Λευκωσία, 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2016 ΠΡΟΣ: Όλα τα μέλη του ΚΕΒΕ και


Λευκωσία, 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2016 ΠΡΟΣ: Όλα τα μέλη του ΚΕΒΕ και
Λευκωσία, 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2016
Όλα τα μέλη του ΚΕΒΕ και
μέλη Επιχειρηματικού Συνδέσμου Κύπρου-Ισραήλ
Επίσκεψη Ισραηλινών Επιχειρηματιών στην Κύπρο
Κυρίες, κύριοι,
Σας πληροφορούμε ότι την Πέμπτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2016 θα βρίσκεται στο ΚΕΒΕ ομάδα
επιχειρηματιών από το Ισραήλ με σκοπό την πραγματοποίηση επαφών με ενδιαφερόμενους
Κύπριους επιχειρηματίες και τη σύναψη συνεργασιών.
Συνημμένα σας αποστέλλεται ο κατάλογος των εταιρειών με τα προφίλ τους, καθώς και η
Δήλωση Συμμετοχής.
Τα μέλη που ενδιαφέρονται να έχουν επαφές με τους Επιχειρηματίες, παρακαλούνται όπως
συμπληρώσουν την συνημμένη Δήλωση Συμμετοχής με ένδειξη με ποιόν ή ποιους
Επιχειρηματίες επιθυμούν να έχουν συναντήσεις.
Στους συμμετέχοντες περιλαμβάνεται και ο Διευθυντής Διεθνών Σχέσεων του Επιμελητηρίου
του Ισραήλ κ.Ze’ev Lavie με τον οποίο όσοι επιθυμούν μπορούν να διευθετήσουν συνάντηση
τοποθετώντας την ένδειξη (√) στο νούμερο 9 της Δήλωσης Συμμετοχής.
Η Δήλωση Συμμετοχής θα πρέπει να αποσταλεί στο Τμήμα Υπηρεσιών και Εμπορίου του
ΚΕΒΕ (φαξ.22667593) και για περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε να απευθύνεστε στο
Λειτουργό του Τμήματος κ. Ζαχαρία Μανιταρά (τηλ 22889722) όχι αργότερα από τις 19
Φεβρουαρίου 2016.
Σημειώνεται ότι παρόμοιες συναντήσεις θα γίνουν στις 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2016 στο
Επιμελητήριο Λεμεσού. Όσοι ενδιαφέρονται να συμμετάσχουν στις συναντήσεις της
Λεμεσού θα πρέπει να δηλώσουν το ενδιαφέρον τους στο ΕΒΕ Λεμεσού τηλ. 25877350.
Με εκτίμηση
Χρίστος Πετσίδης
ΔιευθυντήςΥπηρεσιών και Εμπορίου
Λεωφ. Γρίβα Διγενή 38 & Δεληγιώργη 3, 1066 Λευκωσία, Κύπρος, Τ.Θ. 21455, 1509 Λευκωσία, Κύπρος, Τηλ. 22 889800, Φαξ. 22
Title: Business Delegation from Israel
Location: CCCI Premises, 38, Griva Digeni Avenue, Nicosia
Date: 25th of February 2016
The following section to be completed by the participating company to the B2B meetings:
Name of Company:
PO Box:
Post Code/Town:
We Offer:
We Request:
We Offer:
Distribution Agreement
Manufacturing Agreement
Commercial Agency
Joint Venture Agreement
Franchise Agency
Outsourcing Agreement
Financial Agreement
Services Agreement
We Request:
More Details (Optional):
TARGET PARTNER SOUGHT – (√) the companies that you want to meet in the B2B meetings
Diagsense D.E.S.
Top Experts
Red Waves Systems Ltd
Nageris & Co. Law Office
Federation of Israeli Chamber of
Yavne Group
Please fill in the above form and send to:
CCCI, Department of Services & Trade
Email: manitaras@ccci.org.cy
NOT LATER THAN 19 of February 2016
FICC 2016 Business Delegation to Cyprus
Business Company Profiles
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone No.:
Year of
No. of Employees:
Activity Sector:
Interested in:
Offered products/
Potential Partners:
Other information:
Diagsense D.G.S
Mr. Tidhar Tsuri
24 Imbar St., Petach Tikva
Predictive Maintenance – SW for SCADA Systems
Leak Detection systems and projects for municipalities.
