The Pabulum - Perth Waldorf School


The Pabulum - Perth Waldorf School
The Pabulum
The weekly newsletter of the Perth Waldorf School Community
14 Gwilliam Drive, Bibra Lake WA 6163
Term 3,
3, Week 4
Tuesday 16th August 2016
TERM3 2016
Tues 16
Wed 17
Wed 17
Wed 17
C5 Parent Night
Biodynamic Group
C6 Parent Night
Cedar and Rainbow Room Parent
Night - 6.30pm
Thur 18 C3 Eurythmy Performance for
Parents - 11.30am sharp,
Williams Hall
Tues 23 K4 Parent Night
Tues 23 C11 Parent Night
Wed 24 C10 Parent Night
Wed 24 School Photos
Thur 25 Catch up School Photos
Thur 25 C6 Eurythmy Performance for
Parents - 12.10pm sharp,
Williams Hall
Sat 27 GRAND TOUR DAY - 11am-2pm
(Compulsory Attendance)
Thur 1 C7B Parent Night
Thur 1 Playgroup Parent Night 6.30pm, Playgroup Room
Mon 5 - Fri 9 Class 6 Geology Camp
Mon 5 - Fri 9 Class 11 and 12 Exam Week
Thur 8 - Fri 9 Class 10 Play
Mon 12 - Fri 16 Class 8 Camp
Mon 12 - Fri 22 C11 Community Service
Mon 12 - Fri 16 C12 Practical Week
Tues 12 C2 Eurythmy Performance for
Parents – 12.10pm sharp,
Williams Hall
Wed 14 Kindy – C2 Spring Festival
Mon 19 C9 Parent Night
Thur 22 END OF TERM 3
General School Enquiries: Phone: 9417 3638 Email
Community Support Officers – Penny Champ and Sue Wallwork - 94173638
Please email Pabulum contributions to by 2:15pm Thursdays
If your child is absent please let the office know by 8.30am
Science Building
It’s exciting to see the redevelopment of the Science Building in the High School
nearing completion. The final touches are being undertaken while the surrounding
earthmoving and landscaping is now happening. While it is still a few weeks away
from having classes move in, the external structure now proudly stands over the rest
of the school while still blending in with the existing High School buildings. Thanks go
to Stefan Kiefer for his attention to detail and clarity in ensuring the school gains the
best set of science laboratories and rooms possible. Also thanks to Annabelle
Kellenberger for her willingness to support the process within very challenging time
constraints. The building will be a wonderful addition, providing extra classroom
space and better facilities to support the learning of Science in the High School.
Perth Waldorf School as a place of growth and personal development
While the children busily engage with their learning, the school also provides
opportunities for teachers and parents to further their own inner development.
Through regular study groups here at the school, parents and teachers meet with
the ideas and concepts of spiritual science and find their own relationship to the
ideas and images they encounter. With individuals free to relate to these teachings
in their own way, it is simply being open to these thoughts and ideas that can affect
both powerful and subtle changes. Anne Williams facilitates a parent group on
Monday mornings and anyone can attend. Thank you Anne for providing this unique
and powerful activity within the school. Please enquire at the Front Office if you are
interested in joining in. Together with the staff groups running on Mondays and
Wednesdays after school, and the ongoing adult course on Wednesday evenings run
by Horst and Jennifer Kornberger, it’s wonderful to see the impulse of self
development and inner striving reach not just the students, but also the teachers
and adults who hold them.
Class 10 Camp at Coral Bay
Thanks to John Bluntschli, Danica Wichtermann, Feonagh Cooke and Marina HashimMillar for driving the Class 10’s over 1100kms to Coral Bay and back. From all reports
it was a wonderful experience swimming with sharks, dolphins, manta rays and a
myriad of other sea creatures. It’s a big task to hold nearly 40 Class 10 students over
8 days and nights and such a distance. We are so appreciative of your efforts.
SCHOOL PHOTOS - Wed 24 August
Photo forms to be returned by
Friday 19 August
6.30pm, Thurs 18 & 25 August
Seekers Place
11am – 2pm, Saturday 27 August
Ask your Class Carer about how you can help.
Now springing from the fertile Mother of all living things,
the earth,
Comes a joy-of-growth, as power leading all her children unto birth.
