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PDF - Columbia Valley Pioneer
Your Weekly Source for News and Events Vol. 3/Issue 13 The Columbia March 31, 2006 Valley P IONEER FR EE Serving The Upper Columbia Valley including Spillimacheen, Brisco, Edgewater, Radium, Invermere, Windermere, Fairmont and Canal Flats STEAMING MAD 4 Spring is in the air ‘GAS-AND-DASH’ 5 GNARLY ‘B 16 A mother Cedar Waxwing gathers food for her five babies. Photo by Achim Purschwitz WE’VE GOT PROFITS. AND IT’S ONLY POLITE TO SHARE. Some financial institutions don’t like to share. Not us. We’ve been raised right. This year we’re sharing $2.9 million – that’s a 10% dividend! Ask us about your share today. 2 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 ����������� ������������������������������������������������ More than you expect. Not more than you need. Now open in our new location! Next door to The Pioneer on 8th Avenue. Silver Strings fan donates $5,000 By Adrian Bergles Pioneer Staff You don’t have to sacrifice style for substance, or form for function. Harrison McKay Communications balances artistry with business sense and technical skill. Beautiful, content-rich sites that your customers (and search engines) will love. Call Harrison today for a free consultation. (250) 341-6064. harrisonmckay.com Invermere by choice. Great websites by design. Big Band Dance 23nd Annual DTSS Big Band Dance 8 p.m. Saturday, April 8th Invermere Community Hall Tickets $17.50 Available at Majestic U-Brew, Daveʼs Book Bar or any Senior Stage Band Student We’re Moving In the next week PHARMASAVE will be moving into our NEW LOCATION in the CHISEL PEAK MEDICAL CENTRE. We will be providing continuous service during the transition. 342-8877 NEWS The Silver Strings ukulele group is $5,000 richer after receiving an unexpected donation by a tour guide in Hawaii. The musical group, composed of 53 students and 17 chaperones from J. A. Laird, met their newest fan on their Hawaiian tour during spring break last week. Jonathan Kajiwara was so moved by the children’s performance that he donated the funds he Jonathan Kajiwara with teacher Bruce Childs. had been saving for an African hunting trip. “Some of our toughest parents had each of them a $200 ukulele,” said Mr. tears streaming down their faces,” said Childs. music director Bruce Childs. Mr. Childs said the children played The J. A. Laird Silver Strings first very well throughout their 10 performet Jonathan during a visit to the Ho- mances in Hawaii. nolulu Botanical Gardens, and he later “It was over the top,” he said. “Evwatched them perform at an elementary erything about the trip was way over school. expectation.” “He loved them,” said Mr. Childs. The trip was the first time the 13After the concert, Jonathan made year-old Silver Strings Band has made his $5,000 donation. a trip to Hawaii, the birthplace of the Touched by Jonathan’s gift, Silver ukulele. In previous years the group Strings organizers say they will bring the made an annual spring break trip to Hawaiian man to the Columbia Valley. places like Edmonton and Victoria. “We’re going to try and use some air Mr. Childs said he tried to get the miles and line up some hunting guides troupe to Hawaii seven years ago, but out here for him,” said Mr. Childs. was unsuccessful. The 2006 trip was 10 The donated money will be used for months in the making, he said. new band equipment, he said. “It ran totally smoothly,” he said. Another highlight was a trip to a Mr. Childs said after the group’s ukulele factory owned by a family in positive experience in Hawaii, he hopes Honolulu. The owners waived the usual to attract some Hawaiian school chil$15 entry fee to the factory and instead dren here. asked for a concert. The Silver Strings will play a pub“After the performance one of the lic concert in Invermere at 7 p.m. on owners stood up and cried,” said Mr. April 12 at Christ Church Trinity in Childs. He said the owner called the Invermere. show “most beautiful thing I’ve heard.” Admission is by donation and funds One of the owners asked the kids will be collected for Bernie Evans, a loif anybody wanted to play a solo, and cal musician who recently suffered a three children played solos. “He handed heart attack, said Mr. Childs. The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 3 March 31, 2006 $135,000 water well to be drilled in Athalmer By Adrian Bergles Pioneer Staff District of Invermere council voted to proceed with a $135,000 production well in Athalmer on Tuesday night. It is hoped a successful well will help satisfy the town’s long-term drinking water needs. The vote followed a 20-minute presentation to council by the district’s director of municipal works Brian Nickurak. Mr. Nickurak told council that drilling the well into the aquifer, found about 200’ below the corner of Fourth Avenue and Blair Street in Athalmer, was the logical next step in the town’s search for a groundwater source. The aquifer was originally discovered during a 2004 well dig paid for by the district. “It’s really the only way we can find out if groundwater is the way to go,” said Mr. Nickurak. Mr. Nickurak said the district’ geological consultants, Golder Associates, are confident a safe source of groundwater is available in Athalmer. “The only way to test the aquifer is to produce a production well and pump it hard,” said Mr. Nickurak. The quantity will then be measured and if it is found to be suitable, water will be drawn into the municipal system, said Mr. Nickurak. Mr. Nickurak said the supply available from the well may serve as a compliment to the town’s existing surface water source, the Paddy Ryan Lake west of town. He said originally groundwater was hoped to be the sole source of water for Invermere. But an 800’ well drilled by Calgary firm Fossil Water late last year put an end to those hopes. The well, which was paid for by several developers, failed to find a plentiful, deep source of ground water. The well found a plentiful source of water at 100’ but Mr. Nickurak said concerns remain about possible contamination of the shallow aquifer. Mr. Nickurak said the information gained through drilling the 800’ test well was “a revelation.” He said a long term water strategy would evolve over the next two years as more information became available, and may include ground water from Athalmer, surface water from Lake Windermere, as well as water from the Paddy Ryan Lake. “From what we’ve seen so far we’ll have at least two sources and possibly three,” he told council. Mr. Nickurak said over the next three months staff will prepare a cost analysis of drawing water from Lake Windermere. He said in order to use lake water, a water treatment facility would have to be built and a water licence from the province obtained. “But we won’t pursue lake water until groundwater is examined,” he said. Mr. Nickurak said to date the district has spent over $262,000 exploring for groundwater. “Basically total costs would be around $400,000 after this well is drilled,” he said. Mr. Nickurak said new development in Invermere requires another secure water source. “We have to get that water from somewhere,” he said. No start date was given for the well. The vote to approve the well was passed unanimously. Only three councillors, Ray Brydon, Sarah Bennett and Gerry Taft were present on Tuesday. Councillor Taft served as interim mayor, as mayor Mark Shmigelsky and councillor Bob Campsall were away. Double Exposure Carnival coming to town After a one-year absence the carnival is coming back to Invermere. West Coast Amusements will bring their rides back to town from April 27 to 30th. At a meeting of Invermere council on Tuesday, council voted unanimously to sponsor the event. Any proceeds will go to the district. The company will arrive in town on April 24 and immediately begin setting up in the parking lot behind the old Home Hardware building. “This is an opportunity to generate a little bit of additional revenue and provide a service to the citizens,” said councillor Ray Brydon. However, councillor Brydon expressed concern that the company would arrive three days before they planned to begin. “I know it’s a pain in the butt to have these carnie people around town,” he said. “They just move in.” The decision to come back to Invermere was initiated by the Langley company. They informed the district of their intention to return in a letter dated March 17. The carnival is a popular attraction in Invermere. It was not held here last year but has been regular a spring time event in Invermere for years. End of Summer End of Summer Sale! 30% off 50 % off selected footwear footwear storewide Walk 30 Sale! % 50% off off footwear storewide selected footwear Walk into savings into savings ��������������������������� �������� ����� �������������� �������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� � � � ����������� � ����������������������������������������� The Columbia Valley P IONEER ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� DISCOVER YOUR FOUR-SEASON MOUNTAIN PLAYGROUND Discover the ultimate mountainside experience and all the priviledges of owning an elegant second home as a Riverview Residence Club Member in Fairmont, B.C. Shared Ownership star ting at $79,900 for 1,450 sq. ft. of exclusive five-star vacation villa accommodation. You may preview and register at www.riverviewresidence.com or call 1.877.451.1165 BROKER PROTECTED 4 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 Need Blinds? Call The Blind Guy! Interior World (250) 342 4406 Call The Blind Guy! (250) 342 4406 Solid Wood Blinds Call The Blind Guy! Interior World (250) 342 4406 Life Time Warranty on all Blinds WINDERMERE Call The RADIUM CANAL FLATS Blind Guy! Interior World Beautifully private, with lake view from the living level. Low maintenance exterior, spacious garage and room for the whole family in this renovated home. Full basement with private entrance ready to develop. $319,900 mls#116081 A total of 3.76 Acres (per BCAA) gently sloping facing (250) 342west4406 property, Highway, access possibility of Multi-Family 90 - 100 units or Hotel/Motel. Exceptional views of the Rocky Mountains and Purcells. $2,000,000 + GST mls#115964 1.6 acres of true lakeshore property with all season cottage with walkout basement. Almost 250 ft. of lake frontage with subdivision potential too in a quiet serene setting on Columbia Lake. $2,100,000 m Need Blinds? Best Quality PANORAMA COLUMERE PARK CallTheThe Blind Guy! BEST studio unit at Outstanding log detailing FAIRMONT Golf and live in the Rockies at Fairmont Riverside Golf Estates. Large, corner lot with beautiful views of the Rocky Mountains, as well as the Purcells. $99,900 mls#113776 Interior World BARRY 342-5245 PAUL 341-5300 Panorama in342 Ski Tip4406 Lodge. A (250) 4th floor unit with the entire ski hill at your balcony front and centre. What a view! Beautifully furnished, close to all village amenities! $134,900 +GST mls#111145 ERIC PAT throughout and the pave stone driveway give this custom home that feeling of distinction. 5 bdrms, 3 baths, huge decks, a playground kids will die for, wood finishing, hot tub... $618,500 mls#112273 342-5914 342-1262 BILL 341-5168 BEVAN 341-1950 BARRY 342-5809 Fairmont Village Mall, Fairmont Phone: 345-4000 Fax: 345-4001 Main Street, Invermere www.rockymtnrealty.com Invermere’s fire chief Roger Ekman said the same problem exists in his community. “It’s a problem for all Radium’s fire chief Dave the fire departments,” he said. Dixon says many fires in the He said administration of the ofColumbia Valley aren’t being fice of the fire commissioner has been investigated properly and he’s centralized to Victoria. “They should asking the Village of Radium have left it alone,” he said. Hot Springs staff and council Mr. Ekman said a meeting is to do something about it. planned in Cranbrook on April 1st Proper fire investigation is between local fire chiefs, the proimportant for unearthing the vincial fire commissioner David cause of major fires, and deHodgins, Nelson-Creston member of Radium’s fi re chief Dave Dixon termining how to avoid simithe legislative assembly Corky Evans, lar problems in the future. and several local officials. “Hopefully After Mr. Dixon gave a 15-minute presentation we can get something resolved,” said Mr. Ekman. at a Radium village council meeting last Wednesday, Local Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm council approved sending a letter to John Les, B.C.’s Macdonald will not be at the meeting, but he told The solicitor general and minister of public safety. Pioneer that he sympathizes with the fire chiefs. “The issue is that they’re downsizing at the region“The fire chiefs are saying it’s not going to work, al offices, and not providing the investigative services and those are the people who should be listened to,” they have in the past,” said Mr. Dixon. said Mr. Macdonald. Mr. Dixon said that in 1990, when he became RaBut provincial fire commissioner Hodgins said the dium’s fire chief, five people worked at the regional of- Office of the Fire Commissioner is being restructured fice in Cranbrook and were responsible for fire investi- to provide better service throughout the province. A gations throughout the East and West Kootenays. 