Cooperation / Joint venture partner
1. Leak Detection systems and Reducing water loss projects for
2. Leak Detection systems for oil and gas industry.
3. Predictive maintenance SW or Services for machine /
- Municipalities
- Water corporations or water authorities
- Chemical Factories
- Refineries
- Oil and Gas infrastructures
Diagsense enables you to upgrade your monitoring system to a new
level. Diagsense provides you with a real-time online prediction of
failures in your system. We offer the opportunity to know about an
evolving failure in your system at an early stage of its formation,
long before it becomes an actual problem. Enabling the deployment
of maintenance teams or preventative action at your discretion.
Using our solution you will gain a wide range of benefits:
• A robust monitoring system running 24/7 without the need for
recalibration at any change in operational state of the monitored
• No misdetections
• We are committed to no more than 2.5/ false alarms
• Easy integration with your existing system.
• No installation of additional equipment is required.
• Significantly improves the flow of operation using existing
• Our system is self-adaptive to the changes in the environment
and doesn't require human intervention.
• Our system will alert a sudden failure much faster than any
other existing monitoring system.
At one of our implementations DiagSense's system discovered an oil
leak within 20 seconds while the in-house, incumbent system took
390 seconds to identify!
With us...
• You can migrate maintenance programs from scheduled
to predictive.
• You will minimize idle time.
• Can mitigate your environmental exposure.
• You will return your investment in no time!
• You will find out that our solution influences your
operational efficiency and savings!
• You will be able to sleep easier at night, knowing that
your system is in capable hands.
Company Name
Yavne Group
Contact Person
Mr. Jacky Shloush
Job Title
Import-Export Manager
Kibbutz Yavne
Year of
No. of Employees:
Activity Sector:
Interested in:
 Cans and jars food
 Pickled vegetables
 Olives and olive oil
 Fried onion
 Fresh vegetables (cucumbers, mini-eggplants, hot peppers,
red sweet peppers, tomatoes and lemons)
 Oils
 Canned olives
 Canned pickled vegetables
 Fried onion in cans and aseptic bags
Olive oil
Fried onion
Pickled vegetables:
Cucumbers pickled in brine or in vinegar
Pickled mini-eggplants
Hot peppers
Red sweet peppers
Offered products/ 1. Production and sales of high quality natural fried onion for retail
chain supermarkets in cans of 190 Gram and 400 Gram and fried
onion in aseptic bag for food factories, salad meat, soap and
bakery. The onions are peeled, diced fried and packed in unique
packages which preserve their freshness entirely without human
The product has a long shelf life of 24 months UN cooled and after
opening - up to 7-10 days in cooling.
Production capabilities of up to 150-170 tons of fried onions a day,
regular delivery at a competitive price all year long, unaffected by
onion’s market price. All certification of ISO 9001, ISO 22000,
Potential Partners:
For Olives, Olive oil & Pickled vegetables:
Wholesalers and/or retail chain supermarkets
Manufacturers/importers of cans and jars food industry for the
retail, food service and professional.
Preferably companies that holds ISSO, HASSP, BRC, IFS and other.
The company has access to most retail supermarkets and
wholesalers in Israel and is looking for cooperation with a brand
known company that is looking for representation in the Israeli
market and abroad for the kosher market.
For the fried onions:
Wholesalers for the food industry, retail chain supermarkets etc.
Food Manufacturing factories of salads, pastries, sauces and meat.
Other information:
About Kvuzat Yavne Food Products
Kvuzat Yavne Food Products is a kibbutz plant established over 60
years ago in Kvuzat Yavne, the veteran and flourishing religious
kibbutz located in the center of the country. Over the years, Kvuzat
Yavne Food Products has become a leading Israeli producer of
pickled products that excels in their taste and quality.
Yavne’s pickled products have been sold in Israel for almost a
quarter of a century, but the plant itself has been in existence since
it produced canned meat for the British army in 1938.
Some of the olives are grown and processed by members of the
kibbutz, in orchards surrounding Kibbutz Yavne, while the
cucumbers, which are brought in from a distance, are pickled a short
time after being picked. The plant annually produces thousands of
tons of a wide variety of olives and pickled vegetables of excellent
quality and taste. The choice of olives includes green olives such as:
Manzanillo, Queen (Nouvo), Syrian, cracked, pitted and sliced, and
colored olives such as: black, natural, and marinated in wine vinegar.
Other vegetables include cucumbers pickled in brine or in vinegar,
pickled mini-eggplants, hot peppers, red sweet peppers, tomatoes
and lemons. And last but not least – olive oil.
The products are available in family or institutional size as well. The
green Manzanillo and pitted Manzanillo olives, as well as the pickled
cucumbers, are available in economical containers of 1.250 kg and 3
kg. Also available in 1.250 kg containers are Queen (Nouvo) olives
and green spicy cracked olives.
