December 2015 Newsletter - Branch 79 SIR INC


December 2015 Newsletter - Branch 79 SIR INC
Branch 79 Bulletin
HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS: PBS Don Dill, PBS Ken Hansen, PBS Craig Saunders
YOUR 2016
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Fellowship - 11:00 a.m.
Call To Order - 12:00 p.m.
2016 SIR Branch 79 Officers: Ron Markham, Secretary; Tom Stone PBS; Jack Meylink, Little
SIR; Terry Doan , Treasurer; and David Blitstein, Big SIR
Little SIR’s Report - David Blitstien
Hello fellow SIRs, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for another year!
I hope you’ve all had a great Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing
you at the Christmas Party. I would like to say thank you for your
support and help last year, especially our BEC and the Committee
Chairmen, I think for the most part I’ll be happy to say goodbye to
2015. While it’s been quite a ride for me I’ve also learned what it
takes to be in the position of Big SIR, challenging, rewarding and
even some fun.
Buffet and main dish
is the chef ’s choice.
Tickets are $20 per person.
Contact Bill Heale
(530) 477-1647.
Tickets can be purchased
the the day of the luncheon.
As I look forward to being Big SIR for 2016, I would like to continue the outstanding
recruiting of new members with a +12 for the year and keep our branch near the top of the
state branches in member recruiting. I feel the reason we’ve done so well lies on YOU, the
membership, we recruit our friends, relatives and neighbors, because all the activities are fun
and bring interest from outsiders. The fact is, we as members have the opportunity to go
beyond the approximate 200 members we have now by doing what we love to do, which is
socialize with all the activities and with our life long friends! Let’s keep it going for 2016 with
even more activities and with SIR Jack Meylink as the Little SIR this will be an exciting year.
The new Dining Out activity Chairman for 2016 is SIR Craig Saunders PBS and Golf
Activity Chairman for 2016 is SIR Tom Stone PBS, thank you both for volunteering.
President’s Letter - Bob Hairston
On January 1, we will have a new SIR President named Don Dill. My responsibility will shift to head of the nominating
committee. It will be the job of my committee to help continue SIR by choosing good leaders. I need the help of all of
our members to do the job properly. There are SIRs who think they do not have time or that the job is too hard. Are
these the same men who had successful careers?
I have had nothing but support and encouragement from the leaders I have worked with in SIR. Every position I held
from branch director, Little SIR, Big SIR, Area Governor and on through State President as been a small price to pay for
the fellowship and fun and brotherhood I have received in SIR.
We are all volunteers in Sons in Retirement. Our leaders come from our members. To paraphrase a famous President, “Ask not what your
organization can do for you; ask what you can do for Sons in Retirement.” I am waiting on your call. Bob Hairston: 707-252-0252
2 Branch 79 Bulletin
happy birthday!
Lou Alvarez
Jerry Hamilton
Russ Anderson Chuck Mierkey
Bob Bells
Don Morrison
Randy Beneke Rich Murray
Dave Dunlap
Bob Towers
George Freuler Jr.
Big SIR: David Blitstein
(530) 274-2100
Little SIR: Jack Meylink
(530) 305-9112
Secretary: Ron Markham
(530) 889-8580
Treasurer: Terry Doan
(530) 878-2742
Attendance: Bill Heale
(530) 477-1647
Chaplin: Karl Simon
(530) 320-7588
Clothing: David DeRosa
(916) 652-9562
Database: Bob Huntington
(530) 886-8426
Greeter: Tom Parks & Ron Deberard
Membership: Craig Saunders
(530) 268-9668
Newsletter: Jay Hansell
(530) 368-2850
Opportunity Drawings: Harvey Eisley (530) 823-5988
Photographer: Lynn Hartford
(530) 320-8730
Sunshine: Terry Doan
(530) 878-2742
Webmaster: Milo Schauer
(541) 580-7747
Wine Steward: Bob Lemmon
(530) 477-8507
Friday Golf
Bill Heale, Chairman
Hey, fellow duffers we had a short month for (me) ! Well the last time I played, I almost
got arrested for “RECKLESS DRIVING”. OK onward 11/6/15 - #2 CTP, F,O.G. Lane
Tribe 19” $4.00, - - #4 Joe Dydnski, 12’3” $4.00 - - CTP, F.O.G. #6 Mac Jenness, 4’ $4.00
11/13/15 Club Turkey shoot
11/20/15 CTP, #2 any shot F.O.G. Al Wood,$4.00 - #3
REALY Long Drive, Ron Cooey, $4.00 - #4 CTP Terry Doan, $4.00 - CTP #6 5th shot
only Ken Hanson, $4.00. cold and rain, do your thing on any other day but Friday ! we all
thank you. We have one more week on our three week tourny, see you soon.