27-year veteran of the London, Ontario Fire DepartToday only one man, regional fire commissioner ment, Mr. Hodgins said no one in the fire commisBill Walkley, works at the office, said Mr. Dixon. sioner’s office has been laid off in his two years on the Mr. Dixon said the fire commissioner’s office has job. told fire chiefs in Zone 4 - an area that includes the He said his office has 25 staff to serve 400 fire entire East and West Kootenays - that they are respon- departments in the province. Staff from the regional sible for their own fire investigations. offices - like Cranbrook - are in the process of being But he said volunteers at local fire halls don’t have re-assigned to other areas, he said. He said fire advisors the level of training it requires to properly investigate - the link between fire departments and the Office of complicated fires. “I took one course about 10 years the Fire Commissioner - will be placed strategically in ago,” he said. communities throughout the province. After a serious fire in summer 2004, Mr. Dixon Mr. Hodgins, however, could not say where the said he asked that to have the fire investigated but was fire advisors would end up or how many would be in refused by the fire commissioner’s office. the Kootenay area. “We’re doing that study now,” he “We have no conclusive idea what started that said. “I would think that info will be available in the fire,” he said. next six months. Mr. Dixon said when he became chief, somebody Mr. Hodgins said he understands the needs of from the fire commissioner’s office would investigate firefighters because of his many years spent on the every serious fire. That is no longer the case, he said. London force. “We hear from the fire chiefs that we’re He said an inspector did come to Radium after not responding,” he said. “Yet our records show that an explosion destroyed the home of Tannis and Greg we have been there.” Flowitt on Revelstoke Avenue last July. By Adrian Bergles Pioneer Staff Need Blinds? Best Service Interior World Fire chiefs steaming Phone: 342-6911 � � �� � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � ����������� MORE THAN TWICE THE READERS OF ANY OTHER LOCAL NEWSPAPER The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 5 March 31, 2006 ‘Gas-and-dash’ a growing problem This crime is called a “gas and dash,” and it’s more common in the Columbia Valley than you may think. As darkness falls on a spring eve“We probably get two or three calls a ning in Invermere, a small-town’s trust- week,” said RCMP Corporal Dale Moring nature is about to be exploited. gan. In fact, the problem has become so A truck pulls into a gas station and widespread that some valley gas stations stops at a pump. are starting to take measures to protect From inside the station, the atten- against gas-and-dash theft. dant glances at the driver and flips the “It’s the reason we went to preswitch that turns on the pump. pay after 6 p.m.,” said Sherry Dugan, As soon as the tank is filled, the manager of the Esso Reddi Mart in driver jumps into the cab and hits the Invermere. After 6 p.m. customers at accelerator. With a roar of the engine, the Esso must come in and leave a credit and a cloud of smoke, he barrels up the card or pay cash before the gas pump is Athalmer hill and into the night. turned on. The gas station has just been “It’s a crime of opportunity,” said robbed. Ms. Dugan. She said when gas was selling for around $1.20 per litre last fall, theft was particularly bad. “It was ridiculous,” she said. “At its worst it happened a couple of times a week.” “Since we’ve gone to pre-pay we haven’t had a gas-and-dash,” she said. Gas thieves come from all walks of life, said Ms. Dugan. She said gas-and-dash crimes are carried out by the young and old, tourists and locals. They can be driving any type of vehicle from beaters to BMWs. “Gas-and-dash has always been a bit of a problem,” said Scott Stanbury, one of the owners of Windermere Foods. “We reached a point two years ago where we had over $300 Money Maker - John Tames, owner of the Skookum stolen in one week, and we Inn, says in-store sales help augment his gas business. decided we needed to do By Adrian Bergles Pioneer Staff TransRockies Challenge coming to Panorama When it comes to the TransRockies Challenge mountain bike race, Canmore’s loss is the Columbia Valley’s gain. This year the annual race, which advertises itself as the toughest on earth, will finish at the Panorama Mountain Village on August 12. For the past several years the Trans Rockies has ended in Canmore. The race will attract worldwide Pay before you pump - Sherry Dugan, manager of the Invermere Reddi Mart Esso, has implemented a pre-pay policy at her shop. So far it has prevented fuel theft. something to stop it.” about three cents per litre are common Since then, staff at Windermere in the fuel business. His business surFoods have been recording the plates vives because of in-store sales of things of every customer that buys gas at the like pop, chips, and cigarettes. “From a shop. business perspective, you can’t pay your “We walk out and enter it on a clip- bills selling only gasoline,” he said. board with a description of the vehicle,” Mr. Tames said even when attenhe said. dants get a license plate number and a Mr. Stanbury said the security mea- description of the vehicle, gas-and-dash sure bothers some customers, who see it is a very difficult crime to investigate. as an invasion of privacy. “All that person has to say is: ‘I’m sorry, Ms. Dugan said her company’s de- it wasn’t me driving the car.’” cision to start pre-paying for fuel hasn’t Cpl. Morgan agreed that intent in cost the company business, but it has cases involving gas theft is a very hard to annoyed some customers. “The cashiers prove. “If we get a valid plate, we’ll call sure have taken a beating,” she said. the registered owner,” he said. “A lot of At the Skookum Inn on the high- the times they’ll just say ‘Oh, I forgot.’ way, owner John Tames said he hasn’t And they’ll go back and pay,” said Cpl. implemented a pre-pay system or credit Morgan. “How do you prove that he recard pay-at-the-pump machines because ally didn’t forget?” he is concerned fewer customers will It’s not only the police who extend enter his shop. He said theft is always the benefit of the doubt to customers. a problem. “Sure, it hurts,” he said. “A “It’s a people business,” said Mr. $90 theft is a day’s worth of sales at a Tames. “If you don’t like people, you’re smaller station.” in the wrong business. There is always He said gas station markups of that element of trust involved.” media coverage and many tourists. “It brings a group of consumers who have thousands of dollars to spend on a bike race,” said TransRockies spokesman Paul Done The TransRockies Challenge is one of the richest mountain bike races in North America. About 350 riders, including many former Olympians, will compete for $20,000 in prize money. Entry fees for the six-day race range from $1350 to $3350, depending on accommodation. The decision to move the finish line to B.C. was made because of a conflict between race organizers and officials at Alberta Parks. The gruelling race will begin in Fernie on August 6th and travel north through the Rocky Mountains before finishing at Panorama six days later. 6 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer PERSPECTIVE March 31, 2006 Historical Lens Historic campground This photograph of the Coldstream Auto Camp and Store in Windermere was taken in the 1940s. Note the old-fashioned single gasoline pump. The campground, a popular destination for many years, has recently been sold and the property will be used for a new housing development. Photo courtesy of Windermere District Historical Society Taking water too much for granted By Elinor Florence Pioneer Publisher One day when I was complaining about work, kids and weather, my mother brought me up short with a single comment: “Well, at least you have running water.” I immediately felt ashamed of myself. I grew up on a farm without plumbing and know first-hand what a struggle it is without that precious commodity at the other end of a tap. In the winter we melted snow on the kitchen stove so we could wash before we went to school. Everyone drank from a dipper hung on the side of an enamel pail. We bathed once a week, and took turns using the same bath water. Laundry was an all-day affair that involved hauling gallons of water in and out of the house. We changed our clothes after school so they wouldn’t get dirty and wore the same outfit for a week. My mother washed diapers by hand in a tin tub. Life without running water is one of constant, back-breaking labour. Water was hauled from town and stored in a concrete cistern. Repeated attempts to find a decent well unearthed a source of yellowish, mineral-laden water fit only for animals. My brother and I spent hours each day pumping enough water for 100 thirsty cattle with a creaky old hand-pump. It seemed to take forever before they finally finished slurping and sucking and finally wandered off. When I was 14 years old, my parents located a decent source of underground water with the help of my mother’s uncle, a professional witcher, and installed water to two rooms: the kitchen and the bathroom. What luxury! I washed the dishes uncomplainingly every day for a month, revelling in the sight of hot water gushing from the faucet. The flush toilet performed a small miracle, every single time. Even when water was finally available, we treated it like liquid gold. The well was a reliable source of wa- ter but not a particularly generous one and was known to run dry. Then we had to wait several hours until the tiny spring at the bottom of the well had replenished the supply. We brushed our teeth with a single glass of water and never ran more than six inches of water into the bathtub. My father and I had many battles over my typically-teenaged desire to wash my hair every other day. He felt that once a week was plenty. Once when I was alone in the house, I rebelliously filled the bathtub to the brim and then felt guilty for days. All these things flashed through my mind when my mother gently reminded me that my life could be a lot worse. In Canada we do take water for granted, believing against all the mounting evidence that it is as free and plentiful as the air we breathe. So when I start feeling annoyed about something, I try to remember to remind myself: “At least I have running water.” That really puts things into perspective. The Columbia Valley P IONEER is independently owned and operated and is published weekly by Abel Creek Publishing Inc. Box 868, #8, 1008 - 8th Avenue, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Phone (250) 341-6299 Toll Free 1-877-341-6299 Fax (250) 341-6229 Email: upioneer@telus.net www.columbiavalleypioneer.com The material, written or artistic may not be reprinted or electronically reproduced in any way without the written consent of the publisher. The opinions and statements in articles, columns and advertising are not necessarily those of the publisher or staff of The Upper Columbia Pioneer. It is agreed by any display advertiser requesting space that the newspapers responsibility, if any, for errors or omissions of any kind is limited to the amount paid for by the advertiser for that portion of the space as occupied by the incorrect item and there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for the advertisement. Elinor Florence Publisher Bob Ede Creative Director Lisa Ede Creative Director Adrian Bergles Dave Sutherland Bob Friesen Sarah Turk Reporter Advertising Sales Advertising Sales Office Manager The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 7 March 31, 2006 Tel. 342-0707 Touched by an Angel - Mary Ann Bergen of Invermere shows off this terry towel bunny rabbit angel at the Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary flea market on Saturday. The sale is a fundraiser for the Legion. Lunch was served and about 10 vendors sold goods. Website correction Dear Editor: Thank you for your thoughtful and personal article last week, regarding the setting up of my new counselling business. I really appreciate the support and the boost you provided! I would like to clarify, however, that my website was incorrectly cited as “.com” instead of “.ca”. The correct TOY OF site is: www.assinifam.ca. This site is oriented to serve the Columbia Valley from Cranbrook through Invermere, to Golden. The www.assinifam.com site is oriented to clients from the Calgary/ Canmore/Banff area. Thanks for publishing this correction! Mary Ann Rombach Windermere THE WEEK BABICOROLLE Email: klein@nucleus.com www.tepapanui.com Quality antique furniture and collectibles from Canada, Europe and Asia. Architectural items for home & garden. OPEN: Friday Saturday Sunday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Invermere Industrial Park (just off the road to Panorama) Great Deals on DeWalt Power Tools, Humidifiers, Rubber Maid Containers and lots more! 25% OFF Red Dot Sale MY FIRST SNUGGLY AGE: 12 MONTHS + ����������������������������� 410 Borden St., Invermere • 342-6226 8 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 ��������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������� �� ����������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����������� ������������������ ��������������� ������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ����������������� ��������������������� ������������������������������ ����������� ������������������������ ������������� ��������������� Canadian hero carved by artist Frank Keely By Suzanne Lemmens Special to The Pioneer Frank Keely’s wood carving of Ken Taylor, former Canadian Ambassador to Iran, now resides in a Manhattan apartment with its owner. Frank was commissioned by the Father Lacombe Care Centre Legacy Committee to carve a cowboy image of the former ambassador as a thank you gift for Mr. Taylor, who was the guest speaker at the seventh annual Father Lacombe Don Taylor presents Keely carving to cousin Ken Taylor. Care Centre Legacy Dinner. Frank Keely also generously donatMr. Taylor, who now resides in ed a beautiful wood carving of a cowManhattan, was hailed as a Canadian boy on a bucking bronc, which was one hero when he helped American citi- of the many items that helped the care zens flee Iran during the Iranian crisis centre raise more than $65,000 at its in 1979. annual auction dinner. On March 7, 2006, he returned to This talented carver was born and his hometown of Calgary and spoke to raised in Ontario, but moved to British more than 350 guests regarding Can- Columbia in 1953. ada’s role on the world stage and disHe is a lifelong outdoorsman and cussed Iran’s new controversial stance in sports enthusiast who owned and operthe political world. ated a sporting goods store in Invermere Don Taylor, chairman of the care and Panorama. centre, thought that a carving by noted Upon retirement he began woodInvermere artist Frank Keely would be carving. He studied with master carver the perfect gift to thank Ken for donat- Eugene Penz and attended sessions in ing his time and travel costs to return to wood carving at Red Deer College, Calgary for this special event. where he specialized in caricature carvPhotographs of Ken Taylor were ing. sent to the artist several months in adFrank’s caricature images of cowvance of the event and, after many hours, boys, hunters, fishermen, golfers, woodKen’s image as a good cowboy wearing a land and Christmas characters, real and white hat leapt from the wood imagined, are inspired and highly colWhen presented with the carving, lectible. Ken Taylor expressed delight with the Both he and his wife Anne have work of art, and said it would have a been long-time supporters of the arts in special place in his front entrance hall. the Columbia Valley. The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 9 March 31, 2006 Out & About Please call 341-6299 or Email us at upioneer@telus.net to enter your event in our FREE listings. Toby Theatre • March 29, 30, 31, April 1: Hoodwinked • April 5, 6, 7, 8: Nanny McPhee March 31st, April 1st, 2nd • Third Annual Kokanee Peak to Valley Team Race at Panorama Mountain Village. Skiers and snowboarders of all abilities are welcome. • 7:30 pm: Travel “Biking to Baja” Presented by Sibylla Helm, as part of the Armchair Travel/WILD Voices Speakers Series, DTSS Theatre. • 7 pm: Commercial League Tournament, Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena, finals Sunday 2 pm. April 2nd • Fairmont Ski Resort’s last day of skiing. April 4th •7 pm: Adult Baseball Players Wanted! Information meeting at the Arena, in the mezzanine. For more info, call Robert 347-9093. • 7 pm: Windermere Community Association Annnual General Meeting, Windermere Community Hall. April 6th •6:30pm - 10pm: Kick-Off for the Columbia Valley Relay for Life, Copperpoint Golf Club, entertainment, food, silent auction. April 8th • 8 pm: 23rd Annual DTSS Big Band Dance, Tickets $17.50. April 9th • 8 pm: David Essig, performing at the Pynelogs Cultural Centre, Invermere, is a long-time famous blues-roots performer who has won many Junos for his song-writing and vocals, tickets $20. Doors open at 7pm. For info: 342-7108 or 342-4423. April 11th-23rd • 11 am - 4 pm: Art from the Heart Part 2, Pynelogs Cultural Centre. 