Club Assembly


Club Assembly
Baguio City, Philippines
R.I. DIST 3790, CLUB NO. 16863
Chartered on 21 February 1938
Telefax No. (6374)442-3799
A Celebration of Service
The Rotary Club of Baguio meets
at the Baguio Country Club
every Saturday at
12:30 to 2:20 p.m.
Volume LXI Number 43 13 June 09.indd
Club assembly
contents in a glance
President’s Corner...................................................................2
Feature, Secretary’s Notes.......................................................3
In Retrospect ......................................................................... 4
Pres. Bert Talco
Treas. Uwe Koeller
12:00 m. Fellowship
Scenes We Like To See...........................................................5
Year-End Summary Report................................................. 6-9
Object Of Rotary, Four Way Test,Rotary Bulletin................10
12:30 p.m. Call to Order.........................Pres. Bert Talco
Invocation............................. Rtn. Joe Ramos.
Pambansang Awit......................... (Everyone)
Rotary Hymn............................... (Everyone)
12:40Entertainment................ VP Marilyn Barredo
Intro of VR&G........................Rtn. Joe Ursua
Raffle Draw.................... Rtn. Angie Visperas
Members’ Time............................... (Anyone)
President’s Time....................Pres. Bert Talco
Partners In Service ......................................................... 11-12
next week
20 June 09
Year End Evaluation
and Recognition Awards
on Year End Report RY2008-09
Program Coordinator............................ PP Chris Peralta
Open Forum
Invocation.......................................... Rtn. Chris Faelnar
Pilipinas Kong Mahal.................. (Everyone)
Adjournment.........................Pres. Bert Talco
PP Alfred Laygo
Program Coordinator
Entertainment..................................ASec Gigi Maranan
Retrospector............................. Rtn. Naas Demyttenaere
Intro of VR & G........................ Aud. Rolly de Guzman
Retrospector PP Linda Winter
June is Fellowship and Earth Month
The Price Of Making
Dreams Real
Dong Kurn (D.K.) Lee
Rotary International
Jesus “Jess” Nicdao
District Governor
District 3790
Eric “Eric” Rodriguez
Assistant District Governor
District 3790
Alberto “Bert” Talco
Marilyn “Marilyn” Barredo
Vice President
Club Service Projects Director
Gérard “Gérard” Audineau
The Rotary Foundation Director
Uwe “Uwe” Koeller
Mia Joy “ Mia” Cawed
Club Administration Director
President Nominee
Dwight “Ike” Dulnoan
Club Public Relations Director
Rafael “Raffy” Chan
Immediate Past President
Cecille “Cecille” Apostol
Ben “Ben” Ladilad
Rhodora “Dhory” Vicencio
PP Diony “Diony” Claridad
Pres. Alberto “Bert” Talco
A warm Rotary Greetings to everyone! Welcome to our second to the last regular
meeting and Club Assembly for RY 2008-09.
At the start of RY 2008-09, we have defined our Club Thrusts in line with the R.I. and
District thrusts to fulfill R.I. President D.K. Lee’s vision of Making Dreams Real for the
Children of the World. It was then a challenge for all of us. As this Rotary Year about to
end, we ask ourselves, did we make good to answer that call of Service? What we shall
present today will speak for its self. Yes, we will be proud to say that once again we have
Made Dreams Real for the Children of the World!
Our Year End Report Today will be in two parts. First is the Summary of our Year Long
Accomplishments which will be presented by your President and second, the Financial
Report to be presented by our Club Treasurer. We hope that the latter Report will not
overshadow the First. Remember, there is a corresponding price for good work!
Speaking of good work, today, we will also present to the Club the Awards we received
from the District. Our Club, through the years, have been “hauling” Awards because our
Club really lives to Rotary’s Motto, “Service Above Self”. For our Club, Service and
Fellowship are the Awards themselves. What better awards will we have than the smiles
of the people we serve with our happy hearts! Congratulations to everyone, we did have a
successful year!
