
Tuesday evening, the seventh grade had joined the Men’s Club in
a production line to pack over 400 candles. On the morning of
March 21, the Club packed another 425 candles to complete the
project. Each box included a special yahrzeit candle with a yellow
band to remind us of the yellow stars worn by the Jews during
the time of the Holocaust. Also included was a prayer to be said
when the candle is lit and a letter, signed by Rabbi Zuckerman
and Hal Freed, president of the Men’s Club, explaining the
meaning of the candle and requesting a donation in memory of
the six million who perished. The proceeds of the project will go
to Haitian Earthquake Relief.
Later in the day on March 21, close to twenty fathers and
children met at the Shady Grove Bowling Center for an afternoon
of bowling as part of the “Kids ‘n Dads” program. A great time
was had by all at the recently renovated bowling alley.
During the evening of March 21, the Men’s Club’s Wellness
Committee sponsored a panel discussion on the topic of cardiac
health. Over fifty interested Har Shalom members heard
featured speakers Drs. Sam Itscoitz, David Friedman, and Susan
Trachman, discuss prevention and handling of heart issues (see
the photo on this page). The March 21 activities followed the
Men’s Club Shabbat and Men’s Club/Sisterhood Meshuga Mixer
held earlier in the month of March. (See pages 8 and 9 for that
story and photos.) The activities on March 21 also came on the
heels of the appearance of Morris Amitay, founder of AIPAC, at
the March 7 Speaker Series and Brunch. The Club continues to
live up to its motto, “Jewish Guys, Doin’ Good, Havin’ Fun!”
Men’s Club Wellness Panel —
March 21, 2010
The March 21 Wellness Event featured a panel discussion
focusing on cardiac health. Left to right, panel speakers were:
Dr. Dennis Friedman, Dr. Sue Trachman, Dr. Sam Itscoitz, and
Rob Trachman (Men’s Club Wellness Chair).
Preparing Yom HaShoah Candles
Residential and Commercial State-of-the-Art Service.
Services provided:
• Carpet Cleaning • Sales/Installations
• Repair Work
• Rug Fabrication • Upholstery
• Oriental/Rug Cleaning
• Flood Water Removal
• Ceramic/Wood Floor Polishing
(301) 869-3355
Together with the seventh grade, the Men’s Club prepared more
than 800 Yom HaShoah candle packages to deliver to every
family in the congregation. Bill Oshinsky (left) and Vic Cohen
(right) help pack the candles into boxes for delivery, along with
Rob Trachman (at back of photo).
Find us on facebook!
We Gratefully Acknowledge the Following Contributions . . .
Adult Education
In Memory of:
Louis Brodsky, father of Joyce
Joyce & Don Lipman
Alan B. Levenson
Endowment Fund
Ruth H. Modlin
In Honor of:
Dr. Evelyn Reis, our daughter,
on receiving the Excellence
in Clinical Skills Instruction
Award at University of
Pittsburgh School of
Marilynn & Norman Cohen
Alan B. Levenson
Memorial Lecture
Carol Witt
Faye Feder
Joan Forest
Charlotte & Herbert
Wool Children’s
Music Endowment
In Honor of:
The 90th birthday of
Charlotte Wool
Ruth & Martin Baum
Chizever Outdoor
In Memory of:
Jeanette Hoffman, mother
of Lois
Lois & Dick Neuman &
Lillian & Harvey Leaf,
parents of Marlene
Marlene & Mark Frankel
& Family
Community of
Caring Fund
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
Louis Feinberg, grandfather
of Alan
Gay & Alan Feinberg
Alan Levenson, my husband
Joan Levenson
Louis & Helen Markowitz,
parents of Jack
Jack & Laverne Markowitz
