RABBI`S MESSAGE - Pine Brook Jewish Center


RABBI`S MESSAGE - Pine Brook Jewish Center
Serving the needs of
our diverse Jewish
community for more
than 120 years.
May 2016 | Nissan—Iyar 5776
The Flowering of Our Redemption
Jewish people around the world have concluded the celebration of
Passover. The festival of Passover has many names, among them,
is the festival of spring. As we look out the windows of our homes,
we watch our lawns get greener by the week. We watch the little
buds appear on the trees and turn into the leaves that give us shade
as the weather gets warmer as summer approaches.
Judaism has always been in awe of the seasonal cycles of the year.
Perhaps it is because we are able to look at Jewish history and see
how Jewish civilization has flowered in different parts of the world
at different times.
In the Hebrew Grace After Meals and in
the “Prayer for the State of Israel,” we
refer to Israel as the “Flowering of Our
Redemption.” In spite of the challenges
facing the Jewish people, including antiSemitism and terrorism in Israel, the
world is a far more open place to Jews
today than it is ever been in our history.
The establishment of and rise of the state
of Israel has sent a message to the world
that on a level playing field, Jews can
take their places and contribute, often beyond our numbers, to any
society in which we live. And the modern State of Israel shows that
Jews can contribute beyond their numbers to the family of nations.
Our grandparents and great grandparents would not recognize the
advances that their grandchildren and great-grandchildren made in
the Western world.
I appreciate the beauty of spring. In any week, my walk to
synagogue on Saturday mornings lets me get an unrushed glimpse
of the beautiful world around me; and my walk home from
synagogue accompanied by family members, lets me see my
beautiful personal world.
Some spring highlights:
I was, once again, fortunate to attend this year’s American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference in Washington,
DC. Given that it is a presidential election year, Vice-President Biden
was the keynote speaker, and presidential candidates Clinton, Cruz,
Kasich, and Trump Speaker of the House Ryan, and Senator
Menendez each addressed the conference. Bernie Sanders declined
the invitation to speak in-person. Our congregation’s contingent was
Ester Robbins, my daughter, Liora, who took part in special
programming for high school and college students, and myself.
I returned home in time for Purim, including the Religious School’s
celebration where a sanctuary full of students and parents, many
in costume, welcomed the “Ice Queen” as we told, sang, and
chanted an enhanced Disney version of the Megillah followed by a
Purim dinner.
On the first Sunday afternoon in April, I and others from our
congregation had a fantastic opportunity to see and hear four of our
congregation’s teens, Danielle Fuchs, Joshua and Matthew
Gonzales, and my daughter Liora sing among 400 wonderful voices
of HaZamir: The International Jewish High
School Choir at Carnegie Hall. I am sure
everyone in the audience would have been
willing to testify to the old joke that our
young people got there through “practice,
practice, practice.” It is still in the works, but
we hope to have the MetroWest chapter
sing at PBJC as part of our 120th
anniversary celebration. I look forward to
more PBJC youth joining their ranks.
And there is been one more thing that has
made my spring special: each Tuesday I
have the opportunity to spend an hour with a group of sixth graders
willing to put in the extra time and effort in an hour of study with
the Rabbi. The goals of the class: The ability to read and translate a
series of Hebrew stories and dialogues which contain a useful 150word Hebrew vocabulary; the ability to use a Hebrew-English
dictionary (from the Hebrew side), additional prayers and songs that
they will have under their belt for B Mitzvah and the rest of their
lives, and, perhaps most important, time to explore topics in
Judaism based on their questions.
It is been a great spring, and it is not over yet. I know that a number
of our young people will be participating in exciting opportunities to
see the United States, Israel, and the world, together with other
young Jews, doing Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam. To all our young
people who engage in these excellent Jewish experiences: Yasher
Ko’ah. It will give me a bounce as I approach my special time of
study with my rabbinic colleagues from around the world in Israel
this summer.
See you in shul.
2016, our 120th Anniversary year, is heating up. While this
will be my last opportunity to write about the Gala
occurring on May 14th before it happens, and to encourage
everyone to support it, either through attendance or tribute,
it is not the end of the celebration. Judy Gothelf and team
will continue to bring you anniversary-related programming
throughout the rest of the year, and I would like to thank
Judy, Abby Finkel, Eve Fields, Lorraine Milkowski, and rest
of the team for all their hard work.
All congregants should have received an invitation to the
Strategic Planning Workshops and had an opportunity to
attend and share their personal insights. Gathering useful
intelligence and turning this intelligence into actionable
insights is driven by engagement. Engagement can
happen in multiple ways – Surveys, workshops, personal
conversations and networking events. However, critical
thinking however requires focus – the kind of focus best
suited for facilitated live interactions, allowing questions to
be asked and answered, problems identified and assessed
in a way that allows the group to interact with one another,
and which was the purpose of the workshops. These
workshops emphasized discussion of PBJC’s mission and
our relationship with our members, both current and
potential, and financial stewardship. Critical thinking about
options, what to prioritize, and how to execute against
those priorities were the topics. Not simple questions, and
requiring much more than an on-line survey or casual
conversation to get to the types of feedback needed.
Amongst the immediate uses of the strategic planning
efforts will be our conversations with our Clergy, including,
but not limited to retention and compensation. I would like
to begin discussions with both clergy about contract
extensions. These are weighty topics and we need to hear
as much feedback from our congregants as is possible.
My thanks to Michael Weinstein, Dan Seewald, and all who
attended the workshops. We will begin to share the
insights we gathered during the workshops and provide
the first draft of the strategic plan shortly.
It’s been almost a year since I took office. We have
accomplished a lot, but still have much to do as we begin
the preparations for the next year. Specifically it is time to
prepare our annual budgets and recommend a slate of
officers and board members to the Congregation for the
coming year. My thanks to Steve Sanders and Mitchell
Goldstein for all their personal and team efforts.
Do you have a Student
Graduating from
High School or College?
To have your child's name listed in our June issue,
complete this form and email it to Nan Rothberg at
nanr3@optonline.net or call 973.335.6143 (home) or
973.879.3529 (cell). Please submit your forms by May 6th.
Graduate’s Last Name: _______________________________First Name:____________________________
Member’s Name ___________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________
School Graduating: ___________________________ School Attending:
May 2016 | Nissan—Iyar 5776
Nursery School Director
Spring is finally in the air at PBJC Nursery. What a long, long winter it has been. We started April fresh and energized following a nice spring break! Everyone came back to school ready for warm weather, spring projects and, of course, getting outside to the playground!
We recently had some very special - baby chicks that we raised right here in our school! It was a huge success. After the
farmer came and dropped off 12 incubating eggs, we cared for them each day and then watched, right before our very
eyes, as little baby chicks hatched their way into the world!! It was an incredible learning experience for us all as we saw
them poke their way out of their shells and then learn to walk, eat and drink within hours. Within days we had 12 fluffy,
adorable, chirping chicks and we named them all! Everyone was able to hold and play with our new little friends. Before
sending them back to the farm, we had a fabulous "Happy Birthday" celebration where we let them run around a specially designed "pen" and we sang songs so they will always remember their special friends at PBJC!!
Once the chicks headed home, it was time to turn our thoughts to Passover! We always spend a lot of time in preparation for this special holiday! We welcomed Rabbi Rosenblum, our friend from the Living Legacy for his annual visit with
his “Matzo Factory”. All of the children learned how matzo is made and we even made our very own to take home with
us. Passover is a very special time when our families join us in school for our model seder! All of the children were able
to show off their creative projects (frogs and seder plates everywhere) and share the telling of the Passover story. This
year we had a very special “Sing-A-Long” seder where we sang Passover songs to the tune of many popular children’s
songs! A fun time was had by all!
Summer 2016 will be here before we know it. Planning for Pine Brook Day Camp is in full swing! We are currently accepting applications for children ages 2-5. Registration forms are available through the nursery office or on our website. At
Pine Brook Day Camp we offer an 8 week program highlighted by fabulous weekly themes and programming that includes water play, arts and crafts, music, games, sports, special events and more!
PBJC Nursery continues to grow! We are expanding our already vibrant and stimulating preschool program to accommodate the needs of parents who require longer hours. Children ages 18 months to 5 years can now enroll in The Giggle
Zone, an expanded care option (hours available from 7:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.) to complement our current preschool classes.
To add to this exciting news, The Board of Directors of the Pine Brook Jewish Center are pleased to announce that in
honor of the Grand Opening of the PBJC Nursery Full-Time Giggle Zone, families with children enrolled in the Nursery
School will be made full-time, non-paying Honorary Synagogue Members. We are so pleased to have already welcomed
numerous new families into our PBJC community and more are on their way.
May promises to be another month filled with fun and memory-making! I can't wait to share all about our “trip” to Israel
for Yom Ha’Atzmaut, “raising” butterflies and Truck Day in my next update!
Be sure to regularly check the PBJC website and Facebook page. We will be sharing all sorts of information, updates
and photos.
As always, my door is always open to anyone who would like more information about any of our nursery programs.
The Candlestick
Religious School Director
Congregants often ask me why I subject myself to a Kitah Dalet Shabbaton or a trip away with teens, the answer is
simple, “I love it!” The end result is seeing different friendships taking root, camaraderie like no other, and beautiful
memories forged. Twenty students joined me on our B’Yachad trip to Boston. We began our weekend with a
Shabbat dinner at Brandeis University with close to 200 students and joined them in singing Shalom Aleichem and
ending our Shabbat experience with Birkat
Hamazon. Our weekend was jammed pack
with a “Duck Tour” around Boston, lunch at
Quincy Market, walking the Freedom Trail,
enjoying the show Blue Man Group, visiting
the amazing New England Aquarium and
having lunch at the Boston Tea Party Cafe.