True to form, our Ambassador of Goodwill, Sec./PP Gérard Audineau arrived from his
vacation with a lot of good news! First, he is safe from the H1N1 virus, second, he has with
him our 1,000 Euro scholarship money, and third, he has contacted European Clubs who
are willing to help our District with the 3H Grant which Sec. Gérard has started processing
which is the Spirulina Farm. Kudos to a Rotarian like you!
PP Vicenia “Veeh” Balajo
PP Horatio Christopther
“Chris” Peralta
Membership Committee Chair
Rolando “Rolly” de Guzman
Lito “Lito” Pangilinan
Rhodora “Dhory” Vicencio
Rafael “Raffy” Chan
Gérard “Gérard” Audineau
Uwe “Uwe” Koeller
Evangeline “Gigi” Maranan
Business Manager
Araceli “Cely” Ladilad
Rotary Ann President
Last Wednesday, 10 June 09, PE Mia had her first board meeting (with her advisers)
to finalize the organization of the different committees and to finalize the Club thrusts. The
Year End Report today may also be of help for them to polish their goals and objectives.
We are following the Club Leadership Plan and continuity of projects will surely be not a
Rtn. Flo Bayquen, being the Program Chair for the Joint Induction and turn over
ceremonies on 27 June 09, is really inclined to make the affair a memorable one by
organizing dance practices for the entertainment this early. She has done it successfully
before and surely she will again this time.
“And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain..........” and so the song
goes. .Your president respectfully requests all the esteemed members of RCB to be present
next Saturday for our final Club Assembly for RY 2008-09. It will be for the Yearly Club
Evaluation and Recognition Awards. It will surely be a day of celebration for all of us!
Thought for the week: “ Don’t aim for success. Just do what you love and
believe, and it will come naturally.” David Frost
secretary’s notes
Gigi’s Update for
13 June 09.indd
Asst. Sec. Gigi Maranan
PP Doming & RAPP Linda Valencia 07 June
Rtn. Chris & RAPP Yolly Faelnar 08 June
Rtn. Herb & RA Brenda Hayes 08 June
Rtn. Joey & RA Baby Bugayong 09 June
PP Benny & RA Lily Sunga 13 June
For the record 06 June 09
Rtn. Jody Alabanza (exc), Dir. Cecile Apostol, Rtn.
Joey Bugayong, PP Diony Claridad (exc), Rtn. Naas
Demyttenaere (mu), Dir. Ike Dulnoan, PP Jack Gesner
(exc), Rtn. Raffy Kapuno, Treas. Uwe Koeller (mu),
PN Ben Ladilad (mu), ASec. Gigi Maranan (mu), Rtn.
Herb Meadows, PP Roger Naz, PP Angeling Palma
(exc), PP Chris Peralta (mu), Rtn. Joe Ramos (exc), PP
Teop Rondez (exc), PP Helmut Schlaaff (mu), Rtn. Engel
Soriano,PP Linda Winter (mu), PP Johnny Zarate (exc)
08 June 09 RC La Trinidad Meeting:
PN Ben Ladilad, PP Linda Winter
10 June 09 RCB Sunrise Meeting:
Rtn. Naas Demyttenaere
10 June 09 Incoming Board of Directors Meeting:
PP Gérard Audineau, PP Veeh Balajo, VP Marilyn
Barredo, PE Mia Cawed, Dir. Ike Dulnoan, Treas. Uwe
Koeller, Asec. Gigi Maranan, Pres Bert Talco, Rtn. Joe
Ursua, PP Doming Valencia
10 June RC Summer Capital
PP Roger Naz
on leave
PP Gérard Audineau, IPP Raffy Chan, Rtn. Emil Dayrit
The Meeting That Was
06 June 09
PP Veeh Balajo
It was the first Saturday of the last month of Pres. Bert’s term, RY 2008-09. And, as in the past Rotary years,
attendance to regular meetings has been dwindling in the last quarter of each Rotary year. (Seems that many of our
members are afraid of the Rotary Bug, as we all are of the AH1N1 virus)
We always read in the Cañao that Fellowship starts at 12 noon, before the start of each meeting. Well, have you
felt this happening, ‘coz I haven’t, for some time now.
Our Raffle magnate, Rtn. Angie, was the first to arrive at 11:15 am. At exactly 12 noon, Pres. Bert, PE Mia, IVP
Libby & yours truly arrived, followed by PP Doming at 12:05, our Classification Speaker Rtn. David at 12:13, & Rtn.
Flo by 12:18.
Even in the absence of the Cañao (some hitches happened due to the continuous rains the past 3 days), the
program participants were responsible enough to assume the role they’re designated to play in the meeting.
PP Benny, our Program Coordinator, bubbly made his presence felt as he announced “Banker’s” time, 12:30
signaling Pres. Bert to call the meeting to order. Rtn. Rev. Herb led us to a very touching invocation, which was
followed by the hearty singing of the “Lupang Hinirang” & Rotary Hymn. By now there are already 18 of us present.
Raffle draw was held earlier at 12:45 with IVP Libby, Pres. Bert, PE Mia, PP Mike & Rtn. Joe U. winning the
beautiful prizes. Rtn. Pam, our Entertainment damsel for the day, admitted short bouts of “senior moments” since
she forgot her copy of jokes. Thus our gallant “knights” acceded to her call, with PP Lito serenading us with “Ang
Tangi Kong Pag-ibig” & PP Benny with his favorite “Hanggang sa Dulo ng Walang Hanggan”, both acappella. By
now, we’re 20 in number, with the “pink-panthery” entrance of PP Alfred & Rtn. Chris.
At exactly 1pm, Rtn. Joe U. ably introduced the personalities at the head table. This was followed by Finest
Moments with PP Lito fining all present for some good Rotary deeds done. The collection was not much since most
of us have already exceeded our annual contribution.
1:15 was Members’ Time, wherein PE Mia announced the forthcoming Joint Induction Program of the Incoming
Officers and Members of the Board of Directors of RCB & Anns on 27 June 09. Likewise, Rtn. Joe took this chance
to appeal for solicitations for sponsorship & ads for the souvenir program for the said affair.
1:22 was Pres. Bert’s time with his announcement of forthcoming activities for the last weeks of his term.
Likewise he extended DG Jess’s appeal for donations for the victims of Typhoon Emong in Western Pangasinan.
The serious part of the program started at 1:40 when Rtn. Flo extemporaneously introduced our Classification
Speaker, Rtn. David Rees. (The actual speaker was supposed to be Rtn. Raffy Kapuno, who begged off at the last
minute due to some pressing family commitment).
Rtn. David started off by relating a brief biography of his. Born borderline preterm in Liverpool, England on 06
July 1944 (in the last months of the World War II, when his mother apparently was frightened by the sound of bombs),
Rtn. David was the epitome of a persistent, focused, young man who, in spite of obstacles and setbacks, pursued his
goal, studied and worked his way through, till he became a full pledged Quantity Surveyor.
A Quantity Surveyor, according to Rtn. David, is responsible for figuring out building cost, production cost as
efficiently as possible; estimate cost of project, in conjunction with project architects & engineers.
For 22 years, he worked as such in London. He then widened his horizons as he practiced his expertise in
Hongkong, Singapore, Sumatra, Vietnam, China, etc. Currently, he’s semi-retired, and at the moment doing some
Arbitration jobs in disputes on contracts (hope I got that right?).
During the Open Forum, we learned that Rtn. David is a golfer, with a handicap of 10-12 . PP Doming, Rtn.