My life is charmed, my strength is sure,
For I am armed – my heart is pure;
And I can join amidst this joy and merriment with radiant mirth!
Fees Online: Please quote your FAMILYCODE as *Reference* WHEN MAKING Online payments. The family code is a series of
BOLD letters which are printed on the bottom of your Family Statements just above your personal details.
Account Details: The Perth Waldorf School Association Inc
Commonwealth Bank, 150 St George’s Terrace, PERTH, WA 6000
BSB No. 066 000 Account No. 120 510 15
Cash Payments: Please assist us by bringing the exact amount, as we do not keep a lot of change. A late payment fee will
apply to all accounts not paid by the due date. This does not apply if you have a payment arrangement in place. If paying at
the office please bring your fee statement with you.
Credit Card: We accept VISA and MASTERCARD however do not accept American Express.
Fees Due: Term 3 due date 05.08.16
The school has operated two bank accounts over the past year. We will be closing our Bank West account –
BSB: 306 089, Account Number: 549 5008 soon.
Please ensure you are using the following bank details for all transactions:
Account Name: Perth Waldorf School
BSB: 066 000
Account Number: 1205 1015
Commonwealth Bank
Reference: Your Family Code
If you have any queries regarding this matter please contact Tracey in the Finance Office on 9417 3638 or
We now have Open Day Posters ready for distribution by our
families and friends. Please pop into the office and collect.
Thank you.
Please see the P&F section for more information about how
you can help prepare for and contribute to the day.
This term the school will hold a “Grand Tour” on Saturday 27
August, 11am-2pm, instead of an Open Day and Spring Fair. This is a
request of the P&F who wish to run the big Spring Fair bi-annually
but still run an open school day for our own parents and members of
the public.
Classes will be open with children’s work displayed, there will still be
some performances by the students and Bandicoot café will be open.
There will be no market or other product or food stalls other than
Craft Group. The Carriage will be open.
Please encourage people to come and see the school. The following
Monday is a holiday in lieu and the following Tuesday is a staff inservice day. All children are expected to attend part of the day.
Enrol now for VacSwim October school holiday swimming lessons
It is important for every child to learn to swim properly and develop essential water safety skills.
VacSwim October school holiday swimming lessons are run by instructors who teach children the skills to be
confident swimmers and safe in the water. To enrol or find out more visit
Enrolments close on Monday 29 August
Please get out your big bottle of conditioner and the nit comb and condition and comb your child/ren’s hair every
second night for ten days.
Wash towels, bed linen and jumpers and please tie long hair up.
This way, we can rid busy heads of pesky pests.
Save Beeliar Wetlands and Rethink the Link are continuing to challenge the legality and false processes of Roe 8 and
the Perth Freight Link. We have recently put in an application to the High Court to appeal the Roe 8 approvals in the
High Court! We would love your continuing support for our legal and outreach campaigns!
We know folks are really busy or have limited capacity so if you can, gifting funds is a great way to help. Please
donate to our legal campaign at or search for ‘Save Beeliar
Wetlands Law Fund’ in the gofundme website. The SBW website also has a number of different ways to donate:
If you have some time we are especially seeking help with our outreach campaign (door knocking, letter writing and
stalls). Please get in touch with Maureen Flynn on
Thanks for all your fine support PWS!
Kate Kelly, SBW convenor and Rethink Co-convenor
There is such a lot of gnome activity in the Kindy this term!
Winter is holding its sway and the rain means that we still have water in our tank. After the parent night in Rose
Room last Monday, some little wax characters were found hiding around the classroom. Intriguing…..
Parent Nights are often times for “Ah-Ha!” moments. Please make time to attend and you may see what I mean.
Time spent in the company of your companions on this parenting journey is so precious, and will reap rewards for
your child, both short term and long term. Teachers put lots of love wisdom and creativity into these nights, and gain
much of the same in return.
Your attendance at one parent night each term is expected.
Swings and cubby in the Rainbow back garden are now being well enjoyed by the
children. Parent volunteers, Bronwyn Maddock, Titus and Matt deserve thanks for
Kindy 4 have been planting out beetroot this week, and harvesting broccoli and kale,
which will be used by the Canteen.
