April 2016 Newsletter - Branch 79 SIR INC
April 2016 Newsletter - Branch 79 SIR INC
SIERRA HILLS Branch 79 Newsletter HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS: PBS Don Dill, PBS Ken Hansen, PBS Craig Saunders Big SIR - David Blitstien I would like to thank all our Branch 79 member for donating to the table tubes. This allows the branch to cover the cost of running the branch such as the Newsletter, mailing expenses, branch rosters, awards, membership certificates and the Christmas Luncheon. Hope you all had a good Easter Dining Out at Mel’s Holiday. I know that as I get older I find that I can now hide my own Easter Eggs! Thanks to Sir Craig Saunders for coordinating our last Dining Out at Mel’s Diner with all the classic cars. It was a lot of fun looking at the classics and wishing we had some of those cars in our garage. For the Christmas Luncheon this year we’ll be going to The Ridge Golf Course banquet room. This will be an exciting change, we’ll have a menu that will feature a choice of beef, salmon or vegetarian, meals will be served at your table, we’ll have the poinsettias and champagne and we’ll have more room to socialize! Thanks to Joe Dydynski for helping to coordinate this event Little SIR - Jack Meylink April, the 4th month of the year from the Latin name Aprilis is thought to be a derivation of the verb aperire which means to open. Seems appropriate as all the trees and flowers open up this time of year. In this country April is known as tax month. This year taxes are due on April 18th. This is pushed out because Emancipation Day is a holiday recognized in Washington DC. Emancipation day (the day Abraham Lincoln signed the law ending slavery in Washington DC on April 16th, 1862) falls on a Saturday this year so Washington DC will observe this holiday on Friday the 15th. As a result taxes are due on Monday the 18th. Also relating to taxes in April is the 24th. This is known as Tax Free day and represents the date the average American begins to earn an income. Up until this date you were just paying the IRS. VOLUME 36 • NUMBER 4 APRIL 2016 BIG SIR David Blitstein LITTLE SIR Jack Meylink MEMBERSHIP Craig Saunders LUNCHEON ABSENCE CALL DEADLINE APRIL 17th CALL BILL HEALE (530) 477-1647 NEXT LUNCHEON: Thursday, April 21,2016 Fellowship - 11:00 a.m. Call To Order - 12:00 p.m. Menu: Pork Chops April Program: Big SIR, David Blitstein, has arranged for a surprise quest speaker. Be sure an attend for an unforgettable event. May Program: The Sport of Flying Sailplanes By Jim Goetsch TJim is a Diamond-Level Soaring Pilot who has been flying sailplanes for over twenty years. He holds the 650th Diamond Badge in Soaring in the United States since the sport began with the development of gliders by the Wright Brothers in 1902. As I write this article we are enjoying some Spring showers that help to put off the time we have to start outside watering. The downside in my yard is the amount of weeds coming up that will need to be cut down at some time. I hope that you can make it to this months Lunch on the 21st which will be Pork Chops and features a special presentation. Jim Goetsch 2 Branch 79 Bulletin Membership - Craig Saunders Thanks to all our sponsors for their support in bringing guests to our luncheons. Remember: Future( and current ) sponsors to turn the Form 2 Application over to me or mail it to me. We have had good luck in our growth so far this year but do need to increase our numbers to reach our goal of “ Plus 15 “ for the year. One of our greatest activities is the couples dining out. Please attend out wonderful dinner at Christine’s American Bistro on April 27, 2016. It is a “ Classic “ every year...do not miss the fun!!! See you there! Editor - Jay Hansell The June Newsletter is my last. After three years it is time to retire and turn the Newsletter over to another SIR . Interested? Contact the Big SIR, Little SIR or myself. Thanks for all of your help; writing