As you know, Timberline Basset Hound club is celebrating its 50th


As you know, Timberline Basset Hound club is celebrating its 50th
The TBHC annual meeting and election is taking place
next Sunday, March 16, 1 p.m. at Cindy Underhill’s
home, 4642 Hampshire St., Boulder, CO 80301. This is
located in Heatherwood Estates northeast of Boulder.
Please call Cindy at 303-530-2896 if you need
directions. Also if you do not plan on attending, please
let Cindy know by phone or email – . . If we don’t have a
quorum, we can always reschedule. Those who
volunteer to host these meetings do spend time
preparing snacks, drinks, etc. and the president spends
time putting an agenda together, so if you can’t come
please let us know.
The Nominatng Committee has presented the following
slate of officers and board members for the next year:
Mishka Kilgore
Susan Steinway
Betty Gene Pearce
Carol Makowski
Sheila Giles
Cindy Underhill
Board member – 2016
Board member – 2016
Christina Cox and David Kingsmill remain on the board
through 2015
The nominating committee consisted of Cindy Underhill,
Susan Steinway, Betty Pearce and Mishka Kilgore as
As you know, Timberline Basset Hound club is
celebrating its 50th anniversary this year – that’s a very
long time for any organization to be in existence,
especially a dog club! We’ve been fortunate all these
years to have a club providing us with a place to share
our ideas and experiences with the Basset Hound, enjoy
shows and performance activities and welcome new
people into the Basset Hound family. Along with our
usual raffle, dinner and here are some exciting things
planned for the specialty this year – April 11 at Adams
County Fairgrounds. Timberline will have the entire Al
Lessar building to itself for all of Friday. Both shows ,
the BHCA Regionals and the Specialty, and the
luncheon will take place in that building. Susan is
preparing a slide presentation and you’ll see
photographs of people you haven’t seen for a long time.
The premium list for both shows is out. Helen
Hittesdorf is secretary so please get your entries in as
soon as possible. With the 2 all breed shows on
Saturday and Sunday, you’ll have an opportunity to
enter 4 shows. The specialty will include obedience
and rally, and all the special classes as always. Please
contact Carol if you have any questions at all –
Remember to set aside items for the annual
raffle. Cindy and the Horns are working the
raffle and will appreciate any items you’d
like to donate. Let them know what you
have and make arrangements to deliver.
Upcoming Events
Annual Meeting
Regional and Specialty
April TBHC meeting
Summer social
September 21, 2014
March 16, 2014
April 11, 2014
TBHC Agility Trial
Cindy Underhill’s home, Boulder, CO
Adams County Fairgrounds, Henderson, CO
Arapahoe Park, Golden CO
DENVER -A bill already approved by the
allow EMS organizations to decide whether to
Colorado Senate aims to encourage fire
departments and other paramedics to establish
policies for providing emergency care to
animals in the field.
Organizations that do choose to participate
would need to provide training and spell out the
circumstances in which employees could
administer so-called "pre-veterinary emergency
care" in a written policy.
Some Colorado fire districts have taken it upon
themselves to provide training and equipment to
save the lives of pets in emergency situations,
which can run afoul of the state's laws governing
veterinary care.
SB 39, which is scheduled to be heard for the
The bill has been amended to explicitly state that
EMS workers are not required to provide care to
dogs or cats or to provide care for those animals
before attending to a person.
first time in a House committee Tuesday, would
from the MSPCA, Boston, MA
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup soy flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup corn meal
2 eggs mixed with 1/4 cup milk
2 Tbsps butter or vegetable oil
1/4 cup unsulphered molasses
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients. Add melted butter (or oil), molasses and egg mixture (save
1 Tbsp egg mixture). Knead together (add milk if too dry), let sit for 1/2 hour. Roll to 1/2 inch and cut into
desired shapes with cookie cutter. Put on cookie sheet, "paint" on remaining egg mixture, and bake 30
minutes. Let cool and store in tightly sealed container.
Kenneth Janiec brings his love of skiing, snowboarding, and computer knowledge to
his thrilling debut novel, "Dangerous Slopes" (published by AuthorHouse).
Newly divorced Michael Doyle is a computer consultant and ski instructor at Elks
Run, the newest resort situated in the breathtaking mountains of Colorado. The resort
is building the first ever 12-person gondola, but a terrible accident causes the gondola
to collapse. With his trusty basset hound by his side, Michael must uncover the truth
about the cause of the disaster and save the resort.
"When society chooses pride and greed over safety or honesty," Kenneth warns, "a
physical, financial, psychological loss will most likely be the result.”
An excerpt from “Dangerous Slopes”:
“He positioned himself in front of a map of the trail system, turned on a laser pointer, and said, ‘Gentlemen and
ladies, we had one or possibly two towers collapse on the Blue Sky. The towers may or may not be on the ground,
which means there may be two cars in the air or on the ground.’”
About the Author
Kenneth Janiec works for Oracle Corporation as a principal technical support engineer. He and his wife, Judi, live in
Colorado Springs with their two basset hounds, Zoë and Dexter, and Zeke, an American black-and-tan coonhound.
An avid skier and outdoor enthusiast, he was a former certified ski/snowboard instructor at Monarch Mountain and
Breckenridge Ski Resort in Colorado.
Congratulations to Ken and best wishes in this new venture!
JR Jones had quite a scare and spent the night in the hospital last week after visiting the
emergency room twice. He is fine now and back to work per Betty Gene. Glad the recovery was
quick and uneventful.
Some sad news in the Basset Hound Community
Sheila Giles lost her father earlier this year. Know that we’re thinking about you
and wishing you peace.
Steve Calhoun, husband of Sharon Calhoun, By-U-Cals Basset Hounds, passed
away last week. A sympathy card has been sent from our club.
Bonnie Christian, long time Basset Hound breeder from Massachusetts passed
away last week after a long battle with cancer. Bonnie and her husband drove
all the way out to Colorado when we had our Nationals at Silver Creek in 1987.
She and her husband were good breeders and very nice people.
Congratulations to Beverly and Hal Haddon on their new acquisition – a little red and white Basset Hound
girl from All Ears Rescue! She’s adorable,named Soto (for Sonia Sotomayer). Now Thurgood (named
after Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall) has a nice companion. Welcome to the Colorado Basset
Hound Community, Soto!
Timberline hosted a very successful tracking test last weekend, March 2 at Lory State Park north of Fort
Collins. Thanks to Test Chairman, David Kingsmill, Test Secretary Patty Kingsmill, TBHC members
Kermit and Maggie Witherbee, Judges Jane Jonas and Roy Fair, and a host of others who braved the
frigid temperatures, snow, ice and wind to plot tracks on Saturday and expertly run the test on Sunday. It
was 5 degrees out there when tracks were ready to run. All 4 TD entries qualified and we had one
qualifying TDX which was a wonderful pass rate. Basset Hound Moon did not pass the TDX, missing one
article after getting distracted with a cross track, but I was proud of him and those short legs in rough
conditions did not hinder him at all.
Rush Lake’s Diggin That Dillon TD
(Labrador Retriever Dog)
Handler: Shelly Rehmeier
CH Mistyridge Your Winnings Sir RE
(Rottweiler Dog)
Handler: Francis Keays
Indiana's Quest For Gold II
(Golden Retriever Dog)
Handler: Kirsten Bayne
CH Majestc Huckle Bears Point CD BN RE PT
(Rottweiler Bitch)
Handler: Donna Dolezal Jordan
CH Mistyridge Your Winnings Sir RE
(Rottweiler Dog)
Handler: Francis Keays
A few snapshots of Moon (Ch Bristlecone’s Moonshadow) running TDX last weekend
On Saturday, the Basset Hound Club of America held a conference meeting via internet using a program
called “Join Me” – very simple to use and easy to access via computer. Maybe it’s time to think about
Timberline doing board meetings this way. The cost was minimal and no special equipment was required.
Something to think about. . . . . . . . . . .
It's hard to believe that Britain's bestloved canine hero will be celebrating
50 years, but in an annual collection
of the best of the Daily Mail's
popular comic strip shows Fred is as
young at heart as ever.