Summer 2013 - John A. Coleman Catholic High School


Summer 2013 - John A. Coleman Catholic High School
Have a great S
su e
from the Principal’s Desk
We welcome Patty Deegan, our new
director of development. With Patty’s help
we are looking at exciting new ways for
the alumni to stay connected. She will be
We are already planning next year’s
events. We want to build on this successful
year with even greater events in the future.
Remember the Craft Fair in November.
Join us for the shows, concerts and sports
events. The Wine and Cheese Party was
a great event. There is so much to come
back to. It could be as if you never left.
Have a restful summer and keep all of us
in your prayers.
Mr. James Lyons
It is always the
right time to support
Give a gift today to
The Coleman
Annual Fund
What if John A Coleman Catholic High School
earned a penny for every time you searched the internet?
Search the web with www.Goodsearch.Com
Money from yahoo advertisers will go to Coleman Catholic High School
without you spending a dime!
t Resp
It has finally arrived!!
And how quickly!
Summer is here. Exams
are history and school
Well – at least for some
of us. But it gives us
time to think back on a year that went so
fast. Wasn’t it just Fall? Wasn’t Christmas
only a few weeks ago? What happened
to the Spring? It seems as if I just arrived
myself only very recently. Certainly not
much time to get to know the seniors. But
in getting to know them, I’ve also gotten to
know so many more, all connected, to that
great family they now join. At graduation
I told them that they now belong to you, in
the growing body of Coleman Alumni. We
miss them already and we know they will
make us all proud.
reaching out to you in the future. Coleman
stays strong and vibrant today because of
the commitment of its alumni. Please stay
in touch. If a group of class members is
getting together, let us know. If you need
a place to meet we can make that happen
also. Coleman was, and still is, your
To All in the Coleman
John A. Coleman
Catholic High School
Board of Trustees
President: Kate Smith ‘81
Vice-President: Kathy Larson
Secretary: Kathleen Sickles
Treasurer: Keith Miner
Board Members:
Jodi Ashmore
Deanne Bradley ‘77
Joseph Deegan ‘80
Mary Ann Forgey ‘73
Sue Gage
Father George Hommel
Jodi Markle-Adam
Thomas Petro ‘78
Bryan M. Smith ‘77
Sandy Terrone
Louis Tullo
Give Your
The Gift Of
A Coleman
We Welcome Coleman’s New
Development Director
I am thrilled to have been chosen from a pool of
talented candidates for the position of Development
Director. I have an extensive background in
Development, Advancement, Marketing and
Fundraising. My recent past finds me at the Ulster
County Regional Chamber of Commerce as their
Special Events Planner and Fundraiser. Prior to that
post, I was the Managing Director of the American
Heart Association, spending my last years there as a
Major Gifts Officer.
My husband, Joe Deegan (’80) and I have three
children, one a freshman at Coleman and live in
Kingston. I am actively involved as a volunteer in
the community and in the PTO of all three of my
children’s schools.
I am honored to already know many of you and to
continue to work with you to advance Coleman in
Thank You
Thank you for the constant dedication and
commitment from Breda McMahon to Coleman
High School. Breda is instrumental in obtaining
and writing all of the Alumni News and keeping an
organized log of happenings throughout the Alumni
Network. She is a true asset to Coleman for her
dedication to this publication and for all that she
does throughout the year to help Coleman achieve
its mission.
the future, while retaining the “charm and enduring
qualities” of its past.
I was fortunate to meet quite a few alumni at the
Wine and Cheese event. I enjoyed learning about
their Coleman experience…all with the common
theme…a love and appreciation of a wonderful place
to learn, grow and form lifelong friendships.
I look forward to meeting new faces at upcoming
functions. Please send an email or give me a call to
introduce yourself or to say hello.
I welcome your involvement, ideas and feedback.
Patty Deegan
(845) 338-2750
Coleman High School would like to congratulate
Maureen Murphy on her recent award bestowed
upon her by the Athens Community at the Athens
Community Day. Maureen was honored with a
Volunteer of the Year Award for her volunteerism and
commitment to help her community continue to be a
great small town in which to work and live. Maureen
has had three children graduate from Coleman High
School, James (’08), Joseph (’04) and Kevin (’02).
