The Newsletter of Arizona Basset Hound Rescue


The Newsletter of Arizona Basset Hound Rescue
The Newsletter of Arizona Basset Hound Rescue
Arizona Basset Hound Rescue
P.O. Box 32594
Phoenix, AZ 85064
(602) 225-7800—
V o l u m e
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I s s u e
S e p t e m b e r
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Page 1…….….Howl O Ween 2010
Page 2…….….Looking for a home - Rico & Peppermint
Page 3….…….President’s Corner
Page 4 …........AZBHR Features Foster Mom & Dad Helen & Nick
Page 5………..Howl O Ween 2010
Page 6………..Howl O Ween 2010 Registration
Page 7….…….AZBHR TV STARS!
Page 8….…….Volunteer Spotlight * Marilyn White
Page 9….…….Tribute to Rainbow Bridge
Page 10.….…
Page 11……...AZBHR Features Foster Mom Flo Voigt
Page 12……...Bowl A Rama 2010
Page 13 …......April through June Adoptions
Page 14…..…..Please Help Zeus!
Page 15……....Adoption Corner * Penelope * Juliette * Clayton
Page 16..…......Training Tips From Crystal
Page 17……….Phoenix Pet Expo 2010
Page 18.......….Meet Forever Foster Charlie
Page 19…….....Calendar of Events 2010
Hi I am RICO! I am very handsome tri-color 4 yr old boy. I
came to the rescue from a shelter in Phoenix. I am very
friendly with people and I love to be petted and have belly
rubs often. I have found that I do best in a home without cats
but I would be fine with other dogs and kids 5 and up. I am
current on all his shots and neutered and micro chipped. I
will counter surf and see what I can find to snack on. I will
take it from your hand if you are not paying attention. I enjoy
riding in the car and I do great on the leash. I really enjoy
sleeping next to you on the bed and snuggling next to you
when you are on the sofa relaxing. I am hoping for a forever
family that will love, care and play with me. Are you my family that I am looking for? Come meet and fall in love with me,
I love you already!
Page 20…..…...Calendar of Events 2011 & AZBHR Media Info
Page 21…..…..SUZY—A California Girl
Page 22……....AZBHR Executive Board & Advisory Committee
Page 23……....The Incredible Shrinking Dog! - Manny
Page 24…..…...Desert Hound Winery & London Bridge Days
Page 25….…...ALOHA CLARENCE!
Page 26……....NYPD & Claim Jumper Fundraiser 2010
Page 27……….Davey & Frankie Go To School!
Page 28……….Invite Stuffing Party & Fry’s Gift Card Program
Page 29……….Adoption Event Flagstaff, AZ & Shop IGive
Page 30……….AZBHR 2011 Calendar Launch
Page 31……....We Need Foster Homes
Page 32…….....Meet Gabby & LucyLou
Page 33…….....Volunteer Spotlight * Cyrena Rush
Page 34…….....New Volunteers – Facebook & Twitter
Page 35…….....An Open Letter to My Dog (the bad one)
Page 36 & 37...Sponsors
Page 38……....Stein Mart Give & Save Charity Days
Page 39……....Macy’s Shop For A Cause
Page 40…....…Santa Paws 2010
Hey it’s Peppermint - well folks it is official! The doctor
says I am as healthy as they come. My weight has gone from
a sickly 35 pounds to a nice, round 47-ish. One down side to
this is I don’t get those great ―special‖ meals like I used to.
Now I eat regular Kibble along with my foster sisters. My
beautiful coat has all grown back and I am one sexy Basset if
I say so myself. I am learning to play both with my foster
sisters as well as my toys. I am really hoping my Forever
Family has a yard and at least one child (over 5 as sometimes I get excited and would feel terrible if I accidentally
knocked a child over). I want someone to bond with and
play with. Maybe I could even learn how to play fetch. Oh,
and I rarely if ever bark. My foster mom can’t get over having a foster Basset that doesn’t bark, no neighbor problems
Dear Fellow Hound Lovers,
2010 continues to be a very busy year for the volunteers of Arizona Basset
Hound Rescue. So far the numbers are 101 dogs intake and 96 adoptions
as of August 1st. August has proven to be no different with many dogs
needing foster care.
Fostering is very rewarding, taking in a hound in need and watching as
they make their path to a new life and a forever family. You can experience that by fostering a hound in need. All AZBHR asks is you feed and
love the dog in your home and we pay for the medical care.
AZBHR participated in the Phoenix Pet Expo on June 12th, we got great
exposure and won dog food from Blue Buffalo. The dog food was distributed to the foster homes of AZBHR. Thanks to all who attended!
The Basset Ball online auction was a success, and I am looking forward to
seeing you at our Fifth Annual Basset Ball on September 25th. Oh yeah,
mark your calendar for 2011 – September 24th is the date for the Sixth
Annual Basset Ball!
AZBHR is in the process of redoing our website and we hope to launch
sometime in September. Many volunteers have been working long hours
to help develop the new website material and the website company is busy
building away!
AZBHR has launched the 2011 Calendar online at our ZAZZLE store so
check it out and order for your home, work and purse!*
We have a great new tagline ―Happiness is a rescued hound.‖ This has
been added to our logo so when you are shopping for your calendar buy
new logo wear and products too!
Thank you for your continued support!