Dr. Ronald Duvner
Myra & Harry Birnkrant
Improvement Fund
In Honor of:
The 80th birthday of Marie
Carol Witt
In Memory of:
Rebecca & Joseph Postoff,
and Mildred & Hyman
Kaufman, our parents
Libby & Robert Kaufman
Harry Wolfe, brother of
Isidore & Florence Wolfe
Estelle Binder, mother &
Leslie & Steven Binder &
Charlotte Katschke, mother
and grandmother
The Harris Family
Cindy Dwork, mother and
Leslie, Steven, Brad, &
Lindsey Binder
In Memory of:
Hilda Balakirsky, mother of Jack
Sonia & Jack Balakirsky
Isidore Sandler, father and
Diane, Robin, & Kelly
Samuel Kaplan, father of Sonia
Sonia & Jack Balakirsky
Albert Land
Howard & Leah Cohen
General Operating
David Certner
In Honor of:
The birth of Noah Harrison
Karbeling, great-grandchild
of Manny Karbeling
Ruthjoy Leventhal
The engagement of Craig
Julie and Roy Eskow & Family
Speedy Recovery to:
Sorell Schwartz
Leah & Howard Cohen
In Memory of:
Samuel Levin, father of Barbara
Barbara & Larry Levitan
Rebecca & Joseph Postoff,
and Mildred & Hyman
Kaufman, our parents
Libby & Robert Kaufman
Edith Hindin-Chesler, my sister
Frances H. Leibowitz
Rose Rubin, my mother
Doris R. Cohen
Abraham Dravin, grandfather
of Esther
Gary & Esther C. Rohen
Jacob Buyer, grandfather of Gary
Gary & Esther C. Rohen
Cyvie Rottenberg, my mother
Clara Mazel
Elliott Weinstein, uncle of
Rabbi Risa Weinstein
Roberta Lasken & Hal
Rudolph Hinden, my brother
Fran Leibowitz
Ronald I. Greenberg, father
of Julie
Julie and Roy Eskow &
Ida Akresh, mother of Abe
Ronnie & David
Harvey Forest
Memorial Fund
Kadish Memorial
Endowment for
Religious School
In Memory of:
In Memory of:
Irving J. Kadish, father &
Richard & Bethany Kadish
& Family
Rabbi Morris Gordon, my
husband and founder of
Congregation Har Shalom, on
his fifth yahrzeit
Lori Heyman Gordon
Elliott Weinstein, uncle of
Rabbi Risa Weinstein
Nan & Stan Fried
Miriam & Gary,
Samantha & Devin
Roz & Joe Fenton
Rebecca & Joseph Postoff,
and Mildred & Hyman
Kaufman, our parents
Libby & Robert Kaufman
Abram Bloshteyn, father of
Michelle & Alexander
Abram Blum Library
In Memory of:
Samuel Rubenstein, father
of Marlyn
Marlyn & Saul Schepartz
Greg Motheral
Julian Josephson
Debbie Karch
Children’s Library
In Honor of:
The 85th Birthday of Esther
Lisa, Adam, Abigail, and
Eloise Goldberg
Ellen & Harvey Karch
In Memory of:
Harvey Forest, my husband
Joan Forest
Kay Mannes, my mother
Joan Forest
Irene Wiener, my mother
Barbara Meyers
Hyman I. Cohen, my uncle
Esther S. Sherman
Rose Yalowitz, mother of
Gerson & Shirley Yalowitz
Mother of Steve Yamada
Ellen & Harvey Karch
Daniella Kreiner’s mother,
Lisa, Adam, Abigail, and
Eloise Goldberg
Miriam Green, mother of
Ronni Cristol
Carol Witt
Lillian Levy, mother of Joyce
Ellen & Harvey Karch
In Memory of:
Estelle Binder, mother of Mona
Mona & Drew Tavss
Adele Isen, mother and
Linda & Richard Isen
Leonard Brown, father of
Don Brown
Rob Trachman
Hevra Kadisha Fund
In Memory of:
Milton Towbin, father of
Kenneth & Rachel Towbin
Samuel Reich, father of Rachel
Kenneth & Rachel Towbin
Mary Oshinsky, mother
of Bill
Bill & Ruth Oshinsky
Assistant Rabbi’s
Discretionary Fund
Melissa & Robert Friedland
Joyce Spechler
In Memory of:
In Memory of:
Discretionary Fund
Morris & Lillian
Cahan Adult
Endowment Fund
Lucas B. Mag for
Speedy Recovery to:
Hedda Kenton
Judith & Marvin Mag
In Memory of:
Miriam Green, mother of
Robert Cristol
Judith & Marvin Mag
ECEC & Religious
School Special Needs