She continues to volunteer for Coleman by compiling
and writing the monthly school newsletter. She has
been a dedicated volunteer to the Coleman Community
since 1998!!! Thank you Maureen for all you do to
make a difference in our community.
January 2012 - June 2013
Alumni & Coleman
Friends News
A son, Stephano Antonio, to Mayte and Stephen
Savona (’80) on October 17th.
A daughter, Aubrie Marie, to Lonna and Joseph Fusco
(’92) in October 2011.
A son, Dominic Aidan, to Vincent and Marisa Pugliesi
An August wedding is planned by Kristin Marie
Loan (’95) on July 13th.
Corrado (’97) and Nicholas Kevin Davey.
Bridget Smith (’99) and J. Michael Bruhn, Jr. will be
married in an August wedding.
A son, Benjamin Lewis, to Christopher and Stacey
Noble Schuon (’99) on February 3rd.
A son, Gavin Mychal, to Becky and Christopher
Farren Davis (’01) and Chet A. Lobdell have planned
a summer wedding.
Geary (’00).
Jodie Esposito and Tyson McCasland (both ’01) will
A son, to Tammy and Brett McGuire (’00) on June 8,
wed this coming September.
Angela Sass (’03) and Michael Casella were married
God Bless you and your families!
in June 2013.
Monica Toye-Smith (’73) received a Master of Science
The St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Kingston
was the setting for the wedding of Christopher Dedovich Degree in Education and a certificate of Advanced Study
(‘87) and Eleni Kariolis on October 20th. She is the from the College of Saint Rose in Albany.
controller for the Wiltwyck Golf Club. Chris is a logistics
David Lettieri (’02) graduated from Regent University
liasion for the McCollister Transportation Group.
in Virginia with a joint Juris Doctorate Degree and a
Masters Degree in government. His resume includes two
Reverend Edmund Burke officiated at the September
study abroad sessions, Anglo-American Constitutionalism
10th wedding ceremony of Victoria McCasland (’94) and
in Oxford, England, and issues of International Law in
Dean Lyons at St. Mary’s Church in Kingston. Victoria
is an administrative Assistant and special counsel for a
staffing company in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dean is
Cody Lahl (’06) earned a Master of Science Degree
a sales associate for Lake Norman Hyundai in Cornelius, in recreation, sport and tourism from the University of
North Carolina
Illinois. He was a member of the Illinois Scholars Program
but also pursued his athletic interests as a graduate
Jill Reyman (’02) and Shawn Kiernan (’01) were assistant for the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics. He
married at St. Joseph’s Church in Kingston on April has accepted a position as an assistant media relations
27th. Maid of honor was Jill’s sister, Lindsey Reyman director at the Univesity of Massachusetts.
(’07) and the best man was Tristan Schroeder (’00).
Some of our alumni have earned degrees from SUNY
Other Coleman graduates who took part were Catherine
Mino (’02) and Timothy Kalpakis (’01) who served as Albany:
bridesmaid and groomsman. Jaime Reyman Krueger
Kathryn Massa (’00), a Bachelors of Arts Degree
(’90) was a reader and Ian Lane (’01) was the pianist.
Jill is a preschool teacher in Chantilly, Virginia. Shawn is
Kurt Hopfenspirger (’04), a Masters Degree in
an epidemiologist for Fairfax County in Fairfax, Virginia. business education
Congratulations and Best Wishes to all!
Angela Tampone (’07), a Bachelor of Science Degree
Others graduated from SUNY Ulster:
many years ago by Joe Keller, a much loved cross country
coach.Rich was inducted into the Kingston Classic Hall
Evan Leahy (’10)
of Fame this past March. He has been a tireless supporter
of runners for many years, continuing Joe’s tradition. The
Taylor Dean-Lipson (’09)
Kingston Kiwanis Club named the 2013 inductees who
Michael Sirbaugh (’10)
were honored on April 13th. Congratulations Rich! You
have earned this award and we know Joe is smiling down
The class of 2008 has several graduates from near
on you.
and far.