Love that Drool,
Kim A. Bruck, President & Basset Ball Coordinator
Nick and I have been fostering since about June of 2004. Our first foster was Holly. Holly was a blind girl that got the layout of our
house within a day. While we had her we also got our 2nd foster Alvin, a puppy that we only had for 2 weeks before he went to another home to be fostered until he could be neutered and then adopted. At the moment we have 2 foster dogs, Heather and Rico.
Rico has a home waiting for him as soon as he is cleared to be adopted.
We have fostered probably about 50 dogs or so since we have started and we usually
get the foster dogs that need some extra attention such as the puppy mill girls, Emily
and Natalie. When the girls first came to our house they would not come inside at
all. Emily came around first in about a week and Natalie took a bit longer. For Natalie it
took her about 3 months after coming to our house for her to come to me and let me pet
her. She would still run from Nick but slowly warmed up to him.
We also had Noel the basset mix that came into the rescue with a huge
lump on her rear leg. She had to have the leg amputated to remove the
tumor and also to save her life as the tumor had gotten infected and was
slowly spreading through her leg. She was adopted by a couple in
Scottsdale just last week and Robin met Nick in Casa Grande and completed the adoption.
We had a foster that I had named Dixon in honor of a friend of ours that was a Tucson Police
Officer. He went through the police academy with Nick. He was riding his bicycle when he
reached to drink some water and his bicycle swerved into the road and a truck coming behind
him, hit him and he was killed instantly. We got Dixon not long after his funeral and our friend
was Allen Dixon Johnson. I could think of no better way to honor his memory as he was full of life and enjoyed everything he did.
One of Nick’s favorite fosters was Max. Max was part shepherd part basset. Nick would hold Max
and cuddle him like a baby and Max would love the attention that he got from Nick. Max found his
perfect home and his new mom sent me pictures of Max and a short video that she took of him showing off a new trick he had learned. I attached a picture of Max and his new mom.
Eden is a foster that both Nick and I would agree as being a favorite for
both of us. Eden is an older girl but still very sweet and loving. We
fostered her and she was adopted out for awhile and the man that had
adopted her returned her back to the rescue after his other basset
passed away. We didn’t realize that she had come back into the rescue
until the foster home that had her needed to find a home for the bassets
they were fostering. As soon as we knew she was back we asked
Robin if we could have her back again. Eden was with us for about a year when she went to another
foster home here in Tucson with the possibility of being adopted by her.
We started looking at the basset rescue to find a playmate for our basset, Bella and we saw the story
about Dash and wanted to adopt him. We found out that he had been adopted and decided to foster
instead of adopt so we could help bassets find a good forever home and while waiting for that
forever home they could have a nice safe and loving home to stay. We enjoy fostering and helping out the bassets until they can find their forever homes. We have had so many great dogs
here with us and lots of stories for each of them also. I’ve attached some
pictures of the dogs that I named above and also a few that I did not.
On Wednesday, August 4th, AZBHR was featured on a segment on Your Life A to Z on
Channel 3 promoting the Basset Ball, the pre-online auction, fostering, adopting, and
the rescue in general. It aired on August 5th. Gayle Bass conducted the interview and
fell in love with all of the Bassets (Gracie Cole, AZBHR alum, and Reba, Annie and
Frankie, AZBHR fosters). Special thanks goes out to Susan Richey-Schmitz, of A
Dog's Life Photography, for donating her time and services for several of the items
that we promoted on the segment. We are grateful for our partners in the media for
helping us promote AZBHR, especially Channel 3, who has always been a great friend
Gayle Bass (3TV), Judi Gogolin, Erin Cole, Sabrina Taylor and the Hounds.
How long they have been with AZBHR? We have been active a little more than a year,
but were Basset-teers before that. I am currently the North and West Phoenix area
Adoption Event coordinator and Jim is about to take on a more active role in helping
Robin with intake and foster coordination.
Tell us about you and your family (including 4 legged members)…where you live, kids
and ages, spouse, etc., what you do for a living. The two of us, Jim and I, live in far
north Phoenix, near Cave Creek. In addition to our permanent basset girls, Lydia and
Sela, we have the occasional foster dog, 5 cats, 1 horse and a pond full of assorted
fish. Jim is an Electrical Engineer and I am Chairman of the DES Appeals Board.
How many have they fostered over the years? We are on our 3rd
What brought you to AZBHR to volunteer? We lost our basset boy, Bart, unexpectedly and suddenly in June of 2009. Once the shock and grief wore off, we decided that
the best thing for us was to get involved and help out the other hounds who had not
been as fortunate as our little pal. When I received one of Robin's e-mails, seeking
foster homes for some of the Pinal County puppy-mill dogs, we just decided to jump in
and "do it".
Why do you volunteer with AZBHR? Because we can't ignore the need and we can
What has been the most rewarding experience of volunteering with AZBHR? Our
girls, our foster dogs, the friends we have made and continue to make in AZBHR.
Any great memories or stories about volunteering for AZBHR you’d like to share? It
has all been a wonderful and personally rewarding experience.
A Tribute to our Hounds at Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When a dog dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the dogs that had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong
again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The dogs are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent;
His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted
again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting
eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
John J. Goldsworthy
Nora Skog
Peggy Flick
Sheryl L. Tanaka
Lewis (Simon)
Penny Tucker & family
Kring Fernando & family
Clancy (Elliott)
Jane Hemmerle
Hazel & Kass Kassebaum
Wilbur Lee
The Goldwater family
Robin Martin
AZBHR foster
Tammy Buer & family
Betty & Bob Briggs
I started fostering for AZBHR in 2005. My first foster was a sweet little girl named Alexis. She
had some socialization problems which we worked on and improved. Alexis was adopted
into a forever home with a Basset sibling and did very well.