In Memory of:
Minnie Taple, mother of Bobbie
Bobbie & Phil Carin
Molly Greenfield, my mother
Annette Steinborn
Prayer Book Fund
In Memory of:
Rebecca & Joseph Postoff,
and Mildred & Hyman
Kaufman, our parents
Libby & Robert Kaufman
Samuel Maler, father of Judy
Judy & Michael Mael
Senior Rabbi’s
Discretionary Fund
In Honor of:
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman
Jodi & David Chen
In Memory of:
Lois Pellman, sister of Joan
Joan & Phil Witorsch
Rebecca & Joseph Postoff,
and Mildred & Hyman
Kaufman, our parents
Libby & Robert Kaufman
Alicia Hanna Green, sister
of Nona
Nona & Sam Teichman
Abram Bloshteyn, father of
Michelle & Alexander
Mary Jane Gold, wife
Lewis Gold
Rabbi Emeritus
Discretionary Fund
In Memory of:
Isadore & Rose Engel
The Stempler Family
Religious School Fund
In Honor of:
Gabriel Ritter, in his first year
of Cheder
Bernhard & Beverly Penner
In Memory of:
Manny Karr, my father
Beth Ann Spector
Harris Garber, my brother
Iris Burke
World Jewry Fund
In Memory of:
Mildred Leach, mother of
Isidore & Florence Wolfe
Youth Activities Fund
In Memory of:
Mary Rudich Nebb, my mother
Jack Nebb
Donations were
received and processed
between March 5 and
March 31, 2010.
May 2010
Lag B’Omer
9:00 AM
Learners’ Minyan
9:15 AM
Men’s Club Speakers
Series and Brunch
9:30 AM Har Shalom House Tour
10:30 AM
Religious School
Lag B’Omer Celebration
7:30 PM
Minha Ma’ariv
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
7:30 PM
Learners’ Minyan
Minha Ma’ariv
Har Shalom House Tour
Minha Ma’ariv
A/E: Talmud Class
B’nai Mitzvah
Parents’ Meeting
6:45 AM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 AM
Learners’ Minyan
10:00 AM
Gemilut Hasadim
Ilene Abrams Mitzvah Day
7:30 PM
Minha Ma’ariv
ECEC Closed
Minha Ma’ariv
A/E: Talmud Class
7:15 PM
7:30 PM
ECEC Parent University
Minha Ma’ariv
Minha Ma’ariv
A/E: Talmud Class
Congregation Board
Memorial Day Observance
Building Closed Except for Minyan
USY Spring Convention Ends
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
ECEC Closed
7:30 PM
Minha Ma’ariv
7:30 PM
Sisterhood Book Club
ECEC Art Show
USY Lounge Night
Minha Ma’ariv
Israeli Dance
Minha Ma’ariv
Yom Yersushalayim
12:00 NOON
6:30 PM
USY Lounge Night
7:30 PM
Minha Ma’ariv
8:00 PM
Israeli Dance
6:45 AM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
Building Closed Except for Services
Shavuot—Day 1
9:15 AM
Shavuot Shaharit
9:15 AM
ECEC Closed
12:30 PM
6:30 PM
Minha Ma’ariv
9:02 PM
Candle Lighting
June 1
Post-Confirmation Class
Minha Ma’ariv
Rosh Hodesh Group
Building Closed Except for Services
9:15 AM
Shavuot Shaharit,
with Yizkor
9:15 AM
ECEC Closed
9:15 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
Minha Ma’ariv
USY Lounge Night
Minha Ma’ariv
Israeli Dance
6:45 AM
7:00 PM
Interfaith Bible Study at
Temple Emmanuel Lutheran
7:30 PM
Minha Ma’ariv
Minha Ma’ariv
6:45 AM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
12:15 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
Erev Shavuot
Religious School Closed
7:30 PM
Minha, followed by
Shavuot Nosh
8:01 PM
Candle Lighting
8:30 PM
8:45 PM
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
Building Closed Except for Minyan
Religious School Closed
9:00 AM
Learners’ Minyan
7:30 PM
Minha Ma’ariv
Minha Ma’ariv
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
ECEC Truck Day
8:00 PM
A/E: Talmud Class
8:00 PM
“Adorn Yourself ” Program
6:45 AM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
8:00 PM
7:30 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Learners’ Minyan
9:30 AM
Men’s Club
Parents’ Program
1:00 PM
Art Gallery
Artists Reception
1:00 PM
Darfur Vigil at the
Sudanese Embassy
6:30 PM
Sisterhood Z’havah
Reading, Screening & Eating
6:45 AM
9:30 AM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
8:00 PM USY Lounge Night
Volunteer Appreciation
Minha Ma’ariv
Israeli Dance
June 2
6:45 AM
7:30 PM
June 3
celebrating becoming b’nai mitzvah in May
Benjamin Koppel
son of
Robert & Lisa Koppel
Julia Karan Berrebi
daughter of
Gabriel & Sherrie Berrebi
Daniel Kipnis
son of
Victor & Inna Kipnis
Minha Ma’ariv
Environmental Bike Ride
9:15 AM
Parasha: Emor
Bar Mitzvah: Benjamin Koppel
10:30 AM
G2G Shabbat Service
7:15 PM
Minha Ma’ariv
Bat Mitzvah: Julie Berribi
7:30 PM
Minha, Torah Study,
& Ma’ariv
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:50 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
Bar-B-Que and Barkhu
Candle Lighting
6:30 PM
7:57 PM
9:15 AM
Parasha: Behar/B’hukkotai
Bar Mitzvah: Daniel Kipnis
9:15 AM
Lay-Led Minyan
7:35 PM Minha, Torah Study, &
Rosh Hodesh Sivan
Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting
6:30 PM
8:03 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting
June 4
9:15 AM
Parasha: Naso
Teacher Appreciation Shabbat
7:50 PM
Minha, Torah Study,
& Ma’ariv
USY Spring Convention Begins
6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
8:09 PM
Candle Lighting
6:30 PM
8:14 PM
9:15 AM
Parasha: B’midbar
Bar Mitzvah: Jacob Smith
Special Occasions Shabbat
11:00 AM
Gan Shabbat (Pre-K)
Tefilah Aleph (Grs. K-2)
Tefilah Bet (Grs. 3-6)
7:40 PM
Minha, Torah Study,
& Ma’ariv
ver Labor Day weekend, congregant Paul Lewis and
his twelve-year-old son, Jordan, plan to join over 200
riders in Hazon’s 10th Annual Jewish Environmental Bike
Ride. Father and son will ride approximately 100 miles over
two days in the New York metro area and have taken on this
challenge to help raise environmental awareness. The money
raised from this Ride will be used to support Hazon’s yearround work to promote environmental sustainability in the
U.S. and in Israel. Hazon also supports the Arava Institute
for Environmental Studies (AIES), the premier environmental
teaching and research program in the Middle East, preparing
future Arab and Jewish leaders to cooperatively solve the
region’s environmental challenges.
Jordan is joining the ride as part of his preparation to
become a bar mitzvah. The experience of the Ride will
provide Jordan and his dad the opportunity to pedal, grow,
learn, and be challenged together. The Lewis team’s efforts
will also support the Jewish community and educate others
about protection of the environment.
To learn more about sponsoring the Lewis family with a
tax-deductible contribution, please contact them by consulting
your telephone directory or by calling the Har Shalom office
at 301-299-7087. To learn more about Hazon, please visit
9:15 AM
Parasha: B’ha-alot’kha
Bar Mitzvah: Alexander Blackman
10:00 AM Jewish Meditation with
Rabbi Weinstein
7:55 PM
Minha, Torah Study,
& Ma’ariv
Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting
Pedaling to Raise Environmental
9:15 AM
Parasha: Sh’lah L’kha
Cantor Cal Chizever’s
Bar Mitzvah Sheini
10:30 AM
G2G Shabbat Service
8:00 PM
Minha, Torah Study,
& Ma’ariv
Remember that each issue of the TABLET is
available online as of the first day of each month.