Chris & Rtn. Ping asked some questions. We were further enlightened that “the percentage average between estimate
& actual cost is 10-15%”, that the most common reason for disputes between owner & contractor was when “design
didn’t go through the proper process”, and that he has handled “hydroprojects”, “breweries of SMC in China”, and that
the “Vietnamese are warm hard-working people who are very easy to work with.”
PP Mike, as he always did, jovially and civilly delivered the response in the name of the club, after which Pres.
Bert presented the Plaque of Appreciation to our Classification Speaker.
At 2:15, the Pilipinas Kong Mahal was sung with gusto, followed by adjournment of the meeting by Pres. Bert.
I’m praying for the day when the fellowship and camaraderie of the good old Casa Vallejo days would come back
& when the “Rotary bug” would once more “infest” each & every one of us, RCB members!
scenes we like to see
Images from Last Week’s Meeting
06 June 09
Images by
Oliver Idio
Captions by
PP Benny Sunga was a “suave” Program Coordinator
and a brilliant entertainer, everyone enjoyed him!
EIC Dhory Vicencio
PP Alfred Laygo was his old funny self...not to
mention with large appetite.
It was a happy afternoon for PP Doming as he shared
the table with these charming ladies.
Rtn. Joe was formal at the rostrum while Rtn. Chris
was “dashing” in his more-formal-than-usual-get up.
Was there somekind of texting contest? Is that why
PP Mike got a set of screwdrivers?
Rtn. David Rees, the Club Speaker gave a very
“English” and informative talk.
Pres. Bert handed the Plque of Appreciation to this
Rotary year’s final speaker.
year-end summary report
Accomplishments For Ry 2008-09
1.1 Attendance
.1 Participation in ALL District 3790 activities for RY 2008-09: PESETS, DISTAS, Membership
Development Seminar, RCC Seminar, District Leadership Seminar, RYLA, Mid-Year Review,
Family Day, DISCON 2009, Year-End Review
.2 The club was successful in maintaining a monthly average not lower than 90%
1.2 Weekly Program
.1 The RCB has had a total of 31 regular meetings from July 08 to April 09, 5 of which were Club
.2 The RCB has had a total of 3 Out-Of-Venue meetings.
.3 There has been a total of 27 Guest of Honor and Speakers
1.3 Family of Rotary
.1 2 grand fellowships were done, 08 Nov 08 and 14 Feb 09. A final fellowship is scheduled on
30 May 09.
.2 The RCB, through its Sunshine Committee has visited 4 sick members: PP Johnny, 22 July;
Rtn. Angeling, 16 Aug; PP Ben Cid,25 March 09 and PP Helmut Schlaaf last 21 April and has
greeted all the members and the spouses with birthdays from the months of July 08 to April 09.
.3 Successfully hosted the Scrabble Tournament and the Golf Tournament during the District
Family Day held last 13 and 14 March 09.
.4 Continuation of RCB’s Rotaract Clubs, SLU Medicine and UB Dentistry activities and projects.
Both are invaluable partners in the club’s medical missions.
1.4 Club Bulletin & Magazine
.1 Donation of THE ROTARIAN magazine subscriptions to the Baguio City Library:
.2 One (1) new Lifetime subscriber to the Philippine Rotary Magazine: Pres. Bert
1.5 Finance
.1 Successful fundraising efforts through the weekly raffle, the DISCON ’09 Car Raffle, the Golf
Tournament and selling of T-shirts sold during Earth Day
1.6 Special Functions
.1 The 71st Grand Induction was held on 19 July 08 at the Baguio Country Club.
.2 Attendance of ALL induction ceremonies of the seven Cluster 1C (Baguio & Benguet) Clubs
for RY 2008-2009 and some out-of-town District inductions by RCB President, Officers and some
.3 Active participation in Cluster 1C Clubs’ meetings & activities for RY 2008-09 by the Officers
and members of the club
.4 RCB’s Christmas Fellowship was successfully held last13 Dec 08 at the Abanao Square Roof
Deck. Special guests were orphans from the Children’s Joy Foundation who received gifts from
Santa and, in turn, sang and dance to the members, their spouses, children and apos as gratitude.