I have fostered 27 Bassets since then. Over the years several have become "failed fosters". Each has his/her own special personality and it is such a privilege to get to know and
love them. Presently I have four Bassets - my own Bailey and three fosters - one of which I
hope to make a "failed foster". The other two are a bonded pair Liberty and Lou, they have
been together all their lives and need to be adopted together.
I have had Bassets since the 1970's and used to breed and show them. Now I enjoy fostering
and helping the dogs find forever homes. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing your
foster dog with a happy wagging tail, jump into the car of his forever family.
PS - Since writing this Flo ―failed‖ again and adopted her foster Sydney! Congratulations
Congratulations to the AZBHR Bowling Team
— Holly Shinn, John Shinn, Cindy Mahon,
Jim Babe, Marilyn White, Joli, Jamie and
Jordan Schaller. They raised an incredible
$815 for the hounds!
Louise Branch
4/10 Adopted Ollie
Susan Blessing
4/10 Adopted Jay Z
Kathleen & Mark Franey
4/10 Adopted Clarence
Sheri Evans
4/10 Adopted Mona
Aaron & Julie Pie-Sells
4/10 Adopted Miranda
Gary & Martha Helms
4/10 Adopted Tess
Bruce & Patricia Moses
4/10 Adopted Addy
Hanna Rosemary Peck
4/10 Adopted Sweetness
Cindy Willis
4/10 Adopted Cory
Sharon Novy
4/10 Adopted Bode
Brad & Cindy Mahon
4/10 Adopted Bigbee
Maria & Craig Brennan
5/10 Adopted Dexter
Doug Hamrick
5/10 Adopted Calvin
Robin Martin
5/10 Adopted Shammy
Ginger Call
5/10 Adopted Jinelle
Tracie Lee Dean
5/10 Adopted Diego
Molly Hancock
5/10 Adopted Lindsay
Sharon Burton
5/10 Adopted Jocelyn
Susan & Larry Bradley
5/10 Adopted Paddy
John & Susan Johnson
5/10 Adopted Julia
Rob & Carrie Diana
5/10 Adopted Paula
Rachel Morris
6/10 Adopted Dudley
Amanda & Ruben Aviles
6/10 Adopted Anton
John & Michele Goodman
6/10 Adopted Shaun
Charlotte Burr
6/10 Adopted Oliver
David & Pat Laskos
6/10 Adopted Nanci
Rebecca Rubash
6/10 Adopted Sadie
Christine Swenson
6/10 Adopted Jenna
Stacey & Troy Lent
6/10 Adopted Hannah
My name is Zeus, I am five months old and I thought I was a very
LUCKY boy! You see this really nice lady Auntie Robin Martin
picked me up from my family and took me to the nice people at
Sundance Animal Hospital (Dr. Nancy rocks)! They helped me
with my dehydrated little body and then performed surgery to get
that object out (not sure what I ate) and neutered me. I spent
sometime at Auntie Kim’s and enjoyed snuggling by her as she
worked on the computer. Another nice lady Holly Shinn drove
me to Tucson where met my awesome foster family and another
nice lady Cheri Stutsman. So I got to my wonderful new foster
home and I was so happy! Well just when I thought things were
going great I wasn’t feeling so good so my foster mom took me to
the vet. Oh no! They told me I have parvo! I am just a little puppy how could I be so sick? I am doing much better now
and I am eating very good. The vet has been working very hard to make me all better. I feel soooo bad because all my
problems have been very expensive! I don’t know what would have happened to me if AZBHR wouldn’t have saved my
life! (twice!) I promise to be a very good boy! If you can help me please go to my ―chipin‖ link below. I hope one day very
soon I will be a healthy boy and will be looking for my forever home with a playmate to help keep me out of trouble! Right now I still need some healing ―drool‖ and some prayers!
Thank you and big wet kisses!
Love Zeus
Help with Zeus medical care and donate today
Penelope is a precious 1.5 year old who is ready to bring lots of love to
her new home! She is amazing with kids, playful yet patient, great with
other dogs, and loves being part of the family. Being young and healthy,
she loves to have fun, but being a Basset she also loves her naps. Penelope is a beautiful, healthy, young Basset. She really enjoys running
around with kids and other dogs, but is independent and doesn’t mind
some quiet down time. She does well with men, women, and children.
She is quiet, doesn’t bark much, and is really easygoing and undemanding. She does well with stairs. She is continuing to work on her potty
training and is making good progress. Because she is still learning, we
crate her at night, and she goes all night without any accidents. She likes
cats, but gets pretty excited and has a tendency to bark and chase them,
but in a playful way. Penelope loves going for walks and does well on her
leash. Unlike many Bassets, she doesn’t eat excessively and you can leave
food out. She also has never demonstrated any food aggression and doesn’t beg for food at all. She is a slim but healthy 40 pounds! Also, unlike
other bassets, she is not an excessive licker, doesn’t drool, and has really
never howled. Penelope is a loving, gentle dog who is a lot of fun. She is
flexible and would do well as the only dog or with other dogs. Her only
requirement is that she goes to a home that can give her lots of love!
Introducing Juliette! A pure Basset if ever there was one. 6 years
young and full of energy. Loves toys, rides, baths, playing with other big
and small 4 leggers, and of course food! She is 58lbs. Just big-not heavy!