Cedar House children are using their new “jouncing board” to good effect. It gives
them precise challenges in the foundation senses of Balance and Movement.
Gardening volunteers have been doing some much needed weeding. It was a lovely
buzz of energy last week in the Rainbow and Rose gardens when Heidi led a band of
helpers. The children get a great feeling of “belonging-ness”
when their parent gets
active at school!
One of Rose Room’s all-important
important dolls has had a loving makeover from Anne
Williams, who warmed to the task : floppy neck, sad eyes, hunched shoulders : all
have been attended to. Thanks Anne.
M, Thursday 1ST September, Playgroup Room
“Understanding The Joy of Our 0-3’s”
- Who are these souls?
- What are they bringing?
- How do we help them in a modern era?
I look forward to seeing you there!
Rose Hughes, Playgroup
We are nearing midterm and with a change of season upon us there is much sickness around. Look after yourselves
and your children. Please do not send students to school when unwell. With lowered immune systems comes a
thinning of emotional tolerance too so be gentle people
– be gentle with yourselves and each other.
It is still raining sporadically and the children need to be encouraged to play outdoors - without getting soaked - so
they need a rain jacket please!
We are nearing our Grand Tour Day next weekend and please
please remember that this is a school day for the children and
they will be asked to come to school for a short while during the day. Take the
the opportunity to look into the High
chool classrooms and see what goes on with our high school students. Monday and Tuesday
esday following are pupil
free days so please take the opportunity that side of the weekend to take a break and not from the Saturday.
Lisa Payne
Primary School Coordinator
A big THANK YOU to the Rug Studio in North Fremantle who came to our aid with the cheap hire of an old dyeing vat from India
that had a hole in the bottom, for Monkey in the recent wonderful Class 11 & 12 play ‘Journey to the West’.
If you want to purchase beautiful natural material rugs and carpets from India and Afghanistan and other treasures, they are the
shot with great prices. Located – 3 Queen Victoria Street, Fremantle, opposite Toy World (parking around the back). Contact
9335 6169, and just let them know you’re from the school.
With thanks,
Anita (on behalf of Drama prop department).
Computer Privacy and Security
(in August)
*** Please Come Along!!! ***
< CYBER Security 4 everyone>
>by Lucas Wolter-Karabatic as a CLASS 12 PROJECT
>Learn how to understand the methods of hackers to avoid ONLINE
traps and the many cyber threats
(Participants aged 14 to 99)
> The course consists of 3 one hour
long sessions on 18th & 25th August
> Thursdays @6:30pm
>The course will be held @ Seekers
Place aka the library that is now
not a library anymore.
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Hello, my name is Eva and for my Class 9 Project I am collecting good quality, clean women’s clothes that are too
small or are not being used. I will be using them to resell and i will be giving the profits to the
Breast Cancer Foundation. If possible, I would like to collect the clothes within the next couple of weeks. If you have
donations could you please give them to me at lunch or recess or leave them outside the Front Office.
Many thanks, Eva
Notre Dame University - Sun 21 August, 10am-3pm
Tree planting ceremony commemorating Hiroshima Day
On Friday August 5 2016, four of our lovely year eight
students were invited to attend a day of remembrance for
Hiroshima, a day when the Atom bomb dropped on Japan in
August 6 1945.
Hiroshi Sensei took us to Dixon Park where we met the
founders of the tree planting ceremony
ony and other students
from different schools. Then to begin we got told a story of
the magpies and crows, when the sky was low to the ground
and the birds were forced to walk on the earth but one day
the birds decided to lift up the sky so they could receive
rece the
gift of flight and that’s exactly what they did. Before we got to
plant the trees to symbolize a new beginning, we released two
doves to also symbolize peace. Then we got to the planting of the trees. The four of us split up in twos and planted a tree
in our
groups. We took a couple of photos and enjoyed a beautiful day.
We then left Dixon Park and met for morning tea at Cockburn city office where we were served sushi, sandwiches and sausage
rolls with great beverages. After we had settled down we got told another story called “The Story of The Peace Crane” which
was about a girl named Sadako Sasaki. She was born in 1943 and when she was just two years of age the Atom bomb hit Japan.