500 local elementary school children participate in a one-of-a-kind art show. April 14th • Bluessmyth Blues Band at Riverside’s Sportsman’s Lounge. April 15th • 7 pm: CV Arts web site launch, and the 2006 Calendar of Events Kick-off for Pynelogs Cultural Centre. April 16th • Panorama Ski Resort’s last day of skiing. • 10 am: Easter Egg Hunt, meet at the Big Chair near the Great Hall. April 22nd • 7:30 pm: Wings Over the Rockies start-up presentation at DTSS Theatre. • 7: 30 pm: “Harp Angel” at the Christ Church Trinity, Invermere. Traditional and Celtic Harp Music. For more info, 342-0780. call 1-800-663-9203 to book yours! Also, check out www.bccancer.bc.ca/breastscreening for more information. New Video Releases March 28th: • Ambulance Girl • Blue Thunder • Bailey’s Billion$ • Dirty • Little Manhattan • Bee Season • Brokeback Mountain • Chronicles of Narnia • Far Side of the Moon • The Long Good Friday Golf Course Opening Dates • March 31st: Copper Point Golf Club Creekside Par 3 Mountainside - Fairmont • April 1st: Edgewater Hilltop Par 3 Radium Resort - Resort Course Setetkwa Golf Course • April 6th: Eagle Ranch Golf Course • April 7th: Spur Valley Greens • April 8th: Golden Golf & Country Club • April 13th: Bootleg Gap • May 19th: Greywolf Golf Course Invermere Thrift Store • Open Thursdays, 10 am-4 pm; and Fridays and Saturdays, 1 pm-4 pm. Columbia Valley Food Bank • Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 pm-2 pm. To make a monetary donation, please mail to Box 2141, Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0. Hot Springs Hours of Operation • Radium Hot Springs Hot Pool: Sunday through Thursday, Noon-9 pm; Friday and Saturday, Noon10 pm. • Fairmont Hot Springs Hot Pool: 8am-10pm daily. Ski and Swim Passes available. OTHER • 7 pm Wednesdays, Archery, Invermere Hall. April 29th • 7 pm: Bingo at the Invermere Seniors’ Centre, April 7th • 8 am-8 pm: Health and Wellness Second Annu- 1309-14th Street, every 2nd and 4th Thursday. • 7 pm: Community Hymn Sing at the Lake • 7:30 pm: Travel “Middle East & South East Asia” al “Living a Life in Balance”: A Forum for Women Windermere Alliance Church, every second Sunday Presented by Andy Stewart-Hill, as part of the Arm- Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, Cost: $150. Call (250) of the month. For info: 342-5961. • Windermere Fire Department is seeking community chair Travel/WILD Voices Speakers Series. David 342-3210 to register. minded volunteers. For info: Aaron at 342-3965. Thompson Secondary School Theatre. • 7-9 pm every Thursday. Second Winds Community May 2nd - 8th Band - DTSS Band room. Woodwinds, brass and April 7th-9th • Wings Over The Rockies: Throughout the Columbia percussion - all levels welcome. For info: call Howie at 342-0100. • 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm: Sunpit Safari -This is the 20th Valley discover the world of birds through activities Sponsored by Anniversary of the Downhill Rider’s Event. It’s a such as guided nature walks, Columbia River floats, voyager canoe trips, horseback riding in the grasslands, weekend with an extensive line up of mountain party entertainment featuring DJ Wil C, the Nelson-based art exhibits, evening presentations, live music, band SHAG & the iconic Canadian rock band 54-40 workshops, children’s festival, and a Wings Gala INDERMERE all playing on Saturday, April 8th. Also on Saturday, Banquet. For info: call the College of the Rockies, 342-3210, or visit www.wingsovertherockies.org. ALLEY is the classic Slush Cup event from 2:30 - 3:30. • 7:30 pm: Travel “Middle East & South East ����������� May 5th-9th Asia” Presented by Andy Stewart-Hill, as part of 2 km east of Highway 93/95 on the the Armchair Travel/WILD Voices Speakers Series. • Screening Mammography mobile van is coming Windermere Loop Road, Windermere, BC DTSS. to our community, 45 appointments still available, NOW OPEN! 342-3004 WV 10 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 Children’s art extravaganza opens show season at Pynelogs By Adrian Bergles Pioneer Staff OPENING IN APRIL Next to the Skookum Inn Visitors to the Pynelogs Cultural Centre will be able to see the world through the eyes of children when the Art from the Heart Part II exhibit opens on Tuesday, April 11. Opening night will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 that evening, said Eileen Weir, a Canal Flats teacher who helped organize the event. All are invited to the show which will run at Pynelogs until April 23. Artwork done by school children aged five to 13, from Edgewater to Canal Flats, will be on display, said Mrs. Weir. The artwork will not be judged but rather all the children will get the sense of satisfaction that comes with having artwork on display. Mrs. Weir said the kids have unique and interesting ways of expressing themselves. “They’re reflecting life from their point of view,” said Mrs. Weir. “It’s really refreshing because adults forget about things like that.” The artwork that will be on display was done during class time throughout the past school year, said Mrs. Weir. “Whichever piece is their favorite will be chosen,” she said. Each child will select one piece. “I would assume there will be 500 pieces,” said Mrs. Weir. She said paintings, papier-mâché, as well as other art forms will be on display an the Pynelogs. “Look everywhere,” she said. “On the floors, walls and in the two rooms upstairs.” Alice Hale of Invermere, a well-known potter, also helped organize the event. She said each child will write a sentence beside their piece to explain their work. “Parents and families can really learn so much because they can really see their child,” she said. “It’s just amazing how wonderful children’s art can be.” Spring is here when robins can be seen and heard back in the valley. The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 11 March 31, 2006 COLOURING CONTEST SPONSORED BY: LAMBERT-KIPP The Silver Connection 3-1014-8th Ave., Invermere 342-9913 341-3322 PHARMACY LTD. 2-1020-8th Avenue 342-7387 1301 - 7th Avenue, Invermere 342-6612 342-3421 342-9933 Colouring Contest Invermere Barbers 341-3775 341-3240 www.begiftedbaskets.com ★ Gone HOLLYWOOD V I D E O 342-0057 342-9661 255-3rd Street 342-3575 342-6564 the BOOK CELLAR 613-12th St. Invermere 342-2003 Name ______________________________________________________________ Age _________________ Address ___________________________________________Phone __________________________________ Drop off completed colouring page at The Pioneer Office located at #8, 1008 - 8th Avenue, Invermere. Contest open to children ages 1 - 12. Contest ends April 13, 2006. Winner will be drawn and will receive an Easter basket. Anglz Hair 342-2468 Missy’s & Tanning Studio Rtaurant 3rd Avenue, Invermere 906-7th Avenue Invermere 342-3227 342-9288 Lake Auto Service Ltd. 342-9310 Valley Foods 342-3330 Antiques Downtown Invermere 342-3865 Main Street, Invermere 342-6415 12 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 STARTING APRIL 7 TH ����������� �������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� Pick up your newspaper at more than 100 convenient valley locations. Phone 341-6299 for more information � � � � � � � � � ���� � � � � � � � � � � ���� � �� � � � The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 13 March 31, 2006 Lake Windermere, still covered with a thin sheet of ice, sweeps away towards Fairmont Hot Springs on a tranquil March afternoon. Photo by Elinor Florence Our Local Locations Invermere: Chamber of Commerce Home Hardware Super 8 Motel Kelly’s Restaurant Tex’s Coffee Works Tim Horton’s Superior Propane PetroCan Reddi Mart Huckleberry’s Restaurant Two-For-One Pizza Warwick Interiors Fitz’s Flooring Syndicate Board Shop Anglz Hair Salon A&W Restaurant IGA Foods Invermere Public Library Gone Hollywood Invermere Dry Cleaners Rob’s Bicycle Works Invermere Barber AG Foods Quality Bakery Grant’s Foods In-Tune Music Lakeside Pub Gallery Cafe Interior World Gerry’s Gelati The Book Cellar Inside Edge Sports The Bistro Pharmasave The Back Door Wine Cellar Columbia Garden Village Invermere and District Hospital Invermere Family Chiropractic Bruce McLaughlin Financial Missy’s Restaurant Majestic U-Brew Duthie Medical Clinic Columbia Valley Trading Company Details by JoAnne East Kootenay Insurance Konig Meats All Things Beautiful Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena Guild and O’Sullivan Dental Clinic Station Pub Lambert-Kipp Pharmacy Mark Moneo, Optometrist Maria Dibb Medical Clinic Invermere Physiotherapists Columbia Valley Employment Centre Valley Hair Styling Invermere Inn (every room) Stober’s Department Store Mountain View Lodge Bliss Hair & Esthetics Sunsations Spa Lee-Jay Motel Windermere: Windermere Foods Columbia Lake Band Office White House Pub Skookum Inn Valley Alley Bowling Centre Copper Point Golf Course Fairmont Hot Springs: Riverside Recreation Centre Fairmont Recreation Centre Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Rocky Mountain Realty Bigway Foods Smoking Waters Coffee Farside Pub Jeffers Esso Radium Hot Springs: Radium Husky Prestige Inn Meet on Higher Ground Coffee Radium Liquor Store Radium Petro Canada Redstreak Shopping Centre The Peaks of Radium Bighorn Meadows True Value Hardware Horsethief Creek Pub & Eatery Mountainside Market North of Radium: Edgewater Post Office Pip’s Country Store Brisco General Store Spillimacheen Post Office Canal Flats: Canal Flats Foods Gas Plus The Columbia Valley Pioneer 14 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 Nature photography is his passion By Adrian Bergles Pioneer Staff A new photo gallery near the crossroads in Invermere is an opportunity for Achim Purschwitz to display his passion to the world. “It’s a dream,” said Achim in his soft German accent. “In the house nobody can see my photos, but here they are on display.” Achim, 68, was born in Germany, and his wife Chizuko was born in Japan. They are well known in the valley where they have lived for 38 years. For over three decades the couple ran a German restaurant in Radium called Alte Liebe, which means Old Favorite in English. The international pair met in Egypt in the 1960s when Achim was a young man travelling the world and Chizuko was a young student of Egyptology and perfumery - the study of perfumes as medicine. The two fell in love and eventually continued their romance in Yokohama, where Achim found work as the manager of a German restaurant. There the couple had their first child, a daughter named Anne Marie. The couple also has another girl, named Natalie. “One was born in Yokohama Achim Purschwitz and his wife Chizuko have opened a shop near the crossroads. and the other was born in Invermere,” said Chizuko. In 1968 the couple left Japan and emigrated to Canada. They came to Radium because they had a friend who visited the area. When they saw a restaurant and hotel for sale, the globehopping couple knew it was for them. Your Local “We owned a restaurant because we could open for five months and travel for seven months,” said Achim. “We travelled every winter with the children,” he said. Travel allowed Achim to pursue his passion of photography. “I’ve gone everywhere with my COLUMBIA VALLEY REAL ESTATE photography,” he said. Since January some of those photos have been on display at his new business called Achim’s Art Gallery. Inside the diminutive but tastefully-decorated one-room shop hang photos of jaguars in Belize, waterfalls in Oregon, and rams near Radium. In the middle of the shop sits a viewing bench. “It’s for people to come and contemplate,” said Achim. In small cases sit pieces of jewlery, Chizuko’s contribution to the business. Some of the pieces are antiques that she has collected on her travels. Others are Chizuko’s own creations. “Jewlery is another passion,” said Chizuko. The couple revels in the beauty of the natural world. “I can see beauty everywhere,” said Achim. “You just have to look. So many people don’t take the time,” he said. The couple still travels extensively and the gallery is a seasonal business. It will be open throughout the summer daily from noon to five p.m. Despite their wanderlust, the couple feels at home in the Columbia Valley. “There is so much beauty all around us,” said Achim. “The valley is full of opportunity.” Professionals Invermere INVERMERE PAUL GLASSFORD Independently Owned and Operated 1022B-7 Ave. th 250-341-1395 Independently Owned and Operated Rockies West Realty Bernie Raven Representative (250) 342-7415 braven@cyberlink.bc.ca PAT BROWN-JOHN 342-1262 Daniel Zurgilgen �������������������� Office: (250) 342-6505 Fax: (250) 342-9611 Box 943 #4 Fairmont Village Mall Fairmont Hot Springs, BC Phone (250) 345-5000 Fax (250) 345-4001 www.rockymtnrealty.com pat@rockymtnrealty.com paul@rockymtnrealty.com Representative (250) 342-1612 landman@telus.net Ed English Main Street Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Bus: (250) 342-6505 Fax: (250) 342-9611 Independently owned and operated 230 Laurier Street DIRECTOR’S Invermere, BC V0A 1K3 PLATINUM E-mail: paul@rockieswest.com AWARD Website: www.PaulGlassford.com Jan Klimek Cell: (250) 342-1194 Cell: (250) 342-1195 edenglish@telus.net www.edandjanslistings.com janklimek@telus.net Rockies West Realty Independently Owned and Operated PAUL ROGGEMAN 341-5300 Dedicated to all your real estate needs. 