Another alum, lost to us in our data files, contacted
Thorfun Aramridth, a Bachelor of Science Degree
us with an update. Richard Martin (’74) lived on the
from the College of Saint Rose
west coast from 1979 until 1993. He then moved east
Kevin Bannen, cum laude from Wentworth Institute where he taught biology at the college level in Maryland,
of Technology in Boston, with a Bachelor of Science Massachusetts and New York. Currently he lives in the
Adirondacks and teaches at North Country Community
Degree in architecture
College. Thank you Richard for getting back in touch.
Joelle Gage, cum laude, from Springfield College, with
Bryan Smith (’77) has won numerous golf
a Bachelor of Science Degree in athletic training
championships in his 38 year run beginning in his
Laura Harshberger, a degree in English from Coleman High School years and ending, he says, with the
Susquehana University
Twaalfskill Golf Club Championships in August 2012 .
Jordan Kalish, a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Ohio In July ‘12, he was inducted into the Herdegen Hall of
Fame, a well deserved honor.
Wesleyan University
Robert Ryan (’80) was presented with the 2012 Sister
Patrick Kiernan, magna cum laude, from SUNY New
Mary Charles Award at the Benedictine (Hospital) Health
Paltz, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in theatre arts
Foundations annual donor reception on September 13th.
We wish all of the graduates good luck in their future Bob has served on the foundation since 2009 and is a
member of the board’s finance committee.
Gerard Price (’81) and his wife, Erica have been
transforming a portion of a building in Saugerties owned
by them. The Saugerties Performance Art Factory will
It was wonderful to hear from Annarose Ingarra-Milch feature live theatre, opera, cabaret and art exhibits. It is
(’71). A very generous supporter of the senior scholarship also part of the plan to conduct art classes and to bring all
program for many years, Annarose gave an award in of the arts “under one roof”.
memory of her father, Dr. Thomas S. Ingarra Sr. She lives
Joseph Jerkowski (’82) is back running. He completed
in Pennsylvania and is a motivational speaker. Recently,
she wrote a book, Lunch with Lucille which has received the Ulster Corps Service 5K run at Williams Lake. In
very positive reviews. If you knew Lucille Ingarra, you August he and his wife, Lisa, ran in the summer series.
know it has to be a great story. Congratulations, Annarose- I’m sure Joe Keller is keeping tabs on him and Rick
Gromek and also on Jim Kelley Smith (’84) who helped
so glad you got in touch.
organize the series.
William Berardi (’75), is a Kingston based certified
In April 27th 2012 Joseph Sinagra (’84) was sworn
public accountant and president of the Mid Hudson
as Chief of the Saugerties Police Department where
Chapter of the New York State Society of Certified Public
Accountants. In September 2012, he was selected to he served as deputy police chief since December. A
receive the Michael H. Urbach CPA Community Builders paramedic and former undercover officer for the Orange
Award for his involvement in community based charities. County Narcotics Task Force, he became a Town of Ulster
police officer in 1989. He progressed through the ranks and
Richard Gromek (’75), continues to participate in was appointed deputy chief in Ulster before transferring
running events. He was recognized in August 2012 for to Saugerties. Joe and his wife, Diedre, are the parents of
his service to the Summer Cross Country Series, begun four daughters and, according to one of them, he “rocks”.