She grew up to be happy and healthy girl and her dream was to become
become a physical education teacher. But on February 1955 she
went to Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital with a condition called “the Atom Bomb disease.” While in hospital she had been told a
legend where “If someone was to fold a thousand paper cranes they would be granted a wish”. later that year Sadako died on
October 25 1955. But while making the cranes she wished for World Peace. “I will write Peace on your wings and you will fly
over the world.”(SadakoSasaki) After we had been told that story we were given
given a piece of paper and were told to draw
something that represents world peace. And once we had done that they would be turned into tiles and put in the city of
That was the end of our experience of Hiroshima day. I think it’s
it due to say from all four of us Genevieve, Kate, Sophie and
myself “thank you for that wonderful experience.”
Class 8 - Isaac Vale
Thank you to everyone who has been supporting our Community Book Stall. So far this year we have raised over $700 for the
shi Steiner School in Nepal. Thank you for those who donate books to the stall and to those of you who buy! Please keep the
books coming in!
Penny Champ – Library
The Extra Lesson by Audrey E McAllen (a student of Rudolf Steiner) – this is an easy read and a very insightful book not
only for learning more about Extra Lesson but to learn about the impulses left to us by Rudolf Steiner which underpin
much of what we do in a Steiner school.
Heart of the Kitchen – A Steiner Cookbook by the Perth Waldorf School Community. This lovely book was created in
2005 by PWS community and friends. Many of you will have a copy but new families may not know of its existence! It is
a wonderful,, nurturing and wholesome resource.
Disconnected Kids by Dr Robert Melillo – a great insight into how to help children with brain based problems such as
autism, ADHA and dyslexia. Offers a ‘tool kit for caring
Parents please come along and use our Parent Library section – it is full of great and helpful resources! Feel free to ring
me on 0414 654 212 to ask if we have a specific book.
Encourage your child to bring rubbish home and dispose of it wisely! Don’t forget composting as well!
Community members are invited to contribute towards Open Day presentation.
Tools are available at the Carriage for weeding to commence at Kindys, Central Plaza and Primary School areas.
Weekday or weekend weeders welcome - enquires to Matt the Gardener on 041 2955 005.
P& F
Tuesdays and Thursdays,
Thursdays 8.15am – 9.30am
All shop supplies and uniforms available.
Sat 27 August, 11am-2pm
Our open day Grand Tour is fast approaching and it is that time of the year to tackle the winter grass and weeds and
make sure our school looks its best. As last year, we are asking each class to be responsible for spring cleaning their
room and tidying the outside area. Jobs will include brushing debris and cobwebs off the walls and beams, sweeping
walkways, weeding gardens and attending to or requesting help from Pete with any maintenance. This can be
organised for anytime that is convenient to the parents.
There are also many areas not covered by the classrooms and there will be a school busy bee on Saturday 20th
August (TBC). Alternatively Pete and Matt are overjoyed to be offered help any other time!
The P&F will run a raffle on the day so please bring in items for hampers – preserves, vouchers for your business, to
clean, make a meal, babysit..etc, small gifts etc, to the Front Office from anytime now!
he Bandicoot Cafe will run as usual and so the P & F require everyone to bake a cake.. There will not be any other
food offered on the day.
Many hands make light work - many thanks for your
The P & F
The Craft Group is still running – rain or shine we meet every Tuesday by the canteen. The ladies and gents are a tough bunch
indeed! We have been busy making old favourites and new and look forward to having it all on display and sale at the Grand
Tour, which is coming up very shortly.
If you have taken anything home to finish, now would be a really, really good time to bring it back in. It is nice to have a full
table on the day, and on a personal level it is very satisfying finishing things off. If you need help, come see me on Tuesday.
Remember, all proceeds from the Craft Group go straight to the P&F, which work tirelessly to improve the school environment
on so many levels. Your time spent at Craft Group go towards your Parent Participation hours. Should you wish to keep your
creation, please come and see me. Materials are for sale in the Carriage, as is the book “Sew Soft Toys”, which has a lot of great
animal patterns.
From this week the Craft Group will display and sell our goodies in the Carriage, so you don’t need to wait for market days.
Come and join us on Tuesdays by the canteen from drop off till 12. No experience necessary. There is a range of projects
available to make – big and small. See you there.
