Fall 2013 - John A. Coleman Catholic High School
Fall 2013 - John A. Coleman Catholic High School
Alumni Mass was held on November 2nd to Honor all of our Deceased Alumni. Thank you to Father Hommell for celebrating this Mass with Coleman and for Breda McMahon for organizing another wonderful event. 1 from the Principal’s Desk Last Friday, I had the distinct pleasure of escorting nine of our seniors to a daylong conference called God and Country. They were able to listen to veterans of WW II, the Korean War, Vietnam and Iraq tell first hand accounts of their experiences in wartime. We met with and listened to two Medal of Honor winners as they described their deeds It is always the right time to support Coleman! Give a gift today to The Coleman Annual Fund Give Your Grandchild The Gift Of A Coleman Education 2 Our Spirit Walk is this month on October 18th and November has numerous opportunities for all alumni to come back and visit. Nov. 2nd is the Alumni Memorial Mass. The Craft Fair is Saturday and Sunday of Veterans weekend. The fall show this year is a musical revue titled “Lights Up! A Coleman-ation of Broadway Hits”. It will take place on the weekend before Thanksgiving. Please remember all of us here in your prayers as we continue Coleman’s great tradition. Know that you will always be part of this family. All the Best, Mr. James Lyons Principal es io pec lig e t Resp R onsibility R The 2013 – 2014 school year is off to a great start. Memories are being made each day as our students learn and grow in the wonderful atmosphere that is Coleman. So far this year our students have had opportunities for learning and exploring on Art trips and French and Spanish field trips. Our AP Biology students spent a day in kayaks exploring the Rondout ecosystem. All of our juniors, now studying the Old Testament in Religion, will visit a synagogue next week. Business Law students will spend a morning in the Kingston Courthouse. Criminal Justice students will visit a prison as part of their course work. and actions. For four hours our students were on the edge of their seats listening how ordinary citizens responded to the horrors of war. The Coleman students will not soon forget what they heard and were so thankful to have been able to hear it. n Greetings to All in the Coleman Family, John A. Coleman Catholic High School Board of Trustees President: Kate Smith ‘81 Vice-President: Kathy Larson Secretary: Kathleen Sickles Treasurer: Keith Miner Board Members: Jodi Ashmore Deanne Bradley ‘77 Joseph Deegan ‘80 Mary Ann Forgey ‘73 Sue Gage Father George Hommel Jodi Markle-Adam Thomas Petro ‘78 Bryan M. Smith ‘77 Sandy Terrone Louis Tullo What if John A Coleman Catholic High School earned a penny for every time you searched the internet? Search the web with www.Goodsearch.Com Money from yahoo advertisers will go to Coleman Catholic High School without you spending a dime! From Coleman’s Development Director Coleman is alive and the halls are full of excitement as our first academic quarter hits its half way mark. Theater is rehearsing for their show on November 22nd - 24th and the soccer, volleyball, tennis, golf and cross country teams are basking in their successes as they finish out their matches, meets and games of the Fall Season. you would like to attend the event, please call the Chamber office 845-338-5100 and register with them. Our award winning Chef at Coleman is graciously donating all of the delicious food for the mixer. This is a huge contribution to the school to allow us to host this event. Thank you to Eric Eck and his crew from Catskill Mountain Catering. I am still settling into my new role at Coleman and having fun every day. I have met so many wonderful people and have enjoyed “bragging” about Coleman to all that will listen. Remember to join the Alumni Website…you can find the link directly from Coleman’s HomePage. We also hope to have a new Facebook page up and running shortly. We will use it to keep you apprised of the many activities going on at Coleman. We have some exciting events coming up that we invite you to be part of this Fall. Join us for the Coleman Craft Fair on November 9th and 10th!! Volunteers are still needed!! Please call Nancy at (914) 466-5924 if you would like to help. We are actively preparing for a huge mixer on November 20th from 5-7pm. Coleman will be hosting an Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce Mixer, in which the Benedictine Health Foundation will be sponsoring. This will be an amazing opportunity to showcase Coleman to the business community. If Thank you to the many generous people that have contributed to Coleman High School this year. We appreciate your generosity and we invite you to connect with us and meet some of the new faces here and reconnect with the cherished faces you may remember. Patty Deegan (845) 338-2750 development@colemancatholic.net Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership Mixer When: Where: Sponsor: November, 20, 2013 • 5pm - 7pm John A. Coleman Catholic High School 430 Hurley Avenue, Hurley, NY 12443 Benedictine Health Foundation, Inc. John A. Coleman Catholic High School is hosting the November Membership Mixer. Enjoy complimentary food & drink courtesy of Coleman’s new Chef, Eric Eck of Catskill Mountain Catering. Big E, as he likes to be called, is the 4 time Championship winner of the Ulster Chamber’s Wing Fling. Come meet Eric and his crew as he prepares some amazing delights for Coleman’s mixer. For reservation s call the Ch amber office: 845338-5100 There is no charge for this even tions are re t but reserv quired. Mix aers are open years of age to adults 21 and older. C hamber ’s ca policy: To p ncellation rovid count, reserv e an accurate attenda nce ations must b vance. Can cellations w e made in adill be a until 24 hou rs prior to th ccepted up e event. No shows will be billed at the rate of $15 per per son We can also use volunteers to help with parking, tours, set up and clean up. We invite you back to Coleman to enjoy an evening hosting the local business community. Contact Patty Deegan 845-338-2750 for more information or to volunteer. 3 June - October, 2013 Alumni & Coleman Friends News kindergarteners in Westchester. She has lived, and worked in France and Holland and now makes her abode in New York City. A busy lady, Martha spends time with her two children sings in a chamber choir, jogs, hikes and travels. Lee Schichtel Post (’73) has had an interesting life following her baseball star son David’s career. He played professionally, so off she and her husband Dave went in 2005 to live in Oregon. After years in the Kingston area this was a big change but it was not the only move. In Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brudner of 2008 they moved again, this time to Georgia, where they University Park, Florida (formerly of currently live. David and his wife Donna live nearby and Woodstock, New York) announce the are the parents of two children, Gianna and Gabriella, engagement of their daughter, Carolyn Lee’s pride and joy. She is a nurse and works at Piedmont Elizabeth Brudner (’06) to Cristofer Mountainside Hospital. Jason Schiavone, son of Karen and the Brian Mathews (’74) recently completed an intensive late Michael Schiavone of Hopewell three year program for bank executives in local, state, Junction, New York. Carolyn, a graduate of Sacred Heart University is a tax associate at Pricewaterhouse Coopers federal and international financial service organizations. LLP in Stamford, Connecticut. Cristofer is a New York The course is offered through the American Bankers City Police detective stationed in the Bronx. A September Association Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the 2014 wedding is planned. Congratulations and God bless University of Pennsylvania. Brian has twenty one years of banking experience and is currently a loan specialist at them both. the Red Hook branch of Ulster Savings Bank. Engagements Graduations Jeanne O’Connor McDonald (’74) has retired from her career as a speech-language pathologist, and is enjoying Morgan Miller (’93) graduated from Franklin Pierce life. She lives in Clifton Park, New York with her husband University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in mass of 35 ½ years, Dennis McDonald. Her daughter and four of her brothers and sisters live in the Capital District so communication. there are lots of O’Connor Family gatherings. Katharine Martine (’08) graduated magna cum laude Sean Roche (’74) and his wife, Patricia Fay Roach, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Japanese. (also ’74) returned to the Hudson Valley after thirty years Travis Rask (’09) graduated from Siena College with a in Los Angeles, California. They are the “happy owners/ Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting innkeepers of Maple Stone Inn Bed and Breakfast” in New Paltz. They have restored a two hundred year old stone Some of our graduates completed their course of study farm house which is also their home. It is from here that at Ulster County Community College. They are: Sean continues to write and produce animated TV shows which are shown around the world. Gina Rutigliano (’08) Corinne Callahan (’09) Cassidy Scanlan (’09) Lindsey Albert (’10) Lovepreet Cheema (’12) More Alumni News Karen Sangaline Pillsworth (’74) and her husband Patrick live in Kingston. She continues to teach in the local school system. As Kingston’s storyteller laureate, she educates and entertains the young and the young at heart at local community events. We’re sure she also tells wonderful stories to her four grandchildren, Cameron, Violette, Townes and Kaegan, the children of Sean-Paul (’99) and Kaitlyn (’01) Martha Hansen (’71) credits Coleman with her love Gina DiDonna Daly (’75) and her husband Jim have of learning and learn she has, speaking five languages been married since 1980 and are the parents of three and teaching ESL, English as a second language, to children. They live in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas where 4 she works in the administrative department of the local Catholic church. Jim is an American Airlines pilot. He and Gina are the grandparents of an almost three year old and a new baby. She looks back at her Coleman years with fond memories. Mary Lou Hutton (’77) still lives in Kingston. She is the mother of one son and grandmother of two, a grandson and granddaughter. She is a special education teacher. Caroline McFadden Hailey (’78) and her husband, Keith live in North Carolina. Remember that her family moved there when Caroline was a senior at Coleman. She never left. She and Keith enjoy all outdoor activities especially boating and fishing, and are avid gardeners. Rene Patenaude (’81) has retired from the Ulster County Sheriff’s Department and has moved to California. He is in the process of building a ranch where he plans to raise cattle and cultivate olive groves and a grape vineyard as well as a large garden. Rene is an elected representative and vice chairman of the advisory board of his local board of supervisors and their loved ones, our Coleman brothers and sisters. They will be remembered at our annual Memorial Mass for our deceased alumni, students and staff. It will be celebrated by Fr. George Hommel in the Coleman Chapel, on Saturday, November 2nd at 7 p.m., very appropriately All Souls Day. Melissa Buone Heese (’78) known as Missy to her classmates and those of us who knew her, died on August 27th. She attended St. Mary of the Snow School in Saugerties before coming to Coleman. In 2002, she moved to Denver, Colorado, where she worked for the Century Middle School in Thornton. Melissa is survived by her parents, Patricia and Richard Buono, her husband, Henry Herman and her children, David and Angel Heese, and John Herman. Also surviving are her grandchildren and her sisters and brothers, Lisa, Bridget, Patrick and Daniel with their respective families. Donations can be made in Missy’s memory to National Right to Life or Myasthena Gravis Foundation of America. Howard S. Shambo (’77) died on August 20th following a short illness. He attended St. Catherine Laboure School in Lake Katrine, and following his Please pray for all of our families whose loved ones graduation from Coleman, he attended SUNY Plattsburgh have died. and New Paltz. He then served in the United States Army, and after his honorable discharge, returned to New Mary Spada DuBois 6/27/13 Paltz to work toward his Masters Degree in education. John Joseph Prizzia 7/6/13 He also operated a very successful paint contracting Regina A. Salvatore-Marcucci 7/6/13 business. He is survived by his mother and father, Joyce Mary Mullaney Embree 7/8/13 Halloran Shambo and Donald Shambo and a daughter Esther Bodie 7/13/13 Katherine Shambo. Other survivors are his sister, Danna Mary Ann Schoepf 7/14/13 and his brothers Donald (’80), Darryl and Kevin as well Joan J. Henke 7/27/13 as many extended family members. His brother, Daniel (’79) predeceased him. A Mass of Christian Burial was Geraldine (Lowe) Noble 7/28/13 celebrated at St. Philip of Jesus Church in Willsboro, Rose D. Schatzel 8/3/13 New York. James “Jim” Bonestell 8/29/13 In