Superintendent`s News and Notes - Caruthersville School District 18
Superintendent`s News and Notes - Caruthersville School District 18
October, 2014 Caruthersville School District Superintendent’s News and Notes Committed to Excellence, Focused on Learning VISION: 1711 Ward Avenue Caruthersville, Missouri 63830 573-333-6100 ADMINISTRATION Caruthersville Public Schools, through a unified effort of school personnel, parents, and community leaders, will ensure that all students are successful in a rigorous and relevant instructional program that prepares them for postsecondary education, the military or the workforce. Students will thrive in a safe and engaging learning environment that recognizes diversity and stimulates each student’s strengths and talents. Superintendent Ms. J. J. Bullington It is our vision to establish Caruthersville School District as an educational model of excellence. Assistant to the Superintendent Mr. Ron Stutzman PROPOSITION SCHOOL SAFETY Financial Consultant Mr. George Byers Director of Curriculum and Instruction Ms. Claire Hayden High School Principal Dr. Rodger Alsup Middle School Principal Mrs. Stephanie McGraw Elementary Principal Mr. Brad Gerling High School Assistant Principal Mr. Charlie Riney Middle School Assistant Principal Mr. Corey Miller Elementary Assistant Principal Mrs. Misty Rhine Coordinator of Alternative Programs Ms. Jane Fike BOARD OF EDUCATION Lee Bethune—President Cynthia Hodge– Vice President Sandra Barnes—Treasurer Eddie Brooks—Member Bill Reno—Member Patricia Cagle—Member Tom McCall—Member Rita Jones—Secretary $2,350,000 No Tax Increase General Obligation Bond Issue OFFICLAL BALLOT TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014 PROPOSITION SCHOOLS SAFETY Shall the Board of Education of the Caruthersville School District No. 18 of Pemiscot County, Missouri, without an estimated increase in the current debt service property tax levy, borrow money in the amount of Two Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($2,350,000) for the purpose of providing funds for the construction, equipping, and furnishing of a tornado safe room/multi-purpose room at the elementary school; tornado safe room and cafeteria extension to accommodate middle school and high school students; new administrative office space; to the extent funds are available to complete other safety/security, remodeling and repair improvements to the existing facilities of the District; and issue bonds for the payment thereof? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the School District is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.2108 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property. Proposition School Safety Tornado Safe Room for Middle School & High School Students Tornado Safe Room / Multipurpose room at the Elementary School Cafeteria Extension Office Space Additional Security Cameras in all Elementary Classrooms This past spring, the open breezeway at the middle school was enclosed. The purpose of this project was to enhance safety at the school. The enclosed breezeway eliminates three outside entrances into the building. In addition, all outside entrances remain locked during the day. The main entrance now has a camera, intercom and buzzer system. All school buildings in the district now have alcove entrances with a camera and intercom system. November 2 November 5 November 6 November 7 November 10 November 10 November 11 November 16 November 22 November 23 November 27 November 28 Beth Cagle Jimmy Jackson Melissa Rigsby Kendra Hubbard Judy Adams Jerry Lintner Nate Ellis Sharon Gardner Caryn Setterquist Joy McGraw Renee Wells Lugenia Counce VAN B. WILKS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP TRUST On Oct. 2, 2014 Christy Fortner and Lancy Mansfield presented the remaining proceeds of the Van B. Wilks Scholarship Fund Trust to Caruthersville High School for the purpose of adding the furniture and computers to enlarge the computer lab in the Caruthersville High School Library. “Thank You “ to the Wilks Family for this generous donation. Please visit the Caruthersville School District website To find updated information, athletic schedules, school