More Alumni News
Raymond John A’Brial Rebecca Leigh Albrecht Rachel Elizabeth Banks Matthew Scott Cotton* Tyler Michael Croizer Emily Rachel Feinberg* Hunter Jacob Fetbroth Ryan Fong* Kathryn Elizabeth Grabusky
Nathan Daniel Greene* John Charles Handschuh Matthew Ronald Harshberger*
Austin S.W. Hunt Meghan Rose Hurley Nicole Elise Janasiewicz Anna Elizabeth Jankowski* Lindsay Bridget Kahrs DaSeul Kim* Stefan Alexander Kinnin Xiaotian Liu James Terrence Lord Aimei Lund* Alexandra Gorman Maliha *++
Amy Marie Claudia Malik
Meghan Frances Matthews
Lauren Marie Melville*
Luke Louis Messina Corin Joan Mosack Talia Marie Murphy* Benjamin Michael Nerone Dean Peter Pullman* Jennifer Rose Quigley* Abigail Mary Ressa* Brian Zachary Rowe Michael William Ryan Jordan Hollis Shaw Travis Robert Shultis*+ Colleen Elizabeth Sickles* Alex Edward Sirni Alexandria Theresa Spada
Joseph Patrick Spano* Ryan Eric John Staffiero Katelyn Michele Stern* Nicole Tarcza* Ethan Jacob Travis
Gina Marie Vargas*
Helena Charlotte Waterous*
Congratulations to
John A. Coleman Catholic
dra Ma
liha - S
* National Honor Society Members + Valedictorian ++ Salutatorian
ltis - Va
avis Shu
High School Class of 2013
Respect, Responsibility & Religion
mencement Sp
- Com
Mr. Pete Shults
Senior Chorus Members sing “If We
Father Georg
Hold On Together”
e Hommel d
elivers the In
Colleges accepting members
of the Class of 2013
Adelphi University
American International
American University
Baruch College
Boston University
Brooklyn College
Buffalo State University
Cabrini College
Clarkson University
College of Mt. St. Vincent
College of the Holy Cross
College of St. Rose
Colorado State University
Creighton University
Dickinson College
Dominican College
Elon University
Emerson College
Emory Oxford College
Endicott College
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Gettysburg College
Hamilton College
Hartwick College
High Point University
Hofstra University
Hunter College
Ithaca College
James Madison University
Johnson & Wales University
Johnson State College
Keystone College
Lehigh University
Manhattan College
Manhattan School of Music
Marist College
Marymount Manhattan College
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
Montclair State University
Mount. Saint Mary College
New England College
Pennsylvania State University
Pratt Institute
Quinnipiac University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Saint Anselm College
Siena College
Southern Connecticut State College
Southern New Hampshire University
St. John’s University
St. Michael’s College
SUNY Albany
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Buffalo
SUNY Canton
SUNY Columbia-Greene
SUNY Delhi
SUNY Dutchess
SUNY Geneseo
SUNY Maritime
SUNY New Paltz
SUNY Oswego
SUNY Plattsburgh
SUNY Potsdam
SUNY Purchase
SUNY Ulster
St. Lawrence University
St. Thomas Aquinas College
Union College
University of Colorado-Boulder
University of Delaware
University of Massachusetts- Boston
University of Rochester
Wake Forest University
Western New England University
Wheelock College
Wingate University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Active in his church and community, he is following
through on the ethics of his parents which were promoted
at Coleman. In a sometimes greedy world, Joe chose not
to take a salary raise so that the promotion of two officers
could be funded. Yes Joe, you do rock!
Bryan McMahon (’90) was the proud starter for the
Binghamton 2013 St. Patrick’s Day Parade. It is customary
for an officer of the Police Department to begin the parade
and Bryan was chosen to do so this year. Interestingly, he
used a very old Irish police whistle, which had been in the
family for many years. His family, especially his mother,
was delighted.
demonstrated his love and commitment to his family and to
his friends throughout the years. He has consistently been
true to the philosophy of John A. Coleman High School in
following the guidelines of justice and generosity toward
those in our society who need them most. Congratulations
Fr. Jeff and may God bless you in all your endeavors.
Marco DiBella (’12) was one of five students recognized
at the SUNY Ulster Awards ceremony. They were the
recipients of the Ulster County Regional Chamber of
Commerce Scholarships presented by the Chamber
president, Ward Todd. Marco was also selected as a State
University of New York Chancellor Scholar-Athlete.
Keep up the good work, Marco.
Michele Cyr (’93), a civil engineer has been working
Congratulations to all of our alum who make their
in Christ Church, New Zealand assessing earthquake
damage and inspecting areas affected by earthquakes. Coleman family proud.
Michele works out of a New York City based engineering
OF BREDA McMAHON AT office@colemancatholic.
Kate Cyr (’94) is an actuary, also for a New York City net, OR BY MAIL AT JOHN A. COLEMAN HIGH
firm, following a four year period working in Paris. Her SCHOOL, 430 HURLEY AVENUE, HURLEY, NY
current job in Manhattan includes assessing financial 12443. You may also call her at: (845) 331-5728
benefits and statistics for large companies. (If you know
Michele and Kate, you met their brother, Brendan. He
The Class of 1973 Reunion planned for the
graduated from Fordham Law School and works at a
Weekend of September 27th and 28th, 2013.
Manhattan law firm.)
An informal Friday night get together will be held
Laura Matturro (’04), ran the 5K race with her father
from 7-9 (cash bar and appetizers) at the Privé @
at the Volcano Art Center Rain Forest Run in Hawaii last
Hillside Manor Restaurant, 240 Boulevard, Kingston
August. It must have been exciting for both of them as
they finished just three minutes apart.
On Saturday night, there will be cocktails starting at
Maxim Alter (’07) has a degree in journalism from
6:00 pm followed by dinner at 7:00 pm at the Skytop
SUNY New Paltz. He is the Web Producer for WPTV,
Steakhouse, 237 Forest Hill Drive, Kingston, NY. Vic
NBC News Channel 5 in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Ruzzo and The Cagneys will be playing at 9:00.
Conor Maisch (’09) is making a name for himself as a
leader on the Utica College Men’s Basketball Team. He
has been recognized nationally and ranked second amoung
NCAA Division III players. Often scoring in double digit
figures, Conor makes light of statistics to focus on his
team, embodying the philosophy of Coleman.
The cost is $75/person. RSVP by August 15, 2013.
Checks payable to: Coleman Class of ‘73 Reunion
Committee. Mail to Class of ‘73 Reunion, c/o Judy
Hansen, 14 Cutler Hill Rd, Kingston, NY 12401
In Memoriam
Makenzie Burud (’12) of the Purple Knights Women’s
Basketball Team at St. Michael’s College, has been named
to the Northeast-10 Conference Roll in recognition of her Please pray for our families, and their loved ones who
have died.
being high scorer for her team.
Helen Elizabeth Schuler 2/14/12
On April 4th, Jeffrey Maurer (’97) was honored by the
George Svirsky 3/14/12
Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange County.
Walter Edward Tatarzewski 3/20/12
He received the 2013 Caritas Award presented each year
Reginald E. Lawlis, Sr. 3/24/12
to those who serve the needy of the county. Fr. Jeff, who
is the pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Washingtonville, has
Stephen J. Hack 3/27/12
Walter J. Hester 3/27/12
Robert E. Dillon 3/28/12
Francis T. Ginty 3/28/12
Gertrude Rathjen 3/31/12
Anna Borzuchowska 4/2/12
Katherine Ann Guarino 4/4/12
Oliver Davis 4/5/12
Angelina DeCicco 4/6/12
Francis Joseph Blum 4/17/12
Matthew Henry Albrecht 4/23/12
Enis Melnick 4/26/12
Bhrett C. Green 5/4/12
Gary Martin Lion 5/8/12
Mary Mullaney 5/8/12
Frank A. Legac 5/11/12
Barbara A. Griffis 5/20/12
Donald A. Mac Isaac 5/28/12
Catherine S. Cranston 6/5/12
Adam L. Schillinger 6/23/12
Mark A. Houghtaling Sr. 7/12/12
Muriel M. Smith 7/25/12
Laurence William Feehan 7/30/12
Ellen M. Kelly 8/1/12
Arthur D. O’Neill Sr. 8/2/12
Peggy Every Gale 8/5/12
Harry E. Stahl 8/5/12
Louis Andrew Linn III 8/23/12
Florence “Flo” Beichert 9/10/12
Marcella M. Cannon 9/10/12
Ann F. “Nan” Fuller 9/12/12
Joseph Carl Manginelli 9/12/12
Arthur J. Perry Sr. 9/15/12
Robert E. Ross 9/26/12
Elizabeth (Betty) Dillon 10/8/12
Alonzo Gale 10/10/12
Patricia J. Pacini 10/11/12
Msgr. Eugene Fowler 10/13/12
Marcella Rose Cahill 10/16/12
Barry P. Ross 10/16/12
Vincent L. Bouck 10/22/12
Dominick Baldovin 10/23/12
Clarence Edgar McCasland 10/26/12
Arthur J. Ferro 11/5/12
Richard J. Halstead 11/8/12
Edith D. Houghtaling 11/12/12
Richard J. Ellis 11/22/12
Kent E. St. John 11/22/12
Daniel J. Reinhard 11/24/12
Harry F. Andrews 12/22/12
Mary Alice Kelley 12/29/12
Francis John (Buddy)Oulton 12/30/12
Natalie B. Worden 1/4/13
Mary Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Patience 1/9/13
Deacon Gerard (Jerry) R. O’Connor 1/13/13
Margaret ‘Peg’ Beck 1/15/13
Howard J. Stauble 1/18/13
Lou Schwarting 1/20/13
Vincent O. Kuhn 1/25/13
Arlene G. Otis 1/27/13
Phyllis Ertel St. John 2/4/13
Rosalie E. (Wolven) Heitzman 2/13/13
Joseph Paul Fallon 2/15/13
Marvin W. Hoffman 2/18/13
Harry ‘Al’ Terwilliger 2/18/13
Anthony Louis Crespino 2/19/13
Katharine L. Gaffkin-Durkin 2/27/13
Oscar M. Johnson 2/27/13
Audrey E. Kiernan 2/27/13
Lorraine Carol Linn 3/10/13
Eleanor (Loughlin) Kurtz 3/15/13
Eileen Teresa Conboy Klein 3/20/13
Peter P. Benincasa 3/25/13
Richard Blaine Butler 4/4/13
Michael R. Stapleton 4/4/13
Harry “Skip” Ulsh 4/4/13
Elizabeth A. Heaney Charmello 4/19/13
Dr. John Alonzo Vosburgh 4/23/13
Audrey Inskip Nicolas 4/29/13
Patricia M. Harder 5/13/13
Mary T. “Maureen” Scales 5/24/13
Kimberly Faith O’Brien 5/25/13
Robert “Butchie” Augustine 5/26/13
Raymond L. Maday 5/26/13
Mary Patricia Mott 6/6/13
Catherine M. Toye 6/6/13
Peter Janosz 6/9/13
Timothy Henry Barcone 6/10/13
Gregory E. John Markle 6/17/13
Joseph D. Hill 6/18/13
Patricia Anne ‘Mira’ Arehart 6/21/13
With great sadness, we remember our alumni who have by her daughter Raegen Marie, and several aunts, uncles
died since our last newsletter. Please pray for them and and cousins.
their families.
Efthemios K. Koskoletos (’86) died in New York City
Kathleen “Kate” Beck (’74) died on March 19, 2012. on May 9, 2012. His parents and his brother and sister
She was the daughter of the late Margaret Beck who was Stavros (’81) and Konstantina (’84) survive in Greece.
a teacher in the Kingston Schools and also the daughter Efthemios remained in New York and was the owner of
of the late George Beck. Kate worked at Panasonic Au Courant Fashion Design. He is buried in Montrepose
North America for thirty years, and made her home in Cemetery in Kingston, so those who knew him can offer
Manhattan and in Phoenicia. She was the wife of Stephen a prayer for him there.
Policoff and mother of two daughters, Anna, age 17 and
Gisela M. Gagliardi (’77) died suddenly in San Diego,
Jane, age 11.