5003 Hot Springs Road Fairmont, BC V0B 1L0 Call ���������or �������������� ������������������������ We Sell Real Estate ����������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ PRESIDENT’S GOLD AWARD Ken Becker Sales Representative Bus: 250-345-0333 Fax: 250-345-6353 Res: 250-342-3599 Cell: 250-342-1161 Email: ken@rockieswest.com www.rockieswest.com www.kenbecker.com The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 15 March 31, 2006 Room to IO 6 GROW 70/3 ROP Make a living. Make a difference. Ques Wedn Home Support / Resident Care Attendants With an aging population and plenty of room to grow, opportunities for qualified assisted living professionals are on the rise. If you're looking for an occupation that is more than a job, one that is rewarding and truly makes a difference in the lives of real people every day, then we welcome you to consider becoming a Home Support/Resident Care Attendant. Your skills will be in high demand as opportunities continue to grow. As a Home Support/Resident Care Attendant you can: • help BC residents retain their independence • have a rewarding career with unlimited opportunities • get tremendous gratification from your job www.roomtogrowbc.ca Two years ago a piper led cancer survivors around the track in a special “Survivor’s Lap.” IO 6 IO 6 70/3 ROP Relay for Life kicks off at new golf club house The organizers of the Relay for Life cancer benefit will host a kick-off to the annual event at Copper Point Golf Club on April 6th from 6:30 to 10 p.m. “It’s an opportunity for people to drop in and have some great food, listen to some great music and learn more about the Relay For Life,” said Adrienne Turner, Relay For Life marketing chair. All are welcome at the kick-off, which will also feature a silent and live auction, said Mrs. Turner. Items for the auctions have been donated by all the valley’s golf clubs, she said. “There’s not one that hasn’t participated.” The event will also be a chance for people to get a look at the new Copper Point Golf Club club house, which recently underwent renovation and is tentatively scheduled to open this week. “We’re keeping our fingers crossed that it’ll be ready,” said Mrs. Turner. All proceeds raised at the kick-off will count toward the total funds raised 100 M Wedn Colum Friday We invite you to visit us online at www.roomtogrowbc.ca at the Relay For Life. The kick-off event is also a chance to thank and honour some event sponsors and team captains, said Mrs. Turner. She said room is still available for more teams of 12 to enter the relay. This year’s event will go from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. on June 10th and 11th. Participants take turns running or walking around the track at the local high school so that each team is represented on the track for a full 12 hours. Many teams camp overnight beside the track and stay awake all night to cheer on their team members. A special feature of the event is the candle ceremony which commemorates loved ones who have lost their lives to cancer. Last year’s Relay For Life raised just over $70,000 for cancer research. Mrs. Turner said organizing the event has been made easier because of all the support it receives from the community. “Everybody is so behind the program, that a lot of things are given by donation,” she said. 70/3 ROP 70/3 ROP To see what your future could hold, please contact us at External Recruitment Services today: E-mail: external.recruitment@interiorhealth.ca Fax: 250.870.4722 or call Toll-free1.866.972.9299. By Adrian Bergles Pioneer Staff IO 6 Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life My reason to Relay is my mom. KICK OFF EVENT What’s your reason to Relay? This June 10/11th, please join us for 12 hours of fun, friendship, APRIL 6th 6:30 - 10 PM and fundraising. Everyone has a reason to join the Relay For Life, and organizing your team is easy. Come register your Silent Auction Live Music team and/or volunteer your time at the Columbia Valley COPPERPOINT GOLF CLUB For more information call 1.866.349.5772 or register Relay for Life Kick-off Party. online at www.cancer.ca . Relay For Life 1 866 349-5772 | www.cancer.ca Kootenay Paving Skandia Concrete Caribo Wedne 16 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 CALLING ALL PADDLERS! East meets West when the dragon boats invade Lake Windermere on July 28, 29 and 30, 2006. Join a team or start a team and participate in the fastest growing water sport in Canada. Register now for the Columbia Valley Dragon Boat Race and Festival. www.invermeredragonboat.com THANK YOU! The Board of Directors of the Valley Fitness Society would like to thank HARRISON MCKAY COMMUNICATIONS for outstanding website development and marketing services. valleyfitnesscentre valley valleyfitness centre VFC Thank you, Harrison! shapeupinvermere.com Dave♥s Book Bar NOW IN STOCK The Da Vinci Code in paperback 10.99 $ 1046-7th Ave. Invermere 342-6511 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! Get ready to build your dream home in the mountains! Newly-offered residential building lots in the recreational neighborhood of the Radium Valley Vacation Resort. Level, treed, view lots with access to the year-round fitness centre and resort amenities. Be part of the growing village of Radium Hot Springs. Call today to view! CONTACT INFO: 250.347.7722 or 403 239 1952 myradiumhome.ca Still skiing strong lot of effort. He grew up in Radium and donned his first pair of skis around the age of 10. Back then it was a form of For Blair Blakley, retirement has never been an op- transportation, as he used those skis to get to and from tion. school. Living in the mountains, the progression from Most people at that average retirement age have skiing for necessity to skiing for pleasure took place had enough of the toil of work and want to say good- and he has been on the slopes ever since. bye to the daily grind and nine-to-five hustle and busIn 1963, when Panorama Mountain became a ski tle. Most people, that is. hill, Blair was hard at work at his ‘first career’ and had There are many exceptions in the world and lots of conquered many of the hurdles that life brings. Havpeople work well into the later years with success and ing been to college and spent two years in the Canadihappiness. Just look at Nelson Mandela, Paul New- an Reserve Army, he went on to develop two successman, Hugh Hefner . . . all going strong in their 80s, ful businesses in the area - meanwhile raising a family, and looking good doing it. earning a pilot’s license and exploring the surrounding In the heart of the Purcell Mountains, there is mountains by horse and by plane. another octogenarian going strong and although he With his passion for the wilderness, Blair set out may not be as renowned as Mandela or Hef, around to discover new mountainous terrain and often set Intrawest’s Panorama Mountain Village he is a celeb- down foot and ski boot on slopes rarely visited by man. rity nonetheless. By the 1970s he had established himself quite nicely At 81, Blair Blakley may in life and in 1979 decided to be the oldest professional ski volunteer as a ski patrol for the patroller in North America. “He is a mentor and role model, growing Panorama hill. Ski Patrol. The job title After two years of donating probably reminds people of a friend and just a great guy. I his services, Blair was offered a the infamous reputation of hope I will be able to do what he is full-time position in 1981. As being ‘mountain cops’, in- doing at that age.” the elder statesman on the hill, cessantly busting people for ‘Gnarly B.’, as he is fondly reskiing out of bounds and ferred to by his friends and coFellow Patroller blowing their whistles at the workers, has seen a lot of change straightliners burning down over the decades. the green circles. “The sheer size of the place For the thousands of pro patrol and the countless is the biggest change of them all,” he says, as he sits at volunteers that work on our mountains each winter, it the dispatch desk in the ski patrol hut halfway up the is a job, a career or a fantastic way to enjoy the snow mountain monitoring the activities of the hill. “This for five or six months of the year. place used to have four runs and a rope tow.” If you have ever been hurt on the ski hill, you’ll A hundred or so runs and three quad chairs later, know that the men and women getting you off that Blair still handles the day-to-day ski patrol duties with hill are dedicated ‘first aiders’, and you’d be hard- a quiet demeanour and a strong influence. He may pressed to find a more loyal and committed ski patrol not venture into the double black diamond terrain any than Blair Blakley. more, but five days a week, five months of the year, At the age of 54, after a lifetime of hard work and Blair continues to be a presence amongst young and retiring from his first career, Blair decided to take up old alike, injured guest, fellow patroller, or the person the seasonal job of ski patrol and 28 years later he is sitting next to him on the chairlift. still doing it, and looking good while he does it. As people who know Blair will testify, he has alBorn in Invermere in 1924, Blair grew up at a ways lived his life by these principles: be a good pertime where paddlewheels still moved throughout the son, seize opportunity when it comes to you, and work lakes and river systems, the weekly mail run was of hard because it will pay off. huge importance, and a trip to distant Calgary took a By the time he was 21 he had opened a car dealerBy Gordon Fuller Wilmer Retail Space for Rent Bright and airy 640 sq. ft. retail space for rent in exciting new Chisel Peak Centre. Next to medical clinic and pharmacy with patio area and lovely, unobstructed views to the south (Fairmont Range). Base rent $17/sq. ft. plus utilities. For further inquiries, please call 341-5187 or 342-5899 The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 17 March 31, 2006 ship in Radium. Its success allowed him to start another business, owning more than a dozen small bungalows near the hot pool, which he rented out to visitors. Having built all the bungalows by hand, he proved that hard work does in fact create success. In 1938 at the young age of 14, Blair learned to fly an airplane at the local airport where his father operated a flight school. Eight years later he earned his pilot’s license, which opened up the world, bringing his adventures to new heights, literally, and allowing him to explore the surrounding mountains from 3,000 feet. The alpine slopes and glaciers soon beckoned him and with skis replacing wheels he was able to land on some of the most magnificent and untouched ski terrain the Rocky Mountains has to offer. What people are now doing with helicopters, Blair was doing fifty years ago with single-engine airplanes. Why does he keeping working? His passion for the mountains and the sport may have started the journey but the love for the people and the relationships he has formed over the years have kept it going. “A big part of my life is this job”, he says. “Most of my friends are gone so I really enjoy working with the young people because they treat me as a ‘generation equal’.” The feeling is mutual. As the most experienced patroller at Panorama, Blair has been able to pass on his skills and knowledge to countless people over the years. He served as Panorama’s ski patrol director for a long stretch in the 1980s and 1990s and is certified as an first aid instructor, teaching and guiding his young co-workers, some not even born when he started this job. “Working with Blair is an inspiring part of this job,” said a fellow patroller. “He is a mentor and role model, a friend and just a great guy. I hope I will be able to do what he is doing at that age.” Skiing has changed greatly over the last three decades and ski hills have become bigger and better. Solid Wood Blinds Call The Blind Guy! Interior World COMING Interior World (250) 342SOON 4406 ... Life Time Warranty on all Blinds Call The Blind Guy! Need Blinds? Best Quality Call to The Blind In order serve you Guy! better (250) 342 4406 Interior World Another day at the office. Gone are the rope tows that used to haul people up the slopes and fading are the T-bars, pommel lifts and double chairs. Extreme skiing, high-speed chairlifts and high tech equipment are the ‘new age’ of mountain playgrounds, but at Panorama Mountain Village some things never change. For all the transformations and change Blair has seen over the years, the job remains the same. All winter long he is out there, helping injured skiers and making the mountain a safe place for everyone. The hair might be grey now and the caution of age might have set in but the spirit for the job doesn’t waver. Dedicated in life and dedicated on the ski hill, Blair continues to astonish and inspire those around him. How long will he keep this up? His children and grandchildren are close to home and wife Pat is set to retire herself next year so only Blair knows the answer to that question. For now he keeps on doing what he knows and loves - and looks good doing it. In 2001, over two and a half decades since starting his ski patrol career, Blair received the ‘Legend Award’ from Panorama for years of exemplary service and dedication. For those who have had the privilege of working with him, that distinction had already been made. Windermere Community Association at the Community Hall in Windermere - Election of officers - Review of Financial Position - Volunteers required for Fall Fair to continue Please come out & support your Community Association Flooring Great rates, products and service www.meridianmortgagesolutions.com Step by step, professional mortgage support. Bill Rainbow Mortgage Broker (250) 342-3453 Ltd. will be moving as of April 1st to our new location at #4, 492 Arrow Road (right next to the new Panache building) 342-6649 Brendan Donahue Investment Advisor Phone: 342-2112 GIC Rates Cashable 90 days 1 year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year as of March 27th 3.50% 3.85% 4.00% 4.10% 4.15% 4.20% 4.30% Banker’s Acceptances1 30 days 60 days 90 days 180 days 365 days as of March 27th 3.69% 3.74% 3.82% 3.90% 4.06% 1 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday, April 4th, 2006 – 7:00 PM (250) 342 4406 100% Guaranteed by issuing banks, redeemable prior to maturity, commissions apply to buying and selling Banker’s Acceptances, interest received may fluctuate if sold prior to maturity. Don’t let the Banks roll your GICs Transfer to us for free. GICs are CDIC Insured. Rates subject to change without notice. Subject to availability. 