december /2012 - TTR Tirol Tourism Research


december /2012 - TTR Tirol Tourism Research
GfK Travel Insights Reports provides the worldwide
travel and tourism industry with up-to-date, factbased market research and consultancy.
At we’ll provide you with
an overview of the major developments in several
countries and regions. Presented to you by our
regional GfK Travel experts.
GfK. Growth from Knowledge
Dear Travel Professional
My name is Laurens van den Oever and as Global Director I am responsible for GfK’s consumer
choices travel insights.
This industry is characterized by destructive competition, concentration tendencies and an everincreasing fragmented marketplace. When there is a clear picture of market shares, reliable key data
is indispensable as a basis for business strategy and planning.
GfK Travel Insights delivers an integrated understanding of the “what” and “why” of real travel
bookings with the help of Big Data insights. This service gives a comprehensive and accurate picture
of the holiday market and combines consumer insights with live, fact-based booking results. And
because the gathered data originates from actual forward booking, it can also provide genuine
insights into future trends.
Our experts at GfK Travel Insights are trusted advisors, helping companies to understand market
opportunities and thereby making better business decisions. We do this by offering a global and
harmonized service that covers the most important leisure segments and has the ability to create
reports specified by country, region and industry specific markets.
GfK Travel Insights operates in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia and the
UK. A service for the Nordic region (Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland) and Belgium will be
launched in 2013. Simultaneously, operations are being launched in Singapore and Australia.
The Travel Insights reports, presented to you on this website, will give you an up-to-date overview
of the top-line key trends and keep you informed on what’s happening in a number of markets.
Please come back more often to check-out new releases. I can also recommend signing up for the
Travel Insights report alert, which will automatically update you when we post new information. For
more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact one of our business analysts.
Laurens van den Oever
Global director Travel Insights
GfK consumer choices
GfK. Growth from Knowledge
View our updates for the following countries/regions:
Laurens van den Oever
global director
Laurens studied at the Breda University
of Applied Sciences, mastering in Tourism
Management and Interactive Marketing.
After his studies, he worked as a business
GfK is one of the world’s leading market research companies, with more
consultant for Ericsson Mobile where he
than 11,000 experts working to discover new insights into the way people
developed next generation services for
live, think and shop, in over 100 countries every day. GfK is constantly
mobile applications.
innovating and using the latest technologies and the smartest methodologies to give its clients the clearest understanding of the most important
people in the world: their customers.
For more information visit:
In 2003 he joined GfK and his passion came
alive for research and exploring new techniques to measure live consumer behaviour.
Laurens has been back in the travel business
since 2009 and now leads a global team of
experts that delivers integrated understandings on the what and why of real travel bookings with the help of big data insights. All the
data is generated by the incredible wealth of
knowledge that comes from a global research
firm that operates in more than 100 countries. Together with his broad knowledge on
consumer trends and behaviour and business insights across many non-food markets,
Laurens can scale down this complex data to
reveal the essence that clients can really take
away and use. Technology and innovation are
a constant driving force in Laurens’s search
for excellence.
Summer 2012
Winter 2012/13
To fully understand this summer season, it helps to
Moving into the winter season we see a decrease of 7% for
remember the turbulence incurred in Q3 2011 when the
bookings and a decrease of 5% for revenues. Capacity for
industry saw Thomas Cook’s share price plunge from
this winter season was cut back at the same time as sum-
over 200p to 10p. This resulted in both Thomas Cook
mer 2012, so we are expecting the season to finish around
and TUI announcing capacity cuts in their summer 2012
8% down year on year for passengers.
Direct channels are performing well with passengers to
date flat year on year and revenues plus 4%. There conti-
The reduction in capacity resulted in the removal of a large
nues to be a very interesting top 5 growth destinations for
amount of the lower-priced, low-margin holidays. In turn,
this season: Mexico, Finland, the Netherlands, Morocco and
there were significantly less heavily-discounted holidays
available in the latter booking months; and holiday shoppers are starting to see the benefits of booking early
with a number of resorts and destinations selling out this
The summer 2012 booking season also encountered
additional challenges. We witnessed the highest levels of
major high street failures, a significant number of profit
warnings, unprecedented low interest rates, the hosting of
the Olympics and Paralympics, record rainfall in April and
August and the Costa Concordia disaster.
The season ended with a loss of 8% for passenger bookings and a loss of 2% for revenue giving an average
revenue increase of £40 per passenger booking. We would
not expect this to continue into future seasons as supply
and demand in the UK holiday market will be more closely
GfK Travel in the UK
In 2007 GfK Ascent launched the Leisure Travel Monitor (LTM); a uniquely
created market intelligence service for the total UK outbound holiday
market. The service is the only one of its kind and with over 1 million
bookings captured monthly it provides the most comprehensive and
accurate picture of the UK outbound holiday market.
GfK works in partnership with the travel industry to provide independent,
forward booking information based on real, live bookings. The accuracy
and detail of the LTM service promotes an understanding of the market,
its categories and dynamics including destination, pricing and product mix.
The LTM service is utilised by management within tour operators, online
travel agencies and those with a vested interest in travel trends such as
foreign exchange companies to make long-term strategic and tactical
decisions. It is considered an invaluable market intelligence tool.
Katherine Clark
business development
Katherine Clark is the Business Development
Manager for GfK Ascent. Katherine joined
GfK Ascent in April 2012 to help drive
the global developments of GfK’s Travel &
Tourism division.
After graduating University with a BA (hons)
Interested in GfK’s travel activities in the UK?
Please contact Katherine Clark:
+44 79 17 68 21 90 /
Business Studies, Katherine went straight
to work in the travel industry. Starting her
career with South African Airways she spent
5 years in both Sales and Marketing roles
before moving to to manage
the airline relations team EMEA. An ecommerce role with Thomas Cook preceded her
move to GfK Ascent in 2012.
Successful October could
not save summer season
Travel agencies in Germany closed the year and tou-
rist season with a turnover record again. At the end of
October, the summer season 2012 closed with a turnover
increase of 9%. Together with the previous winter season
(+8.3%) the year of tourism 2011/2012 brought fast
growth, including a turnover increase of 8.8% up last year.
Q3 '11
Q4 '11
Q1 '12
Q2 '12
Q3 '12
However, as the last booking month of the season, October
could not add a pleasant balance to the summer. On the
Instead, early-bookers were already busy planning for the
contrary, an extremely weak last-minute business (-31%)
summer season of 2013. Their share in the bookings of
let some of the summer gains melt away by another 0.6%
October covered more than a third in the turnover total.
versus the preceding month.
Even if the volume gathered for summer may be too small
to give a prognosis: with a share of 37.4% of all bookings
– 6.4% more than in the same month last year – early-
In the summer months, Spain (dominated by the Balearic
bookers at least leave no room for doubts as to whether
Islands) was the most popular of German’s summer desti-
the development in the tourism business will continue in a
nations, followed by Turkey and Germany. While the drive-
positive way.
to-destinations in Germany and Italy did not reach last
year’s booking level, fly-to-destinations Spain and particularly Turkey continued their growth. Egypt and Tunisia
came back as popular summer destinations and contributed a double-digit growth, whereas Greece attracted a lot
less holiday-goers than in 2011.
Though October as a booking month was able to score
again – almost in double-digits – growth in the beginning
of the coming winter season is decelerating. While booking turnovers were up by 10.2% in accumulated terms
last month, one percentage point was lost by the end of
October. Turnovers dedicated in the booking month for
the winter season were up by 6% over the same month a
year ago. But this was not enough to keep the high level of
growth for the booking status.
(inedexed turnover compared to same period previous year)
GfK Travel in Germany
GfK Travel Insights is a service that investigates consumers’ travel and
booking behaviour. The basis of the analysis is the bookings of German
consumers at both travel agencies and online travel portals. The consistent
tracking of this data permits a continual follow-up of the latest trends
and developments in tourism markets. Analyses from the tourism panel
can, among other things, help to show the volume, structure and potential
of the markets. It can also measure market shares and the presence of
competitors, and even identify target markets and target groups.
Since 2005, more than 1,200 travel agencies in Germany send their
booking data regularly to GfK to be projected at a high accuracy level to
the total market.
Online booking data has been available since beginning of 2011. Over 30
online travel portals – among them some of the biggest in the industry –
are part of the GfK Travel Insight’s panel and help to determine the trends
of online sales in the tourism business.
Interested in GfK’s travel activities in Germany?
Please contact Doerte Nordbeck:
+49 91 13 95 23 57 /
Doerte Nordbeck
senior marketing consultant
Consultant and responsible for the German
tourism panel Travel Insights. Using the facts
and figures generated by this panel, Doerte
is able to show tourism suppliers, like tour
operators and airports, the market’s potential. She furthermore ensures the enhancement of Travel Insights by, for example, tracking additional distribution channels.
Doerte specialised in Marketing and Statistics
when studying Business Administration in
Freiberg. Right after graduating in 2003
she began working for GfK’s Small Domestic
Appliances division. When GfK decided to
expand their activities to the travel industry
she moved to this division and became part
of the initial team that created the Panel.
Russia’s summer season
results and preliminary
vision of winter
The total generated revenue during the entire travel
year 2011/12 and summer 2012 was higher by 10% when
compared to the previous travel seasons (as of September
2012). With this in mind, the prospects for winter
2012/13 are especially positive due to a 23% growth in
value that is based on preliminary bookings that were
Q3 '11
Q4 '11
Q1 '12
Q2 '12
Q3 '12
made up and to September.
It is also interesting to mention that since February 2012
Short-term trips make up the essential part of all tours
the Russian outbound market has not fallen below the
to Germany. The market share of such trips is also high
level of the previous year.
in France. The reason is quite evident: all these tours are
excursion orientated. With regard to the Mediterranean:
it should be pointed out that its share in the mentioned
June was the most important month for this year’s boo-
segment is increasing. China is the most common place for
kings. This year’s June peak was even more pronounced
the extensive journeys. Compared to other countries, the
than it was in 2011. The time for the peak is the key
market share of trips to China with duration of 15 to 21
difference between Russia and European markets where
days is higher.
the main bookings are made much earlier in the year. The
Among all top 10 destinations, France is the undisputed
second most important periods are May and July. The
leader in terms of bookings for two star hotels, although
greatest gain was shown at the beginning and at the end
mass-market products (3 star and 4 star hotels) still make
of summer. This is the time which shows whether tour ope-
the largest contribution. The opposite is true for the UAE,
rators are ready to react to the changing demand.
where the tourism business consists of hotels in the high-
Based on the bookings for the coming winter season, it
end category.
is possible to talk about positive forecast. For instance,
When comparing the years, we can conclude that boo-
November 2012 and December 2012 demonstrate
kings for such destinations as China, UAE, Czech Republic,
double-digit growth in terms of value.
France and Italy are made earlier. However, the overall
picture has hardly changed. Bookings to Mediterranean
countries have shifted into the segment of less than 60
Nearly all countries that have the greatest impact on the
pre-booking days.
Russian outbound tourism – such as Turkey, Egypt, China,
Spain, Czech Republic, Thailand and UAE – saw an increase
in both touristic flow and revenue when compared to 2011.
The obvious leaders in terms of growth rates are Spain and
Thailand. Italy and Cyprus have slightly exceeded the level
of the previous year. Looking back, the Czech Republic,
France and Germany have retained their previous positive
growth tendencies.
(inedexed turnover compared to same period previous year)
GfK Travel in Russia
GfK Consumer Choices works closely together with providers of tourism
services in Russia in order to create a professional tool for analysing
the market for out-bound trips. Since 2009, GfK Travel Insights collects
information on a monthly basis from tour operators all over Russia. Our
reports include the following details: type of product, pre-booking periods
and duration, accommodation class, transportation type, average prices,
city of booking and much more.
By basing our analysis on real, live booking data we are capable of providing
our clients in the tourist industry with the best possible insights. We are
able to identify arising trends, assess and forecast development prospects
and support the making of tactical pricing decisions. We can also give an
accurate account of the competitive situation by comparing our clients’ own
performance with the market as a whole.
Alexander Filipov
client service director
Alexander Filipov has been working in the
tourism division of GfK’s Russian branch
since 2010. He is in close contact with all
players of this market: starting from core
tour operators and ending with online booking agencies. He regularly writes press
releases on behalf of GfK, giving monthly
insights on tourism in Russia.
Interested in GfK’s travel activities in Russia?
Please contact Alexander Filipov:
+7 49 59 37 72 22 /
Statistics at Lomonosov Moscow State
University. Right after graduation he went
to graduate school to focus on Economics
and Marketing. He joined GfK in 2009 where
for the first three years he worked as a
Consultant in the Small Domestic Appliances
division, developing relations with key retailers and producers involved in the business.
Organised tourism in Italy
declines in third quarter
Total sales for Q3 decreased by 13% in terms of passengers and the situation is comparable for departures in
the same period. Bookings for departures in the winter
2012/13 season have not yet started, as main suppliers
deliver their proposals to travel agencies at the beginning
of October, and as Italian tourist have always preferred
last-minute purchases.
The whole market is affected by many factors such as the
economical crisis and social issues. As a result, Egypt –
which can offer cheap all-inclusive packages – was preferred to destinations in Italy and other places in Europe
where prices are less competitive.
Destinations in the Middle East (i.e. pilgrim destinations)
impressively increased their sales (+20%) and a substantial number of passengers switched from Latin American
destinations to destinations in the Far East. Thailand and
Philippines are popular due to social and political stabilisation and the bargain packages offered by small, specialised
travel operators.
Holiday types
Cruise holidays did well this summer season, increasing
their share in terms of passengers from 13% to 16%.
They did this with very competitive offers. Their products
competed against all-inclusive packages which lost nearly
2% the shares.
In terms of departures, one-week holidays were the most
important product in Q3; its share is still more than 50%.
And no matter what the destination, the number of shortbreak departures increased at the expense of extended
journeys. But, from a Q3 booking prospection, short-break
holidays lost more passengers (-17%) than extended
Q3 '11
Q4 '11
Q1 '12
Q2 '12
Q3 '12
(inedexed turnover compared to same period previous year)
GfK Travel in Italy
Thanks to an initiative by management a project for market research in
the tourism industry was born in Italy in 2001. Since 2004 the analysis is
fully run according to retail panel methodology. Data is retrieved directly
from the systems of travel agencies and analysed monthly in order to
supply clients with an understanding of the market. Our panel consists of
traditional travel agencies that sell to more than 250 people per year.
Tourist services offered by tour operators are fully analysed:
accommodations, packages, cruises and charter flights and similar elements
are included in the reports. A new element that is analysed is gift boxes
that are offered by both travel agencies and technology sales specialists
Daniela Mastropasqua
Account manager
Daniela Mastropasqua joined GfK in 2006 as
Account Manager for the Italian Tourism Panel. She has a master’s degree in Marketing
and Communication. She began her career
Interested in GfK’s travel activities in Italy?
Please contact Daniela Mastropasqua:
+39 02 85 50 51 /
working for a tour operator (now Kuoni) and
in the airline industry. After that she worked
for Maritz Travel Company’s Italian partner
and Lufthansa City Center. In the past few
years Daniela has gained significant experience with travel distribution and she has
cooperated with an international OTA. Daniela’s last position in the tourism industry
was Sales Manager at HRG where she enhanced new businesses with multinational
Summer 2012 down by
Previously, the entire industry was anxious to see what
the final episode of the summer season would bring. What
was the consumer going to do? Wait even longer this year
to make his bookings at a travel agent or tour operator?
Choose to arrange his own holiday and book directly at
the carrier and the supplier of accommodations? Or was
he going to skip the holiday this year due to the enduring
Q3 '11
Q4 '11
Q1 '12
Q2 '12
Q3 '12
economic crisis?
