tob times - Redmond - Redmond Toddler Group


tob times - Redmond - Redmond Toddler Group
Redmond Toddler Group—Toby Times
Redmond Toddler Group
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APRIL 2010
An updated calendar is available at :
Redmond Campus Bldg
6505 176th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052
APRIL 2010
First Day of Spring Quarter– Monday April 5,2010.
Fall Registration Night– Monday April 5,2010. 6:30
PM for Alumni and 7:00PM for new students.
Plant Sale—Friday April 23,Saturday April 24, Sunday
April 25 at LWTC,
11605, 132nd Ave NE, Kirkland WA 98034 from 9AM3PM
MAY 2010
Plant Sal e—Saturday May 1,2010 at LWTC , Kirkland
WA 98034 from 9AM-3PM.
Elections for Board Positions for 2010-2011—TBD.
Board Positions Open for 2010
School Year
Elections for the Redmond Toddler Group Executive Board of Directors will be held in
May. If you would like to become more involved with RTG, this is a great way to meet
other parents and learn even more about the program! The board positions are described below. If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to speak with
your instructor or any current board member or parent leader. Parents are always
welcome to attend board meetings and attendance at our April meeting is highly encouraged!
President oversees the Board, runs board meetings and maintains that board meetings are on schedule and on focus.
Registrar enrolls students in the appropriate class, maintains class rosters and hanJUNE 2010
Toby School Picnic Week– Tuesday, June 15 ,2010. dles all adds and drops throughout the school year. The registrar also checks email
and voicemail and answers many questions about RTG, and helps inform prospective
students about our program.
Treasurer deals with the financial aspect of RTG which includes collecting and deposAGE
CLASS iting tuition checks and balancing the books. He or she is also responsible for paying
bills, preparing an annual budget and ensuring that the group remains on budget.
3-9 mo.
Secretary takes minutes at the board meeting, and coordinates the preschool infor6-12 mo.
mation night (which happens in January) with teacher help. The minutes are typed up
12-24 mo. Tues,9:00-10:45AM
and emailed to all the board members within a week after the board meeting.
Fundraising Chair is responsible for all of the fundraising that goes on in RTG
throughout the year. The fundraising chair can put together his or her own plan for the
12-24 mo. Fri,9:00-10:45AM
12-24 mo. Fri,11:00-12:45AM
Publicity Chair makes sure that RTG is out in the community getting to new students.
12-24 mo. Fri 1:15-2:45PM
This position entails working with local advertisers and businesses to ensure that we
are reaching new parents for the program.
18-30 mo. Mon,9:15-11:00AM
Toby Times Editor is responsible for creating and distributing the monthly newsletter
18-30 mo. Tues, 1:00PM-2:45PM
for RTG.
24-36 mo. Mon, 11:15-2:00PM
Webmaster maintains RTG’s website with up to date information for students and the
24-36 mo. Weds, 9:30-11:15AM
Librarian manages the RTG library. Responsibilities include reviewing check out
24-36 mo. Weds,1:00-2:45 PM
cards regularly, maintaining or replacing damaged books, and cataloging new inven24-36 mo. Thurs, 9:15-12PM
Scholastic Books chair places and fills monthly book orders that are placed by RTG
24-36 mo. Thurs, 12:15-2:00PM
students. This person is also responsible for keeping track of all the bonus points and
*Younger child must be under 12 months on
coordinates the usage (prior to Carnival) with the teachers.
August 31,2010 (Born after August 31).
Redmond Toddler Group—Toby Times
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Here is the Final List of the donors .Thank you dear Raffle Donors for all your help and support for making RTG
CARNIVAL a big Success.
Accents et Certa, Inc
Gotta Dance
Redmond Police Explorers
Adam & Eve Juice
Great Play of Redmond
Redmond Police Explorers
Albertson's of Redmond
Hancock Bakery Redmond
Redmond Physical Therapy
All Star Lake Spa
Jillian's Billiards Club
Remlinger Farms
Anna Nordstrom - Personal Organizer Jimmy Mac's Road House
Ruby's Diner Redmond
Ben Franklin Crafts - Redmond
Las Margaritas Redmond
Savory Moments Chef Prepared Meals
Brooks Sports, Inc, Inc
Lexus of Bellevue
Seattle Art Museum
Cash & Carry
Lil Locks Hair That Rocks Hair Studio Simply Placed Professional Organizing
CHARMING! Flirty Girly Hair Accesso- Megan's Toy Box
ries and Jewelry
Slide Waters Lake Chelan
Coho Café
Miller's Martial Arts
Snoqualmie Falls Brewing Co.
Colleen's Place Hair Salon
Moments of Expression Photography
Spazzo Italian Grill
Domino's Pizza - Redmond
Moonie Icey Tunes Novelty Ice Cream Sponge School
Dr. Atherton, Pediatric DDS
Nan Brotherton Photography
Studio East - Training for Performing
Eastside Gymnastics
Noevir Skin Care Products - Lisa
Taproot Theatre
Emerald Downs
Orange Blossom Society
The Big Picture - Redmond
Everything in Sight Optical - Bellingham
Panda's Paws Massage Therapy and
Spa Treatments
The Children's Museum, Seattle
FaceLogic -Redmond
Parent Map
The Nest - drop off play and learning
Fine Wine & Cigars Redmond
Pirate's Booty from Pirates Brand
The Plateau Club
Fisher Scones
Purple Hippo Photo
Tim's Cascade Chips
Fresh Way Pizza
Redmond Fire Department
Toby School Parents & Teachers
Tony Maroni's Pizza
Wine Country Gift Baskets
The Redmond Toddler Group is run completely through both the generosity and time donated by parents in the
program. The instructors are the only staff paid by LWTC. This means that phone calls, registration, accounting,
publicity, fundraising, etc. are all done by your fellow classmates!!! If you’d like to help out, please talk to your parent
leader, your instructor or any board member…we can *always* use the extra help! And...if you run into a parent leader
or board member, be sure to thank him or her for their extra efforts!
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Our newsletter and RTG publicity is paid for by our Toby Times advertisers. If you do business with any of our sponsors, please tell them you
saw their ad here!
Redmond Toddler Group—Toby Times
Successful Co-Parenting
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by Shari Steelsmith
Tip—Establishing ground rules for discussing parenting differences will help you solve problems quicker and more respectfully.
Parenting is a big and important job. It’s easier to do when you have a spouse, partner, or another caring adult to help raise your child. With
co-parenting, however, comes inevitable differences. No two people agree 100% of the time. Disagreements over parenting is a common
category in the list of major marital stresses. Therapists Jennifer Brown and Pam Provonsha Hopkins, authors of What Angry Kids Need,
point out that parents will commonly find themselves in opposite corners of the ring where they attempt to overcorrect for the other’s
(perceived) strictness or lenience. This stance leads to a rift between partners, and causes family dysfunction in the long run.
Tools—Your child actually benefits greatly from having access to two parents; children need to have different personality styles, ways of
solving problems, and ways of relating modeled for them. Different does not mean wrong. That being said, how can you reach consensus
on how to best to raise your child without ending up in opposite corners? Brown and Hopkins outline five helpful agreements that partners
can make with each other that will help ensure good communication and quicker problem solving. A few of those agreements are outlined
Unless safety is immediately at risk, we will not undermine each other’s authority in front of our child. It’s really important that your child
see you both as a united team. When one parent disagrees openly or contradicts another’s discipline, it undermines that parent.
―Children are more successful when they see both parents as capable and empowered. When one parent routinely undermines the
other, children may doubt the strength or capability of that parent. As a result, they may be more defiant, manipulative, and divisive to
get what they want,‖ say Brown and Hopkins.
We will agree upon how we will ask for and offer help to each other during stressful moments with our child. When one parent is reaching the end of her rope with a child, the other parent needs a respectful way to offer assistance, such as, ―Is there anything I can do to
help out right now?‖ Likewise, the parent who is stressed needs to be able to ask for help—―I’m feeling frustrated. Can you help her
with homework tonight?
We will discuss our differences of opinion regarding parenting and discipline outside of our child’s presence. It doesn’t help children to
overhear you and your partner argue about parenting. Your children can and should hear you resolve simple, everyday disagreements—such as what movie to see, or which restaurant to visit. But disagreements over parenting should happen out of the earshot of
You’ll find more practical tips you can use right now in What Angry Kids Need: Parenting Your Angry Child Without Going Mad by Jennifer Anne
Brown, M.S.W. and Pam Provonsha Hopkins, M.S.W.
Scholastic Book Orders! Order Online OR in the
Scholastic Books orders are a great and inexpensive way to help build your
child’s reading library AND to help RTG. RTG receives points for each book order
placed. These points go towards books handed out in class for special events,
as well as Carnival prizes given out in March. To place your order online:
Reprinted with permission from Parenting
Press’s weekly parenting tips, copyright ©
March 2010 Board Meeting
 visit
 Class User Name: Redmondtoddler
 password: books
When you check out, under FIRST NAME, enter your instructor’s name. Under
LAST NAME, enter your last name.
I.e.: if your name is Jane Doe, and you are in Miss Anita’s class, you would enter:
First Name: Anita
Last Name :Doe
Questions? Feel free to ask your instructor!
The Deadline for the December edition of the TOBY TIMES is
Thank you all for helping in organizing the CARNIVAL.
APRIL 27, 2010. Kindly email your contribution to Archna Sharda
Lease renewal decision is still in process.
( with Toby Times as the subject.
Redmond Toddler Group—Toby Times
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Help RTG and have fun at Remlinger Farms with your kids this summer
So join us for a summer of fun at Remlinger Farms! Visit with the animals in the 4-H Animal Barnyard, ride the steam train and the mini
roller coaster, and even ride a pony! Our rides and activities are especially designed for interactive family fun for kids 12 and under.
SEASON PASS: $55.00 plus tax, per person ($8.00 per pass goes to your school!)
Includes admission to the Family Fun Park seven days a week, any day the park is operating through September 19, 2010; including the
Strawberry Festival in June, PLUS, one day FREE ADMISSION to the October Fall Harvest Festival, Pumpkin Patch & New Corn Maze on
either September 25th, or September 26th, October 30th, or 31st 2010 (not valid any other days in October 2010); AND $30.00 off Birthday
Party Package, 10% discount on purchases made in our Farm Market or Country Restaurant until Sept.19, 2010. (Excluding consignment
and discounted items).
SUMMER PASS: $40.00 plus tax, per person ($5.00 per pass goes to your school!)
Includes admission to the Family Fun Park on weekdays only, any weekday the park is operating through Sept 3, 2010 (excluding holidays);
PLUS, a $2.00 discount on weekend and holiday admission through September 19, 2010, when the park is operating; AND a 10% discount
on purchases made in our Farm Market or Country Restaurant until Sept. 19, 2010. (Excluding consignment and discounted items ).
If you like further information, please email Archna Sharda at
Stop Crying! And other commands that don’t work
by Kathy Slattengren
Moments of frustration can lead parents to issuing commands that really don't work. Any time we are ordering children to change their behavior we're not likely to succeed. Instead of producing the desired behavioral change, commands often lead to some type of resistance.
For example, when feeling stressed to leave on time, we may yell to our children "Hurry up! It's time to get going!" It can feel good to give
commands because it seems like we have more control over a situation when we're shouting commands. However, children often resist
being told what to do (interestingly, most adults also do not like being told what to do!).
Since children ultimately control their own behavior, commands like these are usually ineffective:
"Stop crying!"
"No more whining."
"Don't give me that look."
"Go to sleep right now!"
It is easy to fall into the parenting trap of using commands to try and control children's behavior. However, it is far more effective to tell children what we are going to do instead of what they have to do. Parents might declare "The car is leaving in five minutes." instead of saying
"Hurry up!"
Recently I saw a dad trying to change his 18-month-old daughter's diaper while she was crying and struggling to get away. When doing an
unappealing task like changing a diaper, it's difficult to have a child who is resisting and making an unpleasant task even more unpleasant.
This dad responded by telling his daughter "Stop crying!" Not only did she not stop crying, her crying intensified. It was easy to relate to his
frustration as well as his child's reaction.
In this case, the dad probably would have been more successful by empathizing with his daughter by saying something like "I can see
you're really upset. I'm going to change your diaper and then we will leave." By acknowledging her feelings and telling her what he was going to do, he could avoid telling her what she had to do.
Sometimes in the heat of the moment, we don't do our best parenting. It's helpful to reflect on how we wish we would have handled the
situation. We are likely to have a second chance in the near future to handle a similar situation in a better way!
About the Author: Kathy Slattengren is a noted parenting speaker, trainer and founder of Priceless Parenting. Priceless Parenting provides an online parenting class
which teaches effective discipline techniques for positively dealing with misbehavior.
Reprinted with permission from Priceless Parenting copyright ©
Redmond Toddler Group—Toby Times
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April Means Awareness!
by Kim Estes
April is National Child Abuse Awareness month. At PEACE of Mind, we think every day is an opportunity for awareness! As we welcome in
Spring, as we begin to putter in our gardens, as we dust off our bicycles, as we begin to make plans for the summer as we look ahead to
spending time outside with family and friends … we ask you to spend a few moments updating your family on your family safety rules, spend
a moment to talk to your child about Safety and take time to be aware!
Are you aware…
that your child’s safety needs change every 6 months?
that adults are responsible for the safety of children?
that by just talking to your child about safety reduces their risk for abuse or abduction?
that you should not use scare tactics when talking to your kids about safety?
that teaching “stranger Danger” does not work?
that kids can sense “red flags” in people too?
that even kids as young as 2 can start learning about safety?
that tweens and teens still need you to talk to them about safety?
that you have the power every single day to help a child?
Child safety and prevention education is our daily mission at PEACE of Mind. We hope that every adult will stop and take time to talk to a
child about safety. Let the children in your life know that they are special and have the right to be safe.
About the Author: Kim Estes is the co-founder of the non-profit organization: Parent Education And Child Empowerment (P.E.A.C.E of Mind) . Kim
has worked with parents for over 12 years, educating them on various parenting topics. Kim and her cohort in crime prevention, Sabrina, help liberate parents from
fearful parenting! Through non fearful techniques and easy to apply parenting strategies they help empower families to be safe. Follow us on Twitter for quick safety
Family safety first
Kids will enjoy this simple egg sandwich anytime of
Want to learn how to empower
your family?
2 Slices Bread
1 Tablespoon butter
2 Eggs
Salt and Pepper
1.Using a juice glass or cookie cutter, cut a hole from
the center of the bread slices. Melt the butter in a
(preferably nonstick) skillet and put in the bread and
the holes. As they fry, break an egg and drop it into 1
of the holes; repeat with the second egg. Season with
salt and pepper. When the egg is just set, after about
2 minutes, turn the bread slices and the holes. Cook
the other side for another 2 minutes and serve, garnishing each egg with the fried bread hole. Makes 2
We have innovative, prevention education Workshops for
parents and children. We teach you how to talk to your kids
about personal safety in a Non-scary manner with age appropriate teaching tips! Contact us today to find out more! or
Redmond Toddler Group—Toby Times
Page 6
Rosalie Whyel Museum of Doll Art,
Bellevue– This temporary exhibit at
the doll museum feature mid century Terry Lee
dolls along with accessories and clothing. This
show is from Feb.27 to May 16,2010.Ages4 and
under are free. Adults $8 and ages 5-17 for
$5..Call 423-455-1116 for more info.
family, friends and familiar surroundings to risk your life on a
three year round trip voyage to Mars? In facing Mars, you have
the chance to answer this question twice: as you enter the
exhibition and again as you exit. While exploring each of the
28,thought provoking exhibits, take opportunity to reflect on your
initial answer and some of the ethical
questions about human exploration of Mars.
It is running from Jan.30-May 9,2010. Visit:
Kids quest children’s museum, Bellevue– Connect with
family with games and exploration every Thursday evening.
From March 11-April8,2010.It is at every Thursday from 58PM.For more information visit their site.
Seattle Children’s Museum, Seattle—Celebrating the 95th
year of Tinkertoy, Build your imagination with Tinker
Toy.Feb.13-May23, 2010 along with their other exhibits. Enjoy
music, arts crafts, a& sensory exploration at the museum’s
weekly thematic program till April28, every Tues. & Wed. At
Downtown Redmond Easter Egg Hun,
Redmond—It is on Saturday, April 11.2010.FREE.
Ages 0-2 10AM, Ages 3-4 10:30 AM, Ages 5-6 11AM.
10,000 eggs stuffes with candy and prizes. It is on 6th
street in Redmond WA.
Seattle Aquarium, Seattle— Come on up to
the classroom for this drop-in program with
activity stations, storytelling, songs and games.
Preschool Riding Academy, Bothell– Little
ones can enjoy a short, basic intro to riding on Tuesdays and
Wednesdays at Willow Edge Farm. The farm offers loaners
helmets but children must wear boots.
Apart from this you can go to visit the
animals and see how they teach their
animals on the farm. Call or email for
reservation. This is running from April
18-May 26,2010. at 18505 51st Ave.
S.E. Bothell, WA 98012. It I for all ages and cost is $15-$20.
321 Jump, Bellevue– Bring a pair of socks for unstructured
playtime on huge inflatable. This is an ongoing event every
Monday and Tuesday 9A.M.-10:15A.M. or 10:45A.M.-12:00PM.
for ages 5 and under for $6 1st child and $4 siblings and parents
are free.
Second Story Repertory SPROUT
children’s theatre, Redmond-‖Alexander and
the Terrible, Horrible, No Good , Very Bad Day ‖
Adapted by Judith Viorst on May 7-23. Buy
Tickets now. And ―A Doll’s House!‖ by Henrik
Ibsen, adapted by Frank McGuiness. It is one of the most
powerful dramas ever written. It is running from April9 –May1.
Friday and Saturday Nights at 8PM and Sunday Matinees April
18 and 15 at 2PM. Regular ticket price is $25 and for students
$19. Visit:
Pacific Science Center, Seattle– Would you leave behind your
Mother’s Day at the Movies, Bellevue– Every Thursday,
parents can enjoy a first run movie with their infant and kids.
Lights are up, sound is down. Box office opens at
9:45AM.These special show times don’t appear on the
regular schedule, so click on the link to see what’s
playing each week. Lincoln square cinemas, 700
Bellevue Square NE Bellevue.
Indoor Park: Extra gym time, Kirkland– Play on
Northwest Aerial’s gymnastics equipment on Thursdays
and Saturdays( and selected Sundays 25 PM, March 7, May 6).Check the gym’s
schedule for holiday closures. Northwest
Aerials,12440,128th ln NE ,Kirkland..
Northwest Railway Museum in
Snoqualmie presents ―Day Out With Thomas.‖- July 9-11th,
and 16-18th.Ticket sales begin April 19th.Advance sales for
museum members begins in late March.
Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle- Kids can
meet a live critter from zoo , watch a puppet
show, figure out who is in the mystery box, design a play space
for an animal and explore other fun at the Zoomanium’s daily
programs till April 30,2010. New Meerkats and new west
entrance opening at 9:30AM On M ay 1,2010. Early bird
morning bird walk on May 8 from 6:45AM-9AM.visit
Whirlgig, Seattle Center, Seattle– The Seattle Center’s annual
spring break bouncy extravaganza features huge inflatable toys
for kids to play in a special toddler zone, and special events
and entertainment. Thursdays are free! New this year kids can
make art, daily from 11AM-4PM.It is from
March 26 to April 11,2010..It is for all ages for
$7.50 unlimited daily-use pass,$4.50 toddler
pass, $1.50 single use ticket. Visit:
Redmond Toddler Group—Toby Times
Baby Announcements
Would you like to welcome a new baby to our
community? We are happy to publish baby announcements!
If there is a birth or adoption in your class, please submit
the names of the parents, new baby and sibling(s), along
with your class letter. Send all information to, or leave it the Toby Times box in the
Parent Education room.
Jennifer and Carl Fischer along with big brother Davis
from class D, welcomed Caitlin Lorraine on March 8th.
WEIGHT: 8lbs 9oz
HEIGHT: 20 inches
Himali and Amit Pether along with big sister Eira from
class D, welcomed Uditi on March 2nd.
WEIGHT: 6lbs 3oz
HEIGHT: 20 inches
Ed and Rebecca Nightingale along with big sister Ellie
from class A, welcomed Samantha on Feb.22nd.
WEIGHT: 6lbs 10oz
HEIGHT: 19.5 inches
Jason and Rachel Avery along with Taylor from class
A, welcomed Carson Avery Jerkins on March 1st at
WEIGHT: 7lbs 10oz
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Redmond Toddler Group—Toby Times
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