board agenda and minutes, etc. Click on Parent Information / Resources under the District Information Tab For important parent information regarding the district’s federal programs. Visit our schools on Facebook Caruthersville High School, Caruthersville Middle School, Caruthersville Elementary School Damon Gallagher and Beverly Phillips follow along while Alonzo Motton performs a Seeing Stars reading task. Seeing Stars is an Integrated Reading and Spelling Program. This program brings phonemic awareness to the student by using auditory, visual and language skills. Kim McCall, the LMB Instructional Leader at Caruthersville elementary, is pictured instructing this small group of second graders. Second-grade students in the Seeing Stars program use syllable cards to practice imaging and decoding nonsense and real words. Students focus on difficult vowel patterns and blends, learning to "picture" the letters and sounds before and after reading the cards. Students (L-R) are Jaylen King, Christian Fitzgerald, Alexander Abbott, Braxton McArthur, Pra'shyia Grant. Caruthersville Elementary School 5TH GRADE PERFORMANCE “We Are The World” 5th Graders perform “We Are The World” under the direction of Mrs. Holly Jayroe. Don’t Miss These Upcoming Performances Soloist, LeAnne Dudley, singing “Big, Big World.” November 7th “Beyond the Sea” 2nd Grade December 12 “North Pole” CES Choir January 16 “Antarctica” 1st Grade February 6 “Be A Star” 4th Grade March 6 “Goin’ West” 3rd Grade April 3 “We Kindergarten May 8 “Hit the Beach” Trees” CES Choir These fifth grade girls perform sign language as they sing Eric Clapton’s song, “Change the World” “We Are The World” soloist Cyndi Lauper performed by Sela Hubbard. “A child who sings is a happy child” Elder Enrique Fatabella Rondre Ray performs during the song “You Can Help.” Haley Prater and Kassidy Bethune sing “She’s Our Planet” “We Are The World” soloist Michael Jackson performed by Dre’Shun Chalmers. Elementary MAP High Achievers Recognition Hanna McPeake Andrew Jones Charleigh Hilburn Macy Middleton, Sela Hubbard, Carlee Davis, LeAnne Dudley, Kassidy Bethune Carter Long Jayce Jean Hayden Nazarenus Kenvonte Bownes Stevianna Rodgers Alex Hyde Caruthersville Middle School I don't know who is more excited about these graphs...the students or myself. They have been working extremely hard the past couple of weeks. We have been working on learning how to calculate speed when given both distance and time. Students have been exposed to various graphs throughout this unit, including one from a Kentucky Derby Race. They have learned not only how to calculate the speed from word problems and distance-time graphs, but also how to determine what lines indicate the fastest speeds (determined by the steepness of the lines), how to plot data points from x and y coordinate pairs and to create multiple lines in a single graph by inputting their individual data into an excel spreadsheet. In my five years of teaching, this has by far been one of the best collaborative lab group exercises. The most exciting thing about this is that after I introduced the new material, most of the work done throughout this unit was student-lead and I had little intervention to do. I am super proud of my 7th grade Science kiddos. Lauren Starks, Middle School Mathematics and Science Instructor Nabria Carter and Haylie Smith Calculating Speed - Breanna Morrison 14 12 Time (s) 10 8 Hopping 6 4 walking backwards 2 walking regular 0 speed walking 0 5 10 15 20 Distance (m) Kristen Hilburn Caruthersville Middle School Haley Adams, Alyssa Odell, Clarissa Ibarra Haley Adams and Hayley Durbin Mrs. Davis’s Balloon Rocket Lab Nick McCall and Meliek Chalmers Jaden Montgomery Victoria Cornacchione Bryson Gunter, Keaton Kingston, Kurt Schoolcraft, Derick Smith Charles Tillman Middle school world history Teacher: Leslie Marshall. Students: Hannah Coleman, Anijah Laura Constant and Lydia Risner Haley Adams, Chase Burnham, Anijah Cagle, Alyssa Odell, James Prater Cagle, Gabby Greer, Chase Burnham Students study China’s Ancient Philosophies James Prater and Bailey Weber CARUTHERSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Homecoming Spirit