Many of our products are also available in high quality glass jars.
During the past 15 years, there has been a dramatic increase in
sales. Despite this, the Kvutzat Yavne pickling plant has maintained
its position as the leading company on the market, thanks to a
strategic decision made by the management – there is no
compromise when it comes to quality, even at the expense of
quantity. In order to maintain a high level of quality throughout, we
have purchased the best automated equipment available. Some of it
has undergone further development in Israel, at the initiative of
Kvuzat Yavne Food Products.
In 1997, the plant was expanded and modernized. A new system for
the intake of the various vegetables uses some the most advanced
technologies. The filling of the cans, the addition of spices, the
pasteurization and the packaging are all done by means of modern
equipment. Our automation is the most up-to-date available.
Sophisticated, computer-operated video cameras film each olive
from all sides, in order to classify it in terms of quality, size and
further processing. The high-tech sorting is designed to replace
manual sorting, and enables the plant to produce high-quality
flagship products in addition to our usual line.
One secret that guarantees the quality of our products is the use of
original, genuine and natural additives, rather than artificial ones.
Natural concentrates, rather than chemical emulsions, are used to
enhance flavor, including real cloves of garlic rather than garlicflavored chemicals.
Kvuzat Yavne Food Products has official proof of the high quality of
its products. The plant passed two official tests – with flying colors confirming what our customers already know: When it comes to
quality, our products are unbeatable. Our plant was the first in the
Israeli food industry that passed the quality tests for the
international quality label ISO 9002 for 2002 the first time, without
having to make any improvements, as well as the GMP (good
manufacturing practices) tests of the Health Ministry, which we also
passed the first time.
Kvuzat Yavne’s pickled products are very successful abroad as well,
thanks to their high quality and high kashrut level. Most of our
customers are consumers from the Jewish market the world over –
the United States, England, Belgium, France, Italy, Australia and New
Zealand. Kvuzat Yavne Food Products works at high standards of
hygiene, which is strictly maintained, and meets the rigid
requirements of the health authorities in these countries.
In addition to Jewish customers, Kvuzat Yavne products are also
purchased by loyal customers of other religions, including members
of the Palestinian and Iranian communities, who have found that our
pickled products have the Middle Eastern taste they prefer.
Kvuzat Yavne Food Products carry the excellent kosher certificate of
Badatz Chatam-Sofer, Badatz Edah Charedit in Jerusalem, the
Mehadrin kashrut of Rabbi Solomon and the certificate of the Union
of Orthodox Congregations of North America.
Our products can be found in most of the food stores in Israel,
thanks to extensive marketing and distribution systems. We supply
our products to the three large food chains in Israel by delivering to
the central warehouse of each chain. Consumers on the private
market are also well served. Kvuzat Yavne has close commercial ties
with wholesalers all over the country, with an extensive network of
agents who reach every sales point.
Kns global opportunities ltd company is working for Yavne group as
import and export in the field of food industry where we produce
and sale fried onion for retail chain supermarket in cans of 190 Gram
and 400 Gram and fried onion in aseptic bag of 3Kg, 10Kg, 20Kg and
up to 1000Kg for the big factory of food, salad meat, soap and
bakery. with hallal and as well with high kosher supervision
The onions are peeled, diced fried and packed in unique packages
which preserve their freshness entirely without human intervention.
The fried onion is of high quality and natural.
Our fried onion is very unique and make the life easier to use.
The product has a long shelf life of 24 months UN cooled and after
opening - up to 7-10 days in cooling.
As we are capable of producing up to 150-170 tons of fried onions a
day, we can promise you regular delivery at a competitive price all
year long, unaffected by onion’s market price. and most importantly,
the dicing, mess, frying, hard work and waste (over 70%) stay with
us. We have the all certification of ISO 9001, ISO 22000, HACCP,
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone No.:
Year of
No. of Employees:
Activity Sector:
Total Media Group
Ms. Nino Gigineishvili
VP of Sales and Marketing
14a Abba Hillel Rd. Ramat-Gan, 5250607, Israel
Digital Advertising, Media
Offered products/
Potential Partners:
Other information:
Monetization and yield management services for publishers
Offering Yield management platforms – DoubleClick
products by Google
 Media buying platforms – SSP and DSP
 Online Media Publishers
 Digital Advertising agencies
 Trading desks
 Large advertisers and brands working on International
Total Media is an established global digital and mobile
advertising technology and solutions provider that specializes in
both buy and sell side ad technologies and professional services.
Total Media works across multiple media platforms, including
web, video, mobile, and rich media, to assist clients to unlock the
full economic potential of digital ad technologies. In-house
digital monetization solutions combine inventory management
and ad campaign management technologies with a distinct
partnership approach.
Total Media, an official Google Certified Publishing Partner
(GCPP) for DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) and DoubleClick Ad
Exchange (AdX), empowers publishers to optimize and to
achieve strong ad revenue growth.
Experienced in ad serving and professional support services,
Total Media works with publishers to achieve the highest ROI for
every impression through proper AdTech integration for both
direct and remnant website traffic. Publishers trust Total Media’s
knowledge and technical expertise to provide monetization and
yield management services for direct and indirect inventory.
With a skilled in-house team and years of professional
optimization experience, expert consulting and support services,
monetize and deliver immediate revenue growth, the world’s
largest publishers trust Total Media to achieve highest revenue
for every impression.
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone No.:
Mr. Micha Sarig, Mr. Ofek Bar-Ziv
CEO / Project Manager
2 Hashiloach St., Petach Tikva
972-54-6301111, 972-52-3791988
m_sarig@lottonet.co.il ofek@lottonet.co.il
Year of
No. of Employees:
Activity Sector:
Interested in:
Offered products/
The purpose of the
Potential Partners:
Other information:
5 -10
Import & Export
Cooperation / Joint venture partner
Our online store is going to offer everything from gadgets and
electricity devices To smart phones and clothes.
The purpose of the visit is to meet relevant local service providers
(lawyers/accountants) that can serve as account managers on how
to open an e-commerce persona / company in Cyprus.
At first, the business will relay on Israeli users (and later on will
expand to North America online markets) ordering products at our
e-commerce site via drop shipping.
There are two more projects in the process that are going to effect
the perspective of online shopping.
Lawyers, account manager, exporters, importers, bank
representatives and Individuals that can help in the process of
establishing the company.
Special online store build to change the Israeli perception of online
shopping that is higher in the Israeli online sites and not as reliable
in the Chinese sites. In order to have the lowest prices in the
industry and to be reliable we build partnerships that insure we can
offer our members the best online shopping there is.
Immediate objectives of the project
 Our online store is ready and active but we can't yet address
to the audience in Israel because in order to start working in
Israel as drop shipper (explanation below) we need an off
shore company that will manage our business activities.
 The location that we have chosen to open our company is in
 It's important to emphasizes that we are not going to target
and sale our products inside Cyprus, we are going to target
the Israeli audience by selling Chinese and American
products at the best prices .
Working method
The online store is going to work on drop shipping system. Drop
shipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn't keep
the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it
purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to
the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the
The biggest difference between drop shipping and the standard
retail model is that the selling merchant doesn't stock or own
inventory. Instead, the merchant purchases inventory as needed
from a third party – usually a wholesaler or manufacturer – to fulfill
Less Capital Is Required – Probably the biggest advantage to
dropshipping is that it's possible to launch an ecommerce store
without having to invest thousands of dollars in inventory up front.
Traditionally, retailers have had to tie up huge amounts of capital
purchasing inventory.
With the drop shipping model, you don't have to purchase a product
unless you already made the sale and have been paid by the
customer. Without major up-front inventory investments, it's
possible to start a successful drop shipping business with very little
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone No.:
Year of
No. of Employees:
Activity Sector:
Interested in:
Offered products/
Red Waves Systems Ltd.
Mr. Eyal Harel
Sharon Industrial Park, Kadima
Systems integrator
Export of services,
Cooperation / Joint venture partner
1. A range of observation systems, monitoring,
communications, and command and control systems. A
service that provides safety and deployed security forces a
variety of ways that allow event management in an orderly
way and receive real-time data on the location of
lawbreakers or terrorists.
2. Communication service partner and solution provider for
fixed mobile and transmission networks. The Company has
extensive expertise, encompassing engineering,
deployment, integration and customer care in all areas of
telecom applications and technologies for wire line and
wireless networks.
Potential Partners:
Other information:
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone No.:
Year of
No. of Employees:
Activity Sector:
Interested in:
Offered products/
3. Risks mitigation solution service Security experts. Threat and
Risk study on the Moscow compound or locations in order
to understand the best technologic solution for the client.
Actual learning of the customer needs and finding
technological solutions for it.
1. Local distributors/ agents/ representatives
/companies in the HLS & security sector.
2. Local integrators, government customers, seaports, airports,
police, army, border police, industrial systems segment.
 Sports event (stadium, open outdoor events)
 Central locations (train stations, tourist attractions, shopping
 Large scale rallies
 Cultural events (festivals)
 Crime protection
 Border protection (sea and land)
 Infrastructure facilities
 Public transportation
Red Waves systems is an international worldwide company that
offers smart solutions for integration projects.
Red Waves systems provides an end-to-end turnkey solution for any
type of project and delivers value & results.
Red Waves systems is committed to combine highly effective
working practices with paradigm-busting creativity to exceed our
clients expectations. We excel at professional & creative thinking
integrated with innovative technology.
Mr. Avram Atia
38 Habarzel St., Tel Aviv
972-52-6112122, 972-73-2700200
Medical Tourism
Cooperation / Joint venture partner
TrustMed is a leading medical service and support provider in Israel.
The company operates mainly in East and Central Europe, in several
African countries and in China.
TrustMed is a premier company for a completely customized
medical travel to Israel. The company is specialized in assisting its
patients in accessing the wide range of medical services, from the
Potential Partners:
Other information:
most simple to the most advanced treatment. TrustMed provides
unsurpassed, streamlined medical services offered by professionals
from the world-renowned medical centers in Israel. Out expert team
of professionals has many years of diverse experience, combined
with the most innovative Israeli medical technology. Our vision is to
assist patients in accessing high quality, affordable medical care in
 hospitals and private clinics
 Private diagnostic centers/laboratories performing CT's, MRI's
 Insurance companies that provide medical services/second
opinion abroad
Israel is known for its world's highest standards of medical service.
Thousands of visitors have been arriving in Israel to perform medical
The company's services
1. Remote evaluating diagnostics and consultancy (second
2. Personal diagnostics and consultancy in Israel including:
- Medical examination by the best specialists in accordance
with the patient's medical needs.
- Evaluation of the medical information from the country of
the patient's origin, including additional advanced checkups based on the most innovative world medical technology.
- Building up treatment protocol based on the evaluation.
3. Medical care is provided with the best diagnostic and
services equipment.
- Immediate availability of the top technological and
laboratory facilities and of Israel's top physicians.
- Immediate availability Assistance in getting additional
services to patients and their escort upon their arrival in
Israel including Flight and accommodation arrangements,
transfer and communication assistance.
5. Medical services in the country of the patient's origin.
Following the patient's medical needs our world-renowned
experts in the field of patient's specific problem will fly from
Israel to his current location.
- Air lifting and medical evacuation of patients in critical state
including air ambulance.
The company's advantages
1. The company will choose the best place of treatment to
provide for the patient's best health outcome.
2. Our staff includes specialists and professionals from the
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone No.:
Year of
No. of Employees:
Activity Sector:
Interested in:
Offered Services/
Potential Partners:
world-renowned medical centers in Israel, who are
immediately available without waiting periods.
The company provides access to Israel's top medical,
technological and diagnostic facilities.
The company offers full diagnostic and treatment services
based on mutual available time considerations, which allows
you shorten your stay and save costs.
The company provides translation services in various
languages and may provide individual escort services
throughout the patient's entire stay and treatment in Israel.
The company will prepare the patient's personal medical
treatment schedule based on medical and personal needs
and financial abilities.
A company representative will accompany you from the first
contact with us until your departure from Israel.
The cost of treatment is significantly lower comparing to the
West Europe and the USA, while offering excellent medical
care and personal service.
Top Experts Center
Mr. Vadim Remennik, Mr. Evgeny Mougerman
CEO / VP Marketing & Sales
10 Ha Barzel St., Tel Aviv
More than 50
Medical Tourism
Cooperation with structures interested in providing medical services
for patients abroad.
Medical Services for Patients abroad.
1) Insurance companies that provide medical services abroad/
in Israel.
2) Assistance medical tourism companies.
3) Hospitals.
4) Tourism companies dealing with medical tourism.
5) Private diagnostic centers performing CT's, MRI's or PET-CT's
6) Any channel that direct patients for treatments abroad.
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone No.:
Year of
No. of Employees:
Activity Sector:
Interested in:
Offered products/
Potential Partners:
Nageris & Co. Law office & Notary
Roy Nageris
Founder & Owner
65 Menachem Begin Rd. Tel Aviv
Cooperation / Joint venture partner
Commercial low, litigation, real estate, receiverships and
bankruptcy, wills, inheritances etc.
1. Law & Accounting firms representing local companies with
interest/businesses in Israel.
2. Real estate developers/ entrepreneurs offering numerous
assets (not individual assets) ranging between 50,000 to
200,000 Euros.