articles, submitting pictures and giving me input. This edition of the Newsletter is the last to be mailed. Starting this month, in addition to the emailed Newsletter, 100 print editions are going to be available at the monthly luncheon STEVE COTTRELL, and his wife Jodi reside in Auburn. He retired in 1995 from Sales at P&G Corporation. Steve enjoys Bowling, Dining In and Out, Fishing, Football Day, Golf, Horseshoes, Racing Day and Veterans activities. Russel Purvis sponsored Steve. ROBERT “BOB” DERMENJIAN, and his wife Denise reside in Foresthill, Ca. He retired in 1988 from the US Army. Bob enjoys Baseball Day; Dining outs; Computers (all facets); Dinner &Dancing; Football Day; Golf; Internet games and Travel. Friday Golf - Craig Saunders As March goes the weather gave us a look @ what’s to come. BUT ! it didn’t bother this guy, during his doctors visit, was asked about his activity level, so he described a typical day ,” Yesterday afternoon I waded along the edge of a lake, drank a beer or two, escaped from wild dogs, marched up and down some rocky hills, stepped into some poison ivy, had to jump to avoid rattle snakes.” Inspired by the story, the doc said, “ you must be one great outdoors man”, “NO, he replied, I’m just a crappy golfer” OK, 3/18/16 ** c.t.p. #2, Steve.Jolley, 9 1/2 “ $5.00 ** c.t.p. #3 * Reg Murray, 9” $5.00 ** c.t.p. #4 * Steve Jolley, 5’ 6 1/2 “ $5.00 ** c.t.p. #6 Norm Bennett, 10” . GOOD SHOOT”N Guys * * * * 3/25/2016 c.t.p. #2 Dave Dunlap 32” $6.00 * * * c.t.p. #4 Ed Smith 5’10” * * c.t.p. #6 Jay Stanley CHIP-IN, WOW- - SPECIAL PRIZE TO JOE DYDNSKI, CRAZY ROUND HE HIT AT LEASED 8 TREES AND THE COUPE D GRAS HE CLOBBERD A RAKE CONGRATS JOE !. Lets hope April gets better, Thanks guys and to Craig for filling in for me. Tournament Golf Phil Bolander GOLF; just another four letter word. Good morning 79ers. Here I am on this beautiful morning getting ready to tee off. My partner shows up and we begin. We both are on #1 in three but I par and my partner gets 10. My partner, Ernie Ells, has just blown the Masters and I am in disbelief of what has happened let alone that I, Phil Bolander is playing Augusta. What an imagination. Now, back to reality. Our Auburn Valley tourn. was a great success with 62 players. Just goes to show that good communication between branches leads to productive outings which should be true for our next outing at Wood Creek, Apr. 25th, 8:00 am shotgun, cost is $44.00 per player. The format is 2 man, 1 best ball. The best score of the 2 will be scored and everyone will keep your own score for posting. Please be advised that the cutoff will be Apr. 19thand this should allow enough time for those fence sitters to register. Each 2sum will be paired with another 2sum from another branch. Get your 2 sums together. Branch 79 Bulletin 3 Fishing Group Bowling - Tom McEntee Branch 79 hosted the monthly Round-Robin bowling event in March for the first time in many years. We had a good turnout, 33 bowlers, from several branches (45, 52, 79, & 110). This event would not have been possible without the assistance and direction from Ray and Rita Buttacavoli. Additionally, Kathy Guy, Rita Buttacavoli, Ray Buttacavoli and yours truly ran the “high/low” pots for all three games. This was my first exposure to the effort it takes to host this event. To say I was surprised at the amount and detail of work involved is a profound understatement. I won’t even go down the path to paying off the winners as that is a whole different story. Suffice to say that without Ray’s involvement this would not have happened at Rocklin. A simple Thank You to Ray and Rita seems so inadequate. Ray and Rita, thank you both so much for all you do for the bowling program and the SIR’s organization. SIR’s AMF Rocklin Bowl Results Branch 79 & Guest Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Series Ken Launius 216 187 190 593 Bob Towers 162 203 198 563 Bill Larson 190 189 158 537 Harvey Eisley 166 160 161 487 Dave Aulbach 157 174 155 486 Lou Alvarez 191 128 156 475 Roy Guy 146 115 181 442 Michele McEntee 146 133 140 419 Our bowling group currently bowls at Rocklin Bowl on Fridays at12:30 PM. This is a non-USBC sanctioned event and is open to all seniors. There are several ways to earn a few bucks without going into hock to play. It is a great way to spend the afternoon and meet some new people. 79er Wine Trail - Bob Lemmon David DeRosa & Tom Beale Hello Fisher Folks. Storms are over, and the water in local lakes is starting to clear up for fishing. There is a lot more water this year than last. Shasta is at 90% of capacity with more water coming in from snow melt. Oroville, Folsom, Rollins and even Bullard’s Bar are all quite full. This should be a great year for fishing. Even Eagle Lake is up quite a bit. It is not full, but there is more water than last year. This will be our final fishing group meeting before we depart for our spring trip to Shasta the first week in May. (May 2nd through May 6th). Chuck Mierkey has made all of the reservations for cabins and cabin assignments are finalized. Cooking and cleaning crew assignments will be forthcoming by emails to all those who are going on this trip. Last count we have 28 members with cabin reservations, and 12 boats on this outing. This should be a great fishing trip for all attending.. There will be no meeting of the fishing group in May, as we will be at Shasta. The meeting in June, (June 9th) will be at Halsey Fore Bay in Christian Valley for our members and their ladies annual fish fry. Mark your calendars, and I hope to see you there. The Fishing Group’s usual meetings at Denny’s Restaurant, just off I-80 at the Auburn Ravine/ Foresthill exit will resume at that location on July 14th. We have had guests from Branch 37 at our last two meetings, and they are welcome to attend. Branch 37 is trying to start a fishing group of their own, and we look forward to hearing how this is progressing. During the month of March we visited Solune Winery & home of Wine Master Jacque Merser . There were 20 of us SIR in attendance listening toJacque give a memorable presentation on wines & their origins, great job. Solune Winery will be presenting a new wine shortly “ Sweet Dream” we sampled it & loved it. Jacque will e-mail when it becomes available & I will forward the particulars to you. April 14th, Thursday, noon to 2:00pm we visit Pescatore Winery in Newcastle for a presentation on wine & food paring by owner Dave Wegner. We will pair 8 wines with 6 foods. For further information refer to our March Newsletter for details. Jacque M erser May 12th, Thursday, we visit (noon to 2:00pm) Vina Castellano Winery right here in Auburn & Teena Wilkins, the Wine Maker. We taste wine in there man made Cave followed by lunch (you bring your bag lunch) by there beautiful Pond & Gazebo. As always expect an enjoyable outing. ACTIVITY CALENDAR SIR Luncheon at the Elks Club (Special Guest Speaker), Thursday, April 21, 11:00 am Dining Out - Christina’s Bistro Wednesday, April 27, 5:30 pm 79er Wind Trail Thursday, April 14, Noon to 2:00 pm, Pescatore Winery & Thursday, May 12, Noon to 2:00 pm, Vina Castellano Winery Bocce Ball: Auburn Recreation Park, Wednesdays & Fridays, 10 am Tournament Golf: Wood Creek, Apr.il 25, 8:00 am Bowling: Rocklin Bowl – Friday 12:30 pm Fishing Group: spring trip to Shasta May 2nd through May 6th Golf: Black Oak Golf Course – Friday 7:30 am 4 Branch 79 Bulletin happy birthday! APRIL: Don Ainsworth, Bruce Baker, Larry Bower, Jim Brown, Ron Deberard, Keith Dice,, Don Dill, Tom Gavron, Gene Goldsmith, Walt Haverland, Butch Holzworth, Bill Larson, Jim Peters, Larry Seeman, Tom Stone Treasurer's Report Terry Doan Beginning balance: $2847.43 Ending balance: $2681.30 We need to get our balance back up to $3000,00. The money you put in the tube on your table at the luncheon helps cover our branches expenses. A minimum contribution of $3.00 per