Memoriam Christine Marie Gilliland 8/29/13 Michael S. Perry 8/31/13 Donald J. DuBois 9/11/13 James Joseph Murtagh 9/15/13 Dr. Barbara C. Desicke Vosburgh 9/18/13 Once again we are very saddened by the reports of the deaths of two of our alumni. This has been a difficult year for our families, and we ask you to pray for them Many thanks to all of our alum and alumni parents who have contacted us throughout the year. Please continue to keep in touch and let us know what is happening in your life/lives. Personally, I am delighted to hear from you and remember so many of you with smiles and warm thoughts. Breda McMahon Alumni News Coordinator 5 Eating Out Coleman Style I neglected to include Lox of Bagels of Saugerties in the Eating Out Coleman Style section of our last newsletter. Their bagels are delicious and it’s a great place for breakfast or lunch. Apologies to the Farcher Family who own Lox of Bagels. Make sure you tell all of our restauranteurs that you are a Coleman alum, student or family. Thank you Thank you to Breda McMahon for all that she does for Coleman and for the Alumni Newsletter. Craft Fair November 9th and 10th Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 10-3 Thank you to the dedicated people that spend countless hours working on ensuring that the Craft Fair is a successful and profitable event for Coleman. a message from the Coleman Cares 4-H Club!! They will be continuing to an ongoing electronics collection again this year. Please send in the following: • Cellphones • Laptops • Digital cameras • Ink cartridges • And other electronic items All proceeds will benefit a charity! Thank you. COLEMAN GOLF UMBRELLAS FOR SALE The Coleman Parents Association is selling Golf Umbrellas for $25. Green and White with Coleman in bold letters. We have a limited number in stock, but orders can be taken. Call the school for to place your order or stop in and pick one up. We also have short and long sleeved t-shirts and sweatshirts!! Available in white and green!! Show you still have the Coleman Spirit…buy yours today!!! Lights Up! A Coleman-ation of Broadway Hits will feature about 20 fantastic Broadway songs & dances from a variety of fabulous shows. Dates: Friday, November 22 @ 7:30pm Saturday November 23 @ 2:00pm & 7:30pm Sunday, November 24 @ 3:00pm Call to Reserve Advancd Tickets: (845) 338-2750 Tickets: Adults: $15 Children (Under 12): $10 Tickets can also be purchased at the door before each performance You don’t want to miss it. Tell your friends, spread the word, and get your tickets now! It’s new, it’s different, it’s Coleman Theatre. See you there! 6 C S oleman ports 7 John A. Coleman Catholic High School 430 Hurley Avenue Hurley, NY 12443 Current Resident or For Everything Coleman visit www.colemancatholic.org To Join Our Alumni Directory visit: www.colemanalumni.org The Coleman Annual Fund Appeal Working Together To Ensure Coleman’s Present & Future Enclosed is my gift for $ ___________________ to John A. Coleman Catholic High School - or Check One: ClubsCircles Societies r $100 Patron Club r $1,000 Statesman Circle r $5,000 St. Ursula Society r $250 Benefactor Club r $1,500 Principal’s Circle r $500 Campus Club r $2,500 Cornerstone Circle r I pledge $__________ every year for the next _____ years. Please remind me in __________________ (select a month). Name: _______________________________________________ Class of _________ Parent of ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: ______ Zip Code __________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Payment: r Check (make checks payable to John A. Coleman Catholic High School) r Credit Expiration Date: ________________ r Visa r Mastercard Card Number: ____________________________ Signature_________________________________________________________________________ Note: We must have all requested information in order to charge your credit card. Mailing address: 430 Hurley Avenue, Hurley, New York 12443. Questions? Call 845-338-2750 or email at development@colemancatholic.net. Visit www.colemanalumni.org to update your contact information and to join our free, private on-line alumni directory and community today! Special Requests (Please tell us if your gift is In Memory, In Honor or for a special purpose.): _____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8
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also. Coleman was, and still is, your