California on July 10, 2012. She was the daughter of
Valerie H. Mayone (’79) died on March 26, 2012 John Gagliardi and the late Maria Tucci Gagliardi and
following a valiant four year battle with a rare form the sister of Nancy Gagliardi (’79). She is survived by
of cancer. She was a warm hostess at her restaurant, her aunt, uncle, and many cousins, as well as her sister
Valerie’s, in Kingston and shared her love of the Yankees and brother-in-law, Declan Denehan. Gisela worked at
with other fans. She is survived by many family members I.B.M., the Benedictine Health Foundation and, prior to
including her mother, Joan Baker Mayone, and her sisters her death, at Henry A. Gleich CPA, P.C. certified Public
and brother, Melissa (’69), Mary Ellen Newton, and Accountants in Kingston.
Thomas G. Mayone, as well as their families.
Cynthia Rae Monfett Whittaker (’76) died on
13, 2013. Only 54 years old, she lead a full
Karen Kearney-Jiminez (’75) died on March 31,
2012. A resident of Manhattan, she was the former owner life with a large loving family. Surviving are her three
of Connect-Tek Electronics and an employee of Halstead children, Randy, Jesse and Samantha-Ann Whittaker, and
Realty Management. She is survived by her mother, two grandchildren Kyle Whittaker and Joseph Yanosh.
Frances Kearney and many nieces and nephews. Also Also surviving are her mother, Sally Van Sickle, her
surviving is her sister, Patricia Salvagio, and her brothers, stepmother, Linda Monfett, and her stepfather, Ken Van
James Kearney Jr. and Reverend John T. Kearney, pastor Sickle. She was the sister of Lisa Pastore, Denise Monfett
(’78) Cherie Hargrove, Marion Fusi and Kenneth Van
of St. Catherine Laboure Church in Lake Katrine.
J. Christopher Perry (’75) died on April 6, 2012. Both
Joseph Higgins (’80) of College Point, NY died at
of his parents, Christopher and Jacqueline are deceased
Hospital on March 13th. An avid outdoorsman,
but he is survived by his three sisters, Linda Ruella (’70),
Janice Dellay (’68), and Alison Fischer (’85) and their he enjoyed hunting, fishing and camping. He loved sports
respective families. Chris was an employee at Wal-Mart and coached youth football and baseball. Many relatives
survive in Ireland, England and the U.S. including
and was an avid baseball and football fan.
his parents, Edward C. Higgins and Mary B. (Bridgie)
Kieran Egan (’73) died on April 10, 2012. He was Higgins. His wife, Aleta and their four children Sarah,
an original member of John A. Coleman’s Children’s Rebekha, Joseph and Hannah also survive, as do his
Theater, and an early participant in Coach House Players. brothers and sisters, Kevin (’81), Brendan, Eamon, Paul,
His mother, Joan, survives as do two sisters, Lisa Egan Renee and Beth (’94), with their respective families.
Kree (’75) and Daria Egan (’80). Many other relatives
Following a courageous six year battle with brain
also survive. His father, James, brother Brian (’78) and a
cancer, Maria Tornatore Lynch (’86) died on March
stepsister, Liva Singer predeceased him.
25th. She was a graduate of Mount St. Mary College
Christine Smith died on April 26, 2012. She was and earned a Masters Degree in mathematics. She was a
the daughter of Edward Smith and the late Kathleen teacher at Kingston’s M. Clifford Miller Middle School
Smith, and brother of F. Joseph Smith who died in 1992. and is missed by her students and her colleagues. She is
Christine was an LPN and worked at the Community survived by her parents, Salvatore and Amalia (Dibella)
Rehabilitation Center, Ten Broeck Commons, Ferncliff Tornatore, her children, Joseph and Anna Lynch, and
Nursing Home and prior to her death, at the Coxsackie many other family members. Also surviving are her sisters
Correctional Facility. Besides her father, she is survived Gabriella Zafiropulos (’89) and Josephine Lynch (’79)
and her brother Dr. Carmelo Tornatore (’77) with their
respective families.
Vincent Ferrer Loughlin (’74) died on May 3, 2013
after a spirited determined battle with cancer. He was a
certified social worker who began his career at Mother
Cabrini Home in West Park and worked for 25 years
in the Kingston School District. He was an advocate
for young people and will be missed by the students he
worked with and the staff that he met along the way. He
is survived by his eleven brothers and sisters: Eugene Jr.