person is suggested. STATEWIDE NEWSLETTER SIR HAPPENINGS To read the latest edition of SIR appenings visit sirinc.org/sirhappenings Learn about what is happening in the SIR state organization and at other SIR Branches. Membership Craig Saunders Active: 201 Inactive: 2 Pending: 0 MARCH LUNCH - Bill Heale 118 paid lunches, 3 guests, 1 visitor, 44 excused absence, 33 unexcused. Badges 72, 76, 123, 164, 170 not returned. SIR INFORMATION Executive Committee Meeting First Thursday of each month 7:45 a.m. at Denny’s, Auburn Ravine Road (I-80/Foresthill Exit) Branch 79 Newsletter sir79newsletter@gmail.com Branch 79 Web site www.sir79.org Dining Out Craig Saunders Our next Dining Out is April 27, 5:30 pm at Christina’s American Bistro, 17100 Placer Hills Road, Meadow Vista Christina’s American Bistro, 17100 Placer Hill road, Meadow Vista. Arrive early and have a superb meal! Menu requests selection of Steak, Chicken or Swordfish. The cost $20 per person. Reservations to Craig Saunders, Branch 79 before APRIL 21, 2016 8PM: 530-268-9668 or emailwolfcreekplace@yahoo.com. lease RSVP with meal selection (Steak/Chicken/Swordfish). BRANCH 79 OFFICERS Big SIR: David Blitstein (530) 274-2100 Little SIR: Jack Meylink (530) 305-9112 Secretary: Ron Markham (530) 889-8580 Treasurer: Terry Doan (530) 878-2742 BRANCH COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Attendance: Bill Heale (530) 477-1647 Chaplin: Karl Simon (530) 320-7588 Clothing: David DeRosa (916) 652-9562 Database: Bob Huntington (530) 886-8426 Greeters: Tom Parks & Ron Deberard Membership: Craig Saunders (530) 268-9668 Newsletter: Jay Hansell (530) 368-2850 Opportunity Drawings: Harvey Eisley (530) 823-5988 Photographer: Lynn Hartford (530) 320-8730 Sunshine: Terry Doan (530) 878-2742 Webmaster: Milo Schauer (541) 580-7747 Wine Steward: Bob Lemmon (530) 477-8507 BRANCH 79 ACTIVITY CHAIRMEN Bicycling: Ken Hansen (916) 663-4716 Bocce Ball: Pete Thompson (530) 823-7383 Don Sherman (916) 663-2958 Bowling: Tom McEntee (530) 889-0605 Classic Cars: Gary Beckes (919) 789-0347 Computer: Milo Schauer (541) 580-7747 Dining Out: Craig Saunders (530) 268-9668 Fishing: Dave DeRosa (916) 652-9562 Tom Beale (530) 878-0301 Golf: Phil Bolander (530) 745-9874 Learn & Lunch: Stan Bishop (530) 823-8016 Men’s Cooking: David Blistein (530) 274-2100 Travel: Phil Bolander (530) 745-9874 Vet’s Affairs: Don Bull (530) 999-1076 79er Wine Trail: Bob Lemmon (530) 477-8507 Sunshine Terry Doan Al Graber still going to Chemo treatments. About 8 weeks left. He sounds good. Pete Thompson is really sounding great!! Back surgery. Please call me if you hear of any of our brothers that need help or just a friendly voice to talk to. DECLARATIONS Luncheon Attendance: When a member is unable to attend the Thursday meeting he should notify the Attendance Chairman no later than the 3rd Monday prior to the Thursday luncheon. Attendance Rule: Regular members missing three (3) consecutive meetings without notifying the Attendance Chairman and giving a valid reason or attending less than six (6) meetings within the past twelve (12) months, shall be notified of pending termination. Certification of attendance at another Branch Meeting is considered a credit. Excused meetings cannot be included to achieve the minimum attendance requirement. (Rule 100) Prospective Members: Must attend a Luncheon and be introduced by a sponsor to the general membership prior to being accepted as a new member of the branch. (Rule 67). Non-Responsibility Clause: All travel activities arranged for or by Sons In Retirement, Inc. and its Branches are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their guests who desire to participate. Sons In Retirement, Inc. and its Branches do not assume responsibility for the well being or safety of the participants or passengers, or their property, in any matters pertaining to said travel and other activities. (Rule 345)
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