18 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 Christina Lustenberger number one in Canada By Adrian Bergles Pioneer Staff Live/safety: 5 REVISION Trim: 10.25” W x 6.25” H APPROVALS DATE Art Director BY THE DRIFTERS - The regular league bowling season ended this week at Valley Alley with the House Bowl-Off. The two top teams from six leagues competed for the Valley Alley trophy “The Drifters,” dating back to 1969. This year the lucky winners were Alec 06-SCP-028_ER_TACTIC-4C-2 3/27/06 10:12 AM Page 1 and Lynne Fleming, Bev Palfrey, Joan and John Selzler. Christina Lustenberger of Invermere doesn’t have wings, but the 21-year-old skier sure can fly. Christina, 21, won the Canadian Championship giant slalom race at Whistler this week. Her cumulative time of 2:15.23 over two descents bested runner up Brigitte Acton by .12 of a second. “It was an awesome day yesterday,” said Christina from Whistler. “I felt really calm before the race.” Christina, who competed on the World Cup circuit this year and represented Canada at the recent Olympic Games in Italy, hadn’t been able to compete in the past two Canadian Championships because of serious injuries to her knees. Christina said her main objective this season was simply to stay healthy. She scaled back her race schedule during the season and avoided competing in other downhill events. The young racer will now drive from Whistler to Rossland for the Spring Series Race next week. The event will attract other Canadian World Cup racers as well as other members of team B.C. and club teams from across B.C. and Alberta. After competing at a high level for the past several months, Christina said the Spring Series is a chance to unwind. “I’m ready to go to Rossland and have a good time and just hang out,” she said. “It’s kind of a big party.” Christina will be back in the valley in April. A training and testing program for the Canadian National Team will begin at Panorama on April 9. Pre-Season rates available. As if our view and our course weren’t enough, our clubhouse will soon be open. Add fine dining and you’ll agree that simply put, Eagle Ranch is a magical course with the most complete, ultimate golf vacation experience. Eagle Ranch Golf Course, proud winner of SCOREGolf Magazine’s 2005 “Best Course Conditions in B.C.” Eagle Ranch opens April 6th. Book your tee times by calling 1-877-877-3889 or go to eagleranchresort.com The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 19 March 31, 2006 Wanted: new zamboni By Pioneer Staff BANNER YEAR - Christine Keshen showed off her medal last weekend, when the Invermere Curling Club hosted an open house and unveiled a new banner to be hung in the local curling rink in honour of their Olympic winner. The Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena in Invermere may soon have a new zamboni - the big machine that resurfaces skating ice after use. The Regional District of East Kootenay has approved a grant application by the Columbia Valley Recreation Society to the Olympic Live Sites program for half the cost of the $100,000 machine. If the application is successful, the regional district would have to pick up half the other half. “It is in their preliminary budget plans,” said Phyllis Dubielewicz, manager at the arena. The Olympic Live Sites Program is an initiative of the provincial Ministry of Economic Development. It is intended to share the wealth of the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games. “We’re trying to make the most of the Olympic funds,” said Mrs. Dubielewicz. “When opportunities come to your door, you have to take advantage.” She said zambonis don’t last forever. “As soon as they start getting seven or eight years old, you start seeing the wear,” she said. The current zamboni at the Eddie Mountain Arena is a 1999 model. TasteofGreece ������������������������������� ������������������������� � ���������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������� ��������������������������� ������� ������������������ ���� � ���� ������������ ����� ��������������� ���������� �������������������������������������� ���� � ��� ������������ �������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� Great Dining at Riverside Golf Resort! All Riverside F&B outlets will be opening on March 29th. HOURS ARE AS FOLLOWS: THE ATRIUM CASA BLANCA THE SPORTSMAN’S Breakfast service from 8am to 11am Dinner service from 5pm to 9pm 10am to 1am (Mon - Sat) 10am to 12pm (Sundays) Mark Your Calendars! The month of April will feature some GREAT entertainment at the Sportsman’s! Karaoke - April 1st • Jam Night - April 6th Bluessmyth - Calgary Blues Band - April 14th Call 345-6346 for Information! 20 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 ������������������������������� ����������������������������� Home Hardware Building Centre 342-6908 TIP OF THE WEEK Vince says, “Raking your lawn is safer than burning, makes sense ecologically, and promotes stalking. You’ll find a great selection of rakes and garden tools at Home Hardware.” WE’VE GOT YOUR LUMBER. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Eligibility - Age Children whose fifth birthday occurs on or before December 31, 2006 are eligible to enter Kindergarten in September 2006. For registration, please bring your child, as well as your child’s birth certificate, care card, and custody papers (if applicable). If you have questions regarding which school your child should attend, please call the School Board Office at 342-9243. Please phone your child’s school for an appointment time. Eileen Madson Primary: 342-9315 Appointments will be scheduled for Tuesday, April 11 starting at 9:00 a.m. Edgewater Elementary: 347-9543 Registration will take place from Monday, April 10 to Thursday, April 13 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Orientation will take place in May. Martin Morigeau Elementary: 349-5665 Registration will take place from Monday, April 3 to Friday, April 7 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and on Tuesday, April 4 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Orientation for students and parents will be held in June. Windermere Elementary: 342-6640 Appointments will be scheduled for Thursday, April 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The architect’s rendition of the proposed new library has incorporated the old building into the design. Library board looking at $1-million expansion By Elinor Florence Pioneer Staff The architectural plans for the new Invermere Public Library have been completed and the board of directors is excited, said chair Sandy McIlwain. “We have a working plan,” he said. The expansion will triple the library’s size, from just over 2,000 to more than 6,500 square feet. The vision for the new library will see it enlarged, with a two-storey entrance at the south end, plenty of windows and extra parking. The red brick facade will be carried over the exterior of the new expansion. Architect Chris Fairbank of Nelson, who’s done other projects like the recent hospital expansion and the improvements to the Invermere provincial government buildings, designed the new library. The next step is to convince the District of Invermere, which owns the property, that this is the best use of the existing building. “We think it will be very cost-effective,” said Mr. McIlwain. The current Official Community Plan, created several years ago, situated the future library in the downtown Invermere Community Hall. Another option is to locate it on the site of the old high school across the road from the existing library. But Mr. McIlwain said the directors are committed to expanding the old library. “It will be a real asset to the community,” Mr. Mc- Ilwain said. “People will see it as soon as they come into town. It will create a signature at the entrance to the community.” Best of all, he said, the new library will have the possibility of expanding over time. “We can’t increase our collection because when we buy new books, we have to get rid of the old ones,” he said. Invermere’s library is the smallest per-capita in the province. The building’s small size and the large appetite of library users in the valley make our readers the highest users of interlibrary loans in the province. The library expansion will cost about $1 million, he said. The library already has about 10 percent of that amount in the bank. The Panorama Foundation has already pledged another $40,000 towards the new library. Although the annual fundraising gala was cancelled, plans are under way to conduct a lottery with 20 major prizes ranging from holidays to art works sports equipment, said Panorama Foundation coordinator Jami Scheffer. Mr. McIlwain said what is needed now is money for the construction of the building itself. He said the venture would be a partnership with the District of Invermere, the Regional District of East Kootenays the province, and Columbia Basin Trust. “We’re looking at ways to recognize people who contribute to construction of the building,” he said, “possibly commemorative plaques”. The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 21 March 31, 2006 Pioneer Briefs Men’s hockey this weekend High-level men’s hockey will hit the ice at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena this weekend. The action will start at 7 p.m. tonight at the arena. The tournament will continue all day Saturday and then again Sunday morning, with the final played at 2 p.m. First place wins $1,000, and the runner-up $500. Admission is free and the concession will be open throughout the tournament, said organizer Randy Martin. Three teams from Invermere and seven others from as far away as Idaho and Edmonton will hit the ice for the commercial league tournament, said Mr. Martin. The players will vary in age from 19 to 35, some are former junior and college hockey players, said Mr. Martin. One of the Invermere teams is sponsored by Invermere Napa. The other two are named Kin-City, but one team will wear blue and the other will wear white. “It’s an old traditional name in the valley,” said Mr. Martin. This is the first time a tournament of this kind has been held in Invermere. “It’s going to be really good hockey,” Mr. Martin said. The tournament has been in the works since the end of February, said Mr. Martin. “With the Rockies being out and the old-timers’ league done, it all worked out,” he said. *** ����������� ������������������������������������������������ Your Furniture Store 20 H UR S A L E 3 DAYS ONLY!!! SAVE UP TO 60% Judokas win again The Invermere Judo Club returned happy last weekend with well-earned medals. Eight competitors were in Raymond, Alberta; and two were in Nanaimo, all doing very well. Raymond results were: bronze, Kellen Paul and C.J. Madon; silver, Kimberley Thomas, Heather Smedstad, Kory Campbell and Ethan Huscroft; gold, Jeff Paul and Dylan Moncur. Nanaimo results were Sean Reiter, bronze. Since it was a selection tournament, that brings Sean into third place standing in the B.C. team points. Chris Wass competed in the junior and senior category and won silver in both. Chris now has the highest points in the junior division in his weight. This brings Chris into first place for the B.C. team selection for the upcoming Canadian Judo Championships. Congratulations to all the judokas! Thursday, April 6 . . . 12-4 Friday April 7. . . 10-7 Saturday April 8 . . . 10-5 *Closed Wednesday April 5 to prepare � ������ ����������������������� �������������������������� � � �� 813 Baker Street, CRANBROOK Downtown 1.888.678.4343 • 250.426.2316 • www.bedroomfurnitureplus.com 22 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 P IONEER C LASSIFIEDS SUITES FOR RENT New, bright, one bedroom ground level suite in downtown Invermere. Utilities, cable, laundry included. N/S, N/P, $625 a month. Available immediately, 341-6215. STEIN APARTMENTS - residential and commercial. 342- 6912. Furnished bachelor studio in Athalmer, for employed responsible adult. N/S, N/P. W/D, cable, and utilities included. Call Mom’s Upholstery 342-6387. Furnished Bachelor studio in Athalmer, for employed responsible adult. N/S, N/P. W/D, cable and utilities included. Mom’s Upholstery 342-6387. 1 bedroom main floor suite, Unit #3, 5744 Vermillion Street, Edgewater, covered entrance, non smoker, no pets, long term. $500/month. Call Jeff 403-2810475, Paul 250-347-9137. FOR RENT FAMILY HOME in Wilder subdivision, Invermere. Excellent condition, unfurnished, 2 bedrooms up, 2 down, 2.5 bath, 6 appliances, double attached garage. 1 year minimum, N/P, N/S, available immediately. $1100/mth + utilities + DD. 403-807-2380 Invermere, central location. 2 bedroom condo, N/P, N/S, available March 1st. $800/month plus damage deposit. Call 3416284 or cell 688-4848 evenings. Windermere, 2 bedroom, furnished, ground floor suite, 5 appliances, N/S, N/P, $875, available April 1st. 250342-3819 or 403-240-0678. 1757 Fort Point Close. Wonderful 3 bedroom executive home, incredible location, steps to beach and parks. Perfect for highly responsible, mature, long-term tenant $1200/month. Available May 1st 342-6577. Invermere - cozy, older, 2 bedroom cabin, furnished, large yard, pets OK $675/month. Please reply to: Box 362, Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0 stating employment and age status. OFFICE SPACE Professional office space for rent in Invermere. Large office with negotiable services. Please call 342-9450 for more info. ROOMMATES WANTED House to share, affordable, clean, central, extras, 342-2133 or 250-402-9756. ������������ ����������������� ��������������������������������������� ���� ��� ������� ����� �������� ������� ������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������������������ ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������ �������������������� ������������������� ����������������� ����������������� ������������ ������������������� ������������ HOMES FOR SALE Radium, completely renovated mobile home on rental lot with addition. Must sell, going to school. $25,900 OBO. Call 6880181 or 688-0180. MUST BE MOVED: Double wide (24x48) 3 bedroom, 1 & 1/2 bath. Recent upgrades, $17,500 347-7770. PANORAMA - New, resales, townhomes, condos, chalets, lots, 1/4 ownership from $99,900. Kerry Dennehy, Playground Real Estate, 270-0481. 3 bedroom with large addition, recently renovated. Juniper Heights, $39,000 OBO, Call 2700466. $800; large antique oak roll-top desk, $1200; 2 unused Gienow picture windows, 3’ x 9’ with 6” jambs, $100 each, 342-3557. Custom cut rough lumber, dry fir beams, fence boards, etc. Firewood - fir, birch or pine - split or unsplit. Top quality hay, grass/ alfalfa mix, round or square bales. 346-3247. Outdoor trampoline for sale, good condition, asking $150. Call 342-0350. 5 piece glass-top dinette $50, TV stand $10, glass-top end table $20, sofa and swivel rocker, excellent condition $75. Call 250347-2258. 2001 Camaro, black beauty - Hot USA car 3.8 V6 auto, stick - over drive. Fully loaded 115,000km. Power package, duel exhaust, CD, AC, fully inspected. $19,900.00 OBO. Donna 342-6010. 1988 31 ft. Allegro, sleeps 8, queen BR, new 460 engine 4300km. $5500 of recent work. Why pay for a lake side cabin or motels? Take the family and motor! $19250.00 OBO. Donna 342-6010. 1982 Dodge Ram regular cab 4x4 pick-up with auto. transmission. Very little rust and decent rubber. Wood racks and metal tool box. $1500, OBO. Phone 342-9782. 5th Wheel ‘02 29’ HP Sprinter, 1989 GMC 1/2 ton Service Van loaded, slides, warranty, deliv- with 3/4 ton springs, shelves in Invermere, 3.5 acres along ered new to lot. N/S, $32,900. back, low km. $1800, 342-6073. Athalmer Hwy, zoned C-2 and 403-932-1897. A-2. 3100 sq.ft. home and 1200 $10,000,000 sq.ft. commercial building. Set- Hay, top quality round bales, in vehicle inventory. up for horses plus home-based alfalfa grass, call Elkhorn Ranch business. Open house Saturday 342-0617. Go to and Sunday. Price $1,250,000. Thomas and Rosi Salzbrenner. Greenhouse, 8’x12’x9’ fully as- www.cranbrookdodge.com Home 250-395-8848, cell 250- sembled heater, high-density to view light, fans, adjustable shelves, 270-0212. complete inventory. automatic overhead vents $3,900 OBO. Call Elkhorn Ranch FOR SALE 342-0617. Beautiful sleeveless soft-white wedding dress, size 9/10. Worn once, still married, $500, OBO 345-0262, or 341-5419. Veil included. Radium Hot Springs, BC’s fastest growing community. New beginnings = Business, Home & Rental, all under one roof. 2 BDR suite, 1000 sq. ft. business floor & 4 BDR suite, includes all appliances. Large in-town lot. For sale, $425,000 OR lease business floor (ideal coffee shop, gifts, offices, etc). Donna 342-6010. Heinzman Nordheimer piano with bench and metronome, Four hydraulic camper jacks $400. Comes with camper that fits small truck and needs TLC. Jim 270-0288. VEHICLES FOR SALE 1992 Chrysler Dynasty LE, 6 cylinder, 148,000km. Power windows, doors, locks, cruise. A/C, new tires. $2000, phone 342-8350. 1994 Camaro, the BEST out there. Sleek teal/black V6 - 30,000 miles, excellent condition. Hot USA car - no rust, drives like new. Fully inspected. $16,990.00 OBO. Donna 342-6010. ‘69 Beaumont - Custom #’s matching and GM documented. 5 year partial frame off restoration, less than 100km on total mechanical build. L48 350/350HP, 30 OV, competition cam V. Eldebrock aluminum intake, 350 2800 stall. Fac-tac, new UPH paint, vinyl roof brakes, front-end suspension, exhaust flo-through, 10 bolt rear, factory PMD mags. Recent appraisal, $26,000, offers to $25,000. May consider 1/2 ton on partial trade. Roger 250-347-0070. 1979 Cadillac El Dorado, showroom condition, 1 owner car. A real collector’s beauty. 150,000km, have all info from new, loaded and pure class. $20,000. Must see, 250-489-2265. 1987 Olds Regent 98, very clean, loaded, runs great, climate control, 140,000km. $2,900, phone 250-4892265. 1997 Chrysler Intrepid, excellent shape, clean and straight, loaded. 193,000km, $6,000. Must see, phone 250-489-2265. 1975 Dodge Triple E extra wide motorhome. Good condition, runs great. Low mileage, loaded, kitchen, shower, toilet, captains seats. Must see, $6,000, phone 250-489-2265. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: Tuesdays at noon Phone: 341-6299 Fax: 341-6229 Email: upioneer@telus.net The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 23 March 31, 2006 P IONEER C LASSIFIEDS IN MEMORY OF Don Forster 13/04/1916 - 01/04/2001 Our life together was special because of loveOur love was special because of you. Always loved and missed by your wife Dorothy. THANK YOU Last month tragedy struck my family, with the death of “Pop Tom” Andruschuk and the hospitalization of my Grandma. Yet, my family and I have not carried the burden of our grief alone. Heartfelt thanks to each of you who lifted our spirits with words of encouragement, shared fond memories of my grandpa, shed tears, warmed us with smiles, and filled our home with meals and cards. A special thank you to Pastor Dieter Magnus and all those who helped to make my Grandpa’s service and reception a special goodbye. I am overwhelmed by the caring spirit of this community. What a fabulous place to call home. Lori Thomlinson. GARAGE SALE Annual Edgewater Volunteer Fire Department Garage Sale, Saturday, April 8th. 9am-1pm at the Edgewater Community Hall. To rent a table, $10, or to pick up donations call Mimi Price 3479868, or Lynn McMane 3479637. Yard sale, Saturday, April 1st, and Sunday, April 2, 10am-2pm. Furniture, household, gardening tools, and much more. 1402-7th St., Invermere. JEERS Jeers - to everyone who drove around the minivan STUCK ( for 1/2 hour!!) at the crossroad lights Monday, March 27 at around 2:20pm. BUSINESS FOR SALE “Dirty Blinds”, an established blind cleaning business, with great clientel and potential to grow. Too busy to do both windows and blinds. Asking $79,000. Call Triple-J Window Cleaning 250-349-7546, ask for Jim or Donna. SERVICES Spaces for 2 children ages 1-5. Call Lisa 342-0877 or 688-5320. CAREERS ROCKY MOUNTAIN TRAINING, B.C. Licensed Employment Agency. Need a job? Need employees? Apply on-line at www.rockymountaintraining.bc.ca Phone 342-6011 or 1-888-737-5511. NOW HIRING: bookkeeper, office admin., labourers, auto tech., investment consultants, careers in tourism,... & more! Production worker. This is an entry level position involving all aspects of the cabinet making process. Trade apprenticeship is available to suitable candidate. Please contact Warwick Interiors, Box 2673, Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0, 342-6264. Full-time and part-time employment available. Come join our housekeeping team at Bighorn Meadows Resort, 7563 Columbia Avenue, Radium Hot Springs, BC. On the job training provided. Reply by e-mail pbusch@bighornmeadows.ca Helna’s Stube is looking for experienced part-time evening server, kitchen help, dishwasher. Fax resume to 347-0049 or call 347-0047. Gel nail technician required to start April 4th at Trims & Treasures Esthetics Studio. Apply in person, or e-mail resume to info@trimsandtreasures.ca. Massage therapist/practitioner; full-time, part-time positions at Pleiades Massage & Spa. Available immediately, also for summer/fall season. Phone 3472100, or fax 347-2102. Avion Construction Ltd. is seeking office admin. assistant for new office in Invermere. Must be proficient in MS Word, excel, general office duties - phones, filing, etc...Wage depends on experience. Fax resume to Steve at 347-6429, or e-mail to guts64@telus.net. Massage practitioner/esthetician required for Pamper Yourself Spa, full-time, yearround position. Please e-mail info@pamperyourselfspa.com or fax 341-6267. LORDCO Auto Parts in Invermere is currently seeking inside sales staff along with delivery drivers. Please apply in person with resume to James. Rocky Mountain Training requires candidates for positions as Employment Coordinators at our Cranbrook and Invermere locations. Applicants should be dedicated, task-oriented and organized, with strong communication skills, a passion for human resources, and an interest in cross-cultural knowledge. Applicants should also have excellent computer skills, with experience in database and Micro-Soft applications. Wages dependant on experience, only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Deadline: March 31st, 2006. Apply or drop off resume at: Rocky Mountain Training, 1006-7th Ave, Box 605, Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0, or Rocky Mountain Training 127C Kootenay Street N, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3T5, or email rmti@telus.net. Re/Max Invermere requires a Saturday Receptionist. Great part-time job experience for a student or an adult looking for extra income. Confident, outgoing individuals with computer and customer service experience. Please fax resume 3429611 or drop-off in person to Main Street office. Start date April 15th or 22nd. The Wildside Gift Shop has a job opportunity for a mature and enthusiastic person 4 to 5 days weekly in a beautiful gift shop in Fairmont. Wages are negotiable. Experience is an asset, but not a necessity. Deliver resume to Wildside Gift Shop 5006 Frontage Road, Fairmont Hot Springs, BC, V0B 1L1 Attn: Angela White or email awhite@fairmontvillas.com. Bighorn Meadows Resort requires front desk clerk, full-time, computer skills an asset. Please drop resume off at the Welcome Centre , attention Tara Ryder. Waiter or waitress and line cook required, drop resume off at Station Pub. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: Tuesdays at noon Chisel Peak Medical Clinic is now accepting applications for a Physician Assistant. Chisel Peak Medical Clinic is a new medical facility that is a full EMR clinic. Some of the duties assigned to this position require screening of patients and arranging for follow-up care as directed. This position requires that medications be administered as directed by the doctor. The assistant must have a working knowledge of the care and use of medical supplies and equipment. In this position you will also be required to assist the doctors of Chisel Peak in the co-ordination of patient care through patient intake, assessment, treatment and followup. Must be currently licensed as a Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse. Filling all positions in two grocery stores, coffee-shop and convenience store/gas station. From entry level to supervisory positions, available locations are Radium and Fairmont Hot Springs. Please submit resumes to: Fairmont Bigway Foods, attention Ryan or call to inquire 345-0045 or 345-0017. Please Submit your resume to: Chisel Peak Medical Clinic Box 4000 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Attention Shelley Hopkins, Clinic Manager Anglz Hair Studio is looking for full-time hair stylist to start immediately. Call Maria 342-3227 Employment opportunity Director of Development Resort and residential Development Company located in the Columbia Valley has an immediate requirement for a Director of Development. The successful candidate must possess the following skills: - Clear understanding of -Strata property titling -Development and Building permit processes -Municipal bonding requirements -Project cash flow / requirements - Experienced in all aspects of Zoning, Planning, and utility requirements. - Ability to establish working relationship with local governments. - Establish construction budgets, schedules, and measures of quality. - Insure cost effective quality build that meets all codes and developers’ standards. - Work closely with Architect, Developer, and General Contractor to insure efficient Build. - Perform risk assessments, project analysis, to prove out R.O.I. for project Shareholders. - Ability to multi-task and oversee numerous projects at one time. Local resident with excellent communication and computer skills would be definite assets of the successful applicant. Remuneration package negotiable based on applicants experience and skill set. Apply in the strictest confidence to: All applications will be responded to. 5105 – Wilder Loop Rd. Fairmont Hot Springs BC V0B 1L1 24 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 P IONEER C LASSIFIEDS CAREERS East Kootenay Realty Insurance Division has an opening for an Insurance Agent Level 1. Insurance experience preferred, but willing to provide training. Please drop off your resume Attention: Rose Marie Ball, East Kootenay Realty Ltd. (Insurance Division) 1225A, 7th Ave, Invermere, BC, or mail to Box 2349, Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0. Closing date: April 5th, 2006. Assistant Manager Bighorn Meadows Resort in Radium, BC, has an immediate need for an Lakeview Meadows Community Association is seeking a qualified individual to assist with implementation of a safety and maintenance program to keep the Community Association grounds, amenities, beach, ,and recreation centre up to and exceeding the standards expected from a four stars plus Community Resort. This is a permanent part-time position. Experience/Requirements: • Preferred experience in a maintenance environment with pools and mechanical equipment. • Should be proficient in the use of computers. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Operations Manager Summer Maintenance Lakeview Meadows Community Association is seeking a qualified individual to assist with the maintenance of the Community Association grounds, amenities, beach, and recreation centre. This is a summer position. Applicants must qualify for the Canada Summer Placement Program. Requirements: • Ability to perform housekeeping and janitorial duties at the recreation centre and beach. • Perform grounds keeping duties including lawn cutting and garden weeding. Please forward a current resume directly to the Community Association at E-mail: jimlakeviewmeadows@shaw.ca, Fax: (250) 342-2537. THE PIONEER CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: Tuesdays at noon #8, 108 - 8th Ave., Box 868, Invermere Phone: 341-6299 Toll Free: 1-877-341-6299 Fax: 341-6229 Email: upioneer@telus.net Kootenay Savings Kootenay Savings, the region’s leading credit union with 13 branches in the West and East Kootenays, $564 million in assets and more than 39,000 members, is seeking two qualified and flexible candidates to provide part-time relief coverage as service representatives in our Invermere branch. Resumes By April 5 2006 All classified ads must be prepaid by cash or cheque unless client has an existing account. Twyla Rad Office Supervisor 1028 7th Avenue PO BOX 2580 Invermere BC V0A 1K0 Teamwork Are you self motivated, self disciplined, take pride in the work you do, and work well with others? Join our housekeeping team at Fairmont Creek for full time/year round employment. Training provided. Must have reliable transportation. Call David, 345-6116. Leadership Fairmont Creek is looking for a dynamic, self motivated, self disciplined individual who takes pride in their work and practises solid team building skills to lead our housekeeping team. Housekeeping experience required and must have reliable transportation. If this describes you and you are looking for full time employment, Call David, 3456116. Service Representatives Invermere At Kootenay Savings, we pride ourselves on building successful relationships with our members - success that results from our employees' genuine interest in helping people to meet their financial needs and goals. We have the same genuine interest in providing our employees with opportunities to grow and develop in meaningful careers. We currently have an opportunity to hire two permanent part-time relief service representatives to work in our Invermere branch. If you are a team-oriented individual interested in growing with an organization where you can demonstrate your talent for building strong member relationships, we'd like to hear from you! Your qualifications will include: �� �� �� �� �� �� �� who will plan, direct, and coordinate the operations of the resort including human resources management. 3+ years of resort or hotel management experience required. Closing date: March 31, 2006 Submit resume and covering letter to: JoAnne Silgailis jsilgailis@bighornmeadows.ca Fax: 1-250-347-2171 ROUTE SALES REPRESENTATIVE SUMMER RELIEF If you’re looking for a challenging position with one of the world’s leading snack food companies, here’s your chance to join the largest sales team in Canada as a Route Sales Representative in Invermere, BC and surrounding area. As a Route Sales Representative you’ll be responsible for managing your route inventory and guaranteeing that the customers’ shelves are fully stocked with fresh Frito Lay products. You’ll also be involved with a number of hands-on activities, including loading and unloading products from the Route Sales truck, handling carton returns for recycling, and assuring that your customers are fully satisfied. Ultimately, your objective will be to develop and maintain your customer base through regular contact, drive sales by merchandising our world-leading snacks, build promotional displays, and make presentations to your customers. If this sounds like you, we invite you to apply online at HYPERLINK “http://www.fritolay.ca” www.fritolay.ca Successful completion of Grade 12 A strong commitment to continued learning & education Superior sales and service skills gained through training and experience in a sales environment Effective communication and interpersonal skills Keyboarding and computer skills Cash handling experience Ability to work varied hours, sometimes on short notice For more information on Kootenay Savings, check out www.kscu.com Fax 250 342 6963 twyla.rad@kscu.com �������������� ���������������������� Windermere Valley Golf Course is currently taking applications for full-time servers and cooks, as well as turf maintenance personnel. Positions are seasonal and start April 1st. Contact Jenn (Assistant Food & Beverage manager) at 342-3004 for clubhouse positions, and Dave (Superintendent) at 342-4440 for Maintenance positions. Or submit resumes by fax to 342-0119 or e-mail to kdawsonwv@shaw.ca = GREAT D E R G A T DEALS �� ��� ON ALL TOYOTAS 2007 Yaris Hatchback 3 Door CE MSRP $13,725 Y S A D plus $1,090 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #JT923MA ������ No Securit Deposit o y n 2006 & 2 007 Lease s 2007 Yaris 4 Door 2006 Corolla Sedan CE 2006 Matrix Base FWD 2007 CAMRY SEDAN LE ���������� MSRP $17,200 �������� MSRP $15,715 MSRP $25,800 MSRP $14,530 plus $1,140 freight & PDI, plus $1,140 freight & PDI, plus $1,240 freight & PDI, ���� Our Biggest Event plus $1,090 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #BT903MA Available for order ������ ������ ������ ������ � The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 25 March 31, 2006 taxes extra Model #BR32EMA EVER 2006 Prius 5 Door Liftback MSRP $31,280 2006 Avalon XLS MSRP $40,150 plus $1,240 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #BK36BAA plus $1,240 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #KB20UPA taxes extra Model #KR32EMA ������� 2006 Solara SE V6 Convertible MSRP $35,165 2006 Sienna CE FWD �������7 Passenger������ �� � MSRP�������� $30,800 �������� ����� Our O ������ ������ Biggest BiggesE plus $1,240 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #FA380PAA You could WIN . . . 