(’75) Thomas, Patrick, Matthew, Dr. Mary Cruser, John,
Laura Murphy, Francis, Peter, Paul and Leo. Eight sister
and brother in laws also survive, Cynthia, Vicky, Ellen,
Erin, Dan, Mary Jo (Blaber) (’85), Terence and Julie,
as do numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Vinnie was
the son of Lillian Loughlin and the late Eugene Loughlin.
He was a devoted father to his three children, Elizabeth,
Eugene and Emily and a loving husband to his wife,
Patricia Morrison Loughlin.
athletes who visited the Cauldwell home for conversation,
entertainment and advice. May she rest in peace and may
time bring Jim comfort and consolation.
Eating Out Coleman Style
Jim Demosthenes (’81) and his wife Annie have
opened a new restaurant in Kingston, Santa Fe. It
features authentic Mexican cuisine, and though I haven’t
been there yet, the vibes are very good. Why not stop
there someday and try the chocolate expresso torte with
traditional Aztec flavors?
If you wished to dine out every day for at least a week,
you could find a restaurant run or managed by a Coleman
family or alum. Please let them know you too are part of
the Coleman Clan. Besides Santa Fe we have:
Holiday Inn - the Saccoman Family, with Melanie
Kelly to greet us very often, and Brandon Rask (’06) to
serve us.
Bjorna Moore Miller (’85) died on May 10, 2013
Hoffman House - Padraig and Virginia King Bradley (’71)
following a valiant seven year struggle with breast
Plaza Pizza/Salad Bowl/Savona’s Pizzeria - Dan
cancer. In the 1990’s she moved to New York City where
(’88) and family
she joined her brother’s internet company, I.O.C. Ulster
County was home however, and she returned there often
Port Ewen Diner - The Lemus Family
to visit family, to ski, and to instruct skiers at Highmount.
Postage Inn - Mary and Jim Jerkowski (’84)
She is survived by her parents, Mona and Timothy, her
Roudigan’s - The Roudis Family
brother Tim Moore III, her daughter, Kacey Ann Miller,
and many relatives and friends.
Savona’s Trattoria - Stephen Savona (’85)
Margaret Roedell Guerin (’74) died on May 20, 2013
Stella’s - The Burns Family
in Castle Rock, Colorado. She was an early elementary
Havana Club Bar & Grill at The Woodstock Lodge education teacher in Chelsea, Massachusetts before
The Pombo Family
moving to Colorado. She is survived by her husband of
Puccini Ristorante, Rhinebeck, NY - The Millian
36 years, Paul Guerin, her father, Frank Roedell, a brother,
William and a stepbrother, Lt. Colonel Scott Fitzgerald.
Her children, Christopher, Michael, Molly and Courtney
Did I miss someone? If so, let me know and we’ll
Palotta and her three grandchildren also survive, as do include your information in the next newsletter. If any
many extended family members.
of you would like to take out an ad which would help to
Jennifer Jay Van Loan (’90) died suddenly on June offset the cost of the newsletter, we’d especially love to
2, 2013 as did her unborn son, Trevor G. Clarke. Since hear from you.
her graduation from Coleman, she had lived in close
proximity to her hometown, Port Ewen, and enjoyed
skiing and boating on the Hudson River. She is survived
by her husband, Kevin Clarke, her parents, Jay and Nancy
Van Loan, three uncles, three aunts and their families.
Staff News
Bishop Dominick J. Lagonegro was honored on June
19th by the Hudson Valley Council of the Boy Scouts
Let us also remember Frances Cauldwell, wife of of America. He received the 2013 Dutchess County
teacher and coach Jim Cauldwell. Fran died on Distinguished Citizen Award presented to individuals
November 22, 2012. She was a nurse who devoted more “who exemplify in their daily lives values found within
than 35 years to serving people before her retirement the Boy Scout oath and law.” We congratulate you,
in 2005. She was always there for Jim’s students and Bishop Dom.
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