Travel - Phil Bolander
On Fri. Nov. 6th a fine group of SIRS and wives enjoyed a good presentation by Talbot tours
on 5 selected trips that might be of interest. #1 was New Years in Scottsdale, Arizona, #2 was
American Queen steamboat New Orleans to Memphis, #3 Savannah & Charleston, #4 was
Canada & New England cruise, and #5 Florida and the Keys. Several trips were signed for
with others trying to decide because they all look great. If you have any interest If you have
any interest these or other travel opportunities talk to me.
Bocce Ball - Pete Thompson & Don Sherman, co chairs
Bocce has a new home in Auburn at the Recreation Park. The 149,000 dollar courts where
dedicated Saturday December 5 at 10am. Thanks in part to the hard work Pete Thompson
and the help of many from our SIR branch Bocce Team Auburn now has three courts. Pete
Thompson cut the opening ribbon around 1015 am and the play began. Over 60 people in
attendance with 35+ from 79er branch. Our bocce team looking forward to using the courts.
ARD Commissioners throwing down the 1st ball
All activities arranged for or by, Sons In Retirement, Inc., and its Branches, are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their
guests who desire to participate. Sons In Retirement, Inc., and its Branches, do not assume any
responsibility for the well being or safety of the
participants or their property in any matters pertaining to said activities.
Executive Committee Meeting
First Thursday of each month
7:45 a.m. at Denny’s, Auburn Ravine
Road (I-80/Foresthill Exit)
Branch 79 Newsletter
Branch 79 Web site
To read the latest edition of
SIR Happenings visit
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Branch 79 B
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petition took courts
place .
Branch 79 Bulletin 3
Welcome Home and Thank You for your Service Holiday Periods seem to be a difficult time for
Veterans to begin any new projects. As a result I have received only a few inquiries from fellow SIR's
to act as liaisons to the numerous Veteran's organizations in the area. However there are many many
opportunities for SIR's to be active in social events in their Veteran Organizations during the next
few weeks. I hope everyone enjoys their events Happy Holidays. Any Sir that has information to
be added to this section of the newsletter, should try get that information to me at least a month in
advance. February events should come out in the January Newsletter.
I have received inquires as to how SIR's can assist in the Wreaths Across America program. Although
all the wreaths for this year have been purchased they fall short of the number needed to ensure all veterans interred in the Auburn Cemetery have a wreath placed at their graveside. Volunteers are needed
to assist the placing of this year’s 600 plus wreaths on December 12th. . The event begins at 7:30 AM
Saturday December 12th at 1040 Collins Drive, Auburn CA 95603. All help is appreciated.
A special thank You to all Veterans and especially to our fellow SIR's that were part of the
attack on our Nation on December 7, 1941, you are the Greatest Generation.
I would like to plan a mini­meeting for those Veterans that wish to participate in this group for
sometime in January to discuss a direction for us to take and possible future events. Contact DON
BULL (530) ­999-­1076 - email
Bowling - Tom McEntee, Bowling Chairman
SIR’s BI-Monthly Round-Robin Results: SIR Bill Larson,
for the second month in a row, led the six-bowler contingent
from Branch 79 at the November 23rd 2015 Round-Robin
event at Tall Pines Bowl in Paradise California. Bill shot a
630 series for this event, see the line scores below.
SIR’s Paradise Tall Pines Results
Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Series
Bill Larson 217178235630
Tom McEntee 174206192572
Bob Towers 167215189571
Dave Aulbach 152177191520
Harvey Eisley 186167163516
Roy Guy 156179180515
This past year Branch 79 participated in every Round-Robin event with our brothers in
Yuba City and Paradise. We fielded a minimum of two bowlers in June and our strongest
representation (7 bowlers) in January, March and April. With the addition of new bowlers
to the Branch 79 community, hopefully we will see a stronger participation for 2016.
Additionally, for 2016, we are actively seeking to host four Round-Robin events at Rocklin
Bowl in 2016. More information to follow in the January report.
Our bowling group currently bowls at Rocklin Bowl on Fridays at 12:30 PM. This is a
non-USBC sanctioned event and is open to all seniors. There are several ways to earn a
few bucks without going into hock to play. It is a great way to spend the afternoon and
meet some new people.
Fishing Group
David DeRosa & Tom Beale
Co Lead Hooks
Hello, Fisher Folks. This month past the
weather has turned cold, and with the water
being limited in our favorite and usually frequented lakes, we have not had much to talk
about in the way of successful fish events.
Our November meeting was a lunch held November 12 at Rock Creek Mobile Home Park,
and turned out to be a very pleasant get together.
A fun time was had by all in attendance. Again,
we thank Bettie Beverage and Marci Bane for securing use of the hall for us for the day. David
DeRosa did a very nice job of the fishing gear
drawing. Bob Huntington even made off with
some new fishing rods. Thanks to all in attendance for providing side dishes and desserts to
accompany the turkey and ham, and to all members for helping to make this lunch so special.
With a new year upon us we look forward to
having more special projects in store. Our annual Spring Shasta trip will be in the planning
stages with discussions about reservations. The
cost is expected to be about the same. We will
again plan our June and November meetings to
include the ladies. Fishing group does not meet
in December in consideration of the busy activity
of family and holiday plans. However, as usual
we will enjoy our Christmas luncheon together.
We do have a special guest at our next scheduled meeting January 14, 2016, the manager
of the Bass Pro Shop from Rocklin. Several
other speakers have been contacted, but have
yet to commit this far in advance. Contact
and scheduling of future guest speakers will
be more easily accomplished after the holiday vacations are over, and things settle down.
Fishing group meets the second Thursday of each
month at Denny’s on Auburn Ravine Rd., just
off I-80 at the Foresthill exit. We hope to see
all who are interested in Fishing there in January.
4 Branch 79 Bulletin
Membership - Craig Saunders
This has been a year of many exciting highs and times of sorrow. We
gathered together each month through the year and cheered our fellow
SIR brothers for their fine recruiting of new members. Each month,
each quarter we grew strength in our numbers and all our Branch 79
Activities enjoyed the fruit of our labor. We listened to State Sir about
their goal of Plus 1 at the beginning the year and our Branch Executive
Committee chose a larger growth challenge of Plus 12. Today as we
begin December and end 2015 we stand at Plus 15. What a fantastic
growth to behold!
The times of sorrow were how we felt with the loss of many of our fellow Sir brothers that
passed onto higher rewards. Too mention a few, we lost Jim Musci; John Rosasco; Ken
Newman and JR Greenlee. They were in many ways our mentors, our teachers and our
leaders. We all enjoyed their camaraderie at luncheon meetings, the new members joining
our ranks and having the opportunity for our Senior Sirs mentioned to partake in story’s stories as told by the PADRE. You can’t forget them and you don’t want to
anyway. Thank You my departed friends and brothers, you are truly missed by us all.
Senior & Super Senior Certificates
Each year the SIR State President honors SIRs age 95-100 as Super Senior SIRs and
SIRs age 90-95 as Senior SIRs. At our November Luncheon David Blitstein and
Craig Saunder presented the President’s Super Senior and Senior Certificates to five of
our brothers.
Bill Heale, Attendance Chairman
OK Gentlemen, let me start with what
a great lunch / get-together time we
had, and two uniformed offercers CHP
as speakers / visitors, anyway after the
ate and spoke to us, they left emtyhanded, couldn’t find who they were
looking for, I stayed in the back, out of
sight ! ok back to work. Roster sezz,
we have 198 active members, 2 inactive, attending 130 menbers, 2 visitors,
excused absence 36, unexcused 32,
Great turn-out guys (thank you Jerry
I still have TICKETS FOR
DECEMBER 17, send me a SELF
ADDRESSED envelope,a check, and I
will send them out to you! hope to see
y’all there .
Treasurer's Report
Terry Doan, Treasurer
Bob Devin;
Super Senior SIR
President's Award
Andy Anderson;
Super Senior SIR President's Award
Russ Anderson;
Senior SIR President’s Award
Attendance Report
Sparky Robinson;
Senior SIR President’s Award
Beginning Balance $3274.83. Ending
Balance $4586.37. High balance this
time of year because of Xmas dinner
tickets. The money you put in the tube
on your table at the luncheon helps
cover our branches expenses. A minimum contribution of $3.00 per person
is suggested.
Sunshine Report
Terry Doan
Bob Trefzeger;
Senior SIR President’s Award
Have not heard from anyone so that
means all is well. Merry Xmas to all!
79er Wine Trail & Dining Out - Bob Lemmon, Wine Steward
2015 was my first year as your Wine Steward, it was challenging and enjoyable. However like most new ventures there
were successes and some not so successful. I had the opportunity to renew old acquaintances in the Winery’s visited and
met new winemakers and became familiar with their skills.
We as a wine group experienced new avenues into wines & wine tasting. The ones that come to mind:
1. Smiths Winery- Tasting in their beautiful vineyard along with barrel tasting
2. Pescatore Winery - Ventured into Wine and food compatibility.
3.Naggiar Winery - Participated in their Harvest Festival, danced to live music, catered lunch, etc.
4. Pilot Peaks Winery - Dancing to band music, catered dinner and tasting in bulk.
5. Beerwerks Cool - A new venture for me, sampling Beer along with delightful lunch.
In 2016 it is planned we will visit our successful ventures of 2015, plus add a few others:
1. Solune Winery and visit an old acquaintance Winemaker Jacque Mercer.
2. Vina Castellano - This time make sure gate is open and have bag lunch by their delightful pond.
3. Wise Villa - This winery has won great acclaim with their gold medals in 2015.
4. Rancho Roble Winery- Will check out this small winery, may be a real winner
Have a Merry Christmas
& happy New Year.
See you next year.