Week GO BIG RED! ADVANCED PLACEMENT [AP] COURSES OFFERED AT CARUTHERSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CHS students enrolled in Advanced Placement Courses have the opportunity to earn college credit upon completion of the year long course. Advanced Placement, known as AP® Courses, began on the CHS Campus August 2010 with Studio Art and Government & Politics. Since then, AP courses English Literature and Statistics have been added to the high school curriculum. Advanced Placement courses provide rigorous course material and assignments typical of college-level classes. By participating in AP® courses, CHS students have the opportunity to earn college credit. Final exam scores are based on a 5-point scale with a qualifying score of three [3] or better typically awarded college credit. This is a general guideline. However, post-secondary institutions are responsible for setting their own credit and placement policies. According to the College Board, over 90% of four-year colleges in the United States provide credit and/or advanced placement. CHS AP® students demonstrate readiness for college by successful completion of rigorous course work and emphasize commitment to academic excellence. At the end of each AP® course, students may take the College Board AP® Exam to qualify for college credits. The current fee for the 2015 AP® Exam is $91. However, students of families meeting federal low-income guidelines may qualify for College Board fee reductions at the federal, state, and local levels. Currently, there are 39 CHS juniors and seniors enrolled in the following advanced placement courses: AP Studio Art: Drawing is taught by Mrs. Vicki Bean, which requires digital submissions and submission of an art portfolio by students to the College Board for evaluation prior to May 8th AP English Literature is taught by Mrs. Caroline McGinness with a national testing date of May 6th AP Government & Politics is taught by Mr. Jory Neff with a national testing date of May 12th AP Statistics is taught by Mr. James Groner with a national testing date of May 13th For additional information about AP® courses, parents may call [573] 333-6110, or stop by the Caruthersville High School; or, visit the College Board website, All CHS Advanced Placement courses are weighted courses and calculated into a student’s Grade Point Average. Crystal Johnson is a student in Vicki Bean’s Advanced Placement Drawing Class. Top right. Students in Ms. McGuiness’s Advanced Placement Literature Class. Leon Cheng, Elijah Sellers, Jessica Gibbens, Sam Cheng, Zoe Riney, Fisher Jones, Peyton Faulkner, Alexis Reno. Bottom right. Thomas Young, Kelli Coleman, Brooke Steffe CARUTHERSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SUDENTS EARN COLLEGE CREDIT Caruthersville High School students have the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school with dual-credit courses and/or advanced placement courses. Students may earn up to 27 hours of college credit when enrolled in CHS dual-credit courses. Courses are accredited through Three Rivers College and taught on the CHS campus by certified instructors. Students may earn ½ high school credit and three hours college credit hours for each semester-based course. Caruthersville High School offers the traditional classroom setting with local instructors in the following dual-credit courses: College Writing [ENG111] is taught first semester; Advanced College Writing [ENG112] is taught second semester by CHS instructor, Ms. Terri Loomis. College Algebra [MATH 163] is taught first semester; College Trigonometry [MATH164] is taught second semester by CHS instructor, Mr. James Groner. American History to 1877 [HIST111] is taught first semester; American History Since 1877 [HIST112] is taught second semester by CHS instructor, Mr. Jory Neff. Computer Literacy [IST100] is taught second semester only by CHS instructor, Mrs. Jamie Ferguson. Introduction to Public Speaking [SCOM110] is taught by adjunct instructor, Mrs. Mary Mason first semester after school each Thursday. CHS students may also choose dual-credit web-based classes throughout the school day including dual-credit Psychology [PSYC110] or