Cheers, Laila, 0412 266 026.
Free Weekly Groups/Classes
Participating in any of these activities goes towards Family
Participation Hours.
Don’t forget to join us on
Facebook –
The Perth Waldorf School
Monday - 8.50-10.15am Parents and Friends Study Group (Learning
Support room) Anne Williams (no children please)
0424 771 217
Tuesday - drop off
Craft Group (Canteen) Laila Hinsman
Tuesday - drop off
Spinners and Sock Knitters welcome!
Anne Williams 0424 771 217
Tuesday - 2.15-3.00pm Eurythmy (Williams Hall) Kristina Hamilton
Tuesday - 1pm -2.30pm Needle Felting (Canteen) Rebecca 0412 321 895
Wednesday - 9am
ADULT SINGING Come and join our exiting Claire
Williamson and discover your inner voice- Music
Wednesday (Fortnightly) Biodynamic Group (Playgroup) Heidi Halter
- 12.30pm
0427 445 754 *next - Wed 17 August
Saturdays 13/08
- 1.00-4.00pm Waldorf Wood Workers (meet in Plaza)
Christian Geyer 0409 267 178.
Please make appointments with the Administrator or Coordinators via the
The free groups for parents are run or led by teachers or parents. Members of the school community are encouraged to join
any of the groups and enjoy the experience of personal growth and learning in this beautiful environment – a great inspiration
for our children.
The Anthroposophical read and discuss group continues the study of Rudolf Steiner’s lectures on the Gospel of St Luke. The role of
Buddha and Zarathustra in Christianity, and how these great spiritual streams work together in evolution is some of the content
we have studied so far. Anyone interested is welcome (but it’s not for children).
Mondays 8.55am to 10.15am in the Primary School Learning Support room (next to Mark Phillip’s office). For further information,
contact Anne Williams 0424 771 217.
You are warmly invited to come and put a joyful spring in your step this term. It is always satisfying to move artistically with
others. Not only does it make you feel good, but its goodness flows on to your family, as well as to the ambience of the whole
school. No experience necessary!
With thanks - Kristina Hamilton
Certificate in Steiner Primary Education
Thursday the18th August
Perth Waldorf School
14 Gwilliam Drive, Bibra Lake 6163
Unearth Your Local Potter
20-21 August, 10am-4pm
Come and discover my place of inspiration in the Perth Hills; surrounded
by native flora and fauna I am in my element.
My home studio has a workshop out the back and a display gallery space
at the front. Come and join me for a cup of tea, some clay time, discover
the journey of the work and see the finished pieces.
During the Open Studio you can also come and partake in making
makin a large
community coil pot or bowl. Free to partake, find some natural textures
from the gardens to press into clay, add your own special touches and
be a part of the story.
Please visit my website for more info:
Hope to see you there- Danica Wichtermann
Do you hear the song of the grounded, all-knowing, all-trusting, deep feminine wisdom that lives within you?
Do you listen to the voice of the Crone? She who sings within all women no matter how young or old? She who is one of the
major threads that weaves Her magic throughout our lives? All women are born with the universal trio of archetypal feminine
energies within… Maiden… the young girl full of courage, joy, playfulness, wonder, awe, zest and expansion… Mother… the
fertile creator birthing her life, building hearth and home, nurturing her projects… and Crone… the elder wise woman, surefooted, clear, all-seeing, fierce, loving, accepting, magic-making, freedom-living Grandmother. Recognising, cultivating and
connecting with these energies empowers you to live into your full potential as a woman, and to serve as a member of the
community of life on Earth.
The Women’s Hearth invite you to join us for a retreat day to honour and celebrate the Wise One within… LISTENING TO THE
CRONE - We will spend the day connecting with this wild, raw, powerful, fun and wickedly infectious energy through story,
drumming, chanting/singing, crafting powerful sacred objects, resting and sharing. The retreat day will be lovingly held in a
beautiful private home and garden in the Perth hills and part proceeds will be donated to The Uthando Project
DATE: Saturday 20 August
TIME: 10.00am - 4.00pm
VENUE:2 Healey Place, Gooseberry Hill, WA, 6076.