Counter surfs just a bit. New to the doggy door, but regular door trained
too! Don't know about cats but great with bigger two leggers. If you love
everything Basset, she is your girl! Long ears, red eyes, and a great barrooh!
Hi Everyone, Clayton here. I'm a wonderful 4 year old boy
and will make any family a wonderful addition. I ride great in
the car! I am housebroken and cry if I need to go out. I love to
greet you when you come home with a couple of good woofs,
because I’m so happy you are home. I get along well with other
dogs, my current buddy is a 4 year old Golden Retriever and I
also get along with cats. I am an ultimate couch potato, but I do
like to play with some stuffed toys now and then. I am good
around kids, probably even little ones because I’m so gentle. I
love to sleep on the couch and in bed with you at night, if you let
me. I don’t have any bad manners or behaviors, and my current
foster thinks I am a doll. I have a bed, but I really don’t lay on it
too much…Especially if I can lie on the couch.
Check our website For many more lovable dogs looking for their
―fur‖ever homes!
I am often asked ―why won’t my dog come to me reliably?‖ I ask ―When was the last time you gave the dog a bonus for
coming to you? How often do you give him a bonus for coming to you? Is coming to you a fun and exciting thing?‖
Many times we take for granted they should just come to us because that is what we told them to do. "Come" should never end the fun and should be
the most rewarding and exciting game you play with your hound.
These are different games to play to teach your dog to come to you. If your dog is not clicker trained you can substitute the word "YES" in place of the
clicker. Playing these games in random order and always giving high reward will make your hound coming to you much more reliable. Play safely and
always use a leash or long line where needed. Playing in as many places as possible will also increase the reliability. When you first start out don't
focus so much on distance, focus on the reliability. Coming from 3 feet away in the beginning is better than not coming at all. Teaching your hound to
choose you because you are better than milk bones may save his life.
Come-Touch-Click-Treat Game
Goal: Come to you!
Game Rules: Action! Both human and dog must be moving. Always practice on leash for now!
Signal/Cue: Say “Fido Come” extend arm down fingers pointing toward the floor palm facing the dog. Remember you are giving your dog a target to
come to.
1. Put the loopy end of the leash around your right wrist.
2. Place a treat in the palm of your left hand, covering it with your thumb. Hold your hand near your shoulder, say dogs name ONE TIME ONLY and in
one motion, move the treat from your shoulder down so that your dog can touch it with her nose. Say, “COME” ONE TIME ONLY.
3. Back up to the end of the leash and make kissy noises to encourage the dog to come to you.
4. When her nose touches the treat that is behind your thumb, “Click and Treat”. Do not give the treat that was under your thumb.
Tips: Cueing your dog to come to you should never be said in a negative tone nor should it end the fun. Come should be rewarded 100% of the time.
The better the reward the more reliable the result, this cue could save your dog’s life. Never wait on the dog - keep moving backwards he will join you if
you give him no other choice. Practice in as many places and situations as you possibly can. This first week is not about how far away the dog is, it is
about the reliability.
Challenge: Practice this a few days with the treat under your thumb and then remove the treat/bait. Watch what happens your dog will continue to
touch your hand when you signal her to come to you. Continue to “Click and Treat” every time your dog chooses you.
Come-Touch-Yes-Sit Game
Goal: Teach the dog to sit immediately after coming to you.
Game Rules: Action! Both human and dog must be moving.
Signal/Cue: Say ―Fido Come‖ extend arm down fingers pointing toward the floor palm facing the dog.
to come to. Then palm up to signal the “sit”.
Remember you are giving your dog a target
1. Put the loopy end of the leash around your right wrist.
2. Begin to move backwards and say “Fido Come” as you give the signal/target.
3. When she touches your hand say, “YES”.
4. Signal the “SIT” If your dog does not sit, use a lure/bait to get him into the “sit” position.
5. When she does “sit”, “Click and Treat”.
Tips: Always be happy and excited. Never use the “come” to end the fun. This should be a jackpot cue. Give your dog a treat for coming and sitting
and then a lot of excited praise.
Challenge: Do speed rounds with your dog. Practice many times a day in as many locations as possible.
Crystal Coll
Proud guardian of Sugar, MB, Chance, Keara, Spence, Boo, Carly, Vanessa, Hocus, Pocus & many fosters too!
what dogs teach us…being kind is more important than being important….
WOW what an awesome event – over 11,000 people attended and it was busy non stop til about 5pm. We’ll
let you know the date next year and we need more fosters even if just to walk around in ―adopt me‖ vests.
We talked with lots of folks about adoption, the winery, basset ball and so much more! We handed out over
700 flyers about the Claim Jumper and Diamondback fundraisers. Met lots of Basset owners and had two
Bassets (Robin Martin’s ―Princess‖ and Harley the foster of Sonya Michaels) in the fashion show.
THANK YOU to all the volunteers who came out to volunteer, brought foster dogs and promoted the rescue
big time for us – you rock!
Charlie is an 8 year old Basset that has
been in and out of the Rescue since he
was 8 weeks old. He survived Parvo, but
suffered brain damage, eye damage and
now has seizures. He has been in four foster homes and one adoptive home in his
short life. His adoptive Mom loved him,
but had to return him when she was
transferred to Guam for work. It was
agreed the quarantine required to take
pets over seas would be detrimental to
Charlie’s mental and physical health. So
he entered his 3rd foster home where he
lived and thrived for several years. This
foster home had to move Charlie due to
health issues and he now lives with his
Forever Foster Mom and a few other canine foster brothers. His foster mom says
Charlie is doing very well. He has fewer
seizures and behavioral issues as he ages
and he is a good boy. Charlie definitely
would have been euthanized many years
ago if he had been in one of the shelters
or the Humane Society due to his complicated medical and behavioral issues. Instead, because he is in AZBHR care, he is
in a loving home where his needs are met.
Arizona Basset Hound Rescue 2010 Calendar of Events
September 4 – Choice Pet Market, Glendale Meet N Greet - Volunteers and foster dogs needed contact
September 25 - Basset Ball 2010, Scottsdale
October 2nd – Choice Pet Market, Glendale Meet N Greet - Volunteers and foster dogs needed contact
October 9th – PACC911 Adoption Event, Sun City Volunteers & Foster Dogs
needed contact
October 30— HOWL O Ween, Paradise Valley - Volunteers needed contact
November 6 – Choice Pet Market, Glendale Meet N Greet - Volunteers and foster dogs needed contact
November 13 - Santa Paws Pet Photos, Phoenix - Volunteers needed contact
November 13 - PACC911 Adoption Event, Mesa Volunteers & Foster Dogs
needed contact
December 4 — Santa Paws Pet Photos, Phoenix - Volunteers needed contact
December 4 – Choice Pet Market, Glendale Meet N Greet - Volunteers and foster dogs needed contact
December 11 – 12K’s of Christmas, Gilbert - Volunteers & Foster Dogs needed
Arizona Basset Hound Rescue 2011 Calendar of Events
January 29th — PACC911 Adoption Event, Anthem – Volunteers and Foster Dogs
needed contact
February 12th — PACC911 Adoption Event, Chandler – Volunteers and Foster
Dogs needed contact
March 5th — PACC911 Adoption Event, Scottsdale – Volunteers and Foster
Dogs needed contact
March 12th – Waddle O’ the Green, Phoenix
April 3rd — PACC911 Adoption Event, Fountain Hills – Volunteers and Foster
Dogs needed contact
2012 Calendar Online Auction
June 25th - Phoenix Pet Expo - Volunteers and Foster Dogs needed contact
September 24th - 6th Annual Basset Ball - Monterra at West World, Scottsdale
AZBHR was featured in the August 2010 print issue of TAILS and the article is online! You can
read AZBHR’s President Kim Bruck full interview. GREAT media coverage for AZBHR!
AZBHR has more TV STARS! Fox 10 with reporter Jamie King featured AZBHR in a live
segment to promote the upcoming Basset Ball 2010 from President Kim Bruck’s home on July 22,
2010. If you missed it here is the link. The hounds put on a great show!
Hi Guys,
I just wanted to send some pictures from the Shelter Island Dog Beach in San
Diego! We finally remembered to take the camera! Suzy is livin' the So Cal Life here
and lovin' it! She loves the beach (just not the water-too much like a bath!) Every time
we go she leaps out of the car and takes off running, it’s the most energy and speed I've
ever seen her display, like greased lightning!
I've had my precious little Suzy, I think since Feb of 2009. We got her when we were
living in Surprise, AZ and recently moved back to the San Diego Area where we were
originally from.
Love and Drool!
Anya Selner-Rugg & Suzy Selner-Rugg the Basset!
2010 Executive Board
Kim A. Bruck
Robin Martin
Susan Bracht
Lenora (Nora) Skog
2010 Advisory Committee
Adoption Coordinator
Cindy Mahon
Adoption Events Coordinator
Cyrena Rush – East Valley
Marilyn White
Basset Ball Coordinator
Kim A. Bruck
Database Coordinator
Jeanne Oaks
Foster Care Coordinator
Robin Martin
Foster Home Coordinators
Cheri Stutsman – Tucson
Open – East Valley
Robert Briggs – Outlying Areas
Open – Phoenix
Tammira Cesarz – West Valley
Fundraising Coordinator
Valerie Cree
Grant Writing Coordinator
Sheri Derby
HOWLOWEEN Coordinator
Cindy Mahon
HTML Coordinator
Kelly O’Hara
Intake Coordinator
Robin Martin
Merchandise Coordinator
Darlene Curtis
Media Coordinator
Erin Cole
Outreach Coordinator -Tucson
Holly Shinn
Communications Coordinator
Ann Christopher
Santa Paws Pet Photos Coordinator
Sonya Michaels & Valerie Cree
Volunteer Coordinator
Amy Rodriguez
Waddle Coordinator
Sonya Michaels
Website Coordinator
Paul Hubbard
When we met Manny in early December of 2009, we knew two things - he was easy-going and he
had a weight issue. Not only does Manny love his dog food, he loves to eat just about anything - paper, wrappers, socks! His foster mom, Sharon Novy, said that when she picked him up at the pound
he was over 100 pounds. By the time we adopted him, he was down to about 80 pounds. Sharon
had cut his food back and even gotten him to snack on carrots! Since coming to live with us, he continues to lose weight and is now under 60 pounds! We love his newfound energy and the spring in
his step. Our young daughters enjoy playing hide-n-seek with him around the house. We still need
to keep closets closed and garbage cans out of reach, but he is a full fledged member of the family. In fact, he just realized that he could "counter cruise" - that was a big surprise for everyone!
-- Amy S. DeWitt
AZBHR continues to follow Manny’s story of love, happiness and health! Congratulations Manny!