2006 RAV4 BASE 4WD MSRP $27,700 taxes extra Model #BE46KPA Available for order plus $1,390 �������������� freight & PDI, ������ ������ taxes extra Model #ZA30CPA 2006 Highlander 2006 Highlander Hybrid 2006 4Runner SR5 V6 ������������ 4WD V6 MSRP $44,205 MSRP $39,960 plus $1,390 freight & PDI, plus $1,390 freight & PDI, ������� ������� MSRP $37,855 taxes extra taxes extra plus $1,390 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #BD33VPA plus $1,390 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #HP21APA Model #HW21APA Hybrid $2000 alternate fuel vehicle tax credit. 2006 Sequoia SR5 2007 FJCruiser 4WD SUV MSRP $29,900 MSRP $58,210 2006 Tacoma 4 x 4 Access Cab V6 MSRP $29,660 plus $1,390 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #BU11FMA Available for order plus $1,390 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #BT44ASA plus $1,390 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #UU42NMA EVE EV You could W You could Model #BU14RPA 2006 Tundra 4 x 4 Plus receive Double Cab V8 $750 model allowance MSRP $40,380 plus $1,390 freight & PDI, taxes extra Model #DT441SA Our Product Advisors Will Empower You With The Knowledge To Make An Informed Decision ����������� ����� ������� Call Connie for prior tion” “no obliga al. ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� v o r p p a ������������������������������� it �������������������������������������������������������� d �������������� ����������� ������������� cre ������� ������� ������� ������� ���������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ��������� ���������������� ������������� ������� ������� Check out our website for more vehicle choices • www.alpinetoyota.com ����������� ������������� ����� ������� ������� ������������� ����������� ������� ����� ������� ������� ����������� ������������� ������� ������� ������� ������� � ��������������������� ������ ������������������� ���� �������������� Chris Yoshinaka �������������� ����������� ��� Product ��������� ������� ��������� ������������������� ����������������������� �������� Advisor ���������������� ������� ���������������� ACC SS 26 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 HERE TO SERVE YOU INVERMERE BARBERS Invermere Dry Cleaners Ltd. Complete Automotive Repairs 507B - 7th Avenue Invermere, BC (beside the laundromat) Dry Cleaning • Laundry • Alterations Repair • Bachelor Service Phone: (250) 341-3240 Tuesday to Friday 9am - 5 pm Saturday 9 am - 3 pm Closed Sunday and Monday (Beside the Petro Canada Car Wash) 342-6614 • www.autowyze.com ������������������������� ������������������������� Valley Wide Pine Ridge Cutters ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������ �������������������� �������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ������������������������� �������������������������������������� Phone: 342-6610 • 507A - 7th Ave., Invermere ✽ Kitchen M ag Phone: ic ✽ ✽ NEW WE USE ONLY REAL WOOD Resurfacing Specialists • Custom Cabinets • Counter Tops FREE ESTIMATES CUSTOM CRAFTED BY: Bob Ring 341-3311 LAMBERT-KIPP J. Douglas Kipp, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Laura Kipp, Pharm D. Your Compounding Pharmacy Floor Covering & Cabinets Blinds & Paints 335 - 3rd Ave., Invermere, BC Telephone 342-6264 • Fax 342-3546 Email: info@warwick-interiors.com www.warwick-interiors.com Open Monday - Saturday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 1301 - 7th Avenue, Invermere 342-6612 • POOLS • HOT TUBS • CHEMICALS • FIREPLACES • BBQʼS • HEATING • VENTILATION • AIR CONDITIONING • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 385 Laurier Street, Invermere, BC PO Box 117, Windermere, BC V0B 2L0 Phone: (250) 342-7100 email: info@diamondheatingandspas.com Fax: (250) 342-7103 www.diamondheatingandspas.com Coveralls Uniforms Linen Entry Mats Logo Mats Promo www.kootunif.com Goods 1201 Industrial Road #3 • Cranbrook, BC V1C 5A5 Image Wear Ph (250) 426-3151 • Fax (250) 426-4347 Career Wear Toll-free 1-866-426-3151 Safety Wear Great Selection of: Lambert *Wood blinds *Sunscreens *Woven Woods *Pleated Shades *Roller Shades and more! INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. BOX 2228 BOX 459 742 - 13th STREET 7553 MAIN STREET INVERMERE, BC. RADIUM HOT SPRINGS, BC V0A 1K0 V0A 1M0 PHONE: 342-3031 PHONE: 347-9350 FAX: 342-6945 FAX: 347-6350 Email: info@invermereinsurance.com • Toll Free: 1-866-342-3031 Sewer/Drain Cleaning Septic Tank Pumping Portable Toilet Rentals • Complete sewer/drain repair • Reasonable rates - Seniors’ discount • Speedy service - 7 days a week • A well-maintained septic system should be pumped every 3-5 years • Avoid costly repairs Bruce Dehart 347-9803 or 342-5357 A.R.K. Concrete Ltd. PHARMACY LTD. Come in and browse our giftware No Appointment Necessary For all your interior decorating needs. Tamara Osborne Brenda McEachern. Phone /Fax 345-6422 Residential • Decorative Concrete Floors, Decks, Patios & Sidewalks 342-6522 Office 342-6512 Fax 342-5465 Aaron Karl 342-1457 Ryan Karl High Quality Furniture & One-of-a-kind Gifts RR3 - 4884D Athalmer Rd., Invermere (Meadow Land Artworks across from the Invermere Airport) Phone: 341-3326 Cell: 341-5500 www.windermerewoodworks.com SHOLINDER & MACKAY EXCAVATING Inc. Septic Systems Installed ~ Pumped ~ Repaired Prefab Cement Tanks Installed Water Lines Dug Installed Basements Dug WINDERMERE 342-6805 The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 27 March 31, 2006 HERE TO SERVE YOU Website design More than you expect. Not more than you need. Call Harrison today for a free consultation! 341-6064. Now open at 7-1008 8th Avenue (next to The Pioneer). “See you there!” valleyfitnesscentre valley valleyfitness centre Tiffany, VFC Member shapeupinvermere.com Valley Fitness Centre • 722 14th Street, Invermere VFC harrisonmckay.com (250) 342-2131 Invermere by choice. Great websites by design. • Call Helga at: Phone: (250) 342-9700 Toll Free: 1-866-312-9700 Fax: (250) 342-6265 mickeysa@telus.net Bennett Construction Growing with the Tradition of Quality • Custom Homes • Renovations • Decks Kristoffer Bennett (250) 341-5030 krisbennettconstruction@hotmail.com Protect your property from theft and vandalism Call today (250) 688-HAWK (4295) valleyhawksecurity@shaw.ca Daily & Nightly Mobile Patrols in the Valley Fast Response to your alarms Property checks • Fully marked mobile patrol unit • Professional Uniformed Security Officer • Residential • Commercial • New Homes • New Condos • Construction Sites Reasonable Rates Keep your seasonal home or condo insurance valid Call to set up an appointment today! �������������� ��������� ������������ ��������������������������������� ��������������������� ������������������� ������������������ ��������������������� 4836 Athalmer Road, P.O. Box 2710, Invermere, BC. V0A 1K0 Rug Cleaners • Residential & Commercial • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Flood Restoration • Window Tinting Jason Roe RR #4, 2117 -13 Ave. Invermere, BC V0A 1K4 jtroe@telus.net Bus: (250)342-9692 Res: (250) 342-7327 Fax: (250) 342-9644 Cell: (250) 342-5241 ������������������������ ���������������������� ���������������� ���������������� ������������������������ ������������������ ��������������������� ����������������������������������� WE PRINT FOR THE VALLEY PUROLATOR DEPOT 342-2999 Fine Homeservices VACUFLO (250) 342-9207 READY MIX CONCRETE Concrete Pump • Sand & Gravel Heavy Equipment Rentals • Crane Service Proudly Serving the Valley for over 50 years For competitive prices and prompt service call: 342-3268 (plant) 342-6767 (office) Residential and Commercial Lighting Dan Emms General Manager P.O. Box 1079 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Ph: 250.342.1666 dan@valleylighting.ca www.valleylighting.ca ROD’S EXCAVATING 25 YEARS AT YOUR SERVICE • Basements • Septic Fields • Rock Wall Specialists Rod Taylor Phone: 250-342-6354 Cell: 342-5894 Fax: 342-2556 E-mail: lindarod@telus.net Home of Creekside Flower Gardens, B & B E-mail: info@creeksidegardens.ca 28 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer District of Invermere Notice of Watermain Flushing The municipality will be flushing its community water system from March 20, 2006, through to April 21, 2006. This program, carried out twice yearly, is necessary to maintain the quality of our water supply. There may be some temporary discoloration of water as a result of the sediment and organic materials that are being flushed from the water mains. During this period, disinfection by chlorination will be continued. To assist the Public Works Department during the flushing operation, users are advised that if they are experiencing persistent discoloration or odour problems with the water, to immediately notify the Municipal Office and explain the nature of the problem. The District apologizes for any inconveniences caused by this operation. For further information, please telephone the municipal office at 342-9281. P.O. BOX 339, 914 8th AVENUE, INVERMERE, B.C. V0A1K0 TELEPHONE: (250) 342-9281 FAX: (250) 342-2934 March 31, 2006 Avion Construction lands in valley By Adrian Bergles Pioneer Staff Beginning in May, Avion Construction will really start to fly in the Columbia Valley. Avion - the French word for airplane - will open an office on the Stein Block on 8th Avenue in Invermere. “There’s a lot of development on the table in the valley, so it kind of made sense for Avion to create a permanent presence out here,” said Steve Gutsche, company project manager and the local representative. “And I don’t see it slowing down any.” Avion Construction is a general contractor, hired by developers to construct projects. Avion hires the sub-contractors and tradespeople to do the work. “But we can do full design build projects,” said Steve. Avion has worked intermittently in the Columbia Valley for over 20 years, said Steve. As the pace of development in the valley has increased over the past few years, Avion has done more and more work here. Currently the company is building the Black Forest Village project near the Invermere crossroads, and the Columbia Eagle Resort in Fairmont. Avion built the first phase of the Heron Point condominium complex in Invermere and plans to build the second phase, said Steve. Steve, 41, a carpenter by trade, said the building market in the Columbia Valley is strong because of the mighty energy market in Alberta. “It’s all a spillover,” he said. That is good news for Avion, whose head office is in Calgary. The company has also done a lot of work in Canmore. HERE TO SERVE YOU LOTUS WORKS • CREATIVE LANDSCAPE • • CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN • Vichy Sourisack 250.420.7398 Michelle Entner 250.421.7367 Box 13, Canal Flats, BC V1C 1B0 lotuswrks@yahoo.ca • Acid Staining • • Stamping • • Inlaid Exposed • Eric J. Friesen Reliable Computer Services 204 - 375 Laurier St. Invermere ~ Fabric ~ Notions ~ ~ Books ~ Classes ~ We will accommodate all skill levels! Phone 250-341-3115 • Fax 250-341-3125 • Email: purmoun@telus.net #9 - 492 Arrow Road, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 ���� (250) 489-3819 (250) 919-0584 (250) 342-7010 rick@spiritrider.net Handyman and Light Home Renovations �������������� � � � � �� � � � Rick McKay ��������������� ������������ �������������� ��������������� ������������� ���� ������������������������ ������������������������ ������������������������������ ��������������������������� �������������������� �������������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������������������� ��������������������������������� Hauling Rock, Gravel, Sand & Fill Mtn. Quilting Co. Ltd. Your Weekly Source for News and Events SPIRITRIDER ENTERPRISES Home: Cell: Message: Email: 342-1775 PURCELL • New Systems • Upgrades • Repairs • Sales & Service Networking Consultations Kevin DeMan Offices: 250-342-3929 email: rcs2159@telus.net Hi - Heat rative Concrete Finishing o c e D #8, 1008 - 8th Avenue Invermere, BC Dave Sutherland Sales Associate 341-6299 email: upioneer@telus.net T R U C K I N G RR#4 1700 Canyonview Rd. Invermere, BC V0A 1K4 (250) 342-5654 (250) 341-3636 Shawn & Mel Hollowink The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 29 March 31, 2006 Steve moved to the valley in 1999 to pursue the outdoor opportunities available here. “I moved here for the fishing, and thankfully there was a little construction going on,” he said in his slow, languid delivery. Steve began working with Avion in 2000, when the company was building phase one of the Heron Point development. He said all the development in the valley is putting the community under pressure and he compared it to Kelowna, where he grew up. “Kelowna in the mid-1970s was a sweet little town of 45,000 people,” he said. “What kind of scares me is that I moved here for the fishing,” he said. “If there’s 10,000 people living here, I’m going to have to find another valley.” District of Invermere 2006 Public Budget Meeting Council will be holding a public consultation meeting on the evening of April 11th, 2006 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers (914 - 8th Avenue) for the 2006-2010 Financial Plan. We invite residents and community organizations to share their opinions and comments and provide input on budget and how services are delivered in the community. This will provide Council with very important information regarding community expectations for the upcoming year. Respectfully Mayor Mark Shmigelsky Steve Gutsche, project manager, and Paul Martens, site superintendent at Black Forest