Ears the News! - Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue


Ears the News! - Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue
Ears the
Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue’s Newsletter
For Basset Lovers Helping Homeless Hounds
Partying with the Bassets
Take note:
Winter 2012
New location for the
Howliday Party
Saturday, December 1, will find
wow Buffet,
hounds and their humans heading
filled with
Tri-State’s most success- to Westcosville Social Hall, at 958
ful picnic ever!
Brookside Rd., Allentown, PA, for
dog treats for
Going for Olympic glory, the annual TSBHR Howliday
Party. Festivities will start at 2:00
basset style
Helping Sandy’s victims
invited to
Upcoming events
Inside this issue:
PM and run to 6:00 PM.
One Stupendous Picnic
Clinic repurposed the room Tri-
wrapped dog
State previously held the Howli-
gifts costing
day Party in, the event has shifted
$10 or less
location this year. But hounds and
under the
humans can have a great time in
Howliday Tree for the Santa Paws
the more spacious new venue,
gift exchange. Every hound who
where plenty of Tri-State’s tradi-
brings a gift can pick one up a the
tional events will be part of the
end of the event to take home. Or
hounds and humans can give a gift
the international pot-luck buffet.
This year food should be able to
be heated up, putting more warm
food on the people menu. But
Long Island’s Basset
Keeping the Holidays
Happy (cont’d)
Partying with the Bassets (cont’d)
Needed: One Forever
Home for Two
Upcoming Events
hounds are not forgotten: They
will be able to nosh at the Bow-
TSBHR Helps Hurricane 4
How Can I Help? Giving 6
Partiers are
Since Quakertown Veterinary
Humans should bring a dish for
Pasta for Puppies
the fussiest
raffle baskets will feature both
hound and human items. TSBHR
supporters are encouraged to donate a basket of items for hounds
or humans and buy tickets to win
(Continued on page 5)
to TSBHR’s kenneled hounds by
trimming the Tree of Life with a
cash donation. (And of course
those who take part in the gift
exchange may also want to help
out the kenneled hounds.)
The usual overflowing tableful of
For directions to the
Howliday Party, go to:
Keeping the Holidays Happy
If you adopted your hound less
get into holiday
harmed by an electri-
than a year ago, you haven’t been
decorations, in-
cal shock, it can cause
through the holidays together.
cluding those made
an irregular heartbeat,
That means you haven’t seen your
of glass, metal, and
so shocks should
basset in action when temptation
tinsel. If necessary,
always be taken very
is at its height, and you may need
use an X-pen to
to keep in mind a few safety
gate off a Christ-
measures that can help avoid
mas tree.
holiday disasters. Keep holidays
happy with these tips:
Never allow your hound to
Avoid the dan-
gers of fire and burns by keep-
Keep electrical wiring out of
ing candles out of a hound’s
the reach of your basset. Even
if a dog does not seem to be
(Continued on page 4)
Page 2
Ears the News!
Pasta for Puppies
At the end of August, Sue
soups, salads, and meringue cook-
costs of [Scout’s] puppies’ medical
MacFarlane invited Tri-
ies filled out the company’s prod-
expenses. Several of them had
State supporters to take
uct line.
needed extensive medical care
part in a second year of
Fun Pasta Fundraising by
purchasing specialty
shaped pastas from The
Pasta Shoppe,
ers went online at
shop/TSBHR. Sue also encouraged
which put a strain on the TSBHR
funds. It seemed the only way to
repay Sue Mason for all her selfless ways.”
everyone to share the site with
TSBHR received 40 percent of the
The pastas the company
others. For those who wanted to
profit. As of the end of Septem-
offers cover a wide range
personally sell the products to
ber, a total of $2,667.00 had been
of themes: sports
coworkers or family, Sue made a
sold, not far short of Sue’s goal of
(including collegiate
sales packet available.
$3,000, giving Tri-State a profit is
teams), holidays
(Thanksgiving. Christmas,
Some delicious pastas that were part of
the Fun Pasta Fundraising.
To place orders, Tri-State support-
and Hanukkah), and even
pet shapes, Extras like chili,
Why did Sue do this? “We decided
to do the fundraiser,,“ she ex-
Thanks to everyone who contrib-
plained, “to help offset the medical
uted through buying something. ◊
One Stupendous Picnic
September 15,
ing double time to OK prospec-
Though every dog didn’t find a
2012 was a stupen-
tive adopters. Their efforts paid
forever home, four went into
dous day for Tri-
off big time for the hounds.
foster homes—as good a second-
State Basset Hound
rescue. At the SeptemberFest picnic, a
record-breaking 22
hounds were
adopted, including
Scout’s 10 puppies,
Vinny and Tony, a pair of basset-beagle mixes
adopted together at SeptemberFest.
To see photos of the
picnic by Cathy Kramer
of the South Jersey
Times go to:
2 pairs of hounds, and
Not only adoptions boomed. Attendance and donations outdid
any previous SeptemberFest.
Adorable bonded brothers, bagels
Vinny and Tony had waited patiently for a new home together.
At the picnic they joyously
romped with their new family.
From one look at their faces, it
was obvious the wait had been
worth it. And their adopters
weren’t far behind them in delight.
Copper, sprung from a kill shelter
just before the event, didn’t have
to worry about spending more
Five hounds traveled with Cathy
time in a kennel. He went straight
Larsen from Quakertown for the
from the picnic to his forever
event, and six more came from
home, where he was renamed
Lancaster, organized by foster
coordinator Eric Stevenson. In
addition, three families brought
foster dogs along.
Before the event, TSBHR’s application screeners had been work-
And Scout, mama of the ten puppies, who celebrated a mass adoption day, was adopted by her foster mom, Sue Mason.
best as a hound can get. One of
these, Lucy, had just come into
rescue during the picnic. A caring
family rescued her from people
whom they were afraid would
leave her in dire straits, but the
family could not keep her. Sadly,
they passed Lucy on to TSBHR.
But for Lucy it was a happy day,
since her foster home quickly
became her forever home.
New adopters got a chance to
enjoy the food, meet a few TriState folks, and get to know their
new pups a bit before heading
Adoption’s what rescue does, but
not every event sees so many
hounds find their homes all at
once. Thanks to everyone who
made this success possible.◊
Page 3
Winter 2012
Long Island’s Basset Olympics
and Lilly
Ann by
Bronze: Oliver
15 meter hurdles
Brian &
Gold : Dora
Silver: Morrison
Bronze: The Goose
The pa-
High Jump:
rade also
Gold: Zoey
Silver: The Goose
Showing off some of that basset agility through the tunnel.
(Photos on this page courtesy of Peter Tamson.)
Roughly 120 two-leggers and 65
hounds drove to Long Island’s
Wantagh Park to take part in TriState’s annual Basset Hound Olympics on October 13, 2012.
Festivities began with the Tri-State
hound parade, led by Scout,
mother of Tri-State’s most recent
litter of puppies. Followed by her
puppy Lilly Ann, mother and
daughter led the procession of 20
other hounds. Both dogs had been
adopted at the September picnic,
Scout by TSBHR president Sue
A bit of Newsday’s coverage of
the Olympics can
be viewed at:
from Tri-
State, some who were adopted at
the Olympics, and two, Mia (now
named Rosie) and Dolly, who had
been transported to their new
humans and adopted in the week
before the event.
With their usual basset attitude,
the hounds took on the Olympic
challenge and proved that the
breed’s couch-potato stereotype is
not all it’s cracked up to be.
Twenty hounds went for the gold
Though wannabes didn’t take
part in the Olympics, they
formed an avid support team.
Bronze: Diesel
in each event, but only one could
Obstacle Course:
get each prize.
Gold: Morrison
Paws for
the Fall
Bronze: Sammy Girl
Mommadog, Daisy, Buster, Lugnut,
Thelma, Dolly, and Louise were all
adopted at the Olympics. Though
Molly did not garner a home, she
did get a cushy foster home with
the Frank and Sandi Tetler—a not-
to-be-despised second best.
Going for Olympic gold in the obstacle course.
Silver: Thumper
The next day, Newsday ran an
article on the event—after all,
aren’t bassets always news? ◊
Though the modern
basset has a reputation as a couch
potato, the breed
was bred to hunt
rabbits. Adopters
should realize that
they are still a
hunting breed and
will travel miles
following a scent.
So bassets love to
Of course, when
they are done,
they are likely to
seek out a convenient couch or bed
to nap on!
Page 4
Ears the News!
TSBHR Helps Hurricane Victims
Keyport, Union
planned on delivering to the ani-
Using the Tri-State trailer and
Beach, and Keansburg,
mal shelter, giving it to the food
Sue’s van, Sue, her sister, Linda,
on the Jersey shore,
bank instead.
and Dana delivered the goods to
were badly hit by
Hurricane Sandy and
suffered extensive
animals out there already stressed
about the hurricane and now hungry, too,” Dana said. Calling
Early in the week of
TSBHR president Sue Mason, she
November 5, Dana
told her of the need.
Mania, Tri-State’s
Tri-State’s trailer pulls up to unload
almost 4,000 pounds of dog food and
other supplies. (Photo courtesy of Dana
“I felt sick thinking that there are
treasurer, went to make a
donation to a food bank in
this Raritan Bay area, When
she learned they were run-
ning out of dog and cat food, she
repurposed the pet food she’d
Tri-State contacts and other connections enabled the rescue to
quickly collect almost 4,000
pounds of canned and dry dog
Hazlet on November 9. When
they saw the trailer, filled to the
top with two pallets of dog food,
workers at the bank were stunned
but thankful. Some policemen
even came over to thank Tri-State
for helping the local animals.
The TSBHR representatives drove
to their loading dock and unpacked the food by hand.
food, some cat food, and supplies
Those affected by the storm will
for humans.
be shuttled to the food bank to
pick up donations.◊
Keeping the Holidays Happy (continued from page 1)
If your dog ingests
Wraps such as ribbon and foil
grapes and raisins, mush-
tions keep you from spending
can be dangerous if swallowed
rooms, onion, and garlic.
time together or taking walks,
by your hound. As soon as gift
Fatty foods can cause pan-
behavior problems may follow. A
time ends, pack up the wrap-
creatitis, and bone-in meats
tired hound is a happy one, so
ping materials and get them
can damage a dog’s digestive
make certain your dog is well
safely into a lidded garbage can
tract. So make certain that
exercised, and give plenty of
and out of harm’s way.
holiday leftovers are far out
attention that keeps boredom at
of reach of a counter-cruising
bay and makes garbage cans or
basset. (Don’t underestimate
other trouble less tempting.
Place dangerous foods out of
reach: These include choco-
a poison and a vet is
the ability of those stubby
late, which contains theobro-
not quickly available,
legs to get a basset to the
mine, an alkeloid that can be
deadly to dogs, Cocoa powder
you may want to
back of a counter or stove.)
And if you entertain, provide a
safe space where your hound can
get away from too much holiday
Keep plants such as poinset-
excitement or where you can
the most theobromine, so
tias, holly, and mistletoe be-
separate him from too much
Poison Control Center
keep dogs out of the kitchen
yond a hound’s reach, since
food and too many guests. This
at (888) 426-4435.
during cookie baking times.
ingesting these can cause
might not be the year to host a
And don’t let your dog “help”
upset stomachs and diarrhea.
family reunion or other large
and baking chocolate contain
contact the ASPCA
Have a credit card
when you’re preparing holiday
breads, since unbaked yeast
handy, since this
dough can expand in the stom-
24/7 phone vet visit
ach, cause gas, and even en-
may cost $65.
danger a dog’s life.
Physical hazards aren’t
the only dangers at the
holidays. If you’ve
newly adopted your
hound, don’t let the
event, if it means
your hound will be
either extensively
overexcited or
Other toxic holiday foods
holidays make this time
Enjoy a safe holi-
include macadamia nuts,
a lonely one. If celebra-
day season! ◊
Winter 2012
Page 5
Partying with the Bassets (continued from page 1)
everything else a basset aficionado
could love.
you will get a bag or box by, pre-
party, and will be happy to
ordering, following directions on
have a picture taken with
TSBHR’s store will sell both new
To order a lovely TSBHR
2013 calendar, go online
your hound. This year pho- at:
and old-favorite merchandise that
All profits will go to TSBHR.
tos will be uploaded to the
makes perfect howliday gifts for
basset lovers.
And Moon Doggie Coffee Roasters will be benefitting Tri-State by
Tri-State’s basset calendar will be
selling their not-to-be missed cof-
for sale at the event (or see link at
fees. Have a favorite flavor you
right for online ordering).
want to be there? Choose it at
The Dashing Basset Bakery is also
planning on selling Hanukkah and
Christmas treats. Since this will be
a busy baking season, insure that
Tri-State Facebook page
and to
for easy printing. No one
has to wait for a copy!
www.moondoggiecoffee.com and
Join the fun and start your
let Donna know you plan to buy
happy howlidays with the
it, so she can have some available.
bassets. ◊
or pick one up at the
Howliday Party.
All TSBHR’s events for
next year are listed in
the calendar.
Santa will make a visit to the
Needed: One Forever Home for Two
Brooks and Zoe, a father-daughter
tremely sweet. She
pair of couch-potato bassets who
loves to snuggle on
follow their foster mother every-
the sofa, be a lap-
where she goes, need to find one
dog, and sleep next
special home together.
to a human in the
Affectionate Zoe can sometimes
become a bit submissive. Despite
that attitude and her diminutive
39-pound stature, she boasts a
bed. Her clownish
side comes out
when she trips over
her ears.
typical basset hound personality:
Zoe’s 9-year-old,
Stubborn and perhaps a little
59-pound dad,
pushy, she displays “selective hear-
Brooks, is very laid back, gentle,
ing” on walks.
and extremely sweet. Brooks
This eight-year-old fun girl is ex-
whines with pleasure when he’s
greeted by humans and likes to rub
his face against theirs. He loves to
give kisses and go for walks to see
all the animals. ◊
Upcoming Events
December 1, 2012 - 13th Annual
February 23, 2013—Bowling for Boardwaddle—Ocean City, NJ
Howliday Party—Westcosville
Bassets—12:30 PM at The AMF
Social Hall, Allentown, PA
Lanes, 1630 S. 12th Street, Allen-
A holiday celebration for hounds and
humans. Note new location.
Directions to the social hall are at:
town, PA.
Tri-State’s biggest fundraiser, a
two-day celebration that includes a waddle on the board-
Entries must be received by Febru-
walk and a picnic. If you’ve never
ary 16, 2013.
seen hundreds of hounds at the
Contact: Kathy Frisch at
Contact: dana@tristatebassets.org
April 12-13th - 15th Annual
same event, you are in for a big
Contact: irecue2@comcast.net ◊
Brooks and Zoe, honing
their couch-potato skills.
(Photo courtesy of Christine Shaughness.)
Donation Form
Ears the News!
Tri-State Basset Hound
PO Box 132
Keyport, NJ 07735
Editor: Pamela McQuade
E-mail: dpmcquade@verizon.net
Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization run entirely
by volunteers. Our modest adoption fees, which keep adoptions affordable for
most people, cover only a portion of our vet bills and other expenses. We rely on
fundraisers and donations for the rest.
A vital part of the rescue process is supporters who donate money to help the bassets. Please help rescue hounds by printing and filling out the form below and sending it to:
Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue
PO Box 132
Keyport, NJ 07735
Visit us on the Web at:
Street Address_______________________________________________________________
Find us on
Adoptions: Sue Mason—
Surrenders: Eric Stevenson—
Fostering: Eric Stevenson—
Donations: Dana Mania, treasurer—dana@tristatebassets.org
Phone: (H)__________________(W)______________________(C)____________________
Please do not send cash. Make checks payable to Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue.
Amount enclosed: _____________
I would like to make a donation using my credit card:
Circle one:
Credit Card Number__________________________________________________________
Expiration Date______________________________ Amount: $______________________
To donate through PayPal, go to http://www.tristatebassets.org/donations.html and
follow the prompts. You can also set up regular, automatic donations.
How Can I Help? Giving
Donations are an awesome way
while or a foster home can be
require kenneling. Kenneling one
to help Tri-State hounds.
found, there may be kenneling
dog at Quakertown costs more
costs too. Treasurer Dana Mania
than $500 a month; that means
describes a dog who requires no
the fewer dogs Tri-State boards,
vet or boarding needs as “not
the more hounds we can save.
Want to keep up on the
When bassets come into rescue,
latest Tri-State news?
they usually come with needs. A
Join our Yahoo group.
few dogs come in fully vetted
and fixed, but more often
Get on the list by con-
hounds new to rescue need
tacting Dana Mania at:
or even more serious vet work
shots and spaying or neutering—
the norm. Ninety-nine percent
of the time,” she admits, “we
spend a lot more than the adoption fee.”
It’s easy to see why donations
are so important to the rescue’s
health—and the hounds we care
for. So before the holiday season
that can cost thousands of dol-
TSBHR has increased its foster
gears up, support a homeless
lars. And unless the previous
homes, but some dogs still have
hound—then have a happy
owner can keep the dog for a
medical or behavioral issues that
howliday. ◊

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