Go to the synagogue’s website, www.harshalom.
org; click on “What’s Happening;” then click on
“TABLET Online” to go to the issue you want to
June 5
celebrating becoming b’nai mitzvah in May
Jacob Smith
son of
Mitchell & Amy Smith
Alexander Blackman
son of
Scott & Marcie Blackman
community news
he Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) will
hold two springtime events, both of which will honor Har
Shalom members. The May 5 annual meeting will honor Ronald
Glancz, and the June 9 annual fundraiser will honor Toni Paul and
Ronald A. Paul, M.D.
JCRC Annual Meeting - Wednesday, May 5; 7:00 pm in Har
Shalom’s Burke Sanctuary
Join us as we say goodbye to our outgoing president, Ron Glancz;
welcome our incoming president, Harvey Reiter; and install our
new Board of Directors. The keynote speaker will be Saul Singer,
co-author of Start Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle.
The book is available for sale at the JCRC website, and will be available
at a discount the evening of the event. Also featured will be a musical
presentation by Kol Sasson, the University of Maryland’s Jewish a
cappella group. Please visit for more information
and to RSVP.
JCRC Annual Fundraiser - Wednesday, June 9; 6:00 pm
reception, 7:00 pm program
The 2010 Annual Fundraiser will be held at Ohr Kodesh
Congregation; 8300 Meadowbrook Lane; in Chevy Chase. The event
will honor Maryland Senator Ben Cardin with the Breslau-Goldman
Award; and Toni and Ronald A. Paul, M.D., with the Community
Leadership Award. The evening will offer a panel moderated by Bill
Schneider, and will feature Andrew Card and Joe Lockhart. Please
visit for more information and to RSVP.
Care Management Service!
Joan Schwarz, MSW, LCSW-C and Terrie Ship, RN, MSN
offer a team approach for you and your parents.
Dual assessments by highly skilled professionals
provide top-notch care for your specific situations.
Contact Terrie and Joan to learn more at
(301) 610-9007
Yom HaShoah
Yom HaShoah: 301-299-7087, ext. 312 •
Email: • Sonia Beekman, Chairman
Evening Service a Memorable Way of
Honoring Those Who Perished
very moving and meaningful Yom HaShoah service was
held at Har Shalom on April 12, to remember those who
perished in the Holocaust, honor the survivors, and recognize
the Righteous Gentiles. The service included a beautiful
candle lighting ceremony during which twelve Har Shalom
families, with relatives whose lives were directly affected by
the Holocaust, lit six yarzheit candles. The candle lighters were
Sonia, Bernie and Jennifer Beekman; Mindy and Ari Blonder;
Amoz and Renate Chernoff; William and Roslyn Eisner; Janet
Horn and Family; Manny Mandel and Lisa Mandel-Trupp;
David and Bilha Marcus and Family; Leonard and Susan Miller;
Howard and Bernice Rosenstock; Eva Sarelle; Alan and Sharon
Schick; and Marius and Yvonne Weinreb.
The theme for Yom HaShoah is zachor, which means
“remember.” We remember the atrocities to remind us of
the horrific consequences of prejudice, hatred, and evil. We
remember those who perished—the six million Jewish men,
women, and children. We remember the gypsies, homosexuals,
and handicapped who were also slaughtered. We remember the
brave Righteous Gentiles who risked their lives and the lives of
their families to save Jews. But we also remember the incredible
strength of the survivors who defied the Nazis and rebuilt their
lives. From these survivors generations of Jews have flourished.
We are a testament that Am Israel Chai, the People of Israel Live.
Prior to the service, an Exhibit Hall displayed Holocaust
memorabilia and artwork contributed by Har Shalom members.
Thank you to everyone who displayed material. The items were
all very interesting and attendees learned much from viewing
the exhibits and speaking with the exhibitors. Yashar koach
to everyone who participated in this commemoration service.
Mitzvah Day (continued from page 1)
• Make placements for children attending Montgomery
Hospice Camp Caring and for homebound recipients of
Meals-on-Wheels through JSSA.
• Assemble emergency bags for children removed from
domestic violence homes.
• Make Snack Bags for the Men’s Emergency Shelter.
• Assemble cleaning supply buckets to be distributed by A
Wider Circle to people moving from homeless shelters
into apartments.
• Assemble toiletry bags for local shelters.