.5 Successful celebration of the 71st Anniversary of RCB last 28 Feb 09 at the Ballroom of the
Baguio Country Club.
.6 The 12th Golf Fellowship fund-raising,was done 22 May 07, the proceeds of which was used to
fund our Community Service Projects for this Rotary Year.
.7 Hosted the District Team Training Seminar last March 09.
year-end summary report
2.1 Growth, Retention & Development (GRD)
.1 The RCB Officers and members attend the district membership seminar held last 23-24 August
08 during the Tri-Seminar in San Fernando, La Union.
.2 Recruitment of five new members: David Rees (sponsored by IPP Raffy Chan), Michel
Schwartz (sponsored by PP Gérard Audineau), Libby Fernandez (sponsored by Pres. Bert Talco),
Raffy Kapuno (sponsored by PP Linda Winter) and Engelbert Soriano (sponsored by EIC Dhory
.3 10 Rotary Awardees for over 25 years of service given during the RCB Anniversary last Feb.
28: PP Johnny Zarate (49 years), PP Jack Gesner (43 years), PP Teop Rondez (41 years), PP Ben cid
(40 years), Rtn. Angie Visperas (38 years), PP Roger Naz (31 years), Rtn. Joe Ramos (30 years), PP
Diony Claridad (29 years), PP Angeling Palma, Rtn. Jody Alabanza (25 years).
2.2 Classifications
.1 Re-classification of members and added additional classifications pursuant to Article 8 Sec. 1
paragraph B of the Constitution & By Laws of RCB
2.3 Rotary Education
.1 The RCB has conducted a total of 5 fireside chats between the months of July 08 to April 09
3.1 Community Service
.1 A total of 7 medical missions were done this RY 2008-09 servicing over 3,000 patients from
Bineng, La Trinidad; Taloy Sur, Tuba, Benguet; Tadiangan, Asin; Bakun Central, Benguet; Kayapa,
Bakun; Alilem, Ilocos Sur; and, Baguio City. Three of these were sponsored by Luzon Hydro
3.2 International Service
.1 Received the R.I. Four Avenues of Service Award (The Awardee was PP Linda Winter)
.2 Used the $1000 District Grant for the Two (2) Cluster 1C Medical Missions ( 16-18 Jan. 2009 at the Baguio
Convention Center and on 26 April 2009 at the Grifiths Theater,
Brent School, Baguio City)
3.3 Vocational Service
.1 Held 2 career guidance seminars in Bakun last 17 to 19 Oct 08 and Alilem last 28 & 29 March
.2 Vocational awards were held last 25 Oct 08 to give awards to 7 employees of the Baguio
Country Club who exemplified the core values of integrity, professionalism and commitment to
excellence. This award made history in Baguio Country Club in that it was the first time in the 100
years of its existence that an outside organization has ever given any award to its employees.
3.4 Youth Service
.1 Formation and induction the Interact Club of the Five Dimension Method International School
through Rtn. Charles Kang on 11 November.
.2 Attended the Rotaract District Assembly with four SLU Medicine Rotaractor participants held
on 20 September 08 at Teachers Camp, Baguio City.
.3 Sponsored two (2) candidates to join the Voice of Our Youth National Impromptu Speaking
.4 Sponsorship of 11 youth delegates to the RYLA held at the Subic Bay Freeport Zone last 23-25
October 08.
.5 The RCB adopted the Poyopoy Elementary School and the Taloy Sur Elementary School for the
club’s Adopt-a-School Program.
.6 Awarded the RCB Ten Outstanding Youth Athletes (TOYA) for 2008 last December 6, 2009
year-end summary report
.7 Re-formation and induction of the Rotaract Club of SLU Medicine last Aug. 9.
3.5 Human Development
.1 Donation of computers and organizing computer training programs in Poyopoy and Taloy Sur
Elementary Schools.
.2. Donation of computers to RCC TESDA last 31 July 08
.3 Held a computer training seminar at Taloy Sur last 28 Nov 08
.4 Sponsored Five (5) delegates to the Camp Pagkakaisa at Clark last April
.5 Assisted in the school tuition and other needs of a total of 11
scholars as part of our continuing RCB Scholarship Program.
3.6 Community Development
.1 The completion of the club’s Poyopoy Elem. School Water Project, providing fresh drinking
water to the pupils of the school.
.2 Luding Tramline Project (with a vegetable depot) enabling the members of the RCC of Luding
to increase their income by minimizing the cost of transport of their farm produce from their farms
to Marcos Highway through the tramline.
.3 Luding Micro-Financing for 32 recipients last 14 Dec 08 and Christmas gift-giving in Poyopoy,
Tuba, Benguet last 15 Dec 08
3.7 Preserve Planet Earth
.1 Clean up drive at M. Roxas Park fronting Teachers’ Camp, a park adopted by RCB, last 05 Oct
.2 Selling of T-shirts promoting clean air during Earth Day last 22 April 09.
3.8 Partners in Service
.1 Formation and Induction of 3 additional RCCs: RCC TESDA, 08 Aug; RCC Poyopoy and
RCC Taloy Sur, 16 Aug.
.2 Continuing partners in service: Rotary Anns, Luzon Hydro Corporation & Hedcor, Rotaract
Clubs, Interact Clubs, RCCs, DOST and Abanao Square
4.1 Matching Grants
.1 Processed a Matching Grant for the Hearing Impaired
Which was shelved for RY 2009-2010.
.2 A 3H grant feasibility study was done on Spirulina farming through the Committee headed
by PP Gérard Audineau.
4.2 Group Study Exchange
.1 The club, through its members, PP Diony Claridad, PP Chris Peralta and VP Marilyn Barredo,
hosted 3 GSE inbound members
.2 The club hosted a welcome dinner for both GSE Cultural and GSE Professional Teams
.3 Sponsored one outbound GSE (Cultural) candidate through PP Linda Winter
.4 Sponsored a Peace and Conflict Resolution Candidate in the person of Captain Edgar I. Catu
through PP Linda Winter.
4.3 Sisterhood Ties
.1 RC Matsubase, District 2720 – Signing during the 71st Charter Anniversary Celebration.
.2 Rotary Tokyo Reception – 07 March.
.3 RC Mougins, District 1730 – Renewal of Sisterhood care
Of SEC./PP Gérard
year-end summary report
4.4 PHF, Recruitment
.1 Total of 6 new PHFs contributing a total of $6,900: PP Gérard Audineau, PP Alfred Laygo, PP
Chris Peralta, Rtn. David Rees, Rtn. Libby Fernandez
4.5 Polio Plus
.1 Restricted PHF contribution of the RCB Chorale of $1000 gathered from their Christmas
caroling for Polio Plus
.2 Contributed $ 2.00 per member during the GSE Concert and
farewell diner last 14 April 09
5.1 External Affairs
.1 Joined the Rotary Caravan last 16 January 09 which culminated in the Mid-Year Review
.2 Joined the Earth Day Parade in Baguio last 22 April 09
.3 Participation by the President and members of RCB in the local weekly television program
“Rotary In Motion” with at least 3 appearances to discuss and promote RCB’s various projects.
.4 Publicized the TOYA Awardees in the Baguio Midland Courier, a local weekly newspaper.
.5 Regular publication of all medical missions in the Baguio Midland Courier.
.6 Telelvised the RCB Christmas Party where gifts were given to orphans through TV Patrol ABSCBN Regional Network.
.7 Televised the District Family Day sponsored by Cluster 1C through Mountain View Cable TV.