My most poignant moment was coming to
the Holocaust Memorial. I stood back for a
moment, looked at these young adults and
realized that they will be taking on the
responsibility of “L’Dor V’dor”, remembering
and perpetuating our Jewish Identity and
heritage. They were so respectful during their walk through the six pillars and am hoping that they will all remember
the two words, “Zachor and Gedenk”.
This trip world not has been possible without the support and assistance of Harvey Jaffe and Robin Mangino.
Words cannot possibly convey the appreciation I have for my volunteers who gave up their weekend to share it
with our group; Eve Fields, Arlene Lopez, and my husband Frank; and a special shout out to Carly, Sara, Jared and
Hayley for helping make this weekend so special and memorable.
Our last month of the academic year is packed with stimulating and energetic programs for our students, their
families and the synagogue at large. Our students are taking part in the Yom Hashoah program on Sunday, May, 1;
the K-2 students will be participating in a Kabbalat Shabbat service on Friday, May 6; we will be marking the
moving up ceremony (Lech Lecha) of our Kitah Hey students on Friday, May 20; our annual Lag Ba’Omer Olympics
and last day of Religious School is scheduled for Sunday, May 22.
Our tenth grade students should be commended and recognized by our congregation for their ongoing
commitment to Jewish learning. Please join us on Sunday, June 12 at our B’Nai Torah Confirmation in honor of the
following students: Sam Brumer, Andrew Feinsein, Liora Finkel. Eric Freeman, Danielle Fuchs, Joshua Katz,
Matthew Shupack, Max Simmons, Yuval Toren, Max Weinstein and Hayley Zwickel. May you continue to go from
strength to strength!
Save these dates and plan on attending these memorable events. Words cannot possibly express the gratitude to
Sisterhood and Men’s Club for their financial, emotional and physical support for all of our programs. Todah Rabah
for all that you do!
My door is always open to hear your suggestions and comments on how WE can make our school the very best it
can be.
May 2016 | Nissan—Iyar 5776
Natalie Rossinow • May 7, 2016
Natalie Susan Rossinow was born on April 24, 2003 to proud parents MarySue and Seth. She is a
wonderful middle sister to Julia and Kaitlin and loves playing with her dog Bailey. Natalie enjoys
playing field hockey and doing gymnastics. She looks forward to spending her summers in
Manasquan, enjoying the beach and sunshine. For her Mitzvah project, Natalie has been
delivering food with the Jewish Relief Agency. Once a month she boxes and delivers food to
needy people throughout Metrowest New Jersey. After her Bat Mitzvah Natalie plans to
continue delivering for JRA. We are thrilled and so proud to be sharing the special day with our
family and friends.
Justin Alexrad • May 8, 2016
Justin Samuel Axelrad was born on March 11, 2003 and has kept our family smiling ever since,
even his older sister Lindsay sometimes. He is an honor student at Lazar Middle School and
enjoys playing travel soccer, AAU basketball and hanging with his friends. Justin is
compassionate, always smiling and appears care free, yet his determination drives him to
succeed in whatever he puts his mind to. For his Bar Mitzvah Project, Justin is working with
Souls4Soles, a charity that donates gently used athletic sneakers to underprivileged adults
and children. To date, Justin has collected over 500 sneakers to donate. We are looking
forward to celebrating Justin’s milestone with all of our family and friends. We are so proud
of the man you have become and hope that your future endeavors are successful and things come as
easy as you make them look!!! Mazel Tov Justin, We love you!!!
Samuel Abramson • May 14, 2016
Samuel Matthew Abramson was born on March 28, 2003 to proud parents Danielle and Andrew.
Sam is a true blessing, bringing joy, compassion, and laughter to our family since the day he
was born. Sam is a High Honor Roll Student at Lazar Middle School, enjoys reading and
learning, and loves technology, computers, and video games. Sam also loves playing
basketball, playing the saxophone, and playing with our dog, Tate. Sam is a great big brother
to his sister Rachel. For his Mitzvah Project, Sam has been raising money for Juvenile
Diabetes Research Foundation. He chose this project because his father, Andrew, has been
diabetic since Andrew was five years old. We are so proud of Sam and look forward to
celebrating this wonderful occasion with all of our family and friends. We love you Sam!
Jesse Riback • May 21, 2016
Jesse Samuel Riback was born on May 13, 2003. He is a 7th grade honor student at Lazar Middle
School and enjoys skiing, tennis, basketball and soccer. For his Mitzvah project, Jesse has been
participating in the Twin with a Survivor program. Jesse has built a wonderful relationship with
his “twin”. This experience has been both inspirational and important. Jesse has a special
kindness and a great sense of humor. He has added so much joy to our lives. We are so proud
of Jesse and cannot wait to celebrate this special day with our family and friends.
The Candlestick
President, PBJC Sisterhood
Join the fun! PBJC Sisterhood offers opportunities for social activities, educational
experiences, fundraising, and personal growth. We are dedicated to the
perpetuation of Conservative Judaism by promoting Jewish education and
encouraging cultural and social activities for our membership, the congregation
and the community. Dues are $45 per year ($36 for our senior members).
Happy month of May ladies! Warmer weather, trees budding and birds
singing indicates spring is here with new and exciting things!! The
PBJC Sisterhood is no exception to that. We have so many new things
coming up!!
New to Women’s League and Sisterhood is the Garden State Region’s
Woman of Achievement. Please save the date Thursday, June 2 at 6:30
at Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael in Springfield, for Chai Tea at $36.00 per
person. We will be honoring our Sisterhood Woman of the Year (to be
announced shortly) as well as the other Women of Achievement from the
Garden State.
Spring always reminds me to get moving more (walks outside) and to try
something new. Sisterhood programming chairs Lois Davis and Michelle
Zuckerman provided that with Gentle Yoga on April 18. Thank you very
much to Brenda Samlin for leading us in this wonderful exercise of mind,
body and spirit. Thank you to our chairs, as well as Betsy Steckelman
for providing the flyer.
I am thrilled that our Drinks and Dessert night on May 5th at 7:30 in
honor of the 120th Anniversary of PBJC is upon us. I am thrilled that we
have a great committee: Michelle Zuckerman, Jamie Mach, Francine
Katz and Jen Kayne who are working on this event and would like to
thank them all for their time and effort. I would also like to thank
everyone who attends (attended-not sure of publication timing!). I am
sure it will be a fun night for all!
Monday Mah Jong is back!! Save the date for Monday May 23 at 7:30.
Any game is welcome as well as beginner tables for women who want
to learn Mah Jong.
Get ready for our annual Donor event, which will take place this year on
Tuesday June 14th. This year we will be seeing the new musical
Waitress, starring Jessie Mueller with music by Sara Bareilles. Eve Fields
will be sending out letters with your donor credit information shortly.
I would like to thank you all for your continued support of Sisterhood. If
you have any questions, thoughts, or even complaints, feel free to
contact me at ithailer@optonline.net or 201-658-4244. My “door” is
always open.
May 2016 | Nissan—Iyar 5776
To place a listing in the directory,
please send your information to Gina
Logrande by the 10th of each month.
Please provide regular updates as your
children’s circumstanes change.
Jordan Buren
Liora Finkel
973. 944.8397
Ryan Kahwaty
Red Cross BTC
Alexis Liebes
Brittany Liebes
Ara Nazmiyal
Noah Sokaler, 15
Naomi Weinflash
Red Cross BTC
Alyssa Weiss
Friendship Club Coordinator
The Friendship Club began in 2000 with a grant from MetroWest. Currently, we have about 250 members from Morris and Essex
counties. We meet at various times of the year depending on the synagogue schedule. We take trips to museums, attend concerts and
shows, have a mid-winter brunch in February, a Shabbat dinner in November, and evening programs. We have about eight events a year,
several with bus transportation. Dues are $25 annually.
Spring has arrived at last and The Friendship Club continues to be very, very busy. On Tuesday evening, April 5, eighty
people attended our popular movie night and viewed an excellent documentary about Jewish delicatessens, past and
present. Prior to the movie, we enjoyed a delicious dinner catered by Deli King of Clark which consisted of meat platters,
rye bread, salads, pickles, kasha varnishkes and, of course, fabulous desserts. This was truly a fantastic evening and
“the talk of the town.” We thank Tom Milkowski, our audio-visual expert, for his assistance.
We have arranged a day trip to the Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue and Museum on Tuesday, May 10. Although it is a
small synagogue located on the Lower East Side, it offers a wealth of information about the heritage, traditions and
customs of Romaniote Jews from Janina, Greece. Our visit will include a guided tour, lecture and a Greek-Kosher lunch.
We are looking forward to a wonderful day.
On Tuesday evening, June 21, The Friendship Club and the Socially Active Senior Singles group (SASS) will be
presenting another exciting musical evening - “Ella and Frank” with Rhonda Denet and Steve Kazlauskas. We hope that
you will join us for this beautiful tribute to two legendary singers, Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra. A flyer with complete
details will be mailed in mid-May.
Finally, for the fifth year in a row, we will be offering the AARP Driver Safety Course at the synagogue on Wednesday,
August 10 from 9:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. Once again, Marty Karasick, a certified AARP volunteer and a member of The
Friendship Club, will be teaching this course. If you are interested in attending this class, please mark this date on your
Wishing you a beautiful Spring
The Torah Fund Campaign of Women's League for Conservative Judaism helps strengthen Conservative
Judaism through its integral support of Conservative/Masorti seminaries throughout the world.
Please help support our future Jewish leaders and clergy; any donation to Torah Fund is deeply appreciated. Support
can be given though donations of any amount, purchasing greeting cards to commemorate any occasion ($5.00 per
card), or pledging a $180.00 donation in the 2015-2016 calendar year, and receiving a beautiful Benefactor NATAH
KAREM pin. A $300 donation is acknowledged with the Guardian pin.
All donations are greatly appreciated. If you would like to purchase a tribute card to commemorate any occasion or
make a donation please contact Sheila Basem, 8 Bromley Dr. Parsippany, NJ 07054 973-263-1042,
sbasem@optonline.net or, Carol Kotch, 9 Gordon Circle, Parsippany, NJ 07054, 973-299-1343, cjknj@optonline.net.
Thank you to Myra Sumka and Susan Lefkowitz for your support.
The Candlestick
Socially Active Single Seniors is a group of single men and women age 55+. We meet once a
month at the temple or out to a show, movie, dinner, museum etc. We welcome new
members and are receptive to all program suggestions. Please call with any questions or
suggestions. Elaine Nachshen 973-263-0407 or email at nachshen@aol.com.
SASS hopes everyone had a Happy Pesach. In late March we attended a performance of “Girl’s Room” at the
Parsippany Playhouse. It was a delightful show about a daughter, mother and grandmother who revealed secrets
to each other that had been kept quiet for years. This resulted in a comedy that was quite touching as well as
funny. We ended the evening with a delicious Italian dinner. April’s program, (not yet seen at this writing) is
scheduled for April 17th. It is a show at the Bickford Theatre, “My Mother, My Sister and Me”. This is a comedy
about a Jewish family living in the Bronx NY, circa 1969. With the world changing rapidly, men on the moon and
Woodstock all the rage, the Abram’s daughters are rebelling, the parents are having marital problems, the
grandmother rules the roost and hilarity prevails. In May we are going to a performance of “La Diva Tenors” at the
Wayne Y. This promises to be an entertaining evening. Three tenors and a soprano will entertain us with an
assortment of songs ranging from comtemporary, pop crossover, broadway show tunes and a sprinkling of opera.
Finally, on June 21st, we will again be having a joint program with the Friendship Club. If you attended our meeting
in December with guest entertainer, Rhonda Denet, you know how great she was. This time the “Silver Fox” voice
returns with her duet partner, Steve Koslauskas to perform “Ella and Frank”, a tribute to Ella Fitzgerald and Frank
Sinatra. This promises to be a fantastic evening. This is a fund raiser for the two groups and the program will be
open to the entire congregation, so bring your friends! Dues paying members of either SASS or The Friendship
Club, the cost is $10. Everyone else is $15 each. This is a bargain for this quality of entertainment. A dessert table
will follow the performance. A flyer about this program will be out soon, if you have not already received it. As
always, SASS welcomes new members. Please call if you have any questions about any of our programs.
Chaverim of PBJC are a vibrant group of adults 60+ who meet at 11:30 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the Center.
We have informative and entertaining programs. We enjoy speakers, current event discussions, entertainment, movies, in house
luncheons, trips and dining at nearby restaurants. Bring a cold dairy lunch, (if you’d like), and socialize before each program. Call Shelly
at 973.627.5370 for more information. Annual dues $15, JCC Membership Dues: $36.
MAY 12
11:30—Lunch and Socializing
12:30—FLAVIAN MIND READING GAME SHOW. Flavian will make you laugh as he reads your
thoughts. And reveals answers to some very funny questions.
MAY 26
11:30—Installation Lunch and Socializing (not at PBJC)
May 2016 | Nissan—Iyar 5776
To make a donation, please download forms at pbjc.org.
By Sandy & Alan Zwickel
In honor of Emma Zwickel becoming a bat
By Myra Sumka
In memory of Stanley Diener
By Amy Boyer
In memory of Paul Spindel
By Fred Decter
In memory of Max Decter
By Abby Crane
In memory of Eli Burkam
By Karen Kraut
In memory of Cynthia Bressler
By Mayer Kass
In memory of Kevah Konner
By Gail Sonners
In memory of Benjamin Schwartz
By Ray Feldman
In memory of Ida Ethel Feldman &
Leonard Frank Feldman
By Party! Party! Invitations
In honor of Natalie Rossinow becoming a bat
By St. Pius X Church
In appreciation of the Rabbi’s time spent with
the students
By Sandy and Alan Zwickel
In honor of Emma Zwickel becoming a bat
By Warren Nadler
In memory of Rae Nadler
By Ron Liebowitz
In memory of Morton Liebowitz
By Jordan & Sheila Basem
In memory of Samuel Basem
By Ann Monka
In memory of Paul Monka
Louise Shapiro in appreciation of Rabbi
Finkel and Cantor Toren, March 4
Debra and Henry Rosen in appreciation of
Rabbi Finkel and Cantor Toren, March 11
Nancy and Jeff Weiss in honor of Alyssa's
birthday, March 18
Elaine Nachshen in honor of granddaughter
Emma’s Bat Mitzvah, April 1
From the Mishloach Manot Chairs:
We would like to thank the many volunteers who generously gave their time to help make
this year’s Purim Basket program a huge success. These wonderful people stuffed
envelopes for congregation-wide mailing, schlepped boxes throughout PBJC, unpacked
boxes, rolled scrolls, sorted and packed hamentashen, packed baskets, organized routes,
provided administrative support, and so much more. We could not have made this happen
without all of you, and we hope that we did not miss anyone in the list below. It has been
our pleasure to plan, create and organize the Sisterhood Purim Baskets again this year,
and we truly appreciate the support of so many of our PBJC congregants.
MarySue Rossinow and Elisa Sandler
The Abfier Family
Stacey Blumenthal
Jared Bortniker
Betty Crane
Nancy Drillings
Gail Feldman
Jeri Freeman
The Friedman Family
Sandy Gonzalez
Jennifer and Brad Horowitz & Family
Karen Kraut
Wendy Leicht
Renee Lesser
Ellen Lewis
Arlene Lopez
Robin Mangino
Fiona Markel
Roseanne Mendelowitz
Monique Mendelson
Hilary Miklacki
Elaine Nachshen
Jaymi Pleener
The Reiss Family
The Rossinow Family
The Sandler Family
Marlene Scheinthal
Elaine and Herman Schkolnick
Suzanne Schneiderman
Cory Solotoff
Esther Soussa
Betsy Steckelman
Estelle Stein
The Stiller Family
Myra and Mal Sumka
Ilene Thailer
Hadas Toren
The Usatine Family
The Weinstein Family
Randy and Jack Wenarsky
The Zuckerman Family
The Zwickel Family
The Candlestick
The names of your loved ones will be read on the Friday evening of the designated week. We would be
honored to read a particular name on Shabbat morning when requested by the family.
FRI/SAT, 5/6/16 & 5/7/16
28 Nisan- May 06
Philip Gerver
David Jagerman
Conrad Lifschen
Goldie Wrozlawsky
30 Nisan- May 08
Saul Davidson
Judith B. Davis
Miriam Heend
Leo Pasternak
David Simon
1 Iyar- May 09
Nathan Blumberg
Hyman Fine
Irving Finkelstein
Fannie Gurr
Michael Rosenbaum
Henry Suserman
Simon Weinberg
2 Iyar-May 10
Miriam Deutsh
Leib Scharlat
3 Iyar- May 11
Sadie Levine
Samuel Mintz
Mary Ornstein
Miriam Pivnick
Helen Schanback
4 Iyar- May 12
Julia Adler
Arthur Herbitter
Joan Lieber
Louis Lifschen
Selma Lipkin
FRI/SAT, 5/13 & 5/14
5 Iyar- May 13
William Belman
Leo Haushalter
Meyer Marritt
Louis Nagin
Lewis Peck
Gisela Reich
Martin Ripp
Harry Saviet
Samuel Scheinthal
Phyllis Stein
Rose Ulrich
May 2016 | Nissan—Iyar 5776
6 Iyar- May 14
Lillian Davis
Lillian Leibner
Arthur Leist
Henry Lerner
Ida Neelman
Mel B. Schwartz
Moshe Trencher
7 Iyar- May 15
Lena Ebert
Henry Edelstein
Charles Fisherman
Ruth Nagin Greenberg
Recha Rosenthal
Fira Sokolovsky
8 Iyar- May 16
Meyer Cartine
Herman Goldberg
Abram Lipkin
Sheldon Seidman
Sidney L. Shenker
9 Iyar- May 17
Mark Adest
Jack Berkowitz
Isadore Danishefsky
Jerry Goldsmith
Arthur Kaplan
Freda Karpen
Joyce Leonard
Fred D. Shapiro
Irving Shapiro
Ida Shulman
Morris Warshawsky
FRI/SAT, 5/20 & 5/21
12 Iyar- May 20
Tillie Apelhot
Isabelle Cohen
Louis Fleischmann
Marcus Fruchtman
Ronald Schuster
Samuel Yormack
13 Iyar- May 21
Sadie Bloom
Shava Kleinman
Annie Oshrowitz
15 Iyar- May 23
Jean Berkowitz
Celia Bernstein
Howard Phillips
Louis Steck
Leon Stoll
16 Iyar- May 24
Helen Kavesh
Charles Krieger
17 Iyar- May 25
Ruth Greenfield
Aaron Nochenson
18 Iyar- May 26
Sidney Gordon
Florence Rosen
FRI/SAT, 5/27 & 5/28
10 Iyar- May 18
Frances Eisenhandler
Ruth Freedman
Mary Gibel
Gertrude Lerner
Sondra Marritt
Clara Medwin
Mona Pincus
Robert Robinson
11 Iyar- May 19
Franklyn Davis
Harry Edelstein
Theresa Kreielsheimer Fox
Ethel Konner
Clara Reich
Helen Schirn
Adelle Segalowitz
Charles Shulman
19 Iyar- May 27
Alice Levitan
Florence Tobias
20 Iyar- May 28
Miriam Elefant
Pearl Frey
Lillian Kaufman
Rochel Mann
Susan Persson
Bernard Schwartz
Isidor Tarowsky
Abraham Popkin
Sidney Rauchback
Bella Sunshine
22 Iyar- May 30
Dora Bartner
Harriet Eisenstodt
George Oppenberg
23 Iyar- May 31
Dorothy Fink
Lillian Gold
Jacob Kesselman
Abraham Schwartz
Henny Wahl
24 Iyar- June 01
Ana Feder
Norman Greenberg
25 Iyar- June 02
Frederick Greenberg
Sam Reisbaum
Joseph Rotter
Judith Salzberg
Bessie Schkolnick
Jason Bergman on the loss of his
father, Philip Bergman
Scott & Millie Baron
45 Michelle Way
Pine Brook, NJ 07058
21 Iyar- May 29
Teddy Carchman
Irving Drillings
Etta Konner
Ruth Meranus
Era Monka
If you want to send a tribute card, please contact a member of the tribute team according to your last name. Tribute cards may be sent to
synagogue members and non-members, but only members will be listed in the Candlestick. No calls on Shabbat, Jewish holidays or aſter
9pm please.
Betty Crane
Marlene Rosen
Estelle Stein
To Jason Bergman: In memory of your father Philip Bergman
From Natalie & Len Wallach, Nancy & Jonathan Cohen
To Eleanor & Alan Bernstein: Mazel Tov on the arrival of your new
granddaughter Samantha
From Marian & Bob Lowenfish, Beverly & Michael Miller
To Renee Bitner: Mazel Tov on the birth of your great-grandson
From Myra & Mal Sumka
To Tom Milkowski: Wishing you a speedy recovery
From Carol Kotch, Nancy & Jonathan Cohen, Betty & Fred Crane,
Marlene Scheinthal
To Amy Minkoff: Wishing you a speedy recovery
From Jackie & Paul Fenton
To Ann Monka: Wishing you a speedy recovery
From Carol Kotch, Jackie & Paul Fenton, Marlene Scheinthal,
Margot Reich
To Arnold Brenner: Wishing you a speedy recovery
From Esta & Phil Zwick
To Monica & Richard Citron: Mazel Tov on Amanda’s Bat Mitzvah
From Sisterhood
To Irene & Jerrold Davis: Mazel Tov on your grandson's Bar
From Shirley Moskowitz
To Judy Gothelf: In memory of your sister Audrey Brecher
From Marsha & Marshall Kaplan, Lisa & Marc Eidelberg
To Francine Katz: For your outstanding commitment to PBJC
From Jennifer & Brad Horowitz
To Rosalie & Robert Kesselman: Mazel Tov on the birth of your
From Shirley Moskowitz
To Susan & Howard Lefkowitz: Mazel Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of
your granddaughter
From Karen Adelman
To Elaine Nachshen: Mazel Tov on your granddaughter Emma's
Bat Mitzvah
From Elaine Korn, Betty & Fred Crane, Gay & Steve Gershberg,
Melinda Kraus, Barbara Warshaw
To Elaine Nachshen: Mazel Tov on your grandson Shane's Bar
From Esta & Phil Zwick
To The Pallay Family: Mazel Tov on Jenny & Matt's engagement
From Randy & Jack Wenarsky & Family
To Shoshana Schiff & Warren Usatine: Mazel Tov on Michael’s
Bar Mitzvah
From Sisterhood
To Sandy & Alan Zwickel: Mazel Tov on your daughter Emma's
Bat Mitzvah
From Elaine Korn, Sisterhood, Sheila & Jordan Basem, Gay &
Steve Gershberg
To Roz & Peter Lippa: Mazel Tov on Ariel's Ufruf
From Jackie & Paul Fenton
The Candlestick
3.5” x 2.125”
The Candlestick is published 10 times a year
reaching more than 400 families. Ads may be
purchased on a monthly, quarterly or annual
basis, pro-rated for advertisers who begin midyear. Payment is due with contract. Ads are
placed on a 10-month cycle from the first issue
in September through the final edition in June.
by Sponsoring
a Friday Night
Oneg Shabbat
Ad Specs
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half (v)
3.5” x 2.125”
3.5” x 4.5”
7.5” x 4.5”
3.5” x 10”
7.5” x 10”
$170 per year
$255 per year
$425 per year
$425 per year
$620 per year
3.5” x 4.5”
Design Services
Design services are available if needed and will
be charged at $100 per ad. Ads received that
deviate from required formats will be assessed
$100 fee to rebuild to the appropriate
specifications. Advertisers may change copy
within their ads to reflect seasonal promotions at
no charge.
File Formats & Delivery
As our publication is offered as an online pdf,
ads may be furnished in color, however, they will
be printed in black and white.
Ads must be submitted in one of the following
formats: press-quality pdf, tiff, jpg or eps at a
minimum 300 dpi resolution. Please be sure to
embed all artwork and fonts before conversion.
For inclusion in an upcoming publication, all ads
and copy must be received by the 10th of each
month. All articles must be submitted as .doc
files with no formatting. Submit to:
3.5” x
1/2 (v)
7.5” x 4.5”
1/2 (h)
Gina Logrande
Rabbi Mark Finkel • Mitchell Goldstein
Mary Sheydwasser • Rosanne Mendelowitz
Michelle Zuckerman • Steven Gothelf
7.5” x 10”
Full Page
At PBJC, we want to build
relationships among
congregants and strengthen
the bonds between members
beyond the confines of
formal worship services. One
way to turn our synagogue
house into a home is at the
Oneg Shabbat.
Consider a donation of $18
or more to celebrate your
next birthday, anniversary,
engagement, child’s birth,
grandchild’s birth or other
simchas by sponsoring an
oneg at one of our Friday
night Shabbat services.
Sponsor an oneg for a
friend’s event that you want
to acknowledge. Sponsor
one on your own, or with
family or a group!
Make checks payable to
PBJC Sisterhood and submit
it at least two weeks in
advance. Include a note
stating what the occasion is
and who you are honoring or
commemorating, to Elaine
Nachshen, 74 Midvale
Avenue, Lake Hiawatha, NJ
Betty Crane • Elaine Nachshen
The Candlestick
Need Something for Your Upcoming Simcha?
Shop the PBJC Sisterhood Gift Shop!
We have gifts for every occasion from shabbat candles to kiddush cups with new
items inclusing the latest pieces from Michael Aram and other artists.
For more information or to make an appointment to shop, contact Eve Fields at
ehfields@optonline.net/973.335.1572 or Lorraine Milkowski at teetersm@aol.com/973.838.9096.
Feel free to stop by during office hours and Arlene will assist you with your gift shop needs.
All Sisterhood members receive a 10% discount.
Need to order Kippot for your Simchas?
Bris or Baby Naming • Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Wedding • Special Anniversary
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To order or for more information, contact Beth Fuchs at
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Telephone: (973) 334²5556
Hours by Appointment
Partridge Run Apartments Inc.
130 New Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054
973-227-3466 • 973-227-1516
Fax 973-227-0150
An Open Invitation
Baby Announcements • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Invitations
Wedding Invitations • Fine Stationery
Holiday Cards, and more!
Always a discount and shop-at-home service!
Ellen Price
Phone/Fax: 973-402-2160
Cell: 973-809-7780
Email: eeeprice@optonline.net
Serving a Community of Friends Since 1979
Chain Store Pricing ... Medicare Certified
Most prescription insurance plans accepted
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Office: (973) 334-3341
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E-mail: jmilstein@remax.net
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Party! Party!
Fine Invitations & Party Favors
Specializing in Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Wedding
invitations, and personalized party favors.
Come in to create a custom invitation from our
swatch palates, or choose from hundreds of
samples that have already been created!
Always 20% off of retail!
For PBJC Members - $25 from each order
will be donated in your name to PBJC!
Call for your private, personalized appointment.
Jill Weiss • (973) 220-1591
Party! Party!
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An individualized college search process
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Mitchell & Michelle Kessler
% U H W W ) U H H P D Q 1D Q F\ / HU QH U
+D G D V 7 R U H Q
- D F R E 0 D ] L H 0 D W W K H Z * R Q ] D O H ] 6 K H\G Z D V V H U
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3 D P : H L Q V W H L Q % R Z 7 L H & L QH P D V
0 R Q VWHU * R O I
6 N \ =R Q H
7pm First Friday
Family Service
9:30am Shabbat
BM Natalie Rossinow
BM Justin Axelrad
8pm Regular Friday
9:30am Shabbat
BM Samuel Abramson
8pm Regular Friday
9:30am Shabbat
BM Jesse Riback
8pm Regular Friday
9:30am Shabbat
174 Changebridge Road
Montville, NJ 07045
At Your Fingertips
Religious Service Times
First Friday Service (an interactive service for families)......................7:00 p.m.
Regular Friday Service................................................................8:00 p.m.
2nd, 3rd and 4th Fridays of each month
Saturday Morning & Holiday Services ........................................9:30 a.m.
Junior Congregation...............................................10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Sunday Minyan ...........................................................................9:00 a.m.
Emergency Contact Information
Please use the following protocol in the event of an emergency or if you
lose a loved one:
Call the synagogue office at 973.244.9800. If the office is closed, call
Rabbi Finkel at 973.287.7047 (home) or 973.407.0065 (cell). If unable to
reach the Rabbi, contact Mitchell Goldstein at 973.224.3716.
Sisterhood Scrip & Gift Certificates
Available in the office Mon-Thu from 9:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. and Fridays
from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Contact Kim Stiller for special arrangements
at 646.483.7411 or kim615@optonline.net.
Clergy & Staff
Mark David Finkel, Rabbi
Menachem Toren, Cantor
Dr. Asher Krief, Rabbi Emeritus
Arlene Lopez, Office Administrator
Mary Sheydwasser, Religious School Director
Rosanne Mendelowitz, Synagogue
Administrator/Nursery School Director
Robin Mangino, Religious School Administrator
Esterina Herman, Bookkeeper
Gina Logrande, Candlestick Publication
Synagogue Officers
Mitchell Goldstein, President
Jonathan Cohen, 1st Vice President
Michael Weinstein, 2nd Vice President
Evan Zuckerman, 3rd Vice President
Sheila Weinreb, Treasurer
Seth Friedman, Financial Secretary
Judy Gothelf, Corresponding Secretary
Suzanne Schneiderman, Recording Secretary
Steven Gothelf, Men's Club President
Michelle Zuckerman, Sisterhood President

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