A table will be set up for Project Linus. You can also drop
off blankets you knitted or crocheted at home. Blankets will
be delivered to children in local hospitals.
To volunteer, please call the Gemilut Hasadim phone line
at 301-299-7087, ext. 314.
The Collection of the Month is cell phones and cell
phone accessories (no longer needed or broken),
to be donated to the Jewish Coalition Against
Domestic Violence.
We were pleased to have the participation of many
young people, our future torchbearers, with the reminder
l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation. Post-b’nai mitzvah
students participated by recalling their Shoah twins, children
who perished in the Holocaust before the age of thirteen.
Those recalling their Shaoh twins were: Jacob Adler, Camille
Bachrach, Valerie Cohen, Daniel Dorfman, Jacob Hyman, Seth
Kaplow, Molly Kaplowitz, Yanna Kost, Lindsey and Benjamin
Max, Fara Moskowitz, Sarah and David Nebb, Alex Rosen,
and Alexander Selengut. Molly and Scott Kaplowitz sang
a selection by Hannah Senesh. Alex Rosen sang a selection
from “Brundibar.” Religious School students participated in
a memorial to destroyed communities by making posters for
display in the Exhibit Hall and sharing with the congregation the
Jewish population of these countries before and after the Shoah.
Throughout the service, poignant readings were led by
Jeffrey and Mikki Ashin, Mark Wolff and Marilyn Kresky-Wolff,
the Kromash Family, Jodi Susser, Rami and Michelle Loya, Ed
and Debbie Schapiro, Yvonne Paretzky with grandchildren
Malcolm Hayes and Ava Gray, and Bilha Marcus. In her closing
remarks, event chairman Sonia Beekman shared her recent
experience of visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau, Warsaw, and Cracow.
A special Holocaust Kaddish was recited.
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world jewry
World Jewry: 301-299-7087, ext. 311 • Email: • Yvonne Paretzky, Chairman
The Past Is Prologue
The Jews of the Cape Verde Islands
iven Germany’s disdain for “Semites,” Egypt was
prepared to boycott the 1936 Olympics. In the end,
Egypt’s threat prompted Germany to clarify that its disdain
was not for Semites in general, but for Jews in particular.
Thus, according to historian Jeffrey Herf, Ph.D., a professor
of history at the University of Maryland and the author of
five books, was born Nazi propaganda devised specifically
for the people and politicos of the Middle East and North
Africa. Following Prof. Herf ’s presentation at Har Shalom on
April 13, members of the audience raised several questions
about the contemporary implications of that propaganda.
Whether or not you heard Prof. Herf or just have an interest
in how the past truly is prologue to current Middle East events
and proposed responses by the United States and Europe,
check out his The New Republic website article, “Killing in
the Name,” which is posted on the World Jewry Committee
bout 300 miles off the coast of Senegal are the Cape
Verde Islands. The main island, Praia, is a refueling stop
for flights from South Africa. Praia also is the site of the
tombstone engraved in Hebrew of Hillel Ben-Shimol. After
the expulsion from Spain, Jews from Spain, Gibraltar, and
Morocco migrated to Cape Verde. Being a small minority,
they quickly intermarried, converted to Catholicism, and lost
most—but not all—of their Jewish identity.
May 2 Reminder
On Sunday, May 2, the Jewish community will celebrate
Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) and the
holiday of Lag B’Omer. A variety of events will be held
at all three area JCCs. See page 3 for more information.
Congregation Har Shalom
11510 Falls Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
In 2008, B’nai B’rith Magazine went to the Islands to
unearth the history of the Jews who lived and died there from
the 15th to the 19th century. Although the Jewish community
of Cape Verde numbered in the thousands, today there
isn’t one practicing Jew among the country’s half a million
inhabitants. But the history of Cape Verde’s Jews remains, in
names and traditions, tombstones and cemeteries.
On Tuesday, May 11, at 8:00 pm, Carol Castiel, the
founder of The Cape Verde Jewish Heritage Project, Inc.
(CVJHP), which aims to honor the memory and explore the
contributions of the many Sephardic Jewish families of that
land, will share her knowledge of this little-known Diaspora
community with the Har Shalom community. Please come
see and hear why a no-longer-extant Jewish habitat should
be important to us today.
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