Prepared by:Noted by:
Sec/PP Gérard AudineauPres. Alberto Talco
Club secretary RY 2008-09
Rotary Bulletin
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster
the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise
and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
The development of
opportunity for service.
High ethical standards in business and
professions; the recognition of the worthiness of
all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each
Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve
The application of the ideal of service in each
Rotarian’s personal, business, and community
The advancement of international understanding,
goodwill, and peace through a world fellowhip of
business and professional persons united in the
ideal of service.
Of all the things we think, say or do:
RC La Trinidad
What: Induction Ceremony
When: 22 June 09
Where: To be announced
Time: Evening
RC Dagupan East:
What: 38th Induction Ceremony
When: 27 June 09
Where: City De Luxe Restaurant, Tapuac District,
Dagupan City
Time: 6:00 pm
Attire: Formal
What: Induction & Turn-Over Ceremonies AND
Confirmation of DG Oyan
When: 28 June 09
Where: Cooyeesan Hotel Plaza
Time: 6:30 pm
What: Induction Ceremony
When: 29 June 09
Where: To be announced
Time: Evening
RC Mabalacat & RC Magalang:
What: Joint Induction Celebration
When: 30 June 09
Where: Century Resort Hotel (behind Casino Filipino
Angeles, Balibago)
Time: 7:00 pm
Attire: Formal or Business attire
JULY 2009:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
JUNE 2009:
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
RC Metro San Fernando (La Union):
What: 14th Anniversary & 15th Induction Ceremony
When: 02 July 09
Where: Provincial Capital
Time: 6:30 pm
Attire: Formal
RC San Fernando (La Union) :
What: 51st Induction Ceremony
When: 07 July 09
Where: Hotel Ariana, Bauang, La Union
Time: 6:00 pm
* Cluster 1-C
Thank you for honoring us with your presence
Rotary Club of:
Gérard Audineau
RCB Secretary
Bert Talco
RCB President
partners in service
Compliments from
Pres. Bert Talco
Civil Engineer
Compliments from
PP Gérard & RA Terry Audineau
RCB Secretary and TRF Committee Chair
District RCC Area 1 Chair and RI District
Resources Group Coordinator for Health and Hunger
A YGC Company
Rolando B. De Guzman
AVP/Business Center Manager
Rota-Kid Jennifer Winter
RCBC Building, Session Road, Baguio City
Tel. Nos.: (074) 442-2077; 442-5354; 442-5346
No. 9 Military Cut-Off Road, Baguio City, Philippines Tel. Nos.: 442-3338 or 442-2626 / Fax. No.442-5135
P.O.Box 58, Baguio City
PP Marcos Ben Cid
2008: “Now On Our 40th Year of Dedicated Service”
Office Address:
81-85 Session Rd, Baguio City,
Tel. (074)442-2634, Fax. (074)446-6569
PP Dionisio “Diony” Claridad Jr.
Medical Director
Marketing Executive
Cell: 0917-5391482
292 D. Tuazon Street
1115 Quezon City, Philippines
(074) 444-2994
…office equipment sales and services…
layout and printer of YOUR Cañao!
Printing Services
- Brochures
- Letterheads
- Business Forms - Newsletter
Graphic Design and Layout
- Calendars
- Posters
- Print Material Designing
- Calling Cards
- Stickers
- Logo Design & Corporate Identity - Company Folders - POP Display
- Print Advertising Campaigns
- Envelopes
- Banners & Streamers
- Illustration
- Invitations
- Signage
- Mock-up & Presentations
- Leaflets / Flyers - Vehicle Wraps & Decals
19 Everlasting Street, Saint Joseph Village, Baguio City 2600
r | A 0917.500.4304
Compliments from
we call it a lifestyle
Dir. Ben Ladilad
The Windplayers’ Workshop & Music Lounge
2nd Floor Assumption Commercial Center
tel # 442-34-88
& RAP Cely Ladilad
There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue & talents.
partners in service
Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.

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