Village. P.O. BOX 339, 914 8th AVENUE, INVERMERE, B.C. V0A1K0 TELEPHONE: (250) 342-9281 FAX: (250) 342-2934 HERE TO SERVE YOU Avion RADIUM HOT SPRINGS ESSO Construction Ltd. CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS - GENERAL CONTRACTORS Automotive Repairs Bus: (250) 342-6336 Fax: (250) 342-3578 Email: isr@telus.net Website: www.is-r.ca 7 days a week GAS • PROPANE • DIESEL 7507 Main St. West, Radium Hot Springs (250) 347-9726 Freight & Passenger Depot Homefront Essentials 403 - 7th Avenue Invermere, BC Renovating? Interior World Home * Garden * Lawn Professional Services window fashions Four great years of Serving the Valley Fully Insured ~ Reliable ~ Year Round ~ Certified Horticulturalist All Lawn & Garden Services Spring Clean-up/Pruning House Cleaning & Errands Window Washing Painting Projects Home Security Checks Call Bill Cropper (250) 342 4406 Call Elizabeth Shopland - Office: 342-8978 Cell: 342-1124 DESIGN/BUILD CUSTOM HOMES • MULTI-FAMILY & COMMERCIAL PROJECTS STEVE GUTSCHE, Project Manager Columbia Valley District INVERMERE Cell: (250) 341-1965 Fax: (250) 347-6429 Email: guts64@telus.net www.avionconstruction.com HEAD OFFICE Phone: (403) 287-0144 Fax: (403) 287-2193 #200, 6125 - 11 Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2H 2L6 Beauty Built To Last A Lifetime ������������������������� hardwood floors Wilson’s ����������������� Classic ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ������������������ ������������������ WoodHelping Blinds out the little guy Interior World Drywall ◆ Plumbing ◆ Renovations ◆ Electrical ◆ Tree Pruning & Seasonal Yardwork ◆ Finishing Carpentry ◆ Hot Tubs Patio Repairs w i nDecks d o w& fFence a s h ◆i oAppliance ns ◆ We do custom deliveries Call Bill Cell: Cropper (250) 4406 341-3210 341-7062 Fax 342 341-3212 4966 Fairmont Frontage, Fairmont Hot Springs 345-6600 March 31, 2006 30 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer Slow Food, anyone? By Alison Bell Invermere We are all abundantly familiar with “Fast Food,” but we are less familiar with “Slow Food.” Founded in 1986, in response to the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Rome, Slow Food is an international association that promotes food and wine culture, but also defends food and agricultural biodiversity worldwide. Slowfood encourages and protects the production of traditional crops. Where once there were dozens of varieties of particular vegetables and fruits grown around the world, our modern farming methods have reduced that number to increase production and profits. Family food traditions are being lost to our fast-paced lives, forcing more of us to rely on pre-prepared foods. With over 83,000 members worldwide, Slow Food is making its mark on the way people look at food. Local groups, known as Conviva, Latin for Con (with) and vivere (live) come together to promote the enjoyment of food and the protection of traditional growing techniques. Projects have included establishing gardens, hosting conferences, wine and food tasting workshops, culinary festivals and educational symposiums. More than 800 Convivia are active in 50 countries and it is time for Invermere to host its own. If you are interested in helping to establish the first Slow Food Convivium in the Columbia Valley, please come to an information session at DTSS at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 11. For more information, look at www. slowfood.com or www.slowfood.ca. New at the Library Reviewed by Sheila Bonny Luck, by Joan Barfoot In the first scene of Luck, a scream wakes the household when Nora Lawrence finds her husband, Philip, dead in the bed beside her. Three women face the trauma of this death. Nora, an artist whose controversial biblical paintings have engendered hatred in their rural fundamentalist community, feels abandoned. Beth, Nora’s model who has no resources other then her beauty, fears the future. Sophie, the Lawrences’ emotionally fragile housekeeper, bears a secret grief. As they grieve lost love and security, deal with practicalities, attend the fu������ �� neral and ask, “Now what?”, Barefoot details the actions and emotions of the women during the three days following Philip’s death. The subject is dark; however, Barefoot lightens the mood with witty episodes. The best of these occur when, amidst eulogies of praise, Philip’s bitter ex-wife rises at the funeral to denounce him. Nora can only reply that Philip would have enjoyed the spectacle. The book will appeal to mature readers who understand that, even in bereavement, all is not black. In the final chapter of the book, the women meet a year later at Nora’s gallery opening entitled “Philip etc.” It is a reminder that, with luck, life goes on. the puck drops here ���������������������� ��������������������������� �������� ��������� ����� �������������������������������� BUD���BUD LITE ������������������ ������������������������ �������������������������� ���������� �������� ������ ������������ ����������������������������������������������������� ������ ���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� �������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������ �������� ������������������� IT’S TIME ���������������������������������������������� ������������������� ������������������� ������������������ ��������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������������ �������� The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 31 March 31, 2006 FAITH Need Blinds? Best Service Call The Blind Guy! Interior World Marriage Course helps couples By Wayne Frater, Pastor Radium Christian Fellowship LAKE WINDERMERE ALLIANCE CHURCH Sunday, April 2nd, 10:30 a.m. Worship and Life Instruction. “This God is also a Man.” Sunday School for ages 3 to Grade 7 during the morning service. Sr. Pastor Rev. Dieter Magnus • Assoc. Pastor Rev. Jared Enns 326 - 10th Avenue, Invermere • 342-9535 WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY Sunday, April 2nd 10:30 a.m. - Invermere - Christ Church Trinity. Communion & Sunday School. Rev. Sandy Ferguson 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere • 342-6644 VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Sunday, 10:00 am Children’s church during the message part of the service. Children 4 - 12 years. • Sunday, 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting Senior Pastor Rev. John Cuyler • www.vcassembly.com Highway 93/95, 1 km north of Windermere • 342-9511 Invermere Christian Supplies ground or whether you go to church. If these are quesInvermere Christian tions you have, give us a call and we can let you know about the next course. Supplies Another ministry we are going to start is “The Call The Blind Guy! Marriage Course,” also an Alpha-based course. We www.invermerechristiansupplies.com (250) 342 4406 feel that the institution of marriage is under threat. th 1229-7 Ave., Invermere 342-6415 Statistics say that almost 50 percent of North American marriages end in divorce. We feel that marriage is vitally important as a foundation of a stable society. ������������������� ���� �� Marriage is the ideal God-given basis of family life. ������������������������������� �������������� The aim of the Marriage Course is to enable married ����������������������� ������������������������ couples to build a healthy marriage that will last a lifetime. In the marriage course, couples find out new Life Time Warranty on all Blinds things about each other and themselves. They discover what makes their partner feel loved, new skills for Call The Blind Guy! communication and resolving conflict. ���������������������� (250) 342 ��������������������������������������������� 4406��������������������� ���������������������������������������� The marriage course is for any couple who wants ������������������������������������� ���������������������������������� to work together at their relationship. The course is ������������ ���������������������������������� ������������ ���������������������������������� beneficial and enjoyable for those whose marriage is already strong. It also helps couples who are going through difficulties. Although the course is based on Christian principles and led by Christians, it is very suitable for those Best Quality with no Christian faith or church background. Look Call The Blind Guy! at the advertisement on (250) 342 4406 this page, or call us, Pastors Wayne and Linda Frater, Presented by Nicky and Sila Lee at 342-6633; or course faHow to build a healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime. cilitators Mike and Linda Paradis at 342-5659. A series of seven video sessions designed to help any married couples strengthen their relationship. Solid Wood Blinds “The work of the Lord is bigger than church.” This is a quote by Rich Marshall, one of the speakers at a convention I attended in Red Deer a few weeks ago, and he went on to talk about the “Marketplace Church.” This isn’t something I haven’t heard about before, but Rich and a number of other excellent speakers gave me a fresh insight into this idea. They talked about how your business can be an open door to serve those whom the Lord puts in your path. They talked about how the Holy Spirit can release you in the ministry right where you are, and they talked about how the marketplace ministry is meant to touch lost and hurting lives. One of the ministries we at Radium Christian Fellowship is involved in is the Alpha Course. We are just finishing our second course this winter. The first one we did was in Edgewater with a good response and the second one was in Brisco with an ever better response. This is something we will continue. The Alpha Course is a “Practical Introduction to the Christian Faith.” It covers such topics as “Who is Jesus? Why Did Jesus Die? Why and How Should I Read The Bible? Who is the Holy Spirit? How Did God Guide Us?” and more. We are not at all concerned about your church back- Valley Churches (250) 342 4406 Interior World ��������� Interior World Need Blinds? Interior World The Marriage Course THE COURSE COVERS: ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Canadian Martyrs Church, Invermere Saturday, 7:00 p.m. Mass • Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Mass St. Joseph’s Church, Hwy 93/95 Radium Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Mass St. Anthony’s Church, Canal Flats Sunday, 4:00 p.m. Mass Father Jose Joaquin 712 -12th Ave., Invermere • 342-6167 ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Regular weekly worship services every Sunday at 1:30 pm Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Ave., Invermere 1-866-426-7564 RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Every Sunday 10:00 am Pastor Wayne and Linda Frater Radium Seniors’ Hall • 342-6633 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Sunday, 10:00 am President J.P. Tremblay • Columbia Valley Branch 5014 Fairway, Fairmont Hot Springs • 1-866-349-5772 ~ Building Strong Foundations ~ ~ The Art of Communication ~ ~ Resolving Conflict ~ ~ The Power of Forgiveness ~ ~ Parents and In-Laws ~ ~ Good Sex ~ ~ Love in Action ~ BEGINNING Thursday, April 13th, 7 PM AT Radium Christian Fellowship (Radium Seniors Hall) R.S.V.P. - A.S.A.P Wayne & Linda Frater @ 342-6633 Mike & Linda Paradis @ 342-6359 32 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer March 31, 2006 Invermere At Panorama: At Radium: Independently Owned and Operated 250-342-6505 Wende Brash 342-1300 Bernie Raven 342-7415 Daniel Zurgilgen 342-1612 Ed English 342-1194 Golf Getaway Jan Klimek 342-1195 www.ReMaxInvermere.com 250-341-4898 250-347-0041 John McCarthy Lynda Kirkpatrick 342-1758 341-1907 Timeshare: Toll Free: Scott Wallace 342-5309 Retreat in Radium Andy Smith 342-1709 Ali Wassing 341-1052 Bryan Hookenson 341-1266 250-342-2829 1-888-258-9911 Rob Rice 341-5935 Deborah-Kim Rice 342-5935 The Whole Package Everything you need including low maintenance and cost. Studio size is perfect and complete with Murphy bed and wood fireplace. Beautiful views from south-east facing deck. Includes most furnishings, washer, dryer, built-in vacuum. MLS#115997 Beautiful upgraded condo has been well cared for. Enjoy two BR and 2.5 BTR, single attached garage, close proximity to Radiumʼs amenities, hot pools and nature. Spectacular views of the Columbia Valley and surrounding mountain ranges. MLS#116106 Great views & close to all amenities. Spacious main floor, bright walk-out basement, single garage. 2 BDR on the main, main floor laundry, open floor plan and a bright 2 BDR suite with a separate entrance. New Home Warranty, 1⁄4 acre lot. MLS#115289 $259,900 $269,000 Quite Private Great Location Radium Golf Course Living Fairmont two level home has loads of potential for recreational, revenue or a great place to live. Sunny south facing wrap around deck, paved patio below on the basement level. Close to Fairmont shopping, dining. Swim, ski and golf! MLS#new One BDR town home, a moment from the slopes and a quick walk to the winter/summer pools and all the activities this great vacation resort has to offer. This wonderfully decorated mountain vacation home is a perfect retreat! Come and make it yours! MLS#115035 Large landscaped lot offers privacy. Main level backs onto large deck and sunny back yard. Sunken living room opens onto large front facing deck. BIS wood burning fireplace. On lower level: bright, spacious den, office, hobby room and laundry. MLS#113896 Cozy Cabin The Choice is Yours Rundle Place Columere Park private ownerʼs beach park, marina and tennis courts. Additional detached cabin and garden shed. Enjoy recreational life in this lake access community close to amenities of Fairmont, golf courses, skiing, shopping and dining. MLS#113850 Recreational or residential, the choice is yours in one of these new duplexes. Radium Hot Springs is one of the fastest growing communities in the valley. This location offers close proximity to golf, hot pools and shopping. Fee Simple Ownership. MLS#114140/63 The newest cul de sac subdivision in the quickly growing town of Canal Flats. Ten lots in all, with full underground service – water, sewer, hydro, Telus, cable. Building scheme specifies five years to build, and only 1000 sq. ft. minimum size. MLS#114315+ $169,000 $359,000 $260,000 Invermere Business Opportunity $229,900+gst $282,000+gst $459,000 Radium Ridge Poolside Conveniently located in downtown core on a high traffic street within walking distance to shops, restaurants and the beach. 26 unit motel, air conditioned some with kitchenettes. Laundry on site. Above average living quarters. Excellent commercial opportunity in growing tourist community. MLS#115943 Donʼt miss out on this fully finished town home in Radium Ridge. Beautifully decorated and set to go, this home looks out onto the pool and takes in spectacular mountain views. Downstairs the fully developed family room is equipped with an extra bathroom and walks out onto patio. Attached single car garage. MLS#116095 $1,590,000+gst $359,000 from $49,900+gst
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