Last-minute Season
Less drive-to-holidays
At the end of the summer season of 2012, the number of
Taking into account the bookings of the entire year 2012,
passengers shows a decline of 4.7%. A great number of the
the turnover shows a decline of 0.7%. Only the second
bookings in July and August are considered last-minutes
quarter showed a positive trend. The third quarter showed
as the departure dates were less than 6 weeks after the
a higher average booking amount, therefore the turnover
booking. European consumer research shows that holidays
decreased with 2.2% less than the number of passen-
are one of the last matters which the consumer is willing to
gers. This can partly be clarified by the fact that more
economize on. The consumer is more willing to cut back on
consumers have chosen for a fly-to-holiday in the sum-
costs for food, clothing/shoes, nights out and large purcha-
mer months. This was at the expense of the lower priced
ses than on holidays. Despite this research, we still have to
drive-to-holidays. Especially in this segment the bookings
note that the last-minute season has not been able to turn
showed great decline rates.
the tide concerning the market for packaged tours.
Winter prognosis
Direct sales versus travel shops
The bookings for the winter season have started recently.
The bookings in July receded but specifically the bookings
With regard to the turnover figures, a decline of 3.5% is
in August were hit hard with a decline in number of pas-
found. The number of passengers faced a decline of 8.7%.
sengers of 11%. Especially the bookings that were made
The upcoming months have to show whether this will be
in the travel shop showed substantial decline rates, similar
the trend or whether this trend will turn around. However,
to previous figures. With regard to these travel shops,
the first results indicate that the current period is a tough
the direct sales channel became increasingly important.
one for the travel industry.
The direct sales channel occupied an increasing share of
the total bookings. 46% of all bookings that were made
this year were made at direct sellers, 39% was booked
physically at the travel shop and the remaining 15% were
bookings which originated from the direct/online bookings
of travel shops. This last percentage, 15%, has increased
proportionally over the last couple of years.
(inedexed turnover compared to same period previous year)
GfK Travel in The Netherlands
In 2008, with the help of the GfK TravelScan, GfK began facilitating the
tourism industry with market intelligence. In line with GfK practice, the
TravelScan contains booking information based on real, live bookings. The
information is gathered from more than 1350 points of sale and provides
insight into the booking behaviour of Dutch consumers.
TravelScan provides clients with key information such as travel trends,
average selling prices, market shares, and bookings split by channels such
as traditional agencies or direct bookings. Booking periods are identified,
including time of booking and departure dates by month, season or year.
GfK works on TravelScan in partnership with trade association ANVR. A
growing number of travel organisations contribute to our database, among
them ANWB, D-reizen, Corendon, Thomas Cook, Veluwegroep, TUI, Oad,
VakantieXperts, Sundio group, Terra Travel, Fox, Kuoni, Djoser and many
Judith Nyk
business consultant
Judith Nijk is Business Consultant for GfK,
and has been working for the company’s travel business since 2010. She is responsible
for GfK’s commercial activities within the
Dutch travel industry. She provides integrated understanding on the what and why of
real travel bookings to clients such as tour
operators, travel agents and tourist offices.
Interested in GfK’s travel activities in The Netherlands?
Please contact Judith Nyk:
+31 20 71 33 023 /
Judith studied Economics at the Groningen
Marketing Management. Right after graduation she joined GfK. For a number of years,
she kept busy as Account Manager for GfK’s
Media and Entertainment division.
In recent years, the Belgian travel industry has been sub-
By gradually expanding the number of travel agents, as
ject to massive changes like no other sector. Consumers
well as adding the direct sales from tour operators (some
are being offered more and more new ways of fulfilling
of this data is already available), we will be able to con-
their holiday aspirations. Whereas consumers traditionally
struct the first comprehensive and accurate picture of
booked directly via tour operator and/or travel agent,
channel dynamics. The next phase consists of adding new
these players now have to cope with competition from
channels such as airlines/LCC, OTAs, long-haul specialists
OTAs (online travel agencies), airlines and low-cost car-
and of creating market segmentations such as cruise
riers, booking platform sites and many DIY initiatives.
market, holiday parks, cultural travels and organised group
This highly competitive environment creates a strong need
for more insight into consumers’ booking behaviour and
Want the latest market information on the status of live
the dynamics between the different distribution channels
travel booking behaviour in Belgium? Then join us now
in the travel industry. This is where GfK’s Belgium Travel
and we will be able to assist you in making better business
Insights steps in!
decisions. Our advice is based on the neutral and objective
live booking data obtained with the help of GfK’s Travel
After many introduction rounds with representatives of
Insights panel.
travel agents’ federations and organisations, tour operators, back office suppliers, media and other stakeholders,
In 2013 the first insights will be available!
