to view our full document - Herb, Spice and Specialty Agriculture
to view our full document - Herb, Spice and Specialty Agriculture
Are you using your membership to its full potential? 8LIVIEVIKVIEXFIRI½XWXSFIMRKEQIQFIV SJ7EWOEXGLI[ER,IVF 7TMGI%WWSGMEXMSR Saskatchewan Herb & Spice Association and the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association are proud to offer you discounts on equipment, products and services to LIPT]SYVYR]SYVFYWMRIWWQSVIIJJIGXMZIP]ERHIJ½GMIRXP] ® John Deere: Save up to 25% on John Deere Equipment. - Call CNLA for a membership GSR½VQEXMSRPIXXIVJIIETTPMIW NEBS: HMWGSYRXSRTVSHYGXWSVHIVIHJSV XLI½VWXXMQIHMWGSYRXSRTVSHYGXWTVIZMSYWP] SVHIVIH9WIGYWXSQIVGSHI GM: 7EZIYTXSSR2);+1:ILMGPIW %EHQMRMWXVEXMSRJIIETTPMIWTVSKVEQMWRSR WXEGOEFPIERHGERRSXFIYWIHMRGSRNYRGXMSR[MXL ER]SXLIVVIXEMPMRGIRXMZIWMRGPYHMRKSVER] SXLIVWTIGMEP½RERGIVEXI'EPP'20%JSVHIXEMPW Primus Telecommunications: 7EZMRKWSR PSRKHMWXERGIVEXIWPSGEPFYWMRIWWTLSRIPMRILMKL WTIIHMRXIVRIXERHGIPPYPEVPSRKHMWXERGI:MWMX [[[TVMQYWGEGRPE Petro Canada:7EZI PMXVISJJXLITSWXIH VIXEMPTVMGIEXVIXEMPPSGEXMSRWSRP]HMWGSYRXSR QEMRXIRERGIEX')68-+%6(PSGEXMSRWSJJ GEV[EWLIWERHHMWGSYRXSRTVSTERI%TTP] SRPMRIEX[[[SRPMRITIXVSGEREHEGEWTETTP]GRPE SVGSRXEGXXLI'20%SJ½GIJSV]SYVETTPMGEXMSR Esso: 7EZI PMXVIEXVIXEMPPSGEXMSRWSRP] 0EVKIWXVIXEMPRIX[SVOMR'EREHE'SRXEGX CNLA for an application. For All Your Insurance Needs Penske Truck Rental:HMWGSYRXSRXVYGO rentals. - Quote CNLA national rental account RYQFIV HortProtect: %RMRWYVERGITVSKVEQXLEX LEWFIIRGYWXSQM^IHXSQIIXXLIRIIHWSJSYV MRHYWXV]3JJIVWTVSTIVX]ERHGEWYEPX]MRWYVERGI EW[IPPEWPMJIERHLIEPXLMRWYVERGIJSV]SYV GSQTER]ERHMXWIQTPS]IIW%PWS SJJIVWER6674TPERJSV]SYERH your employees. Irving Oil: 7EZI PMXVIEXVIXEMPGIRXVIWSRP] 'SRXEGX'20%JSVHIXEMPWJIIETTPMIW *SVMRJSVQEXMSRSRXLITVSKVEQWTPIEWIGEPPI\X Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association is an industry driven association directed by a board of volunteer directors that are themselves in the industry. We support building a viable herb, spice and natural health products industry that includes value added production and processing. They do this by linking and connecting the industry through communication, networking and education throughout the value chain. We represent the common interests of persons and businesses involved across the spectrum of our common LQGXVWULHVIURPUHVHDUFKDQGSURGXFWLRQWRUHJXODWLRQVSURFHVVLQJDQGPDQXIDFWXULQJSUDFWLWLRQHUVRUÀQDO product point of sale. We participate in and/or initiate the below activities: Industry Promotions Public promotion displays at such places as Agribition, Research update, Crop Development Week, Indian Head Research Farm, the Medicinal and AromaticPlant and other conferences. Industry Meetings And Field Days Members are invited to take advantage of our endless business networking opportunities by taking in our UHJXODUPHHWLQJVDQGSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQRXUÀHOGWULSV Demonstration Plots and research development work at Indian Head Research Farm, Saskatchewan ,UULJDWLRQ'LYHUVLÀFDWLRQ&HQWUHDQGRWKHUYDULRXVVLWHV SHSA is one over 20 national industry groups involved in the Canadian On-Farm Food Safety Program (COFFS) These industries are developing voluntary HACCP-based On-Farm Food Safety Programs and Good Agriculture Practices (GACPs). The goal of the COFFS program is to use HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) principles to enable a facility to provide protection from contamination of the food supply from the farm to the consumer. Services: 1HZVOHWWHU 5HVHDUFK 3ODQWLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ *RRG$JULFXOWXUHDQG&ROOHFWLRQ3UDFWLFHV*$&3 Publications: The new Herb and Spice Production Manual Connie Kehler The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs By Mark Blumenthal Herbal drug Interaction by Robert Rogers Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada's Northwest Boreal Forest E\5RELQ0DUOHV&KULVWLQD&ODYHOOH/HVOLH0RQWHOHRQH1DWDOLH7D\V'RQQD%XUQV Natural Chemicals from Northern Prairie Plants by Mark Hetherington and Warren Steck Herbal Medicines by Joanne Barnes, Linda A. Anderson and J. David Phillipson Our contact information: P.O. Box 7568, Station Main, Saskatoon, SK S7K 4L4 Tel: 306-694-4622 Fax: 206-694-2182 Email: