Pia Gutierrez - rcb members only


Pia Gutierrez - rcb members only
Baguio City, Philippines
R.I. DIST 3790, CLUB NO. 16863
Chartered on 21 February 1938
Telefax No. (6374)442-3799
E-mail: rcbulletin@yahoo.com
URL: rcbaguio.d3790.org
A Celebration of Service
The Rotary Club of Baguio meets
at the Baguio Country Club
every Saturday at
12:30 to 2:20 p.m.
Volume LXII Number 28 07 FEBRUARY 09
Guest of honor and speaker
contents in a glance
President’s Corner.........................................................2
Pia Gutierrez
GHS’s Profile, Secretary’s Notes...................................3
In Retrospect ................................................................ 4
“Responsible Broadcasting”
Scenes We Like To See..................................................5
Please turn to Page 3 for our Speaker’s Profile
Rotary Information........................................................6
12:00 m.Fellowship
12:30 p.m.Call to Order...................Pres. Bert Talco
Invocation.........Sec/PP Gerard Audineau.
Pambansang Awit.................. (Everyone)
Rotary Hymn......................... (Everyone)
12:40Entertainment..........Rtn. Joey Bugayong
12:50 Intro of VR&G....... VP Marilyn Barredo
Finest Moments......... PP Lito Pangilinan
1:10 Raffle Draw............. Rtn. Angie Visperas
1:15 Members’ Time.........................(Anyone)
President’s Time.............Pres. Bert Talco
1:35 Intro of GHS.................. PP Chris Peralta
Speech.................................... Pia Gutierrez
1:50 Open Forum
2:00Response........................Rtn. David Rees
Pilipinas Kong Mahal............ (Everyone)
Adjournment...................Pres. Bert Talco
Editor’s Comics, ...........................................................7
Object Of Rotary, Four Way Test, Where to Make-up........... 8
Partners In Service .................................................. 9-10
next week
14 February 09
Valentine Fellowship
6:00 pm
PP Diony & RAPP Louie Claridad’s Residence
# 30 Gibraltar Road, Baguio City
Rtn. Gigi Maranan
Program Coordinator
Retrospector Rtn. Emil Dayrit
February Is World Understanding Month
Dong Kurn (D.K.) Lee
Rotary International
Jesus “Jess” Nicdao
District Governor
District 3790
Eric “Eric” Rodriguez
Assistant District Governor
District 3790
Alberto “Bert” Talco
Marilyn “Marilyn” Barredo
Vice President
Club Service Projects Director
Gérard “Gérard” Audineau
The Rotary Foundation Director
Uwe “Uwe” Koeller
Mia Joy “ Mia” Cawed
Club Administration Director
President Nominee
Dwight “Ike” Dulnoan
Club Public Relations Director
Rafael “Raffy” Chan
Immediate Past President
Cecille “Cecille” Apostol
Ben “Ben” Ladilad
Rhodora “Dhory” Vicencio
PP Diony “Diony” Claridad
PP Vicenia “Veeh” Balajo
PP Horatio Christopther
“Chris” Peralta
Membership Committee Chair
Rolando “Rolly” de Guzman
Lito “Lito” Pangilinan
Rhodora “Dhory” Vicencio
Rafael “Raffy” Chan
Gérard “Gérard” Audineau
Uwe “Uwe” Koeller
Evangeline “Gigi” Maranan
Business Manager
Araceli “Cely” Ladilad
Rotary Ann President
Pres. Alberto “Bert” Talco
Rotary greetings to everyone!
February is a special month in the Rotary calendar as it has not only been designated
World Understanding Month but also includes the anniversary of the first meeting of
Rotary held on 23rd February 1905, now designated World Understanding and Peace Day.
In designating World Understanding Month, the Rotary International board asks all Rotary
Clubs to plan programmes for their weekly meetings, and undertake special activities, to
emphasize understanding and goodwill as essential for world peace.
Once again we had a tour around the City of Baguio….in the realistic sense of the
word. And I know that we are a force to contend with insofar as doing what is good for our
city is concerned. As usual, we only have to do it the Rotary Way…and it will go a long way.
February is going to be a hectic month for the Club. We have the Valentines’ Day
affair which will be our second out-of-venue meeting. Then we will be having a month long
schedule of a activities in preparation for our 71st Charter Anniversary.
For the 14 February 09 Affair, we invite each member to bring their loved ones,
children including, for a Valentine’s Bonfire night. We hope that you would spend that special
day with the Club and we assure of good food, superb entertainment and a romantic night.
Just remember, western style!
We are, likewise preparing a Souvenir Program for our anniversary. We enjoin the
membership to do our share by either advertising or soliciting advertisers for the Souvenir
Cluster l-C had a meeting, this time, to tackle the incoming Family Day on 13 -15
March 09 to be held, tentatively, at Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City. 13 March 09 is set for golf,
basketball and bowling; 14 March 09 for amazing race and fun games. The evening of the
said day will be a bonfire party and awards. 15 March 09 is rest day or exclusively for the
members and their families to enjoy the beauty and fun our city has to offer.
The main contribution of the Rotary Club of Baguio in the Cluster project will be
the 3rd Leg of the Governor’s Cup Golf Tournament which would be held at Baguio Country
Club, Baguio City. Again, I invite everyone to participate and ‘ hit the ball or, maybe, ‘watch
the ball’, so to speak.
Last Thursday, 5 February 09, the members of the Committee on Golf had a meeting
to prepare for the said golf tournament. PE Mia, Committee chair reminds everyone that
solicitation letters were distributed to the membership in support of affair.
This Saturday, 7 February, 09, we will be exposed to the world of responsible
broadcasting by our Guest of Honor and Speaker, Pia Gutierrez of ABS-CBN.
Thought for the week:
A Japanese soldier by the name of Oneda has not heard that World War
II was over. He continued to fight in a small island in the Philippines. People tried
all kinds of ways to let him know that the war was over. They dropped fliers and
tried other ways to communicate with him. He said, “I will not stop fighting unless
my Captain tells me personally to quit”. So they went back to Japan and found his
Captain and took him to the Philippines to tell the soldier. Then 30 years after the
war was over in l974, he said, “ I will now stop fighting because the last thing my
Captain told me was to fight to the end”. Someone asked him, “Has anything good
happened to you in these 30 years?” He said, “No, nothing good had happened in
these 30 years”.
Nothing good happens when we are fighting and not at peace.
Ghs’s profile
secretary’s notes
Gérard’s Update for
07 February 09
Bayan Park, Aurora Hill, Baguio City/ Blk. 31, Lot 5
Don Pepe Cojuangco Homes
San Miguel Tarlac City
(0906) 520-7852/(074) 443-6091
Secretary Gérard Audineau
Sex: Female
Birth date: 24 July 1984
Birthplace: Manapla, Negros Occidental
Father: Eugenio Geneta Gutierrez
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
Mother: Bernadette Bentic Gutierrez
Occupation: Businesswoman
PP Roger Naz : February 02
For the record: 31 January 09
Regular Meeting
Rotary Anns
RAPP Josie Chan, RAPP Yolly Faelnar, RAPP Coring
Atty. Peter Fianza: GHS – Guest of PP Veeh Balajo
Geraldine Fajardo: Guest of Dir. Cecille Apostol
ABS-CBN Regional Network Group Baguio
ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs
1. Baguio Correspondent, March 2006-present
• Provides live and packaged reports and features
on a variety of stories for different ABS-CBN News
Platforms and Specials ( ANC, TV Patrol World,
Bandila, UKG, ABS-CBN Interactive)
TV Patrol Northern Luzon
2. Senior Reporter, March 2006-present
Reports on variety of stories in the Northern
• Luzon Area
• Provides daily coverage of major local events.
3. News Anchor, October 2006-present
Naimbag nga Morning Kapamilya
4. Executive Producer, July 2008-present
• Oversees over – all production and
conceptualization of the morning show
5. Program Host, July 2008-present
We missed you last 31 January 09:
PP Ben Cid (exc), PP Diony Claridad (exc), Rtn. Emil
Dayrit (mu), Aud. Rolly De Guzman, PP Jack Gesner
(exc), Treas. Uwe Koeller (mu), PP Alfred Laygo (mu),
Rtn. Gigi Maranan (mu), PP Angeling Palma (exc), Rtn.
Ping Paraan (exc), Rtn. Pam Perkins (mu), PP Teop
Rondez (exc), Dir. Dhory Vicencio (mu), PP Linda Winter
Cluster 1C Medical Mission 18 Jan 09
PP Mike Pearson
GSE Committee & AG meeting 18 Jan 09
PP Linda Winter
Cluster 1C Medical Mission 19 Jan 09
PP Mike Pearson
eCLUB One 24 Jan 09
Rtn. Emil Dayrit
GHS RCB South meeting 30 Jan 09
PP Linda Winter
DGE Oyan meeting 31 Jan 09
PP Linda Winter
RC La Trinidad meeting 02 Feb 09
PP Alfred Laygo
RCB Sunrise meeting 04 Feb 09
PP Johnny Zarate
Office of the Publications and Media Affairs
• Staff, January 2006 – March 2006
Tertiary: Bachelor of Arts Major in English
University of Baguio
Upper General Luna Road, Baguio City
Graduate: October 2005
Presidential Awardees for Leadership
Secondary: College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac
San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City, Tarlac
Graduate: March 2001
Elementary: College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac
San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City, Tarlac
Graduate: March 2007
on leave
Rtn. Herb Meadows
The Meeting That Was
31 January 09
Rtn. Libby Fernandez
The Training Center is definitely the place to be….ready for the touch of beauty and grace…. it is the Ladies’
Day! Early birds at the hall of golden ribbons were the Rotary Anns truly excited to start the Rotary Ann Year with a
“feel’! At 12:40 in the afternoon the meeting was called to order, with VP Marilyn directing the way the affair
would go. Ann Coring gave a very touching Invocation through a reading on the essence of forgiveness. After the
Pambansang Awit, the membership rendered the singing of the Rotary Hymn, as usual, with gusto.
RAPP Josie Chan gamely entertained the membership with two songs, one for the young and one for the old.
Then PP Mike, the (other), Centennial Man, introduced the guests and those at the presidential table. PN Ben prepared
quiz for the finest moment where members were fined P100 if they fail to give the correct answer. At this point, VP
Marilyn doubly tasked by acting as Program Coordinator and Treasurer at the same time! I bet it was a tough job….
but very well done!
The Raffle Table looked all so organized with bags of Baguio Country Club goodies…of course, by the ever
reliable RAPP Yolly and Rotary Anns! Lucky winners were Sec. Gerard (who won three times and waived one), Rtn.
Joe (who won twice), Ann Yolly, PP Helmut, PP Chris, Rtn. Chris Faelnar, Dir. Ike and PN Ben.
For Members’ Time Rtn. Chris, Fellowship Head, reminded the February 14 Committee members to stay for
a real quick meeting; PP Mike announced the “I ‘soup’ port Breast Cancer Awareness project of Venture Club Baguio
for 1 February 09. No wonder he was going around selling tickets to the ladies! Also he mentioned the Heart Month
Project: Walk - A- Mile- For –Your- Heart by Notre Dame with Philippine Heart Association Northern Luzon Chapter,
headed by Dr. Edwin Cosalan.
Sec. Gerard informed the Club that only half of the membership have paid for the Paul Harris Fellow Raffle
and encouraged everyone to update their payments.
For the President’s Time, Pres. Bert reminded the membership of the payments of our Rotary dues for the
general fund; reading the letter of gratitude sent by the Baguio Centennial Commission for our participation in the
successful Medical, Surgical, Dental Mission; month long events this in commemoration of the RCB 7lst Charter
Anniversary scheduled for 28 February 09. Birthday celebrant PP Mike got his share of hugs, handshakes and kisses
….ice cream follows, of course!
PP Johnny gave a very amiable yet informative introduction of our Guest of Honor and Speaker who spoke
not only of land disputes in Baguio but of the so many issues affecting the City of Baguio. The questions by the
membership only reflected their interests and concern for our not-so-well-directed city. Issues such as garbage, market,
public lands, sanitary landfill and traffic conditions were not spared. Once again, we had a true-to-life tour in our
very own city, We only have to do our share to give Baguio the life it use to have. Our Honored Speaker really needs
so much time to discuss all these matters. He did admit that city needs our very own Rtn. Jody for the planning for a
better Baguio. Rtn. Jody, why not?
After a response by yours truly, the membership sang Pilipinas Kong Mahal and the meeting was adjourned
at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon.
scenes we like to see
Images from Last Week’s Meeting
31 January 09
Images by
PP/Sec. Gérard Audineau
Captions by
VP Marilyn, the Program Coordinator in her rare solemn
moments during the Invocation
EIC Dhory Vicencio
Our beloved couple, RAPP Coring and Rtn. Angie still
as sweet as ever.
Lady Rotarians were joined by RAPP Yolly and former
Rtn. Ging Fajardo.
RAPP Josie and RAPP Yolly giving away the goodies
during Raffle Time.
PP Mike appears to be very pleased with his birthday
card handed by Pres. Bert.
GHS, Peter Fianza discussed about a controversial topic,
land disputes in Baguio City.
Pres. Bert presented to GHS Peter Fianza the Plaque of
Appreciation from RCB.
Dear fellow Rotarians,
I grew up in a small village, the same village where my family had lived for many generations. I lived close
to many members of my extended family, and our family traditions were very strong. In those days, few Koreans ever
traveled abroad, and there was very little Western influence. My home, my language, and my culture were all I knew.
When I was in my 20s, I made a decision that would shape the rest of my life. With my father’s encouragement,
I traveled to the United States to work and to study. I chose San Francisco as my destination and spent nearly two years
there, taking classes and learning English. I made my way working at several entry-level jobs.
It is difficult even today to describe what an impact that experience had on me. Everything, and everyone,
was different. I was used to seeing only Korean faces; in San Francisco, I saw people from all over the world. I worked
hard on my English and in my job. I learned what it was like to be the person who did not understand, who cleaned up
after others, who took orders but never gave them. I learned how large the world outside my village really was. And
those experiences sent me back to Korea changed.
When I returned to join my father’s business in Seoul, I knew what it was like to be a worker at the bottom
of an organizational hierarchy – and that affected how I treated my employees. I knew what it was like to do physical
labor all day – and that gave me increased respect for those who worked in every kind of job. Perhaps most important,
I knew how much of the world lay beyond my own experience. I knew that there were so many different countries and
cultures, so many different people in the world. I knew that as much as we are all different, we are all essentially the
same. And I knew that everyone, everywhere, sometimes needs help from others.
In Rotary, February is World Understanding Month – a time to focus on the importance of goodwill and
understanding for peace. It is a time for all of us to pause and consider how we are pursuing Rotary’s fourth Avenue of
Service – International Service – because it is our international service, and our international fellowship, that will do
the most to help us all build a more peaceful tomorrow.
Dong Kurn (D.K.) Lee
President, Rotary International
editor’s comics
Great Mind Has a
EIC Dhory Vicencio
Emmett Lathrop “Doc” Brown, Ph.D. is a
fictional scientist and one of the lead characters in the
Back to the Future motion picture trilogy. The character’s
appearance and mannerisms are loosely inspired by
Leopold Stokowski and Albert Einstein. In the Back to
the Future universe, he is the inventor of the first time
machine, which he builds out of a De Lorean sports car.
His earlier inventions met with limited success, but he was
able to build a large refrigerator and steam locomotive
time machine in 1885.
“Doc”, as he is referred to by his best friend,
Marty McFly is a scientist by trade. Doc is a “student
of all sciences” and spends much of his time inventing.
The folks in Hill Valley believe that if they
He usually has a pet dog; in 1955, his dog was named needed a scientist day or night ,they could simply call
Copernicus, and by 1985, he had a dog named Einstein. Doc Brown and he’d be there in his truck to do whatever
Doc’s role models are scientists, as evidenced by the service a scientist would be required for.
names of his dogs and the portraits of Isaac Newton,
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein
found in his laboratory (which were on a wall in his home
Our cool guy is no other than Rtn. Herb Hayes!!!
in 1955
In Back to the Future II, Doc had discovered that
Yes, he is the “Doc” to the lives of his dear
Marty’s son, Marty Jr, was to go to jail for committing a
children at Grace Baptist Church. He may not be the
crime, an event which would end up destroying the McFly
“scientific guy” but he is the person who invents new lives
for people with his preaching and good examples.
He stirs the lives of the people around him just as
Doc Emmett shifts the lives of Marty McFly in the Back
to The Future trilogy. Doc Emmet is a genius in science
and technology while Rtn. Herb Hayes is a genius of life,
knowledge and values.
Rtn. Herb Hayes need not build a time machine
to present what lies ahead…his acumen allows him to lead
others to decent, respectable, virtuous, noble existence.
Rtn. Herb contributes to the good fellowship of
Rotary Club of Baguio, as he is undeniably one of the
coolest guys in the club. More so, he plays an important
role in Rotary service as:
The folks of Baguio believe that if they needed a
Rotarian day or night , they could simply call Rtn. Herb and he’d be there to do whatever service a Rotarian would be required for.
Where to make-up
RC La Trinidad
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster
the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise
and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
The development of
opportunity for service.
Monday 7:00 pm
Jack’s Restaurant, La Trinidad
RC Metro Baguio
Tuesday 7:00 pm
High ethical standards in business and
professions; the recognition of the worthiness of
all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each
Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve
Baguio Country Club
RCB Sunrise
Wednesday 8:30 am
The application of the ideal of service in each
Rotarian’s personal, business, and community
Baguio Country Club
RCB North
The advancement of international understanding,
goodwill, and peace through a world fellowhip of
business and professional persons united in the
ideal of service.
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Hotel Supreme, Baguio City
RC Summer Capital
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Of all the things we think, say or do:
Cooyesan Plaza, Baguio City
RCB South
Is it the TRUTH?
Friday 7:00 pm
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Baguio Country Club
RC Downtown Session
Friday 7:00 pm
Kalapaw Restaurant, Military Cut-off
Thank you for honoring us with your presence
Rotary Club of:
Gérard Audineau
RCB Secretary
Bert Talco
RCB President
partners in service
Compliments from
Pres. Bert Talco
Civil Engineer
Compliments from
PP Gérard & RA Terry Audineau
RCB Secretary and TRF Committee Chair
District RCC Area 1 Chair and RI District
Resources Group Coordinator for Health and Hunger
A YGC Company
Rolando B. De Guzman
AVP/Business Center Manager
Rota-Kid Jennifer Winter
RCBC Building, Session Road, Baguio City
Tel. Nos.: (074) 442-2077; 442-5354; 442-5346
No. 9 Military Cut-Off Road, Baguio City, Philippines Tel. Nos.: 442-3338 or 442-2626 / Fax. No.442-5135
P.O.Box 58, Baguio City
PP Marcos Ben Cid
2008: “Now On Our 40th Year of Dedicated Service”
Office Address:
81-85 Session Rd., Baguio City, Tel. (074)442-2634, Fax. (074)4466569
PP Dionisio “Diony” Claridad Jr.
Medical Director
(074) 444-2994 olympia@mozcom.com
…office equipment sales and services…
Compliments from
Dir. Ben Ladilad
layout and printer of YOUR Cañao!
& RAP Cely Ladilad
Marketing Executive
Cell: 0917-5391482
292 D. Tuazon Street
1115 Quezon City, Philippines
Phone (632)363-9738
E-mail inquiry@boysen.com.ph
Printing Services
- Brochures
- Letterheads
- Business Forms - Newsletter
Graphic Design and Layout
- Calendars
- Posters
- Print Material Designing
- Calling Cards
- Stickers
- Logo Design & Corporate Identity - Company Folders - POP Display
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- Envelopes
- Banners & Streamers
- Illustration
- Invitations
- Signage
- Mock-up & Presentations
- Leaflets / Flyers - Vehicle Wraps & Decals
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we call it a lifestyle
The Windplayers’ Workshop & Music Lounge
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tel # 442-34-88
If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.
partners in service
If you’re gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?