GfK is about to go live in Belgium with Travel Insights.
Access to booking data from the independent travel agents
Please contact us directly if you would like any further
is obtained through their back office suppliers. Some of the
larger organised travel agent groups have already committed themselves to join GfK’s Travel Insight panel.
GfK Travel in Belgium
In January 2008, GfK Benelux took its first step in the Dutch tourism
sector. Since then a clear picture of the Dutch consumers’ travel behaviour
has been created by analysing the booking data of some 1300 retail
outlets. The GfK TravelScan creates very detailed reports that include such
information as booking period, departure date, length of stay, total amount
spent on travel, airport of departure and arrival, and insurance. Today, the
same concept is being rolled out in Belgium and first results are expected
in 2013.
Filip Van Dyck
director home & lifestyle
Filip Van Dyck began working for GfK Retail
and Technology in 1997. He has completed
a wide range of projects for both manufacturers and retailers. As Director Home
Interested in GfK’s travel activities in Belgium?
Please contact Filip Van Dyck:
+32 2 474 39 55 /
& Lifestyle Benelux, he is responsible for
multiple commercial Consumer Technology
product-oriented sectors and has developed
a thorough understanding of the ever-faster-changing interaction between manufacturer, retailer and consumer. Together with
his team of consultants in Belgium and the
Netherlands, Filip uses his knowledge to
develop new strategically important projects for GfK, and to bring added value to
Do you want the latest market information from the
Nordic countries, one of the most trend-setting leisure
travel markets in the world? In just a few months’ time
this information will be available!
GfK Retail and Technology Nordic has now launched a
research platform for the leisure travel market in Sweden,
Denmark, Finland and Norway. The panel will include
live booking data from the largest tour-operators, travel
agents and online travel agents (OTAs) in this region. From
January 2013 onwards, GfK will produce a weekly summary
of the trends in the Nordic travel market.
The Nordics has one of the most interesting leisure travel
markets in the world. There is a strong purchasing power
per capita in these four countries. Due to ratings and long
distances to holiday destinations, travellers prefer chartered and other airline alternatives, and overnight stays in
You are welcome to contact us for latest Nordic travel
GfK Travel in The Nordics
GfK Retail and Technology Nordic has now launched a research platform for
the Leisure Travel market in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. The
panel will include live booking data from the largest tour operators, travel
agents and online travel agents (OTAs). Starting January 2013, GfK is going
to measure the Nordic travel market on a weekly basis.
The very first detailed live-results of some of the leading leisure travel
markets in other parts of the world are being processed at the moment.
The first panel results will be available for all participating panel members
and clients at the beginning of 2013.
GfK works in close co-operation with all Nordic travel industry associations
in Sweden (SRF), Denmark (DRF), Finland (SMAL) and Norway (Virke).
Vesa Paldanius
senior market research
As a senior market research consultant, Vesa
Paldanius has experience of most of the consumer durables markets in the Nordic region. His main responsibility within GfK Nordic
is to create new areas for panel research. Un-
Interested in GfK’s travel activities in The Nordics?
Please contact Vesa Paldanius:
+46 10 45 43 711 /
derstanding the consumers’ behaviour and
total spending of both durables and services
is what drives him to continuously explore
new markets.
Vesa holds a dual degree in European Marketing Studies in the UK and Finland. He
gained experience in both insurances and
media before joining the GfK Group as the
first Finnish speaking consultant in 2002.
Growth from Knowledge
Please check out new reports and updated information
regularly at
GfK Travel Insights
Krijgsman 22-25
1186 DM Amstelveen
Tel. +31 20 - 713 3000
AnneLaure Lefebvre, marketing consultant, GfK Travel Insights, consumer choices
Design & production
Wonders interactive, The Netherlands,
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