EXCHANGE: $140 Full Fee or $110 Concession. For more info go to or ring Penny 0414 654
212 Anne-Marie 0408 744 572
To register go to by 17th August. Only 13 places available.
Hi All,
We want to 'bare it all' in the garden.....
Sue and I have visited garden after garden for months on end, and we're grateful to those who
have opened their homes and gardens for us to do
So now it's our turn, to share all the ups, downs and outcomes in our own local plant garden.
If you've wanted to know what a local, native plant garden looks like after a few years, what a
bee pole actually looks like in the garden after the local bees take up residence, what plants go together well, and
even to review my 'rooky mistakes' made along the way, mark the 27th of August afternoon.
We're opening our garden and you're invited.
For details, please go to our facebook page event or directly to our Eventbrite registration page for tickets.
Please come and enjoy the afternoon for as long or as little as you like.
Kind regards, Graeme Mitchell 0425 054 041.
Hi friends, Story Circuit this month is
"Here be dragons, creatures from beyond the margins.
margins. .."
Friday Aug 19, doors open at 6:30, performances start at 7.
At the Fibonacci Centre, 19 Blinco Street Freo.
The Blinco St Cafe will be serving wood fired pizza and other delights.
Tix $15 at the door, $12 presale at trybooking.
Please note, this is storytelling for adults, children under 15 will not be admitted.
I will be telling a small story about a tricksy hobgoblin and an unflappable old woman in
the first half....
Please share this invite in your circles....
Firelight, community, music and the rare magic of live storytelling, what more could
you want on a Friday eve?
Hope to see you there
Jaya Penelope
The Ragged Suns is an alternative country/folk band
whose members include PWS teachers Anthony MacLeod,
Kevin Mazzer and Eunice Hicks**
Our organization FRIENDS OF WALDORF EDUCATION would like to inform you about the volunteer service “Incoming” in
Germany. We are looking for young and motivated volunteers, who are 18 years of age or older to do voluntary work at a
Waldorf institution of their choice.
If you need any additional
nal material or information, please contact me at or under the phone
number 0721 354806 183. Donja Aslan
The Perth City to Surf is just 2 weeks away!
Reconciliation WA, ICEA and Indigenous Consulting Group have teamed up again for ‘Run for Reconciliation’ at this year’s run. Our vision is for
Run for Reconciliation to again be a key component of the Perth City to Surf in 2016.
Now in its 42 year the City to Surf event in Perth attracts up to 50,000 participants each year and is regarded as the biggest community sport
event in the state. With such significant exposure within the community, the run presents a crucial opportunity
opportunity to acknowledge the shared
history of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal
Aboriginal Australians and continue to build on the relationships established when the event began its journey of
reconciliation 3 years ago. This journey was initiated with the introduction of cultural
cultural recognition in the event’s formalities as well as the
formation of the ‘Run for Reconciliation’ team and we hope to continue to promote reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
Australians, with your help.
How can you get involved?
Join the ‘Run for Reconciliation’ team for either 4km, 12km, 21km or 42km (enter RUN4REC16 for a 15% discount)
Volunteer at a water station with the Run for Reconciliation team;
Help support the event beforehand by getting involved
Talk about Reconciliation at your school, university or workplace
Run for Reconciliation is an opportunity for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
non Aboriginal people to run and walk together, to promote reconciliation and
generate awareness about creating new ways for all to forge a new future together
together by creating a highly visible, positive message about
reconciliation amongst the wider community.
Registration Details are as follows:
Go to
Choose your distance
Click ‘Join a Team’
Search for ‘Run for Reconciliation’
Enter your personal Details
Choose your run time - Most of us will be in Wave 2, even though we may be a bit slower
Enter ‘Fundraise as a Team’ and ‘Other Charity’
Finalise Postage options
Enter ‘RUN4REC16’ when prompted
ompted for a voucher. This will give you 15% off
Complete Transaction
For more info: or Reconciliation WA - 08 9389 4090
Community notices will appear in this section for two weeks. If you would like the ad to appear for longer, please
contact the pabulum on 9417 3638 each week. Thank you.