In December of 2009 AZBHR launched Desert Hounds Winery including Cabernet
Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Sparkling White Wine, Pinot Noir and Sauvignon
Blanc. 35% of every sale went back to the rescue. Within the first month AZBHR had
made $1,100 in revenue! We now have a very limited edition issue premium wine only 100 bottles were issued and AZBHR will receive $72 from each bottle sold. Visit to order yours today!
AZBHR would love to participate in the London Bridge Days
Parade in Lake Havasu City on October 16th at 10am .
Janis Wetherbee lives in Lake Havasu City and did the parade
last year. Janis would like more volunteers to help with the
pooped pup pick-up trucks and many Bassets to walk in the parade. This event will help spread the word about Arizona Basset
Hound Rescue!
Anyone willing to make a trip to Lake Havasu City and possibly
have a truck we can use? Email Janis at if
you can help out.
My name is Carrie and I am a foster Mom in Tucson. This is an update regarding Clarence our 10 year old foster that we had one year to the date of his adoption. He went
to his forever home in Oahu, Hawaii on March 29, 2010. Clarence along with my husband and I flew 6 hours to be welcomed with loving open arms by his forever family
Kathleen and Mark Franey. To say the very least he is living the life of luxury on the
beaches of Hawaii with his Basset sister Lulu. We were very content keeping Clarence
in our family but know that he is being very well taken care of. I keep in close touch
with Mark and Kathleen regarding Clarence. As you can see by his pictures everything
is working our great for him. Clarence is paying it forward—look at the orphaned kitten he adopted! Submitted by Carrie (foster mom)
A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the NYPD Pizza fundraiser on June 9, 2010 for AZBHR. Together we raised over $325!
August 13, 2010 was a school day for Bassets Davey (Tubba Tubba) and Frankie!
Davey (red & white) who belongs to Robin Martin and Frankie (tri color) her foster dog were invited to a classroom at Desert Devils Elementary School in Mesa, Arizona. The
class was reading the book featuring a Basset Hound ―Smells Like Dog‖ by Suzanne Selfors .
They thought it would be fun and interesting to have some Bassets come visit. The class of
eight boys had many great questions about Basset Hounds. As you can see by the pictures the
boys enjoyed Davey and Frankie very much, and Davey and Frankie had a terrific time with the
boys! Davey and Frankie shared plenty of drool and of course some hair to be remembered by.
By the end of the visit one thing was true, everyone smelled like dog!
Also attending school that day were Robin Martin, Deanna Santacruz and Kim Bruck. We had
an awesome time and AZBHR would love to do this more with our Basset ―ambassadors‖. If
you know of any schools or other community events please let AZBHR know.
The author Suzanne Selfors has donated an autographed copy of the book ―Smells Like Dog‖ to
AZBHR and it will be up for auction at the Basset Ball on September 25, 2010.
SUPPORT AZBHR! AZBHR receives a percentage of the money charged onto the Fry's
gift card and receives a check on semi-annual basis. All you need to do is purchase a Fry's
card from AZBHR or at any of the events for AZBHR.
The cards are specific to AZBHR; we buy special them for $5 (as it's already loaded with $5). So if you purchase one from a Fry's store, unfortunately AZBHR won't get credit. Each time you go shopping or every payday, as many do, load up your card before you check out. Fry's gift cards are a great gift for housewarming,
holiday and more! Encourage the gift card recipient to keep using their card at Fry's and help the Basset
Hounds without spending any of their own money! What a deal and AZBHR definitely benefits.
Note: If you allow your card to hit zero, and you don't use it for six months you'll need to get a new card from
Help the hounds while you shop, or surf the web
Igive’s many member online stores, including WalMart,, Warner Brothers and more, give a portion of proceeds to
AZBHR. Click here for a complete list of stores you can shop and the percentage they donate when you purchase from their online store at You’ll find things from accessories, automotive, babies,
beauty, clothing, computers, electronics, flowers, garden, gifts, health, home, jewelry, office, optical, pets, sports, toys, travel
and so much more!
Please help support AZBHR with your purchases by signing up as a member and choosing Arizona Basset Hound Rescue
(AZBHR). Sign up here:
Think about how many times per day or week that you use Google, Yahoo, or some other tool to search for things on the internet. Now think about giving a single penny to AZBHR each time you do that. Now think about how much that could add up to if
EVERYONE gave a penny for each search... WOW!!
Click here to donate by searching the web
Now you can make that happen. Every time you use to search the internet, AZBHR will receive a penny. It’s a
great Search Engine, and helps out our hounds.
Donate By Shopping at!
Use the search box above to find what you want at and AZBHR will receive a portion of your purchase!
Thanks to Mike & Deanna Santacruz whose winning bid of $1,500 at the 2009 Basset
Ball put their hounds Sherlock Holmes and Cordelia on the cover of the 2011 Calendar! In May 2010 we held the online auction for each of the twelve months and
raised over $2,800. Overall $4,300 raised for the hounds in the making of the calendar. You can purchase your 2011 calendar with ALL the great pictures online at* Theses calendars make a great gift!
None of this would be possible without the talented Susan Richey, A Dog’s Life Photography & Art Susan donated MANY hours of her photography skills, editing and photo shop time. AZBHR will honor Susan at our Basset Ball
on September 25, 2010. Hope you are there to thank her in person!
Check out the awesome gift shop Susan has set up at AZBHR
thanks Susan for the large percentage of proceeds she donates to AZBHR!
With the number of Bassets who need help rising at a record
rate we are in immediate need of foster homes! 2010 is already
off to BIG numbers of dogs in need!
AZBHR never wants to turn away a dog! Some of these dogs
have medical issues which become expensive. But most of
them are just great dogs that are victims of unfortunate circumstances.
Boarding is costly and not the long term answer. Every dog deserves a loving home and a family to spoil them, or if you look
at it from a Basset’s point of view a Basset to spoil the family!
We have had several great foster homes become ―foster failures‖ which just proves how wonderful the dogs we take in
are. BUT this reduces our number of available foster homes to
place in coming dogs. Some of our foster families have moved.
PLEASE HELP! Pass the word, if you know of someone that
might be a great person to become a foster family talk to them!
AZBHR needs your help! You supply the caring home and food
and AZBHR will pay for all medical costs.
Please consider being a foster family!
Hi my name is Gabriella or Gabby for short.
I'm a 6 year old red and tan happy young lady.
My shots are up to date and I'm spayed & micro chipped.
I came to AZBHR with my, now adopted, sister from a family in Tucson who could no
longer care for us. They said we pottied in the
house and were banished to the backyard for
the last 2 years. My foster mommy noticed
right away that it wasn't a potty training issue
and took me to the vet. I had a HUGE painful
bladder stone that had been growing over the
years. The vet removed it and I feel soooo
much better! I am potty trained but sometimes
"leak" when I get up from a long nap. The vet
said as my bladder gets stronger this will go
away, it has gotten better. At first I was scared to go outside, especially at night, for fear I'd be left outside all
day and night. So my foster mom and hounds would go out with me. Now I know its ok. I get to come back
inside after I potty. I'm crate trained so when my family leaves for work, meal time and bedtime I go right in
my crate {provided I get a treat} until they let me out.
My foster family has a Basset girl and boy, a cat and 2 kids ages 7 & 5 to play with. Don't really care much
about the cat. I can be a little bit alpha female with the girl hound but only when it comes to food or getting
attention. I've never snapped at the kids but I will give a warning growl if the younger one lays on me or bugs
me when I don't wanna be bugged. I LOVE my foster daddy & will snuggle on the couch with him and
I whine at the door when he leaves. I'm also ok when strangers come to visit. My one bad habit is common
among us Bassets— counter surfing!! Since I've been outside the last 2 years I can really sniff out the food!
I've been caught jumping to get to it if it's WAY back on the counter! I'm learning this is NOT ok and get a
firm NO or a squirt with a water bottle! I'm good on my leash for walks and ok in the car but may whine to sit
up front with the kids. I like my belly rubs and have a funny habit of lying on the top of the couch back?!? My
bark is also kinda funny. I don't howl but since I was outside for years it sounds kinda like I'm losing my voice
or bark. I bark when I'm happy, excited or the other dogs are playing race dog around the couch. Sometimes I
join in the race but usually I just watch and bark at them! Well that's me in a nutshell! I'd probably do best
with another dog to keep me company unless you are home a lot but either way would be ok. I'm sure my foster mommy can answer any more questions you have about me! I'm just looking forward to being part of a
family who will love and care for me.
HI! I’m LucyLou! I am one of the sweetest Bassets you will ever meet. I am very
much a LOW rider with big wrinkly paws, long ears and droopy eyes. I am 8 years old
and get along with other dogs, kids and just everyone! I was
turned in to the AZ Humane Society due to dental needs and
other issues. AZBHR was asked to take me in and make me
all better then find me a new home! I had 4 teeth removed,
treated for ear infections and mammary infection. I felt
―yucky‖ but I am really good now and I would love to find my
new home and someone to love! Everyone says I smile at you
with my beauty and I would love to get belly rubs from you. I
am ready to go, will you be my someone to love?
I have been working with the rescue for about a year. I have 3 Children ages 11, 9, and 4— 1 Girl and 2 boys.
We have 5 Basset Hounds, Molly, Chilli, Daisy Mae, Jake and Jo-Jo.
Daisy Mae is our pound hound, aka ―the original‖ She has been with us over 7 years. Molly and Chilli are a
bonded pair we rescued. We have had to work hard with them to rehabilitate them from their previous life,
but they are special to us. Molly is a sweetheart and totally belongs to
my daughter. Chilli is ―our special hound‖ but is my true love! Jake
is just our easy going Basset, and Jo-Jo is my husband’s boy that
needs a few more manners.
My husband and I both work full time and live in the East Valley. I
inquired about AZBHR thinking; ―this was such a good breed they
probably didn’t have many needs.‖ I was totally wrong! There are
some many with out homes, I was shocked. So I volunteer to help
homeless hounds.
My Daughter really enjoys helping out with the hounds. We have had a few opportunities to foster which has
been awesome experience. I don’t know if you can find anything more rewarding than saving a life, then placing them in a forever home.
Many people think we are crazy for all the Bassets we have, however they are part of our family and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Each one of them provide something unique to our family so we are complete.
AZBHR meets quarterly (April, August, November) on the second Saturday.
Our next meeting is November 6, 2010. New volunteer orientation is at 8:45 am followed by the meeting at 9:30
Our meetings are held at the Park Place Deli at Park Central Mall (south side). Park Central is located just west of
Central Avenue between Indian School and Thomas Roads.
A really big ARRROOOOO to Discount Tire for their grant donation of $1,000! And a special thank
you to adopter Dawn Anderson who works for Discount Tire and submitted AZBHR for the donation.
Does your company have a grant or donation program for nonprofits you work with? Let us know and we’ll provide documentation!
Facebook and Twitter – AZBHR is using both social networking tools to promote our dogs, adoptions,
request donations, fundraisers coming up and more! Join us and invite your friends too!
Become a fan on our facebook page (over 1600 fans now) and invite your FB friends to be fans – foster
homes keep sending me bios and photos I’m posting them on FB too! and the posts made on this page also go to our twitter page (join us there too)
Join The Cause on facebook for AZBHR and invite your friends http:// (over 1400 on the cause)
Love that Drool,
Kim A. Bruck, President & Basset Ball Coordinator, Arizona Basset Hound Rescue
To: My Basset Hound
DEAR Jasper:
I realize that, being a Basset Hound, it is highly unlikely you will actually read today's column, but at
this point I've run out of ideas for communicating with you and am pretty much willing to try anything. So, let's consider this an intervention. What I'm trying to say is your recent behavior has been
less than acceptable, not that your track record is anything to brag about.
Do I need to remind you about that Christmas fiasco? That's right, the time you found a 20-pound
sack of flour in the kitchen, ripped it open, ate about five pounds worth, then gulped down your entire
water dish and rolled in the rest of the flour to ensure you were evenly coated in a thick, white, dripping mass of glue, which you then tracked throughout the living room while testing out the new leather sofa and every single chair to
see which was the most comfortable.
But that's ancient history. I think we can agree things have been sort of going downhill from there. Just for fun, why don't we start
with what you did in the living room yesterday?
Can you show me in the Official Dog Handbook the part where it says: After eating a bunch of grass and the remains of a dead squirrel, never throw up outside if there's a perfectly good carpet in the living room.
Hey, there's more to life than food! I'm serious. You can't eat everything. For example, and this will be a big surprise, Kleenex, paper
towels, discarded "hygiene" products, small pieces of wood and plastic bags from Safeway are not considered edible.
Do you have any idea how many fancy-schmancy, high-tech garbage containers we have bought in a vain search for one can -- one
(very bad word) can -- that you CAN'T tip over or pry open on the off chance it might be full of yummy coffee grounds, eggshells or
mould-coated things from the back of the fridge?
And do you really think we don't know what's been happening to the butter? Oh, yeah, like I really believe the kids have forgotten how
to use knives and have been climbing up on the kitchen counter and using their tongues to lathe the butter into a disgusting, albeit
very smooth, little blob. Look, none of this would bother me so much if just once -- one (very bad word) time -- you would just look at
me and say: 'Hey, I’m bad!' Or: 'Sorry, I just sort of lost control!' But, NO! Whenever we catch you red-handed, you just sit there with
that stunned ('Who? Me?') once-again-I-am-unjustly-accused look on your droopy mug, as if butter wouldn't melt in your mouth
(which it does).
And have you noticed how no one wants to take you for a walk anymore? Why? Because you don't walk! No, using the same gravitational pull as the space shuttle, you try to yank our skeletons out through our armpits. ("OH MY GAWD! LOOK OVER THERE!! IT'S A
What I want to know is why you can't be more like those dogs we see on TV. Not Lassie or Rin Tin Tin. I mean heroic dogs we see on
the news, like that black Lab down in Maine who grabbed his owner by the arm last week and pulled him out of a burning house.
But you don't have time for stuff like that. You devote all your mental energy to breaking out of the backyard by ramming through rotten boards in the fence. The neighbors don't like that. They are cat people. Their cat hates you! That's why he hisses at you all the time.
(Just so you know, that fire that I mentioned a moment ago was caused -- and I do not think The Associated Press would make this up
-- by a cat named Princess who tipped over a kerosene lamp. I'm just saying.)
You appear to have modeled yourself after Pepper, that Lab-shepherd cross in Wisconsin who, according to AP, got into his owner's
purse and wolfed down $750. On the upside, the family -- and they wisely wore rubber gloves to do this -- was able to recover and
wash off $647 that Pepper kindly "deposited" in their backyard, if you get my general drift.
Maybe I'm being a little harsh here; I don't think I'd be mentioning any of this if it wasn't for that little incident with the wiener dog on
Friday. You need to realize that you are roughly 10 times bigger than the wiener dog and, under the laws of physics; the two of you
cannot occupy the same space at the same time. That's why, when the two of you tried to run in the back door together, you managed
to body-check the wiener dog off the top step, causing her to cartwheel in mid-air and land in the planter on the patio. Not that you've
asked, but, other than a slight limp, the wiener dog is going to be just fine. The vet bill, however, cost me $77. And guess who I think
should pay for that?
If you're smart, I think you'll contact your buddy Pepper down in Wisconsin. I hear he's still sitting on a little cash.
P.S. Would you please stop licking yourself while I'm talking to you!
For The Love of a Dog - Deanna Raeke
Basset Hound Club of America
Arizona Cardinals
Camp Bow Wow Avondale
Brumalu Productions
Danielle Daigle Photography
Carrie & Robert Diana
Deer Springs Inn
Desert Voyagers Guided Raft Tours
Dog Nanny 911 Obedience
Diane & Don Sembower
Flo Voight
Eagle Mountain Golf Club
Judith Nelson, Artist Extraordinaire
Go Tags
Lenora Skog
Ionic Dog
Kelli LaMontague
Marconi Family
Melissa McDaniel Photogrpahy
Phoenix Theatre
Phoenix International Raceway
Ron & Tami Clements
Villa La Paws - Cage Free Resort & Spa
The Wade Family
The Whole Cloth