Sociology [SOCI110]. All dual-credit courses taken at Caruthersville High School receive a substantial reduced-tuition rate of $93 per credit hour with a $40 textbook rental, or an average cost of $319 per semester course. Currently, there are more than 40 CHS juniors and seniors enrolled in all nine of the dual-credit courses offered. Several CHS students take multiple courses, which account for the 124 class enrollment or a total of 372 maximum credit hours for the 2014 – 2015 academic year. All CHS dual-credit courses are weighted courses and calculated into a student’s GPA. Students in dual-Credit College Writing , taught by Terri Loomis. Students pictured are Elbony Hollywood, Caroline Fitzwater, Mariah Bullington, and Sarah Beth Prater. Above: Dual Credit American History to 1877 , taught by Jory Neff Below: Dual Credit College Algebra., taught by Jim Groner. Students pictured are Spencer Alsup, Peyton Faulkner, Thomas Young. ch Coa h t i w visit sses at n e cla gm ol.. youn between le Scho e n s idd le e fi hola c Som Joe Cag sville M i N ter, ther Lus avis. n Caru a eD ’Qu , Ta Deandr s s u d Tr hon oore an Daj M ou that y l l a d inside elf an g s n r i u h t o .“ ome e in y e is s stacle r b e Believ o h t y an hat . now t reater than an D K . e hristi C g ar s i at you th Ms . ma Jamie the ma Fales Pa ti s ris Jor cs ass expla i dan gnm ins a ent to “ l dents Arie tu s l o o h c BrittaMiddle S eece and r T e n li e ad ssroom Young, M rk on cla o w m a h b. ny Bran media la y r a r b li nt in assignme a on s e rat ent c n nt. me s co n e v g si Ree s as c en i t w O ma the a m Board of Education member, Tom McCall, receives a demonstration of how to log on to the learning tablets. The high school science textbook and all assignments can be accessed online. Board of Education members, Sandra Barnes and Cynthia Hodge listen as High School Principal, Dr. Roger Alsup, discusses how the new learning tablets are being used by high school students. Paige Kimbell, High School Science Instructor, demonstates for the Board of Education how the new learning tablets are used in her classroom. Mrs. Anita Cain retires after 25 years of service to the Caruthersville School District. Mrs. Cain served as bookkeeper, paryroll clerk and secretary to the Board of Education. Above, Board of Education President, Lee Bethune, presents Mrs. Cain with a plaque in appreciation of her years of service to the district. Board of Education members, Patricia Cagle and Lee Bethune, observe as Ms. Kimbell demonstrates how she uses the tablets in her classroom. Below, Anita piecture with Central Office staff at a reception held in her honor. Rita Jones, Debbie VanAusdall, Myra Sandage, Anita Cain,, J.J. Bullington, Jeretta Davis. The Board of Education meets on the second Thursday of each month. Minutes from the meetings may be viewed on the school website. Central Office / Board of Education Tail Whoopin Tigers VS Harlem Wizards in CHS Gym. A good time was had by all. A BIG SHUOT OUT to KELLY WHITFIELD For organizing this event!!! “Thank You” community sponsors! Middle School National Junior Honor Society Morgan Stansell, Angelina Murillo, Mary Allyn Long, Haley Adams, Lillie Hollomaon, Dalton Privett. Sponsors: Jocelyn Nelson, Kelly Garner. The tail Whoopin TiIGERS! TEAM ROSTER Tiffany Ashford Ashlea Riggs Jimmy Jackson Lee Bethune Jason Roberts James Groner Thomas Widner Chris Springer Tony Jones Chris Clark Ricky Lyle Jim Pilcher Jerry Lintner Desiree Dolan Chad Fisher Nick Cartee Lamont Bell Lorenzo Jackson Trey Porter Juan Johnson J. J. Bullington, Photographer Bobby McGraw, Technology Coordinator, receiving a service pin from Superintendent Bullington for more than five years of service to the Caruthersville School District. “THANK YOU” TO SONIC DRIVE IN FOR SUPPORINT THE MIDDLE SCHOOL PBIS STORE! Caruthersville School District #18 Administration Building 1711 Ward Avenue Caruthersville, MO 63830 Students in Renee Wells 2nd grade mathematics class are preparing for their place value assessment. They are showing their number in STANDARD FORM, WORD FORM, BASE TEN FORM, AND EXPANDED FORM.
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