YOGA - Coogee Community Hall, 19 Arlington Loop Coogee. Mondays 9:30am, Thursdays 6pm. Classes $15, Students $10,
School aged tweens/teens $5. All equipment provided. Contact Arabelle Sinclair for further info:
0412 556 233 or email:
HOUSE FOR SALE - 4 bed, 2 bath. Located in Bateman, Bullcreek. Close to Rossmoyne High School, Fiona Stanley hospital &
shops, 10 mins from PWS. If interested please contact Shine on 0433 5913 45.
FOR LEASE - Close to school - great sized 3 bed, 2 bath family home. $395.00/week. Features: spacious bedrooms, built ins &
study, large kitchen, walk in pantry, gas burner cook top, 2 separate living areas, large bath, back yard, outdoor entertainment
area, large shed, in ground pool. Unfurnished. Pets upon application. Contact Dayna Doherty, Pulse Realty Property
Management, 9310 7953.
AU PAIR LOOKING FOR A HOST FAMILY - My name is Julia (19y old) and I'm looking for a nice, loving, Steiner inspired host
family who would like me to be a part of their family and have me take care of their children as an Au Pair. One month ago, I
finished my A-Levels at our local Rudolf Steiner School and would like to support your children with their homework, do arts and
crafts or make music together. I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Julia Langer from Germany, contact:
FOR SALE - Fisher & Paykel P120 bar fridge, 115 litres, rarely used, in great condition, hold temperature perfectly, $200. Call
Sharon 0447 267 450.
FOR SALE - Bosch Classic Dishwasher, SMS50E 12AU - great condition, works well, quiet. W600xH850xD600. All piping, filters,
accessories and manual included. no longer being used. $380. Call Sharon 0447 267 450.
FOR SALE - 2013 Nissan Pulsar ST-L, Sedan AUTO, 22,265km, carmine, reg until Jan, immaculate condition inside and out, all
services up to date, mechanical protection plan until Jun2019, air con, window tinting & Bluetooth. $16,000. Call Sharon
0447 267 450.
CHILDCARE - Babysitting of children 3-yrs-old and up after school, weekends and holidays. Please contact Dé Danann Sherrie,
mobile: 0488 325 636, email:
HENNA ART - Beautiful temporary henna tattoos for special occasions or just for you. Please contact Dé Danann Sherrie, mobile:
0488 325 636, email:
FOUND - Silver earring with blue stone. Found on Saturday outside Jennifer Byrne’s office. If this is yours please see the front
FLUTE FOR SALE - Excellent condition silver plated, Jupiter flute. Comes with mould French style case and deluxe shoulder bag.
Has only had one owner with purchase details. Perfect for any student. Only $500 ono. If interested please contact Georgina –
0417 473 969.
APARTMENT FOR RENT - Two bedroom, light and airy retro apartment in Freo. Small 60s block on the border of East Fremantle,
close to public transport, cafe, community garden. Available from 15th August. $380 per week. Please contact Susan on 0403 307 984 or
WA VISION FAST 19-30 September 2016 - *limited places left! We invite you to experience the healing powers of
nature during the 12 day vision fast when you spend time in WA bushland reconnecting with yourself and the world around you.
If you feel drawn to this experience please get in touch via or ring 0408 098 617.
GRANNY FLAT - Granny flat available to rent in Hamilton Hill. Specious, furnished space with high ceiling and wooden floor
boards. One room with separate shower & toilet. Own entrance and parking space, shared back garden with Steiner family. $260
p/w including bills and wifi for single / $280 p/w for couple. Call Anna - 0402 136 350.
YOGA - Coogee Community Hall, Mondays 9:30am, Thursdays 6pm. Classes $15, Students $10, School aged tweens/teens $5.
Mats provided. Contact Arabelle Sinclair for further info: 0412 556 233 or email:
MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS RETREAT - in Ubud Bali Sep 30th to 4th October. A Rite of Passage into Womanhood for girls ages
11-15. Trained, experienced and sensitive facilitators. Contact Adrienna on 0400 835 478 or
Facebook - Red Apple Sacred Ceremonies for more details.
SARAH’S WALDORF DOLL SUPPLIES - 1km from school: Waldorf Doll Making DVD, Waldorf Doll Patterns, Tricot, Stuffing Wool,
and more, plus lots of doll’s clothes for sale: